Minutes of the Meeting of PERTON PARISH COUNCIL held at the Perton Civic Centre on Monday 9th December 2019 at 7:00pm

Present Mrs P Allen (Chairman) R Bradley N Caine PE Davis Mrs L Dew K Elder C Rathbone J Sherlock J Turner Mrs B Walters

Parish Clerk – Mrs B Hodgetts Members of the Public – 4

165/19 PUBLIC OPEN SESSION a) The Chairman made a presentation to a recently retired employee and thanked him for his contribution to Perton Parish Council and the Civic Centre over a period of 13 years. She wished him a long and happy retirement and presented him with a PPC ‘Coat of Arms’ plaque and a bird table on behalf of all at Perton Parish Council.

b) No questions were raised by the public present.

7.05pm The Chairman imposed Standing Orders.

166/19 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies received and accepted from Cllrs AA Bourke, D Glynn and Mrs R Heseltine.

167/19 POLICE MATTERS Parish Council meeting Crime Report was accepted for information, copy attached to these minutes.

168/19 DECLARATION OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY AND OTHER INTERESTS Declarations of Personal and Prejudicial Interest received from the following 178/19 VE Working Party – Cllrs Mrs P Allen, P Davis and K Elder 171/19c) Perton Village Show – Cllr P Davis

169/19 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION Request for Dispensations approved for the following; Cllr Mrs P Allen for item 172/19a – term of office Cllrs P Davis and K Elder 178/19 – length of event

170/19 MINUTES th a) Resolved that the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11 November 2019 having previously been distributed, were signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record. th b) Resolved that the minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 18 November 2019 having previously been distributed, were signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record. th c) Resolved that the draft minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 28 November were accepted for information. th d) Resolved that the draft minutes of the Management meeting held on 27 November were accepted for information.

171/19 FINANCE a) Resolved the draft minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on 3rd December 2019 together with the income statement for November 2019 and the 2019/20 Budget update were accepted for information. b) Accounts for Payment Payments made since the last Parish Council meeting.

October 2019 01/11/19 BACS Information Commissioner's Office 35.00 01/11/19 DD Ash Waste 105.12 01/11/19 100268 Down to Earth Grounds Maintenance 108.00 01/11/19 BACS South Staffordshire Council - business rates 1412.00 01/11/19 SO Kaleidescope - website provider 30.00 01/11/19 BACS Direct Fabrics - stage curtains 1468.80 04/11/19 100269 Acquiesce Environmental Compliance Ltd 84.00

11/11/19 100270 South Staffordshire Council - May election costs 8727.56 12/11/19 100272 Refundable deposit - function held 9th November 50.00 12/11/19 BACS Remembrance Day flags/bunting 163.41 12/11/19 100271 Ricoh UK Ltd 234.16 13/11/19 DD Waterplus 430.86 13/11/19 BACS Festive Lights - Anders Square display 539.73 15/11/19 BACS Inland Revenue M07 2342.21 15/11/19 BACS Staffordshire County Council - Pension M07 2830.71 18/11/19 100273 HAGS/SMP 186.00 19/11/19 BACS Arts Alive - Flicks in the Sticks 300.00 20/11/19 DD CNG 339.42 22/11/19 100274 Royal British Legion 20.00 26/11/19 100275 Cut & Shuffle - event 13th December 100.00 27/11/19 100276 MGD Solutions - graffiti cleaning 196.00 29/11/19 BACS Members Allowance month 7 1049.75 29/11/19 BACS Wages month 7 10948.90 Month End Total 31701.63

c) Concessionary Room Rate Application 7.02pm Cllr PE Davis left the room for this item.

Perton Village Show - Resolved to approve use of the Civic Centre for the 2020 show free

of charge.

7.03pm Cllr PE Davis rejoined the meeting.

172/19 STAFFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL a) Local Plan Review – this is a District Council matter, not County Council. The Chairman informed the meeting that South Staffordshire District Council has reassured her that there were no plans to build houses on the playing fields. There is a site map with green belt restraints and possible housing sites, available at www.sstaffs.gov.uk/doc/179922/name/perton.pdf

The Chairman invited a member of the public to speak regarding areas of Perton prone to flooding.

The detailed draft response from Perton Parish Council was considered and Councillors Resolved to submit before the deadline of 5pm on 12th December 2019 with the amendments noted, copy attached to the minutes. There is some concern for the additional areas that are subject to flooding, Resolved to add to the January agenda. b) Report from County Councillor – Due to health reasons there is no report available. The Chairman had enquired if there are any People Helping People funds still available, it is confirmed there is £500 still available. The County Council to confirm if Perton can apply for this funding towards the VE Day commemoration as soon as possible

173/19 SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL District Councillor report accepted for information from Cllr PE Davis, copy attached to these minutes.

