The repuedion ihed Tr2aHera most ia your reputationSzameeteit in heaven.

"To the law and la the testimony; if they speak not according to this word it is because there is Ile3 light in thern."--73aiah 8:20 CIRCULATION IN Ail. STATES AND MANY FOREIGN COUNTRIES MAILING ADDRESS: Box 910, ASHLAND, KENTUCKY itlmE 31, NUMBER 41 ASHLAND, KENTUCKY, NOVEMBER 24. 1962 WHOLE NUMBER 1261 Why I Believe the By BOB L. ROSS immoral agent. Christ preached against the same These were yet lost sheep. There are yet lost notion in John 6. When He Preached at the 1962 Conference did so, the scripture sheep in the world today, I believe. Of course, we tells us that His followers began to thin out. He don't know. We don't know when the number "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd had a large crowd following Him, but from that will be filled up. But at least in this particular giveth his life for the sheep." (John 10:11). time, after He preached this exalting the place the Lord Jesus Christ indicates that there I have not always believed in the limited atone- sovereignty of God, many of His disciples went were other sheep who were not yet dalled. So ment. As a matter of fact, when I first heard the back and walked no more with Him. there are the saved sheep, and there are also the idea of the "limited" atonement I was somewhat Then the Lord Jesus began to be discouraged, lost sheep not yet called. Puzzled as to what it meant. I asked the pastor didn't He? He began to think how the crowds Now by the expression "Limited Atonement," where I went to church what it meant and I re- weren't making the right "decision," didn't He? I have reference to the doctrine that Christ came ceived an unsatisfactory answer. I began to pursue No, beloved, He turned to His other twelve dis- into the world to die for, and thereby redeem. the study of it further, and to make a long story ciples and said, "Well, this crowd has gone away. only the elect of God — those chosen by the short, I'm standing here today preaching it to Are you going to go with them? Will you also go grace of God to be the recipients of the everlast- You as being a doctrine of God's Word. away?" ing mercy, the everlasting grace, the everlasting Then Peter Now this is not the most popular position on said, "Lord we can't go anywhere salvation that God has eternally purposed. Often else, you have the atonement. It's not a very popular doctrine. the words of eternal life. If we we use another term in reference to this doctrine, were to go away If we are to judge by the attitude of the world in we wouldn't have any place to "particular redemption." It doesn't matter so go, so we might as well general, it's very unpopular. But I think it is stay right here." much what term you use—limited atonement or Popular to those who have studied the Bible very Then Jesus said, "I have chosen you disciples. particular redemption—we simply have reference closely, and I hope that if you are in an unde- That's why you are here; that's why you stayed to the fact that Christ's atonement was specific- cided or questioning state of mind, you will give and the others went away. They went away be- ally for the elect of God, the sheep of God who a careful hearing to my message and -try it by cause they had not received the grace of God. shall be saved. God's Word. You have received it, but it wasn't because you As I have already mentioned, not everybody chose, but I chose." in the world believes this doctrine. While many The limited atonement does not necessarily ap- see it to be the truth, there are many can The Doctrine Stated who peal to a large crowd. In John 6, when the Lord see nothing in this doctrine as being truth. They Jesus Christ began to preach the doctrines of eled- In my text, John 10:11, the Lord Jesus Christ think it is the doctrine of the devil. As a matter tion, effectual grace, and eternal security — when says: "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd of fact, I was once told that this doctrine is worse He began to talk of the sovereignty of God and giveth his life for the sheep." than the devil. But let us remember that Christ depravity of man, His followers diminished con- Christ died for the sheep. There are, according was called a devil. His works were attributed to siderably. Speaking of depravity, a man once said to the Bible, some saved sheep and some sheep the devil, and His teaching was regarded by many to me that he believed in "free moral agency." who are not yet called. In the 10th chapter of John as being of the devil. I told him that I believed man is a bound im- the Lord Jesus Christ said in verse 16: "Other In his debate with Ditzler, J. R. Graves referred moral agent; that he is bound and he is immoral. sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also to the limited atonement in these words: "Infidels Certainly he is an agent, but he is not what is I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and may wrest this hard doctrine, more fully devel- generally called a free moral agent; he is a bound there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." (Continued on page four) is tht^- aS o for Did You [eon Forget? 2 1 lliman Describes Amazing The Doctrine Of The Cross oiev (A th urney In New Guinea Bush Of Jesus Christ Friends: ripe° Six Days in the Bush By the late Archibald McCraig two make four," you announce a eetings to each of you in the Contemporary of C. H. Spurgeon doctrine. In view of the fact that other Arrange three lines in of the Lord Jesus Christ. a certain way, 10 missionaries are coming to this and you get the I write this all the family Doctrine is a necessity to a field of labour to join me in the fact of a triangle; but you are 11, for which we thank the thinking man. It is idle to say, not work or take up new posts, I felt content with seeing that it is These days are busy days "Let us keep to the facts of a triangle; you the need to seek out another site go further, if you with us. Mrs. Halliman Christianity, never mind the doc- are a disciple of for a station to be established in Euclid, and you ciS the biggest portion of her trines." You cannot have an in- formulate the case the Lord should so lead. doctrine that any teaching the two oldest chil- telligent grasp of the facts with- two angles After much preparation I was of a triangle are to- and I have had to take on a out having doctrine. Your doc- gether ready to leave on a Monday less than two right angles. e of extra chores. The Gov- trine is simply your judgment When we say, SW morning, two weeks ago, and at "Christ died," we ern has the road completed Did you forget the needs of about a fact. New Testament doc- 8:30 I left with a line of 13 car- TBE? We hope our Thanksgiving trine is the judgment of inspired house now and we have riers and an interpreter. There "God's Plan With Working on a road leading letter was read by all who love men about the facts of Chris- Men" Pf° had been a tremendous rain on our house with this paper and we hope to have tianity. By T. T. MARTIN ;e to join up Sunday and when we came to a ther road. This your continued support in its be- You take two marbles, and ti has been a river about an hour's walk from Continues in the next issue. Oh as we had to cut into the half. Remember, this ministry place them beside two other mar- If the house, the foot log that we Subject: ,Of a big hill and remove goes forward as God leads His bles, these are facts; but when so hundreds of tons of dirt, (Continued on page 3, column 2) people to back it. you go on, and say, "Two and "The New Relation" ill all this is done by hand. '9 Xe have been a lot of announce a fact; but when we ,cti° ges in this area since I first add, "for our sins," we declare 60cr here a. year ago. One can a doctrine, as we also do when je. drive from Koroba to our 'Obe, naptist axamtner we answer to ourselves the ques- and it is expected by the tion, "Who was this Christ?" We icier/ c't the year to have the road A Sermon by Pastor John R. Gilpin cannot talk intelligently about rev the Papua-New Guinea line. Christ's death without stating Is perhaps another 5 or 6 doctrine. We believe in doctrine, s beyond our house. This will and we hold that, in the noble iS great help to us for much Paul and the Doctrine of Election system of Christian doctrine, the oder Work lies back in that di- doctrine of the Cross—Atonement • While the road does NUMBER TWENTY-SEVEN IN "THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF PAUL" (Continued on page 2, column 1) by way of making the "Paul, a servant of God, and strange that they are very defi- dist and the other a Christian out di this way seem civil- an apostle of Jesus Christ, ac- nitely misunderstood, and if I Scientist—to ask me which side few feet off the road in cording to the faith of God's were to carry an advertisement of the question I was going to direction BROTHER BOB TO will prove just as elect, and the acknowledging of in the daily paper along about discuss, and who I thought would as ever. the truth which is after godli- this time of the year, just prior be elected, a Democrat or a Re- MAKE TRIP TO TEXAS ;10:1 ness."—Titus 1:1. to the annual election, I would be publican. I learned then that it Within the near future, Bro. May I remind you at the very afraid to use the word "election" wasn't wise to talk about elec- Bob will probably be making a outset that there is no doctrine in an advertisment for fear peo- tion just prior to a national po- HALLIMAN trip to Texas, preaching for var- SENDS that is more thoroughly misun- ple would think I was going to litical campaign unless you were ious churches located in that state. ol:n IAPE RECORDING derstood than the doctrine of talk about the national political very careful to qualify yourself thei' would ,veee election. The word "election" is a sbene. that you weren't going to discuss If you be interested in ent date we have received strange word in the vocabulary I can recall several years ago the political situation. having him come to your church, 31.° 4t from Bro. Halliman which of anybody today. As I have often that I announced a sermon for I say, beloved, this word "elec- or even visit in your home to dis- 0 °Osider most interesting. If cuss mission work, the doctrines ; said, the words "election" and a certain Sunday night on the tion" is a strange word. It is slay are any of our friends of God's Word, or to present THE 0o "" are so rarely subject, "Who Will Be Elected?" seldom used from the pulpit and churches or individuals) used that when a preacher dares I had not thought that it was in is rarely understood by the peo- BAPTIST EXAMINER, we would 4te interested in hearing this to mention either election or pre- the month of October and the an- ple at large, to the extent that be most happy to hear from you. e will be most happy to destination from the pulpit, nual Presidential election was the majority of folk are entire It would be a real joy to have 'te .G same to you — with the somebody thinks that he has bor- soon to dome to pass. In fact, it strangers to the great doctrine him visit with you, and we would 'or° 144ancling that it be returned rowed an expression from some never entered my mind, yet two of election. I can't understand be glad if you would write us Itt iately for the benefit of dead language of antiquity. These individuals called me up that why it is such, for all the way immediately (today) as to the words are strange words — so Sunday afternoon—one a Metho- (Continued on page 5, column 2) possibility of his doing so. NOVEMBER 24' PAGE TWO 'One reason the courls don't handle so Many drunken driving cases is the undertaker gels them first. to bear upon us by the Spirit, we are enabled to mortify the deeds of the body. The Spirit of life in Our Marvelous Universtan Christ Jesus makes us alive, but S‘oact Zi/ee t'Komi dead—dead through the Cross. (THE BAPTIST EXAMINER welcomes questions, to be answered So we might look at all the doctrines, and find that Reveals Gir, In this column. Please state questions on separate sheet of paper, Our Marvelous they are all bound into one har- ey them in correspondence which relates to book rather than including monious system by the central The earth's speed in its or- enormous that Ignh' orders, subscriptions, or some other matter). Sun of the Cross. would be so al kn( bit around the sun is extremely eanitls the lowlandbe of —NafAsien,aso-aie.."/14.1,1 Incarnation and Resurrection 11v constant. Its rotation on its axis aconcontinentsd would oanerrel htAl° are the only two doctrines that aIh e 1. Who are the elect? will bring to repentance and can be thought to compete with is determined so accurately that by a rush of water s faith. We should preach the Gos- a variation of a second in a cen- that even the mountains "I The elect include all those who the Cross in importance. The In- and not pel to every man on earth, in- tury would upset astronomical soon be eroded away, have trusted Christ as their Sav- carnation leads to the Cross, and ipto m viting them to believe in Christ calculations. ably no continent could those who shall yet is never in Scripture contemplat- to iour and for salvation, and urging upon fast en°11 said in John ed in separation from the Cross. Had the bulk of the earth been from the depths smit trust Him. Jesus them all scriptural commands, earth_ . those given to Him The doctrine of the Resurrection greater or less, or had its speed exist today. The 118:11:ditr, ant 6:37 that all warnings, and invitations. We are turmoil would come to might sometimes seem to claim been different, it would have been crack with the by the Father not afraid one of the non-elect would clk°,,nle we read that the central position in the apos- farther from or nearer to the tides in the air Christirits. Him. In Acts 13:48 will comply with an invitation life believed. tolic system of doctrine, but it is sun, and this different condition Tdaoidlyay.hurricanes. — 'red ( those ordained to and be turned away; no, apart Of course, this is not to say faith only seeming. We can hardly would have profoundly affected Wou from the drawing power of the t htehi wri gosr,i makes one elect, or that God over-estimate the importance of life of all kinds, including man. Realizing ce all thesetnhoetse grace of God none would come. the Resurrection. We often speak So profoundly indeed, that had much more elects because of faith; the mean- salvation is not are Furthermore, of it as fundamental, but it is this earth varied in either respect Genesis 1 come to mean: ing is that all those elected in by "chance." It is by God's own hadA in LI say Christ during fundamental evidentially. It is to any marked degree, life as we God saw all that he eternity come to purpose. Jesus didn't come to the• great demonstration of the know it could not have existed. and, behold, it was very life, for this is what God ap- give men a chance to be saved, Thess. 