
Palabras clave ruina. su evitar para actuar debemos ypor eso peligro en está planeta que nuestro observaremos grupo, del letras las analizar Al naturales. desastres de víctimas alas ayudar de necesidad y la medioambiente del cuidado el reclama banda la cómo ecocrítica, perspectiva una de través a mostrará, artículo presente El dañinos. por efectos siendo destruido está que habitamos que de mundo el en el yson conscientes natural que sienten amor universo por el profundo patente dejado el Siempre han naturaleza. momento la do todo en en enorme interés un demostra han Park Linkin rock de americana banda la de miembros los alguna, duda Sin Resumen Keywords avoid devastation. its to consequently, do something we must and, danger in is planet the that to realize us lead will lyrics band’s the Analyzing disasters. of natural victims to help the action take and environment of our care take we should that to claim need the feels band how the stance, ecocritical an through evince, will text following The environment. the in effects harmful by destroyed being gradually is world we inhabit the aware are They universe. natural of the profound love their clear made have they time, same at the and, nature in interest abiding an demonstrated always have Park Linkin band rock American of the members the No doubt all Abstract Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses Estudios de Canaria Revista : Ecocriticism, Environmental Justice, Popular Culture, . Linkin Culture, Popular Justice, Environmental : Ecocriticism, : ecocrítica, justicia medioambiental, cultura popular, Linkin Park. Linkin popular, cultura medioambiental, justicia : ecocrítica, PARK’S DONE”: I’VE LINKIN “WHAT ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Universidad de Valladolid/GIECO-Franklin-UAH María Antonia Mezquita FernándezMaría DOI: https://doi.org/10.25145/j.recaesin.2018.77.06 DOI: SENSIBILIDAD LA HECHO”: HE QUE “LO AMBIENTAL DE LINKIN PARK LINKIN DE AMBIENTAL , 77; november 2018, pp. 73-89; ISSN: e-2530-8335 ISSN: 2018,, 77; pp. november 73-89; different: something “We in believe in the person standing next to us.” next standing person the in () -

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 73 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 74 use of it, “[s]ince free speech has never meant unlimited speech” (Garton Ash 4): (Garton Ash of it,use speech” “[s]ince unlimited never meant has speech free proper make to and it with deal to how learn should we though philosophers and (2).ancient to traditions back dates speech” free free speech right The better of and “(...) Ash, Garton to have is more world-as-city this in well way to together live the to Timothy or, According obeyed, be understood. at least, can that send messages of provides to communication, power one able the and of being to heard with be 15). done” (Abrams something for getting away instrument Music, as an is of Art of songs. the many in glimpsed be can frontman’s the one, insecurities and as easy not fears an was of fame hall the in inclusion their original, despite music highly being their Nevertheless, resources. economic to help needing we act must those oppression that the of stating power and world, on criticizing but also of natural our voicetheir to destruction denounce the on raising not how band only the focuses emphasize it and will stance ecocritical an from Subsequently, lyrics the nature. study will paper the damaging and destroying are beings human ideathat the to transmit have tried and awareness environmental demonstrated profoundalways have the elucidations. members band Theand of six messages environmental above all, and, political social, encapsulate how lyrics the evince we will interviews, certain in also and songs included their in examples ing convey. they By messages the provid and Park’s lyrics Linkin band rock American to inhabit. place fair and worldour asafe constitutes 1). now (Malthus if is arises But, question that the of fate mankind” of future the would[,] that some in measure[,] decisive be changes changes, most important the [a]re society. in progress “[W]e and on big touching a period with changes induced conception our too dueFurthermore, of fluctuated worldto evolved the and has environment the reason, protected. be for must should considered be that us and, of world the to belongs that world, all fact the natural our destroying constantly are beings groups the poorest tendas If be subjugatedtheto richest. human by conflicts, racial evenhave originated advances and tensions;certain differences generated social and universe natural our however, damaged life; have also world they daily our and environment. the have improved Technological and our beings other advances and not are completely positive for human both changes Most scene. of these political of that is Zeno or Philodemus and how much Foucault, but it seems to me a vital to me but avital how it much Foucault, and seems or Philodemus Zeno is of that Idon’t or navigation. how medicine much know like askill, as taught be should speech of free use the that of Sidon) of Zeno argued lectures the reporting (himself Philodemus thinker theEpicurean that us tells Foucault Michael The philosopher (1554-1586) Sidney Philip Theory, that Pragmatic “a work his defended, in the to scrutinize aims paper following the premises, these mind in Bearing 1) (Malthus goal. wished-for the from distance immeasurable an at still remain effort every after and misery, and happiness between oscillation to improvement, aperpetual or condemned be unconceived hitherto and illimitable, towards velocity accelerated with forwards start forth hence shall man whether now atissue, is question great the that said been It has and social the in changes has brought remarkable century twenty-first The - - also focused on denouncing the oppression and the deprived conditions of certain on oppression denouncing the deprived focused the conditions and of certain also 114). (Buell destruction” from ecological free is justice environmental Furthermore, to be right the and interdependence species, the and of all unity ecological Earth, of sacredness Mother the affirms justice “Environmental principles following: the is the of theclause environment.first on The effects adverse their and practices harmful by of nature to abhor destruction objective condemn the was and whose main and principles the Justice of Environmental established where delegates the Summit, People National First tookWashington the in Leadership of Colour Environmental 1991, In lyrics. the to analyze used be will justice– environmental called is rents –that paper, this one In of its cur obviously, and, Arts. included the be in musicArts can coexist: must nature and beings human attested, Darwin 98) as (Buell and, “ecocentric face” an it has that is of Ecocriticism face distinctive the that declare hope. not when Some are it alone critics and, to comes solidarity, still ings is there be human that we admit assumption, may environment. previous the Considering our regarding those especially actions, our and behaviour our publicthe to change that: belief to the Butler adheres oppression injuries. Judith and natural and convey to social references music can and xiv). media the aconsequence, media” (Garton the Ash and As politics between frontierthe be foundto at mainly are 17) of fact-fixing sources the “In time, our (...). world futile as this in action any we have tosolutions regard barred, are (Sartre For despair. all and if ofavoid astate quietism in people “encouraging to remain and actively part to take so, it and, necessary is not does implyreaction anything without action any an xiii). present” and Although, (Garton of Ash past pictures we fitcompose to that together tiles mosaic of analysis, roads we build from which cobblestones the are “Facts demonstrated. be can which it afact and constitutes is palpable nature to environmentcaused present is being today.natural damage The learn if we are not allowed to take the boat out. (Garton Ash 4) Ash out. (Garton boat the to take not allowed we are if learn We never Sea. can Aegean the across to sail themselves taught mariners ancient as by speech, to navigate world, learn crowded we must this In time. for our thought The discipline of Ecocriticism deals with the representation of nature in thethe in representation with nature of deals Ecocriticism discipline Theof 100) of evolution. (Buell stage highest the to be happen humans if even species, other of any welfare for the than survive humans more for whether no cares that process but by a“natural” providentially not created order of being an of homo sapiens definition the owes ecocentrism critical and literary To Darwin, upon effect have an can that messages music dispatches of this, light In (xii) dissent. political suppressing and liberties civil suspending in results that if costs, shored up it at all be must not mean does that challenged, is sovereignty national If ways. what in and dispossession, violence, unexpected borders, frompermeable suffers outelse who to find of distribution, mechanisms injury, upon findthe to out to reflect chance the oneTo has that means injured be of our of power or abuses destruction denouncing the the sense, this In as as - -

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 75 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 76 as infrastructure to engage people who want to use their skills to skills people their to who use want to engage infrastructure Music as for Relief 2018). (Newman sees disasters” band the “But awareness, natural 30 more than $11 of more than its inception, raised survivors Music has forto assist Relief million 2015). (Blatt to warming” help reduce global trees 1million planted has and “Since disasters of natural for survivors million $6 more than ha[d] raised Relief already protection.” environmental and relief 2015) (Blatt disaster with By 2015, “Music for help provide and direct money “to awareness and for was raise Relief, whose purpose Music organization founded the they 2005 So, to in inhabit. which in place better world the a of pursuit making the in direction their helped change them destroyed world our being that was fears their and messages their with audience the to reach “environmental (77). issues” as Probably, were able they band’s the conviction that governance community and health, sustainability, economical local justice, social to redefine struggle the with begin inevitably almost groups still justice environmental fought by “the Joni most heated battles Adamson, justice, on environmental expert For do, the helpingbut, task. sometimes, people or environment the easy not is an could they they were sure mind what in of idea clear a had always have projects. They and issues and environmental involved get to social in began the band time, first For remarkable. the than less nothing was released Midnight was (2007) to Minutes when experienced thethe band sound, andin evolution, The the lyrics in both award-winning and famous globally published their they just as (1976–2017), Bennington Chester in Xero– 1999,called –first would join band the vocals, music rock honoured Lead scene. the and in apermanent able place to win environment have howfound possible and they solutions to it of our about destruction the comprehend and talks band way the the to examine piece of research applied this be in will Subsequently, notions of Ecocriticism certain it. destroying are beings way human the and about nature to worry began they as point band’s the lyrics, in acrucial of Midnight meant (2007) to Minutes launch alcohol; however, and abuse to drug the owing health mental and relationships , first two environment. our included in Thesongs their and on panorama social the in both prevail, should justice and disappear should oppression that asserting continuously (1977-), Shinoda Mike leaders, world. charismatic One two of their messages sends the around all of fans power to of by to their listened millions be use made always have Park, it patent they is that 1).