Department of Botany & the U.S. National Herbarium

New Series - Vol. 23 - No. 3 July-September 2020 That time when we all stayed home The critical need for herbaria and continued plant collecting By Julia Beros

erbaria are not static institutions. They are not dust history is at risk of being erased, or more so never being boxes growing stale or overgrown libraries of dead recorded. Hplants. Yet there is a stigma that knowledge of local It has been noted (for some time now) that plant collect- flora has reached its capacity, is “old school”, and re- ing was already on the decline before the COVID-19 pan- sources should not be allocated to grow herbarium collections. demic stalled many research trips. According to Prather et al. “A collection” implies perhaps a finite assemblage of representa- 2004 (Syst. Bot. 29:15-28), the general trend for plant collect- tives of a flora, a catalogue of greatest hits, and a singularly de- ing has been on decline since the 1960s (taken from a di- finitive portrait of a biological moment in time. A biological versely sampled 71 herbaria). Discussed by Daru et al. 2017 collection though is more principally representative of change. (New Phytol. 217: 939-955), (and referencing many other dis- Collections serve as a record of biodiversity with supreme detail cussions of the great decline in plant collecting) the ramifica- that informs all other aspects of plant research: systematics and tions of this trend are amplified by the widespread biases in floristics, evolution and ecology, conservation and land man- Continued on page 2 agement, and education. Though beyond this, collections record the activity of scientists and research institutions, and places this scientific effort into an historical context. It is likely It is likely that the current coronavirus that the current coronavirus pandemic will leave a great void in pandemic will leave a great void in the the biological records of herbaria as it alters the capability, re- sources, and focus of plant collecting as the pandemic con- biological records of herbaria tinues to limit and alter the ways in which we may safely interact with our world. Currently, a piece of our landscape’s

Department of Botany & the U.S. National Herbarium Pandemic lar periods in history show a pause in col- of these collections were thought to be lost Continued from page 1 lecting at the U.S. National Herbarium. In in the war, but through the collaboration 1918 during the flu pandemic, accessioned of the two institutions these specimens herbarium collections. These biases in- collections dropped nearly in half from the were returned to Berlin and helped rebuild clude the influence of “mega-collectors” previous year. Despite the challenges dur- their lost collections. As unexpected cir- whose preferences shaped the content of ing the 1918 pandemic, local teen botani- cumstances arise it proves crucial to have a collections beyond their own time at an in- cal enthusiast, Helen Barron, collected, collaborative network among herbaria to stitution. Other biases are temporal, geo- pressed, and mounted , creating a support our global efforts in documenting graphic, and spatial, all limiting and personal herbarium that reflects the flora and researching biodiversity. As we have skewing collections representation. of Washington D.C. during that time (see just heard news of another fire devastating Presently the general focus for many page 4). Leaving behind a catalogue of natural history collections in Brazil (the institutions is largely in the Neotropics, as books filled with tenderly pressed and me- Federal University of Minas Gerais’ Natu- it is still understudied in comparison with thodically labeled specimens, Barron’s rec- ral History Museum and Botanical Garden many temperate floras, often shifting re- reational botany has offered the unique in Belo Horizonte), we should be re- sources away from local floristic studies. perspective of plant collecting in a pan- minded of the importance of supporting With strong efforts being made to study demic. our international community. and research the tropical flora, particularly While amateurs and enthusiasts often Due to the current pandemic, Smith- in the Amazon, there is also a growing prove to be critical support for filling in sonian researchers have canceled collect- concern for repatriating and protecting the collection gaps, the international exchange ing trips leaving them in a bit of flux as biological property of countries in these of collections among institutions ensures a they figure out how to carry on with their intensely studied regions (to mitigate the safeguard in protecting collections and research. Benjamin Crain canceled trips effects of scientific and economic exploita- completing the historical record. Museum to Palau this year marking the longest col- tion as has been a recurring theme in his- Specialist Erika Gardner recounts a time lecting gap in an ongoing survey of the tory). However, there is continual evidence at her previous institution, in which Mare flora of the islands.Rob Soreng has post- that temperate floras are not “complete” as Nazaire, California Botanic Garden cu- poned trips to Nepal at least until 2021, new species are still being described, ecol- rator, uncovered a large stack of specimens delaying his research on the genus Poa as ogies change rapidly with urban growth, from Berlin predating World War II. Many part of the Flora of Nepal. John Kress has destruction, and climate change (often altering plant distributions and population sizes), and species extinctions are not being fully documented. There is another urgent danger: outlined in a letter to Congress from the American Alliance of Museums, it is estimated that nearly a third of museums are in jeopardy of permanently closing because of the conditions of the pandemic, and this includes her- baria. In addition, Funk and Morin 2000 (SIDA 18:35-52) note that herbaria in the southeastern U.S. are at a high risk of closing, making the floristic study of those regions an urgent endeavor. De- spite facing the continued every- day challenges of low resources and staffing, and the urgent con- cern for the future of small her- baria, herbarium collections still provide incredible raw data for re- searchers and inform new scien- tific findings regularly. 2020 has shaped an incredibly Through the collaborative work and careful planning of NMNH and the Department of Botany, unique scenario marked by viral botany contractors Victor Shields and Julia Beros have returned to the museum to turn the lights and societal factors whose clash back on in the conveyor room. Picking up right where they left off, they continue to image the are catalyzing great change. Simi- Poaceae. (photo by V. Shields)

Page 2 5). ForestGEO is seeing the efforts of a the hazy yet inevitable consequences of strengthened scientific capacity of in- this challenging time will test the strength By the numbers country partners paying off, as lack of in- of the botanical community, it also pres- ternational travel is allowing more ents a perfect opportunity to holistically The staff of the Department of Botany opportunity for on-site personnel to de- reevaluate our needs and priorities, create is making a strong push to make the velop the skills of their field crew. Smith- room for more robust and evolving collec- U.S. National Herbarium’s collection sonian botanists continue to write up new tions, and plan for ways to protect the fu- of over 5 million specimens available species from the existing herbarium col- ture of our historic specimens. Our online. The Botany Specimen Catalog lections (see back page). Dynamic bryol- history, after all, informs our present. is available at https://collections. ogy duo Karen Golinski and Harold Robinson continue to describe new During the current pandemic with species uncovered in a backlog of mosses, staff sequestered in their homes, work even as they now collaborate from across continues to accomplish the goals of a the continent. fully accessible catalog of specimens. While travel is stunted, many are focus- Notable numbers and figures below. ing on the existing collections and data cleanup. Amateur collectors have a great opportunity to contribute knowledge and 13 data of local floras as well. Perhaps through encouraging more citizen scientist The number of collections and infor- opportunities like the iNaturalist chal- mation technology staff and contrac- lenges in the spring, efforts of local botani- tors from the Botany Department cal enthusiasts can help to fill floristic data dedicated to cleaning up catalog gaps. While many are still waiting for a records. safe return to collecting, I and fellow bot- The Plant Press any contractor Victor Shields have re- 560,000 turned (at a distance and fully masked) to New Series - Vol. 23 - No. 3 the National Museum of Natural History Chair of Botany The number of EMu specimen in Phase 1 reopening to restart the con- Eric Schuettpelz records corrected and amended dur- veyor belt and continue to image the her- ([email protected]) barium collections. Through this restart ing the first three months of the pan- EDITORIAL STAFF demic more work will be created to support and continue the role of other contractors and Editor staff, and more of the collections will be Gary Krupnick 260,000 made accessible to the public. ([email protected])

