Department of Community & Home: 3921 Plymouth Circle Environmental Sociology Madison, WI 53705-5211 1450 Linden Drive/346D Agricultural Hall Voice mail: 608.698.0131 University of Wisconsin-Madison E-mail: [email protected] Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1522


B.A. (Sociology) Southeast Missouri State University (1978) M.S. (Sociology) University of Missouri-Columbia (1979) Ph.D. (Rural Sociology) University of Missouri-Columbia (1983)


East Carolina University Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology (1983-85)

University of Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology (1985- 89) Associate Professor, Department of Sociology (1989-93) Faculty Affiliate, Institute of Community and Area Development (1985-93) Head, Division of Applied Research (1990-93)

University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor (1995-present); Associate Professor (1993-95); Department of Community & Environmental Sociology (formerly Department of Rural Sociology), University of Wisconsin-Madison Community Development Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Extension (1993- present) Chair, Department of Community & Environmental Sociology (2002-05; 2015- 2019) Director, Center for Community & Economic Development (2005-08)


Community and Economic Development; Rural and Regional Studies


Introduction to Community & Community Development Environmental Sociology Modern American Communities Introduction to Sociology Urban Development Rural Social Problems Economic Sociology Utopian Communities Political Sociology Social Change Sociology of Agriculture Social Stratification Rural Sociology


Graduate Student Teaching Award, Department of Sociology, University of Missouri- Columbia (1983) Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Department of Sociology, University of Missouri- Columbia (1983) Outstanding Alumnus Award, Department of Sociology, Southeast Missouri State University (1985) Noel P. Gist Distinguished Alumnus Award, Department of Sociology, University of Missouri-Columbia (1995) Community Development Achievement Award, Wisconsin Chapter of the Community Development Society (1996) Wisconsin Extension Community Development Association’s Outstanding Achievement Award (1998) Pound Extension Award, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin- Madison (2003) National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP), Communicator Educational Piece Team Award (2008)

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1. Green, Gary P. 1987. Finance Capital and Uneven Development. Boulder, : Westview Press.

2. Slava, Svitlana and Gary Green. 2000. Local Economic Development: Modern Concepts and Methods. Uzhgorod State University, Ukraine: Mystetska Linia. (In Ukrainian).

3. Green, G.P., T.O. Borich, R.D. Cole, D.L. Darling, C. Hancock, S.H. Huntington, M.S. Leuci, B. McMaster, D.B. Patton, F. Schmidt, A.H. Silvis, R. Steinberg, D. Teel, J. Wade, N. Walzer, and J. Stewart. 2001. Vision to Action: Take Charge Too. Ames, IA: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development.

4. Green, Gary Paul and Anna Haines. 2002. Asset Building and Community Development. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. (2nd revised and expanded edition, 2008; 3rd revised and expanded edition, 2012; 4th revised and expanded edition, 2016).

5. Green, Gary Paul, Steven C. Deller, and David W. Marcouiller (eds.). 2005. Amenities and Rural Development: Theory, Methods, and Public Policy. Cheltenham, United Kingdom and Northhampton, : Edward Elgar Publishing.

6. Green, Gary Paul. 2007. Workforce Development Networks in Rural Areas: Building the High Road. Cheltenham, United Kingdom and Northhampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing.

7. Green, Gary Paul and Ann Goetting (eds.). 2010. Mobilizing Communities: Asset Building as a Community Development Strategy. , Pennsylvania: Temple University Press [paperback edition published in 2013].

8. Robinson, Jerry and Gary Paul Green (eds.). 2011. Introduction to Community Development: Theory, Practice, & Service-Learning. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.

9. Green, Gary Paul and Rhonda G. Phillips (eds.). 2013. Local Food and Community Development. New York: Routledge.

10. Green, Gary Paul (ed.). 2013. Handbook of Rural Development. Cheltenham, United Kingdom and Northhampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing.

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Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters:

1. Heffernan, William, Gary P. Green, R. Paul Lasley, and Michael Nolan. 1981. “Part- time farming and the rural community.” Rural Sociology 46:245-262.

2. Nolan, Michael, R. Paul Lasley, Gary P. Green, and William Heffernan. 1981. “A note on Ozark migrants and nonmigrants.” Growth and Change 12:47-52.

3. Singer, Edward, Gary P. Green, and Jere L. Gilles. 1983. “The Mann-Dickinson thesis: reject or revise?” Sociologia Ruralis 23:276-287.

4. Green, Gary P. and William D. Heffernan. 1984. “Economic dualism in American agriculture.” Southern Rural Sociology 2:1-10.

5. Green, Gary P. and John R. Fairweather. 1984. “Agriculture production and capitalism: the structured and expressive orientations.” Sociologia Ruralis 24:149-156.

6. Green, Gary P. 1984. “Credit and agriculture: some consequences of the centralization of the banking system.” Rural Sociology 49:568-579.

7. Ervin, David, William Heffernan, and Gary P. Green. 1984. “Cross-compliance for erosion control: anticipating efficiency and distributive impacts.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 66:273-278.

8. Green, Gary P. 1985. “Large-scale farming and the quality of life in rural communities: further specification of the Goldschmidt hypothesis.” Rural Sociology 50:260-272.

