Volume V, No. 12 31 December 2004 Copyright © 2004, PolishRoots®, Inc. Editor: William F. “Fred” Hoffman, E-mail: <
[email protected]> *************************************** CONTENTS Welcome Polish Pioneers: The Push after World War I to the Kresy Letters to the Editor New Bill Will Close Records to Genealogists Microfilm Records at the FHL, FHC, on CD and on the Web Polish Trivia Questions Upcoming Events More Useful Web Addresses You May Reprint Articles... *************************************** *** WELCOME! *** to the latest issue of Gen Dobry!, the e-zine of PolishRoots®. If you missed previous issues, you can find them here: http://polishroots.org/gendobry/gendobry_index.htm If you are among those who’d like Gen Dobry! in PDF form, this issue is available for downloading here (or will be within a few days): http://www.polishroots.org/gendobry/PDF/GenDobry_V_12.pdf *************************************** Gen Dobry!, Vol. V, No. 12, December 2004 — 1 *** POLISH PIONEERS: THE PUSH AFTER WORLD WAR I TO THE KRESY *** by Eve Jesionka Jankowicz <
[email protected]> Editor—In the October 2004 issue of Gen Dobry!, Margaret Sullivan <
[email protected]> suggested we run an article about the settling of Poland’s “eastern frontier,” the region Poles call Kresy. At the time I explained I didn’t feel I knew enough to write a good article on the subject, but promised to look for opportunities to print one. Then Eve Jankowicz contacted me and said she was willing to try her hand at writing such an article. The result follows, and I think it’s excellent! It’s a bit longer than we usually print, but it has to be somewhat lengthy to provide enough information to be useful.