12860 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE April 29, 1977 Ush a program to educate the pubnc JUNE 13 To continue oversight hearings on the in understanding climatic dynamics. 9:30a.m. cable TV system. 5110 Dirksen Bu1ld1ng Commerce, Science, and Transportation 235 Russell Building JUNE 10 Communications Subcommittee JUNE 15 9:30a.m. To hold oversight hearings on the cable Commerce, Science, and Transportation TV system. 9:30a.m. Science, Technology, and Space Subcom­ 235 Russell Building Commerce, Science, and Transportation mittee Communications Subcommittee To continue hearings on S. 421, to estab­ JUNE 14 lish a program to educate the public 9:30a.m. To continue oversight hearings on the in understanding cllmatic dynamics. Commerce, Science, and Transportation cable TV system. 5110 Dirksen Building Communications Subcominittee 235 Russell Building

HOUSE OF REP·RE'SENTATIVES--Friday, April 29, 1977 The House met at 11 o'clock a.m. the President continued unttl 11 :30 a.m., The development of nuclear power has The Chaplain, Reverend Edward G. which is the reason for our not being been seriously delayed by objections from Latch, D.D., offered the following present immediately at the time when environmentalists. With a bleak outlook prayer: the House convened and when this roll­ for energy in the years ahead, it appears call was taken. unsound to sacrifice any important Let us think of one another and how source. we can encourage one another to love Hopefully, the President's decision is and do good deeds.-Hebrews 10: 24 PERSONAL EXPLANATION not irreversible. We can go along for a gentleman from Florida istration, who back plutonium power. ing papers, referred to the Committee on Mr. ALLEN. Mr. Speaker, I notice They claim it would save the United Merchant Marine and Fisheries: from the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD of yes­ States $50 billion in energy costs in a 30'-year period. Some experts believe that To the Congress of the United States: terday that I, along with 90 other Mem­ nuclear weapons proliferation will not be I am pleased to submit the fourth an­ bers of the House, were not present at retarded significantly even if breeders nual report from the Secretary of COm­ the beginning of the session to vote on were curtailed worldwide. merce giving details of the activities of approving the Journal for the previous Not too long ago, the world seemed to the past fiscal year as required by the

By Mr. ASHLEY: By Mr. KOCH (for himself, Mr. KEMP, MEMORIALS H . Res. 531. Resolution to provide for the Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Mr. LEVITAS, Mr. expenses of investigations, and studies to be LONG of Maryland, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. U nder clause 4 of rule XXII, memorials conducted by the ad hoc Committee on En- MIK VA, Mr. MINETA, Mr. MOAKLEY, were presented and referred as follows: ergy; to the Committee on H ouse Adminis- Mr. MoFFETT, Mr. MURPHY of Penn- 113. B y the SPEAKER: M emorial of the tration. sylvania, Mr. Nix, and Mr. Now/K) : Legislature of the State of Tennessee, rela- tive to section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act; B y M r. KOCH (for himself, M r. AD- H. Res. 533. Resolution expressing support to the Committee on Education and Labor. DABBO, Mr. AMBRO, Mr. ANDERSON Of for Solidarity Sunday; to the Committee on 114. Also, memorial of the Legislature of California, M r. ARCHER, Mr. BALDUS, Post Office and Civil Service. Mr. BEILENSON, Mr. BRODH EAD, Mr. the State of H awaii, relative to continuing PHILLIP BURTON, Mr. CEDERBERG, Mr. B y M r. KOCH (for himself, M r. PAT- F ederal subsidies for American cruise ship C ORMAN, Mr. C OUGH LIN, Mr. DODD, TERSON Of California, Mr. PEPPER, Mr. fleets; to the Committee on M erchant M arine Mr. DOWNEY, Mr. DRINAN, Mr. ED- R IC H M O N D , M r . R IN A L D O , M r . and F isheries. WARDS of California, Mr. EILBERG, Mr. SCHEUER, Mr. SIMON, Mr. TONRY, Mr. FRASER, Mr. GILMAN, Mr. GORE, Mr. TREBLE, Mr. TSONGAS, Mr. VENTO, Mr. GRADISON, Mr. HARRIS, Mr. HOWARD, WAXMAN, Mr. WEISS, Mr. C H ARLES PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLU TIONS Mr. HYDE, and M r. KOSTMAYER) : WILSON of Texas, and M r. WYDLER) : U nder clause 1 of rule XXII, H. Res. 532. Resolution expressing support H. Res. 534. Resolution expressing support M r. CONTE introduced a bill (H.R. 6801) for Solidarity Sunday; to the Committee on for Solidarity Sunday; to the Committee on for the relief of H ye Jin Wilder, which was Post Office and Civil Service. Post Office and Civil Service. referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. SENATE—Friday, April 29, 1977

