GAZA STRIP (Cvji^XvaB^Azh Mapping Movement and Access 6H"H^V[V Czi^K=VVhvgv
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O^`^b @Vgb^nV Cd;^h]^c\OdcZ &#*cVji^XVab^aZh July 2011 NVYBdgYZ`]V^ GAZA STRIP (cVji^XVab^aZh Mapping Movement and Access 6h"H^V[V CZi^k=VVhVgV IZbedgVgn The Gaza Strip, a part of Mandatory Palestine, was created by the armistice Width 5.7-12.5 km / 3.5-7.7 mi Population under the age of 18 LVhiZlViZg 6g"GVh]ZZY IgZVibZciAV\ddch agreements between Israel and Egypt in 1949. From that time until 1967 the Strip was 855,011 (53.8% of the total) mid-2011 :gZo8gdhh^c\ ' Length 40 km / 24.8 mi under Egyptian control and its connection to the West Bank and Israel was cut off. 8[_jBW^_W 6a"FVgnV Unemployment rate 7Z^i=Vcdjc In 1967, the connection was renewed when the Gaza Strip and the West Bank were Area 365 km² / 141 mi² MWij[mWj[h 6a"7VYVl^nV 37.4% 4th quarter of 2010 Jh[Wjc[djFbWdj Jbb6c"CVhZg :gZo occupied by Israel. The 1993 Oslo Accords defined the Gaza Strip and the West Population 1,588,691 mid-2011 Percentage of population Bank as a single territorial unit in whose borders freedom of movement would be receiving aid at least 70% 2011 permitted. However, since 1991 the Gaza Strip has gradually been closed off; since Population density 4,353 people Dehj^=WpW per km² / 11,267 per mi² mid-2011 Literacy rate 95% 2009 6a"@VgVbV 6h"HZ``V 2007 its residents have only been able to exit and enter it in exceptional cases. PCBS, OCHA, WFP Source: >oWVi7Z^i=Vcdjc 8[_j>Wdekd BVY^cVi 8[_jBW^_W 6a"6lYV H]Z^`]OVnZY 7Z^i=Vcdjc 6h]"H]Vi^ =djh^c\Egd_ZXi >cYjhig^VaOdcZ XVbe ?VWVa^V HYZgdi @WXWb_W 8Vbe @]Va^aVa"LVoZZg / <VoV;^h]^c\Edgi 6h]"H]Z^`] 6h]"H]^[V 6c"CVhZg GVYlVc =dhe^iVa ZZc HVaV]6Y"9 EVaZhi^cZ 6g"GVh]ZZY HiVY^jb AZ\^haVi^kZ 8djcX^a Cdgi]ZgcGZbVa 6a"@VgVbV C^g6b Hdji]ZgcGZbVa <VoVHedgih 8ajW 6a"6o]Vg 6Y"9VggV_ Jc^kZgh^in <dkZgcbZci 6i"Ij[[V] JCGL6 7j^aY^c\8dbeaZm 8dbedjcY >haVb^X Jc^kZgh^in Dehj^[hd=WpW @]Va^aVa" LVoZZg MWij[mWj[h 6h"HVWgV =WpW9_jo 6h]"H]Z^`] Jh[Wjc[djFbWdj >_aZZc IVa:a"=VlV DaY8^in a_YZZYZ] BZ[Vah^b 6a"FjYh . <VoVHZVedgi VgVbV 6a"@ =WpW 6a"BdciVg GYCd#&% 6o"OV^idjc CV]VaDo ( 6a"BdciVg 6g"GVh]ZZY 6h]"H]j_V^nZ] =^aa @[Vg6oV HVaV]6Y"9ZZc @Vgc^ ;^h]^c\A^b^i:c[dgXZYWn>hgVZa^CVknh^cXZDXidWZg'%%+ >cYjhig^Va OdcZ XadhZY @Vgc^8gdhh^c\ ) 6o"OV]gV 6a"Bj\]gVfV 6i"Ijg`bVc 6a"BdciVg HVVY 6WjB^YYZ^c @Vgc^"CZoVg^b CV]VaDo LVY^<VoV @Vgc^"CZoVg^b DbVg7Zc6a"@]ViiVW =WpW Fem[h FbWdj ?j]VgVY"9^` HVaV]6Y"9ZZc <VoV aVcYÒaa 6c"CjhZ^gVi8Vbe LVY^<VoV Regional Context 8dVhiVaGdVY ;^h]^c\A^b^i:c[dgXZYWn>hgVZa^CVknh^cXZ?VcjVgn'%%. 6a"7jgZ_8Vbe @[VgBV^bdc B;87DED 6o"OVlVnYV 6h"HZ``V HVaV]6Y"9ZZc 9Z^gVa"7VaV]L]Vg[ 6a"BV\]Vo^ 6XgZ 8Vbe 7ZZg^ H]d`ZYV =V^[V I^WZg^Vh 9Z^gVa"7VaV] CVoVgZi] C[Z_j[hhWd[WdI[W 8Vbe 6a"BjhhVYVg :[_hWb#8WbW^ B:9>I:GG6C:6C ?Zc^c H:6 8dVhiVaGdVY Vh]"H]d]VYV Ija`Vgb IjWVh C_ZZb[7h[W LVY^6h"HVafV CVWajh 6a"BVVc^ M[ij ?dgYVcG^kZg IZa6k^k @^hjÒb 8Wda ? 