
The 2017 International Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Networks (SpaSWiN)

Effects of Directivity on Wireless Network Complexity

Arta Cika and Justin P. Coon Sunwoo Kim Department of Engineering Science Department of Electronic Engineering University of Oxford Hanyang University Parks Road, Oxford, UK, OX1 3PJ South Korea Email: {arta.cika and justin.coon}@eng.ox.ac.uk Email: [email protected]

Abstract—We study the effect of anisotropic radiation on distance between them (e.g., Erdos-R˝ enyi´ (ER) graphs). Yet, wireless network complexity. To this end, we model a wireless it is increasingly becoming important to recognize the spatial network as a random geometric graph where nodes have random dependences in networks, and wireless systems exhibit perhaps orientations as well as random positions, and communi- cation is affected by Rayleigh fading. Complexity is quantified by the most well understood spatial characteristics of engineered computing the Shannon entropy of the underlying graph model. systems today. About ten years ago, a couple of early studies of We use this formalism to develop analytic scaling results that network organization identified the importance of topological describe how complexity can be controlled by varying key system uncertainty [4], [5], but the frameworks that were employed parameters such as the transmit power and the directivity of in those investigations did not lend themselves to quantitative transmissions in large-scale networks. Our results point to striking contrasts between power scaling and directivity scaling in the large analysis. Very recently, two analytic studies were published that connection range regime. give the first accounts of the scaling properties of topological Index Terms—Graph entropy, random geometric graphs, direc- uncertainty in wireless ad hoc networks [6], [7]. Apart from tivity, network topology. these examples, this topic has been left relatively unexplored. From a practical perspective, the availability of topology I.INTRODUCTION information at each node is critical [8]. This information In an age of shrinking cell sizes, growing connection den- provides a view of connectivity at a fundamental level, but sities, machine-type applications and the Internet of Things, it can also be exploited in practice to choose modulation, network complexity is becoming a topic of increasing interest. coding, and routing protocols [9], [10]. Indeed, in topology- A fundamental understanding of complexity in this context based routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks, nodes can help engineers to predict network performance, network collect topology information to make routing decisions [11]. dynamics and devise management and transmission protocols In this contribution, we extend the work reported in [6], [7] that are scalable to larger systems. Of course, complexity can to systems that employ directive transmissions. Our study is mean many things. In this contribution, we study network motivated by the increasing focus on the use of millimeter wave complexity by focusing on the topology of a wireless net- bands in future wireless systems [12]. We model a wireless work. We begin from the perspective that node positions and network as a random geometric graph (RGG) and quantify prevailing channel conditions are unknown a priori, which the network complexity by studying the Shannon entropy of inherently induces randomness in the network topology. Hence, the underlying graph model. In our network model, nodes our focus in this paper is on characterizing the uncertainty have random antenna orientations as well as random spatial of this topology under certain assumptions on the underlying positions, and communication links are affected by Rayleigh statistical processes that model the node locations and fading fading. We examine the behavior of the RGG entropy as the conditions. This uncertainty inherently relates to the complexity number of nodes n in the network grows large while the of the network. typical connection range and directivity vary monotonically Topological uncertainty has been studied in a number of with n. Our analysis is conducted for two different antenna scientific fields for many years through the mathematical for- radiation patterns: a cardioid and a sectorized pattern. The main malism of graph entropy [1]. Fascinating correspondences have contributions of this paper are the development of four lemmas been drawn between entropy maximising edge distributions and that quantify various scaling conditions that must be met for quantum mechanical systems [2]. Many different notions of the network entropy to tend to a finite, positive limit. These graph entropy have been developed under the collective aim of results help us to understand how system parameters such as better understanding properties of complex networks [3]. Until transmit power and affect complexity in large- recently, however, research has been focused on non-spatial scale networks. networks, that is to say networks in which the likelihood of a The structure of the paper is as follows. In section II, we connection between two nodes existing is not a function of the explain the details of the network, the pairwise connection

