I E H M C L N E A U N W D R E R E N V , O E O R G

T on F a E N tr L E E

B artner A T C C e P N T A N T e of Public Adminis I nowledg N U A K tut B O I A A C Indian Ins C D A H I A N D N N – R I S , I 7 E 1 - E C 0 I V 2 , S V R E R 2 S S O E

I L B A M G T E I W - V G I O N D S E 2017

Design: Picture Street Gold Sponsors: Gold Silver Sponsors: Bronze Sponsors: Welcome Address

DR. ANDREAS BAUM Ambassador of Switzerland to The Embassy of Switzerland is happy to present the event series 70 Years of Swiss-Indian Friendship: Connecng Minds - Inspiring the Future (SIF70). This biennial iniave commemorates the anniversary of the Swiss-Indian Treaty of Friendship, which was signed in Partners: on August 14, 1948. SIF70 was officially launched by the President of the Swiss Confederaon, Mrs. Doris Leuthard during her State visit to India on September 1, 2017. With this iniave, the Swiss diplomac network in India is connecng Swiss and Indian minds that are acvely shaping the future of both countries. The focus lies on creang opportunies for innovaon in business, research and technology, but also in the fields of governance, art or social inclusion. Events and acvies have started in April 2017 and will connue to take place in various cies across India to highlight this important landmark unl the end of 2018. The ongoing digital transformaon of all sectors of our society also touches governments and public services. Policians are tweeng, cizens engage on change plaorms and governments are reshaping the access to public services. A push forward comes from both the governments of India and of Switzerland with iniaves, strategies and new digital services. In both Switzerland and India, a younger generaon of entrepreneurs and engaged cizens are enriching the e- governance sector with innovave ideas. The Swiss-Indian forum on e-governance is an exchange on iniaves and strategies taken in both countries, on best pracces and lessons learnt. We are parcularly happy to have a dedicated Knowledge Partner with the Indian Instute of Public Administraon. In this first bilateral forum on e-governance, we present to you innovators in the Swiss governance sector and want to start a discussion on cizen to government relaons in our countries. We intend to connect Swiss and #SwissIndianFriendship Indian experts in order to launch a conversaon affecng both our countries’ futures. I express my best wishes for a smulang and producve day. Like us on Facebook! www.eda.admin.ch/india

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1 Welcome Address Proposed Program

DR. TISHYARAKSHIT CHATTERJEE 10:00 – 10:30 Registraon of the Parcipants IAS (Retd.); Director, Indian Instute of Public Administraon (IIPA) 10:30 – 11:00 Inaugural Session One of the main objecves of governance in any democrac country is 11:00 – 11:20 Presentaon Naonal Strategies: to achieve holisc development with cizen parcipaon and ensure e-Government Switzerland accountable, responsive, and transparent delivery systems. For doing Digital India so, these countries could use emerging technologies and their applicaons in the processes of governance. The flagship Digital India 11:20 – 12:20 Presentaons: Best Pracces and Examples of Implementaon Programme (, 2015) too affirms to “transform of the Naonal Strategies India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy” Followed by Q&A with far reaching economic, social and environmental benefits for its masses. To augment further its e-governance endeavours, Ministry of 12:20 – 12:35 Speed Networking Session Electronics and Informaon technology (MeitY), has collaborated with 12:35 – 13:00 Presentaons: Indian Instute of Public Administraon (IIPA) as one of its prime Open Government Data in India agencies to train its senior and middle level officials as well as has Open Data in Switzerland – Technology for All not just for Few entrusted IIPA to replicate 'Training of Trainers' components for e- Followed by Q&A governance and Digital India trainings throughout the country. Digital India tries to address all the features of making India more cizen - 13:00 – 13:45 Lunch & Networking Break centric, and cizen-inclusive. 13:45 – 14:45 Panel Discussion 1 However, the rapid digizaon and inclusion of technology-based Disrupve Technologies and Sustainable Development Goals: soluons in public service delivery may have its pialls. Proliferaon of Engaging the Unreached – Digital Governance for All technology in all aspects of a cizens' life, may make the hapless Examples of implementaon: issues, opportunies and cizens more vulnerable to cybercrime. Governments must instruments on how to reach out to groups not reached by collaborate with each other and with all stakeholders of the ecosystem digitalizaon - both at the naonal as well as at the internaonal level – to prevent this and to be one-step ahead. Followed by Q&A and Open Discussion Swiss-India relaonship is a case in point. Firmly grounded in our 14:45 – 15:05 Interacve Session: Cizen Parcipaon in e-Governance seventy years old friendship, this partnership of Switzerland and India in 15:05 – 15:20 Tea-Break / Short Film the e-governance space may be pernent at this me of transion when India seeks new friendships and empirical evidence of success. The 15:20 – 16:30 Panel Discussion 2 thrust of Digital India in bridging the last mile gap for a hitherto Resolving the Triangular Dichotomy: e-Governance, Right to 'unreached' cizen is expected to benefit from Swiss experiences as well Privacy and Security as from Swiss success stories that could be adapted for India. Similarly, Followed by Q&A and Open Discussion Indian achievements in digitally engaging cizens in policy-making 16:30 – 16:50 Wrap Up Session – Conclusions processes through iniaves like MyGov may be useful for Switzerland. 16:50 – 17:00 Acknowledgments Hope this Swiss-Indian e-governance forum can take this process of joint learning forward towards fruion! 17:00 - 17:30 Tea / Networking

