1HB Comnt YAII

.ut ~ SCHOOL UIIT 11

!BB COUlff FAD Al £tDlll1'AU SCHOOL. D'l1T

a,, DLL.IE L UIIDU' II Baobe1aP ot ..b-t,a c..tnl State Teaoimn CollANle Edanaed, otlaboM 1936

W~\ed to ta. Dapartwat or Ecluaa.U. OkJ,-hone Agrleu].tilll'al -1 MeohudNl CeU.p

In ParUAl Pult1ll.meD.t ~ the Requt.11 n1'a

tor t.bl' Dtpee ~ JIAS!D o, SCIIIICB ' 111 J.GRlCU ' ORUl/OJU . ·Lnn:1t & ,H l'l'J/,LVW\ L {'/;/ IJl''E 1 1 1J l> C ' Jjl ,{.J J t\. A 1( y JUN 6 1949 lY

JD~ I Id.ah to *4*•• IIPlftaia\loll to& u, Cowdttee, aw, .. Lao1laT. Hupret. Balq,el,, aDll 1',rtJ.e Sebwan. all ot \be Sobool r4 BdnoaUOD f!4 ott.ai.- 'c,r1cul'11ral all4 Meeblald•l

Con.,., !'o.r ~ ~. crrlu.ot-. ad aid. il8o to Kalbryn M. 1aac u4 Edplo E. Banta r4 \be - de~,, I apren tbanb tor IJUIPst.loas ad .ma\eriala pro,iW.

E. c. s~. Supuin~ of Scbaols~ aDd a. L. Hact)M111, Uaioa Sobool prlno1pal, bot.h ot ~, OltlaboM, as ~ton, rm, tbe1r belp u4 eooperat.t-, 1D ·tbl · MhQol vbendn tb8 unit at vark lillS CU'l'led

•• 1a U"1'Ulf.Jt£ tor bas tzua,-tatlon tor the f'S.eld \ri.p am f'or Tiaual · edaaoaUon eqw.~

Mr - ...... at Um.OD Sobool vbo aided ~ ·tmoagh u.tr

~...... anu.oJ.w. aact oaa~ vblell .... with a aoopent.iw am helpful spirit. ot vorldr.tg 1-ogetbar. !he7 eei Bl...._

Sauter, Bela c. Peten-• ~ Soldrmar• a1ld Jeaaie Mae !bei•.

Ualon'• toartb pa.tit saplla. who• w11b u.tr, enthuf•-. ~•

.a Jl&ll7" oonv1.u... Wl'8 •••nU.al ta oarr.,ug oo \be md.t.. G. B. Ba~, fradN ancl Indanry Inetrmtar• vbo w"4 aa our Ylnal edtlc&Ucn Pl'-0$~.

Bertha, L. Weper• ~l ».p&rtlllmt. bead ud bar advancll4 ...... f'OP 111.IIMPIP*l work. x.v_.. BalTill• EJ 1mu1t.ar,r Sabool Mwt1c Sa~. tdla· b9l.pec:t • oonelate ...S.o and ...u.w ~ -.. :1!1iC&II vitb the. tmtt..

!. B. Allen, .<>Mp Caoat, Su~ ot SoboolsJ Edith M. I.Qtoa,

Osage 0euntr lu:ral Sehool. Supeni.lSOl"J ad Er.-.. Cbaaler, 0eap ~ lfcmt llnNlstTatloa Agent, aU at vbGm helped by OOPdng to tbe aohool tar ~

'91.ea al 41eeuu1ons, brlng •teri.ala, and Wlatlng 1n otber -,.. J. c. Flt.genl.4• Coualtau\ 1n AwU.o-Ylnal ~. OtlaharN

A.gr1cultaral and Meobaud•l College, who acoaapanS.ed \be paap OD the1r n.14 ld.p to tile ta.tr al ~ tbe1Z" ..U.Tlti.M, vi.th a 11lOW1e

x.m.. Sattll. l'oun1l Graa Teacher at llt.cJ,1ud Park Sobool, Dallaa, Tau, tor malm'iala and ·~ 1n the, Ja"OJ90\. GladJ's Cole. Second Gna Teaebar, ~. Calltozim.a. f°1'1r' material.a od 11:Unat 1n tine p,roJl,ot. Local, at.ate. am other 111nr1u re tbtlr· m l ptula.. ta tu:miebg •'8riala. Part-ieularl7 ·lo lfon E. Beuat• Speci.alis\ t• School Gd

Chll*-'• Llarata"" lTD.tW 5\atet otftoe ~ &lac&~ ~ D. C.

'!bl ho1dlra at ~. 1ibo baw • ...,_.,q gl.WD a:peeJal pas­ alulcm ,._. quotat.i.ODe ad vbo ue ll!lllD

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l . -• . ·• .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s •· .... ·• •••••••• • • • • • • •

9:Ak flk,. ctaari. Hara.. • • • • • • • .. • • .. • • • • • • • • u

Da 9&lv flk, "Conaar 1-te ot Bual ~-,· Ro&leyD. 'Bliarr.,- • •. • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • l4

~ ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • lS PBELDII»UT PLAJilJIG • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ...... 18 QtJESTIQi.11 ADD DEAS GlDIDG 00T OF ElRLt DISCOSSiOIS ...... 21 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 't8E EXOURSICIII •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 60

Boob. Mawla. aa4 ~- • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • .• 61

...... ~ •• ·•. •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • fli

lilutlc ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 'ff>

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 71

Tee••·• u a. elua ue )a'Olaltl;r loo prw to dl'W lloboo1 aoUTl\lee t.ml. t,bNe ot the MmlRttnlt.)P. Ewt7' dq W1lJp lllldl7 leads alMl ~ppwtmittn .tw brlJtftlDI thit ec n 11it*7 1at.o the eobool am tor velat.Dg the eb11ANB.•• 1ntereata ud ..._.ten4111p ot the etmlllnmSty vl.tb tboee. ot tbe sobDol.

Ia prepalng eldldreD hr llte, lt. la 4ldneable to ua,e pll8ae:e ot the lite

Olt'819 the eobool 111 ~ 'touud tbat ......

1- tut ot tM eohaol. i. •' ·oal.7 to t.aeb mah.fee~ lllll"8r mt ald.U.,, but at.titude8,, ap;:nela'1oaa. &114 obaaoter u wU. It 111 the~ or W.. um.t to ntuailat. ..._, iatawt, h, and din9lop broader lmawledp aa4 appree1a\loa et. a plllN' ot ccn ln1~T ate Vh.teh sholls a Ol"G8II ••etla w\ing and~ lteellm' -- a ,-r. 8!1- ~ r..tP- bu bN • al....to • tndltl-. OJllt;' ,' mJQr YU' 1a Wa ..,.. ~ , to ftOP tllllJ ••llr'7 talr. Dm:"1zlg tllla ••11111 wr ,-n ... oc wetU... dlamr4 lt. vlN to- poe\peDa ~!r -'7 falnJ 'bl\ DO ..... VU tba WW .... 1bltD p1UII ,..... IIDdeNay tor naaMlftl 1h18" lnat1tu\tcm, vh1eb la •lJaaift u old • ~~u. !be ....,... ldatorT or tm tatr- •• 1*ek ... ,ooo

J9&J'II ldw ChSNN law ...... ftnt, ..... t.o 'ftPJ.ale 111.a ...... I:a

.u u.. ,ean 1, hll4 .. upulClld to such ~ •• du.Ii.De 1w wtet' oe8'Ul7 u4 a ba1t la • .., W.14. !Id.a lne:t.ltutton, whlob llla 1mlc' beea clecl1atng la 1wope. todlQ' no.tsbee. wt, ...... \q 1n v1...... ,-.a au.ta_ ear.ta., ad tbe. lld:'84 sta'8a. European .tatn haw. been ut.terl,y d1ffllnll\ 1a apl.rit. a4 prrrpoii6 fl!GII t.1aJe ot Ame.r1ea. n. ult.blat.· ,PQl"poA tb8re hi.a .._ fJalft tar ~ . tw ~ ad •lUDg. Amar1ca tain,

--- 2000 u4 3000 ot \bla ·eaob .,..,.. ea bel4 la wr1oua ~ et the eo..,.. ao. epeolali.a la pnl"7• ... 1D clatrJ' pt'Odlliote, .... 1D 2 hones and, • same 1n garden truck,• some ill &, all depentH ng '1poD th& secticn or the coun..,- and its environment. The County- Fair livea on becauae 11get,.togetbara9 are d.111 mcesaary to bring togetbar the nelghbon.

It Yal"iea f'toom l"9g1on to regtci.n.. dirtw-ent sectioaa spec!alldn£ in ditterent pbaaea ol agricultural ~t; bat univen,al~- lt dnelops co,nm,1 ty spirit, awkens comramd.t,7 pride• briap abau.t a better tmderctandSng ot

CJODDOD prob:lems, px-.ts nev objeetlvea, d1Nemlnatea belptul intorma.tlon and scmds the people baek bme inapt.red to do better t'arm11lg and bammnalcbg.

The ·idea ot the Amff1oan COQBf..T f'a1r was adliBnoect by Elkanah Yatson, a reUrecl ~ settl.N and ll'd.ng OD a farm near Plttatleld. Massa­ cbuetta. 1n 180?. A letter from .P1t.t8tl.eld, receiwd ta anewer to an ialu11"1' mde in eonnectiGll "11th _the unit of' study toll.owl

We haw Just. the tollow1Jrc b:d."ormatJ.on on El.bnah Watson: He 1• nationaJl:, 1mmm as the fat:hR or the agrlcultu'l'lll tatr and .a the founder and .t1n'I _...idant. ot the BerkahlJ'IEt Agr!.

Jaua n. lQcas Eil:Natiw ~den· Pt-ttafteld Cba~ oE Coalleree

U,- the access or agric'.ilture dltpend,s ti.Ill feeding a:ad elot-b:tng ot tbe nation, and 1n these ~ ,-an we are tbinld.ttg mre 1n bums of' t.he veltare or all peopl ot the world; hence, tbe 1mpmotance ot at1Ch a stucl,y. Because ot its universal appeal am its oppG1"tuld.t!ae tor rich am varied act.t.'9'lt1ea• the Wli.t orrers unlud.ted possib111t1ea to the teacher tor the dewlopnent ot kmwledge, UD4el"atandtngs• habits, skills, and ap~atlona. Some of the aettvi. ties an rlcber than ot.bera in the.tr opportunities tor small group work• t.be aequtsition o~ lmowl.edge,. the appre­ c1atiou eTOl.ving ~ a cooperative enterprise, and the de'V8lopnent or 3

s1i:1oe. pmralq• ta1n an tboulfl\ ot aa .oei.trau.ona ot natural bow:lt,7• aDi are ord.1aaril7 held 1n the aututm, the tall or tbe JU?" 111 pon1bq \be mat app,opnate t1111e tor thia mdt,. ot at.ud7. 4

ftlll eleamt.&17' IIObDoJ. UDlt. "Tbs C:Ollllty lair•• WU carriN 0G la the l1af.e 11.metuy Sebao1 ia PnbasJra• OJrJa..,.. 1a ti. aatma ot 19479 ta the fCJUl'th pada~ ·mdl',r tile dUeotlcm et le:lU• B. 1-da7. teaetierJ G., L. Bactcl1 · n• l'lld(e,Sobool prblclpa.l; and E. C. ·SJ,N,-.. aupe~ ot eeboola. Pounh arada eM.ldND pld'Uclpatiltc were: 1lobl>J' 11ag9J- Cal Allen Swrta Paal.Beaei ~v__. Charla Blgfaee, Jo1m !ha:aa ftot

~ Dnolta ,John~

Walter ilaft7 Batlar &.Idle WrJ.pA Boben u.r Ba"'8 Jennie XatblMD Blaao

tad.a 1Wloya Loretta Belle 1-,c,,m

B!obard Dcm.w .... Marla Jlaffola Boaal4 FnnltU:n a.tvtoa ....

1-l• lfaot:119ilft Blat.Dt laftllu

Pblllp lle1n V1'f'iaa X. J­

Mark Elmer Lal:Ml4le Jfupret Malone

Ya,- I.-. Marl.an loa Morrt• ~~Zr. MaNll Mo:riGD Bo.rd. MlU. Dalw. Mu Ogan 1 ...s.. Mlllm­ Gol.dl~ S.S.tib W..1*,Hortoa Ma:Sne S:d.th lollan!~ Bita Har.l.&1 Sollloa J"raDc1a Saith ..,. Sue Wl'lgt4 s

A.a w1ll be obl8ne4 by cheeklDC t.1ie blbliopiapby, a lllMll.'111 et material relnant to Ute ~" of ... ComlfiF Fair"* -.s toed k, be mllaW...

..- auab pl•••• ot aaterial, vb1ch oaD be touid 1a ~ 8114 middle grada text. books, etory boob-. and ~ . u4 put 1-or JIICUbau 1a GUI" rOOll ll.brar:r~ '- ecbaol llm'U'J". tlle cl- llbrar7. and the state 11.lnr)"

TJ.re 1a. bownv,. a groap ot t•tare stories • the •l>Jeot. ot avoh varth and ~ to tbe IIDlt u to jutif7 \betr inolualoa 'lffbltJ.m. 1a U.

bellat that other -.obllrs ~ to teaoll Mloh a unit 1111.1 haw tbl9 ma\erial al haD4.

A amber ~ r • ._. vrlten• wbo haw vrtttea ew~ ti.De duerlptlwa ot the \)"J>ioal Aw-1.oan oount.y tatr and tbeu- pal1..,... wn ~ amt aaJred pel'lliMim tor ue or lhe1r 8tar1N 1D \Ida unit. Ia .._,. iutuee t.hlt7 ...... ,IT oonaenW.

Ma1J7 Reh utieln tor tbl• -1.t GI' other -1'11 qe 8'ailable tJNlill Extesaaicm Lllrm7,, Okl•*- Agr1oult.ural ad Hwban-toal Colle&e, St.UJwter,

Okl•boat., aad tNll Extemion ~, The Uat.wrait,, ot Ol:labc:w, ..... Otr]aboM.

Pollodng an trmr of tbe wt w1ea1 and delreri.pllw ot auoJ:& ..U.lea ue4 1a the v.alt. Tba7 abGuld 1- fttad by the teaeber -.nd al.so b., • good. nacter11 • 1v' tba teacmar., to the cblldnn to. blalld 1-elrgroQDcl tw ..,...s1wly can,iag oat tbe um.\ of' "Tbe Couny F:ar.• rN 1:i? I i

J_. •. B_· f_fl_:.J·.•1.·_J•f'lf___ l (f_ _f1·. ·.__ lf_Jl=_. l_,_f_- -. f_._ 11..· li . ..l t ' Fi I ., . r i ~ r:, I . ff._.'J f I el' fr,_~ ~ t 1 J J f i ~ - &_ A ~ f ~ I • tt ! 4~ 1 a• ~It.I I • ~·-r a t.- -

~I~ I J•• ; i : ~ :i!!JJ!!if!i~:iU!!f if !~~Elr: " 'r Ir I · : ' 1· - 'I 1, ~i'!h ~ r· r,· ;\ ~ : f ~ . ~ ' . r 1, I !~! ~~-!~i!lt ff!I f..:!t jlf JlJJ}IIJ' f,ptf Ul

I ft. t:t:1 = ... _ . " _.htlm" -~~BlifIf'!""' f•· f~'to- -l :H""Jl'f'"'tflll1tflf..,, I' ~ill 'ii~iJ p~lr ~,~, lr-•,11:r ~

I: Rr~ Jgi·fr1Jf .. (I a ;;g H! f, UJJ 'li'i'' ! . t'- ti IL #1t1fillfil!•1 u1 !r.HtfJ1 "f'·. ~, ~4·11~~- ~ ~1r ! !f Is i~1,~1r,1 Q Irr•• i "ti .. ~ or" rJ1; ,.t:t; _... --- ~. !I ~ ii!! ~!11&,11 if, a11t, ~IJr'l' ~~ ,w1 - co ~ .. s. 1 • - 11' ~· rt,:f a-· ts1 r;l?i,; ~., 1 ff il r• ~ ~ ~ 1 g ct } :;:•'3 .. ,1-,.! r '·i11·o 11j • ~ I ·. it,(, i._f'1tl,Je.l l;t:IJJl11;,~t!u 1~J1!g1 1 11 ' l1!i'ff r~. ~'tti. lf ~'1 Jrf f •~t ':r ' ~ 8

OCNB\y' ta1r vit.h a OOllple of tat Merino abeep U .id.bite. !be next ao.a ,-n or hJ.e lU'e i. •PIil' u aa "agrlcultun.1 ld.u1GIIU7.• p!Dg abclll't the ~ to Jn&eh. and

1 f I ~ · · f' Ir· J· • ,: i -s '\. , ·f 1 •f, I ' . . I ~ £f • r.. ,• .I· ~· · :':.. /• . ; r · .. i:: ;•rt.•if ftl .· · !f i \ drlf f ~1,,

, ~. f .!:', ... .. , '· ~.-.f[f ,, .. ,. ,e!o t, . ~1-rr .t+. ·. 'i . cl!.f & .· • ~f ...-1 , Ii... - 11:tr 1 .. , ,• 11 i, __ '!i~-· I! !!. .. i::. -~ _ • 11'1 tr ••• ,r.,,.'9 I'!: "' '. .. , 11(.. f!!t •.'f!J•. !!.•·.· 1-'fJ~Ji~:11j•:.1t11.u.1;1:.""'!fl. a.1r ..··~ .. '-.· .!f · I r. 1. ~ • . .. -. tJ-. i ~ -.I~ !• i i .'a e '-

: f.~- 'f I·a lJ i,,i11 r. Jil··. jl : I I ru!1J f I .. . df f r ,. _. - ... i,· H . .. L r:: a ,r.,, ?1 I,_ . -

"'" -1 ..... " I Qt fl\ I •· 11 (. . .. . co .· . . . . ft( r ~ .. r ' ... 1 I .- ul:n f (iff -•!. f : .ila . U · p,• i,'1 lU ::ft:. a.t,

