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Alcoholics Anonymous, 3, 43, 129 Christian Science, 41, 44 alcoholism, 125 Coca-Cola, 70, 132, 165 Alger, Horatio (1832–1899), 41–2 commissions American Medical Association, 63 checks, 10, 86, 90–3, 95 Amway levels in Omnilife, 94 in China, 173 as life transformation, 3, 14, 76, deceptive practices in, 53 135, 162, 168, 171, 173 founding of, 51 A Course in Miracles, 172 Luisa’s involvement with, 23–4 Crowley, Mary, 49–50 in Mexico, 12 positive thinking in, 51–2 Daley, Roger, 25, 38 sales figures, 53 Daniel, 134, 141–3, 145–51, in Thailand, 13–14 156–7, 159, 164 Annis, Sheldon, 16 DeVos, Rich (1926–), 52, 55 anthropology, 4, 174 diamond-level distributor, 89, antioxidants, see vitamins 95, 99 Avon Diego, 124–9, 135–6, 164 founding of, 43 dieting, 16, 40, 167, 170 Luisa’s involvement with, 23 direct faith, 2–3, 135, 162, in Mexico, 5, 6, 12 169–71, 173 sales figures, 53 explanations for failure, 4 in Thailand, 13 and healing, 60, 76 vs. Roman Catholicism, 18 Babbitt (1922), 43 direct selling Bible, 14, 169 compensation in, 97–8, 162 Body Shop, 32–3 as cults, 57 gender roles, 6, 46, 49–50 Catholicism, see Roman Catholicism history, 39 China, 13, 14, 51, 157–8, 173 international expansion, 53 Chivas, 103, 137, 161 in Mexico, 3, 12 Chivas USA, 36 and New Thought, 43, 53, 163 purchase by Omnilife, 33–4 party plan, 45 Chopra, Deepak, 172 sales techniques, 5 188 INDEX direct selling—Continued Home Interiors and Gifts, 50, 52 single-level vs. multilevel, 6, 52 home parties, 45–6 turnover, 93 Hughes, Mark (1956–2000), 24, doctors, 62, 70–1 37, 52 downlines building, 90, 96 Infinite Intelligence, 41, 54–5 defined, 6 In Tune with the Infinite (1897), Luisa’s, 10, 93, 133 41, 172 invisible conversion, 15, 163, 173 Eddy, Mary Baker (1821–1910), Ixtapa, 1, 10 39, 41 Ehrenreich, Barbara, 16 James, William (1842–1910), 42 Emerson, Ralph Waldo JVC Center, 32, 38 (1803–1882), 40 Emoto, Masaru, 107–8, 118, Kentucky Fried Chicken, 155, 156 159, 167 Kiyosaki, Robert, 145–7 entrepreneurship, 11, 27, 137, 147 The Knight in Rusty Armor (1989), 127, 172 Fadzillah, Ida, 13 fear, 105–7, 168 law of attraction, 42, 54–5 Felipe, 137–8, 143–4 Life Extension: A Practical Scientific The Feminine Mystique (1963), 49 Approach (1982), 66–7 Fobair, Jim, 25, 38 Luisa Food and Drug Administration, childhood, 19, 21 65, 68 in Chile, 139–41 Forever Living, 6, 78 consumption of vitamins, 61, 72, The Four Agreements (1998), 119 74–5, 167 Fuentes, Angélica, 56 downline, 10, 93, 133 Fuller, Alfred C. (1885–1973), expenses, 93, 130 44, 55 family, 9, 19–23 Fuller Brush Company, 44 health philosophy of, 71–3, 76, 79 The Game of Life and How to Play It homebuying, 130–1 (1925), 42–3, 54–5 income, 10, 91 GNLD, 6 independence, 23, 30, 122–3, Great Commission, 14, 170 136, 170 Guatemala, 15, 173 joins Omnilife, 26 and Jorge Vergara, 100, Harman, Denham, 66 135, 140 Herbalife marriage, 28–9, 110, 165 in Chile, 144 parasailing, 1–2 in Mexico, 24–5, 37 positive thinking, 36, 54, 101, Hill, Napoleon (1883–1970), 121–2 43, 47 preparing for Chile, 108, 123, Hinduism, 41, 56 133, 136 INDEX 189

