, . • Rain or SlWU1 News IOWA: UiII' ...... 01" wao .., 1IIIbU,. .....r .. ntn.M -t.beaH, colder fa CI8IdnI IIW ..., ~ 1OdIu': ~ eoWer toai,tat UId toIDOIftW'. ~ ~------- - I 0 tI7 a "y'. Morn'n, N e R • P • per Flashes F,IVE CENTS The Associated PM!ItI IOWA CIT,Y, IOWA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1936 VOLUME XXXVI NUMBER 158 NO WORD FROM CAPT. MOLLISON CAPETOWN, south Africa, Dec, 2 (AP}-AllJclcty wae felt tonight for the safety of Capt, J(\mCs Mollieon as searchers planned to leavn at d[Lwn to search (01' the flier al\d ' his BANlSBED BABBOO }i'rench' co·pl\ot, Edouard Cor· Storm Heads "Capture~' : Conyict Who Never Esc. ~ped London Times Appeals For nlgUon:Mollnlcr, missing on a . flight fro'm London to lhe cape, For Manila On ** ** ** >Ic* ** ** ** >Ic* Child Returns to Normal Statement to 'End for Good Their plano had not been report. Lifer H. M. ~vans Lives in Bu rro'Y Beneath Prison Hospital ' After Verbal now cd. Hlnce being elghted Jl~1' caPe A,gulhaa, the moat Bouth· Strong Winds *** *** I ••• • , r.U!JMPHIS, Tenn., Dec.:I Rum:ors Surroundina Throne' erly poln l of Aflica, abou t l:lO ~'T . MADISON, Dec. 2 (A,.P)-A bad, lo his Ilavclt '~h.n dawn came t058 ovcr an upright On one or the (A.P}-Four·year·old Emmie WII· ... tljilC8 off ~helr co~rse. Ft. MadiSOn prison , gu~'d . d~gged and found him stili a I)rl80nel'. cell hOUHeS and thell pull up a rope lIOn ceased today the stream of P~lson o[flclale ceasOned Bvans I'd made, lC I could have got on Inbabitants Prepa~ed' ; lifer 'H. M. :Evans from benca~h the chlldlllh ba.bble that tor more Paper De~lares Effect of Scandal Will Damage Slipped away with the cro,vd or out· top that cell hOUse I could bave got than two weeks ' hu flowed INTERNAL CRISIS Temporary Buildings floor o[ a small prison buildIng, used siders who came to sec tho conviots ov I' tbo wall. I waited thoUgh for ahnost wit'hout Interruption Monarchy; Telegraph Endorses Talk Of Are Blown Down as a hospital ward, here today and play football. somo time before trying It, because from his lips. Prime Minlstq Baldwin With Edward SEEN IN STRIKE "caplu.'ed" a convict who nevcr es· ':That's what I flgU'I'c(l you'd lIg· I tlgured all the fuss about me es· "Emmlo Is recovering ' nlcely 'IL \ ne a ITI .... ) p ure," Evans lQld gua.rJs lOday, "that caplng WOUld die down and I'd bave and ,probably will go home In ' 'i">ANCloIf'>O, ""'c. 2 (.""r- 1IIAN ' . C. ll1r""o.y (A ) capcd. (EdItor'. note: The following ,tory Is ba.IIed on s, London TImes edltorlai SAN "" D.....v- .UC you'd ncv I' think to look tor me a better cbance of not getting picked tour or live da.ys," hl8 physician publJ.sbed tbls mornIng and extracts from It are published by open eok ..... twAetl Aut and -High wlndH, heralding an ap. For more than a mOnth, tl,lOU,h, All br • "" ~ ~- ~ rIght here In lhe prison, . So WhCD u,~ Bald, The lad pla.yed ha:pplly­ permlselon or the London Tlmca a.nd of the 'New york TImes, Th ,,'e8t lon"shOI'omen's leaders showo<! pl·oa.chlng tyPhOon, In crca~CIl In In. officers over the country have been I fOund I CQuid get In und I' the "But did yOU ever lry 'throwing a and silently. lie t.alkeu nonn8.1· latter hBS exclusive t1ghts tor p\.ibllcauon In the UnJted States of mattel' 81gn8 tOlught or drawing the PrO· tenHlty today. IlunUl\g lbls Turin rOblx!r and lOng· building 1I1rough some loose bOards, golf ,ball around Olle or th06e up. Iy. The 'doctor diagnosed tha a,oppearln&' In the London TImes.) longed m!lrltime Htrlke toward an The atorm alJprOachCd Mauila on time criminal who once escaped I cached ..II the food and wate" I rights? I've tried Il night after case definitely as encepha.llt1a Internal crisis, All hands watchea a 60.mlle an hour s'ale, It fIrst from Leavenwol·th, Kan., federal could, I've jived mo~l(y on bread, night and I COUldn't get It to come -& brain Inflammallon that LONDON, Dee. 3 (Thursday) (AP1-The great "London the port of New york for Indications prison, and once broke out of the cheeso and cilOcolate bars I bought down right, or elsc the string would 80metimes apPear_ &8 "aleep' Times" appealed editoriaUy today to IGllg Edward for "orne as to how far the e&8tern ateVedorca strUck the Islands alon" the coast state reformatory at Monroe, '\Vash. at the canteen, get caught. Ing alckn.e811." authoritative act or "tatement" to "end once and for all" rumOrR would gO In working sbJpe declared of Ta.,yabas provInce. Came Out at Nlgbt Aided