Humanity is under attack by psychological warfare like never before.

“The Truth Will Set You Free

31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”” https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+8&version=ESV

It is March 2021 and people all over the world are now starting to see that we are heading into a New World Order of total control. What most people don’t know however is that we are already enslaved by a masonic pyramid of control. In order to break free from the masonic prison we have to legally challenge the criminals who rule over us and the corrupt officials who protect them. To do that we must know the truth and be in full possession of the facts. We cannot know the truth however while there are so many masonic gatekeepers on the internet doing an excellent job of suppressing it with their never-ending psy-ops and fake news.

Psy-ops are deep state tactics of psychological manipulation that have been used for decades in warfare. The goal is to deceive, confuse, disrupt, demoralize, create chaos and division, but mostly total cognitive dissonance so people don’t know what to believe is going on in this world – people don’t know what the truth is, who to believe or who to trust. For as long as we remain in the dark we remain under control and thus enslaved. The task therefore is to expose and conquer the NWO gatekeepers.

Quinton Figueroa writes:

“From where Winston stood it was just possible to read, picked out on its white face in elegant lettering, the three slogans of the Party: WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH George Orwell 1984

How They Gained & Increase Control

The NWO is a virus. And like a virus, they need a host to live off. So they look for existing organizations and suck the life out of them and take them over. The NWO is a worldwide gang, like the mafia, that will do whatever it takes to grow. Their main methodology is subversion and infiltration. They don't necessarily want to change what is already in place, they just want to control it.

First things first... They're Smart... Really Smart We have to understand that these people aren’t idiots. The NWO did not gain control by mere accident. The NWO is the result of centuries of strategic planning and politics at the highest level. They have occult knowledge and understand why the world is the way it is today. They understand human nature and they understand how to manipulate humans, they have been doing it for centuries. Just because we don't understand something doesn't mean that they don't.

How to Stop The New World Order The NWO has slowly been growing stronger and stronger throughout history. Much of our everyday lives are orchestrated and under the control of the NWO. But with all this control they have there is still hope and there are still solutions. After all, the NWO only has power for as long as the people remain asleep. The NWO can only exist so long as there is an ignorant, needy host to supply them with power. As soon as the people awaken to their true power, wisdom and purpose the NWO will be no more and freedom will be heard around the world.

Sometimes we need to step back and understand that the NWO is all just a part of our spiritual journey and that it only has power over us if we allow it to. We are all on our own individual journeys and no matter what happens in this physical life, we can always learn from it and grow from it. This whole life is full of decisions and sometimes it is not about winning, but about making the correct decisions. This one life is just a small blip in the grand scheme of things. We have all of eternity to experience what life has to offer and this is just a small experience to bring with us as we evolve throughout eternity. There are many lessons to be learned through this and there is much opportunity for growth.

We may not be able to control others, but we can control ourselves. It's not about forcing our will on others, like the NWO does to us, but rather changing ourselves and inviting others to our ways by example. If you really want to wake people up change yourself first and show them a better way through your personal life. It's not about living in fear and developing hate towards the NWO. There is already enough fear and hate in the world. We need to reach deep within ourselves and find that peace that is lurking within and develop outward from there. The NWO is simply a way for us to change ourselves and for us to evolve to the state where others no longer have power over us. We need to take personal responsibility for our situation and we need to take control of our own lives. That is what this is all about. The NWO can only exist so long as we give our power to them by believing in the illusion they have created before us. As soon as we stop believing in the game they have created, we can go on living independent without their constraints and we can create life under our own vision and ideals.

We need to recognize that there is indeed a NWO set to take away our freedom and render our energy to them. There really are people who want to put their interests above ours, that is simply human nature. These people would much rather keep us enslaved than work on freeing us. They would much rather keep people in a state of ignorance and confusion so that they can continue their control. We may not think like this, but they do. We need to recognize this and stand up to it. We can't escape the NWO by doing what we've always done. What we've always done has allowed the NWO to grow. To stop the NWO we need to recognize it, we need to face reality and we need to work creatively and together to find a way out.

Solutions often times require action. There is a time and a place for sitting around and discussing ideas. That is what most people do. But there is also a time for taking action. And very few people take action. Action requires work which is not always easy. Most people would rather just sit around and watch basketball and American Idol on TV than actually find a way to develop their freedom. We've all heard the saying that freedom isn't free. Like exercise, freedom requires consistent work and effort. We can't be free without taking any action. So if we really want to stop the NWO then we need to take action and put our words into tangible solutions. The NWO is all about taking action which is why they are able to continue to expand. Most people are not about taking action which is why they continue to have less and less freedom.

Each and every one of us has more power than we could ever imagine. Even the darkest, most hateful, most selfish people have an inner beauty that is waiting to shine through. Believe in yourselves, love one another and never stop searching for the truth. When we shake off our ignorance we will reach a peace, wisdom and beauty like none other.” An Idiot's Guide To The New World Order | Truth Control

The above illustrates very well how the NWO is unfolding. Unfortunately Quinton Figueroa is just another controlled opposition voice as he is not practicing what he preaches about finding a way out. He rightly tells you that the NWO has developed this far because the masses are ignorant and thus easy to control; he doesn’t however tell you what needs to be done to enable them to see the truth which will set us all free. The solution is to expose and conquer the people who are keeping the global populace in the dark. Quinton Figueroa doesn’t take on those people, oh no, just like all the other NWO gatekeepers he pretends they are genuine freedom fighters and promotes them instead, thus keeping the masses in blissful ignorance and firmly under control which enables the NWO to continue to progress until there will be no stopping it; for example he links to the following obvious NWO shills: , Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, Edward Snowden and Alex Jones.

Even though people are starting to wake up, far too many people are still asleep. Why? Because they have been persuaded that the NWO, now known as the Great Reset, is just a . It isn’t. It is a conspiracy fact – prominent politicians all over the world have for years been openly talking about it. Take a look here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipM-O0b8W9k Prince Charles and all the other bastards are happy to tell us about our impending death or abject misery due to their ‘Great Reset’ here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeykREAlYSg

Please have a good read of my Cory Daniel pdf CORY-DANIEL- PHOENIX-ENIGMA.pdf (sharonkilby.co.uk) to understand how conspiracy theory is being used as a very effective WEAPON against us. See also my pdf on Isaac Kappy and Nathan Stolpman where I cover ‘Q’. ISAAC-KAPPY-AND-NATHAN-STOLPMAN.pdf (sharonkilby.co.uk)

As always I comment throughout this pdf in red.

Throughout 2020 the NWO psy-warriors were making a concerted effort to play down what is actually happening so as to stop people en masse getting alarmed and starting to believe that the NWO may be true. You will remember the continual drip feed of light-hearted or hilariously funny coronavirus memes that were circulating on social media. That was not done spontaneously by Joe Bloggs, that was deliberate programming by the social media giants, FB and YT in particular, to get us to accept the creeping NWO tyranny. Meanwhile there was the forever changing of goalposts – what started as a 3-week national lockdown to ‘flatten the curve’ turned into ‘circuit breakers’, ‘fire- breaks’, ‘tiers’, local lockdowns, nonsensical rules and restrictions. What started as the stated aim to prevent intensive care units from being overwhelmed turned into a ‘national effort’ [‘frontline’ NHS staff, house arrest, economic collapse] to ‘defeat the virus’, which has surely and steadily brought us to where we are today – unnecessary mass vaccination to enable the goal of a ‘Freedom passport’. This insidious mission creep has only been possible because of Rishi Sunak’s ‘magic money tree’ and a dumbed down, fearful, easy to propagandise, easy to manipulate populace. The government and media have been bombarding us with so much fear and confusion that most people cannot think rationally anymore; their heads are spinning with confusion and bewilderment – they are like hamsters on a wheel going round and round and round. But these sheeple are taking us ALL down, and we MUST wake them up and get them to do what is necessary to STOP the madness; STOP THE NWO.

For those of you who know that the global populace is being monstrously deceived, that our impending total enslavement is real and is hurtling towards us at a rate of knots you’ll also be aware that we are constantly being told that there is diddly squat we can do about it. That of course is what they want you to believe. They know that we do have the power to stop it and to hold the guilty ones to account. THEY KNOW THAT THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE. Read on.

I should imagine that even many of the ‘awake’ folk will not be aware that the gatekeeper snakes who hide behind anonymity have been out in force all over the comments sections under seemingly freedom-loving broadcasts, such as Talk Radio, having their fun and games, letting you know how bad everything is but not bringing you the real truth and not offering much in the way of solutions. Not many of the commenters talk about freemasonry, and if they do it is just a brief mention, and no-one talks about the need to tackle the NWO shills, worse many of them promote well-known shills such as Alex Jones, David Icke, James Corbett, Brian Gerrish and his traitorous team at UK Column.

And of course the presenters of these seemingly alternative media broadcasts [some of whom do a very good job of shaming the politicians and exposing them as lying, self-serving, greedy scum] are gatekeeping too since they are not bringing you the truth you need in order to break free, they don’t expose the NWO shills [even the obvious ones] and they too are just accepting the message that there is nothing much we can do about our disappearing freedoms. Put it this way do you know of any presenters who advocate non-compliance with the tyrannical coronavirus rules? And rather than telling you to resist the vaccine [as all genuine freedom fighters do], they promote it. Do you know of any radio hosts who talk about freemasonry or any secret society?

Retired Justice of the Supreme Court, the Right Honourable Lord Sumption does say that civil disobedience is the only way to get our freedom back. He has been one of the most outspoken and visible opponents of lockdowns as a policy. During this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lXAA7ZOROc dated 4/3/2021 and entitled ‘mass civil disobedience has begun’ he says: “I do not believe that liberty is an absolute value; I think that there are circumstances where it is necessary to override it, but one has to be very careful to reserve that for extreme cases and I do not regard Covid-19 as an extreme case. I cannot regard a disease from which at least 99% of people recover and survive as sufficiently serious for that.” He also says: “The most public-spirited thing that you can do with despotic laws like these is to ignore them. I think that if the government persists long enough with locking people down that civil disobedience is likely to be the result.” And he says: “I do not believe that there is a moral obligation to obey the law. You have to have a high degree of respect both for the object that the law is trying to achieve and for the way it is being achieved and also for how the law has been made. Some laws invite breach. I think this is one of them.” He also says that change happens “because millions of people make an individual choice”.

That was a great interview by UnHerd which is another seemingly independent, alternative media broadcasts; this is their ‘Mission Statement’: “As you may have guessed from our strange spelling, UnHerd aims to do two things: to push back against the herd mentality with new and bold thinking, and to provide a platform for otherwise unheard ideas, people and places.” About UnHerd - UnHerd Unfortunately their ‘new and bold thinking’ doesn’t stretch to thinking out of the masonic matrix as they too answer to the masonic superpower; that is evident simply by the fact Freddie Sayers and his guest Glenn Greenwald, during their discussion on Big Tech censorship during the ‘pandemic’ have to pretend that Alex Jones is genuine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSVNm7XbnYA&lc=Ugyy3moI4OR CRrAWJ0N4AaABAg These two mocking monkeys do not expose the NWO gatekeepers, instead they protect obvious shills such as AJ; that makes them enemy agents – they too are assisting in the plan to censor the genuine voices for freedom and are thus aiding the paedophilic psychopaths in power to completely enslave us all in the NWO hell.

Triggernometry’s Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster are also just another pair of filthy gatekeepers for the NWO. Here they are talking to Peter Hitchens. Just the fact they do not challenge Hitchens’ ‘view’ that the “government have made a major mistake” Peter Hitchens: "The Lockdown is a Catastrophe" - YouTube tells you all you need to know about all 3 of these tricksters. These three are not idiots and they all know that the politicians are not fools either and that this is no mistake; they know that the government answer to the higher masonic/illuminati powers – they’re not allowed to tell you that. All 3 are lying to you and deceiving you, trying to stifle your free speech in service to the all- powerful paedophiles who rule the planet.

Here is Hitchens at Christmas The Same Drugs: Peter Hitchens wishes you an angry Christmas, not a merry one - YouTube still pushing the lie that the government are incompetent. He says: “The government have made fools of themselves; I don’t think they realised when they said this … what has always been a completely disproportionate response and it’s backfired on them in quite a serious fashion.” Nothing has backfired on the government – they know exactly what they’re doing. As for a disproportionate response, there was no need for any response. If the UK government had been that concerned about this new virus which had originated in China and was spreading all over the world they would have closed the borders or had tight controls over people coming into the country from infected countries. Shockingly and scandalously however the evidence shows that the UK government deliberately let the virus spread throughout Britain – even after they locked us down on 23/3/20 and for the next 11 weeks up until 8/6/20 people were still entering the UK without any restrictions from anywhere in the world. I quote from the Guardian: “From late January to mid-March 2020, the UK introduced a series of travel measures, including quarantining 273 people mainly from Wuhan, as well as issuing non-mandatory guidance to self-isolate for 14 days to travellers coming from designated high-risk countries. Which meant that no-one self-isolated. The list of locations, which was incrementally expanded, included China, Iran and Italy by mid-March. But it was withdrawn on 13 March without a reason being given and there were no border measures in place for almost three months until 8 June, according to the report published in August by the Commons’ home affairs committee.

In the 10 days between the withdrawal of guidance and the introduction of lockdown on 23 March, the report stated, evidence suggested that thousands of new infections were brought in from Europe. “It is highly likely that this contributed to the rapid increase in the spread of the virus in mid-March and to the overall scale of the outbreak in the UK,” they concluded.” Priti Patel says she wanted UK borders shut last March | Politics | The Guardian

The fact is Covid-19, which was known to be less contagious than influenza and no more deadly than a bad flu, was already travelling freely all over the world long before we were locked down and it was in the UK in December 2019, if not earlier. There is no correlation between lockdown or social distancing and the infection waves. In most countries social distancing was imposed well after the infection waves peaked indicating lockdowns do not cause cases to drop. Corona - The Simple Truth In Under 6 Minutes - YouTube See also the links on my FB timeline from 23/3/20 for the first couple of months. See also How a Free Society Deals with Pandemics, According to Legendary Epidemiologist and Smallpox Eradicator Donald Henderson – AIER I quote: “How a Free Society Deals with Pandemics, According to Legendary Epidemiologist and Smallpox Eradicator Donald Henderson.

Economists have been writing for hundreds of years on the role of government in solving economic and social problems. A theme has emerged throughout: policy officials are quite often ill-informed or have bad incentives compared with what individuals, markets, institutions, and society can achieve on their own. Economists have documented how government intervention leads to various unintended economic consequences and even human rights abuses.

We prefer private governance to public governance. We have applied this logic against socialism, fascism, war, macroeconomic planning, public goods, monetary policy, countercyclical fiscal policy, environmental regulation, and a hundred other issues. We’ve made a solid case for pure freedom.

And yet here we are living in times when the state is controlling our movements, shuttering businesses, defining who and what is essential, dangerously disrupting supply chains, forcibly closing schools and churches, and restricting travel. A shelter-in-place order is something of a liberal nightmare, the worst-possible use of coercive power against individual rights, and the results have been catastrophic.

Where do we turn for competent commentary on the medical aspects of quarantine and lockdowns? Where is our credentialled and experienced expert who can provide weighty evidence that this is the wrong course?

Let me introduce you to Donald A. Henderson (1928-2016). He was the twentieth-century’s most acclaimed disease eradicator. In particular, he is credited with ridding the world of smallpox.

I encourage you to read his entire biography posted at Johns Hopkins, where he headed a brilliant epidemiological team.

At the age of 78, Dr. Henderson swung into action and composed a masterful response to the new fashion for quarantines and lockdowns. The result was Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza.

Here is the riveting conclusion:

Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted. Strong political and public health leadership to provide reassurance and to ensure that needed medical care services are provided are critical elements. If either is seen to be less than optimal, a manageable epidemic could move toward catastrophe.

In Asia during the SARS period, many people in the affected communities wore surgical masks when in public. But studies have shown that the ordinary surgical mask does little to prevent inhalation of small droplets bearing influenza virus.[85] The pores in the mask become blocked by moisture from breathing, and the airstream simply diverts around the mask. There are few data available to support the efficacy of N95 or surgical masks outside a healthcare setting. N95 masks need to be fit-tested to be efficacious and are uncomfortable to wear for more than an hour or two.[86] [87] More important, the supplies of such masks are too limited to even ensure that hospitals will have necessary reserves.[88]”

Hitchens also says: “You’re asking me to treat them as if they’re rational when my view has been from very early on that they’re quite stupid; that what we have is a stupid government which was easily panicked by people who are believed to be expert … these politicians could not admit they’d made a terrible mistake and so they have to keep on doubling down on it. Fundamentally the problem is that these people are not fit for the task which they perform; they are children … they are simply not qualified for the responsibilities which they have. So there is no point trying to apply normal human wisdom or reason to … these are frightened people. We have this exaggeration of the danger and we have people who probably deep in their hearts know that they’ve been disproportionate but they haven’t the courage to admit it and so they carry on doing it. What a disgusting, bare-faced liar Peter Hitchens is. He refuses to inform you truthfully that it is an orchestrated lie; saying that he does not buy into ‘conspiracy theories’. Until some means is found of restraining them by constitutional legal means they’ll carry on doing it.” They’ll carry on because intelligent and influential people like you Hitchens are only pretending to be on the side of freedom; you are just another spineless, traitorous puppet for the evil masonic nonces in power that you pretend to oppose. In answer to the question as to why the government treated this situation so differently to similar situations in the past [during the 1968 Hong Kong pandemic for example which had a considerably higher death toll but where people carried on as normal] Hitchens says: “I wish I knew [you do know, you lying little snake]; it’s partly because we used to have a much more rigorously educated elite.” More bullshit; there is nothing wrong with their education – they go to the best schools money can buy; the people suffering dreadful schooling are as always the poor. He knows very well the reason is because Britain is marching in lockstep with the rest of the world into the NWO.

Regarding face masks, he says: “The hard knowledge we have of the effectiveness of face masks is very small; the most important experiment done on the subject was done in Denmark earlier on this year and it was done by people who are in favour of masks and yet it came up with a result in which the difference between the number of people testing positive for Covid and the number of people not testing positive for Covid among two enormous controlled groups who either wore masks or didn’t wear masks for several weeks was so small it was not statistically significant; so the whole idea that masks protect the wearer has been pretty much destroyed by the only major experiment done. There have been no experiments done on whether masks protect other people, so it seems to me that unless the virus only flies one way and unless a cloth mask only operates in one direction, if it doesn’t protect the wearer it’s pretty unlikely to protect anyone else. This report couldn’t get published in any major scientific journal – 3 major journals rejected it; a fourth one did – but with some refinements … If it had been published in its raw form I suspect it would have been even more disturbing to the consensus. Even to mention it is difficult and to get it covered in any mainstream newspapers is almost impossible because it came up with the wrong answer even though the main leading scientists on it wanted it to come up with the result that masks are effective.” So why doesn’t Peter publish it in its raw form? Peter says he is constantly in receipt of information that other people are not seeing, and that “you learn of the existence of scientists who are saying things other than the mainstream”. So why isn’t he publishing it all? Course he wouldn’t be able to in the Sunday Mail that he writes for, however he could publish it on his own website.

On lockdown he says: “It may well go on forever now unless enough public opinion is marshalled and unless enough parliamentary and legal opinion is marshalled to say: ‘This must stop; we’ve made a mistake’ [yes it must stop and Hitchens must stop saying that the government have made a mistake] because even if this particular virus or its mutant ninja variations go away, how long before another one appears that is again a pretext for the most severe shutting down of society that we’ve ever seen, for more mass house arrests, for more strangling of the economy? Very good question. And God help us if the next virus is a deadly one – something on a par with bubonic plague; how would the NHS/economy cope with that? If we accept the logic behind this then we’ve condemned ourselves, forever. These measures won’t go away.”

As for solutions Hitchens says: “There has been a determined attempt by multi-millionaire Simon Dolan [I’ll come to that traitorous slimeball – yes you heard that right – in a minute], backed by public contributions to take the government to court for abuse of power … The courts in Britain wouldn’t hear it … He got a judicial review and was finally told by the supreme court of England that he could not take his case. So the government can pretty much do as it likes.” Obviously – cos it and the courts are masonic. Peter won’t tell you that though. His other solution is the masonic-controlled MPs. He says that “all we can do is write to our MPs” [great, our only solution is to write to the bullies to ask them to stop bullying us! Hitchens and everyone else knows that MPs only pretend to represent their constituents; they serve themselves and their masonic paymasters], however “most don’t know anything and can’t think” [Hitchens is lying again – he knows they are competent; he also knows that they are all masonic]; he urges us to write to them and tell them that they’re not doing their job and that “if they vote repeatedly to destroy the livelihoods of others” then not to expect to have a job themselves after the next election. He tells us to “write to them again and again and again” because we “might just conceivably make them think”. Hitchens is having a laugh; he knows that letters to NWO stooges will swiftly find the shredder. If he was not a gatekeeper he would be collaborating with his powerful contacts [which include lawyers] to have the politicians and the government advisers charged with treason and crimes against humanity. He then says he “can think of nothing else” and that “any other form of civil disobedience, once you go down that path you license other people to go down that path as well [that’s the idea] and it’s terrifying and I don’t want to do it [he isn’t allowed to do it] … I can offer nothing else”. He knows that the only real solution is civil disobedience and that if enough people participated it would work. He won’t advocate non-compliance with the creeping tyranny though cos he won’t cross the freemasons; he will continue to secretly serve the psychopathic masonic cabal who are ruthlessly bringing in their NWO at a terrifying rate whilst pretending to be a voice for freedom. And just so you know his claimed protesting of the mask tyranny by way of his gas mask:

If required to wear a muzzle, here's the one I shall be using - Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog (mailonsunday.co.uk) is just pretence too because he doesn’t actually wear it when he is out shopping or in other public places – he admits to wearing a face mask, he says “out of respect for the people who genuinely do fear the virus”.

He does publish this useful information: “On July 12, Deborah Cohen, the medical correspondent of BBC2’s Newsnight, revealed an astonishing thing. The World Health Organisation (WHO) had reversed its advice on face masks, from ‘don’t wear them’ to ‘do wear them’.

But the key fact was that it had not done so because of scientific information – the evidence had not backed the wearing of face coverings – but because of political lobbying.

She revealed on Twitter that: ‘We had been told by various sources [that the] WHO committee reviewing the evidence had not backed masks but they recommended them due to political lobbying.’ She said the BBC had then put this to the WHO, which did not deny it.

In March, the WHO had said: ‘There is currently no evidence that wearing a mask (whether medical or other types) by healthy persons in the wider community setting, including universal community masking, can protect them from infection with respiratory viruses, including Covid-19.’

The American TV news channel CNN reported on March 31 that Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergencies programme, had said at a briefing in Geneva: ‘There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit.

‘In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly.’

A few weeks ago, the WHO changed its advice to say it ‘advises that governments should encourage the general public to wear masks where there is widespread transmission and physical distancing is difficult, such as on public transport, in shops or in other confined or crowded environments.’

Earlier that same month, England’s chief medical officer, Chris Whitty, had said that wearing face masks would do little to combat the outbreak.

While noting that if someone was infected, they might reduce the danger of spreading the disease by covering their faces, Prof Whitty said wearing a face mask had almost no effect on reducing the risk of contracting the illness.

He stated: ‘In terms of wearing a mask, our advice is clear: that wearing a mask if you don’t have an infection reduces the risk almost not at all. So we do not advise that.’” PETER HITCHENS: Face masks turn us into voiceless submissives | Daily Mail Online

And for anyone who is unaware the WHO decided that as of 19th March 2020 Covid-19 is no longer considered to be a ‘High Consequence Infectious Disease’ [HCID] in the UK.

And in case you didn’t know Chris Whitty also says that “the great majority survive coronavirus, even among the elderly”. https://www.expressandstar.com/news/uk-news/2020/03/03/deaths- from-covid-19-more-likely-among-the-elderly/

See here Freedom Rally: Canadians Protest Mandatory Small-Business Closures and other Tyrannical Measure (Videos) – RAIR (rairfoundation.com) for some extremely powerful speeches for freedom. God bless all those sprightly and courageous Canadians and God bless everyone who resists the looming NWO tyranny.

See my pdf on Fiona Barnett for more on Peter Hitchens – it was only when I questioned him on his views on freemasonry that my comments [all of which had previously been published in his Mail Online comments sections] suddenly began to be blocked by his moderators.

Thankfully people are now seeing who the real dissenters are as one-by- one the faux freedom fighters are showing their true colours. This is Hitchens’ 27/2/2021 article https://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/2021/02/peter-hitchens-ive-had- the-covid-jab-and-all-it-cost-me-was-my-freedom.html Oh what a wonderful feeling it is to see the good and the great fall; their credibility in tatters, forever; it is especially satisfying when you read comments from the real resisters which are along the lines of: “Limp-wristed pant wetter.” Fucking brilliant. Keep up the good work you brave freedom warriors; remember never engage in violence, just do not comply [do not have the vaccine, do not wear the mask, hug whoever you like …]; that is all. Take a look at ‘Paradigm Shift – Never my Obedience – [Same old tyrants coming back, again and again]’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjuaueS1fFY&fbclid=IwAR0oJ0lhH9 OTAB_AiLigNS3YD0JYvO_1DtCPpJCLzRzki_vayBaCmHdLeqA [10/2/2021] Someone asks: “What happens when the enemy gets off on your injustice, what do you do then?” Answer: “Non-compliance is what they fear. It demonstrates they have no power. They 'get off' on compliance....big time.”

Back to the Triggernometry trickie dickies. Konstantin and Francis are of course not allowed to expose the controlled opposition snakes, even the obvious ones. The proof of that is here (2) Michael Shermer: "Regulation Is Not the Answer to Big Tech Censorship" - YouTube where the pair are pretending that Michael Shermer and David Icke are genuine. Jaw-dropping or what! Shermer is already widely exposed on the internet as a dirty, lying cointelpro sewer rat – just listen to what he spouts regarding 9/11. And listen to what the Skeptic dutiful little shill boy says in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFX9oS2kpUA entitled ‘How to shut down coronavirus conspiracy theories’ dated 20th May 2020. I quote: “Whenever there is a high level of anxiety and uncertainty in an environment – your personal life or society at large, conspiracism goes up; that is to say people find comfort in attenuating the anxiety or uncertainty they’re feeling by concocting some overarching plan: ‘This is what’s going on. Now I understand it’. So people concoct conspiracy theories for that main reason. Shermer wants you to believe that conspiracy theories are concocted by regular Joe Bloggs. He’ll never tell you that the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ is the biggest weapon being used by the people who rule over us in their psy-wars on the global populace; that it was invented by the CIA to prevent disbelief of official government stories; that it was first used in a CIA propaganda campaign to discredit doubters of the Warren Commission report. Nor will he tell you that conspiracy theories are put out by and spread by the NWO masonic agents of deception [a massive global gang which his sorry arse belongs to.]

With the coronavirus, we know pandemics happen historically. We know about more recent ones like SARS and the avian flu and this appears to be at least that bad if not worse. That is blatant disinformation. It’s a real event that people should fear. We should have a certain amount of paranoia and anxiety about that and respond accordingly. Yes it’s a real virus but people should not fear it any more than they should fear the flu or even the common cold. This bastard Shermer is telling you that the government and media are not lying to you and that the drastic measures taken, which has caused so much death and suffering are warranted.

So, there it’s only a small step to making a paranoid conspiracism claim that well, it was invented by the Chinese or in the case of the Chinese they say well it was invented by the US military. And we’ve all seen enough of the movies about bioterrorism that’s not completely crazy, it could happen; in this case there was just a paper published in Nature this week about that it’s not. There’s evidence and genetics to show that it was derived from animal DNA, not manipulated in a lab with human DNA, so we can set aside that conspiracy theory. Look how the slimeball homes in on that conspiracy theory, smugly telling you that it has been debunked. And? What is infinitely more important than how this Wuhan virus originated and how it came to be travelling all over the globe is the mother of all conspiracies – the NWO. Shermer of course, just like all the other evil NWO disinfo agents wants you to believe it is a conspiracy theory, they know it is a conspiracy fact.

But finally we know that governments do bad things on occasion [only occasionally y’all], especially autocratic governments, but even our own, the US government – if you look at the history of the things we’ve done to attempt to assassinate foreign leaders or manipulate elections in South American countries in the 1970s [a long time ago, don’t be thinking the US govt had anything to do with the 9/11 deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil in U.S. history], for example, a lot of this has come out in the Pentagon papers and the Wikileaks that our government was doing things that we didn’t know they were doing; congress didn’t even know, so we know that happens, again my point is I don’t think this applies to the coronavirus example. Shermer is telling you that you can trust the government in America, the home of the free; he says you can relax, there is nothing sinister going on – there’s no deliberate shift of wealth from the lower/middle classes to the filthy rich to enable their NWO. The Rich Are Getting Richer During The Pandemic (forbes.com) How Christians CAN Fight Back and Make a Difference | Have Ye Not Read?

Another factor with conspiracy theories is politics. The truly evil, obnoxious slimeball Michael Shermer knows that politicians are nothing but puppets for their NWO psychopathic, paedophilic masters. He’ll never tell you that – he wants you to believe that your vote counts. I mean we’re very tribal and it’s gotten worse since the 1990s, the left and right have become more polarized … more people are identifying with extreme positions. So the moment something like a coronavirus conspiracy theory erupts the only question is who’s going to accuse which side and it ends up both sides are accusing each other. The public are manipulated by the masonic gatekeepers who control both sides; Shermen doesn’t want you to know that. Remember we are being enslaved in a masonic prison. You go to certain sites [masonic disinfo sites] and Trump [who does the bidding of his NWO masonic paymasters] gets hammered all day long for his inadequacy in responding to coronavirus crisis. Then you go to another masonic media source and it’s just the opposite – it’s the left that’s failed this and Trump is going to save us. Then you have the really far-out ones about the deep state and Dr Fauci the voice of reason evil bastard who has massive conflicts of interest Dr. Fauci: "Expert" or Co-Conspirator… Time for a Second Look - Sal Martingano is actually just a pawn to destroy Trump. LOL, these obscenely wealthy scumbags are in bed together. Trump is just another outrageous liar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veracity_of_statements_by_Donald_Trump and promoter of conspiracy theories https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_conspiracy_theories_promoted_by_ Donald_Trump

I mean the further out you go in the extreme nature of a conspiracy theory the less likely the theory is to be true. The more people that have to be involved in the conspiracy theory the less likely it is to be true. The more elements that have to come together just at the right moment to make the conspiracy work, the less likely it is to be true. And the more global it is, world domination, that sort of thing, the less likely it is to be true. Conspiracies are usually very narrowly focussed, like insider trading, or corporate manipulation. Like Volkswagen with the emissions or some government attempting to manipulate an election. It’s a very specific thing that the conspiracy is really about.” So, don’t worry folks, Shermer has made the case that your government is not using the Corona bug [which is not much different to a regular flu bug] to aid some sinister plan to enslave humanity in a masonic New World Order; that such claims belong in the land of the crazy conspiracy theorists. So from now on you can all sleep soundly in your beds, secure in the knowledge that your government is not lying to you, that it cares about your welfare and only wants to protect you and your loved ones from this nasty virus.

If Shermer was a genuine sceptic and not a pretend one i.e. a traitorous shilly bastard he would not be doing videos about conspiracy theories – it matters not a jot how likely one is to be true; all that is immaterial; what matters are facts. Genuine sceptics focus on conspiracy facts; genuine truth warriors point out that the statistics show that Covid deaths are on a par with normal flu deaths even though the Covid figures are skewed as many people who supposedly died of Covid didn’t, they died with Covid – big difference, that masks do nothing to stop any virus spreading, that lockdowns cause infinitely more death and suffering than this coronavirus …

The following is information on flu deaths compared with the figure of deaths with Coronavirus [as of 12/4/20] in England as provided by How many people die of the ’flu each year? (facts4eu.org)

Facts4eu say: “No-one ever batted an eyelid or launched a drone because of deaths from winter ’flu.

In the winter of 2014/2015, England on its own lost 28,330 people due to the ’flu, to say nothing of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Neither the Government nor the media batted an eyelid. All businesses and shops remained open, as did schools, restaurants, charities, churches, parks, and everywhere else.

Flights continued as normal. No holidays, weddings, or concerts were cancelled. The plans for the General Election, the Olympic Games, the 2016 EU Referendum, and even the Eurovision song contest continued to stay on track.

The police were not employing drones to keep us all under effective house arrest. Operations for serious conditions other than the ’flu were not being cancelled. Elderly and sick people could continue to see their doctors. And the economy was not being trashed for the younger generation.

In other words, life went on, completely unchanged. 28,330 people died of the ’flu in England alone. 89% of these people were pensioners. But life went on.

This morning (at 4am when this article is being finalised ) 8,937 people have died in England who have also tested positive for the Coronavirus. We don’t know how many have died “of the Coronavirus”, we only know that 8,937 have died “with the virus”.”


The Carnegie 2001 awards ceremony took place at the New York Public Library, honoring Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates Sr., George Soros and David Rockefeller.

Two months to the day after the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, we see a strange a curious sight unfolding on December 11th, 2001, that puts all the main players of the New World Order and the Great Reset in the same room at the same time. With America still deeply in mourning over the deaths of 3,000 people in the Twin Towers, and confusion reigning across the land, why are people like Anthony Fauci, George Soros, Bill Gates Sr., and David Rockefeller grinning and happy at an awards ceremony?

Think about who was in that room, think long and hard. You have George Soros, the main architect behind the New World Order along with David Rockefeller who was already admitted to be part of a global cabal. You have Bill Gates Sr., famous eugenicist and former head of baby killing corporation Planned Parenthood. Gates son Bill Gates in 2020 is working hard to vaccinate every human on earth and implant them with a digital identification. And last but not least, you have Anthony Fauci who in 2020 is a key co-conspirator in the Great Reset.

Are you awake yet? Do you still think that the crazy events of 2020 weren’t already planned decades earlier? Listen to what David Rockefeller said about the New World Order and the accused global conspiracy, and you should believe his words.”

It is of course no surprise that Shermer [promoting his new book and saying that his “life’s work involves trying to understand what truth is [honest folk know what truth is]; that is how do we get to the truth” [we honest people get to the truth by exposing you evil liars] and that “we want to know what’s true, not just what I want to be true but what’s actually true” [you don’t give a shit about truth; you sold out to liars and evildoers years ago and now your arse belongs to Satan; enjoy]] refers to David Icke as a harmless nut job conspiracy theorist. This is what he tells a nodding Konstantin who also calls Icke “a well-known conspiracy theorist”: “Even someone as far out, nutty, fringy as David Icke [don’t worry folks, he’s just a nutcase; he’s not a dangerous, evil, dirty disinformation agent who secretly works for the mega powerful paedos who are steering us into abject slavery and death; don’t worry, the internet isn’t saturated with these sinister enemy agents who are engaging in psychological warfare against you; don’t worry there is no such thing as a controlled opposition operative who is paid to infiltrate the internet to manipulate, deceive and destroy the truth seekers and censor the truth tellers in order to keep us all trapped in this Satanic, masonic, depraved world] … it’s up to him to find a platform for his conspiracy theories [mocking prick, multi-millionaire Icke already has a platform – a bloody big one; he even gets to spout his conspiracy theories at Wembley Arena] and if someone takes him up, fine, don’t censor that [blatant disinformation put out by wicked NWO shills should be censored; in fact obvious disinfo agents such as Icke, Gerrish and his UK Column gang, James Corbett, Richie Allen, Alex Jones … should be permanently closed down, with all their videos and websites permanently wiped off the internet]; he’s not completely crazy [he isn’t at all crazy – that is what you dirty deceivers want the public to believe] you know; he’s obviously fairly smart, but his chain of reasoning leads him off the rails down some crazy pathways where he ends up with the lizard aliens running the world.” The chuckling smug bastard Shermer pretends Icke is using a “chain of reasoning”, he knows that Icke is a paid liar and disinformation specialist, who works for the masonic slave-master to ensure humanity’s ultimate total enslavement.

As I keep saying the masses will continue to be blissfully unaware that we really are being rapidly enslaved by elite paedophiles in their evil NWO hell because they are hearing it from the looney conspiracy theorists like David Icke who are mocked and discredited in the mainstream media. The seemingly harmless ‘tin foil hat’ brigade and the rest of the global shill brigade are spreading so much disinfo, bullshit and plain lies that the public currently haven’t got a cat in hell’s chance of getting anywhere near the real truth of what is really going on in the highest echelons of society and the extent of elite paedophilia, child trafficking and cover-up.

You know that someone is a gatekeeper when s/he, rightly, slates other gatekeepers, calling them such things as ‘criminals’, ‘dishonest’, ‘shady bastards’ or ‘off with the fairies’ but doesn’t let on that they are NWO gatekeepers who are covertly working for the men who rule over us who are rapidly taking us into the totalitarian world order tyranny. That is the biggest secret that must be kept.

So, anyone proclaiming to be a freedom-fighter who doesn’t lambast obvious counterintelligence operatives such as David Icke and expose them for the treacherous, paedo-protecting, masonic-controlled scum that they are, are themselves assisting in the agenda to have humanity dead and dying in a stinking fascist global cesspit.

Another red flag that Triggernometry is just another gatekeeping outfit [if it were needed] is the fact that they want to charge you to take you on a journey to hell. Here is their membership level: TRIGGERnometry is creating honest conversations with fascinating people Select a membership level

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Wow, pay £169.50 + VAT per month to have a meal or a call with these despicable deceivers who are secretly assisting the NWO monsters enslave us all on prison planet. Let that sink in folks. These people have absolutely no shame. TRIGGERnometry is creating honest conversations with fascinating people | Patreon

Big, brave, inspirational Bill Cooper knew how to call these wicked charlatans out; have a listen to him here "David Icke Is A Piece Of Scum". William Cooper exposes David Icke - YouTube He says: “David Icke is one of the biggest liars, disinformation, bullshit artists that ever lived. He is lying scum.” And: “If you don’t understand the nature of your enemy and the weapons they use, you cannot fight that enemy; you can’t fight the battle; you shouldn’t even be on the battlefield; that’s why you’re losing the war; it doesn’t mean it can’t be turned around; but it’ll never be turned around until you learn what you need to know. Don’t spread a rumour, spread the truth; document it, prove it, make it irrefutable and you will become DANGEROUS to those who admire us in lies and enslave us. You don’t understand what a terrible burden it is to know some of the things that I know, to try to wake people up and impart this knowledge to them, to find out that they just have walls built in front of them – they want to be slaves. But we’re making some chinks in those walls.” And the bastard freemasons were not going to let him wake any more people up – they murdered him.

Oh how I wish Bill was with us today; if he was humanity would not have sunk so low and the world would not be in the shocking, disgusting, pitiful state it is now. Bill would not have let the masses allow themselves to be humiliated, dehumanised, bossed around and treated like naughty school children by the mocking scum who have seized control of the planet. And he would have kicked ass with the utterly traitorous, degenerate, dirty bastard shills that roam the face of this earth today.

As I keep saying, it is the job of every genuine truth soldier to bring down the extremely effective and dangerous COINTELPRO network, otherwise everyone who is speaking out about the paedophilic NWO will continue to be dismissed as ‘crazy tin-foil hatters’.

As I also keep saying what needs to be exposed is that we live in a masonic pyramid of control. The masons try to hide that fact by insisting that freemasonry is a benign, social, charitable organisation dedicated to doing good works. The lying bastards want us plebs to believe that freemasonry is “a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values”, that “it’s not a secret society but a society with secrets”. Don’t you believe it. They also want us to believe that “every Freemason believes in God”. LOL, they’re only saying that; they’re kidding themselves – believing in God means behaving in an upright and honest manner. https://freemasonrymatters.co.uk/freemasonry/what-is- freemasonry-a-paper-addressed-to-non-masons/

To find where the power lies, all you have to do is find where the money is – these bastards show off their opulence and power in their grandiose buildings. For example, take a look here https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/masonic-lodge-of-the-andaz-hotel I quote: “FREEMASONRY IS RENOWNED FOR ITS discretion, keeping in secret their opulence, but the Andaz Hotel’s Masonic Temple became too secret for its own good. Built in 1912, this forgotten chamber is a pure jewel of luxury, and probably one of the most grandiose Masonic temples in London. Neoclassic in style, the windowless room is known as the “Grecian Temple.” The opulent room includes an organ, hand- carved mahogany chairs, bronze candelabras on claw feet, and no less than 12 different types of marble used in the floor, columns, and walls. The celling, a blue and gold dome, bears a five-pointed “blazed star” and zodiac signs. The room conforms to the classic Masonic temple setting with a checkerboard floor and discreet esoteric insignias.” You arrogant, smug masons are nothing but dishonest, immoral, cowardly fools. And you NWO cointelpro agents who lie your heads off and deceive the public in service to your handlers, safe in the knowledge that you are being protected by the powerful freemasons you pretend to be challenging, will not be feeling so smug when the world knows your unforgivable treachery. Your safety is not in secret societies, your safety is in having faith in God and in behaving the way God wants you to.

Simon Dolan, another wealthy, powerful man who has powerful contacts is also showing us that there is nothing we can do about the impending NWO tyranny. He took legal action against the government which is summarised here Simon Dolan - Wikipedia

On 11th December 2020 Simon Dolan wrote: “This week the Supreme Court has decided to refuse to hear our appeal relating to a Judicial Review into lockdown. That judgement is here Dolan -v- Secretary of State for Health and Social Care judgment (judiciary.uk)

The Supreme Court decision to refuse to hear an appeal relating to a Judicial Review into lockdown, means that unelected Judges [he makes a point of saying they are unelected, he fails to tell you they are masonic] have set a precedent which now makes it impossible to challenge the Government’s use of the Public Health Act 1984 to trample over Civil Liberties and to emasculate Parliament in the process.

By not allowing the Appeal to go ahead, this puts a protective shield around Ministers and gives them a free run to lock up people in their homes using the Act, without having to worry any more that their actions in using the Act like this are illegal. This is a chilling development which should not be underestimated. Yes it is chilling, but what he isn’t letting on is that freemasons are making these decisions. He is almost certainly a fairly high-up mason himself – you don’t get to amass the kind of wealth he has unless you are one of them.

The Government's ruthless use of the 1984 Act is an effective destruction of democratic process on behalf of the public around the lockdowns we have suffered and any that may happen again in the future. He knows we have only the pretence of democracy since freemasonry is in control. Although lately there has been some pushback from MPs, the decision of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal gives the Government more power than it should rightfully have.” Join the Legal Challenge to the UK Govt Lockdown (crowdjustice.com) As of 11/12/2020 the public have pledged £422,758 towards Dolan’s legal costs.

I quote from wiki: “Simon Dolan (born 20 May 1969[1]) is a businessman, entrepreneur and founder of Keep Britain Free (the KBF), an antivaxx pressure group campaigning against the UK NHS. According to Companies House, which list his directorships, Dolan is resident in tax haven Monaco [2] and in France.[3] According to The Sunday Times Rich List in 2020, Dolan is worth £200 million.[4] Dolan has £200 million and he asks the very people who are facing extreme economic hardship because of lockdown to fund his legal action. He would have had more credibility if he’d funded it all himself. Do you think he would be taking legal action if his own pocket wasn’t being affected to the tune of £2.4 million?

Involvement in Conspiracy Theory Movement[edit] LOL, look at that, masonic-controlled Wiki are telling you we have a conspiracy theory movement. These bastard masons just love fucking with our heads, don’t they. They must have a constant hard on.

Involvement with David Icke[edit] Dolan was Executive Producer[9] of the 2019 film Renegade david icke's film Renegade 2019 - YouTube featuring anti- semitic[10] conspiracy theorist David Icke and co-produced by David Icke's son Jaymie Icke. The Times of Israel stated, 'The former footballer and TV presenter’s documentary, ‘Renegade – The Life Story of David Icke’ reflects on his work and campaigns. Oh dear, Dolan is involved with David Icke; this piss-taking evil pair Dolan and David are using your money to deceive you and enslave you. Nuff said.

COVID-19 Lockdown Conspiracy Theories[edit] Dolan believes that the British government has ulterior motives for the COVID-19 lockdowns. He sees it as a way for those in power to "test how malleable a society is" in order to limit citizens' freedom, or as a way to introduce mandatory vaccinations. He’s right about that. The men in power want full control of us in their NWO. They are seeing how far they can push us before we stand up and say, ‘no’. They don’t want us to get organised and form a spirited resistance. The vaccine is to make them richer, but more importantly it is to be used as a ‘freedom passport’. The ‘Independent’ reports: “Elizabeth Denham told MPs of her “concerns” about any such initiative – after ministers made conflicting statements about whether they could be introduced. “Some of the issues are beyond data protection, they touch on human rights, they touch on whether or not we're going to create a two-tier society based on whether you have a jab in the arm,” she warned. “And concerns over whether or not this is identity [cards] by the back door.”” ‘Freedom passports’ for vaccinated people would risk ‘two-tier society’, Information Commissioner warns | The Independent Incidentally I am not an ‘anti-vaxxer’, I just object to a rushed through vaccine that I don’t need since the survival rate for the disease is so high; but more importantly I object to a vaccine being used to control what I can do and where I can go. SAGA holidays have already decided to refuse customers who have not had the jab https://travel.saga.co.uk/travel- updates/coronavirus-holidays-guests.aspx Dolan also referenced climate change, which he says the government has "been banging on about". He said: "What has happened will undoubtedly help [climate change campaigns], because the world has become cleaner as industries have shut down." According to Dolan, people who receive “a cheque for nothing” are the ones supporting the lockdown. True, furloughed folk are happy to be paid to sit on their arses, not realising they may not have a job to go back to and that all our freedoms and lives are at stake.[12]

On 1 May 2020, Dolan started proceedings to challenge the UK Government's lockdown decision, suggesting the Government had acted illegally and disproportionately over the COVID-19 lockdown.[13] As I say, there was no need for the government to take any response. He began a crowdfunding campaign to fund the proposed action, writing on the crowdfunding page: "By forcing people to stay at home, and forcing businesses to close, they are, we believe, in contravention of basic Human Rights offered under English Law, that of the right to enjoy your property peacefully."[14] As of 10 June it had raised over £210,000 with almost 7,000 people contributing.[15]

On 6 July 2020, Dolan was refused permission for judicial review by the Honourable Mr Justice Lewis, who said, 'The context in which the restrictions were imposed, however, was of a global pandemic where a novel, highly infectious disease capable of causing death was spreading and was transmissible between humans. There was no known cure and no vaccine. There was a legal duty to review the restrictions periodically and to end the restrictions if they were no longer necessary to achieve the aim of reducing the spread and the incidence of coronavirus. The regulations would end after six months in any event. In those, possibly unique, circumstances, there is no realistic prospect that a court would find that regulations adopted to reduce the opportunity for transmission by limiting contact between individuals was disproportionate.'[15] On 9 July, Dolan launched an appeal against the decision.[16][12]

Dolan's appeal against the initial decision was successful and on 5 August the Court of Appeal ruled that the challenge against the UK Government lockdown would continue to be heard with Lord Justice Hickinbottom who stated that he was persuaded that the grounds should be considered by the full court in open court, and the claimants "given an opportunity to make good their case, at least on arguability". The Judicial Review will now proceed to a rolled-up hearing expected to be held at the Court of Appeal during the week commencing on 28 September.[17]

On 14 September 2020, Dolan's judicial review legally challenged the then new UK rule of a limit of six people per group otherwise known as the rule of six.[18]

Dolan joined forces with wedding venue operator Cripps Barn Group Ltd to halt the Government's latest lockdown. On 15 October there was an Interim Injunction Hearing that was denied by the Judge. Following this hearing, the Speaker of the House Sir Lindsay Hoyle intervened in the case because it raises issues of ‘constitutional importance’[19] I want to see lawyers all over the world taking legal action against their politicians and government advisors for treason, crimes against humanity, corruption, cronyism …

So, Mr Justice Lewis, said the government’s actions were legitimate because they had the good intention of wanting to reduce the spread of the virus. Well that had to be the case since governments all across the globe were doing the same thing! If the government had stuck to locking us down just for 3-weeks to ‘flatten the curve’ to ‘prevent overwhelming the NHS’ that would have been acceptable, it is what followed which is criminal. Of course Simon Dolan knew that the masonic-controlled judges would side with the masonic-controlled government; judges will always find arguments to back up the government [all the judges were probably sat together in some masonic lodge with Matt Hancock and Gavin Williamson and probably other politicians and the lawyers of ‘both sides’ all helping to draft the court judgements!] Take a look at what is written in the1st December 2020 judgement Dolan -v- Secretary of State for Health and Social Care judgment (judiciary.uk) I quote from paragraph numbered 83: “This submission fails for want of an evidential foundation, without needing to travel into the question whether each of the matters identified was a legally relevant factor. The Secretary of State was well aware of all of these matters and, on the evidence before the judge, he was entitled to reach the conclusion that the Secretary of State did have regard to them.