(Chang Linkin band of rock the case the In embryonic but developing an rapidly of body constitutes research” studies cultural media’,tainable ’eco-media’, and media environmental or ’green culture’ popular women’s movements and grassroots organizing around environmental issues” (4). issues” women’s environmental around organizing movements grassroots and movements, antinuclear and movements, right antiwar civil convergences between movements justice world the environmental around out have grown of decades, last Stein, 29). “[i]n(Garrad Rachel Mei by and Mei Joni stated Evans Adamson, As the water” poor as clean problems lack of or housing such social as defined more usually from things divorced problems clearly groups, be “as environmental cannot social Born in Agoura Hills, , in 1996, the band was 1996, was in band rock alternative the California, Hills, Agoura in Born Popular culture “[w]hether ’sus communication, Popular environmental culture as framed (2000) and Meteora and (2000) (2003), refer to complicated Hybrid Theory - . Bulletin of Bulletin the Atomicin Scientists 2011). (Bennington new” of something beginning the and Currently, timeline the end the of one band– the era with or it –like be end could the of time– our –like “the [was] frontman, to ultimate the idea of the midnight being According time. the or a nuclear war–, in which the phrase “fiveminutesmidnight phrase to the which in or war–, anuclear catastrophe of aglobal possibility the symbolizes –which Clock about Doomsday the documentary Channel aHistory watching while mind to his came atitle such that 2015). (Blatt crew” and projects fans for their construction and cleanups park provide help. plantings, physical tree To organize end, they that tion will come. tion will to recover it. us and Then,redemp urge world the mercy they and demolishing are beings here. Human remains exonerates us and who chastises ideaofthe adivinity “redeeming sins”, our although sense, but sense ametaphorical not in areligious in afact. is this And actions. to harmful our owing vanishing is thebut fight, no not is planet blood there and aphysical or even that alibi suggests Thesong universe. natural the to behavior conserve protect not and is correct the this people to convince that tries band the that it and seems lyrics the throughout felt be can Dehumanization important. really is forget what they and nologically to improve eager tech are world. beings Human natural our world,our specially Minutes to Midnight to its owes to Minutes title Bennington’s He inspiration. admitted What I’ve doneWhat away wash and come mercy let So of uncertainty hands the With slate this Iclean While of me you thought what Put to rest the idea of transmitting is the band if as sense of a regret, distils Thesong I’ve of go what let doneAnd myself Erase I’ve out what to cross become myself face I’ll I’ve doneWhat away wash and come mercy let So lies of athousand From truth the regret I’ve’Cause drawn There’sthere’s no blood, noalibi farewell this In of I’ve destroying thesis the song “What the done?”Basically, encapsulates 2018) (Mecklin challenges. these to address lies capacity the where see to it problems, difficult complex of is such face the In interconnected. and complex are warming global from disruptions climate inexorable nearly the meet power, and nuclear harness the weapons, worldrid to of nuclear challenges The

sustains that 5 minutes means: 5minutes that sustains ” was repeated all all repeated was - -

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 77 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 78 the band was overwhelmed with gratitude. with overwhelmed was band the since needs, basic and to provide donations continued actions and with vital they 2015). (Blatt general” in music the industry but also Moreover, years following the able be of we fans, to not might help felt community onlyand our like mobilize “We need: in for those grief devastation their the saw to transform to react them and pushed theirperspective unified disaster such that assured “Phoenix” Farrell actively. part One of members, David the decided to take they huge devastation, 26 the world.in theinjustices aboutDecember On awareness increase or to suffering who were those to alleviate on to or enroll them donate funds fans encouraged and and created organizations projects world They our danger. in that is claimed they ensue. will other species all to damage irreparable then, the world the shared, be must that able to understand are beings human if change, climate Regarding concerns. of band’s the main part were pollution, change or climate toxic catastrophes, waste and disasters Natural who resources. economic emotional needed and disasters of natural victims those completely projects to Park help was involved social in Linkin time, tion. By this globaliza due to and pernicious practices do harmful notimpede if humans suffer world the about is to apocalypse of environmental the aware us to make motifs visual these all band deploys the us. evidentTherefore,that is it affect which issues 1). political and (Dürbeck control” aplethora of underlines social Such ascenario out of getting technologies of aresult dangerous as race of human the extinction the of loss and biodiversity the ’population change, climate bomb’, to