, . •

Rain or SlWU1 News IOWA: UiII' ...... 01" wao .., 1IIIbU,...... r .. ntn.M -t.beaH, colder fa CI8IdnI IIW ..., ~ 1OdIu': ~ eoWer toai,tat UId toIDOIftW'. ~ ~------I 0 tI7 a "y'. Morn'n, N e R • P • per Flashes F,IVE CENTS The Associated PM!ItI IOWA CIT,Y, IOWA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1936 VOLUME XXXVI NUMBER 158 NO WORD FROM CAPT. MOLLISON

CAPETOWN, south Africa, Dec, 2 (AP}-AllJclcty wae felt tonight for the safety of Capt, J(\mCs Mollieon as searchers planned to leavn at d[Lwn to search (01' the flier al\d ' his BANlSBED BABBOO }i'rench' co·pl\ot, Edouard Cor· Storm Heads "Capture~' : Conyict Who Never Esc. ~ped London Times Appeals For nlgUon:Mollnlcr, missing on a . flight fro'm London to lhe cape, For Manila On ** ** ** >Ic* ** ** ** >Ic* Child Returns to Normal Statement to 'End for Good Their plano had not been report. Lifer H. M. ~vans Lives in Bu rro'Y Beneath Prison Hospital ' After Verbal now cd. Hlnce being elghted Jl~1' caPe A,gulhaa, the moat Bouth· Strong Winds *** *** I ••• • , r.U!JMPHIS, Tenn., Dec.:I Rum:ors Surroundina Throne' erly poln l of Aflica, abou t l:lO ~'T . MADISON, Dec. 2 (A,.P)-A bad, lo his Ilavclt '~h.n dawn came t058 ovcr an upright On one or the (A.P}-Four·year·old Emmie WII· ... tljilC8 off ~helr co~rse. Ft. MadiSOn prison , gu~'d . d~gged and found him stili a I)rl80nel'. cell hOUHeS and thell pull up a rope lIOn ceased today the stream of P~lson o[flclale ceasOned Bvans I'd made, lC I could have got on Inbabitants Prepa~ed' ; lifer 'H. M. :Evans from benca~h the chlldlllh ba.bble that tor more Paper De~lares Effect of Scandal Will Damage Slipped away with the cro,vd or out· top that cell hOUse I could bave got than two weeks ' hu flowed INTERNAL CRISIS Temporary Buildings floor o[ a small prison buildIng, used siders who came to sec tho conviots ov I' tbo wall. I waited thoUgh for ahnost wit'hout Interruption Monarchy; Telegraph Endorses Talk Of Are Blown Down as a hospital ward, here today and play football. somo time before trying It, because from his lips. Prime Minlstq Baldwin With Edward SEEN IN STRIKE "caplu.'ed" a convict who nevcr es· ':That's what I flgU'I'c(l you'd lIg· I tlgured all the fuss about me es· "Emmlo Is recovering ' nlcely 'IL \ ne a ITI .... ) p ure," Evans lQld gua.rJs lOday, "that caplng WOUld die down and I'd bave and ,probably will go home In ' 'i">ANCloIf'>O, ""'c. 2 (.""r- 1IIAN ' . C. ll1r""o.y (A ) capcd. (EdItor'. note: The following ,tory Is ba.IIed on s, London TImes edltorlai SAN "" D.....v- .UC you'd ncv I' think to look tor me a better cbance of not getting picked tour or live da.ys," hl8 physician publJ.sbed tbls mornIng and extracts from It are published by open eok ..... twAetl Aut and -High wlndH, heralding an ap. For more than a mOnth, tl,lOU,h, All br • "" ~ ~- ~ rIght here In lhe prison, . So WhCD u,~ Bald, The lad pla.yed ha:pplly­ permlselon or the London Tlmca a.nd of the 'New york TImes, Th ,,'e8t lon"shOI'omen's leaders showoplng . · . . . . · . . . . jreporls of the cabinet's threat to "Inland" 8upport of the strike atter more wcsterl), dlrcction. he would come out, 8l1nk about the Icould. ~ got wise to mc?" Milliol18 for Gifts resign, the Timee did not mention aecusln" Joscph P. Ryan, I , L. A. LIttle dama"e WaS reported In the pl'lson yard and try to find Borne "I had a golf ball rigged up with WhiCh waH something prison oW. Mrs. Simpson by name, but asserted presldcnt, of "strikebreaking." City becaUSe people had sufficient way over the walls, then 8CUrry a string whIch 1 thought [ could clnl8 declined to explain. HOLLYWOOD. Cal" Dec. 2 (A.P)­ Edward May reports In America were "dOing warning to prepare for the blow, of. ------The Hollywood Ohamlx!r of Com· Infinite harm In the UnIted Stale8 flclals said. However, the wind flat. SEND merce esllmated today that Santa. Q uit T0 day, and. tbe British dominion,." MOVE TO tened tempol'ary structures here Claus will drop ,15,000',000 worth of Conceding that the king wu "en' PROBERS TO SPAIN la.st night. 1,000 Attend 1st Night of Auto Show gifts down movie COlOny chimney.. Paper Reports titled to Itla relaxation and com· Taya.bas and other LUzOn Island next Chriatmaa, provinces were swept by a typhoon LONDON, Dec. 2 (AP)-The In. "In fact, December buying may LONDON, Dec. 3 (AP)-Tbe lest, only six weeks ago, when at least ternational non.1nlervention com· Carnival Atmosphere ' go as high &.8 $17,000,000," eald Carl NEW YORK, oee, 2 (AP}­ News Chronicle, nrst London 646 perSOns were killed and the F.D.R. Heads ,Glass Workers )i1ee mlttee, beset with British charge8 Busb, elteeutlve .IIecretary. The New york Tlmca, In a Lon. missing totaled 1,0'46. That storm daII, to mention openly Mr. that Corelgners are fighting In de· Is Prevalent At The eedma.tell wero based on 1935 do", dispatch tonight, &88ON centered to thc nortb of Manila. Wallis Warfield ShnPson and :ord Cense eC Madrid, tOday moved to totals, Movletown merchanta p ... tbat conflict lx!tweea KIng Ed­ The Philippine Clipper, ready for For Homeland Fieldhouse Join in Strike send observer8 to Spain. The com· ~J1ct an Increase of from 10 to 20 ward and hla cabInet has reo her POMlbie marrtage to Kina leri. a routine fllgbt to the United Stales, EdWard, UUe8teIJ today that mlUee authorizcd lelters to bead. Only II. sideshow barkel' and a fer· per cent, Bueh said. suited In 0. crlsl8 "InvolvIng the postponea its departure for tbe Bee· HoiJywoOd statisticians believe this such .... t~ lo\, match-lind (juarlers of bOth belUge1'9nts asking I'ls wheel were nee her gift stitutlona.l crlsls;' thll Tlmee empl.·o ca.nnol af[ord-ls that In· Friday along ",Ith plans (01' baltlnA' Youth Are Hitler's, Plata. lOlllght arte~ a tumultuous annual Iwto ahow and home apl)lI· Owcns·Ford glass company joined airplane shipments to Spain, rain·sonkcll farewell. ance exhibit, list· Inside It. ' fl8.ld, "lnYol"lng the po.lble fluence 'of the great office whtch S,MO cll'IJ)loy\llS o[ tbe Pittsburgh abdication o[ tbe kin&, tomor· he be Says Nazi Leader lilncouraged 11\ his hOj)(l fOr a Thllro will be anOther eVllnlng holds should Wetl.Kcned If ~ r_~_ :n!'__ unltcd Amerloa.n peace tront which sholV tonlll'ht, Bnd tOmorrow there plate gla.ss compUJ)Y In IL stlike row and lItX:ceaslon Of the DJi ke ever private. Incllna.tlon were to ~~u.. of York to the throne.. The come Into open conflIct with public BERL1N, Dec. 2 (AP)-The nGwly h.o el'pre~s~ at till; ~ ot the wi" bo a ma{\noe IlS ",011 [L8 lhe tlnal yesterday • wll;~h ~,;ay' lIel"Ioi1slY orl8J.s is no lonler hIdden; the duty and allowed io preYail." nppllinted "YOu't11 1eador or tllO in tco··Amerlca.n pca.co conCerence night show. Of Pneumonia At S.U.1. Budget o..rfccL automobile production. conCllct between tho kin.. and PrevloUJly knol'ed SltuatJon reich," declw'ed today tho yesterday, Mr, noo5cvclt ,planned Last night even the "listening The two CO llcerlle produce ap· Park Avenue Hotne hla mlnlater8 haJJ biased Into Tho now8oa.per said English "lives of all Ccr. to I;toP for only 3. fcw' hours In Up Wednesday \G~mru, cars of red, yellow Or brown, sur. open flame. newspaper. hitherto hM il'nol..xi I1mn youths be· Montevideo, the Uruguayan capItal, proxImately 90 per cent of the I'oundllig the seene on th,'S/) sides, NEW YORK, Dec. 2 (AP}-Jobn "The calblnet Is determIned lhe sit uatlon, not because of lack Ion" solely ' to lomOrl'C1\V before COntinuing home counlry'. plale &I1U1~. A.ugust entered IIllo the tant·show 81)lrl~ Ringling, laet of tho famous broth. tbat marriage of the sovereign ot anxiety Or preNure, but becau_ Ado I f WOer," aiboal'd the crul8el' Indlanapoll... Scholle, presIdent of tbe glass with Well' flashing beauty alld flow .. workers' Union at Toledo, Oblo, ers who built UP a roiling emplro Is not a private matter but a It was hoped "some autborttatlve Gilmore To Represent w hi Le Catholic Hull Sta.ys Beitlud Ing lines. where Llbbey,OwcM has about 3,· undor canvas, died at hIs Pa.rk public and ImperlaJ cOl1cern. act Ol' statement would enable ihem auUlol'llies con· B bind him Mr, Roosevelt leU Homo appliance booths In th cen· School at Meeting Of Secl'otal'y of Stato Cordell Hull and 200 employes, hlll'l'led to Pittsburgh avenuo hOlJlle today of bronchial The king, on the other hand, to pUt &11 end to it once and fOI' ferred 011 what ter and On one side offered orange Js saId to foel the cabinet haa th~ l'etil oC the United Slates cOn' to confer with unIon leaders, pneumonia. all. Education Board couldi be done III and gree" balloons (01' the childrell no constitutional right to dIe· the face oC lilt. CCl'rnce delegatton to represont hiS The ottawa workers refused to The 70.year·old circus czar, ma.s. ".such an act or such 8tatements and "guess how mllny bultons In tate h18 private Ufe, no matter pl8.1nly a.re necesllary now, or other· Tho bOai'd of ellucallon will did. lor's cun""rh,. cvuntry when the lnler·AmerLcan slurt work on a $4,000,000 Chryslel' tel' of what was billed trom coast this jar" for adults, how closely he mu~t !ollo,v his plu'lcy gotH undcl" way orrtclally motor order, charging officials bad to e08i8t 811 "the Ol'eateet Show on wise the cumulatlve afCect of tbJ8 Cllli8 lhe Unlver~lty of lowa's bud. tlOl1 oC every ton'ol'I'OW, The spectatol's sauntered from shifted the order from PIttsburgh Eartb," had been III only a lew minister's adVice In J)ublIC at· c&lllpalgn of scandal will 8erlously get for HIe next. two years ILt Its talrs. OOI11UI.II 1011'1 s,nd Oherl'cd by lllousands of AI'gen' popcorn stauds to hlue coupes-from In an ottort to defeat the strike days, although the driving energy dantllge the monarchy." meeting In Des 1.1OlOes next Wed· boy Lnto the llit· tines who sllver.gray sedans to nelV typewrit· "Between the two there Is no Polnte,dly referring to tho rulo nc8day, president Eugene A, cn. lined lhe GO,block routo there, Union recog'nltlon Is the tbat carried h1m to an emInent IeI' Youth move· ers-from wblte porcelain refrige­ basis of the dIspute. yielding," of the late King George, the pa,per mol' will rt'present the university at from lhe United Sts.tes elnbas!SY plaee In the amusement world had. ment. to lile pIer, M 1', Roosevelt enl'bl'aced rators back to motordom's oolorfUl said: the sesSion. At Del.1'olt, Homer Ma11J n, PI·Ct!!