Animals of the Taiga Plains Photo: Dan Dzurisin, Flickr LEAST minimus

Appearance Least are yellow-grey to brown-grey top with black and white side stripes that run from head to the base of the tail. They have orange-brown sides with a white-white belly and long light brown/grey-yellow tail. Range & Habitat The least chipmunk likes pastures, open coniferous forests, rocky cliffs and sagebrush deserts, and can be found throughout most of south-western Canada, reaching as far north as southern , and as far east as , with a southernmost extreme in and north-western . Diet & Behaviour Chipmunks hibernate from November until March, emerging to feed on young leaves and shoots, earthworms, insects and flowers until their favourite foods, (seeds, nuts and berries) become available. On rare occasions, chip- munks eat small birds and . Chipmunks fill their stretchy cheek pouches with the food they collect, and store it in their nests or in small holes they have dug in the ground. Chipmunks play an important role in the spread of trees, shrubs and plants when they leave ‘left-over’ seeds in their underground storage places because buried seeds are more likely to germinate than seeds lying on the surface! Lifecycle & Threats Chipmunks mate in spring, giving birth to litters of four to six young within a month. Although it takes young chip- munks nearly five weeks to open their eyes, they grow quickly to become adults by September! Chipmunks face no serious threats. Conservation Status BC: Yellow List (apparently secure) in the Taiga plains. Subspecies Orecetes and Selkirki are blue and red listed in the Kootenays More Information