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Davidson College Wednesday,September 25,2002 Volume 94,Number 4 New dubs Vamanos Van form,focus parkedafter on diversity alcohol found CDSA,]SU,GSA onboard By Matt Garfield promoteacceptance, ManagingEditor educationon campus Administrators shutdown the Vamanos Van " By JuueGoff indefinitely after sixstudents were ticketed for Staff Writer alcohol possessionfollowing atraffic stoplate Saturday night. Itisonlyappropriate thatamidstachang- The DavidsonTown Police stoppedthe van ing world andan increasingly diverse stu- on GriffithStreet around 10:30p.m. onSatur- dentpopulation thatDavidson'slistofstu- day after beingnotified bya Cornelius restau- dent-run specialinterest groups is reshap- D.O.Does the Gauley: LeslieThompson '04 (front right) helpedlead a D.O. rant that alcohol maybeonboard. ingitselfthisyear.Severalnew groupslike trip last weekend on the GauleyRiver in West Virginia. Ranked as class V Officersdiscoveredanopencoolerofbeeron theJewish StudentUnion and theChroni- and VIrapids, the river provides the most challenging Whitewater in the the van,andissuedcitations tosixoftheroughly '06, '06, cally 111 & Disabled Student Association eastern U.S. Also pictured: Katharina Schallmaier Anja Rasel Andi ninestudentsonboard,saidseniorSGASenator Altmeyer '06,and Juan Estrada 06. have beencreated this fall, while existing photoby Davidson Outdoors KevinEpps,whomanages the vanand was on groups like theGay-Straight Alliance,are board Saturday.Eppsdidnotreceiveacitation. currently revamping. OnMonday, school administrators ordered Fostering tolerance amongststudentsof Staley lecturer preaches the vanparkeduntil the SGAformulates anew different religions,sexuaJorientations,gen- policy that defines the alcohol policy more der and physical abilities seems to be the clearly. 1997, theme across this new flux of student need for science and faith Since the SGA and Patterson Court groups.As their names suggest,thesenew Councilhaveprovidedthe 14-passengervanas a to transport groupscatertosmallminorities oncampus, free service students anywhere from exits 25 and 36 Thursday whichconsequentlyhavereceivedlittle at- College welcomes on 1-77 on through Saturday. tention.InDavidson fashion,though,- stu- It' oftenusedtocarry studentsfromareabars dentleaders whoarepassionateabout their Polkinghornefor s Wgmm Jm and restaurants after they'vebeen drinkingal- causes have taken the initiative to begin lectures,class sessions bringingstudentsof similarcircumstances cohol. Eppssaid Saturday wasn't thefirst time alcohol beenconsumed onthe bus. together, proving support and promoting had By Emily understandingthat the is a awareness oncampus andelsewhere. Drew Itwas Epps's van ■ NewsEditor privately run service similar to a limousine, meaning thatitcouldlegally alcohol. Chronically 111 &Disabled Student carry Association Fromhis openingworship service onMon- Epps said hebelieves localpolice knew stu- van, day to the second public lecture tonight, the dents' frequentlydrank alcoholon the but ElizabethBarnes '03formed theChroni- 2002StaleyLecturerhasprovidedhisaudience didn ttakeactionaslongasthedriver wassober. Yes," cally 111 & Disabled Student Association withprovocative insightsinto therelationship "Hastherebeendrinkingon thebus? he between science and theology. said. "Has it everbeen caught? No.The town seeNew Groups,page3 TheReverendDoctorJohn C.Polkinghorne, knew it wasaprogram that suppliedasaferide from Cambridge, England, has discussed the for peoplewhohadbeen topartiesandbarsthat vastness of the universe could notdrivebecause they wereimpaired." andthescientific wonders see Vamanos,page2 ofcosmiccreationoverthe TheRev. Dr. JohnPolkinghorne past two days. anddinnerswithprofessors,students,andstaff. Butas he reminded the Healso acted guest lecturer in the team- congregation in Lingle asa INSIDETHIS WEEK taught class,ofDrs.Gfroerer andRobb,which Chapel on Monday, the dealswithphilosophicalissuesinmodernphys- universe's most complex ics. creation is only a few "We're delighted withthecommunity's re- inchesthis sideofthe tele- and withPolkinghorne'sprescence and scopelens. sponse of Christianfaithperspectivethat Polkinghorneisamath- articulation a is socarefully and beautifullyconceived and ematical physicist and explained," saidCollege ChaplainRobSpach Anglican priest whose after Tuesday night'slecture. work strives to take reli- In that first lecture, "Is Science Enough?" gion and science with Polkinghorneadmittedthathe wantstoexplore equal seriousness and to how methods of exploration in science and recognizethatthetwodis- theology canbe pushed together while main- News 1-6 ciplineseach seek"a truth tainingreal intellectual integrity. Meet thenew SGA senators.Page 5. whose attainment comes Themathematics ofscience,heargued,give through the pursuit of real insight to thebeautyand mysteriesof the Arts & Living 7-9 well-motivatedbelief,"he ' physical world,however,he insisted"science , Filter releasesnew .Page9. Cr.i_ says. SI is notenough." Since he arrived at 'Testing,"he said, "must give wayto trust- Perspectives 10-11 Davidson on Sunday, ing"inordertobetterunderstand "astonish- surrounds Polkinghornehas actively the Controversy AugustaNational ingly rational transparency of the universe." Golf Club.Page 11. participatedinlifeoncam- Mathematics may be the key to unlocking pus. Besides his two lec- mysteries of thephysical world,buthe asked, Sports 12-16 tures,Polkinghorne'sitin- Golfersbringhome tourneytitle.Page16. eraryhasincludedlunches seeLecturer,page2 News hoion board.Shandley hopesto havethe van "Theywere told, 'Donotleave withanopen on thereif we were goingto get introuble for from Vamanos, pageI ■ runningagain as soon as possible,perhapsby containerofalcohol.' Theykeptrighton walk- it?" the freshman asked, ing. We could be held liable for letting them Junior SGA Vice President Charles Wash- DavidsonTown PoliceChiefJohnKearin Epps said he and SGA President Gray leave. We can't afford to lose our liquor li- ington wasdriving thebus forthe firsttime on saidTuesdaytheVamanos Vanprogramisnot Patterson are already working on a new plan cense,"he said. Saturday,and saidhe was not aware that stu- set upas aprivately run program, and thathe that willrequire alcohol containers to bekept Butthe vanreturned tocampus withoutinci- dents had opened the cooler of beer. He said wasn'taware ofalcoholeverbeingbroughton closedandstored atthefront of the bus. dent,and.wasn'tpulled overuntil after a new therearenomirrorson the vanthatallowdrivers board. "Ournew policy willguaranteethatthereis groupof studentshad toseethepassengerarea, "We're not naive to the fact that college no reason for the police to pull over the boarded itroughly30 ■"■^^■i^"^""^"^^^^"1 "I knew the kids students will have beer. We don't condone Vamanos Van," said Epps. "Future drivers minutes later. Those broughtacooler on,"he underagedrinking,butwe alsodon'tpretendit should notbe concerned about thatproblem." students, which in- "WhatHappened thlS said."Ididnotknowthey doesn'thappen,"he said. One administrator said SGA members in- eluded Epps and two , , r ,,, were drinking. There Kearindeclinedtodiscussthespecificsofthe volved withthe programhadpreviouslybeen others from the origi- WeeKBYlU StlOUlu Ve was no wayto know in " ** ' citations. warnednot toallow alcohol onboard. nal group, carried a hnrmPtipd „minUte lwas driv DeanofStudents TomShandleysaidhe was "From time to time, there'sbeendebrisleft cooler of beer on never IWppenm. ing "surprised disappointed" bySaturday's cans," board, „ „ Epps, who has super- and in- on the bus like beer said Director of and were " r1 ,, cident,and wasnotaware ofany similar occa- Public Safety SamMcKelvey."We've talked headed toaconcert at Dem Tom Shandley visedtheprogramforthe sions on which alcohol had been brought on to the drivers and emphasized that youcan't SouthEndBreweryin last five semesters but board. allow open containers on the bus. They all Cornelius. . willhanditover toanew He said the Vamanos Van operates on a seemedclear about that." TwoDavidsonTownPoliceofficers boarded SGAmemberonMonday,saysit'sthefirsttime volunteer basis,and thusis subject to the same EppssaidSaturday'sincidentbeganafterhe thebusaround 10:35 p.m. and discovered the the vanhasbeenoutof service since itsincep- laws asanyother ve- andeightto 10other coolerofbeer.TheycheckedIDsandconducted tion in 1997. hide. students finished breathalizer testsbefore issuingcitations tosix "We've had small incidents, windows get- , " " that," "Thisisnotacom- //TT -. j t dinneratRJGator's, of thestudents. ting brokenand things like he said."But mercial van," said tiOS there Veen drinking arestaurant andbar Ironically, said Epps, the incident at RJ for the most part, it's been a perfect system. * — Shandley."It'sacol- r, ? y rr -. located just off1-77 Gator's andtheresulting911callmadeby the Peoplelove it." lege motor vehicle. unuuzuub. 1C5. nitoa in Cornelius. Two manager— led to alcohol citations for several Epps sayshehopestheprogramhasnotbeen ' " What happened this PVPf heetl CttU&Ht? hJO studentslefttheres- students who weren't atthe bar. tarnished by Saturday'sevents. weekend should've o taurantwithalcohol, "The police saw theunderage drinking and "Saturday night was a single incident that ., _ never happened. " . ,__ and were instructed thought that's what RJ Gator's had called shouldnotcast adarkcloudovertheprogram," [The van] is sup- i^evin 3 by a hostess to get about,"saidEpps. he said."Althoughtherewerepeopleon thebus posed to be a safe rid of it before Atleast one student wasorderedtoappearin drinking, thedriver was sober, andhe kept 20 andreliableservice." boardingthebus. courtafterreceivingcitationsforunderagecon- intoxicated people off theroad. I'drather the It'sunlikely the studentswillbechargedwith It'snotclear whether thestudentscomplied, sumption andpossessionofanopencontainer. police pull over the Vamanos Van than pull Code of Responsibility violations, since the butWayiandDenton,amanageratRJGator's, The student,an 18-year-old freshman,said he over20DavidsonstudentsandgivethemDUIs. incident occurredoffcampus, Shandley said. said themanager on duty decided to alert the was never informed that alcohol was not al- AlthoughIgraduateinMay,Iwouldask for But thevanwillremainparkeduntil theSGA policetopreventtherestaurantfrombeingheld lowedon the van. the SGA not to let this program die. You get devisesanew policy thatstrictly prohibitsalco- liable for the alcohol onboard. "Why wouldtheylet usbringacoolerofbeer more outofit than you putin."

1llvZ 1LuLCLlTlC Saturday,Sept.21 ,_.._10:35 p.m. Midniqht The following timelineis basedoninterviews A DaVldSOnniuiHcnn TOWnTrtuunPOliCBPr»lir-r» with SGA Senator KevinEpps,SGAVice The vfln return8 tOCampus President Charles Washington andRJ Gator's 9:30p.m. Officer Stops the V8I1On for |hen|gntj without going to manager Wayiand Denton. Washington returns toRJ Griffith Streetnear theCVS SouthEndBrewery. pharmacy. According to ___^___ Gators' topick up thestudentsafter fe=^r=^==j- , theyfinisheddinner.As they walk Epps, theofficerspotsan toward the van,a restaurant hostess opencoolerofbeer andasks __—^^^■■ifci l/ffM** 17=^ --\ if drinking. 11 **IUQhl\el/ffi\lBQ^. m, stopstwostudents allegedly anyone was carrying open alcoholcontainers, Several studentsraise their ferr^^S/jaWMLj' " hands. |L~#^--:r^PT~^Bi^S^^^S: C"~*""~*"\ and te S them to 9et ridof tne l alcono1before boarding the ill—^^V-LJriIl^l^''^M^S l - „ ffmlTn^-— 1r*^«=JiBts SB bus EPPS savs the students q

V^ the other carried an empty mugonto CharlesWashington, students at various tne driving the vanfor the dus. points,includingthe first time, meetseight Union and |^^^ 10:40 to 11:45 p.m. 10 students in _^^^^^^^^^^^^ senlor^^fl to front apartments. Two officers begin taking studentsoff the Kappa Sigma of the m P^^ bus tocheck their IDs and conduct breath- houseanddeparts for |^^^^^ ■ a-lizer tests. RJGators'on V Exit28 . W They begin writingcitations.Students under age21 arecited for underage . consumptionof alcoholon a moving fl M^ 10:30 p.m. vehicle, while those over 21 receive . Eppsand agroupof citationsforhavingopencontainersona 8:15 p.m. eight to 10 studentscall vehicle.Some of thecitationscarry$115 Washington drops off the j^^^ Washington tosummonthe fines- students and returns to vanagain.Some students campus,wherehe picks . boardthebus witha cooler Onefreshmanwhoaskednot tobe upanothergroupof ofbeer. identifiedwascited forbothpossessionof :35 pm- W studentsanddrivesthem The departsfrom an°Pencontaineron a movingvehicle A restaurantmanagerdials van to theDavidsonvs.High outsidetheKappaSigma and underagepossessionof alcohol.The '*° ae" 01"*8 theremay Point soccer game. ■*' / P housefora concert at South student wasorderedtoappear incourton ZEXEEgS: En-B^onEx!,*,. Nil ' Huntersvilleand Davidson ~— — — — i " . police departments.

