Clark, of New Brighton, S. I. Mr. Clark Aviators' Ball is a graduate of St. Paul's School, Con- Her cord, N. H. and was a student at Cc- Betrothal Is Announced himbia until the Beethoven Census Gives St. Louis was ordered favorjabl] reported to-dav ln outbreak of the war. Society Church Women to by the Senate Penaions Comaiittee. March, 1911, he joined tho navy and This is tho tir.-.t To Be served on board the U. S. S. Noma in Ends First Season Population of 773,00C pension k-jri^lation To-night foreign waters The Noma formerly Open 100 'Saloons*; affecting these veterans lo come befer* Brilliant Affair was the yacht of Vincent Astor. In Noted Its Rate of Growth in Last Dec Drive Planned Congress. Dr. and Mrs. George Banks, of Pat- Triumph ade the Lowest in Its May orson, N Y., have announced en¬ gagement of their the Chamber Music, History ON UNCLE SAM'S Debutantes and ence daughter, Miss Flor- Ideally "Week of Younger Banks. to Charles E. Sellers. of Heard Under WASHINGTON, April 13..St. Louis Thousand Teas" Matrons Are 011 Windsor, son of Mr. Played, Best fourth city of the in hac WATER WAGON Junior \V. H. Conn., and Mrs. country 1910, Is Expected to Provide Sellers. of Baltimare. Miss Conditions; Sonata Com¬ a population of 773,000 on By Helen Committee, While Banks 18 8 graduate of the Jauuary Members and Wmtkeys Moore Many Catherine this year, and showed an o Funds to A h.'ok 01* 500 Aikcn School, Stamfoid, Conn., and of posed for Prussian increase recipes for Folk Will Assist King or 12.5 over Out Idea delicious d r in k s Stage Wellesloy Collcge. Mr. Sellers is a 85,971, per cent., ten yeari Carry of League which graduate of Bucknell. He served in ago. The rate of tht can bo made in tlie home. the nviation By H. E. Krehbiel growth during corps as a lieutenant dur¬ last ten was the One hundred "saloons" are to be At .111 BoektelUrt ing the war. The Beethoven Association years smallest of ant Gladys Lyons Engaged brought decade since the founding of the citj opened by the Churchwomen's League C P. PUTNAM'S its first season to a close with a con- and the increase in number was smallel for SONS Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Holt announce than in Patriotic Service, according to New \. I fuidon Miss Lucinda D. Bateson the postponement cert in Aeolian Hall last night. The any decade since that ending of the weddinsr of m 1880, when the rate of increase wai plans announced yesterday at the home their daughter, Miss Florence success which has attended the six 12.8 To Be Married to to Roger May Holt, per cent. of Mrs. Whitelaw Reid, at 451 Madi¬ To-day Batchelder, on account of Miss meetings has probably been a surprise Other returns announced were: Ilope s illness, to April at the son Avenue. M. B. More, of Buffalo tiotham. 26, Hotel to the members of the association. Watertown. N. Y., 31,263, an increase o) The marria<*-e was to have 4,533, or 17 per Pa. In order to get members and funds taken place to-day. At the outset it does not seem to cent; Uniontown, for The second annual Aviators' Ball will have had increase of 2,265, or 17 per cent; Du this work a "Week of One Thou¬ be held this at the any deeper purpose than to quesne, Pa., 19,011, increase of 4,_55 sand Teas" wili be held evening Ritz-Carl- The marriage of Miss Katherine E. enable a or 13.9 beginning May ton. and to be a brilliant af- few artists of first class abil¬ per cent; Tamaqua, Pa. 12,363 1 promises Steyvard daughter of Mr. and Mrs. increase of or in the homes of prominent members fair. It is under fashionable ity and repute to the sordid con- 2,901, 30.7 per cent. patron- Campbell Meward, to Hallett Johnson, forget - > of the The at age, and several of last winter's deb- 0 ventions of their league. meeting Mrs. * , diplomatic service. profession and as as -n An]encan per- Reid's home was to this utantes, well the older girls and will taKe place in St. James'* Church, form music for the love of preliminary matrons of a it. Bee- On young