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ALENKA BONNARD posngs Shri Chaerjee spent seventeen years in Environment and Director and Co-founder, staatslabor Forests policy and management areas at the State and Central levels. [email protected] He has published widely in internaonal reviewed journals and in A lawyer by training, specialized in the evaluaon of public policy, Alenka edited volumes in this subject area. He is presently Member, Naonal carried out her studies in Lausanne, Geneva, Berlin and Paris. She Tiger Conservaon Authority, MoEF & CC and Member, Indian benefits from many years of experience in strategy and innovaon Resources Panel, (GIZ) MoEF & CC Govt. of India. consulng for large companies, foundaons and various public enes. Indian Instute of Public Administraon (IIPA) She supervises all the acvies and partnerships of the staatslabor and is responsible for strategy and development. Alenka is parcularly Indian Instute of Public Administraon (IIPA) was setup to build interested in issues of cizen parcipaon, innovaon culture and capacity among public servants through training and research with service and public policy design. knowledge, skills and behaviour required for managing the tasks of governance at the Centre and state level. In its efforts to enhance the staatslabor leadership, management and administrave capability of the execuves The staatslabor was born from a keen interest in public acon and the in government and public sector enterprises, the Instute works in close desire to keep it in pace with present opportunies. In the summer of collaboraon with naonal and internaonal organizaons. The 2016, a group of young people from such diverse backgrounds as Instute's training and research programmers link with its vast design, technology, social sciences, polics and administraon decided informaon management and experience- sharing acvies. to set up a site where issues related to public services and policies could Building upon the vision of its founding fathers, the IIPA aims to be one of be tackled in a muldisciplinary and innovave fashion. the world's leading academic centers of thought and influence on public Officially launched in January 2017 and housed in the Impact Hub of governance, policy making and implementaon to enable governance Berne - the capital of Switzerland, the staatslabor supports the systems to become more responsive to the needs and aspiraons of developmental work of Swiss public and parapublic sectors striving to cizens and be aligned to human values in a democrac society. offer cizens services tailored to their current and future needs. The www.iipa.org.in staatslabor funcons simultaneously as a plaorm connecng experts, civil society and administraons, a forum for exchange and a laboratory PROF. JAGDEEP S. CHHOKAR for public innovaon. Founder member ADR www.staatslabor.ch [email protected] Jagdeep S. Chhokar has been a professor, manager, and engineer. He DR. TISHYARAKSHIT CHATTERJEE was professor, Dean and Director In-charge at the Indian Instute of IAS (Retd.); Director, Indian Instute of Public Administraon (IIPA) Management, Ahmedabad. He is a founder member of Associaon for cha[email protected] Democrac Reforms, and founding Chairperson of Aajeevika Bureau. He is now a concerned cizen, a lawyer, and a birdwatcher. Ph.D. (Environment), PG Diploma in Internaonal Cooperaon & Development, University of Oawa, Masters in History Delhi Associaon for Democrac Reforms (ADR) University, IAS (1975) of Andhra Pradesh cadre. He rered in November The Associaon for Democrac Reforms (ADR) was established in 1999 2012 as Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Environment and by a group of professors from the Indian Instute of Management (IIM) Forests. Post rerement he was selected as Director IIPA in March Ahmedabad. In 1999, Public Interest Ligaon (PIL) was filed by them 2013. In his over thirty-seven years of service, besides the normal with Delhi High Court asking for [or requesng] the disclosure of the