The number of new specimen images Many are already noticing shifts in the Copy Editors added to museum’s database since wildlife around our homes, a new vi- Robin Everly, Bernadette Gibbons, and Rose Gulledge March 2020. brancy, and it will be exciting when we start collecting again to see how the ecol- The Plant Press is a quarterly publication provided ogy has shifted. Perhaps we will see more free of charge. To receive notification of when new unbiased randomized collecting, more pdf issues are posted to the web, please subscribe

4,000 wholly representative of the local flora in to the listserve by sending a message to 2020. With our lives limited to our local [email protected] containing only the The approximate daily average following in the body of the text: SUBSCRIBE number of public queries to the Bot- spheres, this has the potential to benefit PLANTPRESS-NEWS Firstname Lastname. any Specimen Catalog during the the basic infrastructure of our institutions: Replace “Firstname Lastname” with your name. spring months of 2020. reinvigorating interest in collecting and re- searching local flora, and strengthening If you would like to be added to the hard-copy mailing list, please contact Dr. Gary Krupnick at: herbarium collections. When we look back Department of Botany, Smithsonian Institution, on the collections from this time, as well as PO Box 37012, NMNH MRC-166, Washington, the possible lack of records, what will we DC 20013-7012, or by E-mail: [email protected]. be able to glean about our relationship to Web site: nature through this pandemic? How will cancelled field work in the Caribbean and we decipher our reactions to the crises that the western coast of the U.S. Despite their we are facing, and what impact will they typical dependence on field work, Smith- leave in our biological record? This could On the cover: A dogwood specimen collected in Rock Creek Park on April 20, 1919. From Helen sonian’s ForestGEO has seen some positive be a great time to reimagine traditional Barron’s herbarium book, Spring 1919. impact in local capacity building at one of models of plant collecting and the prior- (photo by Sue Lutz) their sites in Papua New Guinea (see page ities and primary uses of herbaria. While

Page 3 A DC teenager’s 1917-1919 herbarium By Erika Gardner Helen Barron was 13 years old in 1917 when she started pressing and preserving plants creating her personal herbarium. As the Spanish Flu was sweeping through her hometown of Washington, D.C., Barron found solace in Rock Creek Park and sur- rounding areas of the district by collecting plant specimens. Barron continued collect- ing plants in the Washington, D.C. region until 1919. Nearly a century later, in 2013, Mary Clagett Horm, Barron’s daughter, do- nated Barron’s two herbarium books, Spring Flowers 1917-1918 and Spring Flowers 1919, to the US National Her- barium. Upon accepting these collections, we were unaware of their historical signifi- cance. Little did we know, in about seven years, all of our lives would be put on hold and we too would be living during a global pandemic. These books were placed on a shelf in the specimen preparation room along with other pressed plant books. Very seldom would we handle these books unless we were showcasing them for a tour. Sitting in my home office, I could not help but think about which specimens in the US her- barium were made during the 1918 Spa- nish Flu pandemic. In an instant, the images of Barron’s books came to mind. I could see the hand drawn dogwood on the periwinkle-colored cover and the date 1919 written in black ink. I asked Sue Lutz, the Collection Manager, to gain ac- cess to these books and take a few photos to share. The plants are beautifully pressed and presented on each page. It is extraordi- nary to imagine a teenager collecting and pressing these specimens during a time when her world was also turned up-side down. Bound within Barron’s 1917-1919 her- Top: Helen Barron’s herbarium book, Spring Flowers-1919. A hand drawn dogwood barium books are countless untold stories graces the cover. Bottom: A look inside. A mayapple specimen collected in Rock Creek about a teenager living in quarantine. Un- Park on May 10, 1918, from Helen Barron’s herbarium book, Spring Flowers 1917-1918. fortunately, we will never know her stories (photos by Sue Lutz) as she passed away before her daughter do- nated these books, but we can paint a pic- toes. At the National Museum of Natural barium. It is a simple approach to learn the ture from looking at her specimens. History, Smithsonian scientists are offering flora and a great way to document the A lot has changed in a century. Yet, we more live online programing to a wider passing of time. are experiencing something very similar to audience. Botany was given a spotlight We will continue to care for her books, Barron’s time in quarantine. People are no- during the spring to connect with the pub- and her legacy will live on in our collec- ticing nature in their backyards and sur- lic via various forms of social media. Bar- tion: a teenager living during a global pan- rounding neighborhoods. From plants to ron found a connection to nature by demic, immersing herself in nature, and birds, there has been a surge of interest in collecting plants and documenting the leaving a record for us to reflect upon. nature under our noses and under our name and date on each page in her her-

