pedelon travels by eBike MA R CH

+++ unknownES combined in one region +++ Federico Fellini and Gioachino Rossini +++ „God, how good it was to travel to Italy!“ (Stendhal) +++ cave cheese, red wine tears and the oldest Republic in the world +++ „If you wanted to clarify which Italian landscape is most typical, you would have to give the name of The … Italy, with its landscapes, is a distillation of the world, The Marches are a distillate of Italy.“ (G. Piovene) +++ with back wind across the sea +++ gentle hills, steep rocks, narrow gorges, wide sea +++ a love story for world literature +++ across Roman bridges, through antique tunnels +++ to Piero della Francesca, Raffael and Tizian +++ enchanting lodgings, Italian enjoyment +++

Our tour through the Marken and San Marino in 7 days, up to 14 persons. 3 double overnight stays. by eBike Hotels **** by bus or sailing boat Gastronomy **** Culture **** Nature ***** Verucchio SAN Casteldimezzo MARINO S. Leo Pesaro Travel dates 2020 Fano IMK1: Saturday, 16-may-2020 to Saturday, 23-may-2020 Parco Resort IMK2: Saturday, 13-jun-2020 to Saturday, 20-jun-2020 Sasso Cartoceto IMK3: Saturday, 05-sep-2020 to Saturday, 12-sep-2020 Simone e Urbino Simoncello Monterado IMK4: Saturday, 19-sep-2020 to Saturday, 26-sep-2020 Ostra A Traveling price 2020 P Parco E Naturale Price per person in the DR for 7 nights with half-board, eBike, N Regionale entrance free, transfers, guided tours: € 1890 N Gola della Single-room surcharge: € 440 I Rossa e di N Frasassi Does not include lunch, drinks and your personal expenses as well as travelling there and back. 10 km

Marches 2020 pedelon. travels by eBike +49 (0)89 61466980 1 pedelon travels by eBike

Flight Flights to/from Ancona booked by you or by pedelon at your request. Directly from Munich and very good transfer connections from all larger German cities and Vienna. Target airport Ancona from/to Munich (as available): € 450 Flights from other German airports or flights from airports in other countries on request.

Train From Munich you can reach Ancona by train in 9 hours with one transfer in Bologna.

Car Continuous highway connection to the „Marotta” highway exit. From there, 8 km on the „SP424“ country road in the direction of „Mondolfo, Mondavio“. After you have passed the location of Ponte Rio, follow the sign to “Monterado” at the next rotary. After 3.5 km, you come to the start of the tour hotel, “Castello di Monterado“. You can park in front of the hotel on an unguarded car park, which is free of charge. At the end of the trip, we will gladly take you back to your car.

Participation conditions The arrangement contains the above services. Our terms and conditions apply.

With the booking confirmation, you will receive the “pedelon travel information”, which contains useful notes on travelling to Monterado and other advice concerning your trip.

Marches 2020 pedelon. travels by eBike +49 (0)89 61466980 2 pedelon travels by eBike

MARCHES By eBike across endless hills to unknown places. By sailboat to special sites, into history and tradition. Fine food and extraordinary quarters will be waiting in a hidden region of Italy. Submerse and climb, enjoy unrestrained Italian lifesty- le and discover new things.

The start of the tour hotel “Castello di Monterado“ is in the small afternoon, the bike trail leads in a wide arc to , a site full village of the same name. Here, Kira and Orlando open the gates of mighty walls that has many stories and beautiful views. From of their castle from the 18th Century. A lovely garden, a swimming here, it is only a few more kilometers on a panoramic route back pool as well as a small forest offer everything for a pleasant start into the week in addition to the lovely decorated rooms (double

to the hotel. In the evening, a traditional local restaurant offers typical regional cuisine.

2nd day, Monday: Monterado – Cartoceto – Pesaro, 66 km bed). A nearby restaurant which is popular with the locals invites This morning, our tour leads us, after a short descent into the you to enjoy your fi rst dinner there. valley, to the next hill. From there we will ride on the hillside into the heartland. Again, and again, you will be amazed by the be- autiful view. The morning destination Mondavio invites you to a 1st day, Sunday: Monterado – Ostra – Monterado, 50 km caffè at the Piazza, but is also impressive with its fi ligree defense Our fi rst ride leads us through centuries-old cultural landscapes, architecture. Through a longer descent and a three-stage climb, our view wanders over the hills, the sea glows in the distance, we arrive at Cartoceto at noon, centre of olive groves in The Mar- in the vicinity however, there are medieval towns surrounded by ches. In an oil mill with an old mill stone, everything focuses on walls. The jewel of Ostra, with its main market square lined with the green gold. After a properly strengthening meal, Novilara is arcades and its narrow streets, is worth a visit. On beautiful paths, the next destination on the bicycle map. Raised above the sea, it it is hilly to a fi rst picnic with the specialties of the area. In the is one of the oldest settled places of the region. The way to the

