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Proc Col V3-4.Pdf { Maтepпaльl lvtе,lщyнapo.цпЬIх кoллoкв!iу[|oв пo общeствeннЬltl| diсeкoмьIм Из,laниеPoссийскoй секции МеждунаpодHoгo сOЮЗa исследoвaтелей oбщeственнЬIхнaсекoMЬlx (IUSSI) и Cёкции oбщественньIxHасекoМЬlх Ч Pусскoгo эHтoмoЛoгиЧескoГooбщества (PЭo) To.u 3_4' l997, Soсiutlt, Сoнкttt-Пепrcpбуpе,|'iii + 3ll с. Главньlй pедaктop: B. Е. Кипяткoв Ч l99034' Санкr.ПетеpбуpГ' Унивepситетскaянаб.. Д,. 1 lg' { Caнкт-Петеpбуpгский ГoсуДaрсТвенньtй унивеpситеT, биoлoгo-пoчвенньtйфакультет. кaфедpa энтoМoЛoГии е-mail:vk@soсium.usг ТеЛ.: (+7) 8|2 3289679 d Proсееdings of thе lntеrnаtionаl Colloquiа on Soсiаl Insесts { Publishеdbу RussianLanguagе Sесtiоn of thе lntегnationalUnion forthе Studyof Soсial lnsесts(IUSSl) and Soсial lnsесtSесtion of thе RussianЕntomoIogiсal Sосiеt-v (RЕS) I,blumе 3*4, 1997, Socium, St.Pеtеrsburg, vjii + 3ll pp. IntеrnationаlЕditoriаl Board Еditor-in.Chiеft Рrof. Dr. Vladilеn Е. Kipyаtkov DеpaгtmеntoгЕntomoIogу. Еaсultу of Bio|ogу'St. PеtеrsburgStatе Univегsity,7i9 Univегsitеtskaуaеmb,' St. Petersburg.l99034. Russia е-mail:vk@soс; tеl.: (+7) 812, з2896.]9 Еditors: Dr. Grаhаm W. Еlmеs Institutеof Теггеstгia|Есology, FuгzеbrookRеsеarсh Station' Warеham, Dorsеt,BH20 5АS' UnitеdKingdom; е-mai|: GWЕ@wpo.nеrс.aс.uk Pгоf. Dr. Jfiщеn Hеinzе ZoologisсhеsInstitut I, Un ivеrsitёtЕrlangеn-Niirnbеrg, Staudtstrassе 5. D-9 l 058,Еrlangеn, Gегmany; е-mail: jhеinze@bioIogiе.uni.erlangеn.dе Dr. Еlеnа B. Lopаtinа ЕntоmoIogy,Bio|оgiсal Rеsеaгсh Institutе of St. PеtеrsburgUnivегsitу' 2 oгаniеnbaunlskoyеshossе' Pеteгhoi St. Pеtеrsburg,l98904' Russia е-mail: еI@soсium.usг.pu'гu Dr. Christophеr К. Stаrг Dеpaгtmеntof Zoology.Univегsity of thе WеstIndiеs' St. Аugustine, Тгinidadand Tobago;e-mail: сstarr@сеntг This уoIume is published owing to thе finаnciоl suppoпfrоm Germаn-speаking Section of thе InternаtionаI Uniоn fоr thе S|udу of SociаI Insects a |997 Russian LanguagеSесtion' Intеmationa|Union for thе Studу of Soсial lnseсts, Soсium,St' Pеtеrsbuгg Nopart of thi,];:lTJ:'.-JJ"..i,сеd inanl Гoгm. b;"print. photopгint.miсrofilm оr any othеr mеansrvithout writtеn pегmissionliom thе publishег i I I I fi l :-,".*дi.;. А ,i-** .-&. '*..l',.*i*i&iвь. 'u;лil*я....: '.