Mr Havers also submits that it was arguably irrational not to ease the restrictions by the end of April, because at that time there were 3,000 spare beds in the National Health Service.

We must bear in mind that the regulations were approved by Parliament using the affirmative resolution procedure, albeit this occurred some weeks after they were made, as they were made in accordance with the emergency procedure in section 45R. Although this does not preclude judicial review of the regulations, it does go to the weight which the courts should give to the judgement of the executive, because it has received the approval of Parliament. All politicians answer to the freemasons, just as all judges do, no matter what type of court it is.

Furthermore, this argument takes no account of the fact that the health consequences of the virus are not to be measured only in the number of deaths. It is well known that many people, including those under the age of 60, were hospitalised and many placed in intensive care units, with intrusive treatment. Yes, but only 388 people under the age of 60 in England between April 2020 and December 2020 with no underlying health conditions have died!

The figures show that 1,979 previously healthy people died in hospitals in England after testing positive for Covid-19 between April 2 and December 23. Just 338 of these people were aged 40 to 59, with another 44 aged between 20 and 39, and just six under the age of 19, according to the data. Only 388 people aged under 60 with no underlying health conditions have died of Covid in the UK | Daily Mail Online

Let’s get these deaths into perspective. The danger of Covid-19 is comparable to that of a mild to severe flu season. If we compare the number of people dying of Coronavirus per year to other diseases this is what the figures look like: 400,000 people die of Coronavirus per year, 600,000 people die of Influenza per year, 1,000,000 die of Aids/HIV per year, 1,400,000 people die of Diabetes per year, 9,800,000 people die of Cancer per year and a staggering 19,000,000 people die of Cardiovascular diseases per year. (2) Corona - The Simple Truth In Under 6 Minutes - YouTube So the number of people dying of Coronavirus is extremely low for Governments all over the world to be causing so much death and misery with their ‘responses’. And people still think the NWO is just a conspiracy theory! Incidentally what of the new strain of Covid-19 that we’re told is no different except for it being more infectious that panicked Drakeford into locking the whole of Wales down on 20th December 2020 after giving us only a few hours notice? Well it turns out that they knew that this variant was in the UK back in September 2020. So if that’s the case it will have already swept through the population of Wales! Nice one Drakeford, you evil little piece of shit NWO puppet.

We also bear in mind that, when the regulations were made in March 2020, the state of medical knowledge was uncertain and continues to develop. For example, what has since become clear is that there can be the phenomenon of “long Covid”. The exact long-term consequences remain unclear. These masonic-controlled judges and politicians can tell us any old bullshit to keep their scam going. Notice none of them care one iota about the long-term consequences of the magic bullet vaccine that they’re trying to push on us!

Moreover, in our view, the Government was entitled to take into account public opinion. Yeah, like they care about public opinion. The smug wankers will though … when the public really start to show their power. It is apparent that a number of different interests had to be weighed in the balance, not only the effect on public health but also the effect on the economy, the effect on education and so on. In that context the opinion of members of the public, for example schoolteachers, who may have felt reluctance to go back to teaching pupils physically in a school environment before conditions were ready, were perfectly legitimate matters for the Government to weigh in the balance.

We also bear in mind that this is an area in which the Secretary of State had to make difficult judgements about medical and scientific issues and did so after taking advice from relevant experts. These experts are the SAGE mafia – the scum who said “hug granny and you could kill her” when they were the bastards killing her by forced separation and isolation. Notice the masonic judges overlook the SAGE gang’s conflicts of interest SAGE conflicts of interest – Philosophers Stone (philosophers-stone.info) Notice also that they ignore the fact that there are numerous other scientific experts including eminent epidemiologists and immunologists who are voicing entirely different opinions which the government could have taken advice from but chose not to. For example have a read of the ‘Great Barrington Declaration’ Great Barrington Declaration (gbdeclaration.org)

We find it impossible to accept that a court could possibly intervene in this context by way of judicial review on the ground of irrationality. There were powerfully expressed conflicting views about many of the measures taken by the Government and how various balances should be struck. This was quintessentially a matter of political judgement for the Government, which is accountable to Parliament, and is not suited to determination by the courts.

The fundamental difficulty with that submission is that there was no deprivation of liberty within the meaning of article 5, in accordance with the criteria set out by the European Court of Human Rights in Guzzardi v Italy. In our view, it is a mischaracterisation to refer to what happened under the regulations as amounting in effect to house arrest or even a curfew. No proper analogy can be drawn with the decision of the House of Lords in JJ, which concerned control orders imposed on suspected terrorists. The obligation to stay at home in the original version of regulation 6(1) was subject to numerous, express exceptions [?], which were non-exhaustive, and the overriding exception of having a reasonable excuse. It is not a mischaracterisation, the regulations did and do amount to house arrest.

There can be no doubt that the regulations did constitute an interference with article 8 but it is clear that such interference was justified under article 8(2). It was clearly in accordance with law. It pursued a legitimate aim: the protection of health. The interference was unarguably proportionate.” Er, what about the health of vast numbers of people [who totally outnumber those affected by Covid-19] who are suffering because of the regulations?

So, the message coming over loud and clear from this show is if super rich, extremely successful entrepreneurs and their powerful, well- connected and knowledgeable lawyers can’t hold the government to account what hope for the rest of us. Well, they didn’t reckon on the power of the downtrodden ones – the power of US when we ditch the fear, when we open our minds and stop giving our power away to evil, mega-wealthy, psychopaths. They didn’t reckon on the power of US to seek the truth and spread it and to bring down anyone who tries to supress the truth.

COVID-19 Facemask Conspiracy Theories[edit] Dolan has claimed that requiring people to wear masks is a step toward authoritarianism [true, but Dolan is only pretending to care about that], tweeting, 'Unless you make a stand, you will be wearing a mask for the rest of your life.'[20][21] True. Jota Aviation (of which Dolan is Director, Company Secretary[22] and a person with significant control[23]) has been delivering personal protective equipment (PPE) to the NHS.[24] It is a requirement for passengers to wear face masks on board Jota Aviation aircraft.[25] So why is he forcing people on his aircrafts to wear masks when, as he rightly says, they spell tyranny, especially as he is a supposed activist?

In 2020, Dolan established activist group Keep Britain Free.[26] On 20 July 2020, Keep Britain Free organised a demonstration in London at which 'Some protesters waved placards referring to masks as "mind control" devices, while others were pictured promoting baseless conspiracy theories including the flat earth theory and a supposed link between 5G and Covid-19. I’ll come to that. Several demonstrators wore masks to illustrate their opposition to face masks.'[27] Dolan is clearly just another pretend activist. If he wanted to ‘keep Britain free’ he would not have any association whatsoever with an obvious shill like David Icke. As I keep saying, and I can’t stress this enough, anyone who claims to care about freedom who does not expose and destroy the people who are assisting in the enslavement of humanity is complicit in the ‘one world order’ totalitarian agenda. Dolan, like so many of these cowardly sell outs not only fails to take on the controlled opposition, he is openly on their side, actively promoting them.

COVID-19 Vaccine Conspiracy Theories[edit] Dolan has opposed the UK government's adoption of the Pfizer vaccine.[32] He is right to do so. Dolan has called UK Matt Hancock, UK Secretary of State for Health "Mengele" after the Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele who conducted medical experiments on people in Nazi death camps.[33] Mengele’s victims were forced into medical experimentation; we do have a choice whether or not we want to take this vaccine. Although the pressure is certainly on to have it. Even DOCTORS are now phoning people up to ‘invite’ them to get their jab. Wow, we have come a long way – the idea that a GP would be doing such a menial task, normally the job of a receptionist, was once unheard of. Course the sly vaccine pushers know that people are more likely to be persuaded to get jib jabbed up if a GP phones them to ‘strongly advise’ it. My daughter recently received such a call from her GP; thankfully she had the good sense to politely decline his invitation. Dolan has spread COVID-19 vaccine disinformation[34] based on publication by the far- right newspaper The Epoch Times, which has been identified as targeting COVID-19 misinformation at the UK.[35]” The Epoch Times are indeed just another gatekeeping outfit. According to Wiki “The Epoch Times opposes the Chinese Communist Party,[20] promotes far- right politicians in Europe,[3][5] and has backed President Donald Trump in the U.S.;[21] a 2019 report by NBC News showed it to be the second-largest funder of pro-Trump Facebook advertising after the Trump campaign.[18][22][23] Nuff said. The Epoch Media Group's news sites and YouTube channels have spread conspiracy theories such as QAnon [does anything else need to be said?] and anti- vaccine misinformation.[18][24][25] The ‘anti-vaxxer’ label - Wikipedia is just another weapon being used against the general public. That phrase was coined by the same powerful freemasons who coined the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ and it too is being used to class us all as anti-vaccination even though that is not what we are. We simply have legitimate concerns about the Covid vaccine. We are not against vaccines which are necessary to protect us and others from dangerous diseases. The organization frequently promotes other Falun Gong affiliated groups, such as the performing arts company Shen Yun.[14][21]” The Epoch Times - Wikipedia

It goes without saying of course that if Dolan was not a slimeball NWO shill he would be exposing The Epoch Times as scumbag NWO shills too.

If Simon Dolan cared about keeping Britain free [not that it was ever free – that’s just an illusion – since it was/is controlled by freemasonry] he would not have wasted time and money on an unwinnable legal action with the government, he would have instead used his money and his brains to help small and medium businesses in the UK to stay afloat as they are the key to resisting the NWO tyranny. He could have encouraged small and medium business owners to defy the unjustified lockdown rules and stay open, and when visited by the police and hit with fines he could have helped pay some of them or helped people to challenge the fines in the courts. I am sure he would have been able to raise a substantial amount of money via crowdfunding to help him with such a noble cause as that. This way businesses are not lost forever [swallowed up by the large companies] and workers keep their jobs. If such direct action by the people occurred the government would soon back down and lockdown laws would be scrapped.

It’s not too late for him [and his multi-millionaire mate Icke – LOL] or anyone with the time and money to go down that route; I’m sure a lot of struggling business owners would welcome the support and I really do think there would be massive public support for such a venture.

Locking down healthy people for a virus with such a high survival rate is criminal. We’re constantly told that we must stay home to protect the NHS from being overwhelmed and we’re told that the unused Nightingale hospitals that sprang up back in April 2020 can’t be used because there isn’t the staff to man them. [Although many retired doctors and nurses did answer the call to help battle Covid-19 but found that they were not needed. I recall a radio program covering this a few weeks after the first lockdown whereby people were calling in to say that they were available and willing to work, but still waiting … This is backed up by the Telegraph who report, on 29/12/2020: “Despite widespread warnings of staff shortages, retired doctors who volunteered to return to work said they were being ignored by the NHS.” They also say: “Retired medics have been prevented from returning to the NHS front line to help battle the coronavirus pandemic by bureaucracy including a requirement to provide 21 pieces of evidence …” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/12/29/bureaucracy-stopping- retired-medics-returning-nhs-front-line/] So, let’s get this right, we have a NHS that’s not fit for purpose – there just isn’t enough money to fund it properly, but somehow the government has hundreds of billions of pounds to spend on furlough, support the self-employed, hand out grants, increase universal credit payments, carry out NHS test and trace … Yeah, that’s really good economics. THAT IS CRIMINALLY INSANE.

Incidentally on the testing, the PCR TESTS ARE NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE either. The inventor of PCR Kary Mullis says it is "inappropriate to detect a viral infection". It is for research purposes only, not for medical diagnosis.

And court cases are needed to point out the shortfalls of PCR tests. I quote from https://www.portugalresident.com/judges-in-portugal- highlight-more-than-debatable-reliability-of-covid-tests/ [20/11/2020.] “With the country assailed daily by news of rising case numbers, judges in Lisbon have described the reliability of tests being rolled out in their tens of thousands as “more than debatable”.

Indeed, they cite a study that suggests only 3% of positive tests declared by health authorities may be ‘true positives’.

A 34-page ruling on an appeal against a writ of habeas corpus filed by four German tourists ‘illegally confined’ to a hotel in the Azores over the summer leaves no doubt that a positive RT-PCR test cannot be taken on face value.

Few media sources however have touched on this aspect of the Lisbon Appeal Court ruling – and those that have have given it the scantest of mentions. No surprises there.

The judges’ deliberations nonetheless are loud and clear – set out over three pages.

The panel looked into the reliability of RT-PCR tests due the enforced confinement of the holidaymakers in question because one had tested positive.

Said the ruling, dated November 11: “In view of current scientific evidence, this test shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus”.

RT-PCR tests (standing for polymerase chain reaction tests) “are performed by amplifying samples through repetitive cycles”.

“The number of cycles of such amplification results in a greater or lesser reliability of such tests. And the problem is that this reliability shows itself, in terms of scientific evidence (…) as more than debatable.” It’s here the ruling cites a study conducted by “some of the leading European and world specialists in this material” published by the Oxford Academic at the end of September.

“At a cycle threshold (ct) of 25, about 70% of samples remain positive in cell culture (i.e. were infected): in a ct of 30, 20% of samples remained positive; in a ct of 35, 3% of samples remained positive and in a ct above 35, no sample remained positive (infectious) in the culture”.

“This means that if a person has a positive PCR test at a threshold of cycles of 35 or higher (as happens in most laboratories in the USA and Europe), the chances of a person being infected is less than 3%. The probability of a person receiving a false positive is 97% or higher”.

But while Lisbon’s appeal court appears to have accepted doubts raised by experts over the reliability of RT-PCR tests, DGS health authorities continue to use them – and the government and media continue to trumpet them as reasons for maintaining the current State of Emergency, which the country heard tonight may well continue beyond December 8 (see new story on main page).

To see the judges’ ruling in full click here

To see a ‘google translation’ into English click here [email protected]

Ok, let’s move on to ‘5G and Covid-19’. Have a read of this The long history behind the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory. (slate.com) I Quote: “Fearing the Invisible The long history behind the 5G COVID-19 conspiracy theory. “Before every pandemic of the last 150 years, there was a quantum leap in the electrification of the Earth.”

That’s the thesis statement of a YouTube video with the innocuous title “Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. Discusses the Coronavirus.” The 10- minute video features a man lecturing in front of a whiteboard. It looks like any other low-budget conference video, but that thesis—that pandemics are linked to the “electrification” of the Earth—got certain people’s attention. The video, which was posted March 18, has now been watched more than 660,000 times and has inspired a rather curious, rather dangerous conspiracy theory: New 5G mobile networks are causing the spread of COVID-19.

Thomas Cowan is discredited here Viral video claiming 5G caused pandemic easily debunked | CBC News I quote: “A viral video by an American doctor who is on disciplinary probation claims that the coronavirus pandemic was caused by 5G technology.

However, it contains many false claims and inaccuracies that are easily debunked by virologists, CBC News has found.

In the video, Dr. Thomas Cowan claims viruses are the waste from cells that are poisoned. Some of the poisoning, he said, comes from electromagnetic fields.

Cowan's viral theory on 5G and the spread of coronavirus was recorded earlier this month in Tucson, Ariz., at a conference put on by a group called the Humans for Humanity Coalition. That event was also attended by people opposed to vaccines, including discredited researcher Andrew Wakefield, whose study linking the MMR shot to autism in children was retracted in 2010. Cowan did not respond to CBC News's request for comment.” See also Conspiracy theory doctor surrenders medical license | CalMatters

Some of the first 5G networks were activated in 2019, and that newness is how 5G somehow got linked to COVID-19 in some people’s minds. And those people shall remain anonymous. But while the circumstances of this specific conspiracy are unique, the links between mobile networks and disease are a prime example of how history repeats itself. Almost every new wireless infrastructure gets linked to disease in one form or another. And we never find out who starts these campaigns of disinformation.

Before going through the history of communication infrastructures and health fears, it’s first worthwhile to trace how we moved from a few random social media posts [and of course no-one can find out who these people are who start these conspiracy theories] to where we are now [which has resulted from the deliberate spread of disinfo], when the U.K. has threatened to fine broadcasters that blame 5G networks for COVID- 19 and some individuals have threatened broadband engineers who work on 5G. As many sources, ranging from USA Today to Reuters, have pointed out, there are no actual links between COVID-19 and 5G networks. The conspiracy doesn’t hold even a kernel of truth. But its roots are illustrative of how conspiracies spread more generally [conspiracy theories are spread far and wide by the lying, shady, masonic-controlled NWO gatekeepers and duped individuals]: People [WHO?] took two phenomena occurring at roughly similar times and made up causal links between the two. Large-scale adoption of 5G networks began in late 2019; the first identified cases of COVID-19 happened in late 2019. From there, certain scumbag disinfo groups were off to the races, with one common rumor stating that Wuhan, China, was both the first place to have an identified coronavirus case and the first city to turn on wide-scale 5G networks. (The latter likely isn’t true.) The conspiracy then spread, with more and more claims using simple correlation to argue that 5G was causing COVID-19. For example, one conspiracy that went semiviral compared a map of COVID-19 hot spots in the U.S. to places that had tested 5G networks. The map showed a clear overlap, but it really just showed major metropolitan areas. Regardless, the existence of 5G in places COVID-19 had been diagnosed was enough to fan the flames.

From there, the conspiracy spread. A Facebook post was shared a few thousand times. And the bulk of that sharing will have been by anonymous masonic NWO operatives. I maintain that anonymous posts/blogs/videos should be banned – that would take care of most of the ‘fake news’ and misinformation problem; there would be no need then for the social media giants to do any ‘fact checking’ censorship. The YouTube video I mentioned earlier is getting close to 700,000 views. Voice memos and posts about the conspiracy were shared on platforms like WhatsApp and Nextdoor. The conspiracy even made it onto Woody Harrelson’s Instagram. All celebrities [and politicians] who spread conspiracy theories should be ashamed of themselves. By the beginning of April, the conspiracy seemed to be everywhere. Courtesy of the slimy shills and the useful idiots who are easily deceived. People in the U.K. have even started burning down 5G towers because of COVID-19 fears. And guess what, we’re not allowed to know who those arsonists are! I can tell you they’re not Fred Bloggs. The piss-taking bastard freemasons who authorised those arson attacks want you to believe that the authorities don’t know who the culprits are. I quote: ““Our engineers are assessing the cause of the fire at one of our towers in Birmingham. If it transpires that it was arson [well what else was it if not arson?!], which looks likely at this time, then we will work to help West Midlands police identify a culprit,” says an anonymous EE spokesperson.” British 5G towers are being set on fire because of coronavirus conspiracy theories - The Verge Isn’t it funny that the police have no problem arresting law-abiding, peaceful protesters, but they can’t find real criminals who burn mobile phone towers to the ground! You couldn’t make this shit up.

Here’s an idea, how about putting all those security guards who are harassing harmless, maskless shoppers in supermarkets and shops up and down the country on guard duty on these 5G towers instead. Incidentally, on the subject of the jobsworth mask enforcers, have you noticed there are usually 2 of them guarding the entrance to the stores against the maskless criminals [LOL, the irony – it used to be masked people who were the bandits]; and what happened to the security guard who used to wander around the store keeping a watchful eye out for opportunist thieves? I haven’t seen one of them since they mandated mask wearing. It goes without saying of course that if this coronavirus really was so dangerous to warrant the reaction governments have taken there would have been no waiting until the summer to bring in mandatory mask wearing, it would have been brought in immediately if not before we went into lockdown [not that people would need to be forced, everyone would willingly be masking up if this really was such a deadly virus]; also the mask would have been of a certain type, not any old face covering; it also goes without saying that our streets would be full of biohazard bins for us to deposit our used masks and gloves in …

While the 5G COVID-19 conspiracy does seem to have almost come out of nowhere [that is what the propagandists want us to believe], it makes a certain amount of sense when placed within the history of wireless infrastructures. In the Cowan video at the center of the conspiracy he the dirty disinformationist links pandemics to one development after another in wireless networks. His lecture starts by talking about the 1918 flu, which he argues was caused by long-range radio. (Here’s a good thread debunking that theory.) He then uses his “electrification” thesis to move through the 20th and 21st centuries (while getting some dates wrong) to the activation of 5G networks and the spread of COVID-19 in 2019.”

I quote from Coronavirus: Conspiracy theorists burn 5G towers claiming link to COVID-19 (news.com.au) dated 22nd April 2020: “CCTV footage from a Dutch business park shows a man in a black cap pouring the contents of a white container at the base of a cellular radio tower. Flames burst out as the man jogs back to his Toyota to flee into the evening. It is now March 2021, 11 months have passed since this publication and we still don’t know who that arsonist is. Why isn’t news.com.au trying to find out? Well because they are just another masonic publication of course, and whoever committed the crime was instructed by very high up freemasons and is protected by those same scumbag masons.

It’s a scene that’s been repeated dozens of times in recent weeks [and those criminals will never be ‘found’ either because they too are under the control and protection of the masonic powers] in Europe, where conspiracy theories linking new 5G mobile networks and the coronavirus pandemic are fuelling arson attacks on cell towers.

Officials in Europe and the US are watching the situation closely [that is what the scum in power want the public to believe] and pushing back, concerned that attacks will undermine vital telecommunications links at a time they’re most needed to deal with the pandemic. These arsonists work for the same evil masonic mafia who are propagandising us all to believe the ‘deadly’ Covid-19 is on a par with the bubonic plague.

Some 50 fires targeting cell towers and other equipment have been reported in Britain this month, leading to three arrests. Why only three? And why do we only know about one – Michael Whitty? Whitty, along with two other men [who, apparently have “not been traced” – yeah ok] set fire to an equipment box [not a 5G tower.] Father-of-three jailed for arson attack on 5G phone mast he blamed for Covid-19 pandemic | Daily Mail Online Why is there no information, not even the names of the other two who were arrested? Where are all the investigative reporters? Why is no-one questioning the police?

Telecom engineers have been abused on the job 80 times, according to trade group Mobile UK, making the UK the nucleus of the attacks.

False narratives around 5G and the coronavirus have been shared hundreds of thousands of times on social media. They vary widely from claims that the coronavirus is a cover-up for 5G deployment to those that say new 5G installations have created the virus.

“To be concerned that 5G is somehow driving the COVID-19 epidemic is just wrong,” Dr Jonathan Samet, dean of the Colorado School of Public Health who chaired a World Health Organisation (WHO) committee that researched cell phone radiation and cancer.

“I just don’t find any plausible way to link them,” he said. But anti-5G activists are undeterred.

But there’s no evidence that wireless communications – whether 5G or earlier versions – harm the immune system, said Myrtill Simko, scientific director of SciProof International in Sweden, who has spent decades researching the matter.

The current wave of 5G theories dates back to January, when an unidentified Belgian doctor suggested a link to COVID-19. Older variations were circulating before that, mostly revolving around cellphone radiation causing cancer, spreading on Reddit forums, Facebook pages and YouTube channels. And of course those conspiracy theories were started and spread by anonymous people as well. Do Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer? The Conspiracy Theorists Say Yes (forbes.com)

Even with daily wireless use among vast majority of adults, the National Cancer Institute has not seen an increase in brain tumours.

The conspiracy theories have also been elevated by celebrities including actor Woody Harrelson who shared a video claiming people in China were taking down a 5G tower.

It was actually a Hong Kong “smart lamppost” cut down by pro- democracy protesters in August over China surveillance fears.

British TV host Eamonn Holmes also gave credence to the theories on a talk show, drawing a rebuke from regulators.” Eamonn Holmes also promotes David Icke. Sickening. Take a look at the piss-taking pretenders Holmes and Icke here (2) flat Earth David Icke YT channel deleted because he "misleadingly" inform us about BlackSwanvirus: ( - YouTube and here David Icke discusses theories and politics with Eamonn Holmes - YouTube Holmes is, of course, just another scum of the earth, traitorous NWO puppet who is doing his bit to enslave you and your children in the NWO hell.

Now have a read of this Coronavirus conspiracies like that bogus 5G claim are racing across the internet | TechCrunch I quote: “According to yet another masonic outfit Yonder, an AI company that monitors online conversations including disinformation, conspiracies that would normally remain in fringe groups are traveling to the mainstream faster during the epidemic.

A report on coronavirus misinformation from the company notes “the mainstream is unusually accepting of conspiratorial thinking [the piss- taking masons don’t want you to know that the same evil masons who are behind the conspiracy theories control the mainstream media], rumors, alarm, or panic” during uncertain times [where have we heard that before? Oh yes masonic Michael Shill Shermer] — a phenomenon that explains the movement of misinformation that we’re seeing now. All spread by the masonic evildoers and whoever they have managed to deceive. You’ll never hear that from these ‘Yonder’ masonic-serving deceivers.

While the company estimates that it would normally take six to eight months for a “fringe narrative” to make its way from the edges of the internet into the mainstream, that interval looks like three to 14 days in the midst of COVID-19.“In the current infodemic, we’ve seen conspiracy theories and other forms of misinformation spread across the internet at an unprecedented velocity,” Yonder Chief Innovation Officer Ryan Fox [who is almost certainly a high-up mason] told TechCrunch. He believes that the trend represents the outsized influence of “small groups of hyper passionate individuals” in driving misinformation [he doesn’t believe that – that is what he wants you to believe. He is just another big fat pretender who is assisting the masonic propaganda machine push us all into the NWO slavery hell], like the 5G claims.

While 5G claims about the coronavirus are new, 5G conspiracies are not. “5G misinformation from online factions like QAnon or Anti-Vaxxers has existed for months [misinformation which starts as disinformation from anonymous, masonic, cointelpro scum. Why have the authorities not been able to determine who starts these conspiracies? Like I say let’s see the social media giants doing their fact-checking on all spreaders of disinformation, misinformation and fake news; they should be closing down obvious shill sites and channels like Icke, Richie Allen, UK Column, Corbett Report …], but is accelerating into the mainstream much more rapidly due to its association with COVID-19,” Fox said.”

And who else is spreading Covid disinfo? Ann Devlin. She discredits herself by association with David Icke; here she is on 14th January 2021 talking to Louise Hampton [I’ll come to that pathetic, lying, masonic- controlled puppet in a minute] NHS whistleblower Louise Hampton talks to former radiographer Ann Devlin about 'Covid' (brandnewtube.com) in an Icke production [filmed and edited by Ashley Sims, Ickonic media.] Listen also to what she says here Ann Devlin exposes the link between electro magnetic radiation and our health (bitchute.com)

Ann’s story is that she used to work for the NHS, that she has “known about medical corruption since the early 1990s”, that “the CDC and FDA are massively corrupt”, that “it’s been going on for a long, long time” and that “the government’s corrupt”. She provides no evidence whatsoever to back up any of those claims. She hasn’t exposed any of this alleged corruption; she hasn’t taken any legal action against anyone …

She says that she retrained, that she’s “an energy medicine practitioner” and: “As part of my job with the equipment I use I can test whether people’s bodies are suffering from radiation stress. From about February/March time when there was the peak of the so-called pandemic, every single person including myself, my own family, my own children, every single person I was testing was off the scale with radiation stress. I’d never seen anything like it, it was as if we’d all been in some sort of Chernobyl disaster, and all the symptoms of Covid where people were getting ill and dying during the peak of the pandemic were related to radiation issues.” Again, we only have her word for this; I think she should show us her records to prove such an extraordinary claim – she doesn’t have to reveal anyone’s identity. She cannot say that her bosses would not allow her to publish them because during her chat with Louise she says she was doing these tests after setting up her own business.

She tells Louise that in 2013 she was diagnosed with cancer. During the clip of her speaking in Liverpool she says: “I have recovered from breast cancer without having chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and that was through using natural medicine, and I was told that I was terminally ill 2 ½ years, nearly 3 years ago.” And I bet if we had sight of her medical records we’d find that she did have conventional cancer treatment.

Ann tells Louise that she uses “a machine called a ‘bicom machine’” and that “the original machine was a ‘mora’”. She says the technology goes back to the 1930s, that some of the early work was done with Dr Rife, that the information has been supressed and that “Dr Rife was successfully treating people with cancer using frequencies, as was people like Max Gerson with diet, and various other doctors in that period”. That is blatant disinformation. I quote from Royal Rife - Wikipedia: “Royal Raymond Rife (May 16, 1888 – August 5, 1971) was an American inventor and early exponent of high-magnification time-lapse cine- micrography.[1][2]

He is best known for a claimed 'beam ray' invention during the 1930s, which he thought could treat some diseases by "devitalizing disease organisms" through vibration. The technology he described is now classified as a type of radionics device which has been rejected as an effective medical treatment.

Years after his death, devices that professed to use Rife's processes were marketed, manufactured and sold in several countries as a cure for cancer, AIDS, and other conditions. Many patients died after using these discredited devices, including persons that could have survived using conventional beneficial therapies, and multiple promoters were convicted of health fraud and sent to prison.

Interest in Rife's claims was revived in some alternative medical circles by the 1987 book by Barry Lynes, The Cancer Cure That Worked, which claimed that Rife had succeeded in curing cancer, but that his work was suppressed by a powerful conspiracy headed by the American Medical Association.[7] After this book's publication, a variety of devices bearing Rife's name were marketed as cures for diverse diseases such as cancer and AIDS. An analysis by Electronics Australia found that a typical 'Rife device' consisted of a nine-volt battery, wiring, a switch, a timer and two short lengths of copper tubing, which delivered an "almost undetectable" current unlikely to penetrate the skin.[10]

Such 'Rife devices' have figured prominently in several cases of health fraud in the U.S., typically centered around the uselessness of the devices and the grandiose claims with which they are marketed. In a 1996 case, the marketers of a 'Rife device' claiming to cure numerous diseases including cancer and AIDS were convicted of felony health fraud.[11] The sentencing judge described them as "target[ing] the most vulnerable people, including those suffering from terminal disease" and providing false hope.[12] In some cases cancer patients who ceased chemotherapy and instead used these devices have died.[13][14] Rife devices are currently classified as a subset of radionics devices, which are generally viewed as pseudomedicine by mainstream experts.[7] In Australia, the use of Rife machines has been blamed for the deaths of cancer patients who might have been cured with conventional therapy.[10] In 2002 John Bryon Krueger, who operated the Royal Rife Research Society, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for his role in a murder and also received a concurrent 30-month sentence for illegally selling Rife devices. In 2009 a U.S. court convicted James Folsom of 26 felony counts for sale of the Rife devices sold as 'NatureTronics', 'AstroPulse', 'BioSolutions', 'Energy Wellness', and 'Global Wellness'.[15]

In 1994, the American Cancer Society reported that Rife machines were being sold in a "pyramid-like, multilevel marketing scheme". A key component in the marketing of Rife devices has been the claim, initially put forward by Rife himself, that the devices were being suppressed by an establishment conspiracy against cancer "cures".[7] The ACS describes Lynes' claims as implausible, noting that the book was written "in a style typical of conspiratorial theorists" and defied any independent verification.[7] Although 'Rife devices' are not registered by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and have been linked to deaths among cancer sufferers, the Seattle Times reported that over 300 people attended the 2006 Rife International Health Conference in Seattle, where dozens of unregistered devices were sold.[14]”

And Max Gerson - Wikipedia: “Max Gerson (October 18, 1881 – March 8, 1959) was a German-born American physician who developed the Gerson Therapy, a dietary-based alternative cancer treatment that he claimed could cure cancer and most chronic, degenerative diseases.

Gerson described his approach in the book A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases (1958). The National Cancer Institute evaluated Gerson's claims and concluded that his data showed no benefit from his treatment.[1] The therapy is both ineffective and dangerous.[2][3]

Gerson emigrated to the United States in 1936, passed his medical board examination, and became a U.S. citizen in 1942.[4] The rest of his family died at the hands of the Nazis.[citation needed] In the U.S., Gerson applied his dietary therapy to several cancer patients, claiming good results, but other workers found his methodology and claims unconvincing. Proponents of the Gerson Therapy believe a conspiracy headed by the medical establishment prevented Gerson from publishing proof that his therapy worked.[6] In 1958, Gerson published a book in which he claimed to have cured 50 terminal cancer patients: A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases. In 1953, Gerson's malpractice insurance was discontinued and, in 1958, his medical license in New York was suspended for two years.[4][7]

After Gerson's death, his daughter Charlotte Gerson (March 25, 1922 - February 10, 2019) continued to promote the therapy, founding the "Gerson Institute" in 1977.[12] The original protocol also included raw calf's liver taken orally, but this practice was discontinued in the 1980s after ten patients were hospitalized (five of them comatose) from January 1979 to March 1981 in San Diego, California, area hospitals due to infection with the rare bacterium Campylobacter fetus. This infection was seen only in those following Gerson-type therapy with raw liver (no other cases of patients having sepsis with this microbe, a pathogen in cattle, had been reported to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the previous two years). Nine of ten hospitalized patients had been treated in Tijuana, Mexico; the tenth followed Gerson therapy at home. One of these patients who had metastatic melanoma died within a week of his septic episode. Many of the patients had low sodium levels, thought to be associated with the very low sodium Gerson diet.[13] The photographer Garry Winogrand died of gallbladder cancer in a Gerson Clinic in Tijuana.[14]

Gerson's therapy has not been independently tested or subjected to randomized controlled trials, and thus is illegal to market in the United States.[1

[1] The Gerson Institute promotes the therapy by citing patient testimonials and other anecdotal evidence.[15] Gerson published a book discussing the alleged success of the therapy in 50 patients, but a review by the U.S. National Cancer Institute was unable to find any evidence that Gerson's claims were accurate.[1] The NCI found that no in vivo animal studies had been conducted. Similarly, case series by Gerson Institute staff published in the alternative medical literature suffered from methodological flaws, and no independent entity has been able to reproduce the claims.[1]

Gerson therapy can lead to several significant health problems. Serious illness and death have occurred as a direct result of some portions of the treatment, including severe electrolyte imbalances. Continued use of enemas may weaken the colon's normal function, causing or worsening constipation and colitis. Other complications have included dehydration, serious infections and severe bleeding.[2]

The therapy may be especially hazardous to pregnant or breast-feeding women.[2]

Coffee enemas have contributed to the deaths of at least three people in the United States. Coffee enemas "can cause colitis (inflammation of the bowel), fluid and electrolyte imbalances, and in some cases septicemia".[20] The recommended diet may not be nutritionally adequate.[21][22] The diet has been blamed for the deaths of patients who substituted it for standard medical care.[23]

Relying on the therapy alone while avoiding or delaying conventional medical care for cancer has serious health consequences.[2] Jessica Ainscough, better known as "The Wellness Warrior", was a major proponent of the Gerson diet after her diagnosis with cancer. She rejected medical treatment and followed the diet strictly, documenting her progress in a popular blog. She died from the cancer in February 2015, aged 30.[24]” See also Background History of the Gerson Clinic | Quackwatch

Not surprisingly Satan’s little psy-warriors are out spreading false claims that both these charlatans were murdered.

Back to the clip of Ann speaking in Liverpool, she says: “That’s why people were saying it’s not viral pneumonia – the guy in hospital in New York was saying that it was more like altitude sickness cos people had hypoxemia where the saturation levels were down in the 40s and 50s, whereas it is usually unusual for it to be down to 92; the blood had no oxygen in it and that’s because radiation damages the red blood cells, so the red blood cells cannot absorb oxygen and that’s why the ventilators were not working when they were trying to ventilate people in northern Italy and other parts, like in New York. None of this is to do with a virus. It’s not a virus it’s to do with radiation attack.” The doctor she is referring to is Dr Cameron Kyle-Sidell, however he does not back up her claims. I quote from Coronavirus Pseudoscientists And Conspiracy Theorists (buzzfeednews.com): “Kyle-Sidell is an emergency and critical care physician at Maimonides hospital in Brooklyn. In March and April, he worked in an intensive care unit dedicated to COVID-19 patients. He received his medical degree from Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel. What he has said about the coronavirus: In a March 31 YouTube video, he questioned whether putting COVID-19 patients on ventilators was the right protocol and worried that this “misguided treatment will lead to a tremendous amount of harm to a great number of people in a very short time.” Since he raised the issue, other physicians have shared similar views. But his opinion has been misstated by conspiracy theorists to imply that the virus is not what the medical establishment says it is. On May 10, he tweeted that he had not consented to being included in “Plandemic,” saying, “I do not believe the narrative underlying the origin or spread of this terrible disease is one of human ill intent. We are fighting a virus not each other.”

What authorities have said: Kyle-Sidell is a doctor in good standing and his inclusion in “Plandemic” and other fringe narratives is the result of people misinterpreting or exaggerating his comments.” See also Coronavirus: Are 'live-saving' ventilators actually dangerous? | Daily Mail Online and COVID Clinical Discussion w/Cameron Kyle-Sidell: NYC ED/ICU doc in the trenches. #FOAMed | thinking critical care

During her chat with Louise about cancer, Ann again blatantly distorts the truth. She says: “I listened to a lovely lecture by a cancer specialist a year or 2 ago – Nasha Winter – and she’s written a book called ‘The Metabolic Approach to Cancer’.” Nasha Winter is absolutely not a cancer specialist. I quote from RationalWiki: ““We can now really see that cardiovascular disease and cancer are very much fed by sugar and carbohydrates and starch and grains. We are finally doing the research. We have people like Gary Taubes...” - Nasha Winters.

Nasha Winters is an American acupuncturist, naturopath, anti- sugar campaigner and low-carb advocate who promotes the ketogenic diet as a therapy for cancer.

Winters has no scientific medical training. She received her Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2003.[2][3] Winters believes that cancer is a metabolic disease.[4] She operates the website DrNasha.[5] Winters is the co-author of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer, published in 2017.[6][7] She thinks that cancer is fuelled by high carbohydrate dieting and that people should avoid all carbohydrates and go on a ketogenic diet to be cured.[8][9][10]

The idea that sugary foods specifically feed cancer cells is completely wrong[11] and there is no scientific evidence that a ketogenic diet can cure cancer.[12][13][14][15]

See also Cancer woo” Nasha Winters - RationalWiki

As for Gary Taubes, RationalWiki says: “Gary Taubes (1956–) is an American author, journalist, low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) promoter, anti- sugar campaigner and cholesterol denialist. Taubes disagrees with mainstream medical advice on dieting. He believes that refined carbohydrates and sugars should be avoided, not fat.[1] Taubes disputes the evidence that saturated fat is a risk factor for heart disease.[2]

Taubes has been accused of misrepresenting scientific data and quoting medical researchers out of context to support his low-carb views.[3][4][5][6][7]

In 2002, Taubes wrote an article for the New York Times Magazine, "What if It's All Been a Big Fat Lie?"[8] The article made a number of false claims[3]: Carbohydrates, not fats, are unhealthy. Low-fat diets cause obesity. Saturated fat does not promote heart disease. The Atkins diet is safe and the best way to lose weight.

Taubes defended the discredited Atkins diet, a fad diet that is crammed with meat, butter and other high saturated fat foods. The article misrepresented medical experts and distorted their views. Taubes implied that many experts recommended the diet but upon investigation this turned out to be false.[3] Endocrinologist Gerald Reaven commented that the article was "misleading" and he was quoted out of context as a supporter of eating saturated fat. Reaven replied he was "horrified" by this. Walter C. Willett a physician and nutrition researcher was misrepresented by Taubes.[3] He does not recommend the Atkins diet. He also commented that "I told Taubes several times that red meat is associated with a higher risk of colon and possibly prostate cancer, but he left that out." John W. Farquhar, a cardiologist and professor of medicine was quoted out of context. Farquhar responded that "Gary Taubes tricked us all into coming across as supporters of the Atkins diet".[3]

Taubes authored The Case Against Sugar in 2016. The book argues that sugar is at the root of all "the diseases of westernisation", including Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. Reviewing the book, Harriet Hall concluded that the evidence was inconclusive.[10] A review in the Journal of Public Health noted that the data was insufficient to draw any conclusion and the book was a "polemic, not a balanced scientific review."[11]

Neuroscientist and science writer Stephan J. Guyenet has written a detailed review of the book. He noted that the evidence was not objectively examined but heavily distorted by Taubes' personal beliefs. He also accused Taubes of "promoting an unscientific thought process that systematically excludes opposing evidence."[4]

A debunking of the book was performed by nutrition scientist Seth Yoder,[12] he found various errors, misrepresentations and omissions. He concluded that Taubes "is not presenting a good faith interpretation of the evidence."[13]” Gary Taubes - RationalWiki

Ann continues to spread disinfo, telling Louise: “If you have a healthy immune system, the body’s not exposed to emotional stress, radiation stress and lots of toxic chemicals then people will remain cancer free and disease free generally; and all this applies to Covid too, because the Covid symptoms, it’s not about a virus it’s about chemical exposure and radiation exposure.” She then says: “I didn’t specifically mention 5G cos there’s all this controversy over 5G and whether 5G is linked to Covid; it’s interesting cos anything at all on social media about Covid and 5G or coronavirus and 5G automatically gets deleted. Er yeah, cos it is disinformation. It’s like big brother [says the smug pretender] watching or something; they don’t want us to talk about. Carry on deceiving, you horrible woman Ann Devlin; you’re on the side of ‘big brother’ and everyone is going to know your dirty little secret soon – everyone will know that you were at those protests pretending to be on the side of freedom, when the reality is you too are serving the dark masonic forces, helping the paedos in power with their Great Reset plans. Who is your handler? Is it Icke or one of his associates?

She then talks about censorship and says: “More and more people are having posts put up as false information by the FB ‘fact checkers’ or people are having their YouTube channels removed. Yeah and I bet a lot of the stuff being removed actually is false information. I’d like to know how many YT channels have been closed down that are genuine and haven’t breached any YT rules. Even people like Vernon Coleman who is a doctor who used to be a GP and is a writer who has been posting some fantastic stuff all throughout this pandemic. He’s been taken off YouTube – he has a new channel on brand new tube.” It is right that he was taken off YT, according to wiki: “Vernon Coleman (born 18 May 1946) is an English conspiracy theorist, anti-vaccination activist, AIDS denialist, blogger and novelist who writes on topics related to human health, politics and animal issues. Coleman's medical health claims have been widely discredited and described as pseudoscientific.

Writing for The Sun newspaper in the 1980s, Coleman denied that AIDS was a significant risk to the heterosexual community. He later claimed AIDS is a hoax, writing, "it is now my considered view that the disease we know as AIDS probably doesn't exist and has never existed". Such claims have been rejected by the medical community.[23][24]

In 2005, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) banned an advertisement for a book published by Coleman entitled How to Stop Your Doctor Killing You which claimed doctors were "the person most likely to kill you". The ASA upheld complaints that the advert was misleading, offensive and denigrated the medical profession. The ASA found Coleman's claims were lacking evidence, "irresponsible" and "likely to discourage vulnerable people from seeking essential medical treatment".[27] In response to the ruling, Coleman called for the ASA to be banned and later made a complaint to the Office of Fair Trading, claiming "the ASA's action(s) are in breach of Article 10 of the Human Rights Act".[28] The Office of Fair trading did not pursue Coleman's complaint.[29]

In 2007, the ASA again found Coleman had made misleading claims in an advertisement promoting a supposed link between eating meat and contracting cancer. Coleman failed to respond to the ASA's enquiries. He was subsequently found to have again breached the organisation's code of conduct, with the ASA deeming Coleman's advert was again lacking evidence and likely to cause undue fear and distress. Coleman was instructed not to further run the advertisement and informed to respond to future ASA investigations.[30][17]” Vernon Coleman - Wikipedia

The charade continues. She tells Louise: “So the radiation stuff, when it came to me testing stuff I was already testing stuff on people before the beginning of this year [I think she means before the beginning of 2020] and the test kit that I’ve got that covers a lot of the radiation stuff … specific frequency of a particular pathogen or a particular frequency of a type of radiation or parasite or chemical toxin, and when I’ve been testing a lot of people before I used to pick up things – the odd one here and there – mobile phone stress or Wi-Fi stress, sometimes radar, occasionally earth radiation …” She says that “when the so-called pandemic thing started off at the beginning of this year” she “noticed from February onwards that all of a sudden the rate of these things” she was picking up “went through the roof”. And: “It was as if the person was suffering with that particular electromagnetic and chemical stress; it was massive.” She says her equipment cannot specifically test for 5G which is why she does not say it is 5G, although she thinks it’s “highly likely that it is a factor”. So how does she explain that marked increase? Is she saying there was a 5G tower nearby???

Like I say, she should be publishing her interesting findings. Why doesn’t she? Why is she not presenting her information to the scientific community? Put simply, why is she not proving Covid-19 is not a virus? Is it because none of this is true and she is following a script?

She goes on to say: “In the early days in Wuhan, people were just dropping to the floor – there’s video footage of this happening.” Ann again misrepresents the truth. The Daily Mail says: “Disturbing videos have emerged purporting to show people collapsing in the streets of the Chinese city at the centre of the new coronavirus outbreak.

Dozens of videos tagged as coming from Wuhan show people lying in the street after collapsing where they stand or being tended to by medics as people in face masks rush to help.

MailOnline has been unable to verify the videos, which are being widely circulated on social media.

It is not clear where or when precisely much of the footage was taken, though all of it appears to come from China.” Coronavirus: Disturbing videos claim to show people collapsing in Wuhan | Daily Mail Online

And here she is again twisting what is said to fit her narrative. I quote: “Early in the pandemic the WHO issued guidelines to doctors not to do post mortems on the patients who had died because of Covid. This was a massive red flag at the time when I heard this; I knew at the beginning there was something wrong, that this was not about a virus …” That is not what the WHO said. I quote: “The World Health Organisation (WHO) did not say that post mortems shouldn’t be performed on people who died with Covid-19. The WHO released guidance on 24 March on safety measures for managing bodies and performing post-mortems on patients who had died of Covid-19. This guidance does not say autopsies should not take place.