Additional information. The District Council still have compost bins available and would encourage households to consider using one for their garden waste. Stronger Three tier Working presentation was given to District Councillors, Chairman, Vice-Chair and Clerk. This will include Locality Forums during the year to allow more communication between the three authorities. The Parish Council will need to decide if they wish to participate. Resolved to add to the January agenda.


174/19 CLERK’S REPORT Report accepted for information, copy attached to these minutes. Additional information: A report from an impromptu meeting with a representative of Housing Plus Group in relation to the Wrottesley Park Road development raised some matters. S106 money has not been paid for the traffic light resequencing, progress on this to be sought from County Council or Land Fund. Housing Plus will send a link to their website and financial affordability calculation document. A report from a meeting held with representatives from Brinsford was made available to Councillors. It was acknowledged that when work commences the Parish Council may need to provide additional hi-viz vests. 175/19 SKATEPARK The working party have not met recently, a date will be set when a decision is received from Sport England regarding the funding application.

176/19 YOUTH WORKING PARTY a) An update was presented to the Council. It was agreed that the rooms upstairs at the Civic Centre would be used. The committee to contact SCVYS for advice on policies and DBS checks when volunteers are recruited. b) Solar lighting for the MUGA is being looked at. A quote for metered lighting in the MUGA was approximately £18,000 it was thought that solar lighting may not be suitable. Further information is still being sought on the possible use of solar lights.

177/19 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT YOI BRINSFORD Details of the meeting were presented as part of the Clerks report at item 174/19.

178/19 VE DAY COMMEMORATIONS An update on the proposed archaeological dig in Bluebell Walk was given to the Council. Archaeology In Mind a voluntary group have agreed to support the excavation. All relevant authorities have been informed. Financial support may be required in the future. A date in the new year to be agreed for the next meeting.

179/19 CHRISTMAS FAIR An update from the Christmas Fair Committee was given by the Clerk.

180/19 TRAFFIC ENGINEER ENGAGEMENT The council is unable to decipher the very detailed engineers report for the traffic lights sequencing on the A41. Resolved to seek help from Land Fund in the first instance.

181/19 PRINCESS IRENE REGIMENT – Dutch Camp The regiment has contacted the Parish Council to consider a memorial to honour the regiments contribution to the area. Resolved to see what suggestions the regiment make. Twinning could also be considered.

182/19 REVISED CLERKS OFFICE HOURS Resolved due to the current work load all Councillors are requested to not visit the office on a Monday unless by prior agreement.

183/19 AGENCIES CARING FOR VULNERABLE PEOPLE The Chairman requested free use of a room to invite all parties that work with vulnerable people to discuss working together. Resolved Chairman will co-ordinate and use a room in the Civic Centre free of charge.

184/19 LAKESIDE WARD BOUNDARY Lakeside Ward is already a large ward and Councillors were fearful that the new houses would be added to this. It was agreed that they would probably come under the Dippons Ward. Resolved to leave this for the time being, but the District Council may be able to give further advice.


185/19 CORRESPONDENCE a) Perton Middle School – A request for volunteers to support their reward program was requested. Councillors to let the school know if they are aware of any willing helpers.

186/19 DATE & TIME OF NEXT MEETING Parish Council – 13th January 2020 at 7.00pm Parish Council, Precept 20th January 2020 at 7pm

Meeting closed at 9.12pm

Crime and Disorder Implications Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, places a duty on a local authority to consider crime and disorder implications and to exercise its various functions with due regard to the likely effect of the exercise of those functions and to do all that is it reasonably can to prevent crime and disorder in its area. Where relevant any decisions noted herein have taken this duty of care into consideration.

Signed ………………………………………………………………… Date: 13th January 2020 Chairman


Agenda item 167/19


Public bodies can only disclose information if they have the power to do so. Section 115 of the Crime and Disorder Act provides a power to exchange information where disclosure is necessary to support the local Crime Reduction Strategy and Partnership in achieving the aims of the Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy and objectives outlined within it. The degree of disclosure that takes place must be proportionate and relevant to the level of social ill or criminality it is intended to counter or prevent. The information is only to be processed in relation to crime and disorder purposes. Information will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998 and any other relevant legislation governing disclosures and will ultimately be disposed of in a secure manner.

