Page 19 Agenda Item 6

Report to: St Helier, The Wrythe and Wandle Valley Local Committee

Date: 20 June 2013

Report of: Strategic Director, Environment and Neighbourhoods

Ward Location: Not Applicable Author(s) and Contact Phone Number(s): Roberta Fusco Locality Lead Officer 020 8770 4849

Area Served: Chair of the Committee: St Helier, The Cllr Anisha Callaghan Wrythe and Wandle Valley Report title:

Progress Report: Area Improvements, Public Realm Schemes and Neighbourhood Grants

Summary This report confirms: The public realm spending up to June 2013 i) Feedback on progress made to date on the outstanding public realm projects ii) Options for potential projects for consideration

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Recommendations It is recommended that the Committee consider the report and agree: i) To note progress made on existing schemes ii) To consider the schemes at Appendix C namely: Mile Road Pocket Park: Bio Regional seeking match funding against a bid to 9LULGRU7D[FUHGLWVWRVXSSOHPHQWWKHLUELGWRWKH0D\RU¶V3RFNHW3DUNIXQGWR make access improvements to the Regional Park - £10,000 Rugby Club: funding to draw up architectural plans for their new clubhouse and to draw up a business plan - £5,000 Notice board for Mill Green allotments: Quote for a lockable notice board, including installation - £1,400 Directional sign for Culvers House Primary School and Nursery: to signpost people to the location of the school - £400 Christmas Lighting schemes: Officers propose that the Committee agree to commit a sum of up to £10,000 for each Christmas lighting scheme they wish to install in their Wards - £10,000 for each scheme Increase the unallocated balance by £3,072 from the small net under spend identified under appendix B

iii) To provide more detail behind the Riverside Centre Income Generation Scheme requesting funding of £10,000 (shown within Appendix C) to include more detailed proposals for the scheme and how it will be funded before it can proceed. iv) To consider the application for a Neighbourhood Grant from The Wandle Valley Trust for £500 to run a one day litter picking exercise.

Background Documents and Previous Decisions None

Signed: Strategic Director Date: 10/06/2013

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1. Background 1.1 Local Committees have been allocated Public Realm funding since 2008 to invest in area improvements and since 2010 have also had an allocation for transport related schemes. Appendix A lists the current Public Realm schemes for this committee and progress to date. Appendix B shows completed schemes and Appendix C shows a list of unfunded Public Realm schemes. Appendix D lists the Neighbourhood Grants awarded by this Committee and those pending consideration.

2. Matters Arising 2.1 Councillor Anisha Callaghan has sent a letter to the Police to relate concerns from UHVLGHQWVUHJDUGLQJGULYHUVLOOHJDOO\SDVVLQJWKURXJKDµ1R(QWU\¶VLJQVLQ7Zdeedale Road at its junction with Titchfield Road. 2.2 The Wandle Valley Trust has been successful in securing some funds from London Borough of Merton for match funding againsWWKHLUELGWRWKH0D\RU¶V%LJGreen Fund for the Wandle Valley Regional Park.

3. Progress and issues with agreed schemes (see Appendix A) 3.1 Little League facilities ± Plans have been drawn up for the re-siting of the new storage facilities. A report on this item is provided under separate cover. 3.2 Welbeck Road additional parking ± Officers will present a report in September. 3.3 Rosehill Pedestrian Environmental Improvements - The improvement to the crossing point outside No. 52 Rose Hill is complete. The identified guard railing has been removed and replaced with bollards where necessary. Officers are awaiting delivery of a further 5 bollards, which will be installed outside Nos. 9 to 16 within the next 2 to 3 weeks. 3.4 Flower troughs at Middleton Circle - these will be installed with Summer planting in June 2013 and will be in place until May 2014. 3.5 Market Service Road double yellow lines- in April, the Committee agreed to approve WKHLQWURGXFWLRQRIµDWDQ\WLPH¶ZDLWLQJUHVWULFWLRQVDQGJLYHGHOHJDWHGDXWKRULW\WR the Interim Executive Head of Planning and Transportation with Ward Councillors to make the relevant Traffic Management Order, to make modifications as required and to implement the scheme. Should there be any objections to the proposals that cannot be resolved, these will be reported to the Local Committee.

