BAKASANA / CROW Props needed: blanket (or rolled up mat), 1 block or substitute, strap if available

PREPARATORY POSTURES Butterfly pose ​ / ​ Wrist stretch:​ 1. sit on shins, turn fingers towards knees and stretch through heels of hands; 2. Flip hands so palms face ceiling and attempt to straighten arms; make soft fists twice moving from pinky finger to thumb. Cat / cow: ​ 4 times Thread the needle: ​Slide L hand under R armpit with palm facing the ceiling, rest L ear on mat. Move R hand back so that elbow bends to ceiling with wrist under elbow. Broaden across shoulderblades. Switch sides. Reclined cow face pose ​/ ​Supta ​ : cross right knee over left, hold onto knees, shins, or outer feet. Widen feet away from one another and bring thighs to chest as able.

HIP OPENERS Downward facing dog ​/ ​adho mukha svanasana (“AMS”) AMS with twist​: L hand outside R shin, twist, switch sides AMS Down dog :​ Step R foot forward, lower L heel to mat so that back foot is parallel to the back edge of the mat, walk hands to the L 45 degrees and lengthen spine, drop head.

Revolved lunge with quad stretch “RLQS”:​ Turn back toes under and lower back knee to mat, framing R foot with hands. Walk R foot to the R a few inches and L hand to the L. Turn R toes out to 2:00 and keep ball of foot on mat. Place R hand on R thigh, bend elbows slightly out and roll biceps out to move upper back in. Push out of L hand and straighten bottom arm. Stay here or reach R arm back, bend L knee and hold *outer* L foot with R hand thumb pointing up as if you were hitchhiking. Inhale, draw back knee toward top of mat and stamp front heel down, then bend R elbow and bring L heel to hip.

AMS Plank:​ push down / drag hands apart / drag hands back (lower down to mat, knees then chest)

Chest stretch on belly​ : one arm to side, wrist in line with shoulder, roll onto side *roll bicep towards top of mat* switch sides Locust variation ​ / ​: ​ forearms on mat in sphinx, grip mat and pull back. Stay here or transition arms along sides

AMS with side stretch:​ heels to left, toes to right in one line, stretch along right side of torso while lifting left armpit; switch sides Lizard ​/ ​utthan pristhasana:​ 1. Step R foot forward outside of the right hand, lower L knee down well behind hip. Stay on hands or lower forearms to floor. Draw R knee toward R shoulder and broaden between shoulder blades, engaging navel towards the spine. 2. Lift L knee up, roll forward onto the top of the L foot and L shin. Shift hips back so that now the R knee is over the R ankle and the L hip is over the L knee. Draw R knee toward R shoulder and engage core as on 1. Half /​ ​ardha : m​ ove R foot back to midline, shift hips back and peel R toes off mat Figure 4 in AMS:​ R outer ankle on L thigh higher than the knee. Bend L knee deeply and engage outer R hip muscles as you broaden the abdomen back and out, turn R thigh bone in hip socket AMS Plank with knee bends: ​ bend R knee two inches, straighten. Bend L knee two inches, straighten. Bend both knees two inches, straighten. Lower to mat. Cobra /​ ​: ​Hands wide of shoulders, bend knees wide then keep pubic bone down, shoulders back. Draw elbows into waistline and down. Tone belly. (stay or transition to) Upward facing dog​ / ​urdhva mukha svanasana: t​ uck toes under, lift knees up, then push yourself forward so that your elbows are in line with your outer waist. Tone navel and take throat then head up and back. AMS Standing forward bend /​ ​

STANDING POSES Tree pose ​ / v​ rksasana (both sides) (step wide to face the long edge of your mat with parallel feet, wrists over ankles) Warrior 2 /​ virabhradrasana 2: turn L foot slightly in and R leg out so R heel is in line with L arch. Bend into R knee. Extended side angle /​ p​ arsvakonasana: ​bottom hand outside of foot, pressing arm and leg into one another and rotating chest away from inner thigh; extend top arm over ear. Take L arm

straight up now, move R hand back and move R sitting bone up into the pelvis to straighten R leg into... Triangle pose ​/ t​ rikonasana​: reach your arm long over your head, transition back to extended side angle, sweeping top arm down and in front of face. (stand, repeat on L side) (shorten stance slightly, turn L leg in 45 degrees and R toes straight ahead to short edge of mat) Revolved triangle ​/ p​ arivrtta :​ hold for several breaths, focusing on taking the forward outer hip back and straight legs. (stand and take other side) (widen stance again, turn L leg in 45 degrees and R toes straight ahead to short edge of mat) turn L leg in 45 degrees and R toes straight ahead to short edge of mat) Warrior one /​ ​virabhradrasana one: j​ oin palms, bend elbows. Suck armpits back, take your head back, straighten arms. Sit deeply and stretch up. Keep looking up, then take torso parallel to the floor. Engage navel strongly and look out over your thumbs. Push into your back heel then transition into… Warrior three ​/ virabhradrasana three: then back to… Warrior one /​ ​virabhradrasana one (other side) Wide-legged side facing forward fold /​ ​:​ face the long edge of your mat with feet parallel. Have a long spine first and be on your fingertips, then transition to a wrist stretch, walking your hands back between your feet and keeping your arms straight and chest lifted. Lastly, come into a deep fold with soft groins, walking your hands back. (stand, come to tadasana facing top of mat)