1 (if'.~i.f···.. '·.'. I'.·.:. r. I. i. !.;;_ - ,1, ,J -'tr.H .'.)J! J: .·..· fl ji!. .f ;'iJ ~.. "rl'II.' .'ii l•f'. H' ii.. ' .. 1·1J.1' ..· ! . r"''

jir~I. II~, fl ff bifi !J~ 1 "!._JJ (h!JlJ •·.Ji; ;iiif"'f llil ,.~ ~ 1 r . 11 f 1 f i ll 4 I• · 5 J s • ~I

',-- - r___ I·. f I"' l_,___ i(f 11 ;,i 1~J· Ptf f!'f lli''!iii ~ilij '"(llfJ·i~1 r !r1· 1•1• ;1tr•a._l"''J,ii_,,1i1r~1 111rl1.·•! 11._1_- I fi! 1~:11 ti:r.:f,/f ,}!JI!: 1"'~f 1111 ff Jf iti:f J1 .nJ!, 11!,t1 f!,ll 11 ,£11 " J ·_ !_! ,i_._il_' !fl'. , Jr '. J . 1 1J41I tiJf_· i_ ~fl _!'ilf_i_Jl_-_ f[f_··1' •l_-_ !l1~_!;j_•Ji1r, ~- l_J, 1 :1~ -w · _·--d·f;tff-•UH 11 fy1i:.u1r'lilf1;._af 11 .. H·t1 f li'f nl .,, f r I ~-11 1 I r . ~• t :i(_· ,~_:_!li_J_1,:11. 1_~jlii ·E_;_~Jl_(J}i·;I _t _ :u ii:_1 .iq;.!' ,.1-.! ~. rf n1• I= I I is.Jl .ti f .- ; • .,. I rrr ~ GJ :s • 1 ""l· l t: Ii g i $! ,; s.i ' ' I B g ! !i l,raz. h{_ a ~- ff t1.t 1.. ' _-_ ,1·._ !_. i"' ·__ '__ i l_- -_--_ " _1•_.. ll- . I q . f ,fl llJj •.:= :,l• st Ir ~ ~1 :.: ~ - • '-t a f "if a., ... ~'-~ r rr~rr. ff lJr .r -·ft J ffl i'i{ f - .•_- t •_ ~ . j - I ~ r I'• g~r~1·~ ·1· •JiJ~r1s11i ,0,~ ,-~~f'ifr=a 1r1·1 ·t 1~( ~:~rl;f rt,~t r!!ff!r1i. .; 1,1l1r, .1u,.·:!!n 18 f•'!: .;Jl!J 1 iii: i::&f.1 f dr. (nit f J J~!i.ourt ~UUt.f, 5'U~11 I! h~

1i1 li't'Jifl!tfl't1-'.~·1-i•J:1·11JrJr.:iJJlfil;;1s~ilf ir ,, ~ ... ~ C ' .. r -t ~ff .. l a.' i ;r ,· If .. ! r f._ .... fll --- fl.- .., II - • aff"' - ~ ft

4 i • a. . ... ~ l frgJ ~,i I s ! ( ; 1 !Ir I · ~ f . 1-f ·. ~ ·. . • 1tr~ . . a . . ! ~ 1L .. , . . I Jf 1!

·1!. !fit; s' I 11~', shir~i 'a1 .. --~· ~g~ . ,.~,,s, - if .. J J r, ' ; rl, ti! J£ ! 9fl:t!1- it ,,r1,r.

. i . ) s . • "'t f I!. F' f ( i {; 1·c i I f. . , .1 1 [Jh, !Jla fl ( ; ft h JI ! ' .. , f 111te=fh iu fi. · H { i . l ct' • a c1 T I -: ..,I~~ v t ~ ..., t; . . 14

Who ~ to ttvtett, • mwadays? Ten ,ean, ap, vhea a trip 8C1'0lt8 tbe eoaat.r vu an all day''a tNt,, the· Fair ~ farms topt.bei" cmce a ,ear. Now the same tb1ag lappeaa • • pllm et bermtm. a..,. enc,qh, a\ t.w o•ol.oct. J'ust abot.it dee~ atter r1-. Motor care _.., .~ tbe tempo. lfot; aich gatba:riDg or elaDSMu at \be Fair• todq. b el~ gather vb8D ad where ~:r chaGae. Jubllee1 to yean- ago, Car»y Iala4 DOW. Still tbe roa&I are U.md with po•tA.n..., County Fair.

"CGl"ller' Poat. ot Bural A.merS..oa•

. ] By lcM7D Bar,

!be ~ !ldr' u .a obanged a1lcl chaaclnc 1nstitut1oa.. But there vtll alWQ9 1- ~ 1a1n u leng as the.re ere 11\tcle ahildren on ~&J'lil8J aa long as b1re4 mea 1\ch to back their 1uok and s1dll. vitb maaen aa h:ms a11 f'al'm f'olbt omca the hanest. ts u~l the urge to haft a 11\ta 1'm ad to eompare the work ~ their bands wl\h what the -~ ue dc)bg; as long u tba)' drive hmle in the IJ'f91d.ng tblmktul to the God ot tbe barftal tor a Ml lJen,n and a f\111 Ute. The purpose ot thia fourth g:l"ade un1t on 8Tha Coat,' Fair' 1a to enable the pupU.a:

v· To add Jmowi.tge aD1 enlarge ooaceptll ot the •H mt V and the ~.

v To gain lmwl.edge ot Iba hlator1oal deftlopmant ~ ta!n ud to

-.elop tnte,eat. 1a td.n u c1vle enterprteee. ) to learn to •Pl*•iate the labor and 1ddll or tarmertJ,. tbeu tsm.tlles, and otJier emtbiton 1a the ~ and preparatJ.on 0£ exhtb1ts to share

i/ To gn,v 1n appreolatton or man•s depem&anaa upm, oh other• am or bow Id.a llvellhooct dapmila upcm tbe "90\U"CM ot bis emri.rolman\.

v' To p'Oll !D. 'llllde~ ot ti. tact that fJe•m OG"l'1ea vith 1t nsponalbilltq• ad to 1mp.10n ta tecbnifllll, et ~ on &PoocraUo preeedmu t.hrwgh ~tles 111 08ft71ng tt.a to completion. To obler,a aat•v rulea ill going to aa4 tJ'Ull the talr an4 attending it• and appqing tbeae ftlea t.o eft1'Yda7 living. v To 1nel'ease lmolledp ot bov and where to get iafOl"l'IIIIIUon, u1Dg bteniew with penona, asen1oee ot ~ eJlCJOlopediu. dicticnarl.ea. viaual aids, newapapen• ~. and boob. To 1.earu boll to locate s,eeit1c reading material.a through the ue ot ccakn\11• ~ gloeau:,- erou nf"eruce, alpbabet.imd U..tinga, 811d the art. of uoua1Dg t.hrcJqh ud skimng in boob.

To grow bl thD ahilU.7 to select aad evaluat. aeoda4 material.

-.,1 To lean to identll)' ditf'el'llnt tn,N, ot --..,, male am r... 1._ ot boz11ea, aattla# sbeep. -.. paw.tr,-, sd rabbits, aotbg tba dit.f'e!'flDCU ill color, aise, sb&PI, am bocb' ~ and ~. v To 1eara. to 1dll'lttt., t'll\d.te. ftl9tablea. pa.1u. am seeds., b7 •J.or, a1M, shape• and ~. To dn9Jop a DIIMr. lnterut la hobbles, f'l.wo ~,. baking, oannsna. IIW1lta, ~ .-art bT "181d.Dc eD4 •~ t.be «d4b1ta•

./' To gl'OII 1n all r._ ot ax,-,•dan, wit.t.i an4 onll aterlea, le\tan, eoirnreatiam, !ateni... , telepb.ame OOJl'AntaU.-,. and ti.· 11"9.

To clevalop ablli_. t.o l.1eteD.

To bu1ld 'VOO&bllla17: lf1*ttl»c, na41ng, Uet•tnc, vriUna ~ ~J tbrougb the use ot nch words aAd pbruu a :: ald.b1t, ~on, avtne, ftplations, NQ~, envy, ezhlhlto.n~ dlltiee and pr1T11.egea, protest. am aJIP!Nll.11 p:reat.wa mJd avaru, speeial Nlea, aupertnteJ.'tden\, dlriaton, egncultura_. atAcel lat!f!IOU, claaaUlcattaa,, deoontf.oll, ~ ment, atwacU.WDN8, 41splay, rural, at:~. educstloml exhlb1\, nams ot ltwat.ock breeds, names ot b"ult.s am ftPlablN, wildllte ~ aUon_ ~I.ton• ~, prepara\lon, ~. Pl"O.feet., bobblae, atnature. ,.__,, vurtng apparel., a~, 8l"U and crafts, eoates\, speoimen, .Ucle not •~ photograJb1', ttOUWDln-. philatelie, mniszntlc, lNf.berNra.R. rella, .... ombroidery, Cft»Ohet, taWng,,

1'0 .i.t, lilUb Mteria1, appliq•,- bousehold &$1 cbank boney, ~ hone7, soap,-CD'ackUng pr-oeeas,, ~ oottage ctwe, ...... , Judp.De, dair7, 'balanced -1. eolleo\1ve olub uhlblt, child deftloi;mmt, tamll:, l1t8, toad preNl"fat.ion. rural eleelrltlcaUoa, ete.

'to IIIIUUl'O ad •1-1.at.e spaol.ng 1n ~ educational exhi.Mts• .

To &1111UJ1Jre and calcblate ~te e1sN 1n ·tM coaatrueUOll of haDdiaratt, pri.218 animals, fruit.a, ad nptablea.• To cl.arU7 tena ana, concepts or time, d18t.a13Ce, epted, cost., vei.gbt, size and quuUtq in. problema, uiDg ttueh prob1-a. tor cte.ft:lop!Jtg the sldU.

.,md proc•aeea on fourth grade lawel.. 17

To _.. 111> or1g1aa1 proble1III :relaUDc to the cocmtr ra1r. To~ what 1IIO'IJll7 1D priaa ftl"lous ezhlbltan earmcl at \ha county tall".

To .~ the JIOlley spat. feli· rtdee and wha\ \he rides donated to

\be 0"0111> during t.he 8!JCGlll"81GD would haw cost.

to &f"OW' 1a ird.t1at1-.. and creatJ.ve ability. / to~ ....uw ._..1eno.. ~ tho med1a. ot paint.a, era.yans, colored chalk., ud olher gra}:Mo ·and pl..QUc media.

?o •• ptct.ur. eo~t1.

To alng NDp alloul ta1n and actiYiU. exper!erscecl at tat.rs.

to laterpret -1c ~ o.reatiw .,,..... or rtvthma• To...,_. q..Uau U.W at. the beg1.Dnbg ot the atuq.

To grov and natua. growth s.a atuq skf.lls. / ire nal\lflte the-tr aoUYiU... and 8U1IIIU'ba vh&t haa men pl.Did.

-- .. 'JJ~ ~ ,,.~,, 5fil ~f f I i j i f ! ! .:! l f I ~ = 5 I a1 f I f ! i t g 1• i r - 111 rJ t• I I 11 t I f I!, 0 •• ! t .. 1 RJ } ~ ! 1~ff(:l:: f' f [ f ii If f If l i a I '~~~,atl l f I I~''. ~ . fll;-Jf lg I f I f ~ ~ • f I i ! fih it f f ! i 1 • i i Ii : f f ! f i' - 15 i e. i lt!flr' I J' 1~fr 1: ! I ! : I •' f f f .. ~· 12 J f t I -f f I

~ J I! 1:i. ;1 ! f i I 111 ; l; I; 1 1 1 - t.,.·. ; J~.. . '··· ~. · l f I! . .·· ·Jc - & ~ i "' ... !. ·. • •I~•. ~ It. I 'l~ 8 .~.... I. ~ - I 1· 111 , . I I & i ll f I!, i ft i ! i ~ ~~!f!Jl ~ ta if ff 1i r I • ;J= r ~ , 1 I t» • 19

they' have ralaedJ the crops they have grown; and. the coold.ng. aewiDg• and

oamdng the wu.en can do. The whole idea is a sharing wt th others the

th1Dp vhieh people eheruh am tam pride 111.

In auzo plann.l»g together we diacuued the Jl80988i~ ot calllDg ca. the

parents, the people in the oow111A1t,-, the count)' fair board, the county"

agat, tlw oomati," bCllD8 d8rmsvaUon agen~, and the cGl1Dty auperintendent

1D order to learn first hand all \JG oould abotlt. ta1n ud 1n particular

our GVD Osage County hee ra1r. IJldlYiduala and OOIID11 tt.eea were to lntel'­

vlew theae pen,om and brtag the intormaUon back to the poup. It- wu

aua-tad that maybe S(ll!8 ot tbeee adults eould be f.Jll'ited to ccne to the

aobool and Join 1a our cltscmaaion about tdrs. Pu.pil.8 volunteered to bl responsible tar requelltt.tDg dli"f'erent emu to ccme..

Ia Ol'der to secmre mare !n!OJ."ma\lon on the nbject 1 t was suggea-ted

that ve •holtl.4 look 1n our' aeboo:l readen and text books tor stories o£

ta1rs, or tdth ~---- t.o taira, u a t int source~ 1ntonat1on. It. vu ~ taa.t. ve should nen seek l nf'ormatiaa 1a boolm and ~ f'rom our own room library, our iDdindual bme llbJ.oarles,. the achool library,

ud the cit.,y ll.al'7• Fair catalogs, 4,-,li Club m&D\181.a, ourreat. magaslDee

and local lleVllpapens, lt •s polnted out., all would have inf'ormation

vbich vould caatribate lo our study.

S7 vr1ting to auoh llbnriee u OkJabom& Library Commlni.on,, OtJ eboma

Clt7, Oklaborra; kteaston I.ibrary, Qlclaboma Agricultural u4 MecbaDf.oal

Colt.p, St.Ulwter, OklaboNJ and Extensi• ~. The Ua1wrs1t,' at

otJabom, R~~ OtlabomaJ _rmh WarmatJ.on OD tb1e t.mit or pract.ically

any other school unit. •Y be neund. All three ot these state sources are

prepared: to Nne the ecbools or the state. So pl.au wre made to vd.te all '1l1'ee or,~ ·11brari.ea tor materials, both on the lnel or the child 20 aJd GD the l.efttl of the teacher. Tb!s could aeoount for some 1ntegrntion ot vrit.teu lallguage that. vu purposetul.

Plans were tlllde to vrite :many other letten seeld.Dg inf'ormat.s.on. The

\eacher• having •t and wrked with aueh people as M1se Ruth Toos, Carmgte

LibrarT, Chie&.go. Ill1oe1e., and Miss Mora Beust-, Specialist tot: School and

Ch1ldren1a Ltm-ariea• Unlted States Otrice or ~t.ton, Waabington, o. c., vrot.e tor their help. Aa the unit grew and developed more need and ll01"e occu.ions presented thenwelws tw eorreapond1ng with llbr&rlea, schools, and lndividuala, until quite a wt.de correBpo;Adence was ilm>lftd.

In CClllfl8Cti.on vi.th the atud), the group diacuued attending the c~y

~alr 1n a group iutead of 1ndb1.dually- as has been the custom 1n f'olw

,-re. It vu agreed that 1.f we COllld arranp it, attending the day or

t.lie Judii.DC vould be lllOSt bl!mefieial to our study. Ccard..ttees were appointed.

Om vu to ask Mr. G. L. Hackleman, Uaton School ,rine1pal* ror permission to ao 1D a group and tor pemtaion to uae


l. Would the Pavhaka nevepapiln be P71ng ~ ahou.t the OOIDlty tall"? (Sara clan members Y01Ullteer9cl that they had al.read)' nen or read

.-.thing 1n a recent, local paper abOut it.) It was decided t.bat. all vere to vatch tor ,... artielea and p:l.ct,uree, cu:\ tbaa out, and bring them to

Nheol to share and to pg.t. in a sc:np book or the unit. 2. Bow 1s the fa11" given? 3. Whose tair ie 1t1 4. What people tea JJ8,n?

S. Who 1r1ng the Wags to the tair?

6. What do they br1ag to the tatrt Why'?

7. Are all ~ talN the 88111t? •1l.r? a. Do all tCMUI have • oounty tair? Does Bo11inT? Does Palrf'axt Does Barr»dall? no.. v,-1 Why? It was po1ate4 out t1ere that all ot theae mant1one'1 Migbbortng tovna were a part ot Osage County• an4 that tJd.a-. their fair, toe.

9. Wbo atarte4 tairaT Lb other countiea have fain? Do other states haw f airs? Diel they 1-m it f'roa •? Or 41d ve lNrn. about having fairs tr.. them? Whea diet Otll" Onge County- hee Fair a"Gart?

10. Wbln can we t1Dd out anawera to SOile ot theft q11esUODS we vould lllte answered aboltt ta1rs?

U. Woald am" om school boob help wa? Where elae oould w get 1Jltorma- "•1 12. Do 10\l nppose we vUl get. to go to the C01mt.7 t"a!r"l 13.. Could w talk to older people ot the community dd possible have

80DIIS come to talk \o us about the tatr? In ordm" to NOUl'8 1Dt'onat.10D about the th1ngo. ot interest. cmneot.ed w1 th the Comity Pair, the paplla and teacher dlscused it. 1ndividuall;y and

1n oom.ltteu vitb parent.s, neighbon, o\ber pupUa, Mencia, and persou respoDSible tor conductJ.ng tlJ8 fair. Even though tbelr statements were at ttmu a trifle ftCU a4 tlCIIII ot t.betr OOllllllltlltB --..d a bit iffelffant,~ the bits brought, back to tbe ol.usroam tor discussion pe.riods added up to hoftand bw)wledge OD the Sllbjeet, day by dq.

1'be Osage Couat.y Bale Dlcaoriatl'ation Agent.. Miss Emma Cbandl.ar, con­ sented, when 1ntel'rlewed, to spare tJ.me 'from ber busy week of su~ preparations tor the tair, to conae to the classroom and d1scwls wit.h ,._ group something of the h1st.orJ' of the County Fair and 1ta educational aspects.

