Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Russell , held in the Council Chambers, Russell, on Tuesday, May 24th, 2016.

Mayor Len Derkach presiding and Councillors Cheryl Kindgon-Chartier, Rene Cadieux, Nick Foisy, Marg Fraser, Brent Havelange, Robert Laferriere, Damien McNabb and Barry Wishart in attendance.

1. Call to Order – 7:02 pm

2. Confirmation of Agenda and Added Items

Resolution #192/16 Moved by Councillor Kingdon-Chartier Seconded by Councillor Havelange That the agenda and additional items for the Municipality of Russell Binscarth dated May 24th, 2016 be approved as presented. Carried.

3. Confirmation of Minutes from Previous Meetings

Resolution #193/16 Moved by Councillor Foisy Seconded by Councillor Wishart WHEREAS a copy of the minutes of the last regular meeting of Municipality of Russell Binscarth dated May 3rd, 2016 has been provided to each member of Council;

AND WHEREAS a copy of the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth has been posted in the municipal offices;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the reading of the minutes be dispensed with;

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the minutes of the last regular meeting dated May 3rd, 2016 be adopted as presented. Carried.

4. Delegations - None

5. Items Held from Previous Meeting – Unfinished Business

 Notice re: 2017 Board of Revision – November 8th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

Resolution #194/16 Moved by Councillor Laferriere Seconded by Councillor McNabb That the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth accept and review correspondence for May 3rd, 2016. Carried.

6. Hearings – Conditional Use 07/16

Resolution #195/16 Moved by Councillor Kingdon-Chartier Seconded by Councillor Havelange WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth has scheduled and provided notice of their intention to sit for a Conditional Use Hearing in regards to the Conditional Use Application CU 07/16 of South End Auto & Ag;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth sit for a Conditional Use Hearing in regards to the application of South End Auto & Ag. Carried.

In attendance: None

Mayor Derkach opened the hearing to presentations regarding the Conditional Use Application.

No presentations were made.

Resolution #196/16 Moved by Councillor Foisy Seconded by Councillor Wishart BE IT RESOLVED that the Conditional use Public Hearing for CU 07/16 be closed;

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Council return to regular session. Carried.

Council deferred their decision regarding Conditional Use 07/16 until the June 14th, 2016 meeting.

7. Committee Reports

 Recreation Culture Health & Protective Services Sector Committee – Status Report

Resolution #197/16 Moved by Councillor Havelange Seconded by Councillor McNabb WHEREAS the Municipality of Russell Binscarth has been negotiating with Gambler First Nation regarding the provision of fire protection and extraction services to Gambler Reserve;

AND WHEREAS an agreement has been reached regarding service provision and funding;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth approve the agreement dated January 1st, 2016 between the Municipality of Russell Binscarth and Gamblers First Nation for the provision of fire protection and extraction services to Gambler Reserve;

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and CAO be authorized to sign the said agreement on behalf of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth. Carried.

Resolution #198/16 Moved by Councillor Laferriere Seconded by Councillor Havelange WHEREAS the Municipality of Russell Binscarth has received an in-kind contribution from Gambler First Nation toward the capital component of the Fire Protection Agreement between the 2 entities;

AND WHEREAS the Municipality has had the equipment provided by Gambler First Nation inspected and appraised as to its value;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth approve the provision of a credit of $12,685 toward the capital contribution component of the Fire Agreement between the Municipality of Russell Binscarth and Gambler First Nation for equipment received in April, 2016

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and CAO be authorized to sign a Document of Acknowledgement identifying items received and their value. Carried.

Resolution #199/16 Moved by Councillor Laferriere Seconded by Councillor McNabb That Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth approve the EMO MOU agreement between the Municipality of Russell Binscarth and RM of Ellice-Archie;

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and CAO be authorized to sign the said agreement. Carried.

Resolution #200/16 Moved by Councillor Laferriere Seconded by Councillor Cadieux That By-law No. 32/07/16 of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth regarding fire prevention and emergency services be introduced and read a first time. Carried.

Resolution #201/16 Moved by Councillor Havelange Seconded by Councillor McNabb That By-law No. 33/08/16 of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth for the prevention and control of outdoor fires within the municipality be introduced and read a first time. Carried.

Resolution #202/16 Moved by Councillor McNabb Seconded by Councillor Cadieux BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth approve the contribution of $300 to Major Pratt School in support of the 2015-2016 Crosswalk Program. Carried.

