. ;

iS68 ''t*«ge Tfen ». ,v THE VILLA NOV A N Mtfch 23»

H«r«'s o RoHiid Up i« of Hopponings Steve Allen Cast Compus Organization News From Around the Quod DHU Team to Judge A.S.C.E. DPM LKD A.LE.II-I.R.E. Member of of the The Villanova Chapter Delta Pi Mu. in an attempt Lambda Kappa Delta Frater- "Owning and Running a Small Queen Contest of Civil Engi- the Pershing RUle American Society to work its members into a re- nity will hold elections of offi- Electrical Business" was will sponsor a panel dis- talk given at the (Page 3) neers treat spirit, will hold its first cers for next year in May, Pre- topic of the (Page 6) applications of - cussion on the communion breakfast April 3. sident Tom Gumina announced. A.I.E.E. LR.E. meetUig last the soils nnechanics theory to Annual three day retreat opens Candidates were nominated Wednesday evening. The the design of structural founda- last week. speaker, Mr. Eklmund CapuB|, mm that night. 215 tions tonight at 7:30 in President John De Remigis Members were reminded that an owner of the Polyphase Ocfm- Mendel. listed the factors encoun- said Mike Horan is surveying the fraternity's annual dinner pany, Vol. 30—No. 18 establish- VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY, VILLANOVA. PA. Chapter President Joe Mag- area Restaurants dance will be held April 16 at tered in successfully April 5. 1955 giore urges all members of the for the breakfast after Mass. the Broadwood Hotel. ing a new company in the elec- trical indutry. chapter to turn out for the dis- The Viking Inn is a possibility Reservations may be made Faculty Ulflmafe Judge: cussion, which will be attended for the affair. with Gumina, Don Rosato, Hen- Polyphase (>>mpany, begun Mentzer Repeats by professional engineers, ASCE Fraternity brothers should ry Sweeney or Floyd Nasuti. several years ago by Mr. Capuz- Seniors Consider from other student chapters make reservations before next zi, produces such products as As Oratorical and Commencement Speaker area engineering schools Thursday with either Mike K of C Note transistor analyzers, pulse engineering faculty members. Sullivan) or Don transformers and close-toler- Horan (305 Any Villanovans interested in Narrowed Contest Winner ance filters. to Six The panel: Mr. Leo Porter, Alton (307 Sullivan). joining the Knights of Columbus Seniors Prominent Figure chief bridge engineer of the may contact the Bishop Kenrick Professor John B. Clothier, Thomas Mentzer, senior his- Department o f n* the tory major, took first place in T T Post, 117 Ardmore Ave., in Ard- moderator of campus* A nationally prominent speaker will address the father-son Highways; Mr. Francis Wag- A.I.E.E. group, brought the the Villanova Oratorical Contest Tickets for Turf and Tinsel's more. banquet climaxing the senior Father's Day celebration April 23, noted bridge building con- Mike Horan to close. Refresh- for the second consecutive year. ; man, "Jessica James"—set for the meeting a Speaker Chairman Ed Daly announced. Dr. Louis Berger, con- and informal discussions No audience was present in tactor; Field House April 27 through ments Daly said that he could not reveal the names of any of the

, PHILOSOPHY CLUR ' soils me- electrical Auditorium only suiting engineer and 30—^will go on sale April 11. completed the engi- C&F and two possible speakers, but negotiations are under way. expert; Mr. A. E. President Frank Trainor an- neers' evening. other students competed. chanics This was decided at a meet- Know Your College? The speaker chairman indicated that the guest might be a O'Brien, executive secretary of business staff, nounced there will be a meeting Mentzer will ing of the accord- represent Villan- prominent poltical or military Associated Pennsylvania of the Philosophy Club next ova in the ing to Business Manager Dick Read NOTICE the semi-final Eastern figure. ' \ Constructors. Cooke. Friday, March 25, at 2:30 p. m. round of the nation-wide con- All prospective June gradu- No Word in 204 Mendel. All students in- Program was arranged by Mr. Members of the Publicity test at St. John's University, As far as other THE VILLANOVAN ates are to report to the Regis- plans for the SUff will meet tonight at 7:30 terested in becoming members Brooklyn, April 23. .Miles Potter, associate profes- last .social event of the Class engineering., in the T n' T Office. are invited to attend. trar's office immediately. No Villanova student has sor of civil ; of '55 were concerned, no an- f '..• ever won the semi-final round, nouncements were forthcoming which is PHYSICS CLUB sponsored by the New from either Class President Bud » York Journal American. The Physics Club will meet CAMPUS "STAND-OUTS Man Most Likely TO' Ford or Bob Casey, chairman of General Lee, twice more before Easter vaca- Winning Topic Fathers Day.

"• o ' •/ J. Mentzer based his winning five tion, according to President This will be the second conse- minute talk "Dave Vachon. on Gen. Robert E. cutive year that the event has Lee on a "War and Peace" said the program for to- been scheduled for a spring Sa- He theme. morrow's meeting at 10:30 a. m. turday. Before the affair was Judges for the contest—all in the Physics Lab is incomplete, reinstated to the school social Villanova graduates — were: but a discussion by two math calendar in 1953, Father's Day Thomas F. Devine, '43, attorney had not been scheduled by any >.-< majors will feature the March and president of the National class for almost 31 meeting. _^ _ 20 years. , Alumni A.ssociation; J. B. San- James Welch and Fred Heu- born, '38, an organization ana- Ford discuss topics in con- Bud ber will lyst of the Atlantic Refining Co. temporary mathematics at next Phil, Group and W. E. Schubert Jr., '42, at- Eight of the eleven conte^i- Money Prizes: The national meeting of the week's meeting. torney. ants in the race for graduation for delivery at commencement American Catholi'c Last week, Frank Thornton, Philosophical exercises June 6. Mr. Devine announced the ad- speaker pose before the first Association will be held at the freshman physics major, »» yiHnner. round Thursday. They are (I. to A board of judges will pick Spring Lynx Bellevue - Stratford Hotel in ':} dressed the club on some ele- The contest had r.) front row. Jim WreHinski, the commencement speaker been opened Philadelphia next Tuesday and . ments of real and complex vari- Mr. Bill Quinn, Paul Ake;; M'cund after these speeches are deliver- by Joseph Jonas to all Vil- Wednesday. ables. Competition jlanova students, but only five row. Ed Daly. Tom Ment/er, Joe ed May 9. The meeting is under the pa- Meanwhile, Vachon *s series on originally registered to Dorris; back row. Joe Dit»U'l and Eliminated from the runing compete. tronage of Most Rev. John F. the oscilloscope was concluded Two of these entrants dropped Still Open John Gillifcamo. Thursday were John Gilligan O'Hara, C. S. C, Archbishop of at last week's meeting. out before the competition. Selection of a commencement and Edwin Daly from the Arts budding Philadelphia, and the Catholic i Stud?nt Interest Disappointing Any O. Henrys have speaker from the six remaining and Sciences School; Frank Li- universities, colleges and semi- After the contest, until April 15 to take a shot at DESPERATE FOR CASH? i candidates will take place some- copoli and Thomas Mentzer naries of the Philadelphia area. I O'Brien from the $15 first prize offered by the said he was naturally happy to spot to cover time after Easter. the Engineering School ; Subject for discussion is Need a crisp ten Thomas in its short win but that he v/as disappoint- LYNX story contest. Still in the running are: Donahue and "Knowledge and Expression." that long week end? Joseph Heaps {rum Two other awards of $10 and -^ ed that more students had not That's the reward waiting for (k Charles P. Ake, and Joseph Dor- the C&F School. :;;^^ ' General sessions will be held in participated. $5 are on the line. Deadline for the School; He said he hoped the mornings round table the winner of Turf and Tinsel's ris from C&F entering has and more interest would be shown been moved up contest to choose a cover for Thomas Mentzer aifti William discussions on special aspects of from April 30 to make it pos- the program of "Jessica James." Quinn from the Arts and the problem will be convened in sible for the winning entry to Dean Speaks • Mentzer also complimented Cover ideas must be in the r<» Sciences School ; James Wrzesin- the afternoons. his opponents two freshmen. appear in the May issue of the T n' T Office (basement of ski and Joseph Distel from the — Dr. James F. O'Brien, asso- Runner up LYNX. Rev. was Carmen Basilo- ciate professor of C & F) by April 12, according Engineering School. Edward M. Dwyer, Potential philosophy at vecchio. John Derek took third entrants still have to Dick Cooke, T n' T business These six seniors were chosen O. S. A., university dean and Villanova, is president of the place. time during the Easter break to last Thursday after a reading professor of philosophy, will ad- Philadelphia chapter of the manager. put together an entry. entry should be on 8^1: "x test was administered to the dress a joint session of American Catholic Philosophical An the Stories should be submitted 11" paper and must contain: original twelve candidates. The Amcricfvi Catholic Philo.sophical Association to Editor Rees James, Dr. John selection read was chosen by the Association and the National 1) name of the show READ Phillipson. Mr. James Mitchell Award to Jesuit etition, the Queen of the i Blazers (Continued from Page 1) and te.