She 1s well-.f1 tted tor 8l10h a discwsston, since she baa apent moet or her

UJ'e in county• diatnet., and etate 4...H encl home damonstratic1l club wrk ud 1n teachlng in ti» Oklabom Agricultural ud Mechanical College.

Upon ar:r1wl. artar baiDg 1ntrocblced1 M1ss Cbavdlar told the group that abe would like to Join bl tbe1r d!Husion. Thia democntie spirit, was wlOfl•cl by the ohildran. Pan ot what ensued to11Gus1

Miaa C. : Hou lilll1lJ' ot yea ban been t.o a eOll1lt7 tair? Pupilai I haft. We vent.~,.... Itye haeD 1o*8 ~ tbN. I've beeD ency year. (The re:spanse ot an 09W' talkatiTe child.)

Papib (A we deliberate thinker) lo• Mark, last ,...r wa the tint fair w'd had atace the wr. We t.ttdu•t have the !air dur1J:lg the War. Ki•• c.: That.'• 1"1.ght... During tbe var ve didn't have the tair. But lan ,ea.r and \hie ;p9ar w are wylng again to haft a good,, big OGmty ta1r like we used to have betore the war. Ptaplla My' motber'e belp1.ngJ sho•a entering a auit she made !OZ'•· M1aa c., re., 101Jr mot.her'• help1Dc tban. The tarmen end \b81r viwe and their g1r1a and bop help, too. nae,. help almost the most ot arvbo4r. '?'1'»7 br1.Dg tbeil" tiDest bonles, cattle, , bop, and poullr7 to the ftlu tat' "81'1~ to eee. In a vq, they abare the1r preV,7 an1Nla vita ua. That ia 01111t ot the 111111n J'UIIODIJ w have ta!n. Vbv do~ think ve have ~t.y £airs. ud atat.e tain, and world t'dn?

Ptipils To sell cattle?

Puplb To ebov vbat. the ehlldrea 1n aebool ea.a do? (The clua l"..ad been helping -' aarll -~ the rOIS"th gradet• part or the achool m1b1t tw t.be tatr.) . Pupil: It's tor taa, too. Ma• c.1 Yu, 1D a _,. it'• tor ha. It a tun, ve might say, to abue Wngs or Vbich ve•re proud vith other people. I lcoav vbat Ba,-:>1¥1 Waka wh8ll be .-,. 1 It'• ror tua. too.' Be'-• thtntlng ot the ~ ad the ri4ea, aren't you ~ (Tb.ta 1a a black eyed, bright cbild, t.he aGl'1 r4 an ~ tllfO iaterpreter £or Spani•b speaking delegates at. the San Franclseo C<>SNention, quit,e a w1del7 tan&ld child.}

Rayllan41 Yee, and Wba\ a~ that- loop-o-plaat? I rode one in S.. FraDciMOJ ·tt. ma a big om-.

Miu c.: Yu• .I -know tba ridea are fwl.. I 'll tell you s~thiJlg else there v1U be \o ... W.. ,ear. the Um.ted Stat.es Anr., will ban eame mowtng p1et.11ru at. tbeir exhibit. tllD United States Nav vtll has an ab114t ~ .. too. Thln"U 1- ltaada, too. The Barudall High School balld vlll play; the ?airtax li1gb School Bad vlll· plan and 'fOUr awn. Pntmaa High School Bud v1u p1ay.

Fuplls My big sister pi.,. 1n that band. iupUI Both Gt Ill' brothers p1', 1n it.

Pupil: My eouatn•• 1a u .• Min c.1 fheT help vtth the ratr then, &m•t tbey'/ 'lh.ey help mke the ms1e tw • to GJ07• A .t'ai.P would mrd1T seem complete w1 '1lout the IIWt1a of the- 'band, would 1 t?

PupU: My dadd1''• go1Dg to ait>g a\ the ta1r Tu.ead,a7 D1g}:tt,. Miss c.1 Ia your dadd,y ·J.n t.be charal club? (A ltlvanla sponsored mn•a choral club.) Pupil.: *• he einga witb. a whole group ot men. They sing tor dU't'erent k1Dds Gt ~ and at. tbe dil'tenmt. churches. I 8Ul"ely do like t.o hear them. My dadd.Y sinp baa.

M1ae c., Yu.- all or these ~ hel.p t.o make up the £un, o:r 1."90Nl..­ t.1on, or entertainmont. aide or the talr. Pupilt M7 daddT's going to take a exhibit from h1a stol'e. M1sa c.1 Y.-, dittereat merchants v1ll t.ake ah1b1te of ditterent. k1Dda troa their nona. Some will take t&l'lll •cb'Mr7, natl u tncwn, eaatw, pLoJmpa, truea, ba7 bal.8s, OOJ"D barweten, p-lawa, etc. ·othen, will abow exhiblta ot hou.sehold items, such aa ret'rigeraton, stow&., wsbtng raaobtnea,·ndloe, eleetrle app11•neea, etc. Nan or t.. will take ... or the 118Vas\, t1D8st mode.ls. Whea W8 all go to the tau UlCI ... tbia. 8Cllle of tba fandliN vlll later go to their atone h8:ra 1a town and bu7 some ll8W tld.Dea tor tbe1r bcmas lUa th8 .... - ehall ..., the tatr. And - ot the tamen vUl look the tan machf.nerr ow:r vell, and later blJ1' ltGll9 D9V model.a tor their tarma. Yot.l ... bow ftdn help m1 all?

Pupils iv uncle, out an the rucb, baa a nev tractor, and I rode on 1\.

Min c.: What 118N J'Ol1 and ~ ,mole clo1ng with the tract.or?

Pupil: He vas 80¥1Dg wheat.

Mia• c.: Will th8ft be vheat at the tair? Pu.pill Jlo..o-o-o!

Pupil: I dca't thlDk ao.

Pupil: Oh, yes, there vllU A little bit, 1n the crop exhibits. Min a., I •a glad ,ou aent1one4 the crop exbibite. there vill be wheat, CCl"D, oe.ta, ba.rle7, , r,e, peatD1ts, altalta., and DIID7 IIIOr&. When 70U go tcJ the fair )'OU aak t.bolJe· 1119D la obarge there· to tell. )'OU about. the crop samples tbet 10U don't lmov about.

Fupt.l: I vlll; I'w been to gralidtatber1 a tarra. I ata,ed al11ost all tn11111tr. I al.reaq know how moat of' the tum OropJ look. I know oor.n, wheat• ectton,. and oats.

M1aa C.: Then I'll bet. you'd make a good 4-lI Club member. Are aJ1T o£ yw 4..Ji Club J1811bers?

Elainea I used to be one. (ElalDe ta a runl ohllct_ attendS JIii school !:.iere tor the fint :;eu-, du to t.he state reorganS.zaUe11 of school districts lav.)

H1D C._t Yea, I ~ Elaine used to be ane. Did you have a garden, Elaine?

Elaine: Yea.

Misa C.: You• ll ha ~ to get Elaine to tell 7Qll abotlt it. Bealdu tbe 4-R Club calws~ sheep, bogs, and oh1Mens tba~ are orought to the fair, the girls make ~ ~ to briDg to the t'air. Tbe,- cook and sew. They can tru1 toe and vegetablaa. I hope that. you will aee the ..S Club axhtbita. Many of them were made by children not much bigger than ,-. 25

Pupil1 I tdah I oould be a 1,-li Club member and .i. things tar t,be fair. They- get. prl-, don't, tbs7? A bhle ribbon la first.. Puptl; .iq OOUllin bad • P'llDd chaapioD 4-«{. Club whitof"ace oalf'. He got a parple J!'ibl:lon. .He put 1\ in h!.a ncord. book. Be bad t.ba but calt at the lair. Boy• tbat. calt surely-.was ~trl Miss c. a I ·w11Jh ,-. could oome to the fair the ..ctay the Juogt ng or the 4,-,11 Club calwa. t-alretJ plaoe sad eee them jlldp4. What day is Pavhm1ca school da)'" at the ta1r?

PupUJ Wha~ day is l t, Mra. Icnday?

M1aa C,.: 1'1le JwlgSng 1a all to be dODlt Tuudq Jlal"DiDg, that. 18 the7'll ata.n ear4r Tuesdq IIOl'1l1ng and 1 t will talce until into the attm­ noon tG f'tn1sb 1a eome depu-tmente. I v1ah it were ao that. you and the chll.4retl oould oome that. IIOrld.ng since J011 are maldag th1a interesting •tmT or the tair.

Mrs. Itm.dql Ve'll -., •J'be we coul4 get pmnias1cm tor our t.rip together to t.he ta.tr OD Tuudli7 IIIOl:ll1Dg.

Pupil: We oou l d ult Mr-. Haeklw.

MN. timt1a71 We'll talk it ORr together and daoide i.f ve aball try t.o go on Tuesday Ware asld.Dg Ma..

Miss C.,1 Bop and girls I've enjo,ed talking with you and If:a glad .YW're com..tnc to tho f'&ir. I tb1Dk u.•a wry nice that ,-i•a maklDg such a \b.orQuch stwty or 'The Coat7 Fair.' Wbm ,ou do COIIIIJ U t.hen'a ~ that. I can do to help you. Just co.. r1pt up to me and say, 'Hello, Miff CbaDdJR, what. ~bout. this~ « wat about that?' I •·u be glad to eee you am to help you, U I can.

Pupil: Are t.heJ' going to haw U¥ races?

Miu. c.: iiell• not- exact]¥ racea, but. they're goblg to hue a quarter hone show Thu.rsda7 atter.aooa. Quart;er lJanln, you lmow• are the kind that ranchers around here 1n Onge ~ w,e. on tJvdr cattle ram:bee.

Pupil; HJ" grandtat.her baa lot.a of tbea on bis ramh. Be raises quarter horaea to use OD h1a ranch and to sell. He baa a quart'AJr bane etallion and he'• mean. I'• alra1d to go oul in the pasture.

Min c., rou•u want to read etorlea ~ etallJou and lean IIDll"6 about t.bea. Talk to your grandtather about it• too. Iou lllllT think he's DIMD because be tries to protect the mares aDd tbe bet.by colts. MI'S. Lunday, and boTB &Dd girla, I 111118t. go be.Gk to a,y work. I 'w enjo,ecl gett.1.ag to «- to eee you• and l 'U see you at tbe tair.

Plapilss Sure enjoyed 70V' talk. Goodb7eJ Other adults came to the oluU'OOlll for similar diseusaions and to bring materials• once new of wr center or lntenst was •tarted it, p1md llOll8Dtum b7 leaps and bouma. MaDT beow intvwted an4 were helprul in mmbers ot wa,s. T. E. Allen, Osage County Su.perinteDdent ot School.a• cue.

Edith M. Layton, Osage Countq Rural School Supem.aor oame. Puenta oame.

Parent-Teacher Aasociatia leaden oame. Mias Chandler'• diecuaalon 1a merely rep.r&sentaUw ot t.h1a pbaae ot the alt. Visual education also waa a part ot the t.m1t or vortt_ in JIIU23' vqs. Earq 1n the plamdng, Mr. a. L. Haekl.,.n• tln1oa Sobool pri.ncipal, agreed to orc.r tor shov.lng the o... nim. lo. S "County Fair' ~ tb8 Inter­ natioaal Harvester Company, Oklabolla City, Oklaballa. Preparation ot ti. cl.us tor seeing tbtJ f'ilm 1.noluded reading stories or county fain, c11eoua­ sion on s-e¥eral occasions on the subject, the vtstt ot Miu Chandler,. ud the vork1ng, planning, and ~ or the tOli!'th grade room•s educatioal uhtl>it at tba tair.

Because oE the tsJM:UNfls .and appropriatewe ~ tbe ft.ha it. ,.. newed by allot the 1*wo hundred children at Union School preceding Pav­ buka School l>ay at the Osage CotlJlt7 Free Fair. Thia praoUce 1e not ordinarily recommended, we were aware, but 1n Yiew et t.be tact, tbat allot the children were to be dismissed to •twnd. the fQ!.r• ve thought. it vould prove beneficial. All or the teacben d1d attem~ to prepare their groupa tor benefittiDC boom v1ew1ng the n1m, howner.

Another v18U&l aid employad 1D e&rr7ing Otlt the unit WU 'the 1188 Gt the opaque pr.-oJector. 1n showlng pictures about the county talr, l.,..H Cllab girl# and boys with their e:zh1.b1ts, tarm antmals, t\ru!ta• -...tahlea, crop,, and recreation anJoyed at tairs. These pictures were collected and arranged tor project.10G ~h the cooperation and help of" the entire group alld 27 others who became interested 1n the project. Nearly eve17 other teaeher and room ot children 1n the building, u well as other people. became &tUt"­

ficient.ly intens.ted in our enterpriae to contribute material.s tor the collection.

The fourth grade pu.plls vere glad to lend tba completed colJ.eot.1on to

the t.b1rd grade, vho wre aaJd.llg a study ot •Farm LU°e-" c011CUZTe11U7.

Film vu ~ in color tor outdoor ab.ote, and 1n black and vh1\e

ror i ndoor ahot.s for pboto£ztaph1.ng the children duriDg ti.tr emvsi~ 1n a group• at the ta.tr. Sime tbte was a wr.r tirat experieme 1D the u.r..

time ~ moat. of the children 1t was dat1n1 t,e,b' a bright spot.. A few bad

been photographed with eight Dd.ll.hletar BIOYie proJ~Uall film. and had _.

themselws in halae movies. To them,, this f01"1'ller expe~lence bad been so

ver1 pleasant. that. the7 were .,.t enthuiaatlc tbat wall bad the opportunit7 or be1.J:lc photographed on aixteea millimeter black and vhite and color tilll. ?bey vere o.ble to tel l the rut ot t.be grc,up quii-e a llttJ.e about tbe ex..

perlenoe batore our fair visiting dq arrived.

It. -was not poaaiblo to complete our ar~ vlth our photographer,

J. C. Fitsgerald, Consultant, 1n Audio-Visual Materials, Oklahoma Agri­

cultural and Mechanl.cal College, untJ.l af'ter the children bad gGDe hcaa troa school~ the d/11 before the tield trip, conaequent.q, ...be,- caa dNsaed 1D

,, t.heir usual school. clotbea,, a hsF.Aning tor which w wen glad, s1me ve

vented our photopaphi.c record to ba Jut. as nearq a nonal acbool sttua­

t1CII .~ . possible. ?he tlrst fer-1 ll.1..nutea tha.t. they wre beii)g photographed

the:, were a 11t.tle seU' corJ.SCiOWS, but their deep alld 1ntenae lntereet. 1n

the tau-, the Judging, ~ aatmala, the people, and the recreatf.on SOOll

gaw them a Yer¥'. DOl'Sllal and ordiuar:, appearal'lC&~

People reaponaible tor pi.tt.lng the !air acroaa, exhibitora, 4,-ll Club 11811bers, Judps. and guens at the f'air ver~ ell kind and hel~ in makJng

0tr trip a worthwhile and pleasant exparl.eme. They e9eD appeared appreoia• tiw that nhools are 1.ntereated in learnlng of eomr:amit,' enterprises. a , . M i • l • . l ~ rn Ii (i t . ff •· ·. i .. f l O I r i i f J's)' · r. · • I .· ·. It 1, 1.· ~ 1 I' f I ., I i,!t. h!!r j .. r .. f I .· !' r ;. ! - r t I

• • · · · · . '4 ~ · · • .· . t . 1 ... ' ~ " .. -. I R ~ · ~ ,~I!! ui] ; ~ ~ ~ _ 1 1 _ 1 1 , I ~ I ~ I il!!uH'Jl l ! , , 1 .. .