4. Completed Schemes since last report (see Appendix B) There have no completed schemes since the last report.

5. Unfunded parking schemes (see Appendix C) There are number of parking schemes currently unfunded which will be presented to the Local Committee for funding in the future: 5.1 Middleton Circle ± an update is being presented under a separate report 5.2 Double Yellow Lines at Dale Park Ave, Ivydale Rd, Endale Close, and Park Gardens ± Ward Councillors are discussing a proposed scheme with residents

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5.3 Wolsey Road/Oakdale Way Petition ± a report is presented under a separate agenda item

6. Schemes for consideration (see Appendix C) The Committee is asked to consider the following schemes: 6.1 Mile Road Pocket Park ± Bio Regional are seeking match funding against a bid to 9LULGRU7D[FUHGLWVWRVXSSOHPHQWWKHLUELGWRWKH0D\RU¶V3RFNHW3DUNIXQGWR make access improvements to the Regional Park. A report is provided under separate cover - £10,000 6.2 Mitcham Rugby Club ± seeking funding to draw up architectural plans for their new clubhouse and to draw up a business plan. The plans will be used to bid for funds to complete the project from the RFU. A report is provided under separate cover - £5,000 6.3 Notice board for Mill Green allotments ± Alan Wooldrige, the Mill Green Allotment Representative, has made a request for a notice board to be erected here to promote local information. Quote for a lockable notice board, including installation: £1,400 6.4 Directional sign for Culvers House Primary School and Nursery ± to signpost people to the location of the school. Officers recommend considering the maintenance and upkeep of the sign and the desire to reduce street clutter. The current street lighting pole is not suitable for the addition of a directional sign, so estimates are being obtained for a new pole. Estimated costs for the street sign - £400

6.5 Christmas Lighting schemes - The Lead Locality Officers are working with the Town Centres Manager to compile a Borough wide tender for Christmas lights. This will deliver better economies of scale and better value for money over organising displays on a district by district basis.

The intention is to hire the displays throughout the Borough from approved suppliers using a Borough wide tendering process. This will avoid the necessity for the council to appoint consultants to erect and dismantle the lights in various localities as well as to provide storage for them when not in use. Lighting displays have a life span of up to five years and it is proposed that in the longer term, it is more cost effective to hire lighting, rather than purchase it.

Any scheme will need to also cover the costs of any lamp post testing, TfL Licences, erecting and dismantling the lights and the cost of the displays.

Estimated costs of displays Lamp post power source per £350 column if not already connected to a power source (each)

Column Wrap (each) £300 Moffatts (Lamp Post Lights) (each) £350

Tree Lights (each) £500

Officers propose that the Committee agree to commit a sum of up to £10,000 for each Christmas lighting scheme they wish to install in their Wards.

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6.6 Decorating of Street Cleansing Storage site (ex Toilet Block) at the edge of St Helier Open Space ± The Community Development Officer is investigating options for the decoration of the site to be pursued as a Community Project. Proposals for agreement will be presented at the next Local Committee meeting. 6.7 Welcome to Sutton signs ± Officers are investigating the design and procurement of Welcome to Sutton signs. It will not be possible to place one on St Helier Avenue as this is a TfL owned Red Route and TfL do not allow signage along their land. However, it may be possible to site one on Green Lane. Officers are investigating and will report back. 6.8 Riverside Centre Income Generation Scheme ± to help develop appropriate services and activities for residents in its catchment area, covered by The St Helier, Wrythe and Wandle Valley Local Committee. The funding would be used primarily to provide support/training and increase capacity in order to assist the Community Development Manager to free up time to concentrate on identifying and meeting the needs of local people, finding new sources of funding, including from charitable trusts and local service commissioning, and brokering partnership working with other service providers. More detail has been requested concerning specific projects to be undertaken and expected outcomes.

7. Neighbourhood Grants Programme (see Appendix D) 7.1 This Committee has a Neighbourhood Grants Programme budget of £10,650 to award to local organisations. To date £1,490 has been awarded leaving a balance of £8,660 still to be awarded.

The Committee is asked to consider an application from the The Wandle Valley Trust to help run a one day litter picking event along a 50 m stretch of the , with access gained through Watermeads Lane - £500.

8. Influence of WKH&RXQFLO¶V&RUH9DOXHV 8.1 The Local Committee is one of the ways that people can get involved in the decisions that affect their lives. By working with local residents we will ensure that public realm funding is spent on the improvements that people want to see in their area.

