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MISCELLANEOUS FIELD STUDIES MAP MF- 900-B DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR HILLSBORO AND SAN LORENZOQUADS.,N.M. UNITED ST A TES GEOLOGICAL SUR VEY SHEET20F2 MINERAL RESOURCE POTENTIAL MINERAL DEPOSITS OF THE HILLSBORO-SAN LORENZO QUADRANGLES Lode Name(s) Resource Type of Develop Brief description References Lode Name(s) Resource Type of Develop Brief description References Lode Name(s) Resource Type of Develop Brief description References OIL AND GAS [Numbers cortespond with location of lode mineral deposits on map. Leaders (---) in reference column indi,,ate No. deposit No. deposit ,o. deposit =" =" category-"' deposits not described in the literature and are chiefly occurrences observed during recent geologic mapping. category category There is no potential for oil and gas in the Hillsboro- San Lorenzo quadrangles. P, prospect pit; M/I, mine workings, inactive; M/A, mine workings, active; 0, mineralized outcrops, no devel Lake Valley district King.Heon diHt dct ( ! ! !)--Cont inue d Santa Rita (San Juan) district (VII) Numerous blocks faults in the relative thin Paleozoic sediroentsry section have probably opment] allowed the escape of any gas or petroleum that may have existed. 66. Unnamed------ Vein------- p Gossan along fault in limestone con 122. Blackie and Ag, Cu , ---do------- M/I Abundant mangano;se oxides as replace Farnham, l 961, 177. Unnamed------ Zn, Pb, Vein-------- p Sparse amounts of sulfide within Lode Name(s) Resource Type of Develop Brief description References COAL tains chiefly hematite and sparse Tall Pine Pb, Zn, ment bodies along N. 15° W. and N. p. 97, 101-102. Cu, Ag Fusselman Dolomite near fault ,,. deposit ment amounts of pyrite. mines. 60"-65° E. fractures and faults. contact with Perch a Shale. category No coal deposits are known within the Hillsboro and San Lorenzo quadrangle. 123. Unnamed------ Mo"" ---do------ M/I Minor amounts of manganese oxides 178, Rose mine---- Cu, Zn, ----do------ M/I Quartz veins along fault contact of along a fault that strikes N. 50°- Pb, Ag of the Lake Valley Limestone with Hillsboro district (I) ' GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Unknown 550 w. limestones of the Magdal,,na Group. 124. ----do------- Mn ---do------- M/I Abundant manganese oxides along a N. Fault strikes N. 85° E. and is Hot springs in the Warm Spring Canyon area east of Hillsboro are along the extension 1. Unnamed------ Ag, Au Vein-------- p Quartz vein along north-striking 6 7. Unnamed------ Co Vein------- p Chrysocolla along fault in andesite. 65° W. striking fault. brecciated. Abundant chrysocolla. of the Berrenda fault (NE l/4, sec, 5, T. 6. s., R. 7 W.), but the heat potential in this fault contains pyrite. 68. Blue Bell Co ----do------- p Chrysocolla along fault in andesite. 125. Comstock Ag, Cu, ---do------- M/I Oxidized silver-bearing base metal Harley, 1934, 179. !Innamed----- Cu, Zn, ---do------- Small gossan over a series of veins area is low. Hot springs also occur just south of the San Lorenzo quadrangle boundary 2. ----do------- Ag, Au, ---do------- p Quartz vein along north-striking No. 2. tunnel. Pb, Zn deposits a long a N. 45°-55° E. p. 104; Pb, Ag ' that strike N. s 0 w. Sparse near Mi.mbres Hot Springs (sec. 13, T. 18 S., R. 10 W., Dwyer quadrangle) and t he heat Pb, Zn fault contains pyrite and galena. striking fault. Farnham, 1961, amounts of sulfide present, potential in this area is high (Elston, 1957, P• 76, 77). 3. ----do------- Au,~. ---do------- p Quartz vein along tactitc zone p. 102-103. 180. ----do------ Cu, Zn, ---do------ " M/I Shaft in Percha Shale cuts weakly Tierra Blanca district (VI) Pb, Zn, parallel to fault that strikes 126. Unnamed------ Ag, Cu, Vein------- Thin gossan along fault. Pb, Ag mineralized Fusselman Dolomite at RADIOACTIVE MINERALS w N. 70° w.; minor sulfides . Pb, Zn depth. 4, ----do------- Pb, Zn, --do------- p Quartz vein along tactite zone; 69. Unnamed------ Cu Vein------- P Quartz veins about 3 m long contain 127. ----do------ Ag, Cu, --do------- M/I Weakly mineralized fractures within 181. ----do------- Cu, Zn, ---do------ Weakly mineralized Fusselman Dolomite An occurrence of autunito; was reported from tu££ beds along Hot Springs Canyon and Cu sparse sulfide. sparse amounts of pyrite and Pb, Zn dolomite near the contact with Pb, Ag ' near contact with Percha Shale. the maximum an001aly was about 0,07 eU3 08 (Foss Yates, oral commm., 1973). The exact 5. El Oro mine-- Au, Cu, ---do------- M/I Quartz vein within shear zone tha~ Harley, 1934, chalcopyrite. Percha Shale. Some sulfides in quartz veins along location of this anomaly was not found during subsequent field studies. Pb, Zn strikes N. 50° E,; mined to a P• 132, 141. 