I . . ·. 11, I [ Jf ~ . .· t . I . . f I J ?{ -

r 8 ' . fl .·· rtr ',It! If if:; I ~ could aocompa117 Iba poup • taet:r trip to tbD ...._. .i-atr am talla mnng plo'11rn ~ tblta Tievmg the Judgblc or tt. dJihtta• tbllll ~ a smto-, gnpble NOOl'd or lbta· ..... ~ the 11Dlt.. V1dle 1ille ohll4Na - ta • the plans, 1\ ._. Do\ 61.ftntt. ·~ •• rtbgenld ..W .-.. hi.a \1- to ootaotde 1d.tb oar U.. ~. namely• ibe IIClftd.ri8 ot Ula ,,...,.. 1, 11U attw t.he 4t.Pdual ot NlloDl OD ~ ... '8Ne pla119 ...... -pletecl 1Jr Jone ~ telapbome. !be teacher-., tJIR. \be~-' ...... ot tat 11 pleW ~ would ocae to 80bool wl~ tbe ·~ eo1u 6w rJ.tlM, vb1ob atter

.u 1a • ilU"t or •""41• tM 1a1r. 1a .,._ or Ude tan.. • ~ tJ:e laud-• ..,,. ...~ W. w• .._,, ot e.tal S'8te· Caifmw1 ~. tbl ----1-...n\ ca; ••alta ...... et lhl' 19'? e.e. Comd,y Fl"M Pair.. W1wa • n:p-laM\tc.a ot tbe _, ot •tudT bebg .. "' ·\Ila ...... apla1M4 lo~ he ~ lo dmlilt. rides to tit. ~P ta ~1-

Uoa or \ba1.r' ~ ill "!m Cermt.7 ratr. •

0a Tu1•:tv ~ -· ft~ ~-by b1a v1t•. 8""1"94 ~ St.t.U.w _,_. •bool '1Jle. ·n. 1d.g eehool • w m hand vUb

Mi-. 1. a. Boc*l,. ~ ot tbe Urd.e Sobaot. and a tam Nbool ._ driwr,. aeeund to et.w. !hit M.l.olt1.Dg --,.per ollpp!Jtp.- fftll the J.oeal dallJ' an.t ..etq papen d!l1crtbe t.- ~ u tioea• ~ tbe &•crJ."'°8 in the eulm­ na\1111 ao\l"flU.. V. ..__. Ibis ..,.,.,_. ...-.ge good P'*lie n1a- 31

Jl'alr ~ .. ~~uff .:: . ti lJtt­ io~ BehooFJ 'tlil~

pite the extremely,(.hot weather. 1 :Included als. 9(.~: · Ji-e ,s~ol. , !(".':/ of'." . the' Members of the. r:r Fair Board, the children watch '· M~s ~)Ith Peter-. county farm agents ,and c01inty)1ome m,m, -4BsJ~¥t, ·· eniffon Nutiitlotµlt, demonstration agents expressed their who Was judging _the canningi . ~iss· Iappreciation .for the cooperation of I Lueille Dohogne,;J~sistanl Tulsa Coun , [everyone ·in .making the event a suc''i ty .Jlo~e Demoxts:lration Agent, telling ' cessful · undertaking!• · ' I pa:X.t '< or :the group about 4-H Club I There were many winners in the : ca11ning:" as' ~they watched he'r :judge various events, and these exhibits will i 1the ja·!'.S of . lus~\~>US fruits ·and vege­ ~be taken to the Tulsa state fair, which I tables; -still others were interested .iJl opens Saturday; ., , · ' ! the 4-H record lfooks which w-ere ·be­ ing judged by Miss Martha Merrifield, iNortheast District Home Demonstra­ MAKE ·coLORED MOVIE FILM OF !tion . Agent froJD Stlllw~ter; an~ other , UN,iON• SCHOOl, 4TH - ,shots were .made; of the clothing sec­ GRADE AT . FAIR . • ' • • I • • ;~ ftion .which was ·11eing· judged by Mis&I Ola Armstrong, State Clothing Special-, The Union Schci ~l . fourth grade and \ 1ist.- It was fortun,ate for the· .pupils their teacher, Mrs. W. H. Lunday, hat they' "'.ere permitted to obs·erve studied first hand, Tuesday morning, udging, or bits pf it, in the various on' the current school unit o·f '.study, ~ epartments. · '

1"The Cou~ty Fair," all . the ca~era ·of- greater lnt~rest appeal. to the ground away. . . l oys ·pc,ssibl¥• .' 'fif..Jhe .judging of the ! In preparation for the field trip, . I1ivest9.ck by I?£~~~ E . .Darlow, head ,the previous week, they viewed the. lot the~ depart~~* .rf Animal Husban­ e'ducational film, "The County Fair." dry;. a nd ,.4 ;. C, .. M~illard, assistant In addition'. "they nave · been :"reading protessox; of dalfi.~ • .both of A. and ,county Fair ;,JoFies. :1.nd e.njoyiqg new~ IM : ·colle~e·: · Theyt,w~re interested also paJ,lier . af!.,d .,nl'a:-~ifie~··, pictu.1,es ' and a,r- in. _the judg.ing of :·dops by We'sley ticles ··on the ·'~fobject: · - · I Chaffin and Fred Whitehead, Profes­ Miss Emma::jllan,dler, Osag'e· Cou·n­ .l !fo_r of Ent,o~I~grr-_ 11:nd i!l the P.(>Ultry .ty H~me De_n,i~ tra~i1~ ·Agen~, visi~ed _and it.s judgi~J:: by' H. o.· War~. .... Poul­ Ith 'e schOQl ., r.Qgm · ~r'rd.aay, • d1Scussrng !try Specialist;\ of Oklah~?.la A ,and M, '. w.ip~ J ll.e giou.i/ ~Th~ .~istory of Coun­ ' Last;, but nob of least importance to ty, Fitirs and , the Edutational Phas'es , · ihe · cbildre__n, : t fr~;:th:e/ fides for all of the Fait:" ., ' - , ,. .. ! who ·w.anted to ·participate, on th1i mer­ G. L. H~cideman; Union.School prin­ ry-go-'round a11ji\, {jhEl ferris wheel, con­ cipal1 _and ,E. C: ~pfa;~e; ·superinten­ ,tribut~ j~r ~t~ei~Ji.(~asure of the or­ dent-: of school~f ·f O(J~r;ited in . _the ganizt\d g:roup ' b:t-·..;,W.· W. Moser, of plans for the cJ:iildren to.' go in a group 1 Centra'I. State !c lfrnival company. in ·the large . j h-0,iffi».~s .. on, c'l:uesda-y I . Pupiis!;i;ttendin~rt.he field trip. were morning;-t~ .stµijy ·~,r4~ J!olJn{Y ·_ F) i,i_r," : I Mark .··Elmei Le.b@lie, Margaret Ann with ..J. '. 13:'·'B~th; lJnion' Sc}1:ool cus- 1 Malone, Earl Swarts, 'Wesley James todiaii, ' ~ij\lt~j~:t)J¢ 'bus. , • ::,,. ,~ ·;:1.. ,.. Mortor, Paul S. Besse; Wa,yne Lemon:; J/ ()_:. fl~~ri:¢\ ~t>n8'1lta~t in -4udio Jessie Franklin Mille!, Ronalc\ ~Frank- Vispal Materials;. Olilalidriui \A.; an:li -M. Un, . ~oward E. Miller, .Lewis Haokle­ Col1Ei-g"e,' .' a.n'd 'M~i lt11tzgeiaid came to lman; ;,Raymond C~cll :Losornlo, ji'. •• Wal­ Piiwhuska l~-. ii'hoot~ the '. inovil!'"' shots, ter , Butrer; ·· Johnµy ~Windsor; ~oland :Whic)i,~,,wli~~i ~llof~~ -~~~ •.. 'Yni bii · ~ran­ iue·sh~rg; Vivian· ·Kay J.!?"iles, Jennie able .,{QI'. . _sl).owf9.g . 11:1p...;, th~. .Jch?.~i,, ·. and Kathle·an· Blanc, ' Deiva ..¥:ae . Ogan; community;>;- ,; at.,g~rald: fa ·1:l!l ,exper- . Marian · Morrls, 'tciuis De-Noya, John fenced photographer· in-· this . line of Thomas ·Vice, ~ol;lby Leroy Barger, ·work, hav.i.~ · ,ta~!1Ashot& of ·1 similar Loretta. Duncan;· Phllip Klein, ,Elmer ~xc,ursion. 'gro~vs ·"·'1 'nia~y -~ctlop.s . of Butts; 1 Rose Marte Ha1;ris, , ,Goldie tqe·- united_ State1-i': ·on ,s~~ira~· .PC,­ Smit~; Ma~lne;,s~i9!-, Macell Morton •.! :caston.11:. be. and ;"!M~s, · Fitzgerald·. .: ttav~ Elaine ·Javellas;1 Mary Sue Wright; · takeru;SC~O(!J 'grdupa on.. ttiPI! tp, Qarls,­ Nita Muriel- So~on, . Teddy Vassar; 'bad, (he World's .F.alr, '. f.n , Chicago, . Francfs Smith,.._ ju,cbard Dohrfr- and, :N,Jagara . F.alll!,., ~u;.. pc .the ,~e .., excµr- , E\ldie _Wright.. '· :st~~- ~e_g:i:~u~::!I:..~!!:. s~n~~{ b~~~ ·able I to, _el)'joy .~a.;c~(Mll'&l!~ic .rr.c;irc;t , ~hF,U the years. ~ .. --~~ ~~fr. ·~}~·.:·~ ~~:1:~'.- · · , ,clu ed also were sliots o e- children watching Miss Ruth Peter­ ' man, A. & M. Assistant Extension Nutritionist, who was judging the canning. Miss Lucille Dohogne, as- IU .NION SC . ·41 I •sistant Tulsa county home demonstra­ ' tion ~ agent, told part of the group GRADERS VISIT .THE _ about-4-H club canning as they watch- ed:' her judge the jars. . TJ1e .pupils were photographed at 1 -FAI~; MOVIES MADE · the 4-H club record book contest, The.. Union School·fourth grade and which was· being judged by Miss Mar­ , their-·. teacher; , .Mrs. W. H. Lunday,' tha, Merrifield, N9rtHeast district Tuesday morning gave first.-hand at­ home demcnstratiqn· agent from Still­ tention to a .~urrent study subject, wateF. Other shots were made of the 'tThe ;.cou1,1ty ' Fair," al;! ' the camera . clothing section· which · was being ground away. . ; I judged by Miss Ola Armstrong, state 'In preparation for yesterday'sJ clothing specialist. / .. '"field t~ip," .the pupils la:;;t week · Of greater appeal to !the boys pos­ . viewed - the ed;ucational film, "The sibly was· the judging 'of the livestock . ,County Fair."· In addition, they have by A. .I~. Darlow, head' of the de.: · been reading county fair stories and partment of ~nimal husbandry, arid delyjng into newsp,aper 'and magazine P. C. McGilliard, assistant professor pictures and"articles .on the subject. i of p.airying, both of A : & -M. college. MisJI Emma Chandler, comity home I :hF were interested also in th: judg­ demonstration· agent, visitecl ~lass· last ing of crops/ by Wesley Chaffm ·and· f.l'i<,l,11~ apd qiscussM·tlt(;! • history of Fred E. ,.Whitehead, professor of en­ '·comity fairs and .ttt{ educational tomology. Some interest· was -evi­ phase& s0:t.t~ . . . • . denced in the. poultry and its· judging • G'. L. Hackleman,. ,Union school by ll. C. Ware, poultry specialist,. o-f; princip~l, an4 E .. C. 1 Sprague; super­ Oklahoma A. & M. Good shots were intend1mt of. sch6ols;.C'ooperated in, the taken of many of these departments'. plans . for . th~ ' children' to visit tlie' . Last, but ,not of least importance j fair in a grdup Tuesday I)lOrning fo . to chilar!;!ri., were the rides for all who study the exhibits. ' · · wanted to participate, on· the merry­ ' ·.T. CO · Fitzgerald, con'sultant in'. au­ go-1:ound and the. ferris wheel, _con­ dio-visual, materials of Oklahoma A. tributed for the pleasure of the or­ & M. College, and his wife drove to ganizeq. gro1ip by W. W. Moser of Pawhuska· to make movies of the . I Central State Carnival Company. event and when developed the pictures 1 Inclt1d"d in the group were the fol- will beJivailable for" showing in the owing children: , · school and. ·community. Fitzgerald, is Mark. Elmer Labadie, Margaret

an experienced ph0tographer in this Ann Malone, Carl• Swarts, Wesley 1· line of work. On 1several occasions, he James Morton, Paul S. Besse, Wayne and Mrs. Fitzgerald have taken school , Lemon, Jessie Franklin Miller, Ron- , groups -on trips to Carlsbad, the aid Franklin, Howard E. Miller, Lewis / World's- Fair in Chicago and Niagara Ha<;kleman; Raymond -Cecil Losornio, Falls, making a photographic record Jr., Johnny. Windsor. , ,. 1 of the excursions. ,Fitzgerald also Walter• Butler, Rolland Riesberg, makes the movie record of the Okla- ' 'Vivian Kay Jone~, Jennie .Kathleen' ' homa A. and M. football games. Blanc, Delva Mae Ogan, Marian Mor- - The Fair .trip pictures included: r (Continued on Pare i> the. Union School; the children board-. ing the bus; descending from the bus IIniQn Sc1tb61 ..:..: - ,, and entering the Women's Building at , ,. · <~olittnued fJ.Om Page I) the fair; viewing the judging of the rI/!,. L.!)UJs .D~ll{ Qya,.,Bllbby Leroy Bar­ cakes by Miss Hermina Dohogne, ger;_:JQhn. 'l;'homas Vice;,Loretta Dtin­ Wagoner county home demonstration .. ~an: Francis Smith, Phillip Klein~ agent. (Some of. the boys suggested­ I :.t_ .El~ner ~utts, Rose Marie Harris. much larger tasting samples.) , .(;olpje Sm1th,-,Maxip.e Smith Marcell ~M,:°.f~OI)-'. ~l~!ne J~veHas, · Mary .sU:e f r1&:!f~1 N~ta- Mur!eJ • Solomon, Teady , w·a~~~h;, ~1chard Bohrer and Eddie . rig .i;. _ • , 33

!be ~ of e:a..mta.17 aehool ~ ·llN. ·~ a.nu~ 1IIU w,q villiDg ail ._ to ~-vl"th tbe P'O'JP-a aiapJIC _. ahout t.b8 . ' . ~ fair~ tbil ILSllJ',&O ··~ t.1J1t tamtt. ... ·n.t CtJJINl'Oe ~ ~ tbe bigb Nl:lool, ...... ·clueo\ion ot ... Bm1.bla Li., llagDer. ldtMO-

Cftpbed ._. ~ or -.. appropr.la'9 r.,. _., .._, ot lltad;'. fl» sonca leanecl. mt ..., aloDc vlth u. at\. .. ~ . act c!tlill8 ld.tb a great deal ot _._.~ C.114 appiN01aU... Sano, 1nolwll4• -c.. to ttie rdr'1' 'Man,.....• pf 91'blt C..'7 :ratr"2 ..... or ~ - ._ Fas.a' ....,...,.. HwtJ ' ...... , ..,_ ..., Ge .....-u -n.~12

~ Hu1.1n 8114 Belen TaY'lm>. lmd! ft!a' ~ IPberYee• 2s. au.a Yandinen, -n. CCNtlt7 lab-.• aa IMIDilt::t& u (~, 1942) • P• Y,. . Tope, wn. IWI-•• 1111 •• !Wbcr. rm im), ,. 41.'m.idNcl ' <.,..._.

4z. v. a.a-.1a. Iii krfmv !JP"T"fflt a. P· '"· ~ . Qnd!t Cb1~ (Ca1U'Ol'D1.a Clty ~la, f.l44.• P• 2<.L 'so.a,~ u4 MIIT Marga, 1111111111 ,.,_ l. P. 3. 1n.ur Cekllnc» DIil ltPSa Ima. •.flNIMl 1c1111. •· 3'. ~ ._ 11D4 lat. ·C. ~ lbW.. p. 136. ~ ~ ~ la t!IF!de, Mnm . Im ., P. 1J2. ~ Polk Sons • .11d.4.. p. 169. llcaroi,. SbeN1a Bali.,,. 1ml: CMw•, lQ &na .a knc. ,. so~ Ja!da JU.ehw> aDd Vugtata .... la lmt trft- - 1u PP. 8,,.9. AIIOlblrr acU..Yltq lfht.6. vu beatil.Jr entered into -1 greatly ~ bJ" tbe olus was the oreat.iw ~. tie tried t.o bue, the1r oree.Uw

~ -·· HD:ta - t.bNe ~ Iba' they had ·~-olpa.W bl at tbs f'atr. . . MaJ'J' P. O' lcm•ll• T•clleftl Co:u.p. ~ . Unl11Valt.,,,. 111 speaMng

~ Ol'UU.... J'hyJl1oal --·-- bu .sua. 9Eaoh proJeot mwat belong to the ehlldreu ad t.bildr ut&rnt v1ll be· 1.a ~ Pl'OPOl't4oa to tiJa. rm, ot. lnitiatlw e.11.owed t.hell.,• Ve Vied to allov 1Dit.U.Uw and to at tbe ckUdl'en p."Qjat tb1sr.t"'IN 1ato tbalr ~.. It w the ala et tbe teacbR lo d!Nct and .U.•t.e t.ba &l"OUP ~ --.ti.• acU...S.t.r. Bbodrl ~ld8 Sut,.'81& aye-.• ••• .Host ahahla ot ul •terial to ba 1 'U84 Sn ~ 1•, ot OODr•• \be ohilcl'• Ollll ape.r1eaoe.... • rouarJ. We 414 tt. .:ou · a''* vith \he ~m·fflllll\ or the pt--. bowe,m, U a pluo and aa aoccapant•t wn .not at llantt, pncumdon uw~ ~vsll~tute. KS.a St4lan aa,a,

MIIJt.c 1-· 8D 1lltilpal. part, -ot tha ooaposJ.tl-ota flrera_ ti. ..,..,. begin­ ~ . mt. la ot ...... ,, biportanae 1D that. .. C"ea'ti'ft. rlvb1o uU.Yit¥ caws ttnt. a.a the made 1a ..... t« \hat part1cD1ar aoU."l.lty. ea tbe oliher MIii. whea tbll Cl'Blit1w pat1»rns 0&U tor atralg!lt ~uu aa p1abl ~er~ ~meat bee'• at..,..

Mutt ot· the aer,c.;,-c'Olllld .._ w Janee! ,to atng wre v.ri.t.tea 1a ~ tbla• w w tlle4 tbla tw eocGftl.. taent. ~. _. plud.a~ lfra. lGYw

HuTis 1a a wnnlla ms1c1aa ad 1.11 able t;o 001f ue •.SO £oio -,. parUou,­ lar a.oUYltq. tt cm ,_.. mt, lid.a ~ ...... aterenoe to Mtu

~- ebapter, •.&a IatnaoU. to ~ 11Q1111.d. }Je, ..., belptul•

..,_ Ba,-we s.v.., 9.nt»n llrnlll. ,. ..it. 2~. p. 'lilt. ~- IS-90. ,, -~ ~ ! ~ i I ~ I i f I _ ...... _ _.. __ __ ··- f : ~ ~ I ; I . . . . Ii i i, I ~ . f .. ... -N. ~- ~ ~<41f .. I ,. 1

a. a i Ii 1 • i · i it .. . Ur ff f1 i'f ·· · ;: . f " u. r f lt J f I .. - -~ • ;;t '1 I ! I ;I!! ft .... '1.1 C: ! . . r ~ 4.i' e

1 r ~ ! J: 1.•. I ·i. : Ii' t f1· ! i ii {tt ~,~It tr J f f I t f l I ! f f ~ f ! ' . · . ~ - 36

.,- being told of the otla.hc:na Ltbrarr C~sicm.. to write there ror all the books a:va1l.ule on their gtwn subject. Thle w s dane• aDd a generoaa tnwl.11Jg library vas sent. vi.th the umtoJoatamU:Ag tbat the boob ccillld be kep\ SGWl'&l .... Ttia claR ·al.8o ~ top,-thor aeour.lng· i.Dtorma­ t.toa an« help t.rm ot:bar llbrariea and deeidad to write to SllOh otben u: kteuioll Lt.~. OkJahoma Agr:1.C'ultural .ud Meeha1nal College, St.tllwatiar,

Ok]abtua1 Dopartmea~ ot PubUc Int~~- ~= Dl~ Un:LYera1t._y ot Oklaboila• E~ OklaboaaJ Caff118i!Le ~, Cb.le.go,, Ill i*'1s, and

( . Miss lime E. BE!Wlt• Spac1allet tor School ad Cht.l.dJiefa Lillraria.• Uatt.ad

St.ates Ottica of ldunU.. W~ D. C. All ot these aourcoa V91"8 cont.acted l>y ~ and ..,_.l i'8ma of J..nf"OftllltlCD eueh U

~ art.1c1u. bullattu, mazmai., catalop-, boob• and ti. 111•, ve:re received tor us. Cont::lm.at ~ • s CUTied on with the above­

Dltlllt.iaaad l..1l:ararl.. 4m'iDg tbs COQ.r"Se of ti. ult. und attar ital culm.maUon.

