Coward (Lowers She Will to Washington in Laughable Nggresslveneas Part of $100,000 a Life in $2,721,231 Be Sent

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Coward (Lowers She Will to Washington in Laughable Nggresslveneas Part of $100,000 a Life in $2,721,231 Be Sent A : T THE SUN,. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, ' 1918. 4 was commissioned a Lieutenant while In LIEUT. MORGM European TO-DA- WEDS waters. JOYODS 'GLORIAMA' BIG LAWRENCE FUNERAL LILLIAN RUSSELL Among those at the church and "THE CHANCE" NOTES OF THE TWO PIANISTS GIYE were Mrs. Andrew Carnegie, Services Will Be Held In fli. Bar- Miss Margaret MISS A. 0. DELAPIELD Carnegie. Mr. and Mrs. SOCIAL WORLD tholomew's Chnrcb. "iraud Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Cortland GLIDES INTO FAVOR SCORES IN PALACE F. Bishop. Major OPENS AT 48TH ST. VIGOROUS RECITALS Funeral services for Frank R. Law- and Mrs. George E. Mrs. Evelyn Turnure, Mrs. Pay T. Baker. Mrs. John Henry Clews and Mlsa rence, for many years president of the Parsons, Miss Mary Burden, who went to White Sulphur Lotos Club, will be held thla morning at I ?' Parsons. Mrs. Springs leaving re- .Moro Than 100 Stockbridgo nobert Wlnthrop, Granville L. Wlnthrop. after Newport; have 10 o'clock In SL Bartholomew's Church, Misses Emily Eleanor Pointer Scores in. Tltlo Now Anglo Portrayed In Hay turned to New York. Muslo by Madison avenue) and Forty-fourt- h street Frisco Also Again Dollglits and Kata Wlnthrop, Mr. MoCuIlough, MocDowcll riayed and Lenox Cottagers at and Mrs. William E. 8. Oriswold. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John II. who The pallbearers will be Morgan J. John E. Alexandre, Holo of New Comedy at Shows How War May have had for the summer and autumn and MJsa Cott-lo- w O'Brien, Charles K. Hughes, Gov. Charles Andicncos Other Vaude- Mrs. Frederick Prea Chaises, tho country place Albert Anderton Ceremony. Schenck, Mrs. Newbold Morris and Mr. of S. Whitman, Elihu Root, Alton U. Par- Herter Easthampton. L. L, will return Chaun-ce- y and Mrs. J. Woodward Haven. Liberty Theatre. Reform Lives. In at Aeolian. ker, Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler. ville Performances. Others nniutit mm to lit East Fortieth street thla week. M. Depew, Cheater 8. Lord, nt v.ku They have place for Choate, Miss Margaret Choate. Miss Adela leased the Herter Lotos Club; Louis O. Kauf- ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED m, next summer. man, John Elderkln, Charles W. Price, iMimisnu, mauner Adams, Mr. and DANCING CASCADE IS CHIC SPY T1TEME Mr. Two pianists played In Aeolian Hall Tho publlo was at ths palace yester Mrs, w. noscoe Itonsal. Mrs. Hayden IS IGNORED nnd Mrs. Emerson McMltlln will Charles E. Flnlay, Frank H. PUtt. rotum to 820 ISlghty-slxt- h street vigorously. Harry Prltch-el- t, day In force to see Lillian Russell and to Channlng, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Chester West yesterday, both very Charles H. Tenney, Dr. Henry S. when they leave their country place, Dar- R. A. directory of hear her sing number of her favorite) French. Miss Margaret French. Mrs. nu-d- o Anderton. who stirred the silences of the Franks, and the a Brother of tho Bridegroom to lington, Itamsey, N. J. Club. ph Kissel. Jr.. Mrs. Oscar laslgl. Miss Melodic Frills Set Off tho Story of Woman and Thrco afternoon, had something the better of the Lotos songs. The hard campaign she made' Allison T. Houghton. Miss Mr. and Mra, James I Barclay have Marry Bridesmaid, Miss Caroline T. returned from Southampton to 16 West the struggle for power, because he wss a for the Fourth Liberty Loan Instead of lwrence. Mrs. David T. Thrills in tho Swiftly Re- Forty-eight- Dana, Wasters Who Aro h street man much bigger than Augusta OBITUARIES. fatiguing her seemed to have put her In Alma do At the reception the engagement was and evening. Gcrsdorff. announced Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Butler, who