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criminal, financial and educaonal background of the candidates Pavan Duggal Associates contesng elecons. Based on this, the Supreme Court in 2002, and Pavan Duggal Associates is India's niche technology law firm which subsequently in 2003, made it mandatory for all candidates contesng focuses on intersecon of law and technology as also cyber security. elecons to disclose criminal, financial and educaonal background The law firm has contributed to pushing forward the exisng prior to the polls by filing an affidavit with the Elecon Commission. jurisprudence on cyber security related legal issues. Pavan Duggal The first elecon watch was conducted by ADR in 2002 for Gujarat Associates is a specialist and his bouque law firm has over the years Assembly Elecons, whereby detailed analysis of the backgrounds of expanded its scope to variety of emerging legal areas of discipline in the candidates contesng elecons was provided to the electorate in order digital and mobile ecosystem. to help the electorate make an informed choice during polls. Since then, Pavan Duggal Associates is specialized in all areas pertaining to ADR has conducted Elecon Watches for almost all state and reporng cybercrime and prosecung the cybercrime on behalf of parliament elecons in collaboraon with the Naonal Elecon Watch. their clients. Pavan Duggal Associates focuses on cung-edge areas of It conducts mulple projects aimed at increasing transparency and intersecon of law and technology in cyberspace as also in the digital accountability in the polical and electoral system of the country. and mobile ecosystem. www.adrindia.org www.pavanduggalassociates.com

PAVAN DUGGAL HANNES GASSERT Cyber Law Expert; Advocate, Supreme Court of India Civic entrepreneur, Board Member opendata.ch [email protected] [email protected] Pavan Duggal, is the Founder & Chairman of Internaonal Commission Hannes Gassert is a Swiss civic entrepreneur, author and strategist at on Cyber Security Law. the intersecon of technology, media and culture. Besides deeply caring for his ventures such as Liip, a leading web agency, or Wemakeit, Pavan Duggal who is the President of Cyberlaws.Net, has been working Switzerland's crowdfunding plaorm, he is successfully pung in the pioneering area of Cyber Law, Cyber Security Law & Mobile Law. As praccing Advocate in the Supreme Court of India, Pavan Duggal has transparency, innovaon and parcipaon through open knowledge made an immense impact with an internaonal reputaon as an Expert on Switzerland's polical agenda: he is a policy shaper with a hacker and Authority on Cyber Law, Cyber Security Law and E-commerce law. mind. He is vising India as a Board Member of Open Knowledge Pavan Duggal has been acknowledged as one of the top Cyber Lawyers Internaonal and of its Swiss Chapter, Opendata.ch. around the world. He has worked as a consultant to UNCTAD and Opendata.ch UNESCAP on Cyber Law and Cyber Crime as well as for numerous other Open Knowledge Internaonal is a global non-profit organizaon mulnaonal instuons. Pavan is the President of Cyberlaw Asia, focused on realizing open data's value to society by helping civil society Asia's pioneering organizaon commied to the passing of dynamic groups access and use data to take acon on social problems. They show cyber laws in the Asian connent. He has recommended the need for the value of open data for the work of civil society organizaons, provide coming up with an Internaonal Convenon on Cyberlaw & Cyber organizaons with the tools and skills to effecvely use open data and Security. As a thought leader, Pavan has suggested that India requires a we make government informaon systems responsive to civil society. new legislaon that is wholly dedicated to cyber security. Pavan heads his niche law firm Pavan Duggal Associates, which has pracce Open Knowledge Internaonal is a worldwide network of people areas, amongst others, in Cyber Law and Informaon Security Law. passionate about openness, using advocacy, technology and training to unlock informaon and enable people to work with it to create and share knowledge.