Italy did perform post mortems on patients who had died of Covid-19, though on 1 April the Ministry of Health recommended against doing autopsies on patients who clearly had the disease. Post-mortems are also allowed to take place on Covid-19 patients in other countries, including the UK and China.” A viral post on autopsies, Italy and the new coronavirus has many inaccuracies - Full Fact

Asked if Covid is hiding 5G rollout, Ann says, “more than likely” and spouts the debunked conspiracy theory that “there are maps of where 5G has been released or turned on in different parts of the world and the maps seem to correspond quite neatly with where the highest rates of issues with Covid”. No they don’t; all the maps show are major metropolitan areas. The long history behind the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory. (slate.com) She continues: “But when people talk about 5G, everyone says, ‘oh load of nonsense, all conspiracy stuff’ but I do think there’s a link, but I don’t know for definite if it’s coming from masts or maybe satellites. From my own personal experience what I can be absolutely sure of is the symptoms that I’m seeing on people who are ill are definitely due to some kind of radiation exposure. I think smart meters is another thing too. There are divisions with people saying Covid is a hoax [yeah the disinfo-mongers like her and Louise] and those who are adamant it is for real. Cheeky madam. I don’t want to belittle anyone who believes Covid is real, I do think it is real but I don’t believe it is to do with a virus. People were ill Feb/March/April and the peak of deaths was in mid April – a massive spike, then it dropped really suddenly. Because the coronavirus outbreak had passed its peak. People were ill, saying it was not like any other flu they’d experienced. It dropped off and over the summer became pretty much flat which is when it became a casedemic rather than a pandemic [true], that’s when all the testing started – the government were no longer talking of symptomatic cases, just people who were testing positive, which is a load of nonsense cos tests are irrelevant cos they don’t work [true]; there’s massive evidence that these PCR tests should not be used.” Ann then suggests that the inventor of PCR Kary Mullis died [on 7th August 2019] in suspicious circumstances [to prevent him speaking out about the testing which our ruling overlords had planned.] Course that leads us into another conspiracy theory – that the Wuhan virus [which first appeared in November 2019] was manufactured in a lab. She adds: “People need to stop getting tested, they are more ammunition to keep perpetuating this myth of the pandemic. True again, these are cases, not infections. Dr John Lee, former professor of pathology, talks about that on 15/12/20 here Will putting London into Tier 3 cripple the economy? - YouTube He tells NWO gatekeeper Julia Hartley-Brewer that Covid is about as deadly as a bad flu, that a positive test is not a 'case', that more than 12,700 mutations of Covid have been identified … This is what he says in response to Julia pointing out that although the numbers of deaths is slightly up for this time of year, in the last 20 years there have been plenty of years when there have been higher death rates than ‘this year’ [2020] and no-one then ever suggested locking down the country: “The figures for deaths go back 27 years, we hear a lot about comparing numbers for the last 5 years but when you look at the last 5 years out of the last 27 they have been below average death years … the question is, is it out of proportion to anything we have ever experienced before or is it within the envelope, and it is absolutely clearly within the envelope”. He also says: “They are conflating a positive test result with a ‘case’ and that is a completely non-medical thing to do, and the fact that SAGE can go along with that, frankly I think calls into question the impartiality of and the validity of their advice. The fact is a ‘case’ is somebody with symptoms ill enough to present to the health services; if we did positive tests for the common cold every winter we’d have millions of cases and we could generate the same hysteria as we are about coronavirus.” And he says: “This is an example of psychological operations; this mutant is a clear example of the government taking a random piece of information and trying to frighten people with it; it’s a disgrace; the fact is this virus will mutate – the more we let the virus spread around the more likely it is to spread to a version of itself which is less lethal; we need to get back to normal life and let this virus do its thing, we’ll all end up in the same place anyway, the question is will it be after 1,2,5,10 or 15 lockdowns, or will we see sense and live with it, which we will have to do.” See a good article by Dr Lee here The dangers of a Covid ‘elimination’ policy | The Spectator and Our immune system is the pandemic's biggest mystery | The Spectator where he says that “one thing has been clear for months: this virus is similar to other viruses we have lived with for generations. And there is very little evidence to support the benefits of the lockdown measures. The case for returning to normal life is simple: the social, economic and public health costs of not doing so are far greater”. There was a peak of deaths in April but throughout the summer the deaths have been on average the same as in the last 5 years. True. The people who were ill were ill cos they were exposed to massive amounts of radiation, chemical toxicity not due to a contagious virus and the peaks of that radiation toxicity from what I’ve seen was mid-February onwards.” So, what is she suggesting caused such massive amounts of radiation? How does she explain the sudden drop in radiation levels in mid-April? Do the radiation levels rise and fall in waves just like the waves of a viral disease spreading into and out of a population?

I can tell you it is a contagious virus because my own daughter Melissa was infected with it. Her symptoms came out 3 days after her fiancé John started showing Covid symptoms. And he picked up the virus at work. It is nothing whatsoever to do with ‘some chemical and/or radiation exposure’. Ann is talking out of her arse – the question is, who is telling her to parrot this shite?

Towards the end of the shilly show Ann tells Louise that “people in nursing homes are like prisoners, not able to see their family” and “I hate seeing kids wearing masks – they’re being brainwashed, little kids are supposed to see adults’ faces, to see expressions, not masked faces [very true, no child should have to see anyone muzzled]; it’s all psychological torture”. Yes it is torture, but Ann Devlin is a hypocrite as she is secretly serving the tyrants in power who are inflicting these rules on us.

She then talks about the rallies she attended as a pretend protester. She says the protests have been peaceful from the crowd – there has been a “lovely atmosphere of joy and friendship” and “the only time of trouble is when the police have come in heavy handed and caused trouble”; she adds that “on the news it gets reported as a violent protest which the police had to deal with”. Aside from the lying ‘news’ reporters, the problem with large protests is there will always be agents provocateurs present. Those scumbags need to be brought into line immediately they start causing trouble, and they need to be exposed for who they are. Also, protests can be banned on the pretext that they violate social distancing rules; and people can be arrested for attending protests during lockdowns. My suggestion for when traditional demonstrations/protest marches are no longer possible for whatever reason is a ‘stand-alone’ protest – people all over the world standing alone against tyranny in a public place. All you need is a placard and a video recording device so that you can share your videos on social media and start a trend – perhaps even do a livestream while you are having a solitary protest.

Continuing the pretence that she is this courageous and noble freedom- fighter Ann says: “People dying on their own, old folk in hospitals and nursing homes not allowed family – it should not be going on, it is crimes against humanity, it is psychological warfare, it shouldn’t be allowed. Yes it is psychological warfare, but as I say, you Ann Devil Devlin are engaging in that psy-war – you are a traitor to the truth and to humanity. In the bigger picture good is going to come out cos people are waking up now to the truth of what is going on [true and they’re also waking up to who the NWO gatekeepers are], but there is still an awful lot who aren’t [they will do when the Judases in our midst are destroyed] and that is what really worries me. That is pretence, the last thing you enemy agents want is for people in their droves to wake up, because that leaves you scumbags vulnerable. But the ones who are waking up, we’ll see there is going to be a brighter future ahead and that is getting rid of the corrupt establishments and corrupt companies and corrupt pharmaceutical companies [there will be a brighter future for all when all secret societies are dealt with, and all evildoers – and that includes all masonic criminals and all the NWO gatekeepers – are brought to justice]; it worries me seeing so much suffering and I felt I could not keep quiet any longer.” More pretence; you care not a jot for anyone’s suffering, Ann – you care only about yourself.

Ann also says [during the recording of her in Liverpool] that “it’s only cos it’s an election year and they’re [the ‘globalists’] trying to bring down Trump cos he’s trying to stop them”. That of course is straight off the QAnon disinfo boards. Please see my pdf on Cory Daniel for more on QAnon.

When asked where people can get info on what she is saying “cos people are interested”, she says: “Maybe they are, I’ve had to keep a fairly low profile with what I do because people like me get attacked, homeopaths get attacked, herbalists get attacked [they get attacked when they con people or when they endanger the lives of others], anyone who does anything that is in conflict with the main narrative of the medical establishment, they’re outsiders.” Yes, but that isn’t you, Ann. You are only a pretender; you are therefore no threat to anyone and you will not be attacked whilst you continue to serve the dark masonic forces. As for you preaching to others about ditching the fear [you told Louise you wanted to stop people being “in a state of fear”] you are a hypocrite – you are the one living in fear; you are too scared to expose the medical corruption that you claim to know about and you are too scared to be a real freedom fighter because you know that to be one entails speaking the truth which means turning on the freemasons; and that is something you will never do because you are a coward.

Ok, let’s have a quick look at what she is spouting here Ann Devlin - Exposing the link between electromagnetic radiation & our health — Hive She says: “I have not been picking up high levels of virus, there is a viral issue but its minimal in comparison to rad/chemo.” Wait. What? So she acknowledges here that Covid is a virus; that is absolutely not what she says during the clip of her speaking at Liverpool or during her chat to Louise; on the contrary she makes a point of saying that it “isn’t a virus”, that it’s “not about a virus”; that she thinks “Covid is real” but that she doesn’t believe it’s to do with a virus. Perhaps she should tell us what she means by ‘a viral issue’.

In her efforts to back up her claims she again references people who have been thoroughly discredited. For example Dr Thomas Cowan who I have already mentioned. Other examples are Dr Andy Kaufman, Stefan Lanka and Tom Barnett. Dr Kaufman cannot be trusted when he is spouting such lies as appendicitis – a common inflammation of the appendix which can lead to sepsis and death – being no big deal, that it’s simply constipation which can be relieved by enema. The Psychiatrist Who Calmly Denies Reality | Office for Science and Society - McGill University I know from personal experience how dangerous appendicitis is, and if I’d listened to that lying bastard Andy Kaufman my son Andy would have died when he was a child – when his appendix burst an enema would not have helped him, he was rushed into hospital for emergency surgery. The OSS team also say: “This doctor is Andrew Kaufman, based in Syracuse, New York. In the middle of a global health pandemic, he has become a prominent voice in the COVID denialism movement online. Many of his lengthy commentaries on YouTube have received hundreds of thousands of views. If you have heard that the coronavirus is not real, that scientists are actually detecting “exosomes,” you are familiar with Kaufman’s theory. His turn away from medicine seems to have been triggered in part by reading the book A Mind of Your Own by Kelly Brogan, a psychiatrist turned virus denier and Goop contributor. Kaufman regularly takes to YouTube to answer specific medical questions from viewers and provides them with “information” that runs counter to basic knowledge of the human body, endorsing bone broths and detox protocols for a variety of ailments. He is not a naturopath; he is a psychiatrist with an active medical license in his state. He is a criminal. Why oh why do intelligent, highly trained and respected psychiatrists and doctors destroy their reputations and destroy their careers [or put their careers at risk] by promoting pseudoscience and/or conspiracy theories???

Sounding composed and knowledgeable, Kaufman repeatedly tells his viewers that viruses are not a cause of human diseases. Through watching hours and hours of video, I have seen him deny the existence of the viruses behind the common cold, polio, HIV-AIDS, viral hepatitis, chickenpox, COVID-19, and measles. One of his favourite examples for why his war against germ theory is justified is the case of Stefan Lanka which he sells to his audience as “the Supreme Court of Germany actually ruled that there is no measles virus that’s been proved to exist” (from his interview with London Real, time code 1:04:00). The truth is that Lanka issued a challenge: he wanted a single scientific paper that, on its own, proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that the virus existed. When a doctor named David Bardens produced six papers that together met the burden of proof, Lanka refused to pay and the Court recognized that Lanka was free to set the rules as he saw fit because this was an award and he could give it to whomever. The measles virus is very real: Lanka’s public challenge was, in my opinion, a no-win scenario to give credence to his virus denialism.

Have a read of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Bardens I quote: “The David Bardens vs. Stefan Lanka law suit[edit]

In November 2011, Virologist Stefan Lanka guaranteed a prize of €100,000 for proof of the existence of the measles virus, specifically the determination of its diameter.[3] Lanka claims the measles are basically a skin irritation caused by a mixture of psychosomatic triggers and poisoning.[4] Bardens contacted Lanka on 30 January 2012 for confirmation of the contest and eventually provided six publications as an answer to the questions.

Legal procedures began on 29 September 2013, when Lanka demonstrated that the papers were not suitable as proof. A first court session took place in April 2014 and ended with the court’s decision to halt procedures, to support its judgment with the scientific expertise of Andreas Podbielsky, virologist at the University of Rostock. The case was continued in March 2015 and ended with the decision in support of Bardens’ claims.[5]

The court’s ruling received global press attention in light of the present, heavy campaigning of anti-vaccination protesters on web forums and in books. Bardens told the press weeks after the court's ruling that he could no longer appear as a public speaker without the protection of bodyguards.[6]

Lanka eventually challenged the judgment.[7] The case was re-evaluated at the Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht) Stuttgart on 16 February 2016, where the original judgment was reversed. Six publications were submitted purporting to show the existence of measles, however they failed to meet the contest requirements as set by Lanka.[1] Bardens commented on the case in an extensive interview on 5 May 2016 and announced his decision to appeal to Germany's Federal Court BGH. In December 2016, Bardens tried to get this ruling revised, but the court saw no reason to do so.[8]”

Dr. Andrew Kaufman rose to fame in the early days of the pandemic by claiming that what scientists were actually seeing with their electron microscopes was not a new coronavirus but rather exosomes. This story is quite interesting as it reveals a common tactic Kaufman uses. In building a bridge between an observation and a conclusion he likes, he will often use valid science to lay down a number of planks. When that bridge is almost complete, he runs out of planks and takes a leap of faith, but that leap may only be noticeable by an expert. Going back to exosomes, most of what Kaufman says is true. Our body is made of cells, and you can imagine a cell like a soap bubble. An exosome is a tiny bubble that buds off from that soap bubble and starts floating around, maybe eventually fusing with another soap bubble.

These exosomes can carry payloads, like genetic material, and act as transporters inside our body, and they do look an awful lot like many viruses. In fact, sometimes a virus will infect a cell and an exosome containing the virus’ genetic material will bud off and go on to infect another cell, just like a viral particle would! But here we reach the end of our bridge. Two scientific experts discussed this issue in a YouTube video and concluded that “clearly, there are similarities between exosomes and the coronavirus but they are absolutely different in many aspects.” Kaufman takes a leap and claims the virus does not exist. It’s all exosomes.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman is, in my opinion, a naturopath now. He charges USD 750 for a natural health consultation (and $1,750 for the premium package). He has stated that technological advances in medicine are only superior to natural methods “if your bone is sticking out of your skin”; that it’s wrong to be synthesizing drugs; and that we should simply rely on natural molecules whose safety, he claims, is known. And like naturopaths, Kaufman sees toxins everywhere.”

Tom Barnett is just another scumbag spreader of disinformation. Take a look here https://www.aap.com.au/false-claims-about-viruses-and- covid-19-in-facebook-video/ I quote: “As global cases of COVID-19 exceed one million, a video circulating on Facebook attempts to cast doubt on the existence of the potentially deadly virus.

The March 31 video posted to Facebook, uploaded after the original was taken down, makes a number of false and unsubstantiated claims, including that humans can’t catch viruses, that viruses are solvents and that viruses aren’t transmissible between species or between humans.

The caption of the re-uploaded video reads: “What does this guy have to gain by telling us this, what does the government have to gain by not telling us this!!! Wake!! Up!!”

The March 31 video has been viewed over 175,000 times, received over 1,800 interactions and over 850 comments.

Viruses are parasitic biological entities that have genetic material contained inside a protein coat or shell. They invade cells of other organisms and hijack them to reproduce themselves. The first virus know to affect humans, Yellow Fever, was discovered in 1901.

University of Sydney Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Hannah Sassi told AAP FactCheck that humans can catch viruses and do so in different ways depending on the type of virus. “We can inhale them, we can ingest them, or get them through skin contact and punctures,” she said.

Viruses attack the cells within the tissue, not the tissue itself, said Dr Sassi. In biology the term tissue refers to a group of cells with a similar structure that function together as a unit.

There is some scientific debate over whether viruses should be classified as “alive” because they rely on other organisms to survive and reproduce. According to University of California Professor of Molecular Biology Luis P. Villarreal, scientists have grappled with how to define viruses for 100 years: “First seen as poisons, then as life forms, then biological chemicals, viruses today are thought of as being in a gray area between living and nonliving,” he wrote.

In the video, the speaker states: “viruses are nothing more than a solvent” that are “created within the cells of the body”.

Dr Sassi told AAP FactCheck that solvents are chemical solutions that have nothing to do with viruses. “Viruses are a genome, which means it has DNA and RNA and they reproduce. Chemicals don’t reproduce,” she said.

The video also claims that viruses detoxify the cells within the body and “what needs cleaning out of the cells are environmental toxins, such as heavy metals, plastics, any type of industrial pollutants”.

Dr Sassi said viruses are unrelated to toxins, heavy metals, plastics, or any type of industrial pollutants. “The virus is just trying to reproduce to survive,” she said.”

Ann Devlin continues to twist what is said to fit her narrative. I quote: “An Italian group of doctors went against the WHO directive, and also a German group of doctors (with permission from the German authorities) - both groups concluded that the cv19 deaths were not due to a ''viral pneumonia' but instead the main issue was masses of microclots in the lungs.

This does not happen due to a coronavirus but microclots can happen due to radiation exposure. Take a look here A viral post on autopsies, Italy and the new coronavirus has many inaccuracies - Full Fact I quote: “Covid-19 is caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2, not a bacteria. Scientists have been studying the disease and its cause for several months now, and have sequenced the genetic material of the virus. (However, it is the case that people with Covid-19 can get secondary infections caused by bacteria, which can be very dangerous.)

As we’ve written before, severe Covid-19 can cause blood clotting problems.”

Could that be why the WHO were against the docs doing autopsies, didn't want the real cause of death to be ascertained?” As we have seen she is twisting what the WHO guidance was.

Finally, under her ‘Useful links to related articles’ is: “"4G/5G IS A SERIES OF CAREFULLY CHOSEN WEAPONIZED MICROWAVE AND MILLIMETER WAVE FREQUENCIES THAT WILL INDUCE ILLNESS BLAMED ON A FAKE VIRUS TO FACILITATE FORCED VACCINATIONS." ~ Dr Vladimir Mordachev' s correlation between 4G/5G and COVID19: https://www.yumpu.com/xx/document/view/63711982/2705-3935-5- pb” That is an outright lie. Dr Vladimir Mordachev absolutely does not say that. If you click on the link provided you find the paper referenced is in Russian. You can read for yourself what Dr Vladimir Mordachev actually says as the paper is in Russian and English here Microsoft Word - â—Œ 18 (4).doc (bsuir.by)

Ok moving on to Louise Hampton. She is just another lying, narcissistic NWO whore who is doing a great job assisting the DAVOS lot achieve their evil aim to totally enslave humanity. Just like Ann Devlin, she too loses credibility just by association with the conspiracy theorist filthy, lying, traitorous shill boy David Icke, she also discredits herself by promoting the equally despicable Ann Devlin. Genuine freedom fighters do not associate with shills on any level – they expose the dirtbags instead.

Louise tells Ann: “What you’ve mentioned about radiation poisoning has certainly opened my eyes and given me something else to think about, and nothing you said today strikes me as being a conspiracy theory. This is all really good information.” So, because Louise says it isn’t a theory, her 21,200+ followers https://www.facebook.com/louisehampton83 can take it as being factual information. LOL. It’s worse than a conspiracy theory, it is deliberate and dangerous disinformation. She also says: “I’ve called myself a covid-denier...” I think she should tell us who is telling her to spout such bullshit. She does not believe that. She is lying to you. Back in April 2020 she was not saying Covid is a hoax, she knew it was real; in fact she was herself so ill with Covid symptoms back in December 2019 that her doctor sent her to hospital. Take a look at her facebook posts published by MrBozoHead here Louise Hampton嵐 lies for 5 minutes of Fame. Collaboration with Mohammed Shafiq  - YouTube In response to the 21st April 2020 post by Stephen Hampton who asks: “Does anyone else that’s working through this lockdown just feel like they are waiting to get sick?” Louise says: “Yes I feel like a sitting duck and I work in an office with nurses and paramedics. I think I had COVID 19 in December as I had trouble breathing, severe fatigue and a tickly dry cough and GP sent me straight to Hillingdon. They wired me up to some oxygen monitor …” Notice also on that video the clip of her calling – another obvious, traitorous, controlled opposition snake – her new bestie.

Louise tells her story to David Icke [which she believes is “an honour” – silly cow] on December 5th 2020 The Spirit Of Freedom - 'Virus' Whistleblower Louise Hampton Talks With David Icke About Pandemic Lies (banned.video) She says that she “worked as a health advisor at NHS 111 service” and that she “took all of the front-line calls that came into London, Bristol and Birmingham”. Really? I would’ve thought Bristol and Birmingham would have their own NHS 111 service.

She says: “Before the pandemic we’d take call after call; our call centres were inundated with calls. As soon as the pandemic hit, our call volumes just went down. We had 6/7 minutes between telephone calls where we were just sitting there doing nothing.” She has not proven that of course and not one of her old work colleagues has backed up that allegation, so why should we believe her? On 5th April 2020 it was reported: “The volume of calls to the NHS 111 helpline has surged by 400% since the spread of the coronavirus became a national health crisis.

The free service, which offers urgent but non-emergency care advice, has been inundated with calls from Britons since the start of March when the virus took hold.

Vodafone, which provides the lines and handles the call traffic for the NHS 111 call centre, said it had doubled capacity to handle 2,400 calls simultaneously.

The call centre has experienced huge surges in the number of calls, hitting a peak of 1,100 simultaneously at one point – five times more than the peaks before the health emergency. Daily peaks vary widely, but for example last Saturday it was 500.” https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/apr/05/calls-nhs-111-soar- 400-since-start-coronavirus-crisis-uk There was even the need for a new 111 Covid-19 response service in addition to the regular 111 helpline. In a FB post on 1 July 2020 Louise Hampton responds to Hazel Field: “It’s weird our phone lines haven’t seen an increase at all. It’s so strange.” She doesn’t say there had been a decrease in calls. Notice also Hazel says her friend’s daughter had Covid near the start of lockdown [she “felt rough as fuck, chest very bad” and “it’s really freaky seeing how it’s killed some n others just get bad cough”], then Hazel’s mum had it and was in hospital on 100% oxygen, now what was Louise saying on 14th Sept 2020 about not knowing anyone who has had Covid? [See MrBozoHead’s video.]

There is a very simple way for Louise to prove that she is the one who is telling the truth and that her employer is the one who is lying – simply show us the email exchange that she had with them after she did her ‘certificate of bollocks’ ‘rant’ Certificate of Appreciation aka "Bollocks" - YouTube According to her, she made that video on her way to work, she put it on her FB wall and it went viral while she was at work, she went home after making an excuse that she had a headache and she never saw or spoke to her employer again; all communication was done via email. She says they told her that she was under investigation and that they wanted to fire her for gross misconduct because she broke their confidentiality. In a clip of her speaking here Luke Alexander - WATCH FILM (thetrailoftruth.com) [1:22:20] she says: “Work were calling me; they said, ‘We want to get you in for an interview to discuss the video’.” During this video **Certificate of Bollocks** NHS Worker Breaks Silence! **Watch until the End** - YouTube dated 7th September 2020 she says: “12 hours later work got wind of it; my name was all over the media; the media are still trying to talk to me but I’m avoiding them because I don’t like the MSM; they wanted to fire me but I didn’t want to give them the power, so I’ve resigned from my job.” That all sounds a bit scripted to me. So, were work calling/emailing her in the evening time if it was 12h later? Did they really tell her in an email that they wanted to fire her? I find that hard to believe. Why wouldn’t she want an interview? Surely she would have wanted to defend her actions – to point out that the call volume had dropped which was contradictory to the narrative … So, as I say, if she wants us to believe her story, let her show us the emails.

Slimy Ickie is there lapping up the charade, telling the brave lass that she was under investigation for telling the truth … Ugh, puke bucket please. What the fuck does that evil pretender know about truth??? Smug prick.

She tells him that her entire family have turned their back on her, that they think she’s “crazy”, that she has “mental issues”. Perhaps they have turned on you Louise because they know you are lying, because they know that rather than this courageous freedom fighter that you are painted up as, you are nothing but a shallow, self-serving, fame-hungry, sad little girl.

Icke, helping the narrative along, says: “You experienced it day after day and realised it was a scam...” He’s a scam. He is the greatest scam [bar Alex Jones] in the world. The Covid-19 coronavirus is real – it is a novel SARS-CoV-2 virus. It is the ‘panic reaction’ and the vile propaganda that is the scam.

He continues the charade: “You’re someone who’s had the guts and integrity to speak out.” Nauseating. She has neither guts nor integrity. And neither does he. In response to him saying that the vast majority of health workers worldwide have stayed silent, she says: “Going back to when people used to clap for the NHS, I was caught up in that in the beginning, feeling proud; after a while I realised this isn’t right; I think some people are so caught up in it – maybe it’s narcissism, some people want to carry that on and pretend that they’re doing a good job; that they’re working hard during a pandemic. I think people don’t want to tell the truth, they want to carry on the lie that they’re this NHS hero.” LOFL, says one narcissist to another. I’d love to know what her old work mates think of her. I disagreed with the Thursday 8pm clapping ritual and never participated in it, however if it’s the case that NHS staff weren’t rushed off their feet after all such that they all had time to do Tik Tok dances Nurse Practitioner Reacts to Dancing Nurse TikTok Videos - YouTube well, so what. Take a look at this comment from a nurse X X: “The dances, the clapping and the hero-worshipping is a complete cringe fest, the job has always been hard work, but we were never "appreciated" like this before, and not so long ago we would have been disciplined for doing this kind of thing, or even fired!” Take note – nurses would have been disciplined or fired for taking it upon themselves to start making dance videos in hospitals. And that is as it should be, and that is what would have happened if this had been a grassroots dance video trend. It never was. The decision and implementation of it came from within the highest echelons of power. goldeneddie9 months ago comments: “I've worked in health for 30 years and many of my colleagues are frustrated that they are NOT busy, waiting for the supposed 'big rush' that was massively exaggerated from the start. The UK Manchester Gmex Centre, converted to an emergency hospital with thousands of beds, has less than 10 patients. In London, the Nightingale Centre had at last count only 19 patients and thousands of empty beds. This whole situation has been exaggerated beyond belief. The only real mathematical info we have in the UK is : 20, 000 dead in a population of 68,800,000 people. That's 0.002%. No wonder nurses have enough time to learn, rehearse and film a dance routine. It's wrong on every level.” And: “I'm not happy about empty beds because those beds and staff time could have been used for OTHER PATIENTS with conditions other than cv. In the UK, we have lost over 150,000 other patients because of the exaggerated focus on cv - I'm talking about cancer patients, heart patients, postponed surgical patients, patients with issues like diabetes, sepsis or any other condition. When you work in a hospital, you DON'T want to see empty beds when you know that people who need help cannot access them. Whichever country you are in, look up the number of 'avoidable deaths' that have not been avoided because of the mispredicted, overexaggerated focus on cv. This is why I object to empty beds and staff dancing around when we know that meanwhile other patients are dying. I want nurse time to be used for saving lives, not WAITING for an 'overwhelming wave' of cv that never came.”

The whole cringeworthy dance trend was of course unprofessional, inappropriate and belittling to the nursing profession, and when we realise that it was not started randomly by nursing staff themselves and spontaneously spread throughout hospitals up and down the country [and in the USA] but that it originated from senior NHS management [masons] and was supported by all hospital managers [masons] who then mobilised their staff to make dance videos, we see, once again that this was a massive propaganda exercise by our mocking masonic overlords.

When anything – such as those nicely choreographed dance routines of doctors and nurses – spreads like wildfire on social media, you have to ask yourself why. Have a listen to Matt Walsh Hospital Staff Records Tik Tok Dance Videos During Pandemic - YouTube and have a read of some of the thousands of comments [many of which are from anonymous voices – go figure]; here’s some: “It is sad to see nurses and hospital staff are in a jovial mood when people are dying. Ironically we are clapping and cheering for them.

I’m being told that there’s mass chaos, mass panic, mass death and then I see this shit.

All the nurses are on break at the same exact time? They were all on break long enough to choreograph these dances and practice these dances? The point is we're being told these hospitals are a 'war zone' and people are dropping like flies and the hospital staff is completely overwhelmed, we all need to social distance (they aren't social distancing in these videos) and there's a shortage of PPE--yet they're all wearing plenty of it to film these. The very existence of these videos and especially so many of them, suggests we are being lied to. More than suggests.

These are the adult professionals taking care of us and our family. Let that sink in.

Yeah I certainly wouldn't want them looking after me.

To all RNs who think they are entitled to this behaviour: You can dance as much as you want, you can joke around and be happy, no one would begrudge you that. But if you choose to post that in social media at a time most people are wondering how the hell they are going to pay the mortgage and get a job after this, expect to lose all respect anyone has for you.

Would it be ok if you came into the funeral parlour and seen the undertakers dancing around, perhaps even play dancing with the corpse of a family member? There are definitely times and places for dance and celebration but now and in a hospital is absolutely not it while the whole world is on its knees.

If I had a loved one that died at one of these hospitals I would use their video in my law suit.

Governments: ‘People are dying from a pandemic and our hospital staff are over-taxed heroes’ Hospital Staff: ‘Let’s dance on Tik Tok!’

EXACTLY! it's repulsive watching those so-called heroes recording tacky dance videos while spewing bullshit all over the social media that "hospitals are overwhelmed with covid patients blah blah blah"

Pandemic? there is no pandemic...its scam but people still believe in everything they been told.


Absolutely ridiculous. The whole virus thing was a plan.

Shows u how exaggerated this CORONAVIRUS thing is!!

Exaggerated being the understatement here. Agenda virus is real.

It's here in the UK too and it's a national disgrace. Every Thursday at 8pm people all around the country clap, bang cutlery against pots and pans shout at the top of their lungs and set off fireworks. It's becoming sinister. People are being hounded and denounced on social media if they don't join in... Scary times

This is disrespectful on every level. Everyone of them should be fired so they can do a dance routine in their own home. Oh wait... they probably wouldn't do it then. Bread lines here I come.

"People are suffering. People are dying", once said Greta Thunberg. Now, these health care workers take it as a joke.

Sorry Depth Charge, but you can't post videos of nurses having complete break downs on Twitter saying the world is ending, while also posting dancing TikToks. People are fucking out of work not knowing how they're going to pay their next grocery bill because we're being told this is necessary, so sorry it's frustrating when these people are dancing in our faces.

I fully agree this feels like a slap in the face to everyone staying at home we are told hospitals are extremely busy but yet they find time to make dance videos.

People are also committing suicide while these people are dancing??? So nice to see them happy they have a job!

How dare they.

They also have plenty of time to stand in the streets for hours blocking the vehicles of people who are peacefully protesting for the right to go back to work and provide for their families. Disgusting.

If they want to dance to keep their spirits up, who cares? As long as their patients are being cared for, why does it matter? It literally doesnt.

It's so nice to see our medical personnel enjoying themselves after being 'worked into exhaustion' dealing with the 'crisis.' You know, being able to choreograph & pull that together takes a huge effort. Yep, such dark times we're in. I don't buy that they're overtaxed & exhausted. BORED is more like it!

My wife works at a local hospital. She is in a management position where she knows whats going on in other hospitals in the network. Its her job to know the actual bed count, beds at the ready, beds in use, etc. I think about 6 hospitals in a metropolitan area are in the network. She said they are at 50% capacity and having to send people home from work because there is not enough work for everyone. She talks to everyone from Dr's to Housekeepers and there is simply no work. They haven't had a Covid patient in a over a week. No deaths from Covid since this started. The only reason these dancers have the time to post these ridiculous videos because there isn't enough work. Please stop deifying these "front line combatants", they are not brave, they are not special...anymore than anyone else. They are bored if anything. And they are just doing their jobs. If doing the job you are paid to do is brave...then let us all be brave and get back to work. This whole Kung Flu thing is a farce. It's just a bad flu and 98% will recover if they get it. The cost to the economy and peoples lives was not worth it and we will figure that out after the damage has been done. Do your own research..the hospitals are empty. There is no PANDEMIC...Sheeze people.”

Course if body bags really were piling up due to the ‘pandemic’ staff would not have had the energy to dance to keep their spirits up; and if they did relieve their stress by having a little jig with colleagues they would not have made video recordings, and they certainly would not have published such videos on the internet giving grieving families the wrong impression. No, those dance videos were not done spontaneously by stressed staff, nor were they made by bored staff, they were the brainchild of the propagandists in power.

Folks, our masonic slave masters are not stupid – their evil plans for the 99% of us dumb fucks are panning out so well that they must be rubbing their hands with glee. Look how they have thrown us all into confusion and bewilderment and got us to turn on NHS workers. [Watch how the particularly odious Kate Shemirani whips up the crowd against doctors and nurses here (1) Professor Dolores Cahill's Speech At The Freedom Rally, Trafalgar Square, London, 29th August 2020 - YouTube More on that fame-hungry, narcissistic shill bitch in a min.] Distraction is a key battle strategy and we see it being played out once again so brilliantly here. Whilst they keep us distracted and fighting amongst ourselves they stay in control and are free to carry on with their Great Reset plans.

The classic divide and conquer strategy has long been used against us – they have set country against country, blacks against whites, Christians against Muslims … They have caused gang warfare and tribal warfare and families to squabble with each other … Folks, it is time for us – the 99% – to unite against the 1%.

There are of course numerous good health workers who have been speaking out and are speaking out and are getting a lot of flak for it. The latest is that over 49,000 doctors, scientists and health care workers around the world have signed a document calling for an end to lockdowns because of “grave concerns” over public health. End COVID lockdowns, say over 49,000 doctors and scientists - The Christian Post

Continuing to feed her ego Icke says: “There must be a lot of intimidation to stay silent – you’ve experienced some of it.” Louise responds: “Yeah definitely.” Has she bollocks. If she decides to become a real freedom fighter – which means turning on the masons who pull her strings – then she’ll know what intimidation is. If she decides to attend a demonstration where Icke is in attendance and she gets on the stage and yells into her megaphone/microphone something along the lines of “David Icke is a traitorous NWO shill” or “David Icke is a fake freedom fighter” or “David Icke is a controlled opposition snake” then I will call her a real freedom fighter and I will salute her courage. I’d love to see her do that; I’d love to see her exposing all the shills that way because, credit where it’s due, she is actually very good at what she does – she is a good public speaker, she’s passionate, she can attract a crowd, she makes some good videos and people are listening to her; she’s also a good ‘anti-masker’. She then says that strangers have in-boxed her to tell her that she did it for 5 minutes of fame, to which she replies: “I have to stand in my truth.” My truth, not the truth; big difference. Slimeball Ickie then says: “Good on you – you can be called a nutter and survive and prosper; I know from personal experience.” Says the smug multimillionaire [and almost certainly high- up freemason] who has been scamming the gullible for over 30 years, lying through his teeth and feeding them a pile of BS, in service to the bastard billionaires who are enslaving us. Why has no-one punched that despicable creep’s face in by now and shut him up? He adds: “This whole pandemic hoax can only work because people who know stay silent, therefore the public don’t know the truth of what’s going on, so they believe the government and media.” Fucking hypocrite; if the scum of the earth shills like him had been dealt with already I doubt the world would be in the pitiful state it is now. The NWO gatekeepers are infinitely more dangerous to truth and thus our freedom than the lying government and media because the vast majority of people do not realise that there is a secret, all-powerful masonic puppet-master in the background controlling the media [MSM and ‘A/M’] and the govt and everything of any importance. It is the evil shills like him who are “facilitating this fascism” not would-be hero whistle-blowers. The lying twat then says he wants to “turn this around” [LOL, like hell he does; that is what he absolutely does not want], that it’s people like Louise “who are going to turn this around”. No, only the honest, courageous and intelligent folk can turn it around. The great pretender ends by saying: “I think you have done a fantastic job and are a tremendous service to human freedom. It’s the people who are abusing you that are facilitating fascism, so I know which side I’d rather be on.” You chose your side more than 3 decades ago you foolish, jumped-up little man. I’ve got news for that smug prick Icke [not that he needs me to tell him – he already knows] and all the other NWO prostitutes, it will turn around and the full truth will triumph, and with that justice and liberty. I have that on God’s supreme authority.

“Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.” John 14:10

Now notice that during her chat with Icke she says: “Every time I used to finish my shift at midnight …”, during her ‘NHS Worker Breaks Silence’ video however she says: “I was a single mother as well and I felt I had to stay in that job because I couldn’t find anything else to fit around school hours.”

Also during that video she says people “were too terrified to ring us in case we sent them to hospital cos they were shit scared of catching Covid” and “I was not sending people to A & E; people would ring up with a cut finger, they’d slice half their finger off with a kitchen knife and it was bleeding badly and it needed treatment; they would refuse”. Methinks she’s telling tall stories. I think she should tell us how many people phoned and told her that they had cut half their finger off. And if people were doing that and then refusing to go into hospital why would they bother phoning 111? In any case don’t people call 999 for that kind of accident? I know I would.

She also wants you to believe that “most of my passion is with regards to taking down the elite paedophiles”. Bwa ha ha ha ha; so she thinks she can do that by hooking up with the likes of Ann Devlin, Piers Corbyn, David Icke … the very people who are doing an excellent job protecting those elite paedos! Strewth give me strength.

Also during that video she says: “When Covid-19 started initially I was shitting myself for the first week or two – I was wearing the blue gloves, I was sanitising my whole shopping when I came home, I wouldn’t take my kids out; I was petrified.” During her speech at the ‘Newport Freedom Rally’ however she says: “During the first half of the lockdown I had anxiety because I believed that this virus existed. I was sanitizing my shopping and wearing gloves.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuKiasROgSM

Also during the Newport speech she says: “We know about the ‘do not resuscitate’ orders.” At 56:05 mins of the ‘Trail of Truth’ film Louise says: “We got a lot of calls from care homes, when those patient notes come up, we see a ‘do not resuscitate’ order on their notes. And when a lot of people were calling us from care homes, they had that on their notes – ‘do not resuscitate’ and I was seeing that more and more, so I know it was very common at the time.” Really? How is confidential information about a patient accessible by a 111 call handler?

And why did she further discredit herself by saying Britain’s first Covid vaccine patient, Margaret Keenan, is an actress? She also says there’s no proof that Margaret is a real person or that she’s had a vaccine. Conspiracy theorist's remarkable claim vaccine patient 'is actress' | Metro News Ex-NHS worker embarrassed by video but denies spreading conspiracies | Metro News Facebook pulls ex-NHS worker's claim that vaccine patient was actress | Metro News Louise, if you didn’t call her a stooge on your own bat then you need to tell your handler to stop making you look a complete numpty.

Have a look at this article too NHS worker quits to become figurehead for Covid conspiracy movement | Metro News I quote: “In a podcast on YouTube she joins fellow anti-maskers who espouse 5G, anti-vaxing and Covid-19 hoax theories, and is asked ‘how is superstardom treating you?’ Ms Hampton replies she is ‘overwhelmed’ and explains her former role.

On her Facebook page, she attacks the Government’s pilot mass Covid-19 testing scheme in Liverpool [she is right to protest Covid testing] and posted video of conspiracy theorists confronting staff [no-one should be confronting staff – they are not the enemy; the only thing anyone should be doing is telling people the truth, and that does not mean parroting conspiracy theories] outside a school, which has since been removed by the platform. She writes: ‘This is Totalitarianism…Why aren’t more people rising up? Can’t you see what is happening people? We are being ruled by Psychopaths…’” Because there are so many useful idiots like Louise Hampton spouting half-truths and conspiracy theories it is no surprise that the genuine freedom fighters like me who tell people about the creeping tyranny and that we are ruled by psychopaths are also labelled ‘conspiracy theorists’ and are therefore ignored. JOB JOBBED.

Course the fact Louise gets so much media attention should be enough to tell you that she is not the real deal. Unfortunately she is that stupid and egotistical that she doesn’t realise she is a mere tool for the dark masonic powers, being used to discredit worthy anti-lockdown/anti- mask protests, thus enabling the bastard billionaires to continue their evil plans for us. Nor does she realise that selling out comes with a high price. She’s all smiles right now; she’s loving her pretend freedom- fighting, she gets a real ego boost from the adulation – the crowds cheering and applauding her speeches and new fans calling her a hero; she loves being ‘besties’ with the likes of Piers Corbyn, she’s honoured to be associated with David Icke, she loves being a famous face at anti- lockdown rallies and she enjoys rubbing shoulders with other well-known conspiracy theorists. In short she loves superstardom. What she fails to understand is that she is playing a very dangerous game which is going to end very badly for her. She, and others like her, who sell out for their 5 minutes of fame and hero-worship do not realise that, rather than boldly leading the fight for freedom that they want everyone to believe they’re doing, they are actually assisting the men in power enslave them and their children and the rest of us.

She and all the other conspiracy theory gatekeepers need to understand that they will soon be exposed for what they are, and they will all be punished for their unimaginable treachery. If she and they have any sense they will come clean right now, apologise for losing their way and listening to Satan, and become real freedom fighters. If they care about their own future and especially their children’s future they will stop the pretence and they will ask God for the courage to speak the truth. And that means the full truth, not controlled truth which, for the likes of Louise Hampton and Ann Devlin who like to be seen at organised protests, means telling the truth about the traitors on the stage and in the crowd [Icke, Corbyn et al.]

Let’s take a look at the 'Unite For Freedom' rally in Trafalgar Square in London which was on August 29th 2020, and the Sun’s reporting of it. Up to 10,000 coronavirus conspiracy theorists who think pandemic is a HOAX - including David Icke - march on London (thesun.co.uk) Dan Keane gives his article a very deceptive title: “MASKING THE TRUTH Up to 10,000 coronavirus conspiracy theorists who think pandemic is a HOAX – including David Icke – march on London”. So, before starting his write up, sly Dan Keane pleases his masonic bosses by giving a deliberate misrepresentation of the protest. His title does not reflect the truth and the result is a deliberate discrediting of the whole protest. The only conspiracy theorists there will have been Icke, Corbyn and any other NWO gatekeepers who were present such as Louise Hampton and Kate Shemirani. [She is just another half-truther i.e. a gatekeeper who is exposed for the fame- hungry narcissist that she is by her own son Sebastian who is taking the flak for bravely trying to warn the public. He says: “Thousands of people are taking her to be this source of truth and this saint, and I wish I could tell them all my mum is not the person that you think she is. She's someone with a massive amount of self-interest and loves being the centre of attention. I don't want to be here talking about … But it's something I think we've got to do before these ideas get bigger and more people fall down the same route that she's trying to take them down. I'm never going to have a relationship with my mum again, and that's why it's important that if someone else is coming to you and saying, "I'm starting to believe this stuff" - nip it in the bud, because it takes a couple of years to completely lose somebody. But the disaster that goes on within my family and the relationships that she's losing now, that stuff stays forever.” BBC Interview with Kate Shemirani's Son, 24.10.20 - YouTube Man, 21, whose mother became a conspiracy theory influencer amid pandemic brands her 'dangerous' | Daily Mail Online Notice what big mouth Kate says about Icke: “We’ve got David Icke, I don’t care what you think of him, he’s gonna pull a big crowd.” Stupid bitch; she doesn’t care that {bar Alex Jones} he is the biggest purveyor of disinformation on the planet and that he is an obvious NWO shill? Does she not realise she is supporting a truly evil man who is on the side of the men who are bringing in the NWO which will enslave her too? Is she that shallow that she only cares about being idolised as some sort of celebrity truther? She, just like Louise, is far too self-centred to realise that she too is a mere pawn for extremely evil masonic powers that she does not understand.] The genuine protesters at the rally were not conspiracy theorists [although some of them will be buying into the disinfo and they will unwittingly be promoting some of the conspiracy theories.] Also, Dan’s statement that up to 10,000 people think the pandemic is a hoax [note the capital letter emphasis] is also misleading because it implies that all the protesters do not believe the virus exists which is not the case.

Dan also incorrectly reports that “Crowds of Covid-deniers swarmed the capital demanding an end to face masks, social distancing and the search for a vaccine”. There may well have been many Covid-deniers in the crowd, however to suggest that everyone there was a Covid-denier is also deceptive.

So here we see the mainstream media slyly branding everyone who protests against lockdowns, masks, social distancing, mandatory vaccination, ‘test, track and trace’ as conspiracy theorists and/or Covid- deniers.

The following statement he makes however is correct: “The 'Unite for Freedom' group's priorities are listed as "no more lockdowns, no social distancing, no masks. No track and trace, no health passports. No mandatory vaccinations, no "new normal".” I wholeheartedly agree with that, I just have a problem with the leadership. We cannot anymore allow protests which are organised and led by the controlled opposition. And anyone who is a known shill who is spotted in a crowd of protesters must also be immediately exposed and removed.

You’ll notice that most of the protesters are holding up appropriate slogans on their placards such as "No to mandatory vaccines!" or “MEDIA IS THE VIRUS” [a more accurate statement would be “FREEMASONRY IS THE VIRUS”] however those messages lose their power when all around them are placards which promote disinformation such as “5G kills” [someone has a placard with 5G written on a drawing of a spider which is at the centre of a web of lies. Another person holds up an anti G placard] or “Covid is a hoax” or “plandemic” or ‘Q’ signs [one said “WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL”] or ‘anonymous’ masks. Anything ‘Q’ needs to go in the bin, as do the ‘anonymous’ masks and anything ‘anonymous’ as they are all masonic. Anything with 5G on needs to be binned.

Some people in the crowd will be masonic stooges posing as protesters who are there to deliberately spread disinfo in order to discredit the protest, others will be duped individuals who are unintentionally spreading disinfo. It would be a good idea if the people holding up disinfo placards are challenged – hopefully they can be persuaded that they are spreading misinformation and they immediately take their placard down. If they are adamant that they are promoting the truth it is very likely that said person is a shill.

On the Sun’s video fake freedom fighter Piers Corbyn is seen being marched off by the police and enjoying every minute of it. Sickening. And there is a clip of the vile and repulsive toxic turd David Icke doing his disgusting and dishonest act. How the hell was that showman even allowed to show his face at that protest, pretending to be a voice for freedom, let alone get the love and adulation that he did [just looking at the smiling, happy faces being mesmerised by him as if he’s some kind of national hero makes me want to vomit; I really am shocked he is still admired and respected; there again the shills have been doing a fantastic job convincing people that “David Icke has been trying to tell us this for over 30 years” and “Everyone laughed at David Icke, called him a ‘conspiracy theorist’ but, turns out, he was right all along …”] Standing next to him, also basking in the hero-worship, is big gob Kate Shemirani, thinking she’s a warrior Queen [sad cow] yelling into her mike and whipping the crowd up. Nauseating. Folks, I can’t stress this enough, we are in the biggest fight of our lives – the fight for freedom; it is not a game and we are running out of time; do not tolerate these despicable ‘conspiracy theorists’ [traitorous NWO gatekeepers], they are all assisting the billionaire bastards in power achieve their NWO plans to enslave you. If you are at a rally and you see any of these traitors – David Icke, Piers Corbyn, Kate Shemirani, Louise Hampton, Ann Devlin … either on the stage or in the crowd, get rid of them – show the world you are a real freedom fighter, arm yourself with a megaphone and expose them for what they are. I suggest all genuine freedom fighters deliberately go on a protest that has been organised by a known shill, just to expose that snake in the grass.