9. Tigges, Leann M. and Gary P. Green. 1986. “The all new this old South.” Southern Rural Sociology 4:83-100.

10. Green, Gary P. 1986. “Capital flows in rural areas: an analysis of the impact of banking centralization on lending policies.” Social Science Quarterly 67:365-378.

11. Ervin, David, William Heffernan, and Gary P. Green. 1986. “Cross-compliance for erosion control: anticipating efficiency and distributive impacts - reply.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 68:1016-1017.

12. Green, Gary P. and William D. Heffernan. 1986. “Home food production in rural areas.” Journal of Rural Studies 2:63-68.

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13. Green, Gary P. and William D. Heffernan. 1986. “Government programs for soil conservation: progressive or regressive effects?” Environment and Behavior 18:369- 384.

14. Heffernan, William and Gary P. Green. 1986. “Farm size and soil loss: prospects for a sustainable agriculture.” Rural Sociology 51:31-42.

15. Ervin, David, William Heffernan, and Gary P. Green. 1986. “Cross-compliance for erosion control: anticipating efficiency and distributive impacts-reply.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 68:351-352.

16. Green, Gary P. 1986. “Credit and rural development.” Pp. 415-421 in New Dimensions in Rural Policy: Building Upon Our Heritage, R.C. Wimberley, D. Jahr, and J.W. Johnson (eds.). , DC: Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States.

17. Green, Gary P. 1987. “Class and class interests in agriculture: support for New Deal farm programs among tobacco producers.” The Sociological Quarterly 28:561-576.

18. Green, Gary P. 1987. “The political economy of flue-cured tobacco production.” Rural Sociology 52:221-241.

19. Green, Gary P. and William D. Heffernan. 1987. “Soil erosion and perception of the problem.” Journal of Rural Studies 3:151-157.

20. McNamara, Kevin T. and Gary P. Green. 1988. “Economic structure and rural development in Georgia.” Journal of Agribusiness 6:33-38.

21. Green, Gary P. and Kevin T. McNamara. 1988. “Economic development and regional planning in the Southeast.” Journal of Agribusiness 6:39-46.

22. McNamara, Kevin T. and Gary P. Green. 1988. “Local and regional economic development planning and the role of community development practitioners.” Journal of the Community Development Society 19:42-55.

23. McNamara, Kevin T. and Gary P. Green. 1988. “The role of regional planning district commissions in promoting economic development.” State and Local Government Review 20:119-127.

24. Green, Gary P. and Kevin McNamara. 1988. “Traditional and nontraditional opportunities and alternatives for local economic development.” Pp. 288-303 in The Rural South in Crisis, L. Beaulieu (ed.). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

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25. Green, Gary P. and Arnold Fleischmann. 1989. “Analyzing local strategies for promoting economic development.” Policy Studies Journal 17:557-573.

26. Green, Gary P. 1989. “State, class, and technology in tobacco production.” Agriculture and Human Values 6:54-61.

27. Green, Gary P., Jan L. Flora, Cornelia B. Flora, and Frederick E. Schmidt. 1990. “Local self-development strategies: national survey results.” Journal of the Community Development Society 21:55-73.

28. Fleischmann, Arnold and Gary P. Green. 1991. “Organizing local agencies to promote economic development.” American Review of Public Administration 21:3-15.

29. Green, Gary P. and Arnold Fleischmann. 1991. “Promoting economic development: a comparison of central cities, suburbs, and nonmetropolitan communities.” Urban Affairs Quarterly 27:145-154.

30. Flora, Cornelia, Jan L. Flora, Gary P. Green and Frederick E. Schmidt. 1991. “Rural economic development through local self-development strategies.” Agriculture and Human Values 8:19-24.

31. Green, Gary P. 1991. “Rural banking.” Pp. 36-46 in Rural Policies for the 1990s, C. Flora and J. Christenson (eds.). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

32. Flora, Jan L., Gary P. Green, Edward A. Gale, Frederick E. Schmidt, and Cornelia Butler Flora. 1992. “Self-development: a viable rural development option?” Policy Studies Journal 20:276-288.

33. Fleischmann, Arnold, Gary P. Green, and Tsz Man Kwong. 1992. “What’s a city to do? explaining differences in local economic development policies.” Western Political Quarterly (now Political Research Quarterly) 45:677-699.

34. Green, Gary P., Jan L. Flora, Cornelia B. Flora, and Frederick E. Schmidt. 1993. “Community-based economic development projects are small but valuable.” Rural Development Perspectives 8:8-15.

35. Schmidt, Fred, Edward Gale, Cornelia Butler Flora, Jan Flora, and Gary Green. 1993. “Rural community self-development: a local response to economic crisis.” Pp. 163-176 in Community-Based Approaches to Rural Development, D. Bruce and M. Whitla (eds.). Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada: Rural and Small Town Research Studies Programme.

36. Tigges, Leann M. and Gary P. Green. 1994. “Small business success among men- and women-owned firms in rural areas.” Rural Sociology 59:289-310.

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37. Cowell, Deborah K. and Gary P. Green. 1994. “Community attachment and spending location: the importance of place in household consumption.” Social Science Quarterly 75:637-55.

38. Green, Gary P. and Deborah Klinko Cowell. 1994. “Community reinvestment and local economic development in rural areas.” Journal of the Community Development Society 25:229-45.

