
Sustainable Development Working Party 13 March 2012

Design Brief for Redevelopment of Westfied Primary School, Haverhill


1. The adopted Replacement Borough Local Plan contains a requirement for a development brief or site-specific design guidance to be prepared for all major development sites before planning permission can be granted.

2. As part of the Schools Organisation Review, Westfield Primary School in Haverhill is being relocated to a new site and will open in the Spring term 2012. The existing site is no longer required for education purposes and it has not been possible to find viable alternative uses for the existing premises.

3. The County Council has prepared a draft design brief for the site to assist potential developers to bring forward schemes that are consistent with adopted, and emerging, development plan policies. The draft has been the subject of local consultation in accordance with the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement and planning officers have been involved in discussions as part of its preparation.

4. Officers are satisfied that the Design Brief, and the proposals within it, have been prepared in accordance with the adopted development plan policies and should, therefore be adopted as planning guidance.

1. Purpose of Report

1.1 The purpose of this report is to consider the content of the Design Brief for the redevelopment of Westfield Primary School at Manor Road in Haverhill and to recommend its adoption as non-statutory planning guidance.

2. Background

2.1 As part of the Schools Organisation Review, Westfield Primary School in Haverhill is being relocated to a new site and will open in the Spring term 2012. The existing site is no longer required for education purposes and officers have worked with the County Council to try and find alternative community uses that might be able to occupy the premises rather than demolish them. However, it has not been

-1 - possible to find viable alternative uses at this time and the County Council is seeking to market the site for redevelopment.

2.2 The site is within the Housing Settlement Boundary for Haverhill where there is a general presumption in favour of housing development unless sites are designated for other uses. The site has no such designation.

3. The Design Brief

3.1 The County Council, as landowners, have prepared a draft Design Brief for the redevelopment of the site and its content has been the subject of discussion with planning officers prior to local consultation. The local community consultation has consisted of two stages, firstly to ascertain whether other uses could be made of the site and, secondly, relating to the content of the draft Design Brief.

3.2 A copy of the draft Development Brief is attached as Appendix A. It is a comprehensive document which identifies constraints arising from the changes in levels and the strong landscape features within and adjoining the site. These are used to inform the development capacity and opportunities for development, based upon a residential scheme incorporating the principle of retaining the majority of trees and providing open space adjacent to the County Wildlife Site. It also contains a commitment to sustainable development principles.

4 . Consultation

4.1 Prior to the preparation of the Development Brief, County Council carried out a three month consultation exercise arising from the reform of education provision in Haverhill. The process sought to establish whether there is a viable community use for any of the surplus school buildings including Westfield School. This consultation did not result in any alternative community uses being proposed for Westfield School.

4.2 The Development Brief has been the subject of a second and separate round of public consultation undertaken by the agents acting on behalf of the County Council from 28 November 2011 to 13 January 2012. A public exhibition was held at Westfield Primary School on 8 December. The consultation period was extended to take account of the Christmas break. Consultation letters, with copies of the draft Development Brief, were also sent to statutory and other consultees and a presentation was made to Haverhill Town Council on 3 January 2012. A report on the consultation is attached as Appendix B. This approach accords with the Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement.

4.3 Despite the extensive consultation carried out, the response from the general public was extremely limited and attendance at the public exhibition was poor. Those comments which were received were of a positive or factual nature relating to issues which are addressed by the Development Brief. No changes were deemed necessary as a result of the consultation. However, minor changes have been made to the document to take account of the draft joint Forest Heath and St Edmundsbury Development Management Policies Preferred Options Document which has been the subject of a separate public consultation between January and March 2012.

-2 - 4.4 Subject to the normal viability tests, the Brief provides a Section 106 Obligation to provide for affordable housing and other potential community contributions.

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Officers are satisfied that the development proposed in the Design Brief is in accordance with the adopted Replacement Local Plan, and in particular Policy DS5. Furthermore, the procedures have been undertaken in accordance with the protocol for the preparation of Design Guidance and Development Briefs.

5.2 Furthermore, officers are satisfied that the consultation process has been thorough and is in accordance with the adopted Statement of Community Involvement. There will, of course, be full consultation undertaken in respect of any subsequent planning applications.

5.3 The Working Party is therefore asked to RECOMMEND to Cabinet and Full Council that the Development Brief for the development of the of land at Westfield Primary School, Manor Road, Haverhill, be adopted as non-statutory planning guidance for the determination of future planning applications.

For further information contact: Chris Rand, Principal Planning Policy Officer, Planning and Economic Development Services. Telephone: (01284) 757352 or email: [email protected]

W:\Democratic WP Services\Committee\Reports\Sustainable Development Working Party\2012\12.03.13\C392 Design Brief for redevelopment of Westfield Primary School, Haverhill.doc



February 2012

The JTS Partnership LLP


CONTENTS Clements Primary School

1. OVERVIEW Clements Primary School has relocated to a new site off Greenfields Way. The existing buildings have been demolished

2. LOCATION and the site is to be transferred to St Edmundsbury Borough Council, which will use it (subject to receiving planning 3. WESTFIELD PRIMARY SCHOOL permission) to create public open space and allotments. 4. MOVEMENT




9. DESIGN PRINCIPLES Design Brief 10. SUMMARY AND FURTHER CONSULTATIONS ‡•–Ƥ‡Ž†”‹ƒ”› Š‘‘Ž This Brief has been produced in accordance with the protocols

adopted by St Edmundsbury Borough Council. It is a simple, and clear, expression of the kind of place that should be OVERVIEW created through the redevelopment Westfield School.

Following a detailed review of education provision in Suffolk,

the County Education Authority has decided to move from a It sets out how the policies of the adopted Core Strategy, and three tier, to a two tier, system. In Haverhill, the following Westfield Primary School emerging Local Development Framework documents, apply to the site. It is based on a site appraisal and the identification of changes have already taken place, or are planned. known development constraints and opportunities. It has been

Westfield Primary is also to be relocated ± to a site off produced to assist potential developers to bring forward Castle Hill, Chalkstone and Parkway Middle Schools Chalkstone Way, adjoining the Samuel Ward Arts & Technology schemes that are consistent with adopted, and emerging, College. The new school is under construction and is due to Development Plan policies. open at the beginning of Spring term 2012. These sites have now closed with their pupils transferring to

other primary and secondary schools in the town. The existing buildings at Parkway are to be used as accommodation for the Westfield Primary School is no longer required for education adjoining Castle Manor Business and Enterprise College. purposes. Suffolk County Council considers that a residential UHGHYHORSPHQWZRXOGEHDVXVWDLQDEOHXVHRIWKLVµEURZQILHOG¶

site, which is situated within the main urban area of Haverhill. Castle Hill and Chalkstone schools are surplus to requirements

and an alternative use(s) needs to be found for both sites.