theoretical elementary particle physics the Lecturer, at frompage I University of Cambridge. why is science possible atall? And why do we He wasappointedthe university'sProfessor tVISIo doscience? ofMathematical Physicsin1968,and waslater Polkinghorne argued that such contempla- ordainedas an Anglicanpriest, liewasnamed tions exist because of our consciousness, a in 1997 asa Knightof the BritishEmpire for !■„_ 09/15/2002na/tennnt Larcenyi of WindJ'^.'.Chimes resultofbillions ofyearsofcosmic andbiologi- distinguishedservicetoscience,religion,learn- MartinCourtB cal evolutionary processes. His speechasked ing,andmedical ethics. 09/15/2002nnnennni AlcoholZ\ i »/" whethersuchconsciousnessexistsbychanceor Polkinghorne was also granted the 2002 Violation/UnderagePossession PattersonCt. bycreation,andheupheldhisbeliefincreation Templeton Prize for his insightful and thor- ,„■ " °9/14/2002nnnAnnnt Alcohol*i Violation/Underage throughouthis lecture instatements that were oughstudiesoftherelationshipbetweenrelgion Possession PattersonCt. " bothrational andfaithful. . andscience. ,„" /*"_. 09/13/2002nanan/utt Alcohol*i u i OnWednesday,Polkinghornewilldetailhis Tlie TempletonPrize for Progress Toward Violation/AidandAbet Minor Consumption PattersonCt. insights about Christianity in "A Physicist's ResearchorDisvoceries about SpiritualReali- a, ,_ , „, 09/15/2002nn/iennM Alcohol,,,"Violation/Underage. . Approach toChristianBelief." tiesistheworld'slargartannual monetaryprize Possession PattersonQ. Followingthelecture,Polkinghornewilljoin giventoanindividual,andwas foundedbySir a, ■_,»,■,■ ~ 09/15/2002nmiennn* Alcohol interestedstudentsinafiresidechatonthethird John Templeton as a way to underscore his Violation/UnderagePossession PattersonCt

floor of the AlvarezStudent Union. beliefsthatbenefitsfrom advancesinspiritual nnntnnn'y i^,- , " 09/22/2002 Alcoholi\ u PolkinghorneearnedhisB.A.,M.A.,Ph.D.in discoveries canbe more vast thanfrom other Violation/Beer inhouse after hours PattersonCt. . ' quantumfield theory,andD.Sc.for researchon worthyhumanendeavor. _^_^^^_^^_^_^_^^_^_^^_ TheDavidsonian News Wednesday,September 25,2002

fromNew GrOUpS,page 1 Student Union (JSU), which,Kopeikinsays, seeks to "provide for theneeds of Jewish stu- (CDSA)inhopesthat otherdisabledorchroni- dents on campus as well as to educate the cally illDavidsonstudents wouldfind support generalDavidsonCollegecommunityonJew- from others facing similar difficulties while ish traditions." hereat school.Muchof whather groupdoesis As the group gathers members, it hopes to anextension of themany resources Davidson celebrate the Jewish religion as well as plan alreadyhas available to students with special community events which wouldboth educate needs. Assistingfreshmenintheir acclimation andpromote tolerance. process,makingDavidsonmoreaccommodat- Like the CDSA, the JSU is working with ing for disabled students,faculty and visitors admissions tohelpprospectivestudentsunder- arejustsomeof theongoingtasks takenonby standthatDavidsonwelcomes Jewishstudents, Barnes andothermembers of theCDSA.The despitethepresent smallpercentage. group is currendy workingclosely with the Group members attend local services and Admissions office to have campus tours for team up with local colleges to find and plan wheel-chairedprospectivestudentsledbycur- community events. Committee questions drop/ rent wheel-chaired students to ensure that ap- plicants understand all resources available to Gay-Straight Alliance them atDavidson. add Barnes is excited about the goals of With approximately 40 members, the re- deadline for new students By Amanda Davidson's CDSA. "We hope to make newedGay-Straight Alliance (GSA)isanother Pennock plainedthatthis wouldgivenew studentsmore Senior Writer Davidson'sdisabledcommunityactiveand vis- groupcommitted to theircause.GSApresident Staff timeto makethis decision.Healsoemphasized notyet proposed, ible," she says. "Throughout society,persons Matt Talbert '05 says,'Thisgroupis notonly thattheseissueshave been but Thursday with disabilities comprise both the nation's important but also an essential part of the SGA turned over a new leaf on onlydiscussed. night,swearingin brand-new of Gray largest and most under-representedminority Davidsoncommunity. a class first- SGAPresident Patterson '03raised the year and independent senators.Among point evening.Though population. Asadistinctcommunity, disabled "Davidson's southern conservative atmo- those secondmain ofthe SGA sworninwereWileyBecker,ChristinaEvans, willhaveitsannual retreatonSept.29todiscuss RyanInman, BridgetKane, Jeff Larrimore, itsgoalsfor the semester, Pattersonsuggested Charles Pierce, David Pope, Walker Saik, thehottopicoftheHonor CodeandtheCodeof a distinct disabled a Francois Trappey, Marc Vinson, Erskine Responsibility asapotentialpointoffocusfor "As communiy, personshave Wells, and KathrynWells. the currentacademic year. unique set interests andconcerns thatneed tobe Innew business,senatorsMarc Vinson'05 SGA discussed this point for quite a while, of " and Trip Young '03 noted a few different bringing up various questions relating to this addressed,andDavidson is notan exception. directionsin whichtheEducation Committee issue that might be considered in the future. - is moving. Among theseis research into the How does theCode ofResponsibility relate to ElizabethBarnes '04 possibleextensionof thedrop/addperiodfor off-campus activities?Doesitextendtostudent first-year students. activities in Charlotte? Why do we have to Because of Davidson's rigorous curricu- pledge tests if we are supposedly operating lum, year many incoming constant aegis persons have a unique set of interests and sphere necessitates the creationof aunity be- each students find under the of the Honor Code? themselves theirheads by theend of the shouldhappenwiththeoccasionalmix-up concerns that need to be addressed, and tweenthose of this frequently ignored andop- over What first few weeks of By time, envelopes? Davidsonis notan exceptionto that." pressedminorityandits supportersinthemajor- classes. this how- with final exam How should the ever, too to change Responsibility CDSA hopes to ease the frustrations and ity." itisoften late for students Code of deal with Patterson their class schedule,since drop/add only lasts Court? doesitapply to of theRed difficulties disabledDavidsonstudentsface,by He continued,"We notonly serveasavoice How theissue for two weeks. upperclassmen to providing information,support andacommu- of this minority but as a symbol of Bikes?Should have take"re- Vinsonexplains,"Theissue from nitybuilt onrelationshipswithothers whohave theimportanceofadheringtobasichuman self- herearises fresher courses" in the Honor Code and the sharedsimilar experiences. honesty and truthfulness and the need for studentswhoenrollinclassesandmight notbe Code of Responsibility to remind them of its completely aware of all that is or will be re- importance atDavidson? Barnes says, "We also hope to galvanize society to accept not just one,but all forms of quired/expectedby the teacher. [The biggest Though these issues appearto point out the Davidson's disabled community in construc- humanity." — problemarises] when thestudentisinacourse weaknesses of the Codes, Patterson said he tive and practical ways seeking to enact or Withincreasedmembership,new leadership that does nothavealower level todrop to. [At believesthattheconstantcritiquingoftheHonor alter policies to make Davidsonmore accom- and continued support by campus administra- thispoint],thestudentmayendupinasituation Code and theCode ofResponsibilityisa posi- modating for disabledpersons,raising aware- tion, the GSA is becoming a more dynamic where his or her failure is almost certain and tivethinginthatitkeepstheCodes strongandin ness on campus of various disability-related group. Last night, the first annual Gay and want to drop the course." the forefront of people'sminds. At its retreat, issues, and challenging the common percep- Lesbian Film Festival was heldonBelk lawn, VinsonandYoungareinvestigatingthepos- SGAwilldetermineif thesequestionsareones tions ofphysical disability in general." screeningHBO's TheLaramie Project. sibility ofextendingonly the "drop"period to it will pursue answers to in the 2002-03 aca- Cultivatingcommunity amongstmembers of — — 6 weeks for first-year students. Vinson ex- demic year. Jewish Student Union a minority albeit large or small on Davidson's campus seems to be themantra of Jewish students oncampus are banding to- thesenew orrenewed groups.Findingidentity gethertocontinuetheir ownreligious tradition withother studentsand togetherraising aware- Meet the new senators! amidalargeChristianpopulationatDavidson. ness in the majority is something that will al- Kelly Kopeikin '03 and Jessica Heilweil '03 waysbuild strongercommunities likeDavidson. are co-leading the Davidson College Jewish seepage 5

" " \wr74 I Ilbur Gateway j Make an explorationof unknown I 1 J^^e * * CzechRepublic I it YVT I S news! CostaRica -Denmark 'England % lengeS anSC" WinCIS are ¥' " " " j 11 oP hit1 l^Jt ,France Germany;Ghana Ireland , cdictable. storms unexpectedly. israd ltaly.MaIta.Nc z^.gc^ Spain ty rules. Superstitions abound. Sweden "Thailand At least c alone? USAC a consortium of 27 Universitycredit berths*available forstout hearted Scholarshipsavailable rograms in19 countriesandas languageclassesatalllevels xrieoce.no oneis better equipped to *"f«?y youreach your studyabroadgoals. Internships field trips t^ tours xvii * **.* *t £ Kmall I ■ When youre settingsailtor cjwww*classest«»>o ■ ports-of-call unknown, be in writing university -jr T/O A /f~*\ & Interested for urc to ask yourself whether abroad 11 A°vJL the section? e to goit alone,or joinwith ""*°^"^m^~J~~'_ itgatewaytotheworld UUUUHISHiHKlJiifl Emailcahauser or emdrew 4 The Davidsonian News Wednesday, September 25,2002 Is there life out there? Career Servicesoffersmam/resourcesforstudents,plansforFriday's careerfair By EmilyDrew Johns HopkinsSchool ofGovernment. NewsEditor ThePeaceCorps,theU.S.Navy,NavalFinan- cial, the Trial Court Administration, the Lash Planningforinternships,summerjobs,orpost- Group,McMaster-Carr supplycompany, andthe E B ByH^Lj '; i^"^B ft a Performing will Davidsonlife cantakeupalotoftimethatalotof NC BlumenthalCenter for Arts ■■E MMMB^H Hujjm..■.. ■■■■mi studentsmight nothave. alsohavebooths atthefair. Career Services,inSuite 414 Alvarez,offers This Thursday, Sept 26, Career Sevices will students help and advice while planning for hostaworkshop,"SuceedingataCareer Fair,"in summer internships and post-Davidson Alvarez313 from6-7 p.m.Moreinformation on plans. The office " — _ the fair and the canhelpfindreli- *_ -. benefits of apre- able contacts, 1/\>\ /I |**J paratory work- HxJ > work to perfect RwJBtjMF t.Iii i?T_ , snoP s available resumes, and at one of Career pi search for jobs Services best In 111 thatfitindividual gC^Q-TC&TS toois: i):ivulso" interests. eCareers. AccordingtoLibbyWestley,AssistantDirec- AtDavidsoneCareers,registeredstudents'pro- tor of Career Servces, it's important to start file information includes their major, extra- planningas soon as possible. She alsoencour- currricular interests,andcareers interests, ages jobhunters and grad school applicants to TheCareers office can then planprograms to have abackup plan. meet their needs and to identify employers to "Haveseveraloptions that you'repursuing," come tocampus. TheeCareers websitealso dis- "~ shesays. "There's abalance between knowing plays available jobs and internships, a list of /j/iotofry www.rfavWson.erfM exactly what you want todoand beingopen to employers,and acalendarof upcoming campus other options." events,including jobfairs andrecruitingvisits. About 25percent of Davidsongraduates,she In addition to opportunities available at Upcomingcareer-related events says, goon to graduate school right out of col- eCareers,theCareerServicesstaffwelcomesindi- lege. vidualmeetings withstudentstoexploredifferent # ■■ ■ Therest are onthejobmarketinsome capac- occupations,identify what students' skills,inter- Sept. 26 "Suceedingat a Career Fair," Alvarez313,6-7 p.m. ity:interning,beginningacareer,workingajob estsand valuesare,practiceinterview skills,con- Sept. 27 Career Fair,11:30 to 2:30,Brown Atrium whilefiguring outlong termgoals. duct job orinternship hunts,and improve their Oct.5 LSATTesting Theoffice is hosting a career fair on Friday, resume. Oct.25 . GRE Subject Test RegistrationDeadline Sept.27from 11:30 to2:30intheBrownAtrium, Walk-inhoursareavailable forresume,letteror Nov.6 LSATRegistrationDeadline which willfeature employmentrepresentatives essaycritiquesonTuesdaysfrom 11a.m.tonoon Nov.9 GRESubject Test from companies including Wachovia, Gaston andFridaysfrom 2p.m.to3p.m.Stopby Alvarez Dec.7 . LSAT Test CountySchools,AmericanExpressInvestments, 414, call Career Services at x2132 or email Dec.14 GRESubject Test and the SouthernTeachers Agency. [email protected] to make anappointment Jan.8 LSAT RegistrationDeadline Recruiters willalsoattendfrompost-graduate with the appropriate Career Service representa- Feb.8 LSATTests schools,likeUNCCCollegeofArchitectureand tive. Apr.12 GRE SubjectTest

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&^ A Meet your senators! flH||i||^iBL SGA swears innew class first-years andindependents """"^^"*'^ " of —^Bi" SmJBbj^JJJJJ |^ -compiled byRoland Foss

Walker Saik Marc Vinson JeffLarrimore BridgetKane New Orleans,LA Murfreesboro,NC BrynMawr,PA SouthPortland,ME

Whatisyour(anticipated)major? Whatisyour(anticipated)major? What isyour(anticipated) major? What isyour(anticipated) major? Economics with aminor inmathematics Double major: English and sociology Iplanondouble majoringinEconomics and Iamundecided,buthave interestsinFrench Political Science. and Biology. What are yourhopesforSGA thisyear? What areyourhopesfor SGA thisyear? Iwantto get involved in some committees That theSGAmaintains astrongdevotion to What areyourhopesforSGA thisyear? What areyourhopesforSGA thisyear? and putforth somequality ideasinpromoting important issues,and strives to always insure IhopetoseetheSGAcontinueitsexceptional Ihope to faithfully represent my class and school spiritandabetter studentlifeingeneral, that discussion on pertinentand currentissues recordofmeeting thestudents' needs.Wemust relay their opinions and ideas to theboard. I continues to surface. continue tofind waystoimprovestudentlifeon wanttobeanactivememberofcommittees,and Whatkindofstudentgovernment/leadership campus so we can continue to be a leader in havefunas Imeetso many new people! expereicne do youbring to the SGA? Whatkindofstudent government/leadership student services inthefuture. Iwasamember oftheStudent Council atmy experiencedo youbring to the SGA? Whatkindofstudentgovernment/leadership high school my junior and senior years. As a My ultimate experience with government Whatkindofstudent government/leadership experiencedoyoubring to theSGA? senior, Iwas elected to the Corresponding extendsbeyondmy prior schools' SGA to my expereicnedo youbring to theSGA? For the last four years, Iwas a freshman Secretaryposition andwasaleaderinorganiz- position as Senior Tri-Speaker of the Youth Iwasclasspresidentinhighschoolmy senior representative in my high school's Student ingawinterpeprallyandour firstTalentNight. Legislative Assembly (YLA)of North Caro- year, andclass vice president sophomore and Council. lina. junior year. Whatkindofmusic do you mostprefer? " Whatkindofmusicdoyoumostprefer? X hit up all sorts of music,concentrating, I Whatkindofmusic doyou mostprefer? Whatkindofmusicdo youmostprefer? Ienjoymost types ofmusic,butmy favorite guess,inrock.Favoritebandsinclude GooGoo Gospel Ihave veryeclectic tastesandlisten topretty band is DaveMatthews Band. Dolls, Gin Blossoms, Dave Matthews, Incu- much any typeof music, bus, etc. Where wouldyoumostlike to travel? , Where wouldyoumost like to travel? England,Italy,andFrance.Iwillstudyabroad Where wouldyoumost like to travel? Iwentto St.John intheU.S.VirginIslands Where wouldyoumostlike to travel? inEngland and Italy during my junior year. I Iwouldloveto visitAustraliasometime. Fve this yearand fell inlove with its beaches and AlthoughIloveFrance, now thatI'vebeen planto go to France the summer betweenmy neverbeen therebutmy sister spent asemester sunsets, thereonce,Ithink thatI'dmostprefer to travel juniorand senioryear,or thesummerafter my abroadinAustraliaandsaidthatitisanamazing toeitherItaly or England. senior year. place.