2:13, truth of Christianity; if it could Of all the planets the earth is, so That this earth is, by til Litlhi:' pointed them to do (II but rather "to seek and to save ,eads 14). not be established, the whole far as we now know, the only and wisdom of God, that which was lost" (Luke 19:10, detail Lk? system would fall into ruins. Most one whose relation to the sun adapted in every that a Matt. 1:21). emphatically does Paul assert the the irnagl-n Isliviet? 2. Does election mean makes our sort of life possible. life here staggers beli even if utter futility of preaching, or of believing and Ini person couldn't be saved 4. Can a person know he is The earth on Surely the first, believing, if the Resurrection is rotates its axis 24 cannot helP he wanted to? elect? or child of God liv not a fact. Preaching is vain, and hours at the rate of about 1,000 Linorciai sinful men were left to Yes. Every believer in Christ ecrxyceolluetn,t "Ois Lord, ow d No. If faith is vain; vain in a three- miles an hour. Suppose it turned themselves, they would never may know he is elect of God name fold way as the three different at the rate of 100 miles an hour. Beare 0; salvation. Jesus said men (John 6:37. Acts 13:48). Paul earth!" — Standard desire told Greek words used show. "Unless Why not? Our days and nights rather than light loved darkness ye believed in vain," rashly, un- would then be ten times as long if 7 said none would (John 3:19). He reasonably, without sufficient as now. The hot sun of summer come to Him if it were not for evidence. "Your faith is vain," would then burn up our vege- ills in 65). Any i Divine grace (John 6:44, empty, unsubstantial, a shell tation each long day and every Of to be saved We The Hand w man who ever wanted without a kernel; again, it is sprout would freeze in such a slay c "want to" didn't manufacture that "vain," foolish, resultless. night. The sun, the source of all hot t but the Holy by his old flesh, Covet "If Christ be not raised, our life, has a surface temperature of Man Reveals Th beli€ him and Spirit has convicted preaching is vain:" but what was 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and his The door of drawn him to Christ. the "preaching"? Not the preach- our earth is just far enough away God tw open to every Your Hand Of salvation is wide ing spedifically of the Resurrec- so that this "eternal fire" warms pes co: be saved. Divine man who wants to tion; that is dealt with in the up just enough and not too much A Witness to ould take "Whosoever will, let him Prayers! next clause: "We are foand false . . . If the temperature on earth in Creation the water of life freely." (Rev. witnesses of God," but the had changed so much as 50 de- ,ielpt 374 Reader, if you want to be Facts quoted 22:17). preaching which is vain, if the grees on the average for a single Hareolt; as Hi saved, then dome to Jesus. You an aarticle in the Thessalonians that they Could Resurrection is not true, is the year, all vegetation would be ii are welcome, invited. No one has MARVELS OF THE II,Iji jter know their election of God (I gospel, the story of the Cross, dead and man with it, roasted or ever yet been turned away, if HAND, By Evan McLeod Thess. 1:4-10). The evidences of containing first of all the great frozen. The earth travels around wi, he came trusting Christ, not his most cornPleN election are the same as the truth that saves, "that Christ the sun at the rate of 18 miles a "One of the works, for salvation. entire be,4c1 1btle evidences of salvation. died for our sins." second. If the rate struments of the of revolution erig:i eoful ft The Resurrection is like the at- had - say, six hand is an intricately 3. How could we preach the 5. Can one know he is non- been, miles or forty cornPe7ed Jr testation to a will, without which miles mechanical device Gospel to every creature if all elect? each second, we would be ligament teii!,t a si) the will would be void, vain, but too far from or too close to the muscle, fat, didn't have a chance? sensitrve,fr an No. However, there are certain with it, the contents are reliable, sun for our form of life to exist. bone and highly The truth is, if God had not characteristics of the non-elect: and bring blessing to those in- fibers. It is capable of :P.eb kl'e mu chosen to give grace to some, self-righteousness, continued re- terested. The Resurrection estab- Stars vary in size, as we all ing thousands of jobs Wi rtit spe there would be no use preaching jection of Christ, belief of false lishes the fact that God has re- know. One is so large that if it cision. To make the Whic the Gospel. It would only go doctrine, unconcern, etc. We do vealed Himself to men, come near were our sun, the orbit of the grasping motion, and 615'0'314 are ten completely unheeded. But since not say these things do not to them, then we must empha- earth would be millions of miles muscles, joints and r t "ripa we are assured that God will to some degree characterize the size the Incarnation; if we would inside its surface. Stars vary in the way from the shoul „You bless the Gospel in saving a mul- uncalled elect, but these are prove the truth of Christianity, radiation . . . If our sun gave gertips is brought into Pides titude which no man can number, things that the non-elect enjoy then we must emphasize the Res- off only one-half of its present gsla spoon full of soul) slay we are encouraged to preach it. and persevere in, never being urrection; but the very heart of radiation, we would freeze, and more than 30 joints and king t We preach it to every creature aroused to forsake them and the Revelation which the Incar- if it gave half as much more, we des! fak'Ieedi Command of come to Christ. The reprobate because this is the nation brings, and the supreme would have been reduced to dust "The hand is packed as Christ (Mark 16:15, 16) and we love darkness and never forsake glory of the truth which the Res- long ago . . . So our sun is about bones, eight in the wris't 0 %hall do not know whom it is that God it. urrection establishes, we find in right for our life among millions the palm, 14 in the fingers piE the Cross. of others which are not. hand. The ligaments, e(,), with the How closely connected stringy material, hold a" as the instrument to accomplish Cross are Baptism and the Lord's We seldom realize that all life joints,: The Cross bones together at the His regenerating work. Supper, whether viewed as or- is confined to the space between er motion is controlled. GO Justification cannot be disasso- dinances or as doctrines! In Bap- the snow of the mountain tops and (Continued from page one) tendons, tough fibers whicP ciated from the Cross; we are tism, we certainly do think of the the heat of the earth's interior. —holds the central place. and wrist bones a go justified by God as the Author, Resurrection, but first and chief- This narrow stratum as compared hand o Election—unpalatable tc many, them to the muscles tha yet in some form believed through grace the source, through ly of the death: "We are buried with the diameter of the earth is tr and them. go even by those who scout the Christ the Medium, through by baptism unto death." In the but one half the thickness of one itbt.r:i penden:l:ofheotherdiqperIide aPttsf n name of Calvinist—is closely con- the Resurrection the evidence, Supper, we are pointed 'forward leaf of a thousand-page book. The henoettetr;u mu db no go nected with the Cross, for God's through faith the instrument, but to the glorious Second Advent; history of all creatures is written cporfoo: :sThsa people are elect unto salvation, through His blood, as the ground but "till He come," "we shew on this tissue-thin surface. If all ers, is the busiest go "unto obedience and sprinkling —the basis of it all. forth His death." In the bread the air was liquefied it would broken and the wine outpoured, cover the earth to of the blood of Jesus Christ." —the Cross is the a depth of 35 go t we read afresh in "large letters," feet or 1 part in 600,000 aan llltielnk iguL .W is the work of power to sanctify; we are cruci- of the dis- go t the solemn yet joyful story of tance to the other finger the Spirit, but the Spirit is given fied with Him that the body of earth's center, a close one of the thuw- the Cross. adj one as the purchase of the Cross, and sin might be dcstroyed. In the ustment! sgtettnuaplo onfg a eve° go t Michelet, speaking of the foun- finger, or He uses the truth of the Cross powcr of the Cross, as brought If our moon was, say 50,000 one other go ti tain at the Coliseum, where the Miles away instead of its present r wise gladiators were wont to wash "Human fingers can be ,tt says—"The pillar respectable distance, our tides their wounds, to perform astonishing fea-i was also the ter! of this fountain first flying fingers of a mas Ezeisteae milestone of the Empire all roads 74 Eaftride can strike 120 notes PeT'ii 11 of the Roman world were reck- THE FLOOD With two fingers. /--eci e oned from this monument of The Baptist Paper for the Baptist People. By Alfred M. Rehwinkel geon tiengestrrsa.nad5S f 1611'11 htirn slavery and death." can hintoear tightA knotso ircuisns i d e the e half BOB L. ROSS May we not say that all the Editor-in-Chief heart. fing 411t14 o roads in the world of Christian inpcleerNti JOHN R. GILPIN Editor doctrine are reckoned from that, strengthened the of P8‘4t w1 monument of shame and death. 371 ri ognh t h a ntdi y Yew Published weekly, with paid circulation in every state and many foreign can b :/1}iile, countries. effort that he Pages hisself its tip. Editorial Department, located in ASHLAND, KENTUCKY, where all wrneotrne er:- ,y1tiovi n e wthaikninsg subscriptions and communications should be sent. Address: P. 0. Box 9W. "Every Ilbje EMINENT QUOTES tam a great deal of inNtri, gr. LI l'im SUBSCRIPTION RATES about h g On the Bible hi iasi : rue - ,aindh One Year $200 Price: t htth ee m bso. Thiskdiyn. uw 1,A the I-- rly Two years 3 50 Other books may render men because the skin of Five years 7 00 learned unto ostentation, but the $1.95 not liokofef ' A Club rates for churches; 15 or more subscriptions, each 1 00 Bible only con make them really tough, it is r than When you subscribe for others; each 1 50 wise unto salvation—Arrowsmith. op'fraeedr'itln arily Vera elastic and c (This last rate also applies to secured subscriptions, the agent derfullY sur The dust or the finery about your sensitvie. keeping 50c commission on each subscription obtained). furnish- bac14 ly t is a witness now, and will at A marvelous -olumo, "The slzin of the THESE RATES APPLY THROUGHOUT THE WORLD the lost dry be a witness, of the en- ing the reader with n arsenal of shcialledineasny.i,c:est: :oil eadrorirri;idN ' trnhaanonsedto uhsaactuallyalelyft,uatahnl palmrcsh vve t Entered as second class matter MAY 19, 1961, in the post office at mity of your hearts against Christ as Scriptural and scier.,,fic evidences inch relating to the origin of man, the thin;3, gc0. sr 4ttire Ashland, Ketnucky, under the a, t of March 3, 1879. a prophet.—Boston. or iuuueeed;,a 0 n s;cl ma ege ,5 age of the earth, etc. , we Al! subscriptions are stopped at expiration dote, unless renewed Of Do not you teach the Bible, but let Baptist Examiner Book Shop 'Qatio. epecial arrangements are mode for their continuation. the Bible teach you.—Fanch. Ashland, Kentucky (Continued :1 M1C vepp E 24

IrSrBETL 24, 1962 71 you are no as close lo god as you once were, you neeelr2'i guess who i was lhaZ moved. PAGE THREE "Our hands deserve careful we were to make camp for the treatment. As tools of learning, night. Shortly after 4 we had iir-Splitters working and communicating, they reached the place where we were G.have a crooked sort of can be considered the funda- to sleep and frankly I do not be- iley never can believe any- mental vehicle of human thought lieve I could have walked an- tSl'aight; they must go round —partner with the brain in for- other 15 minutes. My Carriers that of alk4ta know a friend, whose ever separating man from the were just about as tired as I and 3ubme, bon is always of this rest of the animal kingdom." all of us made haste for an early he Unfortunately, the author be- sleep. enord were in King William d I were in the Borough, lieves in evolution. Bust most of I got very little sleep that ins not come across London us can see in the Human Hand night due to tired, aching leg and muscles plus a very sore knee. have to me, he would find it perfect evidence of Design in to go at least as Creation. God created the hu- I thought and prayed much all enou far as smith before he crossed man hand; and He created the through the night as to whether th stay , and then he would come brain behind the hand; and He I should try to continue on, 1 all better, or try to me; that is how he al- created the man to whom He gave there until I got make it back ilome the next day. ks. I sometimes get a both the brain and the hand. — hristl By morning my knee seemed to l'ed of that style; and I Christian Victory. be quite a bit better and I iings,ci Would come to the point thought with a little walking it wor would be all right, so I decided to ',: are an: some minds of that Halliman continue on as I had planned. .3 rallsay to lau , some people,"Be- (Continued from page 2) n..3r gra live." Sick for Three Days in the Heart had used on occasions before had Jungle, and in the Midst the they begin scratching of a washed away. The river was fair- of a Wild Tribe. eads a bit, and saying, ly deep and swift and so I de- 1 to Is it to believe, and what cided to try to find another way On this second morning I arose iagin Jive? And how can a man of crossing. A short way down a early and walked around some 1111 believing, and does he tree had fallen across the river before deciding whether I should aelP first, or does he live first? and I decided to cross on the try to continue on or not. I knew Lord, 0 lives before he believes, tree. I was about halfway across that one-half hour from this W does believing make camp site would put me into terri- in al r, when I slipped and in the at- arer• tempt to keep from going into tory and among people that I had d puzzle away like that the river I wrenched my back. never seen before, and for that "If any t if I liked; any fool can This made hiking unpleasant, but part, no missionary had ever of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that Is in the way for people my woes had only begun. No been there. After more consider- giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and ble over. There are some more than twenty minutes from ation and prayer I felt sure that, it shall be given him."—James 1:5. 