Hydrology Days 2019

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Hydrology Days 2019 ColoradoAugust 2019 Water Hydrology Days 2019 Colorado Water » August 2019 I Table of CONTENTS Features—Hydrology Days 2019 21 Effects of Snow Persistence on Soil Moisture and Soil Water Nitrogen along the Colorado Front Range 2 Hydrology Days 2019 at a Glance By Alyssa Anenberg By Sarah Millonig and Russel Dickerson 22 Characteristics of Water Use Across 124 Urban Centers in 4 Hydrology Days Keynote Speakers the USA: What Did We Learn? by Cibi Vishnu Chinnasamy 23 6 Student Awards—First Place Sorting Patterns in Curved Channels: Flume Experiment Observations By Danny White 6 Assessment of Acoustic Flow Measurement Instrumentation for Mean Flow Measurements 24 A Shower Water Reclamation System To Address By Mathew Klema, Abdul Pirzado, Timothy Gates, and Colorado House Bill 18-1069 By Julie Dauer Karan Venayagamoorthy 25 Instream Flow Recommendations Web-Based Tool 8 Recovery of Nitrogen in Anaerobic Digestion by for Colorado Panagiotis D. Oikonomou, Ryan R. Morrison, Nitrification By Ismail Alhelal, Kenneth F. Reardon, Rumpal Sidhu, and Tyler Wible Lucas Loetscher, and Sybil Sharvelle Also in this issue: 10 Snow Surface Roughness Across Two Scales 29 Hydrology Days Extends Historical Legacy Considering Canopy Characteristics By Bradley Simms, By Patricia Rettig Steven Fassnacht, and Eric S. Thomas 12 Student Awards—Second Place 31 Water Science and Engineering for Global Solutions: A CSU Program of Research and Scholarly Excellence 12 Predicting the Impact of Soil Salinity on Crop Production: By Neil Grigg A Look at Traditional and New Approaches By Ansley Brown, Allan A. Andales, and Timothy K. Gates 33 Colorado Water Center Announces CSU Faculty Grants 14 Evaluating the Effects of Green Stormwater Infrastructure By Catie Boehmer on Urban Roadway Flooding By Katie Knight and 35 2019: A Snow Year to Remember for Western Colorado Aditi Bhaskar By Peter E. Goble and Russ S. Schumacher 16 A Hydrologic Analysis of Big Bear Creek Watershed ColoradoAugust 2019 Water in Iowa By Lily Conrad and Steven Fassnacht On the cover — Neil Grigg, Mazdak Arabi, Jorge Ramirez and Student Awards—Third Place 18 Pierre Julien pictured at the 2019 Hydrology Days 18 Flood-Producing Storms in a Current and Future Climate Hydrology annual meeting. Photo courtesy of Colorado Water Using High-Resolution Convection-Permitting Solutions Days 2019 Center. Background photos ©2019 iStock.com in the United States By Erin Dougherty References can be found in the online version 19 Real-Time Visualization of Advective Groundwater Flow of this newsletter at http://watercenter. By Zachary Ferrie colostate.edu/water-news 20 Quantitative Assessment of Floodplain Functionality Colorado Water » August 2019 I Using an Index of Integrity By Marissa Karpack Cooperators include the Colorado State Forest Service, the Colorado Climate 20 Modeling Hydrologic Processes Associated with Soil Center, and CSU’s Water Resources Archive. Saturation and Debris Flow Initiation During the September The contents do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of these agencies, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute their 2013 Storm, Colorado Front Range By Sujana Timilsina endorsement by the U.S. Government and Colorado State University. CSU is an equal opportunity university. Volume 36, Issue 3 Published by Supported by Colorado Water Center This publication is financed in Colorado Water is a Reagan Waskom, Director part by the U.S. Department publication of the Colorado of the Interior Geological Editor Survey, through the Colorado Water Center. The Sarah Millonig Water Center; College of newsletter is devoted to Catie Boehmer Agriculture, Warner College highlighting water research Design of Natural Resources, and activities at CSU and R. Emmett Jordan Agricultural Experiment watercenter.colostate.edu throughout Colorado. Production Director Station, and Colorado State Nancy Grice University Extension. Director’s LETTER o advance the state of knowledge, scholarly research findings must be com- municated beyond the lab to other scientists and eventually to the larger Tmanagement community. While university researchers receive recognition for their work through the publication of results in academic journals, it is often in face-to-face settings that students and faculty clarify, communicate and expand their ideas, achieving deeper knowledge and greater impact. At Colorado State University, the annual AGU Hydrology Days event brings water researchers and students together on campus for three days to discuss their latest water research findings and learn from each other. Water researchers from government agencies, other universities, and the private sector are all welcomed as participants in the annual dialog on cutting-edge water