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Opendata.ch, the Swiss chapter of Open Knowledge Internaonal co- PROF. P K JOSHI founded by Hannes Gassert, has a parcular focus on the specific Professor at University situaon in their country: what's the interplay of transparency and [email protected] direct democracy? What are the ways towards more open government P K Joshi is Professor at the School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal data in an extremely decentralized system? And how can a tradion of Nehru University, New Delhi. He had developed skills in geospaal tools top-notch data quality in areas like maps and schedules be expanded for natural resource management. Prior to joining JNU he was professor and leveraged for progress and innovaon that serves everybody? with TERI University and before that scienst with the Indian Instute of www.opendata.ch Remote Sensing (IIRS/ISRO). His research work is recognized by the naonal science academies and the latest is P.R. Pisharoty Memorial DANIEL GASTEIGER Award (Indian Naonal Remote Sensing Award) (2014). CEO and Co-founder Procivis Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) [email protected] Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) is one of the foremost public central Daniel is CEO and Co-founder of the e-gov start-up Procivis. Before universies in India, and a world-renowned centre for teaching and becoming a founder, he has worked in financial services for more than research. Ranked number one in India by the Naonal Assessment and 20 years. Starng out as an FX trader at Credit Suisse, he later joined Accreditaon Council (NAAC), the instuon is known for its impact on UBS to work with hedge funds and third-party banks promong UBS's developing an understanding of society, culture and science. Many business-to-business API soluons and prime brokerage services. In his members of faculty and research scholars have won presgious last role at UBS, he built up and managed the Office of the Chairman as naonal and internaonal awards for their academic work. At present a Managing Director. His fascinaon for blockchain technology led to there are ten Schools and four Special Centres in the University hosng the decision to start nexussquared, a business plaorm based in Zurich. around 8000 students and 650 faculty members. JNU has also granted There he drove the efforts to enhance the aracveness of the locaon recognion and accreditaon to numerous academic, training and for internaonal start-ups and helped new ventures as well as research instuons of naonal importance across the country. established players to build up business based on the technology. www.jnu.ac.in Procivis The company was founded in October 2016 by a handful of passionate DR. CHARRU MALHOTRA individuals with extensive professional and academic experience in a Associate Professor e-Governance and ICT, global context. The founding members are supported by an Advisory Indian Instute of Public Administraon Board consisng of renowned cyber security and blockchain specialists as [email protected] well as e-government experts from Estonia, the world's leader in the field. Dr. Charru Malhotra is presently working as an Associate Professor (e- Procivis AG is incorporated in Zurich, Switzerland and operates according Governance and ICT) at Indian Instute of Public Administraon (IIPA), to the country's core values, which are reflected by their services. New Delhi and has more than twenty-eight years of experience in www.procivis.ch the field. Her current areas of interest include capacity building and impact assessment of e-governance projects; evolving strategies for co- creaon of digital spaces; applicaon of emerging technologies for governance; policy design of cyber security concerns; designing

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SmartCies & SmartVillages with special reference to development Data Centres. Responsible for e-Governance Conformity Assessment research to catalyse technology for people with disabilies as well as Project implementaon in STQC. Within Cyber laws funcons, he is for disaster ridden communies. involved in represenng MeitY in various court maers of general She has been invited as a subject expert in these areas by several interest including curbing of Pornography, child sexual abuse material, naonal and internaonal organisaons including The World Bank blue whale and various maers related to IPR violaons and other (2017, 2000) , Economist Intelligence Unit - HK (2017), Internaonal cybercrimes and contravenons happening on the Internet. Instute for Management Development (Switzerland) for World Ministry of Electronics and Informaon Technology (MeitY) Compeveness Yearbook (2016), Asian Development Bank (2014), The Ministry of Electronics and Informaon Technology is part of the Université Paris 1, Panthéon Sorbonne (2016, 2014), Wollongong Union Government of the Republic of India. It was formed by giving the University (Australia, 2011), Winrock Internaonal (1999) etc. status of ministry to the Department of Electronics and Informaon Dr. Malhotry holds a doctorate degree from IIT-Delhi on “e-Governance Technology (Deity) of Ministry of Communicaons and Informaon and Cizen-centricity” (2010) and is a Thames Valley (U.K.) cerfied Technology. Trainer of Trainers (ToT). She has more than 30 publicaons in recognized internaonal and naonal journals and books, and has won www.meity.gov.in numerous “Best paper” awards. The Vice-President of India has released her book on “Digital India” and “e-Kran” (2017). DR. AJAY BHUSHAN PANDEY (tbc) Chief Execuve Officer (CEO), RAKESH MAHESHWARI The Unique Idenficaon Authority of India (UIDAI) Senior Director, Cyber Law and eSecurity Group, [email protected] Department of Electronics & Informaon Technology (DeitY), Dr. Ajay Bhushan Pandey is the Chief Execuve Officer(CEO) of Unique Ministry of Electronics & Informaon Technology (MeitY) Idenficaon Authority of India UIDAI and has been steering [email protected] in India since its beginning in 2010. Over the last six years, he has closely Rakesh Maheshwari is Sr. Director working in MeitY and presently worked with central and state governments, banks, oil companies and designated as Group Coordinator Cyber Laws and UIDAI. As Cyber Laws other stakeholders to enable use of Aadhaar plaorm in programs such Head, he was responsible for administraon of IT Act 2000 from MeitY as Direct Benefit Transfers, financial inclusion, and E-governance. He is perspecve. He is also a member Secretary for the recently constuted an officer of Indian Administrave Service having over 30 years of Expert Commiee for Data Protecon Laws in India. experience at various posions in Government of India. He has overall service of more than 30 years in Government, majority of Dr. Pandey is a graduate of Electrical Engineering from IIT Kanpur. In which had been in STQC directorate in various capacies. An Electronics 1998 he went on to join University of Minnesota where he obtained his and Communicaon Engineering graduate by qualificaon, he has vast MS and PhD degrees in Computer Science. In 2009, he was awarded the experience including in Quality assurance, Soware process Disnguished Leadership Award for Internaonals by the University of improvement, Informaon security, Cerficaon and Training. He has Minnesota for his outstanding leadership accomplishments in his been trained at Carnegie Melon University (Soware Engineering professional career. Instute and at Cylab, CMU USA), BSI (UK) and in the Netherlands on Unique Idenficaon Authority of India (UIDAI) Informaon Security issues. The Unique Idenficaon Authority of India (UIDAI) is a statutory Rakesh Maheshwari has been involved in various e-Governance authority established under the provisions of the Aadhaar (Targeted projects including in Passport Sewa project, UIDAI, Jeevan and State Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act,