growth, limits the (...) “atomic devastation nuclear including and war pollution, environmental the 1)‘end-of-the-world (Dürbeck literature” war post German in books’, particularly as I’ve what series of “a theing same is videothe done”. in illustrated Thescenario “And come may to /Today forgiveand itself: pain /I’m whatever ends this forgiv conflicts and to avoid war on destruction, humanity a call interpreted be as song can the fact, In are. beings, human we, as of how aware is guilty band the that implies th 2004 the Indian Ocean tsunami hit. When Linkin Park contemplated the Linkin hit. When tsunami Ocean Indian the 2004 the financial burdens for those charities who received the donations. They have They the donations. who received charities those for burdens financial the from relief to provide speedy helped has disasters natural of these impact the sess as and quickly to mobilize ability band’s The victims. disaster Rita and Katrina, Charlie, Hurricane to the funds donated Park Linkin 2004-2005[,] years the In (2010)Suns album AThousand the the publicationwith of Thus, was it when world. (Woolbright 89-90) this in nor neither alone special we are long time: for a very espoused have losophies phi Eastern what to realize beginning only we Westerners are and planet, on the of everything lives the atplay in are factors many impact, multivalent and a vast to make continue humans while for us; whatsoever concern on any without churn or not, functioning perfectly whether ecosystems, top priority. fact, In top dog–or planet’s the assume, comfortably we so not, as we are that is of which thrust main object-oriented ontology, an in object the ultimate the is change climate Essentially, pronoun mention of personal “I”. the of use the making It worth is This - - - - from an Oppenheimer interview: Oppenheimer an from anotherextract of consists Radiance”, which song “The included on album, the Oppenheimer’s in contained “radiance”, remark, of second title the the precisely is Suns AThousand in prevails this and speech the and Hindu text the both in same the exactly power and are death of concepts annihilation, the chapter 11 mighty, Time”. “I world-destroying am read: 32, we section can fact, In Gita Baghavad from The taken 28). Congress As was mentioned this above, Library (The of shatterer worlds” the become Death, splendor the One I am and of Mighty the / would like be /that /were into sky to burst the suns of athousand radiance the Trinity the on test– as July 16,–Known 1945, “If remarked: Oppenheimer himself of hope humanity: in a gleam of world we the however, live; which in still wrecking is there the and beings man hu emotional as disintegration words due today echo the to personal our that adds explosion the and of atomic the of bomb. war album’s the In band notes, the liner the atomic(Bethe bomb” to design 187). effort the idea implies The title theoretical physicist Oppenheimer J. (1904-1967), Robert appointed who “was of leader the a 28). theoretical Congress However, by American popular made sentence the was One.” splendour the of sky, would the like of Mighty be in Library the that (The at once were forth to burst suns of athousand follows: radiance “If the which that of sentence Hinduism” the x) (Fosse is and truth spirit deepest and essential the scripture Hindu Sanskrit Bourdon 2010).and thefamous twelve, of chapter eleven, to alludes section title The gone?” Delson, (Shinoda, Bennington “Where’s humanity the interview: same the in himself theasked sentence 2010).in Chester be summarized could album The Bourdon and Delson, (Shinoda, world” Bennington the about in happens what lyrics (...)charged writewrite confident socially to “were to enough becoming just Bennington’s in they included. other On hand, the connotations view are political Bourdon and 2010), Delson, (Shinoda, Bennington record” apolitical was some he not did “it feel that interview an in composer, and maintained vocals Shinoda, Mike Advisory. that In spite thefact Parental containing of album band’s the first is , but Oppenheimer changed the last words. In the Hindu Sanskrit scripture, scripture, Hindu Sanskrit words. the In last the , but Oppenheimer changed for. 2012) (Rose provided being are people affected of the needs physical and emotional, medical, the that sure order to make in tsunami’s and by major earthquakes devastated and hit being are that countries of the for all donations collecting actively been also After the detonation of the first atomic bomb in Los Álamos (New (New México) Álamos detonation Los atomic the bomb of first in the After 2010) Park moments. (Linkin harrowing most our in born is of change possibility the notion that the from springs ofhope, course, The cycle. devastating the penetrates remorse true sometimes, And, linear. always not is sequence this dreams, in like life, In regret. and of destruction pride, cycle personal the with grapples Suns So, too, gravity. AThousand emotional for their but significance, historical not for their only today Oppenheimer’s resonate words Suns AThousand of criticism some or lyrics, political social hard Due to the The Baghavad Gita Baghavad The , which “was considered to “was embody , which . One of words the -

