FHcd His ReiifMUioii with the If tharr are aay Mttia papa dahwi in T*eJL* imm Pnniart ’ "We can't ataap nhwihi in thefatan*i Afl Ohio CloffyoMO Woo Not at Haeretary IMri*. of th* Ht. Joka* Ta* : Jny Writes Tket Na* the water* near Au Train in the ( pfwr Still thO TroHey Liae PTOfCCt IB where caetaaner* foriret to do it eaid . ..TiL. ... ble fkNaiMUUr. i* greatly plaaaad over the' ^ School Boord Fridoy. l*»fini»Hila. which iloMn* to awrc for their the eaahier of a loaal baak to Taa .Nawa five FViiiiaoB Live. Alive AHElipHe oatlook (or busiaea* (or the rtHniag aea* : (ABiiiM in the (utaiv, thenooner tbvjr taka ; the other daij'. “Not bat that we would > aoa. TV wre*tem furaiture jobbera have ' ------I «mt arriilrut iuMmor><. the battM- it will i be ifiad to aeromiaodate in this ragard" gotton together aad amuMCed a eeale of' bans the HI. JohaaflahinitpwrtTatAnauii j coatinaed the oMcial. “but uader a iw* lirkMi which they eay will mean greater; .1. H. FKDE^^ .4 ELElTED'lta nammar itutinc »»** Moudoj. Tba I neat raliag are are iaatrarted aot to do TO .MARRY ELSIE COI PLE atabillty to t V faraitan* trade. If the' BIT^CE.NTS LNOI'RRO.NEY I inembere baTe baan baaiijr eiMia|p<tiiia Friday laet. i attempt the trip with«»ut thecnmfortiible .-oatainnl in ireaaury .N'»* »«.*! . WwKyman. and whom I drain* to imre V acrompll*Vd Hitherto tV jobber* this week, from .la}‘ Wiiriatne. wiieii tie* reMimatioii of Murdn .Mellon* | awturai'ee that “Statiben would art ae John* and .Nortlieni Tnilley I jie*?’ waa ^ j^^e 2t»th. iHim. to _ . wlio i* have alwaya been abb to get hold of I with tV *J3rd I'nited Htutea Itguntry, alil wae banded in for action. | ch*^f. In tbe fiarty which will hare tV(|Utwtioii naked of Secretary liodge of I that there war uu obpwtion to pvn tie* matter. {turning bv tV luinke ihouaanda of tin-1! hnd juat iaaued to him. gooil* ut pedoced price* hecauae of their i are all well. lUrrcter ...... ,**,. ’T* ^ fh** prettleet c«>mbinatiooe of adiertiree Ithaalieen note-ed all «i>ong tbat tV hy drawere in ig* j ...... l««rr» •! | have erer fiecn pnrileMevI to Hod line to...... In* onalnicted liortli (g l.aiiaing | noranceof tV law. Tbe law tedng now “I think it would" retdied il... .-L-rL )'»•»*•*“« buaioea*. nnd then retail t V j You will notice that I luii now lfM*at«)d I lomk It would, refuted tlie 'brk. .^uibliahmeot*. TV ua* at Cebu, ill tV Philippin)* Ulan)l*. hav­ Thvwe aentlemeii now, f t V law Mieiation recently formed dfHarfMagnioat .Indire C M. Merrill and Mr Feilewa. Hexter Mcemed to lie pmjected in iinieon ing left kliinila tV ‘Jilth of Fetiniary. later e«litinua. TV accuracy ol tV , need «g each fiermiaeiou.’ " I for you." Hef««rr V liud )*om|4eteriaed than t V pro ^ notUM tiuit, alth)iugh tV letter you rs* and tVn* in no doubt that it w»P* a wine i _ ------.Iohn* lie xvell. TV ofttocr mentioned LEFT FdRJTIE WEST handle I )«ived from me was ilated Feliruury *ifi, sjiectlre gneini. who liad all his arrange- > gnnds at retail." I did not say anything aleiiit onrgxe choH** Mr. Fedewa ha* tw(i chihlreti in I Maid in a rwent interview ; MAMttMI. HKLI.KH AMII rAMILV orv I “TV *itiiatlon i* jiiat like thi*. Tliere metite )-omplete* Mis* .Ynna Hentsiin. )ine i* pnjgreeaive luid ijiiick to adopt ni(Mi* IIKMTLJUIAK IMJITMMO. I pnee of copfier. himI Mai*oikd. t V wonder* Hamael Heller and family l«gt .Satur­ ! MAM WHO roHMBHLl KHMIIHI) IM v.xnia" on tV Uflth of Felimary. luid ar* day for tb)* WNit. TVy to^ t V after* )i( tV most i*haniiiag maiden* of tliat fixed hetv tV first of March. ilVmliark* em methiHl* when desirable. He ia an .. I ml pmgn'W) thnt ia Iteiiig made in tV village, was making tV final arrange- CLIMTOM rOKMTT. excellent addition to tie* le»ard wliirli. by .\ mieerable little )i)>g la ree|Haiigble (or ' )*ompreeeeil air a* a motive(etwer. BtMia train and croaaed tV lak)*. Mr. ing tV third. meiil* to lieronie Mrs. Hendetjein. T\’______e hare__ had __oo tmulV Vn* ^as yet. laiiijunM), wnicn .iccurwi to ueiirv , IHt hadi. t I-mii h.r tie gr.Mt mlvaiev Heller intend* rjmnuning in Chicago for a lie* way. i* now c«im|Hined of two repule aenoua iiijunee. which occared to Henrv TV Michigan statute expressly (iirbi)l* : .Y fome*r resident ol livid is alter big 1 any. as tv'7»viple I'lere liran*. M«**en* Merrill and Fltrgemld: \V. Itliaa,iiw. of Hi--..Hilev., Snturdav------— aftem(M»u— - j' •••, *V price of material cure, would have {abort tune and will then go illrert to what hail^^imntemplated. in '•‘‘‘tion ,,,^,5^ as tV following Hav Citv sjiecial ?V Vlte;*'educate.! and of a two dein("*rat*, .Mc**r*. I'attemoii aiel Inat. TVTiL#> oldm gentlenieiii hM.lbud !•«*«•lieen liutd.load* ; ••ecu running today. I Colorado Hphuga '»hei^ V will retnain •f iM’t HiYId which retMl* Fedewa. and one independent. .1. S. ti*- ing eome hutidlee into hie buggx' iu tront i “Hut thi*i*ompthi* l■ompmnae«| air ie tie* l■ollilllg I for a month or two. He iioe leeui ail* . , ! milder disfeNtithin than thoee at Manila, viaad by bia phyaiciaii thnt it would tw “Ylamage* may V snlemnixe)! by any willsn.iw: TV giinleMit “ll.»ston" has been l.ring gieel .Mr. I l*g(M mI nut * V i* allied witli ofPortiitA Valentiie’e More on YValker “t'dive jeiwer.' went .m tV offWvr. justh'e )>( tV iwme in tV )‘ounty in no jMirty. and voiee jiiai ae V think* atreet. anil a* Ie* wa* iilmut toatart, hie { """‘Itie* Wiwtinghiaiae |Me>|V alid liettar to gradually acruatom himaelf to “Ykells .Yldnch, of this citv. is trving to j *** luxrleir until Pwlay. wlien sUe the climate, rather than godirect to Cali­ whk’h V was ■■h.ioeu, and tVy may V j leave* for .New York, as tV "Charles- leett on all ellbject* without tie* *ligllle*l hone* wae frightened by tV barking uee iieopie an* hanging - authonseil b\ thi* act to *))|emniie|' j ,.on. bat. as it ha.1 mit lieen emtialmwl, hap|'en*laiice, but eiupbaeiee* tie* Ji**er- otlb*)- wVre hi* wound* wen* )lrwwwiM| and l>a)*k Itn aiiee tliey i|)i not (eel likeitiaking friend* here wMi him a |>ermaiient iv- an invfMtnieiit )tf M] ..'{imi.ihni m fH)v )>f ^ )*OT)^ fr*»m hi* )litflculty. marriag)*. shall kee|i projier leconls and j .Ylr. .Vldri< h l.trmerly liv.*d at dvid. j it faile.1 to keefi. ami tVrefore was .Ve tion that tlie men an* not choM> ‘n le*ciui*e he wae taken to the hone* of hi* • eice, imike retiini* >*s rmillired bv section tw.i, 1 . 1^ . ' tnived bv order ))f the i^uiilemtiintf of tVir jMiliticai alliaie'ce. Mr*. K. 11. .Sh)*rmau. .\ large gaah had theaiiraieviiuDle in t lieii*e)if i*) nnpn*)«*)«)| | )*hapter sixteen of I'v.iimpiVIlaws “••«detnning The ineiiilier** of tie* iMHinI *j**nt Fri* le**ii cat III hi* foivheail. w- in lH»tli New day in heiking over tie* biiihiing** and Y')>rk ami t'Jiirago bv tin* rnetlDei. tg RICYCI.E WAS WRECKED eighteen hnndrisi ami seventy-)iiH* ” ; was ijuite a iletectix'e in his way, and; YVe an* a iMiut t.i take a practice mareh hnikeii. hi* nght leg wa* tmdi.v *tmined I.-.. ..I m-l *..»•. !-I llll-n .nil*, or on.t I ...r hax'e aleait ile«*ided to a water and one ttiiger wa* almoat cruahed. The )*)mne* in making *iirh an invtMtment of: viibv (*loaet III tie*eH*t aide •M-b«e*l If «ali*ia«. : )‘)xni|mny is scliediile«l to go .Ylonday. It injurte* were eenou* for a man of Mr. immey tliey xx-ant t)» *e»* tficir way )*lear | HIT THK KIHKK MSCAl'KIt WITMIHT “If any jierson shall iimlcrtake to join He is n brotVr of Frank .\idnch, who j will V soniew'hat of a iliversion. os we tory armiigeiiicnt* can I** made. Tie* Rliaa' age, but be i* on th)* niad to re- in getting )iut of it whole, whi)*ii tliey otVr* III iiiurnagv. knowing that he is ch»^t *y*tein at tie* I'nioii biiildiiiu ha* I'ouhin't ii)i if the cx|**) t)*)l hap|M*ii* ami A )M’KATt’M. = rN**.les iHwr Shepardsvilk*. and has 'iP hJI iV tfme. Isdng )*)ivery. Ill* leg give* him a great )ieal nut lawfully aiithonzc)l so to )1o. or ' ; allowe.1 a jiHsM )inly once H w'eek. pniVfd very deeinible and i* of «*oura»* )ii iMiin, hut it ie D)>t th)iught that it i* i-))iii|>nMne)| air i* inad«* tie* )-)iiiiing tiio-> con*iden HK HKAI.TH CKHMs IT think of an .Ymeni-an working from mud - OKV Arai'lC*liireL.V. or by Isith *ach Hm* ami impri*)iniiicnt. rise until sunset for forty cent*. Mexmon tie* |Mt*t tour y(*an« .Mi** Mead, win* i* *)imethiiig w’)irth waiting for. I Think Ij it wen* giNNl otiiy for tin scrap heap I in the )iis)*rriioii of tV)*ourt.“ AT ONVK an cX(*«*llciit iii*tnn tor. will have the pri­ immey, which, in .Yiiicrican money, is tie* time 1* mit far •li*tant wlieii i-om- | ■•YY'ell, 1 am v)*ry glml I )*n)|uire)l. “ -»ai)l mary dcjuirtment iit tin* l’•*r^n ««*lnMil Then* wi*re forty-*ix Mudeni* imodleil I Tuesday moroiug after it had been jilayed I **)|uul to only twenty I'ents? on the neiler ig tie* St. John* eumiaer pre** e)l air will I** tie* hioling imitir)*i Mr. Heii.iets)iii. as th)* t'ierk tini*lie«t reail* .Yt the ns*ent m)***tiDg ol the state; TV iiativee do it.' Tie* other teinTe-r u ith n*iioin a c(m- |Miw)*r in thi* )*)iuntr>-. Hut in any event och)Mil. the ion* iwrt of the 'x-eek. The I ball srith umler tV feet of .Ylviii YY'ine^ ing the jMmsagi** )|Uiite<|. “Hut, •!)> y)»u iMMtnl of lH*Hlth tV secretary called at-j (in tV otlier haml. wliat would vou tn**'t liH* l***n (*|o*»*d 1* \li* “ Man»*i ih*ott . nrlueil I* le*iiig <*onilucted bv Prof. le*iiiuel tie* niH)l w'ill I** built, y)iii )'an )|e|ien)l kmi'v," Viuldeii, “I am ** wen* orguoiteil and piiu'eil in der the Imgg.v. Hut ClareiKs* was not marrDwl bv minister* 'vh)i live out of I ami at tV )*ml of June teaching at itnind le**ndciit «*( that city *av* SH(M'IJ) BK BANISHED. ' i)s*(ing ImmI nor any oih * who witnesse.] have the wiirk in charge feel highly gmi* TVre is mit tV slightest liouht hut i*.MtnHes. The ilauger from the sprea.! ‘*Mi** Marie t ik-ott wtn* taught tie* in* TV native not only livw) on six cents, iheil at the attenilaie*)* ami atth)‘iuter- that this MHim* mistak)* is ma.le in niotiy of this diseosi* seem* to Is* great, and tV terni**diat»-•|e|mrtiin*nt of tie* *oUth *id»* tHTIZKM THIMKs rKSKVCCKS s|f.ll'L.ll the occblent. os it lookisl fur n moim*at blit also keefs) his family on it. It is )**t )lie|itnye)i in tie w)irk in huml. Mr. instam-e*. ami that but x')*ry few |s*i|ile IsMirif lidieved thnt every )>ffort shouhl *ch«M*l* ln*t ycor, Hiid af the Mnir . , ' wa* n)liiig )iowii CUoton .Yxenue and .Mr HemleiMin i-oiM ’lmtMithat V'voiilil : tfiMluced into Michigan. Th)* •Ihwose in i fish, etc., jireferring to eat t Via so, rath •)f*h)eil* ami flni«h)*e next year the literarv “I wish an )irdinHnce might t** jiassed ' 1*011 itill.X'a< ••e|*t**«l it. She li»* l»*,*n t*flen*d a tiy th)* )'.iuncil pr.»hibitiug tV running at when near tie* I'omer t>f YY alker sin**!, ee« are tV ohl of some dinton lity i otVr hsmlitiwi is i*om|wiratiTely mild, | er than iiMik them, a* wimmI is very'lear, )-)iiireeiit theCiiiveraityot Me-hignii. Mr. I'lergy'iiinn to te* tV knot, ami let his but u mild las)* of sniail*|M>x p) liable at ! and tVy ar>* naturally )>f a mtVr laxy |M>*ition in tie* St .Iohn* •M-fne*!* »it laiv* of thno* |M««ky dug* whi«*h niii )mt i YVinegiir, who wo* )lnviag a t*«*tt«*r •*iliirv with o|ii*»rtunit,\ for af Yl. man, ami i* *am 1 frieml, till* I ihio pDtwher. wltnes* the any lime to lauw seven* iasM>. Then, j dis|M»sitiiiii t)i Ie* H very pr)iH)*ient iwholar. He i* an ami Iwrk at |Ni))siug team*, sai.l an in* | i-ereiiionv ami *ee the wav It 'vae |s*r* ; again, the diseaa>* is more prevalent nml vaie*-in**nt .Mi** •ihutt i* an e\f»*llent dignant ) iti«en while )li*)*us*iiig th)* aci*i. j Imrse attache.! f)i a siiigU* tuiggy, ami I jiresuni)* .diu hetir tiion* atsuit tV I )*ariie*t w)>rker. ami )*m*rgetic *o that f)iniic)i “up in Ylichigan “ lb* wa* )if | th) morality 1* much gn^iter iu the tevn her itcl n giM*! iii< iplinariiin. .iinl nghting that t* g)iing on nrT)iin)i .Ylanila t)igcth)*r with Mr HuHineik tie* reeult )lent w-hich IsHcll old genlletiiaii Him* lost ; to ri)l.* in fnmt ).f t V rig ami the )>piiiion that it wa* t hi lat<* t)i get : winter. TV iMNinl lieiievxd that the |uit r)>li> Hid |•u|•il* *iiic» nl\ n*gn*t that than I )l)i. a* 've get mail Vre)inly )in.v* i of ttie work )iuglil t)i prov)* *atiafnct)ir.v. .' he th)>ught h>* )ia)l ' ntizcos )»f Michigan Mhould take this )**- a week •Ie- !• Ie it to n-tiiain hen- ImmIv who ilnvts) I* sabiectml to th)* aii* I turn )iii YY’alkerstreet. Hemii))*alcuUil)sl It I* >*x|N ‘<*te)l that )|Uit)* a uiitiilier ot l)ii to ts* rni'<'inat)*)t an.1 thus rank)* This town ha* a isipulation of alMiut i«)*h<>lar* will •■liter tie* la*i)*r part )•! thie miyiim*)', ami in many )*a**-* to th)* |mi*i- . the iliniam-e ami the fair*** was )m him in The c)irabinati)in )if tiaiiie* in the appli* | tle-meelv)** pneif jigaiiist )Nmtractiiig d.’i.iNNi, ami I* theipH**rH*t )iiie iiiiagina* 'V)vk, ami em- jwirt of le-xt week. Thi* tive dang)'r arising fnim th)>ir h)ir*)S) lie- )ati)in f)ir tiiarnag)*'V)*n* a *tmly. The! the iliMeas**. .Succtwsiul vncrinali)in i- r(»\lK I'NTIKI) ! an instant Mr YY'inegar t)Mik in the bb*. I•elllg ilMiiit nim* mile* long by half a i« III)- iimih I exieTieii)-** With *ummer ing tnght)*ii)sl 'YY’hy' I think every gnMiin'o naiie* w a* Hen)i>‘t*)in. tls'briiic • (III alsMilutc |•n*r*nlloll. ami nil th)iiM* mile 'vhte. str-t) hiiig aUiiig tli)*) ‘nast. )|)ig in i)iwii liH)! Iietter Is* killed than t)i Nrh)»>l*. tint )if tie- numher •■iimlied uj) MtuntDiii at a giam*)' ami reim*)! the HeaiH)iii. ami tie* bri)|)* ‘* fath)*r Heiid)*i idi I having ls«en *iic.*»^(ully vn)-»mate)t YY'e Iiid I a verv ■•eveTv Mt)irtn la*t .'*• 11- Xl.l''ltl':i» IMIVKN \VX>TKI)TO HKerill-: hare )me human lieing hurt a* lia)ilv a* 1)1 ye*icr)ia\ bat *ix w) n* getitleiiiHii. Heni*)iii. within the jMMt tire vtar* sh)>iii)i ts* rn.** I aniay. a "•■ek ;igo It )*nim* uji aUiut THK K.NOT W)ll l.ll NOT Mr. HI I** “ c)iiitinmsl th)* pniv)ikei| cit­ i h)ir*)* l)i )im* st)l* ’ ns pmmptiy a* h** I )*iiiHl>*d a* ***111 a* jfmcticabl)* with n*-I four .> cb* k .imllast)<)|iintilthef)ilUixv* izen YY'h**n a n*|airt)*r *ugg)s*l)d that i)-)ial)l It was that alom* which *av)*«| liabb* vini* YY’ith relinbb* vini* then* i* j uik Tue*day imirning. TV ••H))st)in’’ there sen* maii.v •big- that w)*n*allright, FiM'B D.WSoFFKEEDn.M <'«t«iii)> <'l*rh'» oiWt • T)im«*«l Itilo ail In*- .tl.VKK TIlK.M WeiUK. lirHcti.'txlly ID) )iaiig)*r fniui VHcriiiatDHi. bi*t tW)i anch)in‘)luring tV *huttie, but the )-itiz)*ti re|)lie)i that Id * wo * mit (*)im. Ylr. I isg)MMl. nir the iionw* w’)aihi t*r« I TV Iemni Hiilhonxeil t V |iubticati)in )il I by a )lay * hnni w)irk. «U)')*»*eil)*)l in lind* XX>*«l)llni; I'aritar. THAT XV 4* .41.1. .tK4IHHK KNJOVKIl KI.INTON .XXKNKK HKHI'IIANTON TMK piiiiniiig ol lie- )log* which "Iwfiare.l'' tainiy hare tram|il**l on him ha)| it g)im- a tea.*h)*r* ‘ Manitary bulletin )iii the n*-1 tf|,.||| by dragging Irali-olai XOrriMMiii TM.% Ml* «il’KNTIOM. ' fh»*m*»Hve*. fail at th#* misty little •*ur* KANT XVKKK *fri<*(i)iii ami prevefifi))n )if xinall-ieix, | I am g)itng to sen)| Dia a Fiiipimi which Usually iId I all the Imrking at a i)Hit fartlier. .Y* it 'x»i* the hs'vcle sa* vacriiialion and re-rncctmition. siiirt, tiia.b’ by a iiativt* tailor from Iih * fill “I w i*h ''• might havi jiiet *uch an )ir amt |**).ple t),). nir that i i„ j,.* f.*.t and th.* frig hi )*...*) I *V)T, an)i mi lartle*r liniii •.ist* on puiimhiiig PMi iniicti jNsir whmkey mu«t«*i, and Idijs * to obtain iVm •Mmn. ami I'll tell >011 right nos I am gmag to tfiat fie has mtt fss*n g)*ttiiig a x'ery big •rrrilK.MTN SHHXV MCCM IVTKIIKn T IN |>ovi*ii ;iml Miir.v Kl)lriilg»- oinbvi*. Hro**- i>*rn*d t)i hr MMi*f I hat at Flint tie* )*)>iii* TVn* an* alsmt ninety men in the•‘om* *)•)■ that It i* )‘iil))ri')*)l or kiios the rf*«»«)iii age resuHeil. I'le* whe**| look)*)! bk** an imiiHirlion of tie* "fi***" Icalun* lali-iy. THK XVHHK pany , ami sixty an* going out. lolioW)*)! lie* r**«|ii**«i. mill *Iimh| iM-iMr)' I tmtn <*))un)*it pa**)*! a re*)iluli)tn that shy tl. no. it woiilifn't iiiaki'aiiy liiffer* the liiegi*!rat)* w tub* In* *|*»k)* ifi«- w •iril* aft)-r.lul.' 1o all traiiii*) f)Miml inth)*) ‘>tr umbn-lbi after a l•yrlom•. but xvii* ' Sntunlay In *i tburg'* wn* iitierateil fnim YY'e an* all timl of tV way xve an* !»». l•nl'•* with )tog* balking ami frightiuiing , til* Hunii Imsfib*. nml •■.mbln't stonil tbe The .'^iiiiimer l.nuguuge .Vhiiol •'on* ing tnaieil, no raltiiiis. ami nothing is*. whe-h innib- them man ami win liniii* will Ie- arn**ttvi ami )*om|**iled to gniht-n'.l t<»g»*tVr ami carrie*! to n n* ie««m*. but it might mato- sonw )iifT>*r* ■ pn»s|**rity of fn-)s|)im, amt by Frulay diH'teii tiv Tle*o)|)»n* II, T)iwnseii)l nl the itig liom* for our I'oinfort. My Iml i-on- Tfe* )■er)•nl)^n,' «i»)")l t»,' ttie iirti'*»*r wn* *»)»rk n|Min tie* »ln-)*t*. The acti)»n )g I ••ni*)* with children or otlier* lieing bit* lie- i-oiin*'il wn* Mia)i)* t)i a|>|M*a«)* Ihej jmir -ton*. Fortunnti'ly Mr (ingiMMl wa* III Mie'h Inu I ehafs* that Mnrwtial • '••ntmi scho)il buibliiig. ))|s*ne.l this week sist* of a blank«*t spremt on tV ttisir, btief ami •'oiitaiiied no M*-n>itn)*niHl aliii ten," l•)llltinm*l tV irate f*fTiren, os V with g)MNl att)*mlnn)'e. Ylr. Townsemi INiiitilai )*bim)ir that has arisen against 1 __ • . i. ...1 ... ,1 _ .il i ... .. Kis*ney lock)*)l him uji. lb* had just shoe* ami baversack ls*ing iiseil for a pil* *ioti*. but ill tlic *traighlfim'i> that horribl)* iiiunler in that tiiiislml n thirty iltiy sentetwe, nml the IS highly pleas**.! with the iiiien**t )lis- bixv amt xx lien vou consblcr tliat that guag)- ol thi* law amved at oie*eat tin- ill hi* system, idayni by the young jssipb* in the** jMiint ami ttm*be)l without aio rtiiW)*rw )ily on .laly :i “I t.*ll yonthi-da** of , iH.ifilV CTllll pniiiifitly tiHik Hm* blaim* (or tie* inintiap ta*t)*ol jail lib* wa* *iill Is all I liavt* ha.l sim** the fifth of Ylay a human T<*rmiti ought to I** iiiaib* to work iill.Mli''l I Nl'tl .. ... I but It mode no iliffereiirr when h) tinuM'lM** )•( studies. He has * s|ilen)ii.l ' y-ear ag)i. you cannot womler that I (Un Mr Hovihi wh* i*vii|enll.' liMtlkiiig for ami mhmI It wo* not in anv way Mr. YY m* wlietiever It I* jNisellile. They Will neref given n chama* t.i gaze ou t V fluid while '•ourw* of stmfy mapjied out. Hud is in getting fin’d of it. •Htm.-iliing more lb-hail liivn mameil jMsiitioii til rrniler great mil to hisjiupiis. rolniiiarily )lo om* tap. ami it is a i*rinH' AI.IHIITKIi .4T AN OMKX KAKMKK'N i egnr'* fault. it wrte f-nnlinal. It t.Mik stinn* tim.* for Now by onr not n**enltsting. we are iM-inri- ami noiloubt on tie* (irevioii* >**• Inii Ii (nr reviexx nml a.lvanc)*i| xx-ork. .Y I'aetoii it reiniioal a greal)*r lengtfi of t to allow nlM*li iilletl)***.'' the iHlow to sillier oW aiiAtciently fur tin* kmM*kt*il out of our imnsportation, and MHMK .INK HAV I.AWT WKKK. Keealen ('Kewge*. D'hiMil of this kind xvns an imtin* iniiovn. tune to real! th«* line* in any e)r*nt be ii(fl)*er til take him liefon* n mngistrnte. I xvill Is* sent home Ananriallx emlmr* Fnilny Vnnjieared lieton* Just ire I.yon. tiiMi liere, ami Mr. Tnxensenii ilid not ifnln t *e>*m i|iiite «atiatt>a|, ami. a* tie* l.'rastii* ll. Tn|»p, of •'ft. .Iohn*. hae ' nxseed. miles* tin* l/cgislatnn* jiasee* .NOT St I D.V MI tine •lay Inst week tV Indies nt th^* ha.l n re.iseu)* ol |ieti*i)»n. and now .Imxx-s iiml pieoilnl guilty to lieiiig drunk, ami kmiw. ol fii )*omiiute«| )»n a basis of fill jier to which iiistitiitiim V was taken by a srhiMil. Htnilentswho xvisli, may eater I ilon ’t know- what I shall i|n whm I **YV»-||, all right ” «aHl tlie gtiean. exi ' attracted by th* bird nml im gmiig oat tti)» class.*) Inter. i|)*ntly *omewhai rriierwi, "I ilon't SMiit mtinlh. itenjamin F. .it Nt. .siieriff Ibinn tV same aftem.Min. lb* return, but sfiall l.wik amuml Arst hdote — of ibeim )lierovt*ml that it woe taim* , . 1 1 willbegieen amfile opfsirtunity .lunng doing anything, a* I think I am entitled fV knot to i*oiii)* tinteal. and I xxaiileil Mayor Tmvis. -de nml 'laughter, j ..^j, iNxtrh it nml fm*! It | aw ..T* .eltiTth|sms«.Hi incri’oeeil fnmi Thieh. They ere Stew to le* Kiire that yiiii hnd *af)l tV whiV Marguente. retiirnml Tiimday evening 1 bands. It pmeed t.i V a i ♦!-*!; .loehua .Yl. Hnvi- tV next txr.) months to ctimjiletHy siilirr to a rest soii, ))f Hannister. gets an im-nau** (mm up. Felbiws attempting to emulate “Jnck thiug.” tnmi a two Wf**ks slax on the Mayor s | biimiiig |Ngeoii. ami hae n silver tV Hugger" nn* hnving a giaid time in At thi* every leeh *mileii, iiH*iudiiig himi n)*Hr I'mkitey. Mr. Tmvw says that $1*Jtof14 jier m.inth. I'msfier f'rary. bami nmuml om* bm. iiotnliiMs wml imte. Vtalla Mia HM Hetwe. TV latest sxnmiliag schem)- to eewa- .Yndemm’s runghfiorh.wNl .Yt tV annual meeting of theCtint.m heard of tV coses in tlwoomi sV re- rate tv uneoepertlng far ms 1 from mw rvarnlation biral fnmi until V i*oiibi Itml TV Mayor says he .wijoynl hie tnp loi* Her. W. F. .Yllea. jiaetor of t V Hap fist t'onaty Iboaeer Hnciety held at th* court tnnrked that sh* thooght Ht. Johns boys : ^ood hard rtollarN ie hmalded fmm .Ht. tnensly. He i* tanned ne bmwn oe n TIm INimwmr lM*en«erv. church of thie city. 1^ Tuesday for mm th­ s.>insthing artmiic which would suit him. were “gwfnlty slow.______Joseph county, haxrtng been snceesslally Tlie Justin* pntmiee.1 to fill it out (or him j tievry. and when seen bv a N»;ws re|N>rter em lllinuts where V will rioit his|mrents bouse in .Ht. Johns, oaHatarday Jane 10 TV works of t V Ht. .Iohn* Tnlde Com­ it was )tende.| to hold tV aanaal locaic worked 00 a farmer naoied Wagner. A wVnexer V wniited it ibine, luid V ap 1 he wn* sh«*ii)*nng n heantifnl two weeks (or n coufiie ot wmdie While oliwent be Marrmae litrempa pany cl)we.l flown Haturday loot tor at Roam! i^kke thk. summer, although few nights ago a sxvelbdrsnsed man ot ’*"*'* ‘*^' . gniwth of tmani This wo. nom .men* | TVy will Ail the jmlfiit of tV Taylor Hafitiet TV folbiwing niamairr Ikaa YTlien Thn N»: ws reporter Mt, the brnb* Weed on his ndnm, howexrer, charah at Hi. iNMite. Mieeoan. having ac* mi dale wae settled on at that time. It iHerical appearam*** called at Wogaer's trill probably remain shut ilown for two heiag Mt to tV nthcers, and thev have bem granted dating tV iswit hoaee, linking for lodging for tV night, wo* imtteiitly waiting for her new sfsiiise Weeks. TV hnisVr* are at work ami rwfitml an inettatHm to do so. He will C.iunly Clerk Wm. M. Hmitn who hml gone to hnnt (or the d^rvd ashetwd Tharsday, .Yogust 'it. WhUe and. creating a fav.irabteim prsswim, was will iirobabfy remain so dnnag tV return in time Ui iwimpy hie own paipit INKS. Nsnm. certiHcnte, CDMINi; EVENTS. on .Yugoet tl. There will Is* mi f4urrh there woe a warm (catest over tV se- 'gr. girm permkaiun. Jast hrfoa* tV (amilr imrtod, os their work wae somewhat be- leetioa of t V plate (or holdlag tV |i*cak*. Jnly 17 —Albert M. It»sa».iis. retired a wnoM-be gmom and briV at tv Haptiat rhnrrh dnrtiur tV HsiHe Creek .._...... aa liiml. The new fferngn* lor this year are whm fV iVdsioB wae Aaally made stopped aad iaqnirsd tV way to tV M»e Ne>er>a Mail TNe Hewael ..sloe sM MM*lety will tweet lieiag tnann(actore«l and there an* many * podtor s bat tV Handar srh.eil .4nne Henteon. RbOe...... 