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The Utah State Alumni Quarterly, Vol. 22 No. 1, October 1944

Utah State University

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Recommended Citation Utah State University, "The Utah State Alumni Quarterly, Vol. 22 No. 1, October 1944" (1944). Utah State Magazine. 80. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/utahstatemagazine/80

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Number 1 ·

.I THREE STORIES ABOUT THE BAZOO Invasion Story * A German fort was causing considerable trouble to an American landing party. One soldi er detached hi mself from the parry, and waded ashore with a Bazooka . With one shot he knocked out the fort, and the Germans surrendered.- FTO'm a repoTt jTO'm the European theatre. Jungle Story * Yank on patrol suddenl y came upon two Japanese tanks. He slipped behind a tree, and let go at the nearest tank. The first rocket from his Bazooka blew up the tank, and its exploding ammunition set off the second tank. Score, two tanks with one shot!- Ft01n a teport fwm the South Pacific.

Home Front Story * Back of the action stories of the first class fi ghting weapon. T wo men been n1shed into action on the Russian Bazooka on the fighting front is an could handle it easil y-one in an and North Mrican fronts, the quota action-packed home front story of emergency-yet the Bazooka fired a was made, with eighty-nine minutes how the Bazooka was built. projectile that could knock out a tank. to spare! On May 21, 1942, aU. S. Army All that remained was to produce Since then General Electric has pursuit ship slipped into an airport the quota, several thousand Bazookas, turned out hundreds of thousands of near a G-E plant. It carried an within the remaining eight days! Bazookas, but the story of how the Army Ordnance officer, and instruc­ G-E men and women did it. Pans first several thousand were produced tions for General Electric to des ign were rushed by plane and taxicab. remains a tribute to G-E workmen, and produce within thirty days several Men and women worked through and another example of how G-E thousand rocket guns-an assignment their lunch hours, and stayed over to engineering and manufacturing ex­ so important that it took precedence help the next shift. And seven days perience work to meet America's over all other ordnance in the country. after production started, while the needs-in war, and peace. General Twenty-four hours later a G-E f.rst Bazookas produced had already Electric CO'mpany, Schenectady, N. Y. engineer came up with the design. A $25 Bond Will Buy a Bazooka-Buy War Bonds-Keep All the Bonds You Buy Four days later the first gun was turned out. Then came the tests, at Aberdeen. For more than two weeks the Bazooka GENERAL~ELECTR!~ was tested and developed and im­ HEAR THE GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIO PROGRAMS: "THE G-E All-GIRL ORCHESTRA" SUNDAY \)roved until• it had proved itsel f as a 10 P.M. EWT, NBC-"THE WORLD TODAY" N EWS, EVERY WEEKDAY 6:45P.M. EWT, CBS, THE UTAH STATE ALUMNI QUARTERLY Life Membership Published qu arterly by th e Utah State Agricult ural Coll ege Alumni Association. Entered a second -c lass matter at th e post offi ce in Logan, Utah, under th e act of Honor Roll March 3, 1897. GRADUATES AND EX-AGGIES A lumni who h nve taken out L ife m emberships Life member ships at $25.00 m· a nnua l m ember sh ip nt $2 .00 m ay now be procured by a n y in the Associa tion since t he publication of the inte•·ested per son who has ever attended the U SA C. J oint a nnua l dues for husba nd a nd wife a re June Qua •·te l"l y. Those in boldface type have a lso availa ble at $2 .50 per year a nd joint life membe rships a t $35.00. Husbands or wives o f completed payment. • ,. graduates o z· ex-Aggies m ay a lso a ffili ate on a n a nnua l o z· life basis. It is now possible f01· a ll former students who have a ttended the U tah State Ag ricultura l Lt. Wallace Russel Christ~nsen, '41 College fot· one quartez· or more to become full fl edged m ember s of the Alumni AssociRtion upon 264th CA, APO 939 payment of the dues as out lined above. c/ o Postmaster, Seattle, Wash. and Almeda Brown Christensen, '43 Vol. XXIII OCTOBER, 1944 Number 1 474 North Sixth East Logan, Utah Marjorie A. Henderson, '38, Editor William C. Crook, '16 Heber City, Utah Ensign Byrne Fernelius, '41 anci Jean Wheelwright Fernelius, '42 OCTOBER CONTENTS 2465 Quincy A venue Ogden, Utah RQbert B. Harrison, '37 Life Membership Honor Roll ------· --- -··---- -·------Page 3 1323 Service Unit Camp Reynolds, Pa. Sons and Daughters of Utah State Alumni ______Page 4 and Catherine Wright Harrison, '40 Engineers Acquire Valuable Equipment ------______Page 5 131 South First East Logan, Utah Aggie Marriages ------· ------·------Page 6 Capt. Harold L. Hiner, '41 753 West Lewis Pocatello, Idaho Little Aggies ------· ------Page 6 Lund A. Johnson, '29 1914 Hoover Avenue Dr. Frandsen to Administer G.I. Bill ------Page 7 Oakland, California H. Parley Kilburn, '31 In Memory of Those Aggies------·------·------· ------·------Page 8 and - Alumni who ha ve_ made the supreme sacrifice- Winona Hatch Kilburn (ex-Aggie) 469 East Third North Aggie Register ------Pages 9-16 Logan, Utah - Aggies in th e Armed Forces - Lt. W. H. Bennett, '36 Co. E. 124th Inf. Residence Halls Ready for Women------Page 17 APO 31, c/ o Postmaster San Francisco, California Alumni Council Honors Executive Secretary ------Page 18 Henry R. Cooper, '34 and Myra N. R. Cooper, '24 Alumni Items ------·------·------Page 19 312 West Center Street Logan, Utah Wilson H. Foote, '42 Division of Agronomy and Plant Genetics University Farm OFFICERS OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION - 1944-45 St. Paul, Minn. A. Russe ll Croft, '20 Pres id ent Lt. Wilford J. Smeding, Jr., '43 H. Parl ey Kilburn ,' 31 Executive Secretary Co. E 259th Inf. APO 200 Camp Shelby, Miss. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE S/ Sgt. C. Edward Wilson, Jr., '40 A. Russell Croft, '20 Evan B. Mu rray, '27 Johan na Moen, '20 Ord. Sect. Hq. VIII Corps LeRoy Hilla rn , '16 D. A. Skee n, '09, (Ex-Offi cio) Seth T. Sh aw, ' 31 APO 3080, c/ o Postmaster New York, New York . H . Parl ey Kilburn, '31, Executi ve Secretary

ALUMNI COUNCIL MEMBERS Cover A. Russell Croft, '20 Mary Bennett Smith, '28 J. Morris Christense n, '21 "The Gates" at the end of fourth north present to the passerby an in­ Geo rge E. Bankhead , '30 LeRoy Hillam, ' 16 W. W . Gardner, '21 troduction to Utah State Agricultural Sherman P. Lloyd, '35 Frank G. Fister, '3 8 Ruby Strin gham Garrett, '28 College. They stand for a solid foun­ Eva n B. Murray, '27 Ern est 0 . Larsen, ' 18 Seth T. Shaw, '31 dation in the liberal and practical arts Johann a Moe n, '20 Phyllis Kirkham Owen, ' 33 Allen M. West, '32 of life and epitomize the strength of education as conducted in this land­ Lydia Holm gren Tann er, '03 grant College.. Photo by courtes·y of D. A. Sk ee n, '09, (Ex- Offi cio) Max Brunson Studio.

Page 3 ------

JUDY ANN CLAY Age 10 months. Daughter of Carol Wenner­ gren and John Clay, both 1942 graduate . The Clay live in .

PETER MICHAEL WETZLER Age 10 month . Son of Dee Loui e Parker, '42, and Capt. John Wetzler, '41 , of Char­ lotteville, Virginia.

RAY TREMELLING Age 20 month , and CARMEN JANET TREMELLING Age 3 months. Children of Isabel and Louis G. Tremelling, '39, of Larado, Texas.

JOANN PRESTON Age 3 years, and RICHARD EARL PRESTON Age 4 months. Children of Marian Skid­ more, '38, and Lt. Richard A. Pre ton, '38, of Olympia, Washington.

WAYNE REED BISHOP Age 9 months. Son of Lt. and Mr . Mohonri Bi hop of Buffalo, l . Y. Lt. Bishop was a member of th e 1940 graduating class and Mr . Bi hop, the former June Johnson, is an ex-Aggie.

CHERYL McCLELLAN Age 7 week . Daughter of Dorothy Quin­ ney, '38, of Logan, and Lincoln McClellan, '37, tationed in Hawaii.

Page -4 Engineers Acquire Valuable Equipment

Plttn £xt(lnJivfl Pto-!'ltlm

'Jo-t Po-Jtwttt Rttt

A complete change in the machine shop at the Utah State Agricultural College was effected as a result of the War Training Program of 1942-1944. The accompanying photographs show clearly the sharp contrast between the "old" and the "new." The new equip­ ment has modernized the shop and made it a more inviting environment for the student, faculty member or casual visitor. Unimproved Shop. Dean Clyde stated that, "it would have taken twenty years by normal processes for the division of engineer­ grams, it has been necessary to great­ period. When present commitments ing to have acquired the valuable ma­ ly expand the quarters normally occu­ and recommendations are completed chinery that has been installed in the pied by the machine shop. The Indus­ the School of Engineering will be able last two years." The value of this trial building has been remodeled and to present the most extensive offering equipment .has been placed at $146,- additional space added. These addi­ yet made available to students. 028.40. This addition was made pos­ tions have not only provided adequate The College made an outstanding sible by grants from the United States space for the regular equipment, but contribution ~o the war effort through government as a part of the extensive have made quarters possible for radio cooperation with the several branches training program instituted to assist and woodwork. of the armed forces. The division of the war effort. engineering was responsible during The engineering department has the past biennium for the conduct of To house the defense training pro- made careful plans for the postwar the following special programs: Civi­ lian Pilot Training, War Production Training, Naval Radio Training, Army Specialized Training Program, Engi­ neering, Science, Management War Training. Other divisions and schools were utilized in these training programs. There was a total of 5,828 students trained to January 1, 1944. The staff of the School of Engineer­ ing looks forward to a period of ex­ pansion and advancement. A serious shortage of engineers has been appar­ ent for some time and training dras­ tically curtailed. The demand for tech­ nically trained people has steadily increased. The age of air power which is upon us demands that emphasis be given this phase of training. The School of Engineering, Industries and Trades expects to make the USAC the strong­ est Aeronautics school in the inter­ mountain region. Modernized Machine Shop. Page 5 has just returned from New Guinea and Australia, where he has spent the last two years in the service. He is now stationed at Santa Monica where he and Mrs. Williams are living at the present time. Lamont Johns and Betty Savage Westerly, R.I., June 30. Reverend Yard Orrock, ex-Aggie, and Dorothy were married in the Salt Lake City Harold R. Crandall performed the Meyer were married at the home of L.D.S. temple June 28. Elder Spencer ceremony. Following the wedding the the bride's parents August 7, after W. Kimball performed the ceremony. newlyweds left for a short wedding which the couple left immediately for Mr. J ohns has just returned from a trip to Providence, R. I. a honeymoon trip. Fire Controlman two-year mission in the Southern Cpl. Ross P. F indlay and Linnie 2/ c Orrock has been serving in the States for the L.D.S. Church. Mc•·chant, ex-Aggie, were married re­ South Pacific and the Aleutian islands. Lynn Hadfield, '38, and Afton Fishe1· cently. Cpl. Findlay is stationed at In August Easton ampson, '45, of were united in marriage June 23 in Camp Ellis, Ill. Delta, and Carol E laine Godfrey, Reno, Nevada. Pvt. Hadfield is train­ Wedding bells rang for Arthur D. Clarkston, were married. ing as a radio technician at Camp Jackson and Dona Claire Smith, ex­ Avon De Vree, '44, and Carl N. Crowder, Missouri. Aggi.es. The bride's mother and Mrs. White were married August 7 at t he E lden A. Tolman, '40, and Alta Rae Jackson accompanied her to Washing­ home of the bride's parents. Seaman Wilson, '39, were married in the Logan ton, D. C., where the wedding took 2/ c White has left for his present sta­ L.D.S. temple June 19, with President place in the L.D.S. chapel early in tion at Great Lakes, Ill. His wife will E!Ray Christiansen performing the September. Mr. Jackson is attending join him later. ceremony. They are making their officers training school at Quantico, In San Diego, California, August 5, home at 393 East 4th North in Logan. Virginia. Miss Louise Taylor and William Cur­ Virginia Harris, '44, and Lt. eil Married July 22 in Douglas, Ari­ tis Jolley, USNR, former students, George Christian, USMC, were mar­ zona, were Dorothy ielsen, ex-Aggie, were married at the home of Lt. ried at the Presbyterian Church in and Lt. Vaughn Halliday. B. T. Me­ Comdr. A. L. Benton. Brazer Hawkins Logan, June 24. Rev. Miner Bruner cham, chaplain, performed the cere­ officiated. The couple will live in San pronounced the rites in a double ring mony in the post chapel. Diego while the bridegroom is sta­ ceremony. While Lt. Christian is on Married August 6th in the beautiful tioned there. an oversea assignment, Virginia will lounge of the Wilshire Chapel at Los Capt. Russell S. Lund, ex-Aggie, and be employed as a dietician at Minne­ Angeles were Mary Katherine ais­ Sherma Stanfill, ex'45, were married apolis Hospital. bitt, '38, and Lt. Allen P . Williams. August 25 in Logan. Following the Norma Shotwell, 'ex-Aggie, ex­ The marriage as performed by marriage, t he young couple took a changed wedding vows with Lt. James Bishop Stanley G. Smith. Lt. Williams (Continued on page 19 ) Normington II, in a formal candle­ light double ring ceremony held in the evening at Davis-Monthan field chapel at Tuscon, Arizona. Mrs. Normington has been employed as a secretary at Davis-Monthan during the summer. Cpl. William Wayman, Jr., ex­ Aggie, and Alice Lewis exchanged Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Shipley are the parents of a daughter, Carol J ean, wedding vows August 2 in the Logan parents of a fine son, born at the Pres­ born July 12. Mrs. Cain is the former L.D.S. temple with President ElRay ton hospital August 1. Lyle is a gradu­ Katherine Andersen, '43. Robert, '42, Christiansen officiating. After a short ate of the 1943 class. The Shipleys is salesclerk at the Lang Co. honeymoon trip, the young couple are known throughout Cache valley Capt. and Mrs. Burt Hoggan wel­ went to McCook, Nebraska, wnere for their musical abilit ies. comed a daughter, June 15. Mrs. Hog­ Corporal Wayman resumed his duties Bishop and Mrs. W. Loyal Hall are gan is the former Irene Coombs and with the army air forces. receiving congratulations following resides in Ogden while her husband Ensign Loy W. Watts, '41, and Car­ the birth of their third son, August 1 is overseas. ma Glauser were married in the Logan in a local hospital. Mrs. Hall wa for­ Mr. a nd Mrs. W. J. Hughey are the temple June 30, with President ElRay merly Miss Lenore Croft, '26. proud parents of a son, born July 20 . Christiansen performing the cere­ Max Brunson, ex'37, local photo­ Mrs. Hughey is the former Miss mony. The young couple wi ll make grapher, is the proud papa of a new Gladys Mattson, prominent Logan vo- their home in Corpus Christi, Texas, son born July 25. Mrs. Brunson is calist. • were Ensign Watts is now assigned the former Alta Beth Wayman. The Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ryberg announce as navigation instructor for the naval couple have one other child, a son. the arrival of a baby boy, born in July. air corps. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Bankhead, for­ A graduate with the class of '43, Mrs. Lt. George B. Bradshaw, '43, and mer Aggies, are the proud parents of Ryberg is the former Marideen Munk. Myrtle Pehrson exchanged wedding a baby daughter, their first child. Mr. Word has been received of the ar­ vows at the home of the bride's par­ Bankhead is in navy service, stationed rival of an 8-pound son for Dr. and ents with Bishop A. George Raymond in Illinois. Mr . Herbert A. ewey of Stamford, officiating, July 8. The newlyweds Pvt. and Mrs. W illard K. Maughan Conn. Herbert received his doctorate have left for Camp Croft, South Caro­ are the parents of a daughter, born from the Institute of lina, where Lt. Bradshaw is stationed. July 27. Mrs. Maughan is the former Technology in 1941, and since that Pfc. Seth B. MacFarland, '35, and Helen Carlson. time has been a research chemist for Deora Seegmiller were married July To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Herman the American Cyanamide Co., Stam­ 25 in Salt Lake City. The couJ)le have Holm gren, a daughter was born Aug­ ford, Conn. Mrs. Newey is the former gone to Modesto, California, where the ust 5. Mr. Holmgren graduated in '42. Laura Johnson. bridegroom is stationed with the U.S. Major Miles Romney, '35, and Vanda medical corps. Mr. and Mrs. Rush C. Budge an­ Bennet Romney announce the arrival Lt. Geo rge H. Searle, ex-Aggie, and nounce the birth of their third child, of a son, born July 26. Gwynneth Jopling recited vows in St. a son, born July 23. He is greeted by A new daughter, Diane Marie, was Giles' Church on June 24 in Reading, a brother and sister. born to Carlisle B. Sorenson, former England. Mrs. Searle is on her way Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Erickson were student, and Katherine Bregler Soren­ to make her home in the United States receiving congratulations following son, July 20. Mr. Sorenson is with a with Lt. Searle's mother. the birth of their second son in July. Radiation Laboratory in Tenn. Mrs. Ray S. Whitney, ex-Aggie, and Lora Sylvan graduated with the class of '28. Sorenson resides in San Francisco. Hilton were married July 25 in the Capt. Alton Peterson, '36, and a­ Lt. and Mrs. Alan P. MacFarlane Manti L.D.S. temple. Mr. Whitney and omi Anderson Peterson, '37, are re.ioic­ announce the arrival of a son, John his wife are making their home in ing over a new son born in J uly. Capt. Alan, born in August. Mrs. MacFa,r­ Provo. Peterson is stationed in England at lane is the former Ruth Skidmore, '38. Keith Edward Clay on, ex-Aggie, the present time. Lt. MacFarlane graduated with the and Guelda Choules were married at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cain are the class of '39.