01 at seem to be made with this I was going up the side of a while I didn't know what the •y call a circumbendibus, big hill and slipped and fell on outcome was to be, I was to con- ot take the truth as God my knee. This did not bother me tinue on. Th believing Him as a child much at the time so we will pass We broke camp early and were swift, and especially in my Con- than was absolutely necessary his father; they must on and comment later. soon entering into very rough dition, I was afraid to try to swim and I lay in the tall grass while country with high mountains and gd twist it about, wrest it, Preached Along the Way across. The bridge was a cane the natives were making ready It, jungle valleys and among peo- suspension construction a n d my house and I could see that I , Des contort it. Oh, that the planned to try to reach I had ple that would come close enough though done by primitive hands would not be likely to move from ould give them another this side of the a point just to get a look and then run off it was a masterpiece in this re- that location for a day or two. It Papua-New Guinea line by night, are At ye be converted, and into the bush. Many we Could mote jungle. The trouble was it turned out that I was here for jolt but since I was going through see as little children, ye shall hear, talking but could not had just been there too long. three days before I was able to places where I have established hours walk- 1415 ter into the kingdom of them. After about 3 It was finally decided that an move again. preaching points I decided to stop ing in this kind of country my attempt would be made to try w preach to the Directed in the Providence of along the way and knee began to give me trouble to repair the bridge and so off InPlf*, 11 wise people, you deep the God to Preach to Cave Men folk. This is the area where again and it was not long before went the natives to bring cane 1)03'41btle people, you very the road work is under way and it began to get stiff. I wondered and vines to begin the repair When I retired, that night I :ngin ful cannot think folk who Government has all the available if I had not been mistaken in work. A young man, strong and began to ponder my situation. I was d means what He says, men working on the road; how- te discerning the will of the Lord aware of the dangers of the river, did not know where I was, ex- t a sinner has only to look ever, I have permission to re- about continuing on, but no, I was chosen to repair the break, cept that I was two hard days t and live; but imagine lease them from their work on was sure that somewhere and almost near the center of the walk from home and among a Per must be some particular the days that I go to hold ser- would find the ans- strange looking and acting peo- t somehow I bridge. With all the vines that he spectacles to be worn vices with them. wer to all this. could hold in his mouth and drag ple, and now the knee that I had as_la Which you are to look, or I have been among these peo- With much difficulty and the behind him, he slowly began the injured almost two days before until they appear to be 0,'01.4zrare to get to some point ple now pain growing worse steadily, we approach to the center of the was beyond use in its present my friends. Many of them I know from which to look walked until the morning hours bridge. He managed to get to the condition. One thing that I noted len pass through You are to do something by name and as I were absorbed into the afternoon point of repair and had fastened before lying down was that while they usually Pi" jides look; oh, that you where they live and further and further we were some of the vines when slowly the people looked and acted i5lifivi,lay aside all this, for you walk with me for a while and penetrating into unmapped and the bridge began to give way, he strange, extremely primitive and who '4Og the work of your sal- many of the small children uncontrolled territory; and even quickly looked both ways and wild to the point that they would 1 heedlessly difficult! It is once were so shy they would not though we were still among Duna saw that he would never make it run away when I would make an Come near where I was, want to you that God saith, people, I could note a marked back to either side, so with fast attempt to sit up, they showed no fidos_a,s we walk or oVall I do for the daughter hold my hand as change in the appearances and and nimble hands he began to signs of being hostile and for this carry small things for me. It is a Ic'orciftPle? '—Charles H. Spur- actions of them. In all the areas weave and tie together the re- I was thankful. blessing to see folk, who less that I have visited in Papua-New maining vines and when the I wondered why the Lord had a11i than a year ago were so wild Guinea, never had I seen people bridge had reached a point with- brought me to this place and now S% that when they saw me coming ,nts• so primitive as I was finding my- in about a foot from the water had allowed me to become im- like wild animals in would run self among now. he had it to where it would hold mobile, but even though we may cl hb g GO TO CHURCH? the opposite direction, now come About mid-afternoon my guide up his weight. He soon had the be the strongest of Christians and join in with us as we walk and came to me and said he no long- bridge strong enough that we all attempt above all things to know and go to church to take a areas. at a through their er knew how to find his way crossed on it. It was not until and do His will, it is not always At the first place we came to go to church to laugh and through this country and I sud- later that I learned that this lad that our thoughts are His where I usually preach, we had denly realized that our situation could not swim! thoughts and our ways His ways. quite a large number that assem- four,ing to meet a was no pleasant one; however, A short while after we had It was not until the next day go there bled for services, but at the sec- our anxiety was short-lived for crossed the river we were in the that I was to begin to understand ond place there was hardly any- go there their time to soon we came upon a small group spot we had looked down upon why God had brought me here one there. They were all out of men and after a little persua- from the mountain top, a spot and allowed me to become vir- working their gardens and we go there to meet a lover, sion we secured one of them as about two or three acres in size, tually helpless in so doing. You had little success go cover, getting a crowd completely clear of all, see, my plans were to move on there a fault to together. a guide. Soon after this I told my under- go there for speculation; interpreter that I could not go growth except grass; a beautiful the next day and probably for The time spent preaching that t go there for observation; much longer and to find a place spot for a camp site. The rain the next two or three days, but day was well spent and enjoyable go there to doze and nod; suitable for a camp as was soon to come and the natives God's plans were for me to stay even though it made us late soon as Wise go there to worship possible. Standing on top of set about to get our camp set up. there, as He had a people there )e reaching our destination. By a large mountain, I Could When there is plenty of material for me to preach to. about 3 p.m. my knee had begun see a clear spot in tilt midst of the available — and there usually is The night was spent almost en St.‘ to give me some trouble and we rest1 jungle below and I told them —it does not take long for a sleepless and I made no attempt had another hour to walk before we wee' e Hand of Man would try to make it to that dozen men to make ready a to. get out of bed until about )f t spot. To get to it we had, not only couple of bush houses. By now I 11:00 a.m. Before I arose I sensed was ,Iltinued from page 2) Babylonian background of such the mountain to descend, but unable to be on my leg more there had been some change in ove alf an inch. Beneath the traditions as "Easter" and about a mile of thick jungle to the people since I had gone to tclx1 of the palm is a buf- "Christmas" are revealed in— walk through and a large river bed the night before. I could tinge to cross. hear the voices 4t Which protects the vital They told me there was THE CHAOS OF CULTS of many people of Pa some kind of improvised bridge in the midst of our camp, art rice and blood vessels of the By across the river so we set out for when I finally got out of bed, "bile the outer surface is our camp site. made it to the door and removed si,r,-!11,13.iected to the tremend- Alexander The mountain side was so steep the bunch of bushes that served oro .'ion created by scraping Hislop By we descended to the floor of the as my door, several natives began 71.1 1) gripping and clenching valley and were walking along J. K. VAN to run in various directions. But po side of the river in a very short BAALEN this time they did not go so far , ',1 330 Pages Dalms of the hands, and time but the next hour was as and eventually they began to •„ a/1 'fly y the fingertips, are miserable as I have ever spent. move back towards the camp. I e With 409 special sensory ap- $3.50 A good portion of the time I was Pages managed to get a bucket of cof- piece of finger skin fee boiled than in a half crouched and crawling $3.50 and ate some food. I ricre. a postage stamp con- Add 15c position trying to get through the asked the interpreter to tell the 'lieral million For Postage- nerve cells. Handling jungle growth and by now I was folk to come back and I would of Add 15c snrface of the skin are virtually dragging one leg. I For Postage- treat their sores and doctor their by LO Trfled by palillae. These could no longer keep up with the Handling sick. (I always carry a mediCal .2:1 With myriad pores and This book compares Roman Cath- carriers and guide and had it kit with me on trips like this). ,J si ''dings which detect the olicism with the religion of old Baby- not been for one little boy I Preachers, teachers, and laymen At first they were reluctant to s 'ttlre iS and texture of any- lon, and shows that Romanism hos would have become lost. Before need this book, for they are faced come, but after a while one or oia touch. (Fingerprint brought over the paganistic practices I came to the spot where the with these cults' heresies from time two came that had bad tropical vation is based on the fact of old Babylon, labeling them as bridge was located, some of the to time. Be prepared to meet their ulcers and by the time I had Whole patterns created by "Christian," thus continuing the same natives treated these two, several more came back and said the errors! iJJae are never identical idolatry that was practiced hundreds bridge was broken and was not began to come in. This went on Deopie.) Baptist Examiner Book Shop of years ago. safe to cross. The water was so Ashland, Kentucky (Continued on page 4, col. 3) PAGE FOUR Small minds talk abor.zI people; mediocre minds talk about things; great minds talk about god. NovEmBEFt 24, li)vEm, apart from the gospel. Why else YOUNG MAN FROM 11 So Why I Believe the Limited Atonement . . . . (Continued) would God have me walk through country like this in pain, WEST VISITS US , oped by Paul than any other apostle, to their own those who go to Heaven. almost unbearable at times, for destruction, but a host of the best and clearest We cannot acdept the absurdities of the uni- two days and then change the at- minds that ever lived on earth have advocated versal theory, and we have positive reasons, or titude of a primitive people over it . . . We see here no universal atonement or proofs, that support the limited or particular night to where they would gather redemption." (page 1138). atonement. around me to hear the gospel, if His elect could and would be Limited and General Atonement Contrasted FIRST, THERE ARE MANY INDIVIDUAL saved without it? C. H. Spurgeon said: "We hold—we are not PASSAGES IN GOD'S WORD WHICH TEACH "But we are bound to give afraid to say that we believe—that Christ came thanks to THE LIMITED ATONEMENT. God alway for you, kidw into this world for the intention of saving 'a brethren beloved of We can now refer to but a few of them. the Lord, be- Sem. multitude which no man could number;' and we cause God hath from the begin- Matthew 1:21 states the purpose for Christ's disrr believe as a result of this that every person for ning chosen you to salvation coming. It says: "Thou shalt call his name JESUS: Ott e whom He died must beyond a shadow of a doubt through sanctification of the for he shall save HIS PEOPLE from their sins." e be cleansed from sin, and stand, washed in blood, Spirit and belief of the truth," Now what did Christ come to do? He came to re before the Father's throne. We do not believe save. He came to save whom? His people. From (II Thes. 2:13). effectual atonement for those Pr that Christ made an what? Their sins. And how? By death in their "Tor this cause also thank we lquest who are forever damned; we dare not think that God without ceasing, behalf, to pay for their sins. Christ came for because, ublic the blood of Christ was ever shed-with the in- that specific purpose. He said, "For this cause when ye receive the word of God tention of saving those whom God foreknew never came I unto this hour." Why? That He might which ye heard of us, ye re- e SE could be saved ,and some whom were even in taste death for these. For whom? ceived it not as the word of men, His people, y a Hell when Christ, according to some men's ac- those given to Him, according to John 6:37, by but as it is in truth, the word of hths. count, died to save them." ( on Sover- the Father, before the foundation of the world God, which effectually worketh A spec eignty, page 83). (Eph. 1:4). also in you that believe," (I Thes. oint€ Again Spurgeon said: "When you anyone John 11:51: "That Jesus should die for that 2:13). DOLLY see DOUGLAS Into laughing or jeering at a limited atonement, you nation: and not for that nation only, but that For two days I was hardly out may tell him this. General atonement is like a also he should gather together in one the children From Seattle, Washin dis of bed except long enough to Dolly t° con great wide bridge with only half an arch; it does of God that were scattered abroad." treat those that came medi- came Bro. Douglas for Senteril not go across the stream: it only professes to go Notice, "that He might gather together the chil- cal aid and to preach. On the Bible Conference in aerq, wit halfway. It does not secure the salvation of any- dren of God," that was the purpose of His atone- day some and enjoying his stay h tied i third I felt better and visit for body. Now, I had rather put my foot upon a ment. He is gathering them today. He is gathering walked he prolonged his 10 ( around a little. In less weeks, and. bridge as narrow as Hungerford, which went all them through the ministry of the gospel and the than ten minutes from where our proximately six less to say was a real Jo the way across, than on a bridge that was as calling of the Holy Spirit. camp was I came upon a sight it him as our guest' dies wide as the world, if