· been ebbing f&8t In recent years, 'l'hc My 0 U III Arg~ntllle Pl'csident Agustin P. and graceful lIncs. "Events In the world outside Slate Comptrollcr C. ~ Murts.gb Ident of Ihe Unlled Automobile '\Vhen be died, In tbe early mom. ARRANGE TO Leaving the 41 cal'S and 30 booths, have Imposed, W' never before, u\lon will hear al'guments tOr tbe unl. leMel' or ll,n Justo. who wont aboal'd the ship WOrkers of A.merlC8io announceu ling hour., he wu II\1rroUnd!ed by iii German I'elch," I for a few minutes. thO cl'oWd Ij'ressed, with popcOrn APPEAL RUliNG the British monarchy the duty to ver.lty's I'equest Dcc. 9 or 10. that mellibera of his union would fow relA.tlvell, trlends and servs:nts, Ha Jdu.' VOlt ::;Chl.\ Roar of Vivas boxes In hana and balloolls In mid­ stand as a rock to the world out· A '400,000 al>propl'lallon for con· Blatt picketing ,the Cleveland plant with whom he t.a.l.ked, In his low ON GAS CASE rach, at the Then as tbe Indianapolis mOved air, to the entertainment stage In of tbe Mtdland ' steel Pl'oduct.ll com· voiced l&Oonlc wa.y almost to the aldO! al'hld leetblng tides of com· Vtruction of one unl t for II. unlver· Adolf Hitl... Hallie lillie IS8u- oft Into the Rio de Is. Plats., Mr. the sOlltheast corner of the armory. pany 1.oday. He estlmated 72,000 end. ' • munlsm and dlctatonhlp. oSity llbra.·y will head the IteJlllJ reo Final arrannmenis {or Iowa "So It stood a year ago. So, lct ed assUI'anccs tbat he bad no In. Roosevelt stood on the Uppel' deck , Here' tile artists outdid the lx!at ot men were out ot work as 1\ reSUlt b .. bo h died I tl quested of tbe leJislature by tile "I d " t Ik th D corn a. .. 001' y, e n te Clty'e appe8.1 ot Federal. Judge Us hope, It wUI sland a year bence, tentlon of "ral8lng talse gods for waving a. blue and wblte handkeI'. carnlvill offerings wltlt three lum· 0f a. s town 8 r e a.t. e e· mJ~-t • la.... -h t hi h university. At '200,000 annuaU)' , . I MI d 1a WI 0. .... art reaaures w c CharlCt!! A. Dewey's ruling In the when the new reign has been hal, the Germal\ youth," cllief wblle raJn pou\'eu down on bIers, foul' singers and a tap dancer· LIo t dian ;p nt. had become 1111 hobby In later years, tor two yeao's, the WIlt would be natural au CUe were maode at lowed by oOrnatlon, But the public Leading Catholics cllw·ged lhe 111m and the thousands ashore, 'Larry Griswold's tumble.o·s, I ~-- 'he first of four, eventually to cost 'D8. venport yealel'day by .. Mayor needs some definite l'easurance, if Nazi Youth conscriptton movement who set up a. final roar of vlvlUl. (see AUTO S'HOW, Page 5) $1.600,000,1 Depends 011 Busweaamen, Thomaa E. lilartln and Attorney that l'Ook 18 not to be shaken," lvas a "flagrant" violation of the A central library to hOUse the Judge EV8l18 Gives D. Co Nolan, specla! ' counsel tor . AmerIeaD Pre.. CrIticized 'Naz.I.Cat.hoUc COIICOI'ds.t, but ex. Profell8Ol' BU8h Speaks I\taJ'cbed 19 !\llles to "ali NEW YORK, Dec. II (.AP}-Rex. 1la.lf·mlllion books scattered through {OIU O. Tugwell, tonner resettle· Iowa City In the n&tur&l gu cue. The TIm•• devot.. .1 much of Its pressed u\Jl1ost dou.bt whelher any· Prof, Stephen H. ~ush, head ot RENO, Nev. (AP)-Ma.1'ched 19 Mary C. Bradley Letrlct J udre Harold D. Evans. on the klng's friendship and reo • Pl'evlollS legislative ~eSljIOIl8, ulde ihe gaa rate ordinance )l&88ed CARNIVAL SPIRIT [(EIGNS A judgment or ,2,133,52 WU Te' porta that 'he hOlled to marry Mra, , A total oC '.,411,000 yearly Is PARlS, Dee. 2 (AP)-The cham. by the city COWlCtJ. being' asked thIs year tor o,PeraUnl: be.o· of llepullc6 forelgll a.tfll.lrs com­ tUOled against Mrs, Walk.er and Slbl'PllOn. Baldwin properly took 1 a. wrIt of speclal execution wftJI up with Edward ha matt r of the expelllle, 'rhc [lgur , U50,000 let!$ ~lllltUle quickly dropped dlscu~Mlon granted In Ute [oreelosure proceed, hIghest constItutional Importance," t1lall the unfver¥Jty IUIke\l .t the of the llon''' W'ul' debt lu the Officials to Help '"f I Ings. the paper said. mal ~es:Ilo n two yeal'~ 11&'0, hi ope, Unllcu StlllcH toda.,y al lhe request ,several oti.er petitions Involving Find,MiNing Coed of tile govel'nmelll which telt debate J ot the fllW d''Cl'elUled 1I.pPropl11Llions tM WaJlker estate were fUed In at tbls time Illlgiit Impede contem. \J1flled by ldWII. In U~uUon.. AI· the oounty clerk.'s office ye_erday. CEDAR RAPIDS, Dec. 2 (.AP}­ A CHAlLENGE TO though lho a.:J110U.11. awked Is IC88, 111a.llld lIeg9t1 aUoIl1l. The gt)vcrn. The potltlons related to the ault of Harry A. Downs of Greene lIClugbt ,IOWA. CITY \he number of IIlu<.l nl. has In· mcnt wl@h~dl "to have a !I'CO hand John MohlUlllen aaainst Herbert J. laid of oWclf4 th~ alternoon In The Iowa CIt)' ConulIunUy cl'elUje(}, 1111 1\.11 prOHent negotiations wIth the Rlcs. Pblllp S. Walker and Mrs. Ioqa.ting bl» daUl'hter Irene C.. loa 1 ,. tu~,13UO. The lo.l'IrCijt oIjln&,lo ItOln C~II_ 101' UnitOd StlltclI," Jean r.UsUer, chair. WalkeI' &8 admlnlatratrlx. Tbe plain· Down", 11, COrnell oollel'C (rcab. Pledres to date amount to $3, t90,000 tor educational purpOllCs, 1J\lI:1I, told the conllllittec. urt tiled a motion askin&, tbat the man, \Vho lett loll. Vernon late Mon. $16,676.14. Have J'OU kept. InOludlllg tho library expcndttuNl. defendants be deolared In default ~ afternoon and whOlie where. faith with 10-' CltJ' and been Fill' gellorLLI hOilpltal oxpellijeS, fl,. beCause they had failed to ttle an abouts Ie _Ill unknown, a ,00II neighbor' lOO,OOO I" lIl!'tod. Othcr Ilenl$ In· V "it~ Air Line. answer lo tile opl8.1ntltt's amended clulle ,118,000 fur tho p8ycbo· petllion within t.he apccJried lime. pathlc h()!jp lltll IUld $15,000 fQr the A.dd Larger Plane. AUorney HerberL J. Rles, one of Uu,ctcriologlcul la1>OI'I1t0I1C8. 0", Iowa City Line, the defendants In the action, tiled Hundreds Believed Killed In a motion to dismiss the case against him because the facts "do not en· 3 Fascist Air Raids on Madrid ., Name Paul En,le i :£te&'ullOt' pa!l8ong'er ph"n.os that title the pJlllntlct to the relief de· .. Will carry 21 passengers and Bleep· manded lUI aga.lnet th~ defen&i.nt," A. Pre/ace.' Editor Onl that 'VIII carry 14 Pasi!enlera I littered atreet. &nil WTecked bou_. ~ wll I be added to the trafCIc .JI ncs Streets Uttered With . The Ill8ul'I'ente, IUlgered . by dereat of lho UnIted Airlines through Cut Down Old Iowa PJ.ul Engle, Cedar Rapid, author Mangled' Bodies And the d&l' berore anet after tbet r \n., [011'& Clly In the near future, it w8.11 of "A.merllllln SOliII', n been Cam~UI ability t~ -capture N'.adrJu In four II" announced lallt night, Landmark llamed 8.IIsuClIitO editor ~ AIlIerl. Wrecked Houses Tbe planeH will be larger In evet"y week.' sle~, unlea.ahed the blOOdl· Can PI'eraces, Unlvul'lllty ul Iowa) 'I118 old burr oak ea.8t of MacbrIde ..t attack and bombardment In too way t~n the pIli neff now ' In servo IItel'llry mal&&lno, Prof. Wilbur ball, " landmark here before Old M~DRID, Dec. 2 (AP}-Hundred. city'. hlatol'J', t~ on the line. Tbe two motors will clepilJ't· capitOL wu built, WU Clut doWn )'iIs. ot men, women ana chll6ren, _re At leut 10 hl&h u:pIOlllve bombS ' Schramm of the Ena11eh IJO Iu.rger, the wIng "I)road wtll be Inent, edltur, lUlnQUn, by order of tbe grounds and believed killed too&)' In three taa- MIN dumped to the elLy by the "Canterbury," a poem 'WrtUen \by ter. bulldlnp committee. eJ.st air raids openln6 a fearful.. ".Uvery raiders," Jdlllnf 28 )lC1'IIOD8 Mr, Engle, who I, now leeLurirw Tbe cruising apeed will QD mOre The tree wu one of the two reo Ault on huqer-r1dc1en beel•• eel &n4 woundlnlr II othen In tbe nor· I II the CIUIL, will appe&f II) tile De· t'hlLll 200 miles an hour, and the malong burr oak. on tbe camt>\l., , I them luburb of Teutaa alone. cember i~KUO of ~erlCII.ri ptef­ plany m as B. French, University lub. TELEPHONES that Chopin might well have writ. Edltortal OW.,., UOI 80elety Etlt"" U92 enjoy adequate compensation for Monday, .l)erember 7 BllAlu... Offl ... 