


GAÄL, GABOR, 1986: 2200 million years of crustal evolution: The . Bull. Geol. Soc. 58, Part 1, 149—168. The crustal history of the Baltic shield is interpreted in the light of the plate tectonic concept. Five tectonic cycles, each characterized by special lithological and structural features, are distinguished: The Early (> 2900 Ma), the Late Archean (2900—2500 Ma) and the Svecokarelian (2100—1750 Ma) cycle, the Southwest Orogen (1750—1550 Ma) and the Sveconorwegian cycle (1200—1000 Ma). The Early Archean ensialic of Late Archean greenstone belts in the eastern- central part of the shield is alleged to have formed the nucleus, with new crustal addition to the east during the Late Archean cycle. During the Svecokarelian cycle a diversified geosynclinal system developed on a passive continental margin west of the Archean . New continental has been generated by west of this margin during the Svecokarelian cycle and the Southwest by sub- duction of proto-. Considerable reactivation of the Archean craton during Early times is manifested by rifting, layered intrusions, continental -sedimentary belts and granitoidic diapirism. The Sveconorwegian cycle has reworked crust formed earlier producing only minor amounts of juvenile crust. The position of the Baltic shield within the Precambrian of northern and eastern and in the pre-Alpine crust of western Europe is reviewed.

Key words: Archean, low-grade terrain, high-grade terrain, Proterozoic, plate , continental margin, accretion.

Gabor Gaäl: Geological Survey of Finland SF-02150 Espoo 15, Finland.

Introduction to be a useful approach in solving problems of Precambrian geologic history. The most radical Significant progress has been achieved in Pre- change came with the steady advance of the plate geology during the past twenty years. tectonic concept into the Precambrian time scale. We can confidently state that the major trends With the recognition of global Precambrian pro- of Precambrian crustal evolution on a global cesses our ideas about the early history of the scale are emerging; no longer are shield areas Earth are being revolutionized. At this we looked upon as unique formations that evolved need well studied and documented models on a under obscure conditions. Although continuous shield scale, and for this the Baltic shield is an gradual changes in crustal processes with time are excellent case. recognized, the concept of unitarism has proved The other important reason for progress in 150 Gabor Gaäl

Precambrian geology stems from the new meth- Within the 2200 Ma crustal evolution of the odology of research. New techiques have been Baltic shield five tectonic cycles can be distin- applied to shield areas and the integration of the guished (Fig. 1). results of studies in various geoscience branches (1) The Early Archean cycle (> 2900 Ma) is offer new insight into ancient Earth-forming pro- identified in the ensialic basement of the Late cesses. Special mention should be made of the Archean low-grade terrain. contribution of isotope geology, structural ge- (2) The Late Archean cycle (2900—2500 Ma) has ology, metamorphic petrology, geochemistry and resulted in the development of a granitoid- . association and the high- The purpose of the present paper is to analyze grade terrains of the Belomorian and Kolan the geologic history of the Baltic shield, focusing gneisses. special attention on its central part. The geology (3) The Svecokarelian cycle (2100—1750 Ma) has of the Baltic shield is being studied in four coun- been the major crust forming event in the tries, Finland, , and the U.S.S.R., shield. Elements of a Circum Pacific-type and all have published national reviews (e.g. orogen can be recognized in the and Kratts et al. 1978; Lundqvist 1979; Oftedahl Svecofennides with synchronous tectonic- 1980; Simonen 1980). Nevertheless, there is an magmatic reactivation of the Archean crust. urgent need for developing diverse views on the The granulite complex of , a high- Baltic shield as an entity. The fruitfulness of such grade intracratonic collision belt, represents synthetic views is demonstrated by papers among an early event of this cycle at 2200—1900 Ma. others by Salop (1969), Hietanen (1975) and Bert- (4) The Southwest Orogen (1750—1550 Ma) is helsen (1980). The most efficient way of achiev- a minor accretional event in the southwestern ing this is by international cooperation, such as Baltic shield. the ongoing Finnish, Norwegian and Swed- (5) The Sveconorwegian cycle (1200—900 Ma) ish Nordkalott Project, and the scientific co- reworked the rocks of the Southwest Orogen operation between Finnish and Soviet geologists. with minor crustal addition. The geology of the Baltic shield has long been The western margin of the Baltic shield is con- an international issue, as is seen in the reference cealed under the autochtonous units and far- list of the present paper. To be able to study the traveled of the Caledonides. The Phane- entire literature on the Baltic shield one should rozoic reworking is slight or negligible and rocks have command of seven languages. This and the of all five cycles are recognized in the Caledoni- enormous size of the literature on the subject des, indicating that the shield area extended far severely hamper the creation of syntheses of the to the west before the beginning of Caledonian subject, and also makes any synthesis subjective thrusting (Gorbatschev 1984). in nature.

Archean crust

Major tectonic units The between the Archean base- ment complex and its Proterozoic cover at the The Baltic shield exhibits characteristic geo- eastern margin of the Karelian schist belt is one chronological zoning, which, somewhat gen- of the most remarkable features of the geology eralized, is expressed in the younging ages from of North Karelia, and already impressed the early east to west. The time span extends from the pioneers of the geology of the Baltic shield. East oldest isotopic age, 3100 Ma, in northern Finland of the unconformity line extends a typical to the youngest age, 900 Ma, in southern Sweden. Archean granitoid-greenstone belt terrain. 2200 million years of crustal evolution: The Baltic shield 151

20- 28- 36- 44-


Scale 0 500km


Fig. 1. Major units of the Precambrian of the Baltic Shield. Explanations: 1. Phanerozoic cover, 2. Caledonides, 3. Rapakivi and porphyry belt, 4. Early Proterozoic greenstone belts: 1—6 (1. Petsenga, 2. Imadra — Varzuga, 3. Vetrenyy Poyas, 4. Central Soviet Karelia, 5. Suisaari, 6. Kiruna, 5. Exposed Archean — Proterozoic boundary, 6. In- ferred western boundary of the Archean crust, 7. .