Cottlow, who performed In tha good trim. The songs, both old and new, of one of the bridesmaids. Succeeding Fcntarcs. deemed by Conflict. sum- of Miss Alma de Qersdorff, daughter have been In Mount Klsco for the He began his recital with three ISAAC N. HOFFMANN. met appreciation, ns did also the hand- of Mf. mer, have taken an apartment 37S pieces, of which one, gowns wore. and Mrs, Carl A. de Qersdorff. New at shorter some she Special VithalcA to Tn Ben. Park avenue. The Sea," happens to be one of the Frisco was on again. HI Kitchen Tork. to Lieut D. Percy Morgan. Jr., Itoao Newton Hoffmann, for tho last Lenox. Mul, Oct 28. Th weddlnc Naval Corps, Mrs. Brayton Ives and her daughter, best things the distinguished Columbia Stove nnd Yellow Do rag and special Aviation brother of the "(llortannV At tha Liberty Theatre. "The Dig Chance" At Forty. Mlsa Frances Ives, from professor ever Mr. 'Anderton was two years atatehed to the financial staff electrifying. of Miss Anita O. bridegroom. Lteut. Morgan Is In the have returned wrote. luz danco wero Lorett DUflld,,(Jaushter of France. Olortanna Grey Eleanor Painter eighth Street Theatre. the mite Sulphur Springs to 31 West at hla best In the roaring billows and of the New York Times, died of pneu- McDermott, his petite partner, danced Mr. Mrs. v..v... Forty-nint- h monia yesterday In his apartment In the and Frederick Schuchordt Dela- Dolores Pennington Dorothy South .Bertla Thomdyke Wlllard Mack street. crashing breakers. cleverly nnd preserved the spirit of his READY FOB WAR WORK Eighty-nint- h street fleld of Little- Farm, to Lieut John E. DRIVE. Theresa, Ltd Josephine WhlHell Mrs. Malloy , Anna Berleln Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martyn Alexander He played also the "Sonata Traglca," Hotel Brunswick, and blcarre effects. Harry Watson, Jr un- rtrtona Morgan, son of Mrs. Edith Tonlo Curtis Karpe Margaret Malloy and their daughter, Mrs. Philip Kip and Miss Cottlow pursued the Ma'cDow-e- ll Madison avenue. He waa 32 years old. der the direction of Jack Norworth, pre- Parsons' Morgan, New York, this after- Greenbrier Polk Owulie Force. Mrs. Saphronta Pennington Katharine Harris lurry more Ithlnelander, have returned from Tuxedo cult In the evening by presenting the Mr. Hoffmann came from Russia when sented his farcical hits from "Odds and Thlrty-slxt- h a child, attended the public schools here, noon In Trinity Episcopal Church, was Joseph Seaman Back. Ursula Ellsworth Eddla CranJall.... William E. Meehan Park to 13 East street "Norse" sonata. It Is a good thing to Ends," Inoludlng the representation of a notable society affair. More 100 Mies Angelica Pennington After passing several weeks at the be 100 per pianist, and was graduated from the College of Kid Dugan, the tough boxer, and his than Special Despatch Charles Mickson Harry Robert a cent Amtrtcan prominent Lenox and Stockbrldca cot- fo Tax So. ' Itos Mclrrtyrs Mary Delano Plasa Dr. and Mrs. Henry Barton Jacobs but the of ntBslcal doings, the City of New York In 1509 with a convulsing telephono scene. -- . Mary Nash recorders tagers were preeent. Whits Rt't nui"n Qnnvn. txr v. Ltsut. Dick rennlngton...Jseph Lertora Plnkey Granville ; Ramsey Wallace have gone to their home In Baltimore. going from one concert to nnother, have bachelor of science degree. Whllo at Mile. NItta Jo, the apache dancer beginning was correspondent In- Five bridesmaids preceded the bride, J8. The Greenbrier is to or-- , Jack Pennington Ralph Whitehead Am Htckson John Mason Mrs. Pembroke Jones has left the to be ready to sacrifice their consciences eolleae he of the from Paris, who has proved a real "find" who walked with her father to the auua us loroesj ior mo great war work Alexander Galloway.... Alexander Clark Jack Burns..., John Sharkey White Sulphur Springs for her country to their country If they are to ring the stitution for