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2016 (“Aadhaar Act 2016”) on 12 July 2016 by the Government of India, part of cyber security iniave and Computer Emergency Team. under the Ministry of Electronics and Informaon Technology (MeitY). Several internaonal cooperaon agreements have been entered Prior to its establishment as a statutory authority, UIDAI was funconing under his leadership. He led a team from me to me to dra and bring as an aached office of the then Planning Commission (now NITI Aayog) out Naonal Policies in the area of cyber security and cyber laws. He vide its Gazee Noficaon No.-A-43011/02/2009-Admn.I) dated 28th was Execuve Director, ERNET India for over 7 years and was January, 2009. Later, on 12 September 2015, the Government revised instrumental in seng up of the first large scale educaon and research the Allocaon of Business Rules to aach the UIDAI to the Department network in close collaboraon with the leading educaonal and of Electronics & Informaon Technology (DeitY) of the then Ministry of research instuons in the country. During his tenure, the project of Communicaons and Informaon Technology. Naonal Knowledge Network was evolved and designed. He has been leading team, designing and implemenng IT soluons in the areas of www.uidai.gov.in Finance, Taxes and Law & Order. Prime Minister's Office - hp://www.pmindia.gov.in/en/ AISHWARYA PILLAI Programme Officer- Communicaons, LOGIN [email protected] AMITABH RANJAN Registrar Indian Instute of Public Administraon Aishwarya Pillai is a communicaons professional with cross-sector [email protected] experience spanning 20 years. Within the development sector, she has led communicaons for internaonal organizaons/projects in the Mr. Ranjan is presently Registrar at Indian Instute of Public Administraon, New Delhi. He holds MBA in Human Resource maternal, newborn and child health and nutrion, adolescent and Management from Tilak University, Pune and B.Tech from reproducve health, and ICT for development spaces. She has also served IIT Dhanbad. as an independent consultant for UN agencies. Currently, she is part of the Swiss Cooperaon Office-supported Local Governance Iniave and Over 19 years experience of handling responsible Senior/Mid-Senior Network (LOGIN) Secretariat team as a Communicaons Specialist. Management. Experience of heading various offices/departments and dealing in whole operaons like Civil and General Administraon, Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Procurement, DR. GULSHAN RAI ICT, PR & Liaison, Event Management etc. Chief Informaon Security Officer, Prime Minister's Office [email protected] www.iipa.org.in Dr. Gulshan Rai holds a doctoral degree and M.Tech has over 30 years of experience in different areas of Informaon Technology which include KENTO REUTIMANN different aspects of e-Governance, cyber security, cyber laws and several Research Assistant, Chair for Informaon and Communcaons Law, related fields. At present, he is Naonal Cyber Security Coordinator, University of Zurich Government of India in the Office of Prime Minister. Prior to that he was kento.reu[email protected] Director General, CERT-In (Indian Computer Emergency Response Team) Kento Reumann is a Ph.D. candidate in the field of blockchain and Group Coordinator of E-Security and Cyber Law Division in the technology. He conducts research at the Centre for Informaon Ministry of Communicaons and Informaon Technology. Technology, Society and Law (ITSL) at University of Zurich on a variety of He has led the team to put in 2nd Technological Legislaon in India. He is legal aspects of informaon technology, such as internet filtering, web an important member of Data Protecon Commiee. He has also led archives, or data portability. Kento studied law at the University of the team to set up Naonal Watch and Alert System in the country as Zurich and Keio University in Tokyo, Japan. He also has experience in