4]9S t~n It-"but I just know he dldo'I," th II' lUll-time labors. There should 12:{)() m. A.F.I., I()Wa Union, Oennan Movie, "Gold," Chemistry Auditorium, To UJe consternation of his listen, be 8. parole ~mPJoyment commIssion 8:80p.m. Tlll,tRSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 19S5 Ora4\late College Ljlctu~, Senate Chamber. erR, Conway say. he learned the td aid the parolees, and a personal 4:00 ".m. 7:31) p.m. German Movie, "Cold," Chemistry A lIdltorlum. piece from a pupil of Chopin-the contll.ct bureau. 7:30 p.m. Spo.n1sh Club, Iowa Union. compoaer ""llo hilI! been aea.d 160 8:00 p ,m. Graduate COllege Lectur , S nate C\lambe~, East pnd West The entire system should be In­ y~8rl!. I 8:00 p.m. UnIversity Play, "Peter Po.n," Dramatic Arts Bulldln&,. United for Battle corporated into a. federal plan to Tuesda.!', OerNnoor 8 rre O&ples Chop~n prevent the parolee trometlcaplng 7:00 lI.m. (,beml~try 'Lecture, Chemistry Auditorium. Tt i8 Important that musIc con· FOR AT least a year Informed ILO anothel' state beyond the reach Q:30 !p.m. Gam Ch.b, Iowa UnlllJl. w'y l~ ('xac~ feeling ~n the .wrll. circles have spoken secret tbe parol department. p.m, Ooncert by .lose )turbl, ]11a.nl~l, rowe Unlnn. or a or 8,00 t~n te"t, 'l'lomldn explaIns" 1Dr It agreenient between Germany and e JapllJl. At last the treaty has been I Even it such a system Is erected, Is through thla that Conway's mind I, carried b(LCk 'to the myste­ openty proclaimed by botb countries. the contldence and suppOrt of lhe General Noticcw rlOUII lanll ot Shangri-La. In Tibet. ostensIbly, the alliance Is designed publiC will be needed. We mu~t to tl«bt world communIsm, In real- reaJlze the tmportance of the preb­ "For that soene, II. d lIbemw , hapl)} que' t.echulque was em, It It Is aimed at Rnsla. Wars are lem and the difficulty of Its anmlll­ Graduate D~l'r~8 To .studen\.a In the 'Gradl1ate College tlrt?('cting to neelve hll'ller lie­ plDyed," Tlomkln explains. "The f;;ght by armies, and only govern- Istra.Uon, proper support, wlllingly I'rees Ilt the ulliverslty convocation .tQ be beld February 2, 1837: I. In tJ~ration.. t.he .tyle-lt III gIven, wl\l lead to the reduction of Each student In the Graduate COUQI'8 who expects to reoelve the mell t or natl 0b s h ave a rmle s. Ob • crlme. as there. '\V ueE'd typical l1hl'uea \'l ol'sly, a war alliance cannot be master's degree, or tl)e doctorate, at ihe for1llcomlng ConvocatiOn, Feb­ ruary 2, 1937 • .Is reQ,uested, 80 tar as 1)e or she may not have (Jone 110 whleb uo an acquainted willi his iliad. against the communist inter- heretofore, to procure for us, immediately, -the oUicial. trIIn-.:t'lPt of. wJ!a.t­ com11O.l1lon. will taU to recognlae. national because It Is not a country , ~ . ever graduate work he may have aqcomplll!hed In an.o.tJler gradua.14 And y t tIIere ... '01 b nothing YOu Or govemment and has no army. Nebraska Tries schOol; 110 that UJls ma.y be taken Into the account In (letennlnlpg whether can-how do you IS8.Y It?-'Put row ! t ,·f' ems apparent that the "strug­ Jt~ __ ~ . he or ahe fulfills the requirement. tor till! blither de.. ree BOught. Unger on,' Unicameral System ThIs should be done immediately slnee, otberwisl!. It ill possible that we gle against world communJsm" Is "No. It wna not dlrtlcult. I wrote .hall be una:hle to certlty (01' ITIldulltJon next February, a student wbo only :a camouflage to gain a favor. NEBRA:::lI{A's unicameral legis- IIlo study 11 Chopin 1Il\ght han lature, soon to assemble In LincOln, may have accomplishell I18.tls!actory graduate worlt elll8wbel"tl, just ~ able. attitude tOward I he pact on canse we shan not have receIved the requisite oUlclal statement> Of It ~Tit~n. It amoull~d to knowln, Is the subject of lively speculation I' par' at the other world powers. early enough. H. E. DORCAS, Rel'istrar. hIm and eol)ylng hIm. That 10M This iloes not Imply that otber on the part at numerous pOlitical Tuning all.'' conclude. Tlomkln. writers. Nebraska edltol's have been I' .\. '1'0 Rympatblze with the soviet To all stullen\.a who expect to craduate at tbe clol!(; 0( th Pre8ent sem Ilo wa vlng their pens In defense at th& • unIOn, but many of tbem are not In ••• ter-February 2, 1937: new system, but the majority of I 8y LOGAN CLENDENING, 111, U, t 11 " rnr 8 world war which II. joint Every student who expects to receive. a degree or II. certIficate a.t tlI\I ('or 'llln-Japanese attack on RUSSia out-of-state writers have condemned WEl KNOW nOw, as our ances-) young women In the ve.'Y height ot with Unlveratty Convocation to be held Tuesday, February 2, 1937. sbould Ihe experiment. Itor~ did not know, that tuberculosis what should be thplr happIest and make his forma) a~lIcatlon on a ,card provide4 far tbll purpose 8.t the A ~ u~ produce. Registrar's Oftice on or before Saturday, De<:ember 12, 1936. new Understanding between Theoretically, the unicameral. can be cured. ')'he gloomy outlool< most productive y('ars. Is due to Jean Thompson TI~ ~t Is of utmost Impol'tl\nce tllat each ~tudent concerned comply with e b I I' thIs cause. 1TI !!r nn,l Mus-ollni makes the pact syst m s apes up 9,s an econom ca that our ancestors tOok on the sub. The symptoms show liP al this this retueat bnrn.edla.teJy, for oiherwlee It Is very likely that 8. udent with Japan virtually a three-cor- and rational scheme of government. Ject waS that Pel'lod of IIf(', but most ases prob- who may be In other respects qualified wD! not be recomm('ndell for Bob Burns may be An Arkansas nere!! a!;,reement. Hence, the three Hostile critics maintaIn, however, they thought of ably date back to ('arly childhood, gradU1l.t\on at tbe cloae of tbe present acmeater. country jakE', but there's nothing MAXING APPLICATION for the degree. Or cut1fiQ8.te, Involv('.ll ,be At Large '1 l \ll'ed " .. , . and hL'! VIolin, depend upon the standing rules that The re Is no n a t 0 It, anU OPlllent In thE' l'arly yenrs oC adult tion may be obtained from Mrs. HelU'Y ~sk, pho"" 6776. "What'. the mall 1'1 can't FOU I are adopted, The eXlleriment can- pain Is tbe thing t h a t usua I Y' b r Ings IIC ... New YOl'k ("'1ty-of course, It was te?o, a9ked thp broker. Freedom in A.n f d('livered to Ruillnort. IA,nothe.· was not be condemned for Its record at patieuts to the doctor. I ha.ve 0 (pn In I he Ill'PSf'nCf' ur ~lI('h IlISIdloll8 ~8thlnl' P . Won , "Otl, ahsolut~ly ~h-," r~plled the a ptctUI'" oC a. mn.ld, the jaw Q( a the first session. Flaws are sure said that lhe patient who has IJ, syml)tom~ us ullBxplnillcd loss or Th~ "til be a meeting of all GRADUATE students, who IU'I1 \J'ltenol'fed man~er, "but 1 wontler, $11', It lotva City man and ipQir Of eupld boWl!. "()ongl"e§s shall maIm no law' .•• to appear, and It may ta.ke several hemorrhal:' Is th .. lucky )latlpnl be- w~loht, 01' pel'slstent unMrwelght, In securing teaching pOl!ltlons foreth comIng ypar, on Wedne!!day, D~ Just 111 a matter of roul·t~sy, would ,., Major lBoWI!1I l-eeeived 01 I tier cember 2, 1936, at 4:10 p.m. io SchaefCer Hall Audltortum. 'I'll wack ot abrillging the freedom of speech, or years to perfect the system, Should cause, when thIs 0(' Uf'S III all parly persistent cough. generally nnder- without furtbe,. delay. you mind slgrtlng your name on tbll Committee on Recommndlttlons will xplalnt<'i. At , \.111 m tin ft of ale press; or the right of the . the unlcll-meral system fall, It will case, tile clr8.n)atlc set may be ~o pal' condition-espeCially wltb cough 1 It. emphasis will be slven to UniversIty, coU.. ,ami Junior coli &' J)11Ie6o Tbll broker m Ilsured hili man as pi!olJle peacetlbly to assemble, and at least bave p;<>vldCd the political frlgbtflnJng that the patient will Im- and ('xpectoratlon_ll young people Prol1'am (or Today ment. t he would a. SAlflllng market. He to lJetitiOU the government for a. reo scientist with a. vaUd experiment In m,ediate1iY seek, counsell We are should SUbmIt to a complete exam- cn All SENIORS who are Inti'r Rted in 8 urlng tea.chlng peeltlQnI tor drcB of grievanMls."-Flrst amend­ 0. new mcthod of government. bringing more and more ot these inatlon h\ order to prOVe or disprove 7-Kat Smith. next year are tnvlted t() a !limllar me~tJn&, on Thurllday,' :pecember !rd., looked around, .lowly. Every eye wUbln a rshot. W8.11 traIned on Ihe ment of Constitution. early CW'Ies to the doctor, and the the existence or tU\)(!rculosls. 8-Major Bowes. 