relation to God, 35, 55, 122, material prosperity in, 43 170, 174 and modernization, 40 religious practice, 17, 19, 35, 54 origin of, 40–1, 162 and Roman Catholic Church, 22, nostalgia, 15–16 31, 162, 164–5 Nutrilite, 51–2 work habits, 81, 93–4, 166 nutritional supplements, see vitamins machismo, 28, 109–10, 148 Marco occult economies, 13–14 childhood, 21 Omnilife in Chile, 159, 163 basic schools, 109–21, 168 joins Omnilife, 29 business plan, 82, 85, 89–94, Mary Kay Cosmetics 137–8, 168 Founding of, 48 complaints about, 78, 96 in Morelia, 6 enrollment in, 9 positive thinking in, 49 founding of, 25, 27 seminar, 104 international expansion, 28, 32, Mexican Association of Direct 36, 124, 158 Selling, 12 and New Thought, 55–7, 60, Mexico 113, 116, 145 border region, 12 products, 8, 59–63, 65, 79, economic policy, 11, 162 96, 155 informal economy, 12 rally, 103–5, 168 middle class, 16, 40 and Roman Catholic Church, 17, migration to , 5, 11, 116, 173 143, 147, 164 sales figures, 38 mind cure, see New Thought slogan, 10, 35 Morelia, 6, 172 stagnation, 98–100, 128 arrival of Omnilife, 26 subsidiary companies, 32 Luisa moves to, 21 Teleconference, 155–7 Morris, Rosalind, 13–14 testimonials, 68, 72–3, 75, 153, 158, 161 NAFTA, 11 wholesale store, 7 Natura, 165 worldview, 15, 35, 136 neoliberalism, 11–12, 170 Omnitrition, 25, 37, 67 as motivator for direct selling, 13, 162 Pamela, 29–31, 141 and Omnilife, 34 Pauling, Linus (1901–1994), 63 Nestle, Marion, 64 Peale, Norman Vincent New Age, 18 (1898–1993), 39, 47, 49 New Thought Pearson, Durk (1943–), 66–8, books, 125, 134, 135, 167, 169 154 centers, 42 Peru, 83, 87–8 definition, 39 Phranc, 50 in literature, 42 placebos, 60, 64 190 INDEX positive thinking, 16, 167 “The Secret Messages of Water,” in business, 86, 96, 159 107, 118, 159 changing the cassette tape, self-help, 3, 43, 109, 136 11, 117 Shaw, Sandy (1943–), 66–8, 154 limits of, 4 Shinn, Florence Scovel and New Thought, 41 (1871–1940), 42, 54, in the Omnilife schools, 114–19 145, 169 The Power of Positive Thinking silver-level distributor, 94 (1952), 47, 53 Spiritualism, 74 Protestant Ethic, 16–17, 163 spirituality, vs. religion, 116, 173 Protestantism, 5, 15, 17, 125–6 Stanley Home Products pyramid schemes, 14 alumna, 48 vs. direct sales, 38 founding, 44 positive thinking in, 46 Quimby, Phineas (1802–1866), 41 Stanhome, 7 Supreme Court, 38 Ramírez, Antonio, 101, 153–4 Rehnborg, Carl, 51 Teflon, Pam, 50 religious free market, 2 Thailand, 13–14 Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant Think and Grow Rich (1937), 43, (2000), 145–6, 167 53, 147 Roberto Trine, Ralph Waldo (1866–1958), in Chile, 141–3, 156 41 consumes vitamins, 132 Tupperware income strategies of, 166 drag queens in, 50–1 joins Omnilife, 131–3 founding of, 46 meets Luisa, 129 in Mexico, 7, 12 Roddick, Anita, 33 positive thinking in, 47 Rogers (Ash), Mary Kay sales figures, 53 (1918–2001), 48, 57 Roman Catholicism, 17, 164, Van Andel, Jay (1924–2004), 52 170, 173 Verdery, Katherine, 14 Charismatic Renewal, 18 Vergara, Jorge vs. direct faith, 18 as businessman, 33, 70, 158 Rothstein, Frances, 12 early life, 24 Rubin, Jerry (1938–1994), 26–7, health philosophy of, 59–60, 68, 38, 67 70, 158, 167–8 Ruiz, Irma, 100–1, 134, 148, 168 in Herbalife, 24 in Chile, 152–6 as leader, 57, 69, 104, 163 in Morelia, 83–9 neoliberalism advocate, 34 positive thinking, 105, 107–8, Sara, 144–5, 150, 165 158–9 Schwartz, Hillel, 16, 170 religion, 83 Seale, Bobby (1936–), 27 romantic life, 56 The Secret (2006), 167 socks, 59 INDEX 191

on television, 157, 161 Weber, Max (1864–1920), 16 weight, 77 “What the #$*! Do We Know?!” vitamins (2004), 108 antioxidants, 64, 66–7 Wilson, Ara, 13 as cleansers, 63, 66, 71–3 Wise, Brownie (1913–1992), history of, 63, 65 46–7, 57 in Omnilife products, 61–2 World Federation of Direct Selling as placebos, 64, 74 Associations, 3 regulation of, 65, 68 World Gift, 47, 48

Walker, Madam C. J. (1867–1919), yoga, 41, 77, 103 43 Y Tu Mamá También (2001), 36–7