Page 4 ForestGEO network adapts in response to COVID-induced changes On March 11, the World Health Organiza- plot in Papua New Guinea, frames travel Amacayacu’s 25-ha plot. Between July tion declared the COVID-19 (coronavirus) restrictions and their fallout on scientific 2019 and March 2020 Luisa and her crew outbreak a global pandemic. Since then, research “as a test on the rhetoric of ‘capac- were able to census 18 ha of the plot, but daily life around the world has drastically ity building’ within tropical countries,” then needed to pause the census in light of changed, and physical distancing, face noting that “if a sudden interruption of in- public health measures. Gómez said that in masks, and a surge in teleworking have be- ternational travel causes tropical research the interim, “we have significantly ad- come a way of life for many. Fieldwork at to stop, then it is a sign that the capacity vanced in cleaning and formatting the Forest Global Earth Observatory (Forest- building has not been really robust.” third census dataset and in identifying GEO) sites around the world has been se- One of ForestGEO’s main goals is to with taxonomic problems.” She notes verely impacted, with many unique strengthen scientific capacity among in- that identification work has been done in long-term monitoring projects on hold. Dec- country partners at every level, from field partnership “with other institutions and ades-long studies of flowering and fruiting crew members to postdocs to PIs. Rolando researchers associated with the plot, par- patterns of trees, foraging behavior of pri- Pérez started at Barro Colorado Island ticularly, the botanical crew in the SINCHI mates, dynamics of insect populations, and (BCI) as a field technician in 1986, by 1995 Institute.” Although data collection is not the 40-year census of the Barro Colorado Is- he was supervising censuses, and since currently possible, the opportunity to pre- land (BCI) plot are now stopped. These in- 2018 he’s been a PI of the plot. He and his pare data for future analyses and to col- terruptions are going to have lasting effects crew set out to begin BCI’s ninth census laborate with partner organizations is on our ability to understand how the world’s this past January, but by March they being strengthened. forests are responding as climate changes. needed to halt their efforts in order to stay Bailey McNichol, a doctoral student at Alongside the disappointment and uncer- safe and abide by public health mandates. the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, has tainty that COVID-19 has introduced, a Although unplanned, Pérez now has time played a crucial role in the inaugural cen- spirit of flexibility, a willingness to adapt to harness his 30 years of knowledge into suses of both the Niobrara and Indian and rise to the occasion wherever possible, concrete training tools. He has created a Cave plots. The former was completed in has also emerged. Below, ForestGEO staff series of written lessons, complete with July 2019, and the latter was scheduled to share how members within the ForestGEO photographs, to introduce the concepts of finish in the spring 2020 field season. Sa- network have found opportunities amid the archiving plants in an herbarium, identify- brina Russo, PI of both plots, said that disruption. ing important field characteristics of trees, McNichol “has plenty of research that she and grouping plants into families and can do with the data we have right now, Although physical distancing precludes species based on those characteristics. He but her research progress for her degree field crews from embarking uponWanang’s hopes to use these tools with his field crew would be faster if she could continue data third census, colleagues at ForestGEO’s and to make them accessible online for collection, and especially if we could finish partner institution, the New Guinea Bina- anyone with an interest in BCI’s flora. the Indian Cave plot in summer 2020.” Be- tang Research Center, have been able to Pérez suggests that “the new generation of cause she is presently unable to collect new continue with research throughout the co- scientists from the ForestGEO network data, McNichol is pivoting from censusing ronavirus pandemic. Vojtech Novotny, a should not only learn how to analyze data, Indian Cave to starting the analysis for the principal investigator (PI) of the Wanang they should also be able to recognize, at introductory plot paper for Niobrara – an least, the most com- endeavor that will give her first-author ex- mon species that ap- perience. pear in the plots and Greg Gilbert, PI of the Santa Cruz plot, about which they are remains committed to maintaining student writing.” The shelter- employment and involvement in research in-place orders have despite the current lockdown. He said, “All created an unex- the work done for censuses and phe- pected window of op- nology monitoring is done by University of portunity for Pérez to California Santa Cruz undergraduates – strengthen capacity in some as paid crew leaders and others as BCI for this underap- for-credit interns gaining experience in preciated set of skills. field ecology. We have had to suspend all Luisa Gómez, a data collection at the Santa Cruz plot for master’s student at the coming months. For our paid crew Universidad Nacional leaders, we are actively finding online tasks de Colombia, Sede in support of research that they can do. Medellín in Colom- Those students rely on their jobs to be able Cliffson Idigel and Joseph Kua, field crew members at the bia, is leading the to attend college; we are dedicated to en- Wanang 50-ha plot (photo from Wanang’s first census). (photo third census for suring they continue to be paid.” by George Weiblen) Continued on page 6

Page 5 ForestGEO plot in Malaysia by creating a fantastic The importance of Continued from page 5 Twitter thread, complete with beautiful photographs and conversational, informa- genomics in Many students in forest science depend tive narrative. on short-term opportunities to earn in- Last year Ou participated in Forest- preventing pandemics come and gain field experience. Travel re- GEO’s Annual Analytical Workshop in strictions and physical distancing The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID- Singapore. Due to travel restrictions and 19) pandemic has had a major impact on measures have restricted opportunities to the need for physical distancing, Forest- learn together in-person. Bianca Gonzalez human health and the global economy this GEO will be unable to offer its annual year. To address future pandemics, scien- had expected to move from New Mexico workshop in 2020. For Caly McCarthy, one to Virginia to begin her internship at the tists from the Smithsonian’s National Mu- of ForestGEO’s administrative assistants, seum of Natural History (NMNH), Smithsonian Conservation Biology Insti- this means that her spring schedule, typi- tute in May. Instead, she will begin her in- University of California at Davis (UCD), cally filled with orchestrating travel for and University of Guelph (UG) recently ternship remotely, an approach facilitated over 30 international participants of the by online collaborative tools like GitHub. wrote an opinion piece about the impor- workshop, has a new vacancy. She iden- tance of genomics in facilitating preemp- Gonzalez’s internship, involving analysis of tifies this found time as an opportunity for tree cores from ForestGEO sites to explore tive strikes and developing rapid responses professional development and has been to global outbreaks to come. The commen- the climate sensitivity of tree growth, can learning the nuances of ArcGIS Online to be done remotely. While the in-person ad- tary appears in the June 23, 2020 issue of create customized maps of the ForestGEO the Proceedings of the National Academy of vantage of the internship is gone, Forest- network. She explains that she’s also taught GEO staff scientist and Bianca’s internship Sciences (117: 13852-13855). In the article, herself some basic HTML tags and is using authors W. John Kress (NMNH), Jonna advisor, Kristina Anderson-Teixeira, notes them to maintain functionality of hyper- that “we’re trying to replace some of the Mazet (UCD), and Paul Hebert (UG) links, margins, line breaks, and other for- argue for the establishment of a global, ge- more casual communications among team matting options on the ForestGEO members with instant messaging and col- nomic-based biosurveillance platform to website. She said, “It’s been surprisingly detect pathogens that pose a threat to hu- laboration apps (Slack and Microsoft satisfying to learn these new skills.” Teams). I’m hoping that it can maintain mans and other species. Such a “pandemic The pandemic has caused lots of uncer- interception system,” they explain, would some of the informal ‘chat’ that would tainty. ForestGEO staff is unsure how they occur if we were all together, and where be of immense value to saving lives as well will recover from gaps in data collection as global biosecurity, biodefense, and the everyone can feel comfortable asking and what the implications will be for fu- others in the lab for help.” world’s economy. ture training and research activities. What The authors discuss in detail how three Suzanne Ou, a 2019 ForestGEO Re- they do know is that the ForestGEO net- search Grant recipient and doctoral stu- major global research programs are ready work is resilient and adaptable, and they to lead the way in supporting this plat- dent of Kabir Peay at Stanford University, are proud of the ways that members of the also embraced the digital landscape to form: BIOSCAN (directed by Hebert), the ForestGEO community are adjusting their Earth BioGenome Project (EBP; co- connect people to her research by creating work during this unprecedented time. a virtual field trip to ForestGEO’sLambir chaired by Kress), and the Global Virome Project (GVP; lead by Mazet). These global programs, which are currently developing approaches in comparative genomics, aim to be able to detect all pathogens hosted by birds and mammals that can be transferred to humans. But beyond protecting our own species, the authors stress that pro- tecting other species is just as important in maintaining a healthy planet. Viruses and fungal pathogens have caused similar pan- demics in cattle, amphibians, bats, honey- bees, and many species of trees. By understanding the causes and pro- cesses behind pathogen transfers, a biosur- veillance platform can work proactively to prevent future infections. Kress, Mazet, and Herbert write, “now is the time to use the full power of science through cooper- The Barro Colorado Island field crew asthey embark upon their 2020 census. Standing, ative efforts among initiatives such as BIO- from left to right: Salomón Aguilar, Maikol Guevara, Richard Martínez, Guillermo SCAN, GVP, and EBP to advance our Aguilar, Victor Rojas, Luis Aguilar, Anayansi Cerezo, Rolando Pérez, Luis Cedeño, Luis understanding of the complex web of in- Navarro; kneeling: Biancolini Castro, Luis Martínez. (photo courtesy of ForestGEO) teractions that span the domains of life.”