'Jg Mr* Y.idie iandlay. who wo* arrssted I wits Hev.ssd Mr* Trt|>f)> J"iT ^ All are I*. U. will hold their noniinr everyowe joias«l in eaytaa that tVy Jsly in—IM«te h I'mwarr. Nt. Jnbns__ ga nearest minister, ae they said they winhsd iMVlIvti IwmutH*) in tV lot. Th** oatlook ie 1 aad II. t. wmaid V prsanat itad do all t Vy could Hnrvlef I. Mater. f>Nve...... 2a to get laarrisd. TV ‘Viergymaa" rob lost week charged with steaiiag n gofit bright for good hustasns fhie year and meetings ne amuU. watch from I’hn*. .Smiley, secured fmil Wervlre* si HreewNweli M K rnwreh Nw*. to brtag in their ptoaoer neighbors. Jeiy in—Air»e)i II Hnyew. HNve...... 12 oatssred hm ssrrtres. aad a marriag .ar* , )te.T SI s. « Hwhfeet, "Nweetlty nt there ie exrer.T reaeiin to fesf swcouragiNt Thie gath«*ntig should he owe ol the Mary K. lUfittoae. (Hive. .. ,..ia tlAnatc waa made oat with Mr. Wogaer this 'V)*>k and wae released fnmi the I tttr H sMmiIi “ at t V coadttkwi of this Mg indaetrr. AOeeetima l««tee*. coanty jail. Jaatm Marray. of (Irathit The anh saewal galberUNi nt the tirsmi pteanaut exrcate nt tV year lor tV old aea xsritiiess. This xrsnh a pmmiaovx , I.e4ae N|antii)UlBt ( emi) AseerlsHos tag tss > Mrs. .Yhce Hath .Yllaa, Mr. .Y. F. Hama, 1 wHtlevw and tV •ifhcsrs truot that they (xenareonSMwei ONwfeN itese*. aote loT $0(1 torwed Op bearing Wngaar*a noanty nignsd tV boad, tV fnidsit nt KIHIe HweSi Arm HnMwM. Mrs. M.rrtie Hark. Mrs fleorgeConimr, j xvHi lUI make special idlort this year to which ralU for flMMi. TV one* will pm- j Ible ■eeen* Jnlv 'Mth end rfMilIntwe tti Awg* i Haadoy. Joly 211. Momiag sabyert, myiatare. Reporia show Halt tV thfxm I net 31bI. I TV little ilaaghter of Wallace Hiig> Mrs. Will CMaad. Mhw Kthrl Flynn, Mrs. get together It will do tV old jienple Imbly he disposed nt the lore part nt next .\t IV Foot ol tV Cmen." iikklrN hare worked their gaiae ia iiorth- The tVoemn** Aeenrietlos nt the ('rmon* gett. of Hewgal, fell Inst Friday momlog (lertrade Hawkins, dtaton Jones (:l), , gettoeeJ rhwreh will seer* ke rreem at Ra* good and they rsallyoweit to I Habhath nrhool at noon. cm Indiana, in which tVwoald-bel*be gmooi1 j mowe* etcire OetNotey evwotna. Jnly ittod. and timke her right arm near t V elbow Mmm F'liirrotw Keatfteld, K. P. .Mardork, to join in tV plsnearw nt t V day. Flndearor firaiyer oweting at •( o'dork ■'ll a wall'd tv iimnManry note laeMe tV I* Im Ihe We*(. ITwreede ter the aew rhwreti joiat. Hr. Weller set her arm aad eV ia Fred Parker. Mr. ChaHay l*alnier, Mr. Krealag serrin at 7 3(1. Hnbfecf • i .ofUBcate, aait xrlth a light twkit of tV Htatioa Ygnat W H ItarVMt Fnda' ganiag alnag nicely. Hob’t Hmtth. Mr. I«ewis MaUraa. Mr. Jod* Will tgev* •• Ol. JeHos. “Hoaoring tV Iaot I." wrtet eabatftated tV hottoat at tV nohs tor a tea days' wsntsrn trip. Helie wHIwill **vte »• ihe rewwt. soaHwttt, Ml. F'md Hnsidal. .Yrthur I.. M. I). Hnbhard ha* raated tV hoane All nrrriws will be at oar own chart for t V rsrtlArate. xrWt Ht. I’aal. Mina., Aberdseti. Ilakota.' TV (HrM 1. <1. O. F. baxre purehaoed (MO l.snasssrh Hat • Hsmsey. Hteveaa. Mr. Floyd Weaver, Mrs. Marah oa Walker etrsot at prsnsat oreuaied hr thin day. A. Bmkbomsv . Paator. aad naestal other potota. Mr. Harks; txveaty.oae rsgaltes tor the etaff in the TV wvivk of taking down thaoid baild* J. Wiakley. Haperintcadsat Moarae aad faailly. lie xeaa aocuaipaated aa (ar aa Chtwagn by i eabfMxdNoate lodns TV goods were Hat- iag oa tV lot whars tV aaw CoogroHa* will orrapy It altar Hagtimhsr. at which TV rewaias of R. M. Codwsil. a lorww hte lather airf mot her, Mr. aad Mta. Ww. I sd a» te»*» aad ate eatd to be tV haart ttooai ehaioh will V ereated haa boaa Watela that ooM at aLMaad ttote t V niwHrtotHtooat loaaaa lor Mtehb L. Haat, rilte^r trsaaarer in rsoter* ■idHit of Rathth aadoaid later ol Rojaa Clte| Bathe, al loato. I hataesa Detroit iMd Qraad RaoMa. aijh mm $1,011 at Jinok Hrhb *. mmChj, Imi Hwob at Hoat'a DragBtore. 47att raaataiRa to Bath tor hattol IM wa^ THE ST. JOHire NEWS. THUBSDAY AFTERNOON, JTTLY 20. 1899.

CLINTON COUNTY DEWITT. THE FASHION PLATl. Mrs. Hr. KtUs bn* a sistsr visiting bsr. There I* wow hardly aay part of Ifea EUREKA. 4i*rdaJnjrne is attending the institute pawn wbsre lac* is cunaidsrsd oat ttt at the M. A. C. place. l*etrr KicbardM ha* sold hi* Uoaae aad May A IWvrilUgsr opsaed a new meat Preorh designers fstnilaw* to make all lot to Will H*a*ittger. sorts uf pretty effects in tho nos of Idack morkst Tnsadny. The Nurial laat Friday evening, wa* a volvet ribliuu. .%lt« Qnaniaon i* attending tbssammer ■an****. They clwnred •<*. All shades of yellow ssem to gain sps- he erontile ompany fllMT~ I normal in 8t. John*. T M C . cial favor as tbe season advances, partle- P**irl Hart i* riaiting friende at Himeo* Ur. Simmons nod wile, of Bancroft, rawnr and Waterlord. Canada. ularly In tbe realm of millinery. nr* visiting friends in this vicinity. .Inna Crawford. Kdith Finch and lUnl The very fashionable improved prla* Mrs. itorenn Shurtridge, of Joliet, 111., csss style is much used this season for ''burrh, of St. John*, are visiting Ruiwka is visiting friends here a^ in < Hive. nndersllp*. ibis style at underdreas aav« friends. l.Miue| Holbrook and aister riaited ing all tbe care of lielt adjustments and Our Grocery Tencher* ’ meeting at tbe Christian To Dress Correctly their great aunt, Mrs. C. Hemeat, last fastenings. church Friday evening. ten«*her, llev. T. Toil*. whif*b la a new kind of silk and Ir the One place for everything com ­ M. Huddle. J. K. Ja.rne is irakiiig a floe inipmve- linen fabric, very cnul, sneer and soft plete and |>ertect in Table Supplies. To Wear the Best Mrw. llertha Itedfeni, of Ma|4* Kapkl*. meut in bis dwclliug by tbe a«lditioa of a anti very |H>pnlar in Paris, makes pretty wa* a guest of tier aunt, Mary Hiiikley, It means Meal Satisfaction tn know |Mircb. demidress gnwna. hyacinths and bluebell ELSIE. last Tii«Nday. blue, pink and ecni being tbe favorito that you arc getting the Iiest. and at IJoyd \Ve*tbr*Mik and niece, MlssHmce Mrs. J. F. .Mallory, of St. Johns, at­ color*. tended tb«* meeting of the Iluyal 4'ircle To Boy at Moaey*Saviiig Prices Post, of Pompeii, %rere Sunday guests of Tbe new silk and lace stocks are an ex­ prices others do not ctimpete with if Kruni TIm* Hwn. Wednesday evening. (iMinc** Uaorao l<»uk«^i for tb** “rail* their friend* here. tremely dainty and comfortable fashion, (|unlity is considered. That accounts means that you should buy at .\sher Van Sickle and daughter, Nellie, There will be evening senrire at the for in hot summer days even tbe mtsit mail that wtoiM at ICUi«," Tiwwda.v ituptist c’hnrrii Sunday, July ‘J>trd. Mr. for the Enormoua Growth of Business niftht. H«* warn taouf*<(l ap at Maraud. of ('arson City, visiteif bis sister, Mr*. rigid tlevotee* of tailor styles is glad Hailey is the speaker. No a nndrr. KiKK**r >»*(> bare heeu! .\yer* Steven*, last week. enough to substitute them for the stiff in this department. .Mr*. KInier .\p|deniaii iui«l her sister. linen collar. Mn*. .Itiigail lieabe died at tbe tiume of C. W. 4 alter and family are mstiGating The IBercantile Dry hoods Dept on their farm three mile* south, and do ­ Maud Havey, of St. Johns, visited at Lace was never more popular than It her dauirbter. Mr*. H. Oibaoti, of l>u- their node's, V. Clavey ’s. last wesk. plaiu, on .*4atardaj. July H. Funeral at ing their haying anti harvesting. Is today. Formerly it supplied a trim- Choicest Fresh Fruits Rime F. H. cbuirb. Monday altemoou. N. .\. Hennett and family, wh«t imve miug only; ih >w It also forms grtwua. This Week we Offer; Mr. and .Mrs. W. P. (Irifflth went to I jackets, nvenlresaea. polonaises, waists Durand last Friday, for a few da.vs visit j lieen visiting their daughter, Mrs. Stev­ Mr*. Oriie Au*tin and her daughter, en*, of (Imtiut county, n*tnmed laat and gowns entire, which cunatitnte tbe with W. .S. I’iermai and Mis* Uilla. | and Vegetables. 4 Knliy. Mt Klaie tbi» luominK for (ilcfi- tveek, most liesutiful and costly of fashionable - 4- rnbleached Sheeting per yard 4^c dale. VanHureii <*ounty, to care for Mr*. Mr. and Mrs. t\ \. Hulse and two ehil-1 New Potatoes. Peas, Beans Watermelons. .V *orprise party w*as given 4'baries j robes. 4--+ Fine Unbleached Sheeting ...... 5c Aurttn’M Mister, Mr*. .\rie Itanker, who dren. ol St. Johns, visited his motheraud | ' Black Imnuet silks of fine luster are i* Mtrk. Farrier .luly Id. It was hi* birthday, Oranges, Lemons. Bananas. Etc. were ••all-r* in Kureka last week Tuesday. aud a uioe rocking chair was preseol*^ I lined with white taffeta Hoyeux. with ac- Palmer IhUy had bM thumb, forr(ing« ‘r. Mrs. .vlk-e Lynn, of Silver Plume, Colo- ! aessories of the white silk overlaid with 4-4- Blenched Sheeting j)er yard ...... 5c j to him. little Huger and the Hret joint of the otfi- rado. is Ii*ti* visiting her |tarents. Mr. | ' Idack Chantilly insertions aiwl with far­ Best Michigan Cream Cheese, pr lb 13c Many loilie* drove over to West- er Hugerx taken off while ofteratinK a and Mrs. .\v «ts Stev*ns nod other friends ther det-omiioDs of black velvet straits 2 “•hatier" in tbe Owoimm ) ra«ket factory ' pbalia to remind Ida .Snufonl that it i and rosettes, and en snite with every full cans Red Salmon ...... 25c lira Post, who lives with .Mr. Post ’* wa*...... her birthday, lunl a ver>* enjoyatde , Millinery Department. Monday. fieople iH*flr livid, visiteil Ids mother laat j tjnVe wiMTi^KirTfsf dress toilet is a Uhi , many varieties of Baked Beans I i)er can...... lOc <}eo. ('noldork and wife, whone Imjvm .Sunday. Ills brotfier. Ilartli. rp»unie*l which are to be bad.—New York Post. The friend* of 41 race I*ole gath n**! the are till girl*, but who cait ehoot Hr** with him to stay a few dav*. fieinz Baked Beans per can...... lOi' This is the only place in St.Johns evening of July IT. to remind her of her cracker* jnst tbe Maine, were made happy Mr*. May Tracy, who went to Toleilo, LAW POINTS. where Genuine ^rgains are being by having them idl at liom** to ivlebmte *eventeenth birthday, and pn ’seuted Imt Hhio. sei'e'ral w»^* ago to attend the with a pretty ring. made on th»- Ftiurth. i iiiiieral of her cousin. Mr*. Zweiful*. ^ Mere age *k>e* not Incapacitate a per- Tobacco Department. Mr. and Mr*. Fha*. Prernttin and I retiinnsf home last Satunfay. | UeWitt lirangc meet* on Saiurdny BOD fn>m making a valid «'*mtract. M. A, ^Varrou^ viaiteii the Itebekah ItMlge .Marrieil. July sth. at the home of the night. A (leposit uf contract in tbe postoffice Special prices on full bo.xes of Cigars at f'hapin TiieMlar evening, installing ■ddress*-*! to tbe {uirty to whom It is to the office. Mr*. PreMttai Iteing I*. I>. P. . bri«le‘* parent*. Mr. and Mr*. J. K. Hens- I'luytoii WisMiruff and family Siiudaysl anv brand. more, in Fiilt ni. 4 4rr H. Met/ger and Mi*s in town. be delivered is a final delivery. for the halge. PenuiDs dealing wilb an nssame*! agent Samiiier Head Wear. .lenni*- HeuMiiore. Itev. F. J. Feather ofH- i\,„„ty4lerk Win. .M. Smith wa* in town are Im>uu (I at their peril to ascertain tbe Mr*. Louisa Wooll, widow of Mo*** nating. ^ . *»•• Sunday. W(M)II. tiiie of tbe oldmt settler* hen*. fact of agency anJ the extent of his au­ Teas and Coffees. Trimmed Hats, regular SI.To and die«l at her I'onie in ttakley. Sunday, The ladle* aid society of the L J.F. Jayne ha* tiuilt a new sitiewalk thority. , church will meet at the |mr*«iiinge. Wed- store, Sli.iMi to close at...... $1.00 July !i. IlfU* age wa* well towani 70 Citsllfors for whose fienefit an assign ­ Best regular lajmn Tea to Ik * had i lleMlnV, .lulv “Jli, lit ;i p. III. Icecream ... . n . year*. Tlie funeral wa* hel«l at the F and cake will I** served fmnili till • i .Li**"? . 'o. '• ment has lieen made may iievcrthelcMM at iloc a pound, pounds for $1.00 Trimmed Hats $2.5< > Jind $'1.00 at $1.75 •M. church, Tunwlay, burial in Klsie eeine- cb**k. .VII no* i-ordinlly iiiviied to at-; »»'»»nd I'cdgi* .Vugu*t » ». pr*is*s-(ite their claims to judgment and tery, . The Ih'VVftt Hand will give an o|ien air levy ex«-cuti*»n. Ro yal Moca and Java Codec pr lb 35c Trimmed Hats $4.0D kind at.~^!^$2T50 .Mi** Ktlna Maloney Mtarteil for her .Nathan Stev.-ns, wife and Imby. .'lam ! ‘•Wht. A traiister of the firm aosets by two In­ Royal Java Blend Codec pr lb...... 30c home III Kanao* Tueeday niorning. .\ solvent memlier* of the timi to the other to Kirbv aud a -dster of Ayer* Steven*, of ' Mm. A. Clark, of Lanmug. visiteil at partner, though for a sufficient ounsideni- Fancy Caps fo. children close few of the M. M. F. went to the train to Howiiiig 4tr***u. 4 thin, l•HllleSulldlly night J. liuunisou ’* last w.-ek. bid tier giMwI-by, but ufton arriving at tion. is fraudulent as to tbe m*ditors of at...... iQi ; for a w»*-k’-visit with Mr. Srev**n* ’|»ai- The Misse* Merh- and Lucih* .Mclsiuth the de|M*t, they found it *4t hnni tti hh .v the ffnn. Baking Department. tbetse words, they decidetl to m-coniiHiny • **•••'* and brother* and sistei* of all the have returtHsl from a visit to St. John* Th«- measure of damages for breach of Straw Sun Hats, former 75c kind her ftart way, but did imt r<«lly kimw • and ftupiain. contract for the sale of g***!* is the *llf- Fresh Bread lb oz. loaf...... 3c to ebise out ...... 4Qc htiw far to go. .Vt last they decide*! to i llev. It, II. I.oug. of Ma|dc Uapids, wa* .Mi**4l|gie WtMil*. of laiueing, visited feren*-** lietweeii the contract price and Mm*I*<*I |U*>t .spiing iinal Winter Whrnt Flour. .\Ihit * ar*- trliiini>-il with nl*-* *llk Hr*l*l F*-Nlti*rM ni **! tf« a* far a* Cariaiid ami r»*turu «tii the 4i gue*t at U ayue SmotluT* last rridni her Mster, .Mr*. M. T. WoiMfruff, the Hrst the market value uf tbe articles at tbe Rye Bread pr loaf...... 3c *Ntln Kr her *dd iMieition cident which cause*l such loss. —lleceiit .l•-nnl••. I* taking *-an- of l»er. in Liiising this week. I>eciaioDs, Highest CViurts. .Million* use has been «*umnieuce*l. Gruff old Onm Haul is just the opposite The Big Store. and suffering. The profirbOor* of Hr. Cm/. ***»uuty. Califoniia. when- *he will 4i«eirg»>__ ...... Hinman. of Hay ***)unty,...... is vi*- of a smooth Koer. —Cleveland HIsio King'* N'ew Hisc irerr f»ir 4'onsum|ttiou, make her fiitun- born*- with her wi»low*-d iiiuij relative* in this vicinity. I>ealer. Coughs and Fol.l- have given away «*ver s a jioem, "War m ten inillion trial b •ttfe* of thisgr* nt m**l- llev. T. K. Me«-k*-l. general missionary ' |^^ biM sister. Mr*. I.,i’. Haz>*n. Is Iviml.” A mistake, war did not kill iciiie. ami hare the«ati*fH4*Moaof know* I olle«- *)r of the h\a>g*Hical as*** iation, , || Sni||,,|.d'* people ar* ••ntertaimng Stephen.—Mexican Herald. ing it has al>*olutelv c'ir>*i thousands of will pn-H*;h at th*- following ! relative* from Wa*hingt*.u. H. C. Mark Twain has lieen tendere*! another France! — Cincinnati Commercial Trib­ hop*-ie*s case* \.*thmH. Hninchiti*. m*-ut* Kun-ka. Monday ev*-ning, at N p. I * .u * . bamjuet. S*i far he is only a few lajM une. HoatweneM* and all di*e»i*«MoftheThront, m lulv '4 Fulton. Tuesdai eveiiing. at -' prolonge.1 mm the latter fiart of last liebiml the war bensiw.—Haltlniore News. Following its thrifty practice in the ri^t and l.uiK'sMre suo-lv cnre«| by It. p. III.. fulv -J.'.. 4 ountv line, W.sfne*ar«l bills, the French govern ­ xxaay ’.-xxxvy vxjjf-jorv r ry yL' Coll on Fildew A Millmau. H-uggist. and evi-ning. lit p. m.. -Inly ifti. Kvery om- I tor a t'-w *iayM. balls for breakfast every Sunday moni- ment proluibly will charge Hreyfus for get a free Tnal botrl.-. Hegiilar size .'>4fc. i* c«»r- H* n.p*lmugh now wait* u|Km Borts of troubb* as su|»erinleii*Ient of Chi­ MAPLE RAPIDS. hi* cust*inter* with a broad siiiib- upon cago ’s sfh*M>U. lien is unduubteilly a voice aud u swonl cane.—Kansas City< • v • • • • jaror//-jcx - • • • • I hi* i*outitennnc*>. It i* «dten that In-an- fussy imiiridnal.—Washington I’osl. Journal. U. 4;. Allistin. *d .'*t. John*, sjieiit .'*un- ' swer* t*i H iriendly in*|Uir>-, “Tliiuik y*iu ; Fraum has ijueer military rules. By Mia* ll*4en Hulli* vi*ite«l friemi* Ht .'*t. •lay with fnend* in Victor. Mr. J*-ffries calls one Sharkey "the that little • • s' *■ 'rf ! .N* .l*)hu Shaffer *it* u |miii the liigli seat by calling the champion "the blustering ful gels the arrt-iirs of his salary, but he .Mrs. Mugkleburg ami daughter have .I*ihn*. -iieiit Sunday at thi-*il*l home. will In - charire«t terrify ­ I.. H. I'*ist i^turn«l fr*>m g*ildeii groin, lie has an ’*af horn*-' a(* ing when tli*-y talk.—New York Hress. prison. — Kansas City Times. 4te*irge Ho-rner now h-m hi* iron latln- uniav. Mrs. I**>st will n-turn w edne*«Jn\. I Th*- sister *»f th«* Huke of 4»rlean*, the Hmyfus has to i»ay y;t11*1 s<*me of her works of art. re|)ublic is |>erhap!» the most rt-markable •"'\Y,y^y,y y v^yv . . tlunug the past wi*-k. i* —unewliat l**t- *in*^- la«t iKsvmlwr. .Hihu Stump, of the Westphalia h*>t*-l. It is a pity that she i-an’l sell her brother, reiMildic ever establisheii. and there have lw*en S4tme i|ueer republics. —Galveston ter. Mr. au*i Mrs W. Hurt sjs-ut Stitiinfnv i* pniviug a *u*-*'e**iul landlonl. Mr. lie is tbe most iiseb-s* work of art in the News. Horn, to -Mr. and .Mr* William Hiker, l „n*i Sumlay with tb*-ir st of fnend* ami THE JEWEL CASKET. |K.Mise. I’rintiiij;, like clothes, should he made to Mr. ami Mr*. H<#lierf .\n*ler*«in are at I t|,at Klim-r I'nrker, who**- illn«-*s was ■ wf-ll-wishers. The Empress Fn-^lerlck’s favorite present enjoying tbems*-lvi-* at I'helKiv-1 ,„^|,ti,in**l Inst w»-*‘k. 1* verv much Iistter. | tit you. The more exacting the joh, the Mr*. K*IwnnI Sla*le. who w**ni foHattb* Pearl an«l onyx make a vary cffectlvr amusetneiit is cnMjuet. ***'*• j Henrv Jones ha«l'luite a severe attai'k ' 4'reek a few weeks ago, had an o|*eration combination in chains. King I*M>|M»U1 of Belgium ia very fond more certain you are to he satisfied here. Workmen frtim tlmnd Is^lge repaired of iiiffnmiimtion of the iMtwei* the latter jiertormed the fifth. The rejKirt is (hat Large ami hand*.>ineljr mt crystola of his tirier pipe and keeps bis tobacco in tbs rooi pn th*- H**witt bhick *luriiig the* of th*- week, but atpr*«*ent I* a little ■li*- IS doing a* w»41 as **HU lie exi»ert*sf. form some of the newest omainenta tor the |iagu his library table. then- with her. dence over commonplace efforts? A Mine 1'. .'*cbau*. ot .'*t. I.otii*. was the I hou*t*. There is a rumor of au oddity io ear­ The Princess of Wales has a great gue*t of .Mfipl* Hapid* fri-ml* dunng the 1 Victor 4Vutcr I* certainly taking n rings ciMisiBting in the wearing of ring* fondness for tieing photograjdietl in a thouj^hthd expenditure in printing is past week. ■ great iKxtm thi* *|iriDg. Th*- Iii4«x*t imI- EAGLE. that do not match. group. Tlie prince detests the ivremony The I.udie* .\l«l S*>c-iety *if the M. K. . *lition i* II bliick*niltli *hon his taste finds satisfaction here. Mis* .Nellie Hanmnt, after a short visit ther*>uiM»n *uitnbb*fnr hi* bu*ine**. mid Mr*. H. T. Fkldy on the I2th iii*t. Styles in evening coiffures adapt them- table, lieing firmly cnurinced that mis­ amoug tn*-iid« in this vicinity, ha* n* aeives to the tiae of tiaras and omamenta fortune would follow their app«-arance. torm-*! to her home at Hamtid. .Mr*. Igzxie JeQi*oii wn* the gtieHl of for the top of tbe head, and theee form A Frtghtfwl Hlan*ler. The Emperor Francis Joaeph of .\us- Printine That Pleaiex. Full Count. Quick Work* Mr*. T. Trarer, of 4»niud I.edge. Iiiai one of the most striking and costly dis­ .Ism*- 4 'mwfonl. of Shepanl. visitisi hi* Will often caoiie ii horrible Hnm, Scal.l, Tu*i**lay. tria has just directetl the administrator parent*. .Mr. lunl Mr*. I.. 4'rawford, *if plays of rtr»t class jeweler*. of his private fortune to purchase a plot ■ 'nt or Hmi*e. Hncklen'n Arnica Salve, The .Nib-* cemetery Rociety will m*»t The royal purple and rich violet *ha»lea thi* village, daring tb<- {HiMt week. the bent in the world, will kill the pain of groiiud in Hmla|iest ami erect on it a PRINTING FOR ^ with .Mr*. Homer l(oliiiid. ol 4lnmd of the amethyst greet one 00 every side. in*I promptly heal It. I'ur** Old large (dock of fiats suitaMe for well to do PARTICULAR Mr*. J. H. Sb-ight. ot Victor, ami Mr*. Soren, I Tliumdiiy ot thi* week, •ITier*' is hanliy an article susceptible of middle Hass persons. He expresseti tbe N. 'T. Sleight. «if 4»ttamwu. Hiwa. wen* Fever Sore*. I'lcem. Ibiila. Felon*. 4 om*.om* \|f. iiih I Mr*. I'harle* Havid*. of Mill- th»- employment of Jewels to which this ill .Skin ErunUomi. Beat Pib- cure on ,,,, ii__ opinion that he could not find a Iwtter in­ PEOPLE AT the gue*t* *d Hr. an*l Mr*. Sleight liuriiig -arth. Only ‘Jffc. obnx. 4'ate guamntre*!. I •iken. weie tbe gue*t* ..f th-ir iii«*-. Mr* beautiful stone is not applied. —Jeweler*' vestment for his money. th«- |*a*t week. K. .\. l»mveti*iatT, Friilay. Circular. ______PLEASING -told by nidew A Millmon, Dmiopat* IMMITATKIS* OF TNKKIlA" HIM TIT. H. W. Hewitt and titto Hulli*. with (1) Hi<- Hawaiian Hub ha* juat lieeugraiitwlby tlicl'nitedState* Tieinity. to assiat in the building of the- ent- *be leaviv* one little ilaughb ’T about Mr*. I’hii*. ViiiiHyk **, *111 tli«*Sr*iHe|d farm, four year* of ;ig*-. Mr* Munii wa* only of lloiiolnlu to luohi the bust of tbe late 4'lrriiit 4’ourt, lor the siuitlieni Hi*fricto( Phone No. 3, ST. JOHNS. MICH. Hanitanum m*ntionen the trade-mark "I ne»*- Frank We*tr*itt, of V*wn*»n. «lef>uty in- da.” the liiaruit made >*o wiibdy known lemai revenue rv>lleet«ir of th*- rtrat *li*- the (leefMt *ytii|tathy of their h«Mt of other .\merienn literary men with whom fnend*. be has lieen intimate. Tbe work has to hv aiivertiainu- trirt. anti hi* *iaiighter, .Ml** Nellie, w«w*- In hie opinion. Judge I^acomlicrcmarx* gne*t* of 4’. I.. Stone and wife laat week. be entirely dictated, as .Mr. Stoddard lost that tlH*caee i* tfM) |ilniu to waste rnanv Ml** Nelli* refiuniiing for another weak'* SOUTHEAST LEBANON. his sight some years ago. F you want It promptly aordaover. That "rnee«ln" a* applied vi*it. Honn- one trd«l Mr. Whistler, the artiot. Dray ing to biariiil, i* a projier tracb* mark, and T(m» 1*1* for la«l w**k. tb* other day of the recent mport to the and carefully done at rea* Cmt'CostBmRE SUBMITTING TO A The f’oiigregntioiuil chureh i* located effect that l*e was "aging rapidly." Ilia that comidaiDant i*eotltle«l to it* exHu- on jit* new *ight on .North Main *treet itei. Hoot, ot Ionia, pteaeheil at the aive use ill that munertion. i* hanliy di*- SURGICAL ORBtATION FOR PILD raply was rhararteristic: "It Is iny ene­ Tbehuildiw wa*not inateruUlyinjumliii. j Henjamiii chureh Sunday ev*>oing. mies wh*» say that. They have retained puteil. That it ho* he»-u moat exten*ive- sonable prices call for moving. They are now making ready ' untarnished through .rears the inganloas ly advertlawl, presumably at gnwl ex- and Mim Sadh* I'ntmaii, of St. John*, for th«‘ foundation and other im|tmve- | vietting her conMO. Mina F.*talla Murwitf. J fault* of extreme youth." {‘t*nw-, i* matter of common knowbilge. Tlwa'atlMoaal la «Mlar« awl eonta. tlwootl meat* The Court refuse*I to accept the plea of latfwi itwifartba opw wwaaadtiawlortba Mr. ami Mr*. Wm. Pinkney aiieal | Mr. and Mr*. U. M. ixiag are jiorking 'niumday and Frtdny of laat we^ in He- QLEANINQ8. the ilelendent that the woni "I’oeeila" ■amiobonl : UwcoaOaai iiweaariy.caaBad lief ore him. hi* device to avoid confUMinn Trucking Richard Gay. their houeehoid good*. pre|iarator.T fo trolt. 