Special machinery for the guidance education of persons who have re­ and training of returning servicemen ceived physical disabilities in the ser­ and women has been set up at Utah vice of the nation. Persons who have State which has been approved for sustained disabilities should file appli­ participation in the national veterans' cation for pension on form 52G, ob­ education program. tained from the American Legion Dr. Arden Frandsen, coordinator of offices, from American Red Cross veteran education at the College, offices, or Veterans Administration of­ states that the curriculum intended fices. If a pensionable disability pro­ for veterans includes courses in forty­ ducing a vocational handicap is found, eight departments of the seven schools the veteran will be advised to make at the College. The program offers application for vocational training. training for hundreds of different vo­ This training may extend from one to cations and professions and prepares four years and school fees plus liv­ men and women for happier and more ing costs of $80 per month will be efficient living besides qualifying them paid. If the veteran is married $90 for doing needed services for the com­ plus $5 for each dependent child will munity and the nation. be paid. This training must be com­ Two provisions for assisting ex­ pleted within six years after the ter­ servicemen and women in education mination of the war. have been made by the United States Additional information on the vari­ government in the GI Bill of Rights. ous training opportunities offered for Every honorably discharged person returning servicemen may be found in who has served three months or more the 1944 College catalogue, although in the armed forces since September veterans may obtain information di ­ H. Parley Kilburn, '31 16, 1940, will be eligible for one year rectly at Utah State. Application of training with fees plus $50 a month forms for the training under the pro­ living expenses paid by the govern­ visions of the Servicemen's Readjust­ ment. An additional year of training ment Act of 1944 can be obtained at Kilburn Selectep As for each year in the armed forces will Veteran Administration offices or di­ be given; however, men over 25 years rectly from the USAC. of age, to take advantage of the pro­ Thirteen men have already begun Executive Secretary gram, must show that their education training in the rehabilitation program has been interrupted. Such training at Utah State in the following curric­ must be initiated two years after dis­ ula: agronomy, bio-chemistry, home H. Parley Kilburn was recently charge or the end of the war, and can­ appliances, mechanics, photography, chosen Executive Secretary of the not be continued beyond seven years automotive mechanics, aeronautics, Aggie Alumni Association according after termination of the war. civil engineering, economics, merchan­ to A. Russell Croft, Association Presi­ The second plans provide for the dising, education, and poultry. dent. He succeeds Mrs. Marjorie A. Henderson, who has been Acting sec­ retary since last spring when Leonard Bell Completes Romney Drills W. McDonald resigned to become man­ aging editor of the Utah Farmer. Registration Plans Aggie Gridders Mr. Kilburn received his bachelor's degree at the USAC in 1931 and his Plans are being made for a normal registration for the school year 1944- Football has been resumed at the M.S. two years later. At present he 45. Full attention will be given to USAC. Coach E. L. "Dick" Romney is a candidate for a doctorate at Stan­ civilian students. Course work in all reported that thirty-three gridders ford University. He has also studied divisions and departments will be answered the first call and were issued at the University of and available. The registration of women suits. Columbia University. students is expected to be unusually The group is led by Burns Crook­ high. The School of Home Economics ston, only returning letterman. De­ Since 1942 the Secretary has been is preparing for an extra heavy stu­ spite the lack of manpower. enthus­ instructor of social science at Weber dent load. The surge of men and wo­ iasm among the players is high and College. Previously he had been head men returning from war service will of the social science department at undoubtedly get under wav during the they are looking forward to a season coming school year, picking up mo­ of fun on the gridiron. Logan Junior High School, instructor mentum as the year progresses. Students are showing great interest at Snow College in Ephraim, principal The College is prepared to render in the team and school spirit will be of the Logan Woodruff elementary full service in the postwar reconver­ greatly increased by the return of the school and instructor in the Davis, sion period. A fine record of service fall sport. Alumni are urged to be Morgan and Weber county schools. in national defense and war training present at as many games as possible He has been active in state educa­ nrograms, of which the Alumni of the and again enjoy that "Aggie" spirit Institution can well be proud, has just tional circles for many years, having been completed. A full program of so characteristic of football days. been former president of the Logan r.ivilian courses has been maintained The gridders this year are fairly Teachers Association and Vice-Presi­ throughout this period even though representative of the entire state. So dent of the Utah Educational Associa­ civilian enrollments have been con­ former Aggies everywhere can watch tion. siderably reduced. The immediate fu­ with interest the fortunes of the team. ture will undoubtedly bring d~mands Preparations are going ahead for a In addition to his educational pur­ that will tax the physical facilities of full schedule and players are training suits, Mr. Kilburn has been active in the Institution, as well as challenge as though for a championship. the best efforts of the f::tculty and ad­ civic and community affairs. He was ministration to meet. The support of Ernest Groll of Logan and Clifford the first president of the Logan Junior a loyal alumni group can do much to Hoopiiana and Nick Caputo of West Chamber of Commerce and has held encourage the best efforts of all con­ high and Udell Wankier of Nephi are many committee posts in the state and cerned. promising boys in the camp. national organization.

Page 7 Ensign Glenn B. Adams, '38 Salt Lake west of Brigham City, Killed in action on the beaches at Utah. Flight Instructor, Army Air Salerno, Italy, October, 1943. Force.

John B. Allison, ex 1st Lt. Alexander W. Levi, '37 Killed in action on D-Day in France, Died in action over Europe, March June 26, 1944, with an engineer unit. 8, 1944. Army Air Force. 11Vho have co'l~rageously given E nsign John K. Meibo , '40 2nd Lt. Clyde P. Baugh, ex'43 Killed in airplane crash near Corpu Killed in airplane crash while on sea thei1· lives in the service of ow· Christi, Texas, in August, 1942. duty, California, 1943. avy Air Corps. Count·ry. lYiau t: hei1· memories Ens. Herald Clark Bennion, '37 Lt. Cha e Jay Nielsen, ex Killed in South Pacific August 13, be an in pi ration for the build­ Served with Doolittle in bombing of 1943, when his ship was sunk near Tokyo. Believed executed by Jap Guadalcanal. Navy. ing and ·maintenance of a in April 1943. B-25 Bomber named in his honor, June, 1943. Ensign J. Avery Bishop, ex t.vm·ld of Endw·ing P eace) as­ Killed in plane crash, Jacksonville, 1/c Charles Edward Robin , ex Florida, whlle in operational train­ su?·ing L ibe·rties and P rivi­ Killed in action, ovember 20, 1943, ing, July, 1943. in South Pacific. avy. leges of F1·eedom to all the A/C Henry Bradshaw, '43 Ens. Lorenzo Charle Rodeback, ex Killed in plane crash, April 26, 1943, peoples of the world. Killed in action in South Pacific, Albuquerque, ew Mexico. April 11, 1944. Navy Air Corps. 'l'hei1· nanws have bee·n m­ 2nd Lt. Robert E. Burgess, '38 1 t Lt. Gerald Lee Simmon , ex'41 Killed in action over Germany, Feb­ scribed upon the pennanerd Killed in action, March 6, 1943. ruary 20, 1944. Army Air Corps. U. S. Army. H onor R oll of the U.S.A .C. 1st Lt. Horace . mith, '38 Glen C. Clark, '30 Killed in action in South Pacific, Died 1942, heart attack. Alu1nni Association. July 21, 1944. United States Marine Corps. Lt. (j.g.) Clyde M. Decker, ex Killed in Oakland August 14, 1944, 'l'hei·r Alnt,a Mater will ever Fi/Off. Robert R. Sneddon, ex in a plane crash. Army Air Force. Killed in bomber crash July 17, 1944, hold them in P1·oud R eme·nt­ Roswell , New Mexico. Army Air 2nd Lt. Arvil J. Foster, ex Force. Died near Werlshropi, England, De­ brance. cember 2, 1943. Army Air Corps. Lt. Kenneth R. States, ex'42 Killed piloting avy Transport Capt. James Owen Fox, '39 which crashed, Rio de Janerio, No­ Killed in action in November, 1943, vember, 1943. in Gi lbert Islands. Marine Corps. Capt. Dean Steven on, ex 1st Lt. Ralph Lemar Hanson, ex'41 Killed while on maneuvers on Cali­ Killed in a raid near Bremen, Ger­ fornia desert, June 3, 1943. Anti­ many, March 18, 1943. Army Air aircraft. Corps. A/ C Lund C. Stucki, ex'44 Capt. Judd Z. Harri , '41 Killed in plane accident, Lubbock, Killed F ebruary 28, 1944, in plane Texas, August 3, 1943. Navy Air crash. Marine Corps. Corps. S/ gt. Harold G. Hendricks, '39 1st Lt. Jack Taylor, '37 Drowned in the Pacific Ocean near Died in Jap prison camp July 11, Portland, Oregon, air base, Septem­ 1943. Coast Artillery-Army. ber 13, 1943, while swimming. Army Air Corps. 1 t Lt. E ld red F. Whipple, ex * * * * * * * * Killed over Germany March 22. Ensign Veri H. Hilton, ex Army Air Corps. Killed in plane crash February 24, Bt n M 2/ c John Howard Israel on, ex 1943. Navy Air Corps. Died January 15, 1944, from head Pvt. Alan F. Wilson, ex injury presumably received whlle on Died at Lafayette, La., where he Pvt. James Max Hovey, ex duty in South Pacific or Mediter­ was taking V-12 training with the Died November, 1943, at Camp Lee, ranean. Marines. Virginia. Cerebral hemorrhage. Lt. Louis E. Johnson, ex 2nd Lt. Douglas Andrew Yonk, ex Kenneth R. lsom, ex'41 Killed April 25, 1943, when B0-25 Killed in action over Burma, Febru­ Killed in a plane crash, 1943. Med. Bomber crashed into Great ary 25, 1944. Army Air Forces.

Page* 8 * * * * * * * * * Aagard, James Conrad '37- AAF- Norman, Aggie Register is a directory of Alumni Baugh, 2nd Lt. Dean C. ex'46- AAF-Marfa, Oklahoma. Association members and all former Aggies Texas. Aamodt, Lt. John F., Jr. '3 CA- APO 952. Baugh, 1st Lt. Evan A. '42- CA- Fort Wor­ San Francisco. who are serving in the armed forces and in­ den, Wash. Abott, 1st Lt. Joseph T. '42- CA- APO 980, cludes information reaching this office Septem­ Baugh, Capt. Frederick Ray '36-A- Fort Seattle, Washington. ber I, 1944. Complete addresses are available Bliss, Texas. Abbott, Major Zane L . ex- AAF- Chatham Bacon, Cpl. David C. '42- A- with MP unit Field, Georgia. at the Alumni Office. If you know service men guarding Germans. Abrams, Lt. Milton C. ex- A- APO 25 , and women whose names are not listed here, Beames, Pfc. Kue Haliday '40- AAF- APO Shrevevont, La. please send them in. Supplemental lists will 520, New York. Adams, Sgt. Nathan Cameron '38- A- Daytona Bean , 2nd Lt. Roy W . ex'41-AE-APO 986, Beach, Florida. be published in succeeding issues of the Quar­ Seattle, W ash, Adamson, Ella L. '42- Red Cross, Camp Cooke, terly. Beckett, 2nd Lt. James Edward '43- A-South Calif. Camp, Texas. Adamson, Ma jor Herbert '24 ----;AAF- March Behling, Wesley A. 38- A- Italy. Field, Calif. Bell, Pvt. Da rwin ex-A-Washington, Pa. Affleck, Qm. 3/c Preston '41- CG-Groton, Bell, Capt. George M. '35- A-Washington, Conn. * * * * * * * * D. C. Alchin, Cpl. Alexander '37- A-Sarasota, Fla. Bell, CPO Marvin '42- N- San Francisco, Cal. A lder, Lt. Conrad C. ex- AAF- Fort Worth, Ashby, S/Sgt. Garr B. '42- A- Langley Field, Bell, Sgt. Victor V . ex- A- Fort Knox, Ken­ Texas. Va. tucky. Alder, Pfc. Karl G. '36- A- New York. APO Ashby, Pvt. J. H etzler '38- A- Ft. F. E. War­ Belliston, Major Carl F. '32- A- Camp Haan, 149 . ren, Wyoming. Calif. Alder, S 1/c Seth Leon '4 1- CG- Lakehurst, Ashcroft, Pvt. H. Wayne '40- A- Fort Doug­ Bench, 2nd Lt. Sterling E. ex'44- A-Ft. Ben­ New Jersey, las, Utah. ning, Ga. Allan, Lt. Glen L. '40- A- APO 7770, San Ashworth, 2nd Lt. Wayne A. ex- AAF- Rapid Bendixsen, Major Vern C. '41- APO 709, San Francisco. City, So. Dakota. Francsico. Alleman, Ensign James ex-N- Southwest Pa­ Astle, Major Nor·ma n J . ex- A- Fort Warren, Bennett, Ensign LaMont L. '43- Navy- Ocean­ ... cific Wyoming. side, Calif. Allen, 2nd Lt. Charles Aquilla '43- A- Fort Atkinson, S/Sgt. Chester ex- AAF- Hanford, Bennett, 2nd Lt. William H. '36-A- APO 31- Fisher, North Carolina. Calif. A, San Francisco. Allen, Ensign Clyde J esse '40- N- Cambridge, Aubert. 2nd Lt. La urence '43- A- Camp Hu­ Bennion, Sgt. Mark L. '35- A-APO 713, San Mass. len, Texas. Francisco. Allen, Ensign Golden L. '35- N- Pacific Austin, Lt. (s.g.) Wallace Wayne ex'23-N­ Benson, 2nd Lt. Theodore N. '43- A- Ft. Bel­ Beach, Calif. , Annapolis. voir, Va. Allen, Cpl. Victor J. '41- AE-Fort Lotten, Avis, 1st Lt. Samuel Lee '42- A- Camp Stew­ Benton, 1st Lt. David Eugene '43- A- Fort New York. art, Georgia. Monroe, Va. Allen, Ensign Wallace F . '41- N- Wellesley Axelgard, 1st Lt. ChrisT. '4 2- CA- San Fran­ Bergener, A/C Reid H . ex- AAF- Seymour, College, Mass. ci sco, APO 293. Indiana. Alley, Instr. Charles Loraine '37- AAF- Ya le Bach, Capt. W. Kenneth '37- CA- APO 953, Bernstein, Cpl. David A. '43- A-Camp But­ Univ., New Haven, Conn. San Francisco. ner, N .C. Allred, T/Sgt. Chall E . '42-A- Camp Polk, Bacon , Cpl. David Clarence '42- MP- APO Bargen , 1st Lt. Luther '4 2- AAF-England. La. 571, New York. Bernhard, Ensign John Torben '41- CG-New Allred, Pvt. Clayton Wilson '43- A- Camp Badger, Sgt. William Keith '4 1- A- APO 635 York. Adair, Ore. New York. Bernston, Ariel J., Jr. ex-M-Pacific Theater Amacher, 2nd Lt. Aaron G. '43- A- Fort Bagley, Major Edward N. '33- A- APO 185, Berrett, 2nd Lt. Elwood David '41-A-San Benning, Ga. Los Angeles. Francisco, APO 951. Anderson, V 2/c Afton ex- WAVES- Wash­ Bahen, Lt. Harry S. '31 - A- Camp H aan, Berrey, Lt. (j.g.) Boyd '87- NAC-Seattle, ington, D. C. Calif. Wash. Anderson, Pfc. Bert D. '40- A- APO 519, Bahen, Major Paul S. '34-- A- Ft. Fisher, N.C. Bertin, CPO James Conrad '42- N- San Fran­ New York. Bailey, Lt. (i.g.) Loile J. '36- N- New Guinea. cisco. Anderson, 2nd Lt. Brice 0. '35- A- Fort Bailey, 2nd Lt. Samuel H. '42- A- APO 15309, Bethera, 2nd Lt. Grant ex'42- A- Montgomery Bragg, No. C. New York. 9, Ala. Anderson, Ensign Chad Kay '42- N- Ohio Ba iley, Capt. William H. ex- Awarded DFC Beutler, Alvin S. '40-0rdnance division, Salt State Univ., Columbus 10, Ohio. and Air Medal in Caribbean. Lake City, Utah. Anderson, Donald 0. ex- N- Trensure Island . Baker, 2nd Lt. John D. '43- A-Camp Davis, Beyeler, Capt. Lynn C. '41- MC-South Pa­ Anderson, A/ C Desmond L. ex'45- AAF­ North Carolina. cific. Waco, Texas, (To be moved). Baker," Lt. Col. Robert C. '37- San Francisco. Bigler, 2nd Lt. Max ex- AAF- Randolph Field, Anderson, Capt. George M. '4 1- MC- FPO Bflll, PhM 2/c George William '40- N- San Texas. San Francisco. Francisco. Bills, 1st Lt. Reed G. ex- A- APO 923, San Andersen, Lt. Glenn C. '43- AAF- Amarillo, Ball. Major Raymond C. '36- CA- APO 958 Francisco. Texas. San Francisco : Purple H eart. ' Bindrup, Cpl. LeGrande E. ex- APO 417, Andersen, 2nd Lt. Grant F. '43- AAF- San Ba ll, T/Sgt. Robert Dean ex-Ordnance divi­ Camp Shelby, Miss. Marcos. Texas. sion, Ford Ord. Calif. Bingham, Lt. Ben L. ex-NAC-Corondo, Cal. Anderson, Pvt. J ack ex- M- Camp LeJeune. Bn6~if.' Rene Noble '42- AAF- Victorville, Bingham, S2/c Don '43- N- San Diego, Calif. N.C. Bingham, Eldon Ben e;'<'44- A- Camp Davis, Anderson, 2nd Lt. Jay 0. '43- A- Ft. Benning Ba nkhead. Capt. Blaine H . '40- AAF- Re­ N.C. 2, Ga. ceived DFC, Air Medal, 9 oak leaf clusters Bingham, Fred A. '41- N- Corous Christi, Anderson, 2nd Lt. Joe ex'44- A- Fort Bli ss. and the Purple Heart. Texas. T e.."'Cas. Ba nkhead, Major Melvin J. '30-CA- Fort Bingham, Paul J. '37-N- Anderson, Lt. (j.g,) Lewis E. '40- N- Brem­ Monroe. Birch, Lt. (s.g.) George W. '35- N- New erton, Wash. Bankhead, 2nd Lt. Orson W . ex- M- Qua ntico. Va. Guinea. A'l1W,~n, Lt. Merrill B. '34- N- .Clearfield, Birch, Sgt. James 0 . 'ex-A-APO 81, San Banks, 1st Lt. Willia m Fred '41 - A- APO 716 Francisco. Anderson, 2nd Lt. Morse Edwin ex-AAF­ San Francisco. Bishop, Capt. Dean E. '38-A- Camp Maxey, New York, APO 490. Barlow, Ensig n H aven ex'44- N- Atlantic Sea Texas. Anderson, Lt. (j,g,) Robert E. ex- NAC-FPO Coast. Bishop, T/5 Dea n Francis '39-A-APO 324 San Fra ncisco. Barker, Lt. (j,g,) J. Theron ex'4 1- N- San San Francisco. Anderson, 2nd Lt. Stanley P. '43- AAF- Cas­ Francisco. Bishop, Lt. (j.g.) Merlin I. '40- NAC-New per, Wyo. Bar·nes, Ensign Mark H . ex-NA Corpus York. Anderson, Chief P /0 Vern Brown '41 - N­ Christi, Texas. Bi shop, A/C Shirley E. ex'44- AAF- Hondo, Athens, Georgia. Barnes. Sgt. Orvil ex- A hanute Field. Ill. Texas. Anderson, Capt. Wendell B. '35- AAF- Eui'O­ Barney, Lt. Comdr. Ross '38- NAC-Sa n Fran­ Bishop, Ensign Mohonri M. '40- N- Washing­ pean Theater, APO 557, New York. cisco. ton, D. C. Anderson, Woodrow ex'44- A- Camp Davis, Barrett, Lt. (j.g,) Edward Louis '38- N- San Bjarnson, A/C Ray H . ex- AAF- Kearns, N. c._ Francisco. Utah. Barron, Pfc. Howard H. '43- Army- San An- A~;!,e~~~k~nsign Grant '38- N- Navy 100, Bla ck, 2nd Lt. Donald Milton ex'44- A- El tonio, Texas. Paso, Texas. A'T

