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Research Study Pakistan Labour Movement Labour Education Foundation Head Office: Sufi Mension, 7 Egerton Road, Lahore. Phone: 042-6303808, 6305645 Fax: 042-6271149 CHAPTER 1 THE EMERGENCE OF TRADE UNIONS Pakistan at a glance Pakistan came into being, in 1947, as British colonial rule ended with a division of India into two countries. Pakistan, at its birth, comprised of two wings: East Pakistan and West Pakistan. The Eastern wing, in 1971, declared independence and became Bangladesh. Comprising 778,720 sq. km. of land, Pakistan is a thickly-populated country of 170 million, according to CIA World Fact book. With Islamabad as capital, Pakistan is a federation of four provinces: Punjab, Sindh, NWFP(renamed in 2008 as Pashtoonkhwa) and Balochistan. Karachi, Lahore and Faisalabad are three largest towns both in terms of population and industrial base. Official language is English while Urdu is national language. Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto and Baluchi (besides a dozen other languages) are spoken in above mentioned provinces, respectively. Literacy rate is 49.9 Percent (male: 63%,female: 36%). Roots of trade unionism: The trade union movement in Pakistan, at the outset, was a continuation of social conditions and workers' struggle going on in ‘British India’. At its birth in August 1947, Pakistan inherited only 9 % (see Zafar ) of the total industry in British India. These industries were concentrated in few urban centers, employing workers in not very big numbers. Hence, from the beginning, the trade union lacked a strong base to build on. In 1947, in a population of 75 million, only 0.63 %( 482,000) were industrial workers i.e.
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