978-3-901882-90-6/17 ©2017 IFIP The 2017 International Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks (SpaSWiN)

model, and the antenna gain model considered in this work. Assuming identical lossless antennas, we can employ the Friis We quantify complexity for wireless networks in section III transmission formula to obtain the relation by analyzing the Shannon entropy of RGGs considering two −η different radiation patterns. In sections IV and V, we present SNRi,j ∝ gT (φij)gR(φji)r (2) the aforementioned scaling lemmas. Finally, in section VI, we present our conclusions. where gT and gR model the gains of the transmit and receive Notation: We use E[·] to denote the expectation operator. antennas, respectively, r is the distance between nodes i and Given two nonnegative functions defined on some subset of j, and η is the path loss exponent (typically η ≥ 2). The argu- the real numbers, we say that f(x) = O(g(x)) if and only if ments of the gain functions φij and φji signify the orientations i j there exist constants x1, c1 > 0 such that f(x) ≤ c1g(x) for of nodes and relative to each other. That is to say, these all x > x1. Moreover, we say that f(x) = Ω(g(x)) if and only angles encompass the individual antenna orientations in the if there exist constants x2, c2 > 0 such that f(x) ≥ c2g(x) plane as well as the observation angles between the for all x > x2. The notation f(x) = o(g(x)) implies that and the receiver. For the remainder of the paper, we assume g = g f(x)/g(x) → 0 in the appropriate limit. The Wm(x) function T R, and we enforce the normalization is the lower branch (−1/e ≤ x < 0 and Wm ≤ −1) of the Z 2π solution to x = W exp W . g(φ) dφ = 2π. (3) 0 II.SYSTEMMODEL Based on the Rayleigh fading and Friis transmission models, A. Network Model we see that the pair connection probability for nodes i and j We consider a network of n nodes representing wireless can be succinctly written as devices located randomly in a two-dimensional space K2 (with  η  volume V). Each node is equipped with a −(r/ri) pi,j = exp (4) that is randomly oriented in the interval [0, 2π). The locations g(φij)g(φji) of the nodes, r1, r2,..., rn, are independent and identically distributed in V and are modelled as a binomial point process where ri is the typical isotropic connection range. In the case (BPP). Although some of the results disclosed below can be of anisotropic radiation, the typical connection range r0 can be applied to general inhomogeneous processes, it will be assumed defined as the BPP is homogeneous throughout this paper. 1 η We model a wireless network as an instance of a soft r0 = ri (g(φij)g(φji)) . (5) undirected RGG [13]. The original hard RGG model, also Note that in the limit η → ∞, the connectivity between nodes called the unit disk or hard connection model, captures the is no longer probabilistic and we recover the popular hard distance dependence and randomness in the connectivity of connection model where connections have a fixed range equal the nodes in a spatial network [14]. The soft RGG model is to r . employed here to enable statistical fading effects in the channel 0 to be accounted for. Any two nodes are directly connected if they satisfy a specific pair connection criterion (outlined C. Antenna Gain Functions below). The set of all possible graphs formed from every The gain or directivity of an antenna is the ratio of the combination of pairwise connections is denoted by G, where radiation intensity in a given direction to the average of n(n−1)/2 |G| = 2 . the radiation intensity over all directions [15]. Quite often, B. Point-to-Point Connections directivity and gain are used interchangeably. The difference is that directivity neglects antenna losses. Since these losses in Two nodes, i and j, are directly connected with probability most classes of antennas are usually quite small, the directivity p(ri,j) := pi,j, where ri,j = kri −rjk is the Euclidean distance and antenna gain will be considered approximately equal in between i and j. In our model, nodes have an orientation as this paper. Here, we examine some practical functions for g well as a position and their ability to communicate depends that represent realistic propagation models. on both of these factors. We define the connection probability 1) Cardioid Pattern: The cardioid pattern is a good ap- between transmitting node i and receiving node j as the proximation to the wide-angle unidirectional complement of the outage probability with respect to a mutual exhibited by a patch antenna in a plane [15]. The -cardioid information threshold I. For a single-input single-output (SISO) gain function is defined as transmission in a Rayleigh fading channel, this probability is given by g(φ) = 1 +  cos φ, 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π (6) 2 pi,j = P(log2(1 + SNRi,j|hi,j| ) ≥ I) (1) where  ∈ [0, 1] is a parameter that defines the degree of de- where SNRi,j denotes the average received signal-to-noise ratio formation with respect to the isotropic case ( = 0). Radiation 2 and hi,j is the channel transfer coefficient with E[|h| ] = 1. patterns with different values of  are shown in Fig. 1. The 2017 International Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks (SpaSWiN)