society, form Goshen, N. _., 22. The May drive, but $1,500 was collected. May ceremonv thoven's we Going name, was chosen To-day junior committee which will assist at followcd by a recention and believe, Ten thousand members are nccded he dance. The and Jjbe as one a army navy will be wedding breakfast at Grasslands, the providing rallying ground on DAY for the work. and many aces will of the represented, country place bride's parents. which all musicians couid meet, not American Museum of Natural Historv be present. There will be Russian because there was a AdmlHSion free. The Rev. H. Silver and other Mr. belief on the part Percy described dances attractive features and Mrs. W. Bourke Cockrar of the originators of the plan that Metropolitan Museum of Art. Admlsslor the work of the model "saloon" which on the program. tneater Party last nt there was need free. theg.VH-a eveninR of propaganda for Bee- Van Coctiand Pnrk Museum. Admlsslor the maintains at l(r.ii/ii7 your babv is not Among those on the committee are Vanderbilt to sefe Irene. The puests thoven's music. free. league 243 Kast enough Miss Rcnee Carhart, Miss Mary C. Al¬ occupied two boxes. Its Tho Aquarium. Admlaslon free Thirty-fourth Street. The building is .tne food must naurith! Babies exander, Miss Alice M. Davison, Miss Future Assured Zoologloal Park. Arimlsston frfe. Mrs. has The of the Industrial Show. 23d Reglment provided by Reid, in a former dematnl not only certain kinds of Mary Osgood Field, Miss Adrienne M. King George bestowed the rank ideality enterprise and Iledford and Armory, mansion Miss Constance of Commander of the Order of the delightful artistic Atlantic avenuea, Brooklyn once occupied by one of tho foodti, but these food* must he lselin," Jennings, Miss ish the Brit¬ fellowship which all day. Marion Carroll, Miss Audrey N. Os- Empire upon Frederick Cunliffe- it illustrated seem to have made a Exposition of tho National Marine Leag-uc Astors, with spacious rooms easliy Van Owen, of this for services con¬ to ot the United States of properly proportioned, properly born, Miss Katherine Ingen, Miss city, in peculiarily eloquant appeal the Central America. Grand turred into libraries, pool and billiard G. Van Rensselaer, Miss Grace nection with the war. lovers of chamber music, and nuite un- Palace. all dav. prepared. Dr. Naac A. Abt. the Sylvia the Convention of the American Paper and rooms, a bowling alley, shower buths Yanderbilt. Miss Marion Tiffany, Miss expectedly association finds itself i ulp Association, Waldorf-Astoria, all and dance hall. child specialtst of , in his Elizabeth Frank and others. A rummarre sale in aid of the Justine so well established in popular favor as day. many VVard a book- the entertainers will be Music Method, 128 Etist Fiftv- well as financially that its future ac- Convention of the American Prug Manu- "Barkeep" Friendly FHIow Arnonsr Anne facturers, Hotel Blltmoro. all dav. Wheaton, Stella Hobari, Louise eighth Street, will be hold on April 20, tivity seems assured. The name does onventlon of Dr. Silver said that Groody, 21 and 22. under not the Special Llbraries Asso¬ before prohibi Miss Evan Ehirrows Fontaine, Helen the manR^eiiieii' of necessarily imply a restricted ciation, Hotel McAlpin. tion went into cftect he had THE BABY'S FOOD ar.d Nat Mrs. Adrian fselin. This sale will af- horizon. Luncheon of the Legion of Advertising much spent Shipman Leitzig. Others from a time the saloona fe - the theatrical who have ford wondcrful onnortunity to buy The program of last concert Uomen. Keen's Kngrllsh «*hop of this mvestigating you all those ihings you want profession imported gowns, night's rhlrty-sixth Street, eaat of Sixth Ave¬ neighborhood to see what thej taken tablcs anti to be also" bric-a-brae and embraced three eompositions, the nue, 12:30 m. to li iow in oi 'ri thsi promise present pictures from some i>. Address bv Miss Flor- really gave the men tha: was of per youi baby are Ethel Barrymore, Irene of the best known pianoforte trio in I) major, Op. 70, No. enee Prevost. manent that Bordoni, collectors in New York. Mrs. tho sonata Luncheon of the 47 East value, should be incoi maj be properly nourished. $1.25. Mae Murray, Florence Walton, Quida Iselin 1; in G minor, for piano¬ 4 Advertising Club, porated into saloon will be assisted by Mrs. Lvttleton forte and we,,ty-flfth Streei. at noon. Address substitutes. 