WESTFIELD PRIMARY SCHOOL The Site corner. ,WZDVµVFRSHG¶IRUWKHSUHVHQFHRISURWHFWHGVSHFLHVLQ Westfield Primary School comprises some 1.19ha of former The school buildings are single storey and occupy the central September 2009 (the report was up-dated in May 2010). No agricultural land. The site lies approximately 500m due east of and north eastern parts of the site, with hard surfaced play and sign of activity was found; although it was noted that various species have been recorded nearby and that the site provides a Haverhill town centre and is well integrated into the urban fabric SDUNLQJDUHDVDGMDFHQW$WZRVWRUH\FDUHWDNHU¶VGZHOOLQJLV of the town. situated in the southern part facing, and with its own access from, Manor Road. There is, adjacent, an electricity sub-station. The south western half of the site comprises open school grounds.

Site Services

Water, foul and surface water drainage, gas, electricity, and telecommunication services all enter the site from the Manor Road (south eastern) boundary.


Public footpaths run along the northeast, southeast and

southwest boundaries. The footpath along the southwest ‘‘–’ƒ–ŠȀ› Ž‡‘—–‡†Œƒ ‡–‘ boundary is also a cycle route. It follows the line of a redundant ‘—–Š™‡•–‘—†ƒ”› railway (now a designated County and Local Wildlife Site) and links into an extensive local network of paths and amenity green spaces (including a pocket park to the northeast). number of potentially attractive habitats. There are hedge lines, interspersed with trees, to most Vehicle access is from Manor Road (the southeast), which links Ecology & Bio-Diversity boundaries, which are also marked by a variety of different to Millfields Way (northeast) and the A134 Ehringshausen Way fencing. There are also significant groups of trees, within the

(southwest) - both of which are bus routes. The nearest bus site, particularly adjacent to the centre of the Manor Road stops are some 150m to the northeast on Millfields Way. They The site slopes from northeast to southwest by some 7.25m. frontage and extending from the north western boundary into serve routes 13 and 13A, which link to the town centre, Linton The highest part (c.72.82m AOD) is on the Manor Road the site towards the main school buildings. boundary, with the lowest part (c.65.12 AOD) being the western and Cambridge. THE JTS PARTNERSHIP LLP WESTFIELD PRIMARY SCHOOL


TREE CONSTRAINTS PLAN Haverhill is situated on the banks of the Stour Brook, which flows into the River Stour. The soils of the lower valley slope comprise freely draining, slightly acidic, loams, whilst those on the upper slopes are generally lime-rich, loamy and clayey soils with impeded drainage.

Westfield School is located mid-way up the side of the western valley slope. The western corner of the site is prone to water logging, suggesting that may be on the edge of (and within) the clay soils.

E A Tree Survey was undertaken in Summer 2011. Whilst the EŽƚƚŽƐĐĂůĞ majority of the trees are of moderate quality and value, those on the site Žƒ›‰”‘—† boundaries have potential habitat value and contribute to the

character of the site and the locality. Reference to Forest Heath District Council and St Edmundsbury %RURXJK&RXQFLO¶V6WUDWHJLF)ORRG5LVN$VVHVVPHQWDQG:DWHU

Cycle Study Level 1 Map for Haverhill, shows that the The tress within the site allotments adjacent to the school are within Flood Zone 2 (rising also have habitat value to Flood Zone 3a when the likely effects of climate change are

and can provide an extrapolated into the assessment). immediate framework

for future development.


ƒ”‡–ƒ‡”ǯ• ‘—•‡

Community Uses

A number of community groups currently make use of the school buildings. Little Wonders Pre-School leases a classroom and outside play area. The Haverhill Youth and Community and the Haverhill Silver Bands use the main hall on a Wednesday evening. Zumba Dance holds adult classes on a Thursday evening. The Pre-School is being provided with accommodation at the new Westfield School site, whilst Suffolk County Council will make available suitable alternative space to hire for the other users.










The site is regular square in shape, with the main means of access being from Manor Road (to the southeast). It is surrounded, on three sides, by residential development, which is primarily two storey - although there are some three storey dwellings in Ruffles Road (to the southeast).

The south western boundary borders a public footpath/ cycleway, beyond which there is recreation/open space, including allotments.

There are views into the site from the footpaths/cycle routes along its south western, south eastern and north eastern boundaries. There are also views from the allotments to the southwest and the shared amenity areas of Pentlow Hawke Close to the northeast. The presence of trees and hedgerows screens most views through the site.

7KHWUHHVRQWKHVLWH¶VERXQGDULHVPDNHDVLJQLILFDQW contribution to the immediate townscape.


Public Displays at Haverhill Library and the Abbeycroft COMMUNITY CONSULTATION First Public Consultation x Leisure Centre