~tative ot let.ten NOeiwd in uawar to tb1a retiue&1t tor help troll peop1e 1n ~ rol.loa: nDEilAL SEX:Utttff .A.GF.lllY u. s. anma a, Dm,naa v.,-"-...... - 2r:. ll C ~~ "• .. September 15~ 1947 Mrs. tiel.lto E. Iunc1tq' & UniClll Sehool l'ourth Gt,atll 300 E. l2tb St,nie\ Pntm•ka, Otlabma

3 .... ate. to him' trcaa J'Oll ud to lmGv that DV vult to tbe wbbop a~ st.U.hlatelr,. Oklebaail, 1e4 ,-i to wlte to me to ...... •tedal \bat voul4 • 1-1.paal ill brd.LU.ag a ~ pa&t \1111\ • tbe •Coantq Faur.' We are -.1oe1ng ... •terial Iftpancl br t.ba BlwtU"T D1Y1 .tea. We haft DOtld:Da ID pr1at that vas p,epe.nd '.bJ' Serdoeto~.

I am alao· ftd.""fl'd»g J'OUl" card to Mr. Webster A. Temay• who la la ~ lal,JeR Ma"ttar .-bRull• ~. ~ ll'anaen ot 37

Aaerioa 111 the. . . .Agrt . ·. cultural Eduaa.. tion D1v.tsion. lie vill. ~. . to ,oar. · · reques al ~ ....a ,OU - material al.80. !he beR ot 1aa: to ,-i tor the cemt.ng school :,ear. Sincerely ,aura, 1.. s• . Beust., Spec1al18' rw Sehool and Chllban•• ~

A llU'ke4 tnteru.\ "' nadbg an4 ~ intormat.ton lo the red

of * pol;lp WU noted. a.tardad, poor rea'5en 1191'9 pi4e4 Salo l'8ating aater1al. oa tba nojed bot on an eeaiar reading lfte1- lims t.hey all


~ aelect1es weft " '1lalNt Mad .aloud tor the bellett~ or tt. group. OJwl readb,g, thl:rulh. alwap tollowd • 11.ea\ roadlng.. t.hat. 1a. papile pnct,ia.4 readlag sllatl.y obo1c» smu ot sto:-1• w boob betere

~ tea.~ . ~ \ha P",ltJP.. the eJ..aas listened 1DstAtad or· •tchl.ac 'UJe plaoe vhf.le they ven bd.111 ftti4 to, i1t .,_ to dlnel.op bett.

Us.tat ng babS.t..

With tb1a son ~ Nading program ~ the UDlt ot stwiT•

11111 wachttr .dNiNd lo mN,8U1"e tbe procnsa be1- made 1D psde olan1.t1.­ oa'1on. ~enst._ aeevracy, .a apaed 1D nad1.Dg. She obatle \he ·stamarcl 'teat Leuom 1D laadiDg book ·fbree c~ I.-... tor Oradee .3, 4. or 5) pNPU'N by WSlU• A. Hc"...a.U and Lelah Mae CrabU', · nd.labla .er...,_. ot Mlloat&oae. Teacbara Collep,. Cohlal>Ja Vnl:veni\7. ThNe

partiCllW" .~ tad 1...... ,. 4'boem -- tbey teaeh ehlldren hov to CGlllpNhelld n.pl.dq all ld.Jl4s ot Z'9&ding material, help tbea en.,.,. their· reacU.ag. .tee tt. ea:Sler re tbea to la81'll w read eaeful.q ..a aoourat.el.T, teaoh t.haa .bmf to- na4 tor the ..s.a palntaa• to jud8e t1II Nlat.tw ~ at tJa .rtoua ldlu ~, 1:o .toll.av the eequanoe or thread ot tbought. and to 1'9Gl'gU1lle •1-1.al la .mdff to ___. qwttma that eat; IICl'OIHl ·t.hla UINs4 of ~. They alao help the ob1ld to rea4 U rapldq u ·~ OD~ tdlllt \haJ' Nad, amt to Nplate t,bttr QN4 aooord1Dg ta tbe parpoae· 1'ola wh1oh tbe nadtJtc 1a ...... by' t.-.b the obll4 ., to ...... TheJ' ltelp la 1llpn,dDg on! ...,. •••, prod.de u.a with oppca tamiv .tor tbe put,loe or laaclentd.p... help pr8'Nllt the dull piplJa iz.. be-Smg 41Nouragecl &Dd U. ·~ piplla tNa lo&t111g •.

._ teats wre. _,. da1.l,r d8l":lDg the dld7 or tta ett. and tor

1a naduc ll1!l&t by t.ba 1Dcllvidml ~pll u wll aa U.t ot ·tbe olus.~

Scofta were aaroft.lll.y apt. &ad ntml'9 11l41cated a DU"ked !Japro, 11•nt cm u. par\ or Jllillrq flfllflr7 bdi'ddual aad oa t.be. PD" or the whole o1aa. 0a ~ . tint 8ftRlP ot ten 1ea1-. .the "81ilta 1nMoaW tbat. there wna two reacU»g • aidh pa.S. lewl• ftw NacUl>g cm .t1nh pade i...1. t.vel• rea41Dg c,n .fourth a,:ade lenl, el.tnu teacll.Dg on tbtr4 ll'*dil 1-1, and tin rea41Dg an NOaed p'llde lfJftl. How tbe maber Nad1Dg at, t.he dltteNlllt lAmtls wried fNII the ttrat. group or tea t111ana, to the ••,.a poap ot ta leaolUI• and ao on. 08D b9 s\udted to. the table that tolloua t.h1a dlacusion.

0a \be ab:tb O"WP .flt - , ..... tlw l"elNlta l1MH•1*1 that tba avoop$t reader 111 U. olaas bad llaprow4 uat.tl bit vu nadlne on eiptb grad9 lawl, tOUI' wre DOV :re.cU.nc • sewn.th grade level._ Nnn vere mw

~ ts a1zt.h &rade lewl, tourteea WN readblg oa f'1.tth grade lnel, anen wen read1fC on founb grade lftel.. three 1181"9 read1rlg en \bird grade i...1, am wo .._ Nadine on AOODtl grade i...1.

Pour mmie l•-~ ..a. tbotNt .t.rca tJle last ~ tbs sm.ee ot i.e.... vere not ~bulakd in a col- ill the table, e1Dce the IPlltl,er vu 1 i i l i • '.·. · IQ. · f ii 1· . -· 1 ... I~. f ~ .... 'r . . ~If ,~·. Ir·- ... ct' 2 ,.I I. i . I f O. .. . ?:. • -. . " .. . i f"'."" ...... ,, -

1 I i ' I I· ;, I i. •g rN l ·. f ' I.· ir ~ .I . ~ - f Ir j, @, .· • - 0 1 1 i 1.· . ~..· .,.~ .;. .. . ~, r.- ;.· '.· ; . '.· .. :. , 1 ~ l,!:~I~ 1 .il e-,,,1 'ti;·. ~ 1,11,.. , I .. ,, · ,.. I , 1 , ~ i.· r. 1 I •. '.· ,. •.·.. i a. t , i ~ '·· : .~ = ! .· I ~ f I • 'I 4' l I f a I * I .. a .. • ..

. ·. ~ f .· J !! .· ·.1~ .•(i . qf~ I . . . ' l f TABLE I HlCA.IL.CRABBS 1BST T.ESSCBS II RK.4.D!N~IB-seotms

)11 ! ·!-' I 14 I Isl .iiJl _rt J" .. •s !•1 ·CQ ..! 1~ J .. J ~J :1- ~§~ii i"t J 6.S 6.S 6.1 ?.4 ,., S.2 .,_, a.a. 6.4 1.1 &..a 1., 1.2 ,.a 7.S ,. ., s.1 6.S s., 6.S s.s s.6 5.4, 6.2 6.3 1.3 6.2 7.l s., s.9 ,., S.9 6.1 s.. , 6.0 6.1 SJ 6.0 s.1 7.4 6.?. 7.7 6..8 1.1 S.2 4.9 ,.1 6.0 s.1 ; ..9 ,., 6... 0 4.9 6.0 ,.o S.9 S.J ,., ;.1 6.0 4.9 S.8 s.s 6.2 6.S 6.8 6.1 6.8 4.8 s., s.o 4.9 s.1 S.9 S.2 S.9 4.1 5.2 ,., 6.0 6.S 6.1 6.0 6.7 4-6 ,., 4.7 s., 6.1 M -s., 6.1 4.5 s.2 S.1 6.0 S.? S.9 ,., 6.0 4.S s., j.8 s.o ,., ,.o s., 6.0 4.4 S.4 4.9 ,., 6.0 6.6 s., 6.6 4.4 S.8 S.2 4.9 S.l s.s 4.J S.2 4.8 ,.s s., 6.1 s.4 6.1 4.1 M 4.6 s.o 6.1 S.9 S.2 6.1 4-0 ,.., 3.9 4.1 ,.a 4.2 4.1 4.2 J~9 4,8 4.ll 4.6 s.1 s., 4.a S.T ,., S.l 4.2 4.9 ,., ,.,,, 4.8 s., 3.S ,.a 3.S ,.a ,., 4.8 4.0 , ..o s.. a s., s.o s.. s ,., 4.0 4.0 4.7 4,..8 S.J 4.3 ,., 3.2 4" 3.8 3.9 4.4 S.2 4.2 .5.2 l.2 ';·· l.3 3.8 4.7 4..7 4.0 ,.. , ·l.2 36'-'.. ,., ,., 4.6 4.7 ,.s 4.7 3.2 ,., 3.8 4.4 4.0 3.S 4.4 3.2. l.9 J.? 4-2 s.s S.4 4-4 S.5 3.2 4.0 ,., ,., 4.4 4.9 4.1 4.9 2.8 ,.o l.S 4.S ,.1 2.6 3.4 4.5 2.s M , • .1 4<) ,., ,., ,., 3.4 2.? ,., 3.8 3.1 3.s ,., 3.s ,.a 2.'7 ).6 ,.o ,.o 2.2 3.1 3.6 2.6 3.3 l.o 3.S 3.1 3.S 4.4 6.0 6.o ,.s 6.0 J.l 3.4 3.S 3.4 s.6 s.6 S.·8 5.6 ,., 6.7 1• .1 6.7 ,., 4.3 3.9 4.3 I I E,,f I ! I I i .! J•J .! J•J

eea ~, reeulW. 1_.. ad letter. a1eld.ng Jllll')ld.u1on,, lnf"armatlen• . u4 •terlals • wll ... Mtee et thualm WN Witten. Orig1Jal •tortes.

,-., ftPR'U, 80llSll, aDl deseript1.om WN attemplie4 1fueb guldlmee u4 help .. awaUable ~ thlt Encliah ~ 1n _..1 laWftlln and ...... JU ..r:r~ .btgb ~ - ...... ica '° the tu. - Jwt.cS• dq taa'h - ot ~ ~ ...-w tba.~ thet vou1d lib w wt• ... ,-. et t.belr Gllll &bod Iba tatr. fo f\artbut IIOU•te t.bla ,... ot U. ll!OIS ...... i ,._. vare ooli.ted, ~ ~ ad

-.fo,-d W-.. -- ohildND tir.lAlicl tbl1r haad at vrltbJc poe.lrJ". SOIIII ef

.. ohihtNn NiR 11 1naplnd 6- vitlda alld vt0te with ....-u.w eue

8Dd with a mtnh'tRII ot ~ ·am guldanoe. W. - .....blt ~ at t.be 1dau ~ tbe ~ 11nea, ua the laftnomaUon OCJl!dng o11t or

~ ob11.tha1• Wnklng and a.pll"'1.wee. Tbelr .u.atacUoa with tba1r

.Folloving ue • or the cmoice OOPJ:11.ghted poem we Ned alld -.Joyed topttm,• 'tb87 awe i.DC~ mJ'W· ~ ~-of the authGn ad p.ti;dt....

1',1exa,._ t. ~, Ma'1lia Ballay• aracl WSJUsa Dodp. I.ew:ts, iwll•b, natr -. . 1 .. w.v1m r..~ •., !lie fdr, .., .. ,_...... ~ ,... W tile W2!J....,....a, Barlitn, atlC1 ,.,... ., 11\Wfttd thlt pocmd.

• b'-lt glrl bl ..... Wbm. lbty ~ · 1D bafflr.. ·~-~,!lie, OOlll8 wt.th ~

Colllltr., Uld 01.t,, a. ..-llO ... ---. n...... , or·QPiaa. !Ila .._. a hie tunaa,

- all-~ tb8II ~ ~ tan.. tut,. Jato ~ · f\tlaNlt .lD4 into our pan.

lllllffk'W Ott - .... to t.t. ~ J'al.r. !be CoudJ'-Fa!r• the e.m.t.r"·!'air~ Ottw.,_lotn.~P.S.• tn.a t.he mm ms .UU aaleep.

We HM this pow.try, ~ ... Ami ... ot Mel'Y ldnd.. I t.rled lo lav.' a goldlm bm, ht. not, _. c-1.d I t1ttd. lEuabelh C.._anb,, AU•·6~1', P. ff. 2r. wt B. JacbaD... §te:11&, pp. D-5S. • - .. lla1l that, ...... ~ .... ft'1lae bl.ue. Bra I Wale IW'cl 8Gb. ntbe Jew s... •ts to •• clea'' ,_, W•:.:-~t=t:-• A. lt.tc .tat, pig ,slept 1D a ~ ..... 1altgh .dl3-ugh. '-.~ .. andatea4~ •• - thought et • -.-, Aid ilhllrl w lef'I tbl oata. Bhw,, ... llhllle ta OtJI' .,... ,,__. w _.. al t1- ·Coat,' Fer, t,.,.Ceual.J' ~,, tb!a, ~ .1aJ.r' T1lee w ~ at. tat: .~ ·~,...... ~111 ...... W. .., tha. W,...et ,-,kltw 1ft, w .-... •lovlr pl... w. 1ooW - .,,.... ot 1ft1l8 .... Ael '-ld3oa.r -,tor· --,

We - --...... , t,,alGhN• A ...... M 'blu. J1w of _.,.--. caaa b4 ...... ,.•• • .. - .,.. 11114-- J•W..,, teot: ...... - Nit...... to the plolaio £l'OIIDda De .... tffllrbeld. lie ~ 11pall \m farr.ta .-1 A.al w .. ~ to14. (tilt ,nq ai4 that r•« • rs.eh »t11b. ,.~ run or own>

....?hq \ile~--. wra tho .-t.t ~ Aa4 wdabecl .. au1q l"ilOIIJ ant., But 1ll'J' bone Sli.m)!" woa. AtMl t.here _. ..S.c ~' ... a4 ... at !'181. We threw .... balla &~ lrewJd.e dolla. ht. I COll114 * ld.l ... We - .Iha dar.Ulg GClrObat. AU Jump bdicJ a mt.. BatOl.'e w'd. ... .,. ball' tbe debts, We .r.-4 tbl .. had: aft. r.. . ~If; i I.·. J·. , .. fJ 1·- i . MI~ l ! 1 [1',~ If~.· ·. I :..·. & -, ,. I'· ..... I !I &I.· ' l ". . 1, _ _ .~ t: f !11 ff r · 1 l t'i:~ -: ; : i ; ~ 1 i : · ·. .·_ r , ~ · , " f J ! ~ht! Ji l : l ! ~ f • ' i :!t! :;~• ~::' HH f "'· .I, r s ir lY I i •. I [·. J t1f.·. ! f !.t I.. .' .. ..: .. ! .-,• .., i I · l • !!f • .f f1 Ill f1 I