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":* * SHI -^^E&&: ''£&£, SBS*1 :

DavidPope Chuck Pierce RyanInman WileyBecker Charleston,SC DelRio,TX Minneapolis,MN Ponte VedraBeach,FL

Whatisyour(anticipated)major? Whatisyour(anticipated)major? Whatisyour(anticipated)major? What isyour(anticipated)major? English withapossibleconcentrationinIn- Political science Political science . Undecided,butIwanttopursuealawdegree ternational Studies and then gointobusiness. Whatare yourhopesforSGA this year? What are yourhopesforSGA thisyear? ■ What are yourhopesfor SGA this year? Toactuallymakemeaningfulchangesforthe Better student-SGA communication, con- What are yourhopesfor SGA this year? I'dliketoseeSGA workmoreonindividual entireDavidson CollegeCommunity tinuedsupport for athletics,redbike solution Tohelpeveryone enjoy their year. committees increating positivechange. Whatkindofstudentgovernment/leadership Whatkindofstudentgovernment/leadership Whatkind ofstudentgovernment/leadership Whatkindofstudentgovernment/leadership expereicnedoyoubring to theSGA? expereicnedoyoubring to theSGA? expereicnedoyoubring to theSGA? expereicnedoyoubring to theSGA? Iwas an Independent senatorfirst semester Second term as an Independent Senator, Zero. Last year, Iserved on SGA as a freshman last year. Charters &Bylaws Committee Chan- senator. This year, Iam chair of the Town Whatkindofmusicdoyoumostprefer? LiaisonCommittee, whichpromotes dialogue Whatkind ofmusicdoyoumostprefer? Whatkindofmusic doyoumostprefer? Myfavoritebandrightnow istheBareNaked between the townand theCollege. Ilike to think ofmyself as eclectic. Whatever...no preference Ladies,butIalsolikeDaveMathewsandothers.

travel? Where wouldyoumostlike to travel? Where wouldyoumostlike to travel? Where wouldyoumostliketo travel? Where wouldyoumostlike to ' Africa.I'mplanningto studyabroadthere. Russia Ireland,Italy IwouldmostliketotraveltoHawaiiandsurf. - News iVednesdaYj September 25,2002 alum gets taste of College ranked ninthby S:ntworld at new local bar U.S.News & WorldReport here, ByBrandonCarroll be21tocomeinhereandeat,"Cowardenadds. ~ CollegeCommunications dentsaresuccessful and thereisplentyof Staff Writer Cowarden,who wasborn inPhoenix,Ariz., PressRelease ne'Pfr°m b°th thefaculty and staff toaddress butraisedin southCharlotte,hasworked atthe anyobstacles thatmay getin their way." Davidson alumnus Denis Cowarden, who Graduate Food & Pub's Lake Norman fran- While US News and World Report ranks Cable said she is extremely proud that graduatedthis May with the othermembers of chise with owner KellyMcCullough since his Davidson number nine among 218 national Davidsonis theonlynationalliberalarts school the Class of2002, didn't havea long summer sophomore year at Davidson, and served as liberalartscollegesinareportreleasedtoday,a in the top ten (andone of only two in the top vacation before becominggeneralmanager of generalmanagerthere,too.McCulloughalsois collegeofficial says the storybehindthenum- twenty-five)locatedinthesoutheasternUnited Hottletops, anewlocalrestaurant/bar.Opening theownerof Bottletops. ber is what'simportant. States."Ifahighschool seniorislookingfora itsdoorsonJune l,Bottletopsisrecentenough Though the bar serves alcohol, Cowarden "Moreimportantthantheabsolutenumberis formostupperclassmen tohaveneverheardof alsoemphasizedtheselectionoffoodservedall what the componentsof therankingsayabout it,despiteits significantDavidsonconnection, ages."Wehavesandwiches,melts,wraps,sal- us,"saidNancyCable,vicepresidentanddean Small town ads, —and cold of admission and financial aid. "All of these Davidson hi^^hhbbmmmi^m^h drinks a little ratings validate focus students whole seems a ' our on as very unlikely place something for ev- individuals.1 Jtvjl\ L*V?C*J for a bar to open, \\f^ WCLUt CM eXCiHtl^° erybody. We serve Theninthplaceoverallrankingwasupfrom especially giventhe n pretty healthy number ten last year, and number eleven in pastfailuresofother vldCefOT CVCTVOUC. foods. Mostof our 1999 and 2000. establishmentssuch meatsareverylean, The magazine—based its rankings on seven as the Depot. - Denis Cowarden '02 and we don't kill (actors this year academic reputation,gradu- IgJ JLJ ThoughDavidsonis you with condi- ation retention, faculty resources, student se- acollegetown,most ments. We don't lectivity, financial resources, graduation rale, 21-yearoldsseemto have a fat fryer, so andalumni giving. J^^^ Jk satisfy their thirst we offer sides of Davidsonrankednumber oneinthecountry for beer on Patterson Court or at the senior coleslaw and pretzels, that sort of thing. It is infaculty resources,anumber thatitcompiled apartments, with other options just down the something other than bar food in a bar." As fromstatistics onclass size,proportionoffac- interstate inHuntersville or Charlotte. pricedon Bottletops'smenu,all of theentries ulty withhighest terminaldegree,student/fac- Soitmight surprisesome thatBottletopshas mentioned above cost around $5 to $7. ulty ratio,andfaculty compensation. openedonMainStreetCornelius at the former It was Cowarden's affinity for restaurant Cable said, "The faculty resources ranking Substation II location, not far from Carolina work thatled to hiscurrentjob,andhisdaysas emphasizes how we remain grounded in our Conesorthe YMCAandjustoverthedemarca- amemberofPi Kappa AlphaatDavidson,not historical missiontoprovidethebesteducation tion line splitting Davidson from Cornelius, his B.A. in art. "PiKA pushedme to want a possible for our students. Students who enroll greatliberalartseducationintheSoutheast,but Nevertheless, Cowarden says, "We want an social job, where I'm around people and ac- hereenjoy a great classroom experience with witha national andinternational studentbody, environment where college kidscancome and tively working.I'mnotthetypetositdown ata top-rated teachersin small classes where they Davidson will naturally emerge as a top con- haveagoodtime.We'rehopingfolkswillcome desk job,"Cowardenadmits.Hisdegreewillbe willbebothpersonallynurturedandintellectu- tender,"she says. out andenjoy themselves [as we]offer a good useful for "decoration,"he jokes, ally challenged." Therankings also don'tinclude anymention product atdecent,competitive pricing. "I am very busy. Once Ican delegate more Davidson rankednumber five ingraduation of athletic programs. However, Cable noted "Earlier in the day, Ifocus more on my duties to employeesequally, thenmy degreeis retention,withanaverage ofninetypercentof thatDavidson is theonly college in the top 25 businesslunches,andIdon'treally sellawhole somethingI'llbeabletopursue.I'mstillworking those whoenrollgraduating.Cable said, "The thatplays aNCAADivisionIschedule. About lotof alcohol.Then welook forthepeoplethat on acouple ofside projects,and right now I'm retentionnumberillustrates ourcollege'scorn- twenty-five percent of Davidson's 1,600 stu- come in after work,and atnight,for the most marketingmy workfromcollege.Hopefully that mitment to buildcommunity on campus. Stu- dentsare varsity athletes. part, that'swhenthekidscomeout.We wantan canbewhatIwilldo for mycareer, withthisline excitingplacefor everyone.Youdon't have to of workon the side,"Cowarden says.


- 1 m je 1 ■ Z*2b i ■""■ B ICJ S3mnson ■ Davidson Class of 1996

' fj^H^^ m IN CONCERT Saturday, September 2.8

> Duke Family Performance Hall ?# f Concert will be simulcast ■ into the C. Shaw Smith 900 Room -^fefefo* fe| Tickets are required and are available v at the UnionTicket Office - Admission is Free j/M '//■< DAVIDS.O^iTf MUSIC SERIES 2OO2-2OO3 Wednesday, September25,2002 Cliched ending doesn't mar enjoyable thriller Trapped from praisinghis gooddeeds,proclaiming, "I hiscoolandthemovielosesitsedge,fallinginto enjoyable suspense thriller. Nothing original Bacon,Love, Theronall lovebringing families closer together." theclichedactionmovieendingwithcarchases, here,butenjoyablenonetheless,just tosee who inkidnapping After the opening title,thefilm jumpsto six explosions,andstylizeddeath scenes. will winin thisbattle ofparents versuskidnap- effective plot months ahead. At this point in time, we are In the supporting roles,Charlise Theron is pers.Ionly wishthat theendingcouldnothave introduced to Dr. Will Jennings (played by quietconvincing as Karen Jennings, wife and fallen into the typical shoot 'em up,car chase, ByCharles Cummins Stuart Townsend), his beautiful wife Karen mother, forced to comply with whatever Joe explosive ending. Ithink in this case simpler Staff Writer (Charlise Theron) and their seemly normal says with the promise that she will ultimately wouldhavebeenbetter.That said,Trapped'isan daughter Abby(DakotaFanning).But as soon get Abbyback. Butas the situation gets more exciting ride,even if you're only looking for ArrivingintheatresonFriday,KevinBacon's asDr.Jenningsdepartsforaconference trip,Joe desperate,Karen finallystrikes back violently. another filmtitle touseinthenextroundof"Six newsuspense thrilleropenedwithlittlepublic- moves in,kidnappingAbby from right in the Asthe tagline from the film claims,"It was the DegreesofKevin Bacon." ity or attention by critics or audiences alike. family's luxurious home.Quickly, Joe begins perfectplanuntilsherefused to be theperfect Labeled asastoryofakidnapping gonewrong, toenacthis welllaidoutplanwiththe intention victim." WhileIdon't want togiveeverything Iapproachedthe movie withlow expectations of(supposedly)extorting $250,000 for Abby's awayas tohow shefightsback,lets justsaythat and concluded that atbest, this film might be return,a planthat we are told has worked four under the knife, even the most dominating anotherfilm thatcouldbeusedinthenextround times before with four other children of rich kidnappercan beput into submission. of "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon." However, parents. While Joe fights to control Karen's gutsy Trappedeventuallysucceeds anddelivers a While the storybeginsinasimilarmanner to attacks, Joe's wife Cheryl (Courtney Love) m mil M goodkidnappingcaper,dueinlargepart to other kidnappingfilms (i.e.MelGibson's 1996 confines Dr.Jennings tohishotel roomsoas to m Bp3 theactingofKevinBacon,( liarUse Theron, filmRansom),itis KevinBacon'sperformance avoidany interference withtheplan.Ina well- ■ Ik. and Courtney Love - yes, that Courtney askidnapperJoeHickey thathelpsthemovieto crafted performance,Love is able to embody Love. succeed. While most villains in asimilar posi- the feelings ofa weak,abused wifeandmother Hi] In a quick yet effective prologue, the film tion are depicted as creating fear in the victim who ultimately has no intention of allowing i^r^^^l establishes Joe (KevinBacon)as theevil kid- andtheaudience throughfitsofangerandrage, Abby to be hurt and will even protect Abby napperas we see theclimax ofanother kidnap- it is Kevin Bacon's quiet and calm acts that from the rampaging Bacon. However, espe- pinghehasperpetrated.Eventhoughwesee the makehim seemevenmoredangerous.Itisonly cially during thefirst sequencespittingCheryl son and mother reunited, Bacon prevents us in the final climactic sequences that Joe loses againstDr.Jennings, thedomineering,"Idon't care what you think" attitude of the real CourtneyLove triestobreak throughonscreen. The similarities of the real Courtney,her per- sonality,andher past, andthe fictional Cheryl Hickey allows this rocker/actress to just be herself,andtheroleisbetterbecauseof it.Good castingjobhere. Kevin Baconmenaces Charlise Overall, the film'succeeds inproviding an Theron in Trapped. Jesus Son stories absorbing "Dundun," F.H.hopes to buypharmaceutical Quiet weekend on the Court Johnson shines with opium fromaman named Dundunbutinstead stumbles upon the scene of a peculiar crime. Itis acollegephenomenonthat the weekend sparsely attended house parties, we landed at haunting,versatilewriting toogoodtoday,"Dundun unofficially begins on Thursday. There is so the Union to see what the Lunar Luau was "Mclnnesisn'tfeeling By Wilson McBee F.H, just "Is really much anticipation for the fun that begins on about,onlytofindthatithadbeencancelledand tells "I shothim." he dead?" ■ F.H., shaken,asks, answers, Friday,studentsdecide tocelebratealittleearly. that the Union hadbeen overrunby apack of StaffWriter alittle andDundun sitting down." "Emergency,"an- In fact, posters are put up an entire week in manic jugglers. "No.He's In thologized The advancepromisingagoodtimefortheeventsto We left the Union and drifted over to the Denis Johnson takes the title of this short in BestAmericanShort Stories 1992, F.H. and his Emergency Room co- come. senior apartments for the first party at that story collection from the Lou Reed song, of "Heroin," to Georgie, bymouthfuls ofstolen When youcome rightdown to it,the whole location since I'vebeen here that wasactually and his writingissimilar Reed's worker buzzed subtle, pills,cavortthrough snowySeptembernight, week revolvesaround the eventsof the week- worth going to. The word was that there was music: haunting, andbeautifulinastrik- a and amazed and overjoyed at everything end;it'sawonder westudentsatDavidsonever goingtobealotofpeopleatone housebecause inglyoriginalway. Johnson,authorofcritically are poetry,packs they experience.That story ends with another getanything done atall. Asa freshman,Ifind thefootballplayersweregettingbackfromtheir claimednovels and books of an punch terse, classic Johnsonpoem/paragraph: itdifficult tobalance theheavy workload with awaygame,sowestoppedby andsureenough, emotional inhis understated sen- world!Thesedays it'sallbeen erased social activities. Managingmy time wellhas theplace wasrocking.Ihadmore funSaturday tences thatisunparalleledintoday'sliterature. "That culled from and they've rolled ituplikea scroll and putit become a toughchore. Yet,Imanage to do it night thanI've had onanynight since Icame The stories in Jesus' Son are away somewhere. Yes,Ican touch it withmy because Iwouldotherwise goinsane without a here, despite the initial lack of people at the publications such as The New Yorker,Es- isit?" little funevery sooften. houses andtheabsence ofanything todo atthe quire,andtheParisReview,butallareinter- fingers.But where readingDenis ***** Union. relatedandnarratedbyJohnson'salter-ego Oneofthegreatthingsabout ***** F.H., rambling Johnson, similar to reading Jack Kerouac or WegotstartedFridayeveningwithacookout a heroin addict lost in the its bus stations, listening toMuddy Waters,is thathelivedhard on theback porchofone of thehouses.There Students from other campuses may be sur- undertow of the Midwest: ' so youwouldn'thave to. ReadJesus Son,and wasn'tahuge crowd,butitseemed alot more prisedto seeDavidsonstudentsoutside study- Laundromats,motelsandbars.Whatmakes uniqueand fun toread isits you'll getatasteofAmerica's darker side,and personal andfriendlywithlesspeople.We got ingonaSaturdayafternoon,oreven sometimes this writingso versatility: of possibly a little of the street wisdom usually tomeetalotof thehouse'smembers,and there theoccasional Friday. Althoughwe aregener- Johnsonhasthecoolness Jack DonDeLilloandthestorytelling gainedfrom yearsof abusingdrugs andliving wasasortof"guestofhonorfeeling"toit.Sure, ally studious anddedicated academics, weget Kerouacor ability Faulkner or life on theedge. they may just be trying to get us to join their our workdoneinordertohavefunlateroninthe of William John frats, but Ican't help butbuy into the whole evening. Weworkhardduring the week so we Steinbeck. paragraphofthefirst storyinthe friendly routine. can rewardourselveslater andsoour weekend By the final collection, While Hitchhiking," Therest of thenight was remarkableinhow can begin alittle earlier. This past week,for "Car Crash Johnson has drawn youinto his world of the uneventfulitwas.Inoticedthatthere werealot example, was the Cast IronFilter party on the drug hopeless,and he has intro- lesspeople at the parties than there were last CourtonThursday.Ididnotattend,butIheard addicted and ducedtheheartbroken,unhurriedvoiceofF.H., weekend, but there were also no registered thatit was alot offun. Then again,isn't that struggling to find something immutable and parties this weekend.My hallmates andIhung whatcollege isall about? Isn'titreally about holyin thefilthy gutterofa worldhe inhabits. aroundonehouseforafewhoursbefore we got turningadifficult and stressful workweek into Johnson writes: "Itwas raining. Gigantic ferns boredand wentto theunion. anexcusetohave fun? ForgetThursday. How ***** does Wednesday sound? leanedover us. The forestdrifted down a hill. Andyou,youridiculous people,youexpect me Saturday startedofflookinglikeitwouldfall - tosave you."Becauseofhis superbmanipula- victim to theDavidson"Saturdaycurse",butit Contributing writers: Georgie Ahrendt, tion of language, Johnson dictates the rapid soonpickedup.After floatingaroundbetween RobHeidrich,Mary KathrynWyle. rollercoaster of emotions felt in each story. With each new sentence, Johnson decides movies,books,music, games, art, whether tomake youlaugh,cry,orgrimace. Thoughalways told' inF.H.'sdistinct voice, campus lifeor parties? thestoriesinJesus Sondiffer enoughinscope and content so that each story is fresh and Write for ArtsandLiving! unexpected."OutOnBail" isprimarily aflash- back, in which Johnson introduces the lonely y veins (eel sera] ontact chschmader or libaldwinifinterested. hipstersanddrugaddictsthatfrequenttheVine, KLike aneighborhoodbar.In the short, violent tale. new every raindr Wednesday, September 25,2002 8 TheDavidsonian Arts & Living If we were stranded on a desert island with only 3 CDs... Butit'sthesongsthemselvesthat Yes,weknow it'sacliche. Nonetheless,this weekwe askedmembers ofthe A&L writingand soundsmonstrous,hisvoicehastobeheard tobebelieved. wistful,howling,andevendelicate (ifa300pound editing staff to pick out the three CDs they'd want with them if they were maroonedon that are trulyastounding,alternatelyearthy, running through entire pre-war folk song proverbial desert island. Thepicks spanboth time and tastefrom Frank Sinatra to the Rolling man can be delicate). Basically Leadbelly the song boll weevilever written. Stones to theDaveMatthews Band. Evenif you'reamusic god whoalreadyownsevery album canon, withspectacular results. Plus thebest about a