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soware and web development and a deeper understanding of legal eGovernment Switzerland aspects of technological advancements. Kento's research covers Switzerland pursues a joint e-government strategy on all three levels: different legal aspects with regard to informaon technology, with a naonal, cantonal and communal. By implemenng the strategy, their primary focus on blockchain technology, data protecon, intellectual aim is to achieve the following mission: eGovernment is a maer of property and compeon law. course: transparent, cost-effecve and seamless electronic government University of Zurich and the Centre for Informaon Technology, services for the general public, businesses and the administraon. Society and Law (ITSL) In the eGovernment strategy, the Confederaon, the cantons and the The Faculty of Law of the University of Zurich ranks as one of the communes have adhered to four strategic aims. Service orientaon: leading facules of law for research and as the most diverse in Europe. electronic government services which are easy to use, transparent and It was established in 1833 at the first university in Europe founded by a secure as well. Usefulness and effecveness: eGovernment creates democrac polical system. The Center for Informaon Technology, added value for the general public, businesses and the authories, and Society, and Law (ITSL) at University of Zurich is an interdisciplinary reduces the work of all those involved in processing official business. research instute. Its mission is to explore the opportunies and Innovaon and promoon of the Swiss economy: eGovernment challenges in the informaon society and the impact of new exploits innovaons and thereby promotes Switzerland as a business technologies on business and government acvies as well as everyday locaon and as a place to live. Sustainability: mulple usage of life. The goal of the ITSL is to foster and advance interdisciplinary soluons will be promoted. The Confederaon and the cantons ensure research, to encourage the collaborave development of mul the sustainability of e-government services by seng requirements in disciplinary projects and to serve as a forum that promotes dialogue terms of organisaon, financing and operaon. and knowledge transfer between researchers from various disciplines www.egovernment.ch such as computer and communicaon sciences, sociology, psychology, geography, ethics and law. DR. AJAY PRAKASH SAWHNEY www.uzh.ch/en.html Secretary, Ministry of Electronics and Informaon Technology (MeitY) [email protected] CÉDRIC ROY Ajay Sawhney is an IAS Officer of Andhra Pradesh cadre. He has handled Cédric Roy, Head of Programme Office, eGovernment Switzerland various assignments in the state of Andhra Pradesh, covering land [email protected] administraon, law and order and quasi-judicial funcons, rural Cédric Roy is head of the programme office E-Government Switzerland. development, health & family welfare, communicaon & informaon He holds a Master in Applied Computer Science from the Swiss Federal technology, e-governance and elecons, etc. Instute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). Since 2016, he is in charge He has catalysed the establishment of the Internaonal Instute of of the implementaon of the eGovernment Strategy Switzerland, Informaon Technology in Hyderabad and its emergence as one of the which has been defined and adopted by the Swiss Confederaon in premier instuons in computer science educaon and research in the cooperaon with the cantons and communes. He finances and country. He has spent more than ten years in assignments relang to coordinates the development of strategic projects and services and has informaon technology and e-governance and has led the formulaon managed in the last 10 years, technical and organizaonal projects for a of innovave policies and implementaon of several major e- cantonal administraon. He also owned and ran for 10 years a soware governance, communicaons and broadband projects. He has also development company. worked as the Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister aer the reorganizaon of the state of Andhra Pradesh.

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He has also worked in the Government of India as Joint Secretary in the UNDP has worked in India since 1951 in almost all areas of human Department of Personnel and Training and as the President and CEO of development, from democrac governance to poverty eradicaon, to the Naonal e-Governance Division, which assists the Ministry of sustainable energy and environmental management. UNDP's Electronics and Informaon Technology in the implementaon of the programmes are aligned with naonal priories and are reviewed and Naonal e-Governance Plan, and as Addional Secretary in the adjusted annually. Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas before his current role as www.in.undp.org Secretary, Ministry of Electronics and Informaon Technology.