Of course, you don’t have to attend a formal protest, just doing a mask protest where you live is doing a massive service to help in the fight for freedom. Simply refuse to wear one and when you get challenged by the jobsworth security guards at the supermarket tell them whatever you want – you can tell them you are exempt if you like or you can just say that you can’t wear one; when they ask ‘why’ you can say because of your mental health; if they pursue the questioning, tell them that they are making your mental health worse and that your health is your business not theirs. Let’s face it everyone’s mental health is suffering right now and getting worse by the day and if yours isn’t then there is something seriously wrong with you or you are either a robot, a politician, a celebrity or a member of the 1% club. The point I am making is, don’t make it easy for the mask enforcers – put up a bit of resistance and they’ll give up fighting you; it’s not as if anyone has a gun to your head forcing you to wear one! Another suggestion is to take the mask that the security guard offers you because you forgot yours and write on it in thick black marker pen “THIS IS TYRANNY” and wear that.

And who else is a well-known loudmouth at popular ‘freedom’ protests? It’s Shinny the showman https://www.facebook.com/ShinnyShowLive [James Davenport.] This narcissist lives a rich man’s life on the money he scams from vulnerable people who have alcohol or drug addictions or mental health problems. Here he is showing off his flashy car https://www.facebook.com/ShinnyShowLive/videos/427478588049893 and here he is Facebook enjoying one of his regular lavish holidays in sunny Tenerife with his mate Manny [Manuel Benages] and their other mates who are involved in the Shinny shiny show and who also have no qualms living the high life scamming vulnerable folk. And here’s Shinny enjoying a holiday in Turkey Facebook getting himself a new set of shiny white gnashers to replace his rotting gold teeth, courtesy of the folk he begs for money.

For a £19.50 raffle ticket people got a chance to win his Mercedes which was worth £25,000 [£42,000 when he bought it.] He says the company that are sponsoring him are in charge of the competition, and he tells his viewers that he needs sponsorship deals; he says his work involves doing his episodes, filming, helping with the anonymity project [whatever that is] which is being turned into a charity. Facebook

Cough up £34.99 and you can have 3 pairs of Shinny’s socks https://www.shinnyssocks.com/

Every day this pitiful man Shinny begs for stars and shares and pleads for more ‘supporters’, telling everyone 29p per day [£9.49 per month] enables him and his mates to do the work that they do and that the money goes towards paying for more advertisements [what advertisements?] so that more people can be helped. He currently has 1,100 members in the ‘tribe’ https://www.facebook.com/groups/721001215329466 That equates to more than £10,400 per month that his business is raking in just on the amount he charges his members Shinny Show Live Ltd - Company Profile - Endole

Now don’t get me wrong I am not saying he hasn’t helped anyone or that he isn’t helping people, what I am saying is he is helping himself more; substantially more. Mental health is an area which is very close to my heart because my two youngest children [now adults] have suffered greatly with their mental health due to what they were forced to endure as children [you can read up on that in my story http://sharonkilby.co.uk/sharon-ann-kilbys-story/] Thankfully my daughter Melissa is doing well now after suffering for years with anorexia nervosa, however my son J is not doing so well – he is still in the grip of anorexia and he also suffers from schizophrenia. So I have a big problem with people who profit from those who suffer with their mental health and it sticks in my craw that the likes of James Davenport, Manny and co are exploiting mental health sufferers and living like kings, especially when mental health services can be accessed for free.

Shinny is proud to tell you that his brother Chris Greenhalgh https://www.facebook.com/watch/146218909468228/120933675610183 0/ is on board the jolly shilly shin Shinny show. Chris Greenhalgh stinks of freemasonry; he is proud to be the CEO of ‘I Love MCR’ Manchester's Independent Multimedia Company - I Love MCR (ilovemanchester.com) He is just another self-serving traitor to humanity; have a read of his article on 8th September 2020 Salford lad to tell his story about addiction, anxiety and depression live on World Suicide Prevention Day (ilovemanchester.com) I quote: “To mark International World Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Prevention Month, we have asked mental health ambassador James Shinny Davenport to tell his story on the I Love Manchester Facebook page and shine a light on recovery … We’re delighted and proud to collaborate with the SHINNy SHOw LIVe and The Recovery Channel for this hugely important campaign.” Notice the big advertisement under the title of that piece:

That alone should be enough for Shinny – the supposed freedom fighter – to distance himself from his brother.

Shinny knows very well that the purpose of the vaccine is for the men in power to gain control over our movements which will lead to full control over us [Hugo has numerous videos on the NWO jab passport (2) Hugo Talks - YouTube] and he says he will never have the jib jab and neither will his children [although I somehow think his resolve will soon cave when he realises he will no longer be able to go on his ‘Tenerife retreat’ jollies without a vaccine freedom pass!]

This is the ‘I Love MCR’ spiel: “I Love MCR is an independent multimedia [it is not independent; as you know all media, except for social media, is MASONIC] company based in the heart of Manchester. An internationally iconic city brand and trusted voice of civic pride adopted by Manchester people, championing community and culture. Out of chaos came creativity. Launched in reaction to the mindless riots in 2011, the I Love MCR brand gained unprecedented organic reach on social media and was proudly emblazoned on the city streets as a statement for solidarity and resilience. Inspiring community-led cleanups, the “I Love Manchester” campaign positively resonated with residents and visitors alike. It wasn’t long before we became a charitable communications company with an antidote to antisocial news. The ubiquitous I Love MCR logo was inspired by Milton Glaser’s “I Love NY” artwork which was designed to promote tourism in New York City during desperate times in the state. Today, our globally recognised brand continues to fearlessly and optimistically champion a better and sustainable future for Greater Manchester. Together with our partners, we help boost the local economy and enhance the city region’s public image.” Yet another masonic charity. And guess how many people are on their staff – 13, including Chris Greenhalgh. This has the whiff of another masonic charity scam whereby large sums of money gets donated by the public and the tax-payers, however, much of the money benefits the people running the show rather than the good causes for which it is intended.

The charity is proud to tell you “OUR £1M COVID-19 COMMUNITY RESPONSE FUND: 6 MONTH IMPACT REPORT.

We’ve been giving money to the amazing Manchester groups and charities responding to urgent community needs in the face of the Covid- 19 crisis since March 2020. We surveyed the 300+ groups we funded and created an impact report on the findings. Click the link below to read the report and hear the difference our fund has made so far to Manchester.


To donate NOW to our Response Fund, please click here. We will get your money to vital frontline services across Manchester, but as it stands the fund is exhausted. Click here to learn more about the fund.” We Love Mcr Charity

Over 50,000 Manchester people have apparently been supported by the grants. What a disgrace; that million quid should have been spent saving jobs by helping the owners of small and medium sized businesses stay open during the illegal lockdowns. That money should have been spent paying the fines incurred for trying to stay open [or the legal costs for challenging those fines.]

Their beneficiary partner masonic charity is:

Beneficiary partner charity Give a little, help a lot! Our beneficiary partner charity is We Love MCR Charity, whose main aim is to improve the lives and life chances of the people of Greater Manchester. Operated by Manchester City Council, the influential charity raises vital funds to create opportunities for our young people to gain the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to succeed. What’s more to support communities to find common ground and celebrate their diversity. Formerly known as the Lord Mayor of Manchester’s Charity Appeal Trust, the historic charity “adopted the look and feel of the hugely successful I Love MCR® campaign because it has become a symbol of the positive action taken by residents and businesses following disturbances in the city in 2011.” We Love MCR Charity registered charity no. 1066972. Who We Are : We Love Mcr Charity They have 8 trustees; here are a few: Councillor Tommy Judge [Lord Mayor of Manchester], Fiona Ledden [Manchester City Council’s City Solicitor], Councillor Abid Chohan [Former Lord Mayor]. Nuff said.

Have a read of my Cory Daniel pdf for more on the charity scammers.

As for Shinny’s – ahem – freedom fighting, does he take on the enemy agents? Hell no, he’s much too cowardly for that – he’s a showman, nothing but an egotistical twat who goes on protest marches, yelling “freedom” into a megaphone, pretending to be on the side of freedom. He doesn’t fight the enemy’s soldiers, oh no, he hobnobs with them instead; he just goes on rallies (1) Facebook to lap up the limelight – look at him in this photo thoroughly enjoying himself, taking centre stage with the loathsome NWO shill Piers Corbyn:

And here he is again, smiling and larking about on the stage:

What a joke he is.

Watch from 36:30 minutes of Shinny’s video where the crowd [including Shinny] are singing along with the guy playing the guitar, notice he sings: “You can stick your 5G tower up your arse …” and everyone joins in; notice Shinny doesn’t call out the 5G disinfo; oh no, he won’t piss the big boys off; he knows not to upset the freemasons, he’s on their side, dutifully promoting conspiracy theories. Notice he doesn’t question anything Ann Devlin says either – she takes the microphone at 42:40 mins [ugh, I can’t stand the sight of that woman or her voice] and everyone [including Shinny] just listens, cheers and accepts everything she says as true too. Sickening. Then again, does this narcissist actually listen to what any of the speakers say or the words being sang? Probably not, he’s too busy having selfies with his fans.

Here he is again Facebook having a jolly time, pretending to be “marching for your freedom”. Warra big fat fake he is. Folks, it is great to see so many of you brave soldiers taking to the streets to protest, and I know the vast majority of you are genuinely sticking your necks out for everyone’s freedom, and I applaud you for that, but you need to wise up to the traitorous disinfo merchants [conspiracy theorists] in your midst and especially the people who are the organizers and leaders of the large protests – they are all wolves in sheep’s clothing, and they are playing you like a fiddle. Protests are not going to work whilst you genuine freedom fighters are tolerating the enemy’s soldiers and allowing them to stand among you, mocking you. So please, do not tolerate the likes of James Shinny Davenport [and, especially, DO NOT give him your money] Ann Devlin, Piers Corbyn and all the other charlatans; expose these wicked deceivers for what they are.

From now on let’s see a sea of placards boldly denouncing these NWO agents of deception towering above you wonderful freedom warriors. Let’s see some signs exposing the 5G disinfo …

And if you want any more proof that Shinny Showman is just another scumbag NWO gatekeeper, doing his bit to further your enslavement in the NWO prison take a look here Shinny on The Effects Of Addiction. - YouTube where we see him getting publicity with yet another traitorous sell out shill James English [he promotes the utterly despicable shills David Icke, Tommy Robinson, Shaun Attwood …]

And since Tommy Robinson gets support from Katie Hopkins Tommy Robinson’s Long Walk - to court and to prison - with Katie Hopkins - YouTube well that makes her controlled opposition too i.e. just another pretend freedom fighter, which is a shame because at first glance she too appears to be someone to be admired – a powerful voice for freedom, fearlessly telling it how it is Katie Hopkins OFFICIAL - YouTube Alas, that is not the case, she cares not a jot about your freedom, only her own; she, just like that other celebrity who pretends to be fighting for freedom – Russell Brand Russell Brand - YouTube – is just another traitor to humanity. Both these NWO stooges are in fact massively assisting the psychopathic billionaires who rule the world.

Mark Devlin is just another total sell out, cowardly little shill who can only pretend to be fighting for freedom. He also likes to be seen [and heard] at the popular freedom rallies. Here he is at the Birmingham freedom rally MARK DEVLIN SPEECH AT BIRMINGHAM FREEDOM RALLY, 31/10/20 - YouTube and here he is at the Hyde Park, London protest HYDE PARK, LONDON PROTESTS AGAINST THE UNLAWFUL UK LOCKDOWN - YouTube Here he is MARK DEVLIN SPEECH AT STANDUP X PROTEST EVENT, BRISTOL, 30TH AUGUST 2020 - YouTube joking that he feels like Piers Corbyn when his microphone stopped working and he had to use a megaphone; and here he is (1) GVP #162 - Piers Corbyn - Freedom Activism - YouTube interviewing Piers Corbyn, pretending he is a ‘freedom activist’. Ugh, vomit-inducing. These traitorous bastards are assisting the billionaires with their evil NWO plans to enslave you. StandUpX are just another shilly outfit – that is evident just by the traitorous, bullshitting, lying filth they promote – David Icke, Shaun Attwood, James Corbett, Brian Gerrish and UK Column, Vernon Coleman, Richie Allen,

And look at all the other well-known, scum of the earth shills Mark Devlin cosies up to – Santos Bonacci, Ian Crane, Ben Emlyn-Jones, Andrew Johnson, Nick Kollerstrom, Neil Sanders, Sonia Poulton, Charlie Ward … And its no surprise to see him promoting the ‘common law’ crap GVP #178 - John Smith - Common Law Court - YouTube [John Smith; LOL.] This is what a barrister [who hides behind anonymity – wonder why!] has to say about common law: “In recent days, the news has carried reports of business owners who have been fined tens of thousands of pounds after defying the “Covid regulations” and refusing to close their business premises.

Common to these cases is a belief expressed by the individuals that they were not bound by the snappily-titled Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No.4) Regulations 2020, as made by the Secretary of State exercising the powers conferred by sections 45C(1), (3)(c), (4)(b), (4)(d), 45F(2) and 45P of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984.

Why so?

It’s because, they say, of Magna Carta, and of something called “common law”. This theory has gone viral in certain corners of social media, with perhaps the most popular template of the legal argument being this: This document has apparently been posted in the windows of pubs, salons and other businesses by owners believing it to confer immunity from the regulations requiring them to close their businesses for 4 weeks. Unfortunately, as the proliferation of punitive financial penalties demonstrates, no such immunity exists.

And that’s because this document – and the assertions of law that it contains – is pure nonsense. It is a species of what regular attendees at courts will recognise as the pseudo-legal rubbish peddled by self-styled “Freemen on The Land”, a grouping of proselytising individuals who believe that by misquoting Magna Carta and basic tenets of contract law, they can somehow place themselves outside the jurisdiction of the law of England & Wales. By making various incoherent and illogical assertions cloaked in legalese, they profess to be bound by “other” laws, such as the laws of the sea or long-repealed mediaeval treaties, and claim that the legal system has no control over them.

Many adherents are harmless enough; they rock up to the magistrates’ courts armed with their scripts and pseudo-legal babble and are duly and properly convicted, with court time wasted but the enterprise otherwise victimless. But on an organisational level, there is the risk of very real harm, with “gurus” masonic cointelpro agents seeking to part the scared and unwary from their money in return for the secrets to legal omnipotence. Furthermore, when this empty doctrine escapes the conspiracist echo chamber and enters the social media feeds of people who trust and act upon it, we see desperate people facing financial ruin.

The phenomenon is by no means unique to this country; there is an international dimension to this fraud. In Canada in 2012, a judgment of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta in the case of Meads v Meads painstakingly and comprehensively dismantled the legal shibboleths of these various linked movements (referred to by the judge as “Organised Pseudolegal Commercial Argument litigants”, or “OPCA”, due to a common thread of the groups’ arguments being that in order to be bound by the law, you have to explicitly agree to it, akin to entering a commercial contract).

And while there is a risk that by engaging and explicitly debunking the falsehoods we risk conferring upon them an unearned legitimacy as a credible “alternative” school of legal thought, I think that given the prevalence of this rubbish, and the very real harm that it is doing to innocent people, we lawyers have a responsibility to put the truth into the public domain.

So let’s look at the document above, and break down, line by line, what the law actually says.

“I do not consent.”

Consent is a recurring theme in OPCA arguments. But it is meaningless. While your consent is required to enter into a legally-enforceable contractual agreement with another person or organisation, there is no principle of English & Welsh law that you are required to consent before being bound by the laws made by Parliament. The principle underpinning our constitution is that Parliament is sovereign, and can make or unmake any law it wishes (see, among other sources, the Bill of Rights 1688/9, the Act of Settlement 1701, the Claim of Right Act 1689 (Scotland), the Acts of Union of 1706 and 1707.) It would rather defeat the point if Parliament could be thwarted simply by individuals declaring that they do not “consent”. And you can’t.” https://thesecretbarrister.com/2020/11/28/can-magna-carta-and- common-law-give-you-immunity-from-covid-regulations/

More on ‘common law’/’Magna Carta’ bullshit quasi legalese here http://sharonkilby.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/PATRICK- CULLINANE-JOHN-PATERSON-GORDON-BOWDEN.pdf

Michael O’Bernicia [who promotes Brian Gerrish and UK Column, Andrew Kaufman, Andy Wakefield, Del Bigtree …] is yet another obvious dirtbag disinfo agent who also promotes common law. Here we see the egotistical prick talking to his mate Mark Dirty Deceiver Devlin about his phoney legal challenge (1) GOOD VIBRATIONS PODCAST, VOL. 167: MICHAEL O’BERNICIA - PRIVATE PROSECUTIONS OF BRITISH MPs - YouTube (1) Good Vibrations Extra - Michael O'Bernicia - Prosecutions of British MPs Update - YouTube Notice how M O’B sucks you in with his seeming great knowledge and experience; he tells fellow bullshitter ‘bro’ Mark Devlin: “I spent a large part of the last 10 years fighting fraud against UK mortgage companies [evidence?], but I’ve also dealt with fraud against all manner of other types of companies [evidence?] who have tried it on over the years and I’ve got a 100% track record in proving fraud [you have a 100% track record in proving nothing] and that’s why most of the time it never goes to court [because you have nothing to take to court], but when it does go to court I also have a 100% track record in proving it [?] and the most notable result was when I drafted a, what became a point of law in the high court in my family’s case against Bank of Scotland where we proved that a mortgage deed was fraudulent [prove it] because it didn’t comply with the statutory law of mortgages and because of this there is, I managed to garner, although there was a lot of cognitive dissonance within the legal profession at first, I managed to garner quite a bit of support [show the proof of that] because they’d never seen anyone argue mortgage fraud in the way that I and the people I work with were doing and that kind of gained me a modicum of credibility [LOL, you have no credibility, none, zippo, zilch] in that profession and blah blah blah.” You have a 100% track record in bullshit O’Bernicia. How much money have you conned out of people to purchase your ‘documentary’, you lying little man?

This full-on fraud also wants you to believe: “Last summer at a meeting with Thames Valley Police Commissioner – Anthony Stansfeld – I was handed a file of evidence [publish it] which proves beyond any doubt that there was a deal done by the banks with Parliament whereby they promised that no serving MP would be declared bankrupt provided no judge found fraud against any of the banks.” The Great British Mortgage Swindle - Renegade Inc

Ok, have a look at the slimeball’s ‘Class Action To Strike Out The Treacherous Coronavirus Bill’ using “Magna Carta 2020 | Restoration of Common Law” Posted on 24th March 2020 by The Bernician Class Action To Strike Out The Treacherous Coronavirus Bill (thebernician.net) You can read his conspiracy theories disgusting disinformation for yourself. Notice his flat out lies about the “switching on and off of 5G” in his hometown, Newcastle. See also his 9th October post Private Criminal Prosecution Against Parliament Moves Forward (thebernician.net) I quote: “I have major progress to report. A senior barrister [who?] who specialises in private criminal prosecutions for fraud asked for a telephone appointment this afternoon, to talk about taking on the pandemic fraud case against all the MP’s who didn’t vote to end the Coronavirus Act 2020.

Having already read the summary of the case, as well as the Notice of Intended Private Criminal Prosecution they were all served last week, this is an emphatic indication that they recognise that the arguments have merit. Otherwise, it would have been a polite “thanks, but no thanks”.

In the event they take the case, they will first have to agree to take instructions from myself, rather than a firm of solicitors, which is the non-negotiable condition of the complainant’s engagement of their services.

However, the case is very simple to understand and prosecute – each MP intentionally relied upon [and then caused the People to rely upon], a series of false statements, which caused the deaths of untold thousands, destroyed the economy and enabled unaccountable and tyrannical government, in breach of section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006, the Treason Felony Act 1348 and articles 1 and 2 of the Bill of Rights 1689.

Watch this space for further details as they unfold and rest assured that when [not if] these allegations are presented in a criminal court [yawn, ok O’Bernicia, show us your correspondence with this barrister], there is no jury that wouldn’t convict every MP, as charged.” See also his 22nd December 2020 post COVID-1984 PCP Update | Prima Facie Evidence of Pandemic Fraud (thebernician.net) I quote: “The Rigged System, Dolan’s Defeat & The Last Remedy Standing During the past few weeks, many UK activists have declared, in the wake of the Hancock warrant being denied and Simon Dolan’s case being dismissed, that it is clear that there is no legal remedy possible in the courts [that is what he wants you to believe], but they have done so without recognising the stark differences between the two cases, whether knowingly or unknowingly.

Firstly, the warrant application in the PCP was not dismissed as vexatious or without merit – we were merely told that we needed more prima facie evidence before a judge would issue either a warrant or a summons in the names of the defendants. Michael O’Bernicia why should we believe anything you say? Show us the documentation.

As expressed in the foregoing, we are on the brink of providing that evidence in a fresh application to the criminal court under the Common Law, as we prepare to move to the next stage in the proceedings.

Whereas Dolan has had his expensive case which was funded by the trusting public thrown out by the high court, the court of appeal and the supreme court, all of which presided in the civil domain, where the courts have long since been rigged to protect the establishment from the consequences of their crimes. M O’B doesn’t let on that it is because freemasonry works silently in the background that justice does not exist.

Suitably Cautious Optimism

However, even though we are much more likely to succeed [LOL; fucking great pretender] by relying upon the ancient Common Law Jury Trial to see that justice is done, don’t for one moment think that I’m not fully availed of the certainty that the establishment was always going to do everything it could to derail the PCP [you haven’t proven you are taking any legal action against anyone], just as the banksters tried to do when I took them on and won, albeit after a nine year war of attrition. You haven’t proven that.

Suffice to say, this occasion is no different in many respects. I am therefore well versed in decisively dealing with the predictable strategies of my adversaries [you are well versed in pulling the wool over people’s eyes in service to the evil in power you pretend to be taking on. Michael O’Bernicia, you are a worthless, lying, egotistical fool. What level of freemasonry have you been promoted to for your outstanding services to the brotherhood?], none of whom ever foresee even the remotest possibility that they will suffer the humiliating defeats they always incur in the end, as much of the content on this blog unequivocally affirms.

Having said that, I can’t guarantee what the eventual outcome will be at this precise juncture, but I’m cautiously optimistic enough to guarantee that the Private Criminal Prosecution we are running is the last remedy standing under the Common Law and that we will not relent in our struggle until justice is done, freedom is restored and our children’s future is secured, irrespective of the seemingly insurmountable problems we appear to face.”

Have a look what the slimeball shill says here Michael O'Bernicia activist, film director and writer (thefreedomcycle.com) I quote: “All of us are united in a singular cause – whatever it takes, no matter how long the struggle is destined to last, we have dedicated what remains of our lives to restoring truth, justice and freedom for the sake of everybody’s children. That is an outright lie – you are working for the paedo filth who are in power; you are enabling the rape, torture, trafficking, enslavement and murder of children.

For the purposes of which, the People’s Union of Britain [which only exists in la la land], standing under the protection of the Treaty of Universal Community Trust and Magna Carta 2020 [which also only exists in fairy tales], will lay information in the Private Criminal Prosecution against the accused, as soon as the final allegations have drafted, taking into account the very latest available data.

… the next COVID-1984 PCP Update will be published as soon as we are ready to make our move against this white-collar criminal cartel, before they attempt to suspend the Common Law Jury Trial [which also only exists in a world of make-believe], in one last ditch attempt to avert justice.

Thank you so much for your vociferous, loyal and passionate support of the case, which has emerged as the only realistic hope [piss-taking prick] we have of peacefully ending the tyranny of COVID-1984 on these ancient shores.

Judgment Day Draws Ever Closer It goes without saying that as soon as we have enough prima facie evidence to nail these charges and more, in the Private Criminal Prosecution of those who stand accused of fraud, treason and mass murder, we will proceed without hesitation.

Nevertheless, it is also worthy of note that the bait and switch described above is exactly the same kind of fraud the banksters love to play, which confirms who our real adversaries are in this mortal war of attrition, for those who still require confirmation of that fact.

Since the Rothschild cartel sits behind the curtain and pull the strings of their academic, scientific, media and political puppets, who will all no doubt sing like canaries when they appear before their juries, to defend their indefensible crimes against the people.

My instinct tells me that the exposure of this genocidal bait and switch has the potential to blow the lid off the whole scam a mile high, once we have all the prima facie evidence required to sustain the most serious allegations ever made in a Common Law court.” So, do you see what this scumbag shill wants you to believe – that our only hope of stopping [at some unknown time in the future] the billionaire criminal cartel’s evil Great Reset plans and of bringing them and all their aiders and abettors [politicians and media people] to justice for their horrific crimes against humanity is by use of common law and an 805-year-old royal charter called the Magna Carta. In other words he wants you to believe that we are powerless – that there will be no justice and that we will all be enslaved in the rapidly looming totalitarian hell. This is what the dirty deceiver says: “It is therefore with sound minds and sincere hearts that we are compelled to declare that we revoke our consent, whether express or implied, to be governed under the laws of any Parliament which has made the government unaccountable to the People and in so doing forfeited its legitimacy under the Common Law; and that we are seeking a Unilateral Declaration from a Common Law Grand jury that Magna Carta 2020 must from henceforth be held to be the law of our homeland, which we will do our utmost to uphold, apply and preserve. The Antidote To COVID-1984 is Magna Carta 2020 - Declaration of Rights (thebernician.net)

On the same page, his ‘COVID-1984 | A Dystopian Future We Must Act Now To Prevent’ is worth a read – I agree with a lot [not all] of what he says. I quote from his title ‘The Epoch of Cowardice’: “It’s no wonder then that the historical records which somehow survived the cultural purges record your era as the Epoch of Cowardice, but for one reason more than any other:

It is an act of extreme cowardice to refuse to exercise the unalienable sovereign rights we are all born with, let alone to do so without standing up to fight for what’s right, when your people are suffering all around you.

According to our previously noble ancestry, that’s considered to be the worst kind of cowardice and beneath contempt. To the tiny minority of us who know what really happened upon this Earth in the year 2020 and before, save for the ones who gave their lives trying to awaken the masses, you are the most despised people in history.

You gave away everything we would gladly give our lives to get back for our people and you did so to preserve your own lives above those of everybody else, when it was more than within your capabilities to create a much better world for everybody. He is the epitome of extreme hypocrisy, extreme cowardice and much, much worse – extreme treachery.

The Destruction of Lives Worth Living Now every single aspect of human life is controlled by a vast AI control grid, which is ruthlessly programmed by an unknown, unaccountable, technocratic, international communist, crony capitalist, unelected world government.

We have been told we have no families, our sex lives are regulated, our lovers chosen by machines, as is everything we consume, use and throw away. We can’t travel, gather together in groups of more than two and we have no choice where we live or who we live with or what we do with our lives, such as they are.

The only life worth living now is one dedicated to setting the People free from this totalitarian dystopian nightmare, which you had the chance to wake up from in the summer of 2020, before the jackboot came down hard with the planned 2nd wave in the Autumn.

Message From The Future If a single message could be sent back in time to those of you who bequeathed this hell on Earth to your descendants, it would be this:

Nobody’s coming to save you, believe nothing the government or the media tells you and doing nothing will result in the end of every aspect of life that is worth living for perhaps every generation to come.

Post Script Resolution The critical purpose of this fictitious warning from our near future is to help people learn from the mistakes which have already been committed en masse this year, as well as forewarn about what is certain to happen if the majority continues to make the same mistakes for long enough.

Nevertheless, we still have time to restore the Common Law [that, of course, is NOT the answer, as the lying bastard O’Bernicia well knows] and put an end to the myriad of crimes that are being perpetrated against the People, so we must do everything we can to awaken the masses to the truth of these, the most troubling of times. And that is achieved by destroying the dirty deceivers like him who stand in the way of truth.

Tell everybody who needs to hear, lose the fear, check the facts for yourself and unite under the banner of Magna Carta 2020 [the global populace needs to unite under the banner of truth, justice and liberty]. Before people start getting arrested and charged with having too much to think in a public place and the opportunity to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat slips through our fingers.” Pity he secretly serves the lying, treacherous, murdering bastards who are plunging us all into this totalitarian hell.

And if you think that the so-called People’s International Court of Justice is the way to bring the mega-wealthy, powerful criminals to justice, think again. The piss-taking freemasons are behind that too; they set it up to let people think there is a large ensemble of well-intentioned, upstanding, intelligent, educated, professional, powerful people willing and able to hold governments, the World Health Organisation and Bill Gates [the ‘defendants’] to account. There is of course no such thing as a ‘people’s court’, international or otherwise. Anything so described is a masonic psy-op.

This is their ‘Mission Statement’: “ASSEMBLE

We are assembling in response to the growing accusations of global fraud, mass censorship, unlawful legislation, crimes against humanity, and genocidal conspiracy that have become prevalent during 2020 and 2021. EXPOSE

We wish to shine our light on those exposing serious international corruption and criminal behaviour, so that the rest of the century may indeed be one of peace and security for all. INVESTIGATE

We seek and support 'The Covid Trials' to investigate key persons during the Covid-19 crisis, and punish all those complicit in these potential crimes against humanity. GUIDE

May you, the people, be guided in your quest for truth, so that humanity may transition through this dangerous crisis and emerge as a better world.” Translated: The freemasons are buying time. The Controlled Opposition snakes are fooling us into thinking someone is already fighting the good fight therefore we won’t have to work as hard, or even at all. The premise is simple: the real army won’t go to war if it thinks another is fighting in its place. Convincing us to stand down, to not get involved because we think we’re not needed, is one of the freemasons’ greatest tricks. Among the so-called Plaintiffs are the following obvious NWO shills and shilly sites: David Icke [if the fact super shill Icke is one of these ‘plaintiffs’ doesn’t convince you that this is more of the same masonic mockery I don’t know what will!], CoviLeaks, AFD [I’ll come to them], Brian Rose, C4ST, CPTF, ITNJ, Christiane Northrup, and [more on these three ‘ladies’ coming up], Del Bigtree, Global Research [more on ‘The German Corona Investigative Committee’ and Reiner Füellmich coming up], Mikki Willis, Robert F Kennedy [more on him in a min], Stand for Truth, Vernon Coleman, The Millennium Report, World Doctor’s Alliance [more on them coming up.]

Christiane Northrup is convincingly discredited here Christiane Northrup - Wikipedia I quote: “Christiane Northrup is a board certified obstetrics and gynaecology physician and author who has embraced pseudoscientific alternative medicine. She has a history of opposing vaccination and has embraced QAnon ideology during the COVID-19 pandemic. Northrup reaches a significant audience through popular books and multiple social media platforms. Career Shortly after starting her practice in 1980, Northrup co-founded Women to Women which was based on both holistic and Western medicine. At the Maine Medical Center she was an assistant clinical professor of OB/GYN for 20 years. Northrup originally rose to fame after writing New York Times best selling books such as Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, which has been translated into sixteen languages,[5] and The Wisdom of Menopause.[1] She was a regular guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Dr. Oz Show[6], appearing as a women's health expert.[2] She has also appeared as a guest on Today, Rachel Ray Show, The View and 20/20.[5] In 2013 she was named one of Reader's Digest 100 most trusted people in America.[1] This woman is a very intelligent, highly trained and respected physician – she once ranked highly as a most trusted person in America – so why on earth did she, like so many other physicians, psychiatrists and doctors, so spectacularly destroy her reputation by promoting pseudoscience and conspiracy theories??? In other words what in the world is the reward for selling out to the billionaire paedos who run the world and becoming a disinfo agent? She wrote over twenty articles for the Huffington Post between 2011 and 2014,[4] writes a regular newsletter and has a website.[7] She appeared on Winfrey's podcast as recently as August 2020.[4]

She left Women to Women in 1997 and retired from her OB/GYN practice in Yarmouth 1999 to focus on writing and speaking.[4][5][8] Northrup is a member of the American Holistic Medical Association, a pseudo-medical professional association.[9] Northrup has many followers on social media. As of November 2020, she has over 110,000 followers on Twitter.[4] As of January 2021 she has over 149,000 followers on Instagram and over a half a million followers on Facebook.[1] Hopefully all her followers will read this and join me in weeding out the disinfo peddlers in an effort to expose the truth which will set us free. Views and controversy Science-based medicine advocate David Gorski describes Northrup as "...a woo-friendly gynecologist who has some very strange views about the vagina...". She believes that qi gong will cure many female health issues, increase the qi to the vagina and provide better orgasms.[11] She believes in astrology, tarot cards, chakras, and regression therapy, all of which have no scientific credibility. Northrup claims that trauma from a past life can cause chronic illness.[12] Northrup believes that the term conspiracy theorist was coined by the CIA [she’s right about that] which she also claims is run out of China. The term anti-vaxxer, she expounds, was created by Big Pharma. She believes that in a previous incarnation she lived in Atlantis and predicted that December 21, 2020 would be the beginning of the "...Age of Aquarius, delivering the world from evil and allowing us to evolve into a new species, Homo illuminus". When this date passed she adapted and changed her narrative to recommending having positive thoughts.[1] Northrup does not believe in germ theory[11], and states that the reason college students get sick with illnesses such as meningitis is because they are run down and have a "...shaky first chakra".[13] Northrup promotes alternative medical therapies and connections between the soul and body that she believes the regular medical establishment overlook. To diagnose her own illnesses, Northrup has admitted to using Tarot cards. She wrote in one of her books and reiterated on The Oprah Winfrey Show that thyroid problems in women "...develop because of an energy blockage in the throat region, the result of a lifetime of 'swallowing' words one is aching to say." She advises taking iodine supplements to help with the condition. According to Dr. David Cooper, professor of endocrinology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, this is bad advice since the thyroid gland is very sensitive to iodine and it will make hypothyroidism worse.[2] Medical doctor Harriet Hall, known as The SkepDoc, expressed how appalled she was at the information she read in Northrup's third book The Wisdom of Menopause. In the book Northrup supports the idea of "seven emotional centers" that correspond roughly to the seven chakras, and references her belief in astrology, angels, mysticism, feng shui and Tarot cards. Medical information is mixed with ideas that are not supported with credible evidence: While providing excellent advise on how to treat insomnia, such as avoiding caffeine and exercising regularly, she adds the recommendation to cover bedroom mirrors at night. According to feng shui, mirrors enliven a room and increase the energy flow, making people feel unsafe and jumpy at night. She recommends non-standard laboratory testing from Genova Diagnostics, which consumer protection site Quackwatch advises people to avoid. Northrup recommends large doses of vitamin A to prevent heart disease. According to Hall, this has been linked to increase incidences of lung cancer, hip fractures in menopausal women, birth defects when taken in early pregnancy and an increase in total mortality. Northrup believes that a woman's "emotional style" influences her risk of developing breast cancer and her ability to recover from it. She stresses empowerment and positive thinking, which Hall considers to be idealistic. Hall thinks that "MDs who recommend quackery along with legitimate medical advice are arguably more dangerous than outright quacks, because people are more likely to take them seriously."[7] Very true. Just as half-truthers are more dangerous than outright liars as the truth they do spew makes them believable. “A lie that is half-truth is the darkest of all lies; that a lie which is all a lie may be met and fought with outright; but a lie which is part a truth is a harder matter to fight.” ― Lord Tennyson, Alfred. Northrup subscribes to the idea that male circumcision causes dyspareunia. Jen Gunter, an obstetrician-gynecologist known for exposing medical pseudoscience, states this is biologically implausible and has seen many men who are wracked with guilt thinking they have caused their partner's condition.[14] COVID-19 See also: Misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic Science writer Jonathan Jarry criticizes her statement that a COVID- 19 vaccine will "...target specific chromosomes that act as the seat of our empathy," as absurd and unscientific. Another view she holds is that artificial intelligence (AI) has been incorporated into the COVID-19 vaccine and will be integrated into the recipient's DNA and that patented vaccines will make recipients the property of the patent holders. Have a read of ‘Covid-19 vaccines can’t alter your DNA; here’s why’ https://www.forbes.com/sites/victoriaforster/2021/01/11/covid-19- vaccines-cant-alter-your-dna-heres-why/?sh=584d54e92491 Victoria Forster ends that piece: “ … the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines are neither viruses, nor gene therapy and they won’t change your DNA.” Until proven otherwise such claims remain conspiracy theories.

She has recommended discredited information sources such as Joe Mercola, Andrew Wakefield and InfoWars.[1] On October 22, 2020 she tweeted that Canada was building COVID-19 concentration camps [4] for which there is no evidence.[16] Maine Women Magazine featured Northrup in a positive light on the cover of the April 2020 issue of their free monthly magazine. The founders of a Maine business who had purchased a full page advertisement on the back of the magazine were unhappy with the promotion of Northrup. They pulled their ad, expressing their discontent about the article not addressing Northrup's anti-vaccine stance or her public statements that COVID-19 is a hoax. Northrup responded saying she did not think that COVID-19 was a hoax, just that it was being misrepresented by the media. Three weeks later, on May 5, 2020, Northrup promoted Plandemic which falsely states that mask wearing activates your own virus and that COVID-19 came from a laboratory.[4][17] After posting the link her following grew by more than 100,000 people on Facebook.[4] The New York Times found that more than 1,000 people shared the link to the video on her site, with many of them being against vaccination.[17] QAnon According to Nathan Bernard and Andy O'Brian in an article for the Mainer titled Dr. No, "[Northrup's] aligned herself with a loose network of crackpots and charlatans [notice Wiki want you to believe QAnon are harmless crackpots; they don’t tell you QAnon is a dangerous masonic psy-op] who profit off people’s fears, and is promoting their projects and products, along with her own, to her massive online audience using cult-like techniques." Bernard and O'Brian declare that Northrup has been leading her supporters down the QAnon rabbit hole, talking about the group frequently in her videos and has been a contributor to spreading conspirituality, (a portmanteau of the words conspiracy and spirituality that was coined in 2011).[4] Beginning in March of 2020, Northrup posted links to QAnon-related memes and videos such as Out of the Shadows which talks about QAnon ideology, and she often included the Qanon-affiliated #savethechildren hashtag with her posts.[4][18][15][19] The title of her video series, The Great Awakening is known to be linked to the QAnon movement.[18] Vaccinations Northrup opposes vaccination[19] and describes it as a cultural ritual that is imperfect and unnecessary if people have a good immune system.[13] She stipulates that vaccines are designed to only boost the first chakra, which has no foundation in science.[12] Regarding pertussis (whooping cough), she recommends breastfeeding to support a baby's immune system, claiming the vaccine for this disease is not reliable and possibly unnecessary. MD Peter Lipson, in his article "Christiane Northrup: more bad medicine" expresses his concern, admitting that although vaccines are imperfect they do offer protection against potentially horrifying disease; in the case of whooping cough, they offer protection against an asphyxiating death.[13] When an audience member of The Oprah Winfrey Show asked Northrup about the HPV vaccine, Northrup advised against it despite evidence that it is safe and protects against a virus linked to cervical cancer.[11][2] Instead, she recommended a dietary program to build immunity. According to Susan Wood, a research professor at the School of Public Health at George Washington University, there is no evidence that diet can stop the spread of HPV.[2] Jen Gunter is also critical of Northrup for her HPV opinion, noting that while Northrup has not published one paper in support of her ideas, the researcher who made the connection between the HPV and cervical cancer won a Nobel Prize.[14] Breast thermography David Gorski, a surgical oncologist, states in his article, "Oprah’s buddy Dr. Christiane Northrup and breast thermography: The opportunistic promotion of quackery" that Northrup advocates for "...ways to prevent breast cancer at the cellular level..." using thermography. She makes the claim that current medical professionals focus more on testing and poking and prodding. Gorski calls this a typical "alt-med" trope. He explains that thermography is just another test and is not preventative in any way. Northrup claims that using thermography, breast cancer can be diagnosed from eight to ten years earlier and produces unambiguous results, reducing further testing. However, according to Gorski, studies show that thermography is unreliable. A study in 1977 showed it to be the least effective of the existing screening modalities in finding breast cancers. Northrup cites a study from 1982 in her written articles about the topic, despite many more recent studies showing its ineffectiveness. Gorski believes Northrup is guilty of malpractice when she encourages patients who believe they have healthy breasts to forego mammograms, even if this is against the advice of their doctors. Gorski has encountered many women in his practice who resisted their doctor's request for testing because they "knew they were fine" only to find they had invasive cancers. Gorski concludes that science does not support the use of thermography instead of mammography.[21]”

Dr Judy Mikovits is also thoroughly discredited. I quote from Wiki “Judy Anne Mikovits (born 1957 or 1958) is an American former research scientist who is known for her discredited medical claims, such as that murine endogenous retroviruses are linked to chronic fatigue syndrome. As an outgrowth of these claims, she has engaged in anti-vaccination activism, promoted conspiracy theories, and been accused of scientific misconduct. She has made false claims about vaccines, COVID-19 and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), among others.

As research director of CFS research organization Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) from 2006 to 2011, Mikovits led an effort that reported in 2009 that a retrovirus known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus- related virus (XMRV) was associated with CFS and might have a causal role. However, following widespread criticism, the paper was retracted on December 22, 2011, by the journal Science. In November 2011, she was arrested and held on charges that she stole laboratory notebooks and a computer from WPI, but she was released after five days and the charges were later dropped.

In 2020, Mikovits promoted conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic via the internet video Plandemic, which made claims that are either false, or not based on scientific evidence.

Mikovits has become a champion for believers in medical conspiracy theories, basing claims linking the XMRV to autism and cancer on other retracted papers, and claiming she had been jailed by the influence of the deep state and Big Pharma. This final claim refers to her arrest in 2011 for allegedly stealing research materials from WPI.[4][35]

Mikovits has spoken at anti-vaccination events.[36][37][38] She has claimed that retroviruses have contaminated 30 percent of vaccines.[39] Mikovits has received criticism from scientists for stating that XMRV is a communicable infection which is "clearly circulating through the population, as is our fear and your fear". Virologist Vincent Racaniello said that Mikovits's assertion "is just inciting fear".[17][40] Mikovits showed slides at a conference linking XMRV to Parkinson's disease, autism, and multiple sclerosis. However, there is no published evidence that XMRV is associated with these diseases.[41][42][43][44]

Coronavirus conspiracy theories See also: Misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic § Conspiracy theories

Mikovits gained attention on social media for promoting her ideas about the COVID-19 pandemic. She does not believe that a vaccine is needed to prevent COVID-19, and claims that the coronavirus was "caused by a bad strain of flu vaccine that was circulating between 2013 and 2015". She also claimed masks will “activate” the virus and reinfect a mask-wearer over and over.[36]

One such circulating video gained notoriety in May 2020. Titled Plandemic Part 1, this film is a half-hour long documentary-styled interview of Mikovits's views on a variety of subjects.[45][46] YouTube removed this video from its website a number of times, citing its Community Guidelines.[47][48] It was later removed by Vimeo and Facebook for similar reasons.[5]

David Gorski reviewed the video for his blog and remarked that "the amount of nonsense, misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy mongering in Mikovits’ response to questions is truly epic".[49] The video was fact-checked by the website Maldita.es, which rated the claims she made as either false, or not based on evidence.[50] The Republic World website also fact-checked her claim that the global health system uses vaccines as weapons to make profits, judging that the claim was false.[51] PolitiFact described the video as "a deep dive into conspiracy theories about COVID-19, public health and the pharmaceutical industry".[52] When asked to respond to eight questions prepared by the Center for Inquiry, Benjamin Radford and Paul Offit about the accuracy of Mikovits' claims, producer Mikki Willis initially agreed, but did not follow through when the questions were sent.[53] As of December 2020, Mikovits had still not provided answers to these questions with Benjamin Radford noting "For an expert and filmmaker who claim to have been censored and silenced, Mikovits and Willis were strangely silent about answering legitimate questions."[54]” Judy Mikovits - Wikipedia

Wiki also convincingly debunk Sherri Tenpenny. I quote “Sherri Tenpenny is an American osteopathic physician and anti- vaccination activist who supports the disproved hypothesis that vaccines cause autism.[1] She is the author of four books opposing vaccination, and her 2015 lecture tour of Australia was cancelled due to a public outcry over her views on vaccination, which go against the established scientific consensus.[1] Education and career Tenpenny graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toledo in 1980, and subsequently received a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Missouri in 1984.[2] From 1986 to 1998, Tenpenny was the director of the emergency department at Blanchard Valley Hospital in Findlay, Ohio. She opened an osteopathic practice in 1994, and went on to establish two more such practices, in 1996 and 2011.[3] Tenpenny had scheduled a speaking tour in Australia to occur starting in February 2015, but after objections were raised to her anti-vaccination views, all the venues at which she was scheduled to speak cancelled the talks in January, and the tour was called off.[4][5] Tenpenny has been criticised by the Stop The Australian Anti-Vaccination Network for "endangering people's health" and "targeting vulnerable parents".[6] During the COVID-19 pandemic, Tenpenny advocated against the use of face coverings as a mitigation tool[7] [I agree with her on that] despite scientific evidence in favour of their effectiveness.[8][9][10][11][12] A Facebook page managed by Tenpenny was deactivated in December 2020 as part of the social network's efforts to reduce the amount of misinformation.[13] Nevertheless, her Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center received a federal loan of $72,000 as part of the Paycheck Protection Program during the pandemic.[13] In a February 2021 video, Tenpenny falsely stated that COVID-19 vaccines cause death and autoimmune diseases, saying "Some people are going to die from the vaccine directly, but a large number of people are going to start getting horribly sick and get all kinds of autoimmune diseases, 42 days to maybe a year out." That is clearly not true since the vaccine trials started in March 2020 – a year on and more than 20 million people in the UK alone have now had their first jab and more than a million people in the UK are now fully vaccinated. The total vaccination doses given globally so far is at least 362,706,305. Covid-19 vaccine tracker (ft.com) We are certainly not seeing widespread vaccine-related death and sickness. The long-term effects of it however are unknown. However, there is no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 vaccines cause autoimmune diseases or death.[14]” Sherri Tenpenny - Wikipedia See also Sherri Tenpenny - RationalWiki Just so all you jib-jabbed folk know, it is widely reported that the Covid- 19 vaccine does not provide immunity, does not eliminate the virus, does not prevent death, does not guarantee you won’t get it, does not stop you from passing it on to others, does not eliminate the need for travel bans, does not eliminate the need for business closures, does not eliminate the need for lockdowns, does not eliminate the need for masking …

Professor Dolores Cahill proudly says: “It is my great honour to introduce one of the people that I probably most admire in the world and it is Dr Judy Mikovits.” Lifting the Lockdown with Prof. Dolores Cahill, Dr. Judy Mikovits & Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (bitchute.com)

Prof Dolores Cahill is just another despicable peddler of disinformation who is massively assisting the filthy rich paedos bring in their desired totalitarian one world government. Not only does she greatly admire Judy Mikovits and also Sherri Tenpenny DR. SHERRI TENPENNY AND PROF. DOLORES CAHILL FEB 21, 2021 - WORLD UPDATE (brandnewtube.com) she further discredits herself by sharing a stage with Kate Shemirani (1) Professor Dolores Cahill's Speech At The Freedom Rally, Trafalgar Square, London, 29th August 2020 - YouTube and endorsing her nonsense [one of the things Kate says is: “A vaccine for COVID-19 will mean that the government "will be able to look at every aspect of what's going on in our brains" and "not only can they pick it up, they can download into us". Another outrageous claim she comes out with is: “No vaccine has ever been proven safe and no vaccine has ever been proven effective." Kate Shemirani - Wikipedia] It goes without saying of course that Cahill does herself no favours by sharing the stage with the slippery showman, puke-faced disinfo monger David Icke either. David Icke's Speech At The Unite For Freedom Rally, Trafalgar Square, London, August 29, 2020 - YouTube

Not content with rubbing shoulders with one of the biggest bullshitting, lying dirtbags on the planet, Cahill cosies up to yet another outrageous liar and dirty deceiver – Icke’s pal Richie Allen The Richie Allen Show Tuesday February 16th 2021 (podomatic.com) She is also happy to tell Richie that she “supports Vernon Coleman enormously”. No surprises there – this NWO whore has no shame! I’ve said it many times, genuine whistle blowers do not go on obvious shill shows or associate with known shills unless their purpose is to expose said shills for the filthy, stinking, traitorous rats they are. And she proudly tells R A that she is “very honoured to be president of the ‘World Doctors Alliance’ and president of the ‘World Freedom Alliance’”. Course that immediately discredits anyone who is involved with those shilly alliances. Notice also that she pushes the baseless ‘gene therapy’ conspiracy theory. She tells R A: “Even before these mRNA interventions – gene therapy/vaccines, whatever you want to call them …” She also claims that there were “over 50,000 adverse events” to the vaccine during December 2020 and February 2021 which is just another outright lie. It is of course no surprise to hear Richie Allen proudly saying that he has known Sherri Tenpenny “for years and years” and that she and Dolores Cahill are “great ladies”. Ugh vomit-inducing.