known toman,indulgeusandcheck outthislist -you'llprobablyfindsomethingnew and worth # # so amazingis notjustthemusic alisten; 2)BeastieBoys,Paul'sBoutique. What makes thisalbum itself,butthefactthat thisis thesamebandwhoreleasedtheclassicLicensed toDJonly three fast,andsomewhere ErinRaffety '04,A&L Staff Writer yearsbefore. Thosebeer-drinkingNew Yorkkidsgrew up alongthe way they became geniuses. They were done fighting for their right to party; they were you believeme, find 1) WillyPorter DogEaredDream. PerhapsI'mjustpartial to WillyPorter,becausehe's fightingfor thelegitimacy ofhip-hopasanart form. If "^don't "^thatsite Love, sultry, on***Internet that Mthe samPles onthis from Wisconsin,buthe'salittle TracyChapman,alittleG. andalothisown mmmmmmmmmmm^ m soulful,soothingstyle. Irecommend anyofhisalbums,startingyvithDogEaredDream. Not record. Thenlistentothealbumitself,andmarvelat i)TihM onlyis themusic trulybeautiful-listen closely- llfc whatacohesivewholeitis. And what amarvelously - mthe thelyrics areincredible. funkv whole tliatk And wordsof the Boys themselves,"Shake your rump-a!" 2) Frank Sinatra. The VeryBestofFrank Sinatra. L Why doesn't anyone write music like this any- fl k 3) RollingStones,ExileonMainStreet. Thisisrock more? And why doesn't anyone sing like this B WF and roll. P""' unadulterated,sloppy,greasy, as- anymore? And why doesn't anyone dance like W toundingrockandroll. Thestoriessurroundingthis thisanymore? 1think it'sbecause we'veallgiven J album are as legendary as the album itself: it was up on the greats of our parents' and grandpar- recorded in the band's villa in Southern France ents' time,likeFrank Sinatra. For$25.49youcan B IBfSSSW^^RWSfiW Under conditions thal rivaled lhe Roman EmPeror slipback intoyesteryears,belt out tuneslike"The |y£|}£}*42|^j£(i2i21*J fordebauchery,stiifTfarmorescandalousthanyou'll Davidsonian. Butall legendsaside, Way YouLook Tonight"and "I,uckBe aLady," g^. ever find in the - ' 08085' danceinto theweehoursof themorning,andown £ thisk thebestalbumevermade KeeP vour White vour Z vourDark Sideof "lhe Very Best ofFrankSinatra". M the Moons, your whatevers. (Jive me Kxilc. I'd call it a musical encyclopedia, but M encyclopediasneverhave anything as satisfying as Charlie Watt's drumintro to "Loving 3) Joni Mitchell,Blue. Althoughit's an early Cup." album,it's agreat one. JoniMitchell is between flB^V^MB Ml^lflPl I folk> P°P> J322' andpoetry?and what emerges are Chris Schmader 04, A&L Editor beautiful songs like "Carey," "California," and "All1Want." I) Television,Marquee Moon. One of the |p first rock groups to play at the storied New I Charles Cummins 04,A&L Staff Writer York club CBGB and OMFUG in the mid- 1970's,Televisionfeatures twoofrock'smost 1) Aerosmith,Get A Grip. While Aerosmith has inspiredguitaristsinTomVerlaineandRich- Ik been making hits for nearly 4(1 years, it was this aid Lloyd. MarqueeMoon,their debut al- «4^E album, released in 1993, which introduced the bum, is the band's definitive statement, as greatestAmericanrock bandtoa new generation. Verlaine and Lloyd's guitar playing alter- i^^^J Whileall Aerosmithalbums havetheir hits,thisis, nates between chiming beauty, aggressive inmy opinion,their mostcompletealbum, whichI thrust,andpoeticimprovisation,addingupto canlisten to the entire way without skipping any a sound utterly different from that of any KH Itracks. Including hits like "Crazy", "Cryin", other guitar-based rock group. Best son;; "Amazing","Eat theRich","ShutUpandDance", (arguably): The ten-minute plus "Marquee "I.i\in' on the Edge",and the title song "Get a - Moon," which establishes a simple, relentless groove early on and ends with a solo by ' Grip",thisalbumisgreatforaCourtparty,aroom mmm Jh -,v MmM Verlaine thatbuilds toa transcendent climax, party,or justtolisten to onyour own. V*^^, " 2) Amy Rigby, Diary of a Mod Housewife. Another fine debut album, l')95's 2) Paul Simon, Graceland. This album defines S^~m Diary...chronicles theupsanddowns (butmostly the downs)ofafailingmarriage. Witha T^-_jmL. PaulSimon's solocareerafter thebreakupofSimon L ~s^^^ funny,rueful andincisivelyrical voice,-Rigby doesn'tmiss abeat asshe weds garage-rock &Garfunkel. Onceagain,Icanplay thisalbum the m jr andcountrymusic withthedesperationofa wife whofeels trappedinherrelationship.Best entirewaythroughwithoutskippinganything.With % j song: "The" GoodGirls,"adrivingpop-rock tiradeagainstmassmediaandthedopeitsells hits such as"Diamonds onthe Solesof her Shoes", us m *ne Olm°*' trasnybooks andmusic. "Graceland",and "You Can Call Me Al", many f W students will recognizesomeof the songsfrom the 3) LouReed, TheBlueMask. Twelveyearsintohispost-VelvetUndergroundsolocareer, Generals renditionofthem.While theycan onlyhit w f^M lou Kt'e(l recorded thisalbum with aband featuringthe great New York-based guitarist on oneor two of the great songs on this album,I Robert Quine.Lyrically,halfofTheBlueMaskstandsasapaeantosettlingdown,withsongs '"^ highlyrecommend listening to theentirealbum. EtwUS^MMni lilu lv House" and "HeavenlyArms" detailing pleasures of Reed's marriage to Sylvia Morales, while the other half dealsin the themes violence and masochism that Reed has 3) DaveMatthews Band,Crash. OK,Iknow agoodnumber of you aredie-hard Dave exploredsince the first Velvet Undergroundalbum. Here,Reed'ssongwritingprovidesan Matthews fans.Irespect that,butIamnot open-

However, said, B ended, one of them. that being this r"~^^^^^^^^^HH^^HBPpplWM>aKM>

m IHr^MI dences.