1 ^Uwariatn on tb» aorvw oad Um paw of tba wae the adoption of the wonI "Iwnnta." opwatinn ASw all Uw oou. after tba ridi of moving to Flint. Mr. Imng ha* pur- Mr*. Ida linfler und .Mia* Myrtle j !■ aoMe parta of Itossia th* oaly fond WI Opwwioa. you coa ’i be aw« of m com tw chnawi a barber *hoii and hon«e in that There are. a* uaual, a number of minor Howard viaited friend* ia Gwn«w» laat ; for th* iicopl* la aenms, Iwiv** and aori difference* lietweeii the form* anddre** of Ibtagoor of iiiblog pltea city. Mr* Igrng will go ah«ait the flrnt week. bark of ir***. Bw tlwn'a n bwtar woy a doapw. id September aad wilH-ondaetn millinery the two jNirkage*. but no onecan look at Hr*.* Wew g»U H. Bardiek and family, former reahleat* { A finilford cM».) smail l*oy. Master aadwwerwayiotMrldof UwpAaa Dr.r.A. W. both |M*cknge* wffhout permving that Vietim* to stomach, liver and kidney ChnWt OrKaMOl io oa abaol waty « afore. of IxdMUKMi and late of Mnir. are living Lann Hnwarri. haa tralneil a n>o*t*r to there are atnmgreaeailileace* which could W K I. I.S. fw pUoA It’a { Rev. K. Boock. o4 ShefNinl«vilb% filled mak*- himaHf iMwfui by bauIlM around a trouble* a* well a* women, and all (eel nt 4 'ryatni. eoail.v have lewn avnideil had there lieeu the reoult* In Io** of apfietlte. )wHMHie in IhnWI^ If* I the pulpif ot tiraee M. K. rilurrh. Sunday Uni* enrt. an houeet elfoH to ffivi- delsndmt'* Mine Hnttl* Iximhie mtumed home ■xtensiv* dopoHts of hnnsit*. oo* of the blood, baekache, i»ervou*ne**. head­ nm CUw TUBULAJI WELLS Bade morning. Hi* aermoo on Chriatian p*r- good* a iliotiiirtlvf dr*** All from Hetdiag Momla.v *he bod he*«i tb* UMiln * oatT** of commercial alomla- ache and tired, liatle**, run-down leriiag. aai repaired. warli GMrraawcd. fertioii wan aimply plain ami dirert, lea- Nfiendiag a week with her wafer. The opiaion Hoaa* wHh the •-ommeut Dr. A. W.CI j in tin* moat camiat manner. It lum. have li**n dlacnverwl In New South Hut there’* no tieeil to WI like that. Ia *- oBfitiwiaMMdlnftD 'Hrw that "both oame aad dr*** are Haarly toa to J. W. Oardner, Idaville. Ind.. He iF.J.LOVE. South Riley, Mich. a real apiritaal treat to all. Sneh WniM by tb* depurtnwat ot miaos. w pannla win how i wo* TiMW WIWwMawg Mwaftaelm -aimilatefl to wialaud. ami Ufstateuieat* mro: "WertTic Hitter* an* just the thing I w*er>** nr tf« F. <:. Yn*** A r. I.. KImImU IM, IMIaaD awl twwitv yaw* wfUi UM. aaiino n* cannot tail to r*nfi their rarmnl. Fonldqfiiekly leave you. ifyonaaad |>r. that lioth were adopted with an eye for a man whoa he i* all mn-dowo, and 4Twrp IMwi, tataadtagortataadiai or prprnt radlag pffw daMa *ingb> to differeofIation, * 0x1111 with cred­ Mamed, W*dne*d nv, Jnly Mi** Ianmi KiM'aKawIJIaPnia. ThonagMlnolaafiar- ikMi’t care whuther he live* tw die*. It *w Ot.. A. W. OOHM*hm * OlaaiMM annff Mw *v« have now proved t hair matchlaan amrlt FLIGHTY FRANCE. ulity ol the Court beyoud tbe heeukiag awnptaMyaadjpwwaaawh Pripfiao. of 4 Yvid. and Graon Simfiaon. of did mor* to give me new *treagth ami Victor. Thev will go nt ono* to bon aa for SMi aad Narvo ua Hrwdaehaa Tl»*y lioint." good appotit* than anything I could take. Or. A. W. Oiaaara Oiw It la bofied that there will b* a Ml la I'reilmiMry iujuartion w»* granted haartiaf ifta paapi* ia all keeping on tfie farm he bn* meant Ir pnr- moke p4n« blood and atrong aarvea aad I oaa now eat aaythiag und have a lAw THOO. •. ffWWAOMff A MHI, chimnd. Mr. Sinifinon ia n pmaperon* baiM op iMdtIi. Baaytotaha. Try Freoeh criee* biag ewough to edge ia th* ugaiaat the ua* of the trad* name loaa* OB IMa.* ’ Only SB cent*, at Fildew yiMMg farmer, and Mra. Slmpaon la a tbam. Only 3ft eawfa. H cnmv boUt H aot Parta axftooition. —Pnrtlaad Oroguataa. "Iwoatu" and of the priwsnt atyl* of k Millmaa’a Drag Sfora, Brory bottle wmd. SoM by FIMmr A MWmoo. Hrof • Thirty idae cabiaet* la 3b yoar* will do parkaffT .41*0 against all oimilnr imita- (ft) PATENTS. AW. ■KMit aataamnbM Iwdv, nfad km wmnj l|R^gSSR fbr Fraao*. Oh. ftablMnaa. thy aaaw i* tioas of tb* "Fnaeda” uanmandpoakage Warw Ommkf Wmk Mb. OBTROn: ' vyi- SJ^‘ Y'" THE *T. JOHNS NEWS. THTRSADY AFTESNOON, JTLY 20, 1H90.

Our Own State. M«wb from All Ports of tho Qrsot Oatkred From All Sides. WoHd. I The reetdence of Thomas Qravoa, aagar bouaty law of itfT la aacoaall* Uct of optnlon aiooag thoee who have eight miles southwest of Klrhmond. JliraiGAN ITEMS. ! tutloaal. radar this optalon the aa« ■APPEXnfflR BRIEFLT NARRlTnii •■etally repreoeoted tbe govemmeat Mo., was burned during tbe night and j ditor saaeral will rafuaa to allow CONFIDENCE IN OTIS. In tbe Phlllpplnas. Under ouch dr- Mr. Graves and his aged stator, Mloa •lATTEfW WHICH WILL BE OP INTBI»> I claims of beat sugar fartorlas for |t4.« ciiraatanees 1 do not see how the newo* i uao clatamd to be due for sugar manu­ All lb* Lqft (fMMi N*w«. Koraiga Mwrnrnm l«ucy. perished In the tomes. Clipper Chainless Bevel EST TO OUR OWN PEOPLE. paper oorreopondents In Manila con factured In January and February of Wbleb Are ml linmmrmt Imimimmt. Dl«a« During the yacht nice at lAtbec. Mo., GffnffTkl Fully Truktffd by Prigi rales on iaene between General Otle Gear and Chain Wheelfl. : this year, and the question of coastl* •ere. CHorre mmI IMAer MalpeeCe OOreat- a iKiot containing three persona was and the adalnlatiatlon. It eaeMi to rtipslxed and two of them. Hollis C. dffitthnd Cabififft. I—!>•»•«—I lag. •€ ilM Wmm : tutlonailty will be settled by the an- rlrC •« C*MMSe«MMl t'mnm ter tbe ll*My me that theoe gentlemen have made a preme court. A bill authoiiilag aagar Nickerson and Bbcn Small, were tMy* Itr — most eerloua blunder. Men have been bountlaa. but at dec re seed rataa, waa drowned. MOVUD R0RI5 OP UORReWOlfRCTre Mwwn amlmatui witli Cm* mmI wIMi • f*«r> banged for similar offenses In time of : passed by the legislature, but want THS: tS AM IN THK PHILieFINRS Mrs. J. Hannanmnn. a widow 73 •rar. pmmm ml ftmmakmm *>«r I back from the sovemor'a ofBoe for yenrs ol*l, was instantly killed by a Cbl- j amendment on the cIcMing day. and The U. 8. 8. Olympia, with Admiral Mewspsyr ■•« Iw Ihe I*hlllpp4a*w Mave AgelaaMa Sssb* l»sees. D«trolt. July is.—When tiM* t-ommon Dewey on board, bos arrived at 8uex. cogo. Milwaukee and 8t. Paul train at J the senate falliMl to concur la the houaa Chicago LwtA ThMwaelee* UoMc te ■spolsiea. If New York, July 13.—A special to a ctMiarll mot in spcrUI ■—Ion at S p. A force of Pniled 8tatea truopa. 135 I amendmanu before the flnal adjoum- John Hanren. ay**! 76. was run »iver Net Bv *mi te Harsher PaatehOMwl—Mew local newspaper from Washington says m. jraaterday to tioiMider tJ>e wurkiaE in number, went aboard rooroas and I menu by a \Vls4oosln Ce. iml pt-s'^enzertrain Have Heew Haaged for MwsUar OOhweea that a new more toward pence bos been ordUiaiK* aakcd for by Prealdeot Pin* waa towed to Mantllupa. tM‘*-upled by I ------at a grade cnisalng In Ste\eua l*otnt. la Tlwta er War—Whwl Ueweewl Miles made In the Phlllpplnee, according to Orient, Er«e. of the Muolripat Hallway com* IlMbrttpIrs nf Wm. O. Heerjr. 60U tnaurgenu. and put them to flight. M'ls.. and killed. sags ml the AOhlr. Impcirtont cablegrams received by tbe pauy, th*- worklnc ordinance had not I St. rialr. Mich.. July 14.—Justin R. The publication of tbe war corre- stale department All that con be Annie and .Mar>' Kinney, aged 17 and Wnahlngton, July 18. —It Is stated at baeu conaldered by a committee, and I Whiting, of this dty. has been ap- ffpondents' formal Indictment of Gen­ 12 years respe* tivel), and ihdr c*msln learned definitely about them la that ' pointed trustee In the matter of Will- tbe war department that no attenlon F^oenix, a motion to refer It to the joint com ­ eral Otis' management of Ihe Philip­ Rlla. aged 15. were drowned while dlmct overtures for peace have been mittee on streets and ordinances, ac* , lam G. Henry, bankrupt. Before the pine t-ompalgn i-aused a aenaatlon In bathing in the Housai.-nlr river at whatever will be paid to the “round made to General Otis by Agulnaldo and referee In tiankniptcy Henry baa Iliad oordlns to the t-ounrirs nile, after a Ihe departments at Washington. This laiwer I>rbv. Conn robin" of the Manila correspondents. some of bis principal leaders. It was and Ideal I a statement that his liabilities amount Indictment addressed to General Otis, brief ileltaU*. prevailed without a dU* Daniel Casterlirx- and Vi-me Dlldlno The protest was not sont to Genoral said by a cabinet olBrIal that If tbe ! to 114.000 and his assets ar (i|127 in charged him with misrepresenting the promises are fulfilled tbe volunteers aentlOR vote. The chamlier of corn- were dniwntd In the ClumuitK river at (Uls. and. It Is said, will not be, and ' cash and a three-year-old claim of 1843. forts and untruthfully stating the situ­ now being enlisted will not be needed. men'** has adpoted resolutions pro- Waverly, N. Y.. by the capsizing of a General Otis will not be called upon Bicycles. tesilnit uaainst further action toward Henry Is %’lre president and manager of ation In his dispatches, while be re­ tXMt. TlrsU of Tooel OaMtMtlsii. the street railway purchase aa at pres­ I the Chicago branch of the Chicago fuse*! to permit the *-orres pun dents to for an explanation. In addition to this ent contemplate*!. Other meetlnas of i Stove works. He was the bead of the telegraph Ihe truth. AVIlllam Crulkshsnk. a wealthy It was Intimated that very encourag ­ Manila. July 18. —The natives of tbe j firm of W. G. Henry fk Co., which farmer, near Heyworlh. Ills., age*l 71. ing news had Ireen received from tbe provinces of Albay, .South Camaiines The lolloising liargtiins lor Saturday protest were held last evenlnK- Mean­ I General Joseph R. M’h<*eler has ar- July 22iid. while the |ieunr«sl K%l*l»nr«< nf Mall K*tl*liatR. Washington, July IK. The "round yesfenlay on the fronts *if Oetrnlt President McKinley Is said to favor lockjaw pnalu*-*-*! by th* toy plstol- of Tagals w-ho were quartered upon Columbia ...... $15 street cars in the pla****e when* utinise- Niles. Mich.. July 17.—Hvidence of a ' the plan of ulluwing the ('iilmn jM-opb itelng resiioiiHible for e|ghty-thr*ede-»«l. robin ” from th** newspaper »orrespon- (hem, running (he lot-ai governments, ' robliery of the Cnit***! States mull has and that the p*^ople In (|u«*stlon are ment advertUlnit siana an iixih IIv to vot*- oil th«*«|u<*stloii nf ln* lare allegiance to the carrnsl. This sinhlen vtiltiniarv n - l»**«-n ills* *tv»*r« d in thU cliy In the I fui the Island or annexation to tbe nea|Mtli*, wif*- <»f ii grtwer. is critically pferj* ceitiiorshlp. * r«mle*l something of $100, for ...... $10 duct ton Is the r*-siill of a decision of shu|a* of a Isathor mull sack which was L'nlt*-d States. 1111, th*' ii-sult of having ti*'*-n tiltt*-n by a hensatinn at the (-apitat. It will not, I’nited Htat**** when troops are sent to found i>n th* wt-si Itaiik of th* St. protect them. <;o»ero*ir IMiiRre*- and Toni L. .lohn The pr*-sident has apptilnto*! (’oionel j a tamiitula '(uuistied In a bunch uf hewevep. rale* an Issue between Gen­ Joseph rlv*-r Satiir*lay. The pouch One Featherstone, was -ph an nhjts t Icoon Alfr***d through the *-enter and oth- fh* army. $45,for ...... $10 crwls** miitllaicil Th* Big Four rail­ j I.ATK-tr MIKKKiN .SK\V«*. rhattaniMiga. Tenn.. July 13 --On a If present plans for the -.»le >»f all the l'r**Hl*l*-ni .M(Ktn|i*y may iKWtpone n;#h ord* r fr*im the war department road mils parallel wtib the river on the j The Iluh*>lun Derby, run In .Mf»acetro|t -trect railway t*» the •‘lietroli his St. Paul trip west until after hU I’"e*l hillii]|t-b;ir*> -.addl*-*. o .'m' *-«t*-h. opp*islle shor* Mull Insp*** tor l-uru- ' wa^ w*»n l>y Frt>e|i*-hl, an unknown 'ill** hors* s and mules and fifty escort .Miinhlfial Hallway company'' In lie- visit ii» f'hl* ago In Ik-tola-r. wagonh were shipped from the Chicka- mor*-. of ItattI*- Cr*'ek. has lu-en not!- I hors*- of Russian t>r«v*l. half of the city win oni Th *»*• \vli*<-|f. liMV** Imxi **X( ’hatiu*'r and ttoat(*d to ; yet lieen fix***!. the lailtii wh**r»- It found ap|M>lntment to the na\al a«-adeiny of ­ forwarded al onte to Manila. ttually adopts the nniiiit l|tal railway fered to him In ac*-or*lance with an art Four Ironclads an«l a tlottlln of tor- ordlnuiiteH will Inih J his enerKh*s to Tlirr»-' kii .leb. eeeiirlni: a s|Ma tul seMdon of the leRis- Detroit, .Inly 14.- -C*>mmenclug thia No aiH'an*-** has liefn made tlurlng I (-(jnvey the remains of the *-zarowltz to I Set>nslo|Mil ICsmewsI at Ihr llnwsrd-linker Veitd Is lature (or the purism* *if provblliiK for m*irnliiK the Detroit ('Itlzeiis' Street th«- i>ast few days towards the arrange ­ 0. 0. Plunkett. Aliment. the siihniissloit of a * onstituiional ' The ('onditlon *»( lardy Salisbury, Kent iirk>. railway inuuguraf*Hl 3-ci-at far**8. The ment of a mtaius \ivendl fixing tempo ­ laiulsville. Ky.. July IK.—At Man­ jl Clinton Avenue, St. Johns. amendment to the |NK)ple iiernilttlnK formal uniiaoum-ement was ma*le rarily the Alaskan lK>undar>' line j wife of the British premier, is re|Mjrte*l chester, riay county, as the r«wult of a the city t»f ivtmll to jt»> inl*» the inu- j thrtiugh an advertisement that ap* The pension (vminiltt«*e *if the G. A. I mure favorable. nlcl|uil ownership of street rallw'ays. I peare*l In the morning papers. It Is R., which Is Inquiring Into pension OUIM* A.NIt KNIM*. renewal of the i{o*vard«Baker feud Iletrnit. .Inly 17.—The l*1nRree elty- tbnuigh the friends of the factions, five I sup|M>sed that the mo\ ‘e is made with measures at Washington has practic ­ J. J. Grt^ory. holding a |l,20n a year men wer*- killed and three wounded. ownershlp-of-street-rallw.iys*!eal Is off. : an l*lea of Intiuenclng the people to- ally close*l Its work. I position In the .MIIw-auk«M> iNistofllt-e, Tom U. .lohuMtn left the city Saturday, i ward Governor PIngree's municipal R. IX H«>lme*. assistant statistician will lie dismissed tor M«**:eptlng the Tbe dead an*: Rd Fisher. Bob Phllpot and Itefnre leavInR h<- hande*i the foi- ; ownership scheme, which has for Its of the fe*ieral liepartment of agricul ­ Aaron Morris. Irvine Griffin and John Riveting ' clerkship nf the |toilce and fire <-om- lowiiiR letter to (tovernor IMnur**** j object the institution of 3-cent fares. ture, IS going to Texas to study the mUainn. which only pays ffibti m year. Grtflln. The wounde*!. Rx-Represent- ativ*- Granville Phlipcs, G(>orge Phll­ "Dear Sir;—We are satlsherlthat Itts *^Ms Intai • Ills < oMItwrl. d<>*| region. - Great I.^kes Towing * ompany has «-on- terestfsl in other western Institutions, Sheriff Thatcher, and was being taken rlnR the street railway pro|»ertles to tracted with the Thompson Towing Is dead at Freeport. Ills.. age*t 7l« years. MAJOH (^kXKItAL ELWBLl, A Oita Tits: CHIHINAI. HKCOHIK state*l most emphaticaelly by meml»ers to the sheriff's office, where a i>eaCt* POMEROY’S RIVETING your eompany. We fa*-** s*iuarelv the and M’reckiog aaao*-lation for the en­ CharltM R. GlblM*. 41 years of age. American trade with Australia In uf the cabinet and by ofllclols at the bond was to lie filed. Aaron Morris, MACHINE nifule of inal- proptisltlon which the op|M»iients of the tire tloattng proiierty of the line. Ixith shot and killed himself at Washington. leather rikm Is has quadrupled In five plan put forward —that our fraurhis*** war department. The newspaper cor- who la a member of the Howard fac- here an*l at Sault Ste. Marie. It In­ He was at one lime a proprietor of the years. tlcMi, passed, and noticing that Phllpot lihlf iron and steel, is tlie are ninnliiR out. ann Herlick at sufferaure. and under th** absolutecon- plant on our hamls which the op ­ shot him In the hack. A desperate ! son w-ill i-ontinue to art as agent for Rxeklel T. (*ooi>er, who waa aer^’lng Wichita. Kan., on charges made by tml of Major General Otis, who Is In fight followed In the open street, and powerful and pert'ect, forcinj^ ponents of the plan say they • m 4»«*ept a new New Jersey state prison for abatrat-tlon men wen* implicated in IL and the .VrrMl*-*! Imr Kloplaa. of funds from the First National tionk The new SL Paul dln*rtor> shows an action of the general. greatest excitement prevailed In the vice before setting the rivet. frail* hls4* on their terms. increas*- uf 3.15N names over last y<>«r WILL 8ST A RIVET IK OKS “We must s*> mansR* the railways Menomlne*-, .Mich.. July 18.— Howard of I)ox*er. Del., (s dead In the prison. .The president and his cabinet have town. When It was till over, a few I•'r^lnk Tekley, a well-to-*l** lioh<^ and Is lM*llev«>d to IndUate a present full ('onfiilence in General Otis, both as minutes later, five dead man lay on SSCOKD. .\ll ordinary l••ngth tubular In the meaiitlm* as. If iNissihle, to pr* — Thurston, of Carti. Mich., was arrest***! rix’cia uixi. NO ADJXTSTKSKT y*»sterday «)n charge of *lcwertton. He mian farmer living ten mllrw from population of 191.<>72 a mlliinry ('rtmmander and as a roan the ground, and three others were bad­ vent th* losses thr<*aten*sl. Ia»w fares RSUniRED. ti fentun- it«»t found on and short franchises are incomitatlhle is charge*! with eloping with a pmml- Stanton. Neb., kille*| his wife and then Harrishui'g has an ordlnunr*- forbid ­ of such legal attainments and Judicial ly wfmnded. NewrIy all those directly committed suicide. He obje* led to bis ding the placing of sample fiackage.s of tem(>erament as to make him an en­ Interested wer*- killed, and the sheriff any oth«*r riveting inii<'liiii*- mad** Just If railways .in* i*» la* run for profit as a nent woman of Caro. He e*erol>er. wife visiting a dlstnherlte*! tlaughter anything on *l«iorsiepK. tirely trustworthy ofllc-er Whatever mad*- no arrests It is said tbe mem­ and son-in-law. News has reach»Hl Victoria. It. C.. of the grtevnncxi of the correspondents, bers of the tsr*) factions are arming M**n. Thrvtdiiiig Mnchin** Men. Mill Men rents anti a short term l<*as*- would In .* I*r^a<-Hrr Arswpl* m I'rwiMMrahlp. 1111*1 Fnmief> Georg*- M. Val*mtlne. i-aahier of the a discovery of rich Ihmc Ii diggings at they should have lieen prosenied to themse|v«Mi. and It Is (eared there will If a Kreat hulldliiR like the .Mujt^tlc Menomlnank *»f Perth Am­ Wr»**-k Bay fire miles from IVlucloL General OHs They cannot appeal be another encounter. J. Hrxlergren. pastor of the Hwe*lUh boy, N. J., bos lieen arriMted. He has on the west i-nost nf Vani-miver Island. frmn his authority The puhllciitlon ^Issii *••!■ Hml ISnwfi. land." Lutheran <-hurrh. has accepted the pru- At the Rovernor's offl**- It was eom- stolen over IIismnm * of the tank's funds, Butler «-aunty Dem*»crats. In ronx'en- of this pndesl has realsed an Iroiairt- (eosorshtp of Biblical history In Au- London, July 18. —Owing to an exhi­ mnnly accepted that the foreRcdOR let­ (-ompelllug the cbstiug «)f th** Instltu- tton at Hamilton. (>., indorsed John R. ant and delicate quiNillon for the gen ­ gusiana (V)ll* IHT a Hnrvh. Right men, f*irmerly employed In the Th** Archbishop of f’anterbury Is N*urserv at Sandown park on Saturday shall take r<*garf the skull. The child with having stolen thousands nf m- Kentucky Repuhlicans. cles generally that General Otis is (*nn- Sloan and Robinson from July 18 to THE PONY NO. I lany ’s cars. fronte*! with a very delicate situation. 8t .loseph Mich.. .Fuly IS.—Twelve KnIghI*'ll Maceslif i lie* law. .Secretary Hay has ileclde*! that Mrs. Aug. 5. Inclusive, and Dalton until July .Showing Vu*«- for holding atraj» while RdwanI Salmon of Muncle, Ind.. is Rich, who ea4-a|M*«l Into Texas, shall be All the newspaper men wh*> are with ctniples frtim flileaR** wen- murrl«*d In Pdnn and Merman, re­ sweetheart by giving her iiarls green ties to b** trl***l for the munler of her and therefor*- have laid th* ’msclv<*s lia­ spectively. In the race for the Liverpool ham Stin*lay Indiunu ree*irters nuni- .Ma<-oal*ees. which legan tialay. is at- ! I have th** etiit** ag«*n**y lor fhii- im»- IterlHR l.tsH) frtint various isilnts as far in a drink of wnter husband In th* f'lty of .Mexlr*». ble 1*1 pnrmpt expulsion from the Is­ cup, for which the horses named are ten*lrs| by delegates representing near­ lands, If not to even harsher punish ­ i chin** and ehnll In - ideosed to l•er!«ollally s*iuth ar Muncle. Ind.. havtiiR a grt^t Kflwin J, lintgan z l•m**nlwg. I inge. le iiiiid** III thr*-** eiz**)*. t'oet** from Male \*>ie». HltRht<-e*-lul tauird, showing (bat munders us Grant and Sherman and , fr(»iii #L.'i(l ii|) aii-onling to -.iz** and Butler promptly expelled correspond ­ New Carlisle. Ind., July 13.—William the bridal «tatlnn at theendnf the*lock8 ('aptalii W. K. Stewart, «Miltor of The dere*l himself to the district attorney she Is not worth refiairing (nr active j rtlyh-. DROP ME A LIKE. Senttnel,drop|>ed dead at South Haven. on the charge of murdering .Marlon servlce ents from their armies—drumming C. lVDm*ick. master mechanic of the when- they an- furnished trnnsp*irta- Panbandl*- railroad shops at Logans- tl*in i*> th*- *-*»urt h*iuse, rmw*le*l t*i the MU-h., Tuesday night while at supper. Wiley Klfty bnuiz** (rannori from Piiiu* have them out of (-amp In dlsgracs*--for the publication nf farts which thee*- p*>rt. Ind.. met death by *irawntag from J. D. JANES, State Agent, dorks us th* steamers approarhe*! the If*- WHS iKirn April 25, 1h 4I. Albert August Be* ker. wife-murder­ aiTlv(>*l at Hamburg. Germany on their mere generals did not regar*! It the part of a small salllMnit at Hudson lake, a sum­ landliiK With th* ahl of th* larllrv- th** The last *jf the primeval forcMta that er. was senten*v'*l at Chicago l*i be w-a> to Silesia, when- they w-lll Im- sold mer resort near this plac-e. Mr. Pen- ! St. Johns, Mich. hundretls of Chit-aRo excursionists f**rmerly *-overe*| Ottawa i-oiinty, Mich., hange*l Friday, Get. 13 to the Itell foundries to ta- i-ast Into wisdom to muk** public. Such i-orre- spimdents as Whltcluw Reid. Mr. Swin- mock. in company with two tmys. was p.isst-il throuRh th** vast crowd Into the , is now l»e|iig rcHliK'ed to lumber. Charles W. Spalding a appllc.-itlon for church bells. ton. and others wh** sttKMl highest in out sailing when the tx>at dipped water street Notwithstanding the belief last Feb­ o larole has t***en cnntinut«*J for a Th* ‘ Prussian army lnclud<>s nearly and his (.ompanloos leaped overboard. ruary that the coifi weather had ktlle*! year l*v th* Illinois slat** Iwnird of |ar- Il.tasi i>tn*-<*rs, among them 294 gen ­ the newspaper profession of that day Arrr.l<-*l for Kitil>r«(ln*>ont. were so treai***!. iin*l there was no ap ­ Penmtx'k jumpe*! after them, and, al­ I off all of the quail, there ar«- m«»r»- of dons erals. though tielng a gofsl ssrimmer. was Just the Moment. I>etrolt July 15, Henry Carsons. ! them now In Michigan than for twenty Half a dozen men got Inside the Street car strikes an- on in Bniok- peal from the Judgment uf the com- maiiding general seize*! with cramps and went ilown be­ representlnK the Clt\ Trust Safe De­ I years iMist rouniy Jail a* Gainesville, Gu., .and shot Ivn. and rieveland and rioting is th*' fore assistnne** arrived. His ttimpan- posit an*l .