Page 6 Children are learning how to press plants at home During the current COVID-19 pan- demic, teachers and parents have been looking for creative ways for their children to connect with nature and learn about science. Museum Specialist Erika Gardner and members of the Office of Education & Outreach at the National Museum of Nat- ural History (NMNH) have recently pro- duced a set of videos, articles, and webinars to teach, inspire, and guide chil- dren and adults on the joy and creative process of pressing plants. These activities allow individuals to connect with, learn about, and document the plants growing in their own yards. The team made a video on how to build your own plant press, which was uploaded to NMNH’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube accounts. Smithsonian Voices also published an article, “How to Artwork as the result of a distance Press Plants from Your Backyard,” which learning experience for kindergartners was uploaded to the Smithsonian Maga- from the Langley School in McLean, zine webpage: https://www.smithsonian- Virginia. The children learned how to build their own plant presses and then ral-history/2020/05/22/how-press-plants- created beautiful art from the plants they your-backyard/. The step-by-step instruc- found in their own yards. tions include a list of materials and the processes of assembling a press, drying the ley School in McLean, Virginia, recently plants, and removing the pressed plants. made use of the videos to engage her stu- The activity is designed for both younger dents in a natural history activity as a dis- and older children, and adults can get in tance-learning lesson. The teacher was on the fun as well. looking for an activity to allow her stu- Once the plants are dried and pressed, dents to “feel official and important” while creative activities come into play. In a June asking her students to help document their 13 video webinar for families, Gardner backyard natural history. The teacher sent showed families how to use pressed plants Gardner a few photos of her students’ for art projects like greeting cards and work by way of expressing their thanks for bookmarks, and she shared best practices making the lesson “so memorable and spe- found in our yards. We didn’t know it for keeping one’s own pressed plant collec- cial” for them (see images below). The could be so easy!” These science skill- tions. teacher writes, “we had so much fun and building activities are ways to help chil- A kindergarten teacher from the Lang- created beautiful art from the plants we dren explore the natural world.

Several families sent photos of their homemade plant presses to the museum’s Department of Education & Outreach.

Page 7 Meetings and festivals go virtual in 2020 The Earth Optimism Earth Optimism aims to fundamentally needs with work projects. Activities such shift how we reframe the narrative about as concerts, conferences, and all events Digital Summit our planet – from doom and gloom to op- where people congregate are cancelled or timism and opportunity. postponed. The joint meeting with the So- The Earth Optimism Summit, hosted Among the nearly 50 live sessions were ciety for the Preservation of Natural His- by the Smithsonian Institution, was origi- scientists and educators from the National tory Collections (SPNHC) and nally scheduled to take place in Washing- Museum of Natural History (NMNH). International Committee for Museums ton, DC, with concurrent sister events Each morning began with Deep Dives for and Collections of Natural History of the around the world, on April 22-26, 2020, to close looks at contemporary issues and in- International Council of Museums (ICOM coincide with the 50th anniversary of Earth cluded workshops, panel discussions, and NATHIST) was scheduled to be held in Day. In re- questions Edinburgh, Scotland in 2020. Instead of sponse to from the cancelling, a group of committed SPNHC the coro- live au- members including Liath Appleton, An- navirus dience. drew Bentley, Emily Braker, Mariana Di global pan- Danielle Giacomo, Phaedra Fang, Elspeth Haston, demic, the Duran (Of- Shelley James, Talia Karim, Amanda Law- Summit fice of the rence, Paul Mayer, Cindy Opitz, Rebecca was moved Deputy Di- Newberry, Deborah Paul, Christel Schol- to a digital rector) laardt, Barbara Thiers, Debra Trock, Dorit event on served as a Wolenitz, and Breda Zimkus created a those days, panelist meeting that took place in the digital and it suc- and mod- world. Special thanks to all. cessfully erated the SPNHC and ICOM NATHIST hosted showcased workshop, “Decoding policy and regula- the virtual meeting on 8-12 June 2020 stories of both small and large-scale ac- tion: How to make a difference in the elec- using the Zoom video conferencing plat- tions, framing the conversation and dem- tricity industry.” Gary Krupnick form. The conference was free to members onstrating that success is possible. (Department of Botany) served as a pan- and offered online events to foster conver- The Earth Optimism Digital Summit elist and hosted the session, “Collaborating sations across the joint worldwide com- launched with a film night on Earth Day, to solve a crisis: The story of the North munities, included a plenary session, April 22, and then continued April 23 and American Pollinator Protection Campaign symposia, presentations as well as 5-mi- 24. A live broadcast with formal program- (NAPPC).” Nick Pyenson (Department of nute specimen spotlights. Total attendance ming online on Facebook Live, Twitter, Paleobiology) convened the panel discus- was just under 2,000 participants. Business YouTube and on the Earth Optimism web- sion, “What is science diplomacy and why and committee meetings for the two so- site attracted viewers from around the is it essential in the 21st century?” During cieties were held via Zoom, allowing world, and the digital summit was re- the main session, NMNH Advisory Board members to attend and participate from broadcasted through that weekend. More Member Katharine Hayhoe joined NMNH across the world. Zoom allows for partici- than 100 global leaders shared successful Director Kirk Johnson for the discussion, pates to chat with one another during the conservation and sustainability strategies “Communicating About Climate”, a n d conference and this allowed for lively real being deployed worldwide, and discussed Hayhoe was a speaker in the presentation, time discussions. With two time-blocks es- how to scale and mainstream these “Climate Change Solutions.” Sabrina Sholts tablished for the sessions to ensure that the strategies to achieve transformative (Department of Anthropology) was a meeting was as globally inclusive as pos- change. speaker in the very timely discussion, sible, it was deemed a success with the Topics ranged from climate to food to “Fighting Pandemics.” average number of attendees per session finance to oceans and environmental and Most presentations were uploaded to well over 200. climate justice; and featured young activ- YouTube and can be viewed at https:// The SPNHC symposium, Envisioning“ ists, boots-on-the-ground conservationists, Collections Management for the Evolving artists and filmmakers, scientists, journal- summit/. Biodiversity Data Lifecycle,” originally ists, political and business leaders. scheduled for June 10, was postponed by Started in 2017 through a partnership SPNHC & the symposium organizers out of respect between the Smithsonian Institution and for colleagues who were participating in the Cambridge Conservation Initiative, the ICOM NATHIST #strike4blacklives, #shutDownSTEM, Earth Optimism movement emerged from #shutDownAcademia, and other associ- By C.L. Kelloff, M. Toner, and L. Palmer two key realizations: 1) that fear without ated events occurring on the same day. The hope leads to apathy rather than action, The COVID-19 pandemic has made us symposium was rescheduled and held on and 2) that conservation successes are rethink how we do business. Many of us June 23. The session included talks on the widespread yet not widely appreciated. are working at home and balancing family different aspects of the biodiversity data

