Supplementary Information for Design of Appropriate-technology-assisted Urine Tester Enabling Remote and Long-term Monitoring of Health Conditions Hyun-Kyung Lee1* and Jeong-Hyeon Bae2 1Division of Culture & Design Management, Underwood International College, Yonsei University 2School of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) *Correspondence: Hyun-Kyung Lee Associate Professor Culture & Design Management, Techno Art Division The Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Underwood International College Yonsei University Email:
[email protected] 1 Table S1. Ten most common compounds that can be analyzed from urine samples. Reference color scales and abnormal ranges are provided by the manufacturers to determine urine tests, which are dependent on the reagent test strips. Suspected diseases can be estimated by comparing the urine test results with the reference. Parameter Reference Range Abnormal Range Suspected Disease Blood 0–5 Ery/µl >10 Ery/µl Inflammation or tumors in the kidneys Gallstone disease, aCute hepatitis, ChroniC Bilirubin <0.2 mg/dl >1 mg/dl liver disease Liver disorder, hemolytiC jaundice, Urobilinogen <1 mg/dl >2 mg/dl pulmonary jaundice Ketones <5 mg/dl- >10 mg/dl Severe diabetes Protein <2 mg/dl >6 mg/dl Kidney infeCtion, diabetes, Wilson’s disease Nitrite 0 >0.05 mg/dl Cystitis, urethritis Diabetes, panCreas disease, liver disease, GluCose <30 mg/dl >40 mg/dl brain tumor Diabetes, gout, hunger, dehydration, urinary pH Value 4.8–7.4 <4 or >9 traCt infeCtions SpeCifiC Gravity 1.016–1.022 <1 or >1.040 Cystitis, urethritis Kidney and urinary traCt abnormalities, LeukoCytes <10 Leu/µl >30 Leu/µl tumors 2 Table S2.