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 79 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 80 attributed to the Christian one, they plead for his blessing and mercy. and blessing plead one, for his they Christian toattributed the here we word albeit do the not is and, if to “God” God know of song appeals the Thebeginning weapons. nuclear a worldin particular by in dominated weapons, hope” and (2010).regret living we are that band, by the reported It noticeable, as is “fear, are beings of human feelings main the for which, Shinoda, in warfare nuclear of smoke.the Thecondenses song hypothesis by asphyxiating surrounded running, atmosphere an war peoplewhere are of recreates video official the Furthermore, (2010), Second World by conceived by the inspired Steven Spielberg was and War. of Honor: entitled Medal of Warfighter series the of videogame the soundtrack the its consequences: of force use withoutthe measuring century,able for to was he twenty-first question the in heimer’s echoes still speech Oppenthecritics, to in According hopehumanity. be confidence and will there doing that, we start if since everything, on how we shouldinsists stop annihilating Park today. Linkin not changed Nevertheless, has that something is sadly,and, this environment our and lives atomic human bomb an involvesDetonating destroying responsible actions. time, own for same their at authoritative the and, are humans To symphoniesofblindinglight! When Iclosemyeyes tonight It no! can’t outrun, be It can’t outmatched be It can’t outdone be it can’t And outfought be We’re gun loaded under abroken people living everyone us bless God included was in Catalyst”, “The which was released they single first The 188) (Burke prudence. and of calculation walls iron outside the of force, politics and use the about ethically of thinking possibility the constrained particular, in which, –and itself of thought activity the to constrain was purpose whose understanding and of thinking system entire an questioned had He into question. itself debate that brought that questions asked had –he system weapon of aparticular or dangers merits the about adebate or even debate, a policy within contained those more profound than far questions raised had Oppenheimer that one words is in songs, of these their by using emphasizes, band the What 2010) Park (Linkin one or way another that, thought we all I suppose of worlds destroyer the Death, become Now Iam says and form multi-armed on his takes him to impress And duty do his he should that Prince the to persuade trying is Vishnu Bhagavad-Gita the scripture, Hindu the from line the I remembered people were silent most people cried, afew people laughed, A few same world notWe the the would be knew - expressing the demands of the working class and those socially oppressed towards oppressed towards socially those and class of working the demands the expressing (Berkeley), 1964. on 2, December of California the in given University Savio by at theSproul OperationMachine” Hall, “The of entitled of discourse aportion comprises the of song “Wretches the ing Kings” and the theof labour proletariat” (29). created by value the surplus off cream Theopen of production, latter the of means owners which workers the the in and between conflict astructural is there that argue eco-Marxists thought, Marxist traditional with “In line that: are of eco-Marxists (29). postulates poverty” main the For Garrad, pollution and with degradation of acute environmental association the thatmovements justice protest environmental with affinity positions aclear these “[i]t as ecologists social and gives Eco-Marxists between arelationship exists there Ecocriticis study his In system. political and social of of oppressed those the people whofor were people’s victims particularly rights, fighting he exploited never and ceased being by upper acorrupted was class class Free Movement. of Berkeley leaders the Speech how working the criticized Savio (1942-1996) Savio Mario activist American one Luther King. of was the Martin and Savio words of the Suns Mario into incorporated AThousand also band the us. redeem save and could god only amerciful and future– the and present, past the or, young the our and same, fathers the our is what by tongues, our –caused sins their own by caused fire, own their in burn will explosion, the humans After band. the dismays flashes with resounding its attack of a Thenuclear fear time. at any detonated be can which and governments of weapons nuclear accumulate quantity the symbolize guns” “loaded These predominates. and for remains power what is desire the and relationships human world.their eradicating Greed is and themselves We’re abroken peoplelivingunderloadedgun God bless useveryone In accordance with the aforementioned speech, Linkin Park asong composed aforementioned the Linkin with speech, accordance In you’ve itAnd stop gotto make apparatus the upon all Upon levers, the wheels upon the and you’ve gears And upon the gotto put bodies your part You take can’t passively even part you can’t that take atheart, you sick so Makes odious so becomes machine the of the There’soperation when time, a addition,In Oppenheimer’s not is only one the as allusion on album, the No! young? of our The sins fathers of our The sins tongues of our The sins hands of our For sins the suns? thousand of a fires the inside we burn Will everyone us save God ruining are for they no is hope there beings, for human likelihood, all In m, Greg Garrad declares that that declares m, Greg Garrad -