' song: a^flbf iibi■jf 1 * Hill ■iI■ » i Pi"""*"** ' d e r -

Bottle," & RTnmiinfffV catchy, * ■ BL BJ| HHH|»_ b rie I, -^^^ \ 8 n Q "^^^■i VT 1 I. IJ JralCaMfeh^ account lanfflThflHinraB of tne Andy Heston '05, A&L Stuff Writer VllliJWiN perilsof " . ■ UVUUUI 1)LeadBelly,LastSessions. Ahuge listen: ism. over four hours ofjustaguyandhis guitar playing folk songs,blues, field hollers,nov- BiH M±MM elty songs,love songs,etc. Leadbelly wasa hugeman,and youcan hear it:ifhis guitar / m l\ _§_ V^^' AjJ. V j JL^IV.T Filter's new album eclectic Think you know By TedEmerson Patrick saw while touring across America, Staff Writer marks Filter's third album and an attempt to The Simpsons? resurrecttheirimage amongstthetalkingheads Lead singer and creator of the band.Filter, ofthemusic world.Asit turnsout,thealbumis Rich Patrick, explained that "We don't take itself a celebration of diverse song writing. Py LindyBaldwin vacations. You startunwinding, youlose your Takinginfluences frompastalbums andartists Arts & LivingEditor edge".Despite the nose to the grindstone ap- andmixing themwithhisownoriginality,Rich proach,Filter haslost theedge theyonce pos- Patrick createsatightlyknit,compellingrecord. TheTimes ofLondonremarkedthis sum- sessed,butnotinthesense thattheyhavefailed The first single, "Where Do We Go From mer that, should all of civilization be de- as musicians.Infact,it was thatvery edgethat Here"representsthetypicalFiltersingle,poppy stroyed,modern Americansocietycouldbe a.What is thename ofSpringfield's onlybur- has kept Filter frombecoming oneof the pre- and completely different from the rest of the reconstructed solely from episodes of The lesquehouse? mier acts inrock today. album.Butthatisexactlythepoint.All12ofthe Simpsons. Idon'tknowifI'dgothatfar,but b. What didevil employerHank Scorpio Patrick'smusicalcareer beganin1989 when tracks on "The Almagamut" are separateenti- Ihave to admit that few things make me give to Homer asareward for his hard work ? he and Trent Reznor formed the illustrious tiesofeachother,yetcollectivitycometogether laughharder. Ifmy youngerbrother andI c. What is thename ofFlanders' store? industrialbandNineInchNails.Afterayearon onceone hears thealbuminentirety. hadn't bonded by trading Homerisms, we d. WhatisthenameofSpringfield'sminor the road with the band, Patrick left due to Theopening track"You Walk Away"isfull probably wouldhavespokenalotlessduring leaguebaseball team? musical differences.It wasn'tuntil 1994,when of adrenaline and mirrors somethingoff Short our younglives. — a mutual friend introduced Patrick to Brian Bus.Thesongthatwillmostdefinitelyreach the Since weknow you'rejustreadingthe paper Level 4 4points each Liesegang, that Patrick began writing music airwaves sometime this fall will be "The Only for a half hour's worth of qualityprocrastina- a. Intheopeningsequence,whichcharac- again. Way (Is The Wrong Way)", the popiest song tion,hereisaquiz thatwill testyourknowledge teris walkingadog? Patrick with his electronic background and Filter has ever written. "Never Be The Same" of thispopculturephenomenonwhilehelping b. What is the real name of the mental Liesegang withhis arrayof musical talentpro- has ahopelessnesstoit that soundslikeitcould you avoid anything that might resemble pro- patient whothinkshe's Michael Jackson? . duced analbum's worth of material in several have been taken from Alice in Chain's album ductivity. Level 1isfornovices;if youcanget c. Name the cult that Homer forces the to months. The album, entitled Short Bus, was Dirt. The simple lyrics and rhythm of "God Level 3, you're a true fan. If you know the family joinin"TheJoy of Sect." producedon a small budget but shocked the DamnMe" createaprofoundnessthatrequires answers toLevel4,youprobablyneedahobby. d. Whatis Bart'sblood type? music industry with its rawness and fervor. severalconsecutivelistenings,muchlike'Take Andno, thereisno partial credit. A off Now, if you're really bored, check the an- Patrick explainedthat thealbum wasacelebra- Picture" Title of Record. - tion of those who are specialand different. Themost sullen,and therefore thebest track Level 1 1 point each swersbelow andaddup your score. The maxi- score, Much like thebrand of music thathehelped on the album,wouldhave tobe "TheMissing". a. Whatis Marge'smaiden name? mum is40 points. If you got aperfect congratulations! to create with Reznor,Patrick's artistic talents Written on Sept. 11, "TheMissing" is moreof b. Where does Homer work? You've won a free copy of wereacelebration of auniqueandprovocative a question than a song. The confusion and c. What is the name of Bart and Lisa's next week'sDavidsonian. Besure topickitup new genre. The Chemical Brothers collabo- placidityof themelodyiscomplementedbythe favorite cartoon show? on the newspaperrack near theUnion desk. ratedon thesong"Can't YouTripLikeIDo", slurred vocals thatPatrick socleverly carvesin d. Who is the principal of Springfield which wasaninstanthit.Overall thealbumwas toyourmind.RichPatrick writeshisbest music Elementary? ANSWERS dark,highly electronic,andheralded as thenew whenhehas adeepemotionalattachment tothe musical voice of thegeneration. songand "TheMissing"representsthecunning Level 2-2 pointseach la. Bouvier. b. Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, c. Afteradisappointingdisplayintheir second ofa veteransongwriter. a. Whatis Patty and Selma's favorite TV "TheItchy and Scratchy Show." d. album Title of Record, Filter settled into the The end result: a change in identity. No show? SeymourSkinner. dust of the post- arena. The transition longer will Filter belabeled an industrial band. b. Name Lisa's favorite doll. 2a. "MacGyver." b.MalibuStacey. c. Mrs. beganwiththelossofLiesegangafter theShort Rather,Filter willbe knownas aband that can c. Who is Bart's teacher? Krabappel. d. Shelbyville. Bus tour.Patrick wasnow living inthe shadow cross genrelines andexcelno matterwhatstyle d. Name Springfield'srival town. 3a. "LaMaison Derriere." b. The Denver Broncos, c. Isotopes. ofReznorandnew industrial actswerepopping they play. Much has changed in the 4 years The Leftorium. d. The Apu. Kompowksi. up everywhere.Time togoback to thebasics. since Titleof Record wasreleased. Reznorhas Level 3-3pointseach 4a. b. Leon c. The negative. Fastforward to today. The Almagamut, in- disappeared from the music scene,rock is re- Movementarians. d. Double O fluenced by the diversity and freedom that born,andFilter is leading the charge. I This Weekend on Campus JanaSampson, the premiereNativeAmerican pop-rock diva,returns for the firstrime \ since graduationtoheralma mater,DavidsonCollege,onSaturdayevening, September i 28. topresentapublic concert. Janawasborninto theNorthCarolinaLumbee tribeinPembroke,grewupinCharlotte, | andcame toDavidsonafter graduatingfromProvidenceHighSchool.Shecurrentlylivesin j New York,but travelsaround the countrypresentingpopconcerts andmakingeducational ! presentationsabout Native American music. She makes numerous appearances toNative ! American audiences,hoping toinspireand serveasarole model foryouth. Shereceivedthe"SongoftheYear"awardforherversionof"StairwaytoHeaven"at the | Native American Music Awards earlier thismonthinMinneapolis. Sheholds thedistinction j | asthefirst NativeAmericanartistever todebut withaBillboard "Singleof the Week." She \ hasproducedseveralsingles,andher first albumis scheduled for release nextyear. Shereferstohermusicalstyle I as"UrbanIndian,"indicatinginflu- Chile, ! ences from traditional Native mu- ■ Argentina,Australia sic,modernpop,dance,andgospel. tJfl said, She "BeinganurbanIndianis yB»*TM w\ " i Rica, England, towalkinboth worldsbut not ■ Costa Cuba com- St"-*^! 1 ¥ C^^O ] promise my cultural identity. I'm » . IIreland,New Zealand,Northern proudthat Icanmaintain my tradi- Itf fcffffifc■3Q, tional customs while living in B^s|fi£r-^| IIreland,andScotland ; today s world. m A ■ She demonstrateshercultural I m jfl ■ Learnabout our outstanding student | heritageinhermusicalpersonaand Fxa M&l services andprograms [ styleofdress.Her flairfor fashion has been featured inpublications iA ■ including In Style magazine, B^B R«J Thursday,September 26 Gotfuunmagazine,G/o/wunnaga- mJi MM 11 am -1:00 pm j zine,andTheNew York Times.She :00 issue Information Table was featuredonthecoveroftheMay/June - [ hostsa weeklytalkan Outside Chambers Hall BelkDorm End inNew y I

MeetRepresentative Steve Seaworth

www.ifsa-butler.org nun iiiwSm The Davidsonian Wednesday, September25,2002

Editorial NONSEQUITUR by WILEY Staff ' IT &EGANTo OCCUfcTO Bo6> |P^Ti7jj!I ]ji TUKT TUEiSoMJCVUGWT B& Hito TU1NK.\N&-OF (^ CUNN&E \N k I BigIdea? OnSaturday night,the Davidson townpolice pulled over J^^ theVamanos Van.Sixstudentswerecitedforunderagedrinking withDavid Craw and/or violationofopencontainer laws. II the Vamanos Van were.HjHHHHHM| considered a commercial vehicle I BWhsfstho (like aparty bus,or a limo), then VAMANOS VAN IS Our Town: Oasis different laws apply.Butsinceitis I An legally a private van, its passen- | gersarenotallowedto carry open Amidst the Sprawl containers. Wecan't change whathappenedlast weekend,andpowers Anytripdown toCorneliusorHuntersvillewilllikelyinclude higher than us willdeliberate theimplications of thatincident. a "scenic" view ofstrip malls andfast food restaurants.While Butnow is the time todefine somepolicies that willprotect the these examples of suburban sprawl lie just a few miles away, Van from situationslike thisone. Davidsonhas been luckyenough to maintain its quaint, small The vanservesavaluablepurpose.Sure,it will take youto townatmosphere.Letusall justhope thatit stays that way. Wal-Mart orthemovies.Butitwillalsopick youup atabar and Today,suburbansprawlisamongthegreatestproblemsfacing take you home. And that's its most important contribution: American cities. Sprawl doesn't just create dilapidated inner keepingdrunk driversoff theroad. cities,segregategroupsbyincome andclassandincreasepollu- Doesitencourage us togetdrunk? No.Does itkeepus from tion. driving when weare? Yes.Themost important goalis keeping Arecentstudyby theNaturalResource DefenseCouncilfinds theVamanos Van running. that sprawl is also partly responsible for the current drought. Havingit as an option encourages students to make respon- About40% ofAmericans— gettheir waterfromground wells,yet sible decisions about drinking anddriving. suburban—sprawl acres of pavedparking lots and multi-lane First of all,ifthere's aruleagainst opencontainers on the Liberties vs. lives highways prevents water from soaking into theground and van,itcertainly isn'tpublicizedorenforced. The regulationsof Inresponse to'Tom'sTurn:The waronAmerianideals(Tom into the wells. the vanneed to bemuch more accessible. Anstrom,Sept. 15)." The study estimates that between as much as 31.5 billion gallons areaeveryyear Many of the students carrying alcohol last weekend likely Mr.Anstromgrossly exaggeratesthe sacrifices called for by of waterare lostin theCharlotte due to sprawl. didn'tknow theyweren'tallowedtodoso.Andiftheydidknow our leaders whiledangerouslyunderestimating thenature ofour suburban it was against the rules, they knew the rules aren't enforced. enemy. Althoughthe townofDavidsonhastakenmeasures toprevent sprawl infiltrating relatively pristine community, Whilelack ofpunishment isn't anexcusetobreak arule,itisan Mr. Anstromdetails the case of an apparently innocent man this from our only virtually incentive. unfortunateenoughtohavebeendetained asapartoftheongoing oneneed drivefiveminutesin any directiontofind strip malls orrowsofubiquitous "McMansions" devouring the Thereare validargumentsagainsthavingopenbeersincollege terrorsearchinourcountry.Hedoes notmentionthe sixBuffalo, land like anout-of-control virus. vehicles, but is it really fair for a single student driver to be NY,menwithsuspectedtiestoalQaedaapprehendedearlierthis — Well,you say,my dorm isexempt from waterrestrictions,so responsible for regulating whateachpassengerhasinhisorher month. x-.- *^^_^... — (orbackpack)? to van hands Let'sdowhatisnecessary make the More than 3,000 innocent .■ a"hired vehicle" so that when the occasional beer ends up on people were ruthlessly slaugh- seeCrow,page 11 board,nopunitiveaction isnecessary.Maybeeachhouse onthe Court canchipintoa fund,so the driveris paid asmall amount for histime.Wouldn't givingeachdriver fivedollarsanightturn lightenup! the vaninto afor-hire service? Cartoonist, Clearly, legal liability thereare and issues thatmakeithard Inresponse toLauraFilosa'scartoon(Sept.15,Perspectives). foranyofustoproposefully workable solutions. Andwe'renot Ifyoucan'thavefunon the courta)that's toobad,causealot students, suggesting that the College,or the act in a way that people? Icertainly think so. ofpeopledo,andb)don'tmakefunofitorruinitforothers. You increasesliability orpromotes riskybehavior. PresidentBush and AttorneyGeneral Ashcrofthavenointer- clearly find enjoyment other places, and you don't see any ButthebottomlineisthattheVamanosVanisaninvaluable est increatingadictatorship orpolice state. As conservatives, demeaningcartoons/editorials about that. TheDavidsonexpe- gives luxury service that us the ofnevereven havingtoconsider theybelieveinSMALL government.Mr.Anstromcontendsthat rienceisdifferent foreveryone,andit'snotajoke. Yournegative getting in acar when we've been drinking. So let'sdetermine the suspension of somecivilliberties to protect innocent lives attitudeisterriblefor impressionablefreshmen. Letthemdecide are, exactly whattherulesof thevan makethempublic,and get will lead to a terrorist victory. In this regard, he shows his for themselves,and let themfind their ownoutlets for their own Vamanos back on theroad. ignorance of our enemy. The terrorists believe they willhave "Davidson Experience." Stopcomplaining,lightenupandjust won when theyhave killed as many Americans aspossible. have some fun. Weareincollege,youknow. JordanGratrix__'04 _ MargaretHyman '03 TheALCnDA LUX UBI ♥ DavidsonianORTA LIOERTAS♥ . BYLMMFIUtSA Editor inChief Jessica Mering ManagingEditors ColinEagan MattGarfield X V)r; S colored n News Editors / / s+ bo ?7 J^^V Emily Drew CarolineHauser Arts &LivingEditors Lindy Baldwin Chris Schmader SportsEditor Richard Connolly Mike Giglio Photography Editors 0«-»Attt -for \Jtot*>Kr,fy y\ ttir^ *s EronEarley-Thiele Matt Whited Advertising&BusinessManagers JeffLarrimore Gregg Wallace CirculationManager

TheDavidsonianis publishedWednesdays duringtheacademicyear by thestudentsofDavidson College. Onecopyperstudent. Please addressallcorrespondencesto: TheDavidsonian,P.O.Box 7182, Davidson,NC 28035-7182. Phone(704) 894-2148. E-mail [email protected]. OurofficesarelocatedinRoom411ofthe AlvarezCollegeUnion. Opinionsexpressedinletterstotheeditors orcommentariesdonotnecessarily reflectthe viewsof theEditorial Boardof TheDavidsonian. Subscriptionscost $40.00peryear. Advertisingratesareavailable uponrequest. TheDavidsonian Perspectives Wednesday,September25,2002 Augusta: A fading relic of the past