39. Green, Gary P. 1994. “Is small beautiful? small business development in rural areas.” Journal of the Community Development Society 25:155-71.

40. Park, Seung Woo and Gary P. Green. 1994. “Agrarian transformation and colonialism: an historical-comparative study of Korea and the Philippines.” International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 3:142-166.

41. Park, Seung Woo and Gary P. Green. 1995. “Agricultural restructuring and capitalist industrialization: the cases of South Korea and the Philippines.” Kasarinlan: A Philippine Quarterly of Third World Studies 11:103-148.

42. Green, Gary P., Tsz Man Kwong, and Leann M. Tigges. 1995. “Embeddedness and capital markets: bank financing of businesses.” Journal of Socio-Economics 23:127- 147.

43. Overdevest, Christine and Gary P. Green. 1995. “Forest dependency and community well-being: a segmented market approach.” Society and Natural Resources 8:113-134.

44. Green, Gary P., Leann M. Tigges, and Irene Browne. 1995. “Social resources, job search and poverty in Atlanta.” Pp. 161-82 in Research in Community Sociology, Vol. 5, Dan Chekki (ed.). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. [Reprinted in Social Capital, Nan Lin (ed.). New York: Routledge (2010)].

45. Green, Gary P. 1995. “Structuring locality: economic development and growth management in Wisconsin cities and villages.” Pp. 161-82 in Local Economic Development Incentives and International Trends, Norman Walzer (ed.). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

46. Green, Gary P. and Steven Deller. 1996. “Continuing support practices and documenting results of community strategic visioning programs.” Pp. 111-126 in Community Strategic Visioning Programs, N. Walzer (ed.). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

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47. Green, Gary P. 1996. “Finance capital and uneven development: banking capital and anti-takeover legislation in the 1980s.” Pp. 241-257 in Corporate Control, Capital Formation and Organizational Networks, Takuyoshi Takada, B. Mintz and M. Schwartz (eds.). Tokyo: Chuo University Press.

48. Pinkovitz, William H., Joseph Moskal, and Gary P. Green. 1996. “How much does your employee turnover cost?” Small Business Forum 14:70-71.

49. Green, Gary P., Arnold Fleischmann, and Tsz Man Kwong. 1996. “The effectiveness of local economic development policies in the 1980s.” Social Science Quarterly 77:609- 625.

50. Hammer, Roger B. and Gary P. Green. 1996. “Local growth promotion: policy adoption versus effort.” Economic Development Quarterly 10:331-341.

51. Green, Gary P., David Marcouiller, Steven Deller, Daniel Erkkila, and N.R. Sumathi. 1996. “Local dependency, land use attitudes, and economic development: comparisons between seasonal and permanent residents.” Rural Sociology 61:427-445.

52. Deller, Steven C., David W. Marcouiller, and Gary P. Green. 1997. “The influence of recreational housing development on local government finances.” Annals of Tourism Research 24:1-28.

53. Green, Gary P. 1997. “Self-development as a strategy for rural sustainability.” Pp. 175-189 in Rural Sustainable Development in America, Ivonne Audirac (ed.). New York: John Wiley.

54. Green, Gary P. 1997. “Community and economic development.” Pp. 191-194 in Encyclopedia of Rural America, Gary Goreham (ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

55. Green, Gary P. 1998. “Social capital and entrepreneurship: bridging the family and community.” Pp. 59-68 in The Entrepreneurial Family, R.K.Z. Heck (ed.). Needham, MA: Family Business Resources, Inc.

56. Tigges, Leann M., Irene Browne, and Gary P. Green. 1998. “Social isolation of the urban poor: race, class, and neighborhood effects on social resources.” The Sociological Quarterly 39:53-77. [Reprinted in Social Capital, Nan Lin (ed.). New York: Routledge (2010)].

57. Green, Gary Paul, Leann M. Tigges, and Daniel Diaz. 1999. “Racial and ethnic differences in job search strategies in Atlanta, Boston and Los Angeles.” Social Science Quarterly 80:263-78.

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58. Sullivan, Daniel Monroe and Gary Paul Green. 1999. “Business subsidies and municipal controls.” Journal of Urban Affairs 21:267-279.

59. Halebsky, Steve, John Gruidl and Gary Paul Green. 1999. “Community benefits of supply- and demand-side economic development tools.” Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy 29: 85-104.

60. Green, Gary Paul, Roger Hammer and Leann M. Tigges. 2000. “Someone to count on: social resources.” Pp. 244-263 in The Atlanta Paradox: Race, Opportunity, and Inequality in a New Southern City, David L. Sjoquist (ed.). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

61. Marcouiller, David W. and Gary Paul Green. 2000. “Outdoor recreation and rural development.” Pp. 33-49 in National Parks and Rural Development: Practice and Policy in the United States, Gary E. Machlis and Donald R. Field (eds.). Washington, DC: Island Press.

62. Diaz, Daniel and Gary Paul Green. 2001. “Fiscal stress and growth management effort in Wisconsin cities, villages, and towns.” State and Local Government Review 33:7-22.

63. Diaz, Daniel and Gary Paul Green. 2001. “Growth management and agriculture: an examination of local efforts to manage growth and preserve farmland in Wisconsin cities, villages, and towns.” Rural Sociology 66:317-341.