1911, at .:10 p.m. In chlleUer Hall Auditorium. The work at th QornnlIt­ tee on Recommendations wUI be car tuUy cIplu.tned. All .tudentll lnt r- ~ net The constitutional rights granted fact that we are hIlS been the result Complcte diagnostic. examination 9:30-lIfarch ot Time. of publio Instruction and the spread eated are urged to be ~r~s~nt. FRA.:CES N. CAMP. "Are you Mure thlll Is just tl. mat· in the first amendment were dealt should InclUde a car (,I hlstol'Y, ex­ NBC Washington Dlreclor, Commit e on Rpcomm datI nt. t .. r of courtpsyf' h" asked .Iowil' n backhand blow at Davenport last ot knOWledge of the nature of the amination oC the bared chest wIth 7-Rudy Vallee. week. disease. tl)e stethoscope, x·ray llicture of 7:30-Rochester PhilharmonJc. and t'mphaticnlly. "Oh, ab9olutrly, sir," replied tbe The Spanish republic sent a dele­ Mfectll the Young the chest and a bn.clertologlc exam· 8-Showboat wllh Lanny Rose. ZooIOf1 Sfmlnar The "-Ell'Ular meeting of th zoology SemInar wIll b Id 0\1 FrIday, J)c). man8.g'er. go.tlllO to the Unlte/l States to ask World 1 It Is a /llsease whlClh particularly inatlon of the sputum, and a record 9-Blng Crosby a-nd BOb Bums, cember ., at 4:00 o'clock In Room 307 of Iho ZoolOi'Y BuUdln&" Dr. Their "Then all right. But tlrst bring fOr .n.ld In quelllllg the civil war In By C1'IARLES P. STEWART arrects young people from the age of the temperature, morning and dors r.. .Tahn will Peak on "Thermal Chan~ In th Okoboji Lake.," m& my chance," Spain. Among the visiting repre· OC 15 to 45, and especially Cfom 20 I>venlng, for a. weCk. With this l, 1-1'. BODINE. Centra'l Press Staff Wrltfr It Wall brought with amasin, sentatlves are the minister to Swe­ I'to 30. It Is pathetic to think that means, the modern physician Is alil.3 TODA.Y'S WSUI !\alte: two 20'., three 10's, two tlvei den, the former minister or educa­ WASHINGTON, D. C,-Two 01" lolle out of Blx deaths among young to spul the early case at least 95 PROGRAM Dolph I n Fr. t~rntty .. nil four onc~. tlon and a priest who Is a famou!f men, and one of {OUl' tlellths aJTIOng pel' cent oC th time. 'l1he Dplphln fraternity wlU hold n. spectal m Un~ In the fk.ldhou l three years ago I wrote an article 9 a. m,-Browslng through the The brok r flourished .. tount!ln hlsl.llrian. magazines, Gr8.yce Reeves a.nd Le­ pOol W,pdnllllday at 4. 'P.m, All members and led ar J'equelted to ..t- suggesllng that big bufllness W8.11 tend. J. HAROLD Sl!lARS, P I.dtut. p n. s1ll'flCU hili nam across the The delegation was Icheduled to crushing relatively small prlva.te nore DeVries. spe~k III Davenport saturday night $1 0 not. 9:15 a, m.-yesterday's musical ta­ MUitary Mak~(J(l8 In it hall engaged tbree weeks ear- business Initiative, and prOPosing a pA S SIN GIN REV lEW kAnd nOW," II said, bllllll' hll 01\ remedy based on my own admJttedly vOrlles. On y make·up drills will be h Id Wooneaday, Dl>c~w 2, at 4 P.M. "rords hanl, "lust lUI a maLter or lieJ'~ But "preSSure was brOUght to small know1ed~ of tbe situation. 9:30 a. JI).-The book shelf, Dor- 8l'ld 011 Friday, Decem her 4, at 9, ]0, 11, 2 and 3. TM", will be no "'&"11 r IIl1rt trY, you 81 n your name on military Cla8B II other than mak '\1[18 h Id al UJ" hoUr, bear" by various organIzations. My notion, as expre8lled, was that A Commentary on the New Books ot.hy Brown. I my han!rf'," :mrforts to llecnre other audltorl. jl, busIness wbich Is not too large 10 a. m.-New york civic orcbes­ ('OIA()NIi'...r~ DA I LflY. TM mana,,,r sll1l~d . . . 11 tim" um; met with defeat. NO reasons to be handled by an Individual or Conduded by American Prefaces tra. PhI T,ambda U(Jl!lIon .•• and tM &'Cnt! m~tl In the bar were given for the refusals, and the a partnersblp ought to have a tree l!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!,1 10:1[; a. m ,-P~views and reviews, Tbo I ~ture under th auspice. or Pill Lamlxla UPIIl!on which w II<'hNI· litter d lInm rcl[ully. hallii stood empty Saturday night. hand, within reasonable Ilmits, but , Clare Adams. uled for Dec. 8, h8.11 b6('n postpon~d to Dec. 15. This m etlne will I .l But th h 1'116 1.1 not alwaYl r/. Agnin, several agencIes had qulel!y that a bUSiness 80 huge as to ne- "THE MOUNTAIN A~J) THE from prison, and his final growlh 10:30 a. m.-Mornlng melodies, 7 p.m. In chllm.llltrr audItorIum, wIth ~h orpnic h ml"try d '1Illrtm nt thlll 00101'. exotted "pressure." ce8llitate IncorP01'Ilt;lon W8.11 110 buge PLAIN," by H erbert Gorman, In. charee, IUROLb scn LTZ, PI' Idt'nt. Into a l)'lO,wrl', 'IIlrdened, warmly 1.0:50 a. JTI,-Progl'anl calendnr and bl~k west and 11 few uptown n must be remembered that tho F 1 RI I • 1936 as to require governmentalizatton armr aUl ne 1111'_, •• r~spollldhie IndivJdual Jn~k" him wea1h r report. -..-- 18 Malhematlr~ (]Iub tn thll ble Rctlon or .J<'lttll ave­ dnl !>;atlon consists of hIgh officials or the public safety. LONG LIS'}' of MI'. Gor. L1w mosl int~l'l'!ltlng a.nd unforgel· ) 1 a, m.-N w york cIvic orcbes­ rep; sentlng a constitutionally elect· THE Thb un!;lerllradUjlte , filth ma(l~ lub wJIl In ~ Thtlr!lclny, n mb(lr nue, an apr>arently wealth)' wo­ To my surprise, I received about man's historical novels anll table eharactet· of lhe lJook. tra. Srd, In room 311 PhyBlc3 Bulldill/f al. 4;10 P.m, )\II'. E, P. olt'mllll, Ql'Itd\l­ til n leelOd a 1100 eo&t In one Nl ovCrnment friendly to the Unl- hn.lt a bushel baSketful of letters. crItical ))Iogra.phles Is au.;mente(l " 11 :lfi m,-Mag&jl\oe news. I n ~' I', QOl'lll'fll, J.oive IR 110 a. ate AII8Iet.ant In .fI11YII'lr , will 1>1 ak 011 "A SlIecl I Onl' til n ('or",". ot the mOlt ""JllonaIII. ~ t C' d jJtates: Reme~ber. tot\ that the not {rom ladlcals, but trom ba.nkers , !.bls season by this stirring nove.J sJllall Wlll'lcem­ lJI1.ym nt. Ii J1lvolt. advocating governmentallzatlon, but The Mountain of conflict riSes ft'Om 1 p. m.-Illustrated musical ohats, ant 3S .ill . Ilortrnrai v,l R. be!.­ b r ard, at 8 O'clock, unClpl' the 1\" ])k1p IIC thl' ~enat hoar,1 on 'Inlvl't'~lly 'l'h drp rtm ol mall~r ~t, J:lD,veuport's treatment of Spain'S they agreed, with rema.rkable una- the Plain or moderation, and we Ree piPIT", "~Oll .lllll] lI1 .ral~~ul of BerniA BaJal)an. leotures. Tb.e subject will t "1~lvo Hundred l"BthOms DoWn," Tllf' I (\I .\I. ked It mild m minded ..llUnl representatives aotually constitutes nlmlty, that limited liability com- tbe eff t or the uplJee.val of tht' I ' '1Iuis 'V ~lIli b .rre Autoln­ 2 P. m.-poetlc Interlude, Cecn will ~ UIJI.tra.ted with. ",OtIO" pi lurN1. :while lh bill wu MDt around t~. a ci'lPlomatlc Insult . .ot course, in panles engagell in Interstate actlvl- levels of society; It I.s described to I en .. , or U"yl'l\Iljl 01' Ol1lnr WilkIns, Adml8ll10n to th~ I 'I.ur. will 110 I1Y tlrkel, Tlc) Illl-rly III Youd(>'" PlciJdng a prCl'ollll\lve, Bhc ,be~me prQire to be typical of the United , , • d8.url\ter of u, klndlf temllored wllieh ~fr . Qorml\n b~lIi'18 •. ~eJ;'i\ <1 :16 p. m,~ · tternOOQ mualc&lCl. Inn, ~a~urda.Y, bec. 5, at & o·cl~\<. Ait HP rch majon, ,..II\lo.t(' nnl! 'douhttul Of' the l!cll'CtJOIl, And by St~es. The bUl of rights has hoth ani( flnnly arlstocrllUc family, 111' gatheretl Iii S6Va I·ale. InlrQ. ~ : ao p, ro.-Travel'• .rt.dlo review, ApJl~ntice I,>layerH 1U'e u~d to mak" th(lh' ~8~rv"lionA In R Om 10. ,thl) time the m"8~nrr nmebllck ~pl~tlla l and legal Significance In PRESE~r .l\lETHOD deepens Into love. DIs acqualnt- ductory sCllne We leading ch~r­ Schaetter Hall by Fi-Iday •• 3:4» p. m.-Folk B~ noon, ~r wllh th bilJ and th Mille ', &mlur· thli nation. What Is tile present system? ance wttA Alllill QlIbon, wliolill aelel'S of the 10lli bool'. OOHOTH.Y DROWN, Pr sl(ll'nt, 4 Il' m,- Amer\c&n blitol'f ~ told '(ln~ that It as all right. maaaml! 1 A vaat corpqratlon, Intending to 'lUher was a footman In the MI', bOI'n-IIi1l'S tlarr:ltlv~ ~pnlj() ls by Amer can artists, University o~ had iI dod to lOOk cl_here. It W'pnted l A Better, engage In Interstate buslMM, bas c.utua houtehold, deepens lJbrI~m~pIo)'menL sup(>l'b. all(1 as w p(t.~H !l'llDl $con& Micltl/!'Rn errles. All RtuJpclS 1hf\ Hlli~lt l 11:110 p, Ill.-'Ole n.U, loftll, 01 /)08.rd and cafth joba tOr &'lrls who wlAI! tid!! [y'flfl of rml'llnympni. tor A. hlllt hour In.t~r, lhO ehftut'~ur to l)lague every state administrative ulaUons; lome are very lenient to· th~ ,hrae with tantis 800CflIlfl' of I.hese daY" In l"t'Illlce. l' l'habs Ihe AIr. the Cllrlatmal! p dod. LI'lE> I L KA.NN, • iQ.naW'r. c mn In. I\IIkNl tor th coat and BY ' em. wIth each crime cOmmlt- ward the corporations. tully inlier m.I IUldel'1itsDllIlIgs ti,e ba.tt!1l ot Nant(>H which tho aulh· 8 b,. In,-Dlnner bour proltam. .ph, protrc~d a. tl,OOO bill. tea: by a parq,lea cOnvict, the publiC Most ot them elect to Incorporate and the outwllrll Mhojterillg of 01' alt('Jl)l{lB to dCI)\cl In 21 s urclncl 7 p. m. hlidrcn'H hour, th land .\tldlng tlle 001 r hltd, burgf'r, Wilholit dpla.y t hili UJIl(', (~ gr "s more hostile to any type of In Delaware, where they are treated &be wprld tile,. hiW known. s ctlOn~, vl)J'ylnit frl/Ill brlet lIal'rll, ot slory book tao o II. m.- O(nmllnlly thl'9tCr of 1M 008t Ilnd rhlU1R ~rc broqht, pa.t'ole system, wlth much conSideration, From ( But the pUsU'e of Ala.ln [rom a Iowa eh 1<1 ttve to hl81.0l'Icai ex:poelt!oR, Is til 7:10 P. ro.-iowa b..ut. ~, ~lrlt>loyetl Wor~RhOIl, 1}urJlngtoo, ~ verlll }IO\1r, lall' 1', (!Ie tl,OOO, ~111 :But I, the ttlwt to be found In that vantap point they operate youth to a blind follower tlon, ~~y least succeSSful scene he presents, J ewl,h patriots In Hle America" 'v~l~cr l!lone'L~lr' ~p~ ).; ..~ ttIlnt ;

THE DAlLY IOWAN, IOWA. CITY PAGE THREE !HURSp AY, DECEMBElt 3, 1936 I th season, and will he a regular A VISIT TO SA.NTA. CLA.US LAND- I;Prol. Wood' Art ,cUnlc, continuing the dJscu88lon at. ------~~~ Cliaie Will Continue ad"&Dcing aDd recOO.Lu.if colo\" wbJah WIUI begun nt t he last m t1ng two CANDY MP CAItI IS AU. ~T Dtscussion of Colo.r w lui """'.... '--,""" fOR $bI\\E PfOl'LE, SUT I ct),W! F/'a)M A FAMILY OF ~, art cUnlc, conducted by Prof, ANO 1)i1$ IS A 9 121CELE5$ ~ 01' A'A~E C/olEESE­ ylJ.vt.T ftAVOfl ! wHAt /lROfM! CANOy -8A~! I ur.]o.y at 2 ".,m. to th 8t udJo or the tine arts bul.Jdlng, Thl will be the fltth m Un .. or