Fig. 2. Polar plot of the sectorized radiation pattern for different values of λ and ρ.

which is defined as the logarithm of the number of typical networks in the ensemble. The entropy of a graph G can be written as X H(G) = E[− log2 P(G)] = − P(G) log2 P(G). (9) G∈G The following upper bound on H(G) was derived in [6]: Fig. 1. Polar plot of the cardioid radiation pattern for different values of . n h(n) := H (p) ≥ H(G) (10) 2 2 2) Sectorized Pattern: Many practical antennas are designed where to exhibit sectorized intensity patterns. For example, antenna arrays consisting of half-wave dipoles separated by half of a H2(p) = −p log2 p − (1 − p) log2(1 − p) (11) wavelength in one direction radiate along a with is the binary entropy function and p is the average pairwise several small side lobes [15]. We can approximate the gain connection probability. In [6], p was obtained by averaging function for a sectorized antenna in a very general manner by the pair connection function over the pair distance distribution. defining Here, we must also average over the transmitter and receiver ( νλ cosρ(λφ), −π ≤ φ ≤ π orientations. This effectively manifests as an independent av- g(φ) = 2λ 2λ (7) eraging over the angles φ and φ : 0, otherwise ij ji ZZZ where λ ≥ 1 defines the directivity of the beam and ρ ∈ (0, 1) p = pi,jfr(r)fij(φij)fji(φji) dr dφij dφji (12) signifies the degree of sectorization. The normalization constant is where fr, fij, and fji are the density functions in the respective √ variables. This simple integral somewhat hides a subtlety that 2 πΓ1 + ρ  2 is worthy of note. Averaging over the distribution fr inherently ν = 1+ρ  . (8) Γ 2 accounts for pairwise rotational symmetry (i.e., orbital symme- try). As a result, the dφ and dφ integrals act to average Sectorized antennas are used extensively to increase the ij ji over the transmitter and receiver orientations separately (i.e., capacity of wireless systems as they are ideal for covering spin averaging). Thus, (12) is a slight abuse of notation given specific areas over a prescribed angle. If ρ → 1, in (7) we the original definitions of the gain function arguments stated in recover the gain function of an end-fire array, a very high di- section II-B, but mathematically it is entirely correct. rectional antenna ideal for point-to-point communications [15]. Expressions for the pair distance density f exist for simple To better understand the roles of parameters {ρ, λ}, in Fig. 2 r bounding geometries and homogeneous node placement. The we have plotted the gain function of a sectorized antenna for interested reader is referred to [20] for further information. different values of these parameters. A large λ produces a For now, we refrain from defining a specific geometry, and in highly directional gain function, and ρ ' 0 yields an isotropic fact most of the ensuing analysis will apply for fairly general sectorized pattern with larger ρ giving a smoother function. geometries. Regarding the orientation distributions, we assume From these observations, we expect that λ will be the main that the relative orientations are uniform in an interval. Hence, parameter affecting topological uncertainty in our network the orientation density functions, which we assume to be equal model. (i.e., fij = fji), are given by

III.NETWORK COMPLEXITY (GRAPH ENTROPY) ( 1 −∆ ∆ ∆ , 2 ≤ φ ≤ 2 Uncertainty is naturally quantified using the notion of en- fij(φ) = (13) 0, otherwise. tropy. To understand the complexity of networks, a different number of entropy measures have been introduced [16]–[19]. For the cardioid pattern, ∆ = 2π. For the sectorized pattern, We quantify the complexity of a wireless network by quanti- ∆ = π/λ. Note that this implies the model considered for the fying the Shannon entropy of the underlying RGG ensemble, sectorized pattern is one where nodes perform The 2017 International Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks (SpaSWiN)

10 10

8 8

6 6 G )[bits] G )[bits]

( 4 ( 4 Entropy bound, η = 2 Entropy bound, η = 2 H Entropy, η = 2 H Entropy, η = 2 Entropy bound, η = 3 Entropy bound, η = 3 2 Entropy, η = 3 2 Entropy, η = 3 Entropy bound, η = 4 Entropy bound, η = 4 Entropy, η = 4 Entropy, η = 4 Entropy bound, η = ∞ Entropy bound, η = ∞ ∞ ∞ 0 Entropy, η = 0 Entropy, η = 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 ri ri