64. Browne, Irene, Cynthia Hewitt, Leann Tigges, and Gary Green. 2001. “Person, place, sector or skills? why job segregation leads to wage inequality among African Americans.” Social Science Research 30: 473-495.

65. Green, Gary Paul. 2001. “Amenities and community economic development. ”Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy 31: 61-76.

66. Green, Gary Paul, Anna Haines, Adam Dunn and Daniel Monroe Sullivan. 2002. “The role of local development organizations in rural America.” Rural Sociology 67: 394-415.

67. Green, Gary Paul. 2002. “Community Change in Harmony, Georgia, 1943-1993.” Pp. 71-93 in Persistence and Change in Rural Communities: A Fifty-Year Follow-up to Six Classic Studies, A.E. Luloff and Richard S. Krannich (eds.). London: CAB International.

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68. Green, Gary Paul. 2003. “What role does community play in local economic development?” Pp. 343-352 in Challenges for Rural America in the Twenty First Century, David L. Brown and Louis E. Swanson (eds.). University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.

69. Green, Gary Paul. 2003. “Rural community development.” Pp. 1180-1185 in Encyclopedia of Community, Karen Christensen and David Levinson (eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

70. Green, Gary Paul and Greg Clendenning. 2003. “Seasonal homes.” Pp. 1210-1213 in Encyclopedia of Community, Karen Christensen and David Levinson (eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

71. Green, Gary Paul, Valeria Galetto, and Anna Haines. 2003. “Collaborative job training in rural America.” Journal of Research in Rural Education 18:78-85.

72. Green, Gary Paul. 2003. “Civic involvement, organizational ties and local economic development.” Journal of the Community Development Society 34:1-17.

73. Green, Gary Paul and Christopher Mayhew. 2003. “Hiring welfare recipients: employer practices and experiences.” Journal of Poverty 7:37-51.

74. Goe, W. Richard and Gary Paul Green. 2005. “Amenities and change in the well- being of nonmetropolitan localities.” Pp. 95-112 in Amenities and Rural Development: Theory, Methods, and Public Policy, Gary Paul Green, Steven C. Deller, and David W. Marcouiller (eds). Cheltenham, UK and Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

75. Gary Paul Green, Steven C. Deller and David W. Marcouiller. 2005. “Introduction.” Pp. 1-5 in Amenities and Rural Development: Theory, Methods, and Public Policy, Gary Paul Green, Steven C. Deller, and David W. Marcouiller (eds). Cheltenham, UK and Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

76. Marcouiller, David W., Steven C. Deller and Gary Paul Green. 2005. “Amenities and rural development: policy implications and directions for the future.” Pp. 329-336 in Amenities and Rural Development: Theory, Methods, and Public Policy, Gary Paul Green, Steven C. Deller, and David W. Marcouiller (eds). Cheltenham, UK and Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

77. Green, Gary Paul and Valeria Galetto. 2005. “Employer participation in workforce development networks.” Economic Development Quarterly 19:225-231.

78. Green, Gary Paul. 2005. “Work-based learning in rural America: employer participation in school-to-work programs and apprenticeships.” Journal of Research in Rural Education 20:

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79. Green, Gary Paul. 2006. “Community asset mapping and surveys.” Pp. 69-76 in Community Development Handbook, Robert H. Pittman and Rhonda Phillips (eds.). Atlanta, GA: Community Development Council, Inc.

80. Green, Gary Paul. 2006. “Community-based anti-poverty programs.” Pp. 193-195 in Encyclopedia of World Poverty, Mehmet Odekon (ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

81. Green, Gary Paul and Landy Sanchez. 2007. “Does manufacturing still matter?” Population Research and Policy Review 26: 529-551.

82. Green, Gary Paul. 2008. “Asset-based development in rural communities.” Pp. 264-266 in Encyclopedia of Rural America, 2nd Edition, Gary A Goreham (ed.). Millerton, NY: Grey House Publishing.

83. Green, Gary Paul. 2008. “Community and economic development.” Pp. 267-270 in Encyclopedia of Rural America, 2nd Edition, Gary A Goreham (ed.). Millerton, NY: Grey House Publishing.

84. Green, Gary Paul. 2008. “Community asset mapping and surveys.” Pp. 155-165 in Introduction to Community Development, Rhonda Phillips and Robert Pittman (eds.). New York: Routledge. [Second edition, 2014]

85. Green, Gary Paul and Michael Dougherty. 2008. “Localizing linkages for food and tourism: culinary tourism as a community development strategy.” Community Development 38: 148-158. [Reprinted in: Green, Gary Paul and Rhonda G. Phillips (eds.). 2013. Local Food and Community Development. New York: Routledge.]

86. Goldsmith, James and Gary Paul Green. 2009. “Wisconsin’s Plastic Valley Association: a cluster-based development strategy.” Journal of Extension 47(4): Article No. 4FEA8.

87. Green, Gary Paul. 2010. “Community assets: building the capacity for development.” Pp. 1-13 in Mobilizing Communities: Asset Building as a Community Development Strategy, Gary Paul Green and Ann Goetting (eds.). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

88. Green, Gary Paul. 2010. “Natural amenities and asset-based development in rural communities.” Pp. 130-145 in Mobilizing Communities: Asset Building as a Community Development Strategy, Gary Paul Green and Ann Goetting (eds.). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

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89. Green, Gary Paul. 2010. “Lessons learned.” Pp. 177-188 in Mobilizing Communities: Asset Building as a Community Development Strategy, Gary Paul Green and Ann Goetting (eds.). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

90. Green, Gary Paul and Andrew Dane. 2010. “Green-collar jobs.” Pp. 251-255 in The Business of Sustainability, Chris Laszio, Daniel S. Fogel, Peter Whitehouse, Karen Christensen, and Gernot Wagner (eds.). Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.