Low-grade terrain: The granitoid-greenstone hozero, Paanajärvi and Kuolajärvi in the belt association U.S.S.R., Ilomantsi, Tipasjärvi, Kuhmo, Suo- mussalmi, Jauratsi and Sodankylä in Finland, The western half of the Archean crust is a NW- and Karasjokk in Norway (Fig. 2). Eastward, the trending, 300- to 350-km-wide and 1100-km-long zone is -bounded against the high-grade Be- zone consisting of various granitoids engulfing lomorian gneisses thrust over the greenstone-belts isolated low- to medium-grade metamorphosed to the west. The western margin of the Archean greenstone belts. The major ones are Hauta- crust is concealed under both an autochtonous vaara, Manga, Jalonvaara, Himola, Koikari, Early Proterozoic platform cover and alloch- Matkalahti, Sumozeri-Kenozero, South Vygo- tonous Karelidic nappes thrust to the east. zero, Bergaul, Parandova, Kostomuksha, Tiks- The greenstone belts in the northern part of 152 Gabor Gaäl the Baltic shield are currently the subject of con- have evolved in three stages, leading to three troversy. They have traditionally been regarded generations with average compositions corre- as Proterozoic in age, as part of the Svecokare- sponding to tonalite/trondhjemite, granodiorite lian cycle. More recently, Archean ages have been and , respectively. Rb-Sr data suggest that proposed for some of the greenstone belts in the granitoids are a new addition to the crust northern Finland (Mutanen 1976; Gaål et al. through multi-stage development (Martin et al. 1978; Silvennoinen et al. 1980). The suggestion 1983): First generation granitoids yielded 2860 Ma seems to be well justified for the Sodankylä and with ISr 0.7023 and the second generation 2620 Jauratsi greenstone belts, where supracrustals are Ma with ISr 0.7024. REE patterns suggest deri- intruded by the mafic layered complex of Koite- vation by partial melting of basaltic crustal lainen dated by the U-Pb method on zircons as material. The third generation of granitoids has 2450 Ma old (Kouvo 1976; Simonen 1980). These evolved by remelting of crustal material (Martin supracrustals form a typical Archean association and Querré 1984). with extensive intercalations of komatiitic vol- canics (Räsänen 1983; Saverikko 1983). The same Greenstone belts lithology continues into Norway in the Karasjokk A generalized stratigraphic sequence similar to belt (Wennervirta 1969), which could also be re- the classical model of Anhaeusser et al. (1969) garded as Archean. Doubts have been raised on has been suggested for eastern Finland, with a the age of the western greenstone belts, e.g. the mafic-ultramafic unit at the base, an intermediary Kittilä greenstone belt and its analogies in north- calc-alkalic unit, and a sedimentary unit at the ern Sweden known as the »older greenstones» of top (Blais et al. 1978; Gaål et al. 1978; Martin Kiruna. The above associations are tenta- and Querré 1984). However, detailed structural- tively asigned to the Early Proterozoic in age stratigraphical studies lead to different results in (Fig. 2). A similar problem is encountered in Vet- the Tipasjärvi and Kuhmo greenstone belts, renyy Poyas in the U.S.S.R., where the bounda- where calc-alkalic volcanics underlie the mafic- ry between Archean and Early Proterozoic has ultramafic unit (Hanski 1980; Taipale 1983). Also been drawn according to Belyaev et al. (1975) on in Soviet Karelia some greenstone belts have calc- Fig. 2. alkalic volcanics as the lowermost units, and the Hautavaara greenstone belt consists almost en- Granitoids tirely of calc-alkaline volcanics. Only in the The granitoids range in age between 3100 Ma Sumozero-Kenozero belt has been komatiitic and 2500 Ma. The oldest geochronologically well- basalt reported at the base of the supracrustal defined age presently known in the Baltic shield sequence (Kulikov et al. 1984). An exceptional has been obtained from a tonalitic gneiss in lithology is encountered in the Sodankylä green- northern Finland (Kröner et al. 1981). The stone belt, where a thick quartzite-conglomerate granitoids in eastern Finland yielded zircon ages layer underlies the mafic-ultramafic unit (Silven- of 2800—2500 Ma (Gaål et al. 1978) whereas noinen et al. 1980; Kroner et al. 1982). Also in granitoids within and outside the greenstone belts the U.S.S.R. basal conglomerate has been en- of Soviet Karelia have been dated by U-Pb meth- countered in the Kolvitskaja structure (Kulikov ods on zircons at 2740 + 20 Ma (Tugarinov and et al. 1984). These observations indicate an un- Bibikova 1980). The Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd whole conformity below the greenstone belts and most rock isochrone ages of 2860—2410 Ma for researchers share the opinion that the supracrus- granitoids in eastern Finland do not compare well tal rocks deposited on an ensialic basement older with the zircon ages (Martin et al. 1983a; Mar- than 2900 Ma (e.g. Blais et al. 1978; Gaål et al. tin and Querré 1984). These Archean granitoids 1978; Kröner et al. 1981). 2200 million years of crustal evolution: The Baltic shield 153