www.meity.gov.in PROF. VINOD KUMAR SHARMA Indian Instute of Public Administraon DR. NARESH C. SAXENA [email protected] Indian Administrave Service (IAS) (Rtd), Advisor, UNDP India Prof. Vinod Kumar Sharma is currently the Senior Professor, Disaster [email protected] Management/Consultant at Indian Instute Of Public Administraon; Dr. Naresh Chandra Saxena was the topper of his batch in the Indian Vice Chairman, Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority, Govt. of Administrave Service, which he joined in 1964. He rered as Sikkim and Adjunct Professor of Disaster Management, Amrita Secretary, Planning Commission, Government of India. He also worked University. He is member of UN ISDR Asia Science, Technology and as Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, and Secretary Minories Academia Advisory Group. Commission (GOI). He was Member of the Naonal Advisory Council He has served in a number of Universies in India and Middle East from 2004 to 2008 and 2010 to 2014. During 1993-96 he was Director, before joining the Indian Instute of Public Administraon. He is Lal Bahadur Shastri Naonal Academy of Administraon, Mussoorie, founder Chairman of a non-profit organizaon, SEEDS India and which trains senior civil servants. On behalf of the Supreme Court of member of execuve commiee of Sphere India (a network of NGOs India, Dr Saxena monitors hunger based programmes in India. He has and UN organizaons working in disaster management). chaired several government commiees, such as on 'Women's Land Rights', 'Idenficaon of poor families', 'Implementaon of Forest At IIPA, Prof. Sharma is In-charge of Department of Science and Rights Act', 'Joint Review Mission on Elementary Educaon' and Technology and Foreign Training. In Sikkim he is working as Vice 'Bauxite Mining in Orissa'. Chairman, Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority, responsible for policy making and implementaon of Disaster Risk Reducon and Author of several books and arcles, Dr Saxena did his Doctorate in Climate Change Adaptaon related work. In UN ISDR, he is member of Forestry from the Oxford University in 1992. He was awarded Science Technology and Academia advisory group to use Science and honorary Ph.D from the University of East Anglia (UK) in 2006. Technology to reduce risk and save lives. Currently he advises United Naons on development issues. www.iipa.org.in United Naons Development Programme (UNDP) UNDP works in almost 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradicaon of poverty, and the reducon of inequalies and exclusion. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilies, instuonal capabilies and build resilience in order to sustain development results.

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AMIT SHUKLA Mr. Singh is also heading the state’s newly-created Cyber and Crime Founder and CEO, EasyGov against Women Cell at Mantralaya. He is the official Chief Informaon [email protected] Security Officer of the department - designated special Inspector General-Women Atrocity Prevenon & Cybercrime, a special authority Amit Shukla is the Founder and CEO of EasyGov. In 2015, he founded created by the Maharashtra government to tackle cyber threats. EasyGov to address the issues related to delivery of Government to Cizen social welfare schemes and services. He has graduated from The Mr. Singh has been former Inspector General of Criminal Invesgaon Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center Milestone Maker India Program 2017. Department (CID) and was instrumental in launching the country's first Amit has worked as an advisor to state and central Government in 15+ comprehensive “Crime Criminal Tracking Network System” through 42 projects in area of naonal security and human services in India, cyber labs in Maharashtra. As Inspector General of CID he introduced Australia, Middle East, USA and Japan. His 10+ years corporate many path breaking IT schemes such as online First Informaon experience spans through Accenture Strategy, KPMG Advisory. Recently Reports (FIR), communicaon facilies between police and he was invited as Champions of Change by Ni Aayog for interacon complainants, advanced forensics and digizaon of crime records of with Honourable Prime Minister on Digital India and New India 2022. the state. He has also been designing apps for mobile plaorms and holds several patents. Amit, the Founder and CEO of EasyGov believes that the soluon to the problem in social welfare benefit delivery is more in execuon and less in policy. He transformed the EasyGov idea into reality by creang an PARMINDER JEET SINGH Aadhar stack-based cloud soluon that will help the people of India Execuve Director of IT for Change discover their entlements and avail the benefits of social welfare Parminder@iorchange.net schemes and Government-to-Cizen services. Parminder Jeet Singh works as a civil society actor in the areas of Internet EasyGov and digital society, coming to it from equity and social jusce standpoint. He was an advisor to the UN Global Alliance on ICTs for Development, EasyGov is an advanced cloud soluon that enables cizens to avail and the Chair of the UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF). He was a civil benefits from Government of India schemes and services. EasyGov society member of the UN Working Group on Improvements to the IGF, provides cizens access to easy-to-understand aconable informaon and later the UN Working Group on Enhanced Cooperaon (in Internet to apply for these schemes & services and leverages technology to Governance). He was the first elected coordinator of the global Civil simplify and automate the delivery of these benefits. EasyGov has Society Internet Governance Caucus, and is a key organiser of the Just captured the interest and admiraon of mulple policy makers and Net Coalion, involving more than 30 organizaons and many more government arms who are keen on integrang and developing individuals advocang a just, egalitarian and democrac Internet. He is government services to be more accessible and effectual. currently involved with organising an Internet Social Forum. He has www.easygov.co.in wrien many papers and arcles on ICTs for development and Internet governance issues. He has earlier worked with the government of India for around 10 years. BRIJESH SINGH Indian Police Service (IPS) Parminder is the Execuve Director of IT for Change, an India based NGO in Special Consultave Status with the UN - ECOSOC. Secretary, Informaon and Public relaons, Government of Maharashtra [email protected] IT for Change Mr. Brijesh Singh (IPS) is presently working as Secretary, Informaon IT for Change is an NGO based in Bengaluru, India. and public relaons department, Government of Maharashtra. He is IT for Change is recognized globally for its experse on informaon the first IPS officer to hold this post. society issues, especially from a Southern and equity and social jusce