^Surety (-om|ian>, *»f Phllu- The * ‘leventh annual fon»'entlon of to death SI .*rmlth. wh*» was Iteing held order of the day In this caiM- the eorrfwpondents have iKd only apiieal***! from the authority ions wen- rmm tieezzlement. vene*! at P»irt Huron with nearly 2uU Jam(*s Fleshnian. Joe I>avls. ('oilier chief of the division nf loans and «'ur- Ix>mtiard was formerly an aR**nt for memliers In uttendaiice. his ofllclal dispatches. It Is difficult Leadville, Cohi.. July 13.—John F. i Prior. Bessie Hodges. Isaa* illak«-i)ship rency of Ihe tr*Msury deiatrtment, Is f<»r memlters of the administration to the A*lain ‘‘ i:xpr**ss t'ornpany at Chi­ ' Venerable lienn J. G. Mitchell of and Horry M* Kinney have l»e**ii arr*-st- Campion. w*>rth lii.iNMi.uUu. managing ' iend at Pittsfield. Mass. see how (;eneml Otis i-an allow these cago and John H .Swift, f'hhsRo man­ Payne The*>l*igirai Semlnan'. Wlll)er- e*l at Welch. W Va.. rhargeil with the owner of the n>ex mine, was arrest***! .Mgr McKv iy. rx-tor «if St Mary ’s (-orrespetndents to remain with him ager of that i^iH-ern, niak**s the r*mi- f«»rce. rea*l a piiper «»n "laive .-ind murder *if William l*atterson. a n**gro. al his summer home at Twin Iraki's for i cath^-dnil, Hamilton, has Ireeii apfMdnt- after they have so Impunged his offi ­ an allege*! violation of the game law. j plaint .iRulnst Iximluird The crime 1-^ l.;iw‘' liefon- the National Association Ala* Hrowti, a negm who assaulted ed hlsh*q> of latndnii. Ont all«Re*1 to have taken plac* on Oct 2^^. cial utterances. Bill It Is not believed Deputy Game Warden Blades, who | i)f K«1u*-alors of (**>l*»r**d Y*»uth at I)e- and killed a Bohemian woman, was i If.'i Ik9*>.and th* w-arrant charR*-.-* I-<>mluird The assembly of th* Presbyterian that the general will use any harsh made the arr<*st. eovere*! ('amplon with trtdt shot to ileath near Gilead. Tex., and church of ('unadH will meet at Halifax measure*. In dealing with them. his revolver fur fifteen minutes. Blades with emliezzllriR I.S.'Il.ZO of the *-om A meteor weighing fifty p*iunds fell an unknown negro was lynch***! near p.any's m<»nev. next .v**ar Vt»w* <>l *^n«>ral Mile*. arreste*! four other men. and C.imploti , near Allegan. Mich., Monclay week. lola. Grimes county, Tex., for munler- Dr. Isirlmer of Tremont temple, (ienernl Mllio* says that General Otis Ing H white lioT. I 1> Pick- Kalamazoo. .Mich., and *>x-maynr. died A mf'eting of the Hayee and Fricka gent's Park Baptist church, laindon. and that the newspaper *v>rrespnn- sault with a deadly w*japon Blades ands, Mather tc Co., the Clev*dand. O.. Sunday night, after a week's illneos. families, iwtween whom a feud ex- until the middle of August dents have no offirlHl standing, as ihey- Is out on bon<1s. Iron min* men, have dls*'*»\er«-«l a large He was s*t ytMrs of age. iat***l, took plat-e at .New IkMtnn, Tex., Pmfessor .McGIffert will |«>ave the arc merely *amp (*>llowera, and en­ Ma-etiss <*l Hailwsv Agsnls. liody *>( high-grade lr*in or*- in the * oMtplMint Asainal llrewer. and one roan was shot dead on the l*reshyterlaii thiirch without standing tirely subject to the rule* of Ihe com ­ Milwaukee. July 18. —Dver 20C» rail­ grinder property two miles southeast Washington. July 13.—As a sequel ■pot and two others fatally and three trial for heresy and will Join the Con- mander Don't wait, if .voii think nf having .vour sertrMisly wounded. of Stambaugh. In this ctmniy. The orr j of the .senaallonal scenes which ac- great tonal church "Gen«Tal Otis may try them by court- way agents from all twirts of the c-oun- was disrtiven-*! with a diamond drill at Frank Page of Indianapolis shot on*! try arrive*! In .Milwaukee at 11 o'clock ' ia**tim- t*«k«*ti You inav just inise the ' mmpante*! the hearing liefore (Mvll Ja|ian Is now- rerinmlzed us the equal maiNlal," said General Miles, “and I a depth of alaiut 2fk» feet. The ilep«»slt ' Service f'ommiaslnner Brewer last kille*i his daughter's suitor, a young punish them as he would any resident lo atlenil the convention nf the Nation ­ of other isywers, the new treaties with ' itusiiN-ioui- iii*ini**nl when your lt«*alth, is sixty feet wide all clean *ire. run­ j week In New Hsmiwhlre. wh«yi Sena- man named Hex Faulkner. Pag*- was most of the prlncl|tal nations of the of Manila who dls*>heye i>er <-ent In metallic Iron It Is ; tor Gallinger of that state waa cherged reprimanding the daughter for tieing world going into effect yesterday. . ders; or he may arbitrarily nxpel them j your •-oetutiie iind the atm«is|>beT**. hat a non-llessemer btit of a very ileslrabl* ' with having violated the rlvtl aervlce o»it so late, when Faulkner Interfere*!. from tbe lalands. They are under his convention opened at 2:30 tn the after­ grade : law In soliciting campaign subsrrtp- Two negmeii were killed outright Jurtsdietlon alieolately, and on placed noon. jlayor Rose srelcomed tbe rail­ j most oi all vour intMHl are tUI in time. way men lo the city and ex-Govemor Kllle«l hr m Fall nf Twral jr-Twn feel. ! tlons from finleral offlceholders. Sena- and another fatally shot In a fight at The Mettopolls Tvnnel Railroad com ­ themselres when they went to Manila W*- isniit you when you y*iurself want to I tor ^handler. It Is understorid. has lsbk*Mla. .Ma.. tietw<>en striking min­ They cannot raise an laaue between Peck also spoke. It was late in tbe lr*>nw«Mid. .Mich.. July Ik —Otto pany. with a temporary (-apltal uf $50,- aftrmcion when the rtmventlon got Naame. a Finnish miner, while work ­ I lodge*! a formal complaint with the ers and the negroes lmp*ine*l from 00b, has Iteen lnc*trporated to lailld a General Otis and the government. Th com**, and «r«* will rook** a iiictim* nt yon Georgia to take their places. down to actual bualneea. ing In shaft A at the Aurora mine, fell president against Mr. Brewer. All in- f7.iNki.iNM* tunnel to connect Brooklyn government roust neceaearily Irmk to that will In * It revelatiou. ' formation as to how far the com ­ the general In rtminuind for Ita re­ **••• Hmy Kills Asstlisi. from a plank twenty-two feet to the ■flSfiASM ANIi lllMArrrRg^. and Jersey- City. bottfim of the shaft and dte*| liefore plaint goea. whether It oaks for bis re­ A consolidation of the wrought steel ports as to the situation. (Julncy, Ills., July 13.—In a fight at HA.TILTON, The Artist madhai aid muld reach him. Two meft moval or not. Is refused at th# White Fire In a crowded tenement boase and Iron tube and pipe industry of the “The newBimper *-*> rfeepo ndenta are Meyer. Ills., Glenn Joiner, aged 12 were at work rm the plank with him, : Houee In New York resulted In tbe death of United Htates. with a capital stork nf memly ao many private Indlvldoals, years, landed bis tot on the point of Mrs Boaek and •laughter. Mrs Sllvw wb*> are ctimplalnlng of a condition but It lieing so >tark In the shaft they Itirbev Mae *»■* »* art OR fbnapaav. fkO.Oeu.OeO. has hewn <-ompleted st New Willie Allen's jaw, felling him to the Ww»eeth nim I Velvety could not say how It happened. I>e- and (laughter, and a laiarder. Ham Ixm- York. which (xmfmnta them. They are enp- ground and killing him almost instant­ I Racine, 3VIb., July IS. — Ihirld G. doo. Right »>ther people were tnjarsd caosnl was 27 yean* of age and laavas It Is reported that the American poeed to he reputable genUeroen. and ly. Allen was 13 years of age and tbe CREAMS • i Jenks. assignee for the A. P. Dickey but will recover. a wife aiHl tw** brothers I Manufacturing ctNapany, filed his re- Steel and Wire (vmipany has purchased aa such their proteat will no doubt son of Jnsllee of the Pence Allen. His Guy Whalen, a lO-year-oM Weal Sn- have weight srith the public, hut It Is •Ml ICES s ! port In mart yesterday. The report the Iron mlniM and mining property slayer la the son of Grtflln Joiner, a AashPtseeat ml Meiwy. MIelt. perlor, WIs., hoy. palled on aching not nffictal. and It ran have no weight , shows that amount of indebtedneos un- of WItherbee, Sherman 4 Co,, at Prrrt termer. Uessemer, Mich., July 13.—B. P. tooth with a string and bled to death. with the govemioeaL" J* SUNDAY DESSERT Woodman * Cx».. of Hamsey. Mich., I secured Is f IS.OOO. The contract for Henry, Reeex county. N. Y. The price One person, on Assyrian lad of 13 Is sold to have been fl^eo.oon. A member of the cabinet who stands have made an aaatgnmant with Ha- - the sale of ihe aatabllshment of the ysars. was drowned In the disaster to Soe Fmaclsco, July 18. —Two maoked We make a •pertsl fsaisre of the preei- hUtttas (»f 115,00(1. The saaets far eg- DIekey company to William Pugh has the steamship Portia, near Halifax. N. ■on at on early hour In the morning *'rr* MSe aOil Iree os assUaye. We tsfee . been signed and awmlta the indoroe- wkoleoale (xmfectloaers of the United dont. closer than any other member of *>«4ere at sny ti,se*lsr1sg the *eeek, r«> he esed the llahllltlaa and creditors will 8., Monday night Tbe ship la a total hie offkial household, sold that this entered the giwoery More and mIooo meat of the coart. The Dtehey oom- fltatee held at Fontonoc. N. Y.. It was ■wet et e msresleel h«*ar loy aaa*lay •Mo- ha paid In full. A hill of sale for the km. app eal smuld have no effect at the kept by David Ltsvarl and after firing pnny went to the wnll ten months agi* ■ill and entire stork of shingles wns Geonvs Kronohage. 13 yenm old. aoo iractiflally doelded that a rxHnMiuUloa White Houoe sevemJ shots to intimidate (boas lb tha for |lS.0t0, after having been In husl- ICECREAM glvan to I. J. Luela. of Theodore Kroneboge. of Boorohel. eonld not ba effected HeueeSs ef **••• SulMSMtlaesa. place, denoodod at Lavari hta nmney. neen here tor the poet thirty yanre In Thr proprietor reolslad and was mor ­ oevved lOsIs sa*l Is lirtrfce ■ Illeal walls I'oMMielleg Oss*. WIs.. a merchonL drowned In the Wto- The Genoanls bank of SL Paul, cap- "The reporta of General Otle have the manufaetaie of agrtraltuml Imple- Ilallge4i at tlto.oen, was elosod yaotor- tally wounded. The hlghwnyman on* *>ar tiwtseeii le imt rosliwd. however, ea- Iroowood. Mich.. July 13.—Parry ■ento. ctMsin liTor while hathlOR. bean subetantlated hjr every oAcer of <*lae tfehl tlM l-«ant par ponad haal Eng. Ri the rtmr et Rlcklend Center, WIe. JCtTSB.

TW t|MatkNi, wbat aaipkijaMat omi ba MAH ABOCT Town. H e St. Johns News. Idb IwiI lor how la tom inn or to tlw mm- atobo^b d horvaaltoc tita eom arap, if iMMialtkaOa- CHILBBEN’8 COLODI. ekmmmd iattaatriaB ia, ol ootma, a mtoan pawiai d to aoy okbv bodoM*. wooM r»> Boyaltot B-rrrvrrr^rr k B-rrrvrr-k 1 tea OP TNC PNim oaa for tboa* who waat to try tbair lor ■alt ia bookfoptosr. Not looa afpi. a party. wttli I orawtod oat of bod. uollided witba tettomit taaw la tba .N«w World. Jaat aow tto* eioady obairriaa aMM, wbo bod travdoi ekair, aad iatrodgeed my toft shin to tbe TKNXH "My tdkm ftivfd aaawar to that gawtion iatororabla. and ntaodrdj to ladtoaa, aald tbot th* mmdB Bot a lupabNc, bat a utroag baad waob taad. wkick daaf aMMas ooaid wm mmj look lor Hood tM* to iainaiHm- ooatr oa toitoM ia thot atat*. Hamdsd lUmM* to ral* or*r it a* ktog. It to BOt "Hel-oa!** Tkat ladtomi are the tfae rhitoten at PTMJi-ATMtll OmrS. Wa UmT N«. Hmilly I tawnd aa tkm ad proAla. Hanatly. to oa* ol tlM tmiiarid tJw* mov*m«at kg* attaiaid ■atam to IHatian I ia tk* many toaotaa tioa lor aoota tlma to flooM*. "to tkto tke jaiir' WEM tke vliggiknm d fam iaadtataa ia tbia ■tatw, a yntUiaan muck Mtriagth a* yt, bg> Mmtoadm ba* tkey heM mpaiding nature. Fur to* "No. it iea't" aad 1 tiaagwl tkr rm- ■taaaa, tke Plate fndlaas have a vary pe* MiE, and it twimd oat lo be —haBTlpMw by Mall, rwl rrnm. A —■fl.a aUMK i wbt> toat fall tmrdad to Btroor. mod* a namlwr of iWvotad foUatma .wJmi Ua» mirmr up ao maek ra«agy tkat it oaltor way oi leskiag at the staM that to pknl It uccaiiad- lo «w lo a O.MI: YKAIl.______•! m» iHm* Job Clay, a larmw of I^**, N. II., tb* dotbwat that tb* «a*t» of Indiana in bop** ul aasarime kigfi poaitioa* aad awoke tbe baby to tbe aeat houasaad bath iatmnaltoa sad orto. *1 They bw- inanktns tkal woald mmktm mm to htar ■IX Md.VTHN______m» Here the eon to he the gteat futher of the wa* tifoaabt iato eoart at l>ov*r, day tamiiii woald k«*ptb*faniMmto Fraan*. tfito*. etoppad u borne from saoriag in tb* bam vibrattoaa I w«at to an aaxtol. aad ha TNKRK MtiKTHH______oafve res ami tkat tke moea to hto wiCs. bdorc yiotcrda.v, on tb* nbara* of Iwot* a nmit at my own trard*/* May* amuiid tke corner. ■dvtoed me lo Inks Ike hunan oar aa FaaxK C. Pixoaaa h«ad of tk* Piagrm All of tke atars ore hto child rau. aad whan my nwdeL He eoppUed me with a daad ina bw wilr. To f|aotc from a {inoM r** tin* aorcraor, “fbroaab ladiana, I bar* I awtire—that to. to u Metbodtot way — Father Ban mahee hto appaaraaea they T«Il .\'KWH will cmiUlsUjr rvawlTr «Ucoa- A Mmitli *ko» company, aay* tkat if be maa’e ear. and with thto ear 1 expatl* ■MtcAtlua* Iar«l or ||Mi»r«l lairrMt wkMi port: - bMcum*rooriacMl tbot l.tNMi.tMMi «b**fi that I ivoaid have tke infernal mackiae harry away to hide thsmisivii aa bom can prevent it hi* brothvr, tb* (loveraor, they can. for they are in very g reat fear men ted, and upon applying tka appa* •rruMi|iMiW>U by tbr wrft#r*» luUMr At*cordin|{ to th* taatimuny til hi* wU*. j ooaid b* kept doriaic tb* aamaMw rntmtlM taken oat in the tnoraing, but when TbU iMiirr U tally »«|«l|(firtl to il«i |«>bMil moraiag came aad with it the bright and wtoie down tbe vibrattoaa tIowD aatl kick*d bw, luid tbr*at*o*tl tt» ^__ again. Frank tkiake tke baatoe** of the ths sun catchos thom he will eat them. tbr iairriBiyir, aatllbrworkmaa«bl|iUaaar. IMmod h*r to itoath. Mr*, tlay * !*«. ’«»«“ otlwrwto* h* wad*d. ami mneb ol beaming imnehin*, ( forgot th* annoy- 8u it to that the Piute Indians bolievs **I arrlvud at tke coacloaloo that If I aairrtl of ibr biclawt itaalliy. •vimpany, and the ftoveraor'* family Aalrrrttarrr attrat to tbr rarrilrat arTTlTr WM* *woli*n aad mmod with wuuad*. I whieb. ia tb* «liafi* of w**d* aad brmtb, aaee aad *vea forgave the girl up at cen­ that whan the sun appouni to the mom- (xmld make inrn vibrate oa a dead raa«lrrr>l by Tnk Naara. Ita rirralatloa la have rial am upon him in the fature tluit tog and the stars are toot to view the Tb* pn*oii*r wa* found tmilty, and i i* po*illr**4y hurtful to tb* farm*. I am tral for her mtolak* when she imiled m* man’s ear I oonld make on iaatramont boan Iblr. aawd(iug ol H*oator Thumtua, of drmaad*? Very few will btotove it until for a good time with each othor and thstr hour*. get a vibratkm. aad tkae the telephuni With tbi* much by way til explanation., .N*bradia. Th* PhiiadHpbia l*o*t nay* tbev Nee it «loae. mother, the moon, whom they leva eery Tiii^H AM m trriH' cmmiuMHii*. Th* Doxt night they got m.v |4ar* much indeed. Ike mooo. too. thinks a wae completed w* inrit* th* reader’* particular attro-j that b* i* tia* of tb* mo«t H|ot|U0at man Id dinvt i'«inilmuUion til ri'pabttl aa- mixed a|t with th* (mor bouee, but that very great 4leai of her ehUdrra. hut every "Tbe tdepboae ornue frora my at- lion to anotbrr extract from th* refiort:! In th* H*oat*. aud tbw* i* rardy aoy ir* ■artloM tliMt aa tipp^nairw aotl tlttapolir \ New York woman to tb* poeueaeor of waan't nuch an errof aad 110 one could month she hides her face from view and tmapte to tench tbe deaf to epeak It goes into mourning beeuuae of the stars, ofoeu froen ay knowledge, not of etoe* f««Mumhi|* tuia b)«ra »«lbbiiah*at of joint wbeoever ldest inhabi­ dsuces, hoeaoae she to tender, gentle and Bearrtinaii was a writer of ptojrs. ulti* worked hi* way though coilege, devotiog ciflc t-bantaa aa Ui tlir iiiaaovr iu which lung itintended that if tb*r* ar* wretch** among the young men to know whether tant to look Imek very far to reach the hoaoUfuJ. just os a mother shoald be. aately fairly well known in bto (lay. tb* MuiiiiiHir* aud winter* to earning tb* (iro. (Hia haa uaad the oroatirahip. not who tbwerr* tb* lash in addition to im-1 then* are aoy unmarriageableatoterN left, time when uommunMiatioii by teiepboue Venus, ths evening star, they look upon For nearly 20 year* he struggled and priaonnwiit or Hning. tb* wif* banter m | ^^rrewitbal to pay for hi* enuran* in tb* •e the bravest of idl tbe moon's Hiildrea. fought bto way along wlthoat miwiflng onl.r to coDoaaJ, bnt to diatort nntl <-olor •IT even coaetne. or inoredtotaot rafalive* wa* NO expenaive that men talked in ab­ on* that ataude near th* head of th* iMr.Thor*totr*amblhou. who raigHt by aoy (KMaibiilty *luuv tb* •ad that to bscausi every ercaing she is with any very proauunced eacema. each the ioloniiation which it la tb** risht of breviation* and (irensed their braatli in the flret to come out from her hiding Ii*t. Smitinwntnliate. how*r*r, urgej'*^**" ^ niuiidaboute. teotfency. play In turn (wnving more or lem of a the Aiiitncnu |mu |4c to Iuith . Tb** pn»- •liort (Muite. .Now th* (wtee wsolow that place •• the eon sinks in the west. failure. At hist, however, be (irodnoed that til* application ol tb* laah tend* to . »«« ♦« **^.|*V • lawyer and 11 taat itlhrma that noun * nfMirta bava lawn men ’ are, and women «mo call *nch they in some way got away, aod the long ; happened to be present together on tbe Hiiaily get |Mimiii*ion of what they etrir* tica aiiowiiiK tb** fate ol .\nM*rM'wii aol- much tb* mon* dllHcnlt of rrlormatiou.” S{Miin, and who bail been boourabiy mu»- other u|i ami tear to |ii*s>s« their neigh ­ toll of light wbich follows the mommt is opening night All went well Hncceoe for, hw iif* in the .Seoat* ba* not tie*u a* dtent in th** Haiti hart* h*>*m cxrtanl. that W* bar* no more patieoo* with tbi* kiml lerw) out, bne again offered bui eervic ew bor* reputation. It Neeni« i|neer. the star's blood Dowing from its body os I followed sarrem. and apidanae greeted ol twiuldle. Th* wiwarrl .Shendan -os usual, too vm I**h pmiide* eitlicr Hning or a elight I’m ••ided to e*rv* out hi* term. *>• art rotat (*■•« lo war: "Ah. yea." murmoredHberidan. with tbia 'vnatimbip la tDaiiitajn*«tJ ftir pniiian- term of iinptieoniiieat. Thing* bn wmiw Thi: ft. .1. If. penentneumroitteebelievew NsUW wys ttist Atm U Mfiy The ooiyest hug iu th* bit. exquisite cnnipaasion in hto voice, "too tial military ranaona in kis* ! It M iiiaintninml Mroply in (irder—to the*** an* th* wife beater*. W* aieHmiiy many old *oidiem hare failed to obtain a 'Yhy, "it'll take you another 2(i yean to 000- of tb>‘ lieiiH that if eortMiral puiiwhinent aUo tb* amount autboriaed hy |ire- vince any - muMoiier of fieoeioti*. Tto mine that gives the giri* vitwlltr ef •nwtle. volumn «jf thow viciou* and cowntdly j '«*“»■« tl»* ia*tituUou aud miw-*lhiiwon* pto of tb* l.’nifni .State* by th* ear*.' Paralysis Tbe snail to bleosed with great powura iittn. ke which have amuaed ih* right- "PProf'nation* which «mrr> tax <*lau*ee. While .liiicrican euldier* are winning \ Ji'MY at St. Paul Mieved that Anton I’m fuctured in tb* (mper* of vitality A uaee recorded of an fmitle** liattiee, the (leiipi* at hoin* an eou* iiidiirnatioii of lb* Hovtr juriat. in i ••'•‘•'ca*** for educational puriNi*** wa* Egyptian dooert snailto which came to Rettiogton. over 7ii year* of ag*. prom- With tail* and * galore. being hil to 'tak* on ultmaiptimwtic I order, however, t«i bring about '“*<*1* " ! f**^ '*'^'* 7?^ *** life upon being immersed in warm wa­ iHed to marrx' Marx- Hahn, aged about My (iraiwai sung in (xietrx' Ttow of tb* matter,' in order that tb* i nHmli.v.pambyUm muet I** r*. j••for imuni*. $1,14.'.,- ter after baring (wisaed tonr yean glued 4(1. ami beraii** li* promieed and dhln’t .4m far am tb* golden Hhor*. btarard in the Elngltoh museum. Some meii rn united on a *ab)w*t ae they are aiient the iHiiH of $2.ii9.'i.H.q7.77. in th* fature. Tbex*'re Tlwiv'n b* • Isaib ■tdwv being thawed out. The eggs are aa hiud cabled to tb* I'nited .Slate*, wae mit Dead ftuppreeeioii of th* pmetic* of |Milygamy The main item* entenng into thi* $2,- Ws etU hsr* csTtosOs ot ipplw to destroy os the snail itaelf. They seem **nt from Manila, but fntni Ilongkong. f4or*. jin I'tah. Tb* f iaklaiid i'«)anty PfMtgete «Mi.'»,h ;I7.77 inrrea**. luiid* from tb* a|e Thk "center tif iMipulation" of tlie f'nif Aad ■hinlii. plows aed pssisi perfectly indifferent to freexing and eight day* later. In other wnrdn, th** • • • AU tbs boys art *«Tytar os ; cio*** to til* truth when it naye '•Him*** I propnatiun* for building* at tb* eevemi eil .State*, according to tb* •'eneu* of bar* been known to prove {irodnctivu men whoe* chief intereet it ie to g*! th* Aed ofisbtog thsy vsrt tbsUa th* MUpiireNnion ae*iblr hav* lieen woniiui wa* (lut on th* witom* stand. Cmnmtmtmmt te ftov tueS. i cutrlieon. Th* *y*t*m of inamag* 10 out *o very fnvorabt* to (vxqi growth, and •|e prisoner a strikin' ih* aniendm*nl, but H*r |M fsisat tot hw so B* follow*,! hw iato tb* sards*, whstv afraid of th* truth, ami afrnid not for ■d wv ran to htsi aod bsegel 1 A mer Mo nurf awwl sad rad. Mila rrim* III I'lah lor a man t«> hav* Meet ion of their orbit* at tb* Ham* time j corn, oate, (M>iat«iw« uml (lasturer have I know dat air fence ain't gi***- (irnof. ^ military reaMtin*. but for )»ulitit -asiesni Lm la CXsctaestl Cn« the petals an eeeet. so rare. IMMIUMATION. in moet Heid*; in the wonth*ni couiitieH Hittltigboarae, England, s man was over ­ TWt ths latr sMtd'a lips had peaaaed. Monnnnism is not disinti-gmting. It* i ally Hteiut eight inch** long and 12 Hh* was exciiseil. taken by tbe rash ot tidal waters, aud Bst a hiMstilitin that had jvat got thsra .Nearly com|»let* retam* t<» lli* Treas­ some wheat ha* lieen Nrctired lunl thresli- enthusiastic roissioiiane* ar* winning j inch*** ill diainvter, but tb* lore* of it* ing hae rximitieacefl oml a very light yi*i«l • • • for safety he sought refuge in a tree. He Ervceedeil to do the rest ury Department idniw :111,h7h immi- hod uot been loag there befoiv he was —Cklosgo Tlwsa Herald. ••oiivert* everywlier*. Th* op|MNUtinii im|Nict with th** •'ortli brtik* it 10 tw«i. i« tb* msult. tb* quality, however, is grniit* fur th* year «ai. Irv* of charge. (Inly tiu* liottle V I, L . -ru * , .tuditor (ieneral Ibx that in bis uiunion gooil growth aud ar* not being motested roigratifin for the }ireviou* year had Imwo ytm wait in .North Dakota. The Hnal - ... the governor, ami by coiieei|uenre on o(e bto hMvlly nailed hoots, and with It he given to on* (lerNon, oati none to ('hildrvn the latter IS mit anthonseil to draw war­ to aoy considemble extent hy (lOtato (Minent of all railway fmtiebiae* and preps rwl to gtr*- battle. As fast •• the without order from (Mcmt*. ihe Rtnalleat for nearly two riecade*. M*e curtain was rung down on th* North Da- j Img*. .Sugar beets contlnu* to inak* rant* for th* beet sugac fNiunty claim* of rata caoM* to th* tree they wer* Iwaten .Nt> throat or lung rented v*ver ha«l *tich •knold have to go Imrk to |h 71i t«i And a k«ita ilirorce law .lute* .'to The law re-1 (irivilogvii. She hnd rend so murii of s(»lcndid (iriatrsn except on tb* lowlainls hock iato the water, aisl so the Hght con ­ a sal* os IttMtrbee's (teniiHii SyriHi in all tke Michigan Heet Sugar rompany at the govwnor'n rather forHble talk on the anialler. H*aidf«<. gnvit Huctiiatione j quiring oiily

* .\T^)KNE\».