research. This year, the event celebrated Dr. Jorge Ramirez’s career of contributions to the field of hydrology through a special symposium in his honor. After many years of service, Dr. Ramirez has stepped down from organizing the annual AGU Hydrology Days symposium at CSU. Dr. Mazdak Arabi has recently taken over as the organizer of Hydrology Days with a commitment to expand the event to include students and researchers from all water-re- lated disciplines. Next year’s Hydrology Days promises to be even broader and more inclusive as the organizing committee reaches across disciplines and universities to expand the program. Showcasing student research through oral and poster presentations exposes students to the challenge of clearly communicating their work to their peers and professors—not an easy task. This year at Hydrology Days, student papers were juried by faculty in a competition to further hone and recognize the best research com- munications. Over 80 student papers were included in the program and the top 14 award winning papers are excerpted in this edition of Colorado Water newsletter. Congratulations to all of our student researchers and special recognition to the award winners. We look forward to what these students will achieve as their careers in water resources progress. In the continuing effort to improve the water programs at CSU, this year we officially merged the Colorado Water Institute—one of the 54 Water Resources Research Institutes created by the federal Water Resources Re- search Act of 1964—with the CSU Water Center, which served as the focal point for CSU water faculty teaching, research, and outreach. This move brings the statewide efforts of the Institute, CSU Extension’s water program, and the campus-focused Water Center together to strengthen CSU’s water mission and impact while streamlin- ing our communications and administration. The merged center will be known as the Colorado Water Center. Vice President for Engagement, Lou Swanson, stated, “the merger of these units better reflects the collabora- tion we already enjoy and will serve to increase the impact of our water scholarship on communities, wildlife, rivers, lakes and aquifers across Colorado and the West.” Vice President Swanson officially retired from CSU in September 2019, capping a thirteen-year stint as the leader for engagement at the University, highlighted by his commitment to the communities of Colorado. Leaders like Dr. Jorge Ramirez and Dr. Lou Swanson make CSU a special place, building on the Land Grant University tradition, but with new ideas, fresh energy and initiatives. We acknowledge and appreciate these leaders, aspiring to continue their legacy of service to the people and natural resources of Colorado. Director, Colorado Water Center Hannah Miller discusses her work with a Hydrology Days Conference attendee. Photo courtesy of Colorado Water Center. Colorado Water » August 2019 1 Hydrology Days 2019 at a Glance Sarah Millonig, One Water Solutions Institute, Colorado State University Russell Dickerson, Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering, Colorado State University Colorado Water Center Colorado Water Hydrology Days Scientific Committee: Neil Grigg, Mazdak Arabi, Jorge Ramirez and Pierre Julien. n March 2019, CSU hosted the acknowledge his revered contribu- three-day American Geophysical tions to both CSU and the overarch- Union Hydrology Days annual Each year, the ing field of hydrology. meeting. The event generates Twelve interdisciplinary research Ia unique and energetic experience Hydrology Days sessions were conducted to cultivate for students, faculty, and practitioners a community event for researchers engaged in diverse and extensive wa- Award recognizes to share results and discuss linkages ter-related research topics. Hydrology between ongoing water-related sci- Days (hydrologydays.colostate.edu) significant entific inquiries. The broad focus of covers a broad range of water issues the meeting featured aspects of the ranging from agriculture and water contributions water cycle and its interactions with rights to climate change, urbanization, land surface, atmospheric, ecosys- economics, and policy. The 2019 meet- to hydrologic tem, economic and political process- ing was designed to bring together the es, and all facets of water resources abundance of ongoing water-related science. Scientists engineering, management, and pol- research currently under investigation icy. Presentations were included on at CSU and beyond. all topics in hydrology, related fields The event was organized by and researchers of science and linked systems includ- CSU’s One Water Solutions Insti- ing engineering, climatology, agricul- tute (onewatersolutions.com) with are nominated by ture, economics, sustainability, and support
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