Minutes of meeting Monday 1st June 2015 in the primary school Final for approval

Members Present: - Margaret Vass, Alan Hutton, Richard Arnold, Elspeth Neill Julie Hutchison, Sue Rand, Marian Lever, Avril Keen and Willie Oswald.

In attendance: Cllr Graham Lambie, Iain MacDonald SC roads maintenance team leader, Robert Davy, Richard Begg, Pam Campbell + 11 residents.

(SC = Council. CC = Community Council. CDT= Community Development Trust * Denotes an action)

1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies – from Margaret Vass MV welcomed all present to the meeting and was pleased to announce and welcome two new volunteers to be co-opted to the CC, Grace Edmonds and John Gray. The CC agreed to the co-options. A further co-optee was in the pipeline. Apologies- None

2. Declaration of interests – None

3. Scottish Water update – report from Stewart Smolarek read by MV

Remaining work scope. • Turbine commissioning (ongoing) • Remove site establishment phase 1. (12/05/2015) • Reinstatement of the access track. (13/05/2015) • Remove site establishment phase 2. (23/06/2015) • Embankment reinforcement at the burn. (29/06/2015) SEPA have now granted BV the go ahead to carry out this work under an existing license including the additional reinforcement at the tree identified at last months meeting. • Bridge upgrade. (29/06/2015) This will start in parallel with the embankment work under the same SEPA license. BV have indicated that this may take up to 3 weeks to complete due to the concrete curing and repointing under the bridge. Notices will be posted locally so required vehicle access to allotment, Council grass cutting and horse feeding areas can be accessed in advance of the work starting. Pedestrian can still access via the other bridge. • Commissioning of the turbines to completion (Aug 15).

Complaints from May.

• Damaged kerbs resulting from heavy lorries mounting the pavement, most recently a Malcolm truck which had displaced 7 kerbstones. (Park Place)

1 • This was discussed with BV and no deliveries of stone or Malcolm truck deliveries were placed or due. The truck may have taken a wrong turn as it did a U-turn and didn’t attempt to cross the bridge to the site.

In discussions it was considered that the track had been used much more heavily than we might have initially expected. Remediation had been done, but there was evidence of much ponding which would cause the track to deteriorate. MV agreed to contact Stewart.

4. Roads Stirling Representative – Iain Macdonald The A81 in the village at St Kessogs Well is currently having preparatory pavement works carried out under traffic lights control and is due for completion end next week. Traders not happy but pleased with prior consultation. The parking area in front of the shops and the planned bollards to separate cars and pedestrians has been agreed and is proceeding. The road will be closed to all traffic between 9.00am and 6.00pm commencing 10th August. The deteriorating road surface from last year’s works would be addressed and relayed concurrently with this year’s new work. There was discussion and questioning regarding this: Will there be a shuttle bus service for residents? IMcD had no information at present and MV stressed that we needed this urgently to allow us to notify residents –the Blane Valley Bulletin date is 15th June and there will not be another before the closure date. We would also like to be consulted on any letters on the subject which might be sent to residents – this would be handled by SC public transport team. There was discussion about resurfacing of the road recently excavated by Scottish Power. This will be resurfaced and was going to be the subject of another closure. It was pointed out that this was not acceptable and the work should follow on from the road laying in August, possibly extending the works by a few days, but saving disruption later. This had not been considered up until now and an attempt would be made to fast track this. There was a query about BT broadband ducts and any impingement on the newly completed works. IMcD thought that all necessary ducts were in place so there should not be an issue. The perennial problem of missing road markings on the main road and around the school was again raised. IMcD will be having discussions with the lining contractor and will keep us advised. It was pointed out that the part-finished markings of some years ago at the school were now wearing out.

Another set of road works will be on the B821 road adjacent to Loch. This entails a road closure of up to one week and there were considerable access concerns for local residents and the long detour to avoid the works. IMcD will look into this to see if evening re-opening could be accommodated.

JH and MV had met up with Jim MacGregor and Stuart Geddes to discuss possibilities for improving safety at Carbeth on the A809 and at the B8212 junction in particular. Various useful ideas had emanated from this including removal of a “hump” of ground adjacent to the junction which obstructed vision; a new electrical flashing 30mph sign has been erected at the Carbeth Inn, but road markings are also needed. The road is in poor condition and cannot take these!