Fig. 2. The Precambrian of the Baltic shield. Explanations: 1. Archean granitoids, 2. Belomorian and Kolan gneisses, 3. Late Archean greenstone belts: 1 — 18 (1. Manga, 2. Hautavaara, 3. Jalonvaara, 4. Himola, 5. Koikari, 6. Matkalahti, 7. Sumozero-Kenozero, 8. South Vygozero, 9. Bergaul, 10. Parandova, 11. Kostomuksha, 12. Tikshozero, 13. Paanajärvi, 14. Kuolajärvi, 15. Ilomantsi, 16. Tipasjärvi, 17. Kuhmo, 18. Suomussalmi, 19. Jauratsi, 20. Sodankylä, 21. Karasjokk). 4. Early Proterozoic infracratonic greenstone belts, 5. Early Proterozoic mafic layered intrusions, 6. Platform cover (Jatulian and Sumi-Sariola groups), 7. Shelf and proximal turbidites, 8. nappes, 9. Metagraywackes (micaschists and micagneisses), 10. volcanites and related sediments: 19—27 (22. Aijala-Orijärvi, 23. Hämeenlinna, 24. Tam- pere schist belt, 25. Haukivesi, 26. Kiuruvesi-Pyhäsalmi, 27. Pihtipudas, 28. , 29. Skellefteå, 30. Bergslagen province), 11. High-grade rocks (mostly metapelites), 12. Granulite complex of Lapland, 13. Synorogenic to postorogenic Svecokarelian granitoids, 14. Rapakivi granites, 15. Värmland-Småland porphyry granite, 16. and Sub-Jotnian rocks, 17. Sveco- norwegian gneisses, 18. Telemark suite, Dal group, Kapebo group, 19. Late Proterozoic granites, 20. Caledonides, 21. Sedi- mentary cover of the , 22. Oslo , 23. alkaline intrusions, 24. Eocambrian autoch- ton, 25. Cataclastic zone, 26. , 27. Strike slip fault, 18. Fault in general.

On the basis of U-Pb ages of zircon, chiefly (Gaål et al. 1978; Tugarinov and Bibikova 1980). in granitoids in and around the greenstone belts, This view has been strengthened by more recent the deposition age of the greenstone-belt rocks work on volcanics, whereby zircons in the felsic has been bracketed in the range 2900—2700 Ma pyroclastics of the Kuhmo greenstone belt have 154 Gabor Gaäl

been dated at 2760 Ma (Taipale 1983). The 2500 ary is a and fault zone, indicated by Ma Rb-Sr age for the Kuhmo felsic pyroclastics seismic studies to be a low-angle thrust fault given by Martin and Querré (1984) might repre- dipping to northeast (Akudinov et al. 1972). sent a metamorphic event. Also the common lead The age of this thrust is regarded as Lower age of 2500—2650 Ma for the ultramafic volcan- Proterozoic. ics of the Kuhmo greenstone belt is inconsistent The Belomorian gneisses on the western shore with the zircon ages (Vidal et al. 1980). of the White Sea are of geosynclinal derivation, It is obvious that, despite the intensive work with garnet-biotite gneisses, often kyanite bear- of the past ten years, we are still far from being ing, amphibolites and diopside-plagioclase rocks able to establish reliable stratigraphic sequences intruded by strongly deformed and metamor- within greenstone belts, and still further from phosed granitoids. The rocks were deformed and being able to correlate the individual greenstone metamorphosed in four deformational phases belts. A major reason is our imperfect knowledge (Stenar 1972). During the first two phases high- of structures. The internal structure of the green- to medium-pressure granulite-facies conditions stone belts has been complicated by repeated de- prevailed. Recumbent folds formed first being formation in three or four deformational phases followed by the development of NW-trending (Sokolov et al. 1973; Gaål et al. 1976; Taipale synforms and antiforms. During the next two 1983). It is suggested that the first deformation phases, under retrograde amphibolite-facies con- was probably dominated by recumbent folds, ditions, first E-W-trending folds were formed whereas at later stages subvertical movements and than NE-trending folds were superposed on brought about by diapirism of granitoids pre- the previous structures. The results are complex vailed. It is also possible that lower parts of the interference patterns typical of high-grade supracrustal pile have been removed by stoping terrains. U-Pb ages on zircons indicate an event of the ascending granitoids. Further, hot grani- of intensive and magmatism 2700 toids might have been the primary cause of the Ma ago and episodic loss of lead 1850 Ma ago, metamorphic zonation typical of larger belts, as leading to the assumed depositional age of the for example in the Hautavaara greenstone belt. supracrustal rocks of about 2900—2700 Ma (Tu- Here greenschist facies metamorphism in the garinov and Bibikova 1980). centre passes into high-grade amphibolite facies The Belomorian gneisses continue in northern at the margins, where supracrustal rocks fade Finland in the high-grade metapelites of the away as a result of granitization (Robonen et al. Tuntsa-Savukoski formation (Mikkola 1941) 1978). grading into granite gneisses dated by the U-Pb method on zircons at 2600—2700 Ma (Geo- logical Survey of Finland, Ann. Rep. 1969 and High-grade terrain: The Belomorian 1970). These granite-gneisses can be traced in and Kolan gneisses strongly sheared form under the granulite com- The high-grade gneisses of the northeastern plex as far as the Caledonian front in northern part of the Baltic shield are traditionally subdi- Norway. vided into two tectonic units, the Kolan gneisses The lithology, deformational and metamorphic in the north and the Belomorian gneisses in the history of the Kolan gneisses is similar to that of south. The two units are separated by the granu- the Belomorian gneisses, as shown in detailed lite complex of Lapland, thrust southward over structural-metamorphic studies by Dobrzhinets- the Belomorian gneisses (Fig. 1). The Belomorian kaja (1978). The Kolan gneisses forming the Kola gneisses in their turn are thrust to SE over the nucleus were earlier regarded as the oldest part low-grade terrain of Soviet Karelia. The bound- of the Baltic shield based on Early Archean ages 2200 million years of crustal evolution: The Baltic shield 155 determined by the K-Ar method on hypersthene proto-oceanic system with oceanic crust of (Polkanov and Gerling 1960). Very high ages, in limited extent (Blais et al. 1978; Taipale 1983). excess of 4000 Ma, were obtained by Ovchinni- The high-grade terrain is characterized by early kov using the K-Ar method on biotite (1976). recumbent folding and by high-pressure granu- Since zircons in hypersthene-bearing tonalites lite-facies metamorphism affecting metapelites and enderbites yielded 2790 ± Ma and in gran- and associated rocks. The high pressure, in ex- ite 2670 ± 30 Ma, it has been concluded that cess of 10 kbar (Stenar 1972; Volodichev 1972), both granulite-facies and amphibolite-facies indicates considerable crustal thicknening under metamorphism occurred in the Kola region the Belomorian gneisses. If we assume an average 2700 ± 50 Ma ago (Tugarinov and Bibikova thickness of about 40 km for the Late Archean 1980). crust, the crust under the Belomorian gneisses was at least 70 km thick. Thus metamorphism and structural style imply that some sort of Late Archean crustal evolution underplating mechanism was operating. On the Current geochronological evidence supports other hand, the greenstone belts exhibit features the view that, in both the low-grade and high- suggestive of plate tectonic processes. Taipale grade terrain, the supracrustal rocks deposited in (1983) proposed that the Finnish greenstone-belts the period between 2900 and 2700 Ma. There are developed in a back-arc rift environment. Farther also good indications for the existence of ensialic east, in Soviet Karelia, the dominant calc-alkaline crust older than 2900 Ma in the low-grade ter- in greenstone belts indicates remnants rain. The peak of paroxismal activity was reached of ancient island arcs. during the final stage of deposition about In the light of the above analysis the applica- 2750 ± 20 Ma ago and the main phase of defor- tion of the plate tectonic theory to the Late mation, metamorphism and magmatism affected Archean seems feasible and a generalized mod- the entire eastern part of the Baltic shield. It el can be constructed as shown in Fig. 3. Ar- seems to be evident that the contrasting environ- chean ensialic crust older than 2900 Ma ex- ments, low-grade terrain versus high-grade ter- isted in the west, in the area now adjoining the rain, evolved synchronously and in juxtaposition. Svecokarelian orogenic belt. This environment The greenstone-belt lithologies deposited in fault- formed a protocontinent that could justifiably be bounded rift environments either on ensialic crust named the nucleus of the Baltic shield. About (Gaäl et al. 1978; Robonen et al. 1978) or in a 2900 Ma ago a geosynclinal system, underlain by