70. ----do------- Cu, Ag, Disseminated P Disseminated p yrite in rhyolite 128. Gypsy IV Ag, Cu, ---do----- M/I Highly brecciated dolomite with N. J(/1 E,-striking faults. depth of 500 ft (152 m); pyrite, Pb, Zn dike. group. Pb, Zn secondary vein filling of quart"z, 182. ----do------- Cu, Zn, ---do------- Quartz veins along N. 30° E. striking METALS chalcopyrite and free gold. 71. ----do------ Cu, Ag, ---do------- P Disseminated sulfides in rhyolite calcite and minor sulfides. Pb, Ag ' fractures in dololilite contain sparse 6. Unnamed------ Au, Cu, --do------ M/I Quartz vein along pyritized shear Pb, Zn dike. 129, Unnamed------ Ag, Cu, Vein and M/I Minor amounts of silver-bearing amounts of sulfide. Sil vet Pb, Zn zone in andesite strikes N. 6rP E. 72. ----do------- Cu, Ag, Vein------- P Sparse amounts of sulfide in sili Pb, Zn bedding sulfides at contact of Fusselman 183. ----do------- Cu, Zn, ---do------- M/I Minor amounts of sulfide f ill frac 7. Little Jewess Au, Cu, ---do------- M/ I Quartz veins along shear in andesite Harley, 1934, Pb, Zn cified fault that strikes N. 52° w. replacement. Dolomite with the Percha Shale. Pb, Ag tures and faults that strike N. The silver-beating base metal deposits ate of probable middle Tertiary age (about mine. Pb, Zn that is about l m thick; abundant P• 159. 73. ----do------- Cu ---do------- P Sparse amounts of pyrite along fault 130. -----do------- Ag, Cu, Vein------- M/I Minor amounts of base metal sul 10° w. 32-35 m.y. ago) and ate localized along majot notth-northwest-sttiking faults. Fissure pyrite, that strikes N. 85° w. Pb, Zn fides at contact of ~l Paso Lime 184. ----do------- Cu, Zn, ---do------ p Mineralized breccias at junction of veins and bedding-replacement deposits are most comlI>:ln in the Silurian Fusselman Dolomite 8. Unnamed------ Au, Cu, ---do------ Quartz vein along El Oro vein; vein 74. Silvertail Cu, Ag, Vein and bed- M/I Sparse amounts of pyrite within a Harley, 1934, stone with Bliss Sandstone. Pb, Ag two intersecting faults that with many replacement bodies localized in the dolomite at or near the contact with the Pb, Zn ' strikes N. 40°-45° E. and contains mine. Pb, Zn ding replace gangue of vuggy quartz and cal p. 108. 131. ----do------ Ag, Cu, --do------- Minor amounts of sulfide at contact strike. N. 15° w. and N. br:P W. overlying Devonian Percha Shale. In some areas the. mineralization is associated with a minor pyrite. ment. cite, Bedding replacement lenso;s Pb, Zn ' of Fusselman Do l omite with the 185. ----do------ Cu, Zn, --do------- p Small gossan along fault that strikes low-grade thermal metamorphism of the dolomite host rock along major faults. Talc, ,. Sweetwater Au, Gu, ---do------- M/I Quartz vein along shear that strikes Harley, 1934, in the Fusselman Dolomite near the Percha Shale.. Pb, Ag N. 20° w. Sparse amounts of pyrite serpen,tine, and tremolite are locally present in the highly fauJ.ted Kingston district and mine. Pb, Zn N. 75° E.; vein contalns abundant P• 159. contact with the Percha Shale. 132. Gypsy mine--- Ag, Cu, Vein and M/1 Abundant oxidized silver-bearing Harley, 1934, and sphal~rite are present. along extensions of the Pierce Canyon fault in the Tierra Blanca district. pyrite and aparse amounts of free 75. Unnamed------ Cu, Ag, Vein------ M/I Sparse amounts of sulfides along Pb, Zn bedding base metal sulfides along a fault p. 104. 186. ---do------- Cu, Zn, ---do------ Shaft in Percha Shale cuts minera At least 126 silver-bearing base metal deposits have been examined, of which about gold. Pb, Zn fault contact with andesite dike. replacement, that strikes N. 10° W. Past pro Pb, Ag ' lized Fusselman Dolomite at depth. 50 percent are localized in bedding repl a,,ement deposits and fissure veins within the 10. Unn11med------ Au, Cu, ---do------ Quartz vein along shear that strikes 76. ----do------ Cu, Ag, ---clo------ M/I Quartz veins a l ong faulted dolomite duction was about 200,000 oz silver. Fusselman Dolomite just below the contact with the Percha Shale. The most extensive vein Pb, Zn ' N. 80° w. Contains abundant pyrite. Pb, Zn beds; veins contain minor amounts 133. Unnamed------ Ag, Cu, Vein------- M/I Minor amounts of sulfide along N. and bedding replacement ocCurrence is in the Kingston district where an estimated 6 11. ---do------ Au, Cu, ---do------- P, M/I Quartz vein along fault that strikes of sulfide. Pb, Zn 70° E. striking fault in Precam- million oz (186,600 kg) of silver was mined between 1880 and 1893 (Thompson, 1965, P• Pb , Zn N. 85° w. Contains abundant pyrite. 77. -----do-------- Cu, Ag, ---do------ M/I Sparse amounts of pyrite along brian granite. 147). Veins along the Bllllion fault and within the Fusselman Dolomite have been mined 12. Homestake Au, Cu, ---do------ Quart& veins along Homestake-Tripp Harley, 1934, Pb, Zn fractures in dolomite. 134. Fabian mine-- Ag, Cu, ---do------- M/I Quart& vein along fault contact of over a length of 3,000 ft (915 m); some of the mines located along or near this fault Tripp mine.