2 Signage improvements were also discussed. Road surveys seem to suggest that the average speed through Carbeth is 38mph, but further surveys are ongoing. A 40mph speed limit may be formed, but this will not be likely to extend to the Queens View carpark. The meeting had been considered a good communications exercise and JMcG and SG will consider what was discussed and report back to the CC. If a good outcome results the recently lodged petition could be withdrawn.

5. Police report – PC Ross McNaught The CC was pleased that for the first time we had one of our own local officers attending. Not received yet despite request See the full report in Appendix I at www.strathblanefield.org.

6. Minutes of May’s meeting and matters arising. There were no corrections or changes required to the minutes. They were approved by EN and seconded by ML. Matters arising. EN had phoned John Barr of SC re padlock for the security post on the water track. This loss was not deemed to be Scottish Water at fault. Pam Campbell will chase up the matter with Land Services.

ML reported as follows

1. The Heartstart course mentioned last month will now be arranged for a date in September. June is too busy as a month and holidays have been started. A date for the course will be given as soon as possible on the village website and in the BVB. Places may still be booked with Marian Lever 2. Representations about the Integration of Health and Social care. At a meeting on Saturday last the following points were made on behalf of community concerns. a. Whilst the plan to have a named individual such as a district nurse responsible for the care planning surrounding individual s this was difficult to achieve in rural areas. For example, given the need to deploy staff as efficiently as possible locally individuals did not know from visit to visit who of the team would be delivering the care. The local surgery did not know who would provide cover for the bi-weekly clinics either though there are no complaints about the care given at all. b. Response times to emergency help triggered by an individual using a care button can be delayed as the care comes from Stirling. Recently an individual in the village was left lying on the floor for

3 more than 95 minutes after a fall. This is a service under pressure as was exemplified by other people at the meeting. c. The need for coordination between hospitals in Glasgow as well as Forth Valley and the provision of continuing care, short or long term after release from hospital is an issue for the western villages again recently exemplified in the village. ML asked for confirmation from her colleagues and the community that she is raising the correct issues. Any one with issues to raise, please to contact her.

7. Code of conduct for community councillors MV reminded all CC’s of their duty to declare any interests in matters discussed at meetings and must not contribute in such case. Care must be taken in everyday life not to pass on confidential information, even inadvertently. She recommended a re-read of the Code of Practice we all should have and a copy of this will be provided for new members.

8. Planning and Licensing – a) 14/00254/FUL – Yarrow House. Planning consent had been granted for two houses behind Yarrow House. A new application has been lodged for one larger two storey house very close to the boundary. The original houses were one and a half storey. Two residents have reported their complaints to the CC on the grounds of size and height of the house, appearance especially the zinc roof, closeness to the boundary, the fact that it overlooks neighbours and impact on the natural environment. There are considered to be enough issues to raise an objection and it was agreed that MV and AK will work on this. b) 15/00255/FUL- Duneiddwg – previously approved buildings are planned to move from the original location. There have been no issues from residents. The CC supported the last application and sees no need to alter this. c) 15/00264/FUL- Carbeth Guthrie estate. There has been a planning application to convert and existing workshop into a small dwelling, contained within the curtiledge of the existing structure. The CC neither supports nor opposes this application. d) 14/00582/FUL- WEST Arlehaven. There is a local review board meeting on site next Tuesday 9th June at 9.30 in Stirling. MV will attend. e) 15/000054/PPP – Site SW of Auchenberg House – This has been referred to the Planning Panel and a site visit has been convened for Monday 8 th June at 2.45 pm. MV and JH will attend in silence! Not allowed to speak; can listen only. The recommendation from the planning officer is to refuse. JH and MV have met with the neighbours re the CC’s role in possibly co-coordinating the presentation to the planning panel as set out in the letter from the council. It is now established that the distance between the two closest buildings is greater than 100 mtrs. This means that it does not comply with the planning policy on “clusters”. The CC confirmed that we expect SC to rigorously enforce their planning policy to avoid a precedent and subsequent “cluster creep”. There will be a hearing in Stirling on 27th June at 10.30 and it was agreed that the CC would speak at the hearing. There is in fact no reason to build another house as there is now a house for sale in the immediate area. 4 f) Notice of a public consultation on windfarms in the SC area has been received. There is a height restriction of between 15 and 50 mtrs and the Campsies are protected. The Strathblane area is likely to be unaffected because of the close aircraft flight path. The document will be circulated with a response required by 6th July. As we are going into recess it was agreed that planning applications would be dealt with by email or if needed delegated to the planning group.