x Letters, together with a copy of the Design Brief, being sent The main consultation exercise took place over a three month )URP$SULODQHZVWDWXWRU\µ'XW\WR,QYROYH¶DSSOLHVWRDOO WRµORFDOVWDNHKROGHUV¶DQGµVWDWXWRU\FRQVXOWHHV¶ local authorities (Local Government and Public Involvement in period commencing on 11th March 2010. Suffolk County Health Act 2007). This duty forms an important part of the Council contacted over 280 public sector, voluntary and x Letters, together with a Summary Consultation Leaflet, being approach of Suffolk County Council, which is committed to community organisations, public sector bodies and local sent to residents (83 in total) in the surrounding area. involving local people in developing the services they receive councillors; including organisations and groups working in fields x Letters, together with a Summary Consultation Leaflet, being and helping them shape their locality. St Edmundsbury Borough relating to Young People, Older People, Economic Prosperity, sent to local County, Borough and Town Councillors. Council adopts a similar approach with respect to development Education, Faith, Family, Health, Inclusiveness, Learning, proposals for significant sites. Safety & Crime and Social Activities (such as culture, sports & leisure). x An e-mail, with Summary Consultation Leaflet attached, being sent to members of One Haverhill. Suffolk County Council has undertaken extensive consultations, both in respect of the proposals to reform education provision Presentations were also made to the Haverhill Partnership Forum (comprising representatives from 22 community groups x Notification of the Consultation Process being posted on and the potential for community use of the school sites (Castle :HVWILHOG3ULPDU\6FKRRO¶V3DUHQW0DLOV\VWHP Hill, Chalkstone and Westfield) that have been declared surplus and other organisations in Haverhill and the surrounding area) and Haverhill Town Council. to requirements. The latter process sought to establish whether x Publication of the draft Design Brief on Suffolk County there is a viable community use(s) for any of these buildings/ A drop-in open evening was held at Chalkstone School; three &RXQFLO¶V&RQVXOWDWLRQ3RUWDO sites. The results of the consultation exercise have informed the week long public exhibitions were held at Haverhill Public initial proposals. Library and the Abbeycroft Leisure Centre; and a series of x Drop-in Evening held at Westfield Primary School on Thursday 8th December 2011. discussions have taken place with officers from the Borough &RXQFLO¶V3ODQQLQJ(VWDWHVDQG/HLVXUHDQG3DUNVGHSDUWPHQWV Presentation to the meeting of Haverhill Town Council held and the St Edmundsbury and Havebury Housing Association. x on Tuesday 3rd January 2012. All those who have been contacted, or who attended the As with the first consultation exercise, all those parties who were presentations, open evening and exhibitions, were requested to contacted direct, or who attended the presentations, open register their views, and suggestions, in writing or via a evening and exhibitions, were requested to register their views, dedicated e-mail address. and suggestions, in writing or via a dedicated e-mail address. No other proposals were put forward, in response to the A total of seven responses were received with no objections consultation exercise, for a community use of the existing school being raised either to the development of the site for residential buildings or site. purposes or the design principles set out in the draft document. Second Public Consultation The Second Public Consultation exercise is summarised in a This draft Design Brief, which has been prepared to guide future separate document. development proposals for the Westfield School site, has also ‹•’Žƒ›– ƒ˜‡”Š‹ŽŽ‹„”ƒ”› been the subject of an extensive consultation exercise.

The process, which was first agreed with St Edmundsbury Council, commenced on Monday 28th November 2011 and lasted until Friday 13th January 2012. It included:


POLICY x Core Strategy Policy CS2, as it relates to sustainable design School Grounds and construction principles (see also draft Development Policy CS1 of the St Edmundsbury Core Strategy (adopted December 2010) promotes the optimum use of previously Management* Polices P1, P6, P7, P8 and P22). developed land and buildings and identifies Bury St Edmunds St Edmundsbury Borough Council recognises that school and Haverhill as the main foci for new development. playing fields are an important amenity and will not generally x Core Strategy Policies CS3 and CS5, which require an allow them to be developed unless there is clear evidence that appropriate mix and density of housing, including, on this site, 30% affordable units . they are not required for sport or recreational uses or unless The Process appropriate alternative provision is being made (draft

Development Management* Policy P40). As is demonstrated in Core Strategy Policy CS7, which seeks to reduce the need Polices CS2 and CS3 require high quality, sustainable x the table below, the County Education Authority is making developments which enhance, and create, local distinctiveness. for travel through spatial planning and design (see also draft Development Management* Policy P1). better, and greater, replacement playing field provision as part These principles are also expressed in the Suffolk Design Guide of the development of the new school site on Chalkstone Way. (which has been adopted as supplementary planning guidance). St Edmundsbury Borough Council considers that its objectives x Core Strategy Policy CS14, which requires that new can best be achieved if the following process is followed: development delivers appropriate on and off-site Existing New School Increase infrastructure requirements (see also draft Development School Management* Policy 39). 1. 6W(GPXQGVEXU\%RURXJK&RXQFLO¶VYLVLRQVDQGDLPVIRU Pitches 3,913 7,200 3,287 the development of a site should be set out in an Action Area Plan or, depending on the scale and complexity of the Games Court 1,370 1,370 Community Uses potential development, in a Concept Statement, Design Brief Soft Informal 3,644 9,286 5,642 or Masterplan, which is adopted as non-statutory planning Hard Informal 923 1,758 835 guidance. St Edmundsbury Borough Council will only permit the loss of Habitat 318 1,525 1,207 existing community facilities (including school sites) where it has been demonstrated that there is no need to retain the buildings 2. A planning application, based on the Concept Statement, or the site, or where appropriate replacement provision is made, Development Brief or Masterplan, is then prepared. Net Area 8,798 21,139 12,341 and where the facility is not required for any another community

use (Development Management Submission Draft Policy TV10). Buildings 1,238 2,583 1,345 Main Polices Access 1,550 4,426 2,876 Westfield Primary School is surplus to requirements; the County

Education Authority is providing appropriate replacement St Edmundsbury Borough Council is of the view that this Gross Area 11,586 28,148 16,562 process provides the maximum opportunity for engagement with education provision elsewhere in the town; and, as is evidenced local people and results in a scheme that best expresses the by the consultations that have already been carried out, there is (Sq m) aims and objectives of adopted, and emerging, policy, including no requirement to retain the buildings, or land, for other (in the context of this site): community use(s). * Development Management Policies Preferred Options Consultation Draft January 2011. x Core Strategy Policies CS1 and CS2, which concern the natural environment, bio-diversity and flood risk (see also draft Development Management* Policies P1, P5, P10, P11,



The site presents the opportunity to: -

1. Develop a sustainable residential scheme, which addresses, and takes on board, climate change issues, on a previously developed site that lies within the defined urban area of the town. 2. Develop new housing in a very accessible location that offers a wide choice of travel modes and, in particular, access to a wide range of facilities, including the town centre and the new Abbeycroft Leisure Centre, by foot and cycle. 3. Provide a mix of housing types and sizes (to meet the needs of a large section of the community) DQGFRQWULEXWHWRWKH%RURXJK&RXQFLO¶VDIIRUGDEOHKRXVLQJWDUJHWV 4. Exhibit Secure by Design standards and promote the natural surveillance of open space, amenity areas and pedestrian routes. 5. Respect existing boundary trees and, where interior trees are removed, provide appropriate replacement planting. 6. Enhance the bio-diversity value of the site and the designated County/Local Wildlife Site that lies adjacent to its southwest boundary. 7. Provide a new area of public amenity space and integrate the development into, and derive access from, the public footpath/cycleway network running along the south western boundary of the site . E SLOPING SIT