91. Robinson, Jerry and Gary Paul Green. 2011. “Developing communities.” Pp. 1-10 in Introduction to Community Development: Theory, Practice, & Service-Learning, Jerry Robinson and Gary Paul Green (eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

92. Green, Gary Paul. 2011. “The self-help approach to community development.” Pp. 71-84 in Introduction to Community Development: Theory, Practice, & Service- Learning, Jerry Robinson and Gary Paul Green (eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

93. Meikle, Paulette and Gary Paul Green. 2011. “Globalization and community development: synergy or disintegration.” Pp. 279-294 in Introduction to Community Development: Theory, Practice, & Service-Learning, Jerry Robinson and Gary Paul Green (eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

94. Green, Gary Paul and Jerry Robinson. 2011. “Emerging issues in community development.” Pp. 295-302 in Introduction to Community Development: Theory, Practice, & Service-Learning, Jerry Robinson and Gary Paul Green (eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

95. Dougherty, Michael L. and Gary Paul Green. 2011. “Local food tourism and word of mouth.” Journal of Extension 49(2):

96. Green, Gary Paul. 2012. “Rural jobs: making a living in the countryside.” Pp. 307- 318 in International Handbook of Rural Demography, Laszlo Kulcsar and Katherine Curtis (eds.). New York: Springer Publishing Company.

97. Green, Gary Paul and Yifei Li. 2012. “Green collar jobs.” Pp. 177-180 in Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability: China, India, and East and Southeast Asia: Assessing Sustainability, S. Geall, Jinging Liu, and Song Pellissery (eds.). Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.

98. Green, Gary Paul and Rhonda Phillips. 2013. “Local food systems and community development.” Pp. 1-7 in Local Food and Community Development, Gary Paul Green and Rhonda Phillips (eds.). Oxford: Taylor and Francis.

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99. Green, Gary Paul. 2013. “School consolidation and community development.” Great Plains Research 23: 99-106.

100. Dougherty, Michael L., Laura E. Brown and Gary Paul Green. 2013. "The social architecture of local food tourism: challenges and opportunities for community economic development." Journal of Rural Social Sciences 28: 1-25.

101. Green, Gary Paul and John Zinda. 2013. “Rural development theory.” Pp. 3-20 in Handbook of Rural Development. Gary Paul Green (ed.). Cheltenham, United Kingdom and Northhampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing.

102. Green, Gary Paul. 2014. “Food production and quality of life.” Pp. 2324-2326 in Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Wellbeing Research, Alex Michalos (ed.). New York: Springer Publishing Company.

103. Green, Gary Paul. 2014. “Sustainable rural communities.” Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy 21: 421-436.

104. Green, Gary Paul. 2017. "The opportunities and limits of economic development." Pp. 416-438 in Rural Poverty in the U.S.A., Jennifer Sherman, Ann Tickamyer, and Jennifer Warlick (eds.). New York: Columbia University Press.

105. Green, Gary Paul. 2018. "Place-based approaches to poverty alleviation." Pp. 87- 97 in The Handbook of Community Development, Sue Kenny, Brian McGrath, and Rhonda Phillips (eds.). New York: Routledge.

106. Li, Yifei, and Gary Paul Green. 2019. "Green Economy." Forthcoming in The Cambridge Handbook of Environmental Sociology, Katharine Legun, Julie Keller, Michael Bell, and Michael Carolan (eds.). New York: Cambridge University Press.

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Other Publications:

1. Heffernan, William and Gary P. Green. 1981. “Opinions of Missouri farmers concerning the use of antibiotics in animal feeds and the consequences of banning their use.” Pp. 72-75 in Antibiotics in Animal Feeds. Ames, Iowa: Council for Agricultural Science and Technology.

2. Heffernan, William, Gary Green, Paul Lasley, and Michael F. Nolan. 1982. “Small farms: A heterogeneous category.” The Rural Sociologist 2: 62-71.

3. Green, Gary Paul. 1985. “Technocratic strategies of control.” The Rural Sociologist 5: 10-14.

4. McNamara, Kevin T. and Gary P. Green. 1988. An Analysis of Employment Growth in Georgia: A State and Regional Shift-Share Analysis, 1980-1984. The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia (Research Report No. 549).

5. Flora, Jan L., James Chriss, Edward Gale, Gary Green, Frederick E. Schmidt, and Cornelia Butler Flora. 1991. From the Grassroots: Profiles of 103 Rural Self- Development Projects. Agriculture and Rural Economy Division, ERS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. (Staff Report No.9123).

6. Flora, Jan L., Edward Gale, Frederick E. Schmidt, Gary P. Green, and Cornelia B. Flora. 1993. From the Grassroots: Case Studies of Rural Self-Development Efforts. Agriculture and Rural Economy Division, ERS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. (Staff Report No. AGES9313).