Archean Back-arc rift Calc-alkaline Geosynclinal platform cover greenstone belts island arc domain

(Kotalahti) (Kuhmo-Suomussalmi) (Hautavaara) (Belomorian and Kolan gneisses)

Fig. 3. Plate tectonic model for the Late Archean cycle of the Baltic shield c. 2800 Ma ago, not to scale. Expla- nations: 1. Upper mantle, 2. Archean platform cover, 3. Oceanic crust, 4. Geosynclinal sediments, 5. Komatiitic and tholeiitic volcanics, 6. Rift-stage sediments, 7. Granitoid diapirs, 8. Calc-alkaline volcanics. 156 Gabor Gaäl a hypothetical oceanic crust, evolved on the east- merates of the Sumi-Sariola group 2500—2300 ern side of the protocontinent. The collisional Ma ago (Sokolov et al. 1976; Meriläinen 1980; stage might have started some 2800 Ma ago, re- Marmo and Ojakangas 1984). sulting in the development of a zone Where the Sumi-Sariolan tholeiitic volcanics or a system of subparallel subduction zones overlie the Archean greenstone belts, as in Vet- dipping to the west or southwest. A N-NW-trend- renyy Poyas (Belyaev et al. 1975), the Archean- ing island arc system was formed with tholeiitic Proterozoic boundary has been obscured. Pro- and calc-alkaline volcanism. In marginal basin terozoic terrestrial volcanism produced probab- environments komatiitic magma ascended from ly also the greenstone-belt lithologies in the north- the upper mantle. The westernmost greenstone ern part of the Baltic shield, e.g. in Finnmark, belts in Finland and Norway were generated in Norway, and in the Kiiruna area of Sweden. A a back-arc rift system environment. Farther west similar geological setting is met with in the NW- the Archean protocontinent was covered by trending Imadra-Varzuga-Petsenga belt in the Archean platform-type sediments described in the . This belt has been interpreted to Kotalahti area (Gaål 1981). be the result of a continent-continent collision preceded by the development of a wide rift zone or Red-Sea type of ocean (Berthelsen 1984). Early Proterozoic history of the Archean crust After the deposition of the Sumi-Sariola group The Archean crust consolidated about 2500 Ma a period of subaerial prevailed fol- ago. The lower surface of the Archean crust was lowed by the deposition of the epicontinental sed- rapidly leveled by isostatic uplift and its upper iments of the Jatulian group. The Jatulian group surface has been peneplained by . This is subdivided into three formations, the Lower, consolidated Iandmass is called the »Jatulian con- Middle and Upper Jatulian (Sokolov 1976; Me- tinent» in Finland (Väyrynen 1933) and the »Ka- riläinen 1980). Coarse epiclastic sediments pre- relian block» in Soviet Karelia (Kharitonov dominate in the lowermost two formations, 1966). It is distinguished from some other whereas dolomite, phyllite, and black schists, Archean , e.g. the Kapvaal craton and the together with mafic volcanic intercalations and Pilbara and Yilgarn block, by strong tectonic- formation indicating shallow water marine magmatic reactivation during Early Proterozoic environments prevail in the uppermost forma- times. Immediately after the Archean consolida- tion. The deformation of the platform cover is tion, the crust was subjected to tensional stresses, weak and characterized by faulting and open and a period of rifting forming N-NW- and folding. E-W-trending zones of block faulting started. One of the earliest indications of this activity are The Jatulian time terminated with extensive the mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions of the Ke- tensional fracturing giving way to the invasion mi—Suhanko—Koillismaa belt in northern Fin- of N-NW-trending diabase dikes and sills dated land, dated at 2440 Ma by the U-Pb method on by the U-Pb method on zircons at 2000—2250 zircon (Alapieti 1982). In this belt a tensional Ma (Sakko 1971; Kouvo 1976). zone that originally trended E-W tapped the par- During the ensuing Svecokarelian cycle 1900— tially melted upper mantle. The mafic belt was 1700 Ma ago the Archean crust of the northern later disrupted by dextral strike slip faults, one Baltic Shield was by numerous granitoidic diapirs of them with a right-lateral separation of 90 km (Witschard, 1984). The present author considers (Fig. 2). The early block faulting is also mani- this magmatic reactivation to be associated with fested by the widespread occurrence of terrestrial the subduction of oceanic crust towards NE tholeiitic volcanics, fanglomerates and conglo- under the Archean crust. 2200 million years of crustal evolution: The Baltic shield 157

