Significant Features of Fiscal Federalism 1988 Edition
—. ,., .,”,.... ,.,. Preface Rdeaee of this volume of Significant Feahree and public finance analysts find the new as well ofFiscal Federalism represents en important de- as updated information helpful in their research. parture from earlier editions of this report— Of course, given the early publication date, namely, its December publication date. In order certain data series typically found in Significant to respond more readily to the needs of state ax- Feahree were omitted from this volume. Nearly ecutive end legislative oftlcials, their staffs, and all of the omitted series of tables rely on data col- those who interact with them, thk volume is be- lected by the Governments Division of the U.S. ing released immediately prior to the opening of Bureau of the Census—data that were not re- the 1988 state legislative sessions. In the past, leased until December 1987. Based on these data, Significant Features has been released in mid- Volume II of Significant Features, 1988, will be spring. It is hoped that thk early release date will issued in the spring of 1988. The second volume enable the many users of Significant Features to will contain state-by-state information on the make better end more informed decisions baaed distribution of revenue sources for state govern- on more timely information. It is ACIR’S inten- ments, locaI governments and state-locaJ govern- tion to continue issuing Significant Feaiures in ments combined; the distribution of expenditures two volumes, commencing with this 1988 edi- by function (percentage of government budgets tion. devoted to education, highways, public welfare, Thie volume is devoted primarily to federal, etc.) will also be included.
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