There a number of constraints to the development of the site. The main ones are: -

1. The future of the school grounds (which are offset by the provision of new, larger, playing fields at the replacement Westfield Primary School site). 2. 7KHIXWXUHRIWKH&DUHWDNHU¶V+RXVH ZKLFKFDQEHGHPROLVKHGLILWVUHWHQWLRQLVLQFRQVLVWHQWZLWKWKH achievement of a high quality, sustainable, development, which successfully integrates into, and with, its surroundings). 3. The need to respect, and generally retain, existing trees and landscape features and provide, where appropriate, replacement planting for any trees/features that need to be removed. 4. The need to successfully integrate the development into the existing urban form and fabric. ELECTRICITY 5. Vehicular ingress/egress is only possible from Manor Road. SUB-STATION 6. The presence of the electricity sub-station. 7. The change in levels across the site (approx. 7.25m). 8. The need to respect, and enhance, the adjacent County/Local Wildlife Site. 9. Waterlogging in the southwest corner of the site. THE JTS PARTNERSHIP LLP DESIGN PRINCIPLES

DESIGN PRINCIPLES Layout site in a manner that properly relates to its surroundings.

The overriding objective is to create a housing scheme that Any proposal should seek to retain the majority of the trees Car parking should be provided in accordance with the Borough responds to the site and which embraces, and exploits, within, and on the boundaries of, the site. Where it is agreed &RXQFLO¶VDGRSWHGVWDQGDUGV changes in levels, important views and existing landscape that trees and hedges can be removed, in order to create an features. appropriate residential layout, replacement planting should be Building Forms provided. The Concept Plan (overleaf) illustrates the general The development should exhibit character and variety (in terms H[WHQWRIWKHµGHYHORSDEOHDUHD¶ZKLFKLVDSSUR[LPDWHO\KD 7KHµGHYHORSDEOHDUHD¶FDQDFFRPPRGDWHUHVLGHQWLDO of the design and mix of units) and have its own identity. It (i.e. excluding existing landscaping). development at a density of about 35 to 40dph. should also make efficient use of the site, whilst successfully integrating into, and with, its surroundings. Any future All principal buildings, together with the main means of access The height, scale and massing of individual buildings should development proposal should be consistent with the principles and the majority of private and shared amenity space, will need respond to the prevailing form of development in the area, with set out in this Statement. WREHORFDWHGZLWKLQWKHµGHYHORSDEOH¶DUHD 2/3 storey terraced, semi-detached/detached housing and/or maisonettes/flats, generally being the dominant building form. Legibility and Local Distinctiveness Existing landscaped areas could become public open space or, There may be scope for taller buildings acting as a visual focal if consistent with the long-term maintenance and health of the point for the scheme. It is important that the main boundary trees and hedge lines trees, it may be used as private or shared amenity space. are, if possible, retained. Whilst also important, there may be VRHIIHFWLYHO\H[WHQGLQJWKHµGHYHORSDEOHDUHD¶ 7KHOD\RXW The design and external appearance of the buildings (including scope to remove some trees within the site, if it can be should include provision for a small area of public open space fenestration detailing and the use of materials), together with demonstrated that this is required in order to create an efficient that links into the adjacent County Wildlife Site that runs the treatment of common areas and hard surfaces, should be layout, which responds to the site context. If trees are alongside the south western boundary. consistent with the principles set out in the Suffolk Design removed, appropriate replacement planting will be required. Guide (which has been adopted as Supplementary Planning The development of the site should create a high quality, Guidance by the Borough Council). The scheme should be open to, and engage, the public pedestrian friendly, layout that will provide a sense of place and footpath/cycle way and County/Local Wildlife Site that runs an appropriate setting for the new housing. Cars and The surrounding area largely comprises housing development alongside the south western boundary, It should also face, and carriageways should not be allowed to dominate, with dating from the post-war period. There is no set architectural present attractive frontages to, Manor Road and the public RSSRUWXQLWLHVEHLQJH[SORUHGWRSURYLGHµVKDUHGVXUIDFH¶URXWHV style, or palate of materials, that has to be replicated and the IRRWSDWKWKDWUXQVDORQJWKHVLWH¶VQRUWKHDVWERXQGDU\ differentiated by their surface treatment. developer thus has a fairly free-hand in deciding how to best achieve a successful development. The Borough Council will, Permeability It is important that the development looks outwards and however, require that any proposal generally follows the connects with its surroundings. Accordingly, active frontages principles set out in the Suffolk Design Guide and demonstrates The principal means of vehicular ingress/egress should be from need to be provided to Manor Road (southeast) and the high quality design, a mix of housing sizes and types and a Manor Road (to the southeast), in the approximate same footpath/cycle ways to the southwest and northeast. diversity of building styles (albeit based on a common theme). position as the existing crossover serving the school. If a second means of access/egress is required, this should be in There should be natural surveillance of formal, informal and Affordable Housing the approximate position currently occupied by the crossover public open spaces and pedestrian routes. Overlooking of the serving the caretakers dwelling. rear gardens of properties to the northwest of the site should be Unless it is demonstrated that the development would not be avoided. viable, the Borough Council will expect a minimum 30% of all The layout should also link into the footpaths and cycle ways units to meet its affordable housing criteria. The development running alongside the northeast and southwest boundaries ² ,WLVQRWQHFHVVDU\WRUHWDLQWKHFDUHWDNHU¶VKRXVH,WRFFXSLHV should also provide a mix of housing types and sizes. provision should be made for the free movement of pedestrians a prominent position on the Manor Road frontage, which may across the latter boundary ² and should allow permeability be required to provide a secondary means of access. Its Landscape and Bio-Diversity through the development. retention could also make it difficult to achieve a comprehensive redevelopment that makes the best use of the An application for planning permission should include a THE JTS PARTNERSHIP LLP DESIGN PRINCIPLES

landscape strategy, which confirms that the majority of CONCEPT PLAN trees and hedgerows on the boundaries of the site will be UHWDLQHGWRIRUPWKHµEDFNERQH¶RIWKHGHYHORSPHQW APPROX EXTENT OF DEVELOPABLE AREA (TO PEDESTRIAN/CYCLE LINK The development proposal should also include measures INCLUDE AMENITY to enhance the bio-diversity value of the site, such as: OPEN SPACE)

x The retention and reinforcement of existing boundary APPROXIMATE AREA hedgerows. CONSTRAINED BY PRESENCE OF TREES/SHRUBS x Additional or replacement tree planting. APPROXIMATE AREA PRONE x Landscape SuDs drainage measures. TO WATER LOGGING

Sustainability ACTIVE FRONTAGE The final scheme will need to incorporate measures, PRINCIPLE appropriate to the nature and scale of the development, ACCESS ZKLFKDUHFRQVLVWHQWZLWKWKH%RURXJK&RXQFLO¶V PERMEABILITY sustainable development objectives. Such measures should be identified as part of any application submission.


