Officers Report
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Committee Date: 30/04/2015 Application Number: 2015/01113/PA Accepted: 16/02/2015 Application Type: Reserved Matters Development Target Date: 18/05/2015 Ward: Ladywood 2 Arena Central, Plot C, Broad Street, City Centre, Birmingham, B1 2DR Reserved Matters Application for a 27,000 sqm office (Use Class B1) and ancillary retail/commercial floorspace [Use Class A1 (Retail), Use Class A2 (Financial and Professional Services) and Use Class A3 (Restaurants/Cafes)] with associated access, car parking and servicing arrangements, landscape and public realm proposals Applicant: Arena Central Developments LLP c/o Agent Agent: Miller Developments Miller House, 2 Lochside View, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh, EH12 9DH Recommendation Approve Subject To Conditions 1. Proposal Uses and Building Layout 1.1. This application is for an 11-storey office building with either retail/restaurant units or ancillary office spaces at ground floor. The building delivers approximately 25,350sqm gross internal area, excluding basement levels, atrium and rooftop plant. Of this, approximately 17,725sqm is office (B1) net internal area and approximately 1,250sqm is retail/restaurant or office space (A 1/ A3/ B1) net internal area at ground floor. 1.2. The ground floor is level with Broad Street to the north and the proposed Bank Court to the west and a double height through-reception connects the two. Alpha Plaza is almost 7m lower than Broad Street and so two basement levels sit beneath the building facing onto Alpha Plaza. A third basement level below these connects to the existing Britannia Car Park upper level. The building parapet is approximately 55.1m above Broad Street and 61.8m above Alpha Plaza (51.1m and 57.8m respectively, as amended). The building is approximately 79.5m long and 41m wide at its widest point. The building is designed as three interlocking blocks in fanning geometry. The eastern block is set parallel to Alpha Tower, whilst the western block aligns with Broad Street and the former Municipal Bank, 301 Broad Street. The building would be 13.5m from Alpha Tower and 3m from the Bank. 1.3. The upper floors of the building are commercial office space, offering large flexible floorplates with a split side core to either side of an atrium. The atrium is glazed full- height on the east elevation with a glass roof, to bring in daylight and afford views over Alpha Tower. Level 7 and level 10 each have a terrace fronting Broad Street Page 1 of 19 offering occupants an outdoor landscaped area with views over Centenary Square, providing a setback in the elevations of 6m and 11m from the front facade. 1.4. At ground floor, there are potential retail/restaurant units both to the north-east of the reception facing Broad Street and to the south facing Bank Court and Arena Central. These could house ancillary office functions such as meeting suites, a business lounge or workspaces, or they could accommodate complementary retail/ restaurant uses. Vehicular Access, Parking and Servicing 1.5. The basement levels are accessed via a shared ramp from Bridge Street, which also serves the consented 1 Arena Central. This ramp leads to a shared area of basement under the proposed Bank Court and Plot D, and then through to a private basement under the footprint of 2 Arena Central. The basements contain private car parking, delivery, refuse and plant areas and cycle parking. 1.6. The main basement level is at the same level as Alpha Plaza, with entrances located here for deliveries and cyclists. The lowest basement level is accessed through the Britannia Car Park, with security barriers to separate the private basement under 2 Arena Central. From this level drivers and cyclists can access the building lifts directly to Alpha Plaza. The building provides 101 parking spaces (of which three are designated as accessible spaces) and 140 cycle parking spaces, with associated lockers and showers. 1.7. The majority of deliveries would be by panel vans, which can access the basement loading area via the ramp from Bridge Street. Larger lorries would use the shared service road in Alpha Plaza, with goods trollied across to the building. 1.8. The former Municipal Bank (301 Broad Street) would be serviced through the basement level B2. The area under Bank Court would be constructed in this phase providing 40 parking spaces for the future Plot D. This area connects down to B3 with car ramps. B2 is double height to allow for servicing. Elevations 1.9. The cladding is a simple grid of masonry and glass panels that subtly transforms as it wraps around the building. On the north and east elevations the masonry panels are flat, while on the south and west facades the panels gently curve to weave in and out, giving depth to the window reveals and solar shading. 