it did not go all the way Revelation 5:9: "Thou art worthy to take the that I had not seen before. Here have had ( enhS:eunsdaaiyd npingbhlticlybefcliore chin across the stream." (page 91). book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou west was an old man living in the cave InenfOutrn Ott Yes, there's quite a contrast between the limited slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood of a huge rock. I visited with him d out of atonement and the view of a general or universal every kindred, and tongue, and people, and for quite a while and made a Ott , atonement. While the limited atonement pro- nation." number of pictures and while "Our church in Seattle her claims a full, complete redemption for all those Now notice, "thou hast redeemed us to God the conditions were poor for film- for the doctrines of grace an,u out of every kindred, onlY ° for whom Christ Jesus died, the universal view and tongue, and people, and ing I hope some of them will church as you do. We rigin nation." God's people are ream' involves the following: redeemed out of the turn out well enough to send to 28 members, and it is PrE nations of the world. A limited crave atonement. TBE. While laid up here, I sent encouragement to have Suni An atonement that does not truly atone. In the book of First Peter 1:2, 3, Peter is writing some of the natives that were heprealacerelikoethetrhispeoapnlde sweehon ates A satisfaction "to that does not really satisfy. the elect according to the foreknowledge of with me farther afield to investi- there er God the Father." Calvary 13ar A redemption that does not really redeem. Then in verse 3 he says, "Bless- gate the population and prospects lieve as we do. of tl ed be isn't A propitiation that does not propitiate. the God and Father of our Lord Jesus of mission work. They came back Church of Ashland ii out Christ, which according to this church, it's a bigger A reconcilation that abundant mercy and reported of finding many although k or does not reconcile. hath begotten US again member of 10 unto a lively hope by more people but thought it unad- that I am a It of An expiation that does not expiate. the resurrection of Jesus mazing Christ from the dead." viseable for me to go further in attle. To me it is a )juhts A substitution that is really for no one. To whom did Peter write? amount work you do -ea The "elect." What as yet. My food supplies were of fess() did God do for them? He "hath begotten us again" getting very low by this time and carry on THE BAPTIST Charles G. Finney, I suppose, was the most Confere brew by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The work since I had been without food INER, have the Bible consistent free-wilier and general atonement ad- 'ss At th of Christ is one: death, resurrection, intercession for 4 days at one time before, I each Year, and have , vocate that ever lived. Finney flatly said that t ed —all for the same people. decided that I had better start work going in different pia he did not believe that Christ actually died for blessing i4 on Now in Romans 8, one back for home; besides, I felt It ehtaos breealhleyrebeen a the sins of any man; that He only died to make of the great classics of caiallt the Bible on the doctrine that I had accomplished exactly , and es the salvation of all men a "possibility." In his of the sovereignty of see ci the God and related truths, beginning in what God had intended for me to it an encouragement toP autobiography (page 50), Finney says he debated verse 29: „7,,,a, r "For whom he did foreknow, he also on this trip. much a small church like with a Universalist and contended that the atone- did pre- ChurchjaVetrva destinate to be conformed to vary Baptist i;ed ment "did not consist in the literal payment of the image of his On the sixth day since I had Son, that he might be the notutbheecvatisl:4arnti c, the debt of sinners . . . that it simply rendered firstborn among many left home, I started back and fig- brethren. Moreover whom the salvation of all men possible . . . I maintained he did predestinate, ured that it would take me at them he also called: and . Beloved, I tell you 1.1 that Christ, in his atonement, merely did that whom he called, them least two days to get back. At al t he also justified: and whom sicn experiences which was necessary as a condition of he justified, them he half past seven we were on our a forgive- also glorified. What think it will only make grf14,.„:3ns' ness of sin; and not that shall we then say to these way and while my leg was still feel ti14. tru which cancelled sin, in things? If God reading, because I the sense of be for US, who can be against sore it was not stiff and I found ir but literally paying the indebtedness of us? He share ina "qirrnen: sinners." that spared not his own Son, but delivered that with some difficulty I Could you would like to missionsraataj, - him up for US ALL, how things that your That's shall he not with him walk about as fast as ever. By missions" it;" the position you are driven to if you also freely give US all .experiencing. th Few take the things? Who shall lay mid-day we were nearly half way haLrql universal atonement theory. Follow it anything to the charge in this 20th Century have th Out of God's ELECT? It is home; we had found a track they witkiat to its logical conclusion, Christ really didn't God that justifieth." doors opened to them as pay for the sins of any man so as somewhat better and shorter than preochfikta,a 1 to really save Paul here goes back into eternity: being opened to me to for 1 ,. ae him. The universal theory He begins when we went up, and so I people suspends the whole with the purpose and foreknowledge so. many primitive result of the atonement of God; he thought we would try to make it upon the will of man, brings us into and through time first time. For reasons ItrtrIpabeh,f° for those in Hell as the elect are to the next camp site at least. This thrust are said to have been as much called, justified and glorified; .only to God, Hef haas included in the then he says, "Who was Aienda, one of my preaching ple fuhi Stuc death of Christ as those who can lay anything to the into the midst peo are saved. You charge of God's elect?" points. can hear those who preach a In view of these great 5000 years behind the Westellshe s universal blessings that God has By the time we got there I was atonement proclaim the idea that those poured out upon them, in World and He is giving me t Olt al who go to Hell view of the great work way ahead of most of my car- received as much, so far as the that Christ has performed privilege, in most instanoe,saramts representative in their behalf, what riers; those that had kept up work of Christ is concerned, as (Continued the first' I-a ''ralirrcl on page six) said they could go no farther. I preach to them for Beloved, thank God, f°r:ft eonsst felt that I could make it on home, I Os' li is you though it would be after dark all always for it 41 T--- has chosen to share with 0e. when I got there. My leg was get- the +IN I ministry by supplying liman ting very sore again and I this. God Is In Every Tomorrow tertal needs for us to staY ill .1,:t..firP free (Continued thought I would be better off at tylou from page 3) place. WWhereiloynhe m wroeorereklsseowchtoheuralend ,ae periitlls dic for nearly two hours and by that home, so I left word with the God is in every tomorrow, carriers that had arrived for them ti,;sve i0 time the people seemed to have prirnGoici 1.1oi Therefore sleep ipileeveartehisjuwstorkas is these '1,1 I live for today, no fear of me. I noted that I had all to there and I would go eini Certain of on. I was two and a half hours probably more awe -14 finding at sunrise, quite a large crowd of people, Noah preached? Guidance and strength for the way; both men and women, and from home now and the last :ttaCee: hour was walked in darkness and the goy- teitr' i-us Power for each moment of weakness, thought this would be a wonder- anwh Hope for each moment of pain, ful time for a preaching service. drenching rain, but about 12 perverted abed itis eft g.1 hours from the time that I had not being robao .al, Comfort for every sorrow, I propped myself upon one leg Laroireds.'s Church being set out that morning, I had cov- stich:s5.5;i0 Sunshine and a stick and preached to this Her rightful place, by and joy after rain. ered about 35 miles and was back che group of primitive folk the Lord made institutions as 111 e Jesus Christ. home with my family. in s 7tNsoiltn• it God is in every tomorrow. boards, sending out Never before had they heard Planning for you and for me; e vco eu rylri sic. e:a:l of God and of His Most Beloved, tphsaier work:nhata desif 1' E'en in the dark will I follow, Christ. GLEANINGS IN EXODUS you aleaa. a of them Your support and if , Trust where my eyes cannot see, stood in awe as they real - .tata heard for the first time how they to haveve a' part r off.,e14 ri( Stilled by His promise of blessing, came to exist upon the earth and By Testament work, send int-I:gem Soothed Macedonia .12 T.eT by the touch of His hand. why that all people upon the ings to the ARTHUR PINK plewoo';4 1-ifr Confident in His protection, earth, none excepted, are evil, Church, 2501 N. Ma Knowing my life-path is planned. hell-deserving and hell-bound, Chicago"41AtilelisiErimsna.:isissi'onaenr:: 41, e'f'661737,111 beloved, the scene was most 384 pages Church will God is in every touching when I observed that of it tomorrow, aeoxcpuetio:esiotit.70 Life with its some of the folk in my midst— etThereh. itw oirskneoxceexpptenthsee changes may come, $4.50 tu,..04, Bil He is behind and before me, no doubt the most primitive on Some earth, their ways belonging to thissupportssion field. (I, While in the distance shines home! the hoursa selh- a days of the so-called stone age Add 15c for boards have spent Home—where no thought -handling rnone",aaor Par of tomorrow and their hearts postage many dollars of the Ever can shadow my just as hard— istsniornuanrieds,ortirrl'ittZ, t-ro brow, being brought to tears as I told too mi Home—in the Exodus is one most 1 (iv th t presence of Jesus, them of a Christ that loved and of the im- longg distant ca Through all portant books in the Bible on the eternity—now! died for His elect. My friends, I U.S.A.S trying Iv t moral and ceremonial laws. There srYincaenredlythis Wnrit' 134 —Author Not Known It tell you this scene would have villa eatl laasho Christlife Magazine melted even the heart of the is nothing to surpass Pink's book God be for you, ;tl'aarr in its minute study of law, the against you? hardest hardshell and without a '1.4he biased mind made him to realize Tabernacle, its furniture, etc. Baptist Examiner Book Shop liallitnan ati-ligt that God's elect are mt.saved Ashland, Kentucky Fred T. 24' VEMBER 24, 1962 There may be a wrong way lo do righZ bul there's no right way L) do wrong. PAGE FIVE in the scripture, Behold, I lay in °I1ST1 Southern Baptist Professor Is Dismissed Sion a chief corner stone, ELECT, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded." By Midwestern Seminary, A Convention —I Peter 2:6. Ezastiftee Ectitoliald The cornerstone is the Lord School Located At Kansas City, Mo. Jesus Christ, and God the Father refers to Christ as "elect." In Professor Elliott's Only Error tom the "Baptist Record," state paper its message. other words, He was chosen of Convention Baptists in Mississippi. 6. The Bible contains accounts God to be the chief cornerstone. The Midwestern S e min ary propaganda and brain-washing SAS CITY, Mo.—Trustees of the miraculous and the sup- Not only is Christ spoken of trustees have dismissed Professor technique would mean the Coop- kidwestern Baptist Theologi- ernatural. The fact that miracles as "elect," but the church at Ralph Elliott for only one reason: erative Program might lose some Seminary here voted 24 to 5 do not depend upon the human Babylon is called an elect church. Listen: Professor Elliott insists upon support; the "peace" of the dismiss professor Ralph H. ability to understand or explain "The church that is at Babylon, keeping his book,"The Message of churches might be shattered; the Ott effective immediately. them does not make them un- ELECTED together with you, sa- Genesis," in print "at this time." "common front" in the Corlven- he dismissal was "reluctantly true. They are acts of God in luteth you; and so cloth Marcus The state paper for Florida tion would be divided. regretfully" recommended accordance with the power. This my son."—I Peters 5:13. Southern Baptists, The Florida But Professor Elliott, not con- Professor Elliott refused a also includes God's use of natural The word "elected" means that Baptist, says that Elliott was twice tent to broach his mythology only hest that he not offer for forces. it was chosen for a particular asked "not to seek republication in the classroom, would not ac- 'Doblication his controversial 7. In presenting interpreta- purpose, and this church at of the book at this time." quiesce to the gentle overtures k, "The Message of Genesis." tions of passages and events in Babylon is referred to as an elect But for Elliott's insistence upon of the trustees who had the over- e seminary will continue his the Bible various views should church. having the book remain in print all "good" of the denomination at ary and fringe benefits for 12 be given. We also read how some of the "at this time," he would probably heart. ooths. 8. We reject any theory •that angels are referred to as elect still be on the faculty of Mid- If there is anything worse about Special committee of trustees, the Bible is a book of Folk Lore angels, for we read: western Seminary. The only error this affair than Professor Elliott's ointed a few weeks ago to and mythology. "I charge thee before God, and in the man, then, is that he won't modernism, it is the spineless Ihto the matter further, made Not Repudiation of Book the Lord Jesus Christ, and the conceal from the Baptist public hypocritical manner in which the llingtn, dismissal recommendation. ELECT angels."—I Tim. 5:21. 1s 9. The Bible is to be taught what he has for years taught in trustees handled the matter. If t° committee, President Millard I'll go further and say that ten and it is the task of the classroom to his seminary Elliott is being dismissed simply Rerquist, and Elliott were re- the teacher Paul himself was definitely iith to students. because he refuses to be dishonest ed in agreement on nine out lead students in their teach- elected, or chosen God, for of for The resolution of the Midwest- with the Baptist public, then he 10 desired points of agree- ing and preaching to go out and when God was telling Ananias dP ern trustees said that "we do af- might as well remain. In fact, the t. make known their faith and be- to go to Paul, He said: joY firm our confidence in him as a only bright spot — if it can be nine dealt with historical life, not to preach something that "Go thy way: for he is a est consecrated Christian, a promis- called that — of the whole affair dies of scripture and seminary is in doubt. CHOSEN vessel unto me, to bear 'ore ing scholar, a loyal servant of is Professor Elliott's willingness citing. The tenth, on which President Berquist said, "This my name before the Gentiles, and Southern Baptists, and a, dedicated to give up his job rather than con- 13 ntlott declined to agree, was that (request on republication) was kings, and the children of Is- and warmly evangelistic preacher ceal his belief that Genesis is a 'holt withhold his book from not intended to be a repudiation rael."