\l)MN)ks A|>r. 15 to dance Arrive Olympics i dance to be the dale of the com- Blazer Ball in May rather than lo the smooth mu.sic of Ken mander of the winning company. Appointment of Jack Decker, Moore's waiting until next October. Villanova's Irish Cultural Carvavan. The Queen will have four ladies- civil engineer, as chairman of If the switch comes off, it will Olympics became a part of the The Drake Hotel will hou.se in-waiting. the Sophomore .Class' spring the Spring mark the second time in as many Congressional Record last Formal, planned by It's a formal dance. Flowers party. May 13, was announced years that the date of the Blaz- month, when Representative the Dance Committee, chair- for the girls; service dress Blue last week by Class President maned by er Ball has been transferred. William J. Green, Jr., a Philadel- Tom Ulrich and un- Baker for the men. Translated Jack O'Rourke. der the control The Class of '56 sponsored the ]>hia Democrat, had an editorial of the Navy Re- for the non-NROTC Villanovans, With distribution of blazers Ball in Villan- creation Committee. service most successful of I ho Phihuleli)hia "Inf|uiror" dress Blue Baker con- completed yesterday, the class the affair was Following the dictates of trad- sists ova history after insfiti'd into I he Congressional of dress blues with bow officers will be able to focus ition, the dance will be moved from the middle of Jun- lU-iord Mar. L'3. The cdilorial, dedicated ties and white cap covers. their full attentk>n on the social. Previously, the Ball :i|i|t»Mrrd to the graduating seniors. The Drake Hotel is ior Week. whirh had March 7. located at No other plans for the dance by competing ilt'wrilMMl the Competition for Queen 15th and Chestnut, was overshadowed OiynipicH :in«l city-center, besides the announcement of the On the first the gala social jiriiJKi'd tlie cull lire of Irr|:iii«l; Tue.sday after the convenient for the Philadelphia events during chairman have been decided, ac> they represented. return from Easter vacation. day-hops. week. LtuMTT * Mim* Ttmmrm C& which cording to O'Rourke. . : ' —

Page Two ' April 1955 Pftf• Tlirtt4 THE VILLANOVAN %, April 5, 1055 THE V I L L A N O Vf A N A Rocky Path India Not Committed Steye Allen Croup Judges "Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, Strictly Opinion died and was buried. The third day He arose In Cold War Battle ..." again from the dead During the days of By Ed Daly h • tBy Frxmk Hturtmanw Contest Passion Week of 1955, these words, uttered For Jr. Wk. Queen has done it again. Last year it was many times over in the Apostle's Creed, cease Nehru's India remains one of the greatest Villanova's Belle Masque By Bob Ford 17," "Harvey" adds another laurel to their to be life. prizes in the international sweepstakes known "Stalag and this year mere words and become The minds Television celebrity Steve Al- of many men are taken back the cen- as the "cold war." Most of the other prizes have many. through len and the members of his or are on the What's a Pooka? Contest to End April 13; turiefi to that first Passion either gone to the winner way. Week in which Christ, program have agreed to serve the Gold-man bore patiently the manifold ag- India, with its four-hundred million people and TTnder the direction of Father William Krupa, Belle Masque as judges for the annual Junior gressions of foolish creatures. the hands strategic location, is still on the shelf. took the well known play by Mary Chase and turned it into one At Week Queen Contes^, Co-chair- It's great story Number of Entries Rises by all those attending. of man whom He, God, had created, he suffered To some Americans India is already on the which was well enjoyed man Jack Downing announced invisible rabbit. Elwood P. Dowd, a the ignominious insult of death on the cross. of enemies . To these observers Nehru ap- to work with, this tale of an When Steve Allen and his in the Contest, Juniors are rush- last week. Lest this chattering humanity regard itself as an ally of middle-aged "rum-pot," has as his companion a pears as Moscow, per- ing submit their entries. As en- troupe receive the Junior Week to Allen, master of ceremonies of victorious. He, the Divine Person, arose on Eas- haps not a Communist, but cer- Pooka, the rabbit. Pooka as described in the Queen Contest entries they will these pictures attest, competi- the popular show "Tonight," ter Sunday to make known to all the enormity tainly a fellow-traveler. cyclopedia consulted by Wilson of the sanitarium have a real problem facing them tion is strong and good. said that he would be assisted : Celtic mythology. A fairy of His executioner's folly. other Americans, staff "Pooka. From old To notably it will be a pleasant one. Dick Moore has a date for form. Always very large. The —but by Edyie Gourme, Steve Law- But some men in our present day and age Ambassador spirit in animal former Chester With just one weekremainini Junior Week, and she's Miss rence, Skitch Henderson and j)ooka appears here and there, now and then, to choose not to let these words of the Apostle's Bowles, Nehru is the representa- and that one at his own caprice. A wise Gene Rayburn, all of whom ap- Creed assume the appearance of life. Indeed, tive of generations of Asian this one creature. Very fond of rum-pots, pear on "Tonight" each week- they choose not even to hear these words spoken. hopes and dreams, a wise leader but mischievous and how are you, Mr. Wilson?" This line could night at 11 :30 on the NBC net- Perhaps on Sunday they may attend Mass to who is really a friend of the well symbolize the action and comedy of the work. join in the praise ofl the Risen Christ. But on West, but who is frightened very finish. Mr. Dowd's rabbit was as Attended Drake University Spy Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, aw£ty by the specter of Western colonialism. whole play, a laugh from start to play. they, like the apostles, are nowhere to be real a character as any other in the Mr. Allen was born in New Nehru a Good Politician found. Christ even today must endure His Probably the one person who contributed most to this illu- York City in 1921, the son of Somewhere in between these two representa- cruel suffering alone. sion uas Elwood P. Dowd as portrayed by Bernie Coyne. Bernle, show people. When his father tions is the real Nehru. On the one hand, Nehru expression on his face, time and time died two years later, Steve was We hope that this is not the case with the with Mr. Dowd's simple is no Communist; on the other, he is not merely skillful rendition. "Harvey" was sent to live with his mother's students of Villanova. Tomorrow we shall com- again pleased the house with his the victim of some vague fear of colonialism. and we hav.e all ap- family a group of "typical plete our annual Retreat. The Body and Blood B«rnie's last appearance with Belle Masque — Jawaharlal Nehru is a highly-educationed preciated hisi many characterizations with that organization. Irishmen." He began college at of Christ will warm our hearts. Shall we let the •V- and intelligent man; he is very well aware of Drake University, but later warmth disappear? Shall we shrug our shoulders If Jeanne Ward, a 2nd year Villanova Law Student, ever the realities of the world situation. Whether he think of a switched to Arizona State and say, "No church for me, this is my vaca- decides that Law isn't for her, she might do well to speaks and acts according to this knowledge is Teachers College. tion?",-../;. ;..^. ./:;:. .;,;,,,:>. stage career. She did an excellent job in the part of Veta Louise

Need Exists in Education another matter. S •' .• rtO^i-f jV Simmons, Elwood P. Dowd's sister. After a short period of time Don't be fools like the Jews who clamored Harriet To begin with, Nehru is an Indian for Barabbas instead of Christ. Don't choose politician. Jim Borden, in the part of Wilson, the sanitarium attendant, he traveled to the West Coast To remain in power, he must cater to the pre- your own pleasure before aid to Christ. Put into For Principle of Order brought on laughs from his first cue to his last exit. to begin a career in radio. He practice some of the noble judices of his countrymen. The most bitter ha- signed with CBS and worked his principles that have By Frank Trainer: • Ann Kaler, in one of the minor roles, impressed with her com- tred of most Indians is directed against coloni- • "' way up to his own night show. been held out to you during these days of Re- plete ease and naturalness on the stage. ":^ alism. Therefore, treat. Walk the path to The existence of a need for an integrating factor, or principle Nehru, for purely political Calvary with Christ. for his part as 'Animal' in motives, could be expected to oppose the Bob Erskine, well remembered The unutterable joy as you receive of order, within the structure of University education is, and has French Holy Com- another fine job in playing Dr. Chumley. in Indo-China or even the Americans in Korea. "Stalag," did munion on Easter Sunday will more than repay been, recognized. Investigations and surveys in this regard have "Animal Farm" Sissy Gleeson, as Myrtle Mae Simmons, did her part effect- you for your journey. resulted in a single mutual conclusion—that an integrating factor Internal Improvements First ively with sincerity. should exist. The emergent problem, however, is this: What and There are somewhat higher motives for As Reviewed By should that factor be, and even more important, does that factor John Reardon distinguished himself in the part of the pomp- ;-k,V -.I"-. Nehru's position, of course. Nehru is sincerely exist, in fact, even where its need has been recognized and osten- ous Judge Gaffney. Much is expected of John next year. Retreat Hell! interested in advancing India. To achieve this sibly corrected? Nurses, Priscilla O'Connor and Marilyn goal, he feels that he must aviod any commit- Two of our Freshman These past few days of Retreat provided us This problem, of course, is immediately perceptible (or should ments that might involve heavy expenditures Dondero added materially to the excellent cast. Having finished reading the with more than just a religious check on our- be) to those in