Chair pose ​/ Standing forward fold /​ uttanasana Plank / caturanga / urdhva mukha svanasana / AMS​ or modifications as you need (‘vinyasa”) Plank with feet hip distance apart, ​side plank with L arm up /​ vasisthasana: feet hip distance apart, take L hand behind head and exhale to touch top elbow to bottom elbow crease. Can stack feet if feeling gutsy. Repeat three times then come to plank, do other side. (hop forward) Chair pose ​/ utkatasana Revolved chair pose ​/ ​ parivrtta utkatasana: ​Twist to the R, hooking your L elbow over your R leg. get as deep as you can, using your bottom hand to help get more of your torso over your far leg. Keep the knees in line as is reasonable, use the arm and leg against one another and revolve your chest away from your bottom leg. Look at your feet, get heavy in your R leg. Squeeze your L heel to your L buttock and slowly transition to… Revolved side angle ​/ p​ arivrtta parsvakonasana

Standing split /​ urdhva prasarita eka padasana: L leg lifted. Squeeze L leg straight as all get out and take the forward outer hip back. Lift up on R kneecap and low belly then fold over R leg. Inhale and lift chest, look forward. Reach L leg back. Lunge R leg to down dog split Cross R ankle over L and come to plank, grip mat R leg to down dog split AMS (hop forward, repeat on other side)

CORE AND HIPS Plank Twisted plank:​ take heels to the left, toes to the right, right hand to left shoulder, **TOUCH RIGHT ELBOW TO LEFT ELBOW CREASE**. Stay here or push into inner right foot and lift left foot up. Switch sides. AMS Staff pose /​ ​dandasana: e​ xtend legs straight forward Boat pose ​/ p​ aripurna Half boat pose /​ a​ rdha navasana Staff pose (lie on your back with knees bent) Knee to chest ​/ e​ ka pada pavanmuktasana:​ start with shin in line with long edge of mat, then transition to diagonal shin with knee to armpit and toes pointed towards opposite groin. Opposite leg can be straight along the floor or bent. Straighten leg along floor. (other side) Half happy baby /​ ​ardha ananda : h​ old outer foot of R leg and keep L hip down, resist hand and foot against one another and draw thigh past torso towards the floor. Turn the foot out to the right like parsvakonasana and repeat above actions. Transition to… Thread the needle ​ / ​sucirandhrasana: ​cross R outer ankle on L thigh just below the knee. Squeeze R heel isometrically towards R inner thigh to create tone along back of leg, resist R elbow against L inner thigh, then broaden the R leg to the R as you turn the thigh in the hip socket to move the R knee away from the R shoulder. Draw from L ankle towards the head rather than pressing straight down on the shin. Breathe :). Straighten R leg along floor. (other side) Knees to chest / ​pavanmuktasana: h​ old shins and attempt to bring sacrum off floor, lift head and shoulders off mat. Keep belly engagement and widen knees bringing knees on outside of upper arms, straighten arms between legs and flex wrists as if you were standing on the ceiling. This is r​ eclined crow or crane ​/ supta !

Traditional squat supported ​ / ​: r​ oll up your mat or a blanket and stand on it with your heels on the center of the top of the roll and the balls of your toes on the mat as if you were wearing Manolo Blahnik stilettos. Join your inner feet. Stretch your arms out at shoulder height and bend your knees wide as you sit into your hips. Keep your feet touching and reach your arms forward, taking your hands onto the floor in front of you. Squeeze your inner knees onto your outer arms and walk your hands back so that they are under your shoulders and your elbows bend wide of your shins. Tone your navel back and drop your sitting bones to your heels, lift your chin. Squeeze your knees in again and ensure your inner feet are joined. Bring your knees together and straighten your arms forward again, stand up.

Crow or crane (IMO better to use the Sanskrit as we then all know what we are talking about but that’s another story) /​ bakasana: Sit a block on its medium height and lengthwise to the long edges of your mat. Perch on top of it. If you have two blocks you could put them side by side. Bend your knees wide as you did in malasana previously, and walk your hands back so that your hands are under your shoulders and your elbows are wide. Press your inner feet together, squeeze your inner knees onto your upper arms, and simply come forward to balance on your arms. Then, if you can, push into your hands to straighten your arms. Here, the highest point of the pose is the mid back. Your bottom is low like in malasana. Repeat 2-3 times :).

BACKBENDS (counterposing) Chest stretch on belly:​ lie on your tummy and take your R arm out to the side with your wrist in line with shoulder, roll onto R side *roll bicep towards top of mat* switch sides Locust ​/ ​salabhasana​ with clasp. Two times, switching clasp for second time. Crocodile /​ ​: i​ nterlace hands behind your head. Press elbow tips into the mat to suck your armpits back. Firm your legs and press your head into your hands and your hands into your head to lift up, broadening your elbows away from one another. Hold for several breaths. Bow pose ​/ ​: b​ end your knees and reach back to hold your outer ankles. Kick your legs back and up, rolling your biceps out. Repeat two times, on the second one keeping your chest lifted and lowering your hands and feet to come right into upward-facing dog. AMS

FORWARD BENDS AND SAVASANA Child’s pose ​/ b​ alasana Head to knee pose /​ j​ anu sirsasana: ​R leg long and L knee bend first. Switch sides. Seated forward fold ​/ p​ aschimottanasana Thread the needle ​ / ​sucirandhrasana Eagle supine twist /​ g​ aruda’s twist Knees to chest ​/ p​ avanmuktasana Brain hammock: ​5 mins

Savasana ​ ​7 minutes PLUS