" ct . . . I f .. l .· · · " .ft ,. • .. · . I. 1;$if,, - .· I· ·I'~~.1 .. ~ . .... • . r . • .. ' - .,.g , ; t :11; (•I; If e : ~ i9 J ; ~.· . ! f Jl't l I~ I - • I i I $: THIE COUNTY FAIR . 45 Pupils We went to the fair one night To see the lights, big and bright. 1Anent Fair.~ i • How many people had come there! To see each other at the county fair. ,-1 During the 1947 Osage County Fair,· 1·· 'pupils of the 4th grade at Union school They had so many rides, and their teacher, Mr.s. W. H. Lunday, That took you up and down. - attended the event in a body to study i The one that I llked best fir,:1t hand on a · sc~ool project, "The ! Was the merry-go-round. · · County Fair," and, in connection with l· the field trip, movies were taken } I stopped at a stand, (which will be ·shown i,oon) and later, And .watched a man, further study was -continued at school: Who'd cut my portrait "Following are original poems com­ For me if I'd wait. .Posed by the bo'ys and tlie girl!\ in their English work.-Editor's Note. ·After looking at the exhibits, Which were very nice, THE BIG DAY We came home because ·we- got· up early in the morning, It was almost midnight. 'There was excitement in tlie air, j · . · -Jennie Kathleen Blanc 1 For this was the big day, 1 IWe were going to the fair. OUR TRIP TO THE FAIR IOff we rode to the County Fair. There were lots of pigs and chickens, I was ,glad when we got there. There were cookies, cakes, and pickles. IWe 'saw the exhibits, large and small; When the· looking was done, Horses, cattle,· sheep, pigs, and all. We'd had such fun, i Spending our dimes and nickles. The lights were bright as they couldi -Ph111p Klein be I Our ·class got to ride the ferris wheell1 MY TRIP TO THE CO. FAIR free. . I went to the county ,fair After a while it was time to go, With my fourth grade class. And we all Said, "My! What a show!". We rode on a big school bus, -Bobby Barger Every lad and lij.ss. (Concluded Next Week) They made our moving pictures As we watched the judges work I WENT TO THE COUNTY FAIR , But when Mrs. Lunday said, "To the }.. .! ,~~~ to llie county fa,ir;.__ · midway," j There' wits lots to see· out there. · Her words we- did not shirk. The horse11, cattle, and pigs were nice. · Of the cake I would have liked a slice. On the merry-go-'round and the ferris I : • •• .# . - • • ~ wheel . · 0 I . rode. on the merry-go-round. ·We had a lot of fun. B~t the best thing tliat··1 found We diig il.Dd· round, That I could· hardly see tJi.e ground; , There was more for me to see I saw the things that woi,l first ·prize,,· I I And when we started home)the Ughts 1stm wa~ busy· as a bee I 1rn wait 'till next year to see the rest, shone in my eyes. . ·1 'After all if should be the best. --Carl Swarts I -Mark Elmer Labadie I I 46 , r. HN ANO H1$·. e4~ Pupils Tum oets John took•his calf to the county fair Hoping that he would win the first Anent Fair Trip · prize. (Concluded 'from last week) There were many other calves there. .A.fter hf.s calf won, he felt very wise. THE COUNTY FAfR The Fourth Grade at Union ' As the ~'e&Dle to a dose Went to the Fair. John began to plan for the next year. · What do you suppose , He meant to be up on his toes That we saw there? , B.ecause blue ribbons, to .him, were dear. We saw a lady Judge a cake . That my mamma COUNTY FAIR! COUNTY FAIR! Could easily bake. County Fair! County Fair! 1Everyone goes without a care. I saw a pig so big :I· saw a big fat pig. · •I almost danced a jig. He was oh! so big! ·The picture taken by Mr. Fitzgerald Hamburgers scented the air Will maybe' be . in the New York Out at the County Fair. Herald. Everyone was full of cheer, · And I'll go 'again next year. ate two hotdogs -Vivian Jones ,And a bottle of pop But I ran out of money • · WHEN I WENT TO THE FAIR So I had to stop. When I went to the fair -Lewis Hackleman I saw many boys and girls there. They were happy and gay, , AT TH~ CO,UNTY FAIR Enjoying the fun every w·ay. At tire County Fair -Marion Morris I saw cows, pigs, and chickens We ate hamburgers ' TO THE COUNTY FAIR From Mrs. Charton's· kitchens. I I went to the county fair One night, and saw the lights, I rode the ferris wheel ~ig and bright_. So big and round You eould see , Fairs alwaY,s come IAll over the grounds. In. the fall. I like pigs best of all. fI ro~e the merry-go-round I With horses of all colors. I rode t:ne loop-o-plane Mothers were waiting And will ride ii next year For sisters and brothers. I If I go again. -Walter Butler -Teddy Va~sar I OFF TO THE FAIR THE COUNTY FAIR , Off to tlie county fair I went : 'we go to the county fair 'When I got hoIPe I didn't have a cent. 1 To see the horses, sheep, and cows; The merry music was very ·1c;md, The little colt by the mare As I sat on the ferris wheel so' proud. , And the little pigs with the sows. Going liome, with a very light heart, I threw a ball· at funny men. .I went to sleep thinking, with a start, I missed and I th.rew again. "What a long, long time it will be I saw a 4-H boy's calf Until the next county fair we .shall lThat won a prize. see!" When I was ready togo home - Nita Solmon The stars shone in the skies. ~ _!.Louis DeNoya A DAY AT THE' FAIR I wenC to the fair with my mother WE WENT TO THE COUNTY 1 ·w e looked a t one thing after another, t FAIR "' We saw the art the children had done, ,Our fourth grade w.en to th!!., c.. cr..mty .A,.nd saw··I th·e 'animals,• one by one. . , fair. , We had a wonderful time . out there.

As I rode the ferris wheel sq Jhigh 1 The judges judged the bestc ows and I felt I ,was climbing up to the sky. ' calves. I' had fm{, too, on the mer~y-go-round The cakes the ladies cut in halves. Riding th'e horses bp and down. Down · the midway there we ~trode, • To the merry-go-round where we rode. My day at the fair was a b!g event . 'Then up on the ferris wheel The nicest day "I ever s~nt. iRiding ft we got a thrill. I ate lots of popcorn and candy, too, . 1we had hamburgers, candy, and pop, I wish every day wa; Fair Day, don't IBut our money ran out, so we had you? I to stop. -\ - Loretta Duncan - Ronald Franklin . ' ' I 47 t'ull ;rlee r. U... ,au.,. PJ'Ol)lema -~total pN1ld.m !Wipbt ot u!db!.-. ... to ... ot the elan 1l8NNll'8 - ot apeelal ldereet.

Original p.rob1.eallJ ~l~ tia, 41atanoe, .,....,. ~ we~ ~ty, ete•• .,_. -. .S ftl,lllll4 oat. CcmalderaUm .,... gt_. to, teUblg U...

1n pl.a:tmtng the .....to oo!.Mlde vtth fat ~. · -ayatlaM.l.1'7 ot Mr.,. c. n~. • ~pmr. v11o vu to pbDliogaph thlt group, t1lt awtl•ld.ltt, ot .\bit ''blast .. bus ctn..... , .. !bla iQ!jltdl4 larAlng ' '.,_-' ... ot tm boura or • aa,.. -v. -,.. or 1--Wlilek.,. tbe ~ c1a--. Muoh tNi--1 •tw. ahtoll ~ S.. wr.t1Md t.o own ebJ•t

or work• eentitr- or ~ t'ld.s mit -· ~ .....i. to dne~ * ...... tmd eraft. HliSV' u~ and taNhaatua aperiu111 oe appllOdt.. ~ ..... 111cm with petnta• O'rllYCIN• aat otlm'· IIIICl1& .._. approprlata. Thia O"OUP ot ohtlcllrm ,._ eaU:m&~ I.a •tber1D& ,cllpplnp to.r ibe" 11111" aorap boolas.

Tbt art illPfl"lieree wt: ~ '° the pclaS> - ...... pd:atlng, aD4 bu114bg v.ltk ·pa~ -· .. ~ ..,.i. or .. tatr. !hay madl a eol.lec'1oD t:ir t.b1H u1•la• pa111'84 tbea with uow oa:rd pdat. at14 .t.1- htmd .... 48

!ha· 11.atea Sol:a&,e1 AMIil ..... ad the ••-- ,.... aa1*t to app111ar oa tha Ja'OSl'atl ot the 0... Cm1diF '.lwlchlnf ~ fall w'1Dg 1a the Pblmltb: .. Sdaoo1. ..U.tor!m,. 1a • elm ••. -tra~ .,,.... hov ~ ..,.tloa ls --4 ta·• alt, ot ..... (S. ~ copy- or p,:Npa ~ W.. duerl~.) Oplq• ....s..-.,.. ..a to *-~~to t:t. .,.1,y fair'. '- ptetmaa uec1. Wlft taten boa ce~ ....-Snes-. ur1 __,.,.... Tbl7' iDCW peor,18

T181\bc fa.t.ftl., :tam ni•la• '"8 Club bo,J9 ADI glrle td.tb ~ ahlb1ta,

,._,.. -' tbdzo v.i._. &lltbarbtc ad ~ Gbll.dt. r. ahollbg u tbe tah• u4 nanal!OQIJ. aatalYl.tl•• a.ah u r1dlng • tM ~ ftlllJ'14 an4 tbe f«l'rla --1. 2b 1111\T ot t.a. teao.hue Qtd'JAl;rw. tbt _. ot U. opaq.- pro,feotar llllS a w ald 1D ..,.,.,._ 111d __. .~ ...... !h1e. pan fllt ~ t1t•rmt.nU. .. toll..« llr the ftnt, pabli.e ...... _ of 1;he f"Ua of the gnmp, 'VUlt.blg U.. 0..,. -C'oaa\,y F.- ~. !hit ta8' that \be t.i.r b .. ~ ·belortg:lDg Jolnlll' to all la\ ~

bad~ )!IINm....S U. tu.a. a~ .....,..--~•. ~l a:rpnrta. 1-paNq• the ohil.._ W .d · hla W4 vb&\ til.11

U.,, ViUe to - at '118 ~ bl ..SW \t!a~ the -.--. pd.Dotpala, reaolbg to •••,. ~1...... the ..... lllc1dllat4.Uy W. w.. a ftnt. a.pen..,. ot it.a Jdll4 tor the- olua u well u ..ror ti. 1lehoo1 .,....__ S111111l nmarka u~ ·'-, Illa\._ tet• •Look a~ lolml• -aiw. w IP to tlll 1MJ. • .__., * oo1ee I,lfdl,.J1• ..- Mad the ns., tew -•eooa. or ~ ...... _. 1 I ! I I_! ii I!'· r I· f · f _ 'i i .,_•. I J ,.. ! .Ii,_. . i t , f .. 1 .. i 11 , 1 1 -= ~ t' - 1 i a .. i I f f I I I ! ; i I f i ! ! f i ! I i I ! i i I J i ~ ~ f ; I • i 3 ~ ! l l I I l ~ i f ~ : f ! I f I I [ t i [ ..l ~ ! I .. I f ~ ~ i I I ; f I [ I I I ! t ; 1 J ~. r !.· _- I _· ...~ .• t I .._. I«.·_! ( • .•·· ~ ~- _ f . · f i_- 2. i I I I! f ! i f "' i C l 8 i .. - I k f C " g • fi. • ~-.-· : i l ! 1··. I 1· i _·. ; I I . : t !._·. f i 1_ i 1. . (:I:! ' I O . I~ ' f· J I .. f f f • t ! ~ f • I f i 1 I I(_ fl ,11 ~ f _t _ -.- [ l:? 1 .. .,_ I_. ;1._. ia. ~ 3.fi f =: ;i «+ 1 1 • ! f ·. - • f ~ ~ i f i _ ~ :: .. • I " ·

.. ,.. · · r a i+ f.'I' - f 1· , 1. · ~ ti i 1 . • a l -' • :_ f 1. .. • J ll: ~- . a.. I '._ Ir i 1 .. it: .l' i A " i f • {r i i i 1. r:- • ! •· • L~ . •• ~ I I t ; ! j } ! f J i [ ! ! ! ; f j ' ! ~ I t I f 1 t - r • dli r a .. • , ~ I a I i :. a I . 1 P .. 1 _ _ n~ rr, 1l~a,11a t1 -~11,• Mi1f1~~ i 5 f r tt l B i 1 .. .. I • .. a 1 ~ Ii . - ' ...,• • ,. [ 1 1 1 a , ! . , ~ 1 , , , • , 1 • r 1 1 1 . r.. ~ , ~ ! ~ i s: t i r f : r I' . • ~ ,, l l .. . .;; t fj t ' .. ,i ! il !: fl l f i [ . Ii . 0 1 I I ; 1 [ l , ~ ~ 1· i . r , · ~ 1 r , . 1 l ~ f g rrif .. ;i[ . ~,!! t ~.'lf! 1 ( 3 t::f l i i l i.. · 1. J 1 1 a if t I;. ! t.··, f.. 1•. ~ J: ! I J l f l f t ~ yr I a t f " · t ~ I a' ~ f I t ~ 8 :, J f ~ i f I ·. JI I Ii t I= l t I, Iii.:: .. •i Et.· · t i f r ,.~l ~ l I ; 1 !.. i i t '· t. r ;. I I r I I!; ![H'f' '" l II 11 'ji1.,.-

I .. r. · ~ e: J. I f ! • I. i •. r t t I ! .. ;. i i f I I • a f i a . ff . fl . ~ s ~ .· ~ _ ~ I ~;ff:fJ .• . fJ-rr: Jbsf!f(i ,. ,.., 2 ; Jr:: i I~... · r 1.· ! J.. I ~. : ~. ! J :. ' ~ I r.,. t;' I,a .• •,. •«: PI' J.· 8~ 'C . rff. ,.f i Ill. •r. a i I • i I. ~r s~ · i l.f. t ·· e ' • ~ Q; ... • .. ~ . ( . ~ 51 art1r1cial. lightilrg is t.lBCGSSU'.1, whieh ,req'lli.re:s additional help vi.th at le,~ a Ut.t.l.e experience.

'n. begl.nntng ot tb18 part ot t he f'ilm began with the ehildnn crowded around vlawing the Judge, Jtt~ the ca:trea. It.,.. MpeclallT eleer and good f'or inside pleture.s aad brought from the ohlldr&D such remarb as:

0 Doem't that look goodf• "Lc»k at PhlllpJ ba loolat l.U.e he waata a bite.• Phill,p remarked, 1t! dld want a Mte. The Judge· 1*t u t.aate,, too.• Several goad shots vere t.noludecl heft abow1J:ag the boa. deznonatration

clul\ vomea•s booths, ahowhtg their stnd.Dg• cana:1 og, etc. The pictures vere good and called '° mln4 JuA bow t,be mdd.lld.t.s bad been ar:ranged. There "81'8 alao SD0\8 of <>PIil olus oamdnc am aevtng. They vould haw boa more appealing in color.

Views ot tbs 4... u Club camtag and a~ ·WOl'e shown mn. Good p1o"'"8 of Miu Etlllilll Crnmdl•~• Ccnm\r Bon8 ~t.ntioa Agent,, and her assistant,

Mn. ~Y Pr1elrett, &11111aUDg tba jud&ff- who were judg1»,: the 4-f.l Club record llookB 1w both boys and g:lrle, od the girls'' cmmliag ad NV1ng ·wre

next.. Tbe,.. were sholm" too• taldng U. out to explatn to the ohildren

and Mn. ~ about 4-!l Club work. Couaeata Wl"8 such aaa ~·• M1u Chandler~ !"cl Ulm to belang to tba ""'8 Club.• 1ISle told u. all about 1tJ see?•

B'ext .,. the p1otultea of tbl 1,N>UP view1Dg tbe Pavhualra Seboola edll­ catJ.onal u:ldblt.. It ,.. pqrel,y a ooineideat t.bat _. ot the clearest

shota included 'ffR'T pl.ala plctmee ot 9Gila8 ot the toarth grade'• own oreatiw

crayon work. 'fluty ·N5P ._. "SN, tbeft'• Pat.ria'• ptctun.• •took at Willl.all'• C8118l. • .. Isa't, it ,goo41• •ObJ tbne'• Mr. s~ againl• •took, Mr. Alla (the count7 aupertatenthnt) ia wplng." •s.. be'• laughing.• Tba etage ot the high school audi:torl~ which f'or this occasion saned to represent a cl:assrooFJl vaa made a bit more attnetlw, and given a lltU. · more or the at.mospbne at a achool clas:sro

On p&getl 54. ... ;s are cllppinp,. two ot which wre carried by tb8 loul daily paper; one ~ t he meeting and one t~ it. ~ OJJlt "Couat;r Teachers Elect. otricws" vas carried IV t.bD local weekly paper-.

lf.8 chU.dren. or tho other gre.du at. the Union School. were ea«&r to ae1t the film or the fourth grade at tb.e county fair. ?he fourth graders wre entbustutie ahou.t. seeing theaselna ~in, so it was arranged t.hat. all six gndle GOUld see tt. together in a ehapel ~ Ia tbiJJ eon or situat.ioa it vas agreed that it vould be beat. to withhold their a«mnents until they bad N 'turned to the1J" room. This discuaa!• we.,~ an •1ntormal drawing togethel" et the ftriows "1reads o.f the unlt.•l. Mot.1..-ation 'WU high at th1a po1at tor an nalmtton by 1ntu1.t1ve criteria~ vhlch vu deemed better tor t.h1a type~ unit. Iba \utlng b;y eo-oalle4 acient1f1c m.terta.