The Svecokarelian cycle subparallel NW-trending diabase dikes invaded the Archean crust, marking the period of rifting The Early Proterozoic geosynclinal complex under tensional stress directed NE-SW. Subse- overlies the Archean crust in a 50- to 100-km- quently an ENE-trending rift zone was formed wide, NW-trending zone. This zone was earlier in the northern Baltic shield. This transversal rift thought to form the Karelian orogen, as distinct zone formed a triple junction with the main rift from the adjoining E-W-trending Svecofennian zone located somewhere at the northern end of orogen in the west (Eskola, 1963). Although these the Bothnian Bay. The continental crust split two orogens have since been shown to have along a NW-trending line about 2100 Ma ago and evolved in a single event, the Svecokarelian the western part is thorought to have drifted orogeny (Metzger 1959; Simonen 1960), the terms away. The Svecokarelian geosyncline developed »Karelian zone» and »Svecofennian zone» or at a passive continental margin, and the Koillis- their synonyms »Karelidic schist belt» and »Sve- maa aulacogen (Fig. 1) was formed on the failed cofennidic schist belt» have been retained (Kah- arm of the triple junction (Gaål 1982, 1985 and ma 1973; Simonen 1980). Park et al. 1984). Until a few years ago the entire Svecokarelian orogen was assumed to be floored by Archean At that eastern margin the Karelides are un- ensialic crust (Salop 1977; Muratov 1980; Simo- derlain by the platform sediments of the Jatulian nen 1980). Geochronological studies did not group. The lowermost two formations of the Ja- verify this view, since sofar no Archean ages have tulian group are outsiders in the geosynclinal en- been obtained from the Svecofennides. Also the vironment and are actually part of the basement »Pregothides» in the western Baltic shield, complex. The Upper Jatulian formation, how- thought earlier to be Archean in age, have now ever, is indicative of shelf environment with de- proved to be Proterozoic (Welin and Gorbatschev position of carbonate rocks, carbonaceous me- 1976). The western limit of the Archean basement tapelites, mafic volcanics, and Lake Superior has been delineated fairly reliably to run along type iron formations. The upper Jatulian is the a NW-trending line north of the Skellefteå belt oldest dated supracrustal rock assemblage of the in Sweden and south of the town Kuopio in Fin- geosynclinal complex: The carbonates yielded land (Gaål et al. 1978; Adamek and Wilson 2050 Ma and the iron formations 2080 Ma with 1979). Sm-Nd isotopes in the Svecokarelian in- the Pb-Pb method (Sakko and Laajoki 1975; dicate a predominantly mantle-derived juvenile Kouvo 1976). crust (Patchett and Gorbatschev 1984). The new The principal geosynclinal sediments of the Ka- geochronological results give new sense to the old relides are part of the Kalevian group, also terms: the Karelides constitute the part of the known as the Ladogan group in Soviet Karelia. Svecokarelian orogen that is underlain by The Kalevian rocks can be divided into two Archean continental crust, and the Svecofennides tectonic-stratigraphic units, the external zone have no Archean basement but form juvenile being in the east and the internal zone in the west Early Proterozoic crust. The junction between (Gaål 1982). The external zone consists of more the two units is a first-order crustal feature and or less well preserved low- to medium-grade me- has been called a (Burke et al. 1977; Kois- taturbidites of the promixal type deposited on the tinen 1981). continental margin above the Archean basement. The internal zone is made up of medium- to high- Early Proterozoic continental margin: grade mica schists and gneisses interpreted as me- The Karelides tamorphic derivates of distal-type metaturbidites. The initiation of the Svecokarelian orogen goes Especially typical of the internal zone is the back to the time between 2250 and 2000 Ma when Outokumpu association, a strongly deformed se- 158 Gabor Gaäl