The AugustaNational Golf Club's membership policy has Augusta?" recently come under attack, and for goodreason: One of the In1990, thePGAand thepublic were appalledthat Augusta world's mostelite golfclubs and thehome of theMasters still Nationalcouldhaveapolicy soblatantly discriminatoryas tobar M fry Jeremy Trantham clings toanantiquated all-malemembershippolicy. non-whites from being members. A mere 12 years later, we Some argue that AugustaNational is aprivateclub that can should be equally as shocked by Augusta National's policy admitmembersbywhichever standardsitseesfit.Butasthehost barringfemale members. ofa world-famous golftournamentliketheMasters,should the Some may argue that women do get a chance to play at Mybirthday clubholditself toahigher standard thanother all-male clubs? AugustaNational. However,womenarepermittedtoplayonan "Augustamade itself a public facility," says female golfer invitation-only basis. It'susuallylimited to wives,childrenand MegMallon. "They are no longer a private facility, although close friends of a male member, with the women not being theylike to use that as their cover." members intheirown right. advice:Enjoy 21 Mallonisn'texactlyright,since AugustaNationalisaprivate Although Augusta National may not be intending it, this club.But she ison theright track. AugustaNationalisanicon policy makes womendependentonmen,anotionIthought we to thesporting worldandultimately,our popular culture. It isa gotridof60years ago. while youstillcan privateclub thatiscentered on thepublic:apublic thatbelieves But probably the strongest argument for why Augusta Na- in equality. tional shouldrescinditspolicyisquitesimple: Whydoesitneed After an agonizingwait,my roommateis finally turning 21 Some draw an analogy to Augusta National's recentadmit- it? What does Augusta National gain from having such a this weekend. The requisite debacle of a party is slated for club, tanceofAfrican-Americanmembersonly10yearsago.The restrictivepolicy, short' ofanational controversy? Saturday. admitteditsfirstblackmemberin1990,aroundthetime thePGA AugustaNational spolicyofbarring womenisnothingmore The workingtitleis"Ambulance Party 2K2." We'regoingto Tour was being criticized for holding tournamentsatall-white thana relic of anage-past, keepthemedics oncallSaturday justincase. Fora21Mbirthday clubs. Asoneofthe centersoftheAmericangolfingworld,Augusta party,it should probablybe arequirement. Mallon asks,"Whyis itOK for ablackman tobullyhis way National,as wellas thePGA as awhole,shouldenactanequal- We won'tbe flyinganAmerican flagattheparty. We'dhate intoAugustaandnotOK for ablackwomantobullyherwayinto membership policy. tobe accusedof trying to exclude— anyone. The truth of the matter is if you can remember your 21st birthday party,then you wasted the lastgoodbirthday you're l\UTUJrlul 1 ■M evergoing tohave. Icanremembermy 21 st.Ihadatest thenext SlUgUblU VLtTnuCibnW morning,so Icouldn't really celebrate the way Ishould have. ThanksDavidson. ThiscomingOct.10,1turn22. Andit'sstartingtodepressme. The last few birthdays haven't alwaysbeen as meaningfulas 21,butatleast theyhaven'tbeendepressing. Come to thinkof it,Idoubt that any birthdayisasmeaningful as the21st. Legally, theonly bigday between 16and 21 is 18. Youcan purchase tobacco, and begin having sexual relations without parental consent. Sofor tobacco addicts andsex-fiends,turning 18 ismore important that21. ■I wi-UaE HP*! -*4flEtMBHHfl HbI Unfortunately some people are more prolific drinkers than lovers. The fact that you're ahuge drunk can keep you from HKJ'^SEElf^^^PJB«H»I nWl^B^BwB«HSH?55 gettingany. Or,thefactthat youaren'tgettinganycanleadyou to drink. Either waythere's somekind ofrelationship between drinking and sex thatneeds to beexplored. Seventeenand19arelegally worthlessbirthdays. But atleast you're stilla teenager. Beinga teenagergives youthefreedom todo exceptionally stupid thingsandblame them onhormones. It'salicense tobestupid. Turning20can'tbedepressingeither.Itmaysignal toyouthat adulthoodisnear,but youstillhave the BigOne tolookforward ■ I I to. It maybe the longestyear ofyourlife. Lj 11 I I I i WMI I] I ■ Turning2\ is greatfor obviousreasons. Even ifyouaren't a boozehound, you can at least appreciate getting into bars and having aclub soda. Theprospectof turning22 is frightening. Icanalreadydrink anddrive. Just not at thesame time. Augusta won't bow to tantrums Butwhat's tolook forward to whenyouturn22? Turning23? Remind menot to getoverlyexcited. Every birthday after 21 is just areminder that you're ayear older. Formeit'sareminder thatI'ma yearolderand haveno clue whatIwant to do withmylife. Andaside from wantingto TheNationalCouncilofWomen'sOrganization(NCWO)has "activists." Despite the fact that womenplayed over 1,000 be themost useless Vice-President inhistory, I'mnotparticu- decided thebest way togainsomefree publicity is to attack the roundsof golflast year at AugustaNational,these womenjust larly ambitious. At least for aDavidsonstudent. Augusta NationalGolf Club. The group has been trying since can'tstandit thatoneofthe300membersisn't awoman.Instead My personal quote for the admissions office would read June to force theclub to alter itsadmissions policyand admit offocusingon anissue thatisimportant,such as school choice, somethinglike: "Althoughtoppingsomeofour formerVP'son women. theyarehaving funbringing AugustaNational toitsknees. theuseless scale will takesome work, Ifeel thatmyDavidson William "Hootie" Johnson,thepresidentof the club thathas ThequestionofAugustaNationalmembershipisexactly that: experiencehas aptly preparedmephysically, emotionally,and hosted the prestigious Masters Tournament since 1934, re- it'supto theclub. mentally for thetask. Forinstance:thenightofmy 21s1birthday, spondedbysaying theclubwillnotsubmittopressuretochange One would suppose thatif Augusta National chose toadmit Iwasbusy studying for a test. Thanks Davidson." its admissions policy from "outside group with its own only clef-chinned Norwegians, that would be the members' an FortunatelyIstillgetcarded whenIbuyalcohol. You'renot agenda." prerogative.Thisprocessisknownasthefree-market approach, officially olduntilyoustopgettingcarded. Until thenI'mstill CallingNCWO'stactics "offensive andcoercive,"headded, and theNCWO doesn'tunderstand thisone bit. goingtoblame mymoronic behavior on hormones. bullied, threatenedor intimidated. We do not Idobelievethatwomenshouldbe oftheAugustaNational "We will notbe part Thank God for small favors. intend tobecome atrophy intheir display case." GolfClub.Anyclub thathostsagolftournament,especiallyone The feminists then wenttoCoca-Cola,IBMandCitigroup to liketheMasters,needstobeinclusive.However,thatisuptothe demandthattheyendtheir corporatesponsorshipoftheMaster's club and itsmembers to decide. Tournamentunless thegolfclubchangesitspolicy.Inresponse, Hootie Johnsonneeds toremain firm onhis stanceand tellthe Johnsonpromptly canceled commercial advertisingon the tele- feminists heisnotgoingtocave into theirnagging or tantrums. vised2003Masters Tournamentinorder toprotect thecorpora- Thelastthing he'sgoingtodoisadmit female members, inhis tions from thefeminists' rage. words,"at thepoint ofabayonet." Inthisinsipidageofpolitical correctness,AugustaNational is Maybe if the feminists stop their beleagueringof Johnson, going tohavearoughtime standingupto this flock ofmindless he'lldoso. CrOW, frompage10 thosepeople whodonothaveacaror donothave time to drive whyshouldIcareaboutsprawl? While weasstudents mightnot to Wal-Mart to shop. realize it, sprawl affects our lives asmuch as any other local Perhapseven morebothersome is thelack ofa true sense of residents. placeinmost suburbancommunities.Davidson'sMainStreetis Haveyouevernoticedhowyouhavetodrivesomewheretodo the classic model of a pedestrian-friendly street that createsa virtually anything? That's because the car-based culture that distinctive senseof place withitsunique (andlargely indepen- suburban sprawl mandates has caused restaurants, stores and dently-owned) shopsand historic architecture. movie theatersto cluster aroundinterstate off-ramps. WhileDavidsonmight becriticized forthelimitedvarietyand This type of planning prohibits pedestrian travel, causing upscalenatureofitsshops,atleastour small towndoes notlook traffic and pollution,notto mention amajorinconvenience for likeeveryother exitoff ofInterstate 77. ' ; ■ ''- " . ■■■-■■'v- > . J .-"' ■ . ■ ..V ■ Youthlead the way incross country's secondplace finish

Hv\k' <>,Ati> v^B 147//// SophomoreStanhope, timesof19:10and19:11,respectively. Junior captain Laura Puckett was close behind at freshmanMartinplace 19:37. Freshman Hilary Leister and senior captainLizGrossalsoscoredfor the Wildcats in top 10at Winthrop withtimes of19:49 and20:14. Overall,the team was very pleased with ByBrooke Kittinger the outcome. The womenhave been training ' Staff Writer ..I».l.,,.».. hard, wanted to channel the energy „„ , ij , ,||, n , ,| I,,, , |,»|.M ,i|l»II.H.«.».«'... P."»l.lir— .<»H.«I« I.W.»I..»|,«.....J and they With theirfirstraceinthebank,thewomen's from theirintense workouts into great a race cross-country teamexperienceda rewarding performance. "Reward yourselves," head When Fans Attack: Coming outcomeat the Winthrop Invitational onSat- coach Jennifer Straub hasbeen sayingto her urday. The teamplaced second ata ten-team runnersall season. They didexactly that. soon to a stadium near you meet with two runners finishing in the top CaptainLauraPuckettadds,"Thisweekend twelve. UNC-Asheville wonthe meet,while we worked on transferring our strength and DavidsondefeatedlongtimerivalUNC-Char- confidence fromworkouts to races,and over- During last Thursday's game between the Most,ifnoteveryone,atComisky lastThurs- lotte,aswellasWinthrop,HighPoint,Charles- all itshowed inbetter timesand abetter team Chicago White Sox and the visiting Kansas day thought the twoshirtlessfans weresimply ton Southern,Radford, Elon, Wofford, and finish." City Royals, William Ligue Jr. and his 15- running onthe field for same kind ofrush. SouthCarolina State. Overthehillofthefirsttworaces,theselady year-old son jumped the fence at Comisky "When Isaw the two guys running to first The young duo of sophomore Sally Wildcats are sprinting toward a promising Park and attacked Royals first-base coach base, Ithought they were going to run the Stanhope and freshman Allie Martin led the season. Their next meetisFriday,September TomGamboa, whosufferedonlyminorfacial bases like they normally do," Royals out- 'Cats witheighthandninthplacesfinishes and 27 at Charlotte'sBallantyne Resort. injuries despite being blindsided by the two fielderCarlosBeltran,saidfollowingtheinci- shirtless fans,theelder ofwhom wasallegedly dent. carrying a pocket knife. Andasfor fightinginthe stands,thatmakes The on-field assault was thesecond fright- no sensewhatsoever.Believeitor not,thereis Women's soccer remains eninggame disruption in the world of sports very little a fan can do to influence the out- last week. come ofagame. Monday Night Football's broadcast of the Sure,home field advantage isa factor,but undefeatedinSoConaction PhiladelphiaEaglesandWashingtonRedskins thecrowd does little else but makenoise and game was stoppedbriefly with6:38left inthe providemoral support. By JustinNeill Bad weather clouded the second outing fourth quarter because, as referee Bob Notonce has afan scored the winninggoal StaffWriter ofthe week,whichtookplaceinJohnstonCity McElwee announced, "somekind of foreign orreturnedakickoffinovertime. Peoplewho against East Tennessee State on Sunday. In substance [hadbeen] sprayed on the Eagles fight inthe stands atgames need to seriously thismatch,the Wildcats attempted25 shots in sideline." re-evaluate their priorities. A difficult non-conference schedulecan what would turn into athrilling game. After aneight minute delay, it was discov- Stadiums should consider implementing haveoneof twoeffects on ateam. Itcanraise The Buccaneers scoredfirstandhelda 1-0 ered that police had used pepper spray to psychiatric scanning at the gates along with the team's level of play and boost its confi- lead at halftime, thanks to a goal by Erin subduerowdyfansseatedbehindthePhiladel- metal detectors toboost security and prevent dence,oritcanfrustrate the teamandruin that Ashton. The Wildcats kept attacking, how- phiabench,but thephrase"foreignsubstance" scareslike the one last Monday. confidence. Playing games against top-tier ever,andeventuallymanagedtogetashotpast uttered in ahighly populated arenainWash- As fans, we need tounderstand our role. teamsisagood way to gainexperience,butit goalieHeather Sandeninthe61 sl minute when ingtonD.C. wascertainly causefor greatcon- Thoughitmay behard toswallow,players has damaging potential. senior Heather Malpney scored her fourth cern. don't really careabout us. When was the last Said Davidson's Kevin Hundley, the goal of the season onan assist fromDeneille Both instances, while calling attention to time anathlete stalked afan? women'ssoccer coach,afteradifficult week- Erikson. Thegoaltiesher withfellow forward serious security problems, demonstrate that OnThursday, withpoliceescortingthe two endattheRocky RococoClassicinWisconsin LeighAnneHoskins for the teamlead. Italso th - th, today'sfansare simply out ofcontrol. assailants off the field,Royal'sfirst baseman fromSeptember 13 15 "Wecan'trest on markedthe 31s1 goalofher career,moving her Don'tgetme wrong;I'mafirmbelieverthat Mike Sweeneymarched alongside oneof the our laurels andbe happy with losing. There within eight of the school record. goingtoagameisallabout thefanexperience. two men and delivered a verbal assault. "I aren't any more moral victories. We want to East Tennessee State attempted to strike IfIhave a seat in the right field bleachers at wanted tokill him," Sweeney said. win these games [against Appalachian State back, but Sarah Hobart made five saves to State]." Fenway,I'mreaching over the fence tocatch "I'venever seenanythinglike thatinbase- andEast Tennessee keep the game tied intoovertime. After she thedamn ball. ball.That stuffjustdoesn'thappenhere inthe His team respondedby posting two victo- made an outstandingsaveinthe secondover- Tohell withfaninterference,souvenirs are UnitedStates and MajorLeagueBaseball." ries thispast week thatbrought theWildcats' s time topreservethegame,junior AmyJohnston part of why we pay to watch thegames. One Sports Illustrated article, published record to 3-0 inthe Southern Conference and scored on an assist from Hoskins and fresh- But wheredo we draw theline? about a year ago, reported that a fan at an 3-5 overall. They are the only team in the man KaraKoehrn togive the 'Cats thevictory. Ihave a friend whoonce jumpedthe fence English soccer game smuggledin acrossbow SouthernConference withmorethanonecon- Coach Hundley was very satisfied withhis and slid into second base. (how thathappens is beyond me)and shot an ference victory. team's performanceon the week. "These are State, Hewas arrestedfor trespassingandreleased opposing supporter dead. On Thursday at Appalachian the twoof the toughest places inthe conferent to on$100bail,buttoldmeafterwards thatitwas Let's hope the American public discovers Davidson attack managedonly five shots but play,and to leave withvictories issatisfying," completely worthitjust tohear33,000people whatitmeans tobeatruefanbefore something wasabletoput thefirst goalon theboardinthe he said. th go wild. like this happensonour home soil. 16 minute when junior striker Leigh Anne This week the Wildcats returnhome for Hoskins scored unassisted. It was her fourth games against conference opponents Chatta- lh goal of the season and the 24 of her career. noogaonFridayat7pmandWesternCarolina While the Mountaineers came out on the on Sunday at 1 pm. Despite beingranked attack inthesecondhalfin anattempt toerase ninth out of ten teams in preseason polls, that deficit,sophomore goalie Sarah Hobart Chattanooga is 5-1 this season, with a 3-0 continued toplay strong withfive saves. Jun- shutout ofCollegeofCharlestonin their rd con- ior Alia Antonucci-Alter scored in the 73 ference opener. Western Carolina was pre- minuteonassistsfromfreshmanJennySoldano dicted tofinish second inthe conference,and andjuniorStephanieBouts to give the Wild- stands at 1-0-1 and 3-2-1 overall. TheWild- cats a 2-0 lead, whichproved to be the final cats hope to continue using their experience margin. against Davidson is now 14-0-1 the against tough opponents to propel them to Mountaineers. success within the SouthernConference.