9. Feedback from area forum and meeting with Stirling senior officer. a) Roads feedback covered the matters discussed above. b) Priority Based Budgeting – this will be an ongoing process now - as options arise they will be raised for discussion eg currently - decriminalisation of parking offences and installation of a bulk fuel tank at Polmaise. Neither concern Strathblane. SC is looking for comments on the style of forms. CC currently looking at a way of simplifying. There had been a meeting last Thursday of Chairs/ Vice chairs of local CC’s with Stewart Carruth and Stacey Burlet (Director of communities and Partnerships) to discuss changes in the way services are provided in the community. This may take differing forms in different communities. Community pilots, now renamed Community Test Sites are still evolving. There will be a meeting of the CC’s from , Killearn and Strathblane; possibly towards end June led by Gillian Taylor a new appointee from Stirling Council. Alf Young will represent SCDT as the new chairperson. The whole process is very much a work in progress and is a good opportunity for an airing of views. Meetings will take place every six months and in the meantime members of the SC senior management teams will be visiting all communities.

10. Elected member report. – by Cllr Graham Lambie Various main points raised were: a) Bin Collection issues. MV said that consultation had been promised re private road collections. Nothing has happened – lack of consultation is embarrassing for the CC. b) Road maintenance c) Boundary changes Cllr Lambie keen to hear views form the CC on this d) Edenmill development – thanked CC for their input on this. e) Various planning applications mentioned Auchenburg House, Ardunan Lodge and Valhalla Wall where there are potential issues of flooding due to poor drainage. f) Strathblane primary school d) Community projects funding – leader funding expected to open sometime this year. For full details and report from Cllr Lambie see on line only at Appendix II at www.strathblnefield.org.uk

11. Community Comments. WO referred to the parking issues at the Coop and he had written to them. The area manager phoned to say that contractors have been appointed to look into this and it is hoped that three spaces can be provided. Regarding provision of parking on the land opposite, this would have to be referred to a higher level. The provision of a cycle rack for shoppers was also discussed. 5 The issue of continuously illuminated street lights in Southview road and elsewhere has been regularly raised. Cllr Lambie will take this up with the council. He said that there was a programme of lights replacement to LED ongoing in the council area. EP had a query re relocating of bins for uplift. This seemed to be down to a new style vehicle in use. She had ordered plants for the tubs and was looking for volunteers to help with planting.

12. Finance – from Sue Rand Notice had been received (late) of the Community Council Connect fund which for our community can provide funding of up to £498 for community communications and publicity expenses. The next tranche of this has to be applied for by 12th June and it was agreed that SR should do this and the grant money would be used towards the costs of the community web site.

13. Correspondence. - None

14. Date of next meeting – Monday 3rd August in the Kirk Rooms .

Blane Valley Bulletin Copy date Monday 15th June 2015.

Contact us at [email protected] . Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

Appendix I Full Police report on line only at www.strathblanefield.org Not available!

