The gReening of mT eden pRison RETHINKING RURAL dec 2014 issue 153 RECYCLING $9.00 Resource Recovery in Taranaki PRODUCT STEWARDSHIP: Workplace health & safety: CHILD Legislation update Contaminated land: CAR Asbestos in soil The e-waste experience SEATS in Australia SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIES Building a better industry To advance the circular economy in New Zealand we must engage with the business sector to develop smart solutions which approach the concept of waste from every angle. In 2015 the WasteMINZ Roundup theme is “Sustainable Economies - Building a better industry”, where we will explore the interactions between our industry and business at large, with a view to creating a smarter and more sustainable economy. We are also pleased to announce that in 2015, the Roundup will feature a dedicated contaminated land stream. WasteMINZ Roundup 2015, Sustainable Economies - Building a better industry Thursday 23 & Friday 24 April 2015 | Crowne Plaza Hotel, Auckland For more inFormation visit Building a better industry a better Building ECONOMIES SUSTAINABLE on the cover 10 barbara, daisy & doris ruminate rethinKing rural over where next to place their waste. reCYCling Winner of Best paper: Angela Atkins outlines the initiatives taken by Hastings district council to provide convenient recycling facilities to rural communities. 14 resourCe reCoverY 10 in TARANAKi Runner Up Best paper: ewen skinner & Kimberley Hope profile the region’s Chief exeCutive offiCer progress in minimising landfill dependency. Paul Evans \ +64 9 476 7172
[email protected] MeMbership Manager 18 Carole Inglis \ +64 9 476 7163 worKplaCe HEALTH &
[email protected] safetY: LEGISLATION UPDATE Grant Nicholson explains the implications offiCe Manager of the new Health & safety Reform Bill on CJ Dooner \ +64 9 476 7162 waste and recovery businesses.