Whilst the site is provided with a full range of services (principally from Manor Road), the developer will need to demonstrate that they have the capacity to accommodate the requirements arising from any proposal. Alternatively, the developer will need to demonstrate how the capacity of individual services can be increased. Each dwelling should be provided with a high-speed broadband connection, if available in the area. SECONDARY ACCESS Sustainable Design

The development should satisfy the following Code for Sustainable Homes standards - or, where appropriate, an equivalent standard (draft Development Management* Policy 6):

x At least Code Level 3 for Part L of the Building Regulations; or OPEN ACCESS N x At least Code Level 4 once the 2013 scheduled updates for Part L of the Building Regulations come into effect.


In addition, the developer should demonstrate how the scheme Building For Life x Community Facilities responds to climate change issues (draft Development Management* Policies P1, P5, P6 and P7), including:- The development should, as a minimum, meet Silver Building x Leisure/Open Space Provision for Life Standards (draft Development Management* Policy Public Realm Enhancement Flooding, run off and water management (the development P22). x x should incorporate a Sustainable Urban Drainage System or The Section 106 Agreement will also need to make provision for other natural drainage). Secure By Design WKHUHFRYHU\RIWKH%RURXJKDQG&RXQW\&RXQFLO¶VUHDVRQDEOH

legal costs. Heat gain. Layout, the life of the development and the design of the x individual buildings, should also be consistent with Secure by Application Requirements Sun exposure and shade provision. Design principles (draft Development Management* Policy P1). x

The following documents are likely to be required to support an Heating, cooling and ventilation. Energy Efficiency x application for planning permission:-

x Resilience to high wind and driving rain. Any application should identify measures which can be x Affordable Housing Statement. incorporated into the development in order to ensure that it will x Biodiversity Survey and Report. x Protection of services and infrastructure from ground achieve a 10% reduction in residual CO2 emissions over, and movement. above, that required by Part L of the Building Regulations (draft x Daylight/Sunlight Assessment. Development Management* Policy P7). x Design and Access Statement. x Waste Management (the development will need to include appropriate waste storage and recycling facilities). Future Management x Flood Risk Assessment.

x Foul Sewage and Utilities Assessment. Sustainable Drainage (SuDs) An application should include indicative measures to secure the long term maintenance of shared amenity/landscape areas and x Landscape Concept Statement and/or Masterplan. $VXVWDLQDEOHGUDLQDJHV\VWHPUHSOLFDWLQJWKHVLWH¶VQDWXUDO public open space, together with any access roads, shared x Open Space Assessment. drainage, will need to be designed into the development (draft routes and footpaths that are not to be adopted by the County Development Management* Policy P5), The main aims will be Highway Authority. x Parking Provision Statement. to: x Photograph/Photo Montages. Planning Contributions x Reduce flood risk. x Planning Obligations ± Draft Heads of Terms (where

All new developments are required to demonstrate that the appropriate). x Improve water quality. necessary on and off-site infrastructure capacity, required to x Planning Statement. x Deliver Biodiversity benefits. support the development and to mitigate its impacts, exists or

can be provided (Core Strategy Policy CS14). The development x Site Waste Management Plan. x Provide Amenity for future occupiers. should secure, where appropriate, financial contributions x Statement of Community Involvement. Given the restricted size of the site, the presence of mature towards the following: Sustainability Statement. trees, the underlying geology and the lack of an open drainage x x Education system, early attention will need to be given to this issue which x Tree Survey/Arboricultural Assessment. may, in part, dictate the layout of the development. Potential Transport x solutions may include the provision of rills, swales and a x Library µQHFNODFH¶RIVPDOOSRQGVDORQJWKHVRXWKZHVWERXQGDU\ x Waste * Development Management Policies Preferred Options



Westfield Primary School is surplus to the requirements of the County Education Authority, with appropriate, and improved,

education, sports pitch and recreation provision being made at the new school site off Chalkstone Way.

Extensive local consultations have demonstrated that:

x there is no need, or demand, to retain either the land, or the buildings, for alternative community uses; and that

x there is general support for a redevelopment for residential use.

The site is, in principle, suitable for residential development and the principles, which are set out in this Design Brief, should guide future development proposals.

Objectives «VWULNHVDQDSSURSULDWHEDODQFHEHWZHHQ The Design Brief sets out potential objectives for the maximising the development potential of the development of the site. It has been informed by the extensive site; respects existing site characteristics consultations that have taken place between the County (including trees); and which properly integrates Council, the Borough Council and the local community. The the development into the surrounding main aims, which are expressed in the Concept Plan and townscape. The development should create a Design Principles section, are to achieve a residential scheme sense of place, whilst, at the same time, ‡•–Ƥ‡Ž†”‹ƒ”› Š‘‘Ž that: enhancing the character of the locality.



Statement of Community Involvement


February 2012


The JTS Partnership LLP has been instructed by Suffolk County Council to prepare a Design Brief to guide the future development of Westfield Primary School, Manor Road, Haverhill.

The school is soon to relocate to new premises, adjacent to the Samuel Ward Arts & Technology College, on Chalkstone Way, and the County has declared the current site to be surplus to requirements. A previous consultation exercise, undertaken by the County, has demonstrated that there is no need, or demand, to retain either the school buildings, or the site, for alternative community uses and a draft Design Brief has been prepared to guide future residential development.

The Brief has been produced in accordance with the Design Brief Protocol adopted by St Edmundsbury Borough Council. It is a simple, and clear, expression of the kind of place that should be created. It describes how the policies of the adopted Core Strategy, and emerging Local Development Framework documents, apply to the site. It is based on a site appraisal and the identification of known development constraints and opportunities. It has been produced to assist potential developers to bring forward schemes that are consistent with adopted, and emerging, policies.