Page 8 The blog, Asian“ and American Gin- seng: A Plant’s Migration Around the World,” written by project intern Shirly Chang, discusses how the research group headed by Jun Wen (Smithsonian’s De- partment of Botany) is exploring the mys- teries of the disjunction of Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius). Asian ginseng natu- rally occurs along the border of China, Russia, and North Korea while American ginseng is found in the wild in the Appala- chian Mountains of North America. Among Wen’s conclusions is that the an- cestor of American ginseng dispersed from Asia approximately 14.65 Ma (million lifecycle (e.g., collection, digitization, mo- earth-optimism. Archived versions of the years before present) across the Bering bilization, management, publication). programs are available for viewing at Bridge. Wen’s research continues as she Sylvia Orli (Smithsonian’s Department of dives deeper into the evolutionary story of Botany) gave a presentation on the effect of events. ginseng. digitization (particularly during the Digital programming began even be- Other articles, videos, and activities Covid-19 restrictions) on the work prac- fore the two weeks of “Beyond the Mall.” centered around American ginseng can be tices of collection managers. On May 14, one program featured the re- found on the Festival’s blog at https://festi- For those interested in the SPNHC and search project, American Ginseng: Local ICOM NATHIST meeting, the sessions Knowledge, Global Roots. The program ican-ginseng. The project team is currently have been recorded and can be watched brought together three women involved in working on a web site with profiles of gin- via the SPNHC YouTube Channel at ginseng conservation and can be viewed at seng experts and a space for people to post As the par- their own experience with the plant. It is UClqmXpv8eKDJnC6FsdYtajg. ticipants reported, American ginseng faces hoped that if the Smithsonian Folklife Fes- many threats such as encroaching subur- tival is able to be presented in person on ban sprawl, extraction industries, and the the Mall next summer, visitors will be able The Smithsonian environmental impact of global warming. to learn even more about American gin- Conservation efforts—protection by gov- seng through demonstrations, discussions, Folklife Festival ernment agencies, education on good and hands-on activities directly from those stewardship, cultivation in forest settings, with years of traditional knowledge about Since 1967, the Smithsonian Folklife and research into accelerating its propaga- the many wonders of American Festival has celebrated the power of cul- tion—help ensure American ginseng for ginseng. ture, creativity, and community on the Na- future generations. tional Mall in Washington, D.C. Although this year’s plans were upended by the coro- navirus global pandemic, the Smithsonian remains committed to making space for sharing ideas, food, and music. The Folklife Festival went “Beyond the Mall” this year with digital programming on June 24 through July 5. Artisans and experts from the United Arab Emirates, Northeast Brazil, the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon, and the Smith- sonian’s Conservation Commons were fea- tured. Many of these sessions explored how communities draw upon their cultural practices to address and adapt to environ- mental challenges, foster empathy, and create a more equitable world. Programs on June 24, July 2, and July 5 highlighted the work that the Festival has been doing American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) served as a focal point during one of the in conjunction with the Earth Optimism projects presented during the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. (photo by R.A. initiative: Howard)

Page 9 Friedrich Vierhapper and the serendipity of Facebook By Sylvia Orli For several years, the Department of Botany’s Information Technology team has been reviewing transcriptions of specimen labels returned from the digitization com- pany Picturae and fixing the records that are incorrectly transcribed. Many spe- cimen labels have terrible handwriting. One kind of label consistently puzzled the team. The label is slightly pinkish with a legible taxonomic name, but every other word is written in an unreadable script. Because the team could not read these la- bels, we imported these records on to the online catalog as “illegible” with the hopes of one day correcting the record. I posted examples of these labels in the A specimen of Luzula silvatica Facebook page “Herbarium Junkies” with Gandich collected in Austria, May the hopes that crowdsourcing might solve 1887, by F. Vierhapper. Prof. the problem. Herbarium Junkies was Michael Hohla transcribed this created in 2012 by Museum Specialist location as “Wälder am Hausruck Erika Gardner when she was in graduate bei Eberschwang”. school. She made the page as a bit of a joke, dedicated to herbarium devotees like herself, to post funny and interesting items about herbaria. The Facebook group has since ballooned to over 2,000 members, and has a global membership of botanists, herbaria workers, and plant enthusiasts. Group members post confusing labels, in- teresting herbarium specimens, images of field work, and all sorts of topics related to herbaria. My illegible label post caught the eye of Clemens Pachschwoll, doctoral student at the University of Vienna, who verified that the label was written in the Kurrentschrift umes.php?id=61962), and Hohla was de- Herbarium because of Covid 19 restric- script, a Germanic cursive script popular lighted to see these inscrutable labels. tions, we cannot look in the herbarium in pre-WW2 Germany. He also verified I scoured the herbarium catalog for ledgers to see who might have sent these that the collector was Friedrich Vierhapper more of these herbarium specimen images Vierhapper specimens, but we will be very Sr. Vierhapper (1844-1903) and his son, to send to him for translation and tran- interested to investigate once we return. Friedrich Karl Max Vierhapper (1876- scription. He asked an important question We welcome any insight on this herbarium 1932), were prominent Austrian botanists – why does the US Herbarium have so exchange. Please send your comments to of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The many specimens from Vierhapper? Who [email protected] and be sure to join the Her- Vierhappers specialized in the Flora of might have sent them? Although specimen barium Junkies Facebook group. Austria and other European countries. exchange was common between the Vierhapper Jr. has the genus, Vierhapperia, USNH and Austria, these specimens ap- named after him. Clemens put me in touch peared to come in a shipment. I checked with Michael Hohla of Austria, who spe- the specimen catalog and indeed, all Vier- cializes in the Flora of the Innviertel (the happer specimens came from the same western part of Upper Austria). Amaz- sheet number sequences. ingly, he and his colleagues had published To date, the team has found more than a monograph of the Vierhappers, “Father 176 Vierhapper specimens, and will almost and son Vierhapper – two lives dedicated certainly find more as the digitization con- to Botany” in 2019 (Stapfia 110: 1-202; veyor continues to chug through the col- lection. Being unable to return to the US