—Acts 9:15. sta of the book but to be a pre- of the Gospel." myth. er publication at this time. Notice, God refers to Paul as cautionary measure to avoid a All of this about the man who With such sleepy-eyed "watch- and t BSSB Declined a chosen vessel. recurrence of the recent disturb- thinks Genesis (and who knows dogs" on guard as trustees of ly hal these lly (originally published by Broad- ance." We see immediately from how much more of the Bible) is Southern Baptist institutions it is Press Scriptures that Paul is at Nashville, the Bap- He called attention to the fact four a myth. So far as the trustees are no marvel that they are filled t being chosen of ?,e t Sunday School Board—which spoken of as concerned, Professor Elliott could with modernists and neo-otho- the committee recommendation to namesake, rates Broadman—declined this God to suffer for His stay and teach all of his "mythi- doxists who are just as bad (or iho dismiss Elliott came only after it being chos- Bap iner to order a second print- Christ is spoken of as cal" notions in the classroom, but worse) in their approach to the reached the opinion it was "im- cornerstone, the of the Genesis book despite a en as the chief he must not put them before the Bible as Professor Elliott. Just so possible to come to a mutual Babylon is spoken of ger oil out of the first printing and church at Baptist public. "At this time" the long as the wolves keep on their working relationship in arriv- having been chosen to k order for the next. as elect or Baptist public is not "ready," not sheep's clothing and do not come tilt ing at a solution of the problem." represent Him in that offered the republication of God to "prepared" for this "advanced out openly and reveal themselves particular locality, and some of Y,fhts to Elliott, Midwestern's Ed. Note: See our comment on thinking." To disturb the Baptist as wolves, these watch-dogs won't the angels are spoken of as elect gOlrelfessor of Old Testament and this matter in "Examiner Edi- public from the deep sleep pres- open their mouths to bark.— angels. Now how is it that people ,ferew brew. • torials." (This page). Convention B.L.R. elect angels, Christ ently cast over it by reissOkt the trustee meeting, which can read of the church at Babylon ••••••••••••••••••••••• .....••••••••••••••••••• 41•• plecked at 1:30 A. M. after six elect, elect, and Paul chosen to suffer ,sing 4t1 one-half hours, the board made it over again. The potter God. "Life and Ministry for the name of Christ, yet people !iallY ated the post of academic was sovereign over the pottery. Yes, beloved, I would insist dean of Paul" will bypass the doctrine of elec- ee chaLt the seminary. The academic The potter was sovereign over that election is a sovereign act (Continued from page 1) tion. I can't understand how it ce „7411, not yet appointed would the clay. of God, for that is what the Lord through the Bible, we read of is that people will read the Bible do• ItDervise the instructional pro- Jesus Christ taught us when He "the elect" and of "election," and and then leave out all that it says I insist, beloved, that God is of the seminary and said: be of those who are chosen of God. about the doctrine of election, in sovereign so far as His will is foi:Donsible directly to the "If ye were of the world, the presi- Therefore, I can't understand view of these Scriptures that I concerned in your life and mine. ae „ world would love his own: but A why it is that people are so dense have read to you. Just as the potter is sovereign ge011 trustees were because ye are not of the world, present for in their understanding of the Bi- over the clay to the extent that • th:te I. but I HAVE CHOSEN YOU OUT meeting. The vote of the ble to the extent they he can take clay and mold it into el Ila• seemingly OF THE WORLD. therefore the Irman, who was present, was can't grasp ELECTION IS A SOVEREIGN a thing of beauty on the one the truth of God's world hateth you.."—John 15:19. :ary .;t required because of the vote sovereign election. ACT OF GOD. hand, or into a grotesque, hide- Unt. ous image on the other—in like This would tell us that God The Bible speaks of Christ as Beloved, I want to emphasize lue tkherquist, Elliott, some others being measure, God, motivated by His has chosen us out of the world. elect, for we read: the fact that election is a sov- ley al,°1-11 the seminary administration, "Wherefore sovereign will, can take clay in In other words, you didn't choose also it is contained ereign act of Almighty God. We acri IA a representative of the one family and can make an in- the Lord. You are not a saved stu- read: for trigt body at Midwestern appear- dividual who will stand four- man or woman because you made 'Tor he saith to Moses, I WILL square 00,before the trustees during the and stalwart for the a choice in yourself. You are not have mercy on whom I WILL things ist Terting• of the Lord, and likewise saved because somehow you were have mercy, and I WILL have from e NI that same family will per- a little more intelligent than Students Signed Document Campbellism compassion on whom I WILL haps come a t gangster or a hood- somebody else and you were able have compassion. So then it is TeS etv•he students brought in a docu- lum that is entirely bereft of to understand what the other in- - him that willeth, nor of ittit allegedly signed by 159 stu- ITS HISTORY not of the saving grace of Almighty dividual Couldn't understand. No, runneth, BUT OF GOD .?•etskgot si,i or about 70 per cent of the AND HERESIES him that no, beloved, you are saved be- sheweth mercy. For the VIP = ment. It declared the semi- that cause the Lord Jesus Christ unto Pharaoh, students had been ignored By BOB scripture saith chose you out of the world. I L ROSS purpose have SPURGEON'S SERMONS e the issue in ques- Even for this same tell you, election is a sovereign ti that I might ,','; The document said the stu- 20 Chapters — 176 Pages I raised thee up, ON SOVEREIGNTY act of Almighty God. POWER in thee, and '0 tgk ts stood by Baptists' position PRICE shew MY 1 $1.00 that MY NAME might be de- fiti,4h freedom to interpret the Bible By C. clared throughout all the earth. H. pec',.t did not specifically ask the Shows the origin of groups SPURGEON ELECTION PROCEEDS FROM hath he mercy on e arTtees to retain Elliott. known as "The Christian Church," Therefore DIVINE VOLITION. "Church of Christ," and "Disci- whom HE WILL have mercy, 256 °se lliott, engaged in a revival in God not only acts in a sovereign ples Christ," and and whom HE WILL he harden- Paget re lai!ginia, was called back to Kan- of gives a refu- eth. Thou wilt say then unto me, way, but it is His own volition NOT City for the tation of their heresies. special meeting Why doth he yet find fault? For $3.50 Postpaid whereby that you were chosen trustees. 2 for $5.00 He did not offer an who hath resisted his will? Nay before Him. Listen: trlediate statement on his dis- but, 0 man, who art thou that "Ye have not chosen me, but ,ed "ssal, nor on Send Payment I have chosen you.."—John 15:16. his future plans. repliest against God? Shall the With Order to° ic Nine Points Listed . thing formed say to him that I ask you, who acted first? Who made the choice? took •litA.,he nine points at which the formed it, Why hast thou made Sermon Sublects Who isS, me thus? Hath not the POTTER the first step? This text says, tnittee and the dismissed pro- Misrepresentations of True Or POWER OVER THE CLAY, of "You didn't choose me, but '1 were said to be in agree- Cleared Away lt were: the same lump to make one ves- have chosen you." honour, another un- Divine Sovereignty I remember several years ago sek: The literary, critical and sel unto and to dishonour? What if God, will- The Infallibility of God's Purpose that I attended a service one effeyierical approach is valid in Election night that was conducted 100 Testament studies. ing to shew his wrath, and to by an make his power known, endured Election: Its Defences and Evidence Arminian preacher. When he .A14 There are differences 041' of with much long - suffering the Particular Redemption came to the invitation, though lon on interpreting Bible pas- the balance i . vessels of wrath fitted to destruc- Plenteous Redemption of his message had ftel° a. tion: And that he might make Prevenient Grace not been too bad, his invitation fol4,.. The seminary teacher is to known the riches of his glory on Human Inability was something like this: "Now if 12'e oNoroach his work from the the vessels of mercy, which he Effectual Calling you will take the first step, God ts will take the next one. You io013oint of a firm belief in had afore prepared unto glary." Distinguishing Grace move " tilble as God's word. —Rom. 9:15-23. out and God will move toward Free Grace you." , sertil• We believe the Bible and Whenever I think of this I go Salvation Altogether by Grace Beloved, that aitiOr Darts thereof to be inspired. WALTER SCOTT back to the book of Jeremiah, is not the lan- and with Jeremiah I like to take The Doctrines of Grace Do Not guage of the Bible. The language r tti;a The task of the teacher is This is the man who invented the a visit down to the house of the Lead To Sin of the Bible is: "You haven't ttl"t to proclaim what he doesn't Campbellite "water gospel plan" and potter. I like to see that vessel The Perseverance of the Saints chosen me, but I have chosen about the Bible nor to seek first "experimented" with it in a the potter was working on his Providence you." I insist that election pro- 10 th shock methods to startle the service. Get this book and read the wheel. I like to see it as that ves- Providence—As Seen In the Book ti ceeds from divine volition. If God :gents with a negative approach hadn't chosen us, story of how Compbeltism got its sel was marred in the potter's Esther not one of us the Bible. His task is to hand. The Word of God says would have been saved. If God start. r • the Resurrection With Christ Olgthen the faith of students same potter that saw the vessel hadn't made the first step—if 'help Baptist Examiner Book Shop Baptist Examiner Book Shop them prepare to present • Ashland, Kentucky marred in his hands likewise Ashland, Kentucky (Continued on page 6, column 11, Novi

PAGE SIX Thai which is in the well of one's heart is bound to come up in the bucket of one's speech. NOVEMBER 24, 1962 tion is an ancient act of God— Rome And so ancient- that you and I were Why I Believe the Limited Atonement . . • • (Continued) chosen of God before the founda- tion of the world. can hurt God's people? among the inhabitants of the earth: and none 1. this Free-Willism You ask me as to how old Isaiah 53:8: -He was taken from prison and can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest ThE world is, I couldn't say. Lots of from The Council of Trent- met in judgment: and who shall declare his gen- thou?" haean, folk will tell you that this world eration? for he was cut iS 1545 and closed in 1563. During off out of the land of There is no disappointed God in this Bible, int is six thousand years old. Lots the living: for the transgression 9. those eighteen years, five popes of my people Since God's purpose is infallible, the atonement of folk will tell you that this was he stricken." have occupied the Roman chair — Paul of Christ which was purposed by God shall Giv world is millions of years old. God says, "My people." Then verse 10: be- IH, Julius III, Marcellus II, Paul "Yet its full reward. It must therefore be limited, 28:19, Some will even tell you that it it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put see IV and Pius IV. Among the de- cause from experience and from scripture we 3. is billions of years of age. I don't him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an believe crees of the council are the that it is not applied to all. Only those who gelist fol- know exactly how old it is, be- offering for sin, he shall see HIS SEED, he shall pur- lowing: are saved by the atonement. Hence it was Thz loved, but I know one thing, be- prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord posed for these alone. hers, "If fore our God laid down the foun- any one shall affirm that shall prosper in his hand." Arminians won't admit that the atonement was and 1 man's freewill, dation on which the world was "His moved an-d ex- seed," you'll notice. The work of Christ purposed for only some. They'll limit, however, 15:3, built, those who are saved to- was in their cited by God, does not by con- behalf. Then in verse 11: "He shall its efficacy to believers. Well, I'll say that 4. night and those that shall be see of the travail of his senting co-operate with God the soul, and shall be satis- much, too. But the whole thing comes back to Evan mover and saved to the end of the age, were fied: by his knowledge shall my exciter so as to pre- righteous servant this: Who is responsible for a person's being a Me pare already chosen of God in Christ justify MANY; for he shall bear and dispose itself for the THEIR iniqui- believer? Who pulls the final cord? Who makes Luke Jesus. ties." where attainment of justification; if, the final choice in the matter? And that's 5. As I drive about, I often look As I say, there are many individual passages the ynore,cn)er, any one shall say that it comes back to a denial of depravity by be El the off in the distance and I see the that justify or teach the limited atonement. But human will cannot refuse Arminian. He makes man such a creature that Pas. rocks and the hills and I wonder having noticed these few, let's go on now and complying, if it pleases, but that he can bring himself to life. 2 Tin how old those rocks and those consider another matter: lot of it is unactive, and merely pas- I have a little tradt at home—(I save a Chris hills are. I don't know, beloved, "evi- sive, let such. an one be accursed." II this Arminian stuff that comes to me for Acts but I know this, before God ever dence" 'If any one shall affirm that because a lot of times people say, "I just Who' since the fall of Adam man's free- made those rocks or those hills, THE LIMITED ATONEMENT IS CONSISTENT don't believe a man would say that")—I have a chose me in Christ Jesus, the will is lost and extinguished, or God WITH THE WHOLE OF GOD'S TRUTH. little