The Design Brief sets out the principal objectives for the development of the site. It has been informed by extensive consultations that have taken place between the County Council, the Borough Council and the local community. The main aims are that:

µ«DQ\SURSRVDOPXVWVWULNHDQDSSURSULDWHEDODQFHEHWZHHQPD[LPLVLQJ the development potential of the site; respecting existing site characteristics (and, in particular, the open nature of the site boundaries); and properly integrating the development into the surrounding townscape. The development should create a sense of place, whilst, at the same time, enhanFLQJWKHFKDUDFWHURIWKHORFDOLW\¶


In accordance with its Development Brief Protocol, the County Council agreed, with the Borough Council, a scheme of consultation. The Borough identified those statutory bodies, whose views should be sought, with the exercise also involving public exhibitions, direct notification of nearby residents, a presentation to the Town Council and inclusion on the &RXQW\&RXQFLO¶s internet Consultation Portal.

Full details of the consultation exercise, which ran from Monday, 28th November 2011 to Friday, 13th January 2012, are set out at Appendix 1. In summary, the main actions taken were:

x Public Displays were put up at Haverhill Library and the Abbeycroft Leisure Centre.

x A letter, together with a copy of the Design Brief, was VHQWWRµORFDOVWDNHKROGHUV¶ DQGµVWDWXWRU\FRQVXOWHHV¶

x A letter, together with a Summary Consultation Leaflet, was sent to residents (85 in total) in the surrounding area.

x A letter, together with a Summary Consultation Leaflet, was sent to local county, borough and town councillors.

ND/mm/7210 1 Statement of Community Involvement

x An e-mail, with Summary Consultation Leaflet attached, was sent to members of One Haverhill.

x Notification of the consultation process was posted on Westfield Primary 6FKRRO¶s Parent Mail system.

x The draft Design Brief was placed on 6XIIRON &RXQW\ &RXQFLO¶V &RQVXOWDWLRQ Portal.


x A drop-in Evening was held at Westfield Primary School on Thursday 8th December 2011.

x A Presentation was made to Haverhill Town Council on Tuesday 3rd January 2012.

All consultees were provided with contact details for the JTS Partnership and were requested to put any comments that they had in writing (either by e-mail, fax or letter).


The draft Design Brief was put on display at Haverhill Library and Abbeycroft Leisure Centre from Wednesday, 30th November 2011 through to Friday, 13th January 2012. Copies of a summary Consultation Leaftlet were left with each display for members of the public to take away.

No responses were received as a result of the public displays.


A copy of the draft Design Brief was sent to 31 local and statutory consultees as identified by the Borough Council. The full address of each consultee is set out at Appendix 1. Responses were received from:- x Anglian Water x Environmental Health Officer ± St Edmundsbury Borough Council x Natural England x Environment Agency x Suffolk Wildlife Trust

None of the responses, which are summarised in Table 1 (below), raise any concern with respect to the proposal to develop the site for residential purposes. Where comment was passed, it was generally of a detailed nature requesting that the Design Brief covers/addresses a specific issue(s) UHOHYDQWWRWKHFRQVXOWHH¶VUHPLW


A letter, together with a copy of the Consultation Leaftlet, was sent to the residents (84 in total) of the roads surrounding the school.

No representations were received.

ND/mm/7210 2 Statement of Community Involvement COUNTY, BOROUGH & TOWN COUNCILLORS

A letter, together with the Consultation Leaflet, was also sent to local county, borough and town councillors (see Appendix 1).

Again no representations were received.


The Consultation Leaflet was sent by email to the members of One Haverhill.

No representations were received.


The Headmistress of the school posted details of the consultation exercise on the SFKRRO¶V Parent Mail system.

No representations were received.

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No representations were received.


The draft Design Brief was advertised on the website of Haverhill UK, with a link to the County &RXQFLO¶V&RQVXOWDWLRQ3RUWDO

No representations were received.


A drop-in evening, which was advertised in the letters sent to local residents, and the county, borough and town councillors, was held at Westfield Primary School on Thursday 8th December 2011 (from 5.30pm to 7pm).

The only parties that attended were two members of the Haverhill Silver Band (who happened to be at the school as it was band practice night). Their response is summarised in Table 1.


A presentation was made to the meeting of Haverhill Town Council held on Tuesday 3rd January 2012 at the Haverhill Arts Centre. Mr Graham McPherson (of Suffolk County Council) and Mr Nick Davey (of The JTS Partnership LLP) made a 10 minute presentation and then fielded a number of questions from town councillors and members of the general public.

No objections were raised to the redevelopment of the site for residential purposes, although clarification was sought in respect of:-

ND/mm/7210 3 Statement of Community Involvement x the potential number of new dwelling units that could be created; x the level of affordable housing to be provided; and x the level of traffic that would be associated with a residential scheme.


Table 1 summarises both the nature of the representation received and the response.

No objection has been raised to the proposal to develop the site for residential purposes or to any of the main design or layout principles set out in the draft Development Brief.

Where matters were highlighted, the respondent requested that the Design Brief addressed a matter of particular concern to its remit. In every instance, the draft Design Brief adequately covers the highlighted matter(s) and no revisions have, therefore, been made.

The exception is the request from Natural England that an application for planning permission should include a Landscape Management Plan to ensure the long term maintenance of public open space and existing/new landscape features. This matter would normally be covered by condition and this has not, therefore, been included in in the list of documents to be submitted with any future application.

Table 1. Summary of Representations


Denise Telephone call Anglian Water does not No response necessary. Harding, received on intend to make any Anglian Water. 30/11/11 representation and will only comment at the planning application stage when more detailed proposals will be available.

Gordon Email on Request for digital copy of Design Brief emailed to Musset, Town 01/12/11 Design Brief document in Gordon Musset on Clerk. order to circulate to 02/12/2011 ± Presentation members. Also, requested made on Tuesday, 3rd whether County wanted to January 2012 make a presentation to the Town Council.

Diane & Open Evening at No issues regarding future of No response necessary. Richard Haverhill School school site, but did raise Pannell ± on 8th December. question as to whether or not Haverhill Silver permanent accommodation Band could be found for The Band at another school or County Council premises.

ND/mm/7210 4 Statement of Community Involvement Karen Cattle ± Email received on Brief response received. No No response necessary. Senior 13/12/11 issue raised, however, Environmental reference made to PPS23 Health Officer, and advised that any St Eds. planning application on Council. µEURZQILHOGODQG¶PXVWDFFRUG with policy contained therein.

