Parish News The magazine of Little Amwell, Heath, Pinehurst, Foxholes East, Hartham Place and Holy Trinity Church. Online edition 07783 435390 September 2021 The Vicarage [email protected] 17 Barclay Close

I am excited about the upcoming Fayrely Big Picnic on Saturday 4 September, 1pm onwards. The church is going to do what we do best by having a stall full of messy crafts for families to come and do; as ever, you make the mess, and we clear it up! The last time we had a Summer Fayre in the village was in 2019. At the time I had just been appointed as Vicar at Holy Trinity but did not start until the beginning of October 2019. However, just to be nosey I came along to see what it was all about. I had a great time getting to meet lots of you, and I may have indulged in a bit too much in the delicious Dawlicious Ice Cream. Our village community is amazing, despite a Global Pandemic stopping us all in our tracks, I have felt so loved and welcomed here. I still pinch myself each morning to make me believe that I get to live here, in such a beautiful village full of welcoming and loving people. I can’t wait to see everyone enjoying themselves at the Fayrely Big Picnic, as our community comes together again for the first time in a long time. And, next year, we have another opportunity to celebrate together again, for the Queens Diamond Jubilee, 70 years on the throne. There will be an extended bank holiday, from Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th June. I know that the Village Fayre team are looking to organise something to celebrate this momentous event; and I am pretty sure the church will have a special service too. 1 Also please check the diary of events that we as a church have coming up, everyone is invited to them. If you are looking for a giggle, and haven’t seen this video before, check out a Hertford Heath community event from 1976 - The Hertford Heath Great Pram Race 1976 – for Muscular Dystrophy. Were any of you there that day? It looks like a health and safety nightmare, but really good fun! Love and prayers always Sally x

WORSHIP AT HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Sunday Worship 10am on 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month Holy Communion 10am on 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month Holy Communion 10am on Thursdays

EVENTS COMING UP AT HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Sunday 3 October : 10am HARVEST SERVICE, everyone welcome.

2 Sunday 3 October : 11.30am – 12.30pm HARVEST LOVE, join us in the churchyard between 12 and 1pm. Bring a gift for the Hertford Foodbank, let’s make them another food mountain. This is a list of what they would really like: Cereal, soup, pasta, and rice Tinned tomatoes, pasta sauce, lentils, beans, and pulses Tinned meat, tinned vegetables, tinned fruit, tinned rice pudding, tinned custard, instant custard powder Tea, coffee, biscuits, UHT milk, fruit juice Deodorant, shampoo, shower gel, shaving gel, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste Laundry liquid detergent, laundry powder, washing up liquid Sanitary towel and tampons Nappies, baby food and baby wipes

Tuesday 5 October : 10 - 11.30am TRINITY TOTS is reopening. A fun, friendly community for 0-4s and their grown-ups. £2 per child which includes FREE refreshments.

Tuesday 5 October : 3.15 – 4.15pm TRINITY KIDS is reopening. After school fun for primary aged children and their parent/carers. Crafts, play, chat, and refreshments for everyone. It’s all FREE.

3 Unpacking Christianese P - S

The Christian faith is full of many confusing words. We hope this will help you unpack and understand them.

Passion – When speaking of Christ’s passion, it is referring to his suffering for the sins of the world on Good Friday.

Passover – An Old Testament festival that remembered God’s ‘passing over’ the Israelites with the tenth and final plague upon the Egyptians just before the Exodus: this festival was a picture of the coming Saviour and was fulfilled in Jesus.

Pastor – a word that means ‘shepherd’; a person who serves as a spiritual overseer and caretaker of a group of Christians.

Patriarch – A word used to describe a father, founder or ruler; mainly used to describe Abraham, Jacob or one of Jacob’s twelve sons, but also used to describe King David, the most well respected ruler of the Jews.

Penance – The false teaching that one must perform certain acts to prove or earn forgiveness for sins; it is false because Jesus has already paid the punishment for all sins.

Pentateuch – The first five books of the Bible. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These books were written by the prophet Moses; also called the Law of Moses.

Pentecost – A Jewish festival celebrating God giving his law to the Israelites; later became the day when the Holy Spirit descended on God’s people in Jerusalem following Jesus death and resurrection. The Holy Spirit appeared as flames of fire on the heads of the believers and caused them to speak in different languages.

4 Pharisees – a sect of Jewish religion in Jesus day that stressed perfect obedience to God’s law and many laws they themselves developed for holy living. These Jews had a false idea of salvation and the purpose of God’s law.

Prayer – speaking to God by simply thinking or saying something.

Prophecy – a message of God proclaimed to a person or often to a group of people.