~uut.iou aueh as the ODU listed early 1n the study' were discussed and aa­ sven agree4 upon through dtNWlsion. Mr. Preeman Glenn MaOOllbar says:

Most Ullitli ha• that. pbaae vhlch 1a pnerally ti.ened 'l'he .eul­ miDIIUUI ot the 11111 ~. 1 Tb.la •Y t. a wry .tnrom&l dravtllg top\ber ot the wrloas · ~ ot the md.t tbrou&h 1.ndiYidual a1ld grou.p repc,rt.e:,. c:lhcwnd.. OD8• drameUattons. and abd.l.ar aet.1.Yit.ies, or lt. m:, a1181JIIIJ a ..,. elaborate nla as a pageant,. a dramat1sa\l.on to be 91'eseated to p-..ll"'9Dtrs and other fP:"OUPB, or an7 t4. a JffllQber ~ IICl'e or 53



PRESIJENT------Uiss Nevadn: Cowan,Principal Horace Ua.nn, Hominy VICE-PRESIDE J'IT------Lewis A. Bean, Principa~ Pawnuska High School SEC-TREASURER------Urs. Eunice Davis, Teacher · PcrshinG

Salute to the Flag------Audience

Prayer------·------Rev. R. G. Harris First Methodist Church

Husical Numbers------.:..------Vocal Department, P avrhuska Tiesley E. Rose, Director High School

Audio-Visual Classroom Demonstration------4th Grade, Union Sc'1001 Nellie E. Lunday, Teacher

Address------J. c. Fitzgerald Director, Audio-Visual Education A. &. H. Collci:;c

Business Session------:------Hevada Cowan, Prc0ic10,.,.,.,

Announcements~------~------T. E. Allen County SuperintGndent

County Classroom Teachers I Ueeting------Hrs. Inez L. Allen President, Osage County AG s ociation 54

• , director.._ audlo- '\daual education, A. & M. liollege, COU Stillwater; who had taken the group pictures at the fair, addreSBed the l group on the topic of audio-visual edu­ SELECT, O~Fl(ERS lT cation. He emphasized the fact that there has been too much verbalism in .CITY MEEING education. Teacl\ers in the past have :Austin ,L;, ...kendall, teacher at· been prone to think" it has come out , the Mound Val'kf S!'hools, was elect­ -of a book." · ed president of the Osage County "The .whole idea," he ~id, is: ''is it possible to make school as interesting T~achers Ass~iation when it conven- 1 ed in the Pawhuska high school audi­ to the pupil as for them to listen to · torium Friday .tternoon. Other of- ! a lumberjack tell a story in carrtp? ficers elected were Frank Norman' · With audio-visual education yes!" ' ' superintendent of Foraker schools' , At the conclusion of the afternoon's '. vice-president; and Mrs. Virgii David' business session, the classroom teach- , ,teacher· at the Sunset School: north~ ers held a social hour, with coffee east of H~iny; secretary-treasurer. and refreshments-being. served to the ' Twe delegates elected· to the board 1 group. 1 of. directors of t}J4r0klahoirta Edu­ cational AssociatioRJ.we!"e T. E. Allen, O~age , county supjrintendent; · · a:?d 1 Mrs: Mayme .Myers, ocial science in-1 structor at the ·1 hig · school. · Delegates to the ominating com- ' . mittee of the -Northeastern District meeting to be held in Muskogee were l\lir~. Edith Layton, rural school sup- , e1·v1sor, and E. C. Spra,ue, city school J superintendent. With Miss Nevada Cowan, past as- · sociation president, pfel!iding the acti- , vities Friday began at 1 p. m., with a salut.e to . the flag, ·followed by an opening prayer, led by Reverend ·F.. G. Harris, pastor of the First Methodist­ Church. Approximately 150 teachers ·scHOOtJEACHERS were in .attendance, representing for _the greater part P8lyhuska, Barnsdall; Hominy, and nearby county rural OF (OUNTY WILU districts. ·rhe mixed chorus of th"e h1gh' school, under the direction of Wesley MEET ON FRIDAY. E. Rose, prescnte

County Teachers Elect Officers

When teachers of the Osage coflnty· Is _chools held their a_nnual fall meeting in Pawhuska, last Friday afternoon, offipers were selected, who are: Aus­ I.tin L. Kuykendall, teacher in Mound Valley . schooi, president; Frank 'Nor.~· ,man, Supt. of Foraker schools,,.. vtc.e­ ;president; and Mrs. Virgil D~ t~ )teacher in Sunset school, secreta._rj~ treasurer. · . [ T. E. Allen, superintendent or'' .the 1 Osage county rural schools and Mrs. Mayme Myers, head of .the history de­ partment in Pawhuaka highscb~i" were named delegates to .the Oklaho· ma Educational association. - ' Nominating ,committee delegates to the Northeastern District meeting, which will be held in Muskogee, are i Mrs. Edith Layton, rural school .super­ visor, and E. G.- Sprague, superintend- ' ent 'of the Pawhuska city schools. Mrs. Nellie Lunday, teacher of the, 4th· grade in Unidn school, Pawhuska, presented- an interesting and informa­ tive audio-visual demonstration,· with, membei;s of her class who attended ' the Osage county fair and built a unit of study around their trip. A .movie 1 of the field trip also was shown -and the group sang two numbers, "The County Fair," by Martin; and "T)le Merry-Go-Round: by Hoagy Carmiach­ el. Mrs. Luverne Harris, elementary schools · music .supervisor, was ·piano accompanist. J . . C. Fitzgerald, director of .audio­ visual education at Oklahoma A. and M. college, Stillwater, who took' the pictures, spoke to the gathering on I "Audlo,Visual Educ.a!!on." . A mixed. chorus of Pawhuska high­ school, un,der the direction of Wesley Rose, presented· two a cappella selec­ tions, "On Gre11t . Lone Hllls," by S_I-' bellus; and "0; Clap. Your Hands,'' by Cameron. . . ,. ,'J. Th~ DJ.ee.t~ng, presided over b:r Mis.s Nevada,. .Cow:ap., .past .pr~sid!!nt.. of the , groµp; was opened with the Flag Sa­ lute, foliowed ',J,y a prayer by the Rev. .R. G. Harrts, pastor of ,the local First Methodl,stb¢b;\1r9.h. ..: { · · iii C0~ii;cl~~{Qn~~ social _hour was held Iand refreshments served. , ·· . • •.." .;t . - '1 leas pnt.entloaa UDdertaldnp,. In 8A71 GUI the purpoee ot tbe eul­ nd.na\lag aott.Yitln v1ll be de~d by t'8 nature ·of the unit and by ·t,ba des1rea ot the group eouernect. The belier that an elaborate cuJmtnaUng aoUYlv la an essent1.al tor f!l'fflr1 unlt 1• tallaeioua. Many al.ta .-f and probably wt ot them ooght, to end-in a rather un- 8Num1.J:lg wq.

Com1cleratlca \188 giWD to the general objeoUTesa or pm-pa••• eel up in the beglpning, w1 th tlae plpile dd the teacbff e...tuai1ne 1*' wll they bad 'been aooc11Pllahecl. ~,oeetmer the poap di8CU11N4 what good bad OClll8 from the stud;r, bow moh enjoJlllbt. t.bey bad _,..1--4 together, and a dee1re to oontta. stwl,y in sim.U.ar centers of' iateren, or units ot stud7.

The group talked toptbw ·OD this oocu1cn u they had MD7' tims before ot sbari.ag ti.Ir uperienoe- vi.th their pt.NDts aD4 the pu,enta or the other cbildnn or the acbool. they J18d.e pleas to tai. part.i ow.ar care to eapeoialq 1DY1t.e all gl'Oll!Mtpa to the next. P. r. A. program. at whlob. t1lllle ta f'OUl"ti,h era• vaa sobedu.lad to present the ~ n.y bad tradN tums wi.th the .aeoond grade who wn ori.gina].q aobedlaJed rar the loftmber prograa. Plana w.re to have the .same nets u tboae pat OD •t the Osage

C4Unt7 E4uoat1anal. Aaeoe1.at.1oa plus a mre extens1• l'OClll ·abibit ot the acraphoob• araatiw art, and budloratt 11;.e.ru ttia~ all or the ehildnn or the grwp had i:articipated iD illllkSJ:lc.

Thia P. T. A. -.\l»c wa wll attended Gd t.ta 1"00lll exhibit u well u the tilm .llft"f9d •• a16' 111 pmUe relaUoaa 1n hlalpbg utabliab a better understanding between Nbool, beat• and OOIIDrllli ty. Mu.ty ta..,.'ble coanen.te ot the unit ot _.k were axpc 11•e4 b.r patrcma and parente attadliw. 0a pap S"I an ol1pptap ot artlel.n vblch appeared lJ1 looal newspapers toll oving tbe culalnatiag «otifl.U.U ~ the IB!d.t ot at1q'.

While the urd.t or wort ca -The C«mty Fatr• to.rmally endild vi th this final acitYi~~ tbe 1Dtereat and moftlvatJ.on did not die. A4d1:tional. :stories, poems, booka, picture.a, catalogs, and materials or ftri.ows sorta 57

1r * 1·Union P.T.:A. 'Met DEMO~STRTION ~T . :· . Thesd~y':Afternoon .-..... 1:.-.r":- I,. ..i.,,, ,• .. UNION SCHOOf IS·., The Union ·P:T.A:.,; met t fot ~their ·regula,r <'monthl:V- llef their sociation of,,lrhe Union school met at ~xcursion were .taken an~ ?ave been I 2:·30 o'·clock, Tuesday afternoon, in shown ·to a,~ of c1v&e-,, groqps. the school buildin& with Mrs. S. E. The class fncludes: Bobby~ Barger, Blair, prestaent of the organization, Paul Besse, 'Walter ·Butler, Elnf'er presiding. , f Butts, Louis DeN oya, Rich!(rd Doh- , . The gathering gave the flag salute/ ! :rer, Ronald Franklin, Lewis Hackle­ and sang . '-'America" and, after the man, Philip Klein, Mark Labadie, short business seSBion, T . .E. Allep., Wayne ~emon, Jessie Miller, Wes­ ~age,. county . superintendent ?f ley Mor.ton, Rolland Riesberg, Fran­ schools; iih9,;we·d a inov.ie of Mrs. Lun· cis Smith, Carl Swartz,· Teddy Vas­ day's '4th grade pupils on their trip sar, John Vice, John ,Windsor, Ed­ to· the county'·fair. -· .'-- die Wright, Kathleen ·mane, Loret­ 1 This student group sang two .songs1 ta Duncan, Rose Harris, Elaine J e­ "The County Fair" •«lld. "The Merry: vellas, Vivian Jones, Margaret Ma­ Go-Round," and ga,e ·i!f-il:;e.1:1 ,readlrt~s. lone, Marian Morris, M11cel Morton, : In closing. :refresh~. ftts -,~ere serv- Delva Mae Ogan, Goldie Smith, Max· ed, with Mrs. Roger( M~y and Mrs. 1 ine Smith, Nita Solomon, Mary Sue Harry Grant acting as-\14frostesses. Wright, and June Forbes. pertaini»g to the oenter ot inteftat, \lel'9 read .GJld enJo:,ecl all during tbe year,. On ll9J1y occasions memhens ot the clua voaldoall the attention ot the group to tba1r ttndtep on tbe eubJeot. Other ll81lllNrn or the group continued to shov interesl when su.ob at.tent10111AS called. Tbe7 vou.ld uk tor the next tun. at the ator)",, poem• or book. Many •teriala vb1.oh 1D former ,-rs had labl idle were ?Ut to use with a •111nlng and an 1ateres:t, becauea or our s~.

Those w1 th taoi.lltiee tor a prdaa and tor grov1Jlg tb1np were stimu­

l ated to blprove tbllir vartetiea to exblb1t ill the naxt Oaap County ~

Fair. 1'be enthusiasm seemed to be eontagiou~ in that DUJlbers of tbs parenta who had not, been ut1ve ahiblton µNrriaul.y 1ndicated thnt t.be7 were preparing exhibits tor the next tair.

Interest._ •lao• 1n making ahlbita in the achool roGII tor the e4\lca­ t1onal part o! the faiJ- WU mul.\lplled NYe1"&l timn. 1'hroughout the ,-r w hes.rd such ata~ as, "We ought to saw that tor the tau-.• "Thia

1s a good OM, let1s aep it far the talr_." •Jolm,.a i s goad# le~ta put it

1n the tair next year.• •i.t•• abov our hand aade anlllala at the ftd.r next tall.• ·9Tbae colored fn1 ta 4114 wgetablee are· lilm vha\ the farmers bring to the ra.1.r. S1Dee ve llve 1D tovn and dm•t haw c,rcharda,· letta take tbllee to the tair.•

The IDY1• tum ot the children'• trip to the .f'alr cm Judgiag day vu

shown and. vUl be ahowa apill ad again at cl.S.c gatherlnp. We eODlli der it emellent. tor pw,li.o re:lationa, u well ae beiJle cterta1.D111g and 1.nto.rlllatiw. It bas gftat latered appeal 1D it. own COD'PID1t7.

Then ls cozmll'C1l)le nidenoe that tbe tnd1t1onal 1'Count7 Fair41 • which bas become a part ot American llt'e, partieularq in farming areu, will alva19 mean IICD9thiag more vhole9C1118, Dm"!8 intormat;lve, more pleasant, S9 and aore belptul. to Otll' eat1re part1c1pat1zlg group,. and nen somewhat more to the tud.lies who had children in the group. and ewn to \be eallml'Dit7, than it. IIOUld haw~ had we not •de this stu,' OD the aubjmt. 60


Th1a p1eoe or work 18 not exper1Ja8Dtal educational research. but an integrated unit ot work. "The COUJ1ty Fair,• C81'Tied on 1n the fourth gt'a&t or tbe Um.on Sc.b,ol• Pawlmalra• Oklahoma, suitable nen ae to bibllography' ot reading material.a, tor aDJ' or all grade• from grade three tbrougb eight.

In view ot the objeoti.'fl!NI set up early int.he unit, (See Contents) an attempt, vill be ade here to smlllDBrize 'brietl¥ 80mlt or the mJor aocompllah­ menta or the um.t. At the beg1mJ.Dg or tbe •twb' the chUdren bad little coeoeption ot what tbe county ta1r meane to them or to the aammanttq or to the oorm.t;y u a vmle. Tba7 l9&l'Dl!J4 of the cmnt1ea ot Okl.ahora, Osage Count,- 1a the largeet.1 tba~ Pawtmsa la 1'8 OOtl'lltiY· eeat.,. am that lt hui aneral other good-eiaed towna such ui Ho111J>T, !'ail"tu, Barnadall, WyDODa, Avant,

Shidler• and Webb Cit,y. 1'ba7 learned that the talr ts tor the p&r'tic1pa­ t.1on or all the people ot tbe count7 as t.heJ' see fPif,J :turtbermore, that the fair attracts Dll.f1Y' penens tl"Olll out. ot the coet;y aa guaeta or vieltora. Tm childru 1m.el"9'1.elled w or the ol

The purpose ot EU1'0p08D fairs vas tor b1qiDg and selling, J'9t it ws the great mating place tor belle, terr dance, and far gayety, while ours, the group. COl'lCl.uded, are cine enterpr1888 tar exbibl~ and ror: agr!oultural promotion.

In studying what the !armers raise 1n the line ot liveatock and crops, depoading upon envlromental aurround1nga and condit.tou, the children were able to get an imigbt 1Dto how the natural ell'\'.U'Ollll8nt intlueDCn the va.JS

1D vh1ch people earn a liYlng, and hov, the farmer help, to teed. clothe, and shelter the psople ot the eount.y, the state, and the nation. Soae

thought and attention waa givell to the needs of· tbe world and the ftQne . ·,

In dlacuesion periods on the UD1 t or wrk~ ve tried to allow treedan,

as wll u in the activ1'7 periods. The cl.as• members .tel.\. tree to go aboltt the 1'00II to use ma.~ials• to search for 1.ntormatioll, and to cs.rr17 out actJ.T1tiea, keeping iD m1Dd regard tor the- rlgbte ~ -others, thus

provid1Dg •X?erience in tiaPDOl'lllt.1.c );C"OOedurea. Contributiou 1n Yarl.ou

.f'ortl8 relnant, to the unit ot study were velcmed and eJlCOlU'aged, vith respect, tor the opbdona ot the varloua cl.us membera. Ptlptls learned bow

to accept am discharge rea.ponaibillt.y and &maloped 1n1tiatiye and creative­

D$8S to a IDl!lrked degree as tbe study prvgressecl.

Ona ot tl\e purpoeee ~ this study was to give paplls VainlDg 1D

saf'ety, partJ.cularlJ' that pbue pert.a1D1ng to l'idtng on bua999, as well as other sat'et.y suggesticma 1n trs.f'tic and crowds. This stwtY vu with a definite purpose, that ot prepu1.ng tar the trip., and all indications wre

that wluable infOl'llatioa was gained. Such saf"ety procautton,, as the fol­

lav1ng were inelwiecl 1fl the 11st made 07 the claes •mben:

Baab seated while t.be baa 18 1s motioa.

Keep be&4 and bands 1.uidlt ~ bus.

Do not t.elk to the bus driwr.

Get- ott· after the bWJ bas eaapletel)" stopped. Other safety rules such as orosaing atreeta sa£el.J'. waJ ld ng an the lert side vhen. necessar;y to walk down a ear traveled ro&~1' or highway, and the

Ulm we,re included in the study, and follow-up oblervation i!ld.icated t.hat. there was a goad C8n:"Y-GVer into e'l'VYda7 11'.'dag.

Much 1mprcm,meat 1a tba knowledge ot how and where to get .into.naation seemed n1dent.c. '?bit children learned to iaterri.ew older people .ad bring

1Dt01'Ur4tion obtained baok to the group, thU8 ~ tbeir COlllftnat.1on and understanding. We all le med. tb:ror~gh talldng and disoumdng the aubjeet ot the county ta1r w.1.th experts• tbosG responsible tor putting on the tolr. These otficiala appeared glad to come tic· the ecbool and talk

'With the claN. Their discussions Neiaed to af'ford high motivation 1'o:r ... aeektna addit.tonal intO?mQt1oa ~ the 1W8 .~ - tablea ~ oont.enta" / • lndaxea, gloeaari••• orw• ratennoes, and alpbaltettzed llstinp 1n boob and magazinetS. From otU" ow ·roca library• the ecrhool ll'br!ley', the e1 ty­ library, the State Ltllrary Commias1on. and. &OIi the Eztenaion Libraries of

Oklaboma Agrieultur'lll and Meohanlcal Cellep G:11 the Uni'99ntty of Okla­ homa, a wealth ot boob and mapztnea on the sut,Ject vu obtained hall which the class' memben beoame very proficient in sel:eeting and naluatt.ng

By llaterd.lJI to tbs traimd judge.a and superlnt«Ddents 1n charge ot the various departments of the £air, the clan wt1 able to learn the cbaracterlstioa of the dltterent. bneds, {male &ad female,) or the horses, catU., sbeep• hop, poultry, and rabbits, such as ditterenees 1a col.or, stae, shape, bcdy contour, and body' covering. L1.keviae they were helped in identifying fruit.a• ,eptablea,. graina, and seedlt by col.or, ala,. shapa, and cO't'erlng. With t.bis mott.,at.ion or interest. the study .O()ll'M.nued through the use ot opaque projected picwres, books, DeVepaper9, mgazl:au, fair catalogs, posters, and man,y other aids. 63

With aimllar techm.q\19 the &nelopraent ot keener intereet in hobbies, nover afl'llagemant. bakitlg, canning,, aewt.ng, handt.crart• . and art was aocaap­ Ushed.. Several el.ass lllllmbera actual'IT started worthwhile eollections and hobbies, after our f''iel.4 trip to the t'air, which bobbies they are still pu.rsu1ng. UlC1WUMICl int.erest in tba at.tractive ~wnt or flowers and beauty ,spots in the school roam actual.l¥ oatQt from the i.llteroat awakened by viewln£ am learning about the t'lower exbtblt., vb1ch interest, mothers told ms, carried over to the heme. Some 1.Dd1oat.ed an interest in beginning some bak1.ng and NWlng, which aet.1:ri.Ues vere cont1ned to t..1le bome, since we we.re mt equipped for tba t.. 1n t he school.roam and our number or pm.>ila was alllast too large to \17 its l11Clus1on.