VIM M«%*IUIKM0K. a. H. Att«>rMJ. tMMaHur NM«I M4>4tHt<>r Mi. i4>liM«, Wtrli Tbe floe oowdoot of bard woods that RDmiK SWE Lr FOR TULEIS OF THE SOU **Hem. ” Noid a man of matam yonm AJnJLUINU. m which U pradocwl in oawlac voBMara. “was an experioaoe that 1 fancy uChom 8 (>•«*•• ur#r >mIU»mmI lUiMk is oood for M rartetj of apodal porpuaaa have hod Win katwr wo don't rantlM floe inabopnny aawdnol. for iaolanoo. the change in oar own apponmnre aa ■UMWA m Atiornny the yearn po by. We foal young, all •( L.MW. ll•r•4•v•r TurMne l>rM« litom •t.MQORA GOAT PRODUCTS. heinir extoa oi rely oaod In rloaoioir fnra There are oold Ift or 90 different rnri* right, sad imagine that are look ao.*and lia. M. lMS«IMM»M.Alu>rno> nt Lmw. never realise that are don't Bot com- ON HIS ANKLE ■•••a Wara la Wblali tlw Aalaaal I# etioa fif line Mwdnat from aa many dif­ W MI.JuhMn. t3M Ing itoarn from an upper story of a tall TYPES ofSWINE tawfal. ferent kinda oi hard wunda. theoa boias H. U. Hnnnin. i*. K. I'niuuk. A. J. llAt.i>wik ‘*Tbe .Sncora uual.** naya Wlllbini R. baildlnic in an elevator the rdher day HMMlNw » MAliUiriN. Allurno/nMl iCatherad fnan the variona milla l*aytM*. the wi II kuoani «lealrr in luu- and thinking of Mitnething eioH 1 hap ­ < Rmtinate sorra and ulcers whioh Low nMil MuHrlliim la riMnernr. mai na Tho Modorn Bnoon Ba« Com* While tine malMisany is the oawdnat pened to me a face in a mirror in tbe PtatniVM’Mi^.i'oarnjraacwmnail tauany lnaarra. luilr iiih I mail Mklita. **laia only lM*eti eul- 4Mr Sil Y« IMmi refune tn heal under urdinnry troflf naaauar llllnn. taty laMo. nntwat* pnanlua patrod With «n Old Timor. moot larnely Qood in cloaniOK tors, aide of the car. ^4»pnm. nail laalin ritUnclIoan. All (•wnlaoaa llvate«l lu ihla )*ouutr>' alwiut rai 3-««ra. ment Huim liM*ciin«c chrrnjir iiod deep- aroaipilr aad nrraralnly allnaitnil lu. omrr Few iietifih* know ita valih* au«i fewer variona *ither kinds are aiou employed "It hod a rarions interest for ms SufMy, Pimpllf Cnd Hent«Mi, and am a eurtc ai^ that tM 4,mr unich>i*r** HMon aiorp ni Xo. 11 Ctlaiua •otnebow. It woe the face uf a man of ntlll kuow that iiiulialr la tlie Meeit* of fto* that porpuae The noo of knxorood D m ^ ^ € Hntire circulation in in u depruvod condition. They nmaar.Mt Ji.ban. Mlrblsaa. I'mfiwoor llaywiinl of th** IVnnayl. middle age. tcfterably arell prteerved. tbia auliual. TIm* .Vincora iiaa uui yet oawdoat fur cloantnir jewelry Is tradi* S*Ut St«• s«04 nfff n Mevern drain upon the Myntefn, anti ant con- U«riN M. Allurani at vaiilo Stat«> 4'o||«>ri‘. wriitluK In Ttw* Nn* i»tilaliM*«l a ataliia lu ainietiltural Juttr- tiuoal. Boxwood sawdust is also used bat aritb hair pretty gray and with Jiiaan. ttoiMl HfiM'kuuut. iA4ia|Nir«>*> th** imMleru marka at the fiater cumera of his eyes Rtuntly sfippiiiM away the vitality. In every c'aetc the |)oiaon mual E uala. Yn It la 4H m* of the iimmiI vnlu- in pnlishinx Nilver Some oowdnsta art rniiiwortli Imik with th«* typicol ohi •bowing where tbe emw bod stepped be eliminatetl fr m tlie hltaMl, and no amount of external treatment < It. MMirM, Alli^rar.i nl mi. Johan able of uuiliiala. fur Ha Heei'e. |ielt aiHl noed in iiiorqnetrT work. Home am aaed )• Mlrh. I'lBif ovvr lirlirm'llanaar. iliiitT. It will la* rKaillly atwHi. Ih *. on him lightly, to be oare. bat tbe can have any effect. 4*iin*nMM. ami oim * of the eaaleat ami in tnakini: preaoed UMtldinics and fima- ■ . — A___ L rlutt tiH* iiiiMl^rn l•r*lllH»ulll■ol plx mark* of crow's feet aevirrtheleea. tbe Then* in no uncertainty alanit the meritM of S. S. S. ; ever}’ claim <*bea|M«Ml to cultivate. Then* an* In tlie luenta Sandsiwoud oawdnst is aood in UfSirTE.lfHKItR. In iHi iiMtn* llki* iIm* oM tittii* Imik ttuui a fare uf a man of yeoia. Bat. old and math* for it in liacked up Mtroiijrly tiy cNinvituiuM whoh* oHii try miw pnilMhl.v aliuut M-ent laiKB wlHfllMirrow In llki- a Imrourla*. Two gmy. the mcot carlooa and fascinating teetiniony of tlioei* who liave tieen cukk I hy it Mm. 1>M. IMtIMJK. Tmw-lirr i>l IMaao. t>r- ikiiMHoi lM*n4l 44f .vuirunti* Im-lmllita all Tbe iirtMlnrtion of cuorm Hawdnat of — van, ViM-al Sluon- aail llariauaj. aiiiiiln*il .Trom of lini’illnt; liy tla* ont> thing ataiat it wa* it* atriking reoetn- and know of itn virtues by ezfierieuce (U*icn*«*M 4if IiIoim I m*ar ami n*iuole. of rarifios hard wood*, anrh as faik and u«i< riHtian ran|f» Courthouw%Va., writes: not uuiil** tb** wortltl«*Ma. Iiani kiw^iinit. j la* <*alh*4l *1111:11' imule even liy eour- otartiiUK. bnt m moment later, when as it. Snrh NOWflnatN may tie homed I IcMiked at it 1 NOW a kllght tnm ttf my " For six rears I had an ofastinaSe, ranning ulcer on tuy j teay. Of pun* hlotMl tlH*n* li* latm*. ex* in the milU where they am prodceed. ankle, which at ttmee caused me intense euffering. I was m M. U. 'Wjt'.SIH. I'bynlrUtii nail Mur- own lieoil repridared with a correapond- KF.4II I ifllrr-nm-ontl'Hoor iUntob hlork, I a<«*pi iMtMHlIily a lt4M*a in a n*iiiote n*- ('oaiae iitahf'icany Nowdnst may be sold so dkablcal for a long while that I was wholly unfit for DHI Jitban. Sllrlt. ing uinvetuent liv the iieod in tbe mir­ ! triou. wlileh liaa Im*,*ii k«*pt Intnet fntiu for coiniiifinplat ’e naee or euipioreit a» buolnees One of the irntt dor*tors treated m^ c4itiaCantly, ror. I reahxeil that what I naw was in­ ams p. havksim . m. i». oar,- 4iT»t ' I'nNut hn*4*4llni:. luit liaa lM*eii liilin*«l fuel where It la made, bat for tbe fine but did me no good. I then trieil varitmk bhaMl remeJiea. .Vobln Hurwril’n •l44rr mi . J.tban. OOPr deed a reflertion of my own face, aod without the least heneflt. H 8 S was ao liiglilv reoom- Him*** I.sTtt. of iiii|Mirii*«l aiilinali* from b44umM !• |4> 11 a. m. aniNon out. and I waa mna (xua- iTiliou'n MiUltHTr >i4>rr. .No 14 nialou Am a Im'iii :h*io .\iii:a>ni miiiM ati'l •*u«*w. ly of Hni- liard winn I Nawdntt i* Uix-I pAetaly cured.” Swift’« Specific — tbe k Uni there Ami illd 1 nee any luld* aar lUwi'ImM-** «'onit*r I.niii4lttic nud lUolirt-m iiiaii.v of th4*tii of ahaihtfiil Ii|4M44|. Of Ml.. Ml. lobii., .MIrb wimn I. of whirb th** iinppi}' i* im* Hum n*Mll> t'lirh l•^lamrll*r ami irnol** pn»l' lUe aged folkn m>a'; Not lira jnirfnl! 1 the fleiiiand I saw till* Ilian I wiinteii to see. A little 8. 8. 8. FCR THE BLOOD i 4II.I.A.M a ^I.KIIIHT. I’liynu i4tu>Ni44iMur- WollKHN ItAlov n«*4. nl'iy tiot oV4*r .*'>11 ninia, all lohl. Uavi* Fine bard rvood kawilnatk an* kbipped! It )(n4>n> Ilillct. nml r4^l«lrii« .• >|<|4> 4a gray |n rlm|>*iT Yek. a little gr.i.v. ('n»w'k —drivw out pror>* trace* of iinpurit}* in tho hlocNl. nnd in thin wav I'oart Il.»ut4.- ««|ii«r». labit bt>urn I lo •* •tiotv iiuitiiiinir h4iff iltaf tlH* Taiiiwortli ^■*•nll* froiji J'nrkt'.v fn •III tbik eity to vitrion* fiartk uf ibej fxrry (•n4Tn«»oii ffei: Y«a. if yon want to i-all 'fin ini curcNc |M*r7iiMricntlV tin* tiio-t idikfiiiato. dc*»»|»-acvitc*cl aurc or ulcc*r. fl Imi4-4>ii I|4».; la 4i4,-4| ti\ inaii.v to L-. ■•rn'Ki tlilk foiimlaih'ti ha** In - u Im-al rnitefl stnt4j. Tliev an* *xi»'rfei| in; I m no kpniig • liti-keii I don t -•■t out iH the* only IiIinn I n*rnc*clv gifaraiitcM-d piiroly v»*trctnl>lc. nnd ••on- ll. .1 w. 1* 01.1.tail. M. 11.. riifi Wen* tip III*' pr<^4*iil »i»N-k Il4*i\x•■•■II 4'n*'" ff'iiMib-rniile iinniitltif-k to < atiaila. anil! t" Ik that liiat Ik. not thin iipnug'** ttiiiik not a jiKrticlciif ikd'ikh. in.*n*nr}' or idhcr inincml. S. .S S. 4inl'^or««'€>ii. Ml lobi «. Mi' ll •»itlf4 .itiniMi; ti> i.<'t till' iimsittniiii .iiii*aiitt of lin<«-4liii.: aii cun-M fontaifimis UIinm I I’oiMin. Sc*r< ftilii. f'nncc-r. (’atarrh. Kczcina, .Man i and ria going to remain mi for many haw ln'«-oino a iy|>*' of ihnt f*«4'4|H ;|4 w*-ll •■liiuiiiai*-*!. ami Hu ••rjtiiir m-*-*! Rhoiiinati.--in. .Son-s. Plci'rs Huilk nr aiiv other IiIimn I tnnihlc. In-i^t i'.\ih :i:taki :u > yeark to inni** ilekpiti what the mirror k!itill>. iu:itiir«-M at* iinlfkly ainl yti |il« iiow l'« for L't-4Ml pur**. M'liml. rtrki «*hii»» llrt*eehleM at the Hall. “I mil S. S. .S.; nothing 11111 take* it- nlaco. in the elevator -aid ” New York .Man I iiri.1. I J«i i ilni. n.on. h'Aii iu* ‘al tlinti aii> oila-t t\|N* of rii***h I'tn-kH, ii l•*^ri•4||y farm iml a m*\\ The loav ^r of a |•rovllll•tal town re- Valuable Uxiks uniilud freo hy S'4vift .S|N*i*iHc Coiupany, Atlanta, Lin. £. A 4 <• fil** Ml ho.: k>i*>\vn. irntly gavi* a funeyiln-kk Uill. at which **tarf It to-***!** ’-•m4- l•^lill^. ••m*nr> DENS OF HORROR. Ill :i iiiitaln'r of l•n*4<<| ti>«tK 4>>iiihirtf4l nti>l I'lom > put Iiit4> it to itiaki* It one 44f all >■! the ellteof tie* town were pn-ketlt ■pH l; ■ l.l> *■< 'N ' '»l \ rv >A V INu** HA N K I'V varloiiM l•^|N•l'illl4•tlt M.Ill''Ilk wlaTi* fh** In ***! pat ilit; (mln»trf***. tlii*n* U * )ne Worthy aldernutn. wh** wat* rntber Ttir I*r4»44na ..f Mortireo %re il.tlHeS* clu* Taiinv4»rtli. ili** Uhx 'H iv|i4*, wmi fill rnHirtiiiiai* l\ ih** l•ollktllll4•m•\ U-hlml ktoiit. Won* a jiair of tight hn-ii-hm. 4.1 llentlly lllkeeBe. -,1 ItHIN.- Mini.. the toll4itvtiit; ri''*tillH won ’ •>Maiii«''|. til** .\irj4*ni III tin* t iili*'*l .'ttatf** ti»la.v and in the ciairkt* of om- of the ilaureii Tht prik4>ii kyut. Ill aiol tn-atinent of wIiM'li iiia.v li4* 4if .\t iJ**n4*Mt. he felt itk keaiiik givtiig wav Hastily A i'avm .1 • r..\ r isn:i:i:s i n\ linH toil a lurc<- \ot4* llk«* lluil I'lo-k of prik, tier- ar,- wiTm- in .M toccu than in N. V . it u.'iM iouik I that tin- a\«-niir'’ Ho* *.||4-4-p. rp to ihit** It laik l•4**>n ke« king out hik wife, he told tier of hi» HIGHEST I'M*.! i,« \M» Nm tiN II* itny 4ith4*r conntry in th,* world itmt of |t.>rk fnaii tla I'oiaiMi-f ’hiiia for in*iii*kl Ilk4* •iitv f•t IlKAI. I> 1899 iJirik* >4 wnk l.iil <’,*ntM imt immiiiiI. — Ilk ii4»i wrrrtli Ho* ".tom* that !*• thrown auil thn-Hil. Mmght unt an autenkiiu npiU* koine one wlioin they have I.eeti •*> T.v rr.Mi-A t aiT\ n aial from tin* Tainwortli at tlw* niiu 4* at It. It Ik tin|M4Ni4ll>h* i4t K4*t iiniinalM when* kite thought tbe)' Would I * tree unfortunate a* to offend and wbii {hm - titia* auti for tla* Huna' h•llutll of tliiu* fn»in 'I'tirkey wit hunt a ntrouc i»n*MMiin* fnmi iiitmsion while the breach wa* re­ AL.HKUT J U AI.IHVIN. I'rr-M.-ut. NeHse* Millie iNiwer and ttniig into pri*- It waa lint .‘t.Mi ifuik |4i'r inuiial. fnan ifovemineiit ami illploinath* ps inil BICYCLE 00. whcTi* they would In * left to ktam* did • i I'KNNIll.U. Vlrr.|*r«.».|«'Hl The worthy alderman had no nooner t •’ K. IV vl.MIVoil I II. TtfUiiurw In atfrujriim tla* rcwnlta oiiialiM*«l amin'i**. not their relsttvei. or friend* tiring them ^ GENTS from tla* Malta*. .MaMaai-iiiiafttM an t Hi- ’*Tlie nioMt liniMirinni |•nMlm■t of tla* palled "ff hi* lireeche* than two ladies foiNi. for ni> arrnngeuientk wliatever are tati*' «*x|M*iina*nt »iatloum wlH*n* llork- ' .\nt:om la tin* lonu kllk.v. wnvy fl4*«t*»* came along Hie c*oiridor with Hie inten- j i,j. u„th.,rUie* for tb. feeding THE Hhlntt. I'ohiml-t ’liiiuia. TnmwMrtlia. nk4*4l 4*ither pun* or In «*oiim*i'H4'n with tioii. Hk khe nuplNweil. of vlnitltig tbe of priMineriL All that is (irovideil i* u COLUMBIAN ttOiO COLUMBIAN f’liiMiiiT >Vlilt**M iiial lHin»r*-Jonw*\ H tviail. Milk, linen or •■arlton in a vaiietr name nHiiii Mtk Alderman liadced prikoii, generally cniwded with pritmo- tV4*n* fi**!. it oak foiiial Hint tJa* l*o- 4if fahrif’M for lamm* fnnilMliIntr ami hi- aronnd the nHitn for M>me place in cr* dying in tb*- iii4iNt l44aHi*omeanth. fnmitnn*mv- opening the Hint dour ebe 4'aiue to. abe and iiistcidijuik wbo are qniti* a* limtal' BEST BICYCLE BUILT of St. Jonns, Nicliii^an. tla* Ih-rkahln*?* 411» iH'iitaln. tla* Tam- eriinn*. 4*nrtiiln intiierlal. knit kimm Ii*. kaid. “iVnirk. John, go in here—there'* and kavage a* Hie |inann kvatem it*elf. ^ wortla* |M>iiialM, tla* <'h* ’«li‘r Whiten fnm'V 4'fTiM-tM 111 Mliawlkaml •in**k t;4MHlM two ladiekciiuiiiig. ' At the* mium * ttiiie. Pnoonen* are caat inP' tbeae Iio H nn In factory to rider direct. COMMERCIAL AND 3AVIN(15. .'rfMi [N'timla utal Ha* lMirngb. khe cliNied and t of dineaiN*, gcnerallt* without Hn* moat , |aa:m'M. i.oiteil tlie il.Nir and tnrtieit to meet the .VII ae r»i|iilri- l« *1 iMi iltiwii, ItMlMiiiT- |•4,lNt•l4■ iifl4-r •■iiiiiiliiNlion niui:i*M for fon*lifn from 4.'* to ."j* «*enik famral preteiiM* of n trial, to die and : vvi- iiri- tin- ••Illy fm l••r,l lii the l'n|tf* 4i kim,-- m-IIIuk •Ilr4-4’i lo rtil-r I.aiit fall two m*li;hlMtni kllleil two |Hinml ami for ilinm-Mth* from ‘J.’ to .‘to intrndcwk with a kmiling face, when n, their iTiine* are light or tbeir !i 'V_r miMIMnlee our giMMU for 1 a o year. - -Imor I lllM-rMl guarMlite.- er Vli eli load kn4N’kitig We irl\e more ol'llon- ftlNH the resuliir ilealerk Voil •••ll lone lour rtiok-r lltii*rM of pliTk 4»nt 4»f lUn'kMliln* ami 4*,*ntii. Then* an* •■oinniimil aniinally Ni niTeil 4in *hc'"fber ' Otherwiiw* they are ‘ •••»l••r. belahili ••! frame, ••r any gear ro\ •■lll•-^l•> —Ints ^ luliInK, tliikh lolnl*. larg^- •|•r•H•kel•., ••■rk •■n>M 11, •lni|i liMiiarr, ••ii iN'iiialk. of wtiii'h Ha* hulk hak to In * tically velh-d other. .*tMioii Wtarkly Not long ago it merchant who had COLUMBIAN CYCLE CO., U. W. .MUNGER, Vice PresUent. lout; enoui:li ami of ehano'ier to unit Telegritph ■land to claim iiayinent for goiMlk mp- J. W. HTZGERALD. Casbler. iimiinfuetiiriiit; laiilk. Tla* * 4114111. h^w l*eralNteMe> . piied to H friend ot ouc* of tin* cnurt ofti* CLEVELAND. OMH). n umi i nial 4*nMk l•^■4l liiitr I I for lihiii- R. A. BEEBE. Teller. Tberharactc riNtic .d grtinilie beroiaui cialN wMk cant intci prison without triaL k4*li». lap rol'4*k. nijfk. 