Prophet – a person who proclaims the will of God.

Psalm – a hymn or song of praise to God. In the Old Testament there are 150 of these arranged into one book called Psalms.

Reconciliation – the repairing of a relationship. The Bible uses this term as one way to describe the work of Jesus in repairing our relationship with God.

Redemption – the act of buying someone back from slavery. Jesus saving work is often referred to as redemption because through his sacrifice he has brought us all back from slavery to sin.

Repentance – when a person feels sorrow over his or her sin and trusts in forgiveness through Jesus. Repenting results in turning away from sinful ways and habits, and toward sanctified living out of thanks to God.

Resurrection – something coming back to life after it has died. The Bible speaks of the spiritual resurrection of believers through faith in Jesus, as well as the physical resurrection of all people on the last day. Jesus’ resurrection happened three days after physically dying, which assures us of our resurrection.

Righteous – something that is perfect, good and upright.

5 Sabbath – from the Hebrew word meaning ‘to rest’ it was a day patterned after the seventh day of creation when God rested from his creating activity.

Sacrament – a sacred act performed within the Christian church; e.g. the Lord’s Supper and Baptism.

Sacrifice – to give up something to God either out of thanksgiving or to acknowledge sinfulness and the need for a substitute for punishment.

Saint – in Scripture, literally refers to a ‘holy one’. A word used in the Bible to refer to any believer in Jesus.

Salvation – the result of saving, preserving, or delivering someone from harm. God has won our salvation through his promised Saviour, Jesus.

As churches we are united in awareness of climate change in our lives. We focus on the news from around the world where we hear cries for help – floods, fires, droughts and storms are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. We do what we can to help, in a variety of ways; now many of us are asking what more can we do? Two weeks after the All Saints Church event 'Environment, Climate and Hope' on Saturday 11th September, 'Hertford and our Changing Climate' on Saturday 25th September will offer a host of answers to the question 'what more?' with stalls, expert speakers and displays. These events will be for everyone. Please note the date and the logo. 6

Starting at 1pm makes this event perfect for a family picnic or a chance to meet up with friends during an afternoon of music, food and games.

Bring your own food or enjoy a delicious bite from one of the food stalls.

Enjoy the music of two local bands who’ll be providing live music throughout the afternoon.

Test your skill at a number of quirky games.

Flex you muscles in the tug of war competition.

Return to the village green for the 8pm showing of ‘The Greatest Showman’.

The open-air cinema is a FREE community event provided by The Goat but is TICKET ONLY. There are just a few tickets left which can be obtained at the pub during opening hours.

Please remember to bring your tickets with you as admission to the arena will be limited for health and safety reasons.

7 8 Hertford Heath Garden Club Summer Show celebrating the Club’s 90 years: People and Produce

Photos: Geoff Bawcutt Ian Williams

9 Anyone For Table Tennis? Our friendly group of table tennis players would like to invite new folks to join the fun. No matter if you’ve not played for a while or just fancy trying a new pastime, you can be sure of a warm welcome. We meet on Mondays from 2pm until 4pm in the Mission Room on Vicarage Causeway. Please contact Cathy Hoskin, [email protected] Or Gerald Drewett, [email protected]

T rinity Trinity C lub We had a really fun evening in July with Pimms and Pudding in the Mission Room. Our first meeting. The home made Pimms was wonderful and the puddings delicious. Conversation flowed. A thoroughly enjoyable evening In August we had our annual ‘meal out’. This year we returned to The Goat. Scotch eggs and shared platters at our end of the table were yummy. The ice cream looked so pretty – another relaxing evening. We do enjoy our meetings. Next month we have Italian nibbles and wine to accompany a slide show of olive picking in Tuscany. Annie Leach