Ends 1 .~ 10W A TU 5:3iI Zi c 2 Big Features

Law Students To Hill to Spealt r Co.Ed 'I' William Beebe Will Speak On. Specialty Numbers To Be Presented Argue Last Case .-l-__s_po _rls__ --4. At Conference 'Five Hundred Fathoms Down' At Silver Shadow In Series Tonight To Play I'\"elo , , ~ ...... Lectllre to Deal With "PI'clo" wllJ be among t\le water r Picl\lres of Sea L~f~ A tlool'show Including Rix sprelo I-I T-h f urth and last ot tb Junior g~ Ii played by lhe Seals club t h lll~ to Be Shown In ty numbrrs will be prosented on Ilaw rgum nls will be this ev~nlng Water Systems Of nEt('rnoon at lhe women's gymnll-I \Saturday's progrom of Silver Sha- al 7:16 tn the Law CommOns, La.w· Ancient Corinth slum, "Pr~lo" was Introduced :by i 3,{d, SUl l£ctw:e ~ow, UnlverRlty of Iowa din and I'cnco 11. Oray of Sidney and How- the women's college In '1;n1Ja.b.ns- I iclance club srd ,I. Rcmlpy or Ana.mosa are to I se~, FIn, It 16 a. com=tltl,ve ...~me William Be€be, .,Irector ot t be ' oppose Robert R. BuckmaBter of Bert H. HIli of 1M Amerl~o.n •. ~ ,,-r-- li'loorshow ent I'tailler" Nelle Dunkerton nnd Jame A. Norman of 1)layed with a. water hal) between t r'l.g,lf'lll cqs~lj.rch 'It tb{l 1I!ev< yor;k are: flchool of Cla_slcal SludlpR of .Ath· :I Pearlman, oriental symbol donee; Moo" hoort, Ill, Judg James p, two opposing tellrns, Zoq l ogl~ l SOCiety, w l~~ talk on "lfIxe [ Olooys Mills, Faith Pallon, and Gaffney of WllllalllRburg wll1 pre­ 'n~. ar e~cp, wll~ 11l'~RPl1l II Rneon- MJldred Fltzg-eruld. A2 o~ Iowa H..undred ljUtholllil Do'!'n" In the , lun lecture on "The \Valpl' SYHtpms City. vlce-pl'csident of Seals clup. , ' , , Nancy Plltton, all sludents ot ])av- 111(1,', of An I~nt Corinth," HotUl-day at 'Will be III charge, There will' be tJ:llI;d unlvers.lty lect,ure qf the ~ea,- Il!nport. singing trio; !_rroy the Mys- Th caRr dpulR wllh th dlftlcul' 1l:10 n,m, In tlw sl'nnlp ehaml"'I'lslunl rplnys lind lead up gnmCs 'son. In, thl) ma lq. I ql-'llB~ 'It IQwa i Itic, Keith Sulton ot Pilton. 8010- tlt,~ thr ,(> men face In trying to I 1st; and aCl'oboUc dn nrpr and Il tllP gel Lhl' ,_Ds J(n~a ConlractOJ;S From these elKht win/leI's, the foul' cal socl~tlp s, Th" finals will be played b,etween where Pfl. haa dea<: l)d d to a de.l!tll hl~hE'8t scholo.stlcaJ.lr wHl be select· TBEAIBII The lInlY ~ I 's lt y I""tlll'" or WH· till' Sigma Delta 'XII.U RorOl'lty telUf' ot 3,028 feet. To Get Preferenct" ed to Qrgue at that time. wfHI bam Beabe al 8 o' ~ I()('I( tonlKht 111 a nd Ih~ Alpha Delt..'l. pi squad the OO~fF:DY ]owa unIon fs till' flr-l eVP llt 011 Inl tpr port Or the week. ('ontl'actol'/l u~ln g domestic or INA MEIKEl Iowa lallor and materials produced In J(lwl~h folklore, Lilith I. a. Albert W. Palmer female d mon equlvaJ<>nt to th In. Iowa will I.re given 1)I'l't",'cn~o J\ I, (1hiloJrell's JfOfjpif.aJ. EngliSh. Yamplr, Will Speak al Cjty In bld~ [01' the construction of the 'I'he Y,W,C.A., und'el' th~ o,uaplC\l1l P1 3efUI~nt _Hili-eau Christmas Vespers $66,000 botany lab(,I'o.tol'Y, aceordlJl!l' '\I f lho religious , actlvltlcl'l com­ to the Iloard ot etlu,'ntlon'll notice strueluro will hI' I'eady tor use by Will Be Explained mlaqJoll, will present a progra.m Ilt to contl'llctor" S,.ptcmbf'l', 1937, 'chU Llvesn.y, A3 ot Toledo, THE WORLD'S GR1'}ATEST HIS'IOlUAN Oerald Boyd. C4 of Fi.. Worth, Tex., t'xpcl'ience in thc depths of )fa iill~e l)prlorJ1Jllnre: 2:15 p,lI1. FORECASTS THE WORLD IN 2036! and Wilbur lsenbel'gel-, A4 ot Clar· !.be ocean tonight at 8 o'clock Everything . .. ! ,\.)m/,.j.qn ~ 1.00 , or IltaaolJ '/,'i<'1'd ('ouPQn lon, wm be In charge of publicity, in Iowa Union, Below is shown * , ~hiJdJ'N\ l ' \)II~r ""ift.et>lJ, haU lll'i e, !iOc the bathysphere in which Bee­ ('hil(\rl'n )1",,1 hI' t\('puIIIJ):lIIil'tl b,v an J\,lwt Supervisor •• ]1.' got 1-11 thm! U's got 7 gnilld Col • 273 Liceollllll Registered be drsccndCll to ocean deeps Vor/Alr SOUle hitsl 1t'8 got I\, swell rmnanrel • S~"t RI'M'I I\lit,ills 11111\' III. William's ro\\,., Supply Comjlnll Y, A total ot 273 a.utomobllc,s ]JOO man has nevel' before reached'i U 's !tOt st&t ~ U's got girts anoJ gla mourl U'II Whl'j~h)lIl's, IWl)m 10, Spill"'!"'" lIall, been registered tor .1937 UoonsOoS In goJ; E ,'crythipg t h ~ makes It Ihe daullnc ' , lhe offIce of Cou1).ty 'l;'re~urer W. tunefUl • , , PPIl ... , ...... h N'amrned , • E, Smith by nQOn yelJtllrdllY, Now Women Dehate I ~ Is) on The. Univ~rsity Theatre 'year l'egjstra.t.lon opened '.l'uesday, nd on Feb,' 1 lhe. penally of $1 for u delinquent IIcense,'l will be added, Drake Team He eye •• y yy'tyy."' •••• In the fll'st women's dC'bat of tbe the. year, GI'~lchen 1 uevcr, A4 of Iowa. City, and Janet GaLn es, A2 of ChJcago, will meet two women from Dnlkc unlV~I'Rlly In a. radio , o.rl!uJ\lent here Dec, 11, Upholding the n~!;a.tlve "Ide or lhe question, "Resolved: That Con· I t gress Be Empowered to Set Mini, mum "'!ages and ~laxlm\lm Hours I In, IDdu,.~l'Y," the.. two Iowa. spellk· el'9 will argue at 3 p,m, over WSUI wltll the women f"om Drake, who are. Qn II. debating tour, VIIGUiIIA aRUCE u.. Me .... • * .... ,...... ~ ••• ,.,...... 1'! .... W.I •• ,. AI". DI ...... ' \ ...... , SON G 'fliilJu 7 BITSI 11 TONIGHT I 2 FRIDAY • 2 Ve:.:y Good Pictures - •• 26e Aftern~D8 KIDDIES Evenmgs Includes State Sales Tax "'. crooDJa' See The New FIve­ Iqrco..... o Varsity Theatre-Boy Seout vagClboDd Annual Old Toy Matinee ,Passenger St'Al~n A~ lover .ere· naelba' CI two­ thai.' 941J Saturday Morning., Dec. 5 THe At to Show Which At 9:00A.M.

Deliver in Iowa City For • EVERY BIG HEARTEQ lQUNGSTER ~ ~~WA CITY WllO IS W)LLJN~ 'to p~ WRa O~E OF TB&IR OLD TOYS IS ASKED TO PBESEl"\T "" A~ THE DOOR SATUBD.AY MQRNIN,'G .." 9:0~ NO. 2 FEATURE O'{;LOCK:. THIS WILL &EaVE AS YOUR ADMIS­ Plus Tax Get a W CQlleg~ ~u~tion, red­ SION TO TH~ FOLLOWtNG-ALL STAB.fIlOGRAJI. hot rhyt~mic SYllco~\~. I Freshman -And the Progfttm­ Love Richard Dix in with W.\DG& 8VA Nt. • EDITH nLtOWS N'a'll-C hev role t FRANk MclIDGH LOUIS AlIolSTllOIfQ ~ HII r .._ SwIsIg 8aad • 1IoIi.,~ t..u. PATRICIA ELLIS Moo .. '~by."",,~,WiM04 "Weat of the Peeos~ 216 E. Burlington. St. Aa ...... CoMa Ii...... Pathe News - Shows All " COLU~IIA I.lCinl. A Ma~cb of TiDle Also Comedy and Cartoon PAGE FOUR THE DAU.Y IOWAN. IOWA CITY 'l'[JURSDA Y. DE EMBER 3, I!!,- ':~ rrhomas Ewing French Will ETTA(IIC==IKI:::ET=T==-===:;,--;r~;:;:;::=:::~ __--r::::::==::::::~ _ By Paul Robinson

Talk at University Club Dinner 'I.,u" phi 11.'1111 1\1111 Mrs. IAnzo Jones Wert dllllll'r ~uublB LI t lhe chaJlter bOUIa "Ukiyoye" I, Subiect dren's magazines wtll be dlllPlayed 'fuesllay. at the Ch riatmas tea. ot the Child OJ Professor French Study club Saturday at 8 p.m. In At Dinner Surulay Iowa. Union. /oIifrl ll ,. U!·ltl\ 'I'au Prof. Anno Pierce, head ot the .1\11'. ILllIl ~1''II. Wmer Cobert or 'Dry' music department or University ele· I"wf~ ('Ity wPro uhwar g Ue8.ts ra.t Prof. Thomae Elwing ;French, a 51 mentary school. wtll IIlng Bome cv~nlnll'. professor In engineering drawing at songs from the displayed mUBlc Hcrb{,l't Hhll hrt'1I1. M3 or IOwa Si Ohio State unIversity, wlll talk to books. Clly, and H erbert ROJlenborg, LI members ot Unlverslty club and 01 MaqUuk\JLIL. will bo dinner gUCIIl, ;. dry their guellts at a dinner meeting ul thu l1uUso tonlgnt. open It.!; Bunday at 6:15 p.m. In the club, \Vornen of the M_ CI rooms at Iowa Union. Six membera of the Women of Iowa In a se' "Uklyoye" wtll !be the subject of the Moose were obligated into the ('urrlcr 111111 Eva Starkey claslt at the regular • menl' J PrOfe880r French's talk, and be will I'lor. JJ I'l'b('rt Felgl opened a meeting Tuesday evening at the ot MUIlI illustrate his dJscuselon ot .Tapan· '('1'1 ~ of tb'tlllid& mcetlligs at lbe Plltt6 1' ese prints with 60 Prtnts he collect· ?\foose ha1l. They were Mrs. Arthur dorml tory \lUIt evening. Class Insignia PERSONAIS ow, Unl ed in a recent visit to .Tapan. Sev· Huffman, ~lrs. Joseph MeGlnnls, Eighty Iowa City Men Take SOCIAL • ce eral years ago Professor French lIi,'S. Clttcord Heacock, Mrs. Gar. • ET'ENTS daII gave a slmllar talk on etchings tn rett .Byrne. Mrs. Ruben Swartzlan. prot. and 'Mrs. C, M. Updegraff, xnark8 tl On Sophomore Part In "Dream of d a un.lverslty lecture here. del' and Mrs. Leslle Armstrong. 611 River street, lett last night fOr Clown" era or lllach A n amateur etcher of considel'8ble A talk was given on "Milk, Sleep Chicago where they will altend the All day-Welsh MIR810nnry aod- B::IO to : skill, designer at a number at memo and Food for the Growlng Ohlld" DanceProgram Big Ten Coaches' oonfel·cnce. Eighty local buslne88 and profeS· William C. Buckley. Mrs. Heo· ely. 1\1.1' •• 'l'hon1l1s Wlllhll1lA, 4~) 8'. orlal tablets a.nd medals and a book ,by Margaret Ca.nnon. schOOl nur~e. slonal men will mako UP the cast il'lCk Stein; .Toseph F . Click, Hen- capitol slrect. 111&1 plate designer of the first rank, the Repol·tlt were given by Mrs. Owen Mrs. Howard Mickle, he.' daugh-I for tho P.T.A. benellt play, "The 'rIck ateln: Glel1l\ Means. ScOtCl1 2:10 p. rn. "lIu.