authority who are concerned with the ordering of for defense instead of internal improvements. Drew Higgins was well cast in the part of Dr. Sanderson, front page headlines, I turned to selves—they gave us the opportunity to evaluate curricula. From another point of view, however, Furthermore, Nehru wishes to leave India free •I i while Mike Clark turned the climax of the play with his portrayal the entertainment section with for ourselves an objective accounting of our and I am speaking now, of the student, the prob- to act in a crisis in accordance with her own in- of the cabdriver. Saturday's data in mind. I glan- scholastic achievement thus far at the termina- lem is either dimly perceived, or totally terests. He feels that to commit India to either ced over the usual array of tion of three-quarters of the academic year. non-existent. Since the principle agent in the side would destroy this freedom of action. Ann Kennedy "spectaculars," westerns, and art of instruction is the student, I offer these J 50 million times a day thrillers, portrayed as "the This dual evaluation period could not have Despite all of these reasons why Nehru will thoughts for his consideration: What is the na- Leiser of eyed, brown or "10 years in the been more timely. Last week, quarterly exams not only not link India to the Western system Alice year's finest" ture of this problematical entity called an in- Alice haired young It looked hopeless came to an end, and the mid-term was passed. but will even oppose policies deemed necessary at home, the Bronx. making." tegrating factor? Is it, in fact, in operation here is 21-years old lady from Pa- seemed poor and In this past schedule of Masses, conferences, for an effective defense against communist a the selection • at Villanova? t # registered nurse terson, N. J. the stage shows were too ex- and confessions, we undoubtedly had time to agression, there are still reasons to be hopeful. at work or 5'4" > reflect on both phases of life. A Principle off Ordirr from Lenox Hill Harrie t is pensive. Hospital, N.Y.C. Perhaps the statement from the motion pic- this integrating factor a principle of order. That Suspicious of Communists tall and a high I was about to leave when a while at play 5' 2", ture "Retreat, ". of bper?ition—the ordering: principle of cur- Standing voice interrupted me. "May I Hell!" . . we're just advancing is what it is in terms First of all, Nehru is not going to let the "» ' school senior. she weighs 112 in another direction," is more than appropriate ricula. Essentially, it is that field of knowledge which is so fund- Communists take over India. His recent strong Popular Ann borrow your paper?" I looked r- at this time. to all lbs. and has ^^^ intellectual giant We are recalling now where we amental as form the axis of knowledge. stand against them in Andhra state elections is Kennedy is the "P— ^^ ^^^ took the wrong steps, brown eyes and .^ur English seminar I had and from that point the Knowledge is not. contrary to popular student opinion, a proof of that. date of Pete Al- ^^ issue is between God and us; certainly auburn hair. ""Judiciously dubbed him a in this great, static bulk to be eaten of sparingly, or even voraclousK, Secondly, Nehru is becoming more yu. ;. The rules are these; tainhead from which, and around which, flow those fields of know- Mass. of a frowning pig glowered at 1. All members of the Junior ledge which ordered curricula offer for the student's assimilation. Jack Jannucci, of Mainliners me. Above it "Animal Farm" Class are 'eligible to submit one fame, has invited Miss Margaret was boldly printed. What of Villanova? '1- picture. Peering . . . DeLong, an attractive student "What's that?" I questioned. We have examined the nature of an ordering principle in 2. Pictures, preferably at least nurse from St. Peter's, New He turned, slightly embarras- curricula and seen what it should be; next, we might ask: Is such 5" VILLAMOVA UNIVCRSITV TT By Dick Peer x 7", must be submitted to ^ VILLANOVA. PA. '^ Brunswick, N. J. Marge has sed, "Oh, 'Animal Farm' is sort a thing in operation here at Villanova? ; the Villanovan office or to brown eyes which set off her au- the of an animated cartoon. It is EDWIN DALY, IDITOR-IN^NlCf Around Mendel Hall one I . I day noticed a huge In seeking an answer our first logical recourse is to the cata- rooms of Harry Nash ( 242 Good 1- burn hair. She is 5' 3" tall based on George Orwell's book oil and ^^*** •••••*•••.**•".«. slick flowing beneath the door where the ».;«..»V... . MaMOfifis Hlter logue of studies prescribed by the university. We are immediately Counsel) or Bob Ford Sul- Tft/M^T weights 112 lbs. (306 of the same name." '^** * • » IBM ' " • . N«wf Miter machine is kept. I looked in and found the Ml BA . aware of the threefold division of Villanova into the Schools of livan) by midnight of April 13. almost-human Chestnut Hill's representative Testing him, I probed further. ••••"•• iSSS Business, Arts and Sciences, and Engineering. The division machine in a state of collapse. '^'LHt!i!l&.'''*'*« ^^^ •'«S' alone (and Paul Downey's, 4. All pictures must be ac- "What's it about, pigs?" It seems the poor thing was so overworked thesa too) is iOl NIAK, suggests an enormous problem: Is an integrating factor pos^ble NORM FILDPUSN "l Sp«rt« U|»,^ Anne Marie companied by the following in- "Well, no, yes." laughed Spring days keeping track of Shoup, a blue-eyed He N«w.-I««if,, MIto, in the face of the modem educational trend toward specialization cuts that it just I2fi.**.*!'J'" brunette. This pert 19-year old formation on a separate piece softly, relaxing a little. "Actu- 1^®***' •'*" KHLIICMfR Nct»M Mlt«f« gave up and had a nervous breakdown. iTlI' and individualism, the existence of which seems to be diametric- • of paper Clr€»M*«i Hmmwn stands 5' 7" and weighs 132 and attached to the picture ally it's a satire—political—on 5IS .Ki ally opposed to the existence of a universal principle of order? At the recently revived street light in front L just loves boys from Albany. or on the back of the girl's pic- communism. Orwell uses these «««AVf . DALY This problem points of Sullivan Hall. It certainly £**^£/5^.f'..'**" ...m^ UMm up, rather firmly, the exacting requirements is helpful and you ture: girl's name, address, 9. TNOMAS> TULLI ril«l« Mtiiui I^Mar * •» * age, pigs to represent the leader of ASSOCIATI IDITORl-D. fmm^. to be met by any proposed principle of integration. can see all over the place. If you happen to live C. tblrli; t. Iti4; J. height, weight, color of hair, the farm animals revolt against fm», %. itraylM, J. MMiMMrrW. trMm, f. %^kmi, w; iyliM. in the Hall you can save the college lots of mon- The pressure's on, Juniors. English the Integrating Factor present occupation, schools at- Farmer Jones, the owner of the fACULTY ADVISOR—ftlV. t. A. RONOIONI, O. 1. A., ey by studying by it. It even With just eight days remaining has charm during 1. FOR TASTE... Via further examination of the catalogue we might determ- tended; also, Junior's name, farm. But these pigs by their TMi M»w !• f the foregoing, is : Ifay It tie party. winners, the Queen and her lanovans in leaving the Pie be validly elected to such an exalted, and equally demanding of- '' a court of five. The Queen receives Know Yoir College Hera and tken ^ Shoppe, I imagined the grunts fice? free bids to the Prom and to the Whoever has the crutch coacesaion on cam- •OniED UNDCt AUfHOSITV Of n

April 5, 1955 'life roar THE V ML A N y A * r

Aprir-5, 19Mi^ tvl'; it, "i* l»r» 11: V U t« T Ht E« VT L L 'A N O V A N Paff« Fiv« Speaks on Commiinicof/oits April 73: Irish Successful Cultural Here's Complefe Coverage \ \ ff Olympics Come to Close Prominent McGraw HillEditorAddresses of fhe Week, Answering Jusf About Any Question . . This Is Last Friday Junior brought to a Week close a successful month-long A, L Ch. E.; Claunch Wins Sunoco Award yT run for the Irish Cultural Olym- This is the line-up of seven (so far) straight days of uninterrupted At a meeting held last Wed- pics at Villanova. Wishes for Ken Claunch, Chairman of VA ENGINEER, and now As- nesday, John Salvo was given success from President Eisen- Villanova's A.I.Ch.E. society, sistant Editor of Chemical En- an enjoyment for Juniors and all Villanovans award for having the hower, Governor Leader, and has announced that Mr. Sydney gineering magazine, will also be highest scholastic average among the Minister for Foreign Affairs D. K'rkpatrick, Editorial Direc- present at the meeting. the junior chemical engineers. At Mother's Day Romantic Mood of Ireland greeted the start of tor of McGraw Hill Publications, It was al.so announced that Record Crowd Seen For the same meeting nomination.s the Olympics, March 6, and the and prominent man in tke pub- Claunch had won third prize in were held for the society's four many hundreds of pleased at- lishing field, will speak here on the annual Zeisberg Awards Plans Are All Set for Prom; officers, and 16 names were tendants at the talks and exhibi- April 13 on "Communication sponsored by the Sun Oil Com- re- DinnerDance atPalumbo 's ceived. tions attested to the fact that the Neglected Unit Operation.'