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Twofans were arrested last week at Chicago White Sox game afterattacking the Royals'first base coach. " Sports W rJJINhSDAY, ijhr1KiVloh,K £AJ\3& Dete,defense dominant as football rolls over Newberry

Dete,a6-foot,220-poundsophomore from in doubt. game. Wildcats six Marietta,Ga.,scoopeduptheballandrumbled Detefinishedwithninetacklesandasackto "He'soneofthesmartestplayersI'veplayed force 82yardsforatouchdownin whatseemedlike goalong withthefumblerecovery,highlight- with,"he said. "He'sa greattackier andpass thelongest runof his life. ingadominant performanceby the Wildcats' rusher. He's gonna be a great player for a turnovers to win "I was just standing there, thinking, 'Oh defense. while." wow,Tennishasa sack.' Next thingIknow, "Thekeythisweek was wefinally got some After losing two yards on their first three secondstraight theballis inmy hands,"saidDete."Ijusttook turnovers,"saidseniorlinebacker JimCarney, possessions combined, the Wildcats offense off.I'mnotthefastestguyintheworld.It took who tied Dete with nine tackles. "That was got on track late in the first quarter. Senior By MattGarfield me a while to get there." something Coach (Toop) really challenged quarterbackPaulNichols completed hisfirst ManagingEditor "I'venever returned a fumble before," he our defense to do. We'd been playing good passoftheeveningtofreshmanChalin'Aswell wenton tosay. "Myfirstthought was,'Ohmy defense, but maybe notas aggressively. Six for 34 yards, allowing sophomore tailback TheDavidsondefense causedsix turnovers gosh, what do Ido?'" (turnovers)is always a lot. The first one was JohnLeverettto taketheballinto theendzone in Saturday's 34-7 victory over Newberry. He starteddown the field and,after fellow huge.Idon't think they everrecovered." fromone yardout for a 14-0lead. But it was the first one that made all the linebacker DarylChildersblocked theclosest Newberry, aDivision IIscholarship team, Nichols earned his 10th career 200-yard difference in the game. Newberrypursuer, Dete hadan openlane to was biggerand deeperthan the non-scholar- passinggame,connectingon13-of-28 passes TheIndianshaddrivendeepinto Wildcats' theend zone for his firstcareer score. ship Wildcats, but Carney saidhe barely no- for238 yards,atouchdown and twointercep- territorylateinthefirst quarter,threateningto "I started looking around, seeing if some- ticed. tions. score thegame's firstpointsandputDavidson onewasgoingtocatchme," saidDete. "(After "I doubt we'll play a team this year that Sevendifferent Wildcatscaughtpasses,with in anearly hole. Childers' block),Ithought, 'Geez,I'vegot to we'llbe as bigas,"he said. "But we're afast senior tight end Mike Chase and junior re- That's when seniorRyan Tennisburst past score now.'" teamand weplay hard. Weout-hustle alot of ceiver RandallHardy eachhauling in three. his blocker and into Newberry quarterback By the time Detecaught his breathon the teams, and wedon't worry about size." KickerDaniel Hanksset aDavidsonrecord Brian Shealey, knocking the ball loose and sideline theWildcats had takena7-0leadand, As seniors, Carney and Tennis were ex- by attempting five field goals, and with 10 directly into the hands of an unsuspecting justasimportantly, dealt ademoralizingblow pected to spearhead the Wildcats' defense. points in the game, he also moved into third Davidsonlinebacker. to the Indians' offense. Seven minutes later They'vebeen joined by Dete, a sophomore, placeonDavidson's all-time scoringlist with Showtime,BrendanDete. theleadgrew to24-0,and thegame wasnever who Carney says has a special knack for the 169 points. Field hockey drops two of three

By Bf.cca McDevitt - Staff Writer With30:47 left inthefirst half,she scored off apenalty corner,and threeminutes laterdeliv- Davidson (2-1) vs. Emory & Henry (2-1) AfterdefeatingAppalachianStateinastel- ered recorded her second tally to give Rich- Saturday, 1p.m. Richardson Stadium lar 3-1 win last Wednesday, thefield hockey mond a lead it would never relinquish. faced challenging teamsover the Unlike the Appalachian State the women two game, TheHistory: backer Brendan Dete. Wideout Barrett weekend. TheRichmondSpidersandTowson 'Cats wereunabletocontrolpossessionagainst The Wasps own a9-3 advantage all-time Johnson alsoscoredona64-yard TDrecep- 'Cats, Tigers both proved toomuch for the Richmond. TheSpiders took 15shotson goal, versusDavidson,butthe Wildcats have won tion. who now stand with a record of 4-3 on the whileholdingDavidson toasingle shot.Rich- the last two meetings, with the most recent season. mondalsodominatedthepenalty corners,with coming inlast year's 23-6road victory. TheCoach: winagainst Appalachian,the46lh 16 to Davidson's three. TheCats' Inthat game,tailbackJohnLeverettscored LouWackerisinhis20lh yearatthe school, meeting schools,enabled themto Richmond goalie Michelle Swartz finished between the ona19-yardTDrun toopendiescoring.Paul andhas ledthe Wasps to 11conference titles game her remain undefeated intheNorPac conference. the with second shutout of the sea- Nichols threw touchdown passes to Mike and five trips to the NCAAplayoffs. TheWildcats now lead theall time series24- son. Nolan made 8saves for the 'Cats in the ChaseandRandallHardy,andDaniel Hanks In 1998, the Wasps finished the season 20-2, althoughthe lasttime theyhaddefeated losing effort. added a field goal. undefeated,and until 1999, the teamheld a Appalachian 27, a State was on Oct. 2000. Davidson concluded the week with frus- Safety Graham Elmore had two intercep- 37-game winningstreak athome, thebestin Davidson grabbed the early advantage, as trating 4-1loss against the Towson Tigerson tions to hold the Wasps at bay. Emory & the nation. E&H boasts one South Region junior KathleenFenn scoredoff of a penalty Sunday afternoon. Towson dominated the HenryfinishedinsecondplaceintheDiv.Ill Championship and 37 Ail-Americans since corner from seniors Jess Barton and Allison game from the start. Hardly twominutes into OldDominion Athletic Conference last year 1982. match, Tigers penalty Matlack with 27 minutes left inthe firsthalf. the the scored off a witha 5-5record. Mike Toopis inhis second yearasDavid- CourtneyHughes corner addedto theCats' lead with and would todominate for theremain- sonheadcoach and owns a7-5 record. 12 minutes remaining whenshe deliveredher der of the game. The Teams: firstcollegiate goal. Davidson's seniors once again demon- Emory &Henryis locatedinEmory, Va., What to Expect: clearly dominating half, important team. After the first the stratedtheir roleonthe Barton near Roanoke and has an enrollment of950 With the exception of last season, most begin- goal two 'Cats suffered a small setback in the assisted Matlack on a with minutes students. every game between these two teams has ningof thesecondframe when Appalachian's remaining to avoid the shutout. Thegoal was The Wasps return 15 starters and have beentightly contested.AfterSaturday'shuge Emily Walls scored agoal off ofa fastbreak Matlack's second of the season. postedwinsover Ferrum and Sewanee after winoverHampdenSydney,theWaspsshould goal, situation. Towsondelivered 12 shots on while droppingtheir season opener to Methodist. come in confident and eager to avengelast Davidsondished six.Towsongoalie,Loren The 'Cats answered with 12:38 remaining' out ' E&HtrailedHampden Sydney24-7 inthe year'sloss. Wolf, saves, inthegame,whenMatlack securedDavidson s madefour whileDavidson sNolan fourthquarterlastSaturdaybefore mounting ButDavidson's defensehas come alivein win withan unassisted goal. had six saves. astunningcomeback towin25-24.Tailback thepasttwo weeks, withdominatingperfor- action this weekend Davidson held Appalachian to only four Davidson returns to Dan Hammonds scored three touchdowns. mances against Jacksonville andNewberry. shots in thegame. Sophomore goalie Sarah with two games against Southwest Missouri Quarterback Shannon Johnson finished the Expectaclose,hard-foughtgame thatmay Saturday's isscheduled tobeginat Nolanaddedto thedefensiveeffortbymaking State. game game with 61 yards on 15 carries,plus 143 come down towhicheverteamcancapitalize 1p.m., Sunday'smatchisset to start at one save. and 11 yards in theair. on turnovers. Offensively, Davidson took 11 shots on a.m. Davidson*s defenseforced sixturnoversin goal andhad 10penalty corners. The team's Saturday's 34-7 blowout of Newberry,in- seniorsprovedtobe thedominatingforce for Davidson as AgnesBateman, Alex Rogers, andMatlackdemonstrated theiroffensiveskill while thedefensive stick work ofBartonpre- vented the Mountaineers from generating much offense. Assistant coach Alejandro Loynaz com- mented,"Wedefinitely controlled thisgame. We wereable to score first, and we spent the majority of thesecondhalf trying tomaintain m TraditionalMartial Arts Huntersville thelead. Unfortunately Appalachianscoreda -f of goaloffofafastbreak,but weemphasizedthe " importance ofsimplymaintainingpossession M I Judo Swordsmanship i| !A in wasourdeliv- thesecondhalf. JessBarton ' raK«■"*■«Mi I ererinthisgame. Whenever we'reintrouble, ISo*eDa/ 8/tf Se/tert/.as 30 years Cflll 948-9550 S9B95 j ofmutM *■" Jessrelieves us andgains theball back." « «*«»»"*»»* Vfertour wete/te. . . I ' ■ Followingtheir winoverAppalachianState, www,emperorsIongfistcom I J^!"^L^j^^l^ the 'Cats headed north to take on the Rich- J mond Spiders. Unfortunately, the Spiders dominated thegame and won 3-0. Richmond's EmmaBradley ledtheSpiders to victory with her twofirst collegiate goals. Sports Wednesday, September 25,2002 Volleyballrebounds against Chattanooga to halt five game skid

But,he added,"They do alotofother things and thankfully we'll get that chance for re- "Wewentandgotthemonkeyoffourbacks," Three 'Catsnotch well. They'reareal strongteam,and they're demptionlater in theyear." Cowieexplained. "Ifsalwaystoughbeingon numbereighteenfor areason." The Wildcats were able to bounce back the road, but we played really well against double-doubles to wrapup CoachCowieandtherestofthe teamnone- from this upsetting loss Sunday afternoon, Chattanooga." . thelessrecognizethepositive statementmade when they defeated Chattanoogato end their Hopefully the teamhas put itsinconsisten- tumultuous vxekwithwin bythe team'srefusaltoquit. "UNCisonofthe winless streak. ciesbehindthem. bestteamsinthecountry,"he said. "We didn't SophomoreJuliaHueckelhadamatch-high Ifso.theycanre- I ByMike Giglio roll over and die and that earned us some twenty-two kills and elevendigs tolead the boundfrom their I slumpand Sports Editor respect." team. recent I Unfortunately, the 'Cats were unable to Rebecca Teichgraeberand Nicole Tonelli make a strongI Mfc M"J After a hectic week that saw theDavidson buildoff this strongeffort onSaturdayagainst added double-doubles of their own, as push in the I volleyball teamplay threegameson theroad, WesternCarolina. The team struggledbadly Teichgraeber posted twelve putaways and Southern Con- I it's good togetback home. Andafter ending andlostinthree games(30-23,30-15, 30-18)" twelve digs and Tonelli amassed fifty-seven ference, where I the week withastrongvictory afteraseriesof toateamthatcoachCowieandhisplayersfeel assists andfifteen digs. witha2-1record I five straight losses,it's even better to be Defensively,Davidson tied a season high the Wildcats are I back onthe winningside of things. with fourteen blocks, with involving still right in the m Quis I TheWildcatsbegantheweekbycontinu- herself in nine and Hueckel taking part in mix of things. ing theirlosing streak, withaloss that was eight. The 'Cuts will | wSL almost a foregone conclusion as the team "We went and got the ,The 'Cats came out strongin the contest, test their ability Senior RobertaQuis facedanationallyrankedUniversityofNorth perhapslooking toput the disappointment of todojustthat this helped leadthe CarolinaatChapelHillTuesdaynight. Off monkey offour backs." the previous day behind them as quickly as week with con- volleyball team to to theirbest start since 1981 (9-1),the Tar - possible. ference games victory over Heels standatnumbereighteeninthecoun- Coach. Tim Cowie They wonthefirst gameofthematch30-28 against confer- Chattanooga. try. before takingastepbackwards andlosing the ence opponents In the first game of the match, UNC second 27-30, which prolonged the match UNCGreensboro(Tuesdayat7p.m.atGreens- showed its strength, doubling Davidson's before the 'Cats were able to dispose of the boro)andGeorgiaSouthern(Sunday at2p.m. score in winningthematch 30-15. The'Cats they shouldhave been able to beat. Mocs 30-25 and30-24in thefinal twogames. athome). improved in the next game, however,losing Said RobertaQuis,"The Western Carolina "We had some costly errors in game two," Comments Teichgraeberonthe stateofher 30-20. match wasextremelydisappointing.Iamglad saidCoachCowie,"which forcedthematchto team, "I feel that we broke outof our slump They then put together their best effort of we have a chance to redeem ourselves at the goto four games." this weekend. thenightastheyfelljust twopointsshortinthe end of October when we play them again at The 'Cats will gladly look past those mis- After arunof lacklusterperformances, we final game. home." takesandfocus ontheirlong-awaited victory. showed some great heart and brought our "We pushed them to the limit in game Coach Cowie was equally annoyed. According to Quis, that victory couldn't goalsbackintofocus. Whenweplayasa team three,"DavidsonCoachTimCowie remarked, "We just didn't show up for the Western have come againsta better team. good things happen." "but it wasn'tenough." Carolina game. It was probably the worst "The victory over Chattanooga was sweet She adds, "There werecertain weaknesses Despitetheloss,theWildcatsplayedstrong match we've played all season. We didn't revenge for knockingus outof the Southern exposed over our losing streak that will be and,impressively, evenmanaged to outplay challengeatall,andweweren'tready toplay." Conference tournamentlastseason,"shesays. addressed and resolved so that we can con- the 'Heels over the middle. He, too,is happy about the team's chance "This wasalsoagoodboost forourconfidence tinue topursue theSouthern Conference title. SaidCowie,"Ourmiddles playedwithand for revengelater this season. "They're defi- as weface UNCGandGeorgiaSouthern,the Icontinue tohave faithin ourabilities,andas wereprobablyevenbetterthantheirmiddles." nitely ateamwe want achance to play again, conference leader,this week." a teamweknow that hard work will payoff."