OJ' Patients "I finally gsve It up and tlgured surrounding the throne because of his friendihip for Wallis "unCalr" by weslern longShoremen. Centcr 01 the typhoon was last Y t all the tlme since oct, 2., "When It began to 1:1111 low. a eou· to just lay low and walt tor a WORK FOR SANTA Wa.rfield Simpson, American born divorcee. Harry Bridges, coast president oftj reported to be about 100 mile8' When he turned up missing after" Pie of the 'lungers' (tile building Is break. I'd have just gone on llvlng The first of London's large dailies to come clearly into the the International longshoremen's as· Isouthwest of herc. Its course pM80n footbail game, hc lived In a used to house tub'l.rclliosis patients) under that building. I had nothing open OD the issue, whi~h created a government crisis and broul!'lh !IOClatlon, pressed campaign for changed early tbls mornIng to a burrow under the building. At night started me what they to lose. I wonder how that bull Hollywood Will Pay hl~ ~1iI>plng . · . · . jreporls of the cabinet's threat to "Inland" 8upport of the strike atter more wcsterl), dlrcction. he would come out, 8l1nk about the Icould. ~ got wise to mc?" Milliol18 for Gifts resign, the Timee did not mention aecusln" Joscph P. Ryan, I , L. A. LIttle dama"e WaS reported In the pl'lson yard and try to find Borne "I had a golf ball rigged up with WhiCh waH something prison oW. Mrs. Simpson by name, but asserted presldcnt, of "strikebreaking." City becaUSe people had sufficient way over the walls, then 8CUrry a string whIch 1 thought [ could clnl8 declined to explain. HOLLYWOOD. Cal" Dec. 2 (A.P)­ Edward May reports In America were "dOing warning to prepare for the blow, of. --------- The Hollywood Ohamlx!r of Com· Infinite harm In the UnIted Stale8 flclals said. However, the wind flat. SEND merce esllmated today that Santa. Q uit T0 day, and. tbe British dominion,." MOVE TO tened tempol'ary structures here Claus will drop ,15,000',000 worth of Conceding that the king wu "en' PROBERS TO SPAIN la.st night. 1,000 Attend 1st Night of Auto Show gifts down movie COlOny chimney.. Paper Reports titled to Itla relaxation and com· Taya.bas and other LUzOn Island next Chriatmaa, provinces were swept by a typhoon LONDON, Dec. 2 (AP)-The In. "In fact, December buying may LONDON, Dec. 3 (AP)-Tbe lest, only six weeks ago, when at least ternational non.1nlervention com· Carnival Atmosphere ' go as high &.8 $17,000,000," eald Carl NEW YORK, oee, 2 (AP}­ News Chronicle, nrst London 646 perSOns were killed and the F.D.R. Heads ,Glass Workers )i1ee mlttee, beset with British charge8 Busb, elteeutlve .IIecretary. The New york Tlmca, In a Lon. missing totaled 1,0'46. That storm daII, to mention openly Mr. that Corelgners are fighting In de· Is Prevalent At The eedma.tell wero based on 1935 do", dispatch tonight, &88ON centered to thc nortb of Manila. Wallis Warfield ShnPson and :ord Cense eC Madrid, tOday moved to totals, Movletown merchanta p ... tbat conflict lx!tweea KIng Ed­ The Philippine Clipper, ready for For Homeland Fieldhouse Join in Strike send observer8 to Spain. The com· ~J1ct an Increase of from 10 to 20 ward and hla cabInet has reo her POMlbie marrtage to Kina leri. a routine fllgbt to the United Stales, EdWard, UUe8teIJ today that mlUee authorizcd lelters to bead. Only II. sideshow barkel' and a fer· per cent, Bueh said. suited In 0. crlsl8 "InvolvIng the postponea its departure for tbe Bee· HoiJywoOd statisticians believe this such .... t~ lo\, match-lind (juarlers of bOth belUge1'9nts asking I'ls wheel were nee<l~(l 10 com pi te Action May Seriously P0881ble abdlcatlon of tbe king Iker ond successlvo day beca use of tho U. S. Delegation Stays a democratJc one at tbat-­ plll'mission to scnd rpprCsentat]ves J.tmo~phere Is tbo 'buylnA'·est' communIty In thi) tomorrow," It also reporta ru· typhoon. Likewise tile Chins, Clip. the jovIal carnival at would be popular." lese to InvesUgale reported munlUons Behind to Represent the unlvorslty fleldhou8e last night. Affect Automobile world for Its sl"o. This cOmes not mors that ~rs, WallJ.s wa.rneld per delayed ils flight from Guam to shipments to each, The British de· One thOusand (Irst nl"lItel's, the from' volUme, Bueh said, but from SimpSon wo\lld leaVe tl)e coun­ Manila, Country at Parley Production one lDand that the "roup bar foreign largest crowd cver to visit all lOW'" the value of the gifts lhe high ea.1.
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