tract at home that ends by saying that you and so far as my salvation is con- era that it is a thing merely titular, I don't put can "choose to be born;" you have the power 10 cerned, I am older than creation. much stock in a doctrine that people 6. yea, a name without a thing, and build upon fragments of your will to choose the new birth. Actually, from an experimental scripture which are in- Go( a fiction terpreted so as to Beloved, I know this: I never would have collie introduced by Satan standpoint, I was saved when I be inconsistent with the whole throu into of God's Word. I've run into to Christ if it were left to depraved me. You, the Church, let such an one was sixteen years old or there- a lot of people who Preac believe certain heretical doctrines, and would never have come to Jesus Christ if it ha" be accursed." about, and from the standpoint if you Persa were to take a phrase of Scripture or been left to your carnal mind. The apostle Paul This same Council passed de- of the death of Jesus Christ I a particular verse and separate it from the whole of never would have left his mission to Damascus creels "cursing" eternal security, was redeemed ninteen hundred God's Word, their particular notion or tangent might if it had been left to his carnal mind. Peter and predestination and other doctrines years ago when the Son of God lEvan; appear to be justified; but then when you have a none of the other disciples would have ever core relating to free and sovereign died on the Cross, but from the Not knowledge of the Bible as a whole, of the at- to the Lord Jesus Christ if it were left to their grace. standpoint of the eternal God, I housE tributes of God, of prophesy, of the general teach- carnal minds. Jesus said, "No man can come 10 Sad as it is, there are many was chosen of God before the Glle) ings of God's Word, you know that there are me except it be given unto him." Paul said in today who claim to be Protestants foundation of the world. There- temp many verses you must consider in the light of I Cor. 4:7, "What hast thou that thou didst 001 and Baptists who every day fore I am older than creation. the whole, and you must not separate them and receive?" He said in I Cor. 3:5, "Ye believed, even "amen" the curses Oh, how long ago did God of this Coun- come up with false notions and inconsistent as the Lord gave to every man." cil. And we would say to them think about us? Go back to the tangents. The purpose of God is also immutable. God's time when God laid down the 'I as a Christian once said to Armin- Well, the limited atonement is a doctrine that work in time is what God eternally decreed. God first rock. See the Almighty as ian , "Haste thee to is consistent with the whole truth of God; not does not change His purpose as man changes He sprinkled the earth upon top Rome, thy proper place."—B.L.R. just a few fragments and verses, but great founda- his actions, wishes and desires. Man changes. We of that rock. See the grass as it tional are continually changing in our minds, our bodies, doctrines. This truth is consistent with (C begins to spring from that soil. them. our lives, but God is immutable. If the atonement wonder how long ago it was only benefits some in time, then we can look back throu "Life And Ministry when the first sprig of green Let's notice first of all the great truth of God's into eternity and say it was purposed for onlY Spini Of Paul" grass came out of the soil that ETERNAL PURPOSE. some. was placed upon the rock that God has an everlasting purpose, and beloved, hard Continued from page five) Now, let's God laid down. I don't know, but this purpose is not so divided that consider the JUSTICE of God. God God hadn't taken the initiative— we cannot see I know one thing, before that the unity of it. I Sin is not remitted apart from the satisfaction When if God hadn't, but His own vo- Peter 1:20, referring to Christ, rock was ever laid down—before says: "Who verily was foreordained before the of God's divine justice. When satisfaction is rat- lust c lition, worked in your behalf, remitted. the earth was ever sprinkled on foundation of the world, but was manifest in these dered to God's justice, then sin must be him you would still be a lost sinner, top of it—before that grass ever last times for you." God would not have provided satisfaction to III his s condemned before God, and began to grow—before ever there The purpose of God centers in the Lord Jesus own law if He did not intend to remit sins; anu don't docrned for a Christless eternity. had been the slightest sign of life Christ from eternity. In the book of Ephesians when this satisfaction is made, He does remit don't within this universe, I was al- (3:11), you read about His "eternal purpose which those sins. If Christ died to remit a man's $ins' Of G4 ELECTION IS AN ANCIENT ready chosen of God in Christ He purposed in Christ Jesus" before the world that man's sins are remitted forever. If Christ's heed ACT OF GOD. Jesus. I say, beloved, election is began. God has a purpose and He is moving the death is a true satisfaction for sins, then justieje don't must By an ancient act on the part of history of the world, the people and creatures release all those for whom the Son of Go" avec this I mean that election died. isn't something that God hur- God. of the world, and the events of this world to all y riedly got together in our behalf. IV. bring to pass His purpose. Augustus Toplady, a great Calvinistic preacher and i When I was but a boy I re- ELECTION IS UNTO SALVA- The Father's election, the Son's redemption, and writer, wrote this stanza in a poem: and member hearing Billy Sunday TION. and the Spirit's calling are all according to God's "Payment God cannot twice demand Be] tell how the Lord looked down eternal purpose. God did not elect some for First at my Election is unto salvation bleeding surety's hand thigh from the battlements of glory through the means appointed of whom Christ did not die. Neither did Christ die And then again at mine." and saw this world steeped in for some whom the Father did not elect. Neither has God. Listen: God times—once 111 sin and going to Hell; how God does the Spirit call some that the Father did not does not punish sin two throe "But we are bound to give Christ walked into the garden and elect and for whom Christ did not die. Neither and again in the sinner in Hell. It /5 35,. Snira thanks alway to God for consistent chate there the lily of the valley you, does the Spirit fail to call all for whom the Son with justice for one to be saved aPa'r Other brethren beloved of the Lord, from a for one Of and twined with it the sweetest died and all those the Father elected. God is a satisfaction of God's law as it is th because God hath from the be- to be condemned and best of all the roses that He Trinity, His mind is one. The Father, the Son and after satisfaction has been made arid ginning CHOSEN YOU TO SAL- to God's law for could gather together, and then the Holy Spirit, the Triune God, works accord- him. Gc VATION through sanctification dropped it down in Bethlehem ing to the same one eternal purpose. William Symington, in defending the doctrine Will of the Spirit and belief of the and that became the babe Christ Now you take this notion of a general atone- that Christ died only for those who are or sha,11 Worl( the Jesus; and that God sent him for truth."—II Thess. 2:13. ment; it's as inconsistent as could be when we be saved and not for those who finally Peris"' one purpose — that men might Herein do we differ violently think of the Father's election, the Son's redemp- said this: hot make a choice as to whether they with the Hardshell Baptists. The tion and the Spirit's calling. There are free-willers "If this doctrine is denied, the montrous agen4 would take Jesus and go to Hardshells say that election is who say there are some who go to Hell that God possibility must be maintained that the infallible Lista Heaven, or reject Jesus and go salvation. That is not so. Rather, wants to save. Christ died for them, God wants judge refuses to remit the punishment of those "Sc election is unto salvation. As this to save them, yet they go to Hell. Beloved, God for whose offences He has received a full core" to Hell. Goa; Beloved, there is not a word text says, "He hath chosen you is not one to let those go to Hell if He wants to pensation; that He finally condemns some, the of condemnation truth in it. God never waited unto salvation." You will notice save them. If God wills their salvation, God Al- price of whose deliverance from Go until man it says that God uses means to mighty is going to apply the gospel to them, has been paid to Him; that with regard to the thear sinned. He never satisfaction waited until He looked down bring salvation to pass, for Paul they're going to hear it, they're going to believe sins of some of mankind, He seeks Word to from the battlements of glory and declares, "God hath from the be- it, they're going to be drawn to the Lord Jesus their personal punishment after having °13-f and tamed saw the whole human family on ginning chosen you to salvation Christ. satisfaction for them in the sufferings 0,, Whic Christ; that righteo;n the road to Hell. God never wait- (Continued on page 7, column 1) God's infallible as to fulfillment. is to say, that an infinitely beha purpose is God ed until sin became a reality, infallible Himself takes a double payment for the same deb the God's purpose is because God double but rather, long before this CONFESSIONS OF A EONVEILTED JENOVA141 WITNESS! is all be defeated in satisfaction for the same offence, fir,sa powerful, and God cannot from the who wcrld was, long before man was, what He wills. I know today that the god who Surety and then from those for Work the Surety stood and long before sin bedame a 30 is preached in most pulpits is like a little puppet. bound." (Atonement, p. 256). Fie e reality in this world, God had He can act if man takes his free will and pulls Well, now let's consider God's FOREKNOW1j. aatec already YEARS A EDGE. God planned our salvation, the string. But other than that, god just cannot the I before the foundation of the WATCHTOWER raise a hand in your behalf. He's sitting on the To my mind, this makes the universal ath.Pe..; world. Listen: sidelines. He can do it if you will allow him, ment theory a complete absurdity. One of the flr',4 Roar' arounoti' .401. -According as he hath chosen SLAVE if you will let him, if you will give him the doctrinal questions that began to roll US IN HIM BEFORE THE opportunity or the chance. in my mind after I was saved was, "D° .roa ro nrc FOUNDATION of the world."-- by )11.'. 4. Schnell...4'N% I remember when I was in the Methodist reckon God foreknows everything." Yes' that Eph. 1:4. formeeAne servant church that they distributed some little stickers, foreknew everything. God knows everything ig, rtoly is (Acts kaov, Somehow the majority of for Jehovah's Witnesses to go on ears, saying "Give God a Chance." going to come to pass in this world. reed preachers make it appear that That's the idea that the natural man has in his Isa. 46:10). He knows it because He has decr ,.o.. Chris. not at 'ead salvation is sort of a panacea, The simple, impelling, and powerful mind, that God is a little puppet and he can the things that come to pass. He could or a remedy, or a hurried-up first story of a Christian caught in the meshes control God by the efforts of his will. Beloved, know them otherwise, because things just cl.°!tic` 'an't of this movement, his rise to positions of 'Tao aid that the Lord brought into authority, the hopelessness of his situa- this makes God's purpose certainly defeated. This happen by luck or chance or by some fate existence after man had sinned. tion, and remarkable conversion in 1954, makes God weaker than a worm. Man is called force bringing them to pass. vatic) after an entire night of prayer. Out of will and'to In fact, the majority that conversion, came a pledge to write a worm He knows all things including who tiren. of preachers in the Bible, and if man can defeat God, Of 6, his book. who will not be already totl 5 make it appear that salvation is Here, for the first time, is an exposé of that makes God weaker than the worm, man. saved. He has mare of a first aid remedy than the Watch Tower society, its brain wash- God's purpose is infallible because we read in Revelation 20 that there is going to ing techniques, its genius for organiza- has alrea to anything else—that man sinned tion, and perversion of Scripture. in Eph. 1:11, "In whom also we have obtained judgment for those who are lost. He EL and God saw that something had Everyone wants to read this book( Buy an inheritance, being predestinated according to told us that they will be judged according to .4.1121 k for yourself. Give it as a gift. Buy sty. to be done, and therefore God eral to spread its message. the purpose of him who worketh all things after their works, so there's no sense in our tryinigir,s, WE got Jesus Christ ready in a hurry the counsel of his own will." say that God does not as yet know these tb Zat believe t to become the sin bearer. It is $2 95 Daniel 4:35; "And all the inhabitants of the Yet the Arminians would have us tha not true, beloved. There is earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth ac- though God has prepared Hell and knows not a Baptist Examiner Book Shop word of truth in it. Instead, elec- Ashland, Kentucky cording to his will in the army of heaven, and (Continued on page seven) PAGE SEVEN OOVEMBER 24, 1962 71 you worked for your employer like you serve god how long would you hold your job? born, neither having done any the Limited Atonement . . . . (Continued) New Testament good or evil, that the purpose of Why I Believe God according to election might stand, NOT OF WORKS, but of certain people are going to Hell, yet He never- The doctrine of grace teaches that Christ has Evangelism him that calleth."