[Eventos UCLM | Universidad De Castilla~La Mancha] Final Program

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[Eventos UCLM | Universidad De Castilla~La Mancha] Final Program [Eventos UCLM | Universidad de Castilla~La Mancha] Final Program https://exchange.uibk.ac.at/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAA... [Eventos UCLM | Universidad de Castilla~La Mancha] Final Program Eventos UCLM | Universidad de Castilla~La Mancha [[email protected]] Gesendet:Samstag, 14. Juli 2018 02:48 Este correo ha sido enviado automáticamente por el sistema. Para responder escribe al correo [email protected] del organizador del evento o haz clic aquí Comparte el evento Final Program 17th International Congress of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies Facultad de Humanidades de Albacete Domingo, 29 de julio - 12:00 h Dear colleague, This letter is being sent to all those who have registered for the Seventeenth International Congress of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS). The Program of the Congress will be printed in a few days. We are sending you a draft of it, so that you may check it, particularly what concerns you, and let us know as soon as possible if you found anything wrong. Thank you. We are looking forward to seeing you in Albacete. The Organizing Committee 1 von 114 23.07.2018, 09:50 [Eventos UCLM | Universidad de Castilla~La Mancha] Final Program https://exchange.uibk.ac.at/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAA... XVIITH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR NEO-LATIN STUDIES (IANLS) OFFICIAL PROGRAM ALBACETE, 29 JULY – 3 AUGUST 2018 HOMINES ET NATURA: ARTES ET SCIENTIAE IN LITTERIS NEO-LATINIS TRADITAE HUMANITY AND NATURE: ARTS AND SCIENCES IN NEO-LATIN LITERATURE EL SER HUMANO Y LA NATURALEZA: LAS ARTES Y LAS CIENCIAS EN LA LITERATURA NEOLATINA XVIITH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION 2 von 114 23.07.2018, 09:50 [Eventos UCLM | Universidad de Castilla~La Mancha] Final Program https://exchange.uibk.ac.at/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAA... FOR NEO-LATIN STUDIES (IANLS) OFFICIAL PROGRAM ALBACETE, 29 JULY – 3 AUGUST 2018 HOMINES ET NATURA: ARTES ET SCIENTIAE IN LITTERIS NEO-LATINIS TRADITAE HUMANITY AND NATURE: ARTS AND SCIENCES IN NEO-LATIN LITERATURE EL SER HUMANO Y LA NATURALEZA: LAS ARTES Y LAS CIENCIAS EN LA LITERATURA NEOLATINA Layout: María Teresa Santamaría Hernández– Joaquín Pascual Barea – Rocío Martínez Prieto Fecha de impresión: 17 de Julio de 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 von 114 23.07.2018, 09:50 [Eventos UCLM | Universidad de Castilla~La Mancha] Final Program https://exchange.uibk.ac.at/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAA... Organizing Committee – Sponsors & Partners 6 Saludo del Rector 7 Executive Committee – Advisory Board 8 Opening Ceremony 9 Plenary Papers 10 Conspectus Consessuum 11 Abstracts – Papers & Posters 25 Abstracts – Special Sessions 120 Practical Information 130 Maps 132 Exhibitors and Other Registered Publishing Houses 134 Sponsors & Partners 135 Organizing Committee: Chair: María-Teresa Santamaría-Hernández Coordinator: Joaquín Pascual-Barea Member: Ignacio-Javier García-Pinilla Secretary: Rocío Martínez Prieto Sponsors & Partners: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha: Rectorado Vicerrectorado de Investigación Facultad de Humanidades de Albacete Grupo de I+D Interpretes Medicinae Departamento de Filología Hispánica y Clásica Escuela de Traductores de Toledo 4 von 114 23.07.2018, 09:50 [Eventos UCLM | Universidad de Castilla~La Mancha] Final Program https://exchange.uibk.ac.at/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAA... Ayuntamiento de Albacete Ayuntamiento de Alcaraz Ayuntamiento de Chinchilla Diputación Provincial de Albacete Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Neulateinische Studien SALUDO DEL RECTOR Executive Committee: President: Ingrid A.R. De Smet First Vice-President: Marc Laureys Second Vice-President: María Teresa Santamaría Hernández Secretary: Raija Sarasti-Wilenius Treasurer: Enikő Békés Past President: Craig Kallendorf Chair of Publications: Astrid Steiner-Weber Chair of Digital Resources: Johann Ramminger Advisory Board: Regular Members: Donatella Coppini Jean-François Cottier Elisabeth Klecker Jolanta Malinowska Carolina Ponce Hernández J. Manuel Rodríguez Peregrina Claudia Schindler Marjorie Curry Woods Representatives of Affiliated Associations: Roger S. Fischer (American Association for Neo-Latin Studies) Gesine Manuwald (Society for Neo-Latin Studies, UK and Ireland) Anna Skolimowska (The Center for Studies on the Classical Tradition in Poland and East-Central Europe) Marianne Pade (Roma nel Rinascimento) Elena Rodríguez Peregrina (Sociedad de Estudios Latinos) László Szörényi (Hungaria Latina) Karl Enenkel (Die Neulateinische Gesellschaft) Jan Bloemendal (Nederlands Neolatinistenverband) 5 von 114 23.07.2018, 09:50 [Eventos UCLM | Universidad de Castilla~La Mancha] Final Program