* pany for the Middle Atlantic But Complete Many Contribute the Olympics were indeed a suc- The meeting will be at 7:30 chapter of the A.I.Ch.E. He fine Class of '56 If weather permits, this year's A response will be on sale after return from cess, ,:':'' "-• on i. /,,:'::/ p. m. in the Chemical Engineer- had submitted two reports for tickets in the past An decorative READ Mother's Day will include the week and Easter vacation, but the abso- ambitious Eighteen talks on all phases ing Building. "Shell and Tube Heat Ex- a half indicates a record theme that will completely first outdoor Mass in Junior crowd lute deadline for buying tickets of Irish life by experts, and T. '53, changers" and "Humidification THE VILLANOVAN for the Hugh Sharp, class of Week history, chairman Frank Junior Dinner Dance in and making reservations is April transform the Field House on twenty-eight exhibits were the Chambers." former editor of the VILiLANO- Hartmann has announced, add- Junior Week, chairman Dick 22, one week prior to the open- the night of May 6 is moving main attractions for the many Fitzpatrick ticket along nicely in its preparations, ing that just about all other pre- and head ing of Junior Week, in order to visitors. reports paiations for the big day for Nick Mazzoni report. allow for final arrangements de- Junior Prom chairman i Special Lectures Mom and Junior are complete. Over 120 Juniors reserved pending on attendance to be Greg Gehring, who adds that Of special interest was the * the emphasis will be With assistance from Jack seats for the affair at Palum- made efficiently. on the crea- talk on the Book of Kell^ by Padova, John Henry, Bruce bo"s through last week-end, and A booth will be set up in the tion of a romantic atmosphere. the Rev. George Engineers did O'Donnell of Two Martin and Phil Taddeo, the en- many more so yesterday and Pie Shoppe for a week prior to "Decorations chairman Phil St. Charles Seminary in which was tertainment, tree planting, and today the Pie Shoppe. There the cjlosing of sales—from Mon- Butler has been working for a given twice during the course of were already reserva- long while Awarded Trip the flower angles have b^n ar- some 50 day the 18th of April through now with his staff the Olympics. Ron Delaney, a ranged. tions in prior to last week. Friday the 22nd. of Juniors, and things are mov- Villanova student who has won To Ohio State Outdoor Mass The actual fundamental pre- Mazzoni lives on the second ing right along," said Gehring. a recognition in track, contri- i. The outdoor Mass and Bene- parations for the Saturday night floor of Sullivan Hall, Fitzpa- "Those boys have proved their buted his Prank Hartmann tradition efforts in a talk on A prize paper contest and dictfon will take place at the have long since been trick on the third floor. ability in the past in this field, Irish sports. Several of officers AVINSTON Mother's Day Chairman completed. Fitzpatrick, other election of next year's shrine of the Blessed M<^er be- with and we are looking forward to the talks were delivered by were on the agenda of the joint hind Alumni Hall. The lunch- aid from Bob McDonnell, Jim their greatest effort come the members of Villanova's faculty. E.-I.R.E. student branch Hippler and Joe Morris, has big night." A.I.E America'^s mind eon will be held in the priests' Eddie Condon : changed lined the The many exhibits were dis- meeting last Wednesday eve- dining hall and the student cafe- up combos to play in Regaining Prominence addition tributed over the several floors ning, Mar. 30. teria, the banquet in the evening to the featured Tony The band that was No. 3 in of the Library and the Commo- Senior Jim Wrzesinski, Chair- at the Field House. Class of '56 Desmond, the menu has already the country in 1948-49 and is dore Barry exhibit was housed, man of the electrical engineer- about filter cigarettes! •I Hartmann also announced been set, and the floor plan now making a bid to recapture appropriately enough, in agreed upon. The floor show Com- ing group, won the contest that John Stangl will handle Jazz Seats that popularity, Buddy Wil- modore John Barry Hall. Some by the American In- program will be completely liams, will be the featured, with sponsored :;•: •••:^^ the chores of receiving and lay- of these exhibits of special in- stitute of Electrical Engineers ing out the Diaper Dan pictures, planned within the next two intermission music by the local terest were the Abbey Players by delivering a paper on "Func- which have already begun to weeks. favorite, Mike Pedicin's band, exhibit, the Book of Kells, the tional Color," written by him- come in from Mothers of Jun* Jazz Concert chairman Jack Reserve Now the first such high-caliber group Joseph McGarrity collection, and self and Bob Simonic. Wrze- iors. The judges for the annual Kelly has announced plans for All Juniors are urged to get to perform during Villanova the beautiful Waterford Crystal sinski and Simonic were awarded contest to name the cutest Jun- a special reserved section for their $10 in to Mazzoni or Fitz- prom intermissions. exhibit. a trip to Ohio State University, WINSTON ior (of about twenty years Juniors, whether with or with- patrick as soon as possible, so Refreshment chairman Dick in the dates, on both afternons of that the better seats may be Fashions Favored ; where they will compete ago) will be announced later. dut Cross, who did ^n excellent job performances in obtained. Sybil Connelly and her Irish A.LE.E. Second District contest. TASTES GOOD Good Entertainment EMdie Condon's in a similar field for the orphans' Two floors will Fashions were another highlight. Color and Culture The Villanova SUigers, the the Field House Junior Week. accommodate party, reports that his plan of of the reasons we what is expected to The Library itself provided The paper, dealing with the Mainliners Quartet ,the Ck>ncert "That's one be about Dick Fitzpatrick action is wel-advanced, and adds that three-day advance sale 450 couples attending. new interest for the many visi- effects of color on culture and Band and a group from Turf had The DtfifMT Dmem Chainnttn that .instead of the usual Coke, Juniors," said Jack, "so we evening's program includes din- tors to the exhibits and talks. industry, was chosen by a large and Tinsel will entertain at the for JUNIOR WEEK SCHEDULE a ginger ale-orange ice punch idea of about how ner, a floor show, speeches, audience as the best of the three W » Field House banquet. All cater- could get an and will be available for prom-goers. should plan to dancing, lasting until 2 presented. ing arrangements have been many seats we a. m. Sunday . . . T n' T Show Posters Ready The affair completed by John Henry, who reserve both days." will begin at 6. Pa- 'Monday . . . Mother's Day Publicity posters for the prom New Sorority - Dick Burke delivered his pa- has lumbo's is located in downtown Toewlay . . . have already been per, "The Bell Laboratories' So- made plans for a roast beef Good Response Band Concert, secured by dinner. The speakers Philadelphia on Catherine Talent Show, Informal Mario DiVincenzo and Henry Another sorority has emerg- lar Battery," elaborating on the LIKE A at the for the Tickets Wednesday- Street; mimeographed banquet will be Rev. Thomas A. maps of Daoee i Guerrisi, publicity heads, v\rho ed on Villanova's campus with function and importance of the Thursday sessions went on sale Calphin, directions to the club \jrill be report Tulvio Durand pre- O.S.A., class moderator Wednesday, Thursday . . . that these any other the formation of Alpha Delta new device. Cigarette last Thursday to all Villanovans Hartmann, distributed to all Juniors bjsfore- Eddie Condon hand-produced signs will Chi, a graduate nursing society. sented a discussion of "Tape Re- and class president the fbe and the general public, and hand. Harry Nash. Fridayi,. . . Junior Prom posted after return from the Announcement of the organi- corder Design" on which he and was good, especially in SHOULD! response Deadline the 22nd Satuiiiay . . . B-W Day, Din- holidays. Gene Bilan is assist- zation of the sorority followed Rudy Gangemi collaborated, and view of the fact that concerts Tickets for the :.): Dinner Dance ner ^ Dance :\. ''-.i^i-- ing the committee in this re- formation of Pi Theta Chi for described some innovations in are still a month away. gard. : i.:';-:^-.'.;,. the girls in the undergraduate the machine's drive mechanism. Everybody is urged to get Bob Fredericks, faVor cii^ir- Nursing Division. Preceeding the talks, ballot- tickets as soon as possible Interest Perking Up: iii man, has completed the deal Helen Ozorowski, president, ing for the society's five officers there's no problem about which with a Philadelphia company for heads a slate of four officers. for next year was held. Jack day to go—if a student buys a the prom favors, which will be Other officers who will serve Downing was elected Chairman Wednesday ticket and decides 'Inter- Cliib Talent Show "different, functional, and very next year are Joan McAllister, of the joint branch and George later he wants to go Thursday, attractive to the young ladies, vice-president ; Anne Dolente, Ahearn, Vice-Chairman, he may just switch tickets by Promises Color, I believe." secretary ; Elizabeth Moore, A.I.E.K.-I.R.E. S.3cretarieH contacting any of the sellers. Rivoinf Work on Programs ^' treasurer. A.LE.E. Secretary will be Bob Those Juniors peddling tick- Talent Show co-chairmen Jim and Villanova glee clubs on the Class secretary Bob McCaf- Florence Nightingale Day Hollinger, and I.R.E. (Institute ets are Kelly, his assistant Bambury and Dick Peer, en- ^rls' campus. fery, Jim Bambury and Tom Plans to revive the signifi- of Radio Engineers) Secretary chairman, Phil Keane, Bob Mc- couraged by a responsive sub- Band Concert Mullen are among those collec- cance of Florence Nightingale will be Jim "Spider" McEowen. Caffery, Steve Bernocco, Jack mission of entries last week, Preceding the Talent Show, of tion patrons for the prom pro- Day, May 12, are being consi- Leonard Powell was elected Gerrard, Tom Meaney, Joe have announced several new course, will be the annual Uni- gram, and have had fair suc- ,K dered by the sorority. Treasurer of the branch. Schultz, Joe Jackson, Vhinie developments regarding the new versity Band's performance, cess thus far. The actual page Purpose of the organization is The "A.LE.E.