—Rom. 9:11. theless, they say, punishes Christ for their sins purchased all that is necessary for our salvation in a vain effort to save them from Hell. and the enjoyment thereof. The righteousness a reference pri- 1. The Meaning of Evangelism Notice, this is If God knows a man is going to Hell, • why required by Law, bearing the penalty against sin, children of Isaac'. The word (Gr., euange/ium) marily to the should He punish His Son and do other things the new birth, sanctification, the resurrection, Jacob and Esau, ttleans "the good news." The word It speaks about that will not benefit the man? Someone says, "Oh, glorification—all these blessings are purchased by before they were is illustrated in Luke 2:10-11. and it says well, the man might change." No we are talking Christ and given to those for whom He purchased had a chance 2. The Mandate of Evangelism born—before they now about something that is definite, something them. to do any good or evil—before Given by Christ Himself, Matt. God certainly knows. Take Judas, for instance. one Universal atonement preacher, there were any works at all on There is not 28:19, 20; Mk. 16:15, 16. Christ said Judas was going to his own place. He can, does, or will preach salva- the part of Esau and Jacob, God in the world that 3. The Message of the Evan- knew that. Did Christ pay for the sins of Judas? the grace of God. They all in- had already chosen; the purpose tion purely by gelist If so, for what purpose? What good would it make the so-called free-will of man of God according to election was variably will That Christ died for lost sin- accomplish? in the sinner's salvation. already complete, not according the deciding factor ters, and saves those who repent a moment: Did Christ die to the works of Esau and Jacob, Let's just think for Objections and believe on Him, 1 Cor. 2:2, who were already in Hell III. There Are • but according to Him that does for the sins of those 15:3, 4; John 3:16, etc. on the cross, dying for or general atonement theorists, the calling. at the time He hung 1. Arminians, 4. The Motives that lead to sins? Here are these that have already died: they offer verses which contain the words world, all, evangelism Beloved, I say to you, no man are bound in torment, they are certain for ever- and all men as objections to the limited atone- Men are lost without Christ, is ever saved because of anything lasting destruction; did Christ suffer for their ment view. But they falsely assume that these Luke 19:10; 2'Con 5:14 good that he does. Someone may sins? If so, why? Could they be redeemed? Could terms necessarily and always cover every man 5. The Messengers who are to say, "God looked down and saw He bring them out of Hell? If not, why die for that ever lived on the face of the earth. Just try be Evangelists that you were going to do good; their sins? using the Arminian definition of world in every and you'll come Pastors, and gifted evangelists, therefore God just accommodat- If Christ had waited until the very end of this passage where the word appears doctrines. Ac- 2 Tim. 4:1-5, especially v. 5. All ed Himself and chose you, and world to come and die, until the last one believed up with all kinds of preposterous must determine the Christians are to be evangelists, that is all there is to election." on Him, for how many people would it have been tually, each text and context light of the Acts 8:4 (these were the people Beloved, this Scripture would tell necessary for Christ to die? I'll tell you—only extent of these terms, viewed in the argument in ex- Who "went everywhere preaching us that election is wholly of those that believe. He wouldn't have had to die rest of the Bible. The weakest world and all as if the Word," not only the preach- grace, apart from works. Actu- for any others. He wouldn't have to pay for their istence is to simply rattle off the same in ers. ally the election in the case of sins in any wise at all, because they already the extent of the terms are always is to demon- 6. The Means of Evangelism Jacob and Esau was before the are bound over for Hell, already in Hell. Well, every text. The orthodox approach taking the text, con- God gets out His Message children were born, before they if that be true, why can't we look at this doctrine strate what the terms cover, a whole into Consideration. through preaching (Mark 16:15) had an opportunity to do any from God's eternal purpose, foreknowledge and text and the Bible as have the time to take note Preach the Gospel, an:1 through good or any evil. I tell you, justice and conclude that the Lord Jesus Christ At present, I don't which these terms appear. Suf- Persona/ work, personal witness- whenever you think about this, died only for those who believe throughout the of every verse in off say, however, that no text referring to rig, John 1:41, 42. it certainly does take you ages? fice it you of Christ, using any of these terms, 7. The Methods of Successful of your pedestal, and puts Beloved, we dare not teach that our God, who the death of a sovereign teaches that every man that ever lived is in- evangelism down at the feet knew from eternity what persons He would save, save you, and cluded in the reference. Whoever says so simply Not only in church, but from God. God didn't poured out His punishment upon His Son for the make you an heir of salvation, reads that into the verse without one iota of /louse to house, Acts 20:31 (every sins of those who go to Hell, even though He and subject of salvation, because justification. Jt)4e) Acts 5:42, "daily in the knew from all eternity that this would be of He saw any good in you, but God been said, "Christ had to die for every temp/e, and in every house" — no benefit to those people. Do you think that 2. It has saved you wholly of grace, apart give all a chance to be saved." —Christian Victory the Father would punish His Son when He knew man in order to from any works on your part. very well that it would be no benefit to those This objection is based upon the false premise ••• -deserving sinners. Notice again: who go to Hell? Surely, God would not take that God is obligated to hell pleasure in punishing Christ for the sins of those It also leaves the salvation of the sinner in his Ministry so then at this present "Life and "Even who were certain for Hell. own hands, to take advantage of his "chance." time also there is a remnant Of Pau" It's an insult to God's justice and wisdom to Salvation is by grace, on purpose, not by "chance." TO THE ELEC- ACCORDING teach the notion of a general or universal atone- 3. Another says, "Christ died for every sin but TION OF GRACE. And if by (Continued from page six) ment. It leads to a denial of God's foreknowledge unbelief. This alone condemns." If Christ died grace, then is it no more of through sanctification of the and wisdom. Somebody said the Lord "didn't want not for that sin, then we shall all perish, for we works: otherwise grace is no Spirit and belief of the truth." to know" who was going to Hell, as if God could all have been—and to some extent, still are— more grace. But if it be of works, lierein we differ again with the deny Himself the attribute of knowledge. But guilty of not believing. But this very objection then is it no more grace: other- liardshell Baptists. They say that then I thought of this question: Why wouldn't is contrary to the notion which it seeks to defend, wise work is no more work."— god does not use means, but that the Lord want to know? If He knew future for it LIMITS the atonement, saying that it Rom. 11:5, 6. Whenever God gets ready, he will possibilities then He could prevent what He did does not cover ALL sin! Here are some more just quicken a fellow, and knock You will notice Paul says we not want to take place, and then I thought of absurdities of this idea: Ittin down, and that is it; that is are saved either by grace or by this: Any doctrine that necessitates the ignorance (a) Thousands have never heard the gospel, his salvation. They say that you works. He says you can't have a of God for its justification must be an ignorant thus have not had the opportunity to believe it.. don't need a Sunday School, you mixture. That is, you are not doctrine. It must be an ignorant doctrine if it Will they be condemned for not believing what don't need to preach the Word saved by grace and works, but necessitates God's being ignorant in order for it they never heard? °f God to lost people, you don't you are saved either by grace on to "consistently" exist in the thinking of a man's (b) This idea pre-supposes that man is fully /teed to send a missionary, you the one hand, or by works on the mind. capable of faith and indeed must of himself pro- un- But faith is said to be the gift don't need to ever give an other. His conclusion is that Now let's consider a fourth thing: duce the faith. saved man the Word of God, but or creation of God (Eph. 2:8, 9; I Cor. 3:5; Rom. there is a remnant according to The limited atonement is certainly consistent need to do is just wait, 12:3).(c) II you the election of grace. with the WHOLE WORK OF CHRIST. flcl in God's time, God will move It also involves the notion that Christ's He will strike that individual, Brother, you were not saved In His life, in His death, in His resurrection, finished work is conditioned for its efficacy upon .Q1od he will be saved. because you were a good boy. in His ascension, in His present intercession be- puny man. Its success thus depends upon man, Beloved, that is not God Al- Sister, you were not saved be- fore the Father, the limited atonement is con- not upon God. In other words, if man did not Itighty's way of working. God cause you were a good girl. sistent with the whole of Christ's work. Those apply the atonement, it could have been a com- has chosen us unto salvation Rather, your salvation is because for whom Christ lived and fulfilled the law were plete failure! through sanctification of the of the grace of God. those for whom Christ went to Calvary and died (d) But faith is the effect, not the cause, of the truth. In for their sins. Those for whom He died and rose the efficacy of Christ's death. Because He died Pirit and belief of When I think of this, my mind uses the means again, He ascended into Heaven as an intercessor, for us, His Spirit comes and makes this known (Aber words, God goes back to that great exposi- Holy Spirit as a mediator between them and the Father, and by powerfully applying the Gospel message (I c'f the work of the tor of the Bible of a few years ago, of the Word He's there for them now. The throne of grace Thes. 1:4, 5). grid the preaChing Arthur Pink. Pink was a great God. I tell you, beloved, there is open to them. (e) The objection disregards the work of the °f expositor of the Word of God. Wi11 be a man saved in this Christ represented the same people in eternity, Holy Spirit who is here to apply the atonement. never Arthur Pink had a good back- world apart from the hearing of on earth, in His resurrection and in glory. To teach that man applies it is to deny the office ground. His father was a great 'he Word of God, for God does The universal theory is that Christ died for work of the Spirit, which is exactly what all and devout Bible student. When Ilot save except through the some for whom He did not rise again, for whom free-willers do. They may allow Him to do a (Continued on page 8, 2) ,agency, of the preached Word. column He does not intercede, and to whom He does not part, but not all. The old notion of sinning away Listen: apply His blood. They say Christ died for every your day of grace, crossing the deadline, effec- "So then faith cometh by hear- man, but then men must apply the atonement. tually resisting the Spirit, etc., is what many 411g, and hearing by the word of WORKS BY JOHN GILL The universal atonement theory must support teach. ,.'°&"—Rom. 10:17. the free-will notion, which is contrary to the 4. We also hear, "The universal atonement is God uses means. God uses the teaching of God's Word. Man's will is not free necessary to the preaching of the Gospel." How- Illeans of the Holy Spirit and the but is bound to his carnal nature. The reason we ever, we find nothing in the Gospel that says Word of God in order to work out as Christians desire any good is because we have Christ died for the sins of every person that `rid bring to pass salvation, another force within beside the old nature. That ever lived on earth. The Gospel says that Christ IA'hich was predestinated in our force is God's Spirit. He applies that atonement. died for sinners and describes the kind of sinners —those who will believe on Him as Saviour. It before the foundation of Now a fifth great general doctrine is SALVA- never says Christ died for those who reject Him the world. TION BY GRACE. and go to Hell. Isn't it wonderful how God has Any position that teaches that Christ died for The general invitations and commands relating orked? Before the world was, every man without exception, yet says that some to the Gospel always carry limitations, regardless .rte elected, or chose, or predesti- of those perish in Hell, must deny the doctrine of how universally they may be proclaimed. For tlated our salvation; and then of salvation being completely by the grace of example, "Whosoever will" extends no blessing 13c1 went further and prepared God. If Christ fully redeemed one by His work on to any man but the one who will come. "Who- he means whereby it would be the cross, for what could the person be condemned soever believeth" has nothing for anyone except guaranteed that I would believe; in Hell? Christ did the whole job: there's nothing the person who will believe. to how He sent a preacher, and Regardless left that can condemn the sinner. many people you might say ,,..`n-rough the preaching of the "whosoever will," the If sinners did go to Hell, it could only be blessing is limited to the willing; Zord and the application of the there is no bless- because of some failure on their part, and not ing for whosoever won't. floly Spirit, I came to a saving Christ's part and such a view would place the 'tuowledge of the Lord Jesus If you are a lost man, you might be saying, salvation of the sinner in the hands of man and Qhrist. Beloved, whenever you "But what if I trust Him and find out in eternity must deny salvation by grace, must deny that Isead II 2:13, you that He didn't die for me?" That is an absolute Thessalonians matter an't do anything but say, Christ's work completely saves. It doesn't impossibility. If you can believe, it is not because (1697-1771) how the be. may be like banks be unto God, for our sal- little work may It of your will, but because God has blessed your s brought tV.ation is wholly, totally, and en- Arminius put it, just "yielding." Armini'l heart with spiritual understanding. He has done his theology down to this, that God gives you r.elY dependent upon the work Commentary-6 Volumes on the this because Christ purchased your salvation and God." whole Bible $45.00 everything, including repentance and faith, but it is applied to you through faith. Believing is a you must yield and let Him do it. There are others Body of blessing granted by the Lord to all the helpless, V. Divinity—An outstand- who say God will do everythi, g but you must ing depraved sinners for whom Christ died! ELECTION IS WHOLLY OF theological work _$8.O0 do the believing. Others add baptism. Various 4RAC-1, APART FROM WORKS. If you desire salvation, east everything on Cause of God and Truth — An "conditions" are taught. It doesn't matter what Christ! We read: answer to Arrninianism. Re- you condition salvation upon, it is not by grace This message, with some additions, will soon be printad in 'Tor the children being not yet cently reprinted .