Fig. 3. Entropy of an RGG with n = 5 nodes with isotropic radiation. Solid Fig. 4. Entropy of an RGG with n = 5 nodes and cardioid radiation patterns. lines: upper bound h(n). Dashed lines: numerical simulations for H(G). H(G) is expressed in bits. The directivity parameter is  = 1. Solid lines: upper bound h(n). Dashed lines: numerical simulations for H(G). to a coarse degree when attempting to communicate. That is, 10 nodes vaguely orient their transmissions toward each other, but Entropy bound, η = 2 Entropy, η = 2 the exact orientation is still random. This is a very practical Entropy bound, η = 3 8 Entropy, η = 3 model for, e.g., future millimeter wave networks. Entropy bound, η = 4 Entropy, η = 4 Entropy bound, η = ∞ A. Numerical Results Entropy, η = ∞ 6 The standard case of isotropic radiation was studied in [6]. G )[bits]

In that work, scaling laws were derived that link the typical ( 4 isotropic connection range ri and the number of nodes n to H the entropy bound h(n). The results of [6] are reproduced in 2 Fig. 3 for convenience and to provide a benchmark for the anisotropic analysis detailed below. 0 In Figs. 4 and 5, we begin to explore the effect that 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 anisotropic radiation has on entropy. Here, we plot the RGG ri entropy H(G) and the entropy bound h(n) against the typical Fig. 5. Entropy of an RGG with n = 5 nodes equipped with sectorized isotropic connection range ri for different path loss exponents antennas. H(G) is expressed in bits. The directivity parameter is λ = 5 and η = 2, 3, 4, ∞. We consider a network with n = 5 nodes the degree of sectorization is ρ = 0.5. Solid lines: upper bound h(n). Dashed confined within a unit square in R2. To produce these figures, lines: numerical simulations for H(G). p in (12) is obtained by averaging over all possible orientations as well as the pair distance. These results offer some interesting observations. The first point to note is that the bound is topologies are employed for reliability and coverage purposes. relatively tight, particularly for soft connection functions (finite With node densities set to exceed one connection per square path loss values). Furthermore, we see that the uncertainty in meter in the not-too-distant future, it is easy to imagine the case the network topology decreases as ri → 0 and ri → ∞ . where complexity even on a local scale becomes unmanageable. Finally, the rate of decay of entropy is higher for an antenna In this context, the entropy of the network ensemble would with a more directional beam (Fig. 5), compared to an antenna define the number of bits needed to store the network topology with a more isotropic radiation pattern (Fig. 4). (or a portion thereof) or indeed to convey this information to other nodes in the network. Without mitigating entropy growth B. A Note on Entropy Growth in such evolving networks, huge operational problems would Analytically, we can deduce from (10) that the bound grows soon be encountered. This postulate motivates our investigation like O(n2) if all other system parameters are held constant. This of the scaling behavior of entropy with respect to system agrees with intuition since the addition of a node to the network properties such as the typical connection range and directivity. increases the number of fading links (by one less than the total number of nodes), which will in turn increase the uncertainty IV. SMALL TYPICAL ISOTROPIC CONNECTION RANGE in the network topology. From a fundamental perspective, The typical isotropic connection range ri depends on the unbounded network complexity may be undesirable. To lend signal power, the transmission wavelength and the power of an operational interpretation for wireless networks, consider the long-time average background noise at the receiver. For the unchecked evolution of the Internet of Things, where mesh instance, if we employ a simplified path loss model [21], it is The 2017 International Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks (SpaSWiN)