*gitЕы Coдеpясaние Contеnts Пpедислoвиe - Pгe[aсе vlt oбзopьl Rеviews Busсhingеr,A. _ Soсially paгаsitiс foгmiсoxеnineants from Westеrn Еuropе а rеviеw(Hуmеnoptеra' Foгmiсidaе) l Sсhwaгz,М. P.' N. J. Bull' S. М. Тiеrnеy,A.L.Cronin and S' G. Rеyеs _ Soсial еvolutionin Hуmеnoptегa_ insightsfrom Australianallodapinе beеs l l _ Жужикoв, l. П. Пoпуляции ТеpМиToв |Zhu:hikoу, D. P. * Tеrmitе popuhtionsl 19 Жужикoв, Д. П.' H. A. Хpyсталева и М. lo. Цexанская _ Чеpтьl сoциzulЬнoсти у ТapaкaнoB |Zhuzhikov' D. P.' N. А. Khrustсtl1.ol,сlсtпсl M. Yц. Tsеkhап- skау'u _ Soсiаl trаits in сoс,kroас,hеs| 3l _ Aлешo, н. A. CинaнтpoпнЬIеTapaканЬt Poссии |Аlеsho, N. А. _ Sупоп- thropiс сoсkroасhеs of Russiа| 45 Беpезин,M. B. и B. Б. Бейкo - lllмeлевoдстBo B Poссии _ t{oвЬlепpoблемьt и ПеpсПекТиBЬt |,Bеrеzin,M. V. апd V. B. Bеiko - Bumblеbее kееping in Rlrssia * пеп.problеnlsапd pro'spес't.s| 5l Исс.reДoватe.lЬскиесTaТЬи Researсh papers Alеksееv,V. N. _ Мyrmесophilуamong pгoсtotrЦpoid and сегaphronoidwasps (Hymеnoptеra:Pгoсtotrupoidеa, Cеrаphгonoidеa) 59 Andгееv,A. V. and V. P. Smirnov _ About speсiеsabundanсеs appгoximation. l. Wild bееs(Hymenoptеra, Apoidеa) on alfalГa 65 Andгееv.A. V. _ AЬоut spесiеsabundanсеs approximation. 2. Мain typеsof wild bееs(Нуmеnoptегa, Apoidеa) samples 75 Banaszak,J. and Т. Ciеrzniаk - Spatiаland tеmpoгaIсhangеs in diversityand dеnsityof bееs(Apoidea) in thеdесiduous forеsts of Poland 89 Bogatyrеv'N. R. * An innovationаlapproaсh to thесonsеrvation of soсialinsесts l0l Chittkа' L., J. Sсhoгn'J. M. dе Souza,D. F. Vеnturaand J. М. F. Camargo _ Тhе nеstеntranсе signal of thеAmazonian Ьees Pаrtаmoпа pеаrsoni _ a сasе whеrеinsесts dеsign thеiг own flighttaгgets . l07 lv CoДеpжaние_ Contеnts Komissar' A. D. - Whу do honеуbееsnot distinguishwhitе and bluе nеаr-еntгanсеmarks? ||7 Cronin, A. L. and M. P. Sсhwarz - Soсial vaгiationin Australian Allodаpinе bееs within thе group Ехonеurа sеtt.sustriсIo |2| 2l[ьяненкo'H. Г. _ УстoйчиBoсТЬПoПyляций pЬIжих ЛеснЬlx мypaBЬеB B биoценoзax Белoвежскoй пуши |Diасhепko,N. G. * Stаbilitу оf rеd ь'ood апt populаtions iп Bеloуеzhskау'аPushсhа Nаtionаl Pаrk] l3l ![ьяненкo, н. Г. _ Bидoвoй сoсTaBмypaBьев Беловежской пyши |Diас,hепko,N. G. - А li.stof аnt ,spесiеsof Bеlovе:hskа1.аPushс,hа Nсttionаl Pаrk! l35 oмельченкo. Л. B. и 3. A. Жигyльская _ ПpoвинuиaлЬ}IЬlеoтлv1чtlя 14 ПpoстpансTBeHнo-TиПoЛoгиЧескaяopгaHизaЦия HaсеЛеHиямypaBЬеB южHoй тaйги Зaпaднoй и Cpедней Сибиpи |Оnlеlсhеnko'L. L,. tlпd Z. .4. Zhigulskа1'а _ Proуiпt,iаl diffеrепс'еsаttd spасiоl orgапisаtioп of аnt соt.ttttttltliliеsin southеrп tаigа оf Wеst апd Middlе Sibеriа] l39 Еlmеs' G. W' ' J. С. Wardlаw аnd B. Barr - Variation in bгood-rеaringabilitiеs bеtwееn M1lrntiсаrugiпodi.s woгkеrs сollесtеdГгom diffегеntparts of thеir rangе 14.7 Pеdегsеn.J. S. аnd J. J. Boomsmа Gеnеtiс divеrsity and variation of soсial stгuсtuгеin ant populations |57 Hаn. S. H. and A. B. Ndiaуе * Fight trial against fruit trееsspoilеr tегmitеsin Dakar аrеa, Sеnеgal t'r3 Hеinzе, J. _ Malе rеproduсtivеstratеgiеs in ants t79 Kaul' R. М. аnd N. V. Korostеlуova - An influеnсеоf natuгal optiсal сonditions upon selесtionof оriеntation mannегsbу геd wood ants 189 Kipуatkov, V. Е. and Е. B. Lopatina _ Еxpеrimеntalstudу ofsеasonal сусlе of rapid brood produсtion in thе ants M),rntiса rubrа L. and M. rrlgillorll.rNyl' fгom two diГГегеntlatitudеs r95 Lopаtina' Е. B. and V. Е. Kipyatkov _ Тhе influеnсеof daily thеrmopеriodson thе duгation of sеasonalсyсlе of dеvеlopmеntin thе ants MуrmiссtrubrаL. and M' rugiпodisNу|. 207 Kohout, R. J. AustralianPob,rhасhic and thеiгnesting hаbits (Formiсidае: Foгmiсinaе) 2|7 Kostina,M. N. _ Тhе сontrolof populationsof Pharaoh'sants using juvеnoids and amidohydrozonеs 22З Kostina,М. N. - Thе influеnсеof foodbaits сontaining sulfluoramidе loсated in thесontainеr-rеfugе on Pharaоh'sant population sizе 227 Lopatina,N. G.. Е. G. Сhеsnokovа,L. A. Dmitгiеvaand J. Voikе _ Kynurеninеs in mеmorу proсеssеsoГ the honеу bее. Аpis mеllifеrа L.: The гolе of L-glutamateгесеptors in nеuгoaсtivееffесts of kynurеninеs 2з1. Nеvillе' Т., M. P. Sсhwaгzand S. М. Tiеrnеy _ Lifе сусlеand soсialityin аn Australian allodapinе bee Ехonеurа (Е.tonеurеtlа ) sеtostl 239 Niеlsеn, М. G. _ Foraging stгatеgyand еnегgеtiссost of Гood transpoгt in thе ant Rhу,tidopoпеro0l|rа|{l (Rogеr) in tropiсal Australia 1А1 Coлеpжaние - Contеnts /[ьяненкo. H. Г. oсoбeннoсти биoтoПиЧескoгo paсПpе,ц,елеHияpЬlжиx ЛесHЬIxМypaBЬеB B Лесax Белoвежскoй пyши |Diасhепko,N. G. Hаbitаt distributiоn of rеd п.сlodапls itt Bеlot'еzhskа1'аPushсhсt Nаtioпаl Pаrk] 253 Pеtrov,|. Z. _ Contгibution to thе knowlеdgeof Гoragingaсtivitу in Cаtаgl1'phis oе|tеSсе|tSNyl. (Hvmеnoptеra,Formiсidaе) 2s9 Rеyеs' S. G. and М. P. Sсhwaгz - Soсial еvoIutionin the bее gеnusEхonеurеllа and rеlаtеd taхa (Hуmеnoptегa:Apidaе: Allodapini): a phylogеnеtiс pеrspесtive 267 Кipуatkov' V. Е. and Е. B. Lopatina _ Sеasonalсyсlе and wintег diapausе induсtion in ants oГ thе gеnusMуrntiса in thе Рolar Cirсlе геgion 277 ''пpaвoе. УДaлoвa, Г. П. и А. Я. Кapaсь _ Aнaлиз пpoстpaнстBaПo пpиЗнaкy ЛеBoе''y МуpaвЬeBМу7171iса rubrа fUdаlovа' G. P. апd А. Yа. Kаrаs _ Аttа'sсlJ-thе Splrc ь,iththе usе ф,,right-lеft,'а|Iributе iп thе oпI M}'rmiсo rubrаl 28'l Кpaткиe нayчньlе сooбЩенIrя Short сommuniсations Dе Waе|'L.. М. Dе GrееГando. Van [,aеrе_ obsеrvationson small-Ггuitinsесt pollination in уеar гound сultuгеs 299 Komissar, A. D. Somе pесuliaгitiеsoГ honеybееsoriеntation nеar thе hivе еntranсеand thеir usеin thе dеsignoГ еxtгamultiplе nuсlеus hivеs 303 oдинец' A. A., A. A. Батprшинa,Л. A. ;]егтяpевa,B. A. КиpилЛoвскиx'Г. Л. Кpyшинский, [o. П. Кaмyз, o. A. oДинеЦ,o. П. Poмaшкoвa