$4.25 if man is the one who performs the deciding act. booklet form and will sell of /5c. PAGE EIGHT People look al you six days in the week lo see whai you mean On your seventh clay. NOVEMBER 24. three er four times wuz to keep meekness, or longsuffering in the top of this door these words, imada MOUNTAIN a spiritual berth-sirtifikate, they'd world. Instead, the people of the "Whosoever will may enter." The rub a hole klean thro it chang'n world are all just trying to get door is standing open, and the RADIO MINISTRY MUSINGS th' berth date so off'n. ahead of the other fellow. Where invitation is "Whosoever will you work, the people of the world may enter." Being a sinner and ASHLAND, KENTUCKY By SIMON MUSE are trying to get .ahead of you. needing the salvation which is WTCR-1420 on the Dial I heerd a womun preacher on They are trying to by-pass you. on the inside, I enter. I radio say that nobody uld tell They are trying in life just to walk in and when I get on the Sunday-8:30 A. M. her that she ain't bin called by accomplish something for them- other side I turn around and look th' Spirit to preach. I jest sed selves. Paul says that is not the up, and I find written over that RAVENSWOOD, to myself, "Well, shes rite. She way God's people are to be. If door, on the inside, "Elect ac- WEST VIRGINIA minit if'n PAR) I woodn't sit still fer a you are one of the elect, you are cording to the foreknowledge of WMOV-1360 on the DIA' ye try'd to tell her th' truth to forbear one another, and you God the Father." I see the truth, Sunday-8:30 A. M. you, Then, too, I woodn't tell her th' are to forgive one another; and beloved. As a sinner, the message spirit didn't call her, but I has if anybody has a quarrel against to me was "Whosoever will may an idy 'bout what kind uf spirit any, just like Christ forgave you, enter," but when I got on the PORTSMOUTH, OHIO it wuz." so also do you. inside, I realized that the reason WPAY-1400 an the Dial Beloved, I am saying that the I entered was because I was Sunday-8:00 A. M. elect are expected to live differ- elected according to the fore- Ye know, lots uf unscriptural ently from the world. I don't say knowledge of God. thangs goes on round th' moanur's that you are going to live per- Brother, sister, listen to me, my WEST FRANKFORT, banch an' mos' uf it is jest rank fectly. I am sure that there isn't business is to keep at the task, WFRX-1300 on the Dial konfewshun. Ye tek what happint a person here tonight that lives making the message clear, giving. Sunday-8:15 A.ILLIS°15/igThal 144.- down at Possum Trot, fer in- perfectly. I am sure that there is to the world that message of the rhs:tol stunce. Jed Barlow is a big bare- not one of us that ever will live Word of God, and showing sin- foot boy an' he wuz at th' altur perfectly so far as this flesh is ners the Lord Jesus Christ. Ev- walks, and h try'n to pray hissef thro. All uf concerned. But I'll tell you, be- eryone that will enter, will be pends on how he he works, what he does fret th' peeple wuz round Jed beet'n loved, God expects you, if you saved, and will find when he is and then on whether he goes on his back an' tryin' to git'm are one of the elect, to live a lot saved, having entered through tedltsiTaim(Yca.1 Heaven. I. B. Apaininthenek sed thar thro. Archibald Pikklesimmer, differently to the way in which the door of the Lord Jesus Christ, On p wuz too much religion in Coon who can't see 5 feet in frunt uf this world lives. the reason why he entered was No, no, beloved, I am oat /Ilea Holler to soot him. But if'n ye because he was elected accord- sinner on probation; I am a .s hat c hissef, came up an' he mistook VII. completely l, wants my o-pinyun, if'n th' lack Jed's feet as being 2 yung'uns. So ing to the foreknowledge of God ner that has been ind uf WE SHOULD SEEK TO Jesus Chris religion wood kill a'feller, thar he laid his hands on Jed's 2 big the Father. tified by the Lord ade woodn't be enuf BRING IN THE ELECT. Doesn't you haPPY fokes 'round feet an' sed, "Lord, pleez bless it make esp Coon Our business, as God's chil- VIII. know so secure, 0 Holler to milk all th' cows these h'ar 2 yung'uns an' hep'm that you are mar tomarr mornin'. dren, is to seek to bring in the THE ARE SECURE. that as a justified sinner to git thro to ole-tim salvation." ELECT is elect of the Lord. Listen: can't go to Hell? I don't saY Every one of God's elect are all (More Musings Next Week) "Therefore I ENDURE ALL are going to live perfectly. I' de Well, I wint down to th' poles secure and are going to Heaven as oi THINGS FOR THE ELECTS say that you are going to do hus yistarday an' cast my vote. Thar when they die. In fact, the only on /lied. SAKES, that they may also ob- erything you ought to do. I U wuz sevral critters standin''round person who has any security is tain the salvation which is in say that your life is going to with jugs uf mountain dew an' "Life Ministry the elect. Listen: and Christ Jesus with eternal glory." absolutely a life that will Plea It is they wuz tryin' to buy "For whom he did FORE- votes. I of Paul" —II Tim. 2:10. God. But I do say this, if Yal sed to them, "Ye all ort KNOW, he also did PREDESTI- Yonc to have I ask you, why was it the Apos- a justified sinner, some of W eept to NATE to be conformed to the a glo live in Rushay. Then maybe ye tle Paul went through all the days you are going to be (Continued from page 7) image of his Son, that he might ndit woodn't be so konfound'd hon- over sufferings through which he fiLoed sinner yonder with bst‘tet.reh Mr. Pink visited his father be the firstborn among many 'en ary." I've heerd that they has while before passed? Why was it the Apostle Lord. ttile p, in England a little brethren. Moreover whom he did two ballut boxes in Rushay — father said, ftent his father died, his predestinate them he also CALL- CONCLUSION t one box to put yore vote in if'n "Now, Arthur, while you are here A ED: and whom he called, them negthfil42, d i ye is vote'n fer what th' Kom- visiting, any time you want a NEXT WEEK doWhat awoolnedoerofnof ti octrI airo isegould he also JUSTIFIED: and whom monists wants, an' anuther box verse of Scripture, you just ask is! he justified, them he also GLORI- that they puts ye in if'n ye don't to quote it. If I fail to quote Watch for an announcement in for it. I thank God because, iv ere me FIED."—Rom. 8:29, 30. vote fer what ,Ith' Kommonists it, I'll give you a crown." That, the next issue concerning the it, and I rejoice that I can Pike;tp: Here is a chain of five links wants. probaly Eng- publication of a new monthly pa- sent it as it is in the Book. I P,fart A -- as you know, is an —foreknowledge, predestination, lish piece of money. Arthur Pink per. This paper will be solely of God's blessings upon you wh° —40whn:rci Speak'n uf th' Kommonists, I calling, justification, and glorifi- gtoih li said he was in England for six an evangelistic nature, printed as hroewre dat “wGioldl go out ?ototestereir red in th' county paper whar cation. Back yonder in eternity , months, and tried to trap his fath- a missionary endeavor in the in- and say, "God some Russhun got ten years in past is the first link of that chain er on some exceedingly difficult terest of spreading the Gospel to want to live a little better;Ivan Sybeery. Th' story sed he call'd —God's foreknowledge. Out yon- verses, but he never collected a lost souls. to live a little closer; I Wa'r — 14t3rster one uf the Kommonists leaders der in eternity to come is the single crown from his father in live more like the Master. If t our a fool. They gave'm five years fer chain—that us It last link in that of has done all that for me wit al t slander an' five more fer reveelin' the six months. Paul didn't quit the ministry a glorification. What does it say? anything on my part—if ge 11,, ' a givermint secret. Now you would think with a hasi-L----- long time before death overtook "For whom he did foreknow, he chosen me strictly on the father like that, who knew the him? Why was it the Apostle also did predestinate . .. whom of grace, how much I owe 1 Bible from memory, and a son Paul stood up for the things of he did predestinate, them he also Him!" Some uf our ladyfokes in th' who knew the Word of God like God to the extent that he was called . . and whom he called, deIrs tealnldyohuo, wbelaonvyehdodIydon't u Coon Holler Baptist Church are Arthur Pink, that surely all the publicly whipped five times—al- them be also justified . . . and not too kareful 'bout obey'n th' balance of the family would be most 200 lashes to his bare back? whom he justified, them he also saved and stay out of a cltIP,,tissic Scriptures. You take Sister Pearly the same type. But would you I ask you, why did he endure all glorified." church. I don't understand Jesfn I Hankins fer xample. We had a believe me when I tell you that that? Why was it that they tried Beloved, the same crowd He a person Could be saved and rl„'s vizitin' preacher come in an' Arthur Pink had a brother who to kill him and Paul kept right starts with in eternity past God want to follow the Lord ," .preach an' he wuz a goin' hobnobbed with H. G. Wells, the purty on preaching? Beloved, he did it ends up with out yonder in eter- Christ in baptism. I tell you, strong whin all uf a infidel historian of England— wo suddent Sis- for one purpose, "that they may nity to come. It doesn't say that loved,h if ysouo realizelizeth::for , 17,.1 ter that this brother was a rank Pearly begin to "aman" th' Mod- also obtain the salvation which God foreknew a crowd, and pre- much preachin'. Finely th' ernist who despised everything preacher sed, is in Christ Jesus with eternal destinated them, and called them He has saved us after havt'llFtihn that Arthur Pink ever taught? "An' th' Bible sez fer th' womin glory." and some of them didn't come. He foreknew us in eternitY Pacsi#01 wc:' to Would you believe me when I keep silence in th' church." Beloved, your business and my Rather, it says that 'whom He and has saved us not on the ba-L4F,' w° Ye tell you that Arthur Pink had a t oi know what Sister Pearly did? business is to seek to bring in called, them he also justified. sootffanHoduisrfogwrraootrhek—es, but on the has.,t:e sister who is a rank Roman Why, she "aman'd" that louder'n the elect of God. I have no God never calls a man without Catholic? Now how do you ac- taketaykoeurYfij: I wo ever. knowledge as to whom the elect ultimately He justifies him. yrchGod tnnhigelpht youd to count for the difference? Here is .„..1:::ilfeTet a de' are, but my business is to give Likewise, whom He justifies, He iLtfnonyricloguhJter:stuaalsimzinoent a father who knew the Word out the Word of God to the best also glorifies. Every one who is church I wuz of God to the extent that he liss'n to th' radio this of my ability, and to witness to justified is going to ultimately count for Him moanin' Could quote it from memory, and an' some church fokes every man with whom I come in be glorified. and all the tomorrows to from that father comes wuz sangin' that song "Ye Must one son contact, and it is God's business Don't tell me that the Devil is because of what He has &Ile' who is an outstanding Bible stu- Be Born Again." Only they wuz to bring in the elect. I am to going to get some of us. Don't dent, a daughter who is married tell me sayin' "Ye must be born again, endure all things, not for the that the Devil is going you.May God bless you! to a Catholic and who is a rank again, again, again," an' on like world's sake, but for the elect. to get a small number or a big Catholic herself, and another son ------'- '-s' that. That's th' way lots uf I hear some sinner say, "Now. number. Don't tell me that the that is an out-and-out atheistic preachin' is, too. They sez ye is Brother Gilpin, doesn't the Bible Devil is going to get any of God's modernist? Beloved, there is just MORNING AND saved today, but watch out er say,'Whosoever will may enter'?" elect. Beloved, every one that one way that it can be accounted EVENING ye'll be a'gonner tomarr. Ye Yes, it says something like that. God started with before the foun- for—Arthur Pink was chosen of know, if some uf these fokes In fact, I'll stand back and look up dation of the world, God is going God unto salvation, whereas his A Devotional paik whats been saved an' lost again here on a door into this room and to have out yonder in eternity to brother and sister were not. I see that there is written over the come. As Paul said: For The New Year' "Who shall lay anything to the I say to you, election is wholly Order Your Copy Tc4:41Y CHANGE OF ADDRESS of the grace of God, apart from charge of God's elect? It is God any works on your part or mine. Seven Sayings Of The that justifieth."—Rom. 8:33. A recent hike has been made If you are saved, do you real- BY eel VI. by the Postal Department on their Saviour On The Cross ize that you are justified, and C. lji.SPurg notification of changes of address. THE ELECT ARE EXPECTED By Arthur W. Pink when you are justified your sins TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY CR/ Therefore, you will save this FROM are all pardoned. You are no sin- 744 Pages paper THE WORLD. money by letting us know 134 ner on probation, but you are a in advance We read: your change of ad- sinner who has been justified. Price --- $'395 dress, rather than leaving this to "PUT ON therefore, AS THE Po9e1 A man goes to court charged bra the Post Office. Please fill out with some crime. He is convicted ELECT of God, holy and beloved, Send Pam° this form, clip and mail (or else BOWELS of mercies, kindness, Price for the crime and maybe the With o'def w postoge Pit notify us by card or letter). humbleness of mind, meekness, judge will probate him. That Add 15c longsuffering; Forbearing one an- $2.00 means that if he lives rightly and tl other, and forgiving one another, correctly and doesn't get into any Old Address if any man have a quarrel against more trouble, he will be all right; hijer Add 10c fro This devotional classic has ri,rell any: but if he gets into trouble, he even as Christ forgave you, Postage-Handling tsdate lets: :41:1 f:Iil will have to go back and serve to oldf h out so also do ye."—Col. 3:12, 13. edition book out that old sentence that the the If you are one of God's elect Payment Must published jufvo- Accompany Order. judge has probated, or holds in you Spurgeon wrote ought to live differently from abeyance against him. this world. to Baptistei so large,nno ewprxoaatemegaienseyiirnt::1000eEfrkagtheCsbaha:::rh: 'irloa livcii fli 1;41,,,aeilt New Address You don't find any Beloved, the majority of peo- kindness in the world. ed Tie You don't There hove been many books writ- ple have in mind that salvation oyedarev. otioPv" lotit find any bowels of type.oreacThhedraey aorfethtwo mercies on ten on the seven last statements ol is something like that — that 6 the part of 0xl e , the world. You don't Christ as He hung on the cross, but when the Lord saves a man He find any humbleness of mind, or we believe that, this one tops them oil. puts him on probation, and it. de- Ashland, Kentucky