4*anN*ti4 nial I41W in itk iierkikt, iiey All men have wan- ami after -nfferiug toruientk in the IPmmIn ueimnill.v, Iml 4*veii H i4*ii In worth Thn-** {•••r ••*♦111 |mih 1 •*» •‘••riili- ileriiig iiitpiilkek, fit* aiiii «tartk of gen- miiUt of a make of diauaseil humanity Ul lt lltial oil nHVIIltC** Ihio L 114- imm* |N*r iNmmI than natut h Im*4*p wimiI. for inoiith ’i wok taken out. ohovcHl into vS enmity lint when y.iii have rekolved to mnutn. Iinillf i4»ii*^l uimm I III aii.v |mrt var.vliic fnun h* t4i ‘J1 4*entH. Tla* um ^m he greet, abide hy vonreelf. and do not a ham-1 tltteil with h>ng kpike* ami Ilf till' fair*-*! or I'liiitnla unit in OLU Tfir MOO. for naiiiair an* iimnnkliu: 4*v#*r.v y4iir. mllecl down a high uteefi hill Tin* bar- till* |irini'i|>4il I’llnn ih Kuro|M'. Aiiiiiintk wenkl.v try to reconcile yournelf with ohl nvemiwil iNiiimlH 4*nrli tlroaaed. ami ta*w 4'ntl4*ia an* lH*itn; r4inml for It n*l ••ventnally pinugeil mb •tin* mw with of lnriiifi>. iiii-n'liiint** uini iii«-iiuiiii'f the world Till* lieroic* caiinot In * tin* with no |l|•4•«'ial ean* 4»r fe,*«l. TIm* ht••tl iiN niiiiiufa4*tur9rH an* mlvaiielni; in Ha* itk tom and uiangleil cargo Imprikcoi- ifir»^l on fiivoruliii' lt*riiik aiui ••v«*ry ui'- cxaniiHiii. nor the rmtiiiimii H m* henne of a l•atTow tiutt iln*km* 4l hki |Haimla varl4*ty of their pnNlmik. f'tiniiMliitioii fxf..nil4i| «‘on4>iiitHnt with Yet We have Hie Piexpei t tbe uient. tortnn* ami deaUi for daring to welchitl hut 'S! |H>nmlM. ami the meat •*.\nt:4im kklim pnnN*rly 4ln-kM*4l. nn* I pn*Nent hm hiU' -^'incinnati Enquirer rt«ti iiaiikmu. Sii|K«nor fai'tliln'K tor nrin|uithr of |N-iph' in tlnaN* actionk umn I wIiiI4* or Hnt4*4l t4i iuannfu4*iun* makiuu «-oll»o'tioiii4 4if all kiiiiN <'ontaim*il a very larip* pmiiorHon of whoM* exci'lleniN* ik that they ontrnii |i*iUi to fat. ruin*, n'l***!*. *'arriuae mati*. fur •N*tk f*ir CiNiuiiint kinlik make exci:tlent fuel ayiniiHtliy and Np|N-al to a tardy jiiMire Old Papers! 'Tlien* Im no ilniiht hut tlmi the liar*on **htl*ln*u. trliuinlni; f*ir la*Jl**i*' furn. The i norutoUk amount of oil they con ­ looey Loaned on Approve Securities. If yon Would •••rve vocir fmiHier. Iie- typ4* of hotra an* in* m-oiiomleal i»»*rk ami iilk4i for *liii4t**n*. Ia'r>4* lH*a4| taa- tain caii-e** tin-ill to take flro at once c'an* 4* It Ik tit for you to nerve him. do DIRKCTOKS: PH n Iihi rk aj* W4* linv**. ami im otir luar- k«*ii4. *l*ill liatriiial w Ics. Tla*y an* imiat- Many hot**! ke«'|N*rk in Knglaiid rrci/g- not Pike Imck yiuir uonin when yon find For House Cleaning^. keik l•4•4•4•lm• tiion* •IlmTiinlnnllni; hotra ly liu|»irt**i| raw fnan Ha* <’aiN* 4if iilxc' the fact and buy large •^nafitiltea i 0. W. .Munrer,' Jesse SulllTan, that prudent |n -i pie ilo not i*i>tniiieiMl of tlilk t.V|N* will In - niimil to till tlie thNMl ll4i|H* ami Tnrk**y. ami ninm* In uf them to mix with <1011 a* tire lighter* Geo. F. Norvin, James Richardson. yon. He true to yi.ur own act, nml ci'ii- i. H. Corblt, ileinaml for h*am*r |n>rk. Milm*. *lnt.t |»al*l, fniiu Jt!.."'** up !*• Dr G. E. Corbin, gratnlate yoiirM-if if 5-011 have done J. H. Ecdeira. Porter K. Perrin .'Vo ,*n* ‘h. nialn*kke4|. lHini**kH 4* HkiiiH The leaf of II cree|iing iiMjak fonnd in ooiiit thing -trniigi* and extravagant ami Two Dozen for Cents. J. W. Fitzgerald. .lohn J. Reiser, Jatlameat la S'e«*,llnB liwipe. an* in t**ry Uiult*-4| NUpply nml an* the Wfkt liidiek. know'll aa tin* **life Imiketi the imitnitonyof a demrun* age Geo. W. Emmons. .Vii ni(N* »m»W4*t>* Mhotihl r»*in4*inlN*r W4'rth fnmi .'<•• 4*,-uik **a*'h f4»r kUN np plant.'' Ik ulMuintely iinleatriictthie liy It war H high rtnitiw'l that I otu'c* that in inmliit; l•h4*e|t ami himlm fur t*» jK! **H«*h f*»r Ian:** full rtt.»**-4*4i |M‘ltH any lueam* except iiumennon in iNiiling beani given to a yoniig |N*rkon. "Al* till* llr**! Him- on ni|H- they khonhl tfo on Tla* l*'W. **n'Mi4 hn*4l. 4*4iniiti4>n Hklm* water or the application of a redhiM WHVk do whnt you an- atriiid to do ” A u full ktomai'li ami for tin* iln>t thn*«* aial Mlaifl |•4■llk ia>t kuiluhl** to 4ln*MM Iron r. Imariii Minph*. inaiily character need never or four ihiy*. n*niain In Ha* niia* Il«*l4l a nn* Ilk*-*! hj iii4'nMi*o aial j:l**»i* l**alla*r make an ufiology. hnt -liould reganl it* ••hurt Hua* 0UI3 **tt.v an laair. In thiit iuunnfii«lnn*rk atal an* w*»rth fnan I."' Ibwl TaSarra aa4 kwkr l«ar lif» Aakf. D Compound l«kt action with Hn calm i.f I'luN ion. way of loTnNlnrlni; tla*in to ami fa t4> is 4*enik a iM.nial f*ir hirt;** Nl»*k. To «iuit tobacco natiljr sail larevcr. b* mac wh»'ii In* iidiiiittiil that tiM* evi nt of the .idle, (ult of IWc. nerrr aiMl Vigor, take NwTo- tniliariziui: them with tiN* im*w ami flown to lo aial II eeiitk ffir kiaull faM*k PEOPLE WITH LEVEL HEADS — llac. tbe womlrr-worker, tbat make- weak men | V4*rT ti-mh-r ami i«m*enl4-iit f»-4*»|. tlmn* iMttle wHk iiMpi'y, yet did m»t n-gret hu The Leadini' nml klfik. ktrofic. All dnicai'U. toe or fl. Pure ruarsn-i Mild 11 iMir Mliniiilit of hiikiin‘iir^»e'i bl-iorr •«»«.| nN (tfMNl iiH Sfiiitlalfovn. It Ik ipiitf* "Thik reniiiidk me.'' mild n man go ­ Inline it \oil cMii tliid u lull Mill uant. I Iimm* m* iHrgi and aietie Ha'ink4 lti-'i 4)11 thin iKthitahh* plant, j tiieii 4, .-r*- i«rr»--ie«| tn|. w.-'k bargnl v ll b •Imii* ii di-|iiM> III iiiii-ln ll .*1arMc and Hranltc .Tonumenta. ‘Tablcta. lantely eiiien in th** w-f*Nt ami In tla* ing hi*me otj M crowdeii .tuiatc-rdatii av­ >IW»r*lrrl» •••n•ill•-l iMirtUk’ Ha* hiwl few ila.Vk of m|N* imm- Marfcera, etc., 41- >iii\ d••*lier in Mn'tiigun. and a \i»ii in iii\ -how A keliable Stomach, Liver fiikt iilko. if |N*4'pl** t»nly knew It. Then* enue car Hietglier •veiling ami clinging tnrlni; Ha* klai-p khonhl md In * tunMil Ik a pr«>jiallee aiznliikt tla* nani** of ttual \V'oiid,*rtiil Kiiiiiii Kh IiiIi mid Hr. I.. \. | riMinik nnd \\iirk -ho|i u ill iiiiiviiie,* tie-hior I >k4 |iti«*al tliat ir»* de**|N-rately to 11 ktrap to prevent lieing Mi\* r’k if'-nuiin- • nin-er iiinl .'-••roiiihi .**.1 r- j g«‘ttiiig iiur -han* oi iia-iiii-i* and Kidney Cure. in when the plant Im W4*i with nt to «tart for Verkallle*. liri-nklng lbr>>iigli ■ tiiiieral iiriM-re-iKU wllb “Wf* may iifhl Huit tla- elliiiuHc euti and every keat. in»icl«- ami on Hn* naif, II ••will AAk vour Dru^j^isbi for if. luxury t4> kiaffi ami a miiinx* 4if irn*nt tifthaik nml fo*k| kiipply of a lurse ixirt pn'rtf to Ha* «»w ia*r. wla» ean w»*ll af- wttk ia-t*upi*Nl. with aU>nt aa many r*i C-wee C.-aatlMatlofi roreeer. of *mr inoniitaiiioUk eoiintr) In iiiliiilr m«>re watting with tlieir iininlN-rtRl kli|M Take I'NM-areis raiM\ I'atharili lc»r or Sk fonl to net oil Ha* iiImiv 4* hluiM^.Vuterl- ahlj ailaptofl to .xnironi miiirea ami of (laiier fur Hn- next car The gnanl ( C. C. r. fail to 4-un-. ilrmcguik rffumi mooiv 41111 Sheep Iln*e 4l4*r. Ha n* In latt a ktnti* in Ha* rulf»n. **ukt dikcc»veri*i| that one |.er*i»n imTe than \ gaagiif IIh -ii r-t I-l•l•ernllag In ilie 1 b In fir w**Nt. in whieii they eanmit U* ( he«lnta Por the M^raatalaa. Hn* regnlation allowml luid keciireil u III •.!Ml.'bliiiKl. Kalaiiiaiiei • «4Hnty izrow'ii to trofMl iifltantnitf* .Viioiher A*S ii«to.Mpi — urs_le_ of oar Hlgti Anw NewlagFREE NaHlIaa* PILES Tiik4* hiiu an roiiml. tla* t’liex hit In a •eat oil tin- naif He iRilltelv reiiiieNlcil j "I -nfli-nil lor iiiiaiihkironi-meHiriiul. with IMI HaartnoaI and all Mntem lmr4Tw«awtiu. 1bi«wwwiu Ikiint In that milwliliktamiltit; tla* In- On I'T •>|irsaa• a>. aar... •taann______wiuuo Ms nuaw of Ctiicago._ I'eauty Il«-tt4 r aiill. UIm iNiiuiy la eon- tin* lakt man np to i*oim* down The i Fi*|ii*tne ltd l•un■l| me in 1 weiity-liair **■ mWvv O iIm* t«rt«rrM of tiir Ommmv O hn**-N.khn-«*«lliit; aial liiahlllt.v ttrnn artOaldaiaiRa mir prtee. fiSJu. •adaad aspraspraas sbarasa, wtUi proiri*dlim pilM hromiht on bjr conntipn. '■hh*mhly iia»n* Hmii "Nklli ileep.” fur (Hikkeuger as |■•litely demtirr<*il (■•lut­ j In Mirk ' M. liikt, Hiiwe»\dle. K> muAUm iitnaai agsat ulyiw towa,Uwa (Umi with wklrh I wnn atniciwl for twrnit: to irei frewh MfMkl, .Viiierteflii raiieh Im» Iiam elianieii*r. I'omiim'tiHwa. l•ou^- ing out that there was naiiu •■iiongh for TAIITRCMACWfll NOW A80 TIT IT FOR 20 0ATB I r*a orroM yomt ('AM'AUKTS in lh» in«*n luiv«* Impniveil tla* ktfM*k Ha*y hail riti-lk-troll A Mm-kinaw itallwai < o hae I If ywaapatwrfacrtraaiMlntwiib lk*macbine.kaeeM,.«aar town of Nowoll In.. naO orrrr fitiff.ii naribiiur airi*. earrtairi* nml e|ev4*rotau 4 tH*yom] all witliunt iTnurdlug. Tin* guard didn't (lanl ti- lavre iiir |h *4*4 i.t iIm* -laie irra-iirrr I anaa ra4wm a mUw eaiicwM aaenl. a»1 lr- will giY- iihi ad to n^unl tbo«n Tiw^Anjr 1 mtn rntlroty frrr friMB to Work with. JtiNt UN they liapn»vt*i| f*">f nwiaey has* If row P^ewr, fwwiilaldpbvfreisatsad nil) of Ha* hill hnwalti. itml with IiIn re- : stop to argue. Imt ran off and ' nme ibeani. Mill iM'tng al•l.lla•.a4 pOnn kbd Icwl llko n now MMin ' tiM* oiiKlnal Merlm* khe**p. nml liellev** <|nw no rau tkmwsb rma tnaraa leak, draft attacked ko C H. Kbitz till JoMon .Ht. SkMU Citr. In itMrkahle. nutunial ami alto(ret)H*r eeie ' hack a moment later with a •a-rgeunt ofladlag. wlwnmarbawnNaaa par draft, aod lake maci II ttlviM tlN*tii Ha* uiatetlui to f|o with IMaeate VcMtr tt'iweia Huh l'••eareM. aMsttnti. It row don’t lifeeik re»am itbrirets^aadarw noinie eoiuhiuaiou 4if wiml and luuttuo de ville ‘iJeecemlez. Oionkleur. Mild Caadr craihariic, cun- loaattpaiMci furerar ami Hmy will in lime pnalms* a iN*tti*r ISc. tSr IIC. C C tall, drackikU rrtuail 1 tralta. In ileNtiiHNl to a vi*ry imiNirtant - the iwryteant curtly, ami he dekceiided animal, larger nml liner. Hiau tin* nr plae«* lu AlII«*ri(WII Nh*w*p eeuootuy. Hf Then the car started for Vermillea '' Will, ami Tlmma- llalileriMan. nf I’bnenll. lirtual Nt(N*k with nearly 3.n*ew in tiiia i^Mititry mim* "Well. I’m Idamcd If I can see hnw Afii«4aa. the inurtlerete nf I Itewler .Vlkwnrtb, hlNtfiry bahlml It.” Inrmerll nf ITial. hair lieen Realeaer-l In tie an* Ml well Nultnl to tin* hill ami tmiun- that retnimik yiNi nf this.'' oaid th« bai U4-I. lain illMrtna na tin* Iwhl. aelf rwHant, 1 person nddrt ooe d SrMaSItssaMlMoargOaossaslilHma * 4 Hlats ■eimstss aandby T«> ('wr> .-iiHaiiuM ViWevee. bardy. hiiNtlini; t’lievlot. nml that art- ' It l*nrN *» Thialt. "Can't youT" —New York (’om FflCO.. ASS..A AUint To per eeut of H mnm * who buy Take I'.MKaiwu 4'.4t>uv L^atbartic 14a- orM*. Ilea H m* ipicwHoij of hla futon* atatUM in Hal Advertiaor ff C C. C. tall ut k:urv, draosmAa rrtaad muastr. pmcreMlve ahe«*p familUK In tbIa •took to ftssl wnuhi make tminey hy inn Tkr Nmitb Rtt,'. Inraled illaanaally mrrrnmm »Min« IhtintnMa Powni Tnntn linnd lb' country. All tliat la uee«*naary for na- hltiuff a K I jmlae to ilo their hiiyluii. .% 4 wwaMerale Haalwiaa. I frnm tlw aviaaaaluMt will uM4lnabie.liy iie OnoA. Mnmr nwnon tfnnbon. nr Urtnn. Mr. Mr Mr aay'N a nimwiMimlent nf Tin* National • boaen fnr IlH-nr a bnaw-Tialbb biMi|i|lnl al ttooAllBtnx tlM* ClMn-lot In .Umertra Is Mr* Kapan—(’harlea i* alwayra very .Ann .VrOnr. iPROORPSSf'^ F*ROTCCTION r^PROSPERITY ... ounc oonariPATioN. ... more piiNh ami enterprlm* atnoajr bis Rtnekinau. ami Nniuetltm*N I liave kind I can't 4-vunplain of his tr4*atmant fllemlN ami pnanotera. — Atavtlnui tbouabt that almtit tbe aaim* |>rn|ior 4>f me. lint i wtob he wasn't «• clooe lliiilfla ii|i the ayaltm. (Mila, neh |>are { rmiM HatrKMmB of Mmiipcii iO*TO«eAe Hbe«*p llrenler. tlon of thoae who hree«l Itofea wouhl with hla OHmey. He oaver alkiwa me N immI m Itn- V4Hia, maken men autI wiiai- llNCORPORATCOl UMOER AN ACTOF U5 I CONGRESS «lo Wfdl to |Miy BomelMNly to NUfierln- to hamlle any uf It 411 alnmg him I h•«ltll.v. llimha-k IIIinn I Kitterw, .\i any drug Mt4in*. rirtT TIlanaMoM Dalloea ll temJ tbe aelertlon of ntrrm. ami iiiami. Mrs. Jicira—I have heard him oay HOff'SS'SfTON •a m Jeeaey Moll. ton. for lireeitinic. Many of the ml«flt« tbrre are nime thing* a man idMoild Nkrfig l4eaa. nf tlnngaii»4» i-naaty. Imw iw PURMB HfMPTY H- RkBIg c* a ata ^Tsaao. raormt. aa«ai Apfillmilun Imn lieen made for Inaor* ' which an* aeen ererywhen* are tlie aaa arrw»adr agaiaai ike tla-knrn gaaildetTi beefi from hi* wtto. — Ihat4m Tranorripi •ail will ilrtve IkelM nal nf Ikempfier nlatWrta. aacN- of IAII.IMNI 0(1 the famotM yvmnir *1111 of eareleaaneaN or imn* iamtranre. America 's rRATERMALBtfBTciALOROER GEO. H. J Jeroey Imll Merry Matden'a Hon. owmd One la at laid aa H m* oUwr oo far aa fliaiaet*s aad Na|»atawell. klaoN. TBio la reoulta are fx>oremr«l. It iloea not pay Dr lltiSka _= Loogsr fosasit cost comuTtirr wttm ofarccT Mcumrv "Certainly ytm amn't pretand Unit WJ^ (nit* amwTNiv eavmcMTx coffATas* am rMraM««cr pumo the blvheat aiiMNint of ImnirMBoe «*rer to lietoim to ettber daoa. 'Think, ttiidy . aake«l for nn a Imll fW cow. Mtrry ' Iweml atralicht! Xoing bi Hm* 4*barrh oewing rtiT!a esasy •'wcigiary Ileaak..' id tSe MIrhiaaa Llller'a PfHMAtCffr PROFITABLE POSITIOflS meeting mabea a W4>man gnndl” Aeawrlallna. ba* twwii a..:klaa a jirfwnaal ia- Matden'a Bon la IteHereit to be tbe moot ------____ IMeiOVMfffT OIWM TO CAmMU.r MTM A»N0 IMOettH "Na. hnt It beep* bar fmm hainfl rewitaNllim nf MIrkIgNn wav's! IMfla asil ke Mcrcliaiit Tailor, w iw •M tmu oatAT laoMik at >roua Horots om ccssvMcac fkmotM Jeraey ball IItIok . he ta tbe •aye tkai wktte tke rmp H: ligkl iSe tnlhed aloNit Dotmlt Journal Iwrir la tdnaiii aa«l la ike Iwai i»lrnn^tloa ooo of Merry Sfaidoa. Um* It la a (rood time now to o alert yomr AOOMM DA/ID6WWT0li '*M>T-«enl OppoHitc * ‘Thf; Steer*. loot night. KMary tmakte pray a ap. Is Brown HoooSe ’a Boo. wboor iMt of tbe flock, llama to tie kopt oo HIEN na ikr sitsd. dkwviaraaaw Mia* ViMMure—Yes; I expeeted It. •ad leaewi* aaikllloa. tbe BO dayn' aad Bn dajro* to ■boobl iMire Uw boot attoatloo aaU Mb* Pa*aae Why? and twwaiy. iignr aad ekavr* All the WofM's flair. Tboa Morrr cam fPon oow oa to tbo bmodlior fstasaa aana iMaappsar Ml*a Toaage—Beeaaae when I refuasd womeN. wkea Ih* ktdaeya are net aattoo tbo blood of ttaw. iMBroTooMat of coodttlofl lo a bta) he oaM the next tloie ha wtiuM pm* fd ordsr ur dttaaord. Fiw ptawskag roaalia Biy Yoor Shoes ol C A. Pitt, la pooe to oaoie on* oal oaough ta 4M» Ur. Kllawr'a Mwaasp-Rnot. tbe geaat ktdary reaiedy. At draaspliNa Massplrkoi- Latest Novdtks. .-Tit-Bit*. tie by atati traa. also pamphiit. (Ai NO. 17 CUNTON AVCNUC THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. THURSDAY FTERNOON. JI'LY 20. 1899.