Resolution #203/16 Moved by Councillor Havelange Seconded by Councillor McNabb BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth approve the request of Wilbert Koss for an increase in the yearly rent of his barn to a value of $1,000 per year. Carried.

Resolution #204/16 Moved by Councillor Havelange Seconded by Councillor Kingdon-Chartier That the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth accept the Recreation Culture Health & Protective Services Sector Committee report dated May 12th, 2016 as presented by Chairperson Brent Havelange. Carried. Carried.

 Infrastructure & Public Utilities Sector Committee – Status Report

Resolution #205/16 Moved by Councillor Wishart Seconded by Councillor Fraser WHEREAS the Manitoba Water Services Board has requested the Municipality of Russell Binscarth for a list of projects for consideration by Manitoba Water Services Board over the next 5 years;

AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Russell Binscarth requires a new water treatment plant for both Russell and Binscarth;

AND WHEREAS the establishment of a regional water treatment plant and the provision of treated water by pipeline has been investigated by the Municipality of Russell Binscarth;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth provide the following projects and estimated costs to Manitoba Water Services Board for the next 5 year period:  Water plant upgrade & expansion including pipeline to Binscarth or a total cost of $8.6 million. Carried.

Resolution #206/16 Moved by Councillor Wishart Seconded by Councillor Fraser That the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth approve the proposed works being completed by CP Rail in conjunction with the Highway’s project changing the intersection of Highway #41 and Highway #16. Carried.

Resolution #207/16 Moved by Councillor Wishart Seconded by Councillor Foisy WHEREAS the Municipality of Russell Binscarth has received a request from the Russell Redliner Auto Club for the closure of town streets in conjunction with the Redliner Show N’ Shine, Stereo Competition & Burn Out Competition events to be held July 23rd, 2016;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Municipality of Russell Binscarth approve the request of the Russell Redliner Auto Club for the closure of Main Street (PTH #623) from Westbourne Street south to in front of Tinhouse Coffee Co and Vanguard Credit Union Ltd. as well as Westbourne Street from Shell River Avenue to Main Street, on Saturday, July 23rd, 2016 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. subject to the following;

1. That the Russell Redliner Auto Club inform all emergency services of the date and timing of the street closings;

2. That the Russell Redliner Auto Club cause to be published in the Russell Banner an advertisement, pre-approved by the Municipality, identifying the street closure including the date and timing. Carried.

Resolution #208/16 Moved by Councillor Wishart Seconded by Councillor McNabb WHEREAS eleven Parkland municipalities are currently receiving recycling service under contract from Portage & District Recycling Inc., or one of its subsidiary organizations;

AND WHEREAS the Chief Administrative Officers and/or other municipal staff from each of the municipalities formed a working group that collectively undertook a comprehensive process to determine options available for the collection and processing of recyclables, as well as the service provider to be recommended to each respective Council;

AND WHEREAS after requesting proposals from three firms, and receiving proposals from Portage & District Recycling Inc. and Ottenbreit Sanitation Services (2002) Ltd., the working group analyzed and compared the proposals, with the assistance and guidance of Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba (MMSM);

AND WHEREAS the members of the working group unanimously recommend that each Council accept the proposal submitted by Ottenbreit Sanitation Services (2002) Ltd. and enter into a ten year contract for the provision of recycling/waste services to the municipalities;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accept as information the proposals for recycling and waste management services provided by Portage & District Recycling Inc. and Ottenbreit Sanitation Services (2002) Ltd.;

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accept the recommendation of the Chief Administrative Officer, a member of the working group established to review recycling options in the Parkland, to select Ottenbreit Sanitation Services (2002) Ltd. as the provider of recycling collection and processing services (and waste if applicable) for the municipality for a ten year term;

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct Administration to work with Ottenbreit Sanitation Services (2002) Ltd. to develop a contract for Council’s review and consideration. Carried. Resolution #209/16 Moved by Councillor Wishart Seconded by Councillor Cadieux That the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth approve Binscarth Plan #1 and Russell Plan #1 as submitted by Fibre.CA Inc. for the installation of fibre optic cable in Russell and Binscarth;

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the CAO be authorized to sign any plans or documents in conjunction with the Plan approvals. Carried.

Resolution #210/16 Moved by Councillor Wishart Seconded by Councillor Fraser That the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth accept the Infrastructure & Public Utilities Sector Committee report dated May 9th, 2016 as presented by Chairperson Barry Wishart. Carried.