9. Recommendations 9.1 It is recommended that the Committee consider the report and agree: i) To note progress made on existing schemes ii) To consider the schemes at Appendix C namely: Mile Road Pocket Park: Bio Regional seeking match funding against a bid to 9LULGRU7D[FUHGLWVWRVXSSOHPHQWWKHLUELGWRWKH0D\RU¶V3RFNHW3DUNIXQGWR make access improvements to the Regional Park - £10,000 Mitcham Rugby Club: funding to draw up architectural plans for their new clubhouse and to draw up a business plan. - £5,000 Notice board for Mill Green allotments: Quote for a lockable notice board, including installation - £1,400 Directional sign for Culvers House Primary School and Nursery: to signpost people to the location of the school - £400

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Christmas Lighting schemes: Officers propose that the Committee agree to commit a sum of up to £10,000 for each Christmas lighting scheme they wish to install in their Wards - £10,000 for each scheme Increase the unallocated balance by £3,072 from the small net under spend identified under appendix B

iii) To provide more detail behind the Riverside Centre Income Generation Scheme requesting funding of £10,000 (shown within Appendix C) to include more detailed proposals for the scheme and how it will be funded before it can proceed. iv) To consider the application for a Neighbourhood Grant from The Wandle Valley Trust for £500 to run a one day litter picking exercise.

10. Financial Implications 10.1 Funding for Public RHDOPLPSURYHPHQWVKDVEHHQPDGHDYDLODEOHIURPWKH&RXQFLO¶V Capital Programme with nearly £3.3m allocated borough-wide, over the period 2008/09 to 2012/13, including £300k for transport specific schemes. In 2013/14 £300k has been allocated across the borough with an additional £100k for transport specific schemes plus a further £60k revenue funding. Capital resources have been allocated to the six local committees on the basis of population.

10.2 The Local Committee has been allocated £833k of Public Realm funding to invest in area improvements from 2008/09 to date.

10.3 The tables below show the current budget for the year and the amounts both allocated and unallocated after the recommendations in this report are agreed.

Budget Position Public Transport Total Realm £ £ £ Balance from b/fwd from 2012/13 59,646 0 59,646

Allocation for 2013/14 53,242 17,747 70,989 Budget for the year 2013/14 112,888 17,747 130,635 Allocated during 2013/14 ± 25 April -500 -5,000 -5,500

Balance remaining 2013/14 112,388 12,747 125,135

Sum to recycle from net under 3,072 0 3,072 spending (Appendix B) Proposed scheme recommended -11,800 0 -11,800 from 2013/14 from Public Realm (10.4 below) Proposed scheme recommended -15,000 0 -15,000 from 2013/14 from Capital to convert to Revenue (10.4 below)

Earmarked ± Big Green Project -20,000 0 -20,000 (Subject to external funding)

Balance to be allocated in 2013/14 68,660 12,747 81,407

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10.4 The committee are now being asked to agree the following schemes:

New Schemes Public Revenue Realm Contribution (see 10.6 below) £ £ Mile Road Pocket Park ± match fund 10,000 0 Mitcham Rugby Club ± clubhouse plans 0 5,000 Notice Board Mill Green Allotment 1,400 0 Directional sign Culvers Hse Primary School 400 0 Provision for Christmas Lights 0 10,000 Total 11,800 15,000

10.5 In addition to the capital funding each local committee has been allocated £10,000 of revenue funding for 2013/14 that may be used to cover the revenue implications of any proposed schemes. This has been fully utilised towards flower troughs at Middleton Circle of £2,000 agreed by the Local Committee of 31 January 2013 and the balance of £8,000 to be used towards hanging baskets that was agreed on 25 April.2013.

10.6 Although there is limited revenue funding available, the committee is also able to convert funding from public realm capital to revenue to cover any additional revenue projects. The £10,000 proposal for the Provision of Christmas Lights (subject to confirmation of final costs) is to hire them rather than purchase them and this cannot be financed from Capital. Therefore as there is no further revenue available it is suggested that this sum is converted to revenue funding. Also, the payment to Mitcham Rugby Club for £5,000 if approved will need to be converted to revenue as again it cannot be financed by Capital,

10.7 Appendix E shows the Neighbourhood Grants awarded to date. As noted in 7.1, a balance of £8,160 remains available for funding future applications.