Page 10 Researchers split the birdcatcher trees (genus ) into three -Adapted from Pensoft The birdcatcher trees – genusPisonia – are infamous for trapping birds with their super-sticky pods that would frequently entangle the body of the ‘victim’. Left flightless, the poor feathered creatures eventually die either from starvation or fa- tigue, or predators. Similarly notorious are the birdcatcher trees for botanists, who have been baffled by their complicated classification for the last three centuries. Smithsonian Research Associate Mar- cos A. Caraballo-Ortiz and graduate stu- dent Elson Felipe Rossetto (Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brazil) are working to untangle the classification of these trees. Ripe fruits (anthocarps) of the birdlime tree (Ceodes umbellifera). (photo by Ching-I A recently published paper appears in the Peng [deceased]) open-access scholarly journal PhytoKeys (152: 121-136; 2020). bellifera) trees, both native to many is- has led to many controversies and local The authors of the paper reestablished lands, including Hawaii and New Zealand. campaigns aiming to remove the trees, two genera: Ceodes and Rockia, where both They are commonly planted in gardens for even illegally. had been previously merged under the their lush and sometimes variegated fo- Despite their forbidding reputation, name of Pisonia. Now, as a result, there are liage, as well as their fragrant white birdcatcher trees have positive effects on three distinct lineages of birdcatcher trees flowers. However, the cabbage tree (Piso- ecosystems and are important components from the islands of the Pacific and Indian nia grandis) will still be technically known of vegetation, especially for small islands. Oceans: Ceodes, Pisonia, and Rockia (Nyc- as Pisonia,” adds the study’s lead author Fe- Sadly, there are many endemic and already taginaceae). lipe Rossetto. endangered species of birdcatcher trees “Previous molecular studies on Pisonia Birdcatcher trees have generated much that only exist on a few small islands where species from around the world showed controversy in the popular media because they are effectively placed at the mercy of that species were clustered into three of their seed pods (anthocarps) secreting a local people. major groups, and here we assign names sticky substance that sticks to the feathers Many species of birdcatcher trees are for each of them. With this new classifica- of seabirds or other animals for dispersal. large and tolerate harsh environments like tion, a large number of the species known Sometimes, though, too many seed pods seafronts and rocky cliffs, making them as Pisonia will be henceforth named can harm or kill birds, especially small prime nesting spots for seabirds. Bird- Ceodes. This includes the Parapara Ceodes( ones, by weighing them down and render- catcher trees are also ecologically curious brunoniana) and the birdlime (Ceodes um- ing them flightless. This macabre practice and could be regarded as keystone species on small islands because their soft branches can sustain many types of inver- tebrates; their flowers are an important food source for bees and ants; their dense litter nourishes the soil; and their roots have intimate interactions with native un- derground fungi (mycorrhiza). Although most people relate bird- catcher trees with beaches and coastal hab- itats, there are species that are only found in mountains or rainforests. For example, the species now allocated to the genus Rockia is endemic to the Hawaiian archi- pelago. These are small trees able to grow in dry to mesic mountain forests. Using the new classification, future studies can explore in detail the hidden diversity of these enigmatic plants, and find out how Large cabbage trees (Pisonia grandis) dominate the landscape of a small island in the trees with high dispersal capabilities evolve Pacific Ocean. (photo by Jean-Yves Meyer, Délégation à la Recherche de Polynésie into species endemic to small island eco- Française, Tahiti, French Polynesia) systems. Page 11 ForestGEO data key to the development and testing of the NGEE-Tropics’ FATES model

A new paper in Biogeosciences (17: 3017-3044; 2020) is the first to describe FATES (Functionally Assembled Terres- trial Ecosystem Simulator), a new Vegeta- tion Demographic Model that, when operated within Earth System Models, will improve predictions of the future structure and function of tropical forests, including whether tropical forests will serve as car- bon sinks or sources over the next century. In this publication researchers tested the new FATES model against data from the ForestGEO 50-ha plot on Barro Colorado Island (BCI) in Panama. The BCI data set spans nearly 40 years and includes eight censuses of all trees greater than 1 cm di- ameter (DBH – diameter at breast height) providing an ideal testbed for the devel- opment of FATES. A fully operational and tested version of FATES is the end goal of NGEE-Tropics (Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment - Tropics), a ten year, $100 million project Eleven partner institutions lead the NGEE-Tropics project, with many more in that aims to create a representative, pro- supporting roles. (image from cess-rich tropical forest ecosystem model. NGEE-Tropics is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy with principal col- evapotranspiration, and hold about 50% of work also has complementary surveys laboration among five national labs, sev- intact forests’ carbon. Tropical forests are (e.g., soils, plant functional traits) and in- eral federal agencies, and ForestGEO. currently the largest source of uncertainty frastructure (e.g., canopy cranes in Pan- NGEE-Tropics collaborators have said in Earth System Models, to the point that ama) that facilitate more detailed that “[m]ost earlier Earth System Models modelers are unsure whether tropical for- representation of tropical forest complexity treated tropical forests simply as layers of ests will have a net positive or negative car- within Earth System Models. big without resolving the size-struc- bon balance over the next century. ForestGEO is proud to contribute to ture, functional diversity, and competitive Members of the modeling and empiri- this ambitious and important project, dynamics that exert large effects on ecosys- cal communities have come together to where prediction and protection of the fu- tem process responses to environmental work on a model that diminishes these un- ture of tropical forests go hand in hand. change.” But tropical forests are not as sim- certainties and more thoroughly represents ple as a uniform pile of leaves. They have the dynamics of tropical forests. Such a incredibly high species diversity, and model will be able to inform conservation there’s virtually no species overlap between priorities and policies surrounding land tropical forests of the Amazon, the Congo, use as Earth’s climate continues to change. and Southeast Asia. Complex feedback Advances in computing power have also loops between forests and the atmosphere, been an important factor in facilitating the which are being exacerbated by changing NGEE-Tropics project. The FATES model climatic conditions, further complicate aims to represent vegetation dynamics at modeling. leaf, tree, community, and regional scales. It’s critical that models be improved be- Members of the ForestGEO network cause tropical forests have a disproportion- are especially involved with tree-level rep- ately large effect on Earth’s systems. resentation. Because the network has re- Although tropical forests cover less than search sites across all latitudes of tropical 7% of Earth’s surface, they contribute 34% forest, ForestGEO is well positioned to of total terrestrial gross primary produc- provide ground data for improving and tivity, are responsible for 33% of land-at- testing the FATES model. Beyond stan- mosphere water exchange through dardized census data, the ForestGEO net-