Marches 2020 pedelon. travels by eBike +49 (0)89 61466980 3 pedelon travels by eBike beach is short now. The last kilometers run entirely flatly up to the town square of the attractive center. After an extensive picnic, Pesaro, the home town of Gioachino Rossini. The modern 5-star the eBikes can make use of the “backwind” in full on the slope hotel „Excelsior Pesaro“ is located right by the beach. It makes to San Marino. The last kilometers with heavy traffic are under- taken by taxi in 10 minutes, and then by cable car to the historic center under UNESCO protection. The oldest Republic on earth

you forget the not always lucky Italian spa architecture of the last decades. In the evening, a restaurant that is much loved by the locals will treat its guests to many sea specialties.

has maintained its strange character in spite of its popularity as 3rd day, Tuesday: Pesaro – Rimini – Verucchio, 48 km a tourism site. The defensive towers, the city hall, the guards – In the morning, the eBikes climb the Natural Park of San Bartolo everything looks a little out of its proper time. Still, proud heirs whose steeply sloping coast always offers beautiful views of the of a tiny state, which has safely survived to this day through all sea. At the end of a long descent, the Baia di Vallugola is reached, the chaos of history, live here. Quiet paths finally return you to where, should the weather be merciful, a catamaran for cyclists Verucchio. In the evening, the kitchen of the much-praised hotel leaves in the direction of Rimini. A jump into the cool water is just will welcome its guests. as possible as an extended meal on board. In Riminis Centro Sto- rico, the crowded beaches are immediately forgotten. The home town of Federico Fellini can look back on millennia of history, its 5th day, Thursday: Verucchio – – Urbino squares invite you to linger. The Tempio Malatestiano – one of Resort, 45 km the highlights of early Italian renaissance, is also worth seeing. By bus, the widely recognizable Montefiore Conca is reached, a small village that has been surpassed by its massive castle. Once again, the battle-filled times of this area become visible and tan- gible. After the tour, you will walk through a quiet valley to a small Agriturismo, where Arianna and Marco have settled in a relaxed area. After lunch, you will cycle to , not least known for the cave cheese that matures inside the earth for months.

A bicycle path along the meandering banks of the ri- ver finally leads to Verucchio, a small, charming village. Here, the „Oste del Castello“ is waiting for its guests. It is a very tasteful hotel consisting of two converted buildings with a small spa area (double night). In the evening, the route leads to the Ristorante “La Rocca”, one of the highest points of the village.

4th day, Wednesday: Verucchio – – San Marino – For the “Urbino Resort” surrounded by a dreamy landscape, an Verucchio, 50 km old abandoned village was revived. Surrounded by vineyards, oli- Today’s bike ride leads through the rugged area of ​​. ve groves and well-kept gardens, enchanting rooms for the next At the beginning at the banks of the river Marecchia, the tour will two nights are waiting. In the evening, you will reach a restaurant take us along the meadows up to San Leo, according to Umberto after a brief walk that treats its guests to many different pizza cre- Eco the most beautiful place in Italy. The unique fortress stands ations. Gambero Rosso declared the restaurant one of the most out on top of a fulcrum, including two Romanesque churches and innovative pizzerias of Italy.

Marches 2020 pedelon. travels by eBike +49 (0)89 61466980 4 pedelon travels by eBike

6th day, Friday: Urbino Resort – Urbino – Urbino Resort, 40 (67) km The last cycle day begins in Urbino, the renaissance pearl of Italy. A competent guide will explain the beauties of this fascinating city, not least also the Palazzo Ducale with its imposing works of Raffael, Titian and Piero della Francesca. Following, the route

goes along a small path towards Gola del Furlo, an impressive canyon with steep rock walls. Among other things, the ride pas- ses through a tunnel from the Roman era. A few kilometers after Gola, you can take the bus back to the hotel or ride the last very beautiful, but more challenging, kilometres on the eBike. The last dinner is taken in the hotel‘s lake restaurant.

7th day, Saturday: Urbino Resort – Fano On Saturday morning, you will return to the sea, where Fano is waiting for you – an outstandingly picturesque little town. There will be enough time to walk through the calm alleys and across the vivid squares of the Medievally characterized old town or to

enjoy another bath in the sea. The great weekly market also offers enough opportunity to buy trinkets. After a last lunch, you will return to the airport of Ancona or to the starting hotel.

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