(Legislative day of Thursday, April 28, 1977) The Senate met at 8:45 a.m., on the Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD thereupon took The nominations considered and con- expiration of the recess, and was called the chair as Acting President pro tem- firmed en bloc are as follows: to order by Hon. ROBERT C. BYRD, a Sena- pore. DEPARTMENT OF STATE tor from the State of West Virginia. Philip H enry Alston, Jr., of Georgia, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten- THE JOU RNAL tiary of the U nited States of America to PRAYER M r. BAKER. M r. President, with the Australia. permission of the distinguished occupant Anne Cox Chambers, of Georgia, to be The Chaplain, the Reverend Edward Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten- L. R. Elson, offered the following of the chair, I ask unanimous consent tiary of the U nited States of America to Bel- prayer: that the Journal of the proceedings of gium. Thursday, April 28, 19 7 7 , be approved. Kingman Brewster. Jr., of Connecticut, to Where two or three are gathered to- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipo- g eth er in my na me, th er e a m I in th e pore (Mr. METCALF ). Without objection, tentiary of the U nited States of America to midst of them.—Matthew 18: 20. it is so ordered. the U nited Kingdom of Great B ritain and Let us pray: Northern Ireland. Eternal F ather, we thank Thee for the U.S. AIR FORCE promise that whether we be few or many EXECU TIVE SESSION The following officer to be placed on the Thou art always with us and will never retired list in the grade indicated: Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Lt. Gen. Warren D. Johnson, xxx-xx-xxxx leave us or forsake us. Hear us as we pray there are various nominations on the F R (major general, Regular Air F orce), U .S. throughout the day : Executive Calendar, all of which are Air F orce lieutenant general. cleared with the exception of the follow- The following officer to be placed on the "0 M aster, let me walk with Thee retired list in the grade indicated: In lowly paths of service free; ing: Calendar Order No. 17 8 at the top Lt. Gen. Ray B . Sitton, xxx-xx-xxxx F R Tell me Thy secret; help me bear of page 5 and Calendar Order No. 180 (major general, Regular Air F orce), U .S. Air The strain of toil, the fret of care. also on page 5. F orce lieutenant general. "Teach me Thy patience; still with Thee Is that correct? Is that what the dis- The following officers to be placed on the In closer, dearer company, tinguished minority leader has? retired list in the grade indicated: Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, that does Lt. Gen. James M . Keck, xxx-xx-xxxx F R In w ork that k eeps faith sw eet and (major general, Regular Air F orce), U .S. Air strong, agree with my calendar. We have no objection to the confirma- F orce lieutenant general. In trust that triumphs over w rong; Lt. Gen. Joseph G. Wilson, xxx-xx-xxxx F R tion of all of the items on the Executive (major general, Regular Air F orce), U .S. Air "In hope that sends a shining ray Calendar with the exception of the two F ar down the future's broadening way; F orce lieutenant general. correctly noted by the majority leader. In peace that only Thou canst give, Lt. Gen. Maurice F . Casey, xxx-xx-xxxx F R Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, (brigadier general, Regular Air F orce), U .S. With Thee, 0 M aster, let me live." with the exception of those two, I ask Air F orce lieutenant general. —WASHINGTON GLADDEN, 1879. unanimous consent that the Senate go The following officer to be placed on the into executive session to consider the retired list in the grade indicated: Gen. Russell E. Dougherty, xxx-xx-xxxx F R nominations on the Executive Calendar. (major general, Regular Air F orce), U .S. Air APPOINTM ENT OF ACTING PRESI- There being no objection, the Senate DENT PRO TEMPORE F orce general. proceeded to the consideration of exec- The following officers to be assigned to a The PRESIDING 010110 .CER. The clerk utive business. position of importance and responsibility will please read a communication to the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- designated by the President under subsec- Senate from the President pro tempore pore. The nominations will be stated. tion (a) of section 8066, in grade as follows: The assistant legislative clerk pro- Lt. Gen. Lew Allen, Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx F R (Mr. EASTLAND) . (major general, Regular Air F orce), U .S. Air The legislative clerk read the follow- ceeded to read nominations on the Exec- F orce general. utive Calendar. ing letter: Lt. Gen. James R. Allen, xxx-xx-xxxx F R U.S. SENATE, Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, (major general, Regular Air F orce), U .S. Air PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, I ask unanimous consent that, with the F orce general. Washington, D.C., April 29, 1977. exception of Calendar Orders numbered The following officer to be placed on the To the Senate: 17 8 and 180, all nominations on the Exec- retired list in the grade indicated: B eing temporarily absent from the Senate utive Calendar be considered and con- Gen. Louis T. Seith, xxx-xx-xxxx Lilt (major on official duties, I appoint H on. ROBERT C. firmed en bloc. general, Regular Air F orce) , U .S. Air F orce BYRD, a Senator from the State of West Vir- general. ginia, to perform the duties of the Chair dur- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern- The following officer to be assigned to a ing my absence. pore. Without objection, all nominations position of importance and responsibility JAMES 0. EASTLAND, are considered en bloc and confirmed en designated by the President under subsec- President pro tern pore. bloc. tion (a) of section 8066, in grade as follows: C XXIII-812—P art 11