Page 12 AWARDS

Alice Tangerini receives the Jill Smythies Award from the Linnean Society

Smithsonian botanical illustrator of Natural History since 1972. She has il- where the Society resides. While the Alice Tangerini is the proud recipient lustrated over 1,000 plant species. Her il- anniversary meeting is traditionally of the Linnean Society’s 2020 Jill Smy- lustrations are created using pen and ink held on Linnaeus’s birthday on 24 May, thies Award. The award is given to a or brush with ink, and more recently digi- the date has been rescheduled to early botanical artist for outstanding, dia- tal painting. To date, Tangerini remains the December 2020 because of the ongoing gnostically relevant published illustra- only permanent staff botanical illustrator coronavirus pandemic. Previous recip- tions. The award is given to an artist “in ever hired by the Smithsonian. ients of the Jill Smythies Award include recognition of excellence in published Tangerini will be presented with the Deborah Lambkin (2019), Niki Simp- illustrations in aid of plant identifica- award by the president of the Linnean So- son and Juliet Williamson (2018), and tion, with the emphasis on botanical ciety at their anniversary meeting in its Karin Douthit and David Williamson accuracy and the accurate portrayal of rooms at Burlington House in London (2017). diagnostic characteristics.” The award was established in 1986 by the late Ber- tram ‘Bill’ Smythies in honor of his wife, the late Florence Mary ‘Jill’ Smy- thies, a botanical illustrator whose ca- reer as was cut short by an accident to her right hand. The Linnean Society is the world’s oldest active biological soci- ety. Tangerini has been the botanical il- lustrator of the Department of Botany at the Smithsonian’s National Museum In May, the Linnean Society of London announced via Twitter that Alice Tangerini is the recipient of the 2020 Jill Smythies Award. She will recieve the award at a future meeting of the Society.


Adams, R., A. Averett, T. Ayers, F. Barrie, M. Blackwell, W.H. Blackwell, M.W. Biener, K. Clary, P.G. Delprete, W. Elisens, D. Irwin, M. Lavin, D. Northington, R. Olmstead, M. Powell, S.P. Rankin, P.H. Raven, H. Robinson, R. Scott, J.L. Strother, T.F. Stuessy, S. Tomb, B.L. Turner II, M.W. Turner, J. Walker and G. Yatckievyck. 2020. Obituary and tribute to Billie L. Turner; Botanist, teacher, mentor, philosopher, friend. Phytologia 102(2): 88-105. Clark, J.L., L.E. Skog, J.K. Boggan and S. Ginzbarg. 2020. Index to names of New World members of the Gesneriaceae (sub- families Sanangoideae and Gesnerioideae). Rheedea 30(1): 190-256. 22244/rheedea.2020.30.01.14 Feuillet, C. 2020. Ancistrothyrsus scopae (Passifloraceae), a new species from Ama- zonian Brazil and Guyana, with keys to the genus and species. Phytotaxa 438(3): 207- 212. Jerome McDonald volunteering in the Fossil Lab – 438.3.5 always with a smile. (photo by Abby Telfer) Gostel, M.R., J.D. Zúñiga, W.J. Kress, V.A. Funk and C. Puente-Lelievre. 2020. Micro- IN MEMORIAM fluidic Enrichment Barcoding (MEBarcod- ing): a new method for high throughput plant DNA barcoding. Sci. Rep. 10: 8701. By Erika Gardner On May 7, 2020, the Department of During Jerome’s time in Botany, he z Botany lost a dedicated and amazing was always sharing intriguing and cap- Kirkbride, J.H. and J.H. Wiersema. 2020. plant mounting volunteer, Jerome tivating stories. He was full of worldly Neotypification of Manettia reclinate (Ru- McDonald. He started volunteering at knowledge and enjoyed traveling. He biaceae). Taxon 69(2): 386-389. http://doi. the National Museum of Natural His- was also an avid cross-stitcher and a org/10.1002/tax.12232 tory in 2005. During his time at the needle point enthusiast. His attention museum, he served a variety of vol- to fine details and meticulousness was Koven, C.D., R.G. Knox, R.A. Fishder, J.Q unteer roles. He first started with evident in his needle work. It was al- Chambers, B.O. Christoffersen, S.J. mounting plant specimens for Botany ways a treat when he would share his Davies, et al. 2020. Benchmarking and pa- under the training and supervision of works of art with us. His artistic skills rameter sensitivity of physiological and Katherine Rankin. In 2008, he partici- transpired in the specimen preparation vegetation dynamics using the Func- pated in the training program to pre- realm. His plant specimen prepara- tionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem pare fossils in the fossil lab for the tions always looked like works of art. Simulator (FATES) at Barro Colorado Is- Department of Paleobiology. He was Jerome also took to the finer things in land, Panama. Biogeosciences 17(11): 3017- an integral part of the Thursday plant life; he was a connoisseur of cocktails, 3044. mounting group, along with his wife food, and cigars. He had a fantastic 2020 Zelda McDonald. In 2018, unrelenting sense of humor and was always armed Kress, W.J., J.A.K. Mazet and P.D.N. He- health issues put his volunteering ap- with a fun joke or story to tell. We will bert. 2020. Intercepting pandemics pointments on hold. Zelda also took miss his contributions of beautifully through genomics. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. time off from volunteering to assist Je- mounted specimens as well as his jo- USA 117(25): 13852-13855. rome with his medical needs. vial laugh and kind spirit. 10.1073/pnas.2009508117 Leao, L.A.S., R.G. Bahia, M.B. Jesionek, W.H. Adey, G. Johnson, S. Gabriel, T.