11. Legal 11.1 There are no specific Legal Implications arising from this report

12. Equalities 12.1 The schemes described in this report have been subject to consultation with local residents, councillors, community representatives and partner organisations. Meetings are held in accessible venues and everyone is encouraged to take part and put forward their ideas. 12.2 When public realm improvements are made as a result of decisions taken by the Local Committee particular account is taken of the requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act and Equality Act 2010 with regard to access requirements.

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12.3 Many of the schemes that are approved have a positive effect by promoting community activity and providing shared spaces that everyone can enjoy.

13. Appendices Appendix A - Current Public Realm Schemes Appendix B - Completed Schemes Appendix C - Unfunded Public Realm Schemes Appendix D - Neighbourhood Grants Programme

Appendix A: Current Public Realm Schemes Schemes agreed by Committee and in progress Key scheme/ area of Ward Proposer Allocated Comments Estimated Fund innovation £ completion e.g. capital, date revenue, TfL, s106, etc Parks and Open Spaces Flower troughs at Wandle Mrs 2,000 Will be installed in June 2013 with Summer June 2013 Revenue Middleton Circle Valley Crossby - bedding scheme Resident Noticeboard at Spencer The Wrythe Derek 1,000 A noticeboard has been requested for use Bill Wyatt Public Realm Road Allotments Treyfoot, by the local community to be sited near the Spencer Allotments on Spencer Road. Road Allotments Page 27 Hanging Baskets 8,000 Revenue


Carshalton Little League St Helier 2,000 Match funding against an application to TB TBC Convert to rev facilities Viridor Landfill tax credits, officers to facilitate such a bid. Traffic / Transport

Welbeck Road ± Wandle Cllr Kane 18,000 Officers have been liaising with Ward TBC Capital additional parking Valley Councillors over proposals and a report will be presented at a future Local Committee. The Market Service The Wrythe Cllr Dave 5,000 A report will come to the Local Committee TBC TfL Road Callaghan under a separate item. Agenda Item 6 Rosehill Pedestrian St Helier Cllr Dave 15,000 The improvement to the crossing point S106 Environmental Callaghan outside No. 52 Rose Hill is complete. We Improvements Rosehill are awaiting delivery of a further 5 bollards, which will be installed outside Nos. 9 to 16 within the next 2 to 3 weeks

Agenda Item 6

Total Funding. £ Capital Public Realm. 19,000 Capital converted to revenue. 2,000 Transport for London 5,000 S106 15,000 Revenue 10,000 TOTAL £51,000

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Appendix B ± Completed Schemes

Code Scheme Ward Budget Spend Fund Notes M654 Middleton Road Traffic Order 1,000 747 Capital Works complete, balance £253 to be recycled M656 Street Tree Planting Wrythe Lane St 600 240 Capital Works complete, balance Helier £360 to be recycled. M651 Double yellow lines at the junction of Garendon St 3,700 1,386 Capital Works complete, expenditure Road and Hartland Road. Helier £2,314 needs to be charged M657 Dale Park installation of Chicane Gate The 460 460 Capital Works complete, Wrythe M359 Watercress Park Wandle 1,611 0 Capital Works complete, balance Valley £1,611 to be recycled M374 Middleton Circle notice board Wandle 1,000 0 Capital Work complete, expenditure Valley £1,000 needs to be charged

M377 Rosehill Roundabout ± Christmas tree St 850 0 Capital Works complete, balance Page 29 Helier £850 to be recycled. M378 The *UHHQDW6W%HQHW¶V*URYH± 112 posts St 12,880 0 Capital Work complete, expenditure Helier £12,880 needs to be charged M385 BencKLQ/LPH¶V5HFUHDWLRQ*URXQG The 1,000 0 Capital Work complete, expenditure Wrythe £1,000 needs to be charged 13.1 M386 Upgrade Paths ± Wilderness Island 2,500 2,083 Capital Works complete, balance £417 to be recycled. M387 Four benches Watercress Park/Poulters Park Wandle 1,160 0 Capital Works complete, balance Valley £1,160 to be recycled. M389 Sign Hunston Road/Kirkstead Road St 300 0 Capital Work complete, expenditure Helier £300 needs to be charged M393 Feasibility study, zebra crossing at Green Wrythe Wandle 30,400 31,015 Capital Over spend £615 offset by Lane Shaftesbury Avenue. Valley recycled sums M397 Green Wrythe Footpath 2,675 2,806 Capital Over spend £131 offset by recycled sums Agenda Item 6 M398 St Helier Station Direction Sign St 300 31 Capital Work complete, balance of Helier expenditure £269 needs to be charged M399 Drop kerbs at Bishopford Road 2,222 3,055 Capital Over spend £833 offset by