-I.R.E. Newslet- Buffano, Harry Nash, Jerry event on Tuesday night of Jun- with Bob Schiller directing; the line-up for the program has al- three-fold ter" announced the group's next Guerrisi, Nick Mazzoni, Dave ^\ 4 ior Week. Band, moderated by Father ready been set up. 1. To promote professional I meeting would be held on April Burns and others. First of all comes the news Burns, has traveled very suc- and social unity among those 13 in 215 Mendel at 7:30 m. p. that the new campus musical cessfully through an ambitious graduate nurses aspiring to the and would ^feature Mr. Wilmon group, the 14-piece Commodores, concert schedule this year. baccalaureate degree in nursing. Ware of the Philadelphia Elec- brings flavor back "x will play for the informal dance Some 12 entries have been WINSTON ^ : 2. To sustain and promote the tric Company speaking on following the Band Concert and submit^d, and the co-chairmen, highest ideals and traditions of "Power." filter to smoking! Talent Show in the Field Show. extending the March 30 dead- the nursing profession. Judges Selected line in hopes of getting 15 con- 3. To be a vitalizing force in It didn't take long for word to get « • Peer and Bambury have also testant groups, urge campus the promotion of the best inter- around campus! Winston's got rcnl been hard at work lining up organizations to get their en- ests of its members. flavor the full, rich, tobacco flavor you the program and judges—two tries in immediately. Motto of Alpha Delta Chi is PHOTOS HAIII — want. of which have already been Plaque to Winners •^i "Walk worthy of the vocation No wonder so many college men and or 50 for $2.00 -• # 1 chosen, George Noake and Bob A plaque will be awarded to ye have chosen." women are getting together on Winston This is shot of last year's a Whalen, very successfully con- the winning entry for the or- MADE FROM Along with finer flavor, Mother's Day demltasse spoon VOUR Winston also nected with Turf and Tinsel's ganization it represents, and in- flavor, which will be featured PORTRAIT brings you a finer filter. The exclu^ve many top hits. The third dividual medals will be given to Perfect again tills year. fori Winston filter works so effectively, choice, a prominent Philly disc the members of the victorious f 1 V 1 n t yet friend*, rela- jockey, will be announced later. group. Any type of talent is lets the flavor come right 1 1 «•• and through to clastmAtf a A third development wikl included, with between one and Printed you. Easy-drawing — that's Winston! SYMPATHY on bring the Rosemont College oc- five men taking part. SPAIDING ACTUAL KIIK beat quality Qieg Gehring OP riCTVRE allk • finlah The staff of the VILLANO- tet to the Field House for a Belle Masque, T n' T, the PACE IN SPORTS double weight pa- Chairman SETS THE Prom • par. VAN expresses its sympathy to guest appearance during the Physics Club, WVIL, the Vil- Vil Send one dollar with utf alse pic- ^Sino^ Robert Fredericks, junior che- judging period after the com- lanova Singers, DPE, the Uni- turr. Tour orlftaal returned un- IVINSTON T^e^^-dtowuiO ^fdZfea cuifOneOa/ READ harmed. Mlalmuai order 30 waUet mistry major, on the death of petition. This group was very versity Band, and five other or- Crooi • ' « i. THE VILLANOVAN "• HIVNOLO* TOBACCO CO., WtNtTON-S ALtM, M. C. his father. well received in its recent per- ganizations are those to submit Jazz Concert Chairman formance with the Rosemont entries already.

^'j^-'^'t-ttttd ^liUn ———

April 5, I9SS THE VILLANOVAN Paff« Seven April 5, 1955 'f Page Six THE VILLANOVAN '^.i Sports Chatter Gorbarino Ediier: Fr. Krupa Spring Sports Prospects * To Address School's First Law Review By Jo€ HeapM - DPM Group It looks as if it is. going to be a good spring, sports-wise, Publication Is Distributed for Villanova. Both the track and baseball teams show promise Rev. William Krupa, O. S. A., of providing "winning records and plenty of sports excitement in After five months of intensive work, the preliminary edition moderator of Belle Masque dra- the next two montfis. And the golf team, despite some organiza- of Villanova's Law Review was distributed last week. matic society, will the tional troubles that stem the of address Editor-in-chief of the mimeographed "training issue" is from newness the sport at Vil- next monthly meeting of Delta lanova and the lack of coach, is Robert Garbarino, top-ranked man in the second year class. a optimistic about this year's Pi Mu Fraternity April 13. chances. Thomas Brady, a St. Peter's (Jersey CTity) graduate, is Case ft The baseball team hau played some good ball, He will discuss "Modern Comment editor, and Joseph Glancey, Villanova '52, is Article and some bad, in splitting the first t\%|argames of the twenty-five schedule. American Drama." and Book Review editor. The game Coach Mahan is fairly well-pleased with the results of the first Meanwhile, fraternity broth- latter two also are instructors two contests. He says, "One must take into consideration ers gathered at the Viking Inn of Business Law in the under- the earliness of the season the fact several Sunday for a communion break- graduate school. and that of the players are not yet in top physical condition. There was nothinj^ wrong fast after attending 9 a. m. Mass This issue and one to be pub- in the Ithaca game that a couple of timely base hits wouldn't in the Chapel, /u .:;,;' lished May 6, are intended to have fixed. I think the team should give editorial experience for the improve as the season pro- May Electioii.s Announced gresses." first printed edition, to be dis- President John Remigis Pitching Problem De tribute Jan. 1956, said Garbari- announced at a meeting Thurs- ^ m""^ It seems from here that the success of the no. jm^ mm ball club in 1955 day that elections for next year Review Composition will depend on several factors. One of the main determinants will take place during the sec- will be the time required for the pitchmg staff to get in This review is composed of shape. Pictured are members of the drill teams of Fenn ond week of May. State Except possibly for Dick Scott, all the moundsmen what is known as the student need more Villanova, talking over the announcement that the local unit and workouts and bull-pen practice before they will be able to work Thirteen members have been section of a full review, i. e., it has beconie a member of the Pershing Rifle Team. nine innings. Dan Severino, approved by the administration contains only student work. A John Nagy, Bob Scalzi and Dick to run for six offices. Black have all shown flashes of mid-season form in the intrasquad full printed Law Review will :l*iL games, but none are conditioned for prolonged '-» corresponding secretary — Joe the judiciary and the teaching excellence at legal writing. Rifles [past experience, Danny says, McCullen, Bob McLaughlin and Pershing professions. Plans for the in- This year's staff was picked by is "I've never gotten off to a - Tom Smith ; for recording secre- clusion of these features in the faculty, but it expected Villanova's NROTC drill team committee from the Penn State ter beginning than I tary—Jack Eddinger and Jim January's issue have been made, that in future years the out- did last became the first All- unit in Commodore John Barry year. Generally, Judge; for treasurer—Brendan on Mar. 25 and a summer schedule of work going editors will make the se- I'm a very R.O.T.C. unit to become Hall. slow starter Flynn and McCullen; for Stu- Naval has been prepared for the edi- lection, basing their judgements in the first month member of the Pershing Rifles team will take or so and gradually dent Council representative a The Villanova tors. on the above points. Team Splits In reach my to Dick Two Organization, according part in drill and rifle competi- Games most effective condition. It sur- other members of this Bob Ford and Den Rinkacs. Our Law School's Review is The By Bob Mulcahy Schleicher, Public Information tion at Penn State, April 30. prised me last year when I a " 'student' review, rather than year's editorial board are: Ar- got Oflicer for the Villanova group. Walt Gould, Dick Schleicher, Villanova University's base- off to a fast start." a 'faculty' review," said Gar- thur Flores, James Garland, Do- The unit forms Company W of Karl Scheetz, and Stan Mc- Hooley, ball squad opened its 11955 sea- Record Double-Play First NFCCS barino, pointing out that the nald Grieshober, Neale Number of Teams Combination the 5th Regiment of the Persh- are set for the competi- son with an even split in two Geehan approach to topics and selection Arthur O'Neill and Regina Another question mark on the has games last week. After ing Organization which tion with a fifth man still to be Ward. Faculty advisor is Mr. defeat- Mahan nine is the sophomore of cases, outside contributors, ing Participating in Softball Variety Show twelve regiments in the United selected. Nine of the twenty-one Vermont 5-4 in the season's double play ''/ etc., will be made by the stu- Francis Holahan, who was edi- combination of Ron States. Twenty-one Companies units of the 5th Regiment plan opener, the Wildcats dropped With a record I dents rather than by the faculty, tor-in-chief of Pittsburgh's Law forty-eight Pak stra .seemed like a coliseum iLaMontagne and John DiGial- Regiment. also be their first game to Ithaca Set form the 5th to be there. There will Review before receiving his Law Col- teams utilizing the facilities of Penn employed jlorenzo. Thus far, these two Here ar it is the accepted case in some | a zone defense", Walt Gould is Captain of the a Student Officers breakfast. v\ lege 5-3 at the Mainliner's Austm, Mendel schools. degree. and Simpson which the Trotters opposed by have had little opportunity to The first annual Intercol- Villanova company. Bill Doyle campus. fields, the General John (Black Jack) £ditor Selection Articles are usually contribut- intramural softball playing a deliberate game, mak H|display their ability to make the legiate Variety Show of the is first lieutenant; Steve Lyons, Dick Scott's competition ^ Pershing founded the Pershing Editors are picked from a ed solely by the editors, he said, home run was began last week in ing only good shots. twin killings. If they prove a Philadelphia Regional Council of the only senior of the group, is Organization to stimulate the deciding marker in the 5-4 a flurry of hits, runs, dependable Rifles small top percentage of the although students not on the errors and Villanova's N.R.O.T.C. All- combination, a ma- the NFCCS will be displayed in First Sergeant; and Dick Schlei- drill and rifle competition and defeat of Vermont. His home- sore arms. jor replacement problem class. The editor-in-chief is review who submit articles Stars triumphed over St. Jo- from the Field House, Tuesday, April cher, Owen Hickey, Karl Scheetz, build espirit d' corps. The or- run gave Villanova a 5-1 lead arry last year will be picked not only on the basis of which are printed are given Thus far, there have been too seph's R.O.T.C. stars 56-50, to overcome. 