NATURAL AND COMMON LAW TRIBUNAL FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND JUSTICE People of Sint Maarten/St.Martin, Souliga Alliance, GCM, YCM, King of War & Heaven, The Most High & AllMighty YAH, Son of Yah & King of Kings, Israelites, Heavens’ Army, Indigenous Poeple, House of David, Conquering Lions of Judah, GodChosenMinistries, YahChosenMinistries, Kingdom of Heaven Nyan-Ko-Pong Sovereign Maroon Global Tribal Nation Territories, Natives of the antilles 69c Cannegieter street, Philipsburg St.Maarten Contact:
[email protected] Tel: +1-(721)-580-6264 or +1-(721)-543-3271 Governor of Sint Maarten Eugene Holiday email:
[email protected] Prefete of St.Martin Serge Gouteyron Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs email:
[email protected] Rolando Brison email:
[email protected] Ombudsman Ms. Gwendolien E. Mossel Chief of Police Carl John & Chief of Gendarmerie Stephan Basso Dr. Francios Bissuel & Lampis Marie Antoinette (Louis Constant Fleming Medical Center) Felix Holiday (Sint.Maarten Medical Center) Officer Claudius Rogers Members of Parliament: Akeem E. Arrindell, Sidharth M. Bijlani, Claudius A. Buncamper, Solange L. Duncan, Christophe T. Emmanuel, Melissa D. Gumbs, Grisha S. Heyliger-Marten, William V. Marlin, Ludmila de Weever, George C. Pantophlet, Raeyhon A. Peterson, Hyacinth L. Richardson, Angelique J.G. Romou, Sarah A. Wescot-Williams Ministers of Council: Egbert J. Doran, Ardwell M.R. Irion, Anna E. Richardson email:
[email protected], Drs. Rodolphe E. Samuel email:
[email protected],