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T5he X5he COUIUER COURIER Advartisinf 0v' nm L&da in DothNsws and Brine " Circulation. TIE COURIER rtE DOLLAR PER YEAR SUED WEEKLY PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN No. 27 VOL. XXXVII ASHEBORO, N. C, JULY 11,1912: ' Ticket. J. L. Wlnnlngham Contractor.. o rmer San dolph Man in Indiana Annual ConventionThe of Worth Sabbath Sanctity Socialists Name Savoyard on The Situation ap Social Wlnnlngham. practical con True to Democratic Party Carolina Good Roads Association. '.For a long time it has been A State convention of the J. century a Thm for more than half a parent that there Is a rapidly in ist party was held in, Winston-S- tractor and builder, wants to figure Mr. .TftAanh n Viekor. formerlv To be Held in Charlotte, Aug as t creasing determination), on the lem last week and th following on your work from a cottage to tha we brieve Theodore of Randolph county, now an hon- 1 and 2 and if arato prt of worldly-minde- d people of all ticket named: largest dwelling, church ot cotton mt of the Re- ored citizm of Bloomingdale, Indi- fi- - Boosevelt and a majority GhaDel'Hill Jnl W won Id to secularize the Sabbath. governor, H. E. Hodges, of youmight wish to build; alsocon- - the Horth has botch- ana, in a letter to The Courier re. classes, For publican party like to call the attention of all expected from godlca Washington; lieutenant-governo-r, B. creteworkofallkinds . they ay the cently said: This was to be ed the j)b, for that North Uarolimans who are interested that) all Asheville; secretary or. government and tne Now that the National Conven- people. It is not surprising T. Tiller, of Mr. Wlnnlngham was born on his oountry, the in the State's progress and develop- at-- 1 - over to lawless ones should unite in state, W. M. Weatherly, of Greena- father's farm in Randolph county people have been handed tions at Chicago and Baltimore have ment to the Annual Convention of malefactors tempting to destroy the sanctity of boro, auditor, B. Stuart of Spencer; and was raised in and near Ashe the great combinations closed, we Had the following results: the North Oarolina Good Roads As. be explicit, to of the Re. the day. But it 1b by no meana treasurer W. B. Taylor Wlnstonr boro. He received his training from of predatory wealth, to The Roosevelt faction jociation which is to be held in Verily wat confined to such ones. There are Salem; superintendent of public in his who was among lJnor. to deorave. it is publican party says that Taft Charlotte August 1 and 2. Already father the i,ma that pat tne nominated by tactics and multitudes of reputed Christiana wh struction, Rev. B. E.J Hunt, Lexing State's best builders In his day. tnr the rartv fraudulent largo number of delegates have - There is vote of kind of dese- attorney-genera- l, W. G. Greg- Twenty-thre- e oountry in that fix to die. that he ia not entitled to the been appointed to this convention, are giving aid to this ton: years ago he went to every, On the professedly 01 ngriuuitui discontent everywhere aid any honest Republican. and it is expected that a large num. cration. Even some son; commissioner Greensboro to mak his home. Five is declare pa- Lenoir; commis- badv says that the country going other hand the Taft people oef will attend. Automobile runs Christian editors of religious Bruce 'Anderson, of years later he went into business) Hnora. ' printing, George i.n ha that Roosevelt contemplates treason, tie being arranged from our larger pers are advocating the practice of sioner of labor and for himself and since then he and convention out and his election would mean corporation That Republican that cities. It is expected that the Gjv-jrn- amusements and recreations on the it. Wilson, of Pfafftown; bis family have been identified with by a southern institutions, in Chicago was run the end of Republican will beoreaent. Senators Over Lord's day- - In a recent issue of commissioners. R. J. Morton, Greensn the business, religious and social life of a dictatoi-- h plutocrat woo maae jivu,vw,w vi and the establishment man and Simmons, who will dncufs "Christian World," of New York, bcro, and V. T. Grubbs, of King; in of that place. Some of his work ia Street-a'v- Mr. Ryan, n. With two candidat scf this son bo in Wall che building of roads from a Federa1 considerable editorial space wag surance commissioner, R. H. Lane, West Market M. E. church. First Ryan At this convicted by their own Thomas Fortune in the field itandpoint; Hon. John H. Small; given to the advocacy of a "liberal of