19 at 8 p. m. Dave Oberholzer, Paul Lukas, ganization consists mainly of going into the seventh inning. few Still another very important factor in the season's marks but also on consideration masthead recognition in that is- games to last season's complete a perfect slate for in- prospects and Jack Essig are Second Lieu- units. However, the visitors IS in the hitting department. Jack At two successful shows at Army R.O.T.C. of his ability at leadership and sue. came back ch;mps, the Austin Erfs. tercollegiate competition. Helm, Bill McGarry, and Jack Immaculata and La Salle, the tenants. There are thirty mem- with three runs in the top of the Prestwick Peters must be counted on the provide much of the offensive Water Cats led the Middies with bers of the company all togeth- seventh before Win punch for this year's squad. performers drew compliments "All guests will be received relief pitcher 14 points, while Sherry and Since the college season is so short, er. One champion in the water even a minor spectators. ' in the parlors ..." Dan Severino stemmed the tide slump by one or two of these men could from : Husted have r ^ '.' tallied 11 and 10 re- a Initiated by Pcnn Staters Junior Week Pin Money by striking basketball leagues has been de- wide-spread effect on out the last batter. the success of the club. The newly - formed Navy —Villanova Student's I • spectively. The V.U. company was initiat- termined. The Sullivan Water The agility with which catcher Dance Band, the Villanova Com- Handbook Villanova Scores Was The Ump Blind! Bill Pearson can keep his * Cats, captained ed into the "Rifles" by a student The by Mike Russo, bare hand out of the way of foul tips could also modores and the Villanovans Awaits Tn T Cover Artist 'Cats opened the scoring A new twist to the age-old prove an im- •'' v/' are one of the Field in House pool portant factor inVillanova's baseball future. Twice will provide music to accompany the bottom of the third on theme of th6 blind umpire oc- this season, victors. The winners far, Anyone want to pick up an Scott's triple of the so he has been clipped with foul tips, but the acts. The fast-catching and shortstop Ron curred on Mendel Fiera last fortunately he other league will be determined has been able to shake it band on the Main Line, the Com- ICG Moderator, Let your easy $10? If so, all he has La Montague's single. They Thursday during an off both tunes. in the future. intramural to do is pick up a paint brush modores, is under the direction added three more in the fourth Softball game. Track Prospects and easel, and design a new On Tuesday, April 12, the In- Track of Gino Gallina. Attend vacation start at to set the stage for Scott's The speeding baserunner prospects are the best in the school's history. The Member for tramural Department cover for the 1955 program blast and the Vermont rally. will again charged down from sq-uad has more depth than it did las« year and Commoders, Smooth and Hot first and slid has a galaxy of Turf and Tinsel Club's spring sponsor a Learn-to-swim-week. soph stars to call tlie station! ' In the loss to the powerful into second base. It was a close upon. There is a lack of balance, though, Their feature—smooth dance Penn Convention show, Jessica James. Last year over one hundred play— because of the unknown ability ^ Ithaca team which was undefeat- players from both sides of many of the field events men. music—mixed with jazz should Rules of the contest, which non-swimmers participated in Still, the chanoss Frank Sabia, Guy Milne and -more fun. more fnends ed last season, Villanova lost a glanced anxiously at the ump of a good season are very high. •^dd to the show. were announced last week by the program and learned the Many of the runners Frank Stagnitto, representing onthetrami two run lead in the seventh in- for his decision. who will perform for Villanova in the Villanova contributions are business managers Dick Cooke fundamentals of swimming. After a dual meets and outdoor relays this the Intercollegiate Conference ; ning when starting pitcher Dan moment's hestitation spring are already familiar Bill Reich, are relatively names to John Giordano, Edward Mur- on Government, accompanied and Severino was blasted for a Swim iMeet Due came the meek reply track fans throughout the nation. Charlie Jenkins Take the train for a fun -filled from the phy, Jack Erdlen and Skip Kill- simple. The Don Bragg, the mile relay Dr. Fred Khouri, ICG modera- triple, double and single in rapid intramural swim meet, freshman official: "I didn't see team (Heitman, Moran, Peterson, and trip back home . . . with your mond. '*tl'%" originally scheduled the Ligorelh) and Ronnie tor, to a two-day convention First, the illustration should .succession all after two were for last play. Guess we'll have to Delaney will be the features of the spring friends along and room to roam. season. «- e» Chairman for the show. Jack sponsored by the Citizenship concern a hillbilly theme. It out:; This tied the score at 3-3 week, was postponed because of call him safe." .. No tough driving to do, and no Monihan, anounced completed Clearing House, at Penn. must be submitted on an S'/l^xll and brought in reliefer Bob Scal- the conflict with water basket- waiting for weather to clear. plans for the Villanova show. Students and faculty repre- inch sheet of paper, and must zi who gave up the winning mar- ball. It will be held sometime after Assisting Jack are Frank Col- sentatives from 35 colleges and Costs less, too . . . you and contain the name of the show gin. Easter. Events include lins, publicity; Jim Greenlee, universities in eastern Pennsyl- two more traveling together can (Jessica James), dates of the Although the New Yorkers the 50 yard freestyle, the 50 posters; Paul Donohue, tickets; vania were invited. each save 25% of regular round- performances (April 27 through scored first Villanova came back yard backstroke, diving, the 100-yard freestyle, and George Sinnott, production. Purpose of the Clearing House trip coach fares on most trips 30), and Turf and Tinsel Club, in the bottom of the second with the 100 yard Villanova University. breaststroke and the The entire show is under the is to acquaint students with of 100 miles or more by using two runs when Jack Helm 200 yard * freestyle. direction of Jim Michener, re- politics as a profession. GROUP ECONOMY FARES.* Tuesday Deadline doubled down the right field line and scored Hot Trotters gional treasurer of the NFCCS. Political Insight Claincd Or, gather 25 or more heading Second, all program cover when the Ithaca Beat Penn ideas must be submitted by not catcher roppod a third strike Villanova's intramural basket- Tickets will go on sale in the Villanova's ICG representa- home at the same time in same later than next Tuesday to the and threw wildly into left field ball champions, the Hot Trot- Pie Shoppe immediately after tives said the convention was a direction andyou each save 28%, around the love life and ethics to ters, Easter lay off. T n' T Office in the basement attempting get Helm at third. defeated the University of They may also "fine insight" into the real even if you return separately. of Jesse's alternately sophisti- of C&F. In the fourth the 'Cats increased Pennsylvania's intramural be purchased from committee character of the visiting politi- cated and hillbilly daughter Jes- *Exrtpt for litral travel belivetn Neir York- their lead to 3-1 on champs, the men or from any member of Judging will be held the fol- sica. a walk, a Newman Club, 27- cians. They also commented WaKhimjhtnand prtintneoKl of lAinfaifteT , Pa. passed ball, and a single. 25 at the Palestra last Wednes- the NFCCS. that the panel d:scussions and lowing week, and the winning Hilarious Show olitical work can students do the bad men of western folklore. and Tinsel's productions for the dit of the Water basketlMill iMtioD In tiM Field Houie pool Emerson while still in college?" Know Your College The plot of the show centers past several years. ^^^^ • • 1 !! April 5, 19S5 '. J April 5, 1955 t H E V I L LAN O V A N Fmgm NHm N. V A «M' ' THE V I L L A O. y \ Page Eight Rower Joe Greipp Honored In Pan-American Olympics By Norm F«Wpush recent P''n-A",«ncan lone representation in the Villanova's the rowing, which is not part of Games was in the sport of a freshman engineer unTersity^ athletic program. Joe Greipp, Club's championship eight-oare^ was a meml^r of Vesper Boat hemisphere. Joe received th" Olympics of the Western Xll in •received the brief two-year career, as he the biggest thrm of his with the National Anthem play- gold mfdal on the victory stand, ing in the background." sculling sport while a Greipp received his initiation in the Philadelphia. Rowing became a senior at St. Joseph's Prep in time in 1954. and Joe an- sport at his alma mater for the first no previou Imowledge^or ex- swered the call for candidates with s perience bow seat as Vesper rallied to School Boy Champs defeat Argentina by six feet. Lack of seasoning proves no Citation handicap, as the Prep captured Official official the Catholic League champion- Vesper received an a as the ship in the first try. Joe was welcome last Thursday, member of the Hawklets victo- Philadelphia City Council pre- was with an rious eight-oared shell, and sented each member resolution elected captain for the season. embossed copy of the luncheon with The summer vacation provid- at City Hall. A tentatively sched- ed the start of Greipp's interna- the mayor is a this week. tional travels, as Joe became uled for member of the Vesper Boat Joe hopes to compete in the the J^ Club. Vesper's eight, with 1956 Olympic Games if Vesper stroking, won famed Jack Kelly can win the national title in senior Canadian National the the summer of '56. championship. Other triumphs Presi- included the Washington W: • MiddTe Ability dent's Cup event, and the Mucchetti Proves from Silvered-Tip '^Steady" States title. Joe rowed .' ' . double. , V ; ^ ; game-winningizame-winning number,^.