и B. Е. Cеpaд;ки _ oсoбенHoсTиopГaнизaции paбoт пo сHи)кеHиЮЧисЛrHHoсти тapaкaнoв и pЬlжиx дoМoвЬlx MypaBЬевв бo.ltьшIoMГopoДе |Оdiпеt.s,А. А., А. А. Bаtrs.hiпа'L. А. Dеgtуаrеl,а,L,.. А. Kirilloуskikh, G. L' Kntshinskii, Yu. P. Kаrrut:' О' А. odiпеts аnd V. Yе. Sеrаdji - Оrgаnisаtiott of сoсkroасhеs апd hou'уi|lgа|lt.' сoпtrol in а lаrgе сits'| 305 oдинеЦ'A. A.' A. A. Бaтpшинa, B. A. КиpиллoBск}lx,o. П. Poмaшкoвa, B. Е. Cеpaлжи, B. H. CидopенкoB и Л. А. f,егтяpевa Coвpеменнoе сoсТoяHиебopьбьI с pЬl)киМиДoMoBЬlМи MypaBЬя ми Mottotnoriumphаrаo. llis (L.) в Москве fОdinеts'А. ,4.,,4. А. Bаtrshiпа, V. А. Kirilloуskikh, О. P. Ronшshkoуа' V. Yе. Sеrаdji' V. N. Sidorеnkoу сlпd L. А. Degtуаrеvа _ Modеrп Statеof the сonlrol of thе rеd housingant, Мonomoгium pharao- nis (L.). in Mosсotl'] зоz Пoнoмapев, B. A.' B. И. Aшеyлoв, M. B. Кaчкин, Л. H. ПapфеHoвaи A. H. Coтникoв CпoсoбнoстЬ ПеpезиMoBaBши)(B Пpиpo.цe МaToк шMеЛя Bombus tеrrеstris(L.) к зaкЛaдкеи paЗBитию сeмей fPoпonшrеv, V. А., V. I. Аshсhеulot,,M. V. Kасhkiп, L. N. Pаrf1,gцgу'.,tr А. N. Sotnikov _ Саpаbilitiеs of паturаlb, hibеrпаtеd quееnsof thе bumblе bеe, Botttbus Terrеstris (L. ) for сolonу fouttdiпg аnd dеуеloptttепt\ 309 УкaзaтeЛЬ aBтopoB Author Indеx 3ll ПpелислoBие Prеfaсе B дaнньlй Тoм BoшЛи стaтЬи' ПoдгoтoBЛeHHЬIе aBтopaми дoклaдoB, пpoзвyчaBших Hа l:lByх кoЛЛoкBиумax Pоссийскoй секции МеждунapoдHoГo сoЮзa исслеД.oвaтелей oбulественнЬlx HaсекoMЬtx (IUSSI) _ ТpеTЬеM и четBеpТoм. Именнo ПoэТol\,tyтoм иI\4еет нoмеp3-4. ТpетийкoлЛoкBиум Пpoxoдил в Киeве с 26 ceнтябpяпo 2 oктябpя 1994r. B немунaстBoвrUIo ТoЛькo 26 челoвек, из Hиx22члeнa секции. Пo матеpиaЛaмэтoгo кoлЛoквиума бьtло ПoдгoТoBЛенol5 стaтей' вolI.IеДlIlиxв дaнньtй тoм.
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    bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 15, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. The evolution of social parasitism in Formica ants revealed by a global phylogeny Marek L. Borowiec*a,b,c, Stefan P. Coverd, and Christian Rabeling†a aSchool of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, U.S.A. bInstitute of Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Studies (IBEST), University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83843, U.S.A. cDepartment of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Nematology, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844, U.S.A. dMuseum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Abstract Studying the behavioral and life history transitions from a cooperative, eusocial life history to exploita­ tive