quence of serpentinite, dolomite, calc-silicate At its southwestern margin the Archean base- rocks, cherty quartzite, black schists, and Cu-Co- ment is exposed in numerous mantled gneiss Zn massive sulfide deposits. The association forms domes, indicating »softening» and remobiliza- part of a large ophiolite , an allochtonous tion of the Archean crust and leading to the dia- unit deposited on oceanic crust and transported piric rise of the granite-gneiss basement (Brun several tens of kilometers from the suture zone 1980). to the east (Koistinen 1981). The NW-striking faults are essentially dextral Mäkelä (1980) proposed a marginal basin un- transcurrent faults (Gaål 1972, 1982, 1985; Hal- derlain by transitional crust for the depositional den 1983). They control the Kotalahti belt, environment of the Kalevian group. This concept where synorogenic nickel-bearing mafic to ultra- was later supported by Gaål (1982) and Park mafic intrusions have been dated by the U-Pb (1984). The evolution of the marginal basin is method on zircons at 1982—1882 Ma (Neuvonen presumably the consequence of the transforma- et al., 1981). The Kotalahti nickel belt is charac- tion of a passive continental margin into an active terized by a bimodal magmatic suite consisting continental margin with subduction of oceanic of trondhjemites and tholeiitic intrusions. The crust under the Archean craton in the east. environment is characterized by remnants of an eroded tholeiitic island-arc system generated by Suture zone: The Ladoga — Bothnian Bay the early subduction of oceanic crust during the — Skellefteå zone development of the marginal basin (Gaål 1982 and 1985). Scattered geochronological data along The western margin of the Archean is sliced the suture zone indicate an interval 1930—1880 and truncated by a fault system striking NW and Ma (Helovuori 1979, Neuvonen et al. 1981 and NNW that separates the Karelidic schist belt from Korsman et al. 1984) for the age of the develop- the Svecofennides. The special tectonic signifi- ment of the tholeiitic island-arcs. The system cance of this zone is expressed in its metallogenic contributed comparatively little to the formation features; it is in fact the most important metal- of new Proterozoic crust. The really effective producing region in the Baltic shield. Its SE part, crust-forming process culminated somewhat between and the Bothnian Bay in later, around 1880 Ma, when the extensive Sve- Finland, has been named the Main Sulphide cofennian calc-alkaline island-arc system was Belt (Kahma 1973) and its NE part, on the west- formed farther west. ern side of the Bothnian Bay in Sweden, is known as the Skellefteå ore field. The special aspects of the Finnish side of the zone have been studied Early Proterozoic island arcs: by several authors, e.g. Talvitie (1971), Gaål The Svecofennides (1972, 1980, 1982, 1985), Brun (1980), Brun et al. (1981), Koistinen (1981), Neuvonen et al. The Svecofennides west of the suture zone are (1981), Halden (1983) and Korsman et al. (1984). now widely accepted as ancient island arc envi- A NW-trending belt of high-grade rocks of the ronments {e.g. Hietanen 1975; Rickard and Zwei- low-pressure-high-temperature type within Sve- fel 1975; Rickard 1979; Mäkelä 1980; Edelman cokarelian metapelites fringes the SW margin of and Jaanus-Järkkälä 1983). Well studied examples the Archean crust. Campbell (1980) suggested are the Skellefteå district (Rickard and Zweifel that the high-grade belt represents thickened crust 1975) and the leptite zone of the Bergslagen dis- uplifted by later isostatic movements. Korsmän trict in Sweden, and the Aijala-Orijärvi zone et al. (1984) emphasize the role of thermal domes (Latvalahti 1979), the Tampere schist belt, the but find tectonically thickened crust in south- Ylivieska area (Salli 1964), the Haukivesi area eastern Finland feasible. (Gaål and Rauhamäki 1971), the Pyhäsalmi- 2200 million years of crustal evolution: The Baltic shield 159

