Above Day Celebrates 50th Anniversary Tree Slide and Trout Stream located at EEC by Angela Goodson .

LCSWMD hosts household hazardous waste collection events, Do you find yourself already Instead of a celebration, though, leaf drop-off and pick-up programs conserving resources at home? To did Earth really just send and manages a compost facility in which waste items are you giving a us to our rooms to think about Gary. Free field trips, classroom second thought? what we’ve done? visits and summer programs are Saving, reusing and conserving are With local and global Earth Day offered year-round at the not new concepts but sometimes festivities cancelled, it sure feels Center take a back seat to convenience in that way! Can Earth Day 2020, (EEC) in Hammond. This site is our busy lives. While celebrating instead, become a time for us to open to the public Tuesday through Earth Day 2020 at home, consider reflect on our current carbon Friday afternoons where you can taking a few steps toward a lower- footprint? slide through the life-sized carbon lifestyle. Ditch the plastic tree slide, feed the Rainbow Trout in storage bags or research Earth Day was first celebrated the Indoor Trout Stream or gather “zero waste” and “pre-cycling” in your in 1970 and events are now held free reusables from the ReUZ e-schooling lesson. Reserve those WORLDWIDE in more than 193 Room. The annual toilet paper and paper towel countries to demonstrate support CAP-A-THON, plastic caps-to- tubes and design a marble maze! If for and benches recycling program, and the you begin to rethink your waste, you raise awareness about . Costume Swap Shop are will quickly learn how resourceful The U.S. Environmental programs sponsored by the you can be. Protection Agency, the Clean Air, LCSWMD. LCSWMD’s recycling programs are Clean Water and the Endangered currently on hold but will resume. In Species acts were born of Earth By definition, waste is something the meantime, keep it simple when Day. we have leftover; something unused sorting household recyclables. Rinse or unwanted; a byproduct. plastic, glass and metal and be sure In 1991 Indiana’s solid waste Recycling and reusing are simply paper and cardboard are free of food districts were established and CHOICES we make when managing residue. charged with aiding residents in our waste. But they are not the only When it is time to get out of the reducing household trash headed choices we have. house and get back into our to landfills. To meet reduction communities, the Environmental goals, the Lake County Solid This year’s Earth Day celebrations Education Center and Indoor Trout Waste Management District will surely be unique. Continued Stream sit directly across from Wolf (LCSWMD) provides grant dollars garbage and recycling pick up have Lake at 2405 Calumet Avenue in to Lake County’s municipalities for been deemed essential services. Hammond. Come visit! curbside recycling and works with But what if you had to live We can celebrate Earth Day, ANY each to track recycling and surrounded by the waste you day! facilitate the proper handling currently make? of tires, electronics and batteries.