11, \ l Bergere. Eleanor Sinclair, Virginia Fox, violoncello, and the quintet in by Dr. Charles A. Eaton. found, he said, that the BOOKSTOBXfl OR Alma Pell and L Mil'er. Mrs. Frederick C for two violins, two violas and vio¬ Address "barkeep,"Vi Evans, Mrs. Morris Gest. r._trf.*_-i?,arrJf.Childs, Mrs. by George Otla Smith at a many instances, was a good citizen and Rudolph Schirmer, Mrs. loncello. In the trio the players v/ere luncheon of the Asphalt Association En¬ real friend to his W. B. SAUNDERS CO. Miss Lucinda Davis Henry Poor, Mrs. Duncan G. Harris, Harold Bauer, Fritz Kreisler and Wil- gineers Club, 32 West Fortleth Stret. 1 patrons. Bateson, daugh¬ Mrs. Rufus King and Mrs. Charles E« lem in o'clock. "There waa ono barkeep who was Philadelphia ter of Mrs. Charles E. Bateson, wili be Willeke; the sonata, Messra Klwanls luncheon, Hotel McAlpin. 12 SO so genial and and Mltchell. Bauer and m. friendly competent." married this afternoon to Willeke; in the Address by Judge Reuben .. he Morgan B. Messrs. quintet p.Haslsell. said, "that we made him a proposi- More, of Buffalo, at the home of her Kreisler, Hans Letz, Lonis Luncheon tion to run our substitute E. Farrar Mrs. William Low Rice and Miss Vir- Svecenski, Eduard Kreiner and Willeke. of the New Tork Electrir-al saloon after brother, Bateson, 64 East ginia Ten Eyck Rice have returned League, Hotel Astor. 12:S0 p. m. he gave up his saloon. And the only Fifty-fourth Street. The will from Novelty did not enter into this Meeting and luncheon of the Eclectlo Club. reason he didn't THE ceremony Pasadena, Cal., where thev were schemc. The 11 get the job was that I he perform»d by the. Rev. Herbert of Mr. music was all familiar waldorf-Astoria, a. m. one 1 him and it guests and Mrs. Francis F. Pren- to the majority of those who listened Meeting of tho New York Brownlng So¬ night caught sliding the Shipman. will be followed by a tiss. They will be at 550 Park Avenue ciety, Waldorf-Aatoria. 2 p m. glasses of ginger ale under the counter 4o it, though the violoncello sonata does Meeting of reception. until they go to Southampton in July. not American business men under for a swig of something that was not ITALIAN COOK BOOK li often figure on the progroms of .-luapices of the American Commerclal ale. concerts. It is Association to promote trade with Rus¬ ginger Dr. and Mrs. B. of pubhc the product of so sia. Hotel "I to. a THE ABT Stanley Lyons, Under the auspices of the Woman'*) an Astor. 2 p m talked hat check bov in a OF E4TIHQ WELl 1 223 East Thirtieth have an¬ mtcrestinpr episodo in Beethoven's Luncheon of tho hotel Street, National Farm and Gnrden Association, Miss t oster career that it is Theater Gulld at the Coa- saloon soon after prohibition Practical of tho nounced the engagement of their a talk on "Flower Gladys Lyons worth discussion. Club. 12:46 p. m. SpeaUers. went into effect and Recipes j Arrnn-rement," will Her engagement to Bruce B. Preas has In 1796 Beethoven mppolltan-Miss Margaret Dudlev learned that he daughter, Miss Gladys Foster Lyons, be given by B. F. of been announced. She is a had been four and Maurlce Wychercy,6b Uigges made $100 a week. Not from to Bruce Letaon, Boston, of daughter years a resident of and fame Brown. checking \ Italian Cuisine Bushonc P"reas, of Johnson at 3 o'clock this afternoon at Dr. and Mrs. D. of «+,.««+ of course. \ the home Stanlcy Lyons, 223 Emrt. TMrH-H, Credit Association Build¬ hats, He said he sold son of Dr. of and prosperity had come to him. He Ll'i"l'h"S.ning Trade.°,f th?Hotel PASTRIES-SWEETS-FROZEN City, Tenn., and Mrs. J. H. Mrs. J. H. Lancashire. 