Helen Ward ± Email received on Detailed response received. Draft Design Brief Lead Advisor, 14/12/11 Supports the overall intention indicates that a future Land Use of the Brief. Pleased to note application will need to be Operations recommendations within the supported by a Unit, Natural Brief to retain existing Biodiversity Survey and England biodiversity assets. Requests Report, together with a that protected species Tree Survey and surveys are updated prior to Arboricultural Assessment. any planning application Accordingly, no change being made. Requests required in respect of the appointment of qualified main issues highlighted by ecologist in relation to bats Natural England. A and trees on site. Stresses Management Plan, to the importance of securing secure the future of any long term maintenance of retained public open public open space and space and landscape agreeing a management plan features, would normally in relation to landscaped be secured by condition areas. attached to the grant of planning permission. The Design Brief makes reference (Design Principles section) to the need to secure long term maintenance of these areas and it is not considered necessary to amend further.

Claire Brindley Email received on Pleased to see that Brief Offers general support for ± Planning 12/01/12 identifies need for a future Design Brief and, in Liaison Officer, application to include surface particular, the commitment Environment water drainage proposals and to sustainable drainage Agency a sustainable drainage (SUDS) and Code for approach (SUDS). Sustainable Homes. No Supportive of the high amendments requested or standards of environmental necessary. sustainability set out within the Brief, including Code for Sustainable Homes target.

James Meyer, Email received on Points out that the school site Design Brief emphasises Conservation 12/01/12 lies directly adjacent to the (Opportunities and Planner ± Haverhill Disused Railway Constraints and Design

ND/mm/7210 5 Statement of Community Involvement Suffolk Wildlife Line County Wildlife Site and Principles sections) both Trust Haverhill Railway Walks the need to retain existing Local Nature Reserve. boundary trees and the Requests that development is desirability of creating an buffered from these sites to area of open space, within ensure no increase in light the site, to act as a levels on designated site. transition zone between Requests that existing the new housing and the boundary trees retained. County Wildlife Site.


Suffolk County Council has undertaken an extensive public consultation exercise, involving both the general public, local residents, local and statutory stakeholders and other interested parties, about the principle, as expressed in the draft Design Brief, of redeveloping Westfield Primary School for residential purposes.

Only a limited number of representations have been received, with no local residents either attending the drop-in evening held at the school or responding to letters sent direct to their home.

None of the representations received raise any objection to a residential redevelopment or to the design and layout principles expressed in the draft Design Brief. All the matters highlighted are already addressed in the Brief.

ND/mm/7210 6 Statement of Community Involvement APPENDIX 1: CONSULTATIONS Consultation 1. Public Display

Design Brief put up on Display Boards, from Wednesday 30th November through to Friday, 13th January, at Haverhill Library and Abbeycroft Leisure Centre.

Consultation 2. Drop-in Evening

Held at Westfield School on Thursday, 8th September (5pm to 7.30pm).

Consultation 3. Stakeholders

Letter 1, together with Draft Design Brief and Consultation Leaflet, sent on Monday, 28th November 2011 to: (Salutation ± Dear Mr/Mrs)

Gordon Mussett, Town Clerk, Haverhill Town Council, Haverhill Arts Centre, High St, Haverhill, Suffolk CB9 8AR

Betty Albon, Corporate Property Officer, St Edmundsbury Council, House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3YU

Neil Anthony, Head of Leisure, St Edmundsbury Council, West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3YU

Steve Boor, Engineer, Suffolk County Council, West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3YU

Carol Herries, Head of Environmental Health and Housing, Environmental Health and Housing Services, St Edmundsbury Borough Council, West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3YU

Niki Hollingworth, Strategic Housing and Development Manager, St Edmundsbury Borough Council, West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3YU

Mark Walsh, Procurement and Project Manager, St Edmundsbury Borough Council, West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3YU

Richard Whitehead, Principal Environmental Health Officer, Environmental Health and Housing Services, St Edmundsbury Borough Council, West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3YU

Marianne Hulland, Corporate Communications Manager, St Edmundsbury Borough Council, West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3YU

Alex Wilson, Corporate Director Community Services, St Edmundsbury Borough Council, West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3YU

Planning and Equivalence Team, Anglian Water Services Ltd, Thorpe Wood House Thorpe Wood Peterborough PE3 6WT

Brian Prettyman, Head of Strategy, Corporate Property, Suffolk County Council, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, , IP1 2BX

ND/mm/7210 7 Statement of Community Involvement Dr Alison Collins, Planning and Biodiversity Advisor, Natural England, Suffolk and Norfolk Team, Bury St Edmunds Government Building, 100 Southgate Street, Suffolk, IP33 2BD

Michael Meadows, Government and Conservation Advisor, Natural England, Dragonfly House, 2 Gilders Way, Norwich, NR3 1UB

Sergei Jarques, Sustainable Tourism Executive, East of England Tourism, Dettingen House, Dettingen Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3TU

Adam Ireland, The Environment Agency, Bromholme Lane, Brampton, Huntingdon, PE28 4NE

Dr Simone Bullion, Suffolk Wildlife Trust, The Green, Brooke House, Ashbrocking, Ipswich, IP6 9JY

Tim Holt-Wilson, GeoSuffolk, C/o 1 The Avenue, Upper Oakley, Diss, IP21 4AY

British Gas, PO Box 3035, Eastbourne, BN21 9FE

Suffolk Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, PO Box 247, Ipswich, IP3 8BL

Brynn Griffiths, Director of Environment and Transport, Suffolk County Council, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, IP1 2BX

Brynn Griffiths, Director of Economy, Skills and Environment, Suffolk County Council, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, IP1 2BX

James Cutting, Development Plans Officer, Suffolk County Council, Suffolk County Council, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, IP1 2BX

Michael Wilks, Spatial Planning Projects Officer, Suffolk County Council, Suffolk County Council, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, IP1 2BX

Frank Stockley, Education Officer, Suffolk County Council, Suffolk County Council, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, IP1 2BX

Peter Freer, Planning Obligations Policy Officer, Suffolk County Council, Suffolk County Council, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, IP1 2BX

Iain Maxwell, Education Officer, Suffolk County Council, Suffolk County Council, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, IP1 2BX

Plant Protection Team, National Grid, Block 1, Floor 2, Brick Kiln Street, Hinkley, LE10 0NA