Page 9 AGGIE REGISTER * · * * * * * * * Blood, Pvt. Howard L. e..-..: '45- AAC-Portland, Burton, Capt. Reese D. '38-A- APO 650, Christensen, 1st Lt. Wallace Russell '41- CA­ Oregon. New York. APO 939, Seattle, Wash. Bodret·o, 2nd Lt. Llewellyn Gmnt '4 3- A­ Butta rs, Cpl. Clifford A. '39- A- South Amer­ Christensen, Ensign Wayne John '43- N- As­ Puso Robles, Calif. ica. toria, Ore. Bohman. CSpe. Charles Ft·ederick '41- N­ Butterworth. 2nd Lt. Rodney D. ex- A- Camp Christiansen. S/ Sgt. Keith '41 - AAF- a nta Bronx, New York. Shelby, Miss. Ana, Calif. Bohman. Capt. Stanley J. '33-A-APO 134, Bybee, Pfc. Farrell W. ex- N- Ca mp Grubet·, Christiansen, Kenneth C. ex- AAF- San An­ New York. Oka. tonio, Texas. Boman, Ray Lama tT ex- NAC-Melhoume, Byington, S/Sgt. E a t·l S. ex- AAF- Keesler Christiansen, Ensig n Lyman -M. '42- CG­ Florida. F light Instmctor. Field, Miss. Washington, D. C. Booth, Capt. Roscoe G. ex-AAF- Brooksvi lle Cain, 2nd Lt. J ulia T . '36 - WAC-Fort Riley, Clark, Le. (j.g.) Cha rles '40- N - Beeville, Pa., Silver Star medal- Midway. ' Kansas. Texas. Bott, Victor W. ex'43- N- Dental School, Los Caine, 2nd Lt. George Eccles '43-A- Camp Clark, Major Clayton '33- A- Memphis, Tenn . Angeles. Croft, S. C. Clark, Lt. David Thomas '42- A- Santa Ba•·­ Bosan, 2nd Lt. George Steven ex'44-A- Cinx­ Calder, T I S Ace J. ex-A- Galveston, Texas. bara, Calif. ton, Georgia. Calder, Lt. David H. '30- NAC-Columbia Cla rk, Pvt. Iris ex- A W A Ft. De Moines, Bowden. Lt. (j.g.) Bat·ton Reid '42- N- San University. New York. Iowa. Francisco. Calder, Lt. Grant '36-N- Princeton. N . J. Clark, 2nd Lt. Ralph L . ex- A- APO 92 , San Bowen, 1st Lt. Allen C. '37- MA Sun Fmn- Calderwood, Capt. Spencet·-CA- Eng la nd. Francisco. cisco. Caldwell, T/Sgt. Lee. '41- A- Geneva, Neb. Clawson, Lt. Comm. Elmet· Cha rles ' 19- N­ Bowen, 1st Lt. John M. '37- A- APO 25, San Leader of .. Musical Bombardie t·s" air-corps New York City. Francisco. swing band. Clay, Capt. Edward P. '39- CA- Camp-Stew­ Boc~iii. 2nd Lt. Myles F . '29- A- Camp Beale, Call, Pfc. Richard A. e..-..:'42- A- Medic<\ l Corp•. art, Ga. St. Mark's Hospita l. Salt L'>ke City. Utah. Clay, Lt. Col. Evan e..'< '40-A- Richmond, Va. BoF~~~~i!~ ~t. Keith S. '42- A- APO 956. San Call, Lt. Richard W. 43-A- Cnmn Hood, Tex. Clement, Major E rwin " Scotty" '37- A- 1\PO 0 Campbell. 2nd Lt. '43-A- Camp Stewa rt, Ga. 758 , New York. Bovle, Ensign E lmer Paul '41 - NAC-San Cannon, Ma jor Genera l John Kenneth '14- A- Clinkinbeat·d, Cnpt. Max B. '40-MC-P ensa­ Fr·ancisco. North Africa. cola , Florida. Boyle, Jack D. ex'46- New Guinea- Pat·a- Canning, Lt. Ray R. '42- A- Gamp Hann , Cal. Cobum, 2nd Lt. Da le ex- AAF- Ait· Medal : tr·oops. Capener. 1st Lt. Hal'Oid '4 1- M- Snn Francisco DFC ; Europe. B• ~fl;td , MM 1/c Dat·win ex ~N-San Diego. Card, Pvt. W . Lavot· '26- A- Los Angeles. Cobum, 2nd Lt. Richa rd Karl '43- A- Colum­ 0 Cardon, Doyle Rounrly '36- N- San Die«o. ·bus, Ga. BtF~:~~i;~.Ci are N. ex- A- APO 706, San Ca ~~h : Pvt. E zrn B. '38- Mail Dept. Ogden, Cole, Ensign Sybil '38- WAVES- Washing­ 0 ton, D. C. Bt·adsh'.'"'• 2nd Lt. George B. '4 3- A- Fot·t Ca rdon, 1st Lt. K. Lee '4 0- CA- Seattle, Collard, Ensign H a rold Eugene '4 2- N- Wash­ Ben m ng, Ga. Wash. ington, D. C. Bm dshaw. Lynn N. e..-..:- A- APO 571 New Carey, Glen Albert '42- N- Law•·ence. K<\ n. Collings, Lt. (j.g.) Clifford R. '38- N- New York: Military Polic. ' Carey, 1st Lt. Robet·t R ...4 1- M San Fra n- York. Branges, 2nd Lt. Robet·t J ttmes '43- A- Ft. cisco. Collings. S/Sgt. Wayne R . '42- AAF- Aft·ica. J ackson, S. C. Carlisle, Y. John Clyde '39- N - San Fran­ Collis, Angelo '43- AAF- Sioux Fa lls, S. D. Breinholt. Ensign J a mes E. ex-NA De- cisco. Connell. l st Lt. Robert B. ex- A- APO 757, Land, Florida. Carlson. Major :F:nos James '3 A- Camp San New York. Briggs, Lt. Col. Lot·an D. '39- AAF- Long Lnis Obispo. Calif. Con salvi, Edward C. ex'44- A- Cump Davis, Island, New York. CI\..Json. Sig na lm•n 3/c Leland T . ex- N- So. N.C. Briggs, Lt. (j.g.) Melvin T. '42- N- New B•·ooklyn. New York. Cook, George 'ax-N- Co1·pus Christi, Texas. York City. Carlson, Merril l P. x- N- Snn DiP" O, Calif. Cook, Art. 1/ c Max G. ex- N- P atrol Sqd., Bt·i !l"ht, Sgt. Lynn Taggart '36- A- Blythe­ C.rlson. Lt. Orin W. ex- AAF- R a ndolph N ew York. Vl lle , Ark. : arranges music for the air· Field, Texns. Cooley. Lt. Col. Lavell I. ex- A- Camp H aan , corps band. Carlson, R a lph F . '43- N- Unive•·sity ·of Chi­ Calif. Br !nk, Lt. Llovd W. ex- AAF- Me t·ced , Calif. cago, Cooley, 2nd Lt. R a lph M. '43- A- Fort Leon- Bt·mk!'rhoff,S/T A lma N . '42- A- Camp CnC~l~· 2nd Lt. Ve n10n ex'44- Ca mp H aan. 0 Whtte, Oregon . Co~~b~~· L~. i)'Mon te Wilcox '41- Ci\- Fort Brough . Lt. (j.g.) E lmo Anderson '38- N- Cartor, 2nrl Lt. Alan Chat·les ex- AAF- Me t·- Worden. Wash. Snn Francisco. ced, Calif. Coombs, Sgt. Melbum ex- CA- Fort Mon•·oe, B·c~lif. 1st Lt. Charles F . '4 1- CA- Riverside, C:nt·ter, C:<\der, Bemice ex- Ail· WA Shrevep01·t, Cot·ey, Lt. Robert E a rl '42- A- Fort Bliss, Bryner, Cpl. Louis Pot·ter· '37- A- Hawaii. Ln. Texas. Budge, Lt. Col. CIRre T. ex- A- Dentnl Cot·ps Cl>orlwick, Ensign Raymond S. '38- N- San Couch, 1 2/c Joseph A. '36- N- Farrat·•~l a il" . 1st Lt. Edward F. '40- CA- Fort N . C. Bliss, Te....:. Cox, J ennie ex- WAC- Fort Des Moines. Iowa Bu llen . Capt. N . Ree•e '37 -A -At l a nti ~ Coast. Cho•natP. Cnl. Rnhet·t Ca lvin ex'44- A- Cnmp cisco. Ita ly. Breckinridge. Kentucky. Crockett, Lt. Edwin David '40- NAC-Ki um­ B"nker, Capt. Robet·t E . '37- A- Shrevepo1·t. Ct>..;ste,., •el" . Sgt . Earl R. '39- A- APO 633 , ath F a ll s, Oregon. La. New York. Crockett, E ldon L . ex- N- Port Hueneme, Ca l. BHntP.n, 1st. Lt. John William, 39- A- New Christensen. Capt. Fmnk A. '28- MC- Topeka. with SeaBees. Ol'leans, La. Kansas. Crockett, Lt. Kenneth A. '35- N- Nuvy 140. Burgoyne. Ensig n David Sidney 'e:x- NAC- Christensen. Cpl. Guy ex- A- Camp Ca mpbell, Crockett. Major Windsor Vernon , Jt·. '40- MC Peru,Ind.iana. KY. - South Pacific. Bnld~~~ e, 1st Lt. Edwat·d ' 41 - AAF- Boise. C:ltristensen, 2nd T.t. F'al S. ex- A Croft, Lt. Col. Gordon Y. '23- A- Cump Luis Christen•en, l st Lt . .T nck ex- A- Ft. McAr­ Obispo. BM'f~:C,~~·i. W / 0 Sherman L . '41- CA- Wood. t hur, San P edro, Cn.lif. Crossman, Major John E. '41- A- CamJ) H aan , Chd stensen, James W es)ey '42- N- FatTagut. Calif. Bty~~k . Pvt. Caseel D. '39- A- APO 131 . New Idaho. Cruikshank, Maj01· Dona ld B. '30- A-Cam p Chh·•tensen , 2nd Lt. Kent L . ex- AAF- New H aan, Calif. B•M;·~~. Lt. Melvi lle H. '28- A- Minneapolis. Guinea. Cullimot·e, 2nd Lt . Gra nt J . '43- M Quan- Christe'\son. Cant. LeRoy D. '28- A- APO tico, Vn. ~ I Burnha m. S/ Rqt. Robet·t B. ex- M San Di- 706. San Frnnci•co. Cummings, 1st Lt. Kenneth W. ex-A- Mather ego 41, Calif. C.ltri •tensen, Lloyd ex- A- Southwest Pacific. Field, Sacmmento, Calif. Burn . Capt. Will iam R. ex- A- San F rnncisco: Ch•·istensen. Lt. (j.K.) Pn•tl '3 N- Naval Cuskelly, 2nd Lt. S. Lawrence '43- M Sa n DFC and Purple H eart. Hospital, Sa n Di e)l'o, Cnlif. Fra ncisco, Calif. l Christenson. Capt. R a lph P . '34- A- Camp Cutler, 2nd Lt. Kay R. ex'44- AAF- N .M. Burnham. 2<1 Lt. W. Arden '41- A- APO Adair, Ore. Cutlet·, Pvt. Lowell '33- A- Ca mp Lee, Va. 9397, N ew York. Christen••n. Capt. R ee1 0. '26- A- New Or­ Dalley. Lt. (j,g.) P arley J ames '42- N- Burns, S/Sgt. Gean Witma n '41 - A- San lenns. La. Northern N ew Guinea. Francisco 3. Ch ristensen, Lt. Que H. ex- A- New Orleans. Daines, 2nd Lt. Darrell R. ex- AAF- Char­ Bun·up, Pvt. Clyde LeRoy '36- AAF- Delhi, L a. lotte, North Carolina. India. Chdstensen , Reed Otto ex- N- San Diego 33. Daines, L t . J. Gordon. '36- A- Medical Corps, Burton, 1st Lt. Albert W. '42- A- Snnto Mon­ Calif. Washington, D. C. ica, Calif. Christensen , Cpl. ybil '32- Washington. D.C. Daly, 1st Lt. Andrew ex- A- Ca mp Hood, 'rex.