7. Green, Gary P., Jan L. Flora, Cornelia B. Flora, and Frederick E. Schmidt. 1993. From the Grassroots: Results of a National Study of Rural Self-Development. Agriculture and Rural Economy Division, ERS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. (Staff Report No. AGES9325).

8. Walzer, Norman, Steven Deller, Hal Fossum, Gary Green, John Gruidl, Scott Johnson, Steve Kline, David Patton, Alice Shumaker, and Mike Woods. 1995. Community Visioning/Strategic Planning Programs: State of the Art. Ames, IA: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (Report No. RRD 170).

9. Marcouiller, David W., Gary P. Green, Steven C. Deller, N.R. Sumathi, and Daniel Erkkila. 1996. Recreational Homes and Regional Development: A Case Study from the Upper Great Lakes States. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Extension (Report No. G3651).

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10. Green, Gary P. and David Myhre (Eds.). 1996. Economic Sociology: Syllabi and Instructional Materials. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. (2nd Edition, 2002).

11. Green, Gary P. and James Wilson. 1997. An Evaluation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Small Business Innovation Research Program. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture.

12. Jacobson, Robert and Gary Green. 2000. Who’s Hiring Whom for What?: A Report on Employer Practices and Perceptions in Wisconsin and their Implications for the Future of Welfare Reform. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Council on Children and Families.

13. Green, Gary Paul, Anna Haines, and Steve Halebsky. 2000. Building Our Future: A Guide to Community Visioning. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin- Extension.

14. Green, Gary Paul. 2003. Workforce Development Networks in Rural Areas of the United States. Mississippi State, MS: Southern Rural Development Center (SRDC Policy Series, Report No. 1).

15. Green, Gary Paul. 2004. “Employer-provided training in low-wage jobs.” Perspectives on Poverty, Policy, & Place 2: 2-6.

16. Green, Gary Paul. 2005. “Employer participation in school-to-work programs in rural America.” Pp. 36-42 in The Role of Education: Promoting the Social and Economic Vitality of Rural America, Lionel J. Beaulieu and Richard Gibbs (eds.). Mississippi State, MS: Southern Rural Development Center.

17. Green, Gary Paul. 2005. “Rural areas need the basics so they can stay strong.” The Capital Times, p. A9.

18. Green, Gary Paul. 2005. An Evaluation of the USDA/SBIR Phase II Commercialization Assistance Program. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture.

19. Knisley, M., M. Krutza, L. Ausman, B. Collins, G. Green, S. Heeg, G. Jans, T. Lyon, A. Olson, and S. Gunderson. 2005. The Final Report of the United FCS, ACA Task Force on the Modernization of the Farm Credit System. Wilman, MN and Wausau, WI: Farm Credit Services.

20. Green, Gary Paul. 2006. Gender, Race, and Employer Provided Job Training in Low Wage Jobs. RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center, Working Paper Number 0601.

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21. Chase, Lisa, Varna Ramaswamy, Steven Burr, Jascha Zeitlin, Gary Green, and Michael Dougherty. 2007. Resources for Agritourism Development. Ames, Iowa: Agricultural Marketing Resource Center. (

Data Sets:

1. Green, Gary P. 1998. National Survey of Local Government Economic Development. 1998 [Computer file]. ICPSR04433-v1. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, Department of Rural Sociology [producer], 1999. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2007-09-17. doi:10.3886/ICPSR04433.v1., Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor].

2. Green, Gary P. 1999. National Survey of Economic Development Organizations. [Computer file]. ICPSR04434-v1. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, Department of Rural Sociology [producer], 1999. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2007-09-17. doi:10.3886/ICPSR04434.v1,, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor].

3. Bobo, Lawrence, James Johnson, Melvin Oliver, Reynolds Farley, Barry Bluestone, Irene Browne, Sheldon Danziger, Gary Green, Harry Holzer, Maria Krysan, Michael Massagli, and Camille Zubrinsky Charles. 2000. Multi-City Study of Urban Inequality, 1992-1994: [Atlanta, Boston, Detroit, and Los Angeles] [Household Survey Data] [Computer file]. ICPSR02535-v3. Atlanta, GA: Mathematica/Boston, MA: University of Massachusetts, Survey Research Laboratory/Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Detroit Area Study and Institute for Social Research, Survey Research Center/Los Angeles, CA: University of California, Survey Research Program [producers], Inter- university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor].

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1. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, “Local Self-Development Strategies,” Agreement No. 58-3AEN-8-00082, Co-PI with J. Flora, C. Flora, and F. Schmidt, $60,000 (9/88-9/91).

2. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research Service, “Rural Economic Development through Small Business,” Agreement No. 90-34229-5206, PI, $700,572 (7/90-6/92).

3. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research Service, “Small Business in Rural Communities,” Agreement No. 91-34229-6077, PI, $705,312 (7/91-6/93).

4. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research Service, “Rural Economic Development and Small Firms,” Agreement No. 92-34229, PI, $704,316 (7/92-6/95).

5. Ford Foundation and Russell Sage Foundation, “The Atlanta Social Survey on Urban Inequality,” Co-PI with I. Browne, O. Clayton, J. Handy, K. Ihlanfeldt, D. Sjoquist, B. Sullivan, and L. Tigges, $564,872 (1/93-12/94).