6 Appendix II Elected member report at www.strathblanefield.org

Forth and Endrick News - Strathblane - Monday, 1st June 2015

Arnprior Balfron Buchanan Killearn Strathblane Councillor Lambie Report

• Stirling Council Budget: A number of the more contentious Stop/Reduce options were rejected by both the Administration and Opposition groups including – Review of Winter Gritting, Removal of Special Uplift Concessions, Review of specialist PE/Music, Increase Nursery Fee charges. One item that wasn’t rejected which will impact on some rural communities is the Introduction of Road End Collections, although the service will wish to avoid the accumulation of bins in single places. However, arguably the biggest impact on rural communities is the cut in the Roads, Paths & Pavements capital budget - £2.710 Million for 2015/16 as compared to £4.728 Million in 2014/15. According to the budget note “…the first £1m of any additional receipts or other adjustments will be spent on augmenting the roads budget for 2015/16 and 2016/17. (Update: I had asked for details about the implementation of the Road End Collection policy with respect to the Buchanan Estate near Drymen. I received a very encouraging response from David Hopper (Waste Recycling Manager) who said “The time-scale for implementing the road-end collection budget decision is that it should be undertaken over the next 2 years. I have conversed with a significant number of residents from Buchanan Estate and hopefully reassured them that they should not be directly impacted by this decision, as the access road condition to the properties is of a reasonable condition. Also, as there are a significant number of properties associated with this area it is very unlikely that they will be impacted.” David (Hopper) has changed roles and the contact I have is Jim McBrier – I have asked him for an update for Strathblane – specifically - Campsiedene Rd, Moor Rd, and Milndavie Rd. • Road Maintenance Programme: This was approved at the Environment and Housing Committee and CCs should receive a copy of the schedule. In summary the programme for the Forth and Endrick ward is – A Roads A81 Douchlage Cottage (Balfron Station) – Surface Dressing £50K; A81 Douchlage Cottage – Surface Dressing and Patching £40K; A811 Redlairdston (Buchlyvie) – Surface Dressing £38 K; A811 Redlairdston - Surface Dressing and Patching £38 K; A811 Easter Balfunning (Drymen) - Surface Dressing £28K; A811 Easter Balfunning - Surface Dressing and Patching £15K; A81 (Blanefield) – Resurfacing £48K; A811 Garden Bend (Arnprior) – Resurfacing £60K; A811 Geotech Patching (No specified location) - £95K. B Roads B818 Bogside (Fintry) – Resurface £40K; B818 Honeyholm Junction – Resurface £80K; B821 Carbeth Loch (Strathblane) – Resurface £45; B837 (Milton of Buchanan) – Resurfacing £35K; B837 Main Street () – Resurfacing £55K; C21 Station Rd. (Balfron) – Resurfacing £30K; C22 Old Dumbarton Rd. (Gargunnock) – Resurfacing £40K; Unclassified Bansford Rd. () – Resurfacing £66K. Streets Menzies Estate (Fintry) – Resurfacing £40K; Roman Rd. (Balfron) – Resurfacing £35K; Mains of Arnprior – Resurfacing £46K. Footpaths and Pavements Roman Rd. (Balfron) - £30K; A81 Blane Valley Inn (Blanefield) - £42K; Blackhill Crossroads (Killearn) - £33K; B837 Main Street (Balmaha) - £20K; Station Rd. (Balfron) - £25 – TOTAL VALUE = £1,260,000 (Greater than other 2 council road areas).

7 • Roads Officers at CC Meeting: I am hoping at the CC meeting we can request that the roads officers work with the CC to establish - specific dates and times of closures, working with the local businesses affected, let local schools know about closures and any changes to transportation, invite Strathblane CC to observe the works, consider temporary traffic lights on the B821, provide details of the white lining timing etc. • Roads: I note comments about the poor condition of Craigenlay and Kirkhouse Rd. This begs the question of how we fund road maintenance. A year by year revenue budget in my opinion is not the best way of doing this – and I will be looking for potential alternatives from roads officers. • Mugdock – CC representation: The committee were very pleased to welcome the Strathblane CC representative Julie (Hutchinson) and thanked her for her very positive contribution. We would be very happy if she would like become the principal CC representative with a substitute if required. • Stirling Council – Local Government Boundary Changes (LGBC): The council has been presented with the LGBC proposal and officers have prepared 3 alternative options. The LGBC proposal is to create a new 5 x 3 Multi Member wards and 2 x 4 Multi Member wards – one of which would be an extended Forth and Endrick ward to include (West of Motorway) and Carron Valley. Most of the council are opposed to this as it creates unnatural community splits and in the case of Cambusbarron adds a semi urban village into a rural ward. The administration passed an amendment to ask communities to make a decision on this – none of the 3 options or the LGBC proposal were approved at the council meeting on 28th May. • Planning – Auchenburg House: At the last planning panel meeting the panel agreed to a site visit and a hearing. The site visit is due to take place on Monday 8th June at 14:00. I have asked that the visit includes a view of the site from both the applicant’s property and neighbouring properties. I would also like to acknowledge the contribution made by Strathblane CC which was detailed in the planning panel agenda. • Planning – Edenmill Farm Cafeteria 14/00793/FUL: This has been approved by planning with an extensive list of traffic mitigation conditions which I have detailed below in Appendix 1: On looking at the conditions there looks to be significant opportunity to improve the road safety at the Edenmill entrance onto the A809. • Planning – Ardunan Lodge 15/00128/FUL: I note the CC comments on this a. I have asked the applicant to seek the opinion of the CC on this. As this is a ‘live’ planning application no site visit can occur by a panel member unless accompanied by a planning officer. • Planning Valhalla Wall – 15/00203/FUL: This was reported to planning officers some time ago and has been approved with conditions. We would advise applicants not to go down the retrospective planning permission route.