Page 10 AGGIE REGISTER * * * * * * * *

Daly, Ensign Rex F. '38- N - College Pa1·k, Empey, Cpl. LaMa•· ex'45- A- APO 444, Cam p Genaeux, 1st. Lt . Theron Orlo '37- A- Camp Md. Campbell , Kentucky. Shelby, Miss. Dance, 2nd Lt. David Orin ex'44- A- Camp England, 1st Lt. Earl W. ex- AAF- Esle•· Gessell, Sgt. Boyd ex- A- APO 92 , San Fran­ Irwin, Cali f. Field, Georgia. cisco. Dargan, Lt. (j.g.) Lucas M. '3 - N- New Engstron. S/Sgt. L amar '3 - A- Fort J ack­ Gessell, Capt. Clyde David '41- AAF- APO York, N.Y. son, South Cnt·olina. 925, San Francisco. Darley, William Maughan '39- AAF- Santa Erickson, Cpl. Velt G. '41- CA- Camp Pickett, Gessell , 2nd Lt. Stanley Paul '39- A- APO Ana, Calif. Vil·ginia. 558, New York. Dasti'UP, 2nd Lt. Evan L . ex'45- AAF- Lin­ Esplin. 2nd Lt. G1·ant M. '43- AAF- FOI·t Giauque, Lt. Wanen C. '43- A- CRmp Pick­ coln, Nebraska. Wo •·th, Texas. ett, Vil·ginia. Davis, Cpl. A lten B. '43- A- Caml) Shelby, E splin, 2nd Lt. Wendell L . '39- AAF--P e­ Gibson, Ensign Delmar A. '43- N - Boston 16, Miss. cos, Texas. Massachusetts. Davis, Major J ames Edward '29- A- Fort Evans, Pvt. VaNyle M. '43- A- Salt Lake Gibson, 2nd Lt. Donald S. '39- A- Ft. Mc­ Meade, Md. City, Utah. Clella n, Ala. Davis, 2nd Lt. Law•·ence C. '40- AAF- APO Evans, Pfc. Woodrow ex- A- Los Angeles. Gibson, 1st Lt. Floyd H . '38-CA- APO 512. 133, New York. Facet·, Paul ex'4L- CG- Hawaii. N ew York. Davis, 1st Lt. Lawrence J esse '40- A- APO Fager, Pvt. J ohn Cad '4 1- N- North Afl'i ca. Gilgen, Ensig n Paul '39- N- San Francisco. 464, New York, Silver Star. Farnsworth, 1st Lt. Dean B . ex- A- AI'Iing- Glasmann, Lt. (s.g.) R. C., J r. ex- N- San Davis, 1st Lt. Max D. ex- AAF- APO 558. ton, Vil·g inia. Francisco. New Yo•·k. Fan·a •·. Lt. Col. Ra lph W. '27- A- APO 835, Glenn, Ca pt. Ma rsha ll Weston '34-Camp Clai­ Davis, Roy B. ex'46- AAF- Santa Ana, Calif. N e w Orleans, Louisiana. borne, Louisiana. Day, Lt. (j.g.) J . Fmncis '28- N- San Fmn­ Fanell , Cpl. Kenneth ex'44- A- APO 45 1, Gloeckner, Lt. Sidney ex'42- A- Bushnell. cisco. Camp Breckinridge, Kentucky. B1·igha m City, Uta h . Dayhuff, Lt. Col. Harry J a mes ex'40- AAF­ Faubert, Ruth Ma l'ie C•·ookston '40- A- Camp Gnehm, Y2/c Margaret ex- WA VES- T •·eusu1·e APO 637, New York. Lejeune, North Ca rolina. Is land, Cali fot·nia. Dayton, Capt. Delio '38- CA- Camp Davis, N. Felter, Maio•· Randall H. '39- Fort Bliss, Tex. Godfrey, Cpl. Lyma n LaRue '37- A- Fo•·t Carolina . Femsti'Om, Pfc. Edwa•·d J . '40- AAF- W a lla La wton, W ashington Deardorff, Ensign Beverly Ann '40- WAVES Wall a, Washington. Goff, 2nd Lt. Robert D. '43- AAF- Oklahoma - Washington, D. C. Fife, Lt . Austin E. ex- AAF- APO 12950B, City, Oklahoma . Dedl'ickson, Capt. Lol'in '41- A- APO 254, San Ft·ancisco. Gold, Lt. (s.g .) Sherma n F. '39- N- San Los Angeles. Fife, Capt. Karl L. '29- A- APO 32 1, San Francisco. DeHart, Ensign Noble '41- NAC- San Fmn­ Francisco. Goldbrandsen, 2nd Lt. H arold M. ex- AAF­ cisco. Finlinson, Pvt. Leo Lyma n '30- A- APO 1.34. North Africa. Delaney, Lt. (j.g.) Franklin Lowery '40- N­ New York City . Gooch, Capt. Rex '41-CA-Fo•·t W01·den , New York. Silver Star medal. Finlinson, 2nd Lt. Ri ch L. '36- A-Camp W ashington. DeMoisy, 1st Lt. Ra lph G. '38- A- Camp Da­ Davis, North Carolina. Gooding, Maj01· Earl R. '40- CA- Fort Rose­ vis, North Cat·o lina . Finnerty, 2nd L t. William J oseph ex- AAF. crans, California. Dennis, Daniel Stewa•·t ex- RAAF- Te,.,.ell, Fish. Cl)l. Cha rles R. ex- A- Alameda, Calif. Goodman, Ensig n Russell Max '43- N- Puget Texas Fishbum, Noble Wright '42- CG- Groton, Sound Navy Yard. Washington. DeSpain, Cha rles ex'44- A- Cam p H aan, Cal. Conn. Goodwin, 2nd Lt. Clarence ex'44- AAF- Fort Dibble, Capt. Rex '43- A- Washington, D. C. Fisher, 2nd Lt. Dale L. '43- A- Fort Benning, Worth, Texas. Diehl, Lt. (j .g.) Bruce W . '40- N- New York. Georgia. Gourley, 1st Lt. Rex Stanley '43- A- Shreve­ Dixon, Major Gordon A. '34- A- North Afl'ica Fit7gera ld, 2nd Lt. J ay S. '43- A- Ft. Ben­ port, Louisiana. Dorst, Major H . E. ex- A-Cam p Robinson, ning, Geor·gia. Gowans, PhM 2/c Max L . '26- M San Di- At·kansas Fitzgerald, P vt. Walter Blake ex-A-Camp ego, Cali fornia. D01·ton, Ensign Robert ex- NAC- San Di ego, Rober·ts, California . Gowers, Ensig n Don '43-N- Yorktown, Va. Califor·nia Fletcher, 2nd Lt. Dean C. '43- A- Faring­ Grace, 1st Lt. P aul '31- A- APO 545, New Douglas, l st Lt. A llen G. '34- A- Fort Leon­ daye, Long I sland , N. Y. York. ard Wood, Missouri Fletcher. Lt. Quentin H . '41- N- Summitt, Gray, PhM 2/ Anderson M. '37- N- Houston, Doutt·e, T/Sgt. Willia m Max ex- CA- APO New J ersey. Texas. 5467, San Francisco Folgerson, Richard Lee ex'44- San Francisco. Gra ndy, T/Sgt. Gra nt P. '42- A- Aust•·ali a . Dover, C. Victor '39- N - San Francisco, Calif. Folkman, Milton S. 'R~ -APO 559, New York. Gra ndy, Leone '42-WAVES-Washington , D. Dowdle, Sgt. Reuel ex- A- Bushnell Hospita l, Folkman, 2nd Lt. William Stewart '40- A- c. U tah APO 9695, San Francisco. Gray, Lynn M. ex- N - San Francisco. Downs, T/Sgt. Glen Edward '40- A- Salt Lake Foster, Lt. Comdr. Milton M. '39-N-San Greoves, Capt. Melvin J . '39- CA- APO 826, City, Utah Francisco. New O r· leans, Louisiana. Downs, S/Sgt. Ray J udd '4 1- A- Cam p CatTa­ Foqtz. Pfc. E lme•· F. '38-AAF- Biggs Field , Greaves, JO 1/c H a lbert ex- N - West Vi1·gi nia bell e, Florida Texas. G1·eaves, Oli ve '40- RC--San Luis Obispo, Cal­ Dmke, 2nd Lt. Eldon M. '43- M Oceanside, Fowle•·, Pvt. J ack R . '43- A- New Orleans, ifornia. California Louisiana. Green , Lt. (s.g.) Davi dA. '39- San- Fmncisco Drakulich, Lt. (j.g.) Nick J oe '42- N- San F•·and•en. 'A/C Richat·d 0. ex- AAF- Mathe r Green, Ensig n Howard H . ex- NAG-San Di­ Fr·ancisco Field. Cali f. ego, California. Dmper, Sgt. LuRay '4 1- A- Marfa Field, Tex. F•·edl'ickson. S/SJ?t. H arold Glen '39- A- APO Green, 2nd Lt. Lisle R. '4 1- AAF- APO New Drummnod, 1st Lt. Dale ex- CA- APO 292, 706, San F ranciRco. Orleans, Louisiana. San Francisco F1·P.ece. Lt. Jo•eph D. '40-A- APO I 00 178. Green, Cpl. Max C. '43-A- Greenla nd. Duncan, Gail B. ex'44- A- Tulare , Califo rnia Seattle, W ashinJ?ton. Greener, Ensign Dall as '37- N- FPO San Duc·bP.tt . P vt. Richard E. ev- AAF- Lincoln, Mo. Dunn, Ensign Stanley '39- N - S.an Francisco Neb>·ask'l. Griffin. Chtrk A. '39- A- Huntsville, Ala ba ma. Dykes, 2nd Lt. Kenneth Thomas ex- NAG­ Ga>·b•t.t. Lt. (j.g.) William '37- N- Oakland, Gl'iffiths, Daniel J. '42- NAC--Corpus Ch•·isti. Cherry P oint, No•·th Ca•·olina Californi$\, Texas. Edison, Sgt. Lewis Ha l ex'42- Parachute Divi- Ga >·dnet·, Maj01· Alm· , C•nt. LeRoi B. ex'21- AAF- APO Grover, 1st Lt. Lee Roy ex- AAF- New Gui­ Egbe•·t. Lt. Comd1·. Go•·don '37- NA South 91Ei, San Fr·anciRco. nea; Air Medal, 2 Oak Leaf cluste•·•· Pacific Gardner, Capt. Walter H . '39- AAF- Tampa Gubler, T/Sgt. Darwin '40-A- N ew York. Elder, Capt. Lloyd '36- A- APO 9025, San 8. Florida . Gubler, Pvc. Edmund ex- AAF- Camp White. Francisco. Ga•·ff, Cant. W ayne B. '36- CA- San Diego Oregon . Eldredge, Ensign Wayne J. '43- N- New Or­ 14. California. - Gudmundson, 1st Lt. Arthur D., Jr. '38- A­ leans, La. Ga•·lick. S/Sgt. Glen William '40- A- APO 29, Thomas Dee Hospital, Ogden, Uta h. Elich, Sgt. J oe '40- A- Fort Bragg. N01·th New York. Gudmundson, Capt. W. D. A- Camp H aan, Ca rolina. Ga t·r. Cy-ril ev'44-A- Carnp Davis, N . C. California. Elliott, Lt . Cliff01·d ex--A- Fort Jackson. Gaufin. 2nd Lt. Marshall '4 1- A- APO 322 . Gunn, 2nd Lt. Horace J . '41 - A- APO 150. South Carolina. San Francisco. N ew York. Ellis, Capt. LeRoy E. ex'41- AAF- Sioux City, Gavn'trd, Ensign Clifford '43- N- Mono Bay. Gunnell, T/5 Winsto,n R . '33- A- APO 9554, Iowa. Cali fornia. N ew York. Ellis, 2nd Lt. Stephen B. '39- AAF- APO 24 t . Geddes, Capt. David P aul '36- A- F ort Bliss, Gunnell, Sgt. Farrell '35- A- Okla homa City, San Francisco. Texas. Okla homa. E llison, Don J . '3 - A- Fort Bli ss, Texas. Geddes, 2nd Lt. Ezm Wooley '42- AAF- Ca•·ls­ Gutke, Capt. Ralph '35- CA - Ft. McA•·thur. E llison, Sgt. Phay E . '3 A- F01·t Lewis. b>td, N. M. California. Washington. Geddes, Lt. (j.g,) P a ul Lowe '86- N- F01· t Guymon, 1st Lt. G1·ant A . ex- A- Camp Haan. Embry, Ensig n Bertis L.- N- Boston, Mass. Dix, New Jersey. California. Embry, W AVE Elsie F. '44-Bronx, New York Gillespie, Col. Kenn eth W . '32- A- Brooklyn. H agiwara. Sgt. Ge01·ge '41- A- APO 34, New Emmett. Cpl. Roland D. ex- MC-New Guinea N . Y. York.