https://exchange.uibk.ac.at/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAA... Martin Korenjak (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies) Outi Merisalo (Nordic Network for Renaissance Studies) Donatella Coppini (Centro di Studi sul Classicismo, Prato) Nominating Committee: Craig Kallendorf (Chair) Marc Laureys Outi Merisalo Opening ceremony Monday, 30 July 2018, 09.00 a.m., Aula Magna (1.4) Plenary papers Monday, 10.00–11.00 Juan J. Valverde Abril: Apuntes sobre la transmisión textual de la versión latina de la Políticde Leonardo Bruni Tuesday, 11.00–12.00 Stefan Tilg: Autor/Erzähler und fiktionales Erzählen im neulateinischen Roman: Ein Beitrag zu einer historischen Narratologie Wednesday, 11.00–12.00 Carla Maria Monti: Petrarca e la natura Thursday, 17.00–18.00 Jean-François Cottier: Forêts paisibles, forêts sensibles: La Nature au miroir des écrits latins de Nouvelle-France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles Friday, 17.30–18.30 Marianne Pade: ‘Conquering Greece’: On the Correct Way to Translate in 15th-Century Humanist Translation Theory 6 von 114 23.07.2018, 09:50 [Eventos UCLM | Universidad de Castilla~La Mancha] Final Program https://exchange.uibk.ac.at/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAA... Sunday, 29 July 2018 Venue: University Campus. Edificio José Prat (José Prat Building) 18.00–20.00 Registration 18.00–20.00 Executive Committee meeting 20.00 Welcome Reception Monday, 30 July 2018 08.30–09.00 Registration 09.00–10.00 Opening Ceremony 10.00–11.00 Plenary lecture I: Juan J. Valverde Abril: Apuntes sobre la transmisión textual de la versión latina de la Política de Leonardo Bruni 11.00–11.30 Coffee break 11.30-13.00 Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 (Room 1.4) (Room 1) (Room 1.7) (Room 0.2) (Room 0.4) Scientia Latina I: Los paratextos de Neo-Latin as a las ediciones de Transnational Means of Eloquence I clásicos latinos en Encounters in the Erasmus Promoting and Chair: Miguel el Renacimiento y Dutch Republic of Chair: Ignacio Disseminating Ángel González su relevancia para Letters Javier García Early Modern Manjarrés la crítica textual Chair: Brenda Pinilla Science Chair: Antonio Hosington Chair: Johanna moreno hernández luggin Nellen, Henk: Ayuso García, Korenjak, Martin: Dutch Late Amherdt, David: Manuel: La Gordeziani, Lika: O animum Humanism and its L’Humaniste relevancia de los La Figure du gravem, mundi Aftermath: The suisse Heinrich paratextos de las tyran dans les capacem! Heroes Reception of Glareanus, vir primeras ediciones Adages of the Scientific Hugo Grotius’ bonus dicendi et de Marciano d’Érasme Revolution Biblical docendi peritus Capela para la Scholarship crítica textual Díaz Burillo, Rosa: Grau Codina, Luggin, Johanna: Aportaciones Bloemendal, Jan: Ferran: Aliud est Explaining the críticas de las Cultural Grammatice, Brain to 18th- epístolas Dynamics: Neo- aliud Latine MacPhail, Eric: Century Readers: dedicatorias Latin Dramas loqui: La pureza L’Art de conférer Claude Griffet’s transmitidas en las between de la lengua chez Érasme Didactic Poem primeras ediciones Nationality and latina según Cerebrum (1727) impresas de la Transnationality Fadrique Furio Farsalia de Lucano Ceriol (1469-1512) 7 von 114 23.07.2018, 09:50 [Eventos UCLM | Universidad de Castilla~La Mancha] Final Program https://exchange.uibk.ac.at/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAA... Moreno Leeds, John C.: Parente Jr., Tautschnig, Irina: Hernández, Anti-Ciceronian James A.: The Truman, Ronald: The Weaver of Antonio: Valor Prose and Anthology as Site Erasmus and Light: Divine crítico de los Reformation of Transnational Spain at the End Origin of Nature paratextos de las Ideology: The Literary Exchange of the 16th and Natural primeras ediciones Mandatory in the Low Century: Two Science in Carlo humanísticas de Archaism of Countries Examples Noceti’s Iris los Commentarii Richard de César Sampson 13.00–15.00 Lunch 13.00–15.00 Advisory Board meeting 15.00-16.30 Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 (Room 1.4) (Room 1) (Room 1.7) (Room 0.2) (Room 0.4) ‘De laude interpretationis’: Las Curationum Neo-Latin Poets Laurence medicinalium as Social Actors: Neo-Latin Humphrey’s centuriae septem Religion Evidence from Translations Theory of de Amato Chair: John C. Central Europe Chair: Ferran Vernacular and Lusitano Leeds Chair: Enikő Grau Religious Chair: Ana Isabel Békés Translation Martín Ferreira Chair: Marianne Pade Storchová, Lucie: González Cañas Reíllo, Hosington, Brenda Everyday Manjarrés, Miguel José Manuel: Kofler, Wolfgang: M.: Laurence Communication Ángel & Recio World, Man and Peccator deicida, Humphrey’s Practice in Muñoz, Victoria: Nature in the Pastor bonus und Transnational Central European Las ediciones de Latin Pius Network of English Humanism: la primera Translation of Samaritanus: drei Humanist Georg Handsch Centuria de the Translatio Brixner Translators: from and his Excerpt Amato
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