


TERM 1 – WEEK 5 th Upcoming Events Monday 20 February TERM 1 2012

20th Feb Hello to everyone in P&C meet 7pm Wakool Burraboi’s Learning Community 21st Feb AASC starts WBPS ~ Beautiful on the Inside and the Outside ... ! Some wonderful news to share this week about our school grounds. The nd 22 Feb School’s Asset Services Officer has followed up our fencing issue with Principal’s Conference; Treasury Managed Funds and we been informed that the fencing contractor Carly should be on site to make necessary repairs within the next 3 weeks. This is a

great outcome as we want our school environment to be a reflection of the BEST START training; positive and wonderful things that we do at our school. Cassie A big thank you to Andrea Membrey and Geoff Till who have been working hard 23rd Feb each week to show that we take pride in our school. The classrooms are Principal’s Conference sparkling and the grounds are looking very green and neat. We are most

fortunate at Wakool Burraboi to have such a stellar all-star team! 24th Feb Catch up and Communication Leave; Carly District Swimming It is no fallacy that a positive paren t/carer-teacher relationship contributes to a Carnival at Swan Hill child's school success. If you do need to speak with me at any time please call the school to make an appointment – this will ensure firstly that I will be st 1 March available and secondly that our conversation will be effective, as I would

Whole School Assembly not like to disappoint any parent/carer by either not being available or not

nd being prepared for a meeting. At this stage Wednesday mornings and 2 March Thursdays are the most suitable times for meetings as I have allocated ~ Welcome BBQ and teaching and executive release on these days. Mornings during home Open Classrooms ~ reading, and afternoons when students are getting on buses PSSA District AFL & are not good

Netball Trials, times to talk to me regarding important matters as I am on duty and must be focused on the students in my care.

I am looking forward to our Welcome BBQ and Open Classroom Night on 9th &10th March the 2nd March. It will be a wonderful opportunity for everyone to meet Wakool Show and/or get better acquainted with our school, staff, students, parents and

15th March community. If any parents would like to meet with me privately I will be Gai Burchfield PBL very happy to organise individual meetings for the week commencing 5 March at our Welcome BBQ. This will provide the opportunity for a

16th March personalised discussion as the Welcome night focuses on our school as a Creative Catchment learning community rather than individuals. Kids Carly Doyle

th st Principal 19 -21 March Dramatic CAP

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P&C Swimming Carnival Don’t forget we have our P&C meeting On Friday, 17th February students from tonight at 7pm in the 3/4/5/6 classroom. WBPS assembled at the By joining the P&C you are showing Pool for our Small Schools Swimming your children how committed you are to Carnival. A big thank you to all the helping students and your school parents who were able to join us for the community. A lot can and has been day and helped with transport. We were achieved through the P & C and school blessed with a beautiful day with a working together towards common forecast of 34 degrees. Parents and goals. To continue the great work, P & teachers ensured that lots of sunscreen Cs need people from all walks of life was available for the students to stay and with a range of talents who are Sun Safe. committed to delivering great outcomes for our children and school. Everybody We will be sharing results from the day has a role to play and your ideas will be in next week’s newsletter and heard. The more people involved the recognising our school champions at more exciting and successful it will be. our Morning Assemblies. It was terrific to note so many students participated in races on the day ensuring all events were full. All staff Book Work Code and parents who were present on the At Wakool Burraboi Primary we believe it day left the carnival feeling immensely is really important to encourage all proud of the students, they showed students to have neat bookwork in genuine care and respect for each order to foster pride and respect other throughout the day cheering each for learning and their belongings. It also other on and being friends. eliminates students wasting time using different coloured pens for headings Miss Biti and Mr Rae (King and Queen and liquid paper for their mistakes. I of the Kingdom) remained at school would like to acknowledge and thank with the infants and had a lovely day Chris Hogan, principal of ruling the school. North School for sharing the book work code used at Deni North that drives these values. We have modified the expectations to suit our students and it is displayed in all classrooms and promoted by all staff. It is very pleasing to report that students have shown a marked improvement in their attitude towards how they present their work. We will be rewarding students for neat book work with the introduction of the ‘Book Work Award’. This award will be given to two students (one from each class room) at each assembly. Teachers will use the Book Work Code to determine awards. The Wakool Café are sponsoring this award, so a big thank you to the Wakool Cafe for their kind and generous sponsorship as we very warmly welcome involvement from the community at our school.