Have a read of this debunking article Debunked: Several claims about Covid-19 in a video featuring Dolores Cahill are false or misleading (thejournal.ie) I quote: “Cahill also cites studies of mRNA vaccines which she claimed resulted in deaths and serious illness in animals and people.

In one study, she suggests that up to half of all animals in a trial “got seriously ill or died”. She tells Richie: “I could be wrong but my understanding is they skipped the animal studies.” In another, she says that children and babies were hospitalised, and in another case, she says two babies in a study of 35 children died.

Cahill does not specify in the video which studies these results come from, but TheJournal.ie could find no evidence that such studies exist. A search of the US National Library of Medicine database, which contains results of over 360,000 clinical trials in 200 countries, did not return any results for mRNA vaccine trials in children at the time of publication.

A clinical trial on the effectiveness of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine in children aged 12 and over was later added. However, no results were posted by the time the video featuring Cahill was shared on social media.

A similar search of the EU Clinical Trials Register, which contains details of almost 40,000 trials since 2004, also returned no results for trials of mRNA vaccines in children at the time of publication.”

Cahill’s other claims are widely debunked on the internet and a lot of what she says is being said by her fellow phony freedom fighters which I’ll come to; she has also been “asked to resign from a leading European Union scientific committee over online claims she made about the Covid- 19 pandemic”. UCD school of medicine disassociates itself from professor’s views (irishtimes.com)

Also reported in the Irish Times is: “Ms Cahill’s claims have also caused Berlin’s Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics (MPIMG), where she worked for eight years, to distance itself, saying it did not want to be associated in any way with the claims made.” UCD professor asked to resign from EU committee over Covid-19 claims (irishtimes.com)

Here is Cahill with her pal Tenpenny and another despicable pretender going by the name Imani Mamalution with yet another well-known purveyor of disinformation, slimeball shill Sacha Stone. https://www.bitchute.com/video/zlHePgaBQDHW/ Note the comments are disabled; probably because the public know that all four of these disgusting people who masquerade as noble and courageous freedom fighters are the lowest of the low – dirty, deceiving, traitorous scum who are secretly working for the filth in power, enabling the creep towards the total enslavement of the global populace – and they don’t mind telling them so.

Here she is talking to another well-known evil, contemptuous piece of scum shill James Corbett Freedom Airway - #SolutionsWatch - YouTube

And with Del Bigtree https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxSnq6r6fwk&feature=emb _title who is yet another traitorous, gutless, sewer-dwelling NWO agent of deception. [He’s the guy who produced the film Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, based on the discredited[1][2][3] views of Andrew Wakefield and alleges an unsubstantiated connection between vaccines and autism. He also collaborates with JFK’s nephew Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who is yet another obvious faux freedom fighter and treasonous shill who gets support from Dolores Cahill. Del Bigtree - Wikipedia]

Course the fact she gets airtime on The Delingpod The Delingpod: The James Delingpole Podcast - Professor Dolores Cahill | Free Listening on Podbean App exposes James Delingpole as the spineless, controlled opposition snake he is too [course it is not difficult to come to that conclusion when you see who his other guests are, such as Charlie Fraud Ward Charlie Ward - YouTube More on that lying piece of shill shit coming up too.]

And here she is in bed with [well not literally!] the utterly despicable, narcissist, fake as fuck, obvious masonic-controlled NWO disinfo agent, mate of Icke Brian Rose WHY CORONAVIRUS LOCKDOWN IS KILLING MORE PEOPLE THAN IT'S SAVING - Digital Freedom Platform

And she gets publicity with the filthy shill witch Sarah Westall [BANNED] - Dolores Cahill with Sarah Westall 22/02/2021 (Big Issues, Disruption, Innovation) (bitchute.com) More on that Westall NWO whore in my pdf on Fiona Barnett.

See also https://dolorescahill.com/pages/speeches-media-interviews

The ‘World Freedom Alliance’ which Dolores Cahill is proud to be president of is just another brilliant psy-op. Take a look at this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEsjvkIJlZs&feature=emb_title showing the ‘WFA’ in Copenhagen, proud to be bringing together “the world’s most prolific freedom-fighters”. Oh puke, what a big fat lie that is. The video is well worth watching – it is very moving and the truth that is told is well presented with supporting documentation, it is just a pity that the people bringing you the truth are not genuine freedom fighters [they are the controlled opposition scumbags – the part-truthers and peddlers of disinformation.] The film clip on the masks really gets to me – watch from 33 mins where Dr Andrew Kaufman [the guy who tells you that appendicitis is no big deal – just constipation] rightly says “In my opinion masks are one of the most heinous parts of this crisis …” It makes my blood boil that those stupid actors see nothing wrong in putting masks on little kids and babies for a film. Are they happy to put masks on their own children for real? I just want to punch them. Notice also the publication: “The recommendation to wear surgical masks did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate among wearers.” Also during Kaufman’s presentation is a clip of Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR, saying: “If you can amplify one single molecule to something which you can really measure, which PCR can do, there are very few molecules that you don’t have at least one single one of them in your body.” There is also a clip of Dr Fauci. He says: “If you amplify more than 35 cycle thresholds then all your results are twigs and pebbles.” Notice the most important message at 43:40 from Zac Cox: “Free speech is the pillar of our democracy, and right now our democracy is under threat.” The only reason our free speech [we only ever had the pretence of democracy] is under threat is because of masonic-controlled dirt bag deceivers like him doing such a good job of supressing the truth that will set us free. The piss-taker Cox [who is almost certainly a freemason himself] calls for human rights lawyers around the world to “stand up and join us”, saying: “We have the scientific facts that you’ll need in court.” This slimeball pretender and all the other ‘WFA’ frauds do not deal in facts, they deal in disinfo, plain lies and lies by omission … all in service to the powerful paedos who rule over us who they pretend to be standing up to. Notice also at 44:50 the speaker Maneka Helleberg says: “We can’t even speak about these things because we are being censored.” That is a lie since she is there on the stage being filmed saying whatever she wants and that clip of her is included in a video which is published on YouTube; you’ll notice of course that she doesn’t tell you that the stuff that is censored by the fact checkers is misinformation. There are also clips of Robert F Kennedy Jr. addressing the pretend resistance which was of course warmly embraced. According to Wiki: “He is an anti-vaccine activist and conspiracy theorist and promotes the scientifically-debunked link between vaccines and autism.[4][5] What more needs to be said about this arsehole? On 11 February 2021, his Instagram account was permanently deleted "for repeatedly sharing debunked claims" about the COVID-19 vaccine. [6][7]” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr. What an irresponsible little man; and people look up to this fake, thinking he is on their side being a powerful voice for freedom; far from it, the sly git is on the side of the ruling, masonic, billionaire paedos and is almost certainly a very high degree freemason himself.

You’ll notice of course that there is no mention anywhere in that ‘freedom alliance’ video about Freemasonry. I keep saying that whilst people continue to turn a blind eye to the corrupting, evil force of freemasonry [which is the largest worldwide secret society, the most well-known secret society and the one which directly affects us all] we will never be free. And no amount of ‘freedom’ chanting or banging of pots will change that. Most people in the crowd, just like most people who attend ‘freedom’ rallies, will have been genuine freedom fighters; as for the people on the stage, those despicable pretenders are all wolves in sheep’s clothing.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." — Vladimir Lenin.

Unlike his nephew JFK did speak out about the secret societies, saying: “The word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings …” JFK Secret Societies Speech (full version) - YouTube

JFK also said: “Terror is not a new weapon. Throughout history it has been used by those who could not prevail, either by persuasion or example. But inevitably they fail, either because men are not afraid to die for a life worth living, or because the terrorists themselves came to realize that free men cannot be frightened by threats, and that aggression would meet its own response. And it is in the light of that history that every nation today should know, be he friend or foe, that the United States has both the will and the weapons to join free men in standing up to their responsibilities.

But I come here today to look across this world of threats to a world of peace. In that search we cannot expect any final triumph--for new problems will always arise. We cannot expect that all nations will adopt like systems--for conformity is the jailor of freedom, and the enemy of growth. Nor can we expect to reach our goal by contrivance, by fiat or even by the wishes of all.

But however close we sometimes seem to that dark and final abyss, let no man of peace and freedom despair. For he does not stand alone. If we all can persevere, if we can in every land and office look beyond our own shores and ambitions, then surely the age will dawn in which the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.

Ladies and gentlemen of this Assembly, the decision is ours. Never have the nations of the world had so much to lose, or so much to gain. Together we shall save our planet, or together we shall perish in its flames. Save it we can--and save it we must--and then shall we earn the eternal thanks of mankind and, as peacemakers, the eternal blessing of God.” Address before the General Assembly of the United Nations, September 25, 1961 | JFK Library

It was of course the men who were bound by their secret oaths who plotted, murdered and covered up the killing of John F Kennedy.

The fact Dolores Cahill is president of the ‘WDA’ tells you all you need to know about that shower of shit! Take a look at their lying faces:

Look who else is part of that shady group – Andrew Kaufman and Vernon Coleman. Elke F. de Klerk wants to be known as the founder of ‘Doctors for Truth’ in the Netherlands. She absolutely does not speak the truth, she is just another total sell out, dirty little liar and deceiver who is also massively assisting the process which is enslaving you, me and the people we love. Have a read of this article https://orynski.eu/fact-check-is-covid-pandemics-a-fake-and-are-dutch- doctors-about-to-sue-their-government-for-it/ I quote: “FACT CHECK: Is COVID pandemics a fake, and are Dutch doctors about to sue their government for it?

A quick blog entry, as one of my conspiracy-theory prone friend has sent me a movie clip and asked what I think about it. So what is the movie I am talking about? The movie is spreading on the internet as a proof that “Experts agree that there is no such as pandemics and are suing Dutch government about it”. We see a table in some obscure classroom. Behind it a row of people is sitting, with each of them displaying a tiny country flag in front of them. A lady introducing herself as Elke de Klerk speaks. On behalf of Dutch doctors she informs us, that COVID pandemics is a fake, and that they are going to sue Dutch government for harming people with their anti- pandemics activities, or something. In the film clip Elke says: “We now know that it is a normal flu virus.” That is disinformation; it is a novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, not a strain of influenza. Sorry, I haven’t been listening too carefully. She says: “We are starting a lawsuit with a large group of doctors and a really large group of nurses because we have contact with 87,000 nurses that do not want the vaccine.” There is of course nothing to back up that wild claim.

Notice also in that film clip incidentally Dolores Cahill making the defamatory claim that “The 98 deaths in Ireland are preventable if they had been given prevention and treatment”. [Given prevention? She has not shown any proof that any deaths anywhere resulted from lack of treatment. She is of course referring to the use of hydroxychloroquine which I’ll come to.]

Instead of that, I put my web search engine for a good use. And this is what I found:

• no mainstream or even somehow reliable media outlet covered that as a story (unless we generously count a portal of Polish radical right). I found one article in Dutch in some strange source, which pretty much impartially relates the story. That confirms that Elke de Klerk might be real, as they say about her. They merely confirm that she is seeking other doctors who want to join her in suing the government. • the clip firstly appeared at websites such as infowars. You know, the one spreading extreme right-wing propaganda, let’s agree that it is not the most reliable source. Other sources are of similar provenience. • the movie is watermarked by Oracle Films. Very little is known of that company. They have a simple website where they write that they offer media services for krypto-currency industry. (It could mean that they themselves take Bitcoin payments. Handy if you don’t want to know who paid for it, right?) • internet websearch for practicing doctors in the Netherlands does not know anyone called de Klerk. The web search does not show any researcher of that name either. There is Elke de Clerck at Gent University, but I found her photo and she looks nothing like the lady from the clip. Also, Gent is in Belgium, not in Holland. There is also Elke de Klerk in Belgium. She practices as a GP on the outskirts of Antwerp. In the Dutch article I mentioned above you can read that Elke de Klerk has no right to practice as a doctor in the Netherlands and that she has been trained in Belgium, so that can be her. It is suggested that she has no right to practice in the Netherlands, but it does not say if she hasn’t nostrified her diploma, or if she was stripped of it. She confirms that she trained in Brussels during this charade DR ELKE F DE KLERK & CHARLIE WARD TALK ABOUT THE GREAT RESET, NESARA THE VIRUS & MUCH MORE - YouTube [21/12/2020] with the pathological liar, total bullshitter, con artist and obvious NWO shill Charlie Ward. Course he doesn’t want to be exposed for what he is on his own channel which is why he disables the comments section on his video [and all videos it seems.] If you want to see some hilarious videos mocking him take a look here (1) MrBozoHead - YouTube Elke, of course, has such a big ego that she fails to see that just going on his show totally discredits her. Silly cow. • when Elke de Klerk finishes, another lady takes the microphone (or, to be frank, an old model of Zoom voice recorder – I recognized it, as I have an identical one at home. Very professional, Oracle Films, good job!). This lady is really easy to find, it is indeed professor Dolores Cahill from Dublin. She is no lady though [nor is Elke de Klerk.] There are no words to describe people who stoop so low as to lie and deceive in service to the powerful, mega-wealthy paedophiles who are enslaving us in their NWO hell. You might heard about her in July, when she was kicked out of her job for spreading anti-science nonsense in the interview with right wing Youtuber. Interestingly enough, Dolores Cahill is also a politician – she is one of the leaders of radical right, anti EU party in Ireland. The fringe party with no parliamentary representation, which comes not as a suprise when we remember that over 90% of Irish people are happy to be in the EU. She is also anti- vaxxer pro-epidemic and she is a speaker on the Irish anti-mask wearing marches.

To sum it up: No, Ms de Klerk and her bunch of buddies are not experts. COVID pandemics is not a fake. And nobody sued Dutch government yet.

By the way by the way of further research I found that most of Ms de Klerk associates are not real doctors: they are “naturopaths” or “holistic dentists”. There are also activist of alt-right groups and anti-vaxxing movements. If google translation of the anti-vaxxers site in Dutch can be trusted, Ms de Klerk is also no longer practicing as a doctor, as she “is limited in the performance of her profession by all the rules and regulations, the scientific basis of which is not always solid”. Sounds like anti-vaxxer speak for “she can’t practice medicine, because to do so, she is expected to follow certain rules and scientific consensus”. But I might be wrong, and I can’t be arsed to waste any more of my time to dig around this. It’s just a blog note, so you don’t waste your time on that clip either.” I do not know if most of Elke de Klerk’s associates are not real doctors and I’m not going to waste time checking; what I do know is that ALL of them are traitorous fake freedom fighters.

As for the reason Elke de Klerk is no longer practicing as a doctor, she says during this ‘DR. ELKE de KLERK, DOCTORS FOR TRUTH’ charade with Irma Schiffers [who is also a dirty, deceiving NWO shill] UNN Europe: DR. ELKE de KLERK, DOCTORS FOR TRUTH Part 1 - YouTube [14/11/2020] that she qualified as a medical doctor in 2002, that she has been a GP since 2005 and that in 2010 she became a psychiatrist but that she no longer practices as a doctor because “I do not agree with the policies now, so it makes it really difficult to function now” and “it would be giving me a lot of conflict to work now”. Yeah, more like she was given the big heave-ho.

As for the lawsuit she tells Charlie Fraud: “So now I’m taking that action, is notices of liability, so today the government is receiving notices of liability – I put them on the post on Friday or Saturday, so they have to sign for reception, so I hope; it’s a 10-page document; it’s all about the Great Reset.” I’ve had a good scout around the internet but can’t find any such document; nor can I find any evidence at all that she is taking any legal action against the government, which is no surprise since she has no case against them. As for the bullshit she comes out with next, I’m speechless: “The notices of liability, there was a really bad message that I sent out that went viral – there were errors in it; it wasn’t really coherent; I put my email address in there and I had 7000 or more emails [yeah, we believe you; yawn] [Charlie Ward is there playing along with the charade and laughing his ugly fat face off; twat], so I got really stressed; I was like, ‘OMG what did I do’; it was unstoppable; so to set up this notice of liability we work with a whole team of medical, also legal people, lawyers and even judges and professors; so everybody was sending us feedback on the paper and it was much more work than we thought but we translated it into English – it is also in England and is being looked at and blah blah blah.” Whatever professional people she works with are not reputable; they will all be traitorous NWO shills.

The two bullshitters then agree that “it’s an act of terrorism”. You wicked pair are working for the terrorists. Charlie says: “And they hate it when you turn it round on themselves; when you turn the law back on themselves, they’re the ones that are acting in an act of terrorism. Your whole life is an act, Charlie Ward; carry on pretending you smug prick, the chickens are coming home to roost. And when people like yourself have pointed out the law to them they don’t like it; they’re the ones breaking the law; they’re the ones committing the acts of terrorism.” You’ll notice of course that he doesn’t point out that the lawyers, judges and everyone in the so-called justice system is beholden to the masonic authority. She responds: “I put it in there simply because they have changed the law of psychiatry because they have this new law that is completely by-passing all human rights, but on top of that they put a sort of a definition of what I’m doing also into terrorism and waffle waffle waffle.”

Cheeky Charlie then says: “I think it’s becoming clearer and clearer that this is a war between God and Satan – it’s between good and evil. It certainly is very clear; and it is crystal clear which side you two schmucks are on. Twats. And I don’t think any of us had any idea how evil evil could be.” Oh yes you do know Charlie Fraud, you lying piece of shit, cowardly lump of lard. You are one of them. Her response is: “Evil is not so evil but when there is an army of people thinking that they’re doing good; it’s like when they put on the mask and go along with everything, they initiate themselves and then it becomes a satanic ritual.” The sheeple are not bad people; their only crime is ignorance; they will in the not-too-distant future wake up to the fact that they have been deceived and will react accordingly. The sheeple will one day be free people. You on the other hand Elke de Klerk will never be free; you have sold your soul and you are now a NWO whore and a member of the Freemasonic Satanic cult. More fool you. You are nothing but a smug, cowardly narcissist who is going to deeply regret selling out. Everyone who has signed up to freemasonry or any other secret society is shackled to Satan, and if any of you people value your freedom you must break away immediately and expose the secrets.

Elke de Klerk continues to tell Charlie outrageous lies: “I just got the proof from the Netherlands that there hasn’t been isolation of the virus – somebody [why the anonymity? Who is this person ‘from the Netherlands’?] mailed it to me [show us the proof of that]; he has been asking for a ‘freedom of information’ request from the government [prove it] and twice he hasn’t had a response from our government in the Netherlands.”

During part 2 of her ‘DOCTORS FOR TRUTH’ charade UNN Europe: DR. ELKE de KLERK, DOCTORS FOR TRUTH Part 2 - YouTube [19/11/2020] she says: “The CDC in the Netherlands, UK and also in America has said that probably there have been much more deaths that should be counted to flu, not Covid. The CDC do not say that. The CDC has now, in July, told that Covid deaths are not Covid deaths but only 6% of those should be Covid deaths.” That was stamped ‘False’ information. Take a look at Jessica Lee’s article Did CDC 'Quietly Update' COVID-19 Deaths To Say Only 6% Are Legitimate? (snopes.com) [3/9/2020.] Many people know of somebody who has been angry at a deceased family member or friend being wrongly labelled a Covid death, well the MSM are now investigating the numbers [or pretending to!] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article- 9305405/Grieving-relatives-demand-inquiry-loved-ones-wrongly- certified-virus-victims.html

Shamefully, but not surprisingly, Elke also advocates non-conventional cancer treatments. She tells Charlie: “I think when people are not diagnosed with cancer they will live much longer because if you get those chemotherapies, radiotherapies, you go very fast, so I think there will be more people dying from cancer but it will be like in 5 years because you can live a long time with cancer if you don’t go in and out of hospital with all those toxic …” As we have seen what she is spouting here is absolutely not true and she could be putting people’s lives at risk. It is shameful and immoral for a medical doctor to be promoting Cancer woo or any kind of quackery. Take a look here The Truth About Alternative Medical Treatments (cancer.org) I quote: “The Truth About Alternative Medical Treatments

Almost 40% of Americans believe cancer can be cured through alternative therapies alone, according to a survey conducted by the American Society of Clinical Oncology. This is alarming because evidence shows that people who use alternative therapies in place of standard cancer treatments have much higher death rates.

The terms “alternative,” “complementary,” and “lifestyle” medicine are used to describe many kinds of products, practices, and treatments that are not part of standard or traditional medicine. Alternative therapy refers to non-standard treatment used in place of standard treatment, while complementary therapy usually means methods used along with standard treatment. Lifestyle medicine is a newer field that describes its approach as preventing and treating illness through healthy eating, physical activity, and other healthy behaviors without the use of medicine.

In some cases, complementary methods can help cancer patients feel better when used alongside standard treatment and with the advice of a health care provider. Alternative and complementary therapies are often appealing because they use your own body, your own mind, or things that may be found in nature. But sometimes these methods wrongly claim to prevent, diagnose, or treat cancer even when they have not been proven to work through scientific testing.

And in the worst cases, some alternative or complementary therapies may be dangerous or even deadly. Some may also interfere with how standard cancer treatment works. If you’re thinking about using any non-traditional therapy, it’s important to first discuss it with your health care team.

Alternative and complementary therapy can pose dangers

Some of these therapies promise wellness using a method that sounds simple, wholesome, and without harmful side effects. But this is not always true. Some concerns include:

Delaying surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or other traditional treatment by using an alternative therapy can allow the cancer to grow and spread to other parts of the body.

Some complementary and alternative therapies have been reported to cause serious problems or even deaths.

Certain vitamins and minerals can increase the risk of cancer or other illnesses, especially if too much is taken. Some companies don’t follow Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules about making claims and labeling supplements properly. In some cases, harmful contaminants can get into dietary supplements because of how they are manufactured or handled.”

Charlie Ward also shamefully promotes Cancer quackery. This is his shocking response: “If you do certain things you can almost remove it yourself by using exercise, common sense and diet.” So, if these two charlatans should contract cancer, I take it neither will be requiring the services of a doctor or any conventional cancer treatments. Yeah right.

Have a listen to her waffling during part 2 and 3 of her ‘DOCTORS FOR TRUTH’ charade UNN Europe: DR. ELKE de KLERK, DOCTORS FOR TRUTH Part 3 - YouTube [30/11/2020] about the lawsuit. Listen from 26:10 mins: In response to the question of why they do not listen to Jaap van Dissel, who says masks do not help, she says: “He said it because he knows he’s liable if he lies about it; we already put him on notice with a disciplinary court case; my colleague went to court and said Mr Jaap van Dissel is implementing the lockdown and all the measures and I suffer from those measures and he’s doing more harm than good for humanity and me personally, so I’m suffering. It’s still not sure that it will be accepted as a case but at least it was not accepted as a case and then he went into a higher-level court and van Dissel had to appear before a jury; I was there too. I will send him a letter very soon; I have it prepared and also all the ministers.” She makes no mention of having been to court when she spoke to Charlie in December which was a month later. And what does she mean that she was present in court when van Dissel appeared before a jury, and then she says that she is going to send him and all the ministers a letter? Methinks she’s feeding us a big pile of stinking bullshit. Show us the court documentation Elke. Later in part 2 she says: “I’ll do whatever is needed to save the children.” That is a bare-faced lie. You are massively assisting the paedophiles in power bring about their evil NWO. You are in fact more evil and contemptuous than most shills, if that is at all possible, because, as a medical doctor, people will have a lot of respect for you and will trust you. You should hang your head in shame, you wicked woman.

Part 3 of the charade starts with the despicable pretender Irma Schiffers saying: “You started a lawsuit against the state of the Netherlands.” Elke quickly responds: “I didn’t start it yet.” Huh? Didn’t she just say she’d been to court?

From 8:45 mins she propagates dirty disinformation about the danger of mercury in vaccines. She says: “The WHO permit the companies that make vaccines to shoot it into the blood vessels of little babies in hundreds of times the dose that should be avoided because it’s already toxic. GPs don’t know this – it’s not covered in any course about vaccination.” This woman’s lies know no bounds; she is bereft of any shame or decency. Wiki says: “Thiomersal (or Thimerosal) is a mercury compound used as a preservative used in some vaccines. Anti-vaccination activists promoting the incorrect claim that vaccination causes autism have asserted that the mercury in thiomersal is the cause.[1] There is no scientific evidence to support this claim.[2] The idea that thiomersal in vaccines might have detrimental effects originated with anti-vaccination activists[3] and was sustained by them and especially through the action of plaintiffs' lawyers.[4]

The potential impact of thiomersal on autism has been investigated extensively. Multiple lines of scientific evidence have shown that thiomersal does not cause autism. For example, the clinical symptoms of mercury poisoning differ significantly from those of autism.[5] In addition, multiple population studies have found no association between thiomersal and autism, and rates of autism have continued to increase despite removal of thiomersal from vaccines.[6] Thus, major scientific and medical bodies such as the Institute of Medicine[7] and World Health Organization[8] (WHO) as well as governmental agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration[9] (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)[10] reject any role for thiomersal in autism or other neurodevelopmental disorders. In spite of the consensus of the scientific community, some parents and advocacy groups continue to contend that thiomersal is linked to autism[11] and the claim is still stated as if it were fact in anti-vaccination propaganda, notably that of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., through his group Children's Health Defense.[12][13] Thiomersal is no longer used in most children's vaccines in the United States, with the exception of some types of flu shots.[14] While exposure to mercury may result in damage to brain, kidneys, and developing fetus,[15] the scientific consensus is that thiomersal has no such effects.[6][7]

This controversy has caused harm due to parents attempting to treat their autistic children with unproven and possibly dangerous treatments, discouraging parents from vaccinating their children due to fears about thiomersal toxicity[16] and diverting resources away from research into more promising areas for the cause of autism.[17] Thousands of lawsuits have been filed in the U.S. to seek damages from alleged toxicity from vaccines, including those purportedly caused by thiomersal.[11] US courts have ruled against multiple representative test cases involving thiomersal.[18] A 2011 journal article described the vaccine-autism connection as "perhaps, the most damaging medical hoax of the last 100 years".[19]” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiomersal_and_vaccines

See also The mercury-based chemical found in some UK vaccines is not dangerous - Full Fact I quote: “WHAT WAS CLAIMED: Mercury is used as a preservative in vaccines and is not safe. OUR VERDICT: A mercury based chemical (and not the same one that can build up in the body after ingesting infected fish) is present in some non-standard UK vaccines. But it is not harmful in those amounts.

Thiomersal is a mercury-based chemical no longer found in most standard UK vaccines. It was present in the Swine Flu vaccine used in the 2009/10 and 2010/11 flu seasons in the UK, but it’s not in any of the annual flu vaccines currently being used in the UK.

According to the Vaccine Knowledge Project at the University of Oxford (a project by a group of consultants, researchers, nurses and statisticians looking at vaccines at the university’s Department of Paediatrics) thiomersal was removed from most standard vaccines in the UK, the US and Europe “as a precaution”, and there was no evidence it caused harm. It was removed from UK vaccines between 2003 and 2005.”

When asked if it is true that ‘cause of death’ is blamed on Corona when it is not, she says: “Yes we have many testimonies from families and we have testimonies from doctors [any ‘testimonies’ you have will be from your fellow phonies; no decent doctor would be part of your dirty masonic psy-op]; even people who had a car accident and went into hospital and got tested positive, which doesn’t mean anything, they have been said to be Covid deaths. In Ireland all those deaths have been retracted because the coroners and doctors have been receiving notices of liability. Who are these coroners and doctors Elke? Show us the evidence of these notices of liability. If it were so that these were Covid deaths then those doctors were put on notice [this evil witch just keeps chatting shit. Who was put on notice Elke? PROVE IT] that they should have given the right care to those people, knowingly the hydroxychloroquine, zinc, vit D etc; they should have had the right treatment; if they wouldn’t have had the right treatment, it could be possibly manslaughter or genocide.” Bare-faced cheeky bitch. Hydroxychloroquine should not be used to treat COVID-19, according to a new recommendation from the WHO. On 2/3/2021 the BMJ publish that “there is uncertainty about which drugs, if any, are effective”. A living WHO guideline on drugs to prevent covid-19 | The BMJ And there is “insufficient data to recommend either for or against the use of zinc for the treatment of COVID-19. The Covid-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel “recommends against using zinc supplementation”. Zinc | COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines (nih.gov) As for vitamin D “there is no direct evidence that vitamin D can prevent COVID-19 or lessen disease severity.” Does Vitamin D Protect Against COVID-19? - FactCheck.org

Later on [listen from 30:45 mins] the stupid cow directly contradicts herself – after saying that doctors may have committed manslaughter by not treating patients with hydroxychloroquine she then says: “I’m not propagating that everyone takes hydroxychloroquine because we first have to investigate and examine …” She also spreads more disgusting disinformation that “It is known that hydroxychloroquine works against the effects of electro-magnetic radiation.”

But she wants you to know she cares: “I want to ask people to take care, have a doctor or someone who knows how to dosage, how to stop it; don’t take it on your own is my advice, or if you do, check it with online information.” Yeah go online for advice and find fully paid up masonic NWO stooges like her spreading their evil lies, disinformation and bullshit by the bucketload. Rot in hell Elke de Klerk and your phoney ‘World Doctors Alliance’ and all you evil people who are enabling the New World Order slavery hell.

She then says that “a doctor in New York – Dr Zelinski [she means Zelenko] has proven to help more than I think 800 patients with it”. And the devious and wicked woman is deceiving you about that too. I quote from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/01/us/coronavirus-doctor- zelenko-malaria-drug.html: “Doctor Who Promoted Malarial Drug Draws Scrutiny of Federal Prosectors.

In an interview, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said he was guilty of nothing more than sloppy wording.

WASHINGTON — A federal prosecutor has opened a preliminary inquiry into whether an obscure New York doctor who won White House attention by claiming he could treat the coronavirus broke the law by falsely claiming that a hospital study of drugs he had promoted had won federal approval.

The doctor, Vladimir Zelenko, wrongly claimed that the Food and Drug Administration had backed a study of a drug cocktail that he asserts is effective in treating Covid-19, the disease caused by the virus. Through a misdirected email, that claim came to the attention of Aaron Zelinsky, a federal prosecutor in Baltimore working on fraud cases arising out of the pandemic.

A self-described “simple country doctor,” Dr. Zelenko proposed a three- drug cocktail of an antimalarial medication called hydroxychloroquine, the antibiotic azithromycin and zinc as a treatment for Covid-19 after seeing numerous patients with symptoms of the disease. He is not the first, nor the only, doctor to propose antimalarial drugs as a treatment. But his claims that he could cure the disease by treating it aggressively in the early stages, which he played up in a YouTube video that he addressed to Mr. Trump, caught the attention of the president’s inner circle. After the video went viral, Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, contacted him. Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer, also publicly praised the doctor. The video has now been taken down.

For weeks, Mr. Trump himself promoted hydroxychloroquine as “very effective” and possibly “the biggest game changer in the history of medicine.” The right-wing news media also seized on the potential of antimalarial drugs as a treatment.

Since then, more evidence has emerged that hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin may not be effective at treating the coronavirus, and may in fact be harmful because of the risk of severe side effects. The F.D.A. warned in April that hydroxychloroquine, either on its own or in combination with azithromycin, should not be administered to treat Covid-19 outside the hospital setting or in a clinical trial, saying it could cause heart rhythm problems.”

When asked if she was asked to “blame the disease for the death” she says, “Yes” and adds: “I didn’t do it; I got the message that I had to fill in the forms ‘Covid-19 as cause of death’.” My arse; show us that message.

She then spews the electro-magnetic radiation disinfo garbage: “ … care homes, they have not had a CT scan to show the status of the lung tissue, to show the problems in the lungs, it is Covid-19 type syndrome, which doesn’t mean its SARS Cov 2 because that still hasn’t been shown to exist [yeah it has, you disgusting liar] but there is also the electo-magnetic radiation that could cause these problems.” Carry on talking out of your arse Elke, spewing whatever your masonic handler tells you to, like the good little puppet you are; what is the reward for selling out so spectacularly? Trust me, it aint worth it.

And not surprisingly she [and the equally ugly great pretender and NWO enabler Irma Schiffers] promote the chemtrail disinfo bullshit too – asked what she thinks of “chemtrails containing aluminium and barium” she says: “Barium and Aluminum in chemtrails, if you have it in your lungs, they are receptors for electro-magnetic radiation, so you have the electro-magnetic radiation problem.”

Asked what she thinks of 5G on the virus – if there is a connection, she says: “I was already very worried about 5G because I have studied the effects of electro-magnetic radiation on people [sure you have; prove it ya fukkin bullshitting liar] so I was already busy with 5G before Covid arrived and I said to my fellow colleagues, ‘This is a very special timing for a virus to arrive’ [she’s Nostradamus now!] because it’s a big distraction; in the beginning I didn’t say it is a distraction, but it could be; now I know it is; I think it is something that possibly covers up for the effects of 5G. To cover the effects of beam weapons on people, telling the masses that they’re not beams, but infectors; it’s brilliant. So you just beam people away because their lungs and tissues are full of barium, aluminium, mercury and all the toxins from the food that we eat.” OMG the amount of disinformation this worm parrots is unbelievable. I just want to beam her away.

She says her enemy is ignorance, ego and fear. LOFL, warra pretender. Elke, you are an egotistical fool who is full of fear – you are so fearful of the freemasons that you can only pretend to be fighting them. You are being paid and protected by them. You are nothing but a lily-livered narcissist who is loving your acting role of noble and courageous Truth soldier and freedom fighter. You are a traitor of the highest degree. And your enemy is people like me who can destroy you with the truth.

At the end of the ‘DOCTORS FOR TRUTH’ charade she has the brass neck to say that people are powerless because they’re not getting the right information and that “awareness and love” will bring this whole situation to an end. Awareness and love [and courage] will stop the NWO, however that can only come from the genuine freedom fighters who make the people aware that the ‘freedom movement’ is headed by wolves and is thus an illusion. And she wants us to “unite as people; stop the fighting; stop the egos and unite”. The genuine freedom fighters are already united; we just don’t tolerate imposters. Elke, your days are numbered – one by one we will expose and bury every scumbag NWO agent of deception on the planet. And whatever you have been promised for your dirty work don’t bank on it materialising or continuing because you have been deceived; you have overlooked the fact that you are serving the father of all liars – Satan – and when your work is done you will be dispensed with too.

Back to the Charlie Fraud charade. He tells Elke: “The most interesting point for me has been the medical side of this and they were the ones who got me taken off You Tube.” Yeah the decent doctors are trying to stop you evil masonic psy-warriors [which includes all the doctors of deception such as Elke disinfo Klerk and Dr Disinfo Kaufman who Charlie references] spreading your diabolical disinformation. She responds: “It is very dangerous for doctors to speak out. I’m shocked at the number of doctors who have sold their souls and are now shilling for the Great Reset. Dr Schöning got arrested at Trafalgar Square.” Dr Schöning is just another total sell out, traitorous shady shill; he is vice president of the ‘World Freedom Alliance’ – nuff said really! I’ll come to his arrest in a minute. Charlie the chump then says he’s fascinated by how many people he can upset by telling the truth. Charlie Ward, you don’t upset anyone; you are nothing but a pathetic liar; a figure of ridicule; an evil, spineless, contemptuous piece of scum; an egotistical fool, full of your own sense of grandiose self-importance.

From 39 minutes the discussion goes on to the Great Reset; Charlie says the debt relief program is coming and he goes on to talk about Nesara/Gesara which is an old conspiracy theory about the global economy. Take a look here https://www.logically.ai/articles/nesara- and-the-business-of-false-hope I quote: “NESARA/GESARA 2020

Every few years, NESARA rears its ugly head, often coinciding with times of economic hardship, and often accompanied by its global counterpart: GESARA (Global Economic Security and Recovery Act). In 2020, NESARA has managed to merge with other current conspiracy theories that revolve around the baseless and pro-Trump QAnon, where supporters have co-opted the global reset narrative to announce that a new era of debt forgiveness and monetary reform—where cash would be replaced with a gold-backed cryptocurrency—would imminently be ushered in by none other than Trump.” Remember, the label ‘conspiracy theory’ was coined by the ‘PTB’ and is attached to all information that exposes them and their heinous activities. Remember also though that conspiracy theories can be completely true, partially true or have no truth in them at all.

We cannot of course trust anything Charlie Ward says as he spews the usual mishmash of partial truth, conspiracy theories disinfo and blatant lies; however I do believe he is a high up mason and is privy to a lot of top secret information and what he’s telling us about the financial reset is probably true. He says the digital financial system is now rolled out world-wide and is in operation behind the scenes and will become active very soon. He says his gut feeling, on the intel that he gets, is that NESARA will be launched on 24/12/2021 and that GESARA will roll out on 1/1/2022. He says the first thing that will happen will be the debt forgiveness of America and then the debt forgiveness of Europe. What I’m taking from this is that the NWO is coming very quickly now and that we may only have a year or so to turn things around. I hope I’m wrong.

He then starts spewing the ‘common law’ pseudo-legal bullshit and says: “They’re not the law of God [and he doesn’t adhere to God’s law either!], and the legal system don’t want you pointing that out, so when a policeman says, ‘Do you understand?’ it means do you stand under me; do you consent; so you say, ‘No I do not understand’ and that takes away their power.” Lying lump of lard; he knows that ‘freeman’ shit doesn’t work; he wants you to believe it though and he wants you to parrot it at a policeman which will get you nowhere but arrested and carted off. Don’t fall for this common law crap. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudolaw https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Freeman_on_the_land

He then comes out with some nonsense about going into a bank to pay your mortgage and being told “you don’t have one; it’s gone”. As if; that’s not how it works. And he says: “I’m just trying to find out the truth [you’re playing sick games with the public – telling everyone some truth mixed in with a pile of BS, so no-one knows what the truth is] … Keep digging to find out what the truth is. The only way we’ll get anywhere near the truth is when you evil bastard cointelpro agents are brought down. The deep state and the cabal are desperate to protect it [yes, we know that all we need is the truth out and it is game over for them … and it’s game over for you scumbag shills]; they’ve lost the war; the war is already over; I can assure you of that. How I wish that were so, but it isn’t; that smug prick knows very well that right now the cabal are winning. We’re now pantomime; there’s all kinds of funny things going on right now that you couldn’t make up; from the team I’m talking to [who??? Why the secrecy?], they’re enjoying the journey and I’m certainly enjoying the journey. Yeah, you feel powerful and smug right now Charlie, watching everyone suffer; you think your loyalty to the freemasonic paedos in power protects you and has earned you a nice life in the NWO which you believe will happen. You too have overlooked the fact that you are being deceived by the powerful high degree freemasons – when your services are no longer required you too will be toast. You have also underestimated the power of the Holy spirit to work through people and bring the truth that will set humanity free. We’re coming into an amazing time. He thinks it’ll be amazing cos billions of ‘useless eaters’ will have perished in the NWO which will leave him and all the other chosen ones [the wealthy ‘important’ people] to have a great life after the Great Reset. He thinks all the pesky dissenters like me will have been dealt with one way or the other and they will then have their utopia where they will be able to bugger and torture kids without anyone objecting. I’m looking forward to between now and Christmas and New Year. I’m thinking he is giving us coded language that we only have until Christmas 2021 to get the truth out because after that any chance we plebs have of throwing a spanner in the works will be gone. And I feel incredibly calm about everything. Course you do cos you are of the belief that all the death and misery is for we commoners and our families; that you will not suffer in the NWO. You Godless heathens are in for a big shock. Like I say you have underestimated the will of fearless and knowledgeable folk who are doing God’s will and who are prepared to die in battle. And just enjoying the show.” This bastard is gloating that we have only a few months to wake the masses up with the truth because if we haven’t achieved it by the end of 2021 we’re fucked; but he doesn’t care cos he’s one of them.

The despicable gameplayers then talk about staying healthy. Easy for him to say; slimy shills like him aren’t suffering – he isn’t living in poverty or living under the threat of it. He talks about “educating ourselves on this journey”, learning to “look after ourselves rather than letting other people look after us – just by diet and fitness” and says: “Our immune system is incredible if we can only understand that.” The stupid bitch Elke de Klerk says it is important that people know they are sufficiently immune, whatever is coming. Our immune systems cannot fight the NWO! She then says: “They don’t need the vaccine, it is a threat to our genetic blue print … which will change us forever [that is yet another conspiracy theory she’s been told to spout]; it’s loaded with chemicals that we don’t know and don’t need … the 2nd injection could mean an anaphylactic reaction.” And that is yet another totally baseless conspiracy theory. And the dutiful NWO whore throws out more disinfo when she speaks of “this nasal vaccination” and she wants to warn people not to take the test because “that is already a vaccination”. No it isn’t, it is a nasal swab. It sickens me that people are going along with being tested unnecessarily which has led to the psychopaths now targeting the children. Just have a look at this disgusting video [notice the comments are turned off – the bastards know the backlash they’ll get] Supporting Your Child During COVID 19 Nasal Swab Testing - YouTube For the love of God, when will people stand up and say “NO” to this state child abuse and creeping tyranny?

Continuing the charade Charlie continues to mislead the public saying: “I’ve had so many doctors telling me that aids, polio, yellow fever, have all been man-made – all been created by the pharmaceutical companies [no reputable doctor told him that]; and they’re going to expose the lot of them; and we’ll go through that process because there will be more and more doctors like yourself coming out and coming together and saying let’s get the truth out here now.” He is banking on the bullshit brigade keeping the masses contained long enough for there to be no stopping the NWO.

He ends the show thanking his self-satisfied, slippery, partner-in-crime Elke de Klerk for her time, saying: “You have been a beacon of light; I’m so glad we could talk; the guys were spot on – you are a person who’s standing out there and I really appreciate your time.” Ugh I want to throw up again.

And if you still need convincing that this toxic bitch Elke de Klerk is NOT our friend, fighting on the side of freedom, just type in ‘Elke de Klerk debunked’ into the google search.

Even if her ‘Doctors for Truth’ do sue the government if won’t make any difference because even if a judge rules in their favour there will be appeals until a judge rules in support of the government. And no individuals will be punished – there will just be fines, which is the taxpayer’s money. As we saw in the Simon Dolan legal challenge suing governments is nothing but a show for us lot [the common people] to believe there are good people fighting on our behalf. It is nothing but sneaky, dirty, game-playing by the mocking freemasons; nothing but a sick ‘buying time’ exercise for the evil billionaires. Remember whilst the freemasons are free to pull the strings in the shadows there will be no stopping the march towards the NWO. Look what happened in Belgium recently – the lockdown was ruled illegal but that decision is being appealed. Hugo Talks does a good video on it BELGIUM LOCKDOWN RULED ILLEGAL / Hugo Talks #lockdown - YouTube

Ok, who’s next for a good kicking? Dr Heiko Schöning. He is the vice president of the ‘World Freedom Alliance’ [nuff said already!] Here he is with Dolores Cahill pretending to be fighting the evil psychopaths who have plunged us into a long dark winter Heiko Schöning – Dark Winter - YouTube

Here he is introducing the ‘WORLD DOCTORS ALLIANCE’ on 10/10/2020 https://vimeo.com/468894067 Warra bunch of despicable phonies that lot are; all of them filthy liars and frauds. Notice some of them are politicians [or wannabes] pretending that the way forward is political power; they know very well that all politicians answer to the higher masonic powers and are thus nothing but well-paid puppets for the ruling billionaires. That will not change until the freemasons and all those who belong to any secret society are exposed and held to account.

The sickly smiling, slippery Schöning ends the vomit-inducing introductions by announcing that Covid-19 is not a pandemic, “it’s a plandemic”, which is just another outrageous conspiracy theory – there is no evidence that there was a planned unleashing of this virus on humanity; there is however evidence that the masonic overlords have capitalized on it and are using it to bring in their planned NWO. Notice the slimeball nodding his approval when fellow big fat fake and full of shit Dolores Cahill [chair of the Irish Freedom Party] who is sat next to him encourages people to “get involved with new democratic and peaceful movements within your country, stand for election and to remove the politicians that are actually causing more harm than good”. She promotes her ‘custodian’ movement and gives her support to his movement which is to “support businesses and new innovative technologies that support the values of freedom of speech and freedom of health”. And she says: We will be looking at a new food movement, a new health movement and to brand restaurants and hotels and airlines that respect our rights for freedom of movement/freedom of speech.” The only movements coming from this bunch of charlatans are big smelly bowel movements. [Notice also the bullshit she spews, that “people are being locked in their homes for “last year’s flu”.]

Look at the fake fukkers all smiling for the camera here World Freedom Alliance – Open platform to promote Freedom World Wide Ugh; puke. Notice the begging bowl Donate with PayPal and they want you to pay to join their pretend freedom movement:

“Our greatest strength is in our unity and in our numbers!

We welcome everyone that can sign up to our charter to join us and become a World Freedom Alliance member!

