Master of Fine Arts: Painting, Sculpture & Applied Art
MFA (MASTER OF FINE ARTS: PAINTING, SCULPTURE & APPLIED ART) PROGRAMME STRUCTURE AND SYLLABUS 2019-20 ADMISSION ONWARDS (UNDER MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY PGCSS REGULATIONS 2019) EXPERT COMMITTEE IN FINE ARTS (PG) MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY 2019 PROGRAM STRUCTUTRE & SYLLABUS PGCSS2019 – MFA (PAINTING, SCULPTURE, APPLIED ART) Page 1 PROGRAM STRUCTUTRE & SYLLABUS PGCSS2019 – MFA (PAINTING, SCULPTURE, APPLIED ART) Page 2 EXPERT COMMITTEE IN FINE ARTS (PG) CHAIRPERSON : RENJU R MENON HOD, Department of Applied Art, RLV College of Muisc & Fine Arts, Tripunithura MEMBERS : 1. ANTONY P.K. HOD, Department of Paining, RLV College of Muisc & Fine Arts, Tripunithura 2. ANU B.S. HOD, Deprtment of Sculpture, RLV College of Muisc & Fine Arts, Tripunithura 3. K. SIDHARTHAN Former HOD, Department of Paining, RLV College of Muisc & Fine Arts, Tripunithura 4. Dr. SHAJU N.K Faculty in Painting, Sree Sankaracharya University, Kalady 5. Dr. JYOTHILAL Professor in Sculpture, Sree Sankaracharya University, Kalady 6. VINOD L Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Media and Communication, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, Edppally, Ernakulam 7. SUNILKUMAR A.P HOD, Department of Sculpture, Govt. College of Fine Arts, Thrissur 8. SUVITHA K.V. Jr. Lecturer, Department of Paining, RLV College of Muisc & Fine Arts, Tripunithura 9. JITHINLAL N.R Jr. Lecturer, Department of Paining, RLV College of Muisc & Fine Arts, Tripunithura PROGRAM STRUCTUTRE & SYLLABUS PGCSS2019 – MFA (PAINTING, SCULPTURE, APPLIED ART) Page 3 PROGRAM STRUCTUTRE & SYLLABUS PGCSS2019 – MFA
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