Page II AGGIE REGISTER * * * * * * * * Halasey, L. Ruth ex- WAVE-Northa mpton. H enderson, Capt. Emes t W. '37- A- APO 565, H unsaker. 2nd Lt. Elme •· P . '40- A- Oakla nd, Massa chusetts. an Francisco. Calif. Hale, Capt. John M. '35- A- Camp McCoy, H ende1·son, Ca pt. Royal B. -42- A- Moses Hunter, Lt. Dona ld T . '4 Q-A- Camp Clai­ Wisconsin. La ke. W ashington. h9rne, Louisiana. Hale, 1st Lt . Zendell M. '37- A- Va ncouver. Henderson, Sgt. Vernon ex- AAF- Hendricks Hunter, Cat>t . Dona ld J. '36- AAF- Eng la nd. Washington. Field , F lorida. Hunter, Ensig n Roscoe C. '39- N- San Fran· Hules, MajoL' Ray Archie '38- A- South Paci­ H end•·icks, 2nd Lt. Cha1·les Durrell '25- A- cisco. fiic. Ft. Riley, Ka nsa s. Hunter, Stanley G. ex- N- San Di ego 33, Hales, Lt . (j.g.) Dawson '3 New York City, H endricks, E. LaVan '42- A- Corvnllis, O•·e. Ca lifornia. Ha les, Capt. Doyle Charles '3 - CA- APO 82 7. Hendricks, l st Lt. Ma•·y Lou ex- ANG-Ca li f. Hurst , 2nd Lt. Rex ex- AAF- San Angelo, N ew Ot'leans, Louisiana. H endl"icks, F . D. '39- N - Con)us Chl"i sti, Tex. 'l'exas. H a lg •·en , 1st Lt. Da vid A. ex- A- Aleutian H endricks, George B. ' 36- N- Key West, F la. Hurst , Ca pt. Clyde F . '42- CA- Hawaii. Islands. He ndricks, Capt. W. D. ex- AAF- l nstructor Hyde, Lt. Cliffo1·d C. '40- A- APO 464, Ne w H a ll, Ca pt. David G. ex- AE- Miami, F lorida. at Mather Fie ld , ac•·a me nto, California. York. Hall, 2nd Lt. Hal'Oid Byron e:x '44- A- Ca mp H eninge1·, Lt. Col. J ohn H. ex- AAF- APO H ye1·, Pvt. Edga 1· A. '39- A- APO 50 1. Sun Stewa rt, Georgia . 14 0, New York. * Francisco . Hall, 1st Lt. T homas Milton '41- A- Camp H enry, 2nd Lt. Cha d es Howard '42- A- Cnmp Hye1·, Capt. Gardne •· 0 . '40- A- Hawa ii. Da vi s, North Carolina. Claiborne , Louisia na . Imhof, Ensig n Ca d F1·ede rick '43- N- FPO Hallida y, Cpl. Blaine Owen '41- A- Fort Ri­ Hen1·y, Ensign Donald A . ex- NA New York San Francisco. ley,. Kansas . City, N.Y. Imlay. Lt. J ames E. ex- A- Camp Maxey, Ha llman, SK 2/ c E. Don·ill ex- N- Snn Fran· He 1·ma nson, Capt . Bud '41- APO 957, San Texas. cisco. Ft·ancisco. I som , 2nd Lt. Willia m Howa1·d '39- AE-APO H amilton, Ca pt. Ge01·ge Allen '41- A- Dutch H erzog, Cpl. Lavon H . ex- AE-Ft. Benning, 920. San Fra ncisco . N e w Guinea. Georgia. Israelsen, Capt. A llen '40- AAF- Biythe , Cal­ Hammond, Pfc. Ruth, '41- Fort Dix, N. J . H ess. Sgt. Niles Udell '41- A- North Afl"ica . ifornia. Hampton, Capt. Rex '42- CA- APO 512, N ew H eyrend, 2nd Lt. N oel B. '38- A- APO 928, l s m elsen, A/ C Melvin A. ex- NAC. York. San Fracnisco. J ackson, Cant. Fmnk Lesli e '31- AAF- APO H ampton, 1st Lt . Kenneth Ray '42- A- APO Heyrend, Wendell '36- A- Po•·tla nd. Oregon. 52 , New Y01-k. 654, N ew York. H eywood. 2nd Lt . Benjamin B. '38- AE-Cnmp J ackson, Pfc. A•·thu•· A . ex- M Camp Le- H ampton, 1st Lt. J ohn William '40- CA­ Bowie, Texas . j eune, North Cm·o lina. Brooklyn, N ew Y01·k. Hickman. 1st Lt . J oseph Blate ex- A- APO 7, J ackson, Ensign Gle n R. '42- N- Snn Diego H andley, Pvt. Robert W. '43- A- Tule Lake, San Francisco. 4 , Cali f01·nia. California . Hickman , 2nd Lt. Louis ex'44- AAF- Tinke•· J a ckson, Capt. Shi..Jey Samuel '37- PM- San H a ndley, Susanna Shotwell '41- MCWR- P a r- Field, Oklahoma Ci t y, Oklahoma . Fntncisco . ris Isla nd, . D. Higginson, Lt. Clyde Taylor '41- AAF- King- Jacobs, 2nd Lt. Murray K. ex- A- APO 4 9, Hansen. Ensig n Alvin M. '40- N-Ojai. Ca lif. man, Arizona . New Y01·k. Hansen, Ca pt. Elden Gerrold ' 35- AAF- N. M. Hill, Lt. (j.g.) Archie K. '32- N- New York. J acobsen , T/ 4 E lden E. '41- A- Ca mp Beale, Hanson, Major Eldon Grant '38- A- Secre· Hill, Ca pt. Ernest K. "37- A- Sh•·evet)Ort, La. California. tary of Deming Air Field, New Mexico. Hill, Richa rd S. '4 0- A RG-H ill Field , Utah. J a cobsen. 2nd Lt. ex'44- A- Camp Davis, N. Hansen, Evelyn '34- WA VE Memphis, Te n· Hillam, Capt. Bruce Folsom '41- M N ew Carolina . nessee. River, North Ca rolina. J ames, Cnl. J ohn Da le '43- Camp G01·don, Ga. H a nson. 2nd Lt. Frank Maddi son '43- A­ Hillam, Capt. Duane Folsom '4 0- CA- Fo•·t J a mes, Pvt . Leona rd '4 0- A- Cump Ca llan. Cam p Gordon, Georg ia. Bli ss, Texas. Ca lifornin. Hansen, Capt. Ger a ld M. '35- A- Fort Bliss. Hilton, Lt. Samuel W . II '43- A- l nstr. a t Ft. James, 2nd Lt. Will iam Ma vwe ll '39- MG-F Texas . Fisher. N01·th Ca rolina. PO, San Fruncisco. Hansen, 1st Lt. Gene '41- A- Fort Robinson, Hinchcli ff, Ensig n J . Ri cha1·d '43- N- San J anson, T 5/c Reuel G. '40- A- APO 924 , San Neb•·nska. F z·ancisco. F1·nncisco. Hansen, Sgt . Glenn M. '39- A- Almogordo, Hiner, Capt. H a •·o ld Lyle '41- M- Navy C•·oss J anson , PvT. Cha..Jes LaMar ex- M an Di- New Mex ico. Awaz·d . ego, Calif. Hansen, Cpl. J oset)h Wendell ex- AAF- Pa­ H ines, Tech. Sgt. Me lvin '41- A- APO 875, J ay, Capt. Layton L. '38- A- Fort Custe1·, cific. New York. Mi chigan . H a nsen, Pvt. N ea l '40- CA- Hawa ii. Hinton, Ca pt. Clemens '40- AAF- Midla nd, J aynes, 2nd Lt. Home•· W., J 1·. '43- A- Cump H ansen, 2nd Lt. Richard C. ex- A- Camt> Texas. H a le, Colorado. Roberts. Ca li C. Hi rsch, Ernest C. ex'44- A- F t. Meade. Md . J e ff s. Ma io•· Dean R. '39- A- Fo•·t Bli ss, Tex. Hansen, Ensign Vaughn '43- N- Washington, (tem porury) J enkins. Lt. (j.g.) Charles, J r. '42- N - FPO D. C. Hobush, S/ Sgt . George ex'20- A- A PO 941 , Sa n Fra ncisco. H anson , 2nd Lt. W a ite•· 0. '35- 0rdna nce di· Seattle , W ashing to n. J enkins, Cpl. George Wilson '43- A- Camp vision , Washington , D. C. Hoffma n, 2nd Lt. Verne '44 - MG-Quantico, Davis, North Carolina. H erbe•·tson, Lt . (j .g.) Nile Wiese '39- N ­ Vi!·ginia. J ennings, Capt. William Lewi s '42- A- APO Seattle. Washington . Hoggan. Capt. Be rt '41- A- F o•·t Bli ss. Texas. 9966, N ew Yo1·k. Hard.in. Fred M. '4 1- N- San Frnncsico. Holb•·ook. Lt. (j .g .) L. Dale '36- MG-San J ennings, Lt. (s.g.) Robert W. '33- N- FPO. Hardy, Ca pt. E lmo '37- A- APO 629, New Ft·anc isco . Sa n Fra ncisco. York. Holda way, Lt. (j.g .) F loyd N. '39- N- Ncw J ensen , 1st Lt. W. D. '39- A- APO 9 153, H a rdy, M/ S Leona rd J. ex- AAF- Wendover , Y01·k. New York. Utah. Holl ingshead, 2nd Ll . Ma •·shall '39- A- Vi c­ J ensen, 2nd Lt. Roy A lvin '40- AAF- APO Harris, Pvt. DeLoras '37- 0rdna ncc, Texar­ to t· ville , Calif01·nia . 462 , Minneapolis, Minnesota. kana, Texas . Hollist, Lt. Lynn Q. '42- CA- Ft. Rosecmns, J ensen . Lt. Leon J a ne '40- AAF- APO 953, H arl'is, Cpl. Tech . J oseph R. '27- A- APO Ca lifornia. Sa n F1·a ncisco. 637, N ew York. H olman, Capt. A. G. '4 1- CA- F t. Mason. Ca l. J ensen . A/ C A. .alvin ex- NAC, San Luis H arris, Linden E. '30- AE-Po•·tla nd, Oregon. Holma n, E nsign How::u·d Stua rt ex- NA San Obist>o, Califomi.t. H anison, Ma jor Robe 1·t B. ' 37- CA- Camp Francisco. J ensen, Sgt. Armour A . ex- A- Bushnell Hos­ Reynolds, Pa. Holmg ren, 2nd Lt. Ly le Everett '36- A- Eng­ pital. B•·igha m City. Utah. Haslam, Lt. (j.g .) GeoL·ge S. '29- NA Aus- land. J enson, Av•·il B. '40- A- Camp H a le, Colo. tin, Texas . Holt , Ma jor Arthur E . '37- A- APO 464 , New J ensen, P hM3/c David C. '33- San Diego 34, H a rtman, Pfc. Edwin Ma.x '3 - A- N ew Gui­ Y01·k . Cali fornia. nea . Home•·. Ma jor David '31- CA- APO 955, San J ensen, Don A. '34- A- OCS, Camp Lee, Va. Harwood, A/ S Don William ' 4 0-AAF-S~"O tt Francisco. J ensen, Storekeeper 1/ c E . Claud '32- FPO Field, Illinois. Homer, 1st Lt. Ka ..t T. '42- M San F,.,l n· San F n1 ncisco. Haslam, Iva n S. '43- N- New York. cisco. J ensen , Maio•· Ea rl S. '35-CA- Camp Stew· H atch, Pvt. Gera ld S . ex'46- AE-APO 1297 5, Home•·· Ca pt. J. W endell '39- A- APO 955. art, Ga. New York. San Frnncisco. J ensen, Ca pt. Forrest J . '39- A- Camp H aan , H atch Lt. (j.g.) J Willard ' 37- N- San F•·an­ H01·sley. Lt. Donald M.. J1·. MG-Colorado Ca lifornia. cisco. Spl'i ngs. Colorado. J ensen , 1st Lt. Grant Hortin '40- A- Spence Hatch, A/ C Te rrance Edwin '4 3- AAF- St Hownrd. Ensig n Paul L. 41- N - NOL·cma n . Field. Moult •·ie , Ga. Mary's College, California. Oklahoma . J enson, Ensig n Max S. '37- N- University of Al'i zona, Tucson, Arizona. Hauck, 2nd Lt . Eldon '37- A- Santa Ana, Howell s. Pvt . No 1·ma n Steed '43- A- Ft. Col­ California . line. Colo1·ado. J ensen, Lt. Ned L. '4 1- A- Ft. Sill , Oklahoma Haws, A/ C Keith C. ex- AAF- Deming , N. M. J enson , Cpl. Orvil B. '40- A- Tacoma, Wash . H a wkes, Sgt. Glen R. ex- A- Ft. Wood, Mo. Howell. 1st Lt. Richard Luther '41- CA- APO J ensen. CM3/c R. Dean '41- N- SeaBees. Long H a wkins, Ensign Rex E . ex- N- FPO- Sa n 654. N ew Ym·k. Bench, Ca li fo1·nia . Fz·ancisco. Hul!hes. Pvt. Donald 0 . '41- A- Camp Ca rson , J ensen. 2nd Lt. Rosel Z. ex'44- A- Ca mn Hayden, MM2/ c Ben Lynn '42- N- San Fran­ Colomdo. Hnan, Ca lifornia. cisco. Hul!hes. Pvt. W nll ace D. ex- M Boulde•·· J ewkes, Ensig n Hue A lma '42- N- Ports­ H ayes, 2nd Lt. Edga•· M. '39- A- Camp Beale, Colorado. mouth, Rhode I sland. Ca li fornin. Hughes. Ca nt. Phil ex- AAF- Sikeston. Mo. J ex, Lt . Leo Willia m '42- A- APO 706, San H aywa•·d, Capt. Willis Howard '33- Ft. She •·i· HughPs. 2nrl Lt. Johathan S. ex- AAF- Co­ Francisco. dan, Jllinois. lumbus. Ohio. Johnson, Ariel T . '38- Ft. Monmouth, N. J . Heaton, Pvt. I s m el C. '40- A- Santa Ana, Hul!ie. Lt. Ray '42- AE-Yuma, Ariz. J ohnson, Ca pt. Car l Maurice '40- M FPO, California. Hull. Lt. Col. John E. '34- A- Ca mn H aan. San Fruncisco. Hedborg , 1st. Lt. Ca d '41 - A- Seatt le, W ash. CHlifornia. J ohnson. Cpl. Cha..Jes R. '35- A- Ft. Sill, Heitz, Capt Will iam S. '37- CA- APO 230. Hull. Maior Keith Mnug han ex- A- Camt> Va n Okla homa. N ew York. Corn , Mi ssissippi. J ohnson. 2nd Lt. Cla ir B. '40- A- F t . Sumne1·, Helmer, Ca pt. W ilbur R. '40- M an Fn1n· Hulme, l at . Lt. Da vid K. '42- A- Chicago, Ill. N ew Mexico. cisco . Hulse. Cpl. Ariel A. ex- A- APO 92 . Sa n J ohnson, Pvt. Cli ve Cooper '39- A- Ca mp Ed· Henderson , S 2/c Dean Edga•· '36- N- Lake­ Francisco. wnrd s, Massachusetts. hurst , New J ersey. Humphrey. Ensig n Nea l Howa rd ex- N - Cor· Johnson, Clyde L . '39- A- Modesto, Ca lif. H ende •·son, Capt. LaVell M. '39- A- APO 64 5. pu s Chl'i sti. Texas. Johnson, l st Lt . Dee A. ex- AAF- No•·th Af­ New Y01·k. Humph•·eys, Ro:,> ex'44- Camp Davis, N . C. ricn.

Page 12 AGGIE REGISTER * * * * * * * *

Johnson, Pfc. Dorian ex- AAF- Denver, Colo. Lamb, PhM 2/c Grant R . '41- N- FPO San McDonald, 2nd Lt. Dean M. '43- AAF- Albu­ J ohnson, Capt. Fan·ell , Jr. '37- CA- APO 403. Francisco querque, N ew Mexico New York, La mborn. Lt. (j.g.) Paul W. '4 1- N - FPO McDonald, Lt. George E . '43, Cam p She lby, Johnson, Ensign Florence Ge nevieve '42- CG­ New Y01·k Mi ssissippi Miami, Florida. Lamborn, 1st Lt. Re uel E. '41- A- Camp McEntit·e, Pvt. Rex L. ex'44- MC- Colorado Johnson , Pvt. Fred L. '41- A- Salt La ke City, Stewnrt, Georg ia Springs, Colorado Utah. La nd, Capt. Le roy C. '40- A- Bit·mingha m 3. McLaughlin. Geot·ge '38- N - Honolulu, T . H . Johnson, Lt. (j.g.) Glen B. '38- N- FPO San Alabama McMillan, Cpl. Lavar C. ex'43 - A - APO Francisco. Langston. Pfc. Alwin B. ex- N- San Diego 15297, N ew York Johnson, T/Sgt. Grant D. ex- AAF----<>verseas 34, Califomia McMuJTin, Lt. (j.g.) J ames A ll en '42- N­ Johnson, Sgt. Gt·ant L. '39- A- Modesto, Cal. La rsen, T/3 Floyd R. '4 0- A- APO 230, N.Y. Cornell Johnson . Major Hamid 0 . '39- CA- El Paso, Larson, Lt. Comdt·. Ho w:~rd D. '33- N - Wash­ Mabey, Maiot· J oseph L. '36- A- APO 4665. Texas. ington, D. C. San Francisco Johnson, Capt. Jay Russell '4 0- A- Fmnce. Lat·sen , A/C J a mes C. ex - NAC - Cot·pus MacDona ld. 2nd Lt. LaMont Gat·dner ex'44- Johnson, PhM 3/c John Donald ex- N - San Christi, Texas A- Camp Haan. Ca lifornia. Diego, Ca lifornia. Larson. Lt. (j.g.) Keith P. '38- N - San Fran­ Macey, Cpl. Woolass ex- AE--Bushnell H os­ J ohnson, S/Sgt. LaMar G. '39- A- APO 9402, cisco pital, Brigham City, Utah San Fruncisco. La rsen , Lt. Paul B. ' 33- N- Olathe, Ka nsas MacF a l'lane. 1st Lt. Alan P. '39- A- N. Y. J ohnson, Capt. Martin A. ex- A- APO 92 8. Lm·sen , 2nd Lt. Ray 0 . '40- MC-PM. San MacKay, Cpl. A lvin ex'44- A- Hospita l, Camp San Francisco. F ra nc.isco · Keat·ns, Uta h Johnson, 1st Lt. Preston D. '42- A- Fot·t Ri­ Lm·son, Maio•· R. V. '29- A- Camp Ellis. Ill. Madson. 1st Lt. Gordon K . ex- AAF- APO ley, San Francisco. Lassen. Lt. (j.g.) Robert W. '41- N- FPO San 140, N.Y. Johnson, Capt. Ra lph M. '40- AAF- Camp Francisco Madisen , 2nd Lt. Milton A . ' 34- A- Camp Stewart, Ga. Lm·sen, S/Sgt. Ross ex- A- Fort J ackson, So. Barke ley, Texas Johnson, 2nd Lt. Russell T . ex -F~uantico, Carolina Maeser, Lt. Comdr. Earl '36- N- FPO San Virginia. Lat·sen , Ensign Von W. 539- N- New Y01·k Francisco Johnson, PhM2/c William J ess '43- MC-Long Latimer, 2nd Lt. David Archie '42- AAF­ Mag nus, A /S Donald ex- N- Snn Diego 33. Beach, California. Dodge City, Kansas Ca lifornia J ones, Blanche Calderwood '4 1- W ARD- APO Lattin. 2nd Lt. Ri cha rd S. '42- CA- FOl·t Flag­ Magnusson, Capt. Bema rd F. '38-CG- Victo•·­ 958. San Fmncisco. ler, Washington ville, California Jones. Capt. Daniel L . '38- A- FOl·t J ay, N ew Lavin Pvt. Fred '37- A- Camp Claibome. Ln. Mae t·o, Capt. Tracy '3. A- APO 937, Seattle. York. Lawr~ nce, Lt. Col. Geot·ge A. '32- A- Camp Washington Jones. 1st Lt. J ack R . '42- MC-Oceanside. Reynolds, P ennsylvania Major, Pvt. J ack '42- A- Elkins, W. Virg inia Ca li fornia. Law 1·ence, Pvt. Joseph E. ex'46- Major, Ensig n Thomas L. ex- N- Pacific J ones, Pvt. J enkin Vil·gil '34 - A- APO 635, Lawrence, Ensig n Robet·t Allen ex'44- N­ Malouf, Lt. Raymond '37- N- Richfield, Uta h New York. Cambl'idge, Mass. Mandry, Lt. (s.g) J ames Elmet· '36- NE-- J ones. 2nd Lt. Met'lyn C. ex- M FPO San Lawrence. S1

