July 29, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E693 H.R. 7027 would create a Child Care Sta- COMMEMORATING THE 100TH ANNI- Zachary’s passion for helping other people bilization Fund within the existing Child Care VERSARY OF THE 19TH AMEND- and making his community a better place has and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) pro- MENT been obvious at an early age. He spends gram and invests $50 billion into that fund to much of his free time volunteering to help the help providers through these challenging HON. MARIO DIAZ-BALART homeless, tutor fellow students and coach times. These funds would be targeted to pay OF youth soccer. He also organized a book drive, salaries, purchase PPE and cleaning equip- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES collecting more than 2,000 books for families ment, rent and other fixed costs, and other Wednesday, July 29, 2020 in need. goods and services necessary to maintain or A natural leader, he was captain of his soc- resume operation. Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Madam Speaker, next cer team for all four years at Arvada West Additionally, H.R. 7027 would require pro- month the will celebrate the High School. Zachary also served as secretary viders helped by these funds to pay their staff 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage. On of the National Honor Society and volunteered at the same compensation level as pre- August 26, 1920, our nation finally recognized with numerous organizations around Arvada COVID–19. Finally, the bill would require pro- the right of women to vote with the passage such as the library, Santa House, various viders who open or who remain open to meet of the 19th Amendment. For the past 100 homeless shelters and others. health and safety guidance issued by the Cen- years, women increasingly have been partici- I extend my deepest congratulations to ters for Disease Control and Prevention and pating in the democratic process, not only as Zachary Marcolina for this well-deserved state and local authorities. Assisted providers voters but as those who serve their constitu- award and appreciate his contribution to our who are closed would have to provide an as- encies in the U.S. Congress, state legisla- community. tures, and numerous other elected positions. surance that they will reopen their program f when they are able to implement such guid- While we commemorate this important mile- ance. stone, we must give thanks to those men and PERSONAL EXPLANATION I am pleased to support these bills and urge women who worked to ensure that women my colleagues to do the same. were fully included in the political process. It HON. took the courage of trailblazers like Sojourner f OF Truth, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING THE 75TH ANNIVER- Stanton, and the women who gathered at SARY OF WERSELL’S BIKE SHOP Seneca Falls so many decades ago to de- Wednesday, July 29, 2020 mand that their voices be heard. As we cele- Mr. ROUZER. Madam Speaker, had I been HON. brate the centennial anniversary of women’s present, I would have voted YEA on OF OHIO right to vote, I urge women across our nation No. 167. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to continue to use their voices and actively f Wednesday, July 29, 2020 participate in the democratic process, as they Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, I rise today have already for so many years. Our nation’s TRIBUTE TO ROBERT R. HOOD AS- to recognize and extend warmest congratula- political system, as well as our families, econ- SISTANT SECRETARY OF DE- tions to Wersell’s Bike shop, owned by Jill omy, and culture, are made stronger through FENSE FOR LEGISLATIVE AF- Wersell. Her father started the business in the full participation of women. FAIRS 1945, and Wersell’s has been a positive addi- In March, the House celebrated Women’s tion to the Toledo community for 75 years. History Month and acknowledged the accom- HON. As Wersell’s Bike shop celebrates its 75th plishments of women across the nation and OF WASHINGTON around the world. Throughout the years, I year of existence, we can also celebrate the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many years of service to Northwest Ohio the have been proud to recognize key female fig- Wednesday, July 29, 2020 Wersell family has given. Jill Wersell takes ures in my district who have played significant pride in the community in which she was born. roles bettering South Florida. From edu- Mr. SMITH of Washington. Madam Speaker, Whether it is by spending time working with cational leaders to dedicated city employees, it on behalf of myself and Mr. THORNBERRY, as organizations that help children with autism has truly been a privilege to celebrate their im- the chair and ranking member of the House learn to ride a bike, or donating bikes to chil- pressive achievements and highlight the dili- Armed Services Committee, it is our honor to dren and those in need, giving back to the gent work that they do for Florida’s 25th Con- pay tribute to an accomplished leader and community is important to Jill and her shop. gressional District. senior executive of the Department of De- Wersell’s Bike Shop also sponsors the To- Over the nearly two and half centuries since fense, Mr. Robert R. Hood. ledo Glow Roll where hundreds of bikes deco- our nation’s founding, successive generations Mr. Hood has served as the Assistant Sec- rated in lights ride through Toledo to raise have worked to extend the sacred promises of retary of Defense for Legislative Affairs from money and awareness for ovarian cancer. The liberty to all Americans. We are ever striving August 2017 to July 2020. As he prepares to Toledo Glow Roll is a healthy community toward the more perfect union for which our leave this position, we commend him for his event that brings family and friends together. government was established, and we have