Simon Paul, BT National Notice Handling Centre, PP 3WW58, Telecom House, Trinity Street, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 5ND

Mr N Marsten, British Telecommunications PLC, PPL3D Cardinal Ate, 34 Humberstone Road, Leicester, LE5 0AQ

Carolyn Wilson, Mobile Operators Association, C/o Mono Consultants Limited, 48 Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5TS

ND/mm/7210 8 Statement of Community Involvement Consultation 4. Residents

Letter 2, together with copy of Consultation Leaflet, sent direct on Monday, 28th November to: (Salutation ± Dear Sir/Madam)

The School Bungalow Westfield Primary School Manor Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EP

Little Wonders Pre School Westfield Primary School Manor Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EP

1 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

2 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

3 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

4 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

5 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

6 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

7 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

8 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

9 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

10 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

11 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

12 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

13 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

14 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

15 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

16 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

17 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

18 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

19 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

20 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

21 Girton Road, averhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

22 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

23 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

ND/mm/7210 9 Statement of Community Involvement 24 Girton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JU

1 Pavilion Court, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

2 Pavilion Court, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

3 Pavilion Court, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

4 Pavilion Court, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

5 Pavilion Court Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

6 Pavilion Court, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

7 Pavilion Court, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

8 Pavilion Court, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

9 Pavilion Court, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

10 Pavilion Court Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

11 Pavilion Court, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

12 Pavilion Court, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

13 Pavilion Court, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

14 Pavilion Court, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

15 Pavilion Court, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

16 Pavilion Court Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EZ

1 Mustards Gapp, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0BL

2 Mustards Gapp, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0BL

3 Mustards Gapp, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0BL

4 Mustards Gapp, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0BL

5 Mustards Gapp, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0BL

6 Mustards Gapp, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0BL

2 Ruffles Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JX

4 Ruffles Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JX

6 Ruffles Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JX

8 Ruffles Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JX

13 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

ND/mm/7210 10 Statement of Community Involvement 14 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

15 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

16 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

21 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill CB9 0JF

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23 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

24 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

25 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

26 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

28 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

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33 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

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35 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

36 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

37 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

38 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

39 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

40 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

41 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

42 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

43 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

44 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

45 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

46 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

ND/mm/7210 11 Statement of Community Involvement 47 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

48 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

49 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

50 Pentlow Hawke Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0JF

Consultation 5. Councillors

Letter 3, and Consultation Leaflet, sent on Monday 28th November to (Salutation ± Dear Councillor)

Councillor Les Ager - 20 Roman Way, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0NG

Councillor Diana Andre - 7 Eastern Avenue, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 9HU

Councillor Roger Andre ± 42 Elmhurst Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 8EQ

Councillor Graham Brandejs ± 39 Boyton Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0DQ

Councillor Lisa Carr, 30 Castle Lane, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 9NQ

Councillor Phillip French - 69 Cambridge Way, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 9HN

Councillor Ernie Goody ± 19 Dalham Place, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0AL

Councillor Riky Green ± 20 Abbots Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0DQ

Councillor Pat Hanlon ± 43 Doverhouse Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0BZ

Councillor Bryan Hawes ± 30 Boyton Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0DZ

Councillor David Russo ± The Gate Lodge, Lt. Wratting, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 7UD

Councillor Ann Samuels ± 2 Hudson Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0LF

Councillor Julie Stroud ± 123 Withersfield Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 9HG

Councillor Gary Stroud - 123 Withersfield Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 9HG

Councillor Clive Turner ± 2 Martins Mews, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 7FU

Councillor Anne Gower - 9 Chivers Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 9DS

Councillor Tim Marks - Walnut Brook, Withersfield Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 7RN

Councillor Jane Midwood - Butlers Hall, Wickhambrook, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 8YB

Councillor Maureen Gwendoline Byrne, 33 Duddery Hill, Haverhill , Suffolk, CB9 8DS

Councillor Gordon Malcolm Cox, 40 Hundon Place, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0AP

Councillor Jeremy Glenn Damon Farthing - Foxden House, Denham, Barrow, Suffolk, IP29 5EQ

ND/mm/7210 12 Statement of Community Involvement Councillor Paul (John) McManus - 2 Gurlings Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0EG

Councillor Mrs Karen Denise Richardson - The Gables, Wratting Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0DE

Councillor Mrs Marion Rushbrook - 17 Dane Close, Kedington, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 7NX

Councillor Adam Whittaker - Jessimine Cottage, Haverhill Road, Little Wratting, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 7UD

Consultation 6. One Haverhill

E-mail 1, and Consultation Leaflet, sent members of One Haverhill Tuesday 29th November to:

Rev. Nigel Bishop ʹ [email protected]

Lyn Burgess ʹ [email protected]

Peter Ferrie ʹ [email protected]

Clair Harvey ʹ [email protected]

Elaine Hewes ʹ [email protected]

Sarah Howard ʹ [email protected]

Cathy Manning ʹ [email protected]

Jane McKinney ʹ [email protected]

Geoff Rivers ʹ [email protected]

Warren Smyth ʹ [email protected]

Philip Sullivan ʹ [email protected]

Mary Taylor ʹ [email protected]

Alex Till ʹ [email protected]

Henry Wilson ʹ [email protected]

Consultation 6A. One Haverhill

E-mail 2, and Consultation Leaflet, sent members of One Haverhill Tuesday 29th November to:

Sarah Howard, Chair ʹ Chamber of Commerce ʹ [email protected]

Tina Hanks, Haverhill Town Centre Business Group ʹ [email protected]

Michael Simpkin, HAVO ʹ [email protected]

ND/mm/7210 13 Statement of Community Involvement Brigitte Haig, CAB ʹ [email protected]

Sarah Bartley, Police Safer Neighbourhood Team - [email protected]

Richard Snape, Secretary, Chalkstone Residents Association - [email protected]

Consultation 7. Westfield Primary School Parent Mail

Leaflet e-mailed to Headmistress of Westfield Primary school to be circulated to all parents signed up to the SchooO¶V3DUHQW0DLOV\VWHP

Consultation 8. Haverhill UK

Consultation advertised on Haverhill UK website on 7th December 2011 with link to Suffolk County Council website.

Consultation 9. Suffolk County Council

Consultation and draft Design Brief put out on Consultation Portal of County Council website.

Consultation 10. Haverhill Town Council

Presentation made to Haverhill Town Councillor Tuesday, 3rd January 2012.

ND/mm/7210 14 Statement of Community Involvement