7 East was Pennsylvania, 12:45 whisky to the hotel patrons at $25 fl Preas. Miss Lyons is a member of one Street. A brief admired beyond measure by the a bottle that cost DEUCACIES AND SYRUPS Sevcnty-flfth descrip- music-loving of the Aus-I Merchants Association, him $8." II of New York's old families. She be- tion of an English herb fjarden by Mrs. The states aristocracy rj\T.!if>°nMembers'.<",-.,h',Council, Hotel Compiled by r to the New play the problems of a nvtm- trian capital. He kept a valet and a Astor. 12;rt0 Third Avenue to Get "Saloon" longs York Mozart Society S. A. Brown will also be given. rer ot individuals b>" .'*-. H. Smlth and Mrs. "Night without horse. He also the lure ¦?.'_!,_; Adderes,sea " Miss L. Maria and other Lodging" attemptinte felt of travel: t.eoige C. Taylor on S. Gentile ft organizations. Mr. Preas is also to solve them. "Transportiition Day, secretary of the a graduate of the of and, yielding to it, visited Prague and league. announced that the second of Vniversity Tennes¬ Seen at Put though no ONE VOL CLOTH see and will be Mrs, Wilson to Attend "Night Lodging" tells Berhn, possibly passing through Dres- w»_V, est tS#,Pat?rV ..¦..'"ealoglcnl Hall, 220 the "church saloons" would be $t,25 J graduated from Belle- Again story in the senso in which den Fifty-nighth Street, 11 n m opened SEN'DTHBOKOI TU C vue Medical School in June. No that word and Leipsic. °f very soon at Third Avenue and date is used in the Avenue and Education.' Park has been set for Book Fair popuhr theater, it is AvLn?,.0_^6_RSard.Fifty-ninth street .» n m Street, in a former coj ITALIAN the wedding. of Pen Women The Plymouth olten vastly This is Snuffbox of Cold Lecture by Mrs. Seventy-eighth BOOK CO. exciting. particu¬ He Theodora F. Pope on ner saloon. There are thirty live g>i- 145-47 larly true of all these moments in spent several weeks in and poslgn in Textiiea ror High School in the MULBERRY ST. The engagement is to Metropolitan rages she and v * NKW announced of Secretary of State Colby Open which Miss Gilda Varesi is on th» gave concerts at the court of Frederick 3-45 Museum 0f Art, neighborhood, said, YORK. N-. Y. ?4iss Jean Antoinette Knevals, Gilda Varesi Excite- William II of much demand among the chauffeurs T daugh¬ Ceremonies Incident to Brings stage. Her performance- as Vassilisa Prussia. This King was Annual meeting of the a ter of Mrs. Louis Saunders Sale; not a members of the for "club." Knevals, of mciit to is one of extraordinary power, and it only music lover, he was also an New York Peace Society, Hotel Astor. S. L, to Roosevelt Dinners in Excellent Per¬ is amateur "' The Rev. Charles L. rector Livington, Lesure Many Washington also animated nnd enriehed with a performer on the violoncello. S'Straua will and Slattery. Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. From Thr In apeak pre^ide of Grace Church, described the work Appleton L. Trp.une's "Washington Purenu formance of Gorki's Pro- wealth of small detail. Miss Varesi I his musical menage was Pierre Du- of the has a Cow.Per Pow-v" °" "Span- Grace Church Club nmong for WASHINGTON, April 13,-Mrs. thought of everything. Pauline port, violoneellist, brother of the LTahUArtbyv.°ihn '." lne mer ¦/SWSSS'S///////S/SS/////SAW///S/SS/////////////////S/. Hall . Ocnealogical patrons of saloons. He Wtttnam Waodrow Wilson has the ir.- found HiiBsiun Life Lord, who was in tho more famous Jean Louis crea- Vor ;UHiU"*;'.''l advocated accepted Study original produc¬ Duport, p m ^''ty-elghth Street, 4 the establishment of clubs i'or vifation of the of American tion, is but we tor of the niodern 'cello techninue. For work- Bookstprc, EXHIBITIONS AND SALES League missed, like Richard Lecture men on him Beethoven by Xelson R. Mead on "The ing every block by the city Pen Women to attend its book fair, to By Heywood Broun l»iy better than Alan Dienhart. Ther<> composed two sonatas, United states and Spanlsh-Amerlca" west45St-