Page 14 Leonardo and R.C. Pereira. 2020. Sporoli- Meineke, B.J. Stucky, P. Sweeney, A.E. the Neotropics and Mexico. PhytoKeys 148: thon franciscanum sp. nov. (Sporolithales, White and P.S. Soltis. 2020. Machine 21-50. Rhodophyta), a new rhodolith-forming learning using digitized herbarium spe- 148.50042 species from northeast Brazil. Diversity- cimens to advance phenological research. Basel 12(5): 199. Bioscience 70(7): 610-620. Turland, N.J. and J.H. Wiersema. 2019. d12050199 10.1093/biosci/biaa044 Procedures and timetable for proposals to amend the International Code of Nomen- Liu, B.B., C.S. Campbell, D.Y. Hong and J. Qin, M., C.J. Zhu, J.B. Yang, M. Vatan- clature for algae, fungi, and plants. Taxon Wen. 2020. Phylogenetic relationships and parast, R. Schley, Q. Lai, D.Y. Zhang, T.Y. 68(6): 1372-1373. chloroplast capture in the - Tu, B.B. Klitgard, S.J. Li and D.X. Zhang. tax.12173 -Peraphyllum clade (, 2020. Comparative analysis of complete ): Evidence from chloroplast ge- plastid genome reveals powerful barcode Wang, Y.B., B.B. Liu, Z.L. Nie, H.F. Chen, nome and nuclear ribosomal DNA data regions for identifying wood of Dalbergia F.J. Chen, R.B. Figlar and J. Wen. 2020. using genome skimming. Mol. Phylogenet. odorifera and D. tonkinensis (Legumino- Major clades and a revised classification of Evol. 147: 106784. sae). J. Syst. Evol. Magnolia and Magnoliaceae based on j.ympev.2020.106784 jse.12598 whole plastid genome sequences via ge- nome skimming: Phylogenetic classifica- Liu, H.M., E. Schuettpelz and H. Schnei- Rossetto E.F.S. and M.A. Caraballo-Ortiz. tion of Magnoliaceae. J. Syst. Evol. http:// der. 2020. Evaluating the status of fern and 2020. Splitting the Pisonia birdcatcher lycophyte nothotaxa in the context of the trees: re-establishment of Ceodes and Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classifica- Rockia (, Pisonieae). Phyto- Weemstra, M., K.G. Peay, S.J. Davies, M. tion (PPG I). J. Syst. Evol. Keys 152: 121-136. Mohamad, A. Itoh, S. Tan and S. Russo. 1111/jse.12641 phytokeys.152.50611 2020. Lithological constraints on resource economies shape the mycorrhizal compo- Ma, Z.Y., J. Wen, J.P. Tian, L.L. Gui and Soreng, R.J., M.V. Olonova, N.S. Proba- sition of a Bornean rain forest. New Phytol X.Q. Liu. 2020. Testing morphological trait tova and L.J. Gillespie. 2020. Breeding sys- evolution and assessing species delimi- tems and phylogeny in Poa L., with special tations in the grape genus using a phyloge- attention to Northeast Asia: the problem of Wen, J., S.A. Herron, X. Yang, B.B. Liu, nomic framework. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. Poa shumushuensis Ohwi and sect. Nivico- Y.J. Zuo, AJ Harris, Y. Kalburgi, G. 148: 106809. lae (Poaceae). J. Syst. Evol. Johnson and E.A. Zimmer. 2020. Nuclear ympev.2020.106809 10.1111/jse.12647 and chloroplast sequences resolve the enigmatic origin of the Concord grape. Machate, D.J., M. Rodrigo Pace, F.M. Stull, G.W., P.S. Soltis, D.E. Soltis, M.A. Front. Plant Sci. 11: 263 Alves, J.F. da Costa Queiroz and M.A. Fari- Gitzendanner and S.A. Smith. 2020. Nu- 3389/fpls.2020.00263 naccio. 2020. Aspidosperma flaviflorum clear phylogenomic analyses of asterids (Apocynaceae), a new species from Mato conflict with plastome trees and support Xu, H., M. Detto, S. Fang, R.L. Chazdon, Y. Grosso do Sul, Brazil, with notes on wood novel relationships among major lineages. Li, B.C. Hau, G.A. Fischer, G.D. Weiblen, anatomy. Syst. Bot. 45(2): 315 322. http:// Am. J. Bot. 107(5): 790-805. J.A. Hogan, J.K. Zimmerman, M. Uriarte, 10.1002/ajb2.1468 J. Thompson, J. Lian, K. Cao, D. Kenfack, 203 A. Alonso, P. Bissiengou, H.R. Memiaghe, Sullivan, J.P., S.L. Lewis, K. Affum-Baffoe, R. Valencia, S.L. Yap, S.J. Davies, X. Mi Mu, X.Y., L. Tong, M. Sun, Y.X. Zhu, J. C. Castilho, F. Costa, …S.J. Davies, et al. and T.L. Yao. 2020. Soil nitrogen concen- Wen, Q.W. Lin and B. Liu. 2020. Phylogeny 2020. Long-term thermal sensitivity of tration mediates the relationship between and divergence time estimation of the wal- Earth’s tropical forests. Science 368(6493): leguminous trees and neighbor diversity in nut family (Juglandaceae) based on nu- 869-874. tropical forests. Comm. Bio. 3: 317. https:// clear RAD-Seq and chloroplast genome aaw7578 data. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 147: 106802. Sylvester, S.P., L.E. Cuta-Alarcón, W.J. Xu, Y., D. Liang, G.T. Wang, J. Wen and 2 Bravo-Pedraza and R.J. Soreng. 2020. R.J. Wang. 2020. Nutritional and func- Agrostis and Podagrostis (Agrostidinae, tional properties of wild food-medicine Nitta, J.H., J.E. Watkins, Jr. and C.C. Poaceae) from páramos of Boyacá, Colom- plants from the coastal region of South Davis. 2020. Life in the canopy: com- bia: synoptic taxonomy including a key to China. J. Evid.-Based Integr. Med. 25: 1-15. munity trait assessments reveal substantial Colombian species. PhytoKeys 151: 107– functional diversity among fern epiphytes. 160. New Phytol. 151.50538 Zhou, J., R.J. Reynolds, E.A. Zimmer, 16607 M.R. Dudash and C.B. Fenster. 2020. Vari- Sylvester, S.P., P.M. Peterson, K. Ro- able and sexually conflicting selection on Pearson, K.D., G. Nelson, M.F.J. Aronson, maschenko, W.J. Bravo-Pedraza, L.E. Silene stellata floral traits by a putative P. Bonnet, L. Brenskelle, C.C. Davis, E.G. Cuta-Alarcón and R.J. Soreng. 2020. New moth pollinator selective agent. Evolution Denny, E.R. Ellwood, H. Goëau, J.M. He- combinations and updated descriptions in berling, A. Joly, T. Lorieul, S.J. Mazer, E.K. Podagrostis (Agrostidinae, Poaceae) from


Weinmannia sp. A new species of Weinmannia (Cunoniaceae) from Guaramacal was recognized recently by Santos Miguel Niño (PORT) and Laurence Dorr, who continue to work on the flora of this national park in Venezuela. They intend to coin its specific epithet from the name UNELLEZ of the Venezuelan university co- hosting their research. In February 2020, they asked Alice Tangerini to prepare an illustration for publication. She had finished the final pencil drawings by March 11 and had just started to ink a couple of the details when staff of the Smithsonian Institution were told to telework because of the COVID- 19 pandemic. Taking the unfinished plate home, Tangerini was able to complete the inked version by mid-April using as a reference photocopies of the specimen that had to be left in the U.S. National Herbarium. Her workspace at home proved adequate for drawing in pen and ink as she had home supplies and fortuitously brought films and papers when Museum-based work was halted. Certain other modifications to her home workspace had to be made, such as controlling for the bright afternoon sunlight. Weinmannia was a genus Tangerini had not previously illustrated but she was able to refer to drawings in the Botanical Art Collection, which had been made by other artists when José Cuatrecasas described new species of the genus.

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