OMIT : G007801844, a C""' NOTE 553P;.; for A'related-Document See CE 033,186
:DOCUMENT RESUME 0 b CE 033" 187 ED 218'516 . ,- .4.. Q. s, .- c AUTHOR Domeck, Anne, Ed.; Konar, Art, Ed. 4 . 4 TITLE - Lifelong Career DevelOpment for Individuals .with -- Disabilities: A Resource Guide: Cerebral 'Palsy, , Epilepsy, He4ring, Mental, Orthopedic, Visual. to-ia-,-Coll ,of Education., . SPONS AGENCY Special Education Programs (ED/OSERS), Washington, , - DC._Div. of Educational Services. i PUB DATE Jan 82 . OMIT : G007801844, a c""' NOTE 553p;.; For a'related-doCument see CE 033,186. 1 ,.. EDRS MF02/PC23 Plus Postage. !DESCRIPTORS Advocacy; Annotated Biblio4paphiei; *Career Choice; *Career DeVelopment; Career Educati-611-; Cerebral Palsy'; *Daily Living.tkills; Definitions; *Disabilities; Epilepsy; Federal Legislation; . Financial SuPport Hearing Impairments.; Individual ) Needs; *Interpersonal Competence r *Lifelong Learning; Mental Disorders; Mental Retardation; Models; Occupational Information;.Physical Postsecondary Education; Problem Solving; Program Descriptions; Records (Forms); Resource Materials' Resources; Two Year Colleges; Visual' Impairments; Vocational Adjustment IDENTIFIERS *Lifelong Career Development Model ' ABSTRIXT - - ''This resiwce guide, ,which was developed during the Lifelong-=Career Deplopment (LCD) Projec , provides'information and resources of .,professionals, and others concerned with disability-related issues. (Designed for implementation at the community. college .level, the LCD Nodelprovides a competency -based ,approactilito meeting the career ' develop ent needs 9f-disabled persons and provides
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