Sustainable Hertford Heath Environment – Climate – Hope Climate Change and the Climate Change Crisis has certainly made it to the front page! Sadly the results of the “freak” weather conditions, which we are told are a feature of Climate Change, have been all too prevalent over the last few 10 months. Hottest ever temperatures recorded near the Canada/US border, drought in California, flooding in Germany and fierce forest fires in Greece are just some of the recent examples. Unfortunately there are many more. The extreme temperatures experienced in Lytton, British Columbia, were said to have been impossible without the effects of man made global warming which is as stark a warning that we could collectively face. Closer to home the lead author of the latest UK State of the Climate Report, Mike Kendon, climate information scientist at the UK Met Office, told BBC News: “A lot of people think climate change is in the future – but this proves the climate is already changing here in the UK.” In the face of this useful but gloomy reporting it’s hard not to be worn down by all the seemingly overwhelming bad news. So a local event has been set up to specifically offer more uplifting and practical input and hopefully some answers to the obvious question “What can we do about it all?” Environment – Climate - Hope is a free event taking place at All Saints Church on Saturday 11th September 2021 starting at 10am and going on until 4pm. Further details are on the next page. Here is a link for more details: www.allsaintshertford-org/ech.php This is very kindly being hosted in the grounds of All Saints but is not a church event. Sustainable Hertford Heath will have a stall there and look forward to seeing as many fellow Hertford Heathens at the event. Dates for the diary: Repair Shop 2pm on Sunday 19th September at the Mission Room Litter Pick 10 am on Saturday 25th meet by the white gates in Hailey Lane. Tim Hoskin 11 12 Greetings from Malvern After at least eighteen months I can drive my car. Not very far, mind you, and just to and from church so far. However, it means that I shall be able to do my shopping in our little local shopping centre and it means freedom and a certain independence. How I would have managed before my hip replacement without the help and support of family, neighbours and friends and my church I do not know. I am so thankful. Apart from my short time in hospital I had hardly left the house. However, several Saturdays ago Andrea and Kevin took me to lovely Upton upon Severn to see whether I could walk from the car park to the river bank. There did we sit and drink takeaway coffee from a riverside café and watched the little boats being rowed up and down the lovely Severn. All along the bank the Council had put stunning matching flower displays in graded shades of red and yellow. Hanging over the parapet of the road bridge, which is an important link to all stations west, was a large banner bedecked with balloons. It said: “Will you Marry Me?” I won’t disclose the name. It wasn’t me. Clearly this lady was due to arrive by river from the Tewksbury direction. When we got back to the car Andrea informed me that I had walked a thousand steps, which I suppose wasn’t bad. Then my David announced that he was coming over from Hampshire and would take me back to spend a few days there. He took me to Southsea near Portsmouth where they used to live. It was from the Common there that the D Day troops set off on their heroic mission to free France and the occupied countries of Europe. It meant a lot to me as I remember the day. Everyone knew that something of the sort would happen but not when and where. I went home from my primary school for lunch and it was on the News. I remember running back to school to tell my teacher. He knew of course but pretended he didn’t. Anyway, David took me to visit the D Day exhibition on the shore at Southsea and very impressive it is too. There is a landing craft that you can walk round. It was huge. I can’t remember how many tanks and their crews each one carried but it was a lot. That was just the beginning. The rest of the exhibition was full of film, commentaries 13 and artifacts showing the meticulous planning, the secret surveying of the proposed landing sites while all the time convincing the Nazis that they were in another place entirely. There is much more about it on the website. But most interesting and striking to me was the magnificent tapestry which took up several rooms. It took twenty four workers eight years to complete, and covered most aspects of the landing including the splendid bagpiper who led the way with a skirmish of his pipes, and pictures of King George VI, Winston Churchill, Monty, and if I remember correctly, General Eisenhower. What struck me the most was the numbers of countries from which the brave servicemen came. What a fantastic combined effort! Jill Budd St James the Least of All The Rev Dr Gary Bowness continues his tongue-in-cheek letters from ‘Uncle Eustace’… On the perils of taking a wedding

The Rectory St James the Least of All

My dear Nephew Darren As with many of your ideas, your intentions are admirable; it is just that they don’t work. So it was with the recent wedding in your church, where you allowed the happy but quite mad young couple to try and imitate the marriage of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. It was kind of them to want to celebrate Will and Kate’s recent 10th wedding anniversary, but it did not seem to occur to anybody that your church, converted from a 1960s warehouse, is fractionally less impressive than Westminster Abbey. And I feel that a backdrop of a car park and canal make a poor substitute for the Houses of Parliament and the Thames. Finally, even 43 very enthusiastic young people can hardly pretend they are a congregation of several thousand. 14 However, I do applaud your decision to invite me to take it, in order to impart a degree of gravitas to the proceedings, though of course I would not presume to upstage the Archbishop of Canterbury. (Although were he to ask my advice on how to run the Anglican Church, I have several helpful suggestions to hand.) But even I struggled to keep things on a proper course when the bride, lacking a horse-drawn carriage, simply walked up the lane with her ancient pony. (Which then tried to bite me at the church door!) Her arrival was greeted with music. I will pass no comment on this, as the Bible says we are to make a joyful noise, not necessarily music, unto the Lord. I am sure that drums and kazoos and guitars all have their place – somewhere or other. It was a pity that the groom, unlike Prince William, had not thought to get to the church on time – or indeed, at all. It was fortunate that the bride’s mother found him in that pub nearby, or really, we would have struggled to complete the wedding. Your loving uncle, Eustace [Parish Pump]