„ 5e player.^i„.,^„ the number 7 seat in these races. four year veteran of Vil Southeast Catholic A Played At Practic« REFILLS Don "Bugsy" Biggest Thrill Early Morning '.' < lanova baseball, Don gained his initial baseball again resuming his started and finished Practicing provided some an- in Red • Green • Blue Muchetti is Bugsy experience while he played for for the slate for Joe, in pre- base playing post every game in last year's club, xious moments • Blacit third his high school's ball this season. during which time paration for the Pan-American Wildcat nine except two, Southeast Catholic in Philadel- During that Sessions began at 6:30 Don opened his career as Vil- he was injured. He was a starter in both Games. out- phia. followed by a sacker in his time, he performed with and a. m., and were lanova's third his Junior and Senior years, "rode and "was even day's attendance in class. freshman year, when he standing agility, polished performer even in full a these hardships, most of the season, hitting." It was during the Joe survived the bench" scholastic competition. Mexico his big campaign that Don and made the journey to waiting anxiously for gruelling seems to be in But baseball substitute. After rookie, Muchetti got his biggest thrill playing City as a break. As a blood. Don's father also merely his the preliminary rounds a no action at all, but ball for Villanova. player in watching saw was an adept baseball Joe received apprenticeship. Villanova was tied at 3-3 in from the sidelines, served an his younger days, and modest regular at West his opportunity when a sophomore year, the a game against Army his skill to his In his Bugsy attributes sleepless Satur- a curfew, no in- became ill., A Philadelphian finally Point. Due to coaching. talented father's followed, and on Sun- played in could be played after a cer- day night got his big break, and ning Don is just at Off the diamond, 20, Joe was in the twenty-three sched- tain time. With Villanova day, Mar. eight of the accomplished. He was one time running out in the as uled contests that year. bat, and Villanova Sen- Ralph Cecere, who of twenty-seven was a Junior, and ball game, American Col- When he Wildcats ior's named to the ranks, played short for the "old pro" in Villanova Who's Who ratings last an belted a double. Mu- legiate all to him- last year, leading Don had third base fall, and is one of the chetti followed him to the plate, consistent fielding and major field of self. His smashed a long students in his base made him and promptly "ability to get on a Accounting, also. line drive into left center fey the perfect choice for Mahan's ~u- Golf Team is Host Triansular Meet ToHaverford;Open Set for Saturday; !; « 1 * Season Tomorrow Team Visits Navy Tomorrow the Villanova golf completing a highly 3 After team opens their 1955 season indoor season, Vil- • R * successful with a match with Haverford sparkling tracksters lanova's at Aronimink Golf cinder cam- College will open the infant Course. , paign with optimism in a trian- year the Haverford links- against Navy and Last • gular meet Wildcats 5'j- on Sa- men defeated the Georgetown in Annapolis Mer- 31., on their home course, turday. The visitors are led by Both the Middies and the ion. Morrow, a consistent se- possess a collection of Grant Hoyas and one of the performers, and venty shooter, outstanding the Elliot better college players ,1^ will give coach "Jumbo" what country. • a fair chance to determine should be exi)ected of this high- Eight-Member Team ly-regarded squad. Yesterday Publicity Director Jenkins, Bragg Ready Bud Dudley and team captain Charlie Jenkins will be out to Charlie Stone named the eight- the prove to .track enthusiasts that member team. (Note: At cinders eight play- he is as capable on the time of printing the nam- as he was on the boards during ing members had not been from 1-" the indoor campaign. Don ed.) The men were chosen whose Bragg, sophomore pole-vaultcr, twelve eligible golfers who has consistently cleared Trackman Don Brap;g qualifying rounds were lowest. ( this Sydnor were Jack 14'6", will attempt to better Phi i<.eavis. and George These twelve men national varsity Klemanowicz, mark, and increase his will be unavailable for Kelly, Stone, Ben Anton, Bob rating. competition. Fred Morris, Fred John, . ,^Ko- McElhenny, Joe Alex Breckenridge, Flrnt McElhenny. Jim . WeHt Chesti»r Browne will be Red Thornton, Jack pil and George invade Vil- Gallagher. distance events. West Chester will Lou Blanchet, and Bill coiiipeting in the tune-up McGrath, "Tippy lanova on April 16, as a Captain . Jones. before the New York Relays and Peterson, "Red Heit- Haverford match is the Maliff, A) Relays at Franklin The will be the the Penn schedule- that mann, and Jenkins first of a ten game Charlie Stone and Field. La Salle. Georgetown,* A. of the sprint events Includes the Blue-White Day Captain nucleus will precede the GolC Team fresh- and St. Joseph's Old-Timers. the relays. Villanova's York. outing with the Delaney, L C. 4A. finale in New man sensations. Ron . .

?wi^-*-!^ W^Tt *''' >•* Page Ten THE VILLANOVAN April 5, IVbb iiiiU. For Elecfion Notices, Meeting Retreat Ends; Junior Queen Times, News of Acfivifies . . . Hopefuls Strut Campus Organization News Their Here's Where You Should Look Easter Break Stuff . . IRS SANCl'UARY SOCIKTY RIFLE TEAM A.S.C.K. Paff« Fhrm A tiilk l>y Rev. I'Mwin T. A meeting of the Sanctuary First place in the Philadelphia A thesis by three seniors will Begins Tom *w Grimes, (). S. A., stnior class Society was held this past week ROTC Rifle League will probab- represent Villanova's student moderator, highlighted the com- nominees for offices chapter of the American Society to vote on ly be decided April 16 when Vil- Villanova undergraduates, munion breakfast of the Inter- during the coming school year. lanova's NROTC unit competes of Civil Engineers at the annual after three days of spiritual re- Vol. national Relations Society, Sa- Results of the vote were: Presi- against the Penn team and A.S.C.E. student convention at 3k)^No.-19 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY, VILLANOVA, PA. April 20, 1955 freshment, will start a five day turday morning. dent, Bob McDonnell, C&F; shooters from other units Bucknell University, April 25. ROTC Easter break tomorrow after After attending the 9 a. m. Vice-President, Gerald Donnelly, in the Greater Philadelphia Area The paper is "Investigation of the closing Mass of the Univer- Mass at Villanova, the members Engineer; and Secretary, Tony matches. the Strength of Concrete Bond sity's 112th annual Retreat Fr. Burns Named assembled at the Viking Inn for Tomasulo, C&F. Reinforcement," by Steve Mc- Dad*s Guest Villanova and Penn are dead- Day Highlighting the closing Mass breakfast. Sanctuary Society members Glynn, Tom Hess and Charles locked for the top spot. Vil- tomorrow will be the annual Dean of Women Father Grimes, who discussed have been collecting and sorting Gutberlet. the "International Character of lanova's riflemen have dropped general communion of the stu- the IBM cards during this week's President Joe Maggiore of the only two matches in league com- dent body and singing of the Seniors^ is associate pro- Named; the Papacy," an retreat. in Pioneer Move Villanova chapter said a large the Villanova Singers. fessor of history. petition. One of those defeats Mass by turnout is expected from Villa- Rev. Joseph J. Burns, O. S. A., •' Don McGahan was in chargt^ The Singers will chant the CLOTHING DRIVE was by three points, at the nova. He said an announcement associate professor of education, •, Mul, a Dutch ;' .; Mass written by of arrangements. ; annual clothing drive of hands of Pennsylvania Military about signing up for the trip will been :V'* The Response Is Slow has named Villanova's first liturgist. the National Federation of Ca- College. appear on the bulletin board in Dean of Women. FRKNCH CLUB Rev. James B. Gallagher, An address by Maj. Gen. Mil- College Students will con- In his new post, tholic Civil Father Burns Don Meliado, a sophomore the Engineering Office. O. S. A., a member of the Au- ton G. Baker, USA, a close per- tinue until after Easter vaca- SYMPATHY said he will attempt to be the arts student, has been elected gustinian Mission Band, has sonal friend of President Eisen- tion. priest whom the co-eds may turn vice-president of the French The staff of the VILLANO- "If a man is young he is been conducting the exercises. hower and director of Valley Collins said to when they need information ..•--;,-: Chairman Frank VAN expresses its sympathy to will Club. .,/^^' •/.;..