Aurora. Baptist church, First, Presbyterian, k in (iih ns m the JJemo. remains out one evidence there wing and at least one thousand good roads use of the day. I quote a few sen- Smith Memorial building, remodel pool at Baltimore and got a for the honest Republican to ao. cratic inthusiasts from all ssctions ot tences: "Today, devout evangelical Misses Asbury Entertain. ing U. S. postoffioe government when his lawyer, Alton B. Renent. be baoMz'd. come out like a and fine strike North Oarolina, who are earnest in In Germany, Switzerland aa July 5th, named for temporary elector, wuson ana believers On Friday evening, building,, the McAdoo office build- Parkfr, was true voteior their efforts to get the State out of worship the on ar- - is no guilt France will attend in Misses Annie and Myrtle Asbury, of ing, "The Cedars" a residence of chairnun by the committee Marshall, in whom there one old ruts and nnprogressiveness ..(r. All fha interest fchafc of true morning and give themselves up to Asbury, entertalndea a number of Branch Merrimon, the homes of Rev-E-. andxwe will have an era which has cost and is costing the Rsan Democratic politics Democratic government. Nothing various recerations ia the afternoon. their frlnds at a tacky party in hon-,o- r W. Smith, E. J. Staford,, Will jjt has in iitize.8 of the State such vast sums. - inter-e-s the "There is no doubt that, our Purl- Dwenby, of Ashe- Rankin, Mrs. B. Harrison, and this year or rather the chief else will meet the demand of Every citiz;n of the State interested of Misses Viola J. Wil-s- took Sunday obser of Bls- - many people-- is the defeat of Woodrow American people. ;n its progress and the Ian fathers their ville, and Tena Richardson, other prominent achievement law, rathe; for the nomination for Presi- Kespectiuuy. of fund vance from the rabinnical coe. Three years ago he secured the l the, mental condition to Gospel.' dent. He was for Wilson for that Joseph C. Vickory. progress good rOids. is invited than from the Christian As theguests arrived they were me contract to erect the palatial home of to ti distinction until Wilson refused a.tend as a delegtte. "There Is no getting away from the att th door by Dr. Asbury and usher Mr. F. S. Lambeth of this place- - Eng- be bought by him. Then it was Dr. J. J. Haoalin at Home Josep n iiyde Pratt, fact that the British and New into the parlorby Miss Annie, where During the past three years his work' combination againBt Wilson Sunday was late creation hand- - mostly that the Hamlin, citizen of Sec. N. 0. Gwd Roads Asso. land the they were "received with heart has been here. He has built 11 Dr J. J. a " was formed, whicn win Dcai mm of an artificial conscience In re "Lyater the handsome bungalow C- - G. county, has recently re- shaks and pals ot lauhter. of Hill is beaten. Randolph ferring to feeling of the people he Raleigh where he stood Institute at Normal the all assembedl on the glawn, Thicn Hill, remodeled the residence of Mr. Tfc no vain boast when the lie-- turned from Stati was on of the world, the editorial says: "It decorated with lan- Wyche, Harville drug store, done nailed themselves "the tie State Bowd Examination To meet the was beautifully nnhiioana resents the church monopoly and de old-fa- i imriaT.rv nan t;i- u terns. There all kinds of other work and is now engaged in d Old Party." Verily it was n uui for various reasons are unaole to take prohibitlori Ga two weekB mands that ecclesiastical were played for some building a , house for C. F. Lajm- - a Day." Wnea it at from his examinations but cae entire course offered at the sum ioned games 'a io3e its Carolina shall no longer lnterfr with its everybody re- looking new Baptist AM-- he stood the South oner term of the Rtata i ru. time, after which fteth. after the tained power in 1861 it was a pro O- .. , . Vm rest-da- y ous uu- - right to spend Its weekly the prizes graded Audi nouneed, if 'not a hopeless minority State examination ana came lege, Greensboro, a teacher's institute turned to the parlor whre church and a school in the manner which suits It best. Lawrence, N. C. Thom-asvil- le Vnt it. renrnited aimiea the most usually well. ui De neid there beginning July were given. Miss Myrtle torium at Albemarle, SnmA aco we oubluhed These sentences show a purpose to of formidable the world has yet seen, tim 15" and closing July 26. Attendance as the tacklst girl, won a prize Davidsonian. won a gold meda encourag a desecration of the Lord's Hadley armed, equipped, sustained th.ni statement that be a DOn this institute will tha re.