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oriented standpoint. It works mainly in the areas of Internet/digital as well as CFOs, owner-managers/entrepreneurs, and those leading governance, gender, educaon and development in the informaon instutes of higher educaon. In the niche media space, 9.9 Media has society. IT for Change conducts research, does advocacy, as well as amongst the largest and most accomplished editorial, design and undertakes field projects in various digital society areas. IT for Change producon teams creang content, designing and publishing over 9 is a part of many global coalions and works with many partners magazines every month. In addion to its own publicaons, 9.9 Media naonally and globally towards its objecves. It has been acve in offers this experse to clients for in-house publicaons, coffee table building capacies of civil society groups in digital society issues. It books, and other projects, custom tailored to their specific regularly provides policy inputs to UN bodies and other global requirements and objecves. organizaons as also to governments in India. www.9.9.in www.iorchange.net

SANGITA THAKUR VARMA RAJEN VARADA Group Editor – Custom Publicaons & Projects & Managing Editor – CEO of Open Knowledge Community CFO India at 9.9 Media [email protected] [email protected] Rajen Varada has been an ICT praconer since 1995 and connues to Sangita Thakur is an Indian media and communicaon consultant. She be acvely engaged in designing and implemenng proof of concept has worked across the media industry in various capacies. Starng her soluons for rural development using technology and in parcular ICT. career in corporate communicaon, she soon switched to mainstream He has developed soluons for health and early childhood care (Sisu journalism, which was her first love. Being a socially conscienous Samrakshak – UNICEF), disaster (SMS4Help – Soluon Exchange), journalist, she took up various causes like women, children and district e-Governance (Parishkaram and Samadhan – government of disability, and espoused them through her wrings as also by becoming Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal), and most recently 'Labnet' — a associated with various bodies. This brought her recognion as a migrant labour tracking and services portal. He has been acvely development journalist early on in her career and she earned a place in involved for the past nine years in studying, evaluang and mentoring the first directory of development journalists published by Press ICT innovaons which impact the social sector. Mr. Varada has been Instute of India. Aer spending around 11 years in print media, she one of the thinkers behind movements like public sector soware in returned to public relaons for some me. She then worked with the India, he and acvely supports community ownership of technology – Government of Delhi on their flagship program for alleviaon of urban from community radio and community TV to open source applicaons. poverty. Currently, Sangita is working with 9.9 Media in various business vercals, but prominently as the managing editor of its DR. NEETA VERMA financial publicaon vercal. Director General, Naonal Informacs Centre (NIC) 9.9 Media [email protected] 9.9 Media is a market leader for its rich porolio of niche media Neeta Verma is the Director General of Naonal Informacs Centre, the publicaons, and other media offerings. 9.9 Media is India's leading Premier ICT organizaon of Government of India implemenng Digital company for personal and enterprise technology focused publicaons. India iniaves of the country. She has been associated with the 9.9 Media engages meaningfully, through high quality content and introducon of World Wide Web Services in Government way back in other plaorms, with senior professional communies including CIOs, 1996. She has consulted a large number of Government Departments CTOs, CISOs, next in line IT managers, personal technology enthusiasts on their Portal Development strategies.

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As Naonal Project Coordinator, she has led the Architecture, Design & Development of Naonal Portal of India, india.gov.in a gateway to Indian Government Informaon & Services in Cyber Space. She has also co-authored guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW), widely referred by Government Enes in India. She has guided the team from concept to commission of first Naonal Cloud for Government for electronic delivery of Cizen Services. She has led the implementaon of Open Data in Government through Data Portal India, data.gov.in. She has also led the team in Design & Development of MyGov: the largest Crowd Sourcing & Collaboraon Plaorm of Government of India. Naonal Informacs Centre (NIC) The Naonal Informacs Centre (NIC) is the premier science & technology organizaon of India's Union Government in informacs services and informaon and communicaon technology (ICT) applicaons. The NIC is a part of the Indian Ministry of Electronics and Informaon Technology's Department of Electronics & Informaon Technology. It plays a pivotal role in steering e-governance applicaons in the governmental departments at naonal, state and district levels, enabling the improvement in, and a wider transparency of, government services. Almost all Indian-government websites are Knowledge Partner developed and managed by NIC. Indian Instute of Public Administraon www.nic.in