2 Phone 0 3 5887 1126 Fax 03 5887 1291 [email protected]

Yr 3/4/5/6 Parent Information Night Diaries Wakool Burraboi Public School will be opening the classrooms for parents to meet It has been wonderful to see that all their child’s teacher at a class information students have welcomed the use of a night on Friday 2nd March. Parents will school diary to help them develop their be invited into the classrooms where organisational skills. Please help your they will be informed; children by making sure it is signed • each week (once a week, before about what their child will be doing in Friday). This will encourage class during the year, • communication between staff, students the class and school structures and and parents. It was pleasing to note routines. that all children brought in their glass This is a great opportunity to meet the bottle for Mrs Heywood Art lesson, teachers as well as other parents. More students told me they remembered to information will be included in next bring their glass bottle in “because they week’s school newsletter. had written it in their diary”. Whole School Assembly We will be having our first whole school Legendary Leaders assembly on Thursday 1st of March in Our wonderful Yr 6 leaders commenced the 3/4/5/6 classroom at 12.30. We will leading the Morning Assembly this be introducing two new awards; week. They have been outstanding, • The ‘Cobber Award’ (one per ensuring that all students are attentive assembly). This award recognises and settled before starting and using a and rewards safe and respectful clear well modulated voice to share playground behaviour. Safety and announcements and the values of the Respect are two of the “Values” that day. Our school will be continuing on are explicitly taught and with the ‘Values’ raffle from last year acknowledged at our school. which was ingeniously introduced by • The ‘Book Work Award’ (two per Miss Biti. Staff will be watching for assembly - one from each students adhering to the school values; classroom). This award recognises Respect, Safety and Learning. The Yr and rewards students who follow the 6 leaders will also reward the best WBPS Book Work Code and put listener at morning assembly with a effort into how they present their ‘Respect’ raffle ticket. Deserving work and take pride in it. students will receive a ticket in the raffle A big Thank you to Sara Mathers our to be drawn on Friday morning at the resident Savy IT Technician (she wears assembly. The first raffle will be drawn many hats and all very fashionably!!!) today as last Friday the seniors were at for designing and creating exciting new the carnival. Good luck and certificates. congratulations to all students who have earnt a ticket. AASC Just a reminder that AASC will commence Tuesday 21st February, at the school from 3.00 – 4.30 p.m. We wish Sharon, Brodey and Nikita all the very best for their first session of the year. The children are most excited about the program. Rachel Campbell

our AASS Regional Co-ordinator will be visiting our school on the 28th, and we

look forward to her visit. 3 Phone 0 3 5887 1126 Fax 03 5887 1291 [email protected]

Birthday Cakes 2012 Wakool Writers Bounce into Just like K/1/2 we think it can be great Burraboi Project to celebrate birthdays at school with Every week 3/4/5/6 students will be cakes, however, it is much more involved in 2 x 30 min and 1 x15min convenient if individual cupcakes are creative writing lessons. Some of the brought in rather than whole cakes! students work may be selected to Recess is at 11.00 so 10.50 would be feature in the newsletter or be featured the most appropriate time for this on the WBPS website. special treat. Please let me know in advance if you wish to do this. Also, Students will be expected to complete a please let me know if you do not wish published piece of writing using teacher for your child to receive cakes, or if directed layout, spelling and grammar there are any allergies that the school conventions. There will be a focus on needs to be made aware of. presentation and the editing process. Students must also adhere to the bookwork code. This week Bridie Mathers writing was selected to be

School Student Behaviour on Buses shared. Congratulations, Bridie. Please see attached the 'School Student Behaviour on Buses' brochure from the Ministry of Transport. This brochure clearly outlines the expectations for safe and Wakool Writers Bounce into Burraboi proper transport of students by bus. It also outlines how unacceptable ~ Why is the Pot Plant Flying ~ behaviours are dealt with. ~ Bridie Mathers~ Please note that students that do not conform to the behaviours outlined in the I was walking down the street and out brochure, run the risk of not being of the blue I saw a flying pot plant. Then permitted to travel by bus. This may be for I looked up and I could see something a short period or in the case of severe hovering in the sky. I didn’t know what it misbehaviour, an extended period. was at first, then out of the corner of my Both the school and Purtill's bus proprietor; eye I spied a UFO sucking up the pot Brian Purtill, are committed to ensuring that plant. I knew my friends wouldn’t the intent of the brochure is strongly believe me! Did this mean that aliens adhered to, and that as a consequence, all were taking over? I went to the movie children that travel by bus, are able to do store and hired a movie that was based so in a safe and well behaved manner. on aliens taking over the world. When I saw the movie my eyes nearly popped out of my head like a cuckoo clock. I was so scared!

4 Phone 0 3 5887 1126 Fax 03 5887 1291 [email protected]