· and HOMary HO' ot Rogers. pUblicity cha.lrman, MrS. speaker has a collection of Japan. Decoration, in Class tel', Ora :Marie. and Bill .Rullffaon, Dream or 11 Clown," to be ])resented Uncle; .T. A. Lemons, Gov. Landon: clNy ~aJ'(l pll,·ty. Hl. Pulrl"k'H ",·hool. ese etcllings and prints valued at Clarence Hu ttman , child care &.lid all ot Storm Lake, arrived last night at St. Mary's school audltol'lum W. P . Portol·. Mrs. Landon; Sidney 2:30 )'. Ill. orama llrplI.·tlllont, I. training. Mrs. WilJllam Wiese, memo Colors; Chaperons several hundred thousand dollars. and aro the visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Monday and Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. A. Fitzgerald, Sally Finn; L . C. ·C. W. C., )OWI1 Ullloll. bershlp, and Mrs. Charles Benda, K"ueger, baby brother; Larry Grts­ Not only has the speaker been a.n W ill Be Given Tea Roy S. Mushrush. 010 S. SUmmit The P.T.A. council has set $500 2:30 p. m.- Iowu 'VOml. or Mrs. William Holland, 826 Mel· ton, Prot. and Mrs. Fred Pownall. Mrs. Heltry MattJlI, 358 Lexlng· TheDtLue Unlverslly clUb members should C. WArden, members ot the ballet. W·. lUchardaoll, best man. rose court, yesterday at 1 p.m. fol· land Pro!. and Mrl!. Rufus Fitzger­ ton street, spent Wednesday shOP, )flake reservations [01' Ule dinner by At home: Attorney IngaJlJI Swisher, Dean Lanzo .Tones, blsl1op; Clair GOLDEN STATE lowing a. buffet supper. Brl~e was ald. ping In cedar Rapids. Saturday nOOn. Attorney .Tohn M. Kadlec, wlfe; Dr. J . :Sutterfield, matron ot honor; pla.yed after the meeting. Formal tea. wlll be served to the hi LIMITED Isom A. Rankin, announoer. C • Robert S. Scbell, maId or honor; .. the ~haperon8 during Intermission by Prot. Rollin M. Perkins of the col. t ··t b t Ro m T I r Drama Dept., J.C. W.C. Delta Delta Delta AIllance cago a Oems. Accompaniment for several Islly pri«d uti "p'tlm.' " ·--·---Uill. TIUS COVPOJI-.---.­ or the poem!! will be played by Rich Fabrics, Colo" ot Mareugo; Richard Bowlin, Dl of p.partmentB, returned to her home Dr. George D. callahan, twLn cous- Mrs. J,l)Io Novy, Blanche Buresb, C. Co GAIlDNBR, C.. 'I A,L P... · , Do,t.1 :M I·S. lIfaud Whedon SmJth. Chlca.go; Robert Wa.Ples, A2 of Tuesday afte r a v1/Jlt with bet' Ins; Prot. Eo G. Gross, Paul White. Esther Relnklng, Principal W. E. ltd slDntl /,om ol4r It/uti·' RIKk bl.od Lio .. j I -CIUll'acteri:Je Style. 7n LoCUli St. • I Elaine !\fel'r1am will sing several Cedar jtalplds; Betty Moffatt, A2 ot nephew, Carl Redenbaugh ot 'Evan • .-nan; Martln J. McGovern, Presl. Beck, Sidney A. Fitzgerald, Flor. ,m art s01md infles/mentl. D•• M.u. .., 10". I C hristmas carols nccomP8.nl ec\ by Stanwood; Miss Prouty, Miss Pat- ,stan. III., employed in the shoe de· dent Roosevelt; .Tame/) A. StOI'Lng, '~nce Cburchlll, Principal Raymond p~ Jt !I .... A" ...... OOUIereio I lit ftltu". end tra ... I tuformttJo.. I ller mother, Mrs. W. F. ·Merrlam. By MARION LAMAB' ton and Miss Steck. pal'tment DC Marshall Field's Evan- Mrs. Roosevelt: N . E. Bernstein, IQewerth, Mrs. Arthur Noel, Lynne) , Members are requested. to bl'lng Glamorous empIre lines and rich. stan store. MlBs 1840; C. G. EYman. Miss 1936: Forward, Mrs. L. D. Wareham and N.ro .... _ ...... " .. ___ ... ____ ...... : their membel'>lhlp carris to )ll'ef.ent ness of fabric and color chlU'Uter­ John J. Ostdlek, POIa Negri. Mrs. L. C. l!"'I.tz\latrlck. Add'.'...... ) at t·he door. lze the trend In fashions lor eve. Lillian McLaughlin Robcrt E. Neff, administrator of 1------­ nlng this eeaaon. University hospitals, left last night da.J1c(l last year. will furnIsh the Longfellow P!l'.A. 'rhe very /Jigh waist nne in frol\t If HOUBeguest At , tor New 'York,. N .Y .. on a buslnees .musIc. "Child and the Radio" will be the .. nd the sllgljt bustle effect In the trip. QuadResidents McCray Residence On tho Quadrangle social com· topIc ot a discussion led by Helene back are most thrilling In a new mlttee are Roswell .Tohnson, M8 of H eye of the Iowa Child Welfare Re· damask that La reminIscent of your LilUan McLaughlln of Greenville, Dr. Arthur Slelndler or children's sCl1rch station at the meeting of the dinIng room drapes, In heavY, tlow. To Hold Party ottumwa; Victor Llnnenbom, A3 ot Miss .• Is the houseguest of Mr. and hospital wlJl 'Presen t a paper today St. Lou lR, 1\10.; Miller straCk, At study group 0.1 Longtellow Parent· Ing slipper .satin or In metjllllo Mrs. F. F. Mccray, 1717 MuscaUne before the Sangamon County Medl· Men of the Quadrangle will enter. or Gtu.\dy Cenler; and Martin Nlel­ ':l'eacher association ,this a.!ternoon moire that meets grandmother's avenue, whUe she Is here for the cal society In SPrlngtield, TIl. at 2:30. I'equlrement thab it "stand alOne." torelgn languages conference this lain at their CIr'st Informal dinner sen, ·1 or Chicago, 111 . The meeting will be In the Long· Theft- lIne8 brand the8e ~'Wll1 def. week end. dance of tbe year In tho maln Chaperons wil l b<' Dr. allli litre. f ellow school gymnasium. Initely tormal, with a total IWeence Mercy Hospital .Iounge of Iowa Union ~aturUay at 7 A. ShllnnOn Pourl, and Dr. a,"1 1rs. or back tlui.t Is CjUIloutla.ged by P. ro.. Chestrr I. Miller. Guests of 1101101 "'t d CI b most rose but really Is neither, will CilidI ..,u y U Intricate arrangements of straps, Alumnae Elect TiCkets are now on sale at the will b 1>1 ,'. and ~11·8. William become only true brunets. We will n. N. ewest book8 t or c hlld I'e,1\ s Ug. 'most otten I'hlnelton81. Quadrangle ottlce, alld res I'vatlOli1l Cobb. Dean Robert E, Rlenow. 1r1<. tpl' lcYH Association Officers gestlve matcI1 0.1 for varl· Lame coachman's ooatl aid these !be meeUng the startllng bllt lovely can be made In the Quadrangle Mabel ~:valls. Uellll and Mrs. Lonzo OU8 ages, mU Hlc book s and chU· gowns In doing smart dUty. oomblnatlon ot chartrell8e g&l'IIlsh. lounge today. Bennet·Gretan's band. JOnca. 1111'S. Louise Carter, anti Mrs. ======IHemllnes draw much attention with ed wltb navy, a.nd also a roya.l blue :Following a board of directors' which played at the spring dInner Jesijle Saundors. . COl'(lS of velvet, rowa of tucks 01' with tuchs1&. Tbere ~ lavish use meeting, Mercy Hospital A1ltmnae bands ot color In ccntrast to lhe ot .sa.tJn In white, Ivory, royal blue aSSOCiation clected officeI'll' yestel" dress. alld blac~. Most exciting of all Is day. lAurella Linnenkamp was SPECIALS I In dress materials ther~ a~ also the new mUltl-colored, non·crush- elected president; Helen R eil y, vice­ FOR THE Permanents ...... _ $2.00 lighter weight but none tbe 1_ velvet ])rlnt with a metallic president; lI1arle Malloney. second I uxurlous chiffons, Imported black thread through It creating a vice.presldent; Mary Keating. sec· End C:urls ...... $1.50 laces. metallic lacel, nets WIth wide frosty effect. relary, and Marie Kruse, treasurer. velvet hemll, and brl«bt oolored DecorallollJl are mainly of brilll· Sister 1\1o.I"Y RIta.. Lillian Snider. Manicure ...... ~..... 35c laces. lone flowers at ,either center Violet Kepharl and Regina Vogel ttSOPHOMORE I Colors that wUl be _n an front or oenter back and great were elected to the board of dl· HAZEL'S BEAUTY SHOP through the formal sease. are IMW 'bo::W:ii::0:::f:::h:e:a::Vy==co:n:ta:::st=l=n:g=v=el=v=e=t.==re<:::::::tors=.======a.nd flattering. There II & ~tJful : %4 ,vest HarrlsoJl lI!had8 of MaRl. Routt 'lue &lid COTILLION" Dial 2398 b. daytime blue tbat ivUl do & world r of good to blond!!. All UIlw,uaJ Accessories To Feminine Finery I ehade that Is almOllt cerfse ud al- Rhinestone }et.,elry • 1 .EarrfJlI'S, Droatltell, Bracelets uti ,. rk£ GIFT ' , clips a4d to )'0111' Darklel '.. . .••••• ,-1 $1.00 to $1.95 DELUXE ~...... ,. 1 1 " Evening Ho e Mrs. , "Sh~er 38 Air," "Tre.Jur;' ~ )?, "~H)'~$ i .1Scproor" \ Evening Bag You muM have onel Vel. \lets, UrOCllde~, /IIel&! IUJd

CCASIO LLY 0 Id('l'bono wit U1U t.be rtJJl lewelr1 .. a ma .. w~ TYPICAL ROUND-TRIP FARES """$1.95 to • Ound(,t u rug or carp t. Th lwilltcd wit formerly Inlt1111 to preye ". Rock Island ...... __...... 1.80 u cd lUod on un ightly ridg • ehoH It (or him. 10a ,I" MoUne ___..... _.... _ .. _ UII $10~OO N.w JDOI1ey ••vIaI, n1UeI for o Wc tl'm EI ·trio - mllDuC lUring. di lribuling thou,lI"ulll_ U well U BUI Travelen-Round.Trip Auro..... lU...... _. __._ U4I (Iud pur,·hu illg unil of tho Dell Y8ll'lU-1'1'oduOO8' ,ood wle. ...tea reduced to S~ rep ..r Chlcaco ...... 6.80 , ChiI/o,., llankies ••• -w., f.r. between mOlt ou.taa ..._ .. _ ...... ,...... _ 1.01 nat cord ol1]Y one-eighlh inch lhll'k, v o-eighthll'uf BudlDatoa TnII_,. poIDu. On Llneolo _...... _...... 8.30 'I'uck olle I" your Bracelet! IA1e daily to JanlWJ' bt, with an in b, wid. (Lil lhia ...... , .... ). Within this Delt'Ver ... _ ...... __ ...... 1!OM All Colo.,., SO-day ~ limIt-the Jeat'. (lh8)'enne ...._ ...... _ .. _ .. .%O.lAl tiny pa c ar Lour conductors of in8uial d wire, Un­ Iowett tnml bltrpiDa. ca.eper, Wyo...... ZUII Enjoy thi. finer, futer bill Billings. Mont. ... _...... 30.45 50c and $1.00 d r tb rug or carp l thi rd i. not Ie 11, Dot OYeD IerYIce. Direct acenlc __- "a.lt Lake Clq - .. _ .. _.%8.%. fell with bar (cet. bll roOmy bUlel, well heated .. w... '1 and ventilated-courteoul BimIIar low IOUIId-trlp f .... to New Larie Size C08tume Even to tho ,malIc t d tall, tho B II ytltem i, COD> .. y ...... lidDed driven-free pllIon CJa caJifOJ'llia IIIId l1IIIIyother poiatl Flowel'8 for formals ... _...... $1 ,00 TO $1.95 on bcu.cr tkeuch routel. But mid Wett. @t.anlly the lookout lor tli w.t to make ~ New colors or telephone IlCrvico 1U0ro IIllli"(1l 'tory to &hI! customer. 'or .ua Inlol_fIoft coronation BarUnarton BUll Depot gold and sliver D. 8utton, Apn& Coli ••• mon and wom.n find after ~. • Ill. Wultlnlton, Phone 11111 TO 7 P. M. a conv.nl.nt tim. fo, mcik- 'j ~:: !~~ ~h:'.::s.. ~~.~~~~~~.. ~.~.e 59c $1 ~95 I In. lonl dlttonc. call •. Mor.ov.r, . , See The Swank Display at- mo.t rat•• ar. low.,t th.n. Hands Jewelry Store "