Page 13 AGGIE REGISTER * * * * * * * * Menill. Lt. (j.g.) Leo Brown '42- NAC--FPO Nelson, Sgt. Ralph A. '38- A- North Africa. Parka, Capt. Roger C. '40- A- Camp Haan, New York N elson, Pfc. Robert S . ex- AAF- APO 713, California. Mel'l·ill, Capt. Marriner W. '4 1- AAF- Eagle San Francisco. Patterson, Sgt. Robert W. '39- A- APO 403. Pass. Texas Nelson. Major Roscoe M. ex- MA Santa New York. Mel'l·ill, Lt. Orrin S. ex- AAF- Chanute Field, Barbara , Californin. Paulos, 2nd Lt. A. J am es '42- MC--FPO San Illinois Nema nic, Lt. (j.g.) Joseph J . '42- N- Holly­ Fra nci sco . Merrill, Samuel Wood '42- CA- Phoenix, Al'iz. wood, California. P earson, 2nd Lt. A lbert '4 0- M FPO San Messinger, Sgt. Orlo Parkinson ex- A- APO N euberger, t at Lt. L . Murk '32- CA- Camt> Francisco. 378, New York- North Afl'ica Haan, Cnlifo1·nia. Pechstein, Sgt. Arnold W. '37- A- Pmtt. Mi les, Pvt. Leonard E. ' 36- A- Salt Lake City Newby, 1st Lt. Alfred J. 42- A- APO 496, Kansas. Miles, Pvt. Ned ex- AAF- Phoenix. Arizona New York. Peck, Charles B e_x- MC--Chel'l'y Point, N. C. Mi ll er. 1st Lt. Dale Roland '42- CA- Seuttle, Pelham, Lt. (j.g.) Henry Earl '38- N- FP Washington N ewman, Sgt. Bert ex- A- Corvallis, Oregon . San Francisco. Miller, 1st Lt. Delmar '39- CA- Senttle. Wash. Nickerson, Ensign Robert Harold '43- N- FPO P eterson, Capt. Alton H . '36-CA- APO 129 . Minear. 1st Lt. Delmar '39- CA- Seattle , New York. N ew York. Washington Nielson, 2nd Lt. G01·don Everett '39- AAF­ Peterson, A/ C Claude Blanchard ex- NAG­ Minear, Capt. Vi1·gil L. ' 13- AE--APO 647. Tucson, A1·izona. Corpus Christi, Texas. New Y01·k Nielsen, H orten J ess '43- A- Camp Butner P eterson, Cpl. Tech . Charles Overn '40- A­ Misene•·· Cat)t. Austin ex'41 - AAF- Tucson, North Carolina. ' APO 41, San Fra ncisco. Al"izona Nielson, 1st Lt. T hayle '41- CA- Camp Ed­ P eterson. Ensign Clinton E. '38- N- FPO Pa­ Mitchell , Capt. Albert W. J r. '41- CA- Seat­ wards, Massachusetts. cific. tle. Washington Nielson, Chester LaMaunt 538- Canadian A­ P eterson, Lt. (j.g. ) Dean F . Jr. '34- N- Ban­ Mockli, Frank '42- N- New York, Co lumbia Victoria. British Columbia, Canada. ana Rive1·, F lorida. University Nielsen, F / 0 Melvin C. ex- AAF- APO 5180. P eterson, Lt. (j.g .) Dennis V. '4 0- N- FPO Mohlman, 1st Lt. Fa rrell Jay '42- A- APO New York. San Francisco. California. 829, New Orleans, L n. Nielson, Capt. W. Durrell '38-CA- Boston. P eterson, 1st Lt. Edwin L . '37- AAF- Lub­ Mohr, Ca pt. Alzon Joseph '39- A- Camp San Massachusetts. bock, Texas. Luis Obispo, California Nielsen. Ensign Wade F. '38-N- FPO New Peterson, 2nd Lt. Eldred '43- CA- Ft. Belvoil·, Mollinet, Pvt. Leo '37- A- APO fi39, N . Y. Guinea. Virginia. Mon•·oe, 2nd Lt. LaMar '43- A- Ft. Benning, N! les, Susie '31 - RC--APO 997. Seattle, Wash . Petersen, Cpl. Ellis L. ex- A- APO 40 , San Georg ia N1xon, Frank Bruce "-'<- A- Camp Davis N Francisco. Monson. Pfc. Samuel C. '4 1- CA- APO 928, Carolina. ' · P eterson, Pfc. E lmer George, J r . '42- A- APO San Francisco Noble, 2dn Lt. E ldon Ray '3 AAF- McChord 635, New Yo•·k. Montrose. 1st Lt. Paul R . ex- AAF- Colorado Field, Washington. Peterson, Sgt. Farris J . ex- A- APO 559, N ew Moore, Pvt. Irving B. '37- AAF- Tucson, Noble, Lt. (j.g,) My1·vin '38- NAC--Norfolk York. Arizona Virginia . ' P eterson, Gilbert H . ex'46- N- FPO San Fran­ Moore, Lt. (j,g.) J ack Rodney '41- NAC­ Noble, Reynolds M. ex-N- San Diego 36 Cal- cisco. Corpus Christi. Texas ifornia. ' Peterson, Ensig n Glen E. '41 - N- San Diego, Mm·gan. T /5 Darwin B. '39- A- APO 782. Norr!s, Danell '40- A-Camp Houze, Texas. Ca lifornia. New Yor k Norr1a, Lt. Jonatha n J . '42- A- APO 30 1 Peterson, 2nd Lt. H a rold A. ex- AAF- Moun­ Morgan. Major E lmo '35 - A - Albuquerque, San Francisco. ' tain Home, Idaho. New Mexico No•·ton, S/Sgt. E lbe•·t T. '4 0- A- APO 506, Peterson, S/Sgt. H a rold F . '43- A- Sacra­ Morga n, So;t. Floyd T. '34- A- C,mp RobertA. New York. mento, California. Ca lifornia Nuhn, M/Sgt, L. Carvill ex. Peterson, Marian '37- RC--Oakland, Calif. Morgan, Capt. Mol'l'is E . '40- MC--San Fra n­ Nye, Pfc. Ray E. ex- A- Italy, P eterson, Capt. Max S. '38-A- APO 968, San cisco Nye, Capt . William Preston '40-MC--FPO Francisco. Morga.,, Pvt. Robert Ward '41- A- Helena. San Francisco . Peterson, Lt. Melvin M. '41- AAF- APO 925, Montana Nyland, Pvt. V. L . ex'44- A- Phoenix. Ariz. San Francisco ; Air Medal. Morgqn , Lt. (j ,g.) W ayne R . '42-N- Anna ­ Nyman, 2nd Lt. FaiTeS H . '43- MC--Quanti­ P eterson , Lt. (j.g.) Me1·vin S. '42- N- Brem­ poli s. Maryla nd co. Virginia. erton , Washington. Mon·ell , Lt. Wendell G. ex-AAF- Fiorence, Oberha nsley, Cpl. Vic C. ex'44- A- APO 24 P eterson, 1st Lt. Ray K. '37- A- APO 938 South Carolina Snn Francisco. ' Seattle, Washington. ' Mnnis. Capt. Howard A. '41- A- Camp H n,n. O'Gara, Capt. W a rren '41- A- APO 512, N ew Peterson, Cpl. Ronald F. '39- A - S(ln Bernm·­ California York dino, California. Morris, Cant. Laval S. '23- A- San Fran~i sr" Ogden , Ensign William '42- N- Raleigh, N. P eterson, Capt. Ross K. '39 -CA- B ~y onn e, Morriso'l. J ohn J•·. '39- APO 875. New York Caroli na. New J ersey. Mn••· Cpl. Ruel Harvey '40-A-Camp H aal\. Okeson, Pvt. Kenneth W. '40- A- Sacramen­ P eterson, 1st Lt. Sterling '42- CA- APO 726. California to, California. Seattle, Washington. Mnlleneaux. Coxswain Ca zol '37 - N - BRin­ Olson, Capt. Charles P . '39- A- Camp Stew- P eterson, Lt. (s.g.) Thornton W. '34- N- FPO bddge, Maryland a rt, Georgia. N ew York. Mun'la, 1st Lt. Fal'l·ell A. '4 0- A- J ackson­ Olsen, Ca nt. Dale W . '41- C:<\ - Hnwaii. P eterson, 2nd Lt. Virgil C. '38- AE--Cnmp ville, F lorida Olsen, 2nd Lt. Glen '38- AAF- Lnbbock, Tex. Edwards, Massachusetts. Munns, 2nd Lt. Orlin C. ex- AAF- England Olsen, James Arthm· '40- N-."nuth Pa,.ifi,.. Pexton, Capt George '40- A- Keal'"ey, Neb. Mnnns, 2nrl Lt. Reed Abel '41- A- Cnmp Olson, S/ Sgt. Lee E. '42- A- Hill Field, Utah. Phelps, 1st Lt. James H . ex- A- Ft. Mason. Hattn, California Olsen, S/ Sgt. Leon '40- A- Salina, KRnsa•. Ca lif. M""ROn , Capt. Robe1·t H . '39- A- Berkeley, Olson. Lt. Leonard E lmer '4 1- A- APO 948 Phillips, 1st Lt. Hyrum Boyd '39- A- San California Seattle, Washington. ' Francicso. Murch, Ensig n John A. ex- N- NP.w York City Olson, Lt. (j.g.) N ewell Preston '42 - N- FPO Phillips, Capt. Ivan G. ex- A- Ft. Bragg, N . Mn•dnr.k. Lt. Robert Evans '41 - N- FPO Snn New York. C1lrolina. Francisco Olsen, 2nd Lt. Ray F . '35-A- Italy. Phillips, S/ Sgt. liomas A. '40-AP0- 663. M1n·dock, M / Sgt. Gordon W . ex- AAF- APO Olsen •. 2nd Lt. Ross D. ex- AAF- Hobbs, N ew Miami. F lorid" . 951, San Francisco Mex1co. Pitzer, Col. John H. '33- A- APO 709, San Moves, Cpl. Frank ex- A- APO 40, Snn Fra n­ Olsen, Pfc. Vern J . 0-'1:- AAF- New Orleans Francisco. cisco Louisiana. ' Plant, Capt. Ottis M. '40- A- Fort Bliss, T~ x. Murrny, 2nd Lt. William Guy '43-A-Camp O'Neill, A/ S C. Brian '39- N a kla nd, Ca lif. P lant, Major Ross H. '35- CA- Watsonville, Stewart. Ga. Ord, S/Sgt. John E. '40- AAF- Traux Field, California. Murray, Ensig n William Edward ex- N- New· Madison, Wisconsi n. Platt, 1st Lt. Ralph B. '4 1- AAF- Engla nd. port, Rhod• I sland. Orme, Ensign Hector J oseph ex-N- Norfolk. Pond, Capt. Howard '34- A- Taft. Ca liforniR. Myers, 2nd Lt. Jay N. ex'44- MC--Quantico, Virginia. Porter, Fred Vernon '36- AAF- IMtructor in Virg inia. Orwin, 2nd Lt. Dean Voss '35-AAF- APO Ra da r School, Boca Raton. F lodda. N ebeker, S/Sgt. E. Knowlton ex- AAF­ 729, Seattle , Washington. Potter, Sgt . Clifford S . '41 - A- APO 636. New KearnR. Utah. Osguthorpe , PO 3/c John E. '39- NA San York. Neeley, Sl/c J ames Hughes '43- N- FPO San Francisco. Powelson. Lt. (j.g.) Thomas B. ex- NA Francisco. Oviatt, 1st Lt. Cliff01·d W. '37- N C--EI Cen­ Corpus Christi. Texas. N eff, 1st Lt. Stephen Brinton '32- A- San tro, California. Powe 1·, Ensign T. W. ex- N - Tucson. 1\l'i.,..on>t Franci sco. Owen, 2nd Lt. Arnold '38- A- Da llas, Texa.. N eiswa nder, 2nd Lt. Va n A. ex-AAF- Vis- Poza rnsky, S 1/ Thomas H. '42- N eabees­ Owen, T/ Sgt. Lava wn R . ex- A- APO 41 FPO San Francisco. tnla, California. San Francisco. ' Neil son, Roy ex- N. Pratt, Lt. (a.g.) Alma '34- N - FPO- San Owens, 2nd Lt. Millard V. ex- AAF- San Le­ Fr·ancisco. N elson, Pfc. Blaine L. ex- AAF- Eng land. andro, California. N elson, 2nd Lt. By1·on Everett ex-A- Eng- Prestgard, S/Sgt. Arnold LeRoy '42- MC--F Pace, 1st Lt. Guy Griggs '42- CA- Buzzard's PO San Francisco. land. Bay, Massachusetts. N elson, Pvt. Dale Orville '42-CA- Ft. Cronk­ P1·eston, 1st Lt. Richard A. '38-A- Ft. Lewis. Pace, 1st Lt. Jack S. '41- A- Fort Bliss, Tex. Washington. hite, California. Pack, Ensign Lowell Frederick '41 - N- Mare N elson, 2nd Lt. George J. ex'45- AAF- Dem­ Island. California. Preston, Major William B. '35- A- a lt Lake ing, N ew Mexico. P age, Pfc. Lynn Earl '43- MC--Pa l'l'i s Is­ City, Utah. Nelson. Capt. Glen T. '42- CA- Camp Howze, la nd, South Carolina . Pribble. 2nd Lt. Lynn H. '39- AAF- APO Tex.as. Painter, Capt. Don W. '39- AAF- Presidio of 696, New York. N elson, Lt. (j.g.) Harvard G. '41 - N- FPO Monterey, Ca li fornia . Prigmore, Edna May '40-WAVES- Long Is­ San Francisco. P a lmer, Pfc. Gera ld M. '42- A- Unive •·sity la nd, New York. Nelson. Ensign Howard Roice '40- N. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michi gan . P1·obst, Capt. Reed C. '30- A- APO 41. San Nelson, A/C J a mes D. ex-AAF- Dye•·sbu•·g, Palmer, 2nd Lt. Lane Morris '43- A- Fort Mc­ Francisco. Tennessee. Clellan. Alabama. Pugmire, 2nd Lt. Fra nklin ex'44- Ft. Benning, Nelson, Ma jor J esse G. '33- A- Ca mp Adail·. Palmer, T/5 Stanley R . ex- A-Orland, Fla. Georg ia. Oregon. Papinikolas, !at Lt. Gus '39- A- Ft. Washing­ Pugmire, 1st Lt. W ayne R. '40-A- Shreve­ N elson, 1st Lt. Lewis C. '39- CA- Camp ton, Maryla nd. port, Louisiana. Haan, Ca lifornia . Parker, Lt. (j.g.) Max B. '40- N- FPO San Pugsley, Capt. Rex R. '41 - A- APO 44 8. Ft. Nelsen, A/ S Merrell A . ex- N- San Di ego 33, Francisco. Jackson, South Carolina.