Agenda Item 6 Code Scheme Ward Budget Spend Fund Notes recycled sums TOTAL OF COMPLETED SCHEMES £62,658 £41,823 Commitment for expenditure not charged to 17,763 schemes Net sum to be recycled -3,072

TOTAL £59,586 £59,586

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Appendix C - Unfunded Public Realm Schemes

List of unfunded schemes for (future) consideration by Committee Scheme Ward Proposer Cost £ Fund Officer Notes

Parking at Middleton Circle Wandle Cllr 9,000 Public Paul Blunt A scheme for parking restrictions has Valley Margaret Realm been developed at the request of Cllr Court Court and traders. A consultation meeting is due to be held on 17 April 2013. A report on this is presented under a separate agenda item. Double yellow lines at Dale Park St Helier TBC TFL Ward Councillors are consulting with Ave, Ivydale Rd, Endale Close, residents on the proposals. Hackbridge Park Gardens Mile Road Pocket Park Wandle Cllr Drage 10,000 Capital Bio Bio Regional are seeking match funding Page 31 Valley Regional against a bid to Viridor Tax credits to VXSSOHPHQWWKHLUELGWRWKH0D\RU¶V Pocket Park fund to make access improvements to the Regional Park Mitcham Rugby Club Architectural Wandle Cllr Drage 5,000 Revenue? Mitcham Rugby Club are seeking Drawings and Business Plan Valley funding to draw up architectural plans for their new clubhouse and to draw up a business plan. The plans will be used to bid for funds to complete the project from the RFU. Notice board for Mill Green The Wrythe Alan 1,400 Capital Ian The Mill Green Allotment Representative Allotments Wooldridge Wolstencroft has requested a notice board to be erected here to promote local

information. Agenda Item 6 Directional Sign for Culvers House Wandle Cllr Drage 400 Capital Steve Shew Sign to signpost people to the location of Primary School and Nursery Valley the school.

Agenda Item 6 Scheme Ward Proposer Cost £ Fund Officer Notes

Riverside Centre Income The Wrythe Cllr C 10,000 Capital TBC ± Cllr Stears to advise Generation Scheme Stears

Christmas lighting schemes St Helier, 10,000 Revenue Martin Martin Furtauer Hayes, Town Centre the Wrythe Furtauer Manager, is leading on a procurement and Hayes and tender of Christmas lighting for the Wandle whole Borough. Local Committees are Valley asked to decide where they wish lighting schemes to be installed in their Wards and commit £10,000 for each scheme they wish to install. TOTAL UNFUNDED PUBLIC £45,800 REALM Page 32

APPENDIX D ± Neighbourhood Grants Grants seeking approval Code Ward Organisation Details of Award Amount Comments of Grant requested Wandle The Wandle Trust To engage the local community in a one £500 The event took place on 9 June 2013, so this Valley day litter picking event along the River would be retrospective funding. Wandle along a 50 m stretch in the Wandle Valley ward, with access being gained at Watermeads Lane. Grants approved Code Ward Organisation Details of Award Amount Comments of Grant awarded Page 33 St RACE To fund a fund raising campaign, to service 500 Group operates from St Helier hospital. In Helier an electronic hoist and to purchase charity addition, will be targeting older people in the Local insurance Committee area. The Riverside Centre To provide monthly tea dances, with 490 Wrythe additional dances at Christmas and Easter for older people. St Phoenix Explorer To fund a weekend in Blackpool for Scout 500 Group meets at Bishop Andrews Church but Helier Scout Unit members members are predominantly residents of the St Helier estate St Sutton Ramp To hold four future events at St Helier and 500 Sutton Ramp Events have applied to all Local Helier Events Royston skateparks Committees which have skate parks for and the Neighbourhood Grants to run a co-ordianted Wrythe programme of skate events St Four Square Panel For a notice board 500 Helier Group TOTAL AWARDED TO DATE £2,490 Agenda Item 6 AMOUNT STILL TO BE AWARDED £8,160 TOTAL £10,650

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