Kiuruvesi area (Marttila 1976) and Pihtipudas tered in an E-W-trending belt in which the ISr (Aho 1979) in Finland. values and the potassium content increases The volcano-sedimentary belts are characterized eastward. This zonation and other chemical va- by calc-alkaline felsic to intermediary volcanic riation indicate possible subduction eastward rocks with predominant pyroclastic structures. from a zone located somewhere west of the coast Subordinated, tholeiitic volcanics with pillow of Norway (Lindh and Gorbatschev, 1984). structures occur. The volcanic centres are surrounded by sediments containing volcanic in- tercalations. The supracrustal rocks are often well Intercontinental collision belt: The granulite preserved and exhibit low-to medium-grade me- complex of Lapland tamorphism. They have been intruded by nu- merous granitoid stocks and batholiths dated by The granulite complex is an arcuate belt com- the U-Pb method on zircons at 1900—1850 Ma posed of granulite-facies rocks extending from the (Simonen 1980; Welin et al. 1980 a, b). Ex- Caledonides of northern Norway across Finnish tensive submarine hydrothermal alteration and Lapland into the western part of the Kola Penin- alkalimetasomatism has been described in con- sula, USSR. It reappears as an isolated patch on nention with calc-alkaline volcanism (Lageblad the northern shore of the Kandalashka Bay on and Gorbatschev 1984). the northern shore of the White Sea (Meriläinen The characteristic sediments around the vol- 1976; Hörmann et al. 1980; Barbey 1982; Bar- canic centers are proximal volcanogenic turbidites bey et al. 1984). The belt is composed of high- with well preserved primary structures. These grade metamorphosed derivates of a geosynclinal rocks grade into mica schists, mica gneisses and sequence consisting of graywackes and meta- , forming belts between volcanic pelites, the khondalite suite (Barbey et al. 1982), zones. A geochronological study of the migma- metavolcanites, and felsic to mafic plutonic tites has shown that the major phases of defor- rocks. In the south it is bordered by a low- mation, metamorphism and migmatization, oc- angle thrust zone dipping N, NE and E. In curred within a short time span between 1885 and the north it is bordered by migmatitic gneisses 1900 Ma (Hopgood et al. 1983). of the Archean basement in a zone with subver- tical dips. The granulite complex was earlier An especially characteristic feature of the Sve- thought to be Archean, or at least partly Archean, cofennides is the extensive and manifold pluto- in age (Simonen 1980). Hörmann et al. (1980) nism. Numerous granitoid batholiths have ages ascribed the metavolcanics within the belt to a close to those of the volcanics and associated Lower Proterozoic subduction. Manifold geo- gabbros and diorites. Both chemical character- chronological work (U-Pb, Pb-Pb, Rb-Sr, Nd- istics and low 87Sr/86Sr ratios indicate I-type gra- Sm) indicates currently indisputable Proterozoic nitoids that could have been generated in con- ages of between 1800 and 2200 Ma (Meriläinen nection with an Andinotype subduction zone 1976; Tugarinov and Bibikova 1980; Bernard- (Wilson 1980, 1982; Nurmi 1984 and Nurmi et Griffiths et al. 1984). al. 1984). These results are corroborated by a study on hafnium isotope ratios in Svecofennic Geochronological constraints and the present mafic plutonic rocks implying mantle origin data on petrology and structure favor interpret- (Patchett et al. 1981). ing the granulite complex as a high-grade mobile The Svecofennides are intruded by granitoids belt that evolved as a result of continent-con- of the age group 1750—1550 Ma comprising ra- tinent collision. A phase of rifting and de- pakivi granites and the granite porphyry belt of position on oceanic crust was followed by a the western Baltic shield. These rocks are encoun- compressional phase 2000 Ma ago synchronous- 160 Gabor Gaäl ly with the opening of the Svecokarelian geosyn- tholeiitic island-arc system on the active plate cline resulting in a subduction zone dipping to margin. The second stage is envisaged along the NE (Barbey 1982 and Barbey et al. 1984). lines suggested by Hietanen (1985) with the ad- In the opinion of the present author several dition of the ophiolite mappes and the suture problems remain unresolved in respect of the zone as well as with a more detailed view on the granulite complex. The major problem is the generation depths of the various magma types. nature of the connection with the Late Archean Belomorian gneisses. The thrust of the Belomo- rian gneisses onto the low-grade terrain to the SW Mid-Proterozoic to Late Proterozoic cycles in probably an Early Proterozoic event correct- able with the thrust of the granulites of Lapland During Mid-Proterozoic to Late Proterozoic to the S, SW and W (Barbey et al. 1984). times orogenic activity occurred in two cycles restricted to the southwestern Baltic shield, west of the Småland — Wärmland granite-porphyry Early Proterozoic plate tectonic models belt. The bulk of the crust was generated during Various plate tectonic models have been the Mid-Proterozoic Southwest orogen in the pe- applied to the Svecokarelides since the early riod between 1780 and 1550 Ma (Gorbatschev seventies (Hietanen 1975; Rickard 1979; Berthel- 1980; Gorbatschev et al. 1984). The Late Pro- sen 1980; Campbell 1980; Mäkelä 1980; Bowes terozoic Sveconorwegian cycle was a period of and Gaål 1981; Koistinen 1981; Gaål 1982a, reworking of the Mid-Proterozoic crust, with 1982c; Walser and Einarsson 1982; Wilson 1982; minor crustal accretion by synkinematic mag- Edelman and Jaanus-Järkkälä 1983; Park et al. matism (Falkum and Pedersen 1980). 1984). The initially large divergence of opinion seems to have narrowed down during the last two Mid-Proterozoic high-grade belt: years to arrive at a model whose essential features The Southwest Orogen were stated by Hietanen in 1975. Unanimity exists in assuming a general Circum Pacific-type colli- The lithology of the Southwest Orogen is made sion model, although opinions differ as to the up of medium- to high-grade orthogneisses and direction of subduction, the role of microplates, paragneisses. Supracrustal sequences are divided aulacogens, and some details of the mechanism. into the Åmål facies with felsic metavolcanics, Nevertheless, the Circum Pacific-type model has arkosic to quartzitic arenites, and meta-argillites the advantage that it explains features such as and into the Stora Le-Marstrand facies consisting transcurrent faults along the plate margin, of graywackes, schists, and metabasalts (Gor- thrusts, magmatism, metamorphic zoning, and batschev 1980). The orthogneisses are tonalitic metallogeny. There is no point in debating which to granodioritic in composition. The oldest model is better or more elegant, and the time is known geochronological age is 1780 Ma, and the ripe for a comprehensive synthetic work integrat- youngest, obtained from diabase dikes, 1550 Ma ing the wealth of geoscientific data that has ac- (Welin and Kähr 1980; Welin et al. 1980c). The cumulated in the course of regional surveys and low ISr values of granites testify to mantle-derived prospecting along the Ladoga — Bothnian Bay material. The older gneisses are unconformably — Skellefteå zone and in the Svecofennian overlain by supracrustals deposited between 1600 volcano-sedimentary belts. and 1000 Ma, known in Sweden as Dal and Kap- Fig. 4. illustrates the plate tectonic concept out- pebo groups, and in Norway as the Telemark lined above. The first stage is characterized by suite. Field and Råheim (1981) have produced the development of the marginal basin and the geochronological evidence for a high-grade evo- 2200 million years of crustal evolution: The Baltic shield 161





WSW e a> 3 C ENE - O 5 N



^Tr,Tho,Cal,Alk 16

Fig. 4. Plate tectonic model for the Svecokarelian cycle of the Baltic shield c. 1920 Ma ago (above) and c. 1880 Ma ago (below), approximately to scale. Explanations: 1. Oceanic crust, 2. Upper mantle, 3. Archean granitoids, 4. Archean green- stone belts, 5. Early Proterozoic platform cover, 6. Eugeosynclinal sediments, 7. Younger proximal turbidites, 8. Volcanic rocks, 9. High-grade metamorphism, 10. Trondhjemite-tonalite magma, 11. Tholeiite magma, 12. Ni-bearing gabbro-peridotite, 13. Calc-alkaline magma, 14. Porphyritic granite-granodiorite, 15. Alkaline magma, 16. Generation depth of trondhjemite- tonalite (Tr), tholeiitic (Tho), calc-alkaline (Cal) and alkaline (Alk) magma, 17. Faults: A. Haukivesi fault, B. Suvasvesi fault, C. Pihlajavesi/Kolkonjärvi fault. lutionary event in southern Norway in the period mained undisturbed during the anorogenic stage, between 1600 and 1500 Ma. the Gothian period between 1600 and 1300 Ma (Falkum and Peterson 1980). East-west compres- Grenvillian segment: The Sveconorwegian cycle sion affected the crust during the orogenic stage, The newly formed Mid-Proterozoic crust re- the Sveconorwegian period between 1200 and