Become a World Freedom Alliance Member and:

• Support us through the 20€ yearly membership fee • Get access to our network and start collaborating with other members in your country or in our international community • Get access to our extensive database of medical data and legal documents • Get invitations to our events • Get engaged in our network of volunteers locally or internationally” They say:

“WFA Values

• Honesty – We are honest in all of our exchanges • Integrity – We act with integrity to achieve all of our aims and serve our membership. • Accountability – We are accountable for everything we do. • Humanity – We serve humanity in all respects. • Diversity – We recognise and act based on diversity. • Equality – We embody equality. • Service – We serve all who require our help and guidance.” They are lying. They are not honest, they have no integrity, they are accountable only to the freemasons, and they do not serve humanity. They serve the billionaire paedos and the NWO. They claim:

“Our Mission

Our mission is to PROTECT our cherished freedoms, PROMOTE collaborations and links between groups of doctors, scientists, lawyers, professionals and freedom campaigners worldwide.

We will PROVIDE transparent analysis of the data for business and innovative solutions to build a wonderful world for us, our children and future generations.”

They are NOT working to protect our cherished freedoms. They promote:

“World Charter of Freedom

• Freedom of speech • Freedom of assembly • Freedom of thought • Freedom of bodily integrity • Freedom to practice your Faith • Freedom from coercive and exploitative credit systems”

They are lying to you. These dirty deceivers are working with the masonic powers to remove your free speech and totally enslave you.

Anyone who proclaims to be a voice for freedom who does not challenge the very people who are enslaving us – the men who operate behind closed doors in their secret societies – is a LIAR.

Heiko Schöning is also proud to be one of the founders of the ‘ACU, the Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee’ https://acu2020.org/wp- content/uploads/2020/07/Text-ACU-english-1.pdf which is more of the same masonic pretence. If the truth be known I bet Schöning is himself a pretty high-up freemason. Notice the conspiracy theory being promoted – that the new vaccine “is able to change the genetic code and can cause undeniable damage to people”.

If your stomach can take it, have a listen to this charade Medical doctors and lawyers allied against global malfeasance: in conversation with Heiko Schöning - YouTube [27/9/2020.] Doctors and lawyers are NOT allied against global malfeasance, these fakes are allied with the freemasons against the rest of humanity. At least this piss-taking pair of narcissistic showmen – lawyer Sven-Ake Hulleman and Heiko Schöning – do have a modicum of honesty – they struggled to keep a straight face throughout this performance!

Schöning tells Sven: “I gave an interview one year ago and I predicted this; that this will happen. It was broadcasted 11th September 2019 and it’s not a joke; everybody could follow this up.” Note the date – 9/11 – LOL. Notice also the vagueness about that interview – he doesn’t say who the interview was with or where it took place; and the hoodwinking lawyer doesn’t ask. I have had a good search of the internet and cannot find anything to back up that supposed prediction. He makes that claim to convince you that the plandemic conspiracy theory disinfo that he promulgates is true [that Covid-19 was manufactured in a lab in Wuhan.]

Notice the showman doctor loves rubbing shoulders with the obvious wolf in sheep’s clothing Robert Kennedy. Heiko talks about the “great demonstration in Berlin on 1st August” where there were “around a million people” and is proud to say: “On 29th August we had much more than a million people and we had Robert Kennedy as a speaker as well.” The narcissist boasts that he “spoke to more than one million people”. Heiko Schöning discredits himself just by his endorsement of the great deceiver Robert Kennedy who is just another treacherous pretend freedom fighter who is secretly assisting the masonic powers bring in their evil NWO.

And what of Heiko’s arrest? Well, he isn’t being truthful about that either. He is giving you a spun story. Take a look at this video Heiko Schöning, M.D. arrested unlawful at Speakers Corner London 26.09.2020, Interview on English - YouTube whereby he is interviewed by Robert Fleischer who is just another spineless, traitorous, masonic- controlled pretender who is secretly serving the men who are enslaving us. Heiko says he was at Speakers’ Corner telling some medical facts and reciting ‘Where’s the Revolution’ by Depeche Mode when the police came to arrest him. Since he tells lies and spreads disinformation his word cannot be trusted, therefore no-one knows if he was telling medical facts or not. He says he was in a lawful demonstration which started at Trafalgar Square “with prominent speakers like Piers Corbyn”. It goes without saying of course that the fact he pretends that the obvious shill Piers Corbyn is a genuine freedom fighter exposes him for what he is. After the police turned off the power and interrupted his speech he and the crowd all moved to Speakers’ Corner. He says: “If they are telling me this is not right under their Covid-19 new laws to speak to more than 30 people you will get a fine, but no reason to arrest somebody and certainly not to be arrested in handcuffs; being put into jail was absurd.” He acknowledges he was breaking the law – an offence which incurs a fine – but rather than leaving as told, he, with the crowd following, just moved elsewhere to do his speech. No wonder the police went after him. They knew he was not going to abide by the law, so they had no choice but to slap the handcuffs on and cart him off. The egotistical twat then says: “At the police station they realised they had no legal right to keep me arrested. More spin – he has not shown any evidence that the police acted unlawfully. They put me, and it was just me, into the car and then they went with lights on and they drove on the wrong side, speeding through London like it was an emergency.” We only have this liar’s word for all this. I doubt the lights were on and I doubt that cop car was speeding. As for driving on the wrong side of the road, that is not believable and not evidenced. He continues: “This was totally inappropriate. They officially told me that I’d breached the Covid-19 laws – the rule of 6 or 30, not to speak to more people or you get a fine.” You did breach the law Heiko; stop twisting the facts. You are not a heroic freedom fighter, you are a pathetic, cowardly, masonic-controlled egotist who can only pretend to be standing up to tyranny. He says he was put into an isolation cell for 22 hours and that when released “they still seized my mobile phone, laptop and a copy of this book ‘Corona 19 false alarm’ by Dr Karina Reiss and Dr Sucharit Bhakdi”. Fucking great pretender; police did not ‘seize’ that book, nor did they keep his personal belongings after they had released him. This twat wants you to believe that the truth he tells his hero-worshipping flock is so dangerous that he must be silenced. People, please wake up to these wolves. Stop letting them mock you. And he wants you to believe that “someone high above should be afraid that these kind of numbers will get out; they are very afraid that normal medical doctors speak out the truth”. The high ups fear real freedom fighters, not masonic pretenders like you. You have no truth in you Heiko Schöning; you are a liar and a deceiver, nothing but a weak and pathetic little shill boy. Continuing the pretence fellow fake Fleischer says with a little laugh: “To the point where they go and arrest a medical doctor speaking at the speaker’s corner; that’s incredible.” Fleischer, you won’t be feeling so smug either when the public realise you too are a promulgator of falsehoods; a contemptible NWO gatekeeper. Heiko continues his story-telling: “My lawyer said, ‘From all people who were arrested on this day I was the last one to be released; the last one standing.” OMG cringe times 1000. This guy is so full of himself he is convinced he is a hero. Sad bastard. Fleischer continues to feed Heiko’s overblown ego: “I know there were British activists waiting in front of the police station, waiting for your release; a lady put out a live video; people were calling the police station …” Game-playing sickos, the pair of them. All the genuine protesters that were there have once again been deceived by an unscrupulous masonic-controlled cointelpro agent who masquerades as a freedom fighting hero. And you Fleischer have perpetuated that deception. Shame on you evil little men. In response to the question what does Heiko believe will be the long-term repercussions of his arrest on the British scene of anti-lockdown protesters, he says: “I think a lot of normal people who are not informed very well – people who are more or less informed by the mass media – will wake up now to what’s going on.” You filthy, lying, bastard shills are immeasurably worse than the mainstream media. As I keep saying people will wake up when you traitorous cointelpro monkeys are exposed. Heiko continues: “I need to thank all the people in the world who were very helpful who were gathered around the prison where I’ve been; and even Germany at the British embassy in Berlin people crowded there and demanded my release. Look at him revelling in his acting role of brave freedom warrior! What an arsehole. All genuine protesters are going to be in shock and disbelief when the dirty secrets of these frauds and countless other NWO gatekeepers are exposed. When the world knows who they really work for and what their game is and that without them humanity would not be going through this transition into slavery they are going to be the most despised and hunted people on the planet. As I now realise all over the world – Argentina, Spain and elsewhere they put this story on social media, [yeah, a spun story] and even the German embassy advocated me to my release. Jesus wept, you were in there for less than 24 hours Heiko, perhaps not even that long; and you were probably treated very well. This was all very unlawful what they did. No it wasn’t; liar. So I think the long term output of this will be that a lot of people will now be in fear that if they do just a normal offence where you get fined that they will be arrested to put in an isolation cell [you would have been given plenty of warning by the police of what would happen if you continued to breach the law], and I was not allowed to speak to my wife for the whole time, so this was against the law. Again, these are the words of a liar. I bet he did speak to his wife. His job of course is to frighten you genuine freedom fighters into believing that this is what happens when you try to stand up for your rights; he is trying to put you off protesting. I was injured by this very brutal arrest [I bet that’s not true either] because I didn’t resist at all. They got me down from the bench and straightaway they handcuffed me [they didn’t trust you – you had already scooted off from Trafalgar Square pretending to be braveheart with your duped followers in tow after you were told to go home]; I had a bloody haematoma [aw poor boy had a wee bruise – or pretended he did] and a scarf at my wrist and they refused to document it in the prison. He means police station. I bet this bullshitter didn’t have a mark on him – this is all a dirty masonic psy-op remember. I asked for a medical doctor [yeah course you did; anyway, aren’t you supposed to be a doctor?] and the documentation and they took no photos.” Asked if he is going to sue the British police for this, he says: “Of course we will do and the very helpful lawyers like the lawyer of Piers Corbyn [yeah a piss-taking freemason lawyer – I bet you, Corbyn and your lawyer are all freemasons and all of you are pissing your pants at how easy it is to deceive the public ] who was very helpful, of course we will sue the police and we will make this case public; it will take time. Liar liar, pants on fire. 6 months have now passed and still you have not sued the police. Why? Because you have no grounds to sue them. Prove me wrong Heiko – show us the paperwork. My imprisonment is not very important [look how the prick wants to be seen as a humble hero; LOL], its more about the facts and the facts I needed to tell.” Shills do not deal in facts; ever; they deal in spin, lies, half-truths and obfuscation. As he is coming to the end of the charade he says: “Guess what, I have my speech on a USB stick, they missed it [Oh my fucking God, does anyone believe this shite? His speech of him reciting the words of a song was not on a USB stick], and I will put my speech onto the web; you can download this in a few hours on ACU2020 .org and Depeche Mode as well – ‘come on people you’re letting me down’.” Just look at the duper’s delight on that despicable worm’s face. Hey, Heiko, what level of freemasonry have you been promoted to for your valued services to the paedos in power? Phoney Fleischer finishes the panto saying: “And of course this is not only about you, but it is also about civil liberties and freedom of speech.” Liar, you bastards are working with the powerful freemasons to take away our free speech and make slaves of us all. Rot in hell you dirty deceivers.

If your stomach can tolerate any more of these vile, masonic thugs in suits masquerading as bastions of truth, have a listen to another twat whose arse belongs to the freemasons – Chief Inspector Michael Fritsch A20 Chief Inspector Michael Fritsch English Synchronisation - YouTube Just like all NWO shills much of what he says is true, however the fact that he doesn’t call out those who spread disinformation, like the smarmy git interviewing him – Schöning – exposes him for the masonic-controlled, game-playing, bullshitting, lying sack of shill shit he is. He wants us to believe he was sacked. This is his scripted story: “On the day after my speech in Dortmund [10th August 2020], on my following day on duty I drove to my department, I started to work and I was suspended on that very day. This means that I was prohibited from carrying out my official duties. I was sent home. My service weapons and my police badge were taken from me and I was not allowed to access my place of work; and the situation is such that the way it was justified that after the speech I would have everyone coming at me; it was justified as being ‘for my protection’.” Bullfucking shit. Prove it shill boy. Dutiful masonic- controlled stooge Schöning plays along with the pretence asking: “Protection? For protection purposes?” Fake Fritsch responds: “Protection, and also in the meantime they want to investigate if I committed an official violation; that was the second reason.” He adds: “What I am accused of, in order to suspend me were the statements I made in that speech on August 9th in Dortmund could damage the image of the police and even endanger the functioning of the police; the entire police.” What an outrageous liar this Michael Fritsch is. Michael, who is telling you to spew this shite?

Sat next to Schöning at the announcement of the ‘World Doctors Alliance’ is the chairman of the ‘WDA’, another pretend whistle blower, consultant surgeon and now shill Mohammad Iqbal Adil. He “has been suspended from the UK medical register for 12 months pending the outcome of an investigation by the General Medical Council, after posting videos on social media claiming spreading disinformation that covid-19 is a hoax”. He spreads the conspiracy theory that “the novel coronavirus has been orchestrated by the elite to control the world”. Surgeon who said covid-19 was a hoax has been suspended pending GMC investigation | The BMJ And listen to the outrageous and dangerous nonsense he is spouting here Dr Adil – Bluecat Media I quote: “Now the question arrives, ‘does the coronavirus exist?’ The answer is ‘no’. After all the research made in the last 3 months we have come to this conclusion that the coronavirus is actually a hoax created by the hunger games society … And when the pathologist sees the secretions taken from those pharynx and larynx and he identifies the same picture of those secretions taken from the lung fluid… like… they name it ‘covid-19’ which they call so-called ’corona virus’, but actually it’s not a coronavirus. This is actually an EXOSOME of the damaged and destroyed cells as a result of stress, as the entire world is going through. As a result of chest infection, as a result of flu, even lung cancer, they find the same sort of material from the lung secretions, which is labelled as ‘covid-19 positive’.” Dr Scott Jensen is also a member of the ‘World Doctors Alliance’ and is therefore just another masonic-controlled, traitorous NWO snake. It is no surprise that he is also a Republican state senator [yet another useless self-serving, lying politician.] If you take a look at 10:15 mins of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw5ldWr9QD0&t=188s dated 22/12/2020 by Dr Sam Bailey you’ll see that Jensen apparently told a local station that he “received a 7-page document coaching him to fill out death certificates with a COVID-19 diagnosis without a lab test to confirm the patient actually had the virus”. We cannot of course believe a word that comes out of his lying mouth, however the fact that Dr Bailey references him makes me wonder if she too is a shill. I don’t want to jump the gun – she may be blissfully unaware that the ‘WDA’ is a vile group of half-truthers and disinformation peddlers who are enabling the rapidly approaching NWO totalitarian prison [she may also be unaware that UK Column who she promotes is run by despicable, lying NWO scum] and just because she asks for money which throws up another red flag, doesn’t necessarily mean that she too is a NWO whore. Anyway, until I get a chance to take a closer look at her, for now the jury is out on Dr Sam Bailey.

I’m not going to bother commenting on the other doctors in the ‘WDA’ – they are all discredited by their close association with the above- named frauds.

Slippery Simone Gold, founder of America’s Frontline Doctors does not get to slither away though. She’s next for a much-needed kicking. She is just another fame-hungry narcissist and traitor of the highest order who spouts disinfo and bullshit by the bucketload in service to the billionaire paedos she pretends to be fighting. She is America’s version of Kate Shemirani and Louise Hampton – a total sell out celebrity truther/wannabe freedom fighter; and just like the egotistical fools Kate and Louise, Simone Gold is also now owned by the freemasons and she too will forever dance to their tune. She, and her shady gang of America’s frontline doctors and everyone who is knowingly enabling the Great Reset/NWO are now shackled to Satan; forever.

Wiki says: “Simone Gold is an American doctor, anti-vaccine activist, author, and founder of America's Frontline Doctors, a right-wing political organization known for spreading misinformation concerning the COVID-19 pandemic.[1][2][3] She gained notoriety when video of an America's Frontline Doctors press conference in front of the Supreme Court building went viral in July 2020.[4][5]

America's Frontline Doctors video Main article: America's Frontline Doctors In July of 2020, Gold and her group, America's Frontline Doctors, held a press conference in front of the US Supreme Court Building. The press conference was referred to as the "White Coat Summit" and was organized by Gold in conjunction with the Tea Party Patriots, a right- wing political organization, and was broadcast by Breitbart News.[9][10] It featured Gold and her colleagues speaking about the perceived merits of hydroxychloroquine, despite evidence that it is ineffective as a COVID-19 treatment and can carry significant risks.[9] As I keep saying freedom and politics do not go together and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is a big fat pretender. They also spoke out against wearing masks to prevent the spread of COVID- 19.[2] The video went viral after being retweeted by the Trump family, and reached over 14 million views before its quick removal from Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for violating their policies related to the spreading of COVID-19 misinformation.[11][10][12] If these doctors were not lying about hydroxychloroquine being an effective treatment for Covid-19 they would be proving what they say is true and they would be suing the social media giants for being ‘de-platformed’. Gold was fired in the aftermath of the video and has not worked as a doctor since.[4]

Anti-vaccine activism The day before the distribution of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, Gold spoke in front of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention headquarters in Atlanta, repeatedly calling the vaccine "experimental" [that is a baseless shilly claim – the vaccine has passed the required tests to be licensed for use] and criticizing vaccine mandates, without providing examples of vaccine mandates. This drew criticism from doctors and researchers. Peter Hotez, a vaccine researcher from Baylor College of Medicine pointed out that there were no vaccine mandates and said, "No real frontline doctor objects to this vaccine, only the antivax 'health freedom' movement linked to right wing extremism."[1]m The vaccine may be perfectly safe and I have no problem with anyone having it if they feel it will protect them; just as I have no problem with people having the flu jab if they so wish; the problem is we are being pressured and coerced to have the Covid jab under the guise of Covid- 19 being as deadly as the Black Death, which it isn’t.

Gold spoke about the COVID-19 vaccines at The Stand, an event that describes itself as a series of "Open Air Mass Healing & Miracle Services."[13] In the speech, she praised hydroxychloroquine and continued to make unfounded claims about dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines.[13][14] Real freedom fighters will tell you that the reason we must resist the Covid jab is not because it will kill us or make us sick or will change our DNA or will cause infertility or is gene therapy or whatever other conspiracy theories these doctors of deception [NWO shills] would have us believe, it is to prevent the ‘PTB’ controlling us by way of their desired vaccine ‘Freedom passport’. In other words in order for their desired NWO to materialise it is necessary for them to have the vast majority of the world jib-jabbed up. As I say Hugo Talks has done some great videos on this; please take a look https://www.youtube.com/c/HugoTalks/videos

The clever bastards in power knew that they could divide the whole world by way of the jib jab. They knew that their masonic propaganda machine would easily persuade the world’s sheeple to have the vaccine; they also knew that the way to bring the rest of us in line is to sink the internet in a sea of disinformation. How so? Well, the waverers who turn to the internet in search of truth and guidance will become confused and will end up trusting the ‘fact checker’ doctors/scientists or the ‘voice of reason’ medics who are being rolled out on the mainstream programmes to tell us not to listen to conspiracy theories, thus quickly being persuaded that the vaccine is safe and that we should take it as it will get rid of this nasty virus once and for all and we can all get our lives back. The ones who are clued up to the agenda are then left with the choice of having the jib jab just to survive or sticking to our guns and suffering the consequences.

As for the fact checkers, they are good debunkers, however you’ll notice that whilst they do a good job exposing these dishonest doctors [and others who spread misinformation] and they rightly label people conspiracy theorists, frauds or quacks, they never tell you that said people are dastardly NWO shills who are secretly enabling the powerful paedos enslave us. That is the biggest secret which must be kept because when that truth is known the masonic pyramid of control will fall.

The vaccine disinfo is necessary to persuade the people that the NWO is just a conspiracy theory; think about it if there was no vaccine disinfo the real reason for us all being jib-jabbed up would be blatantly obvious – everyone would know that the jab is the tool which will be used to totally control us. In other words it would be crystal clear that the NWO is no conspiracy theory. Just have a look at how the Chinese people are ruled Social Credit System - Wikipedia for an idea of how we will all be forced to live in the NWO. Have a read of this What is China's social credit system? | Fox News I quote: “China’s social credit system is a government program being implemented nationwide to regulate its citizens’ behavior based on a point system.” And: “China’s State Council first introduced the plan in June 2014. The council announced the system would “allow the trustworthy to roam everywhere under heaven while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step.” And that folks means that free speech will be a dim and distant pipe dream; anyone trying to speak out will simply not get any ‘credit’ and will thus be unable to survive; anyone who somehow manages to live outside of the ‘credit system’ will not last long because those people will not be able to access a doctor or dentist or get any treatment in hospital. Make no mistake; this is coming if people en masse do not wake up to what is going on and mount a fierce resistance.

I despise NWO shills – they are all truly evil, however as I say shills like Simone sicken and terrify me the most because people put their trust in doctors; no-one would believe that these highly respected health professionals would lie and deceive and betray us to the extent that they are massively assisting the NWO slavery agenda; whereas people would believe that the David Ickes and the Alex Joneses of the world are secretly working for the billionaires that they pretend to be fighting.

So please everyone, get on board the war-on-shills and let’s bring these wicked people down so that the real truth can be laid bare. Be careful though, not everyone who spreads misinformation is a shill, some people do not realise it is mis-info. As a guide do not trust politicians and celebrities who appear to be freedom fighters if they are spouting vaccine misinformation in particular because those people are deliberately disseminating disinformation in service to the masonic powers who are enslaving us.

2021 storming of the US Capitol building On January 5, 2020, Gold spoke at a rally in Washington D.C. to a crowd of people gathering in the city for the next day's "Stop the Steal" rally. That rally was more of the same masonic piss-taking theatre. Trump and Biden answer to the same masonic authority. She criticized the COVID-19 vaccines, saying that COVID-19 was non-fatal [that is disinfo, cos Covid-19 clearly does kill some people, just as the flu or even the common cold does] and making additional unfounded claims about the vaccines.[5] She was deliberately spreading vaccine disinformation in service to her masonic handler. She told supporters, "If you don't want to take an experimental biological agent deceptively named a vaccine [as I say that is a conspiracy theory – it could be a ‘biological agent’ whatever that is, and it isn’t deceptively named a vaccine, cos it is a vaccine; she is being deceptive], you must not allow yourself to be coerced!"[15] Gold was scheduled to speak the next day at the Rally for Health Freedom, but the rally was cancelled soon before her speech. It wasn’t genuine anyway. Any ‘health freedom’ rally which has discredited health professionals among its speakers i.e. liars and deceivers is just an act; a disgusting masonic show. Any ‘freedom’ rally which has known controlled opposition snakes among its speakers is an illusion of a freedom rally. She then joined the crowd and illegally entered the Capitol building, along with America's Frontline Doctors Communications Director John Strand.[4] John Strand is just as sneaky and evil as her, just by association. He also writes for the Epoch Times which is just another gatekeeping propaganda outfit. Gold and Strand were caught on video "in the middle of a crowd attempting to push past law enforcement officials to get inside."[5] That discredits the pair of them and exposes them both as nothing but narcissistic show offs. She then gave the speech she had planned to give at the rally in the rotunda of the Capitol building.

Gold and Strand were later identified by FBI wanted images from the event circulated on social media.[5] More masonic pretence; the masonic- controlled FBI know who the masonic-controlled NWO stooges are. Gold was arrested several weeks later on charges of entering a restricted building and violent entry and disorderly conduct.[17][18][8] Gold has admitted to entering the Capitol building, saying that she did not know it was illegal to do so and that she did not witness any violence, saying "where I was, was incredibly peaceful."[4] She said "I do regret being there," because she is concerned that the controversy will detract from her work with America's Frontline Doctors.[4] LOL, what that means is the façade was slipping and she didn’t want to be exposed as a fraud who is the leader of a phony group of ‘truth’ doctors.

Other events Gold was a speaker at AMPFest, a pro-Trump event [she is just another wannabe politician and she wants you to believe that politicians have clout. No-one with any self-respect would want to be a politician – they are all derided as liars and of being untrustworthy, and as I say genuine freedom fighters know that they all answer to the higher [masonic] powers] held in Miami, Florida in October of 2020.[19] She spoke at an event for donors to the Council for National Policy, a right-wing Christian group, in November 2020.[17] The Council for National Policy (CNP) is an umbrella organization and networking group for conservative and Republican activists in the United States. Council for National Policy - Wikipedia In December 2020, she was part of a summit hosted by Turning Point USA, a nonprofit that supports conservative movements on high school and college campuses.[3] Reactions from the medical community Gold has been criticized by some in the medical field for her views surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines. Jeffrey Koplan, an epidemiologist, vice president for Global Health at Emory University, and former head of the CDC, said, "She and her organization show a wilful ignorance of science and the scientific method, as well as a disrespect for accomplished scientific institutions and brilliant scientists."[17] Director of Columbia University's Pandemic Resource and Response Initiative Irwin Redlener called Gold a "toxic purveyor of misinformation, now actively contributing to rightwing extremist rhetoric that continues to rile up people determined to hang on to the most egregious Donald Trump lies."[17]” Simone Gold - Wikipedia

I quote from this article Dr. Simone Gold: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com by Jessica McBride: “On Twitter, Gold defines herself as “doctor-lawyer-writer- mom.” MD.com describes her as affiliated with Centinela Freeman Emergency Medical Associates in Inglewood, California.” That sounds very freemasonic. Take a look here Freeman (Colonial) - Wikipedia I quote: “Black's Law Dictionary (9th edition) defines Freeman as follows: 1. A person who possesses and enjoys all the civil and political rights belonging to the people under a free government. 2. A person who is not a slave. 3. Hist. A member of a municipal corporation (a city or a borough) who possesses full civic rights, esp. the right to vote. 4. Hist. A freeholder. Cf. VILLEIN. 5. Hist. An allodial landowner. Cf. VASSAL. - also written free man.[2]” And: “Oath of a freeman Initially, all persons seeking to be free needed to take the Oath of a Freeman, in which they vowed to defend the Commonwealth and not to conspire to overthrow the government.”

On July 26, she wrote on Twitter, “Join me live tomorrow via live stream for the America’s Front Line Doctors Summit from Washington DC. Monday July 27, 9am-12:30 & 3-6 pm. American Life has fallen casualty to massive disinformation & we need to stop living in fear!”” The whole world is sinking in disinformation; and she is America’s doctor disinfo who heads a gang of deceiving doctors.

Federal Election Commission records show she has donated money to Republican causes, including the campaign of Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine.”

Gold once shared a petition seeking signatures that argues that “professional psychology is failing targeted parents and their children who are experiencing the attachment-related pathology of ‘parental alienation’ following divorce.”” What does she mean by ‘targeted parents’?

Have a listen now to ‘Dr. Simone Gold explains why she prescribes Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 patients and what her experience with it has been’ for the fictional narrative that Gold is parroting with the full support of her gang of deceiving doctors https://omny.fm/shows/dennis-prager-podcasts/a-malaria-drug-for-covid- 19-yes-it-works-says-a-do [14/4/2020.]

She tells Dennis Prager that she’s “working in the emergency department right now”. Asked if she prescribes hydroxychloroquine to people with Covid, she says she does. Asked how the results have been with patients with Covid-19 she says: “So I had heard that patients got better very quickly which I found curious because in most infectious diseases it’s not that rapid, but then I saw it for myself; I’ve had many inpatients but I’ve had a couple of outpatients, meaning people came to the emergency dept and can be discharged, and I’ve done that twice because our hospital doesn’t want us to do that with the outpatients – both of them had the exact same thing I’d heard on other media [notice the vagueness – she doesn’t say what media, and Prager doesn’t ask. He should have asked what media attention these two Covid patients had received], which is both of them got rapidly quicker; improved within about 12 hours and they were confirmed positive. So, did they return to the outpatient dept to tell her the drug worked? If this was true it would have been a massive news story since there was/is no evidence that HCQ cures Covid, never mind proof that it works within 12 hours. And we would have seen this narcissist Simone Gold all over the mainstream broadcasts gloating to all and sundry. The only reason I was able to do that was because we got the testing done in an hour prior to that.” Masonic puppet Prager of course lets her get away with being vague; if this was not a masonic psy-op and he was genuine he would have been pressing her for some details about these patients. He would also have asked her to provide some proof by way of the medical records [she could have redacted out personal identifiers.]

Asked about people in a more advanced stage of the disease in a hospital – if they are being prescribed it by her or anyone else, she says: “Yes but that changed; I have always been a fan of hydroxychloroquine, partly because there is no other treatment and partly because of the mechanism of the drug – it’s likely to be effective; but our hospital, like most hospitals were not using it for inpatient treatment until about 2 weeks ago [so around April 1st 2020] when it changed and then all of a sudden we changed. Now we use it.” Asked why the change 2 weeks ago she says: “I think that’s a great question and just to remind the listeners that at some point there comes enough pressure – enough decision makers all agree to change something because I was an advocate for it but I was pretty alone in that and I wasn’t involved in the reason why the hospital changed. I came to work one day and now all of a sudden we’re doing it; I don’t think evidence changed from a Monday to a Tuesday but at one point we just decided to do it. I was not privy why.” LOL, the egotistical, smug-faced, masonic-controlled tool had nothing to do with that decision. Have a read of Hydroxychloroquine for covid-19: the end of the line? | The BMJ [15/6/2020] to see what happened. I quote: “Before the covid-19 pandemic hydroxychloroquine was known chiefly as a drug to prevent and treat malaria and also as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. It has been around for decades, but as the coronavirus spread rapidly across the world it quickly became one of the potential treatment frontrunners. So much so that in March the drug company Teva donated millions of doses of hydroxychloroquine sulfate to hospitals across the US, after a request from the government. This was despite experts warning that the drug’s effectiveness was unproved.

At the time the US president, Donald Trump, said the drug had shown “very, very encouraging early results.”1 A week later the US Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency use authorisation, enabling clinicians to prescribe hydroxychloroquine for patients admitted to hospital with covid-19. The agency said the approval was based on “limited in-vitro and anecdotal clinical data.”2

Around this time, a number of large international trials were launched to assess the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine, as well as other potential covid-19 treatments. The WHO Solidarity trial, comparing four treatments against the standard care for patients with such symptoms, began in March and has since recruited over 3500 patients in 35 countries, with more than 400 hospitals taking part.3 A team at the University of Oxford began a similar study, the RECOVERY trial, to assess six different treatments, including hydroxychloroquine. The trial has so far enrolled more than 11 000 patients from 175 NHS hospitals in the UK.

As these trials continued, the medical community waited for any indication that a treatment would be effective against the disease. Then, in the space of two weeks, confusion and controversy hit.

Retraction scandal On 22 May the Lancet published a study claiming that patients with covid-19 treated with chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine (with or without a macrolide) were at a greater risk of dying in hospital and experiencing heart arrhythmias than those patients who did not receive the drugs. The paper included more than 96 000 patients admitted to hospital with covid-19 in six continents from December 2019 to April 2020. It seemed to be a blow to hopes for the drug, especially when three days later WHO announced that it had halted the hydroxychloroquine arm of its Solidarity trial pending a review.

But then 146 clinicians, medical researchers, statisticians, and ethicists wrote to the Lancet and the study authors pointing out several issues with the paper, including that there was no data or code sharing and implausible numbers. The same authors had also published a study in the New England Journal of Medicine on 1 May that reported that angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers were not associated with a higher risk of harm in patients with covid-19. Both studies used data from a little known healthcare analytics company, Surgisphere.

In the following days serious concerns were raised about the data used in the studies and the legitimacy of Surgisphere after it refused to transfer the full dataset and associated information. The company argued that doing this would violate confidentiality requirements and agreements with clients. Both the Lancet and NEJM studies were retracted,4 with the authors not linked to Surgisphere saying they could “no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources.”5 WHO then restarted its trial on 4 June.” See also Is chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine useful in treating people with COVID-19, or in preventing infection in people who have been exposed to the virus? | Cochrane [12/2/2021]

Continuing the fabricated narrative Gold says: “One of the reasons I wanted to talk with you is when that change came about I kind of rolled my eyes [LOL, she’s really lapping up her acting role in this dirty masonic charade] and thought ‘really, what was so different from last week’, but ok, then when I started prescribing for outpatients [I think she should show some proof that she treated any Covid patients] mostly cos I had a confirmed test in the ER I was given a lot of pushback about prescribing it for outpatients.” She wasn’t fired until after the July press conference. She would not have been ‘got at’ whilst the hospital where she worked were authorised to prescribe HCQ. So if she was prescribing it at any other time she would have – rightly – been given a warning. Prager of course doesn’t ask for clarification; his job is to assist with the narrative.

Continuing the charade Prager asks: “So have you seen people, not outpatient, inpatients; the Covid-19 was serious enough for them to be hospitalised, in the last 2 weeks are you familiar with any of those patients being given hydroxychloroquine?” Gold: “Yes, absolutely I think it’s really standard.” Prager: “And what have the results been?” Gold: “I wouldn’t be in a position to say – I think you have to wait for the data.” If this was not a psy-op he would have had her back on to give us the results. For more nauseating pretence listen to what Simone Gold has to say here EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Simone Gold discusses benefits of Hydroxychloroquine after video promoting drug was - YouTube [1/8/2020.] Presenter Anna Laurel is just another despicable pretender who answers to the masonic powers. Going along with the picture painted of Gold being some sort of national hero she says: “You have dealt with downright character assassination; you lost your job; why did YouTube, Facebook and Twitter take down and censor that video? Why did it strike such a nerve?” Carry on playing the pretend game Anna Laurel, your days are numbered too. Gold had to deal with all the TRUTH bombs which were destroying her character. Who knows what she was actually sacked for – we can’t believe a word that comes out of her lying mouth. Let her show us her dismissal papers. Whatever she was fired for, she would have had plenty of warning beforehand and an opportunity to put it right; I should imagine even after that press conference she would have been given a final warning and the opportunity to put forward an apology and a retraction before being dismissed. If she is not lying she will have an unfair dismissal case. According to Doctor who was fired from hospitals, censored, defamed for promoting COVID cure hires top lawyer | News | Lifesitenews [30/10/2020] she might be taking legal action against her employer. I quote: “Dr. Gold told LifeSiteNews that Wood and Mike Pike will be representing her in potential lawsuits against the hospitals she was fired from, as well as in defamation and censorship cases. Dr. Gold told LifeSiteNews that she is not naming the hospitals at this time and is currently “negotiating with hospitals.”” She won’t – she has no legal leg to stand on. In any case whatever she or the media say about any legal action cannot be trusted, so until she publishes the court documentation anything else can be taken with a pinch of salt. Gold replies: “I think people instinctively recognise truth when they hear it; that is the only explanation. Apparently 18 million people saw the video within about 8 hours; I’m told it was the most viral video of all time. People took you and your team of phoney Truth doctors on face value, Simone; no-one would believe that you would all lie and deceive in such an abhorrent way. People naturally believed you doctors were the real deal and would have been happy and relieved to know that good doctors as you seemed to be are speaking out. With so many doctors and other health professionals however turning out to be total sell out, despicable NWO disinfo agents no-one knows who is telling the truth. Shame on the bloody lot of you disgusting liars. I hope you all rot in hell for such unforgivable treachery. For whatever reason all the big tech companies found that incredibly dangerous [no they didn’t you dirty distorter of truth; what is incredibly dangerous is the filthy disinformation that you scumbags are spewing. You should all be locked up and all trace of you removed from the internet]; I actually, I’m still in shock.” You don’t know what shock is you traitorous bitch; you will do though when you get your comeuppance. Lying Laurel tells her that she “came forward at great personal cost and professional cost”. Ugh; sickening pretence.

Simone then denies she is “some kind of operative” [she is a fully paid up rat shill and so is her gang of unscrupulous doctors] and she pretends to be “at a loss”, saying, “we rely on free speech to have a free society” [free speech is for people who wish to voice an opinion, not for people to spout lies and disinformation; it is liars and deceivers like you dastardly doctors, in service to powerful freemasons, who are bringing about the end of free speech] and that “there really is no free speech at all [that is another lie; we do still have free speech; but the clock is ticking so people en masse have to get off their knees NOW and fight to protect that fundamental right]; when a doctor can’t talk about medicine how do we have free speech?” She continues: “I’m a board- certified emergency physician which is very difficult to be – you have to go through college, medical school, residency and then you have to maintain your board certification with annual exams and competency checks etc; it’s not an easy accomplishment, I’m very proud of it.” So why oh why did you throw it all away? Why did you agree to shill for the NWO? What was the reward for selling your soul? Is it the promise of a career in politics? Have you been promised a ministerial position in the American government? And: “I was working for 20 years, until this week I was considered a hero by most people – one of the frontline workers … I worked through a pandemic, like all my amazing colleagues …” And now look at you – shackled to Satan. You, Simone, are more enslaved than the average Joe. Anyone who knowingly serves the masonic beast system is a slave to Satan.

Anna Laurel goes on to ask Gold how many patients she has treated with hydroxychloroquine and asks her to “tell us your experience”. Gold responds: “It’s overwhelming, but you don’t have to look at just my experience, there are dozens and dozens of studies …” Your alleged experience is that 2 of your outpatients were cured using HCQ within 12 hours; even if that was true, it is hardly overwhelming! And she says: “There’s no question, from my personal experience it’s a magic bullet; very few things in medicine have worked this effectively.” And that is yet another outrageous lie. And: “Most of my patients get admitted as an inpatient, so the time I prescribe it for them is when they come to the ER they’re not, no need to stay but they get discharged, so for those patients I’ve done it only a handful of times; every time I followed up, the patient got well within hours; I’m talking 12 hours, 20 hours.” She can’t even say it was 2 patients! And those were supposedly the momentous times that she witnessed for herself that hydroxychloroquine does cure Covid-19. She also says: “I don’t know what planet they’re living on; certainly not the planet I’m living on where I’m seeing patients every day for 20 years; there’s a lot of defamation going on [no, there is a lot of truth telling about you going on] and it’s got to stop; BTW I wanted to say the support has been unbelievable [I think I can change that]; course there are detractors but the average American; unbelievable support.” Course, cos vast swathes of us know that we are being lied to by our governments and media, so when a group of Truth warrior doctors pop up we trustingly embrace them, never in a million years thinking that they too would be deceiving us with their half-truths and science. That is mind-blowingly despicable deception.

The traitorous Anna Laurel continues the evil pretence: “I can hear the emotion in your voice; I can only imagine what you have been through in the past few days, like you said; you’ve been on the front lines, you were a hero [she wasn’t – she was just doing her job] up until this video went out – how does this make you feel? You are being attacked.” She is being attacked with the truth, as you well know Anna. And if you had any scruples you would stop perpetuating this myth and would blow this dirty charade wide open; but you never will because you too have sold out to the freemasons and your arse belongs to them.

Sad cow Simone continues the act: “It’s not about me; I’m so sad for our country. Liar – you are serving the men who are destroying it, and the decent folk in it. You are the female version of Heiko Schöning – a big fat fraud; an egotistical, pretend truth warrior; a phony hero. I will not quit. You will; you and your deceitful ‘America’s Frontline Doctors’; will all pay for your heinous betrayal when the public know the truth. You are all going to deeply regret selling out to the paedos in power. For just a little bit longer we’re either going to win this battle and maintain free speech and freedom for America or we’re going to lose it and end up living in a country like China. That is the battle we are facing and if I’m on the frontline, so be it. The battle of the genuine freedom fighters is to annihilate all you dirty deceivers who secretly work for the billionaires that you pretend to be fighting. There’s a lot of people who stand with me.” You have only weak and cowardly masonic-controlled puppets like yourself and duped individuals standing with you. Anna Laurel says: “You say you have the best attorney in the country by your side; what are you going to do?” Gold replies: “Everyone who has defamed me will have to answer for their defamatory statements. Exposing the truth is not defamation; you however Simone will answer for your despicable crimes; you are a traitor of the highest order; shame on you, and more fool you; the clock is ticking. But going forward I would ask people to stop defaming me; that’s all you have to do. You want people to stop revealing the truth about you; never; and by the way don’t bank on the masons to protect you when the shit hits the fan – they’ll only care about trying to save their own sorry arses. Just stop it; you want to argue, fine – put your side up against my side; we can do it all day long; I welcome that [that is what the real truth soldiers are doing, you stupid loser]; there’s no reason for personal attacks.”

The findings of Media Bias Fact Check Reviews America's Frontline Doctors - News Facts Network are: “Founded 0n 07/16/2020 by Simone Gold with the domain registered in Toronto Canada, America’s Frontline Doctors is a website that consists of a group of doctors that report information on COVID-19 from a conservative perspective. The website lacks transparency as they do not provide an about page or disclose ownership, however, they do provide a page that lists their leadership, which does not contain an Epidemiologist, Immunologist, or Infectious Disease expert. If they do have qualified physicians and researchers on staff they are not listed on the website.

Analysis / Bias In review, the website consists of sections such as Summit, Media, and Blog. Under “summit” there are subsections “Summit Agenda, Leadership, Speakers, References, Testimonials” the subsection References include two pdf files “White Paper on Hydroxychloroquine” which includes an interview with Pseudoscience promoter Dr. Mehmet Oz. The White Paper research describes Hydroxychloroquine as a safe and effective cure for Covid-19. According to the FDA and several other studies, Hydroxychloroquine is not an effective treatment for Covid-19.

Under the “Compendium of HCQ Studies”, they reference Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter whose name also appears under a letter to President Trump with other conservative activists that aligned with the Tea Party Patriots. You can view the letter here. The second PDF document lists Dr. Vladimir Zelenko [I reference him during my debunking of Elke de Klerk] as a source who was touted by the Tea Party PAC.

In the video of their press conference that aired on 7/27/2020, a Pediatrician and religious minister named Stella Immanuel claimed that with Hydroxychlorquine “You don’t need masks, there is a cure.” Stella Immanuel has also made questionable claims in the past such as “Endometriosis is caused by people having sex in their dreams with demons and witches,” and that “alien DNA is currently used in medical treatments, and that scientists are creating a vaccine to prevent people from being religious.” She also claims that the government is run by “reptilians.”

In general, America’s Frontline Doctors lack credibility as none of the Doctors are specialized in the field of infectious diseases. Further, much of the information they present is not supported by the scientific consensus regarding Covid-19.

Overall, we rate America’s Frontline Doctors a quackery level pseudoscience website based on the promotion of false or misleading information regarding Coronavirus that does not align with the consensus of science. We also rate them Low for factual reporting due to a lack of transparency as well as using known pseudoscience sources to draw their conclusions. (D. Van Zandt 7/28/2020).”

Kristen Panthagani does a good debunking of Dr. Stella Immanuel. Take a look here Fact-check: Dr. Stella Immanuel’s hydroxychloroquine cure – You Can Know Things [28/7/2020.] I quote: “Her basic arguments are this: 1. She has treated over 350 COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin + zinc, and none of them have died, therefore this treatment is a cure.

2. She and her staff and some other doctors have been taking this drug combo as prophylaxis and none of them have gotten sick, therefore it is also effective as a prophylaxis.

She The cheeky bitch then goes on to say that any study saying otherwise is fake science, it’s unethical not to give the drug now because people are dying, and doctors who are standing by, and not giving this treatment are like the ‘good Germans’ who stood by and let the holocaust happen. We’ll tackle some of these follow-up claims in a minute, but first let’s look at her dataset that she is basing these claims on.

Her argument is that treating 350 COVID-19 patients and all of them surviving is evidence that the treatment is a cure. Usually we want a control group to compare to, but it seems Dr. Immanuel believes this would be unethical, so we have none. This is big flaw #1 of her data set…

To listen to her talk, you might think she is working in a hospital taking care of very sick COVID-19 patients and miraculously seeing them all get better with the hydroxychloroquine combo. But she keeps using the word “clinic”.. which is not where sick hospital patients are treated. ‘Clinic’ generally refers to an outpatient doctor’s office or perhaps an urgent care center. So what “clinic” is she talking about?

After doing a little googling, I found that she works at Rehoboth Medical Center, which, though the name sounds like it might be a rather large medical operation, is in fact a walk-in clinic in a Houston strip mall.

So these are 350 COVID-19 patients who came to her walk-in clinic. This very much skews her data set. First, it means that the people she is studying are not very sick patients (because they are going to a walk-in clinic for treatment, not a hospital.) This is confirmed by the video on the clinic’s facebook page, where she says they “screen and treat mild cases of COVID-19.” The chances of having 350 mild COVID-19 patients all survive is much, much higher than the chances of 350 very sick hospitalized COVID-19 patients all survive. Second, and perhaps more problematic, it is unlikely that she is able to follow-up with all of her patients to see whether they did well or not. Is she regularly calling all the patients who came to her clinic to see if they went to the hospital and died? I guarantee you medical records are not coordinated enough for her to follow up with them that way. If she has a patient who comes in on Tuesday, gets his hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin/zinc combo, then falls very ill on a Friday and goes to a hospital across town, how would Dr. Immanuel know? Unless she is faithfully following up with every walk-in patient and has backup plans if those patients become too sick to speak on the phone, it is unlikely she could rigorously track whether or not her patients became sick and died. So in essence, it seems like Dr. Immanuel may be saying that nobody died at her walk in clinic, or called to let her know that one of her patients died. The fact that this happened for 350 people in a row now becomes highly, highly probable, not improbable.

And now her prophylaxis argument. She adds that masks are not necessary because we already have a COVID-19 prophylaxis: hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin + zinc. It is a little confusing watching the viral video of her making this claim and then watching the video on her clinic’s facebook page where she is encouraging everyone to wear masks, stay 6 feet away, and use hand sanitizer. OMG, fukkin unbelievable, the hypocrite stands outside her clinic all masked and gloved up doing and saying what is required [social distancing, hand sanitising …] to keep her business open whilst at the same time getting on the stage with all the other disgusting, lying ‘AFD’ totally contradicting herself whilst she feeds the American people that she proclaims to care so much about a load of filthy disinfo bullshit in service to the men who rule the world who are rapidly enslaving us in the NWO hell. Evil, horrible woman. Rot in hell Immanuel. But, let’s address her argument…

In summary, her “evidence” that hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin/zinc is a cure and prophylaxis for COVID-19 does not hold up at all. We would expect these same results by pure chance.

Now let’s look at the details of a few of her other claims.

She argues there is a 2005 NIH study that says ‘it works.’ While there are numerous in vitro studies looking at the effect of hydroxychloroquine on various viruses, I guarantee you that whatever 2005 study she is referring to was not studying SARS-CoV-2, as the virus did not exist back then. I’m not sure what study she is referring to (perhaps it was this 2005 in vitro study of chloroquine efficacy against SARS), but please remember that different types of studies carry different levels of weight. In vitro studies are considered very, very preliminary, and you can’t conclude a drug works in humans just because it worked in an in vitro study.

She says the NIH knows that hydroxychloroquine works because of a COVID hiccup study. “If the NIH knows that treating a patient with hydroxychloroquine proves that hiccups is a symptom of COVID then they definitely know that hydroxychloroquine works.” She says to google hiccups and COVID to see what she is talking about, so I did. This is the study that came up: it is a case report (description of a single patient) of a man in China who presented with hiccups as an atypical presentation of COVID. That man was given hydroxychloroquine, and his hiccups did go away. However, I hope this doesn’t need to be said — this is not a study, it’s a story about what happened to a single patient. You can’t make sweeping conclusions about the efficacy of a drug based on one patient. If that were true, then any single patient who got the hydroxychloroquine drug combo and died would be evidence that it’s 100% lethal. This is considered anecdotal evidence and is not proof of anything.