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 81 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 82 and defeat the rulers of this world. of this rulers the defeat and to succeed have possibility a will they right, their up forand stand back fight they but not if punished– just obey, be they will if to avoid they because it –apparently some here people that is or oppressed butgroups message are principal we do nothing Their of planet. people the around millions reach can they music as their through world the power the to in change believes band the be, may lyrics However the hard freedoms. and rights fundamental own their provides with them which a struggle is happening: is what realize them to audience make the heartens band one no the weapons, with to groups.rebellion avoid for need by Guided albeit the amoral injustices, weakest to stop subjugation the of attack the and instinct natural our weconsequence, use of lower the classes. expense at the themselves enriching only groups interestedin who are by certain of power speculation and abuses the denounces which criticism andpolitical explicitan social Thereis created. ever Run at the sunshine, we come for we come you sunshine, atthe Run blue and bone, black and Steel low down beat animals Filthy blow our fight alone, Still for we come you kings, Wretches and tall now, and us Hear clear control take We, animals, the blow final unload, Steel as a and, us Power, dehumanize forgreed and wealth hierarchy influence, I’m know combat, them the lettin’ with get So contact the and the pitch contract, the and pen The hi-hat the and kick the between in Somewhere whereI’m at exactly is frontthe attack The of have they song mayDefinitely,be onethehardest this of due to lyrics, its go control, now everybody outta everything Got my so people say amove, unless no one make And ain’tunload There we shit don’t guns the when run you haven’tIf I’m then you yet, know lettin’ heard Don’t power,the hurt gets fight nobody don’t Igot, what Wanna take absurd be you haven’t if Steady, line in get heard yet word every obey and down, Get peoplethelow down people The up top push whoa say all us makes wind, on the Static but you don’t yet game, Talk alotta know To you go? how low can face, save providing its own compassion triggers for 2015). others” (Blatt compassion its triggers own providing impact by “are notgreatest the they alone”. that make could it The band “realized people them memoriesembraces who homes reminds lost family, and and friends, Thesong people the who and lost everything. of earthquake the of results the ages composition “Not Alone”, im complemented they displaying which avideo with environment our wrote the and and lives our threatening disasters of natural the 2010). Press sociate (As together” stuff that kind all of way to a put find weto wanted and happens, just stuff this all and online you things read on news, the you things see friends, “You to your alleged: talk anger. He and also people about expectation heard that clear intention to their make musicians was as and, itself” destroying was manity of war. madness the nation’s our widows”.“filling and stop to with orphans homes So, necessary was it is for war peace, through reached be love and can wisdom, justice that idea the the worldto Silence”.transmits pastor American ATime for Breaking nam: The 4,complemented 1967 of April fragment “Beyond the Viet speech with antiwar is Love” awhich touchand Theadds song “Wisdom, positivity of tunnel. Justice, end at the of alight the still is there however, that us to there remind words are his emotionless; order and in required to is continue. Wethat ruthless becoming are Jr.King, Luther (1929-1968) Martin of war, figure and the the as hope emerges pain is a natural extension of Linkin Park’s relationship with fans, which is already already is which Park’s fans, with relationship of extension Linkin anatural is pain Moved by the , the band decided to raise awareness awareness decided to raise band the Moved 2010 by the earthquake, Haiti by riots no surrounded is hope there we are when and yet, that it seems And Obviously, “[t]alking about the pain of others and asking for help easing that Obviously, that for help easing “[t]alking asking of and others about pain the 2015) (Blatt America. South in to communities generators portable also are that balls soccer and Nepal in for households cookstoves biogas Uganda, in clinics to health systems electricity providing solar been World, the has called Power is which collaboration resulting The to electricity. access universal promoting initiative, for All Energy Sustainable YouTube his to support 9million band the than he time), asked atthe that views (morethe response by so pleased the was of Nation United General Secretary The “hu 2010, that took in place that claimed Shinoda interview an Mike In love and justice wisdom, with reconciled be Cannot deranged psychologically and handicapped Physically battlefields bloody and dark men home the from sending Of humane normally of peoples into veins of hate drugs poisonous injecting Of widows and nation’s our orphans homes with Filling napalm with beings human of burning business This is just is, not difference way settling of This world of say on war the order and hands lay will revolution of values A true choice me no other leaves my conscience Because tonight of worship house magnificent toI come this - - - -

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 83 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 84 or even to an affair in which everything will be built up after being devastated. being after be up built will everything which in affair or to even an to related demolition be “explosion can So, this broke sky” the in again. initiated is ametaphor here of as used howelements are concludes arelationship of and nature The create. and we destroy cases, both in as, relationships, worldthe personal and of of destruction the one to up. spring images it “Burn down” mixes and conveys order in we have for to collect anew whose ashes burnt and and destroyed being is point which from of the of aplanet view it “Burn song, down”, analyzed be can that 2015). (Blatt no electricity” with camp arefugee in life first-hand of a get perspective to Haiti in camps visited refugee also family. They or of loss the friends with music to help therapy deal receiving kids with jammed the2011 evenand following fromdamage tsunami suffered that schools visited 2015).