• Main headlines since the last meeting:

• Over the past month we have had no burglaries

• We have had 2 theft from motor vehicles, one where number plates were stolen from a vehicle on its drive and the other Christmas presents were taken from the boot of a vehicle..

• We have had one vehicle damaged, Car had its windscreen smashed.

• ASB hotspots: we have had 11 calls re issues this period, two of these were youth related. Two were neighbour disputes. Three of these were drug related in a residential property. 2 were social media issues between high school youths. One drink related issue where male was drunk banging window of Sainsbury’s. On issue in coursers court regarding resident

Good News

• A car was seized on the Wrottersley Rd due to driver having no insurance

• A car was stopped on the Civic Centre car park 5 youths were stopped and searched cannabis and drug paraphernalia seized and destroyed.

Any questions that haven’t been covered please drop me an email and I will get back to you as soon as I can?

PCSO 16722 Ashley Tooth

Agenda item 172/19

Written report from Cllr P Davis – Member for Perton Dippons Ward of SSDC

November 4th Your Council Challenge Panel The subject under review was the Council Plan for 2020-24 November 5th Presentation by Highways England The presentation was concerned with the planned M54/M6Link road. In depth debate took place regarding in particular noise levels air quality and tree retention. November 12th An Overview of Risk Management A presentation by Michelle McLean Business Transformation Programme Manager. Fraud Awareness The presentation helped to provide a high level view of the national picture of fraud in the UKs public sector. November 14th Member workshop re Garden Waste The challenges facing councils re the collection of garden waste were discussed.

November 26th Stronger 3 Tier working.A Locality 4 group meeting with Dave Hayward Chief Executive and Councillor Brian Edwards Leader of the Council. The purpose was to discuss improving communication between Parish, District and County Council. 5

Agenda item 174/19 Clerks’ Report Email Distribution

SPCA weekly bulletins: November – 7th,, 15th, 22nd, SSDC Council news round up: 43, 44, 45 22/11/19 Staffordshire Parish Council Association Annual General Meeting on 2nd December at 6.45pm Agenda, Minutes and Annual Report and Accounts 2018 -19 are available. 25/11/19 Street scene update 25-11-2019 25/11/19 Press release regarding Local Plan Review 27/11/19 Staffordshire County Council New Consultation – The West and Shires Permit Scheme (WaSP)

Other Matters • PPC have placed the litter picking board near to the children’s play area and it does appear that residents are using the litter pickers. • PPC Caretakers to fill the holes in the grass at the play area and re-seed. • PPC reported to SCC wet leaves in subway ref: 4177148 • PPC reported to SCC street light out Chepstow Close ref: MREP-161835-4475 • PPC reported to SSDC leather settee, cushions and broken toilet fly tipped in wooded area . • Volunteers from Staffordshire County Council have cleared the vegetation from the bus shelter at Offas Drive and from the link footway from Severn Drive to Canterbury Drive at the side of the library. • PPC Caretakers removed graffiti from a piece of the outdoor gym equipment. • External Christmas trees installed on the Civic Centre, also the snowflakes on the lampposts in Anders Square. • PPC reported several overflowing bins – SSDC confirm that the street scene team has been spoken to. • County Councillor AK James’ DHP fund has allocated £2,000 to the installation of three posts for the Vehicle Activates Signs (VAS). Posts will be installed before end of the financial year. • The order for the Vehicle Activated Sign has been placed. • The order for the new Play Area gate has been placed. • Perton resident informed the PPC and District Council that they slipped on the boardwalk. SSDC confirmed they will be jet washing and applying a product that stops green growth for up to 12 months. Once done they will inspect regularly and repeat when necessary. • Perton Parish Council caretaker swept the leaves from the MUGA. • PPC caretakers filled a hole in the grass within the play area. • Community Fund – Skatepark funding submitted . • The sum for Section 137(4)(a) of the Local Government Act 1972 (the 1972 Act) for parish and town councils in England for 2020-21 is £8.32 per elector. • Training courses booked for First Aid and legionella. Dates to be confirmed. Places have also been offered to other local Parish Councils to share the costs. Facebook/Website o SSDC Council news weekly round ups o SCC Library information o Pride in Perton –Staffordshire County Council volunteers cutting back vegetation o Staffordshire Police Newsletter - Winter edition 2019 o Local Plan Review – Public meeting details

On-going matters 1. Lower Lake de-silting 2. Civic Centre Renewable Energy 3. Allotments 4. Bus shelter – Kingswood 5. Skatepark 6

Local Plan Review comments from Perton Parish Council

Perton Parish Council understands that the criteria that has been used has regard to National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Greater Birmingham Housing Market Area) GBHMA and existing housing policy. Our major comments and concerns are detailed below.