social parasitism allows for deciphering the conditions under which changes in behavior and social organization lead to diversification. The Holarctic ant genus Formica is ideally suited for studying the evo­ lution of social parasitism because half of its 176 species are confirmed or suspected social parasites, which includes all three major classes of social parasitism known in ants. However, the life­history transitions associated with the evolution of social parasitism in this genus are largely unexplored. To test compet­ ing hypotheses regarding the origins and evolution of social parasitism, we reconstructed the first global phylogeny of Formica ants and representative formicine outgroups.
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    ~ Bulletin S.R.B.E.IK.B.V.E., 142 (2006): 21-24 First record of the permanent social parasitic, slavemaking ant Harpagoxenus sublaevis (NYLANDER, 1852) for Belgium (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Peter BOER 1 & Wouter DEKONINC~ 1 Gemene Bos 12, 1861 HG Bergen, The Netherlands (e-mail: [email protected]). 2 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Department Entomology, Vautierstraat 29, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium. Abstract We report the first record of the permanent parasitic ant Harpagoxenus sublaevis (NYLANDER, 1852) in Belgium. A nest of the species was discovered on 3.V.2006 in Nahtsief in the Hautes Fagnes. In the nest workers of its frequently used host Leptothorax acervorum (F ABRICJUS, 1793) were found. This paper presents the locality, coexisting ant fauna and possibilities where to rediscover this species. Keywords: first record, Belgium, Harpagoxenus sublaevis, faunistic. Resume Nous signalons la premiere capture d 'Harpagoxenus sublaevis (NYLANDER, 1852) une fo urmi esclavagisteobligatoire en Belgique. Un nid de cette espece a ete trouve le 3.V.2006 a Nahtsiefdans les Hautes Fagnes, dans lequel se trouvaient egalement des ouvrieres de Leptothorax acervorum (FABRICIUS, 1793), une des especes cibles d'Harpagoxenus sublaevis. Ici on commente la localite, les differentes fourmis avoisinantes et les possibilites de retrouver 1'es pece en Belgique. Samenvatting We melden hier de eerste waam eming van de permanent, parasitaire slavenjaagster Ha1pagoxenus sublaevis (NYLANDER, 1852), de nijptangmier in Belgie. Een nest van deze soort werd ontdekt op 3.V.2006 in Nahtsief in de Hoge Venen. In het nest werden ook werksters van de vaak door deze soort gebruikte gastheer Leptothorax acervorum (FABRJCJUS, 1793) gevonden.
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