Page 14 AGGIE REGISTER * * * * * * * * Pugsley, 2nd Lt. Richao·d LaMar '43- A- Day­ Roe, 1st Lt. Bryce ex- A- APO 241 , San Shurtz, Capt. Howard Loo·en '40- A- APO 654. ton,- Ohio. Francisco. New York. Purdy, Lt. (s.g.) David J ames '36- N- FPO Rogers, Capt. Dean J. '42- CA- APO 726, Se­ Shurtliff, Pvt. Ross C. ex- CA an Pedro, San Francisco. attle, Washington. Califol'nin. Quinn, Lt. Col. Elwyn F . '35- APO 140, New Rogers, F'/0 Ennis D. ex lidet· Training. Shurtliff, 2nd Lt. William H. '40- A- Vic­ York; Air Medal. kogers, ~nd Lt. Lewis Max '43-A- Camp toria, Kansas. Rabb, CN 2/c J oe Carroll "3 0- Port Hueneme, rtoberts, L.:alifornin. Siddoway, Ensign Robe rt Ray ex- N- FPO California. Rogerson, 'l'/Sgt. Clao·k Thomas '40-Medical San Francisco. Rackmnn, _t~vt. Henry ex--M San Diego, vorps, APO 706, :>an FI'Uncisco. Silcock, 2nd Lt. Burton W. ex'44-A- Ca mp California. Rohmer, Pvt. Walter P. '33- 0rdnance divi­ Irwin, California. Ralphs, Sgt. Lee W. '4 1- AP0- 942, Seattle, sion, Aberdeen Proving GJ"Ound. Md. Simmonds, 1st Lt. J ack M. '41- CA- Senttle, Washington. Rollins, Major J . Clat·ence '28-AAF- Boise, Washington. Ralph, 1st Lt. Sidney B. '41- A- Camp Hulen. ldaho. Simmons, Capt. Cad G. '36- A- San Diego. Te.xas. Roluns, Capt. Ralph '41- CA- Ft. Belvoir, Va. California . Ramelli, 1st Lt. Lloyd R. '41- CA- Seattle, ltomero, Cpl. F'onest S. '3~ -A-Camp Carson, Simons, Lt. Dao·yl ex'44- A- Camp Davis, No. Washington. Colorado. Carolina. Randall, 2nd Lt. Ray F. '35- APO 9732, New Romney, Major Miles C. '35- CA- Madison, Simpson, 2nd Lt. Albert L. e.x- MC-FPO San York. Wisconsin. Francisco. Rasmussen, Sp/2 Elwood W. ex- FPO 14 5, Romney, Capt. Richard '42- CA- England. Sjoberg, Capt. Morris '36- AAF- APO 557, San Francisco. kosenberg, ::;;Sgt. l;phrmm '42- AA.I''-Colo­ New York. Rasmussen, Major Floyd D. '36-A-Fort Bliss, ratlo ~prings, Colorado. Sjoberg, PhM 2/c Norwin L. '42- N- MoH·e Texas. Roskelley, Capt. Lowell J. '34- A- Camp Da­ Island, California. Rasmussen, 1st Lt. Keith 0. e.x-South Pacific. vis, No. Cat·olina. Slater, Lt. (j.g.) Lawrence '41 - N- Beeville, Raymond, Ca pt. George F . '34- Assiatant Ad­ Roundy, 2nd Lt. lt. Acel '39- M- FPO San Te.."'e- 16001, New York. Camp Adair, Oregon. attle, Washington. Smith, Pfc. Eldon H. '40-MC-APO San Reed, 1st Lt. J ames Clare '42- MC-FPO San Ryberg, Cpl. Ertc C. ex- A- Portland, Ore. Francisco. Francisco, California. :>afran, Pvt. Robert L. ex'44-A- F't. Worden, Smith, Capt. J . Rennell '29- A- Ft. Bliss, Reeder, Sgt. J esse W. '34- A- APO 788, New Washington. Texas. York. Salmon, Capt. Nelson H. '29- A-Savannah, Smith, Cpl. J.ohn P. Jr. ex- AAF- Long Reeder, 1st Lt. William W. '35- A- APO 887, Georgia. Beach, California. New York. Samowitz, 2nd Lt. Moses '43-A- Ft. McClel­ Smith, 1st Lt. Lewis C. ex-AAF- New Gu­ Rees, Major Doyle '32- A- APO 956, San lan, Ala. inea. Francisco. Sant, Major Paul T. '33- A- Richmond, Va. Smith, Lt. (j.g .) Mark ex- N- Alameda, Calif. Rees, 2nd Lt. Keith H. '43- A- Fort Mc­ Sargent, 1st Lt. Aiwain Henry '40 - A-Camp Smith, Lt. Mayo W. '43- AAF- Mt. Home. Clellan, A labama. Stewat·t, Georgia. Idaho. Rees. 2nd Lt. Kenneth R. '43- A- South Camp Scartezina, 1st Lt. Edward L. '42-A-APO Smith, Lt. Col. Robert D. '24- A- Hend of eye Hood, Te.xas. 403, New York. department at Bushnell Hospital, Bl'igham Rees, PhM2/c MeoTill ex'43- N- FPO, San Scherbel, Lt. (j.g.) Paul '40- N- FPO San City, Utah. Francisco. Francisco. Smith, 2nd Lt. Vio·ginia F. ex- WAC San Rees, Ensign P . Max '40- N- FPO San Fran- Scblappi, Lt. (j.g.) Lloyd K. '37-N-FPO Francisco. cisco. San Francisco. Smith, 2nd Lt. Wayne ex- AAF- Pullman. Rees, Willia m J. e.x- AAF- Fo·esno, California. Schmalz, 1st Lt. Bruce L. '39-A-Eugene, Washington. Reese Pvt. Ray L. ex- A- Fort Douglas. Oregon. Smith, 2nd Lt. Wesley Elvin ex'46- MA Reeve's, Pfc. D. Eugene '43- A- Camp Stew- Scbnepel, 2nd Lt. Richard '37-A-Camp Livermore, California. a1·t, Georgia. Cooke, California. Sneddon, 2nd Lt. J ack H. '43- A- Camp Da­ Reid, 2nd Lt. Peter Charles '43-A-Camp Scholes, Lt. Col. Wallace B. '30-AAF-APO vis, North Carolina. Blanding, Georgia. 634, New York. Snow, Cluff '37- N- Macon, Georgia. Reid, Ensign Wendell P. ex- NAG-Sanford, Schonfeld, Capt. Walter E. '33-A-Riverside, Snyder, Capt. Emery T. '37- A- APO. New Florida. California. York. Rex, 1st Lt. Fo·ed S. '39- 0rdnance division, Schopper, Lt. Francis J oseph '43-A-Camp Snyder, 1st Lt. Nathan '36- A- APO 307. New APO 519, New York. York. Rich. Lt. (j.g.) C. Carlyle '34- NE-FPO San Fannin, Te-xas. Scott, Ensign Ken '40- AAF-Cambridge, Sonderegger, 2nd Lt. Ferron W. ex'44- CA ­ Francisco. Ft. Benning, Georgia. Rich, Ensign Lloyd Elliot '43-Harvard Uni­ Massachusets. Scott, Rae '42-WA VE Seattle, Washington. Sonne, 2nd Lt. Alma, Jo·. '43- MC- PaoTis versity, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Island, South Carolina. Rich, Cpl. Lorenzo P. '37- A- North Camp Scott, 2nd Lt. Roy H . '42- Fort Stevens, Massachusetts. Sonne, Conway B. '40- A- Camp Lee, Va. Hood, Texas. Sorenson, 1st Lt. Dr. C. Wallace '36- M Rich, Sgt. Wayne R. ex- A- APO 149, New Scott, Lt. (j.g.) Woodrow W. '41- MC-FPO New York. APO 928, San Francisco. York. Seeley, 1st Lt. Paul W. ex-AAF-APO 9543, Sorenson, Major Charles Cole '37- A- APO Richards, Ensign Clyde Rich 43- N-San San Francisco. 654, New York. Francisco. Seely, Pfc. Preston D. ex-Me-Quantico, Va. Sorensen, Cpl. Earl F. '42- A- APO 92 8. San Richards, 1st Lt. Denton S. '42- A- APO 532, Selck, Cpl. J ack R. ex'41-A-Camp White, Francisco. New York. Oregon. Sorenson, 2nd Lt. J ames ex'44- A- Camp Da­ Richards, Lt. (j.g.) Ivan F . '35-Naval Con­ Sells, T/Sgt. Earl '39-A-APO 520, San vis, North Carolina. struction, San Francisco. Francisco. . ... Sorenson, 1st Lt. Leon J . '39- A- APO 928. Richards, Marion ex'44- West Point Cadet, Shafer, 1st Lt. Paul Stewart '39-CA-APO San Francisco. New York. 230, New York. Sorensen, 1st Lt. Royal '38-A- APO 322 . Richins, Lt. Dallas '31, Sprague, Washington. Shand, 2nd Lt. J ack W. ex-AAF-Rapid City, San Francisco. Rigby, Lt. Charles Emery '43- AAF- Camp Soutb Dakota. Sorensen, 2nd Lt. Rulon H. '41- AE- Ft. Hobbs, New Mexico. Sharp, Lt. David B. ex- AAF-England. Huachuca, Arizona. Rigby, Capt. Milton T . ex- A- Dental Depart­ Shaw, 2nd Lt. David G. '34- A- Ft. Wash­ Sorensen, Capt. Wendell H. '40- A- APO ment, Denver. Colorado. ington, Maryland. 9114, New York. Rigby, Major Paul T . ex- APO 3, New York. Shaw, Pvt. J ack ex-A- Camp Davia, N. C. Souli er, Sgt. Glen Earl '43- A- San Francisco. Spackman, Capt. J . Lavell '36- A- San Fo·nn- Riley, Sgt. John E. '39- AE-APO 32~. San Shaw, 1st Lt. John '42-AE-AP0-921 San Francisco. cisco. · Francisco. Spaulding, C.C.M. Curtis J . '29- N- FPO Sa n Ripplinget·, F/ 0 Conrad L. ex- AAF- Austin, Shaw, 2nd Lt. Lloyd E. '42- A- Camp Hulen, Texas. Francisco. Texas. Speakman, 2nd Lt. Daniel V. 41- AE o·an- Robins, Thomas Raymond '41 - A- Camp Sha w, Pfc. Robert J. '41 - A- San Francisco. Shaw, 2nd Lt. William D. '41- AAF- APO ite City, Illinois. Barkeley, Texas. Spear, Major Aaron G. '38-AAF- APO 634. Roberts, Carol ex- WAC, Foo·t Knox, Kentucky 459, San Francisco. Sheppeo·d, Pvt. J erold '41- AAF- Carlsbad, New York. Robeo·ts, A/C Ethelbeo·t B. '41 - AAF- APO New Mexico. Speed, 2nd Lt. William Edwa rd ex'4 A­ 713, San Francisco. Shepard, 1st Lt. J oseph E. '33- A- APO 3, Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi. Roberts. Cpl. Reed S. '42- AAF- APO' 332, New York. Spencer, Sgt. Kenneth '36- A- Camp Carson. San Francisco. Shields, Lt. (j.g.) Royal S. '40- N- Eureka, Colorado. Robertson, gt. Melvin ex- A- Hawaiian Is­ California. Spendlove, 2nd Lt. Ead '39- A- Camp Phil­ lands. Simpson, Capt. Harold '41- A- APO 968, San lips, Kansas. Robins, 2nd Lt. J unius We lls '43- MC-Parris Francisco. Stains, Lt. (j.g.) George S. '39- N- FPO Snn Island, So. Carolina. Simpson, Capt. Robert P. '39- A- APO 954, Francisco. Robinson, Lt. (j.g.) Edwin Craven '39-N- F San Francisco. Stains, Pfc. John Albert '38- AE-South Pa­ PO, San Francisco. Shumway, A/S Andrew B. '38- N-FPO San cific. Robinson, Ensign Max Edward '40-N- FPO Francisco. Stanford, A/C Theodore J. ex- AAF- Santa New York. Shupe, Y3/c I. Saville '41- N- Honolulu, T. H . Ana, Calif.

Page IS AGGIE REGISTER * * * * * * * * Stauffer, 2nd Lt. Ivery D. ex- A- Lawndale. To lm an, Capt. J ay W. '34- CG- Ft·eepOI·t. Tex. Weave!". Sgt. J a mes G. '40- A- W a n ·e nsbun.(. Ca lifornia. Talton, 1st Lt. Just in C. '4 1- AAF- Ita ly. Mi ssou l"i . • 'teed, Cpl. Came t·on ex- AAF- W endovet·, Ut. Totton, 1st Lt. Mitchell 43- A- South Pacific. Weave•·. Lt. J ohn G. '40- M San Fmncisco. Steed, Sgt. Da le '37- A- APO 7, San Luis Toschi, Louis '40- N- San Diego, California. Webber . Capt. Albert June '35- CA- Ft. Bliss. Obispo, California. Tt·emelling, Cvl. Hontce '43- AE-Camp But- Steed , 1st Lt . Harold C. '42- A- New York. nei·, North Carolina. w~:b! ~,' Capt. E . Dean '41 - M FPO Sn n tephens, Pfc. Kenneth Dean '42- AAF- Fres­ Tripp, 1st Lt. Clayne '40-A- APO 963, San Fra ncisco. no, California. Francisco. W ecker, Ensig n J ack '42- N- FPO San Fnm­ Stephens, Sgt. Allen 0. ex- AAF- Lowt·y T l'i 11P, Capt. Lyle E. '36- A- Ca mp Gruber, cisco. Field, Colonulo. Oklahoma. W elch, Capt. J ohn '41- CA- China . SteJ)henson, 2nd Lt. Homer '41- A- Santa Tt·uden, Capt. Andre B. '41- CA- Ft. Worden, W elch. Cpl. Robert . ex'46- A- Camp Bowet·, Ana, California. Washington . Texas. Stettler, Capt. Elmer E . '40- A- Winnipeg, Tucker, Lt. (j.g.) Be t·t H. '36- N- South Pa­ W elti Lt. Comd•·. W a lter N- Butte , Montana. Canada. cific. W enn'et·gren, 2nd Lt. Robert D. '44- A- F t. Stevens, C11l. J . H illma n ex- A- Seattle. Turley, Ca11t. Louis 0. '37- A- Aieutia ns. Benning, Georgia. Washington . Turner, Cpl. Kirk Brian '39- A- Indianola , W enne t·g t• en, 2nd Lt. Theod01·e M. '4 2- A­ Stevens, Lt. W a rd E a l'l '42- CAF- Edmonton , N ebraska. Edgewood Arsena l, Maryland. Elberta, Canada. Tyson, S 2/c MarJean '41- WAVE-Cot·pus W est. Pfc. Fra nklin L. J r. ex'4 0- A- Salt Stevenson, Lt. Co l. Cli (ford '22-A- A leutia n Christi, Texas. Lake City. Isla nds. Uchida, T/Sgt. Keni chi '40- A- Ft. Houston, W est. J oseph Edward '4 1- AAF- New H aven, Stewart, Cnpt. Al'lo H. ex'44- AAF- Shreve­ Texal:'. port, Louisiana. Udy, Sgt. Jay R. '40- A- Cam p White, Oregon W~~~~ · F / 0 H erbert R . ex- NAG-Overseas Stewat·t, 1st Lt. Boyd H. '4 1- AAF- N ew Va nderbeek, Pfc. J a mes Lawrence '4 2-A- A W<~tz l et:, Capt. John '4 1- CA- Chadotteville. Brinfels. Texas. PO 832, New Orleans, Louisia na. ' Virg inia Stewart , Major Bryon J ohn '37- A- Cnmp Hu­ Vanderhoff, Capt. J . Kenneth '30-A- Camp Wheeler , 2nd Lt. Seaton E. '39- AAF- At- len, Texas. Cooke, California. lantn, Georgia. , . . Stewa rt, Sgt. Clyde E . '35- A- Cnmp Crow­ Va n Epps, Ensig n Gordon A lmon '42- N­ Whitaker, PhM3/ c William 41- N- San Ot­ der, Missouri. Washington , D. C. ego 34, Califomia. tewart, Ensig n J. Kenneth '37- N- Cam­ Van Orden, 1st Lt. H arris 0 . '38- A- Mary­ Whitby, PhM 2/c John Elvin '39- MC- San bridge, Mnssachusetts. la nd. Francisco. Stewart, Cpl. Mandell H . ex- A- Seymou r. In . Va n Orden , Ensig n Jay Dee '42- N- Tucson. White, Capt. Ray H. '39- N - Pncific Theater . diana. Arizona. White. Lt. Robe•·t E. Jt·. , '41- N- Aleutian tack, Lt. Clifford D. '42- A- F t. Ct·ook, Oma­ Va rgas, 1st Lt. Aniceto Tel'l'eda '30- A- Phil­ ha , Nebraska. ippines. W~~~:~ i!i~s . Cpl. Dee '42- A- Camp Cooke, tock, Major Eldon M. '34- A- Cnmp Callan, W acker, Capt. Willinm W. ex- AAF- A ibu­ Ca lifornia. California. querque, N. M. Whitesides. Maiot· Joseph E . '36-A- APO 40 . Strong, Pvt. Doug las C. '43- A- Camp H ann , Wade, S/Sgt. Edwa rd W. '37- A- Salina, California . Kansas. w~ft~ sKt'~~~c~~~ t. William W . '41- CA- APO Strong, Capt. Max D. '40- A- San Diego, W ade, Ca pt. Ellis Maycock '29- AAF- Wi!­ 940, Seattle. Washington. Calif. liams Field , Arizona. Whitlock, Cpl. Jack K. '43- A- Presidio of Summet·s, Pvt. Dee ex- M San Diego, Calif. Wadsworth, CaJ)t. Harold M. '27- A- Loury Monterey, Califo!'llia. ummers, 2nd Lt. J a mes C. ex- AAF- Ove t·­ Field, Colorado. Wightman, Ensig n W a llace '43- N - Raleigh , seas. Wadsworth, Pvt. M'L~ '42- A- APO 350, N ew North Carolina. Suthe l'la nd. Cpl. Clyde 0. ex- AAF- Palm York. · Wilcox, Ma jor G. N eil '41 - CA- APO 71 3, Springs , Californ ia. Wagsta ff, David B. '41- N- Honolulu, H a waii N ew Guinea. Swan, Gordon Brotherson '43- A- Camp Da­ Wa hlquist, A. Glenn '43- A- Cnmp Davis. Wilding , Lt. (j.g.) Ma lin T . '4 1- N- N nvy vi s, N01·th Cnt·olina. North Carolina . · Yard. N ew York. Sweeney, Cpl. Willa t·d J a mes '3 - A- Camp Wakley, Major Ralph C. '37- CA- H a waii, T. Wilkin, 2nd Lt. W endell Reed '3 - CA- Ft. H aan, California. H. Terry, N ew York. Swendson, 1st Lt. How•u·d J . '31- AAF- Enid. Waldron, Major N ell o B. '29- A- Arlington, Williams. 2nd Lt. Duvid S. ex- AAF- San An- Oklahoma. Virg inia. Swinyard, Maj01· A. W . '37- A- Overseas Waite, CM 2/ Ve d C. '4 3- M Camp P en- w!Jii~ s:M~J~r Waldon ex- AAF- South Pa­ Talbot, Capt. Wilburn C. '35- A- New York dleton, California. Walker, Lt. Rulon A . 'SI- N- Arlington, Va . w~:!c~ . S/Sgt. C. Edwa 1·d '40- A- APO 30 . Ta~i;:;,;., Lt. At·thur E. '24- NAG--Hollywood. W a lker, Cpl. Va nce DeMont, Jr. '41- A- APO New York. Florida. 860, N ew York. Wilson. 2nd Lt . J. Ma rk '41 - A- APO 928, Tarbet, Instructor Clyde '42- AAF- Vistula, Wa ll, James Russell '40-A- FOI·t Benning , San Francisco. Ca lifornia. Georgia. Wilson, 2nd Lt. Robert Folsom . 52- AE- APO Taylor 1st Lt . Ga il R . '4 1- A- Senttle, Wa llen, 2nd Lt. Geon; e Howard '38- A- Cnmp 40, San Ft·ancisco. Washington. Atterbury, Ind. Wilson, A/C Warren B. '43- AAF- Chandlet·, Taylor, Cadet H erbert G. ex- AAF- Tucson, W a nlass, Pfc. Dorothy Cla re '4 3- WACS­ Arizona. Arizona. North Africa. Wilson , Ensign Wayne Powell '42- N - San Taylor, SC 3/c Howard R . ex- N- Carabello. Wa nlass, 2nd Lt. Ra lph P. '36- A- Arlington, Flor ida. Virginia. Wodrow '35-A- Ft. Mason . San Taylor, Ensig n P aul Howard '4 1- N- Camp Ward, Lt. Col. Elmer H enry '35- A- Ogden , w~:;:;~~ic~~;t. P ea ry, Virgi nia. Utah. wf~:." 'il ~~~· John C. '31- A- Ft. Bra gg, N . C. Taylor, Maiot· Sterling A. '41- Cn- Ft. Wor- W a rd, Lt. (j.g .) Ka d Edwin '40- N- FPO Wintet·, 1st Lt. Dennis C. '40- AAF- Rich- den, W ashington. San Francisco. Tet·vot, Pvt. D01·othy '43- W AG-Tonopah. Ne­ W ard, Ensig n t.eGmnd B. '37- N- San Diego, •[)yle ex- A- APO 520, N ew vada. Califo1·n ia. w;;'.;d'h~'u;;, :•·S / Sgt. Teuschet·, Capt. Ivan M. '38- A- APO 940, Ward, Major Ralph P . '37- A- Camp H aan, w~.:',!'t~·nd, Pvt. D. Platt ex-CA- Ft. Mon•·oe. Seattle, Washington . · California. Virg inia. Theurer, Ma jor Mark Low '38- A- Boston, Warner, Capt. Lloyd P. ex- A- Eng land Woodwa rd, Capt. H a tTY R . '41- CA- APO 71 5. Massachusetts. Wamich, Sgt. Alvik '42- A- APO 634, N ew San Francisco. Thomas, Capt. Bert L. '39- A- Cambridge, York. Woodward, Capt. J oseph '40- A- Camp Davis. Massachusetts. W a mick, Sgt. Chades W. '37- A- Camp North Carolina. Thomas, Capt. Howa rd B. '32- A- Fresno. Adair, Oregon . Wright. Lt. Col. Golden P. '27- AAF- Salt Califomia. W atkins, 1st Lt. Dona ld J. ex- AAF- New Or­ La ke City, Utah. Thomas, 1st Lt. Madison '38-Carli sle Ba r­ leans, Loui sia na. Wright, 1st Lt. William V. '40- A- Camp Wal- racks, P enn sylvania. W a tkins, Pfc. William E . '41- A- APO 442, Thomas, 1st Lt. Ross G. '42- A- APO 4757 , San F1·ancisco. W~;st, J:e'F/o Al'llold ex- A- Louisville. Ky. San Francisco. Watson. Ensig n J ack '38- N- Mi ssion Beach, Wursten, Lt. Col. Ervin ex- AAF- Eng land. Thompson, 1st Lt. GmT '39- CA- New Guinen California. Thompson, Ensig n Jack Boyd ex- N- Corpus Watterson, 2nd Lt. A lma Eugene, Jt·., '42- A Yeates, 2nd Lt. Lowell '41- A- Camp Lee, Christi, Texas. - Camp Haa n, California. Virg inia. Thorpe, Ma jor P a ul H. '3 1- CA - APO 956 Watts, Ensign Loy W . '41- N- Cot·pus Christi. Young , Lt. (j.g.) Robert D. ex- N - San Di­ New York. Texas. ego, California. 'fhatcher, Capt. T. 0. ' 33- CA- APO 64 5, New Wayman, 1st Lt. Oliver ex- AAF- South Pa­ Young , Ensig n Selwyn L. ex- NA Co t·pu" York. cific. Thurston, Ensig n Mol'l'is A. '41- N- FPO San W ayment, Ma jor Elvin Thomas ·a - A- APO Cht~ sti , Texas. Francisco. 244, San Francisco. Zamzow, Don '43- N - N ew Yot·k . Todd, Ma io•· W . Ft·antzen '40-AAF- Gt·eat W eatherston, Capt. Ve m H yrum '3 - A- a n Zirker, 2nd Lt. Robe rt Arthur '42-A- J nck­ Bend , Kansas. Francisco. son, Mi ssissipJ)i.