outstanding leadership, advice and sound pro- The Wersell family has worked tirelessly come a long way. We have more work ahead fessional judgement on numerous critical serving Toledo families year after year. Their of us, and I look forward to working with my issues of enduring importance to the Depart- number one priority has always been cus- colleagues to ensure that these foundational ment of Defense, Congress, and this Nation. tomer service, which keeps the family at the rights and freedoms are secured for all Ameri- Robert Hood has served our Nation for shop a minimum of six days per week. With cans. more than 18 years serving in various capac- countless stories, events, and support, we Madam Speaker, I ask that you join me in ities within the Federal Government. His serv- wish them a very happy 75th Anniversary. celebrating the 100th anniversary of the 19th ice to our nation includes roles as a Profes- Onward, Wersell’s. Amendment, and in thanking women across sional Staff Member for the House Committee f the United States for their activism, leadership, on Science, Senior Legislative Assistant, Sen- and service in creating the vibrant democracy PERSONAL EXPLANATION ior Policy Advisor, and Assistant to the Speak- of today. er of the House of Representatives for Policy. HON. f Mr. Hood also served five years as the Direc- ZACHARY MARCOLINA tor of Congressional Affairs for the National OF NORTH CAROLINA Nuclear Security Administration, a semi-auton- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. omous agency within the Department of En- Wednesday, July 29, 2020 ergy. OF COLORADO Mr. Hood previously served in the White Mr. BUDD. Madam Speaker, due to a tele- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES phone call regarding a personal family matter, House as a Special Assistant to President I missed one vote in the three-vote series on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 George W. Bush in the Office of Legislative Monday. Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise Affairs, overseeing coordination with the Sen- Had I been present, I would have voted today to recognize Zachary Marcolina for re- ate, including the Armed Services, Homeland NAY on Roll Call No. 141, Escobar of Texas ceiving the Arvada Chamber’s Rising Star Security, Foreign Relations, and Intelligence Amendment No. 3. Award. Committees. Before working on the White

VerDate Sep 11 2014 15:46 Jul 30, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.024 E29JYPT1 ctelli on DSK30NT082PROD with REMARK E694 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2020 House staff, Mr. Hood served at the Pentagon This year’s recipients for Brevard County for the California Contractors State Licensing as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of are Jenna Reed, Astronaut High School, Don- Board. He also served as a member of Ben Defense for Legislative Affairs where he was ald Burkhardt, Bayside High School, Amber Ali Shrine, the Union Kit Carson Lodge No. responsible for promoting the policies, strate- Moore, Cocoa High School, Trevor Evetts, 58, the National Sojourners, and New Hope gies, and budget of the Department of De- Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School, Thomas OES. He was a proud life member of both the fense to the . Mr. Foland, Eau Gallie High School, Haleigh American Legion AWO and the Military Offi- Hood also served as the Deputy Under Sec- Woloszak, Edgewood Jr/Sr High School, cers Association of America. retary of Defense (Comptroller) for Budget and Michaela Chua, Heritage High School, Heath- On this day, we as a community would like Appropriations Affairs, working closely with the er Motro, Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy, Ed- to thank Mr. Campbell for his service to his Appropriations Committees of the Congress. ward Brunger, Melbourne Central Catholic country, and pray for his family and loved For the past three years as the Assistant School, Carmel Alshaibi, Melbourne High ones during this time of mourning. Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs, School, Olivia Mehalic, Merritt Island High f Mr. Hood deftly managed and guided the De- School, Kristi Howell, Odysey Charter Jr/Sr partment’s congressional relations, ensuring High School, Anthony Cardoza, Palm Bay REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF the preparation of key senior leaders for Sen- Magnet High School, Corey Pecot, Rockledge SILVESTRE DURAN ate confirmations, Congressional hearings and High School, Nathaniel Basford, Satellite High briefings, while simultaneously developing and School, Danielle Marie, Space Coast Jr/Sr HON. MARCY KAPTUR leading a highly skilled and focused legislative High School, Elijah Viera, Titusville High OF OHIO affairs team. His leadership, knowledge, and School, Gavin Keith, Viera High School, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES personal efforts greatly contributed to one of Alyssa Holmquist, West Shore Jr/Sr High Wednesday, July 29, 2020 the most successful legislative years in DoD School. history, culminating with the establishment of From Indian River County, I am proud to Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, I rise today the U.S. Space Force, signed into law on De- honor Hailey Pedreira, Indian River Charter to remember the life of Silvestre Duran, an cember 20, 2019 as part of the FY 2020 High School, Kylei Oakes, Saint Edward’s outstanding member of our Toledo community. NDAA. School, Christopher Cordner, Sebastian River Silvestre worked at the Jeep plant before Mr. Hood provided significant contributions High School, and Benny Rackard from Vero settling into a long career at the Catholic Dio- and leadership during the development and Beach High School. cese of Toledo as its Hispanic Outreach Coor- execution of the Secretary of Defense (SD)’s This year has presented many challenges dinator. He was one of Ohio’s pioneers of