the Evening post, and later for vaudeville, was also on the pro- chancel rail. They were drive. Sirs. Jules 8. Bache, treasurer Sergeant placo In Wilmington. N. where she became editor In chief of the ColUg gramme, Charles Grapewln and Anna. Misses Anna of Todklns T. 8. Jamas C. changes on laudation of Mr. MacDowell's Upon Alexandre. M. Symphorosn and Grace the War Babies Cradle Fund, has Frits Sack will remain several weeks. music. Mercury. graduation he Joined the Chance appeared In "Jed's Vacation"; It placed "Glorlanna" Is a carnival of joy de- Nathaniel or leaving Rriited, Lisa Faraona and Alma de a box for contribution In the v : : Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. MacNutt hare Tlmo Is greatest of smoke eaters. staff the Jomci of Commerce, the Charlie Chaplin feature, "Shoul- signed undoubtedly to bring the popu- f the it In 19 1 e to serve (lersdorff, Kew Tork. The roalds were Greenbrier lobby near that of the Free returned from Bar Harbor and are at the One knows the old saw, "Where there with the Time. der Arms," which has been taken over all gowned In pale yellow Milk for France Fund. lace back to the theatre and Inaugurate , A war play with a new theme was St. Regis. some Services will be held at 3 o'clock to- by the Keith houses: Al Shayne, Klass chiffon with a season of festivity and rejolclni;. To Is so much smoke thera must be old blue sashes. They Joseph Seamarr of Forty-eight- h The- Mr. and Mrs. W. Rosslter, who day nt the chapel of the National Casket and Termini nnd tho Garcinsttl Broth- wore liata of the New Tork, who has beginning, disclosed at the Street Arthur fire." There was a tremendous amount same colors and carried yellow roses been absent several days, has returned start at the there was the have been passing the summer In Olen music of Company, 151 East 125th street. Burial ers completed tho entertainment chorus. Its presence waa not only well atre last night-- An audience accustomed of smoke around the piano will In Washington Cemetery, Brook- and blue delphinium.
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    Leper Hospitals in Medieval England (with particular reference to the County of Derbyshire). by Margaret Hughes, BA (Hons). A Master's Dissertation, submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the award of the Master of Arts (or Master of Science) degree of the Loughborough University of Technology September 1994 © M. Hughes, 1994 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [ would like to acknowledge the loving support and help given by my husband, Graham Hughes, during the writing of this dissertation. Also for the kind attention and consideration of my supervisor, Professor Michael Reed. [would also like to express thanks to the following for allowing me to reproduce maps from their publications: Eileen Bowlt of the Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society; [an Mitchell of the Derbyshire Archaeological Society; and D Shaw, Town Clerk and Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council. CONTENTS PAGE NO. Chapter 1. Leprosy: A definition, an historical perspective, 1 and an outline of medical writings upon the subject. Chapter 2. Civil and Ecclesiastical Laws Governing the Life of the 11 Leper. Chapter 3. Leprosy Represented in Art, Literature, Superstition 23 and Folklore. Chapter 4. The Leper Hospitals of Medieval England. 34 Chapter 5. Leper Hospitals in Medieval Derbyshire. 47 LIST OF MAPS Figure 1. Leper Hospitals in the Middle Ages. British Medical Journal, 1890, p.466. Figure 2. Leper Hospitals in Medieval London. Transactions ofthe London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, 1967,21, p.6. Figure 3. Alkmonton, Derbyshire. G.T. Hughes, 1994. Figure 4. Platt of Chesterfield Towne. William Senior, 1633-1637. Figure 5. Derby - 1610. Sketches of Old Derby and Neighbourhood.
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