Backgrounder 2017‒18 federal Gas Tax Fund allocations for Saskatchewan communities The Government of Canada has delivered the first of two $29.5 million federal Gas Tax Fund (GTF) installments to Saskatchewan for the 2017-18 fiscal year. In total, Saskatchewan will be provided with over $59.1 million. The funding, which flows through the provincial government to communities on a per capita basis, is available to support community infrastructure projects. The following table indicates the 2017-18 federal GTF allocation for Saskatchewan’s participating communities. Abbey $6,854 Arlington No. 79 $20,562 Aberdeen No. 373 $60,554 Arm River No. 252 $14,840 Aberdeen $35,700 Asquith $35,939 Abernethy No. 186 $23,065 Assiniboia $144,113 Abernethy $11,682 Atwater $1,848 Air Ronge $62,163 Auvergne No. 76 $21,098 Alameda $20,383 Avonlea $23,721 Albertville $8,344 Aylesbury $2,503 Alice Beach $2,682 Aylsham $4,232 Alida $7,808 B-Say-Tah $11,145 Allan $38,621 Baildon No. 131 $35,402 Alvena $3,278 Balcarres $36,773 Annaheim $13,052 Balgonie $96,850 Antelope Park No. 322 $8,940 Bangor $2,742 Antler No. 61 $34,389 Barrier Valley No. 397 $29,681 Aquadeo $5,006 Battle River No. 438 $65,500 Arborfield No. 456 $26,999 Battleford $242,274 Arborfield $19,430 Bayne No. 371 $29,383 Archerwill $11,920 Beatty $3,755 Arcola $38,680 Beaver Flat $2,384 Argyle No. 1 $16,092 Beaver River No. 622 $60,613 Beechy $14,244 Britannia No. 502 $103,346 Belle Plaine $3,934 Broadview $34,210 Bengough No.
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