Bachelor of Film and Graduate Certificates How To Apply Television Entry Requirements Applications are made through SATAC. Entry Requirements Applicants seeking entry to the program For more information on will have: Bachelor of Film and Television visit: Meet any prerequisite requirements with a minimum grade of C- or equivalent completed a three-year Bachelor of-film-and-television degree from a recognised higher AND SATAC code: 444471 education institution in media arts or Qualify for the South Australian VFX For more information on Certificate of Education (SACE), and or Graduate Certificates visit: achieved a competitive Selection Rank (ATAR), or completed a related discipline or completed an Advanced Diploma in Complete secondary qualifications Dynamic Effects and Lighting Screen and Media or equivalent from equivalent to SACE, or SATAC code: 4GC103 an accredited registered training Complete the International organisation Baccalaureate Diploma with a minimum Compositing and Tracking or score of 24 points SATAC code: 4GC102 relevant industry experience as deemed Applicants who have not achieved the equivalent by the University of South Selection Rank required for automatic Australia. selection may be selected for any Contact remaining places based on the grades All applicants must submit a showreel Dr Josh McCarthy of their year 12 subjects. of their own work and a curriculum vitae Program Director outlining their relevant experience. University of South Australia
[email protected] 08 8302 4512 Anna Hodge Manager, Training and Education Rising Sun Pictures Inspire. Create. Deliver.
[email protected] 08 8400 6505 Study Visual Effects MORTAL KOMBAT © 2021 WARNER BROS.