•. listened to and tolerated; if a Father Gallagher, a veteran re- Forge Military Academy, collection boxes will be placed or have objects to be approved His name was not ilsted on Robert Fredericks, junior che- treatmaster, has climax the Senior Class' Fath- man has gray hair he is listened conducted in all residence halls and in the by the administration. the slate announced in a pre- mistry major, on the death of priests' retreats. er's Day Saturday. of to and respected; and if a man Father Burns would therefore vious VILLANOVAN. basement C&F. his father. Response by class members Classes will resume at 8:30 be a link between the co-eds Assisting Collins are Bob has gray hair and is a success- was called "atrocious" by one a. m. next Tuesday. and the administration. He v; SPANISH CLUB Schiller, Paul Donohue and Jim "A man must consider what ful business man or scientist, he class spokesman. would also be the means of cut- John Eddinger, a junior Greenlee. a rich realm he abdicates when When ticket sales closed Mon- is listened to , respected, and "Life is a pretty tragedy, es- ting out much of the "buck pass- English major, was elected pre- day, less than 120 tickets—at READ he becomes a conformist." believed ..." pecially for women." ing" which Father Burns said sident of the Spanish Club at a $9 apiece—had been sold. Bob THE VILLANOVAN Emerson —anonymous Emerson the girls formerly faced when meeting last Thursday. Casey, chairman of the celebra- 'Rourlce, soph class president, Jack Decker, Soph-. ••'< there was no dean. •' '. //(' .:^'-¥:,- ;; >tt*»*> Other officers elected were >Jt:'i tion ,had set a goal of 120, which Fresh May Party chairman, and publicity head Tom Smith look Alumni Prefect Joseph Kinney, a freshman arts was less than one-third of the over plans for the affair .to be held for the two underclassman A prefect in Alumni Hall, major, vice-president; Joseph class. groups in the Field House. Father Burns is also moderator Mulhall, a social Science Fresh- Day Opens at 11 of Jthe University marching band man, secretaiy; and Joseph Saturday's activities will get Think It Wisely: and the Concert Band. Over; Choose Giusti an arts sophomore, under way at 11 a. m. with He said he did not know treasurer. Mass in the University Chapel. whether he would have an of- Cervantos Ni);ht Celebrant will be Rev. Edwin T. fice next year, but he said he Class Office Nominations Carlos Conde was named Grimes, O. S. A., Senior Class Fr. Rongione thought he would eventually. chairman of the Cervantes moderator. Father Burns predicted that night, a social and cultural af- Lunch, in the university cafe- Tomorrow Morning, about 130 co-eds will be study- 10:30 fair, will Liason which be held some- teria, will follow. Press ing here next year. In different time next month, culminating Rev. Louis A. Rongione, three locations sentative, and six Student Coun- At 2 p. m. seniors and their During about half of his the years activities of the club. tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. Villan- cil representatives ( three resi- fathers will adjourn to the base- O. S. A., assistant professor of teaching career Father Bums ova students will nominate dents, one from each division; The guest speaker will be the religion, has been appointed to ball field where Villanova taktjs has been instructing nurses, Spanish Consul, Don German de candidates for class elections to three day hops, one from each of Jersey City, coordinate relations between on St. Peter's mostly in Philadelphia Catholic be held May 12. division). eighty- Caso. Attaches from the Con- Villanova and the Catholic press. Four hundred The closing dinner will be Hospitals. sulate and their wives will also No other organizations will eight juniors are eligibleto vote. served in the Field House begin- In making the appointment, A graduate of the Villanova in attendance. Ted Clarkson and Henry be the administration emphasized meet tomorrow at 10:30. ning at 5 p. m. General Ba- Class of '33, Father Bums was Greenhalgh Senor de Caso will award the Line up of meetings: will be in charge of ker's address will close the that Father Rongione will not ordained in Washington, D. C, prizes for the essay and poetry the meeting. . > Class of '56: 201 C & F day's activity replace Eugene Ruane, director in 1936. contest sponsored by the club. . Class of '57: Audito- Sophomores will nominate for In announcing the speaker, of public relations for the Uni- Religion Instructor C & F A diploma and medal, donated rium president, vice-president, secre- Chairman Ed Daly said General versity. For several years afterwards, by Columbia University, and a i Class of '58: 207 C & F tary, treasurer and six Student I Baker is chairman of the United He will work the Catholic the new dean served as discip- Spanish American dictionary, Council representatives (three States National Commission, press and give Ruane the chance linarian of Illinois Catholic high Eleven Junior Positions contributed by the club moder- residents, one from each divi- .1: UNESCO and a special adviser to concentrate on the secular schools at St. Rita's, Chicago Juniors will nominate for ator. Rev. Lorenzo Lozano, — sion and three day hops, one president, vice-president, secre- to Secretary of Defense Charles I press. and St. Thomas, Rockford. O. S. A., will be given the win- from each division). (Continued on Page 5) (Continued on 5) tary, treasurer, alumni repre E. Wilson. I Page ners. Eligible to vote are 693 sopho- • -., ''> mores. LAW SCHOOL Respective Staffs to Be Named Later: In charge of the meeting will D. Barry Gibbons, a second- be George Kuhn, Dick Hepburn year student in the Law School, and Joe Welsh. has been elected secretary of the Freshmen, with 898 eligible to \ American Law School Asso- Fitzpatrick to Handle Yearbook; vote, will nominate for president, ciation »*' for the third judical cir- vice-president, secretary, trea- cuit by degelates from all Law surer and two Student Council Schools within the circuit, which '55 representatives (one resident t Nash is 36 Yillanovan Editor includes the states of Pennsyl- and one day hop, from any of Two English majors, both of handle the yearbook responsibi- similar capacity. as a freshman, and sports co- vania, New Jersey and Dela- the three divisions). whom have been prominent in lities by Rev. Daniel P. Falvey, editor as a sophomore. ware. Takes Final Issue Conducting the meeting will Junior Class activities, were O. S. A., moderator. He suc- iiiv. Nash, moving up from man- Also president of the Univer- A Villanova graduate, Gib- t be Dick Winfield, chairman of named last week to edit the ceeds Frank Gunther. editor, bons al.so is chairman of the aging will have sole re- sity's Junior Class and vice-pre- the Student Council, Dick Peer 1955-'56 BELLE AIR and VIL- Harry C. Nash, 20, of Ports- Board of Honor in the Villanova sponsibility for the final issue sident of Delta Pi Mu fraternity, and Jack Devine. LANOVAN. mouth, Va., was appointed edi- of the has also in Law School. semester. Next year will Nash been active Eligibility for office is defined Richard B. Fitzpatrick, 20, of tor-in-chief of the weekly cam- The election took place during • t be his fourth with the VIL- extra-curricular work He has bn page 55 of the Student Hand- Ossining, N. Y. was named to pus publication by Rev. Louis A. the circuit, at Temple Universi- LANOVAN; he was a reporter three years experience with the book, and students were remind- Rongione, O. S. A., moderator. dcnt Bar Associations within daily newspaper in his home- (Continued on Page 4) He takes over from Edwin Daly. the circuit, at Temple Universi- town. ty. Approximately twelve stu- Work Awaits Both Largest Yearbook dents represented our Law Fitpatrick will assume his new The Belle Air this year under NROTC Aspirants School. responsibilities almost imme- Gunther, an Arts student from The ranks of the Villanova diately. The baseball season, Baltimore, will be the largest in NROTC Unit will be reopened to You'll youropproval portraits of '56 ''I have made a great mistake. SMILE Class of mem- the institution's history, exclud- freshmen. Col. Elliot Wilson, Our purpose was to give free- bers, Junior Week and varsity ing the 1943 Centennial edition. USMC, announced last week. track field dom to a multitude of oppress- of Chesterfield's smoothness— and must be covered Fitzpatrick 's staff of editors will Col. Wilson, executive officer before the end of the semester. ed peoi>le. But our method of mildness-refreshing taste. • be released at a later date fol- of the unit, stated that Captain action created worse evils and A graduate o f Brooklyn lowing screening by the proper Martin J. Drury USN, professor Prep, Fitzpatrick has had no horrible mas.sacies. You know CHESTERFIELD authorities. The same is tme of naval science, will admit a previous experience in that my deadly nighimaie is YouMI SMILE your opprovol producing of the new VILLANOVAN staff. limited number of sophomores yearbooks; to feel that I am losi this cigarette he has consistently next fall into m (Largest selling ^^ * Is The VILLANOVAN has been the NROTC pro- ocean of blood, coming lion: demonstrated interest and com- gram. in America's colleges of Chesterfield's quolity— putting out a new ten-page issue petency in * innumerable victims. It is too various extra-cur- All freshmen, including those weekly since February, and is highest quolity — low nicotine . ricular activities. Jate to turn back now, but in He is chairman rejected last fall, who are in- planning a 16-page Junior Week to save our country, Rus- of the upcoming Junior Week terested in the program, order • \ J are dinner dance and handled last issue, the lanyest and most com- sia, wc should have had ten men Harry Nash Dick Fitzpatrick urged to contact Col. Wilson as year's Sophomore Cotillion in a Jikc Francis of Assisi. With ten IN THE WHOLE Takes Villanovan EdiU Belle Air 4..CIU «vtr dtllvtrili soon as possible. Buch men we would have saved WIDE WORLD- • Kussia." I f his deathbed —Lenin on f bcMTT * Mvnt TflMrro Co