1/η straightforward to show that ri ∝ PT . Thus, ri is a crucial where engineering parameter that can be used to control network 2 Γ(2/η) S [g] entropy. u = 2/η (19) 2πaη Our goal here is to develop scaling laws that link ri, the directivity parameters {, λ}, and the number of nodes n to can be interpreted as the fractional area of a soft -cardioid. the entropy bound h(n) as ri → 0. In this scenario entropy Note that for any η > 2, S2/η[g] is monotonically decreasing in tends to zero, which in the limit corresponds to the case of a  and thus so is the entropy bound. Hence, for finite n, network completely disconnected network. Hence, it is of fundamental complexity can be controlled somewhat by varying directivity. interest to ascertain the conditions under which such a scenario In the large n limit, we can exploit (18) to develop the would (or would not) occur. following lemma that elucidates the conditions under which To make progress, we must calculate p in (12), which is done the entropy bound tends to a positive limit as ri → 0. by first integrating over the pair distance r and subsequently the Lemma 1: As n → ∞, the entropy of a network of nodes angles φij and φji. As mentioned above, particular bounding with cardioid radiation patterns in K2 can be bounded away regions and BPP intensities give rise to specific expressions for from zero only if fr. However, if K2 is a compact, convex set and the nodes are  1   1  distributed homogeneously in this region, f has the following r2 ln = Ω . (20) r i r n2 simple, general form for small r [6]: i 2πr  lr  The entropy bound will tend to a limit h(n) → bh > 0 as fr(r) ' 1 − (14) n → ∞ if a πa    1 2bh ln 2 where a and l are the area and perimeter length of K2. Note that ri(n) = exp Wm − . (21) for a domain with diameter D, we would perform the average 2 n(n − 1)u over the pair distance variable by integrating over the finite Proof: See [6]. interval [0,D]. However, the exponential decay of pi,j coupled Lemma 1 provides interesting insight into the complexity with the small ri assumption allows us to expand this interval to of networks with nodes that exhibit cardioid-like connection [0, ∞), which leads to a closed form result without significantly ranges spatially. It not only describes the scaling behavior of sacrificing accuracy [6]. Finally, noting that fij = fji = 1/∆, the typical isotropic connection range ri but also that of the we average over the transmitter and receiver orientation angles transmit power. Indeed, to achieve stability in entropy in limit to obtain of large n, the transmit power must scale like 2   η 1 2πr 2 2 2 − 2 p = i Γ S [g] PT ∝ (n ln n) . (22) ∆2 aη η 2/η 3 Also note that the scaling result given above depends upon the 1 2lr  3  2 − i Γ S [g] (15) directivity parameter  through u. ∆2 a2η η 3/η where B. Sectorized Pattern Z 2π For a sectorized radiation pattern, the typical connection y Sy[g] = g(φ) dφ. (16) range r0 is given by 0 ρ ρ Below, we will exploit (15) and (16) to evaluate the entropy r0 =r ˜cos η (λφij) cos η (λφji) (23) bound (10). We will then derive two lemmas that give con- 2 where r˜ = ri(νλ) η = maxφ ,φ {r0}. In this case, we have ditions on ri and the directivity parameters {, λ} that must ij ji be satisfied in order to ensure the graph is not completely √ y y−1 1+ρy  πν λ Γ 2 disconnected. Sy[g] = ρy  . (24) Γ 1 + 2 A. Cardioid Pattern Combining (15) and (24) and considering the case when r˜ ' 0, For a cardioid pattern, g is given by (6). Hence, we have we can write the binary entropy as   y 1 2 u˜r˜2  1  Sy[g] = π (1 − ) 2F1 , −y; 1; − H (p) = 2 ln + 1 − ln(˜u) + O(˜r3 lnr ˜) (25) 2 1 −  2 ln 2 r˜ 1 2  + π (1 + )y F , −y; 1; (17) where 2 1 2 1 +   2   2Γ 1 + ρ Γ 2 where 2F1(a1, a2; b; x) is the Gauss hypergeometric function. 2 η η u˜ = 2 (26) Combining (15) and (17) and considering the case when ri ' 0,  ρ  we can write the binary entropy as aηΓ 1 + η ur2   1   4 4 −2 i 3 such that uν˜ η λ η /4 is the fractional area of a soft sectorized H2(p) = 2 ln + 1 − ln u + O(ri ln ri) (18) ln 2 ri lobe. The 2017 International Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks (SpaSWiN)