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However, an OCHA/WFP study published in August 2010 concluded that the width of the enforced no-go zone is 500 meters from the fence. Erez Crossing Nahal Oz Crossing Karni Crossing Sufa Crossing Kerem Shalom Crossing The Yasser Arafat Rafah Crossing Gaza Seaport The Fishermen‘s Port 1 2 3 4 5 6 International Airport 7 8 9 The crossing serves mainly as a point Nahal Oz previously served as a The crossing was built in 1994 and Sufa Crossing was built in 1994 The crossing has operated since 2005 The crossing was opened by Israel in 1982. This is the site of Gaza’s planned The Fishermen’s Port, whose waters of passage for people traveling between transfer point for benzene, diesel served as the main crossing for the and served as a transfer point for for the transfer of humanitarian aid to The airport, which was officially Beginning in 2005, it was operated by the seaport, as agreed upon in the are 4-5 meters deep, is home to the the Gaza Strip and Israel, and between fuel and gas from Israel to the Gaza transfer of goods between Israel and construction materials including sand, the Gaza Strip. Beginning in mid-2007, opened in 1998, operated until PA and Egypt under the supervision of the Oslo Accords. Construction small boats of Gaza’s fishermen. The Gaza and the West Bank. Since 1991, Strip through underground pipes. The the Gaza Strip, by way of multiple gravel and cement, from Israel and it served as the main crossing for the October 2000. In December 2001 EU and via indirect Israeli control. After began in July 2000 but stopped Oslo Accords called for allowing fishing residents of Gaza have been required to crossing was closed at the beginning lanes and advanced inspection the West Bank to the Gaza Strip. Israel transfer of goods to Gaza. After Israel and May 2002, Israel bombed the Hamas took control of Gaza in June 2007, in September when the Intifada up to 20 nautical miles from the shore, obtain individual exit permits in order of 2010, and fuel has since been equipment. In June 2007, Israel closed closed the crossing in 2008. halted the operation of the conveyer control tower and runway. During the crossing was shut down completely, broke out. In September 2001, but today fishing is prohibited beyond to travel via Erez. Today, passage of transferred to Gaza via the Kerem Karni, except for a conveyor belt, which belt at Karni in March 2011, it is now Operation Cast Lead in 2009, the except for limited openings by Egypt. Israel destroyed the site, and has three nautical miles from the shore. Palestinians is limited to "exceptional Shalom Crossing. was partially operational and used the only operational goods crossing into airport was further destroyed Following the flotilla incident of May 2010, since not permitted it to be rebuilt. As commercial fishing occurs far from humanitarian cases", mainly patients, mainly for the transfer of grain and and out of Gaza, though its capacity is and presently serves as a site Egypt opened the crossing regularly to the shore, the restrictions prevent who travel with companions, in order animal feed. The conveyor belt was limited compared to that of Karni.