(Blatt Japan, when took of in “they collaboration place example Another to a women’s them from hotels donating on road and the shampoos and shelter” 2015). (Blatt eye” their in soaps a tear collecting as initiatives “such led to new This personhad every were They and weather, beautiful. it and was 80-degree in was school. “It elementary an in 2012 in represented trees is Africa South by planting in of environment. our of collaboration such One care the of examples the with rating have never ideaof or abandoned the donating collabo they and tasks greatest their is one of poverty or disasters natural by affected who are those interaction with and Stein 5). and Evan and/or (Adamson, No toxicity” degradation doubt work their of distribution environmental unequal the and upheaval social to correlative leads power and often of distribution wealth attention disparate ways to the ments call “[e]nvironmental fact, In justice. environmental interestedin move justice highly band is the that donate, it affirmed they be could provide funds help the and they on content intense emotional the based music” of 2015). their (Blatt the to Thanks its fall into wreck and disgrace. and into wreck its fall from for salvation begging humanity and sensibility Same”, devouring sin entails Same”, the “Rebellion” the “Wastelands”. All All and “Guilty first Theone, “Guilty highlight we will songs, more comprises which metal Fromcriticism. album, this or evolution political it more an of incorporates social course, and, again; style the best day,” said Missy Allgood, “It was so sweet. These little kids in uniforms uniforms in kids little These “It best sweet. so day,” was Allgood, Missy said The work they published under the titletheunder LivingThe they work published Things was released in 2014 in their in released was change it The atotal Hunting and Party meant To ground it to the burn We can’t wait To it down burn We’re it up building me toWaiting let know turn atthe you were there And Icouldn’t find Was one thing the Ineeded that All sky the broke in explosions As repeated cycle The (2012) a contains - - necessity to contemplatenecessity whole the its preservation. world with to collaborate and our than stronger self-indulgence our is sometimes pronoun that “I” to emphasize thepersonal use war.consequences they theof Here, suffer and nothing who possess never felt others oppression we should reason, are there not For forget that are. this themselves. recover will beings withoutand,so, be fought never come.weapons must human war The will tomorrow and where hope not does exist awasteland is earth the that deduced be it of song, the can From analysis an meaning. or political social with charged be can and situations music atool is to that denounce certain he admits lines, previous the then, in blade” and, arazor /To phrase /Every fact in made attack adelayed as act no no /Murder Shinoda’s stepping, killing”. with “Every with is rap that states rap Marching with / no weapons, war is public “This the to act: exhorts of rap the part “Wastelands”, of song, title another the whose first exactly is this And wasteland. into a transformed world aworld our being ourselves; is and of which destroying when it idea to faults comes the own our accept and look hands” at “unclean our shouldthat we ishere sending is atthe someone band Definitely, else. the message we do or not and behavior, actions our censor we only since “pointguilty finger” our But there’s to blame no one else You finger to point your want Too ashamed to be sick same You’re the all guilty know will you oh, And Now there’s way no other near end is the Cause saved be we cannot ’Cause again all Show us we need what have you That we’reThat unprepared unclean are hands our That again all Show us To clean my confusion wash ocean an I want aflood I want unseen the sights and The lost I’ve broken the seen I’ve blood the seen who of song “Rebellion”, us the those In how fortunate confesses band the of today wastelands the In into fear hope turns your And away slips future the While disappears tomorrow Where of today wastelands the In we are that to acknowledge humans not does allow hostility essence, In

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 85 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 86 started with Hybrid Theory with started took circle demons Chester’sinner the months that later. album, two With life this how and to overcome depression; depression same and the anxiety times, dark and about It hard was messages. the and lyrics element sound, the to referred the was 2017). level. You(Adams element adifferent record” new this hear us This on of away that’s in of on emotional singing another challenge the like avowed: “I also interview, Bennington Australian last his In emotions feelings. and to personal were related more, more is lyrics and what rock the pop and, less contained album the as Their direction, music took a living. new ceased Bennington Chester after stifled. becoming is consequently, on earth life world and, our forests our and devastating gradually are wars and weapons nuclear and earthquakes Pollution, warming. on tsunamis, global awareness to raising and disasters natural of theeffects money suffering for those devoted to collecting atmosphere. threatening and forjust by notawarlike surrounded being blessed we are that to realize beings human inclusion the and of all a change indicates essary resources. Music is a powerful weapon when used properly. weapon when used Music a powerful is a resources. with A band essary the nec all with peopleareprovidedbeing affected the sure make will this funds, by donating them people with and over collaborate planet the all reached be can music send through they world. our messages the If ravaging are disasters natural pollution or on warming, how awareness global to raise tries and nature with ship relation a close maintains band the it obvious environment