Taking a similar approach as above, we wish to explore the This lemma provides a concrete quantitative expression that scaling properties of entropy when n → ∞ and r˜ → 0. In we can study to observe the divergent behavior of entropy in contrast to the case of the cardioid, directivity is not limited the large ri and n limits. The Wm function diverges (in the (theoretically) for the sectorized pattern. Indeed, λ can grow negative direction) as the argument tends to zero from the left. without bound. However, we consider fixed λ < ∞ for this Hence, if the radiation pattern contains a null ( = 1), we analysis. Expanding (25) near r˜ = 0 leads to the following see that ri must be infinite for any finite n. Intuitively, we result. can reconcile this behavior by recognizing that the null in the Lemma 2: As n → ∞, the entropy of a network of nodes beam pattern will always give rise to uncertainty in pairwise with sectorized radiation patterns in K2 can be bounded away interactions, regardless of the transmit power. Practically, this from zero only if means systems that employ such radiation patterns will yield high network complexity for large transmit powers. 1  1  r˜2 ln = Ω . (27) r˜ n2 B. Sectorized Pattern

The entropy bound will tend to a limit h(n) → bh > 0 as We conclude with the large connectivity analysis for sector- n → ∞ if ized patterns. For large ri, the average pair connection function    evaluates to 1 2bh ln 2 r˜(n) = exp Wm − . (28) 1−ρ 2 ! 2 n(n − 1)˜u µηΓ 1 p = 1 − 2 + O . (33) η 2 2 ρ 2 r2η The form of this lemma is similar to previously reported ri πν λ Γ 1 − 2 i results by the authors. Nevertheless, it possesses an important The entropy can be expanded in r to give 2/η i subtlety. Specifically, scaling of the product riλ is required. 1−ρ 2   Hence, for very directive transmissions, the typical isotropic ηµηΓ 2 ln ri 1 −2/η H (p) = + O (34) connection range must satisfy r = o(λ ), or equivalently 2 η ρ 2 η i 2 2 ri −2 ri πν λ Γ 1 − 2 ln 2 PT = o(λ ), which provides some understanding of how directivity and connection range (power) can be traded off to which leads to thefollowing lemma. control network complexity. Lemma 4: As n → ∞, the entropy of a network of nodes with sectorized radiation patterns in K2 is bounded only if V. LARGE TYPICAL ISOTROPIC CONNECTION RANGE η ri 2 We now turn our attention to the case where the typical = Ω(n ). (35) ln ri isotropic connection range is large with respect to the domain The entropy bound will tend to a limit h(n) → bh > 0 as of the bounding region, i.e., ri  D. In this scenario, we can expand the exponential in the integrand of (12) to obtain scaling n → ∞ if results. 2 2 ρ 2 !! 1 2πλ ν Γ 1 − 2 bh ln 2 ri(n) = exp − Wm − . η 1−ρ 2 A. Cardioid Pattern µηΓ 2 n(n − 1) First, let us focus on the cardioid pattern. Performing the (36) required integral (i.e., (12)) yields Lemma 4 provides an analogous result to Lemma 3 for the ! sectorized pattern. Note that the result hold for fixed λ. We can µ 1 p = 1 − η + O (29) easily perform a similar analysis to obtain scaling results in the rη(1 − 2) 2η i ri directivity parameter, as summarized below. m Lemma 5: As n → ∞, the entropy of a network of nodes where µm = E[r ]. Using this result to calculate the binary with sectorized radiation patterns in K2 is bounded only if entropy and extracting the leading term for ri → ∞ leads to   λ = Ω(n). (37) ηµη ln ri 1 H2(p) = η 2 + O η . (30) ri (1 −  ) ln 2 ri The entropy bound will tend to a limit h(n) → bh > 0 as This analysis uncovers the following scaling result. n → ∞ if 1 Lemma 3: As n → ∞, the entropy of a network of nodes λ(n) = c 2 n (38) with cardioid radiation patterns in K2 is bounded only if where rη i = Ω(n2). (31) 1−ρ 2 ηµηΓ ln ri ln ri 2 c = 2 . (39) 2πrην2Γ1 − ρ  b ln 2 The entropy bound will tend to a limit h(n) → bh > 0 as i 2 h n → ∞ if Interestingly, we see from this result that directivity scaling   2  1 2(1 −  )bh ln 2 is only dependent upon the prevailing path loss conditions (i.e., ri(n) = exp − Wm − . (32) the exponent η) through the prefactor c. This is in contrast to the η µηn(n − 1) The 2017 International Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks (SpaSWiN)

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