12 162 Gabor Gaäl

1000 Ma, forming a mobile belt trending N-S maps based on drill core data and are with to E. This pattern has been ex- available of the Precambrian surface under the plained by Falkum and Pedersen (1980) as a platform cover (Znosko 1972; Bogdanova and Cordilleran-type collision belt with a subduction Gafarov 1978; Aksamentova et al. 1982; Garets- zone dipping to E, the hypothetical trench being kiy 1982). Based on these data a schematic map situated parallel to the western coast-line of has been compiled in Fig. 5. Norway. No regional high-grade reworking has We could attempt to interpret the available been found in connection with the Sveconorwe- data using the Baltic shield as a model. Correla- gian cycle (Field and Råheim 1981). In the west- tions are made difficult by the lack of reliable iso- ern zone the lithology is dominated by synkine- topic data (available only on the Ukrainan shield) matic intrusions, but in the east the pre-Sveco- and some misconceptions, for instance, high- norwegian crust has been reworked in east-ver- grade terrains are interpreted automatically as gent low-angle thrusts. This has been correlated Early Archean, a common belief in the litera- with the Grenville front (Zwart and Dornsiepen ture (see as example Salop 1977). Granulite- 1978; Falkum and Pedersen 1980; Berthelsen facies rocks in the Baltic shield were formed in 1980; and Baer 1981). K-Ar ages of about 1000 four periods: 2900—2700 Ma (Belomorian and Ma within the zone led to the interpretation of Kolan gneisses), 2000—1900 Ma (Granulite a continent-continent collision suture, the »Sve- complex of Lapland), 1900—1800 Ma (Svecofen- conorwegian Front» (Burke et al. 1977; Berthel- nian), and 1600—1500 Ma (Southwest Orogen). sen 1980). It is almost certain that at least some of the Pro- Looked at in detail, the easternmost part of terozoic granulite belts have analogies under the the orogeny consists of two subparallel cataclastic East European platform, for instance, the gran- belts trending N-S, each of which has resolved ulites in the SW part of the can into a wide subvertical cataclastic belt and a nar- easily be interpreted as equivalents of the Sveco- row subvertical thrust zones. The eastern belt, the fennian high-grade belts. »Sveconorwegian Front», has been named the Kulikov et al. (1984) have pointed out similar- »Protogine zone» and the western belt the My- ities between the Archean of the Baltic lonite zone (Gorbatschev 1980). Owing to the oc- shield and the Ukrainian shield and postulated currence of 1500-Ma-old granites and the lack of the existence of a 3000 km long N-S trending East ultramafic rocks in the Protogine zone it has been European greenstone superbelt comparable in interpreted as an ensialic structure instead of a style and dimension to some Phanerozoic fold suture (Gorbatschev et al. 1984). belts. Some general statements can be made concern- ing the Svecokarelian orogenic belt in northern Extensions of the Baltic shield and . Both Karelian and Sveco- fennian belts continue southward in the Baltic re- The Precambrian of the Baltic shield sub- gion, northern Poland and in the western part merges under the Phanerozoic cover of the East of the Ukrainian shield; how much is underlain European platform in the south. Precambrian by Archean crust and how much is juvenile Pro- rocks reappear in the Ukraine, in the Voronezh terozoic crust cannot be estimated from the data shield, and in the Ukrainan shield. Analogies available. The structural trends within the as- between the Ukrainian shield and the Baltic shield sumed Early Proterozoic belt are very different, have been pointed out by Semenenko (1972) and partly perhaps because of primary arc patterns confirmed by the recent geologic map of the Uk- and partly because of superposed deformations. rainian shield (Shcherbak 1984). Other geologic The overall N-S trend along the western margin 2200 million years of crustal evolution: The Baltic shield 163

Fig. 5. The Precambrian of northern and eastern Europe. Explanation: 1. Late to Mid-Proterozoic gneisses, 2. Rapakivi granites and associated rocks, 3. Early Proterozoic geosynclinal rocks. 4. High-grade gneisses (granulite facies), 5. Early Proterozoic sediments and volcanics deposited on platforms or continental margins, 6. The eastern boundary of the Early Proterozoic geosynclinal system. 7. Archean, 8. Western limit of Archean crust, 9. Thrust, 10. Fault, 11. Shield boundary, 12. Platform boundary.

of an Archean craton is, however, indisputable Archean cycle 2900 Ma ago. Ensialic crust older and it is also marked by the occurrence of rapa- than 2900 Ma existed in the basement of the kivi granites and associated rocks. The Early Pro- greenstone belts, forming the nucleus of the terozoic belt is bordered in the SW by the eastern-central part of the Baltic shield and Törnqvist—Teisseyre line, and in the south it is probably accreting eastward during the Late truncated by the Alpine system (Strupka 1980). Archean. The nature and extent of the Early Archean crust are both unknown and should be studied in suspected areas in Finland and Soviet Conclusions Karelia, where ages older than hitherto known might be obtained. Supracrustal rocks 3650 Ma Plate tectonic processes generated continental old in an analogous position, close to the Archean- crust since at least the beginning of the Late Early Proterozoic boundary have been discovered 164 Gabor Gaäl

in the Ukrainian shield (Shcherbak 1984). Also nent collision of the Fennosarmatian platform some of the supracrustal fragments in the with the Laurentian—Greenland landmass, the Archean granitoid terrain of eastern and central tectonic realm in and Early Carboni- Finland may be part of an older greenstone belt ferous times was again dominated by continued association. subduction of the Proto-Tethys plate at an arc- With the generation of a passive continental trench system parallel to the southern margin of margin 2100 Ma ago a tectonic set-up was created (Ziegler 1984). The Alpine system has that prevailed into Late Proterozoic times. Sub- closed this history of plate tectonic processes by stantial juvenile crust was formed by accretion the continent-continent collision of the Eurasian above Circum Pacific-type subduction zones with plate with the African plate. The 2200-million- eastward dips shifting stepwise westward. geologic evolution of Baltic shield fits into The continental crust of Europe continued to a continuous tectonic process forming and grow in Phanerozoic times, basically through shaping the continental crust during at least half similar processes. After the Caledonian moun- of the Earths history. tain chains were created by the continent-conti-

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