 Personnel & Policy Sector Committee – Status Report

Resolution #211/16 Moved by Councillor Kingdon-Chartier Seconded by Councillor Havelange WHEREAS it is necessary for the Municipality of Russell Binscarth to hire certain seasonal and casual employees for 2016;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council approves the hiring of the following people and their rate of remuneration:

Sean Orr Grounds Maintenance Personnel at a rate of $12.00/hr. Parker Melnyk Grounds Maintenance Personnel at a rate of $12.00/hr. Mackenzie Collette Grounds Maintenance Personnel at a rate of $12.00/hr. Kyle Davidson Grounds Maintenance Personnel at a rate of $12.00/hr. Carried.

Resolution #212/16 Moved by Councillor Kingdon-Chartier Seconded by Councillor Wishart That the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth accept the Personnel & Policy Sector Committee report dated May 17th, 2016 as presented by Chairperson Cheryl Kingdon-Chartier. Carried.

 Economic Development, Finance & Commerce Sector Committee – Status Report

Resolution #213/16 Moved by Councillor Foisy Seconded by Councillor Kingdon-Chartier That the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth approves payments as follows:

Cheque #1968 – 2088 in the amount of $147,201.79 from the Municipality of Russell Binscarth General account #11041038630 at the Vanguard Credit Union. Carried.

Resolution #214/16 Moved by Councillor Foisy Seconded by Councillor Kingdon-Chartier That the Financial Statement to April 30th, 2016 for the Municipality of Russell Binscarth as submitted to and examined by Council be approved. Carried.

Resolution #215/16 Moved by Councillor Foisy Seconded by Councillor Kingdon-Chartier That Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth accept the Economic Development, Finance & Commerce Sector Committee report dated May 16th, 2016 as presented by Chairman Len Derkach. Carried.

8. Action/Recommendation Items – Resolutions/By-laws

9. Other Business

10. Administrative Issues

Resolution #216/16 Moved by Councillor Havelange Seconded by Councillor McNabb That the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth accept the quote of Flags Unlimited for the provision of flags to be used throughout public spaces in the Municipality at a price of $3,973.65. Carried.

Resolution #217/16 Moved by Councillor Foisy Seconded by Councillor Fraser WHEREAS the Municipality of Russell Binscarth has initiated the tax sale process with regards to Roll No. 20800;

AND WHEREAS the owner located on Roll No. 20800 is interested in entering into an agreement for payment of tax arrears;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth approve the agreement dated May 24th, 2016 between the Municipality of Russell Binscarth and the owner of the property identified in Roll No. 20800 for the payment of tax arrears for 2014;

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and C.A.O. be authorized to sign the said agreement. Carried.

Resolution #218/16 Moved by Councillor Cadieux Seconded by Councillor McNabb WHEREAS the RM of Russell closed a portion of Mile 172 West and is in the process of selling the closed road allowance property to Twin Valley Co-op;

AND WHEREAS Manitoba Hydro & MTS have infrastructure within the right of way that requires a continued easement by the utilities to the property;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth approve Easement Agreement No. 0007392 providing for an easement to cover infrastructure in all that portion of Government Road Allowance (Now Closed) between SE ¼ 32 and SW ¼ 33-20-29 WPM which lies south of the straight production southeasterly of Right of Way of Manitoba and North Western Railway Plan 299 NLTO and north of a straight line drawn at right angles to said Section 33 through a point therein distant southerly 200 feet perp from the SW limit of said Plan 299 NLTO excepting thereout: all mines and minerals required for easement as shown on Plan NLTO (Dep. No. 2013/15);

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and C.A.O. be authorized to sign the said Easement Agreement. Carried.

Resolution #219/16 Moved by Councillor Foisy Seconded by Councillor Wishart That the Municipality of Russell Binscarth approve and authorize the acquisition of Parcel A as identified on Deposit No. 0005-216 as a Plan of Works across Part of NE ¼ 9-21-27WPM;

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the CAO be authorized to sign the said Plan on behalf of the Municipality. Carried.

Resolution #220/16 Moved by Councillor Wishart Seconded by Councillor Laferriere That the Council of the Municipality of Russell Binscarth approve the contribution of $200 to the 2016 Fat Stock Show. Carried.

11. Correspondence was reviewed and considered.

12. Notice of Motion

13. Next Meeting – June 14th, 2016 – Council agreed their next regular meeting would be in Binscarth.

14. Adjournment.

Adopted this 14th day of June A.D., 2016.

______Mayor, Municipality of Russell Binscarth

______C.A.O., Municipality of Russell Binscarth