of the unlnnltr In IIOIUII wa, as many mon on the road a8 when take·oH on "Tho Quartet from RlgO. Second Night - help support t.bemaelvllI. be started-In late '34-tbls S'lant letto." TClated. • • But be wJII remain. . Tonight Bagwell'. will present I willb IIOrncllme tbero would be ,"It.s callY thlJl ,,·a)'."' he salo. a.t 8 O'c ock a. winter style sbow­ Imagine STRUlJ.WARIIllLUl co. Our CluhToOpen featuring rurlf-lls th" maln oCter·· I_as novelIt really or Ia.• movie• • The about typical coUeae Joe ~A:IJ:d:t;:h:a:t, :1:5=a.I:I.=. :'=====~ ing. At the Intennlsslon of the New and Desirable OWNERS Ready·to-Wear Collece wltb a fraiernliy pin for style revue and followIng It tbe Style-Right Sales In Iowa City ,"very clrl be meet. and mor& money A Sh l:lllllnOny Four, GrhAvold's tumb, than 18 lood for bhn acarcely ~5 uto OW- lers and Jean Hanlon ",,:\11 enter­ Dresses at Are Famous and wi ... any Dlore. At aoy rate he II an lllin. Sla ' ub ' ~ will I>resent a stylo Savings When One 'Dry' Dine and Dal1~e ~t)' on the campus. • • I know (ConUnued I<'rom Pago 1) sbow tomOl'l'OW night. This Is of Spot Patterned After ... 81.- .teUows who have completed their Most Wanted! The Best! collece ClreeI'II on IlIIIs than ~ George Nissen, XavIer Leonard and Silver Shadow MU·'.- ~ . . It ClaD 1M! dene. • • It fre· _ ••_. _____ •• _ quenU, Is. •• Jack Brawn olthlblted the fine A resolution author~lng points of balancing as the tlrst Part printing at eompJled city ordinance. A dry commercial night club ",111 of their act. WWI referred to Its next meeting open Its doors to 96 couples 1rom The gll'ls ha.ve changed too. ., Jean Hanlon, local tap dancer, by tbe ComlvJllo cu.y eounell at Starting Today Iowa City and vicinity In the first With the winter lleallon sO near They Beem to me to be mOl'e sin· prcsented two costume nUm\:)ers­ Ita regular monthly meetlng loat In a seMcs ot week end entertain· tho lover~' Ja.ne,e :have 108t theIr cere, le811 gullibio. • . Almost any V'Canc Dunce" and "Double·tlme night. • ments Jan. 8 on the second floor popullLrlty--what Uttle they had. • • girl wll smoke or perhaps drink a Rhythm." of Munn's grill. For e.!feotlon III more publicly dIB- bIt wIth her boy trlend-but few The stars at tho evening were .Judgment Granted PBttemed after the Sliver Shad· think le88 ot her for It. . , Tbe day Tho Harmony Four. a mal quar· Harold Regennltter wan ow. University at Iowa dine and played now •• • The nearest to a ot complete femInIne emancIpation tet composed ot graduate stUdents. a $1.500 judgment agalnllt dance place. the establishment )overs' Ilaradllle seema' to ~ a lmost ~9 not, then. far off. . . Slnglng both serloU8 and 1Ight com· Secor, and othel'll, by Dlatrlct Judge IIlBl'ks the socond chapter In a new fiOY tront porch. Ii bUB or a taxI I p08lUons, they COncluded with a Harold D. Evans yesterday. D·ress Sale­ era at .dry night clUbs. , . • Couples may stop along the ilJut the Ulan who works Wit waT Each Friday and So.turda.y tram ~tree.t to prcl!/I Jlp8-and ' they fre· ~hrou,h the wLlwrsliy, It 8een18 c:::t 8:30 to 12:30 p. m. guests In lufor- Quontly do •• • But It 'strlkes me to lIle, has little ad""ntllCe. , • Ute 11111.1 attire w1l1 dance to the rhythm! with a hint of Irony thllt it ~hould -lWId this Is 1t--I8 not MCIlII-",. CD ot the "Swlna' Manlo.cs," tho band ot ~ 110 ... /ruled by the grinder, . , The II10St .. two races, compoaed of UniVersity successful pel'8Onli I know IU'6 DOt c:I of the Year! or Iowa. students. TI~ elder amon&, UII cu remem· the hartlest worke.". They are the Liquor will not be served. ber tIM day. when the Black Angel lnost Hlncete work.e1'll, ....d they "No (JompetIUon" look6d down in all ber .nr,Jesiy on have fhe /IIOHt bll:l,luatloll. • , ::I: A Buying Scoop of Startling "The success of the Sliver S'lladOW lyoUD, lhiJJc. In pri"alB 1!t!81110n. , • .Perhaps tlla' Is the allllWer to the c:I IIILI! proved that there Is a place for When the lane near tbe Red Ball riddle of life. I'erhaP8 not. Importance! a dry night club." sa.ld Wilton Lut· Inn WIllI POPUlated with lotlC' rows --.- z waCk, AS ot Buffalo, N. Y., buslneas or car•••• Wilen a111l011t an), quiet And a talk yesterdaY with a managor of the ven ure. country road would do ••• When blondo young glallt Who does 110 We have worked on thi. MIle lor an entire uJeek and finally "We are not trying to compete the walks heblnd Jowa Union were work at all-and thrIves by It .•• CIlI with the sllvel' Shadow," LUlwaok we concluded arrm,sements • • • from, our most .ucce88/ul popular ••• But no lIIore ••• PrJ, lie spent the nIght by a tire built 2 explained, "but we teel that there vael)' 18 CUOtl 'orever.. , iJate Ia.~t night under tho ,Burllng­ makers we have secured their latest Sam,ples. 18 room In Iowa City fOr two club •. " tOil street bridge. . . He Is 22 and Jack Barlaas, A4 of Dcs Moines, Is 'I'll, Other J(alr has dono no work sl ncc l034_x· = publicity ma.nager. Tu the more fortunate of 11 8 copt occasional jobs on the pickup. =ac AlI Welcome rt; " Is a bit lronlca1~r should AdmiSSIon will not be restricted to 11&. • • Yesterday ( chatted with 110 stopped In Iowa. City ..... Bec Cartwright ~lve.r8'ty Of Iowa. studenlB, but a. rello", IItucient wllO IIve8-ftts about a. year a"d a hlllf w.. Iowa Cltlaus as well as 'patrons from .'0, ~n 1i0 cents a. day. • • That he said. At thM Ullle Ulere to- Window Ellen Kaye otber towns will also attend. '" Inelude8' )0 cents 'or b~kfllHt, were more than a. dozen men In A floor shOW, supplemented by 15 for luncheon and %5 tor dlll­ the now' detlerted Juo,;le canlp :z:= Dis1)lay! "Famom" cnterta.1nars from the orchestra, I. nero .. lila room rent Iii! earns be neath the bridge. • • lAst planned. Tap dancers, singers and 11)' helP/1II' bI8 landlady with t he night there was only one colO!'­ Il\slrumClltal numbers will feature Saturday cleanlp&, a nil making ed boy_nil, 0' courso, IUrnseJr, " Smaruport" the program. nine beds each mornin&,. • , a: ., . loIILyor Thomas E . Martin last More than hal' the stutl entl!l There nre only about one fifth -w.. Dre8lU nigh t approved the plan tor a. dry night club. = . c::t Martin Warren Of For The ::lIE Roule 5 Wins In Sophomore I- Iowa 4-H Contest eo Cotillion! c::t JIIarlln ,\V'.arren, rural route 6, 2 placed fl rat In records 011 th\'Ce.y ~ar - A Sparkling New heifers In the Iowa 4-1l clUb dalry' w.. record bOok contest, accordlnS' to an COiffure! annOuncement a.t wa.terlOO by Er. = ~ra.ke Your Appointments Early And Be .... nest M. wrlS'h t. field ilecratary ot Assured or l'upu1arfty At The Sell8On's the Iowa State Dairy 1I88OClatlon. FIrst "Ornlal Party. , Warren also scorC

M"SO~ CITY. Dec. 2 (Special to Lue~eke, Ellls Maintain '['he Dally Iowa,nj-'l'lIree thousand Frost. Leadership; cage fll ns turned out to seo Ozzl8 Harkness Fa¥ored Simmons and his All Smrs here to· • nlghl as they invaded tho locuJ With the ultlmat outcome lmng. court rOl' the second game In lhe Ing In the balance. entrants In the p .. of selonal cage ranJts. which like wflght triathlon will throw the Ills­ their opener. was lost. The vlsltors cua west ot the tleld110118e this at­ from IOWa. CIty put on a stellar ternoon at 4 o·cIOCk. axhlbltlen before losing the closely compHllion Is especially kl'on In contested game S4 to 27 to the local th& treshman division where George Marshall and Swl tt quln tet. EOis nnd Henry Lucbcke have Iowa's "ebony eel" whqomade his Ihown almost equal all around bltl {O!' tamc on the cotrege grlcl­ ability. Since It has be'm Melded to !J·on... ta1\1ed th ree baskets from hlB ~re the evcnts on a pOints bru!is guard 1)0"ltion and furthel' delight· POPPA, rather tban by pinCeR won. Luebck cd lho crowd midway In th game ibis nfternoon will be attemPting as he fll]1PCd a. neat shot thl'OUgh '1A t-'\U5' NOT 10 throw the dlllCus far enough to thc Ma.'lOn City basket. It was "5\..\JP" '1ER "In. purNy unintentional as Ozzle was BRE.·K~~':" Ellis bas already completed his et­ mixed up in hiS direcUons. - wt\Y, torts In the thr trials. having II. Thl game was nip and tuck until ftn&1 Bcora of 1,605. Luebcke wHi lhe wanlng mInutes wIlen th vet· §-'''; ~"~:..:..::..:.::....u.l\R::..~~IJL eran Marshall·Swlft quintet forged ~&ve to scor well ton Igh ~ to make up th e difference. as his prcsenl Into II. IUlle Ipad which they held until the final gun. 