She says she sees people sitting in her office knowing that this is a death sentence. This is a very dramatic claim for someone who treats mild COVID patients. Not everyone who gets COVID-19 dies. Yes, an upsetting percentage of them do… but “death sentence” is over the top.

She says there is no way she can treat 350 patients and they all live, but other doctors/scientists are going to tell her that they treated 20 people, 40 people and it didn’t work. This, I believe, is her criticism of other studies showing that hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work, which she asserts are fake science. She seems to be arguing that she has the biggest study of hydroxychloroquine effectiveness, and that studies of 20 – 40 people aren’t strong evidence to show lack of efficacy. While she is correct that studies of 20 – 40 people aren’t very strong evidence, she is mistaken in thinking that this is the sample size of hydroxychloroquine studies to date. Here is a randomized controlled trial of 4716 patients showing no benefit of hydroxychloroquine treatment, and here is a meta- analysis of 26 different studies (including a total of 103,486 patients) showing no clinical benefit of hydroxychloroquine treatment (with or without azithromycin). These are two of the strongest studies we have on hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 to date. Check out this post for more details, as well as other published studies on hydroxychloroquine +/- azithromycin for COVID-19.

She says you don’t need masks — there is a prevention and a cure. Again, her data “proving” that the hydroxychloroquine drug combo works as a prophylaxis is based on herself and her staff and some unknown number of other doctors, which is not very many people. Here is a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial of hydroxyhcloroquine prophylaxis (studying 821 people) demonstrating that hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis did not protect against COVID-19. Check out this post for more details on hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis studies.

She says that for all the doctors waiting for data — if 6 months down the road they find out the drugs work, its unethical not to have treated them now. She also compares doctors standing by watching patients die to the ‘good Germans’ standing by letting the holocaust happen. LOL, the sad cow wants everyone to believe that she and her fellow despicable, disinfo doctors are heroic lone voices in the wilderness desperately trying to get the truth out to save humanity.

No. First, we already have lots of data on hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19, and there is not strong evidence to suggest it works against COVID-19 (see studies in previous paragraphs). But even if we didn’t have this data yet — that doesn’t mean it would be unethical to withhold hydroxychloroquine treatment until we know if it works or not. The way doctors decide whether or not to give any treatment is by weighing the benefits versus the risks. For benefit, we look at the evidence that the drug works (which is very little). For the risks, we look at the side effects (which include risks of heart problems). If you have a drug that lacks evidence that it works and has side effects, it is not unethical to avoid prescribing it.

In conclusion, this doctor is making claims based on a deeply flawed data set and ignores the other studies on hydroxychloroquine that contradict her conclusions. This is not helpful. I am not sure why she is doing this — it is very possible that she genuinely believes what she is saying and is trying to get the word out. She is doing it because she is one of a group of doctors [very intelligent, highly qualified people] who, for whatever reason, have been persuaded by very powerful freemasons to shill for the NWO. None of them really believe HCQ can cure or prevent Covid. But that doesn’t make her arguments valid.

Edit: But what about the Yale epidemiologist’s Newsweek article calling hydroxychloroquine the key to defeating COVID? Read about that here.”

I would just add to that brilliant critique, notice throughout the press conference performance WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO - American Doctors Address COVID-19 Misinformation at SCOTUS Press Conference. (bitchute.com) [28/7/2020] Stella’s shocking arrogance and her clear contempt for the honest doctors. Notice also her disdainful reaction when she is asked if she has published her findings of her results. Watch from 21 mins where she says, with a smug look on her face, that hydroxychloroquine works. When answering the question the bullshitting bitch says: “We’re working on publishing it right now; we’re working on that. Why do you have to ‘work’ on it? 8 months have now gone by, why have you still not published it? But this is what I’ll say, people like Dr. … publish the data, and my question is, ‘And’? [LOL look at that look of contempt on her face.] That would make you see patients? Yes my data will come out [when???], when that comes out that’s great but right now people are dying [you’re not helping any dying people; you’re assisting in the death of freedom and thus the death of humanity] so my data is not important for you to see patients; I’m saying that to my colleagues out there who talk about, ‘data data data’.” LOL, look at that expression of scorn. Notice Simone scurrying to her side to help bolster the lies. She says: “May I interject, there is a lot of published data on this – not every clinician needs to publish their data …” Well the people who are trying to convince the public that it works need to publish their proof!

On the overwhelming evidence that HCQ does not work on Covid, she says: “I can tell you categorically it’s fake science.” The brass neck of this lying, arrogant woman knows no bounds! She continues: “I’m a true testimony [no, you’re not; you are acting in a sordid masonic psy-op], so I came here to Washington DC to tell America nobody needs to get sick; this virus has a cure – it is called hydroxychloroquine … And let me tell you something, all you fake doctors [jaw-dropping or what; she is the fake] that tell me ‘I want double-blinded studies’ … ‘Double-blinded, double-blinded’, I don’t know, what are you … malfunctioning? But I’m a real doctor. You’re a disgrace. I have radiologists; we have plastic surgeons, we have neurosurgeons like Sanjay Gupta saying, ‘oh it doesn’t work and it causes heart disease’; let me ask you doctor Sanjay Gupta, hear me, have you ever seen a Covid patient? Have you ever treated anybody with hydroxychloroquine and they died from heart disease? When you do, come and talk to me.” Look at smug Simone in the background smiling and nodding her approval and having a little chuckle at the impudence of this woman. Utterly shameful.

Stella continues her performance: “They come after me, they threaten me; I’ve got all kinds of threats or they’re going to report me to the boss [stop lying Stella, no-one is threatening you and no-one needs to; people are laughing at you]; I say, you know what, I don’t care; I’m not going to let Americans die and if this is the hill where I get nailed on I will get nailed on it. I wish someone would nail this narcissist’s mouth shut! She is just like Simone Gold – loving the fame and adoration of being a courageous whistle blowing doctor who is willing to suffer to save America. Pity it’s all just an act. And look at all the other fakes standing with her, exchanging smiles with each other. Utterly shocking. Shame on all those disgraceful doctors participating in such a monstrous psy-op. I don’t care; you can report me to the boss; you can kill me; you can do whatever, but I’m not going to let Americans die.” Make the most of your shameful charade Stella because you too will soon rue the day you agreed to sell out. When the public know the truth you too will pay a very high price for your role in the enslaving of the American people.

Stella so loved the limelight and her moment of glory as fake freedom fighter that she did not want to get off that stage – notice Simone had to slither over and nudge her off. LOFL. The smiles of approval and clapping that followed from the masonic-controlled puppet doctors is just nauseating, but Simone saying Stella Immanuel is “also known as warrior” and that she wishes that “all doctors listening to this would bring that kind of passion to their patients” had me reeling in disgust. I wonder what all the decent doctors think of this loathsome lot.

Have a look at (3) Who is Dr Stella Immanuel? - YouTube and (3) Houston-area doctor at center of controversial coronavirus cure video doubles down - YouTube Notice all the shills out in force in the comments sections supporting the – ahem – Godly truth warrior doctor. Ugh I want to throw up again.

A few other doctors from ‘America’s Fraudulent Doctors’ took the mike at that spectacle but I can’t be bothered commenting on them as it would just be repetition; they are of course just as traitorous and deserving of contempt as Simone and Stella. All I can say is these – cough – Truth doctors sure have confirmed the case against the use of hydroxychloroquine as a possible treatment or preventative drug for Covid-19. I will just give Dr. Richard Urso a mention. Have a listen to him from 1h 26 mins on The Shepard Ambellas Show ♫ #78: Dr. Richard Urso M.D. on COVID and the Vaccine (iheart.com) As well as parroting the line ‘HCQ cures Covid’ he gives a story that his dad died in hospital during the Corona crisis with nobody around. He says: “He went into hospital and I couldn’t go into the hospital; it was horrible, a travesty; here’s the sick part, they don’t even go in the room for Covid patients – they do their rounds by zoom. The nurses told me: “The doctors are not even going into the room to see your dad.” I go: “What are you talking about?” They go: “He goes outside the room and looks in by zoom camera.” I said: “That is insane.”” That of course is not believable and unevidenced. He also promotes the ‘plandemic’ and the vaccine ‘DNA altering’ disinformation. I quote: “It means this messenger RNA goes in your body and then accidentally – you could design it on purpose, but we’ll assume they’re not designing it on purpose – but accidentally get transcribed into your own DNA.” Asked what that could mean “if I was Dr Evil” Urso says: “What it means is you’ll have chronic covid your whole life.” He adds: “We think some people have long covid because it’s transcribing in the DNA.” And he says: “This is Dr Evil stuff; hopefully these guys aren’t doing that.” Hopefully not. As I say these wicked disinfo doctors are filling our heads with these wild, baseless, fearmongering conspiracies which are spread thick and fast all over the internet by the shill repeaters to trick you into taking the ‘safe’ vaccine which they want you to believe will enable us to get our freedoms back. The shilly, bastard, head-fuck brigade do not want you to realise that the real reason the ‘PTB’ want us all jib jabbed up is so that they can control every aspect of our lives by way of a ‘Freedom passport’. Nor do they want you cottoning on to the fact that the evil NWO is unfolding before our very eyes, because once the majority of people are aware of that fact it can and will be stopped – simply by non- compliance. The evil billionaires of course know that, which is why they are in a hurry to get the majority of us vaccinated as quick as they can. Meanwhile we genuine freedom fighters are in a race against time to wake the whole world up to what is going on.

As I say it is people like Dr. Richard Urso [who is almost certainly a high up freemason] and all the others in these groups of doctors who masquerade as heroic Truth warriors who are the most dangerous of all NWO shills because these are the people we all trust the most – most people simply would not suspect that so many doctors and other health professionals such as scientists and psychiatrists blatantly lie and deceive in service to the men in power who are gradually taking away our freedoms and will not stop until we are totally enslaved. And when these dirty deceiving doctors say they are being discredited and censored and sacked for speaking ‘dangerous’ truth, well, naturally they are believed. And even when these wicked people are exposed as liars or of promoting pseudo-science or conspiracy theories they are not exposed as NWO shills who are secretly working for the evil men who are enslaving us, instead they are merely classed as nasty people who have their own nefarious agendas or who are out to make a quick buck out of the gullible. Consequently they are doing a commendable job of buying time for their masonic masters – far too many people are still asleep, confused, fearful, apathetic …

As I also say though, do not be afraid, simply put your full faith in God and behave as He wants you to. Whosoever does that will not fear the coming final and eternal judgement.

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

“Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.” Psalm 34:13

“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” John 4:24

“Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.” Proverbs 30:5

“Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.” Proverbs 4:24

“The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.” Proverbs 12:22

“If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.” 1 John 1:6

“An honest witness does not deceive, but a false witness pours out lies.” Proverbs 14:5

“To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.” Proverbs 8:13

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44

Before I finish sticking the boot into America’s Fraudulent Doctors, just to let you know these wolves are asking for your money to enable them to continue to assist the process which is completely enslaving you and me. You’re invited to give anywhere between $50 however often you like up to an amount of $1000 and more if you so wish. Take a look https://securedonors.com/americasfrontlinedoctorsummit+campaignfr Thankfully folk appear to be seeing through this utterly despicable, treasonous group; no-one has donated. Finally is German lawyer Reiner Füellmich the man we can rely on to free us from the global Corona control and bring the billionaire criminals and their aiders and abettors to justice? Er, no. This guy is supposedly ‘suing the world’ German Lawyer Sues The World Over Coronavirus - YouTube We’re told he is promising ‘Nuremberg Trials’ against everyone who is behind the COVID scam. He is doing nothing of the sort; he is just another false hope merchant; a masonic-controlled showman who is being used to convince us that somebody with morals, the know-how and the connections is leading the fight for truth, justice and freedom for all. Nothing could be further from the truth; this is more of the same vomit-inducing masonic theatre; nothing but more of the same cruel and monstrous deception. Füellmich and his team of lawyers are just another gang of masonic-controlled, lying, deceiving, traitorous, self-serving, thoroughly evil NWO shills – mere puppets being used by the unimaginably evil criminals who rule the world to buy time in order for them to complete their ultimate goal of complete control – not only of the world but of every facet of all of our lives.

If your stomach can hack it have a listen to the jokers in the ‘Reiner sues the world’ video linked above – Patrick Bet-David had a ‘virtual sit down’ with ‘consumer protection trial lawyer Reiner Füellmich’ on 13/11/2020. Let’s take a look at Bet-David first; according to About Patrick - Patrick Bet-David “Patrick has also hosted a series of one-on- one interviews with some of the world’s most interesting people, including NBA Hall of Famers James Worthy and Magic Johnson, Author Robert Greene, Billionaire Entrepreneur and NBA team owner Mark Cuban, Indy-500 Winner Al Unser Jr., Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak, author and entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki, and many others”. According to Patrick Bet-David Net Worth 2021, Age, Height, Weight, Wife, Kids, Biography, Wiki | The Wealth Record “Наvіng еѕtаblіѕhеd thе РНР Аgеnсу, thе Vаluеtаіnmеnt Меdіа LLС, аnd а YоuТubе сhаnnеl wіth mоrе thаn 450,000 ѕubѕсrіbеrѕ, thе ѕuссеѕѕful еntrерrеnеur hаѕ аlrеаdу еаrnеd quіtе а gооd fоrtunе іn а rеlаtіvеlу ѕmаll tіmе. Ніѕ сurrеnt nеt wоrth іѕ $80 mіllіоn аѕ оf 2021.” You don’t get to amass that kind of wealth unless you are ‘in’ with the big boys. He is almost certainly a high-up freemason, as is Reiner Füellmich. Rather than standing against the freemasons which is what is required if you are serious about holding anyone with any kind of power to account Füellmich and his associates [and the likes of Bet-David] are owned by the freemasons. According to Patrick Bet David - 29 Reviews, Complaints & Ripoffs at HolySmoke.org Patrick Bet-David runs a huge pyramid scheme. I quote: “The internet has made the lives of many people quite easy. Unfortunately, this list also includes the names of criminals and fraudsters. One of those fraudsters is Patrick Bet-David.

He is also the owner of PHP Agency, which is his main tool for scamming. He is running a large pyramid scheme and people are falling for that. He is marketing his agency like a proper financial company, which provides a lot of growth opportunities but the reality is the opposite.

He holds a number of events through Valuetainment and he also posts videos regularly on YouTube. He does all that, so he can attract more victims for his corrupt schemes and plans. He is lying about his company.

Patrick is scamming people by lying about the jobs he gives to them. This bald-headed fool thinks it’s ok to deceive others. And that’s because he hasn’t faced any consequences for doing the same. I fell prey to the malicious schemes of this guy. I hope this article will help you see the truth behind the vicious activities of PBD so you can make smarter decisions.

It’s laughable how Patrick thinks he can deceive so many people and make a living out of the same. He has created a fortune with this method, no doubt, but soon, he will get exposed and his malicious plans will be put to an end.” And he and all the scum-of-the-earth like him will get their much-deserved comeuppance. God bless the real whistle blowers – the real victims – who speak out for the sake of truth and justice.

Others on the internet are exposing the fraudster Bet-David. It is of course no surprise to see the egotistical prick playing the pretend game with other despicable, deceiving, treasonous NWO shills such as Del Bigtree Controversial Vaccine Movie Banned by Netflix & Apple - YouTube Robert Kennedy Heated Vaccine Debate - Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz - YouTube Judy Mikovits, Alex Jones, David Icke My response to Dr Judy Mikovits Video Banned by YouTube - YouTube and Thomas Cowan Does 5G Cause Vertigo? - YouTube

Bet-David starts by nauseatingly bigging up the big-headed lawyer Füellmich, saying: “Going up against Deutsche Bank and Volkswagen was almost a training ground for you.” It is widely publicised by the shill repeaters such as Covid Truths Reiner Fuellmich With Other German Lawyers Class Action - (covidtruths.co.uk) that Füellmich “succeeded in condemning the automobile giant Volkswagen in the case of the tampered catalytic converters. And it is this same lawyer who succeeded in condemning Deutsche Bank as a criminal enterprise”. Until he shows us the evidence however we can take such claims with a dose of scepticism. From what I have seen in the MSM reports and this judgement Case No: MA (judiciary.uk) there doesn’t seem to be anything to connect Füellmich to the Volkswagen emissions scandal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_emissions_scandal As for “condemning Deutsche Bank as a criminal enterprise” there doesn’t seem to be anything to back that up either. All I could find to connect Füellmich with Deutsche Bank is this http://www.buskeismus.de/termine_18_3Q.html I quote: “Reiner Fuellmich (lawyer) RA Weissenhorn Omission ; Info Info Ciorpus Delict: Plaintiff involved in the criminal activities of Deutsche Bank. There were criminal charges for trial fraud (discontinued) 22.12.17: Pseudo-opening was not present New date 8.06.18, 11:30 08.06.18: Negotiation failed New date 29.06.18 29.06.18: Negotiation did not take place. On the appointment roll again deleted. Handifed on 20.07.18, 12:00 20.07.18: comparison closed. Costs of the dispute are collected against each other.”

Covid Truths is just another shilly publication, evident by the recommended masonic ‘useful links’ [for example: UK Column, World Doctor’s Alliance, People’s International Court of Justice, ACU2020 which is written by the corrupt lawyer Viviane Fischer – more on that disgusting liar coming up.] That article BTW starts: “The greatest Nuremberg of all time is on its way (NB: translated from German) 17/02/2021 By Jean-Michel Grau [yet another total sell out traitorous shill.]

Right now, a second Nuremberg tribunal that is in preparation, with a class action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum.” Wow, this heroic lawyer Reiner Füellmich is, with the help of thousands of lawyers worldwide [educated, knowledgeable, powerful people] taking on the world’s biggest power players. Shame it’s all just another disgusting masonic charade; just another show to keep us plebs thinking someone is out there fighting the good fight.

Reiner responds: “So 2 big cases of fraud and I had gathered a lot of experience in a court room with these cases; that’s why I was ready for this, but I wouldn’t have wanted to take this case on, but I was used to this running into a wall in court cos parts of the judiciary are not as independent as they should be [notice the sly bastard doesn’t let on that freemasonry controls the judiciary – all of it – and of course Patrick keeps schtum on that as well] in Germany cos politics tries to exert quite a bit of influence on the judiciary.” Notice he, just like all controlled opposition snakes, talks in terms of politics; none of them ever tell you the real power is freemasonry.

Patrick continues to feed Reiner’s massive ego: “In Germany these are like Gods, this is like you going after Ford motor company in US, this is like you going after Bank of America or Chase; you’re not going after anybody small. How does that lead you to becoming 1 of 4 of Germany’s Corona Investigative Committee?” On the screen pops up the photos of the other masonic-controlled pretenders – Dr. Justus P Hoffman, Antonia Fischer and Marcel Templin. This Corona Committee was set up by mocking masonic lawyers to “examine why federal and state governments have imposed unprecedented restrictions and what impact they have on people”. They say: “It is not possible to wait for the establishment of a parliamentary committee of inquiry, which, according to experience, has a longer lead-up. As a result, since mid-July 2020, the Corona Committee has listened to experts and witnesses in weekly meetings on a variety of issues relating to the virus, crisis management and the consequences. I do not know who all of the experts and witnesses are, however the ones I do know of – some I have already exposed, others I will come to – all spout misinformation. If you are putting up a serious legal challenge you do not use discredited witnesses whose evidence will be ripped by the opposition lawyers in court. Now I’m not saying all legal action taken by Füellmich and his team of lawyers or associated lawyers will fail – that remains to be seen and I daresay there will be some small victories, there may even be one or two big scalps being sacrificed, although I doubt it – what I am saying is there will be no major ruffling of feathers at the top or anywhere near the top of the power structure, and certainly no stopping the NWO. As I say this is all a masonic show which will go on for years, just long enough for the masonic powers to bring in their NWO at which point there will be no free speech for Joe Public anywhere in the world and no way at all for any of us to challenge our oppressors. In other words at that point we will be totally enslaved. In particular, the collateral damage of the lockdown, which has not yet been evaluated, was examined in more detail. The meetings are chaired by masonic-controlled, piss-taking, game-playing experienced lawyers liars: Dr. Reiner Füellmich, Dr. Justus P. Hoffmann, Viviane Fischer, Antonia Fischer.” ueber-den-ausschuss – Stiftung Corona Ausschuss (corona-ausschuss.de) Reiner replies: “The experience that I have and the frustration tolerance that I have developed over the years by just not giving up – keep going [warra load of bullshit – he’s had and still has the masonic machine on his side]; you’re going to get them in the end [no, I am going to get you masonic-controlled pretenders]; truth will prevail.” Yes it will; however you have no truth in you, you have only lies and deceit; I have truth in me. All I have to do is continue to have faith in God to keep me strong and continue to guide me in all that I say and do.

Füellmich goes on to say: “We don’t know who really is behind this but some powerful people; some corporate interests cos you just have to follow the money and you realise pharmaceuticals making lots of money … Their representatives are the ones pulling the strings. The people in the open are Professor Drosten [chief virologist] and the leader of the American equivalent of the CDC which is RKI, Lothar H Wieler and Tedros Ghebreyesus. I didn’t know what to make of this so I called a good friend who knows a lot about medicine – he stepped in when 12 years ago we had a similar situation with the Swine flu; my friend Dr Wolfgang Wodarg who back then was in a position of political power cos he was a member of the German Bundestag which is like Congress; he was also a member of the Council of Europe so he had a lot of power.” You don’t get that kind of power unless you are a friend of the freemasons. Wodarg is also almost certainly a high up mason.

According to Wiki Wolfgang Wodarg - Wikipedia “Wodarg first came to the attention of the general public in the 1980s when he was head of the Public Health Department (German: Gesundheitsamt) in Flensburg, Germany, and as such was (technically) responsible for employing as a doctor the medical impostor Gert Postel, later famously revealed to be a postman by training.[4]

Wodarg gained notoriety during public discussion of the COVID-19 pandemic when he argued that SARS-CoV-2 was only one of many similar viruses which usually go undetected as part of an ordinary seasonal period of respiratory infections, and that the worldwide activities to stop the pandemic were "hype" caused by the selective perception of researchers.[5] His comments on the COVID-19 pandemic drew criticism from German scientists and some German media outlets. According to the critics, Wodarg's claims largely contradicted the verifiable facts; some of his statements were neither verifiable nor falsifiable; and because the facts Wodarg presented had nothing to do with each other, his statements had proved to be misleading.[6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19] Wodarg, together with ex-Pfizer employee and conspiracy theorist Michael Yeadon, has spread misinformation claiming has claimed that the COVID-19 vaccines cause infertility. Commenting on these claims, David Gorski wrote "The sad thing is that this not-so- dynamic duo is stoking real fear that the new COVID-19 vaccines will make women infertile and is doing it based on speculative nonsense.".[20] According to their petition for a ‘stay of action’ dated 1/12/2020 Wodarg_Yeadon_EMA_Petition_Pfizer_Trial_FINAL_01DEC2020_signe d_with_Exhibits_geschwärzt.pdf (2020news.de) Wodarg and Yeadon are saying that the jib jab may cause infertility. I quote from page 5: “There is no indication whether antibodies against spike proteins of SARS viruses would also act like anti-Syncytin-1 antibodies. However, if this were to be the case this would then also prevent the formation of a placenta which would result in vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile. It has to be said [well as far as I am aware, and I have had a good scout about] no- one else [apart from disinfo merchants such as Simone Gold] is making this claim. Health reproductive experts say that “loss of fertility is scientifically unlikely”. No Evidence Vaccines Impact Fertility - FactCheck.org To my knowledge, Pfizer/BioNTech has yet to release any samples of written materials provided to patients, so it is unclear what, if any, information regarding (potential) fertility-specific risks caused by antibodies is included. According to section 10.4.2 of the Pfizer/BioNTech trial protocol, a woman of childbearing potential (WOCBP) is eligible to participate if she is not pregnant or breastfeeding, and is using an acceptable contraceptive method as described in the trial protocol during the intervention period (for a minimum of 28 days after the last dose of study intervention). This means that it could take a relatively long time before a noticeable number of cases of post-vaccination infertility could be observed.” This is one of the unknowns of the jib jab. In this document Hqrdtemplatecleanen v10.1 (publishing.service.gov.uk) published by the UK government it is stated: “4.6 Fertility, pregnancy and lactation. Pregnancy There is limited experience with use of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 in pregnant women. Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy, embryo/foetal development, parturition or post-natal development (see section 5.3). Administration of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 in pregnancy should only be considered when the potential benefits outweigh any potential risks for the mother and foetus. Breast-feeding It is unknown whether the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is excreted in human milk. Fertility Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to reproductive toxicity (see section 5.3).” The impact of the vaccine on fertility is therefore unknown; of course, even if there is no problem with fertility, it remains unknown if the vaccine could affect the unborn. It is also stated in the petition: “Because of the compelling need to ensure the safety and efficacy of any COVID-19 vaccine licensed by the FDA, and to allow Petitioner the opportunity to seek emergency judicial relief should the Commissioner deny its Petition, Petitioner respectfully requests that FDA act on the instant Petition by December 11, 2020.” It is now March 2021 and as far as I can tell there is no information on whether or not there has been a response from the EMA [European Medicines Agency] yet.

Transparency International Germany, on whose board of directors Wodarg serves, distanced itself from his statements on 17 March 2020: "Transparency International Germany rejects board member Dr Wolfgang Wodarg's sweeping criticism of the government measures to protect the population from the coronavirus. (...) Wolfgang Wodarg is speaking on this matter as a private individual and not in his capacity as a member of the Management Board."[11][21] On 25 March 2020, the board decided to suspend his membership in the association "until further notice", which means that Wodarg can no longer exercise any functions on the board or as head of the health working group for the time being. The Board of Directors will commission an independent committee to look into Wodarg's statements about the coronavirus and to determine whether his behaviour has harmed the interests of Transparency International Germany. Transparency Chairman Hartmut Bäumer said that the reason for this was that Wodarg had expressed his views on "radical media" such as KenFM, Rubikon, Geolitico, and in an interview with Eva Herman; all of whom, in his opinion, "regularly work with conspiracy theories, with anti-democratic and sometimes anti-Semitic prejudices" and "oppose the basic democratic principles of Transparency"; while "some of them are personally close to the AfD".[22][23][24]”

This is what Wiki says about KenFM: “Ken Jebsen and the KenFM outlet are regularly subjected to harsh criticism. However, with KenFM mainly publishing disproved conspiracy theories, mainstream media warns of the danger of his disinformation spreading, especially in the light of serious topics such as the COVID-19 pandemic.[15][4][3]” KenFM - Wikipedia Wolfgang Wodarg discredits himself just by going on the KenFM show KenFM am Set: Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Corona und der PCR-Test) | KenFM.de as it is known to spread disinformation. If he was genuine he’d be condemning known disinfo agents.

He doesn’t expose the disinfo peddlers because he is one of them; he too spreads disinfo. I quote from his website: “In Europe, 400 million healthy (!) exposed to an unpredictable risk to life and health in the foreseeable future. The term 'vaccination' is misleading and trivialising.

This is not a previously usual "vaccination" with antigens supplied, but a nationwide planned genetic modification of the people affected. The planned measures are high-risk interventions in genetically controlled processes in our body cells.” Viren sind nicht das Problem-bleiben Sie besonnen! - wodargs Webseite! Where is the evidence for a ‘nationwide planned genetic modification of people’? The only other people making such claims are known spreaders of disinformation. Of course the fact he is friends with Füellmich [who works with obvious NWO shills such as Dolores Cahill (1) Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Prof Dolores Cahill lawyer Viviane Fischer-Safety of the mRNA vaccine. - YouTube and Robert Kennedy Reiner Fuellmich Interview with Robert Kennedy Jr - Bing video] exposes him for the shady lump of shill shit he is.

And of course the fact Mike Yeadon works with disinfo agent Wodarg and the fact he pretends Füellmich is being censored for exposing the truth and he parrots the shill line that Reiner successfully sued VW exposes him as an utterly shameful, total sell out, traitorous shill too. This is what he says: “Other countries are also receiving legal challenges, one being submitted earlier this week in Germany by Reiner Fuellmich, a lawyer who successfully sued VW in relation to diesel emissions (The YouTube video in which Fuellmich sets out the principal points of concern about the misuse of PCR has been removed).” The PCR False Positive Pseudo-Epidemic – Lockdown Sceptics He knows very well that the only videos YouTube are taking down are the ones which are spreading misinformation. Here he is participating in the ‘Corona Investigation’ (1) Dr. Mike Yeadon: PCR- Test, Kontamination, Falsch-positive (13.11.2020 Corona-Ausschuss #27) - YouTube It goes without saying of course that he discredits himself just by talking to a ‘Corona Committee’ which takes information from a bunch of disinfo peddlers.

If these men were genuine they would be calling out the doctors who spread disinformation such as Dolores Cahill, Vernon Coleman Mandanten-Information Nr. 05 (Money Talks VI Live Stream am Mittwoch, den 17.02.2021 ab 14:00 Uhr) – corona- schadensersatzklage.de (corona-schadensersatzklage.de) Judy Mikovits, Sherri Tenpenny, Andrew Kaufman, Heiko Schöning …

Instead, and astonishingly, Mike Yeadon promotes Dolores Cahill and the ‘World Doctors Alliance’ and ‘World Freedom Alliance’. If you listen to the end of this Radio4all recording http://www.radio4all.net/files/[email protected]/2149-1- COMPLETE_Dr_Mike_Yeadon_1st_Anniv_Lockdown.mp3 where he is asked where people should go for decent information he recommends the ‘UK Medical Freedom Alliance’ https://www.ukmedfreedom.org/ There you will find links to video presentations by WDA’s Zac Cox and Dolores Cahill. If you click on UKMFA’s ‘Campaigns’ you find the following: “Projects

Details of current UK Medical Freedom Alliance projects.

Medical Freedom International One of the first UKMFA projects aims to bring together key medical, scientific and legal groups from around the world to create a platform, Medical Freedom International, to reflect the growing expert opinion that is calling for an end to the damaging and oppressive measures implemented by our governments, and to facilitate collaboration between these groups. Visit Website” That link takes you to Medical Freedom International (medfreedom-int.org) where you see a link to their ‘Allied Organisations’. Click on that and see who they are linked to – WDA, WFA, Children’s Health Defense [founded and chaired by Robert F Kennedy] … I think it is perfectly clear who Mike Yeadon is allied to, and it isn’t thee and me and the rest of the common people. And when you are aware of that it is sickening and disheartening to hear him pretending he cares when the reality is that he too is serving the evil masonic powers who are enslaving us. This is what he says: “Healthy people under 60 are at such low risk from this virus, if you didn’t seek a flu vaccine don’t get a Covid vaccine because if you are under 60 and in good health you’re at greater risk from flu than Covid. That’s published information. Also I don’t believe if you accept this vaccine it will hasten the return of freedoms, so if you’re doing it for a non-medical reason, I’m sorry look at the number of times the government has moved the goalposts; look into the eyes of Matthew Hancock – do you believe what he says? I don’t. So if you were thinking of getting it so you can go on holiday or go to the pub, what an absurd reason for taking an experimental gene-based vaccine against a disease that you are not at risk from. These people have reasons other than your health that is inspiring them to try and persuade you.” At least we all know Hancock is a liar and is a puppet for much higher powers. We did not know you were lying to us too and that you too are a puppet for those same higher powers. Shame on you Mike Yeadon. He also says: “If you asked the question would a government still keep you locked down, destroying the economy and people’s freedoms if … It’s not going away folks; you have to stand up and say, ‘I’m not putting up with this nonsense anymore’. That is what I advise – don’t wear a mask, do what you like; if you don’t do it you are going to be crushed. Don’t listen to this in 6 months’ time and think, ‘I wish I’d responded during the summer’ when all the evidence is that they tighten the conditions and move the goal posts and invent new fears … This is what makes me both angry and frightened – angry because they’re lying to you and frightened because of the fact that they are. That is of course pretence. Our borders have never been closed, even in war time, and they are effectively closed now, the reason is ‘these variants’; I can assure you those variants are so similar to the original … And the pharmaceutical industry is busy making top up vaccines to make sure you are immune against these variants which are not needed … And once you have been vaccinated and got the vaccine passport you aren’t going to have a choice. Happy about this? Why would I be lying? I’ve lost lots of friends and colleagues over this. I’m doing this because you’re being lied to. And I don’t know why [he’s not allowed to say it’s the NWO] but it’s not bloody good is it; so wake up now while you have time.” What he says is of course true, however he is also lying to us and he is helping those who are crushing us.

‘UKMFA’ also promote the use of hydroxychloroquine, vit D and zinc Prevention & Treatments - UK Medical Freedom Alliance (ukmedfreedom.org) which means Yeadon does too. That is confirmed is you listen to him talking about Covid treatments; he says: “In the short period of a year some really enterprising physicians have come up with about 5 or 6 really good treatments for Covid-19 – there was a lot of political fighting about hydroxychloroquine …” Listen from 20 mins of the Radio4all recording.

He also wants you to fund your own enslavement. At the bottom of every page on the UKMFA and the MFI [Medical Freedom International] websites is a begging bowl.

As I say it is doctors and scientists like Mike Yeadon [the former chief scientific adviser for respiratory research with Pfizer, no less] who are the most dangerous and evil of shills. The scientific information he gives, I am sure, is true [he is after all one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on respiratory disease] but now that we know he promotes disinformation we cannot now trust him to give us the truth either.

Truth mixed in with falsehoods makes it all a lie.

Back to the Patrick Bet-David/Reiner Füellmich charade. Reiner gives a story that his wife kept telling him to “do something”; he again asked Wolfgang Wodarg if there was “any other lawyer who is doing something about it”. He says Wodarg “told me about a woman by the name of Beate Bahner who is well known here in Germany; she’s a specialist in medical law”. And: “Next thing I knew about her was she spoke up and was arrested and put in into a mental institution … She came out after a few days, but that was extremely discouraging; put in for her mental instability simply because she had a different opinion.” LOL, this is just more proof [if it were needed] that this loathsome lawyer Füellmich and his mate Wodarg are scumbag shills – they are parroting an unsubstantiated story which is printed in the ‘news’ papers and which is spread by the shill repeaters, including of course UK Column. Notice no-one is questioning this story! Genuine lawyers do not entertain stories, they are only interested in facts. Unfortunately we are not privy to any facts in this story as we only have what the media are reporting. Take a read of this article by RT news https://www.rt.com/news/485928- german-lawyer-covid-19-psychiatric-ward/ I quote: “German lawyer sent to PSYCHIATRIC WARD after mounting serious resistance to ‘unconstitutional’ Covid-19 lockdown [15th April 2020.] The message being sent out to genuine protesters against lockdown is that there is nothing anyone can do about it because even lawyers who are bravely putting up legal challenges are being silenced, unjustly labelled ‘mental’ and locked up in looney bins. Until Beate Bahner proves what she says is true, however, we can take this as distorted truth; in other words a masonic charade.

A German medical law specialist who launched a rigorous fight against government-mandated coronavirus lockdown rules was taken to a mental health facility after expressing fears she was being targeted by ‘killers.’

Beate Bahner had repeatedly claimed that measures taken by Berlin to stem the spread of Covid-19 threaten nothing less than the nation’s constitutional order itself. The lawyer, from the German city of Heidelberg, was forced to spend a couple of days in a local psychiatric ward after her encounter with police went terribly wrong. We don’t know if she was forced.

She had already been under police investigation over “calls for an illegal action” after urging Germans to go on a nationwide demonstration against the lockdown last Sunday – in open defiance of the ban on public gatherings.

Bahner called police herself on Sunday when she feared that a car which seemingly blocked her own vehicle in at a parking lot might be driven by “killers” sent to hunt her down. When the officers arrived, she told them she felt persecuted. Vague or what! A car which might contain killers seemed to be blocking her car. If she was such a threat to the government that she feared they had sent killers to shut her up she would not be calling police for assistance as that would of course be futile.

What happened next was described by the lawyer as some sort of a nightmarish ordeal.

The police handcuffed her and pushed her to the ground “with brutal force,” Bahner said, in an audio recording attributed to her and which has since been widely circulated online. We only have her word for that. The officers drove her to a psychiatric ward, where she had to wait for a doctor, who, according to her, “had to first get some instructions from the top or from America.” She’s chatting shit. Bahner said she then had to spend a night in a “Guantanamo-style High Security Ward of Psychiatry,” lying on the floor of her room and without access to a toilet. Again we only have her word for this.

The police, however, paint quite a different picture. They said that the woman encountered by the patrol responding to the call “gave a very confused impression,” prompting the cops to take her to a clinic. “She fought back and kicked an officer several times,” a police spokesman told German media, adding that Bahner was eventually admitted to Heidelberg University Hospital. We don’t know what really happened of course.

Both the police and a local public prosecutor’s office repeatedly stated that the incident has nothing to do with the ongoing investigation against Bahner. The lawyer was discharged from the mental health facility after a couple of days.”

According to Klaus Welzel: “The recording is twelve minutes long. It is full of oddities, accusations and inconsistencies. Above all, it is a single charge. Against the German state, against "dark powers" and against the Heidelberg police.

In it she describes her arrest - legally: detention - and it is said to have been brutal. Accordingly, B. even called the police because a car blocked their underground car park. Because she made strange statements to third parties and also to the arriving police officers, the handcuffs quickly clicked, according to her description. Her hands were tied on her back. Lying on her stomach, she had to remain on the street, her head had been "rolled in the dirt".

The "mistreatment" did not end there. One of the police officers later "slammed her head onto the stone floor from a height of one meter". As if. If that was true she would have died or been in hospital a long time; but no, she was discharged after a couple of days. If she was not lying she would be suing the police for such brutality, especially as she is a lawyer. https://www.rnz.de/nachrichten/heidelberg_artikel,- nach-aufruf-zu-corona-demo-heidelberger-anwaeltin-in-psychiatrischer- einrichtung-update-_arid,508747.html

The chat moves on to the Drosten tests. Füellmich says: “The Drosten tests were set to 45 cycles. We believe it was deliberately set to bring about as many positive tests as possible. Dr Yeadon says, ‘These tests are completely useless and they MUST not be used in …’ He says it was not to detect disease, but solely to create fear. True. That is what this is all about – to create fear so people won’t ask any questions and just do as they’re told. I know cos there was a paper that was leaked by someone at the office of the German secretary of the interior. This paper is now called the ‘panic paper’; it includes specific directions for the government of how to create panic – one of the things stated in there is make children feel responsible, ‘For the tortured deaths of their parents and grandparents if they don’t adhere to the social distancing rules, mask wearing rules, all these anti-corona regulations’. I have looked high and low on the internet for this ‘panic paper’ but all I see are the words of Reiner Füellmich published word for word by the slimy bastard shill repeaters. When we learned this I decided this is absolutely and completely wrong – it’s not about a corona pandemic it is a ‘PCR test’ pandemic. True. But for what reason? I’m saying this because I can prove it in court because all the thoroughly discredited people we listen to in our Corona committee will definitely state the same things as expert witnesses in a court of law; so we can prove that the virus is no more dangerous than the common flu and we can prove that the assertion that PCR tests can detect infections with the coronavirus is definitely completely wrong.” The opposition lawyers are going to have a field day with these conspiracy theory expert witnesses! Here’s another detestable disinfo monger who gave ‘evidence’ to the Corona Committee pretend brigade Reiner Fullmich Interviews Catherine Austin Fitts (brandnewtube.com) Catherine Fitts is just another vile, traitorous NWO shill who also spreads vaccine disinformation. Listen to what she says in this ‘Planet Lockdown’ video Catherine Austin Fitts Full Interview Planet Lockdown - Bing video [10/1/2021] which was taken down by YouTube as it contains vaccine misinformation. She propagates the conspiracy theories that the corona vaccine may cause infertility, that it is “full of these mystery ingredients” and will “modify your DNA”; also that “we have a fake virus” and that the “shots contain microchips”. There may be a plan to microchip us, but that is a conspiracy theory; I don’t think they would need to do that when they can so easily control us by way of a ‘Social Credit’ system.

If you take out the vaccine conspiracy theories that Catherine Fitts spouts, everything else she says about our looming enslavement and how it is being achieved is true. What is very heart-warming is the truth she speaks from 23:45 minutes. I quote: “Mr Global is very afraid of the general population.” And so ‘he’ should be, and so should ‘his’ little foot soldiers like Catherine Fitts. She adds: “Several times I’m told the leadership in the United States has got together to discuss ‘How can we undo the secrecy?’ And each time they come to the conclusion it’s impossible – you can’t undo the secrecy because the liabilities are too enormous; so if you’re the swamp and you’re guilty of all the different things the swamp is guilty of and you try and open the window on the secrecy you run tremendous risks; so you’re afraid of the general population. And the history of governance is the general population occasionally does turn and kill the leadership. So there are 325 million people in America …” ‘They’ should be afraid because we are very angry; and most of us have nothing to lose so we will fight to the death. She also says the solution is to bring transparency to what is happening, understand where the system is going and then stop building it.” Yep, the full truth needs to come out and everyone needs to stop complying. She also says: “We’re all going to have to come clean because almost all of us are complicit in implementing this.” You wicked NWO gatekeepers are the ones who have to come clean if you want to escape the pitchforks and God’s wrath; and you need to do it now cos the shit is about to hit the fan.

And just like all the other scum-of-the-earth shills who make up Satan’s army Catherine Austin Fitts also has to surround herself with other like- minded people – other weak and cowardly masonic-controlled liars and deceivers. Here she is with Robert F Kennedy (2) Season 2, Episode 11 of "TRUTH" with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., featuring Catherine Austin Fitts - YouTube and with Sherri Tenpenny THE BEAST SYSTEM & COVID- 1984: CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS & DR. SHERRI TENPENNY | SGT Report Here she is with Dolores Cahill and ‘WFA’ chairman Maneka Helleberg (2) Catherine Austin Fitts and Dolores Cahill interviewed by WFA Chairman Maneka Helleberg in Basel. - YouTube Here she is with James Corbett Interview 1550 – Catherine Austin Fitts Exposes The Injection Fraud : The Corbett Report And with Alex Jones [listen to the smug bitch gushing that she loves his show and loves him and is proud to be in the ‘Alex Jones fan club’. She isn’t going to be feeling so proud of herself when the world knows her dirty little secret. Just like all the other traitorous snakes she too is going to rue the day she agreed to sell out to ‘Mr Global’.] Catherine Austin Fitts talks to Alex Jones about the elite and their endgame - YouTube

God’s true servants, on the other hand, have nothing to fear and can stand alone.

Reiner Füellmich won’t be too upset if his lawsuits fail – he gets donations [he says to fund the lawsuits for the people who can’t pay for them {as if – let’s see the proof of that} – listen to what he tells Catherine Fitts; listen also to her suggesting he get help via her crowd funding arrangements] and he’s taking 800 euros off all the other clients he represents. Take a look at the FAQ here Google Translate The answer to the question: “IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE ON TOP OF THE FLAT RATE OF 800 EUROS PLUS VAT” is: “The flat rate is fixed. This flat rate covers all costs of the lawyers working for you. Even in the event that the lawsuit is unsuccessful, there are no additional costs. Only if we are successful for you will 10 percent of the amount actually won for you be added as a so-called success fee, and only when concrete money flows.” If he’s so confident, why isn’t he working on a ‘No win, no fee’ basis? Notice what is said in the reply to: “WHEN SHOULD THE LAWSUIT START?” I quote: “The preparations were successfully completed in November. In the USA our partners are the legal team led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.” Need any more proof that this is nothing but a time-wasting masonic pantomine? As we know Robert Kennedy is just another faux freedom fighter whose arse belongs to the freemasons.

As for the ‘panic paper’, Patrick Bet-David asks if it is a public paper or if it is private that we cannot see. Reiner replies: “Oh I can send it to you [says one piss-taking pretender to another!] it’s a German …” So get it translated and get it published; we’re not interested in what you slimeball deceivers say – show us official documentation.

Pat the pretender continues: “I’m thinking, ok, I’m going to be the sceptic here [you’re pretending to be one; you’re just a pathetic masonic- controlled poodle who is acting in a disgusting masonic psy-op]; the world cannot all be on the same page about this virus; I understand all the issues we’re facing in the world, especially last year… 5G, Brexit …” On the screen comes up references to everything he reels off – the freemasons have obviously prepared well for this interview charade. So 5G is another conspiracy theory that this lawyer Reiner Füellmich pretends to believe. Somebody should remind Füellmich that lawyers should be dealing in facts not entertaining conspiracy theories.

Look at the nauseating smile on Reiner’s smug face; oh I can’t wait for the day the veil is lifted and the world knows what his sick game is and who he works for; I think when that happens all the other evil bastards who are protecting and enabling the filth who own the planet will be exposed too.

The slimy shill boy Reiner then tells you that the legal games are going to linger on. He says: “This is not going to be over within a short period of time.” He adds: “Because the people who are behind this – the ones who are trying to make as much money out of this as possible and, more importantly, who are trying to exert control over us will not let up so fast, so the judiciary is the last anchor of democracy [well it would be if there was no such thing as freemasonry or any other secret society polluting the planet; as I say we have only the illusion of democracy] – if global corporations believe they are above the law …” Global corporations are owned by the people [freemasons] who make and enforce the laws. Reiner isn’t allowed to tell you that. I think he should tell us what level in the masonic lodge he has been promoted to for his excellent services to freemasonry. And he says: “The most important right that we have all over the world is the right to free speech; it’s the fundamental right – the most important right for democracy because you have to be able to discuss different opinions which is not happening right now [not true, we do still have free speech; but this narcissistic evildoer Reiner Füellmich is secretly working for the Davos clique who want to take away that right], and the power to regulate this should be the government’s power. Yes if the government weren’t controlled by the freemasons. Look at what’s happening – my English version of my video was taken down by YouTube; that’s google, so they believe that they have the power to censor us.” Lying piece of shill shit – his video was taken down because he was spreading misinformation.

The other good little shill boy Pat the twat then goes on to promote the conspiracy theory that the virus was created in a lab. He says: “So are there any other cases in the past where a country has been irresponsible on releasing a virus? It started in Wuhan, are there any other cases to make comparables to on how a country like China was held accountable to make sure they don’t do that again?” Reiner replies: “I’m not aware of this but I am aware of the rumours and there is some substance to these rumours, I think. He’s chatting shit again – there is no substance to those rumours. But of China or someone else kind of releasing this virus; of artificially creating this virus but I don’t have enough …” So he admits he doesn’t have enough evidence, so why does the clot say there is substance to such rumours?! Pat jumps in: “That’s not my question; we know it came out of Wuhan lab; we know that part [no, you do not know that; you are spouting conspiracy theories]; that’s not something that’s not been validated; the world knows it came from China. Yes it came from China, and it may have been manufactured and deliberately let loose to cause a pandemic, but that has not been proven. What I’m asking, in the past are there any other cases where a handling of a virus by a country was so irresponsible that it infected neighbouring countries, that the World Tribunal held them accountable?” Reiner says he isn’t aware of any. Aside from what China is guilty of, our own government didn’t try to stop it. The evidence shows that the UK government wanted the virus to spread throughout Britain.