6. University of Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, Project Number WIS3677, “An Evaluation of Local Economic Development Strategies among Wisconsin Communities,” PI, $75,570 (10/93-9/97).

7. North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, “Recreational Housing in the Upper Great Lakes States,” Co-PI with D. Marcouiller, S. Deller, D. Erkkila, N.R. Sumathi, and J. Coggins, $10,000 (10/94-9/95).

8. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, “The Effects of Economic and Social Restructuring on Rural Localities,” Agreement 95-37401-2050, Co-PI with L. Bloomquist and W.R. Goe, $245,702 (9/95-8/99).

9. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, “Restructuring Locality: Comparative Cases of Local Restructuring and Economic Development Programs from Canada and the United States,” Co-PI with M. Koc, $41,774 (5/1/96-4/30/99).

10. U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperative Agreement, “A Proposal for Evaluating the U.S. Department of Agriculture Small Business Innovation Research Program,” Co- PI with J. Wilson, $32,400 (10/1/96-9/31/97).

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11. North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, “Measuring the Success of Economic Development Tools,” Co-PI with N.R. Sumathi and J. Gruidl, $24,990 (10/97 to 9/98).

12. University of Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, Hatch project number WIS04041, "Evaluating the Outcomes and Impacts of Growth Management Efforts in Nonmetropolitan Wisconsin," PI, $76,083 (10/97-9/01).

13. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, NRI, Agreement No. 97-35401-4353, “Organizing Local Economic Development in Rural America,” PI, $110,000 (10/97 to 9/01).

14. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, “The Geography of Residential and Employment Inequality,” Co-Principal Investigator with R. Hammer, $14,976 (5/99 to 5/01).

15. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, NRI, Agreement No.00-35401-9319, “Job Training and Productivity in Rural America,” Co-PI Investigator with A. Haines, $236,000 (10/00 to 9/04).

16. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, NRI, Agreement No. 2003-35401-13859, “Amenities and Rural Community Development: Theory, Methods and Public Policy,” Co-PI with D. Marcouiller and S. Deller, $10,000 (9/03 to 9/05).

17. University of Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, Hatch project number WIS04888, "Labor Market Restructuring and Rural Poverty in the Midwest," PI, $42,632 (10/04 to 9/06).

18. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Agreement No. 2005-38836-03279, “SBIR Phase II Firms and Commercialization Assistance Programs,” PI, $9,000 (5/05 to 12/06).

19. Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Does Manufacturing Still Matter? Economic Change and Low-Wage Workers in the Midwest,” PI, $16,036 (9/05 to 5/06).

20. University of Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, Hatch project number WIS01175, “An Evaluation of Regional Food and Culture Tourism Projects in Wisconsin,” PI, $51,917 (10/07 to 9/09).

21. U.S. Department of Agriculture (subcontracted through University of Vermont), “Agritourism,” PI, $8,749 (1/1/07 to 10/31/07).

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22. University of Wisconsin Consortium for Extension and Research in Agriculture and Natural Resources (CERANR), “Workforce Development Needs in Wisconsin’s Agricultural and Natural Resource Industries,” Co-PI with D. Trechter, $24,500 (7/1/08 to 6/30/09).

23. National Science Foundation, "Rural Communities, Mining, and Globalization," Co- PI with Michael L. Dougherty, $7,499 (9/1/08 to 8/31/2009).

24. University of Wisconsin Consortium for Extension and Research in Agriculture and Natural Resources (CERANR), “Workforce Development Needs for College Graduates in Wisconsin’s Agricultural and Natural Resource Industries,” Co-PI with D. Trechter, $22,000 (7/1/09 to 6/30/10).

25. Kickapoo Valley (Nuzum) Reforestation Fund, “Regional Economic Development Initiative,” PI, $50,000 (7/1/09 to 6/30/11).

26. University of Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, “Demand for Green-Collar Jobs in Wisconsin,” PI, $117,298 (10/1/10 to 9/30/13).

27. North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, “Recreational Homes, Gateway Communities, and Rural Development,” Co-PI with D. Marcouiller, D. Erkkila, B. Gartner, A. Ziebarth, M. Skidmore, C. Vogt, S. Deller, K. Haverkampf, and R. Winkler, $10,500 (7/1/11 to 6/30/12).

28. University of Wisconsin-Madison Global Health Initiative, “Pathways for Poverty Reduction in Haiti: Health and Economic Impacts of Organic Mango Production and Processing,” PI, $40,000 (9/1/11 to 8/30/13).

29. National Science Foundation, "The Emergence of Local Environmental Governance," Co-PI with Yifei Li, $11,768 (1/1/14 to 12/31/14).

30. National Science Foundation, “Contested Space, Divided Resources: Exploring the Impact of Boundary Construction on Local Resource Access on Gentrifying Neighborhoods,” Co-PI with Katherine Fallon, $11, 809 (8/1/16 to 7/31/17).

31. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education, “Deindustrialization of Rural America,” PI, $40,313 (7/1/17 to 6/30/18).