1.10. The weaving pattern continues across the solid walls of the core and in the framing pattern of the fully-glazed atrium. The glazed panels of the atrium that take the place of the solid panels of the façade would be fritted to give a subtle colour change and make the weaving pattern legible across what would become a large 'stained glass window'. 1.11. The proportion of vertical solid panels to glazing has been chosen to maximise daylighting and minimising solar heat gain. On the north elevation the solid panels are 1m wide, whereas on the other elevations they are 1.5m wide to provide more shading. 1.12. Each horizontal masonry panel is capped with a bronze-coloured metal sill to give a crisp edge to the masonry. The window sills, window framing, door frames and louvres would be crisp metal elements with a semi-gloss bronze-coloured finish. The Page 2 of 19 pattern of masonry panels continues up to the parapet of the open rooftop plant enclosure, but the windows are replaced with louvres to ventilate and screen the plant behind. These louvres would be the same bronze-colour as the other metalwork in the facade. 1.13. The solid cladding panels would pre-cast concrete panels or glass reinforced concrete, colour matched to the pale creamy Portland stone of Baskerville House, the Hall of Memory and the neighbouring Municipal Bank. Public Realm 1.14. The landscape design seeks to create three different character areas within a common sense of place: Bank Court, Broad Street and Alpha Plaza. 1.15. Bank Court – this would be a formal hard paved plaza located behind the Municipal Bank (301 Broad Street) creating a contemporary space to act as a setting for 2 Arena Central along with the future phase Plot D. This plaza includes simple feature paving and a group of large feature trees. It would also act as a counterbalance for the larger, softer and more informal Arena Central space that is located to the south of the Masterplan. 1.16. Broad Street – this would be a high quality paved footway to Broad Street, linking 2 Arena, the Municipal Bank and 1 Arena to create a unified edge to Centenary Square and links the scheme with the Metro stop. The wide pavement is proposed to connect with Centenary Square and acts as a 'shop front' for the Arena Central scheme. 1.17. Alpha Plaza - proposals include upgrading the surfacing and layout using a strong geometry that takes cues from the architectural forms, creating a high quality plaza setting for Alpha Tower. The addition of two groups of trees with a cluster of seating beneath creates places for people to gather in a space which is currently a thoroughfare only. The proposals include two flights of steps that connect with Broad Street and with Arena Central. The paving would match the materiality of the residential development to the south (Dandara, planning application approved March 2015). 1.18. A palette of granite, composite pavers, timber decking and resin bound gravel would give a distinctive identity to the variety of new places within the Masterplan. However, the detailed design, street furniture, planting, surface material and external lighting selection for the landscape works would be submitted for consideration at a later date. The Public Lift and Britannia Entrance 1.19. To the south of the building, a public lift and entrance to the Britannia Car Park would be created adjacent to the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The public lift provides a connection across the 5m level change between Alpha Plaza and Arena Central, for those who cannot use the stairs. The lift would have glass doors and a glass slot in the shaft to maximise the visibility of its occupants and promote its responsible use. 1.20. Next to the lift, glass doors provide access to the Britannia Car Park (replacing the free-standing external stair currently located in Alpha Plaza). This entrance also provides access for cyclists who would prefer to use the internal stair, with a bike gutter ramp to reach the cycle parking. It also provides a route into the basement of future Plot D and one option for servicing of 301 Broad Street. Page 3 of 19 Masterplan and Supporting Documents 1.21. An updated Masterplan has been submitted with the application incorporating the following changes:- • the footprint of Plot C has been altered since the previous Masterplan as per the current reserved matters application; • the public route to the east of the Municipal Bank has been removed and would be a gated maintenance path; • Plot D has been rotated through 90 degrees and a colonnade has been introduced fronting Bank Court; • the east-west route to Bridge Street has moved north to create a level route from the road to the sloping landscaped path through the site; • the footprint and heights of Plots E1 and E2 have been altered to reflect the current reserved matters application (ref 2015/01111/PA); • the landscaping of Arena Central has been developed to reflect the current reserved matters application (ref 2015/01112/PA); and, • the Masterplan is coordinated with the consented planning application for the Dandara residential buildings, on Plot G.