Congressional Engagement Strategy, ensuring for students, most of who were unexpectantly Tejano music, hosting his own Saturday radio an integrated legislative program directly forced to transition to online learning and un- program, Radio Fiesta, from 1955 to 2008. He aligned with the National Defense Strategy. fortunately didn’t get to experience in person saw it as an opportunity to bring joy into the This comprehensive plan supported the de- graduation ceremonies. I am proud that these lives of many migrant families who were work- partment’s priorities, aligned tangible legisla- distinguished individuals braved through and ing the fields and those, like his family, that tive objectives to the congressional calendar, continued to promote and practice excellence had settled in the area. and guided the execution of over 4,000 con- during this trying time. During these busy years, Silvestre also gressional engagements within the Office of Let me say to these fine students that while owned and operated a Mexican restaurant in the Secretary of Defense, and oversight and we are unable to congratulate you this year South Toledo called Don Ysidro’s. Many alignment of over 10,000 congressional en- with an in-person ceremony, please know how churchgoers and late-night revelers would go gagements across the Department during his proud I am of each of your accomplishments to Don Ysidro’s for all the Mexican favorites. three-year tenure. The strategic execution of and it is an honor to bestow the Congressional He engaged his entire family in working at the these engagements directly led to the attain- Medal of Merit to you this year. I know that restaurant. ment of DoD legislative priorities in the Fiscal you will take what you have learned and go on Silvestre was an advocate for the Latino Years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 National to serve our community in myriad ways. I look community in the Toledo area during its form- Defense Authorization and Appropriations Acts forward to seeing what you will achieve in the ative years. He served on countless commit- (NDAAs). future. tees, boards and organizations advocating on On behalf of the House, we thank Robert R. I ask my colleagues to join me in applaud- behalf of Latino community. He received nu- Hood, his wife Jennifer, and children Evan, ing these outstanding students for their dedi- merous awards and accolades for his hard Caroline, Megan, Emma for their contributions cation to excellence. work. He taught GED classes early on and and dedication to this great Nation. We join f worked to get people from the community hired into good paying jobs at the Jeep plant. our colleagues in wishing him future success REMEMBERING JOHN CAMPBELL as he leaves the Department of Defense. He was a founder and served as board President for La Raza Unida de Ohio, and f HON. founder and commissioner for the Ohio Com- RECOGNIZING THE RECIPIENTS OF OF ARIZONA mission on Hispanic/Latino Affairs. Silvestre THE 2020 CONGRESSIONAL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was a lifetime member of the Farm Labor Or- MEDAL OF MERIT Wednesday, July 29, 2020 ganizing Committee (FLOC) of the AFL–CIO, Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, I rise today attending rallies and demonstrations in support HON. to celebrate the life of John Campbell from of Baldemar Velasquez. Last year, prior to his OF FLORIDA Goodyear, Arizona. 90th birthday, he traveled with FLOC to North IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES John married his wife, Wally, on June 17, Carolina to protest the treatment of migrant farmworkers in the tobacco fields. Wednesday, July 29, 2020 1967, and they spent 53 wonderful years to- gether. He was a loving father to Suzanne Silvestre dedicated his last decades of life Mr. POSEY. Madam Speaker, I would like Wininger, Steve Brown, Stuart Brown, and to music and singing. He could be seen at to take this time to congratulate this year’s re- John Campbell II, a grandfather to seven, and many Latino social events singing and playing cipients of the Congressional Medal of Merit, a great-grandfather to seven. his guitar with the trio Los Distinguidos along- which I am proud to present to 23 outstanding John proudly served our great nation in the side Francisco Ibarra and Jesse Ponce. His high school seniors of Florida’s 8th District for United States Air Force for twenty-four years. musical influence was passed on to his grand- their leadership and dedication, inside and He retired as an accomplished aviator, earning children Steve Longoria; Silvestre Roberto and outside of the classroom. the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Jose Duran; and Ricky May who all sing and Each year, the most distinguished high During his time in service, John acquired a play the guitar and piano. school seniors are nominated by their schools long list of achievements and awards including Silvestre also enjoyed traveling with his fam- to receive this honor in recognition of their out- spending over 6,000 hours flying the Air Force ily, whether it was visiting Texas or traveling to academic achievement, commitment KC–135 as a Master Navigator, the meri- Spain and Mexico. You could find him at SS to the betterment of their communities, civic torious service medal with one leaf cluster, the Peter & Paul Church attending Sunday Mass works, and leadership in the classroom. This Air Medal with four leaf clusters, and the Re- every week. He was a man of integrity, inspi- year’s recipients are no exception and I am public of Vietnam Campaign Medal. ration, and kindness. glad that their hard work and dedication can After retirement, he continued to serve his Whether serving his community, entertaining be celebrated and recognized in this way. community as a deputy registrar of contractors a crowd, or bringing joy to countless people,

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