Copyright © 2020 by Imani Mamalution All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more information, address:
[email protected] First paperback edition May 2020 Book design by Imani Mamalution and Scott Anderson ISBN 978-1-7344871-0-7 (paperback) ISBN 978-1-7344871-1-4 (ebook) The Absence/Presence of Soil This book is dedicated to my tribe of daughter and all future generations. by Imani Mamalution Time is runningOne out for us.Mother’s Mother Earth is calling us her children.Plea Can you hear her prayers? I hear her cries rippling in the cracking glaciers, rising waters to wash away our wounds, purging the poison we have inflicted upon ourselves and her as cells in her body. I wonder why so many of us, mothers ourselves, are deaf to her pleas. Is it because we have been trained to ignore our own feminine wisdom? We birth our babies in hospitals while numbing ourselves and them to the sacred experience of birth. We separate ourselves from our children and then are dismayed by the detached, self-absorbed culture that results. We enjoy the benefits of modern conveniences to an excess, feeding our kids fast food because we have no time, then rationalizing our behaviors to avoid feeling guilty. We know deep down that genetically modified foods, synthetic additives and artificial flavorings are not healthy. We feel it in our bones and taste the toxic residue on our tongues as on the body of Mother Earth.