8 • Planning – Craigton and Spittalhill Windfarm 13/00728/FUL: The planning officer is recommending refusal of the application and it has been referred to the planning panel. This is consistent with all previous windfarm applications. Update: The planning panel attended the site visit on 10th March and the application was determined at the planning panel on Tues 24 th March. The applicant and objectors presented their respective cases. The panel supported the case officer recommendation to refuse the application. The applicant has the right to appeal the decision. • New MP – Steven Paterson: I attended the Drymen Show with the new MP for Stirling Steven Paterson, Bruce Crawford MSP, Cllr Ian Muirhead, and Provost Mike Robbins. It was also good to see former ward Cllr and Provost Colin O’Brien at the show as well. I am hoping we will be able to use the offices of Westminster to benefit the Forth and Endrick ward in the way that our previous MP Anne McGuire helped with the contaminated land at Blanefield. Two reserved areas we are looking at are European Agricultural Reforms, and Energy/Climate issues. Unfortunately road funding is not a reserved matter but I’ll make the request anyway. • Strathblane Primary: I note that the projected maintenance/repair cost for the school is over £700K and fully support the community aspiration to develop a resource for the whole community. Two new primary schools will be built in Stirling – St. Ninians, and St Margaret's (Cowie). This is impacting on the council capital programme. A like for like replacement for Strathblane PS may not be possible whereas a building which includes – school, library, police office, medical centre, community hub etc. looks like a much better deployment of public money and one where a community could be a major part of the project. (Update: I am planning to meet with David Leng (Head of Education), and Gerard O'Sullivan (Director of Corporate Operations to discuss this. I have previously met with Mr O’Sullivan to look at options for the Killearn Hospital site, and the actual and planned reduction in local authority resources to run Mugdock Country Park). • Community Projects Funding: Forth Valley Leader should be open for applications in early 2015. Update: Leader have not released official dates for the availability of funds, but we are hoping these will available around April 2015. (Update: I checked the website on June 1st and it unfortunately states that “we are currently closed to applications, expecting to re-open in 2015.”) • Councillor Graham LambieStirling Council, Old Viewforth, Stirling FK8 2ET 0845 277 7000 [email protected]

9 Appendix 1: Edenmill Cafeteria – Road Safety Mitigations

• Junction Improvement: Prior to the use of the premises for the approved café, full details of the junction improvement scheme including design and specification of all materials and signage shall be submitted to the Planning Authority and approved in writing, and implemented. The junction improvement shall incorporate the following: • a) Rumble strip road markings shall be installed on the approach to the junction (A809 only). • b) Erection of signage (both at and in advance of the junction) in accordance with The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002, as amended 2011. • c) Installation of junction marker bollards. • d) Refreshing of existing carriageway road markings within the vicinity of the junction. • e) Full details of the junction improvement scheme including design and specification of all materials and signage in writing prior to the cafe coming into use. The approved junction improvements shall be implemented prior to the operation of the approved café. Following the installation of these initial measures speed surveys shall be carried out (at the applicants expense) and should it be found that the measures implemented have not had the desired reduction on vehicle speeds then vehicle activated signs (VAS) with virtual traffic detection loop must be installed (again at the applicant expense). A further speed survey would then be required to determine the impact that the VAS have had. Upgrade of Access Track: Within 12 months of the opening of the approved café, the existing private access drive to the Edenmill car park entrance shall be resurfaced in tarmacadam as per drawing number 1440-04.Chief

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