P~ge I b Residence Halls Ready For Wo:m.en

Housing problems of the Utah State coeds were solved this summer when the women's residence hall on the campus was returned to civilian use after barracking aviation students for more than a year. The women's residence hall has been redecorated during the past months in preparation for 104 freshmen wo­ men who made it their college home beginning- with the fall quarter, Sep­ tember 25. The modern structure housed fresh­ men women until February 1943 when it was turned over to the 318th Col­ lege Training Detachment on the campus. Until June 1944 a part of the aviation students being trained at the College were barracked there. In June the Army Air Corps program was completed and the residence hall turned back for use of civili an stu­ dents. Women of the upper classes will re­ side in the stately Eccles dormitory on West Center street in Logan. It was purchased more than a year ago as a dormitory for freshmen women while the campus residence hall was being used by the AAF. Campus Dormitory.

Freshmen Get Introduction To College Life

Aggie students swung into action this fall with a promise of coming events which will undoubtedly make this one of Utah State's most interest­ ing and exciting years. Traditional friendly Aggie spirit keynoted events which acquainted Freshmen and new students with campus life during the first week of the fall term. A WS "Big Sisters" aided new col­ lege women with their problems on the opening day and helped introduce them to Aggie life. Features of regis­ tration day activities were a student­ body assembly, tour of the campus, and a social Monday evening honoring Freshmen. These activites were fol­ lowed by the President's assembly on September 27. Other events scheduled are the his­ toric Columbus Day assembly on Oc­ tober 12, followed by Thanksgiving Day assembly, November 29, and on December 20 a Christmas assembly.

Eccles Residence Hall.

Page 17 Honoring the new Executive Secre­ tary, H. Parley Kilburn, an Alumni Council dinner party was held in the Ivory Room of Hotel Newhouse, Wed­ nesday, September 6. Frank Fister, member of the class of 1938, was Mas­ ter of Ceremonies and started the Council members off telling of his most memorable moment spent at Utah State. All council members re­ sponded. During the evening piano duets were played by Roma and Rula Hailstone of the class of 1948. Following the dinner, a short busi­ ness meeting was held. Brief talks were given by President A. Russell Croft and Mr. Kilburn. Members not present when the above picture was taken are D. A. Skeen, Ernest 0 . Larsen, J. Morris Seated, from left to right: Seth T. Shaw, Phyllis K. Owen, George E. Bankhead, LeRoy Hillam, Christensen, Ruby Stringham Garrett Allen M. West, Johanna Moen, Evan B. Murray, Sherman P. Lloyd, Avon W. Fister, Frank G. Fister, Mary B. Smith, Ariel Merrill, Lydia H. Tanner, A. Russell Croft, W. W. Gardner, Mar· and Leonard W. McDonald, former jorie A. Henderson, H. Parley Kilburn. Executive Secretary.

Lions International Elect Skeen FACULTY NEWS D. A. Skeen, outstanding Aggie alumnus of '09, was elected President Fern Starr, '40, has been appointed Prof. Charles J. Sorenson, '14, re­ of Lions International at the closing acting Dean of Women at the USAC search assistant professor of entomol­ session of the twenty-eighth annual for the present year. She replaces ogy of the Utah experiment station, is International meeting held in Chicago. Dean Caroline Hendricks, who is on the new entomologist of the Utah This organization added 368 new leave to study at the University of extension service at USAC. Prof. Sor­ clubs and had an increase of 28,000 California at Los Angeles. In addition enson has long been connected with members during the year ending June to her duties as Dean, Miss Starr will accomplishments in the field of en­ 30, 1944. The new president now heads teach foods part time in the home eco­ tomology in this state, and he succeeds an association of 4600 clubs with nomics department. Dr. George F. l{nowlton, '23, in the 180,000 members in fourteen coun­ position. Dr. Knowlton is now on tries. leave, working "th the army sanita­ This signal honor came as a fitting Major Reuben L. Hill, chief of the tion engineers at ort Douglas, Utah. climax to the long and colorful service nutrition service of the Fifth Service Mr. Skeen has rendered to the Lions command, returned to the campus Sep­ Clubs. He has served Lions Interna­ tember 11 to assume his duties as head tional as third, second and first vice­ of the chemistry department. Dr. Hill Murray Announces presidents, successively. His home has been on leave from the depart­ club had honored him with the offices ment since July 5, 1941, when he en­ of director and president. Mr. Skeen tered the army. Council Nominees has also been district governor of the Evan B. Murray, chairman of the Lions Clubs of Utah and served one Alumni Nominating committee, lists term as International Director. Agnes Bahlert, associate professor the following nominees to the Alumni Active in legal work, Mr. Skeen is of foods and supervisor of the home Council. Members will vote for five of a member of the law firm of Irvine, management house at USAC school of the fifteen when their names and Skeen and Thurman o:C Salt Lake City. home economics, has returned to the activities are presented in the Decem­ campus after a year's sabbatical leave, ber issue of the Alumni Quarterly. A. In addition to his activities in civic during which she took graduate work W. Morgan, '28, Twin Falls, Idaho; affairs and legal work, D. A. Skeen at the University of Wisconsin, Madi­ C. P . McGregor, '14, Thatcher, Idaho; has been a prominent and active mem­ son, Wis. Gronway E. Parry, '14, Cedar City, ber of the Alumni Association. He Utah; Howard Calder, '37, Vernal, became a member of the Alumni Coun­ Utah; Cantril Nielsen, '28, Hyrum, cil in 1938 and was elected president After studying the political and so­ Utah; E . T. Ralphs, '11, Logan, Utah; of the Association in 1942 and again cial life in South America for a year, Ralph Hyer, '26, Afton, Wyoming; in 1943. At present he is ex-officio Dr. George Meyer, professor of mod­ Gladys Christensen Hyer, '16, Lewis­ member of the executive committee. ern languages at USAC, returned to ton, Utah; Leonard W. MacDonald, Mr. Skeen was born in Plain City, the campus July 26, and will resume '39, Salt Lake City, Utah; Wilford D. Weber County. He is married and has teaching duties when fall quarter Porter, '22, Logan, Utah; Verda Tur­ five children. His daughter, Bertha opens. As an interchange professor, ner Peterson, '39, Kenilworth, Utah; Eleanor, graduated from the USAC in Dr. Meyer taught English and received Frank Stevens, '37, Tremonton, Utah; 1939. instruction in . Portuguese. William Batt, '14, Bountiful, Utah.

Page 18 1/lu.mnl .!ltem~

Rex M. Ingersoll, '40, principal of Melbourne D. Wallace, '40, will join Walter LaMar Marshall, '35, Ogden the Woodruff school for several years the Brigham Young University as in­ Union Railway and Depot Co. switch­ and active in Logan civic circles, has structor in horticulture and supervisor man, was killed instantly August 18, resigned his position and moved to of the BYU farms, replacing the late in the railroad yards when he was Berkeley, California, to become field Charles Harris, Dr. Franklin S. Har­ caught between the engine on which executive for the Contra Costa Boy ris, president, announced. Mr. Wall ace, he was riding and a freight car. Mr. Scout council there. His wife and until recently, was in charge of re­ Marshall entered the teaching profes­ three children accompanied him. search work for the canning industry sion immediately after graduation. His Frank Stevens, '37, veteran Box wife, the former Gail Richardson, and Elder county teacher, has been ap­ at Pleasant Grove. two children survive him. pointed principal of Bear River high Mrs. Almeda P. Brown, '27, acting George David Shupe, former Aggie, school, Garland, Utah. Mr. Stevens dean of the school of home economics died in Salt Lake August 18 after a earned his bachelor of science degree at USAC, attended the workshop on lingering illness. He was manager of at USAC. Mrs. Catherine Bullock Hall, '38, administration management for home the Northwestern Mutual Life Insur­ economics directors at Estes Park, ance Co. in Ogden. Mr. Shupe is sur­ has been appointed instructor in phys­ vived by his wife and four children. ical education at Brigham Young Uni­ Colo., in July. Sponsored by the home versity to begin duties this fall. Mrs. economics section of the association N. A. Crookston, former student at Hall graduated from Branch Agri­ of land grant colleges, the workshop USAC, died following a heart attack cultural College, USAC, and had done was held at Long Peak Inn at Estes suffered two months ago in Nevada, work at Brigham Young University Park. September 5 at North Logan, Utah. during summer sessions. Mr. Crookston was a member of the Prof. Calvin Fletcher, head of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, serving on USAC art department, was sustained the Mexican border. He a lso was a A ggie Marriages as a member of the Logan L.D.S. stake line sergeant with the 145th division, (Contimwd from page 6) high council August 27, succeeding the field artillery, during World War I. plane to Redwood City, Calif., and late Heber C. Maughan. Prof. Fletcher He is survived by two sisters and four visited a week with relatives, after served several years as member of the brothers. which Captain Lund reported at Santa Logan Seventh L.D.S. ward bishopric, Mrs. E lla Jarvis Rogers, '28, died Monica, Calif., for reassignment. Mrs. choir leader, and has been active in August 1 at the family home in Logan, Lund returned to Logan for the fall Scout work. after a year's illness. She was edu­ quarter registration. cated in Paris, Idaho, schools and Beltron Hancey, ex-Aggie, and Pat USAC. She taught school for three Ralphs, of Long Beach, California, years at Bloomington and Garden were married in Orange county, Cali­ Obituaries City, Idaho, and was active through­ fornia, July 29. Mr. Hancey is at out her life in L.D.S. Church work. present stationed near Logan Beach, Rose Homer Widtsoe, member of Mrs. Rogers was married to B. Frank­ where he is with the U. S. navy. the 1900 graduating class, died in Salt lin Rogers in the Logan L.D.S. temple. She is survived by her husband and Colleen Edwards, ex-Aggie, was Lake City, September 12, 1944. At four sons and daughters. married to Francis R. Martin, of the time of her death she was head Watervliet, New York, July 20 at the of the home economics department at Dean A. Woodall, former Aggie, bride's parents' home. The ceremony the as well as Salt manager of the Club Billiards and was performed by Henry Cooper. Lake City food administrator and owner of one of the world's largest In rites solemnized at the home of chairman of the nutritional council's collections of salt and pepper shakers, the groom's parents on August 11, legislative committee. died suddenly July 31 of a heart attack Helen Fern Price became the bride of while in his place of business. Mr. Following graduation from the Col­ Woodall 's salt and pepper displays had Robert Wooppon Nicholes in a candle­ lege, Dr. Widtsoe taught in the Logan light ceremony before C. H. Monson. more than 1900 pair from all parts schools, gained her master's degree of the world. He also had scores of The couple will reside in American from the University of California in mounted animal heads of all types in Fork. 1920 and was awarded the degree of In rites celebrated July 27, Melba his store. Mr. Woodall attended the doctor of philosophy in 1931. USAC, playing on the 1906 football Bagley, '38, became the bride of Ron­ Mrs. Widtsoe is survived by two team. He •is survived by his wife and ald Jensen, former student. Lewis R. daughters. Anderson officiated at the ceremony two daughters. which was performed in the Manti L.D.S. temple. The young couple plan to reside in Richfield. Announcement has been received of QUESTIONNAIRE FOR USAC ALUMNI IN MILITARY SERVICE the marriage of A/ C Irvin L. Peter­ (Please mail to the Alumni Office, USAC, Logan, Utah) son, ex-Aggie, who was wedded to Ens. Margaret S. Williams of the WAVES of Fort Lupton, Colo., on Name ...... -- --- ·-- ·-- ---·------·------·----- ·-----·-- - Class Year.· ------·--- --· --- - J uly 22. The wedding took place in Branch of the post chapel of Gardner Field, Cal. Serial No .. ·-- ---·------·------·------Service ...... ----·-···---- ·- ··· --··--- --· -- -·---·-··-- · Rank. ______Married in the Salt Lake temple August 29 with Jessie W. Knight offi­ ciating was Cleta Byrnece Hansen Military Mailing Address·------··------·- -·- --- -·------·- ---·-- --· ---- ·-·---- ·------·-··--·--·--- --·----- ·--·------and Pfc. Ralph B. Maughan, ex-Aggie. The groom is stationed with the army engineers at Camp Li vingston, Louisi­ Permanent Mailing Address______-·-----·------·-· ------·-··-- -- -·----··----·-·------·-·-- ·-- ·-- ·- ana. Lt. Marshall Holling ·head and Nel­ lie Duke were married in a Salt Lake temple ceremony June 20, performed Decorations, Citations, Comments -·-- ·--- -·------·-· -- -- ·-- ·----- ·- -- --·- --·-·- --·------·-·--- ·-·-·-----: ...... by Stephen L. Chipman, president. The couple are making their home in Victorville, Calif., where Lt. Hollings­ head is stationed with the army air Give complete address for Alumni Office files. corps. Printed list will conform to censorship regulations.

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THIN AM . TEVEN ·,Publisher and l\f mwge1·