God in the Sciences Faithful to Scripture, Faithful to Science Alister McGrath is well-known as a theologian, but he started out as a scientist. After becoming a Christian as a student, he wanted to learn about his new faith so he studied theology at the same time as completing his PhD in molecular biophysics. He has not lost touch with science, but has continued to write and speak about how science and Christian faith work together. In this extract from a recently released interview, he shares his experience of being a scientist and a Christian. “I think my most vivid experience of wonder took place in the 1970s when I was on vacation in Iran. We were travelling on a bus in the 15 middle of the night because it wasn’t hot then, and the bus broke down. We found ourselves in the middle of this solemn black desert, and the night sky shone with a brilliance like I had never seen before. That just overwhelmed me, it made me think there is something really wonderful here. “Now, I was a Christian by that time and I knew how Christianity could answer that but it just struck me, that sense of wonder has two possible outcomes. One is science – this universe is wonderful, what’s it all about? But of course, it is also about religion, the deeper levels of things that science can't really engage. I think one of the things I have discovered over time is that maybe this sense of wonder both opens the gateway to science and to faith, and that those two together are able to answer questions which on their own they simply couldn’t. “I think science is wonderful at asking questions. Some of those questions can be answered, but very often when you do answer them, they simply open up yet more questions. But of course, there are some more fundamental questions I think science simply cannot answer – they transcend its capacities to answer, and you might think of non- empirical questions like, ‘Why am I here? What is the meaning of life? What is good and how do I live a good life?’ “These are real questions and they’re good questions but they’re not scientific questions. And the psychologists tell us that we really need answers to those questions if we are to lead a fulfilled human existence. You find some scientists who say, ‘Well because science can’t answer them there are no answers to be given’, but actually most realise that there are answers waiting to be discovered – it’s just that science can't deliver them. “Science fills in part of a big picture but there are parts of the picture you have to fill in from somewhere else. Science is part of the answer but only part, and faith supplements it, giving us a vision of life that is exciting and reliable, and also something that we can inhabit meaningfully.” Find more on Dr Ruth M Bancewicz [Parish Pump] 16 Wilson Carlile – September 26 Wilson Carlile was born in Brixton in 1847, and did not set out to become an evangelist. Instead, he was brilliant at both languages and music, and excelled as a businessman. That is, until an economic recession and serious illness brought him crashing down and finished his career, aged only 31. Not surprisingly, a serious breakdown followed, when Carlile questioned everything that he had been attempting in life. This search for a new meaning brought him to faith in Jesus Christ, and so turned his world upside down. Wilson approached two Christians whose passion for ministry was already well known: the Americans evangelists Moody and Sanky, who were at that time in . Wilson attended their meetings and supplied music via his harmonium. In return, he learned a lot about effective outdoors evangelism. Carlile then prepared himself for a life of ministry. He was confirmed into the Church of England, studied at the London College of Divinity, ordained in 1880 and served his curacy at St Mary Abbots in Kensington. But Carlile wanted more than comfortable parish life, and soon began outdoor preaching again. He wanted to reach the poor, unchurched, of the community. Carlile left Kensington to work in a slum mission, and by 1882 he was busy uniting the local Anglican parish missions into one organisation. Here his business skills in planning and organising proved invaluable, and soon he had founded the ‘Church Army.’ He then founded two training colleges, to train both men and women evangelists. After a slight hesitation, the Church of England agreed to incorporate the Church Army into its structure, and even created the office of Evangelist for the Church Army captains and sisters. In the years that followed, Church Army has done great work in evangelism, as well as in social and moral welfare. It helped support the troops during World War 1. Carlile remained honorary chief secretary until retirement in 1926. He died in 1942. Parish Pump

17 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH CHURCHYARD REGULATIONS Keeping our churchyard tidy and safe for all. For most people churchyards are places of quiet contemplation and remembering. Our aim is to ensure that our churchyard should be both peaceful, kept tidy and mown for the benefit of everyone. The churchyard around Holy Trinity Church, Hertford Heath is closed for burials (open for burial of ashes). The grounds are maintained by gardeners employed by Hertford Heath Parish Council (HHPC). Holy Trinity Parochial Church Council (HTPCC) works with HHPC in maintaining the safety and appearance of the churchyard. Neither Hertford Heath Parish Council (HHPC) nor Holy Trinity Parochial Church Council (HTPCC) is responsible for maintaining memorials in the churchyard, the memorial stone/grave/tablet upkeep is the responsibility of the deceased’s family. Checks are carried out from time to time to ensure that memorials have not become hazardous. If it appears that a memorial is in a dangerous condition, HTPCC may decide that it should be laid on the ground to avoid accidents. Our churchyard is different from a civil (local authority) cemetery. In our churchyard the burial plots are not ‘owned’ by the family. In a Church of England churchyard, families own a memorial stone or tablet, but not the ground in which it is set. The plots remain part of the churchyard and as such are all subject to the Diocese of Churchyard Regulations. Memorial stones and tablets can only be installed by a qualified funeral director or stone mason under the regulations laid out in the Diocese of St Albans Churchyard Regulations and via the faculty process. Our Churchwardens can help you with this, as can your Funeral Director.