is that that the indicates Their last studio album, studio last Their 2012) (Rose, Earth. our on has pollution that human stress of effects to remove the everyday things little world the by doing able to impact be should all that simple enough are messages Their in. we live world which the in by polluting creating we are that disasters the of world’s the awareness for awakening advocate a long time been has Park Linkin been projects have always Park’s charity mentioned, previously As Linkin of rebellion Imitations ones We fortunate the are oppression’sWho’ve faced never gun ones We fortunate the are done damage of the face the in Right buildings their away, burn far they And we’rePretending here alone We’re other each like We’re without not we own things the by Defined colors We the wear We it out act pronoun which of personal “we” the use prevails, the verses, next the In The gained from studying Linkin Park and their connection with with connection their and Park Linkin fromstudying gained evidence The

and Meteora and more (2017),One months just two released was

was completed. was - - sibility for its care and preservation for us and for future generations. for future and for us preservation and forsibility its care respon take must world where place humanity a better this to making committed more noise.” to make join and forces 2015). (Blatt absolutely is band the Indeed, projects, (...)and cooperate to things different for cool but those it would really be 2015). of kinds about passionate feel different artists “great it added that was Farrell a whole” as (Blatt of music other sectors the and industry involved other artists with out be to ways For “[t]he out, Farrell, David figuring reaching is challenge biggest more require help. still however,a reaction; they do that not they ignore fact the to provoke hearts these move and all world-wide hearts touch many reputation can Revised paper accepted for publication: 29 July 2018 29 July publication: for accepted paper Revised Reviews sent to author: 15 author: to sent 2018 June Reviews -

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 87 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 77; 2018, PP. 73-89 88 Garton Ash Garton Garrad Garton Ash Garton Fosse Dürbeck Chang Butler Camus Burke press Associate Blatt Bennington Bethe Adamson Adamson, Buell Adams The Bhagavad Gita. The Original Sanskrit and an English English an and Sanskrit Original The Gita. Bhagavad The “Introduction.” trans. Martin: , Lars , Ruth: “What Linkin Park teaches us about Corporate Social Responsibility.” Forbes Responsibility.” Social Corporate about us teaches Park Linkin “What , Ruth: The Future of Environmental Criticism. Environmental Crisis and Literary Imagina Literary and Crisis Environmental Criticism. Environmental of Future The , Lawrence: J. Robert Oppenheimer 1904-1967. A Biographical Memoir 1904-1967. Oppenheimer ABiographical Robert J. Albrecht: , Hans Beyond Security, Ethic and Violence. War against the Other the War against Violence. and Ethic Security, Beyond , Anthony: , Cameron: “In his last Australian Interview Linkin Park’s Chester Bennington spoke of this of this spoke Bennington Chester Park’s Linkin Interview Australian last his “In , Cameron: The Myth of Sisyphus and other Essays other and Sisyphus of Myth The , Albert: , Alenda and Parham, and Alenda , Precarious Life. The Power of Mourning and and Violence of Mourning Power The Life. Precarious , Judith: , Greg: Ecocriticism , Greg: 2016. Print. natitemple.com/articles/BhagavadGita3.pdf Atlantic Books, 2009.Atlantic Books, Print. Translation. view/445 Ecozon@ Disasters.” Anthropogenic and Natural 8.2(2017): 1-17. http://ecozona.eu/article/view/1829 1-17. 8.2(2017): 2007. Print. Print. is-like-a-musical-drug 2010. Print. 2002. Press, of The University Pegagogy & Poetics Politics, Reader. Justice Environmental The (Eds.). R. Stein, R. tion 1 Feb. 2011. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EJocPPdXaU about-corporate-social-responsibility/#2c196a125b87 2015. 1997. Press, Print. Academies National University of Arizona Press, 2001. Print. Press, of Arizona University 11 2018. March Accessed 2018 March 19 Accessed dark-thoughts/news-story/9d3bceec9a1018deef9eaa66a42326ff. music/in-his-last-australian-interview-linkin-parks-chester-bennington-spoke-of-his- News.com.au Thoughts.” Dark , Gabriele: “Writing Catastrophes: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Semantics of Semantics on the Perspectives Interdisciplinary Catastrophes: “Writing , Gabriele: Evans, Evans, , Joni, Joni: American Indian Literature, Environmental Joni: Justice and Ecocriticism Facts are Subversive. Political Writing for a Decade without aName without aDecade for Writing Political Subversive. are Facts , Timothy: , Timothy: Free Speech. , Timothy: . Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. Print. 2005. Publishing, Blackwell . Malden: , Chester: “Through the Years: Linkin Park on Fuse (February 2011).” (February on Fuse Park FuseOnDemand Linkin the Years: “Through , Chester: https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/955999/linkin-park-says-a-thousand-suns- https://www.forbes.com/sites/ruthblatt/2015/01/11/what-linkin-park-teaches-us- : “Linkin Park says “” is like a “Musical Drug.” Billboard a “Musical like is “A Suns” says Park Thousand : “Linkin . Accessed 5 March 2018. 5March . Accessed Trans. Lars Martin Fosse. Fosse. Martin Lars Trans. Stein, Stein, Mei, and Mei . Oxon: Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group, 2009. Print. Taylor Group, 2009. &Francis Routledge. . Oxon: Ecozon@ Ecozon@ Introduction.” An Games: Video and Computer “Green John: . Accessed 12 March 2018. 12 March . Accessed WORKS CITED WORKS

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