Trusted Program Partner EnSafe was founded in 1980 within days following promulgation of the original regulations of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). To this day, one of our core competencies has remained solid and consulting. From our comprehensive understanding of the nuances of RCRA’s interplay with the Clean Air Act in preparing a Subpart X permit to interpreting RCRA’s complex solid and hazardous waste regulations and generating “white paper” interpretations, we’re equipped to creative thinking. custom solutions. tackle the full gamut of RCRA-related challenges for our clients.

HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID WASTE Technical Expertise and Experience MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT Focus on Client Service and Involvement Identification, characterization, and Design and permitting of solid waste Current on Regulation Changes and Updates qualification of waste streams disposal sites (conventional Comprehensive Services Determination of hazardous vs. non- , balefill, demolition hazardous status landfill, industrial hazardous Project Highlights waste, and ash disposal) Waste minimization, recycle, and / exchange programs (pollution Identification and feasibility analysis prevention) of potential disposal sites EnSafe’s history with Drumco, a drum Assessment of storage, treatment and Geologic and hydrogeologic reconditioner, dates back to the 1980s disposal options suitability assessment for and the early days of RCRA and the myriad proposed disposal sites Notification and annual reporting of regulations faced by an entire industry. waste streams to local, state, and Characterization of the groundwater EnSafe was instrumental in obtaining federal agencies regime through aquifer testing air and wastewater permits, providing and data interpretation Comprehensive Environmental Response, Development of a safe and legal Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), hazardous waste handling program Groundwater monitoring programs documented in a “Hazardous Waste Soil testing, well installation, Emergency Planning and Community Right Management Plan” sampling and analysis of to Know Act (EPCRA), and RCRA compliance groundwater, surface water and support, and training of employees in these Establishment of a “Contingency Plan” ever-changing areas. defining specific response measures air, geophysical investigation and site mapping to expeditiously mitigate hazards A client requested EnSafe’s assistance with during a hazardous waste emergency Solid waste minimization, , determining whether their spent solvents Permit application and negotiation for and reuse and exchange could be managed as an excluded solid waste transporter permits and Part A and programs if reclaimed onsite. EnSafe developed and B permit applications for Treatment, Identification, characterization, and provided a white paper that explained how Storage, and Disposal facilities quantification of solid waste the facility could manage their spent solvents Generation of “white paper” interpre- streams under U.S. EPA’s solid waste exclusion for tations of complex regulatory issues Determination of hazardous vs. non- hazardous secondary materials that are Design of hazardous waste storage hazardous waste status; reclaimed and provided guidance on the state areas using secondary and tertiary Gas collection, treatment and notification process and future management containment systems disposal of these materials. The implementation Treatability studies and subsequent Landfill closure design, bidding, and is expected to save the company tens of designs for hazardous waste construction services; and thousands of dollars per year. treatment systems collection, treatment and disposal. Siting and design of compliant solid Contact Us and hazardous waste land disposal facilities Kevin Arick Training industrial personnel and local (901) 937-4416 emergency service personnel [email protected]

Jerry Truitt (865) 219-2686 [email protected]