CURTAIN RAISERS. Fdatr L*. Paveniiort will he In Vlolg Till IK N AIImi'* awp|Mti <*tiRaff**l to nge* One dark nigbt A WOMAN’S WAIL. l'•*«*l tiny Stamlinc in the title nde of POWER IN SHIPYARDS. HUGO AS AN ARTIST. dnrinp tbe stone of UliR SECOND SELF. “III* Kx*s*IU*ti*'y tile tJovem*»r.” Banttoao Harbor a Why da I esot a vsilt It is sakl that an inm-titous fterman haa AdvtssMnsea FvNi MlaafHatty Spanfah Torpedo Invent**! an autouiatie a|»plamler. The hMlNNee the l»t—dsfNSwgaa «••—A rnmmammmmr WItn Nto Psnall. boot dartod ont onder cover of darkneaoto MV UADV*8 “PERSONAL SUBSTITUTE** *TU of •» Msr. Tls sisrsy* fvtcMaa Inaas, l•l•*M I* to do away with the (Mid i*la«|iie The abipyanl. h«twever, prvaents soom A little <'**nsld**re*l as|*eet of Victor lannch ita daadly mtoaile apainat aa Amer­ IS A DOMESTIC LUXURY. A pfartkiaa <>l tlw mods that uhaa dsllghi abroad. new proble ms not **n*'ottntert*d in tbe or ­ Hugo ’s many skle*! genius is •-.•askWred ican war voaael If abe bMl bean stmek la vvsr taaaa srraua sml awsv rtalN. ahe wonld have gone to tbe bottom. Whnl Hierekina. the Pnti h (itanist. I* tbe lat* dinary raanufartaring plant, for |M*wer ia hy le* C.ieii lie l^utreppe in the Jnly mved her I Was it her big lyincb gvaa? Thuuati <•! ary ruNmas 'tls a HUsf itsfail. e*i ailditiuu t«> th** list of (dayers an- Century. Mm • l*arMs«M •! Aklll In IIm It lasiss mm trvt sad twmm sad (ass sad saU. ranuireil mh •mly in tbe sjM>tw where reg ­ No, H wao bet acareh-liglit: tbe daaaliag In the first .rear* .if exile, •luring bis TKm vs U! nouiK***! as •niKaatsI for a tour of this ular mnehine w**rk of all kimla la done, wkitr beam of light that ahot straigbt ont •Ml Ar«~«lMP l» »N«>li m IIn Ih t« stay at J«uiwy. Victor lingo ba*l la* time like a aword-tbmat thionrt tbe darknaoa, I caaast ••( it n0 wtmm it is oa. country next m-amm. bat ala** for the lane** dmieks and trav­ OVNr%«ark«Nl Wumnn of I<’nn NInn . Amt. I dog it. iltso I caaaof dsa. or thought for rtable drills and hts first wolds n“ it* tw**lve hun- daadly toe of diaenae ia ciwping nnsna lo lb** bouMlMUil to luxorr Amt sa rspssM* other tiMita for use on th*' bulls, teropom- iluriug this (M-rksi «ir ineewant Utior. tiMw n slngini of sctonce: tbe edneoted underatanding lier. lie t*M*k up his (len to ilraw fur ah- that reveals the sonrre of danger and profMT Maiiiraitla. TIn * tniin**«l iiunM*. the It Is au fralL In Ia*n Today t hay a aeor oas, aad. bahaM, exiM-rten***** ill lian**k>ua inight nut lie .Vpidianees Ilk** tiHMw tn«-nti**nril mast Iw Y«*or ’s risiting card*. TIm- (iriuetpal re- While tbr ordinary doctor gropes aroand. Leave St. Johns 3:12 p. m., maiitua maker aiel er.tiiua tfown •leai^- ToatosvtNr it is old) foraotten si r tiMik with lier a •**ui|iauy ready for use at any aud all time* an*l in ronh to tlw slnas tbsa saartly I Ma •-ipients of these k*-ef*sakes wen* Jules with the feeble tallow-candle light of sto* •r aiel tbe inai«l •kilietl in the a«*ienr

m|MHM*l of artists from that city. •llff**rent part* of tbe yanl. Furtlntr- teotyped, coaventionai. rontine treatment, D. G. H. & M.s Daily. Leave Amdlwv veil to tsty. Janiii ami .M.M. Haint Victor. Ilurty, Va* a physician llhe I>r. K. V. Pierce, of Bnf- heauljr inakiua ami iii«livi«Jual (»mfort, (Ml rvsry side I sso rat* haf«ata aalaai Whik* in 1*^1 Kran«’im-o th<* Itostonians imwe. shipyanis. with the exeeptiug of Muske^oDr via steamer 6 p. •luerh* aud Paul M*nri«-**. These cards fxh*. N. Y.. instantly illnminates the snb- all •M‘|Mratel.r ami tf>a%’tlier. an* craftiHl Hut no* of *r«is. aei|uiivd a new .Vinerienn o|M*rn. “The tbos*- on th*' great .Vtneriean lakes, are show some fancy lauilB<*a|M*. a min or a no to tin* ottliiiarjr i|d*alily will re­ iectwith the door day light ray of practical m. Leave Grand Haven, via Ami an I pa* aa asrtol pstes. locate*! on salt water, ami as many of nMilallktii with a wotiian ’s liea*!. the «|ate knowle*^; the irresistible search-light of For I taitst haw It nise ceive it* timt (iVMlurtion in S«*|denilier in iioN ('i>ute« tlie '’|>eni>ouil kiilMtltiite” to ami the signatnn* of th** Dernier, tin all advanced and Hfe-anotaining science. steamer 9 p. m. Arrive at With knots thcM' a|>fdl*n«*ea must • o|trrale out of further kimioth tin* wa.v ami n-lieve the New York. of the*** rani* tin* signature is inrarialdy iniatreaa of the lea«t tittle of nNiiplexil) Ur stsas .An Kn.;lish actor who *lir.l nal •lll••litnte i» another and “tlieafri«*al (ifiiM-rll*.*. ’’ This **•*< $4. ed fnmi salt air ami ftoui th** weather. safikriaa *••* extreme and the troaMe graitaalty 1 bur t«x tioMS as murk. While this nes**-**sltat*-* »ii**eial pnH-au- the Mters an* tint***! in nsi. whieli give* iactssssd natwithotandiag tbe fact that 1 triad W. H. Burke, Agent. different •>nlrr •>! Iieiu): fr**ni th«* m—reta- Aa-I wliert*a* If lie had aon** a* a t'oriwe t)ie maay digefvat ktads of trsatmint. Alter b*- lk*it* in the**** t*asea. it eanmd U* »akl that to th** card th** apiiearanci* of those title ry or ci>m|iani nearijr a* iMioaiMe ViMi kn*MS, tswt Wollkl have lieen Jtfkl. (■•gr** for hiMtk* Ml in fashion *' >M*»'.»ml aelf, Thr roal i* (usi as (VMt. "Th** I.ilM*rtin**, “ iMiiiaht by Ikaniei such applieati*n* am experimental, for work St sll. and after inach hsolutfoa. 1 rsvate no service in a idiipyanl can *M|ual in se­ minantie era. For that matter Victor l am very happy to slate that yoar advice •• it were, ami “se title apeeial held, (‘nlike her eniii|«eer* lowei A wil! of the .M«Mir.” It •l**nl* with the re- (uiges with hi* name thus inserilMMl for CPwree-s Uotdea Medical Pimov rry. aad also hia tu rank. In-r aervieea i^une hii;h. ami. nn* IV* you suppnsr demfitioii 'if an evil man tliroiiali a a rrrUafc tips, or iiotliing of Its f'onstmclion or (*an*. It ^BFImr Table. In KWsel .lune IP. 'Ott. that otHiltl not hy any rham*e Im* over- IVsMslenlty sdhmaa t<> ■> lips. peri«M|. on th«M*> cants, which seems curknis. for vaatehril aad I have gaiacd shoal twenty-five la. Iwsiden. neti-ssaril.v ex|MM>e«l in it* lo- poands la leetght 1 need only one bottle of I>. A M. IM*I.|«m« hMilitMl nr irnoretl, iinU*«M nhe hervHf care Thr srhllr thr ill dysd bUckness of Its last When H« h»ilM*rt die«l In Vienna, he left Im* iiiiist hav** known Im»w ranch m**n* ral- talion under the car to all kimla iif '(lol.iea Medical Uweevery ’ aad one vial of tha the key to that attitmU*.* Makes atiRi* >a*udae* wi my perKonal pro|M*rty vnlu*sl at iKI llorins. iialii** th**s«* Moiivenirs wotihl hav** Imo -u to • Pellet* • “ Or. If th* red »• whit*. w**ather comlltion* nmler tin* moat un- If then* ia a lawyer or a man of Imai Moxart wa. n**arl.v **iahl fiio*** a* rich— his frieniU hv a hnu-v* of T**rsrs c» rtoriii*- while Ib*«*th« in Mnll and <'hlcsx«i Kt|>re.. •** ifd. the rteht thint: waa atiid to liini in tlie Unrorlf In lurh a mirm»M* irspl **)ianuii*r of tin* Bnnlv«*rsary. Yet on <»ue ing f«*atures «*f su<-h a nmtor am it* gen- viser Cloth-binding ten stamp* extra. I llsven .'IMU |i. ni. liffht way and at the rinhl time. If it ia Ii*oi'< simI disrsar lurk hiddoti la Its rurvsa of them w** ren«l n frank (inieiatnatioti of THE VERDICT. •-rally massive f*on*imetion. am|*le lienr- Address Ur K V Pierce. Ruffxio. N Y. I .Nil. 17 HtenmlMisl Ks|*reMt«i •1*1 llsren ami an “at I:*treaa ia fa* A |ws« ’ A lisa*! A blot upon our ass. ♦hi* lliglit of lime. "Th** thirteenth year <»f Jmt m*4r l< ws ings. large r**serv«* «*afiaciiy ami an Inck***- ticne*l or in a iin«"l for a •*ieata. or to In- Pr<«f«*.*M*r ,\twai**r .ay. then* i. f***! in al»M»»in-**.“ says the cart** «h* visit** sent in \.i in U•-•irrn’Kspr.v. tn’(>ran*l llsvsn left free ami undiaturlM* 1*1 friirail I'anl .Menriev. Tlic •trillv lsU,i4l PItwrer*. s;go a ni. aulNtitnte aeea erefi the oitiiiiait** who uh, fa.hina. h*ar m* wsil' illiisMin that er»Ty on** pneM-rilM**! ••nl**r- Or I* m* |>lra t<- let mr go srtthnut s veil nrr*-»i*.l witit t**** uinvh *>t it in y**u. — part* and mmlers 'Jie m<*t<»r practically .N’***. II. I.'* a 17 —dally .x«*i>i Siinilay eall. p>Mir» tea and pn-MideM with tbe taius at first, lielitrviug that t*xile is not It rmtnIrHil time .tnul srsliy Imui.vill** po.i. dnst ainl wat**r |tr*'v»f. Surli a ty|i** lends aame ima.* and crnre that lM>r ehief miifht to last. Iia«l wanisl liMitim* th** (w-asAiit of th*- Hc|||r isl.inila No lUtlaily —«'sr<>lya Well* in Harper’s liaaar. The kai»«-r may do i|ueer tliinr*. but ItiM-lf rvailUj’ ty maii^ Un* out of d**or bare ilone. She i*an •*ntertuin. ahe liao At th** lime this carte de vlslte wa* i;a *t •*••< M> he kc**i>. tin* w**ri*l talkina nl.oit hi. em- rcsjulrement* of a shipyaivl. to irl%*»* ti|» growing (lotntnos nml take tart and .idaplahility ami the MOiae not sent li*- hail n-siim***! In* ••verj.lay (irae- V*> m Hxprv*** t«*'|le,r*ilt|aB*l Ka*l *• Jo a.m. • he Fnvars the Wheel. (dre. whn-li is ^***1 ami fre*- mlvertisiuir Ib-fom the general intr*Mln<*tioii of elee- to •■ultirntliig flowors. for which tlw-rr* to nth |M***|»le tlie wnuiK way. or to talk tln* «»f sketching. This (larticular *l*ongn for < >**rtiian) . Kaii.a* Pity Tiim-s. tric-ity in shipyanis It was <*nstoniarT to V*t. _‘o,Mntl tl. Itvfridt tg:Oli (•. metaphrMira or •»n ilry aa du«t aiilij«*rtM to "A* far a* tii.v oleHTrationi* have cooe, shows wt*il with what «•••*• it has Iteen wax a derannil. Thor .’irgn***! that If nse cfimpre******! air f**r le inter«** ‘t«*ve tlioy (-ottb) not sell the potato*.* t)M*y, ami ilrllU and for other <*nt of «lo*ir work. .'.-g'- ’ (• 111 and faahiouahh* data. ryele i» detrim**ntal In any way to the \ an*! tin* X'cin-xin-la arbitration pro«-«-e<|* uim s Thi<* not 'inly n**eessitates an ex(t**nslve n*lativ** to Victor II ' IsiMer aiul at It-nst. <*iuilil *vtt th«*m something “Tlnit'^ an awfully clever woman m<>rab* of w<4ii*'n," says HHen .M, Ilenro- j inir. at P.iri*. KurofM* l*M>ks a. (dackl as a N... |M t*.N*tcrri Kx|irv*. tt> litirsn.l ss'l East tin In till* New York .lonrnal. ”1 should ! plant for rom|ir**s*ing ami storing tin* air, fn*er form of ••xpression in llii-raiun*, tlH-y oniihl nntv tons of l1ow.»ra are.” i* »aid afterwnnl of thi« ilepiitr say th** moral effe<'t has iM-en ifOf»l rather Im***ii fi.l. Toioiilo I *1**1**. eau alM* Iw sakl alsnit hi* artistic t-n* N.n* I'i, gOAgg—•tally •‘x<-* ‘T>t '*iin*lsy ever th** (Miwer is r*M|iiin**l. and tlexiW** nr** sent ncross to I'ciixniico at « time boktea*. and the employer njfn*e» lM*artily than Itail. Naturally in a ianre city there j It is said a 4*«*rman workman ha* per •leavors. Th** stall* «»f his min*l ex**rte*l No. 1M .Islly i* a iiumlMT of Women who take licenae* I feet***l .1 |iro**ess for niakinir *'**al **iit .if pipe** must Im* iiaeil in th«* vicinity of the nml 111** nmount of money <*omtng In and ntiniiliniento the jutlirment ami »a* work. Tin* •vMem l» *'iiialM-nM»me ami its infiiienc** •*v*-r i-ri-ry iiianif**station of K. H lU’UUKH. \V II HUUKi:. Tuir fain* of her chief of staff. for lilM*rty and dr«**>* ilicinselv*-* in an ex- j earth. Thl* i. to Im* r«*;rr*-ll*.l. T)ie to ttiea** rennite Islamls Is ••xtretiiely A. Ii I’ AT Ak*-u I .\xrtil. ex|ienslv»*. iMitli in first •.••t and in ••pera* hi.s tli«iiighl. All there was of timhiity “She take* ail tin* worry •>fl my idioul* affiremt*.l tnann*‘r. Imt I tlouhf if they are «*arth at l(*n»t ouirht to Im- t**taiin-*i f<*r aa- in his early lirawiugs ha*l entirely disap- Ifirge. • 'hli'ag**. ill St. John*. der**. no matter in what line it «'nip» up.” any nem* iiarmful to the community rieultiiral ami r«*.i*«>s.—St. tlon. whik* not over lu t«» 1."* per cent of th«* |**wer gencrat***! by the •*iigin**. 'Iriv- (lean**!. We cannot <(ull«* say that then* Nnrriaatrs Is the chief flower grown Is when rblini; tlicir wh****l« in the o(»en air Ie*uis .'^tai. the ti*stimony. “The other «la.v then* ing th** t-ompmsa o rs is malix<‘|Htrtiuj; women atul to ntt*-mi t*i him aiiklm: iriri 1 tiad last year, at **nc»* in N«*'v York .tat*- throiitrh tin* — S. I*ana tlreeno in t'assier’s Magaxine left in hi* cu|i. so his ilrawiugs often With January lieglos the flower fforthern Michigan, Ohio and coukin't l>einn to do anythini; like that, “.\t the iM-iriuuiiu: of any new no-an* of us** of r*.||er*. trr»-a.*-*l (tlanks ami .trine, <-ulminate*l in mtinethiug <)nite ilifferent s**ns«Ni and each day lengthens the loemiiotioti titer* i» a teml*'m*y to exceaa, For .luly. _ all Southern Points. nltliouirh she vra* well etiiientiMl. She'd of Imr**-., Itut what i* ail that com- fmm what he int«‘n*l*sl at first, lint for lal**r* of th** growers In March .ind write out two or lhre»* paimtukini; drafts liut that will retrulalt* its**lf in ttni**. all tliat be pnN-* «> II AM It y Train* •ft sample, for my in*|M*<-tion. stiff, «tilt«*il. “1 shoiikl m>t inve much for tlie morala you sini|>ly hitcli on a cycloin- ami th** «-arelssun*, for then* are tens of thou- letter writer wiumliin; thinrfs. m>t a hit job is ‘b>n**'r- Ito.loli lilolM*. than Im* was in reality, ami hi* amateur- ’T’lm,' ToHIa*. herM**lf with 'lirnity ami respect on a II Wnm llei«l at RNMellvIlle. Kg., m sniuls of Itiooaoma to lie picked, hiinch- like me. .ind that wouldn't nimwer at all. CeNtNrr .%■». ship was rharai'terix***l hy *uch •lash that I Imd Just a. much re<*|ion>ilirlity alHiiit wlie**l or who f**«*ia contaminate*! Iieeauo* it frequently gives us th** illusion of mas *•<1 and {mcluvl in a couple of flays to In sficri Novcmlivr .‘Ird 1 **W.' a certain iiiinitMT of women whti rule ORCHARD AND GARDEN. “Tin- ••ffeet of tin* .MH}**** brothers ’ my eorn**iM>ndene«* all the tiim- a* thoutfh tery. cat**h tin* steamer. Women ^lo most 44*11 M4i .N4lltTII—L.V. llurna*!. aim waan't hen*. N**». thi- woman takea the ’hike’ ore ie*t of their class. l>ma<'hing. ••«|ie«ially of .lohn .Mh **••*, at I of the iiackliiK. for It la •Ivllrate work Fnfniitfiil orchar*!*, n« a nil**, are *0 .1*441 A. M ...... aiMl ...... aiAOF. M hold of thiutfs Just a« I wmild. fnmi my “The exerci*** i* con*lucive to gotMl a I’r»*«brt*-rtan *iuart**rly meeting **11 the I ninl **n Ha ileftiieas dejiends the site of Iwcaii*** III** Miii i. ■l••tlctl•tlt iti (>lant f**.!. banks of lt**il river, in Kentucky, was so THE DESERT SIMOOM. Por KUIr. A.hIvT. Iihsrs. Mt. Lonl*. Alma, end, as it were, and me ir<*ttiiia alone bealtli. .iml th**re is hanlly any other out­ th** clierk sent from the city flower Mt Plfsssnt, ufarr. I'adlllnr an*l Fraakfort door <>X4'rei*e tliat is tmtr** Iteneticial and In all trail.(•luiiting it is •-..•-ntial that startling ami M*M*me«l so ri«*ariy to indi* fatpously. .VnylMHiy *ick. «ln- i^m**, and A Gmnhlr l>e«M*rl|(tloii of m Vlalf mt «)«*nler. fireat mounds of snowy nar­ healthful tiian hicyele ndinir. Many of tlu* Soil coiii«*H 111 close ***1111 act with lh«* rate that It was the result of divine 41411X44 HflITTM—L.V. ItnrsMd. they take it as n |M*r*onal I'oinpliment. TbI* Senreklnoi llrentk. cissus. iTlmaon anemones, yellow daf- t'hieatfo's mi.*t resiieetnl»le ate) cultivat ­ r*M»ts. ag**ncy or s<*m** mysterious fore** (Mnisesa* • i3« A. M...... ami ...... •t-'MI P. M Mhe Went to an out uf town wenth*m I’otnt*. witlexit luy l•otherlne. aiel .h<- pul im* on itu; is no i*»nst*r a fad. hut a meant of lo- for oniam<*nl ami for frugrama* a. well H HKN.N KTT 41. I’. A. Toledo 4>hl eom.Ab'ii. a* for fruit. thn*ugliout tliat |»art of tin* state ainl at- sn.vs Elixal*eth Waalihiim in the July At­ ‘ mtuiilwred. to th« sprichtliest answer a witty ni*te lantic. A fat**like, awful march, m* hope, 1 ifot not loll.; ago, and can do *m*h n«dy. ’’In all cities of mliJ«*etiona hav** Ih .*ii grown where iH.iiltry has lM***n dlsttilrantog*- of the H<'illy Islamls It Journal. “If it e treelessness of h :3H-QRA!3E eau, atti'iids to eettlm: all th«* new thine* “I t .*f rvMili*-* hhh- tlielr faces in III** hot. sway ­ ab« okl, hut at that in lH>twev*u am* when any eff<*ct oii its {•o|*nlanty '* I gemiiliini faggots ’’—referring to the T*> caiie* a <|iiick. strsinc gr.*wth of th**lr relignui* lM*ln*f* or chnrch alk*- ing htinclte* iM-tore them. I*nt thmugh j (riant smrlet gemnlums am) cjunelias a WMiiuan ha* fulU'st enp of Irer mental r***M*s .itient* a wnre of rvm- UerloN* Frtendshin. gianre. pm|»ar*.) t«* atteml. If •<**• he I that grow then* u* the height of fifteen and phyaieal (towers and ha** to a s«t|iilion III wai**ring. cann* evnlent that tin* f**nr wall. «if a sel***i*neMM. A shmider firings them to a rralixation ‘d th«* lM*netita i»f c*omin«*n m 1 owl twenty fe,*t. HtM^V’Us rrH*ii*Ulii|i cannot I * eojoytNl rsuintry in**<*tlng Inui*** would ind * 11111*.. knowlc*lgi- i**<. ..f .titt <-ar**l or lM*n*l a proMetii thus |*r.****nte*| wa« **4veil )»y awak** to what? In loMiks, Itut aci|iiiri*l {ir*t hami fmm *•*- whim or fancy, or drift into tin- relation determining to ln>kl tin* meeting in the Int o iIm* •'onrs** camel hair tliey dig rial Intereoiirae. Th«* snhstitttu* whreet- ing things lM-n«*ntli 1h**m. They l nelf (tuiae tuu; tin- other * 11111*** of lift* in a swift hanl.hip t** them to mraatn out ••! donr*. to -me anoih**r \V**nls they have not. I fir Kn «*w ledxv ilwm «liMtMUt*|.'4l* a krW • that is made u|i of «*)ual (Mirt* of innate trans(*>rt of f<rever remain • issntr-. ,o*s .estoraad Nswt >*l^ Ptwasw- » Til** rrci*nt ex|i**rien«s* at Il** The |>iihli«’ liHV*' IsM-ii ini|Mewnl ii(miii •*** • smd 'Ml It smr I* ••■I Si os n. Haaste has* * ahe ha* emotiona and sym|M*tiictic toan* ca|uiU«*. Half of what (M*o(*le call “e*lu*'atlon ’’ acc<*nim*Mlation. at tin* liliagt* of nuaiM*ll- sohs t)ie anguish of )**)y hrraks forth. tiiiinv time* hv utiHcrnplous cliiino* imide : AdjsMatS. Prdst. Hrtdrvf-rt. miosf •ad.; Is the Worst .M.rt of m.iis*-!*.**. • 44. ••llUsai. r*d*teii*t. spslis«-T* *a,*» tJiMi « ine*. slse conceals th** eridt-m*** of them Emerson *ayv “tlnr frien.lshlp* hniTv vilb* woubl Im* siithcwnt Ify any nie«n>. Hetween the two. the Iwute ami man. ftir Melfiaii iiietiiiM ill |»rofll. fh*-y liNik lor • Mer V«vdl. .Vn.X ntmst. Missr TIr** • and ihte* not e>ve way (>illi«*r to anser, to short aiwl (Mior (v*ncla*ions l•e«*aua>* we We wouki lik*- I** m*-«-t an a*lrance ! IVMsek M- ranna Wmmiduak*.,**. T**l Haa { Why. tlwmfoTe. attempt t»» h«>tia** tbe there strikte n Hasli of mntnal pain am) •t«iniething inor*' siile*tnntiHl. they nsk t ■ '-ntsMUsa swsrh. "tlrr. rrfWlr ■•stSt *»-l •oom- , reiw*ntment tir any *<**ne makins. com* hare matb* tlu-m a textun* of wine aud ag'-nt for a show wiio is not an ol*l u••w•- (teople? Frcfiam a camping rronnd atnl torment. .Vti instant, am) <)own the • iwr TmmI * k-taet. Tshtsa *l»mbrf l-l draw* • for d*."*!*. rti*' little eonqiiemr liii* • ..smiM. WbM-IHaae tetri'-*•. Whem*-M • puanre upsettioe rireiim*iaue*«« In short, dream* insti'o*! of tin* tough til*er of tbe |ia|N-r man. let the nwetiiig Im* a •*-am|»’ meeting. Thi*. cnroel line then* hreaks the hmtes’ xhrill, enriied tie* refiiilntion nimle m Michignn i incss. Wmabi lAl-'UO HriMmad. J ohe (iractives re|iits** and mitwanl ihtsT* human h**art. Tin* law* of frien- arc austere an«l et4*mal--of <*ne weh with pay. tax on hi* 'log. he wants other |ie*> atnl tb<* first •««* lieki in America was on the iwnt up spirit of the Idtter yellow north to **iuth, from e*%**l 1«* we**t. in IlffOOOSoMhi IBMi ciat> leader eouk) It** a siirr**is nor any the law of nature and of moraU. Uut we pk* to (Ml) on ilii-ir •bigs. the )*ank* of tin* Minlily river, near Uos- heast*. hun)en«Ml ami tortuml for life. ill everi' city town urn) haiiil**t in tbe • Iftaaannd as any wheei mafic. AUmttoem * dom«*itir woman Iw eomfnrtatih* to live Imre aimetl at a swift ami i>etty Iwneftt I ImpToremeoi*. i.naraatred ter one rear. If , The |M*nult> fam*- bring* to a man is sellvilb*. Ky.. in the immth of .Vugnst. Ill it come* a <|iie*iion for tin* shrinking ntnte, |ie«i(tte Mtnil girl in* eT«*r tr*-ai«.l l«* lee 1T!ki. 1011 years ago. Not that mllgious wretches lying *»n their hnmp* Th*' Mt* tnenl. limtitinle lor '•iinfnrt limiitrlit 1 (lefMM- Imtli wxy*. and you can haw ytwr S not be as hiehly •*lneati*l in tin iwttse fif at tin- *k*wesT fruit in the whok* ganlen cn-aui claim, t** have on*.* jilie«l him. worshlj* liail never liefiim l«een liekl in ter sounds fall on the (larcbed. tense air to llioiisnuiis ol hom*** lirinip* •*m|ilintii* 2 mnoey hack nn •W-tnand • aeholarly attainment as the useremewi * of |imis*> the like of • ASEUSTOSCNOVODODtPKEMCYCLEUTALM • winti-n must rti*en. We seek «»ur frieml « .Mend ISceoUfer nur Ijxm laut.* catalogia*. « tha oopytat ami translatitr or irmeral savi.l ii|* **oiiie <*f Ills folk, hav*' tmulii**. camping «»ut and the natnm of the serv* Far ami away come* a gasp —a hot, wliicli hn* not Imm-h •Miunlieti in mo*ivrti helper in literary matters, leit she has a not sa«’r*ai*' tliem. institution and <*hanirt**rix*Ml this (lartieu- of fire that louehetl ami is gone. The iNuiii is II is It Inmihnr one m evrri eatvitory, and she sells for a itimmI price .\ftcr a alanghter ha. lieen marrie*! a lar gathering on Minidy river as tbe Aral great line halt* ns •me. A Idank. 'lead hiMisi'liold'* 1* It siirnrtsing the (iiihli*' the tart ami sorial |»am»ply that make t'hlldrew itn*nth. her tn«*tl»**r g*-f» the first “I wish." sap] a iloctor tlie other, 'lay, i-hanci- in yi-ars to inak** an *-xl*-mlr«) vis­ lieaves. ami a hn-ath rolls towanl the not Is* hil nstrtiy hv the intretiious ant (MTwin to m<*>unlrr am) to have aa h*- watched a givmi* of school chikiren waiting line. M'itli hn>ken moans tbe eflort* ol would Is* i-onifs'tiiors'* .\ |k alMHit. Th*' successful [teraonaJ snlistl* it. Rhe g.*es to the •laughter's ami re THE TRAMP SHUT OUT. WIN0I IN DOUBT PtMlWTALPnU trMi|i .ait *»f a confi-etloner ’s, where they main* “until it i* ov*'r. “- .Vlchison tSbihe. creatures lieml their knees and wail tbe troll Ht.2*n t*dls lierv why the nniiieof tut*- an* alaindant •wedit am) rvnncnttioii lm*l lieeii .pending th«‘ir (leiiiiles. “that I ■■•v* m Dlaweweefl ('••ton* In hew coming of the storm, .\notber scorch ­ Ihmii IS ilenr to him. Mr. II. .\. Elliott, sw,*. when* she liv«m. No iu«‘mla*r of the rvtukl form a society among the little ing lireath a tiniel**s«i wait. , asd hast saisp wi ssawvMwarvw. SUMMER BREEZES. t«rh f'llr Mm* Krwdlewtesl. of I4.*l High strrwt. iietnut snvs- lo**- tlhay **ldto mavssv»* houM-hok). even tin* senior am) v*enerahk*, ftdks. in which **ach ineml*er w.*ukl take Far to tbe •■asi it starts, ncroas the “M> llBowledx*- •*! Ibisn . KldOri I’lll. 4* gtrl. *1 . uMisskstsksod sidiaa 4» TIm* home is the key to g****! ettlaeo- .,1. fail *4 •# o raasi •ed hMSy. Ns would ilream of aakins her to read akeid a pie*ige t*. ^•emi all his |**cket money saml* it whirl* in circling hoops that dstrs l••«■ll III five rear* sx«> I ws. then kass* rrmsSy tar . ^****^lMV*n 5l boar, at a time, as the onlinary I'ompan* for fruit instead of sweets.