'l1he All Stal'S to t1l.1 is 1.148. A third c1Uldidate who may preRll Iwhl an 11 to 8 lead at lhe first Ellis and Luebcke consii!embly qunxt~'· ltnd W{>I'{' tr'aillng 17 to 16 turned up yeslerday. He was 1"rell llt halftime. 'I'he score Was dad· locked at 22 points each at the mlth. Crash tootball plaYE'r. AI­ end of lIle t.hird canto. Ihough hIs pOint.! have not yet been compnf'd. his mal'ks In th shot and weight ev~nts coupled wllh his known ability In t.he discus mlikO Marians Whip him 1\ real threat for first p lace, Varsity candidates In th Ir sertloo , ot the triathlon have tailed to pro­ Ah:~inni~ 41·10 duce the equal of the [I' shmen In Ryall Drills Jl'ish 1!13r,·36. to hit 1l1e hOO)} In their LIltlt' Ilnvll. ra II k ""10111: t hr IItall"1! the wily oC marks or a close race. Dolphins Make uSlIal mllnnet·. Little Hawl~ lI.·, t. Thr RI. Mal·Y·,. Cllgel'S scoreeL 41 On Offen" e P1aY8 Thp 1'1'1'1101\111'1 e,r 1111- ~(1I1 ,I whll'h I.lLQt y'·llr lh.. 10I)nll1"n won 11 Merrl\t Harkness seems to be the potnts to the 10 points chalked up In th" two pl'a ctlceA avaUnblp be· ~st ot the varsity Rectlon. having by a team com'POSed or ex·Marlana Annual Club To Bolslt'r Attack forI' the Jmmaculatp COnception Prepare For will InRk.· th Il'Ip tv OJ!> ,.t~'·I· "lIy g~rnpA whlll' cll'oIlPln!:' only two Ly • I a final acore o~ 1.604 tor th three last Illgllt in a lengthy practice gam.. F'1·ldIlY. C'()(I.('h 'Ryan hOPP8 bFf'Jl ch()"'n oo.ch <1",'1810nl'. Although /lot f'xllecl events. A goOd shot put couPled I" <'Ulupl!P liS flnl> u. I't '01'11 1lJt lhll.t, scrlmrnQgt'. 111 an all.mpt 10 sweet· Naming lilt' (lrrc'II~4' hr Ih,' Sf unfl lhot nwn whn~f" to dAv~lop on rtt1lU'k thoi will be till Y" II"'R (Iv.> I ~xr> t('(l to be wlUl a. dtscus toss or 130 tept 2 PII tit(' bltterne"" nf lwo defeats. Banquet Plans Davenport 5 Pat'" ha..~kffl.hn II trn", aM iris No abl., to lll'orr undel' any enndltlon. ~tuluH I" In dOllhl I'('mal", "I 1,,·hln.1 h'l rd rt~hllnp' hlllll'h oC ball J>llly "" Inches has given him", lea[l over tM COOt'll SUePIlel 11'11'<1 vnrlous com· 1. wor,"y, Coorh nat' l;,' Ryn n HPnt who nHly tUI'n t hI' tllblpM on mOl'" albar partlc1panlB. blnatlons agaln8t the alumni. Captain Dick Westerfield. Ray his cag;>I'" th"()ll~h a 101lg' drill Oil {'me'll ["1'1" ...1" ?f,·rten and hl.!! lnttg't"d It. tP::tnl of Ilkku1Hof. Irhon('n( ... OUllllnndJng marks made during Tlll'oughout the practice. aggres· Slgmlt Nu WIllS Walters. J3o/) Reed. and Bob Low­ scoring formallons la~( nlghl. 1"al\· "'[Ulld or Little Hawk ["lgcrs shifted Lltll ... IN llc-luaUy known lit th" the competition Tuesday Included lL slon and better shooting \Va~ no· Sigma Nu captured a s ctlono1 ry comprise the Dolphin banque1 ute to score under 1l,'PARUI'S r!'"ult· their RC -n.. oC IIctlvlty In..t nl/fht ('aIJIX'l' of the DavC'npoI·t sqund. U>I weight tOS8 of 36 teet 4 Inches by tlceable allhough a sligbl he~ltancy tltlc In freshman basketball this committee appointed by President ed in a lo"~ flk the Irish dl·lbhlcrs Crom City high gynl to till' unlv.'r· thlA will bp lh"h' first game of tbe Phi J'Ioi'S , in Luebcke whiCh Is believed by Coac,," on offense was stili present. we('l< when It trOunced the PI K. A. "Ily fll'l(lhou~c court. Friday night 8eal'lOn. Practically II of I l D[LVe FOl'rster I d Phi Psi In It!! Harold Scars at Il meeting ot Ute In their gllme wllb Sl. \I'enceHlaus. SwenSOn to be the best In the Preparing for the tilt with Glad· ·.red DolphIn club In the fleldhouse yes­ As a result. 1M enllre squad took qUintet 21 to 9. Alll1andcrs was tho thl' Town City team .. ngog"", th )'car's stron/( \l'am A'11Hlllate wa" Ihe Inability or ('hm'k (01' 10 of Sigma Nu's point to~l. and k('lt"'r~ Ih .. 1'.' .. 1 .. I' II I",!'g. fi,,,,,'. port s~lll"l ulc . E\·.... y Y"lil' a ,"'nlI11 11", rln.l "f a. Ih"'-"-('ont~.L I!~rl ! tor In Ih" Hcrlmmage thA alumni the very near [utUl·e. and choose day afternoon for the trlatblon. Patterson ami Dicit 1I1'1I1y. vptl'l'/lns Lnrry Jrnsen mudp spven for Ihe Th.. fJ"f>~hfll!1n..snphf)IfIOI'( 1"lm. Or "AIlIIIIJIf' athll'tp8 ' .... llOrla to tIl, rl"'J,'e nll<.1"1 e'l'h· (',>Il!'h [>:1111 :\10011 allll allnually tho Pinllshlp. the cOmpetition. This Is by far th(' Maher. .To... Oaulachel·. and Dlclc Dolphin members and participants most men ever 10 report (or I he T4t1ltl"cien. ]\fail"r an(1 Fay 3>1weared In tile Dolphin wlltel' carnival are trials. to bt· Ihl' olllstan{ting players fOI' eX(lectoo to allend the annual af­ IhlR l]lIlntf't wilh thPlr clOR(> gllnrel. Calr. Tn MdltIon to Harkness. t hn~p re­ Int.: and RIlC)()ting. Prelslvc comhlnatlon was composed (Il'aw up 0. new constitution tOI' the meyer. Kenny SUe ns. JohnnJ of Capt. Hili 'chl nk. ('entel·. JolIn club and Bob Sweitzer. John Stark. Schmidt and ],'rancls cretzmpyer. Alberhasky and BcIb Strably. guards. and Bob Cbrlstlans were appointed Freshmen Include EOis. Luebclte. and U-O Chadrk and Louis Grimm. to work out the ncw sct of by­ STUDENT SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS Smith. paul Ross. nale MotlS, [OJ'\vards. laws. ",II James L. Wilson. Ray Sigman. GRADUATE STUDENTS Classified Advertising Rates Richard McComb. Morton Gol<1, I!'OR TYPEWRITERS RENTED Ro~s carney. Earl Conrad. }<'Ioyd THESIS REQUIREMENTS 11'EOlAL CJA.SIl JUTE&-A apeclal discount tor date ot the ad. Talle advlUlta"e ot \.be ebb rate. A. k about OU\' spe('ia\ Denn. R. W. Hampton and Hal'vcl Approvpd BOnd Papers oash will b, allowed on aU ellUl,lllad Advertlsln.. printed In Bold trP. below. , Davis. (Special Price lor Ream Boxes) account.. pald within .bJ: cla.ya from uplraUon ~11)d"nt R(lntal Purcha.se High Grad~ Carbon Paper Plan Typewriters to Rent- No. of \No.Ofl One Da., Two l>a,):J I Three Daya I FoUl' Day. I Flv. Day. I sbJ: Day. WILLIAMS Worda Llne801illr&'ei casli jChlU'gdllJii'iih IChargel Ql8h IChlll'gel Cash IChargel Cash IChar"e/CUh ROYAL Blue ·eager Up to 10 2 I .28 / .z3 I ~3 .1Af I •• 2 ,SS I .~1 A6 I .DD .M I .68 .62 IOWA SUPPLY I I I I TYPEWRITER SHOP 10 to 111 1.211 .z3 .115 .60/ ,66 I .60 I .77 I .70 I .88 I .80 I .99 I .90 The store with the Red Sign ,• 122 Iowa ave. (near Iowan) Lose 25·19 To m to 20 .89 .u :rt ,10 I .90 I .u I 1.08 I .HI 1.17 I 1.08 I 1.30 I LtS 11 to 26 ~ .IiO M .9G .90 I 1.14 I LOI 1 1.30 I 1.18 I 1.45 I 1.3% I 1.61 I U6 COAL ft to SO • .81 .66 I 1.21 I 1.10 I 1.89 I U8 ~ 1.56 /1.62 I 1.14 I 1.68 I 1.91 I 1.76 HAULING Phi Gam Quint n to 811 , .72 .65 I US I LSD I l.63 I US I 1.88 I 1.86 \ 2.02 I 1M 2.22 2.OZ I I LONG D18TAlI/CEl and .,eaeral Shopping Guide 38 to 60 S JIB .74 I 1.64 I 1.50 I 1.87 I L70 I 2.09 I :uo I 2.81 I %.10 2.53 :>..sO For I I haullng. Furolture mov~ cra~ BETTER Heat 41. to til .N .8Il 1.87 L10 2.11 1.92 2.311 2.U 2.60 Giving hla University high school I I I I I I 12.36 I 2.84. I it.1iI and shipped. 46 to GO it)• .94 2.09 2.811 ibasketball aqu/ld a final opportnn­ Use 1.06 I 1.90 I I 2.14 I 2.62 I 2.118 / J.88 / :.82 / 8.14 I 2.se THOMPSON'S TRA.N8J'.1l1R 00. ity to test Its offensive tactics ~l to G6 11 1.18 LOll 2.31 I UO I 2.60 / 2.36 I 2.88 I 2.62 I B.17 I 2.88 I 8 .4~ 1 a.14 Dial 8et4 against an outside team before Uto ,Blucs open the 193G-87 9('hedule • pgalnst Wellman tomorrow night. Kinlmum ahar.. e 2110. Special )on.. term ratea of word. In the ad. Th. number and letter In a TRA1' SFER-STOBAGB Coach William Wood scnt the Rlv­ rurl:l.hed on r.qu.. t. Each word In the advertise· blind ad are to be counted as on. word. .ermen agaln.8t the Phi Gamma _ ~ GIFTS _. ~ GIFTS ment mUit be couoted. The prefix.. "For Sal.... Cla.ulfled dJspla,y, lIOc per Inch. Buslnu. carda BARRY TRANSFER • per column Incb, S5.00 per month. Delta lratcrnlty quintet In a lhree­ "For Rent." ''Loat,'' ul! .lmilar one. at the begln­ Moving-Bag.... , ~_ Fo~ Everybody ~ For the Home CIaJ!sitled adverUslng In by • p.m. 11'111 b. pu b­ Ere1&'ht quarter length battle whleh lh9 Dina of ada are to be counted In the total number IIshed the foUowln, mornln •. Greek lettermen won. 25 to 19, on ~. ~------Stor.... the river school's tloor yes! rday A FLOCK OF COAL. JOHNSON A PORTRAIT FROM SCHARF'S Ilrternoon. Coal company. Dial 6464. OLEANING AND PRESSING ,,-===:::::Cr=oe. studio. Furnace Lump ___ .... _.... _.$8.00 WANTED-LAUNDRY ..= :=§:cou=nt17===H.&=uJIU~Dial .47. ' The game WaJ! stopped on several CHASE GIFTS. GRUNOW RA- WANTED-STUDENT LAUNDRY. occasions tor coacblng Instructfons. Furnace Egg _.... __ ... ____ . ___ 7.75 GLA DSTONE BAGS. OVERNIGHT dlos ani! refris-erators. Lamps. Very rea.,onable; Call tor and dl). REI' AIR SHOP Miller and Sohnoebelen. forwards; CIIRCS. bill folds. key easel! and electrical applia.nees. Jackson Elec­ Furnace Nut ____ ... ___ ..... _. 7.00 livery. Dial 6529. Jllnman. center; Rlea and Kneb.l. manlc11l'o BrtS. Fl'yauf's LeaUter Itrio and Gift sbop. o tr brtn, u.WAN~~D 70ur lool ••• "_ 11 guards. played most or lhe (j me 'good~. PICTURE FRAMING NEATLY Furnace Stoker .. __ ..... _____ 6.50 WANTED-STUDENT LAUNDRY. The "ora. J::IouM-Car-Tru.aQ .te. fOr the Jllgh school. Reasonable. called tor and de· NOVO~'NY'8 "J·r" 1 0. '1' MAS T R E E S ALSO done. Plate glass mln·ora. all 216 80. CJJUI