Susan Harris Puts Her Mark on 'Empty Nest'

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Susan Harris Puts Her Mark on 'Empty Nest' Ifce Prince George Citizen TV TIMES — December 24th, 1968 — 3 AROUND THC DIAL by JON BURLINGAME Susan Harris puts her mark on ‘Empty Nest’ If anyone knows the secret forr.u- older person ("I always prefer writ­ long-term commitments to any la for producing a successful ing older people — they have more show. sitcom, it ought to be Susan Harris. to say”) and explores new territory. "After I did 'Soap,' whichnearly The creator/producer/writer has “It’s about the relationship between killed me, I vowed I could never do three smash hits to her credit — a parent and kids who are now that to myself again," she says. “Soap," "Benson" and "The Gold­ adults, and that's a relationship that "And I haven't. So my involvement en Girls" — and the early feedback I really don't think has been ex­ — and I've always been very up­ on her latest entry, “Empty Nest” plored much. You still feel like a front about it — is that I will create (airing Saturdays on NBC), has parent. But your kids don't have to a ahow and get it going, but gener­ been most encouraging. pay anyattention to you." ally after the firat 13 episodes I'm But Harris insists that no such for­ But excited as she sounds about no longer necessary." mula exists. "If there was one, we'd the concept, she's not devoted She laughs. "My husband calls all know it, and we'd all have hits,” enough to break her new rule — no me creator/deserter." she says. "But I think what goes a long way is having likable people. If you’re funny to boot, it doesn't hurt. But you can never predict. You can Listings are provided by the stations. The Prince George have it all, and for some reason it Citizen is not responsible for program changes. just doesn't work." Harris became involved with "Empty Nest" the same way she ★ ★ ★ became involved with "Golden Girls": NBC’s Entertainment Presi­ dent Brandon Tartikoff came to her STATION GUIDE with an idea. "Brandon really keeps coming up Susan Harris STATION Prince George Mackenzie Vanderhoof with good ones," she says. "With ‘Empty Nest' he said, 'What about a week ahow," ahe says. “So we CITV, Edmonton 0 couple whose kids have just left the changed it to a man (Richard Mulli­ house?' Since my son had just left gan) whose wife has died and CKPG (CBC), Prince George © o © Q G D © the house, I could really relate to whose daughters (Kristy McNichol CBC (French), Vancouver it." and Dinah Manoff) are grown and ® o Harris prepared a prototype andout of the house. He really is facing KING (NBC), Seattle realized that the idea wasn't quite an empty nest.” o CD o working. “With a couple, it really Working in the show's favor, she KIRO (CBS), Seattle o O o would become a complaint-of-the- says, is that it centers around an KOMO (ABC), Seattle o O KCTS (PBS), Seattle o CD Community Access TV CD BCTV (CTV), Vancouver ( D © OO ® o G O O D T I M E KNOW, Knowledge Network GD CD CD YTV,Youth Television CB BINGO CH ARITIES TSN, The Sports Network CD Victoria & 4th Ave. 5 8 1 - 0 4 4 4 SUPER CHANNEL c a PRICE: 6 UP-S6.00, 9 UP-S8.00,12 UP-S10.00, etc. MMN, MuchMusic Network CD ■BINGO SCHEDULE- IFIEMNMS EVENINGS TV Times INDEX Wtakdays Early Bird at Hooi Early Bird at 7:00 pjn. Sports View............................................................4 Weakaods: Earty Bird at 1 A) pjn. Spotlite on Sports...............................................5 Cover: Circus ballet............................................6 Movies on T V ........................................................ 7 Monday-Hart Pcneer #62173 Monday • Christ our Saviour #62564 SATURDAY ......................................... 8, 9, 10, 11 Tuesday-PGFoWest Society #62170 Tuesday - Knights of Columbus #66221 Movie Highlights........................................ 12. 13 SUNDAY ......................................... 14, 15. 16. 17 Wednesday • S. R. George Comm. #63998 Wednesday • Heflenic Society #62859 Speaking of Soap......................................18, 42 Thursday-Or. P.G. Babe Ruth #69494 Thursday • PG Miibaituraf Soc #64948 D A Y TIM E ....................................................... 20, 21 Shooting Stars....................................................23 Frfctoy - United Native Nations #64796 Friday-Man Friendship Cen. #60772 M O N D A Y................................................ 26, 27, 28 Saturday • Elders Rec. Soc Br. 135 #65722 Satuday-Immaculate Bingo #64804 Starview................................................................ 29 Vldeoflle................................................................ 30 Sunday - P.G. Alano Club #62076 Sunday-CNIB #64101 Canada.................................................................. 31 T U E S D A Y ......................................................32, 33 W ED N ES D A Y ...............................................34, 35 TV This Week; Marquee................................. 38 MIDNIGHT MADNESS 10:15 p.m. Fame; T V Dialogue............................................37 FRIMT • Royal Casadiaa Lepoi Brand 43 Lie. #€3734 THURSDAY .................................................. 38, 39 FR ID A Y ...........................................................40, 41 Ladies Imfarj lo Brack 43 Lie. #1301 T V Sports: Soviet reunion.............................43 SATURDAY - YM-YWCA Lie. #51730 SU PER C H A N N E L .............................................44 THE SPORTS NETWORK ............................... 45 V a i y MUCHMUSIC NETWORK ................................ 48 MORJGff MADNESS.' 10 pjn.-1230 pjn. Sun.-Thurt m.
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