Greenbelt Purpose 1 & 2 We believe our green belt protects us from merging with . Perton has a very clear identity as a separate village community preventing sprawl with Wolverhampton. We note that Perton Playing Fields are regarded as vulnerable greenbelt and development of S57A would mean loss of a leisure and a recreational facility and the playing fields are known for flooding. S59A would join our community to which provoked a strong reaction from Wightwick residents who wish to retain a Wolverhampton identity. Perton is noted as having flooding during excessive rainfall, the area to the north of Perton, S56A is unsuitable for housing due to the wet condition of the land and we are concerned that any addition to our housing will exacerbate the existing flooding on Wrottesley Park Road and within our village in the areas of Cloverdale, Epsom Close, Severn Drive, Mercia Drive, Kelso Gardens, Hawkstone Close, the west side of Sandown School and at the Natural Burial Ground. S57A includes the only remaining natural stretch of the which flows from the Wolverhampton boundary through the remnants of Wood towards the Pavilion and Gainsborough Drive. This whole site contains many fine trees including major oaks and the scarce black poplar. Four years ago, this stretch of the Penk was chosen by the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust as the only urban site in Staffordshire for the re-introduction of the critically endangered white clawed crayfish. There is also a badger sett on this land.

The major part of S57A is designated playing fields all of which has been used historically for various sports including football.

S58A has already been subject to two planning inquiries, that have been refused on greenbelt grounds.

Option G We are a tier 2 village, without a railway or excellent public transport links yet we are expected to have 6.6% of new growth 3 times more than other tier 2 villages. As a tier 2 village we have limited employment opportunities which mean that the majority of jobs are located elsewhere, and this has an impact on our infrastructure for transport. Perton is noted as having flooding during excessive rainfall, the area to the north of Perton is unsuitable for housing due to the wet condition of the land and we are concerned that any addition to our housing will exacerbate the existing flooding on Wrottesley Park Road and within our village in the areas of Epsom Close, Severn Drive, Mercia Drive, Kelso Gardens, Hawkstone Close, the west side of Sandown School and at the Natural Burial Ground. The Parish Council has understood the need to house our young people as we have 10% of 0-16 year olds in the district. We have co-operated fully with the existing site to be developed by Housing Plus Group to meet this need and we have understood that the safeguarded land will eventually be developed. Due to our transport infrastructure problems we do not wish to overburden our residents until the infrastructure is improved. Many of our residents moved here from the Wolverhampton area as a deliberate choice to live in a garden village with more green accessible areas for recreation, open views, adjacent country side, accessible environment for those with disabilities, good educational facilities, a well-used shopping area and community devoid of urban sprawl. In the new development and the safeguarded land the Parish Council acknowledge that the number of older people means that residents will wish to downsize their properties preferably into bungalows, this would release properties within the village for growing families. The number of buy to let properties has led to a shortage of reasonably priced rental properties for younger people and the lack of opportunity to buy their own house. The Parish Council regard the high level of rent as a barrier to young people’s aspirations of home ownership and growth of their families.


Infrastructure and Highways We need extra capacity for 500 cars on the current site allocation and there will be an additional increase from the safeguarded land as there are no employment job opportunities and people will need to leave at peak times. 1. We need an extra ghost lane to the A41 traffic lights for left turning traffic towards Kingswood.

2. At Jenny Walker Lane traffic lights with Pattingham Road, a traffic island at this location would prevent queuing traffic being held up exiting Perton and removing the lights would decrease the cost to the County Council of maintaining the lights at this location. It would also decrease the pollution from stationary traffic.

3. At the A454 the left turning lane should be devoted to permanently filtering the traffic into Wolverhampton or a roundabout at this location would again speed the flow of traffic out of our village. This would again reduce the cost to the County Council.

4. For green infrastructure the Parish Council believe that a Country Park in the area of Cranmoor Farm, Wrottesley Park Road, would be of leisure and recreational benefit to our residents who already use the existing minor road as a link to the Staffordshire Way and Monarchs Way. This will provide an opportunity for us to have a Visitor Centre with Tea Room highlighting our heritage as a World War 1 and World War 2 airfield and our historical connections to the route of King Charles through our parish, linking us with Kingswood and Boscobel House.