Memorial Garden In the Memorial Garden the regulations allow for a 12 inch/30cm square memorial tablet which should be laid flush with the ground, and which may incorporate a vase for flowers.

18 The only permitted items on or around a memorial tablet, in the Memorial Garden at Holy Trinity Churchyard are: 1. a stone/granite memorial vase. This should be placed on the memorial tablet. Please note plastic versions of these vases are NOT permitted. 2. OR one ceramic bowl of plants. The bowl should be no larger than 8 inches/20cm in diameter, and when containing plants should stand no higher than 12 inches/30cm – see photo. This should be placed on the memorial tablet. 3. OR one plastic vase, see photo. This should be placed above the memorial tablet

Please note that you can only choose one of these options, not all three. These items are placed at your own risk. HTPCC, HHPC or the gardeners will not accept responsibility for any damage or breakages due to strimming the grass and keeping the area well maintained. Loose flower vases and containers made of glass or plastic are not permitted because they are vulnerable to accidental damage which causes understandable distress to the family, and they can cause difficulties for mowing or strimming. Sometimes pieces of broken container can cause injury. We encourage people to have flowers in containers at home as a reminder of a loved one. Graves, and memorial tablets in the Memorial Garden, need to be kept clear of obstructions so that the grass can be cut. Seasonal wreathes may be laid on any grave or memorial tablet but must be removed as soon as they appear to be dead. It should also be noted that free-standing features such as toys, pictures, mementos, statues, plastic/silk flowers,

19 solar lights etc. are NOT allowed. Chippings, gravel, paving stones, or kerbs may NOT be placed on or around any grave or any area set aside for cremated remains in the churchyard. No trees, plants or shrubs may be planted anywhere in the churchyard. Wooden marker crosses are designed to mark a burial plot until a permanent memorial is added. They should then be removed and may be taken home by the family or disposed of by the funeral director or monumental mason. HTPCC tidy the Churchyard on the last weekend of each month, and at their discretion, will remove any non-permitted items placed in the churchyard. They will be carefully placed by the side of the church for collection; retained for a three-month period, after that time they will be disposed of. It is for our local community, that we preserve the atmosphere of tranquillity and natural, living landscape of our churchyard which itself offers the beauty of creation as a comfort to all who enter. Please help us to preserve this character, which has endured for many centuries. and which we have a duty to pass on to the next generation. HTPCC are dedicated to maintaining the churchyard for the benefit of families and other visitors. These Regulations are intended to create and maintain a place of peace, dignity, and respect for the departed.

For a copy of the St Albans Diocese Churchyard Regulations please click this link Regulations-2020.pdf

These Regulations are also displayed on the Holy Trinity Church website, in the Memorial Garden, on the Lych-gate at the entrance to the churchyard and in the porch of the Church.

If you have any questions about Holy Trinity Church churchyard or are hoping to have a burial of ashes in the churchyard, please contact our Vicar Sally on [email protected], or Susanna Williams, our churchwarden on [email protected]

20 Church Contact Information Vicar The Revd Sally Dryden, 07783 435390 The Vicarage, 17 Barclay Close v [email protected] Website Facebook: Holy Trinity Hertford Heath Instagram: holytrinityhh Twitter: HolyTrinityHH Editor: Dr I R Williams 20 Vicarage Causeway SG13 7RT 01992 581195 [email protected] Please note that, although Parish News is produced by Little Amwell PCC, the opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the PCC. Parish News online is edited using free and open-source software LibreOffice.



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Local long standing family business offering personal service in Herts, Beds, Essex and Cambridge

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Telephone: 07968 098763 – 07967 480406 and speak to Richard Cavill for more information about your project

Peter B. Priddis & Son Builder & Decorator Property Maintenance

- Interior & Exterior Decorating - General Repairs - Plumbing - Roofing - Patios - Driveways - Bathrooms - Kitchens - Tiling

Tel / Fax: 01992 581467 Mobile: 07973 320902 49 Mount Pleasant, Hertford Heath, Herts, SG13 7QZ 40