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Public Service:

Board Member, Southern Finance Project (1986-89) Member, Workgroup on Policy, Governor Tommy Thompson’s Initiative on Workforce Strategies (1998) Advisor, Joint Legislative Council Special Committee on the Labor Shortage (2000) Member, Task Force on Modernization of the United Farm Credit System, United Farm Credit Services (2004-05) Member, Coordinating Committee of “The Future of Farming and Rural Life,” Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters (2005-07) Member, Dane County Collaborative Council, Intergovernmental Cooperation Team (2005-06) Board Member, Wisconsin Rural Partners, Inc. (2006-09)

Professional Service:

Editor, Rural Sociology (2003-2005) Book Review Editor, Rural Sociology (1991-94) Editorial Board:

Rural Sociology (1988-91; 1995-2002) Journal of the Community Development Society (1994-97) International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food (1991-93) Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy (1999-present) Journal of Research in Rural Education (2004-2016) Community Development Research and Practice Series, Routledge Press (2010- present)

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University Service (University of Wisconsin): Campus-Wide Committees: Member, Faculty Senate (2002-05; 2016-17) Alternate, Faculty Senate (1995-2002) Member, Social Studies Divisional Committee (2005-08) Member, SEVIS Fee Advisory Committee (2003) Member, University Library Committee (2006-07) Member, Search and Screen Committee for Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin- Extension and University of Wisconsin Colleges (2005) Member, University Academic Planning Council (2008-12) Member, Nonresident Tuition Appeals Committee (2008-13) Member, Advisory Committee for the University of Wisconsin-Madison Survey Center (2000-11) Member, Interdivisional Curriculum Committee (2012-16) Chair, Review Committee for the Ph.D. Program in the Wisconsin School of Business, UW-Madison (2013) Member, Graduate School Social Studies Research Committee (2013-16) Member, Search and Screen Committee for Secretary of the Faculty, University of Wisconsin-Extension (2016)

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences: Member, Academic Planning Council, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (2001- 04) Member, Research Advisory Committee, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (1997- 98; 2008-11) Member, Review Committee, Center for Cooperatives, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (1996) Member, Thomsen Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship Committee, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (2003; 2004) Member, Campbell-Bascom Professorship Committee, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (2004) Member, Pound Extension Award Committee, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (2004-07) Member, Honors Committee, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (2005-08) Member, International Committee, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (2006-09) Member, Associate Dean Search Committee, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (2007) Co-Chair, Community and Economic Development Strategic Planning Committee, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (2014). Member, Teaching and Learning Council, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (2014-17). Member, Honorary Recognition and Distinguished Service Awards Committee, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (2018-2020). Chair, Agroecology Review Committee, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (2018).

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Deborah Marie Tootle, Public Assistance and Economic Well-Being: A Study of Spatial Variation across Local Labor Markets in the U. S., University of Georgia (1989).

H. Abolfathi Araghi, The World-Historical Context of Agrarian Change in Iran, 1870- 1973, University of Georgia (1990).

Seung Woo Park, Agrarian Transformation and Colonialism in the Context of Capitalist Development: An Historical-Comparative Study of Korea and the Philippines, University of Georgia (1991).

Tsz Man Kwong, Growth Regimes: Development Policies, Local Structure, and Local Economic Development, University of Georgia (1992).

Hassan Ali Elnajjar, Small Businesses in Rural Georgia: Influences on Informal Financing, University of Georgia (1993).

Daniel Monroe Sullivan, Embeddedness and the Entrepreneurial City, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2000).

Roger B. Hammer, The Geography of Residential and Employment Inequality: Workplace and Home Place in Urban Space, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2001).

Stephen E. Halebsky, Small Towns and Big Stores: Local Conflicts over the Siting of Superstores, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2001).

Aaron Z. Pitluck. Social Cognitive Networks in an Emerging Financial Market: A Sociology of Speculation in the Malaysian Stock Market, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2005).

Christine Overdevest. Constructing Markets for Democracy? Codes of Conduct and Standard Setting in the Forest Sector, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2005).

Lisa Elaine Heaton. A Case Study of the Participation of the Guarani People in Educational and Municipal Development Planning in the Municipality of Camiri, Bolivia, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2007).

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Valeria Galetto. Migradollars and Local Development in Western Mexico, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2009).

Martin Hernandez-Juarez. Strategies for Improving Livelihoods among Rural Households in Oaxaca, Mexico, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2009).

Michael Luis Benavides Dougherty. Contaminating the Groundwater or Poisoning the Well? Firms, Activists, and Peasants in the Struggle over Gold Mining in Guatemala, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2011).

Maria Dahmus. Finding Common Ground: A Comparative Analysis of Collective Efforts among Unlikely Partners for Natural Resource Policy in , University of Wisconsin-Madison (2011).

John Aloysius Collins Zinda, Organizing Conservation and Development in China: Politics, Institutions, Biodiversity, and Livelihoods, University of Wisconsin- Madison (2013).

Gergens Polynice, Willingness and Ability of Haitian Farmers to Produce Tree Fruits: An Estimation of the Effects of Price, Organizational Ties and Producer's Characteristics, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2013).

Yifei Li, The Emergence of Local Environmental Governance in China, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2016).

Katherine Fallon, Contested Space, Divided Resources: Symbolic Boundaries and Material Inequality in Gentrifying Neighborhoods, University of Wisconsin- Madison (2017).

Ian Carrillo, Fire, Families, and Farmworkers: Changes in Power and Opportunity in the Cane Fields, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2018).

Evelyn Hammond, Perceptions of Benefits and Costs of Frac Sand Mining, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2018).

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