The interest o! ·the'' P11.oll8 1n hand!crat\s and art waa 1.ncreaaed man7 t imes, it aaemed., Their Ylewlng these exhibits aeemed t,o open up pstbva19 ot possi bilities ot thup to ualr:e. Our work table vas a writable bee hiw ~ act.ivit..7, and J11aD7 paper maeblt trutte. wgetab.lea, an4 animals crea t.ed during clan vork- periods and rainy DNmat and recee•• during the

1947-48 school term await beillg exhielte

Fair. Purposetul., creatlw, busy aetJ.vtty took the plaee or m1.rq" day bore­ dom and diSCi?~ problems.

All fbrms ~ expreaaion, both written and oral ., lmprowd mtlceably v1tb mueh need £or storl•s. letter wlUng, wlepb:>ning, COD'l8rtd .ng, lnte~ vlev!J:lg, and d19oussiag la can,-lng out the milt of study.

Better listeners seemed a det1n1te part ot 0t1r aceo11pll8bmenta. MaJ:lT ot the children bad never 11.stened to other ehll.dre. read vit.b4,ut the aid

~ vatcbing the plaoe i n the reader froil vhieh the reading c• •• Om- pro­ cedure was to listen when a ola•s ll8lUber read something eapeciaU,. intereettng or applicable, vi.th our own books closed• a technique vhieh we believe 1• prond llstentng. Ewr.y pbaae of the study helped in 1.ncreaaing vocabulary, tbe dis­ cussions, writing the stories, matdng the 1nte"'1.evs, T1eving the sound film on •County F&1r,• CU'1",YiDg on telep!lODS OODYersatiou, writing let­ ters, reading rele-..nt, •'8rlal, aD4 just Uetezd.ng. The vocabw.ar7 ln­ creaae was surprisingly large.

Aritbmet.i.cal si\uat!cma whiob. arose wen ll'Wll8rous. AB attempt \1111

•de to incorporate ar1t.bmeUc pl"ONSees a.a the need presented i tselt. In

:measuring and calculating spaeing 1n mounting the achool1s edueaticmal emib1~, the root ruler was used, and acme knowledge or meuUNment resulted. Ill carrying out the eanstruet1oa of paper mache• truits, wge- tablea, and animals, ca.lcula\1.on ot pr"Oportlonate a1zes Wl'8 necessary.

?er.ma and COt1Cepta ot tlma, d1.atance, speed, coat~ weight, stse, and quanti~ \Ml"8 claritied t.brough the working ot probleilB, an the fourth grade lnel, using such~ Original proble.1111 rela~ t.o these terma and concepts were CG1posed and solwd. l"1gur1Dg 1n dollars and cents vas necessary 1n finding

Much grovth in la1ttatiw and oreative ab1llv was erldenced, to

Y8J'y.1Dg degrees, ~ course, vi-th ditfentnt class~. The t:reer cm­ ftrll&tian and JIOl"e nearly- natural 11 vtng experieaes eeemed to bring out better constructed, lcmger, more meant.ngt'ul sentenoea than the word or phrase answers that. characterise the more traditional question and anaver

•thod. With evc:ey oonta-1.buUoa being honored and veleaned, the class memb&nt initiated many of tbe ideas and suggestions, vhlch proved to be llOrS benef'!cial and helptu.l than it all or the planning had been done enUrel.7 by one teacher tOJtt the group, thWt g1v1ng a cbeooe ror mental and personality growth ror all. 6S

Cou.ci1.ng 1a ohanoteriattc ot Bftrage ehildren ot fourth P'8de level• so studies haw shown, and tb1a 1nteren was ai,ftD a chance tor exercise in th1s unit. A wealth of C01Ult7 ~air atortea and pictures were collected, ~ and ptit. into aeftP boob. Thia wu tdciaating ezperiwe tor tbe group.

Singlng ecmga a.bod, "The Count.1 Fatr• was JIIOl'9 1ntensely mtend into and enJo,ad, 1t ••• to u teachers, t.hfm aay other~ of' the IIIU8.lo tor the year. trnt1l one geta into the aptrtt or· varldng out- unite or work, one mi~ th1.Dk that .._., tor inatamce, m a csertata aubjeot, or center ot Interest., alght be unaw.llaba, mt we 41d mt t1li4 it ao. On or Mal' tb1a grade i...i. ve locaW IIOmllthilag owr a 4oaen 8Cl'lp about ooant.1 fain end \ypl.eal NONa\l.on ot .tain. Tvelw or the scmp: we conaic!aNd best and ll09t appr.opriaf.e vere Jd.llaographed and wsed cl&r.1.ng the study' of tbe unit. Creatiw ~l JJltfflllllenta proridad cme ot the bspptest and

JIOS\ e.DJoyable experiences ot an. Cage County teacbens:, atte.nding the eount.,.. t.achers meeUng, ll8N wrr enthuaiaatt.e and.· ccmpl.illlenwy et the childnm1 s damnnstnticll al.aDg t,b1s ll.Jle.

Toward t.he ci..e et our unit or SWtV' w 4Llouase4 aDd rni-4 tbs questiO.DB and ldNs growtag out or the earl;r diecuseton. !be thirteen quut;ions w had llat.1td 1n \beee earl.7 stagea or the atud7 were aDaVered in the llght o:rvbat ve bad experienced and 1earaed together. It t.11s tntceeting to OOllp6l'e these interest. and aD8W8l'9. w1 th the small store ot intormatlan with wh1ch we began.

Referring to theae ortg1Dal queatiou vhlch bad oome boa the group earl;r 1n the •tud.Y, led lllto aD eftluat.ion dlecua1on of the growth the cl.us bad madie 1n •tu.ctr skill.a. Tbe olaas memben could mention 118117 skills t.hat they now telt secure in using that they mew JJOthing at at the beginning ot the unit. T,n,tcal ot statementa nade dur1Dg thia surmnartat.ion and nalmtton are the Mlow1nga •I know bal to uae the 1ndax of a book now. and I dldll't. ft9J1 know a book had an 1Ddax be:tare." •r never had looked tor any- special th1Dg I wanted to read .about in tba Table or Ccm­ tente betore. I'll know bow to w,e that now.• "'Well,. I nawr bad been to our c1t,y llm-ar:, w.... I didn't. "811 bow where tt. uu. I guns I SUl'el.y knew we bad one• lMi I nner bad used it.• "Tbinld.Dg about ta OOQD.t7 fair, all I bad ner thought. about 1lbm ve vat. be.tare vu tbe mrry-­ go-l"OU13d and tbe ridN. I atJ.ll like ~- mt I really learned a lot about the stock, the Anps• the Benford., oad the Sbortbora ot the beet brreedaJ and I know the Jerse:,, tbe Guermeyr, and the Brown Swiss ot the daiJ7 breede.• Such atatiemellta AN only repres.entatiw ot many such cantrlbuUcma which cam babbling forth.

Except. I.a tbe t'1el4 or rudlng, 11D atteapt; vaa made at setut.ltl.oall.7 measuring, through test!Dc. what was aaccrapllahed. Ia readt»g aa was

~ 1a the Integrated Act1.Tlt1ee, the McCall,.,Crabbs Teat Leesom in

Reading wre used dail.7 an4 eJBt,ematicall.y tor sixttJ-.four da1'J wtth t.be elaaa ~de score on each group ot ten leHoraa rmmiQI a.a toll.ovs:

4.1, 4.8• 4.5,, 4.9, 5.2. end S.S. Tbls il'ld1cated p1n. GD the awn.ge• ot a year· and tour PtODtbs vu graUryt.ng, and w f1"(8 much J)Ul1JONf'ul reading an tibe lnal ot the 1nd1Y1dual. ·

In fter;y actl'l'lty the clua expressed • feeling Gt pleuant .8llOOUS and ve would ree--•-.emd a like unit of study tar other elementary groups.

We hope same ot t.be exper1enoee w bad vUl be belptul to others. 67


Boob, Ma1111111.e. and BuUet1IIII lht'berg, hed. '=.@. ~ 9&l.t ila Hapal• . lYmlM f.U• SUU.tert Extens1• Serrice• Oklabams Agricu.ltaral. aad Mecha1deal Collep.

Ahrberg, Pree!. 91sJebee .:! a& il* llmwi.

Augur, Helen. Zia Ila It F1Sn. Bev ?Ol"kt Buoourt., Brace & CompinT t 1939• .

Bechtel, Jolm. %91 l!ar:dnm ~ Mnt!n;. Gnm. lapldst llUltaa B. Ee:rdlllna, 1943.

Bente, Carollne Frenoh. !ill! IDfl ,,.,.. Bal,t;on1 Dina ietes & Company. 1912.

Boehr, Jotm W. Fflri Drda &mam&e &mm). Stlllwten Zrt.ansion Sernce, Oklabcaa Agl'i=ltural and ~bantml College, 1942 ..

Bo\bwell, Jean. 11a NzteeV! StAm• Bev Yori:t ~, Brace & COIDJ'8D7, 191.6. Coatsworth, Elizabeth. ~. Bew Y(rk: The Macm.llan ~.1m. IDt. Qs Elk & ·Cop\y fllL ktet191 Bp.11@\I.Jl 2i. State Coll... , lxtenaloll Departma\ of Miaaiaetpp1.

Dabgell• Marguerite. ffener*a Lnfle. Bev !arks Doubleday, Doran & COllpany', 19)7.

DeMen,Rodd Joe. Company. !vartm - ... ka~. ~ !ha Mucel,

El.sou. Willlam. B. am Qrq, Willlam s. ta UlsP Bpie illdm:P. Im* i.. Bev Yarb Soott-. lOl'elllllllD & Canpa!Q', 1931.

&laon., fi1lltam a. and GraT, w1U1a11 .s. ~ JMte la.Mn, !sJ5 tm:. Chl•go: Seott., J'oresman & Cc,mpuq, 1936 .. ---~-

.Emanon, Carol!De D• . ~»tr'• 11c. HIP"RD!!!Pit• Bev York: hederick 1. Stobe Ccaprar.v. 19 •

Enright, Ellabeth. 'Dl'alt fimlmE• llev York: l'arrar & ~i.rt., 1938. '=I la Qna,tntl.a _,.J.s,, rtut.. sts&, +bid 11£. -. StU1vater·1 Extension Sernce, Oklabam Agrioultlll'fll and ¥.echanical College. ~ hank N. and Johnson, Eleanor M,. . Fut; 1111 time CbioagoJ ~ am c~ 19,a. rroat.. Prucee. !UDdX l'IIG- mew Yerka Vhl~U.887 11ouse. 1947. Gatea, Arthur I., Baar, Prank& r., arad P~ C•leete Oo.wua. Ii& aDd lllok. Dew Yo:rb !be MaomUlan Complt,JQ', 1936.

Gates, b-is. D.1B WillPY• Nev Yon:1 The VUdng Preats, 1945.

Ow, M.. and C. W. §mpJm: E4 KigJgn>. Chicago: Albert Whitman & CampaJV', 1939. Gill,. R1cbari C. anct Boa, Belen. fma 9slll, tel 11a .l.1.1£• Nev York: HeDry' Bolt & CClllJJldT, 1940.

Grayl~f.•bath J'enet. &aa .Qt lb!~ ~ Yark: 'The Vildag Pross,

Gny', W11Uaa s. aDl Anallmot.• lfa7 Bill. Streets and Roads. Bev Yark: Scott, Fore811all & ~. 1941. Gray, WUUam; s., Hom:-oe~ Marion, and Arbuthnot.,, Mio' Hill. nn 1111 fJIW• Bew fork& Scott,_, FOl"esman & ~, J.942.

IlalkltCJ!'th, Tboala. !a 14,. Bev foritt Douhledq, Doran & ComPIID7, 1939. am. Belm, am HuveU. Violet. !la ..J11:d.R1 Ya Ila. Bev Yorks !be. Ma.eM!llan ~1', 19'7.

JacksoD, X. slid B. f!m Stqrte;. Hew York: Simon & Schuster, 191.6. leJ.ny, Vera. Mam Bia• !lev Yorks Doubleda7,, Doran & Cc:npe117, 1942. Kblscella, f!uel Geztrudl,. kwurJ lil )lgld la sm;. New York: The Uniwreitq Pw>lJ.aldnc CalJ!JdT, 1939.

KiDseeUa-, lfuel Gerlrwle. &D, fal.11 fm.litmx !,nc}s. Bev Yorks The Uatwrsity l'liblla!dng Com.Pan7, 1930. LeCrona• ?.red. /d! Jl!Et!

Laat, Henry- a. GrjrdttdPI Im- Bev Yorks Tho Macnlllan ~. 1942.

Martin, Cora v._ !l ~ llev York: Cbarlu Sorlbrler•a SOWJ, 19,0. MeCormU. w•.. a. W.'d.W I.a Gmmto: 114 QK.. nev Yorla land McNall7 & CO!lfPIUV', 1937. Olcot-t,. Virg1Dia. !Kl 1111 9nf4lr, Q:b,Udren Al: .at fdml.Aal• Bew 'fclrb. Silftr', Burdett & ~, 1932.

Paula, Grace. ! ..lb 8 JQt fak• Bew Iork:1 Doubleday- 1bran & Campmv. be, £101... !1\l!ld Alda. SQ ,.. m Man 9n1u. Cb1eagos .6mari.ean Library Aaociattcm, 19,U. Rue, Eloise. SW&n IP4R a !Pakt a !ll1illm4Siat;e 9n4n. Ch1cagot American Ll~T Anoclattoa, 1940. s..t.,• latJe. %Jal ~ lfat:!l:. · Bew Yoriu '!he V1Jd.ng Preas, 1946. s~, Harold K. 9aia 9.Mk f.ta ?&Ji£. (~.Catalog) Pawmastau Osage Count)r bee Pab- Aesoclatton. 194?. {otie?" oatalop *1ch wre a'9allable t.raa l91L-1'46)

Turpu, • Zultlf'•a .Y11L Bev Yorlu Tllll MacmUlan CemiGJ' • Ware., -~ o. Melia - cl Q1* W•a 11d rm llqfk Qaan, 2Usm1-1t .'UQ. StUJ:wt.ea Bxt.eaai• Sem.oe, otJahO:PB Agri.cul.UJnl and Mecban!cal eon.a-, 1946. Whalen, Grover. 1 Ida a Jila la Id VcH•• ti&£ !llll labt 11d IIMX• Bev Yorkt Dodge Publ:tabtng ~. 19.38. .

Wilder~ laUft Ingalls. F.... liz. Chioago: Harper & Brotbe:ra11 19)3.

...... Art.1clllll Barnard, &m1ce F. •i1aar1oata Pint h1r Wu Wonder Show;.• DI! Ill Im 11111 laallM, (July U.. 19a6), 6, 7. ~. Eun.1.,. Ml-er. *Ia s~ \he Coant, Pt!r Bloom.• JJa Ill IAm nw !ila1111,, (Sept.ember 11, 1m>,. .,• 11. BeaJ'd. Htrlam. ftAJd.d Chaap the CW11t7 P'atr Lt.we on.• Da lfm I= Tta,a PilltMdM, (October 6. 1929), 10, n.

Berey, Rame,n. 9!he ~ Fa1r.n !ma ,{9Jll'PN: 1111 fll:mR!JI 1fUL (August, >. 'Z'l. Borialarl• Bal. iic~ Fa1r.• JJa In Im tJw WMIIJM, (September 21, 1941), 16, 17. "County Fair.• 1'11! Ga4t toMPtE, LVI (Jura, 1939), 49, 7S. "COUDty- Fair.• ilu a iUJ.. II (September, 1947), 56, 57. "County Fair, A Picture Story.• Cproae\, (September, 1947), 47-SS.

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•Sta~ Pair.• 1111. !& Ja:l '.DW lhni1111, ~ l• 19'6), 6-7. Stong~. Phil. -State Fas.r.• 9fNltn: J4tt., tnVI (September, 1939).

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Beattie, Johll w. eD4 others. !la AMda! SJ.nor, Isak Ill- Bew ?ark: American Book Con&puv,. 1944. aes~t1e* John w. am Otbera. .na AmtrJ.an s1.,.., 12* !:EE. 11ev Yorks ~-- Boot C.Plllr, 194S. ..

Martin, Fathope (Musto),. alM1 Tqlor, Belen (u.,rf.a). Jirb l !flal* iR:dtll ral CJm,aa, £a. • Slll. lllit• Xev Yont stetDVBY' Ball, 1924. Moeou.tb7, Ostiaane._ aid Otbe:ra. Is MJJsk !trJ.!OPI. nr,t lmt. new Yerka Stlwr Burde" ContP!lllT, 1944.

Mtt:amtbT:.· , ~ . ·. ·z. ad Ot.lwn. .;: ltX !MW lis11SPb tlilm !$mt. Bew York: 3il'Vff 13urdat..t ~. 1944.

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Al.mack, Jahn c. ,.._.1111 Dlesdt WrU,a,r. lev Yorkt ~ M1ttUa Compt:rv• 19~. . Baftt'oot_ G\v' 011.D. WI..VCR1.6lidl J.a bN Se il!m\1. CMuter•• !beau. UnptbU.ahad). SUllw_..1 Okl•bo• .&grJ.ou.ltmal and Mecblal.oal College, 19)9. Bu.ter, hrnlae, am Bntn.7. Aw M. Ml Qaa1.el ,at IJaetn!:m:I !tJmrM91. Bostam .0. c. lieatll and~. 1945.

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CJaPsha:!ft: !t:abt:sw Mawta.ca. Chicago: Tho ~. eorpc,raUon. CJ.ouur, Lw,y- w., Rob1Daon, Vilma J•• and E q, Dena L. !due~ l!Ptn­ .... Dam.lie ~ YAl,tct. Kew York: ~ aid ~- 1932.

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~ton, lboda ~ Qnatiw ll>Yt,br. Rev !art: .1.. s. Barnes & ~. 194].. Tua, Hilda. -n.. '1mat4oD ot. ».luatton. • ilal]4tmd !dwzt:f.1&11, IV \FeWUIU'7, 1939)., 24S451. ttJ>PKt.. 1.-. s., .. ou... Sc!JeJe ts a imdm faat•remr. 1ew Torti Glim & Cera,n;y, 1936.

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~ Culwr