** II** waut*-*l Now Is th*' sea*** when the angler ex­ shlp. says Jatsdi A. Itiis in tbe July At* form at last a wall, fin Ir curls, swiftlv. llrlsa In the t.itvn where |ir ** s. hM-ste*! I wa* lorture.l with khlsev iroM- k • 111 ■ I iw- ^s, mww»s- maa a m^m ion ia eail**l *>n to do, ami slw wvNikl md to <)n two things^ to stop lh*>ir a-ating aggerates hia net results. i'hilaileiphiA Unlit-, rnbapidly for the greni ritie*. •diently. With .i Icit. fierce lurrdi it fails sseli. H*ia bv avwaofoia. th«*rc exists in them all a etaj* that has lih* itn|ily eoliHru*' water to sw«M*ia ami t*» *vmh tliem trow in mkiniabi lioiirs shoiikl the fruit. An appb* or a luitmna or an A Slimmer rrsort always o |mh for the li st the key or thrown it iiuay. Fur this fangs of fire, (irlling. Mimling th** gaa|e Slnrr liTiroiMe wi (N.tlr famoil. Their Ui»e class New York lui*l until three ys*ars • inirlll.l ellMllSSl**«l the urtr IM-|«I Imoi IBV IDr. WlutaaM* ladUa Plla nUatrees lie ovemervous. or to fetch cuah* orange can visually, one or the otiter of <'an*t-g*-t away is t** rr«»*.rt t»* the shsslier ing. (Minting creatures, with its dry lash ■y.feni ss«t with it* lispsrturr rsme the rnrv thatawat will rare Hliad. loos, wash the icMMlk* «>r rtth rheumatie side of the strerl.— Philailelpliia Time*. ago never madt* any (iniTiaion. Th** po- wbip|>ing out the lives of men ami lamata. or the rhetOBSlI.Si sad tbe es.l i.r tbe kidary IlMwdiax aad Itobtim them. I** Umght for the (iricr of a few _,i’llea. Iishsorhsthatamaro. •boulder*, as the traineil nurae would la*. sweets, iU**l tlw fniit is laucli Iwtter in Not a sw*wt girl gra*lnat*- anywhere li«'e station bslging rsMuns, of which I Faster, thicker, hotter, fall tbe sands, trosMe* It I.M.k htil s tew iMivrs lo Meroni. |dl*h fbh. •-a.t sn.1 I bwi that I* I>r. Ih.ah aUays Uw iiabiag at oaaa. aaaa Her (loaition ia re<*ocniartil ol grsliluite tor iirrsrrll.- far almve th** ordinary in i>erM*nal aerv- TIh 'iv * is a rash im thr skin that '.ften . Hotthf ’’ Meal Rhoiikl lie Pr»-|Mir*sl.**--8t, weight —an '■eean of latming fire, (wnring lax .•Mcli M vslnshle remvily I have taken llaf. Dr. William*'ladian Pile Utbt h**inel« hrrd*sl maat Uprepared rtw Pi*e«aad tuh- Ire, am) she ceta adeqnate onuMilerat tun. apfwMirv on tlw face, which ia cauae*l liy laonis Post-Iilspateh. wrath am) strength upon these srrrtcbes xvesi tdessiirr In m-ommewdlsa thl* nie.|l lag «'f the (wlrate (arts Kvery box is •Ten attentkm. hy .beer nght of (wrsonal* eating ssreetm**aia. Hiigar, as erery one j Man must earn Ids I read hy the sweat without prHenoe «>f Iwsl. of iMith, of f*Mjd. as It hurls Its mad force acro ss tba daa* «1se to a nasslM-r of my fHes.ta I nlwar* warnuoed. Hv dniagt.M. hr mall oa ra- <« m«ir plank*, were the most (wmieiou* kert> s hot id these (>114. on hand to that •elpt -d prt.-. M real# sad fil.aa. ■BJJliH Ity rather than exertion Ths- houa**- know*, is heating to the Idotal. ami thia j of his Imiw. liut there am aeveral months ert. THe lidltiws toss am) hrava aad sbonlil I lake m ■erere rold sad r«w4 that It I. iwmaljr on muntripal <-harity. I verily be- IMMfiniiMn CO.. l*ei>pa.. . irrsiaS^lK k*eper rwmgnlaes h«rr; the facile la<)y*a rasti la proiiahly ilnr to oveAieating; it i in tbe year that he Is eirro|it fr**ni tbe break at last to sweep om on for otbar .eftllsx ••n mr kidsera s fe«r iliMma of Ikmn ■ mak). aeonfdiahed in her »wn line, U certainly i* tin* eff«*et of the sugar. Very I law. In the**** 'lays natum gets eveA llrve. which any civiltaeil community hod prey. Kidsey 1*111. ndirtrs aU Spprehewalon.'' E. VnnHickle. Ht. Johns. MiehignB. eager to win her goml otdnloa. am) tlm **vor tieviaud. T«* eaoape physical and IhHtn's Kidney Fills nn* S4»|<| hy nil little sweet stuff shoukl he taken Iwtween wl*h him hy IneliHlIug md **nl> his brow •h-niers. Fnev* .’•th’ (mr Isix. .Miulml on maater of the’ family looks upon her aa menla. l•M-sun•' sugar ferments readily, ia the sweating pn*«-**ss. hut his whole moral •smtagtnn in tbew crowd* neem*-*! hamanl) Imimasiide. iif tb*- inimeently rerv4pt of pnee hy Foster. Milharti I’o.. oae of tbemselvo* —a imlaeml am) hear- and fermentation liadly deranges the di- system. Wheeilng Intelligencer, iMimeieaa lad tbey mode a tramp hy the linffnio. X. Y. sole ngvnts for the I'nited fartioa in tbe way of wardUig <41 dloa* gestlre organs. Aad sll iIm tiahu a«v law, sborteat cut. T*» tbe aalitr*l Amwna thr msM hlaw. Ilem*qnlier th** nnine Hntin's nnd tnke Nv Aetlgetnl l.laM. him to opend every cent be coukl beg or I tmadrr la a tmmmtry no other. eommoo amwe adviea am) awdatanee.— Qraal* iifTeti kw*k extremely ileceptiee A hair mattreaa la better than a featb* Whsvr ooa* I aani la aa. New York H«a. atenl for drink. by an artilirtal light. tGenerally speek* I er had. With thr stole hear *tlve. tbe free lunch A laad i4 vsgwr sad •**»« trliakia tng. things look twice as well hy candle­ mom Thai a«ly lavvfs kaam. Dae ef IVT l«aMv—. * Tooth bruohe* shonM be waahad hi rounaer, and tbe polko lodging at light aa hy daylight, and conaennently j strong salt ami water. bond. hU mp of happineos was full. UNDERTAKEBS. Rpottss), aoilad or fade*l <'Wh gwwna the woman wla* abofM In the •wening la Osvr bsv aaasvB drvaptag Put a little household ammonia n« a There come an evil ilay, when tbe stole I mv fov shadswy hair. enn Iw mmvatad hy a dmnrtinn of Ivy laying ap for hemelf a atnrr of or thrar Iwnra, at night. It la IropnaaiMe to match pinka, wnre, drore tbe dirua ont of hnsineaa; tbe TWi Ih* salaiar last Id* rvoatog, bMc hUl if tloa to the daiieate skin. Aad th* pvtsai fovost Ids amyarl wbrri the fluid will he ready for iiaa. y ellowa. heltotropes and other deileate Halnoa law forhnde tbe free inneb. Jnat Bmah tba garment tbomngbly inaMe and .iT-wafftNi OPPOSITE M. E. CHURCH. tonaa In any hot the light tn which they at tbia time Unmdaae Bonaereit abut tba I tmofisr II tlds MS* *4 oan mM. aprand ansaetbly npon a table, and •re to he worn, aa they will he fonnd to hspasli Hs savstsai tsss; osf^lly »pn—a wNh tbe ley water. Claan bload maani a daan akw. No police lodghnt raaoiL and tbe trump wna vary rvmaMerahiy between day aad arti- literally lafi

CUNTON COUNTY MERLE BEACH. DRAFT HORSES. CaptatB Ciwucli. tba wull kovwa bn- It. A. Moora in nwadiiac part of tbm pewtar of Qsrman cmeb boruaa aad ug- WoBum's Mission. ELSIE. wmk at St. Joaafib. ■AMM mt eiww. portar of coach and dmft horuas. ra- rsi/m/ m aay drpruds m pkfMumJ kHtlik. Mr. Tabbn, of Marry villa, visitad ll«f- For 111 fabfB I bare limui «*ooiiected eently said to Tbe Nattaaal Htoekaan; Mian fc^th SaafliOK uii4»r tlM> doe- luaa Vaadyka laat w*«k. tor'a t«n>. .NhiL ebr luMdMba of raarlos. liMedlUb ’*Tbe coMBtry baa gaddaaly onam to lioaald MrUoaald. of Ft. W^na lad.,' and nale -indraft bonwo. mjr* Tbia- a rsallMttou of the fbet tbat tbaas la a woman's fat Mr. aad Mm. S, U. iVam* ««m ia I. in a inmal at Marla llaaeb tbin imnfi. ■iaa ToMday. | KanaM. and fmni artuaJ esgert gTMt scarcity of bofuss of all klada Mm. Uillia Sfiarry in rUtinff mlatirm Mlm tiara HaraMw. ol IH. Joter, wm» anna 1 Had tbat ttw anotaot mlatbka liat mort* partlealariy of good coach iu town Maturday. | at synanim. < ibio. lor a coapla of waaka. made by tbe arrraci* fanner le oaraie— animals, diaft bovuM and alaa fibs Hhnll moamn vats? Hhall tlmy prastita loaef Shall thay oompsle with man In svary SakIT Mm. J. H. CUn'Bt baa Kuor to I'atcw ! Tba yoauK pnopia at HnncL boaaa will bunt) In ■eiadlou nlrmi for breeding driving stork. This damand has bsan ■pawd tba day at flraad Lndni' Wadaiw- punmeew. For lantanee. If a fbnner liroagbt about by tba extaaclTe da- Whataaer wnomn's miasloa omy Anally ba da* kay fcr tbr aaiiioMPr. day. , Lotth* I'narrc M attaodiaa tha tt*arh*m' ^ baa a ransy mare, be In apt to neleet a tnand tor tbe foralgn markat. wbicb elarsd to ba. It ia eartaln that sfimsthlng Horiai daariaic party at tba llnaofi Frl> hivh. rancy borne witb wbicb to pair baa abaorbail all tbe available sorplna muat be doaa for ber phjraieal health. laalitutf in < f wtaaaj. j day avaaUNC July ‘JH. fltMid inuair will Mm. clam Mrlat4Mdi Jmrrim. *win aad child ara In tbe t*olt and snpplK tboae «|iiallUM taoalra purrbaaas for tba eijulpplag of orasd. Many wonmn's llvas are aooutmii Ht. Jokiia and < Iwtjaao. mtaata at Haary Halnny'n. In wbicb tbe tbim Is lackinit. tbe carmlry and artlllary bcancbM of straggle with lassitude: many are violently K*dly Haarl, of Ithaca, waa in town on H. I{. Muora, of Naw llaran. rinitad bin ill without apparent oaass. aad tew Iniiad buaiuaaa Thumday laat. AVhlle the draft liorne iineatloo Ip not tbe armlaa of Europe. Maxloo baa alao paraiitn at tba Hnarh Sunday and Mon* an Issue here today, nor Is tbe tbor- liaao an extanatva purebaaar for tbia are in normal health. Mm. linby ItuiUadt m apaadiuic a fair ila.v, ratumiaa Tunnday mominit. oujthnass of «lrmft liotue liramilnc bebl purpose, aad timing tbe recant war be- ThU U all wrong aad might ba dlflsrsat waiAa iu firaud lla|ada. TIm* tinant oalch of black liana wa bare In the hlffhest **stsom. 1 sm assuml twaao (ruba and Hpaln large numbers If wnossu aroald follow Ur. Hartman's ad- F. C. l***Hi and auu (ilaan ratomad laat i aaaii tbia waaiion wan mada by Fmnk vise. Ferhaps the must practUal printed Acts gcntlv on the wraak friHii a viait in talne«l than those to supply tbe armies of both combat- talk to wuown to ba found anywhsrs U in Mm. Kaaicott, of (‘aaa«la, ia riaitiaic Sfwaal mantiait at Olira tlraaira Satiir- Dr. Hartman's bttok oallsd ** Health mid liar dauchtar. Mm. .McNall. j which attend tbe ru-na aad two of Man-a-Iln. I feel like a new wmmao. When I commencad Mm. lir. liaal haa mtuniaii houn- tmm i kets. i numlier of years to (-oine a safe market a Ionic niay with Inauila in iMroit. { kn«iwii an Motliar Comail, an rha|iaroii. Inking Fe-ru-na I could hardly wralk acroes my room; now I sm doing my own rain|a*d at |{oai*il I .aka a faw dara lani My |iast ex|terieiM'i- teaches me that a I at remunerative iirlees to all who en­ work and can walk to church. I shall never cease to thank you for prescrib­ .Mm. Ilatlia Joliuaon, of Oaklay. ia via- j gage lo raising a gotal daas of borMs." itiuic with irtaoda in and naar Klaia. j waak. .\ll rnfairt a jolly tima. ICnml draft iiofae can be reaml to the ing tor me. I had been under the treatment of two doctors but never receioKl aice of 4 years and put upon tbe market any benefit until I «xunmenoed taking vour medicine. 1 wish every woman \ row la*l«iiiinoK to Ifanry Vauliauaaii for less money than a steer of tlie same iMsbelea (’aCtte. who was suffering as I was would send )ur one of yemr bouks. May (lod blem dnvt ol iMmlynm Tiiaaday inominic. j SHEPARDSVILLE. ajce ami *if winal condition. At present in the Atlantic rattk* trade tbe you and spare you many yesurs to relieve woomo who are suffering aa I was.** Mm. VV. L. lioliiMw la tlia (TuaKt «»f har. VV. I.. t'niiia A'. S., *4 < ivid. waa in town prices for the draft liorne. If pmperiy lanp- animals slilpiied alive to England Fifty thousand women will be eounsallsd aad praecrlbetl for this year free of ovy tmc ocNViMC • M*M*r o oy aiatiT, Mm. liavid .Vuatin, of r airttrid. j Tiiaeday. liamlleil. lie will sell very iwadlly In tbe an- all markt*d witli a <|ueer label n»- charge by Dr. Hartman, pruaidsnt of the Surgical Hotel, ('olumhaa, O. All lianry Saiton. of llatroit, la viaitintf I Mm. J. Chaea, *4 St. .lobua. ia viaitiuir «*aateni utarkiHs for 9 Hsi to f lAit. whlb* quln*tl by tbe authorities. This con­ women suffering from any disease of tbe mucous membrane, or any of tha Ilia bmtbar, i'harhat, and «>tbar n*lativtvt. j @iN?NIAfk;,SirRVP<§ at Mm. tHeMaoii ’a. a icood. ai-eraifi* price for tbe staer sists of a little brass plap- stamiail peculiar ills of women, may write to him and the Utters vriU raeaivu hie .Vllaii Ola*riin and wila. of St. .lobua, i I with a numlier and made fast with personal attention. Write for apecial queation blank for vroman. f«A MM or «4t *«U M. Oi iV. Tailiar, ol Ibiehaatar, .N. A’., ia in would In* f&U to fiki. wara KiMMta tif hia bnithar. Frank, Mon* I town on buainaaa. ; a win* to the ear of the liulluck by and Monday with T. Ilaira Defects, dtlier •^institutional or mor­ ; ages with any aigns of disease. Its OlOlOlOlZlOlOlQ oicioiciorzoiQ and lainily. Houn l-ldwania, of fiwoeno. ia a|a-ndiii|i al. ibi nut show* tlientaelves as a rule numlier «*an la- traceil to tbe American MiMt Mii.tiim* Joy in viMlititf for a I’lyila liaim lalt .Monday ••vaoiiiK for, tb*- Waak Ht liar irrandim Kldwanla*. until an animal lias reacbeil full pbys- autbuiittes, tint to the slilpper ami leal ami inental developnient, says tbe fee •l«,vi«. Wrat Itay I’ity, tti niaaid a faw W*ni .\nit .\rb«ir. I nt home. Is* allowed for the i|uallty and <'tiamc' penaltk-s which will make him think CLOSING OUT Mr. and Mr. Tn*H nfmiit Saturday and Mr. WiMidivarfl, of Maraoic**, III., viait* i ter of the parents to develop liefon* tb** twice Iwfun* be sells may more ilia- •at at tha hoiua of hia hruthar'iii'law. .Mr, jI (i. C. LouKcor and family, alao Miaa Sunda> at with hrr uaci*<. progeny Is reaml Every Inillvlilual ensetl lieef for shipment across tbo I*rvy, a faw day a laat waak, |I .Naliia AA’nIkar. of St. .lobua. riaitad at animal, male or female, lias a ebara*-- Mr-*. Wni. II. Kamill and •iauahtia'. I Jmiiae I.. I..ouiaarurtia, dauichtar of l>r. I'lirtia, | ter of aoUM* kiml to transmit, with Ann .irlMir to vimt old Mm. Kamill. of .Saiduaw, la vMitiuK at tba hoiiia of har ; .Miaa Kuhr AA'intlald vary (dauaantly aa- some modlth*stluas. to Its offspring. FOR CASH POLITICAL QUIPS. I'roi. iniiiniiur and w ifa imni tha,M.uth-. »cran.l|Miranl.. Mr. and Mm. Uvi t artar, j t» rtuinad a nunibar of har inri irieuda Tills character may lie laisltliv, tieim* •rn part «4 th**aiata. ara viaitiOK thanda Ua\. Skiiinar. *4 KUia, ocru|aad tba M. U’adiiaaday aflamiMin in honor oi bar five or neutral, but whatever It Is some­ aixtiawith birthday. Ohio politics —hut wh> think of any ­ in tin- villaca. Tha l'rofaaa«ir waa atona K. puifut in Ovid laat Sabliath tnomiUK. thing sliouki Is* kmiwn alMitit It liefun* thing so warm thU kind of wtNiibvr)—In- A Lot of Guaranteed tim*- itrioniial of tha Hath Iuk Ii M-hiM»l. in th* ‘ ntiacn*-a oi th* r*tnihir imator, Ib-v. F. H. f'|av*-hind ami family laft .Satur- ft is usnl for repmductlou. for liensllty disua|M»li» Joiinial. Moom. Wharflaharriaa an- about whi|i|aHl. ilay lor an ontiUK at .Vnrantiiia. Air. has much to «lu with traits ami cliarac The lie***!!** Id the haystack is more eas­ Tht-ra iiiia la->*a a Mwarni <4inim |a<«i|4afar FOWLER. I Icvafnod ratarmaj Tnaaday, hut tha n*al ter In animals. For this reason gmit ily hN’sted lhau is the p*tliti*iaii wh*. is will rainaiii alwiut two wa^a. iin«i naar ••vary day mm or ahiu*-. .Siin- i can* shoultl la* taken to know that an­ not to trusts.—Iletmil Journal. •laya not**!oia|»ta*l. Thay hata hnmirht a I'hillip KtMik waa III town Tucwday. I imals liave good cbaracters as well as It is hani tu l•elieve that all the lies UimmI prir*-, M t4i lIK-. Mm. .Vuiruat .Vlartiu la on tbaairk liwt. j COYOTE HUNTERS. gotsi constitutions. A vicious horse or tbat timl their way into tht- iiomicatl^ New Bicycles $18i0 t'Hniaiim «>nt for a hnrvaat danra at spen-he* in a political «-ooTpntloo caa bs I I’nurmaaiva tiali \V»-«|n*tMlay rvaninic Mr. Shia>n. of Miipb* Hapida. wai* in * <*olt Is apt to breed vicious offspring, torgivi-ii. —M’asbingtou Fust. town Siiturday. Deaa Tbat .%ee I'setal oa tbe WaaSs ami a weakly coustituteil nultnal is July ‘Jti. .V!l lailiaa mimI »fantlam*-ii an* era Sbeea naaass. luvitatl. Daiiri- tirkft .'••►r. l«*a rn-am .Vim. .1. IlHiiinKind. who haa la-au aiuilai sun* to brmi offspiiug iif weak vital ­ TKX MAAKJm. Second Hand Wheels from will la- (M*rv>- 111 bnithta ifiaaMaa. Ha waa ill of hcri-oUMO, Mm. .Anthony Martin. and alst* In •*Astem On>gou. saya Mr. •llfTemit «‘lasa**s of sttick may la- bml. Hamls. i-oyotes an* verj ’ trouldesnme. TilDothjr Heeii ...... Cl *(1 Yours for Bicycles, alniut fix niontha. Tha tnil*Ttll aarvn-aa Krtamla from Kun-ka wm- thaicutwia, Tbt- sliort lived races, like swim* and lire...... v» Iliirkwheat ...... 7^ I war*-hald Hi tha M K. ahiirrh. and hia of .Air. and Mm. Kiatna Sunday laat. killing sheep, pigs, •'slves and nil kinds sbee|i. nnivt- at maturity iu much less I.IVI.MT*H 1, iMNfy lni*i to raat in l*laaaaiit Hill aaina- of laiultry. The co>'ote Is s small wtdf. time than horses ami cattli*, but even tcrr. .Mr. t’udwall wna ainoiin th*- flmt .Sa%-arai inmi lien- attamlnt thadam-al (’owe. mlh-h ...... ego ouMaa.’i (Ni j at Mr. Hatl’a new hoiiaa Tuaaalay avau* iiliout Uit* slse of It mt*«lluni shepherd in the case of the shorter lived animals ( owe lalte«l |ier ra t...... ,. .f’J ’jAeisa about fixtaaii y*-ara avo. Alra. H. Karraifhar. ol Sha|Min|avilla, la ahly matun- *levelot»tiient If tin- twait i.«iilhe ...... 4*1 I F. H. BOSH & CO. a|Naidiiii{ II whila with I’haa. Haua. ot 1 sni ninniug a dt\ers|fle«l stock results an- ••X|afCte*l. wN<*i.»'j>Ai.i; i-Hoiii t r. txi* rsi IT mamkst I- *i\vlar. fkmi •■ousistlng ptim-l|Hiily «if inire (o*iiemlly a s«»w- cir ew«- is os full) ile- IUtll«-r ...... 11*1 la PRICE I'ltMW ...... loi^f 11 OIOIOIQ DIOIOIOIOIO Vim. .\cff. of M*-Hrida. attandail tha bn**l stock, ami the ItsM* *if a lanih a velo|M*tl at 1 yiar as n lM*lfer tw fllly at (-.os* ...... I*!*; 11 ; ' fiiiiaral ol licr tnothar. Mm. .Vnthonv fln«‘ pig «*f |o : Vita Mary Vlartiu aicail *P* yeara, died tbe oxciist- for bnNillug l»er early, ami Hi.In I.m** ...... |o <*oiiia to liva with har •lanirhtar. .Mm. J. pun’haslng a .-oiipk- uf bounds, wIhnm * Hat.-a at har holm* in Fowler Fnday .luly 14. to stunt* «*xteiit tli(* emi stiught makes It Hf«iN«-tim* |**r bbl...... 75 ! at T o'<-iia-k ol imrniyala. |la)*a«|aa*i waa plrtun*t> an- shown, ttuit siddoui ever HnCslu r«>mmi imr bhi s isi Patronize Harr\ Viinhumi-r »|aait .Satnnla> Justltlalde iimler «-ertalti •-omlitloos. l'»rtlNii*l - •• ...... C.H .V* j bom III liariiiauy ami <-aina to thia fall to (’atrli ami kill I’very ont* tiuit .Maternity nt a temler age is s severe tturr*. ii*r I.I.I ...... M‘J J.* miilit III l.4iinimhurit with ti.-o. .Mnmh. ol ^ atnia ami a* ’tll*-4i in Hailaa tow-nahip IS Ilsy riin.tthv ...... C.* *m**is«* isi that |ila«-a shows lip on tuy fartii. Jai’k. tbe strain ii|Min the uultiuU. ami it often iii- , yaam hk **. SIh - waa hiirliiy raa|iaria«i by liny islkr-l ' ...... C.5 'Ml larger one. Is a stag nnd grey hound terferew nerkiusly with tin* suliae«|uent Hfrnw ItnlfHt ...... S4 *hi t onuni*lriiiii —"NA'hat \oiiiiit tniiii in I all who kiiaw har. h^-li ol tier nattfh- Viat«iruill liava to liaii*'** in tha "I’u; giving him tin* sfieetl, grit and trailing gmwth ami ilevelopinent. .An animal MI.M Ki.i.tsroi-**. ' iNira and in**mla in •-xianiliiur thair ayiii- «'htrkrti* i|r*'p»*'it itf-r lb ...... *1 Trt»iufli*’ now *'■ (iHlhy to tba lim-*t\*-«i family, laala a stuntt*tl during gmwth by any caust* • ’hlrk*-N* II** ...... 7 N«i iiiiin- -kiMiiiiiiii: milk it tA'ilianI -a-iiaa ol |M-ra4inal haaa, lor all*-waa ii kiml seldttui fully overroines tb** **rr(*ct. m* TnrX*y ,tr»-ii*i*il |*er lb * 11** 7*1101 *.•• 11** lit-c^iKnk |i*r III...... '•**»-J.*. Sf«M-k*-r f. Ilf tliay lim* ’ a • nniii «aftara- I naiKhtMir ami aiauneli irmnif. Sli«- hvivaa matter wliat tht* after tn*otnH*nt may Tall-ts |>*r lb ...... -J*! M i News Advertisers, t«*r anil it v\ork*« t«i |a*ri*-fiion ■ ttiraa l■l|||«ln‘ll ami tlira*- aiap t-hildran to In -. * 'sit >>kitii* sr**ii ...... *11 ^ iiioiirii har •ia|»jirlura Th*- tniianii waa w h ii Ii**f hl-l** ...... •llynTt, Mr and Mm. .Nataon ,Si«N-kar. .St E»|N-eialiy I * bn*eillug to liupmve Kkls* ...... -J.'itrtCI -V* .loliiia, ami Mr ami Mm Willnnl .Stia-k*-r . hai«• They always haye someth- M'haat III thia vH-tiiitv la a litrht -'niii, ns the value of the ofTsiuiug luay U- WimmI hsi-ii '4S*I u iiii|m>viQ|{ it tliaii **011 man. Tlien* Is iHNwIbk* dan m'l'timiiMNlala four aa wt4l aa om*. ami ia very valuat 4«* In this •’tHintry. in aaaiirinx tlicir ha> ami w-lia*it. workad with tba la.-t ger fnuii early fmst In tin* r*ase of H, VV Hliaw waa aavan-fy hurt in St. I will gtvi* you a short aeeount of MILL sweet |Hital(M-n. AA'Itli cow|i««s It seems John I*, finiaa haa iinpnivail hat fanii Imiw tliest- ikigs killed two •'oyntes re- Johiia laat .Swiunlay. wlicn hia hom** fia irraatly by • nv-tinn a new wiad-inill on liest to tuni tlie pigs In tht* lot hefon* f*ently. I went to my feetf >-anl. which rwim-irticiilaiHvi ami ran away. Ha waa hla irntumla. Ha baa alao ii n«mr (lalaiit i tlie |N-as on* fully rt|s*. Feeding some Which is doifiE all the hard work of lifting taken to th* ‘ hoiwa of K. Sbamian. in St. iiiSoadiUK «1avio- which will uabaid hay Is some dlstan(*e fmm tbe iMWise. when •Inhnw, when- hia wife la (wriiiK for him. grain In •'onoectkMi with t-Klit-r t»f theot* ami ail th«- forma oi itmin iii hn* l»am. the first thing thst met my gaae was self liarvwuteil crops usually will In- three of these “pesky* ’ animals lurk­ the water these days, is appreciated now VVa arc iirmiittaii to rami a lattar wnt- i creasi* Hm* pmllt. TIm^ great valm* of ing nmunti at a dtstaun* of a •lunrter tail from Slanila, I*. I., hjr t'haa J. Smith wheat as imsturmge for |4gs Is rreog- t«» hla awter ill Ihn* villaca. Ha wrilwa of a mik* In a netghlior’s flekl. Aa when it is hot and the **nien folks**are**well nlasfl by many. Hoom* have foumi gootl thai they hml )u«l n-tnnml fmm a MX , •intck mm my «lugs came In sight of msults fmm (lostuiing early si»wii tsits. day a' march aad that I bwy wan-nearly > them they gave chest*, sod Iwfnn* tbt* The liest summer |4g {laMun- for pigs Appreciate niich hushed** when they come up from the axhauatMl. owtnic lo tb*- laek <4 firori. i tviyotes batl gone •me uUk* they *iver- onvalesc ing lo (iklalMHua Is sltelfs Wlien* this •Mona anmuta. In i-amp tliey an- wall { hauletl ami kllleil tme of them. Then Is not available sorghum, thickly sown, |>n»vNMona«l, ha Naya. Wa may fomi an I put the ilogs «m trail of tbe other one. field and **too busy** In the morning before idan 14 tha wlata ol thinip* on Iba laiaad ! will lie foumi dsalrable. The fairly We foUowetl him almut tbret* miles, M HMire or Mm a mit alov procaM, when wa .-onaidar t'barlea' atatamant: I maturvtl sorghum stalks make •*xcsl ‘ when be ran Into a neighbor's wootl Moofdlai 10 dM Mvorfiy of tbo * ‘Wa an-aW^tinK in th*- water, with a' lent iMig fnatl In the fall They will be 'commencing work. Now honestly don*t ahetl ami ttstk mfuge ««i a lilgh pile olokMM. VftolMir, vlMn at a low naa-dika tha riar *4 an nat.hill for a pii- i eaten sutnewhat raodlly evsu In win­ bm. Sami im ail the hnttoaa you nan- of wvkn I. It Is iierhaps needless to say ter. •M, vofN at a gmot dlaadvoatoft, for tbav ruwt on our |iant«ami drop «iff.” ^ tbat be was snnn limught down fmm mmmfmmmrm you believe aad mmn ttOM Is roqwirod to rogoin VVa an- all fiatriotir, fail with a wall hal- his (*xalte «1 iMisItlon by a gunshot tho loot otmayfa oad paurtr. aamd miud a iwddiar (*aa nay that tba It is mtf an uamtnmnn sight to sou war m a laSitinal pull. A man who recently traveled orur a from three to ten of them in a Imum I giMMl tlsal of the west says them Is no IT WOULD BE FOR YOUR INTEREST BRICE.~ late In the fall of the year. AA’e some­ doubt In his mind but them will be a times iMVe what are call “TVMUMt ups.** I gieat ahortagt- of mngi- lieeres tor To let me erect a mill on your place. I would be jclad to fli^uv^ on it any ­ Mm. John t 'bnamon* tm asain in very I Fmm three to a dnorti laen on borse- market this year. *rbe twopk- bam net Imck with tbetr dogs will seatter out pmir health. nuuiy vouag cattle or lirsedlBg snimala way and will not un^e you to buy; simply place the whole matter before IR^SlSic I (iate amioakinir fla*- ami promiamtol with tht* iimlerstandlag to meet at on hantl and r