Full of shit, freemason-controlled, fake freedom fighter Füellmich then proudly declares that “Robert Kennedy and I appeared at the largest demonstration that was ever held in Germany”. These thugs in suits masquerading as bastions of truth, pretending to be heroic freedom fighters make me sick. Please, all you wonderful, brave, real freedom warriors who attend demonstrations, let’s see your placards exposing these disgusting Judases; let’s hear your voices bellowing the truth about them through your megaphones. He says: “It was August 29th [a photo of the snake in the grass Robert Kennedy appears on the screen] in Berlin and he reminded people – he quoted Franklin D. Roosevelt, saying ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself’ [yeah and he was just another freemason puppet for the super-rich List of presidents of the United States who were Freemasons - Wikipedia This is vomit- inducing pretence; they all fear the real power – the freemasons; not one of them would stand up for what is right; not one of them will tell the truth; all of them are pretenders; all of them serve the scumbag billionaires who are sending the world to hell in a handbasket. None of those contemptible self-servers care about humanity – they all believe that their loyalty to the men who rule the world will ensure they have a nice life in the NWO], and that is what this is all about [yeah carry on playing the pretend game arsehole; the people will know the truth very soon, and the truth will set us all free; but there will be no freedom for you dirty traitors – you are all rotten to the core; you all sold out to Satan and your souls now belong to him], fear is being created by way of using these PCR tests and fear is being created in order to make people do what they’re told without asking any questions.” You are assisting the vermin who are creating and spreading the fear. The real heroic freedom fighters will fight till the death; we are not going to bow down and let you bastards get away with your unbelievable evil and treachery. You filth are going to hell.

Near the end of the masonic pantomime pretender Pat the twat says: “To the average person watching who is not a lawyer; the average person who hasn’t gone against Deutsche Bank [nor did your hero Reiner ‘go against’ Deutsche Bank, as you well know, you despicable masonic tool; as for the ‘average person’, this whole show is geared to the average person who is not a lawyer – lawyers would be laughing at this, knowing full well that it is all a psy-op to let the average Joe, the real victims of the NWO, believe something is being done to try and stop the mission creep to total control, which will mean loss of all civil liberty, including and especially free speech], to the average person watching this who doesn’t wake up every morning wanting to find more evidence – that’s your job; that’s what you do on a daily basis [Reiner the rat does not deal in evidence; his so-called evidence is disinformation] – what should the average person [you shady cunts don’t want the public to wake up every morning and get on with the job of exposing you which will lead to justice and freedom for all] who runs a business, who is trying to keep their employees employed so they can pay their rent etc, what are your final thoughts for them?” You don’t give a rat’s arse for anyone who is struggling to keep their staff or pay their bills; you rob people, and you work for billionaires who are robbing the global population – of our money and our freedom. Fat fake Füellmich replies: “It’s 2 things basically – do not give up and keep asking questions.” Oh don’t worry, whilst it is God’s will, I won’t give up exposing controlled opposition snakes like you clowns. I just pray others start listening to God and join me in the War-On-Shills [the fight against the real enemy] before it’s too late. One thing people worldwide need to wake the fuck up to quick smart is the fact that NO-ONE is going to fight for their civil liberties which means that everyone has to do their bit in the fight for freedom, meaning everyone has to stop enabling the tyranny.

Now have a read of this Mandanten-Information Nr. 05 (Money Talks VI Live Stream am Mittwoch, den 17.02.2021 ab 14:00 Uhr) – corona- schadensersatzklage.de (corona-schadensersatzklage.de) [15/2/2021] for some more low-down, dirty deception. I quote: “In the meantime, more and more people, not just lawyers – and rightly so – are demanding, apart from an immediate end to the deadly measures, and also a legal review by a truly independent international court in accordance with the requirements of the Nuremberg trials. A truly independent international court would mean one that is not affected in any way by freemasonry or any other secret society. That of course is never going to happen, but if it was at all possible it would mean that Reiner and his team of lying lawyers and his lying ‘expert witnesses’ would not be allowed anywhere near it. LOL. An example of a calmly presented demand of this kind (and a moving excerpt from a speech by the English physician Dr. Vernon Coleman) [nuff said about that charlatan already] can be found at the following link: https://www.brighteon.com/a9e9af66-f3a3-4f92-bfca-8d8a52b66683 In addition, an interview with a so-called whistle blower [who shall remain unidentified] from a Berlin nursing home, who says that out of 31 people vaccinated there in the presence of Bundeswehr soldiers (partly forcibly tested negative) (before the vaccination negatively tested) 8 have died and 11 have to deal with serious side effects: https://2020news.de/whistleblower-aus-berliner-altenheim-das- schreckliche-sterben-nach-der-impfung/” That story is published word for word by a number of shill repeaters which throws up a massive red flag alert that this is not a whistle blower story.

The 2020 ‘news’ site is written by the lying lawyer Viviane Fischer. She and her partner in crime Reiner Füellmich want you to believe that they interviewed said ‘whistle blower’. They didn’t; they’re deceiving you; there is no whistle blower; this is just another disgusting masonic charade – the lying piece of shit who poses as a whistle blower does not want to be exposed as a liar, so he doesn’t put his face on camera and his identity is not revealed. What he says has been thoroughly debunked. I quote from Six residents in a German nursing home died from COVID-19, not from vaccines - Health Feedback: “Six residents in a German nursing home died from COVID-19, not from vaccines.

CLAIM “25% of residents in German nursing home died after Pfizer vaccine”; a team including a soldier in uniform used force to vaccinate residents.


SOURCE: Anonymous, Children's Health Defense, [LOL, the source is someone anonymous from Robert F. Kennedy’s ‘Children’s Health Defense’.] 1 Mar. 2021


Misleading: Six residents at a German nursing home died from COVID-19 during an outbreak, not from the COVID-19 vaccine. Factually inaccurate: Six, not eight, residents died at the nursing home. This number represents 4.5 percent of the total residents, not 25 percent, as claimed in the Children’s Health Defense article. Unsupported: There is no evidence to support the claim that residents at the home were forced to receive COVID-19 vaccines. Only residents who provided signed declarations of consent from their relatives or caregivers received COVID-19 vaccines.

KEY TAKE AWAYA Any event that occurred after someone received a COVID-19 vaccine isn’t necessarily a consequence of vaccination but may simply happen by coincidence. The risk of severe illness from COVID-19 increases with age, hence the disease poses a specific risk for the elderly population. In contrast, the available evidence doesn’t suggest that frail, elderly individuals are more susceptible to vaccine side effects than others. Ongoing safety monitoring of COVID-19 vaccination shows that COVID- 19 vaccines authorized for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are safe and effective for elderly populations.

FULL CLAIM: “25% of the residents died immediately, and 36% were severely injured within a short time”; “a team of three or four people, including a soldier in uniform, vaccinate residents, in many cases using force”; “there have been many reports of elderly people dying after the vaccines”


On 1 March 2021, Children’s Health Defense published an article claiming that 25 percent of the residents in a nursing home in Berlin, Germany died after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. In a few days, the article received more than 5,000 interactions on Facebook and Twitter, according to the social media analytics tool CrowdTangle. Since vaccination campaigns began across the world, many baseless claims of vaccine-related deaths have circulated on the internet.

In this case, the Children’s Health Defense article based its claim on a video featuring a person who purportedly worked as a caregiver at the nursing home. The video was produced by the “Corona Investigative Committee”, an organization headed by the lawyers Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer, who also appeared in the video. Fisher is responsible for the website 2020News, which first published the video on 12 February 2021. Both the 2020News website and Fuellmich published misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic in the past.

During the video, the alleged caregiver attributed the death of eight residents in the nursing home to the COVID-19 vaccine and claimed that the residents were forced to receive the vaccine. The German fact- checking organization Correctiv fact-checked the video and found it to be misleading and based on false and unsupported claims. A spokesperson from Agaplesion Bethanien Diakonie, the association that manages the nursing home, also refuted the allegations (all questions and full responses are available in German on the Correctiv website).

The deaths of six residents in the German nursing home were due to COVID-19, not the vaccine.

The Children’s Health Defense article claimed, “25 percent of the residents died immediately, and 36 percent were severely injured within a short time”. This is inaccurate and misleading. Six, not eight, residents at the nursing home died from COVID-19 during an outbreak, not from the COVID-19 vaccine, as we explain below.

The Berlin-Spandau health department confirmed in the Correctiv fact- check that the nursing home reported six deaths, not eight. The deaths occurred only in the living area for dementia patients. Therefore, the percentage of deaths in the nursing home was 17 percent (6 of 35 residents) in the dementia living-area. The rate in the entire nursing home facility was 4.5 percent (6 of 132 residents), in contrast to the 25 percent (8 of 31 residents) that the article claimed.

Furthermore, the health department concluded that these deaths were due to COVID-19 and unrelated to the vaccine (translated into English from the original German):

“Gudrun Widders, medical officer at the Berlin-Spandau health department, confirmed to us by telephone that the COVID-19 cases from the nursing home had been reported to the health department. All six deceased residents were women and very old – the youngest was born in 1942, the oldest in 1922. All of them tested positive with PCR tests a few days after the first dose of the vaccine and then died at different points in time. Clearly the vaccine didn’t protect them from contracting Covid-19!

The article published by Children’s Health Defense claimed that “the video contains de-identified footage from the nursing home, where a team of three or four people, including a soldier in uniform, vaccinate residents, in many cases using force”. This footage is a 30-second clip showing a resident and two other people wearing purple uniforms and disposable surgical gowns, but doesn’t contain any identifiable information confirming that it was indeed recorded at the nursing home on 3 January 2021. The spokesperson from Agaplesion Bethanien Diakonie denied that any of the residents were coerced into receiving COVID-19 vaccines (translated into English from the original German):

“It is false that the vaccinations were made under coercion. The decisions relating to vaccination are and were voluntary decisions made by the resident’s relatives or caregivers.”

“Before the Christmas holidays, all residents, and their relatives or caregivers were informed about the planned vaccinations through a letter and information sheet, a medical history, and a declaration of consent. They could decide whether or not to consent to the vaccination as if these documents were not filled out and signed, the vaccination could not take place.”

The Correctiv fact-check also explained that it is common for soldiers to be present at COVID-19 vaccination points. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the armed forces have provided logistical support to Germany’s health ministry, such as offering storage space for protective material and medical supplies. German soldiers also participate in the Mobile Vaccination Team, supporting civil authorities and organizations with the vaccine roll-out in high-risk populations, including nursing homes. Agaplesion Bethanien Diakonie explained the role of soldiers in vaccinations to Correctiv (translated into English from the original German):

“A soldier from the armed forces wearing a disposable coat was present at the 3 January 2021 vaccination. This was exclusively for the support of the vaccinator on-site and for taking care of the documentation. The soldier had at no time direct contact with residents. For the 24 January 2021 vaccination, no soldier was present at the residential area for people with dementia.”

The Children’s Health Defense article claimed that the German nursing home wasn’t an isolated case because “there have been many reports of elderly people dying after the vaccines”. The article cited several deaths of nursing home residents that occurred following vaccination in Norway, Germany, Spain, and Switzerland. This statement implies that COVID-19 vaccines were the cause of these deaths, which is misleading, as Health Feedback explained in this review. The claims about the cases in Norway, Germany, Spain, and Switzerland specifically were also debunked by Reuters and other fact-checking organizations (see examples here, here, here, and here).


The article published by Children’s Health Defense is inaccurate and misleading. Published on: 06 Mar 2021 | Editor: Iria Carballo-Carbajal”

Read also Verstorbene Bewohner eines Pflegeheims in Berlin hatten Covid-19 (correctiv.org) I quote: “Alleged whistleblower report from Berlin nursing home leads astray – deceased residents had Covid-19.

A report by an alleged insider about the "terrible death" in a Berlin nursing home after the Corona vaccination goes viral. The ‘report’ is a script which was written by one or more unknown powerful freemasons. The ‘alleged insider’ is a masonic-controlled NWO stooge. It contains several insinuations, but the operator rejects them. The six people who died in the home were therefore suffering from Covid-19. by Alice Echtermann 18 February 2021.

On February 12, the website 2020News which is written by the filthy liar and NWO disinfo agent Viviane Fischer published an article entitled "Whistleblower from Berlin's nursing home: The terrible death after vaccination". At the top of the text is a video of the "Foundation Corona Committee", which asks the question "Vaccination death in Berlin's old people's home?". The report is after research by CORRECTIV. Fact check misleading. It contains false and unsubstantiated claims.

The report deals with eight deaths at the Agaplesion Bethanien Havelgarten nursing home in Berlin, allegedly caused by the Comirnaty vaccine (by Biontech/Pfizer). Thirty-one people were vaccinated who suffered from dementia but were otherwise in good condition. In addition, the home is accused of a lack of information, a rough treatment of the residents (coercion) and intimidation by the presence of the Bundeswehr.

The 2020News article has been shared more than 4,300 times on Facebook, according to the analysis tool Crowdtangle. In addition, the same claims were also spread on the websites Wochenblick, Corona- Blog, Journalistwatch and on Telegram, for example in the channel of the lawyer Reiner Fuellmich. At Wochenblick, there is talk of the "devastating consequences" of the Covid-19 vaccination on residents of a nursing home.

CORRECTIV. Fact Check asked the nursing home operator, the Agaplesion Bethanien Diakonie, and found out that six residents died after a Covid-19 infection. This has also been confirmed by the responsible health office Berlin-Spandau.

These infections are not mentioned at all in some of the reports, in others only in the margins with the addition that the test was "suddenly" positive after vaccination. This suggests that the vaccine may be the reason for the positive corona test – but that is highly unlikely (more on that later).

According to an email from the press secretary, the company has already received death threats and insults in response to the whistleblower report. How would Viviane Fischer or Reiner Füellmich like it if someone sent them death threats because of somebody’s ugly lies??? I absolutely despise liars, especially people who lie in service to the evil men who are enslaving us. It has received detailed questions and answers to the allegations that we are making available here in the original.

Vaccinations "never lead to acts or constraints," the deaconry stresses. Residents or their relatives and carers would have received an information form and a consent form before Christmas. Only those who gave consent were vaccinated. Contrary to what is claimed by 2020News, for example, no "old documents" were used for clarification.

In order to support the official doctor, a Bundeswehr soldier dressed in a disposable coat was present at the first vaccination – not two, as the reports say. The soldier had "never had direct contact with residents," but only documented it. No soldier was present at the second vaccination in the nursing home. The presence of a Bundeswehr soldier is common among mobile vaccination teams. The Bundeswehr reports on its own website that this is also the case inBerlin.

The whistleblower report also claimed that the second vaccination had always been done "without warning." This is wrong, writes the Agaplesion Bethany Diakonie: "The second vaccination was planned like the first vaccination (concretely 21 days after the first vaccination) and known."

The diaconal does not report the alleged symptoms of "fever, edema, rash, muscle tremors on the upper body and arms, changes in the nature, fatigue, itching, sloutiness, schnapps and rapid heartbeat" mentioned in the reports. Residents had "slight symptoms of headaches, fatigue and pain at the puncture site," the company said. "These are the typical vaccination reactions indicated in the information leaflet."

Weekly and 2020News said residents had "suddenly" had positive test results after vaccination, but no typical Covid-19 symptoms. According to the nursing home operator, the part with the symptoms is not correct. A link between positive tests and vaccinations is also extremely unlikely. It is important to know that the Biontech/Pfizer vaccine itself does not contain viruses (neither "living" nor attenuated). It is an mRNA vaccine. It contains only the genetic information for a surface protein of the coronavirus. This information is read out by human cells, and the cell then produces only this spike protein (S protein) – and not the entire pathogen. The immune system then develops anti-virus substances.

According to the spokesman of the Agaplesion Bethanien Diakonie, the alleged "whistleblower" could not be identified. The Corona Foundation Is headed by, among others, the lawyer Rainer Fuellmich, who has already been noticed several times by misleading claims about the Corona pandemic(here and here). Viviane Fischer, a lawyer who also sits on the committee's leadership, is responsible for the 2020Newswebsite. This also appeared in our research with misinformation.”

Reiner Füellmich is deceiving you about another so-called whistle blower. He wants you to believe David Sieber is blowing whistles. He isn’t, he is just another scumbag masonic-controlled spreader of conspiracy theories. He’s almost certainly a freemason as well. This is what the vile masonic tool Füellmich says: “… the only person they listened to was Mr. Drosten. That is the very person whose horrific, panic-inducing prognoses had proved to be catastrophically false 12 years earlier. We know this because a whistleblower named David Sieber, a member of the Green Party, told us about it. He did so first on August 29, 2020 in Berlin, in the context of an event at which Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. also took part, and at which both men gave speeches. And he did so afterwards in one of the sessions of our Corona Committee.

At the end of March, beginning of April of 2020, Mr. Sieber turned to the leadership of his Green Party with the knowledge conspiracy theories he had accumulated, and suggested that they present these other scientific opinions which were provided by NWO disinfo agents to the public and explain that, contrary to Mr. Drosten’s doomsday prophecies, there was no reason for the public to panic.” And: “… the Green Party leadership declared that Mr. Drosten’s panic messages were good enough for the Green Party. Remember, they’re not a member of the ruling coalition; they’re the opposition. Still, that was enough for them, just as it had been good enough for the Federal Government as a basis for its lockdown decision, they said. They subsequently, the Green Party leadership called David Sieber a conspiracy theorist [they’d be right about that], without ever having considered the content of his information, and then stripped him of his mandates.” Transcript-testimony-Reiner-Fuellmich-.pdf (aeginagreece.com)

Now have a listen to this nauseating pretence Dr Reiner Fuellmich PCR Lawsuit Update - March 2021 - (covidtruths.co.uk) I quote: “When will the PCR lawsuits be found in our favour? So many lawsuits worldwide. Dr Reiner Fuellmich and Juan Pauls are interviewed by Wilheim of Viruswaarheid Live. Published 3 March 2021.” Viruswaarheid is virus truth; none of these monkeys speak the truth though; all three are enemy agents.

I’m not going to comment on everything being said here, just a few things. Reiner says: “You probably know that there’s another PCR test complaint that was filed in New York by our friend Ray Fleurs of CHD Children’s Health Defence. Anyone who is a friend of Füellmich or is connected with Robert Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defence is working for the enemy. This is seven or eight weeks ago, and we expected the oral hearing was on this motion for preliminary judgement was seven or eight weeks ago, and everybody who saw him argue this case said this is brilliant, he did an excellent job and it was obvious that the judge is going to decide in our favour. This hasn’t happened yet, but that’s because the filing of the case and probably the oral argument got the other side scared shitless, let me put it this way.” That is what these traitorous masonic lackeys want the public to believe. No one in a position of power is scared. As I keep saying this is all theatre; yes, there may well be small wins in court; but ultimately no-one is going to pay the price for the global scandal of lockdown, and the NWO/Great Reset is not going to stop. There will only be justice when the freemasons are dealt with.

The only thing that will stop the NWO is firstly global non-compliance – everybody needs to take back control of their own lives and stop wearing the mask, stop social distancing, refuse the vaccine, refuse the ‘freedom’ passport, refuse testing, keep businesses and places of worship open … Then the criminals who stand in the way of truth who protect and enable the billionaire criminals [high-ranking freemasons and other NWO gatekeepers] need to be exposed and legally challenged in court by honest and upright lawyers who have no connection to freemasonry or any other secret society. Finally the billionaires themselves need to be charged with crimes against humanity by the morally good human-rights lawyers.

He goes on to say: “I agree. I absolutely agree. That’s the reason why they’re doing this. It was quite obvious right from the start because when we filed our first complaint it took them weeks to serve this complaint to the other side and they claimed they had made a mistake by booking our court fees as a final payment so that they could close the case.” As if. Show us the proof of that. Wilheim wants you to believe “it’s political theatre this”. No it’s masonic theatre, and all of you slippery shitbags are ‘in’ on it.

Wilheim also says: “Also, there was a great report and we had him on the show as well, Steven Quay who has done a basin analysis looking at the mutations of the virus and his conclusion is it has to be made in a lab, this doesn’t happen with zoonosis. These are very interesting things.” Steven Quay has also been debunked. Take a look here Former Dr. Steven Quay concludes SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab. What is the veracity of this claim? - Quora I quote: “The virus has been genome sequenced thousands of times and reviewed by hundreds of geneticists in dozens of countries, both civilian, corporate, military and government employed, of all political pursuasions, and none of them have found a single genetic signature of laboratory intervention that inevitably would be present if the virus was not a natural zoonitic mutation. By the contrary, they have a found that it has naturally mutated to find humans as the third host species. There are people who can profit from these conspiracy theories, and Dr Quay is one who is trying. His theory has been universally debunked and discredited. Don't fall for the self promoting bullshit he and others publish.”

See also Hard evidence points that Covid-19 is a Wuhan lab derived virus - Interview with Jorge Casesmeiro Roger » Dr. Steven Quay, MD, PHD (drquay.com) I quote: “Jorge Casesmeiro Roger (El Imparcial), conducts an interview with Dr. Steven Carl Quay [his response is in purple], MD, PhD on his statistical analysis of pandemic origin, a study that concludes “beyond a reasonable doubt” that SARS-CoV-2 is a lab derived virus at 99,8% chance versus a 0,2% probability of being a natural zoonosis.

At least according to the result of his report titled: “A Bayesian analysis concludes beyond a reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 is not a natural zoonosis but instead is laboratory derived”. A full of facts & figures 193 pages statistical study, pre-published last January 29 at Zenodo CERN open repository. A paper on the way of his peer-review that since it’s first upload has an average of 6.000 views and downloads per day and a total view of over ninety-eight thousand. No wonder why. If proven to be true, this conclusion would change the whole narrative of the pandemic, the role of advanced bioresearch on it, and above all its political regulation to prevent a next catastrophe.

Your paper its being lately headed with a very aggressive and accusatory warning: “Potentially Misleading Contents: Substantial peer feedback has been received that this record does not follow the norms of scientific rigour or balance (…)”. Did you contact the platform for an explanation? It’s very timely, your comment, because I did ask them: Could you please share with me those criticisms so I can incorporate them into a new version? And about thirty minutes ago I received an email from them. They’ve changed the disclaimer. Now it simply informs that it hasn’t been peer-review.” Show us that email Quay. Who knows whether or not he did have any communication with his critics, what is certain is his paper has not been peer-reviewed. As for the Bayesian analysis, Wiki says: “Karl Popper and David Miller have rejected the idea of Bayesian rationalism, i.e. using Bayes rule to make epistemological inferences:[39] It is prone to the same vicious circle as any other justificationist epistemology, because it presupposes what it attempts to justify. According to this view, a rational interpretation of Bayesian inference would see it merely as a probabilistic version of falsification, rejecting the belief, commonly held by Bayesians, that high likelihood achieved by a series of Bayesian updates would prove the hypothesis beyond any reasonable doubt, or even with likelihood greater than 0.” Bayesian inference - Wikipedia

It is revealed in litigation that Quay is a right shady bastard. I quote from IN RE: the MARRIAGE OF Steven C. and Judy QUAY. | FindLaw: “According to Judy's attorney, the case was on the verge of settlement when Steven changed law firms. Steven managed the proceeds from the sale of Salutar stock and was required to account for them. The record is replete with documentation of his delays and obstructions and apparent absolute refusal to do so, for roughly two years, forcing Judy's attorneys to bring motion after motion to get him to comply. The trial court found Steven's conduct with respect to the accounting unsupportable, and his attorneys' conduct in the Miura depositions “an abomination,” and found both were instances of sanctionable willful misconduct. While managing the community's assets Steven made a questionable loan which is the subject of his second appeal. He caused most of his assets to be illiquid, violated the court's restraining orders regarding the Salutar proceeds, and generally obstructed the progress of the proceedings. Apparently this behavior was due to the fact he did not “believe” in community property and thought that all the community property should be his.” And: “Substantial evidence supports the finding Steven breached his fiduciary duty. Knowing Judy did not want to lend money to Forbes, Steven did so without regard to her wishes. Taking 20 percent of one's capital and tying it up in an illiquid investment and making a loan, based on friendship, to a company whose financial situation was uncertain are not the hallmarks of a prudent fiduciary. The account had been frozen by the court, and a prior order required Steven to get Judy's written consent before disbursing funds. Steven violated those court orders when he made the Forbes loan.”

He has also been found to be violating laws and regulations administered by the FDA [Food and Drug Administration]. I quote the end of a WARNING LETTER dated 20/2/2013: “Finally, you should know that this letter is not intended to be an all- inclusive list of the violations at your firm’s facility. It is your firm’s responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations administered by FDA. The specific violations noted in this letter and in the FDA 483, Inspectional Observations, issued at the close of the inspection may be symptomatic of serious problems in your firm’s manufacturing and quality management systems. Your firm should investigate and determine the causes of the violations, and take prompt actions to correct the violations and bring the products into compliance. Sincerely, /S/ Charles M. Breen District Director” https://quackwatch.org/cases/fdawarning/prod/fda-warning-letters-about- products-2013/atossa/

See also https://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-9th-circuit/1871415.html

Now take a look here Steven C Quay, Atossa Therapeutics Inc: Profile and Biography - Bloomberg Markets to see his board memberships. I quote: “Steven C Quay Chairman/President/CEO, Atossa Therapeutics Inc

Chairman Atossa Therapeutics Inc 01/2020–PRESENT Chairman Mdrna Research Inc 08/2007–PRESENT Chairman Atossa Genetics Inc 04/2009–01/2020 Board Member Mdrna Inc 10/2008–05/2009 Chairman Mdrna Inc 06/2008–10/2008 Chairman Nastech Pharmaceutical Co Inc 08/2000–06/2008 Chairman Sonus Pharmaceuticals Inc 09/1998–07/1999 Board Member Sonus Pharmaceuticals Inc 01/1991–09/1998” LOL, the chances of him not being a high degree freemason are pretty much zero!

Further on Füellmich says: “I mentioned it when I spoke with Bobby Kennedy and he said I hate to depress you, and I forget what he said but we all believe, all of us believe that our local judiciaries will probably be overwhelmed with this.

None of the local, none of the national judiciaries, we think, can deal with this gigantic crime against humanity. That’s why we’ve been discussing and seriously discussing that sooner or later we will have to set up a Nuremberg 2.0 type court international court and we will have to agree on what substantive law and what procedural law we shall apply.” Only a shill would say that. There is of course no need for any more courts – the ones we have are perfectly fine; well they would be if they weren’t corrupted by masonic influence. Of course if he or any of his sleazy associates do set up a ‘court’ it will be no different to the ITNJ or the ITCCS shill shit International Tribunal of Natural Justice - Wikispooks ITNJ "Commissioner": A woo-full "honor" bestowed upon Del Bigtree and Robert O. Young - RESPECTFUL INSOLENCE International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State - RationalWiki

If you can tolerate any more shameful deception by these masonic- controlled play-acting bastards take a look at this video Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Prof Dolores Cahill lawyer Viviane Fischer-Safety of the mRNA vaccine. - YouTube [30/1/2021] where the deplorable Dolores and the contemptible Corona committee clowns are again up to their dirty tricks. For the first 10 seconds of the video we are shown a film clip of a distressed woman in a hospital bed convulsing. We are then shown an 8 second film clip of somebody’s mouth and tongue whereby the tongue is spasming. It is assumed that the mouth is that of the convulsing woman, although there is nothing to show that the film clips are in any way connected. We have no idea who this woman is, what caused her convulsions, when it happened, yet we are being asked to believe that she is suffering adverse reactions of the Covid jab. I think Reiner and his lying gang should tell us where they obtained that footage and they should identify the woman and prove that her body started spasming soon after she had been jib jabbed.

I can’t be bothered commenting on all the bullshit and lies being spewed in this video, I’ll just comment on some of it. Reiner says: “We have another problem which we just found out about; we had heard rumours about this but now we have clear and convincing evidence [oh, do show us], and it’s the same all over the world – there are a lot of financial incentives for doctors and medical institutions to simply fake the death certificates and instead of writing that the person died of a stroke or something they are being paid extra money to write down that they died of covid-19 [that may be so, but none of you tricksters have provided any evidence of it. Why are you not naming and shaming these corrupt doctors?], even though and some of the undertakers who were interviewed by different camera teams told the investigators that they were offered money to change what was in the death certificate; to change it from, in one case a traffic accident to covid-19.” Where is that video footage???

Dolores responds: “Since May 2020, tens, almost hundreds of families – I asked them to contact me [show the proof you have been contacted by ‘almost hundreds’ of families] and with a group of about 6 people, we have been writing to the coroners and the doctors [show us the proof of that; if you have been working with 6 people you would not be saying ‘about’ 6 people] and copying the letters to the head of police and we have got the full deaths down from what the media were reporting as 1700 in Ireland to 92 deaths from Covid-19. Prove it. The official figures, even though they are falsely reporting, by writing to the doctors and informing them and the coroners that if they misreport one death, for a coroner it’s a crime of 5 years and for the doctor it’s a crime … Show us the copies of those letters, including the full names and addresses. An individual person under medical negligence can sue the doctor’s insurance because in many cases they were treating for terminal cancer and then put Covid-19 on the death certificate and so that is like a medical negligence case either way and the doctors can be sued; which we have done, so there are more than 23 families that I’m involved with [not ‘about 6’ people then? How many families exactly are you involved with, Dolores? Prove you are involved with even one person], because the doctors were treating for terminal cancer, alzheimer’s, not anything for a viral interference and put only Covid-19 on the death certificates; which for a doctor is a striking off offence for medical negligence – if it was a virus they should have treated it; why were they treating for terminal cancer? Cheeky bitch – she has not shown one case where a doctor could be accused of dereliction of duty. We don’t want to be suing doctors but if they are doing unlawful misrepresentation it’s a crime of 5 years in prison to falsify a death certificate for the doctors and it’s a medical negligence claim and we are suing them [why are you protecting the identities of these doctors that you are suing Dolores? Is it because you are NOT SUING ANYBODY? Is it because YOU ARE LYING?] so that their insurance will then be higher and that they cannot actually be a doctor without insurance. It’s also, the police, we’ve reported them to the police. And what has been their response? Publish your correspondence with the police. If doctors get into the habit of false reporting deaths, then you can cover up murder in society and deaths in the hospitals.”

Fake fuck Füellmich, continuing to lap up his leading role in the charade, says: “That’s precisely what we’re talking about.” Course if you’re still not convinced that this is one big sophisticated psy-op which stinks to high heaven of freemasonry, ask yourself: Is it normal for lawyers to video record themselves talking to each other and to ‘expert witnesses’? Of course not, such unprofessional behaviour doesn’t happen in real life. If he was genuine and not an egotistical, masonic-controlled showman he’d be getting on with the job of collecting evidence in private and preparing his legal cases. Dolores continues to tell the lawyers fairy stories: “The number of deaths from January to the end of March was around 167 and when we started our work we bought that down to zero. Prove it. So Ireland and England legally, are some of the places that can overturn the lockdown, even in 5 or 10 year’s time individual families that get wrong things [huh?] or like our PM was a doctor; he didn’t make the treatments available [the vile pretender knows HCQ is not a treatment for Covid; the evil lawyers know it too] … He personally can be sued by individual business holders or families for his whole life for the crime of malfeasance which is per case up to 10 years in prison [this bitch should be sued for slander]; as can all the doctors in Ireland and England that all the coroners; all the pathologists. If it’s a suspicious death and the families have reported it with me … Last thing is the doctors are making money from the PCR tests [and you haven’t proven that either] – they’re not just by-standers; they’re financially benefitting, which is even worse.”

To the average Joe stumbling across Reiner Füellmich and his team of lawyers and associated lawyers who are supposedly ‘suing the world’ they appear to be genuine and they seem to be giving it their best shot. When they fail [as is the plan] they can all say: “We tried, and we kept trying; too bad we ran out of time, but we did our best.” The message being sent therefore is that if thousands of lawyers worldwide [knowledgeable, experienced, powerful people] who are headed by a lawyer of Füellmich’s calibre [a man who – we’re told – takes on the big boys such as Deutsche Bank and VW and wins] cannot bring any of these high ups [politicians/expert advisors/the Davos clique] to justice then what hope for us common people?

What they don’t want you to know is that they are only pretending to be on our side. The likes of Simon Dolan and Reiner Füellmich are working for the same people who control all governments – the freemasons. They are not on the side of freedom; their job is to get a powerful message to the global populace that there is nothing anyone can do about the NWO.

My job is to get a powerful message to you that we can stop the NWO and we will. The solution is to bring down the people who are suppressing the truth – the people who have their allegiance to a secret society. As you know all NWO gatekeepers are controlled by the masonic powers. There are a staggering number of NWO gatekeepers who appear in a variety of guises and new ones popping up all the time who poison the internet with lies, partial truth, disinformation and lies by omission of truth. So, what does that tell you? It means that the filthy rich, high-powered paedos at the top of the human pyramid are powerless without their network of NWO operatives surrounding them. Think about that for a minute folks – if everyone did their little bit in taking down Satan’s global army of liars we’d soon have easy access to the depraved criminals who occupy the highest positions in the land.

Before I bring this pdf to an end, just so you know, I strongly suspect ‘Hugo Talks’ is just another controlled opposition channel. The fact ‘Hugo’ hides behind anonymity is a big red flag, Hugo may not even be his real name; the fact he doesn’t call out obvious shills like Piers Corbyn and UK Column is another red flag [he says he doesn’t know if Corbyn is controlled opposition; just the fact he shares a platform with David Icke tells you he is]; another red flag is the fact he asks for money, and another is the fact he accuses YouTube, FB, Twitter etc of censorship on the pretext of something being misinformation when actually it is misinformation. [I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt though and assume he is not aware that a lot [if not all] of what is censored is in fact misinformation.] It is very telling however that my comments on his YT channel are now no longer going through whereas I have not previously had any problems posting comments on his channel. On 12/4/21 I tried a few times to post a comment on his video MSM Want You To FORGET About LOCKDOWN For Now / Hugo Talks #lockdown - YouTube and I tried to post the same comment on his video BBC Offer Staff GRIEF COUNSELLING Over Philip  / Hugo Talks #lockdown - YouTube but none of the comments went through. This is the comment I tried to post: “Hello everyone, just wondering, does anyone here subscribe to Andrew Lawrence's YT channel? If so, what is your opinion on his 'In praise of Prince Philip' video? In praise of Prince Philip. - YouTube And have any of you been blocked from commenting on his channel? I tried to post a comment under that video but for some reason I couldn't post it; I kept trying and I tried to post a comment on a different video of his but none of my comments were going through. This has never happened before - I have previously put positive comments on quite a lot of his videos and never had any problems. Anyway just curious as to other people's experience with AL. This is the comment I was trying to post: "Oh FFS another one shows his true colours. Seriously Andrew, WTF? I thought you were a rare breed who was a genuine voice for freedom; how wrong I was. Have you forgotten FREEMASON Philip was the head of one of the world's wealthiest families which is BRINGING ABOUT OUR ABJECT SLAVERY? Philip's son Charles – the future king – promotes the GREAT RESET and is openly mocking us and getting off on it. Philip loved killing animals and his wife locked her cousins away in a mental institution. Philip's 2 eldest sons are paedophile protectors – GREAT RESET Charles, close friend of Jimmy Savile and paedophile priest Peter Ball, Andrew, close friend of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell ...

I am genuinely shocked Andrew; you of all people. I am wondering who's next to show their hand – will it be Mr Anonymous Hugo Talks? Jeesh I'm seriously despairing at the dwindling army of real freedom fighters. Lost all respect for you Andrew. Go and reap your reward in hell. Unsubscribed."”

Andrew Lawrence’s vomit-inducing eulogy on Prince Philip clearly exposes him for the sell out shitbag shill he is.

I’ll leave the links to the ‘Hugo Talks’ videos up because what he says about the mission creep, the real reason the evil ones want us all jib jabbed up and the need to resist is true.

As I say the message being drummed into us loud and clear by these despicable charlatans is that if well-educated, intelligent, successful men and their powerful learned legal teams, and other lawyers from all around the globe can’t do anything about the looming totalitarian New World Order, then what hope for us plebs? What can any of us do? Not a lot … No point trying … We’re all doomed … Job jobbed.

Well, as I also say, that is what they want us to believe – they don’t want us to believe that the truth will set us free and they certainly do not want us to believe that we have the power to bring about justice and freedom. They are in for a shock. Their time of hoodwinking the public and engaging in their despicable psychological warfare is coming to an end; karma is coming to every pathetic, cowardly, rat shill on the planet; and everyone who commits crimes, no matter what level in freemasonry or any other secret society they are, will be brought to justice; you can trust me on that.

The question is will you be known as somebody who helped in the fight for truth, justice and freedom or will you be known as a cowardly NWO enabler [i.e someone who does not resist]? If you want to be known as a courageous freedom fighter, this is what you need to do: Do not comply with the Corona rules, do not have the Covid vaccine [unless you genuinely feel you need it – do not succumb to pressure or have it for selfish reasons, such as to enable you to holiday abroad or gain entrance to a pub, sporting venue or wherever], protest the lockdowns and wage war on the traitorous, masonic-controlled NWO agents of deception; they are the real enemy. Above all else, lose the fear; do not be afraid of what others may think of you for taking a stand; do not be afraid to stand alone; in short, do not be afraid of your own power.

Freedom fighters must not engage in ‘social distancing’ – hug whoever you want to – spread the love, and do not wear the mask. I’m not saying you should put your job at risk by refusing the mask – if you must wear the mask at work wear one with ‘THIS IS TYRANNY’ written on. Do not however wear one when you are out shopping or in some other public place or on public transport. As I say if you are challenged just tell the jobsworths that you are exempt [all human beings are exempt; we are not dangerous dogs that need to be muzzled.] Tell them that you have anxiety issues about wearing a mask – that you feel like you’re being enslaved; you’re being honest, the government and media are not. No ‘proof’ of exemption is required. What is the worst that can happen – you don’t get entry to somewhere or the police are called; so what, you are not going to be thrown in jail and you’re not going to be fined. If you are at breaking point with this creeping tyranny and you feel the need to cry when being questioned about your health [which is no-one’s business but yours] then let the tears roll and get it video recorded – the supermarkets are not going to want too many YouTube videos of people who don’t want to wear a mask being too distressed to visit their stores.

Remember, no-one is forcing us to go along with this mission creep; we are willingly giving up our freedoms because we are too timid to stand up to their bullying tactics. Stop being fearful; when you are not afraid you take their power away; YOU become powerful. There is no need to be afraid; have some fun with this nonsense – get creative, be cheeky, be daring, be funny, be sad and tearful, be you. Wear a prisoner’s outfit [blue and white striped pyjamas or orange ‘Guantanamo Bay’ style jumpsuit] when you are out, with the caption ‘WE ARE SLAVES’ or ‘STOP THE NWO’ or ‘STOP THE GREAT RESET’ or ‘THE GOVT AND MEDIA ARE LYING TO US’ or ‘COVID RULES ARE KILLING ME’ or ‘COVID RULES ARE SENDING ME INSANE’ or ‘I CAN’T STAND THE CORONA MADNESS – I NEED A HUG’ or ‘I DON’T DO SOCIAL DISTANCING; CAN I HAVE A HUG’ … You get the idea. Or wear a hazmat suit or a space suit with a suitably satirical caption … Or wear a woolly hat with the caption ‘THIS IS A COVID-RESISTANT HAT’ or put a big brown paper bag over your head when you are in the supermarket with the words ‘COVID CAN’T GET ME’ or ‘SOMEONE STOP THE CORONA CIRCUS’ or ‘THE WORLD HAS GONE COVID MAD’ or ‘THIS CORONA BOLLOX HAS TO STOP’ … The aim is to raise awareness that we are being enslaved and to not make it easy for the mask- enforcers – the more of us who resist the mask the quicker they will buckle and will stop trying to force it. Always remember, you have the power.

Visit whoever you want to – do not pay any attention to the [masonic] media’s scare tactics of getting an on-the-spot fine for venturing further from your home than is ‘allowed’. You do not get the full truth with these MSM stories, and for all you know they may be completely made up. My son Andy told me that he knows of a few people who have been fined or threatened with a fine for breaking the rules – one was threatened with a £100 fine for taking his child sledging a couple of miles out of his ‘designated area’, another was fined for a similar offence, but he challenged it, saying it was a breach of human rights and it was overturned, and another, after being handed a fine, was also given a phone number by the same police officers whereby he was able to get advice and help on how to challenge it, and it too was overturned on breaches of human rights.

For anyone who has already had the vaccine, don’t worry all is not lost, you can still get on board the fight for freedom – just do not have any more Covid vaccinations, take off the mask, go and visit and hug whoever you want and do not comply with any more of the crap the bastards in government are trying to push on us; in other words resist any attempts at controlling us by way of a ‘checking in’ system to visit a pub or restaurant, cinema, leisure centre or anywhere else. Boycott anywhere that insists you have the NHS ‘track and trace’ app on your phone as that is the precursor to the vaccine passport which will be required for everything you do, including gaining entry to your place of work and for buying essentials such as food and clothes. Resist now before it is too late. GET OFF YOUR KNEES, EVERYONE. WE MUST ALL NOW RISE LIKE LIONS. This is what the media are reporting [24/2/21]: “The NHS Covid-19 app could be made into vaccine passports to prove if people have had the jab or have a negative test result.” NHS App Could Be Converted Into Covid Vaccine Passport - Capital (capitalfm.com)

Have a read of this for some sickening deception Businesses urged to prepare for NHS COVID-19 app | GOV.WALES I quote: “Businesses across Wales and England like pubs, restaurants, hairdressers and cinemas, are being encouraged [notice the softly, softly approach – business are being encouraged; that will soon turn to being forced by way of fines or worse if this is not resisted en masse now] to have NHS QR code posters visible on entry, so customers who have downloaded the new NHS COVID-19 app can use their smartphones to easily check-in.

Wales’ Health Minister lying, traitorous, pure evil, P-O-S NWO stooge Vaughan Gething, said: “The launch of the NHS COVID-19 app is an important part of coronavirus response, supporting our NHS Test, Trace, Protect programme in Wales. That is how you unbelievably evil scumbags are selling it. This is not about protecting anyone, this is about controlling everyone. Working on a joint Wales and England basis is the most practical option here, as we know there is a lot of movement across our shared border. It makes sense to use the same app, working in exactly the same way, regardless of which country you’re in. Same app, which will morph into the vaccine passport. The masonic Welsh Government has worked closely with the masonic NHS App team to ensure the app is easy-to-use and gives people the right advice and guidance, tailored to the country they reside in. I strongly encourage people in Wales to download and use the app when it launches. Folks, do not do it; resist these tyrants. Vaughan Gething and his ilk need to be locked up for their truly evil crimes against humanity.

The more people download and use the NHS COVID-19 app, the more it will help us to prevent the spread of COVID-19.” You disgusting liar; this is not about protecting the public from a virus; this is about enslaving the public; this is about controlling every aspect of everyone’s lives using a digital ID social credit system.

UK Government’s Health and Social Care Secretary lying, evil, deceiving treacherous snake Matt Hancock, said: “With Under the pretext of coronavirus cases rising, we need to use every tool at our disposal to control the spread of the virus public including cutting-edge technology. The launch of the app later this month across England and Wales is a defining moment and will undoubtedly aid our ability to contain the virus people at a critical time.

We are now urging businesses to download posters for their premises ahead of the launch of the NHS COVID-19 app. This will allow the public to seamlessly check-in to venues using the app when it launches. Look how these vile liars are portraying it – it’s just an app which will make your life easier. Don’t you believe it people; don’t you be tricked by these Godless men.

It is vital we are using the NHS Test and Trace system to reach as many people as possible to prevent outbreaks and stop this virus in its tracks as we ultimately want to be able to control everyone. This function will make it simple and easy so we can keep this virus the public under control.”

Businesses are just one sector encouraged to use the NHS system. Universities, hospitals, leisure premises, civic centres and libraries will also be urged to display posters in communal areas such as cafes. They want to control everywhere you go and everything you do.

Kate Nicholls UK’s Hospitality CEO lying, wicked, deceiving, traitorous NWO whore said: “Hospitality’s top priority is to protect the health of our customers and staff [liar, you care not a jot about anyone’s health; you are working with the freemasons to kill the hospitality sector and kill or enslave the people] but there’s also the added appetite to avoid a return to lockdown and loss of trade. You sick evil woman, pretending you care about people’s businesses. It’s crucial that information is gathered and deployed both effectively and securely. Yeah you support a global digital surveillance system.

We would urge all hospitality businesses to support the roll out of the app and download their QR posters to under the pretext of helping to defeat the virus.”” All businesses need to band together now and resist this.

Tim Hinchcliffe reports: “In his blogpost, Paul alluded to the WEF’s globalist agenda to peg every person to a digital identity, that, beyond storing health passports, monitors all social interactions, online behavior, and financial records, to name a few.

“The system of tracking and monitoring could be used to silence those expressing ‘dangerous’ political views, such as that the great reset violates our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” added Paul.” The Great Reset Will Dramatically Expand the Surveillance State via Real-Time Tracking': Ron Paul (sociable.co)

And: “The digital identity push under the ‘great reset’ agenda risks enabling an authoritarian social credit system on a global scale: perspective.

As part of its “great reset” agenda to reshape the global economy, the World Economic Forum (WEF) wants everyone on the planet to be linked with a digital identity.

“This digital identity determines what products, services and information we can access – or, conversely, what is closed off to us” — WEF report.

And while digital identities show great promise towards improving the livelihoods of millions, they are also used by authoritarian governments to profile and police citizen behavior under a social credit system.” Your Digital Identity Can Be Used Against You in the Event of a Great Reset (sociable.co)

And just as importantly – and I can’t stress this enough – please everyone, help expose the wicked gatekeepers who are enabling this evil New World Masonic Order. They all need to be brought down, and quick, because we are running out of time and there are now so many people on the internet in search of truth and solutions who are being swallowed up by these treacherous snakes.

Once we figure out the truth, its game over for the ‘Bring Back Better’ bastards. Truth will reign supreme though only when the enemy’s soldiers [the masonic-controlled NWO gatekeepers] are dealt with, at which point justice and liberty will naturally follow. The battle for justice will be an easier one and it will be one for a team [or a few teams] of good human rights lawyers who are not beholden to any secret society, who use credible witnesses and who have the moral compass and the spine to bring private prosecutions against the politicians responsible and their expert advisors and the ‘Davos’ gang [including Prince Charles] for their heinous and humungous crimes against humanity [and related crimes such as corruption, fraud, cronyism, treason …] Another team of non-masonic human rights lawyers with integrity and courage will be needed to take on the criminals in the media for their reprehensible propaganda and scandalous scaremongering.

(2) The Battle Hymn of the Republic - YouTube

Being a real Truth soldier however takes great courage – that courage comes from having full faith in God:

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self- control.” 2 Timothy 1:7

“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” Matthew 6:24

“For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14

“For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad.” Luke 8:17

So, all you smug atheists had better get right with God before it is too late.

To all you genuine freedom fighters I salute you all and I love you all.