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- th Gregg Wallace Career Fair September- 27 CampusInterviews October 25th (704-894-7087, SubmityourresumeonErecruitingnetwork byOctober 4th [email protected]) www.mcmaster.coni/careers or Jeff Larrimore AtlantaGA "ChicagoIL"Cleveland OH" (704-894-6743, [email protected]) LosAngelesCA "Princeton NJ TheDavidsonian Sports Wednesday, September 25,2002 Men's cross country fights adversity toplace third By Walker Saik Soccer's David Sartorio "I was trying tohold themoff onestep at Staff Writer a time, but, suddenly, they just took off," | ByGeoff Fehling seen what Sartorio is capable of achieving A victory would have been nice, but a Beckenexplained. "ButIwashappywithhow Staff Writer throughhis play in the first 6games of the little racing as justgood enough. Iraced. Itook achance and wentafter it." season,allof whichhe has started. Thisweekend,themen's Andrew, cross-countryteam Addedcoach "Bradshowedhis i Exploding ontotheDavidsonmen's soccer "David's greatest gift is his versatility," took the great weather and flat courses at the gutstoday. Heknew whathe wantedand was scene this fall, freshman midfielder David saidSpear."Wewillbeabletoputhimonthe Winthrop Invitational and transformed them aggressivefrom the gun." Sartorioisquicklymakinghispresenceknown. field anywhere and we know the perfor- intobothafuntimeandathirdplacefinish out The rest of the squad finished shortly Raleigh,NorthCarolinanativehasposted mance will be excellent. He's very gifted Becken, [The of nine competing schools, just 12 points after with junior Chris Schmader impressive andhascontributedmight- withtheballandheunderstands thegame at lh numbers behind second placeUNC-Asheville. runningthecoursein26:40 toearna14 place ilyalong withseveralotherfreshmenrecruits. thislevel." The had finish. team hoped to earn its first win j Coming from the strongCapital AreaSoc- Spear andhiscoaching staff reallystood I since 1999,butthearrivalofHighPoint's "A" Impressive finishes followed from fresh- cerLeagueprogram, whichisunder thedirec- outon Sartorio's visits to Davidson. Baker, team, whichdominated thefield witha score menAustinMercadante andJonathon tionof former Davidson men's soccer coach "The coaching staff in general seemed a of20points,coupledwiththeabsence offour whotouchedthefinishlinein27:07and27:18, Charlie Slagle, Sartorio has been impressed lot friendlier and warmer [than other col- runners,including two of the Wildcats' top respectively. byDavidson'ssoccer programandreputation leges], impacting my decision to play for seven finishers in their last race, turned the Junior Greg Scott, who came down with a their team," the North Carolina East-West before, thirdplacefinishintoagranddisplayofdepth. cold thenight stillfinished withasolid Sartorio's chose to attend Davidsonover a All-Starsaid. "Icame outafter havingtalked ' "If this meetshows nothingelse,itdem- time of27:23. Junior Colby Broadwater and myriadofother schools such asUNC-Chapel to Coach Spear on my visit thinking 'Hell onstratesour greatsenseofdepth,"headcoach freshmanJoe Taylorroundedoutthetopseven. Hill,Princeton,andUNC-Wilmington. yeah,this could work out'." Gary Andrew explained. "Withfour runners "We didn't get thepack ofrunners that we Defending National Champions, UNC- Thus far, it certainly has worked out missing today, theotherguysreally steppedit wanted today," Andrew said. "But we really ChapelHill,activelyrecruitedSartorio for its TheWildcats,now 3-2-1ontheseason,have greatperformances, play up." raced. Wehad some and roster, but did not give him as much as a benefited from the of Sartorioandsev- TheWildcatsreceivedasuperbindividual theguys wentoutandcompeted. Weknew we promisingfutureintheirprogramasDavidson. eral other freshmen, including Matt Allen improve heading performance from seniorBradBecken. had to on that. I'mexcited "I was hoping tobe able tocome hereand andNahumNavas Becken garneredaneighthplace finish out into nextweek'sGreat Americanrace." make an immediate impact," Sartorio said, "Ithink wehavethebestfreshman" class improve- of afieldof 130runnersonan8k course with Schmader credits the team's "whereas atCarolinaIwouldbe ontheroster, inthe nation,"Sartorioboasted. Icouldn't atime of26:21. ment to a change in focus. "The team as a butwho knowsifIwouldhaveeverbeenable imagine going toany other soccerprogram mentally More importantly, hedisplayedgreat lead- whole was more focused than last tosee thefield." where Iwouldbe asexcited toplay withthe time," ership by running hard from the start, as last he said. Astrongsoccerreputation was notthe sole team, especially with my freshman team- meet'sleadingrunner, senior captainJimmy "I think we really attacked the race today, factor in choosing to play here. mates,asIwouldatDavidson." Swansbrough, and top-seven finisher Ben and itshowed inthe results. Itbodes well for "I chose Davidson because of the soccer He also noted the experiencedplayers' Gaspar,ajunior, wereforced to sit out witha future races." coach,MattSpear,the greatguysontheteam, guidance has allowed for such apromising quadriceps injury andbronchitis. Heading into its largestmeet of the year andDavidson'sacademicreputation,"Sartorio season. "Ifeel reallyclose toall the guyson Theybothhope toreturnfor nextweekend. this FridayinCharlotte,theDavidson teamis explained. "Plus my parents werepushingit the team.Olderguys like Joe Bass andBart Alleyes wereonBecken fromthe start. He excited about what lies ahead. The team hard." Creasmanreallyknew how tomakeme feel they ready gather held the lead until portions of the middle believes are to some mo- Davidson'suniqueability tocompete atthe at home." miles,whenagroupofHighPointrunnerswas mentum and run past the opposition. Only DivisionIlevelandhavesuchasmallstudent The*upsetof UNC-ChapelHill was the able to surgepast him. time, training, and racing will tell. body makes its athletic program distinctive. highlight of theseasonsofar,brieflyelevat- Sartorio,already thinkingabouthisacademic ingDavidsonto17*inthe nation. "We got future,isconsideringmajoring inSpanish. "I twobigwinsover CharlestonandCarolina," wanttobeafarmerinBoliviawithmybrother," Sartorio commented. "We are the type of liejoked. team with players like David Peoples and Earning some points early in the season SorenJohnson in the backfield that we can with a goal and an assist at the Army/adidas get bigupsets like that." Classic,Sartorio hasprovedthathe cancom- "I'mgladI'mout thereplayinginfront of pete at theDivision Ilevel.Coach Spear has Nahum [on the field],because his mom is always out therescreamingforme.Ilike the So/dontaataQIqhcs Name: David Sartorio Hometown:Raleigh,N.C. Number: 15 High School: Broughton

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then tell you to jump* Nift#i ■ ■ " * ■' - & t t # I ■■ Fillnow Wins atDoctor's , ■ * f, » , t I, ,.....» , . . .■ , . . ib .# 4. #* » ■ # * % # t -§ i Youknow it's in you. The desire togofarther. To start where rOm \ Vision Center Invitational others stop. It's whyyou consider Army ROTC, Jt's a should p^ Sports Information At the endof the tournament,Fillnow was class where you'il face uniquechallenges while developing L*tf PressRelease awarded the Doctor's Vision Center Sports- manship Awardforher conductonandoff the to think.pfi your feet and be a good leader. skills like how court. MeghanFillnow upsetCarolineBentley of WILMINGTON, N.C. — The Davidson Furman, the top-seedinFlight Bin thesemi- ARMYROTC Unlike any other college course you can take, women's tennis team, competing in the finals,but fell to Whitney Malina from the Doctor's Vision Center Invitational at UNC College of Charleston 1-6, 7-5, 0-6 in the Wilmington this weekend,hadanimpressive finals. ;*A; For scholarships and enrollment information, 2002-03 debut assophomores Kelly Fillnow, Catherine Rainbow advanced to the finals MeghanFillow andseniorCatherineRainbow ofRightDwhereshe fell toLauraMcNamara Visit Major Leslie at #7 JacksonCourt orcall(704) 892-2162 3-6, [ advanced to the singles finals in their divi- fromMiddle TennesseeUniversity 1-6. sjons The Wildcats competedin four flights (A, Kelly Fillnow advanced to the finals by B,Cand D)according toseed, with Flight A For scholarship andenrollment information, ,oustingthetop-seed,MedinaBajrambasicfrom beingthe highest seeds. in No. Jackson Court or CoastalCarolinain the semifinal round. TheWildcats,competinginfourfall tourna- visit Major Leslie 7 In the finals she defeated the second-seed men*s, will return toaction'Oct. 18-20 when call (704) 892-2165. MaryKovarikfromFurmanbyascoreof6-7, theytraveltoNorfolk,Va.,toparticipateinthe 6-1,7-5 to winFlight A. Old Dominion University Tournament. The Davidsonian Wednesday, September25, 2002 Golfers take home first place at Sea TrailInvitational for the tournament. Koernke shot three over Friedell shoots sterling forthe tournamentbyfiringa two-day totalof onSunday tocapture 145 (71-74)." 67 After a somewhat rocky start onSaturday, 1st individual title year freshmanChristianDavisreboundedfroma75 of to post aone over 72on Sunday. Davis had a By Perry Lewis two-day totalof147 that wasgood enoughfor Staff Writer th i ■ 14 placein the tournament. Themen'sgolfteampostedits first tourna- Fellow freshman Tim Dillon finished just ment victory of theseason thispast weekend one stroke behind Davis,shooting a two-day at the Sea Trail Men's intercollegiate golf total of 148. Dillon posteda 78 on day one, tournamentatSunsetBeach,NorthCarolina. only to be backed upby a very strong 70 on After day one,the Wildcats found them- Sunday. selves in fourth place, but their secondday Roundingout Davidson's top five was Dan performance propelled the team to victory. Walker who shot 152 for the tournament. Davidson shotan outstanding eight under Walker shot an 81 on Saturday, but returned par on Sunday for acombined 593(293-280) Sunday with asolid roundof evenpar of71. to winthe championship, just barelyedging "It was excitingtobepart ofthefirstwinfor out host Elon College, which shot 576. davidsoncollegeinalongtime,"Friedellsaid.'lt Bethune-Cookman wasn't farbehind,firinga is adifficult sport tojudgesuccess inbecause 579. Ithere areplentyof good teamsandgoodplay- "We werereally pumpedup forthe match ers who never actually win. Winning takes a because wethoughtwehadareallygoodteam little luckand alot of good timing." withagreatchanceto win,"FreshmanChris- CoachStrandadded,"Thewholeteamplayed tian Davis said following the tournament. SophomoreDan Walker admires his drive duringSunday's round. reallyconsistent golfthisweekendandIthought DavidsonseniorBenFriedellwontheindi- Bendisplayedreallygreatseniorleadershipfor two-day total vidual championship with a "Benplayedsomereally greatgolfthisweek- tournament. Ithought about theindividual ourteam." scoreof 136. end for us. He was very consistent with his titlebutrealizedthatIhad tocontinue toplay Thirteen teams competed in the event in- ofcompetition, Friedell birdiesbe- After thefirst day game the entire weekend," head golf coach aggressivegolf andkeepmaking cluding Southern Conference rivals Western after posting a foundhimselfin secondplace TimStraub said. cause we,asa team,had to golow tohavea Carolinaand Citadel. impressive three under 69. very "The whole individual thing was a nice chance." The teamnext competes at theRiverLand- par On Sunday,Friedell shota five under bonus,"Friedell said."But,tobehonest,itwas Sophomore Dan Koernke also placed in ing Intercollegiate in Wallace, N.C. in mid- to theindividual titleby three strokes ten Wildcats, finishing ninth 67 take not on my mind all that much during the the top for the October. overMattBliss (139)ofBethune-Cookman. Hansell provides offensive spark against Charleston break," Davidson went into halftime _ bent,but did not said Davidson head _^_____^__^_ ByGeoffFehling, coach Matt Spear. "A shutout on the road leading just 1-0. ■■ Staff Writer againstagoodprogram is awesome." Halfway through the second Spear also partly attributed the defensive half,afoulcommittedinside the Looking to rebound after a loss to UNC success to freshman talent. "Nahum Navas DavidsonboxgaveHighPoint a fiW Wilmington, themen's soccer teamfacedoff andJohnLattinginparticular wereexcellent," penalty shot. againsttwovery worthyopponentslastweek. he noted. Drivingawell-placedkickinto The Wildcats defeated conference foeCol- Although the team came away with a win, the bottom right corner past lege of Charleston, 1-0, on Wednesday,but Speardidnot feel thatthe offense playedupto Johnson, High Point's Kenzo thendroppeda2-1overtime decision toHigh par. Tochiki evened the score, and PointonSaturdaynight,leavingtheteamat3- "We did not piece together as much fluid the game would go into over- 2-1 onthe season. offenseas we wouldhaveliked,"he said. "But time. Davidson,playinginitsfirstSouthernCon- as the game wore on, we began to generate Throughout the extraperiod, ference game,scoredon agoalbyjuniorNick opportunities. This was a big win as it's our Davidson failed to convert nu- Hansell with about 15 minutes left in the Conference opener. Charleston was picked merous opportunities to end the match to pick upthe 1-0 win onthe road at ahead of us, again, in the pre-seasonpoll, so game. I Charleston. there was extramotivation. Every time we Sophomore Dan Ferriter Generatingscoringopportunitieswaseasier play them,it's close andintense." ripped ashotfrom 30 yards out with senior Joel Saddler in the lineup,as he With some heavy momentumfrom thecon- that bounced off the crossbar, returned from knee surgery and about with ference win,the Wildcats eagerly looked for- coming just inches away from the flu. ward to the High Point contest on Saturday winningthe match. hoto Mattmited "This was the first game in which Joel night. Just minutes later,HighPoint capitalized P » players fight possession. really displayed his creativity and he was Followinga30minutedelaydueto technical onaballthatslippedthroughJohnson'shands Two for directlyinvolvedin thegame-winninggoal," difficulties in getting the lightson, the game to give thePanthers the2-1 upset win. commentedheadcoachMatt Spear. commenced with Davidson grabbinga quick Once again Spear was notimpressed with game. HighPoint did what theyneeded todo Despite being out shot 5-0 in the first 45 lead whenHansell talliedhis team-leading 5th his team's offensive production. togut outa toughaway win." minutes,the Wildcat defenseprovedimpen- goal of the season by scoring at the 24:06 "Weneed someone to step upoffensively The'Catsreturntoactionthis week with two etrable, earning senior goaltender Soren minutemarkoffanassistfromsophomoreBen besidesNickHansell,"he said. "Ifelt likewe upcoming home games, one against SoCon Johnsonhis third shutout this season. Kittinger. outplayed them, but in soccer that doesn't challengerVMIonWednesday at4:40,andthe "Again our defense was excellent as we Despite out shooting the Panthers 9-3, necessarily mean you're going to win the other on SundayagainstUSC at3:30p.m.

The Davidsonian THE WEEK AHEAD "~ FHday Plsiwor rrf tki£*UlV \A/Af*kWW^^^^bV Men's and Women's Cross Country at Great American (Charlotte) Women s Soccer vs.Chattanooga 4:00p.m. Saturday BenFriedell 03 Field Hockey vs.Southwest Missouri State 1:00 p.m. Golf Football vs.Emory and Henry 1:00p.m. Hometown:Shaker Heights,Ohio Sunday Major:Political Science FieldHockey vs.SouthwestMissouri State 11:00 a.m. Women's Soccer vs. WesternCarolina 1:00p.m. Volleyball GeorgiaSouthern With rounds of69 and67,Friedell led Davidsonto its ' vs. 2:00p.m. - Carolina p.m. first tournamentvictory this year,while also capturing the Men s Soccer vs South 3:30 Tuesday individual title at the Sea TrailInvitational. " " Men's Soccer at Duke 7:00p.m.